RTI International

Characterizing Smart Transportation, Smart Water and Smart Grid in the Region,

A report prepared for the Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster June 14, 2013

Prepared by: Sara Lawrence Philip Watson Sara Casey

RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute. www.rti.org RTI International

About the Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster (RTCC) About RTI International

The Research Triangle Regional Partnership (RTRP) formed and RTI is a nonprofit institute with manages the RTCC with funding from industry members. RTRP is a headquarters in Research Triangle public-private partnership that leads economic development strategy for Park, North Carolina, that provides the 13-county Research Triangle Region of North Carolina. RTCC research, development, and works with diverse members and supporters to brand this region as a technical services to government global leader in cleantech; create business development opportunities; and commercial clients worldwide. launch demonstration projects and support technologically productive, Our mission is to improve the future-enabled communities; and bring together the expertise of human condition by turning industry, academia, and government to solve the energy and water knowledge into practice. challenges of the present and future.

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. Executive Summary Summary . Introduction and Purpose . Methods and Approach . Industry Characterization . Global Market Drivers and Barriers . Firm Characterization . Preliminary Industry Interconnections . Innovation Ecosystem . Findings . Recommended Next Steps . Appendix

3 RTI International

Executive Summary

. Building on the 2011 research on the smart grid industry in the region, the Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster (RTCC) engaged with RTI International to build a stronger understanding about the smart transportation and smart water sectors in the region. Within the area of smart transportation, RTI focused on electric vehicles (EVs), but acknowledges that there are several other important subsectors, such as biofuels and natural gas vehicles, electric light rail, and electric heavy vehicles, that could be investigated in future research efforts. RTI also verified the firm data for the smart grid sector. This research was conducted between February and June 2013. . RTI concentrated on identifying firms whose primary focus is technology development and manufacturing, rather than the deployment of technology within the Research Triangle Region. Although firms of all types make a significant contribution to the region’s innovation ecosystem, RTCC is best positioned to work with firms that are developing and supplying technology for the global market. . Our research found that the presence of EVs and smart water firms and their related innovation assets add a healthy dimension to the cleantech sector in the Research Triangle Region region. These firms and related research capabilities elevate the region’s status as a “hotspot for smart grid firms” because of the current and potential interconnections between smart grid, smart transportation, and smart water.

For firms: . There are 169 unique firms with 189 locations within the Research Triangle Region 13-county region in all three sectors. All counties have firm presence within these cleantech clusters, but they are concentrated within Wake and Durham Counties. . The region is home to a mix of both established and emerging firms. – Sixteen (9%) of these firms are currently listed as a Fortune 500 companies. – Thirty-nine (23%) of these companies have been established within the last 10 years. – Twenty-four (14%) of these firms have been established in just the last 5 years.

4 RTI International

Executive Summary

For the innovation ecosystem: . Over 17 centers and institutes focused on water research and policy issues; four centers and institutes relevant for EV research and development; and a minimum of 16 entrepreneurial support entities that innovators can tap for resources to help grow enterprises in these clusters. For the industry sectors: . The most significant area of EV-related activity is in the area of charging systems – the Research Triangle Region region may have one of the highest concentrations of EV charging-related activity in the US. Activity in other parts of the value chain is at a lower lever. In terms of innovation assets, the region is home to three entities specific to EV: Advanced Energy; the Advanced Transportation Energy Center (ATEC, part of NC State’s FREEDM center) and the InTRsection program at NC State. Advanced Energy has typically focused on deployment-related issues for Evs, ATEC focuses on technology development, and InTRsection supports multi-disciplinary research, education and engagement in transportation systems. . Although EVs have significant growth potential, a number of barriers still need to be overcome before this industry can achieve that potential. For example, technology innovation is needed to bring down costs, enhance functionality (e.g., vehicle range), and increase consumer acceptance. . There is a relatively low concentration of private-sector water firms in the region compared with smart transportation and smart grid. However, there is an abundance of related innovation assets in this sector—mostly housed in the area research universities. Many of these innovation assets have strengths in the areas of governance and policy, which is significant given the barrier that policy and regulatory issues pose to innovation in the water sector. The region’s innovation assets could play an important role in supporting and developing a smart water cluster. . There were 96 companies identified as participants in the smart grid industry; this represents a 60% increase over the 59 firms identified in a 2011 report (Lowe, Fan, and Gereffi, 2011). Although some of these firms are likely to be new entrants to the smart grid space, there is no definitive evidence to confirm this. In fact, it is likely many were active in smart grid in 2011 but were difficult to identify because virtually all of the additional firms identified are not “pure play” firms (i.e., they are active in several industry areas in addition to smart grid). The majority of these additional firms were identified to RTCC by industry members.

5 RTI International

Executive Summary

For the industry sectors: . However, the most interesting interconnection for the Research Triangle Region region is possibly the connection between smart grid, smart water, and EVs. Many of the real-time data management competencies required for smart grid products and services also have potential application for water distribution networks. Sensus is an example of a company making this cross over. . For example, Sensus’ advanced metering infrastructure solution (FlexNetTM) is being offered to water utilities as well as electric utilities. Sensus also provides a range of other metering and meter reading services to the water industry.

. At the heart of this interconnection is the Interconnections between energy, electric vehicles & smart water

communication, analysis, and, ultimately, monetization Smart Grid of digital information. The region clearly has significant Managing impact of strengths in this area, on the basis of its smart grid Advanced metering vehicle charging on infrastructure for water electricity distribution experience. These strengths could be leverage into distribution infrastructure system Water required for other cleantech sectors. For example, in the smart electricity generation transportation sector real-time information about traffic (e.g. cooling) and public transit is already widely used. Given the Smart Water region’s strengths in this area, RTCC may wish to Electric Vehicles

exploring focusing on data-related aspects of Energy generated during cleantech. water treatment Vehicle charging: electricity consumption (& storage) Energy required for water supply & treatment Energy

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. Executive Summary . Introduction and and Purpose Purpose . Methods and Approach . Industry Characterization . Global Market Drivers and Barriers . Firm Characterization . Preliminary Industry Interconnections . Innovation Ecosystem . Findings . Recommended Next Steps . Appendix

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Introduction and Purpose

. The Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster (RTCC) seeks to gain a stronger understanding of the emerging clean technology industries in the 13-county region in central North Carolina. Building on prior research that revealed a concentration of smart grid firms in the region, the RTCC is eager to obtain a deeper awareness of the presence of firms in other cleantech industry sectors. . To kick off this larger effort, RTI International was tasked to establish a framework for collecting data about firms and innovation assets in the region for two priority industry sectors—smart transportation and smart water. Within the smart transportation sector we focused on EVs to contain the research parameters for this phase. Smart transportation is clearly a much broader sector, which includes both existing and emerging subsectors such as biofuels and natural gas vehicles. RTI recommends these subsectors be investigated in subsequent research phases. . For the two selected cleantech sectors, we set the research process in motion by: – Describing the industry value chains and their market drivers – Creating and populating a database of firms in the 13-county region that depicts the concentration of firms within the value chains; geographic location of firms; and other firm traits as possible – Cataloging relevant innovation assets that may help foster growth in these clusters over time

8 RTI International

Introduction and Purpose

. During this process, RTI also verified the smart grid firm data generated in the 2011 Smart Grid: Core Firms in the Research Triangle Region, NC. . RTI concentrated on identifying firms whose primary focus is technology development and manufacturing, rather than the deployment of technology within the Research Triangle Region region. Although firms of all types make a significant contribution to the region’s innovation ecosystem, RTCC is best positioned to work with firms that are developing and supplying technology for the global market. . The purpose of this research is to advance the characterization of the cleantech sector in the region and jumpstart the data collection and analysis process for RTCC to continue to build its knowledge base in these emerging and dynamic industry sectors. . The report is organized in the following sections: approach and methods, industry sector characterization, market drivers and barriers characterization, firm data, preliminary assessment of linkages among firms and sectors, the regional innovation ecosystem, conclusions, and next steps for the RTCC to consider as it continues on this research task. There is an appendix at the end of the report with references and additional information.

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. Executive Summary . Introduction and Purpose . MethodsApproach and Approach . Industry Characterization . Global Market Drivers and Barriers . Firm Characterization . Preliminary Industry Interconnections . Innovation Ecosystem . Findings . Recommended Next Steps . Appendix

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Methods and Approach

. The research is from February 25, 2013, to June 14, . The following approaches were used to collect data for: 2013, and used mixed methods to inform the descriptive Industry nature of the task. Given the primary goal of our research . Industry and trade magazines and Associations is to help build a stronger knowledge base about the region’s cleantech clusters, the majority of the focus is on . Prior experience working for commercial and data collection. Once the data were collected, RTI government clients conducted a preliminary analysis on interconnections between the industry sectors and among firms (see page Firms 38). . Synthesized existing data . To ensure data collection was inclusive of the assets and . Conducted interviews with 20 regional representatives traits specific to this region, we elected to use an organic from business, university, government, and nonprofits process for data collection whereby we collected data . Internet and professional network searches through known locally oriented networks and resources, rather than publically available industry datasets. We . Hoovers searches with Dun & Bradstreet data used this approach because these sectors are emerging in nature and nuanced to the particular conditions of the Innovation Assets 13-county region. Imposing nationally driven industry . Synthesized existing data collected by RTCC taxonomies at this point in the research may have . Conducted interviews with 20 regional representatives excluded or included firms inaccurately. This would create from business, university, government, and nonprofits “noise” in the dataset, leaving the RTCC with an unclear knowledge base about relevant firms and other traits . Internet searches within the region. Once the foundation of firms is more . Finally, the data were reviewed by RTCC and its advisory thoroughly examined, using cleantech taxonomies may be board. RTI also worked with Marcy Lowe, President of a useful way to expand the research (see page 50 for Datu Research, as a reviewer of this data collection and next steps). characterization.

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Methods and Approach

What the current report includes: . This report is descriptive in nature and serves as a framework for the RTCC to continue to collect data on cleantech industry clusters and their associated innovation ecosystems over time. It demonstrates a concerted effort to kick start data collection for the smart transportation and smart water sectors, in addition to verifying firm data for smart grid in the region from 2 years ago. . This report reflects that we concentrate the data collection for the smart transportation and smart water sectors to complement the research reported in the Smart Grid Report. Within the smart transportation sector we focus on the EV industry. . Finally, for all of these sectors we do not attempt to assess the industry clusters or their value chains in a definitive or comprehensive manner, instead we offer a stronger understanding about the presence of cleantech firms and their innovation assets in the region.

How to use this report: . This report should be used to help characterize the cleantech clusters in the area. The data are not comprehensive and do not lend themselves to conclusive analysis or significant strategic decision- making about related economic development activities. Instead, the data should be used to help describe the region’s assets in these cleantech sectors and inform additional fact finding and analysis in follow-on assessments.

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. Executive Summary . Introduction and Purpose . Methods and Approach . Industry Characterization Characterization . Global Market Drivers and Barriers . Firm Characterization . Preliminary Industry Interconnections . Innovation Ecosystem . Findings . Recommended Next Steps . Appendix

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Value Systems Enable the Development of a Composite Picture of the Cleantech Sectors

. Diverse representation of firms exists in both the EV and smart water sectors in the region. To help characterize the sectors and the activity represented within them, we describe their value chains (collectively referred to here as the “value system”) to provide an organizing framework for the activities in the Research Triangle Region region.

Smart transportation/EVs . The EV value system is illustrated on page 15. This diagram captures the main activities involved in the production, use, and eventual disposal of EVs. It highlights some of the upstream value chains that are critical to developing an EV industry, with a particular emphasis on those in which innovation is happening and/or necessary (e.g., batteries, power electronics). Each of these upstream value chains could be further broken down to illustrate the sequence of activities that take place in order to manufacture the individual vehicle components. In addition, the role of supporting systems such as charging infrastructure and software is also highlighted.

Smart water . Because there is no single product that is the focal point of the smart water sector (unlike, say, an EV), a different approach was necessary. The diagram on page 16 provides a generalized representation of the key processes involved in using water for agriculture, industry, and domestic uses. . The diagram on page 17 then highlights some of the key areas in which “smart” (i.e., innovation that enables reduced environmental impact) activities are taking place in the water sector. These are intended to be illustrative – they represent key themes in the industry, but it is not a comprehensive listing of all innovative activity in the water sector.

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The Electric Vehicle Value Chain System

Vehicle Use Selected component value chains

Electric drive systems: Consumer

Batteries Reuse, Vehicle Company recycling Retail Motors assembly fleets and disposal Power electronics Rental / carsharing etc Gearboxes

Other: Charging – Charging system value public & Climate control technologies chains private

Lighting for vehicles Electricity Software generation & distribution

15 RTI International

The Water Value System

• Most water is sourced very • Water is an important waste • Lakes, reservoirs, and rivers close to point of use. discharge medium (e.g., are the most common sources However, intensive sewage). • Throughout the water value of water. Globally, around distribution networks are • In addition, a large quantity of system, monitoring and 30% is pumped out of required in urban areas (e.g., water (typically 50% of what control systems play an underground aquifers. Tokyo supplies 12 million was withdrawn) is not important role in quantifying • A fraction of a percent is customers using 16,000 miles “consumed” but is returned to and controlling water flows seawater withdrawn for of water mains). the water cycle. Much of this and contaminant levels. desalination. • Long-distance distribution is water must be collected and rare. treated.

Storage & Wastewater Abstraction Purification Utilization Treatment distribution collection

Monitoring & controls

• Contaminants are removed to • 70% in agriculture, including • Water that is not consumed meet application-specific flood irrigation (e.g., rice) and and water used as a waste requirements; irrigation spray irrigation (e.g., corn, discharge medium typically requires little purification; wheat). require intensive treatment however, human consumption • 22% in industry: cooling (e.g., before it can be returned to a requires significant for electricity generation) is natural ecosystem. contaminant removal. one of the largest uses • Regulatory requirements • Seawater is desalinated to • 8% for domestic uses: strongly influence the achieve an appropriate salinity drinking and sanitation. treatment required. levels.

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“Smart” Aspects of the Water Value System

• Water reuse • Emerging desalination • Nutrient and energy recovery technologies (e.g., forward • Advanced membranes (e.g., osmosis, membrane ceramic membranes) desalination, renewable energy / • Sludge minimization and desalination integration). utilization • Bioelectrochemical systems

Storage & Wastewater Abstraction Purification Utilization Treatment distribution collection

Monitoring & controls

• Advanced metering infrastructure • Efficiency (e.g., household for water distribution systems. appliances with lower water • Software applications for water utilization; remote sensing NOTE: The distribution and collection technologies to match irrigation examples shown • Novel contaminant monitoring with need in real time) are intended to be technologies • Demand reduction (e.g., low illustrative rather • Distributed leak detection input crops) than exhaustive. technologies

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The Smart Grid Value Chain System

Generation Transmission Distribution Commercial & Residential Industrial Transmission Enhancement Applications

Distribution Grid Management

Wide-Area Monitoring and Control

Advanced Metering Infrastructure

Commercial, Industrial, and Residential Building Energy Management

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Information and Communications Technology Integration

Renewable and Distributed Generation Integration

Source: Lowe, Fan, and Gereffi, 2011 18 RTI International


. Executive Summary . Introduction and Purpose . Methods and Approach . Industry Characterization . Global MarketMarket Drivers Drivers and and Barriers Barriers . Firm Characterization . Preliminary Industry Interconnections . Innovation Ecosystem . Findings . Recommended Next Steps . Appendix

19 RTI International

The EV Market has Emerged due To Policy Drivers, Innovation and Changes in Consumer Attitudes

. Innovation, particularly in the area of battery Market Drivers for Electric Vehicles technology, has begun to create a pathway to cost- competitive EVs. This innovation has stimulated the Policy Drivers: Consumer attitudes: automotive industry to produce EVs. Government- • Energy security • Sensitivity to gasoline • Economic development price fluctuations imposed fuel efficiency regulations have also helped • Environmental impacts • Environmental awareness stimulate the automotive industry’s interest in EVs. • Efficiency • Fuel efficiency • Competitiveness • Technology sophistication . EVs’ potential to address several policy priorities has

driven government’s interest, and ultimately its support Financial for EVs (e.g., tax credits and other incentives): incentives Governments Consumers – Energy security: increasing electrification of the vehicle fleet can reduce reliance on imported oil, thus increasing energy security. Regulations – Economic development: EVs have the potential to stimulate innovation that leads to job creation. Available supply Lower costs – Environmental impacts: EVs have the potential to Automotive reduce transport sector greenhouse gas and local industry air emissions. . Consumer attitudes are also playing a role in creating the market for EVs. Sensitivity to fluctuations in the Technology price of gasoline and concern about the environmental development: • Battery cost impacts of driving are frequently highlighted as possible • Power & energy density consumer motivations for purchasing EVs. • Cycle lifetimes

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However, Significant Barriers to Widespread Adoption of EVs Still Exist

. Despite recent advances in technology, further vehicle technology Battery advancement required to enable development is required before widespread deployment of EVs is mass market penetration of EVs (DOE, 2013) likely to occur. Current Status . The US government’s EV Everywhere Grand Challenge highlights (2012) 2022 Target the need for technology development in the areas of batteries, electric drive systems (including electric motors, power Cost $500 / kWh $125 / kWh electronics, traction drive systems and onboard chargers), vehicle Gravimetric 100 Wh / kg 250 Wh / kg lightweighting, and climate control technologies. The table at right energy density illustrates the scale of the challenge for battery technologies. Volumetric 200 Wh / liter 400 Wh / liter . Consumer acceptance also remains a barrier with current energy density technology. Critical issues include: Gravimetric 400 W / kg 2,000 W / kg – Range anxiety: will the mass market accept a vehicle with power density range of only 70 to 100 miles? How will that range limit affect utilization of EVs? Source: DoE, 2013 – Safety: fire-related incidents with EVs have attracted disproportionate media attention. . Infrastructure may also be an important barrier to EV adoption, if it is not appropriately addressed. Widespread and publicly available charging infrastructure could play an important role in encouraging consumer adoption of EVs. . The Greater Triangle Plug-In EV Readiness Plan is an example of activities underway to plan for the introduction of EVs. The plan is available here. Image source: AAA / Cars with cords

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A Diverse Range of Drivers is Stimulating Innovation in the Water Sector

. A diverse set of drivers exists for innovation in the water sector. Some of the dominant themes are highlighted here. Forecast access to water supply – 2025 . Water scarcity is already a major global issue and is likely to remain so; forecasts estimate that nearly 70% of the world’s population will have inadequate Percentage access to water by 2025. A range of factors contribute to scarcity including, for of example, Degree of Shortage Population – population growth, which is concentrated in areas with poor access to Water scarcity 8% adequate water suppliers Water stress 26% – economic development, leading to changes in water-consuming behavior such Insufficient water 35% as more protein-heavy diets, which requires substantially greater quantities of water for agriculture Relatively sufficient 17% . Another driver of innovation is the need to enhance management of sludge Plentiful supply Source: 16%GWI (2010) from water and wastewater treatment plants. Regulatory agencies are demanding higher levels of treatment and limiting disposal to landfill. Better sludge management would help reduce costs, potentially by recovering nutrients or energy. . The nutrient levels (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus) in the discharge from wastewater facilities is one of the largest causes of poor water quality in the US. As a result, regulators are increasingly introducing limits on nutrient levels. Many existing facilities are unable to achieve sufficiently high nutrient removal. . Aging water and wastewater infrastructure is an issue in a number of developed countries. Much of the infrastructure in US and European cities is over 50 years old, leaky, and in need of replacement. The level of investment required Image source: EPA is likely to spur innovation in technology as well as in financial and business models. 22 RTI International

Institutional Barriers to Innovation in the Water Sector Are a Significant Hurdle

. Policy frameworks and regulatory structures in the water sector are often a significant barrier to innovation. . For example, stable, long-term signals (e.g., a price on water) are generally necessary to incentivize private-sector actors to place significant bets on new innovations. In many jurisdictions around the world, these signals are completely absent or in a constant state of flux. . Another example of institutional barriers to innovation in the water sector are regulatory structures governing how public water utilities make investment. A report by the market advisory firm Global Water Intelligence (GWI, 2010) highlighted the following issues: – Several forces combine to mean the industry tends to be very conservative in their adoption of new technology. Utilities prefer to use very well-known, proven technologies rather than risk a public health disaster if the technology does not work as promised. Engineering contractors who design and build water treatment facilities also tend to be conservative because replicating previous projects / systems is an effective competitive strategy in a very competitive environment with very cost-sensitive customers. – Governments typically provide much of the capital for water utilities. As a result, capital allocation is often politically charged and frequently it is difficult to obtain adequate access to the capital necessary to improve operational performance. – Where there is no price on water, innovations that would save water or improve the efficiency of its use are often hard to justify on the basis of their economics alone. – The water market is highly fragmented and most utilities operate in different regulatory and political contexts, with different equipment and different technical challenges. As a result, it is sometimes difficult for innovative technologies to achieve market entry (they must be proven in a broad range of environments) and to achieve the scale necessary to make them economically attractive (because they are only relevant in relatively small market segments).

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. Executive Summary . Introduction and Purpose . Methods and Approach . Industry Characterization . Global Market Drivers and Barriers . Firm CharacterizationCharacterization . Preliminary Industry Interconnections . Innovation Ecosystem . Findings . Recommended Next Steps . Appendix

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Firm Characterization

. The smart transportation, smart water, and smart grid firm database was compiled to get a better understanding about the firms that exist in these sectors in the Research Triangle Region region. We used the following methods and sources. We searched through datasets from the NC State University FREEDM System Center Partners and Non- Wovens Institute, ABB, professionals familiar with entrepreneurs and business start-ups in the region, North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association, online resources such as LinkedIn and Hoover’s Online, the RTCC Advisory Board and staff, and interviews with relevant stakeholders. . The universe of firms based on this research includes: Number of Number of Pure – 169 unique firms with 187 locations in the Research Sector Firms Play Firms Triangle Region region. Smart . 16 (9%) of these firms are currently listed as Fortune 47 7 Transportation 500 companies. . 39 (23%) of these companies have been established Smart Water 60 19 within the last 10 years. Smart Grid 96 17 . 24 (14%) of these firms have been established in just Note: Some firms were listed for multiple sectors, columns the last 5 years. cannot be totaled. . Some of these firms have business lines inclusive of the three target sectors. Others are solely producing products or services within one sector. We refer to these as “pure play” firms. . Notes about the firm data: – Only firms operating in the “smart” aspects of transportation, water, and grid were included in the dataset. – Some firms fall within multiple sectors and thus are not mutually exclusive. As a result, these figures (including the pure players) should not be totaled. This number would incorporate double counting and be inaccurate.


RTI International

The Electric Vehicle Value Chain System

Listed below are the number of firms in each phase of the value chain (in red). Note that some companies operate in several phases; therefore, the values cannot be totaled. With the current data in hand, the region has the most number of firms in public and private charging (18 firms) and in software (10 firms). Batteries and power electronics are next with nine and eight firms, respectively. Vehicle Use Selected component value chains

Electric drive systems: Consumer Batteries

(9) Reuse,

Vehicle recycling Retail Company Motors Assembly and (7) fleets (1) (2) disposal

(4) Power electronics (8) Rental / carsharing etc Gearboxes

Other: Charging system value Charging – Climate control technologies chains (18) public & private

Lighting for vehicles Electricity Software generation & (10) distribution (8)

26 RTI International

The Electric Vehicle Value Chain System

The following table is a tabular representation of the previous page and it continues on page 28. It should be noted that a few firms have capabilities across several phases of the supply chain.

Electricity Power Vehicle Generation & Reuse, Recycling, Company Name Batteries Motors Electronics Assembly Retail Software Charging Distribution and Disposal ABB, Inc. X X X Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium X Carolina North Advanced Energy Corporation X Caterpillar Inc. X Chapel Hill Tire X Cicso Systems, Inc. X X CREE X Delta Electronics X X Duke Energy Progress X X X Eaton X X Electric Scooter City X Elster Solutions, LLC X Evatran X Fairchild Semiconductor X Ford Motor Company X Fred Anderson Toyota X GE Energy Industrial Solutions X George Wayne LLC X GridBridge X HexaTech, Inc. X Infineon X X

27 RTI International

The Electric Vehicle Value Chain System

Electricity Power Vehicle Generation & Reuse, Recycling, Company Name Batteries Motors Electronics Assembly Retail Software Charging Distribution and Disposal Itron X Johnson Controls X KBR Inc X KEMA Services, Inc. X X X X Kyma Technologies Inc. X Michael Jordan Nissan X North Carolina Electric Membership Corporation X Organic Transit Electric Bikes X PowerSecure X X Praxis Technologies X X Re-Involt Technologies X Sarda Technologies X SAS Institute Inc. X X Schneider Electric X X X Shealy Electrical Wholesalers X Siemens Industries, Inc. X X Smart of Cary X Southern Energy Management X Sustainable Industrial Solutions X TE Connectivity X X X Tesla Motors X Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions, Inc. X Triangle Technology Ventures X Umicore USA X X ZAPI inc. X X

28 RTI International

The Water Value System

The number of entities in each phase of the value chain is in red below. Some of these entities are firms while others are government-related utilities. Utilities are included because they hold great potential for adopting innovation in the water sector and are a significant part of the value system.

Note that some companies operate in several phases; therefore, the values cannot be totaled. Utilities (22), which are predominately public municipal entities, and treatment (20) have the most firm presence in the value system according to the current data collected.

Utilities (22)

Storage & Abstraction Purification Utilization Wastewater Treatment distribution (6) (7) (13) collection (20) (2)

Monitoring & controls (13)

29 RTI International

The Water Value System

The following table is a tabular representation of the previous page and it continues on page 31. It should be noted that a few firms have capabilities across several phases of the supply chain. Monitoring & Storage & Company Name Controls Abstraction Purification Distribution Utilization Treatment Utility Cicso Systems, Inc. X Duke Energy Progress X X X Elster Solutions, LLC X General Electric Company X Itron X KEMA Services, Inc. X X X Kyma Technologies Inc. X IBM Corporation X McKim & Creed, Inc. X X Sensus X Solutions IES X KBR Inc X Sustainable Industrial Solutions X Triangle Technology Ventures X Aqua North Carolina X ARA X BaseTrace X BASF Corporation X X X Buffalo Water District X Carolina Water Service Inc. X CD of Sanford Water Plant X Chatham County Southwest Water District X City of Roxboro X Cotton Inc. X County of Chatham X County of Moore X Culligan Water of the Triangle X X Durham Water Supply X Environmental Controls Company X Fortrans X

30 RTI International

The Water Value System

Monitoring & Storage & Company Name Controls Abstraction Purification Distribution Utilization Treatment Utility Four C's Hauling LLC X Franklin County Public Utility X Harnett County Public Utilities X Hydro Service & Supply X Hydrologics X Johnston County Public Works X Johnston County Water District X Kerr Lake Regional Water Plant X Kruger X X Mechanical Solutions, Inc. X NC Green Energy Audits, LLC X NC Green Plumbing X O'Neals Water District X Orange Water and Sewer Authority X Pentair Aquatic Systems X X Pentair Water X X Purologix Water Services X X Raleigh Public Utilities Department X Re-Think H2O X Sanitation Creations X Secure Resources X South Granville Water & Sewer Authority X Schneider Electric X X X X X Sunstone Water Group USA X X Tempest Environmental Systems, Inc. X X X Tethis X Tetra Tech X X X Town of Carthage X Town of Cary X Warren County Public Utilities Department X Zurn Industries X X 31 RTI International

All Firms by Location in the Research Triangle Region

32 RTI International

Pure Play Characterization

. For “pure play” firms, we are able to report additional quantitative data for employment and revenues because the data are much more reliable for these firms. (Businesses that are not pure players often have multiple and large operations. Including this data would significantly inflate the employment and revenue data. Estimating or obtaining this data was outside the scope of this project.) . These pure play firms described below are supported by other firms in the region that represent elements of the related supply chains. For reference about the comprehensive set of firms that support this sector, see the list of all firms in Appendix B. . Smart Transportation: Seven pure play smart transportation firms were found. These firms employ around 116 people (with six firms reporting employment) and have revenues over $14 million (with five firms reporting). Major pure players in this space are ZAPI, inc. ,which is involved with components for EV motors and battery charging (primarily for industrial, agricultural and commercial vehicles), and Itron, which has been categorized as a smart transportation, smart water, and smart grid firm. . Smart Water: A total of 19 pure play smart water firm are located in the Research Triangle Region region. Thirteen of these firms report employing 4,574 employees. For the nine firms that report revenues in this sector, they totaled over $1.06 billion. These numbers were driven by two key firms: Notes on the Data: Sensus, a monitor and controls firm headquartered in Raleigh, and Pentair • Quantitative data for pure play firms were obtained Aquatic Systems, a treatment and monitoring and controls firm in Sanford, using the most recent data from the Hoover’s Online database that was accessed April – May NC. 2013. These numbers have not been verified by . Smart Grid: Seventeen pure play smart grid firms are known to exist, with RTI. We include them because they help the 18 total locations in the Research Triangle Region region. Twelve of these RTCC gain a better understanding in broad brushed strokes about the pure play firms in each firms reported employment, which totaled to 4,328 jobs. Ten of the 17 firms sector. reported revenues that totaled over $928 million. The largest pure play smart • Some firms fall within multiple categorizations in grid firm is Sensus, which develops software and communications hardware, smart transportation, smart water, and smart grid. and Elster Energy ICT, which reported employing 415 individuals at its Therefore, these values cannot be totaled. Raleigh site. 33 RTI International

Pure Play Smart Transportation Firms

34 RTI International

Pure Play Smart Water Firms

35 RTI International

Pure Play Smart Grid Firms

36 RTI International


. Executive Summary . Introduction and Purpose . Methods and Approach . Industry Characterization . Global Market Drivers and Barriers . Firm Characterization . Preliminary Industry Industry Interconnections Interconnections . Innovation Ecosystem . Findings . Recommended Next Steps . Appendix

37 RTI International

Preliminary Industry Interconnections

. It is useful to understand the connections between the two focus sectors of this report (i.e., smart water and EVs) and other cleantech sectors in which the Research Triangle Region has strengths. In the course of identifying firms and characterizing value systems, RTI sought to identify connections between the two subject sectors and the energy sector (including smart grid). These connections are illustrated in the graphic on the next page. It should be noted that these interconnections are best regarded as preliminary findings; further research is likely to identify additional synergies. . Clearly both sectors have a demand for energy (e.g., for charging EVs and for operating water treatment processes). Smart water technologies also create the potential for the water sector to generate energy (e.g., pyrolysis of sludge). . Water is an important component of most electricity generation in the ; it is used for process water and also for cooling by thermal power stations (nuclear, coal, and natural gas power plants). If EVs result in increased electricity generation, then ultimately water withdrawals by power stations will also increase. . However, the most interesting interconnection for the Research Triangle Region is possibly the connection between smart grid, smart water, and EVs. Many of the real-time data management competencies required for smart grid products and services also have potential application for water distribution networks. . Sensus is an example of a company making this crossover. For example, Sensus’ advanced metering infrastructure solution (FlexNetTM) is being offered to water utilities as well as to electricity (and gas) utilities. Sensus also provides a range of other metering and meter reading services to the water industry. . There is a relatively low concentration of private-sector water firms in the region compared with smart transportation and smart grid. However, there is an abundance of related innovation assets in this sector—mostly housed in the area research universities. Many of these innovation assets have strengths in the areas of governance and policy, which is significant given the barrier that policy and regulatory issues pose to innovation in the water sector. The region’s innovation assets could play an important role in supporting and developing a smart water cluster.

38 RTI International

Preliminary Industry Interconnections

Interconnections between energy, electric vehicles & smart water

Smart Grid

Managing impact of Advanced metering vehicle charging on infrastructure for water electricity distribution distribution infrastructure system Water required for electricity generation (e.g., cooling)

Smart Water Electric Vehicles

Energy generated during water treatment Vehicle charging: electricity consumption (& storage) Energy required for water supply & treatment Energy

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. Executive Summary . Introduction and Purpose . Methods and Approach . Industry Characterization . Global Market Drivers and Barriers . Firm Characterization . Preliminary Industry Interconnections . Innovation Ecosystem Ecosystem . Findings . Recommended Next Steps . Appendix

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Innovation Ecosystem

. The innovation ecosystem, for the purposes of this report, represents the entities within the Research Triangle Region region that help foster entrepreneurship and business start-ups in the cleantech sector. The innovation ecosystem is important “The ecosystem to the RTCC because facilitating business-to-business connections and connections among business, research, and government can play a significant approach highlights the role in cultivating a successful entrepreneurial environment for firms in emerging complex inter-linkages industry sectors such as cleantech. among a variety of – Innovation ecosystem approaches have become a core element in company participants in the growth strategies. When they work, according to the Harvard Business Review, “ecosystems allow firms to create value that no single firm could have innovation created alone” (p. 5). They recognize that breakthrough innovations do not economy…including succeed in isolation; they need complementary innovations to scale their entrepreneurs...as well offerings (Adner, 2006). – Innovative policies are needed for entrepreneurs to be more successful in as…large businesses bringing the fruits of innovation into commercial reality. To foster the and universities. innovation process, policies and programs are needed to facilitate Innovation, like regional entrepreneurship “within multiple local contexts within which innovation takes place…effective policies must focus on the problems and incentives facing competitiveness entrepreneurs” (Wessner, 2005, p. 67). [is]…achieved through a . To help inform RTCC on the innovation ecosystem for smart transportation and combination of public smart water, we highlight in this section: and private initiatives” – Research activities within the region for each sector (Wessner, 2005, p. 68) – Entrepreneurial support organizations This list is not comprehensive, but it provides a useful starting point for RTCC to continue to collect information about the ongoing elements important for facilitating the inter-linkages important for the cluster’s growth.

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Innovation Ecosystem —Water

Research Center, Institute or Institution Program Key Innovation Assets Duke The Nicholas Institute of the • Water Policy Program: Water policy; water utility infrastructure; sanitation and hygiene University Environment initiatives; adaptive water governance; resource management • Ocean and Coast Policy Program: Ocean acidification; coastal management; marine ecosystem services; deep sea minerals and conservation; carbon sequestration; coral reef policy and monitoring • Ecosystem Services: Sustainable agriculture; protection and restoration of watersheds

Fuqua School of Business, • Research and collaboration linked to business implications of resource and environmental Center for Energy sustainability as they relate to the global energy sector: Resource management for Development and the Global companies; Sustainable innovation strategies that help companies accelerate technologies, products and services; Energy solutions and human behavior; Global Environment improvements to energy and water infrastructure

Center for Environmental • Collaborative research with at least 10 other universities on the behavior of nano-scale Implications for materials in laboratory and complex ecosystems. Research includes all aspects of Nanotechnology nanomaterial transport, fate and exposure, as well as ecotoxicological and ecosystem impacts. Risk assessment tools are also being developed to help assess concerns surrounding the environmental implications of nanomaterials. Water Working Group • With an inherent capacity for cross-discipline collaborations, the Working Group is a clearinghouse for information about water-related policy developments, scientific advances, and innovative research and project ideas. The group acts as an incubator for developing joint proposals and collaborative projects. NC State Non Wovens Institute • Moisture management; biofiltration; smart adaptive filters for the environment (SAFE) University Stormwater Engineering • Bioretention areas, green roofs, stormwater wetlands, permeable pavements, water Group; Cooperative Extension harvesting systems, and other innovative treatment practices, maintenance of stormwater systems, watershed and economic impacts of stormwater practices, Low Impact 42 Development (LID), temperature impacts, and mosquito control; product testing services RTI International

Innovation Ecosystem —Water cont.

Research Center, Institute or Institution Program Key Innovation Assets University The Water Institute • Urban sanitation renewal; management systems for drinking-water safety and rural of North drinking-water supply; emerging issues (including water scarcity and climate change) and Carolina their impacts on system sustainability; health system activities on water and sanitation; Chapel Hill and sector capacity issues such as monitoring, the costs and impacts of interventions and effective regulation and financing. School of Government • Financing water delivery, water resources policy

Institute for the Environment • Community Design; Energy and the Environment; Watershed Science and Management; Environmental Modeling; Research Services Renaissance Computing • Leverage cyber tools and technologies to provide R&D support for multidisciplinary Institute (RENCI) problems that require advanced and integrated cyberinfrastructure and data technologies to design solutions. Research and Innovation • Innovation labs that support high impact research and demonstration projects; Visiting Solutions researchers and executives in residence focused on solving an important public health problem; student scholarships and strategic investments Department of Geography • Watershed hydrology, ecology and geomorphology, GIS, remote sensing

Sustainability Office • Catalyze the development and implementation of sustainable policies, practices and curricula for all members of the University community RTI Water and Ecosystems • Adaptive water quality management; Integrated watershed management; Sustainability International Management and water supply assurance; Demand-side management; International sanitation and hygiene; Technology evaluation Water and Energy • Industrial Water Treatment and Reuse • Forward Osmosis Technology

43 RTI International

Innovation Ecosystem —Water cont.

Non- Center, Institute or Profits Program Key Innovation Assets The N/A • Attract and development projects that protect and restore water quality and quantity in Conservation drinking water reservoirs. Fund NC The Nature N/A • #1 NGO in water sector; strong local presence Conservancy

44 RTI International

Innovation Ecosystem —Smart Transportation/EV

Research Center, Institute or Institution Program Key Innovation Assets Duke Center on Globalization, • Relevant research on global value chains for: University Governance, and - Hybrid Truck and Bus Industry competiveness - Strategy for electric cars - Lithium-ion Batteries Nicholas School of the • Class on EVs called “the Electric Vehicle Project where students work on electrical cars through Environment projects and review the history, types of motors, batteries, charging, etc. NC State North Carolina Solar • Alternative Fuels: Biodiesel, ethanol, natural gas, etc., Diesel retrofits University Center • Idle Reduction Equipment: Reduces fuel emissions and fuel consumption • Projects: - Carolina Blue Skies: Reduce dependence on petroleum, reduce emissions - Alternative Fuel Implementation: Encourage the use of alternative fuel - Plug in EV planning: Create road maps for EVs - Mobile Idle Reduction Tech: Test reduction technology - Clean Fuel Advanced Technology: Education on reduction emissions • Clean Power and Efficiency: Motor advice • Renewable energy: Biofuels, biomass, solar, wind FREEDM Center • Lithium-Ion Batteries: Charge faster, longer life cycle, lower cost, greater energy • Hydrogen Fuel Cell; With Carbon nanotube membranes • Advanced Transportation Energy Center • InTRsection program to promote research, education, extension, and public service in multidisciplinary areas pertaining to transportation systems, including vehicles and infrastructure

45 RTI International

Innovation Ecosystem —Entrepreneurial Support

Type of Organization Sample Support Entities Research Universities • - Environmental Policy and Law; - Center for Advancement for Social Entrepreneurship; - Office of Licensing and ventures • NC State University - Office of Technology Transfer (focal point for many relevant university related services) • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Innovation and Entrepreneurship office (focal point for many relevant university related services)

Entrepreneurial and Business Start- • American Underground Up Support Organizations • Blackstone Entrepreneurship • Bull City Foward • Council for Entrepreneurial Development • Entredot • First Flight Venture Center • HUB Raleigh • NC IDEA • RTP Foundation • SBTDC • SJF Institute • Triangle Start-Up Factory

Government and Industry Related • Biofuels Center of North Carolina Organizations • Southern Research Institute

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. Executive Summary . Introduction and Purpose . Methods and Approach . Industry Characterization . Global Market Drivers and Barriers . Firm Characterization . Preliminary Industry Interconnections . Innovation Ecosystem . Findings . Recommended Next Steps . Appendix

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Firms . The universe of firms based on this research reveals: – 169 unique firms with 187 locations within the Research Triangle 13-county region. All counties have firm presence within these cleantech clusters, but they are concentrated within Wake and Durham Counties. – Further research shows: . 16 (9%) of these firms are currently listed as Fortune 500 companies. . 39 (23%) of these companies have been established within the last 10 years. . 24 (14%) of these firms have been established in just the last 5 years. . 40 unique firms are “pure players” within their cleantech sector.* The remaining 129 firms are operating in some combination of business lines associated with more than one industry sector. Industry and Innovation Ecosystem . Smart Transportation/EVs – The most significant area of EV-related activity is in the area of charging systems; the Research Triangle Region may have one of the highest concentrations of EV charging-related activity in the US. Activity in other parts of the value chain is at a lower level; there is definitely important and innovative activity, but not a heavy concentration of activity. Innovation assets include Advanced Energy whose work has typically focused on tackling deployment- related issues and with the Advanced Transportation Energy Center at NC State’s FREEDM Systems Center. NC State’s College of Textiles also offers expertise in light weighting of materials for vehicles. . Smart Water – There is a relatively low concentration of private-sector water firms in the region compared with smart transportation and smart grid. Interestingly, there is an abundance of related innovation assets in this sector. Given that the water sector is more dependent on governance and policy, these innovation assets—mostly housed in the area research universities—could perhaps play a stronger role in supporting this cluster over time. * Some firms were classified as pure players in multiple sectors. There are 40 unique pure playing firms across all three sectors (transportation, water, and grid).

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. Executive Summary . Introduction and Purpose . Methods and Approach . Industry Characterization . Global Market Drivers and Barriers . Firm Characterization . Preliminary Industry Interconnections . Innovation Ecosystem . Findings . Recommended Next Next Steps Steps . Appendix

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Recommended Next Steps

Based on this current task to establish a framework for collecting data for cleantech firms over time, we suggest the immediate next steps for additional research to advance the characterization of the cleantech sector. . Data Collection – Research federal and private research grants in the region – Document water providers (authorities and NGOs) – Interview or survey all firms in the database to verify key indicators such as revenue, sales, employment, etc. – Interview firms to advance the understanding of their needs and opportunities in the region – Establish an outreach mechanism that will enable firms interested in these and other cleantech sectors to “self- identify” (e.g., recurring workshops, seminar series, etc.). Capture these firms in the database.

. Data Analysis – When firm data and its attributes are verified: . Assess for patterns in industry codes to determine if industry analysis using NAICS or SIC codes will be helpful. . Assess value chain concentrations and dynamics in a more detailed fashion.

. Useful Resources to Explore – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Research Development’s Water Cluster in Cincinnati – Watereconomynetowrk.org

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. Executive Summary . Introduction and Purpose . Methods and Approach . Industry Characterization . Global Market Drivers and Barriers . Firm Characterization . Preliminary Industry Interconnections . Innovation Ecosystem . Findings . Recommended Next Steps . Appendix

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Appendix A: References

. Adner, Ron. 2006. “Match Your Innovation Strategy to Your Innovation Ecosystem.” Harvard Business Review 84(4): 98-107. . Global Water Intelligence (GWI). 2010. Water Technology Markets 2010. http://www.globalwaterintel.com/publications-guide/market-intelligence-reports/water-technology-markets-key- opportunities-and-emerging-trends/ . Low, M., Fan, H., and G. Gereffi. 2011. Smart Grid: Core Firms in the Research Triangle Region, NC. Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness: Duke University. http://www.cggc.duke.edu/pdfs/Lowe_Research- Triangle-Smart-Grid_CGGC_05-24-2011.pdf . U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). 2013. EV Everywhere: Grand Challenge Blueprint. http://www1.eere.energy.gov/vehiclesandfuels/electric_vehicles/pdfs/eveverywhere_blueprint.pdf . Wessner, Charles. “Entrepreneruship and the innovation ecosystem policy lessons from the United States.” Local Heros in the Global Village (2005): 67-89. . World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). 2005. Water – Facts and Trends. http://www.wbcsd.org/Pages/EDocument/EDocumentDetails.aspx?ID=137

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Appendix B: List of Firms by Sector and County Smart Transportation Firms:

Durham County: Orange County: Cicso Systems, Inc. GE Energy Industrial Solutions Duke Energy Progress Chapel Hill Tire KBR Inc Wake County: Sustainable Industrial Solutions CREE ABB, Inc. GridBridge Delta Electronics Eaton HexaTech, Inc. Advanced Lead Acid Battery Consortium Johnson Controls Infineon Evatran (DBA Plugless Power) PowerSecure North Carolina Electric Membership Infineon Praxis Technologies Corporation Michael Jordan Nissan SAS Institute Inc. Organic Transit Electric Bikes Sarda Technologies Schneider Electric Siemens Industries Inc. Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions, Inc. Southern Energy Management Smart of Cary Harnett County: TE Connectivity Tesla Motors ZAPI inc. Shealy Electrical Wholesalers Umicore USA Cisco Systems, Inc. (2 locations) Elster Solutions, LLC Johnston County: Duke Energy Progress (5 locations) General Electric Company Carolina North Advanced Energy Corporation Itron Caterpillar, Inc. Electric Scooter City KEMA Services, Inc. Lee County: Fairchild Semiconductor Kyma Technologies Inc. Triangle Technology Ventures Cicso Systems, Inc. Ford Motor Company Fred Anderson Toyota Fred Anderson Toyota Re-Involt Technologies

53 RTI International

Appendix B: List of Firms by Sector and County Smart Water Firms:

Chatham County: Johnston County: Chatham County Southwest Water District Buffalo Water District County of Chatham Four C's Hauling LLC Johnston County Public Works Durham County: Johnston County Water District Cicso Systems, Inc. O'Neals Water District Duke Energy Progress Lee County: IBM Corporation CD of Sanford Water Plant KBR Inc Cicso Systems, Inc. Sustainable Industrial Solutions Pentair Aquatic Systems BaseTrace Zurn Industries Culligan Water of the Triangle Durham Water Supply Moore County: Hydro Service & Supply Carolina Water Service Inc. Tempest Environmental Systems, Inc. County of Moore Tetra Tech Environmental Controls Company Franklin County: NC Green Energy Audits, LLC Franklin County Public Utility Town of Carthage Sunstone Water Group USA Orange County: Granville County: Mechanical Solutions, Inc. South Granville Water & Sewer Authority NC Green Plumbing Harnett County: Orange Water and Sewer Authority Harnett County Public Utilities Re-Think H2O Pentair Water Sanitation Creations 54 RTI International

Appendix B: List of Firms by Sector and County Smart Water Firms (continued):

Person County: Wake County: City of Roxboro Cisco Systems, Inc. (2 locations) Duke Energy Progress (5 locations) Vance County: Elster Solutions, LLC Kerr Lake Regional Water Plant General Electric Company Hydrologics Warren County: Itron KEMA Services, Inc. Warren County Public Utilities Department Kyma Technologies Inc. McKim & Creed, Inc. (2 locations) Sensus (2 locations) Solutions IES Triangle Technology Ventures Aqua North Carolina ARA BASF Corporation Cotton Inc. Fortrans Kruger Purologix Water Services Raleigh Public Utilities Department Secure Resources Tethis Town of Cary

55 RTI International

Appendix B: List of Firms by Sector and County Smart Grid Firms:

Chatham County: Orange County:

3DFS Power Solutions GE Energy Industrial Solutions Durham County: Google, Inc. Majorpower Cicso Systems, Inc. USAT Corp. Duke Energy Progress IBM Corporation Wake County: CREE Delta Electronics Argand Energy Solution LLC ABB, Inc. EMC Corporation Eaton EMC Corporation Johnson Controls Gridiant PowerSecure Microsoft Praxis Technologies Phononic Devices SAS Institute Inc. PlotWatt Schneider Electric Southern Energy Management Johnston County: TE Connectivity (formerly Tyco PCX Corp Electronics) Umicore USA Lee County: 3DFS Power Solutions Cicso Systems, Inc. Accenture

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Appendix B: List of Firms by Sector and County Smart Grid Firms (continued):

Wake County (continued): Advanced Energy FREEDM Systems Center NCSU Siemens Industries, Inc. Advanced Vehicle Research Center of NC Freescale Semiconductor STMicroelectronics Agilis Energy, LLC G2 Technologies Tantalus Systems Inc. Green Energy Corp Alcate-Lucent (2 locations) Telit Wireless Solutions Halocene AT&T Triangle MicroWorks Honeywell Aviat Networks Inc Truveon Corp Intel Black & Veatch Underwriter Laboratories Brady Energy Services JouleBug Wesco Distribution Inc. Brocade Lockheed Martin (2 locations) Wireless Research Center of North Carolina Clearwire MacKay Communication Cisco Systems, Inc. (2 locations) Consonus Technologies MasTec Duke Energy Progress (5 locations) Control Infotech NEXANT, INC. Cypress Semiconductor Nitronex Corporation Elster Solutions, LLC Deloitte NORESCO General Electric Company DNA Group Oracle Itron Doble Engineering Co. OSI Soft LLC KEMA Services, Inc. Pepco Energy Services ElectricCities Kyma Technologies Inc. Power Analytics Electronic Systems Protection, Inc. McKim & Creed, Inc. (2 locations) PowerSolve Elster Energy ICT Inc. Sensus (2 locations) EMC Corporation (2 locations) Quanta Technology Solutions IES EnergyAxis Red Hat Experis Resource Professionals Group Field2Base Scott Madden, Inc. Fleishman - Hillard Servidyne FMI Corporation