1 BROWNE GEORGE ROSS O’BRIEN ANNAGUEY & ELLIS LLP Eric M. George (State Bar No. 166403) 2
[email protected] Dennis S. Ellis (State Bar No. 178196) 3
[email protected] Katherine F. Murray (State Bar No. 211987) 4
[email protected] Serli Polatoglu (State Bar No. 311023) 5
[email protected] 2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2800 6 Los Angeles, California 90067 Telephone: (310) 274-7100 7 Facsimile: (310) 275-5697 8 Attorneys for Plaintiffs Faizon Love and The Burning House, Inc. 9 10 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 11 DeadlineCOUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CENTRAL DISTRICT 12 13 Faizon Love and The Burning House, Inc., Case No. 14 Plaintiffs, COMPLAINT FOR: (1) VIOLATION OF THE FAIR 15 vs. EMPLOYMENT AND HOUSING ACT (CAL. GOV’T CODE § 12900 ET SEQ.); 16 Universal City Studios, LLC, Eden Resort, (2) BREACH OF WRITTEN CONTRACT; Inc., Relativity Media LLC, and DOES 1-50, (3) FRAUD—FRAUDULENT 17 inclusive, INDUCMENT; (4) FRAUD—MISREPRESENTATION; 18 Defendants. (5) FRAUD—FALSE PROMISE; (6) VIOLATION OF THE UNRUH CIVIL 19 RIGHTS ACT (CAL. CIV. CODE § 51 ET SEQ.); AND 20 (7) VIOLATION OF THE UNFAIR COMPETITION LAW (CAL. BUS. & 21 PROF. CODE § 17200 ET SEQ.); 22 23 (REDACTED) 24 25 26 27 28 1621890.23 COMPLAINT 1 INTRODUCTION 2 1. Plaintiffs Faizon Love and his loan-out company, The Burning House, Inc. 3 (“Burning House”) (collectively “Plaintiffs”), bring this lawsuit against Defendants Universal City 4 Studios, LLC (f/k/a Universal City Studios, LLLP) (“Universal Studios”), Eden Resort, Inc., 5 Relativity Media LLC, and DOES 1-50 (collectively “Defendants”) to end definitively 6 Defendants’ persistent racist employment and advertising practices, as exhibited in the promotion 7 of the motion picture Couples Retreat.