Annual Report 2017 Annual Report 2017

Greeting ...... 2

About us ...... 4

The year 2017 in figures ...... 6 . . . . .

The research: the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center (BBRC) ...... 8

Alfa Study ...... 8......

Research projects ...... 10

International collaborations ...... 14 . . .

Clinical trials ...... 16 . . . . .

Social intervention ...... Edition Pasqual Maragall Fundation 17 Barcelonaßeta Brain Research Center

Wellington, 30 Principal scientific publications ...... 19 . . . 08005 +34 933 160 990 [email protected] Conferences and talks ...... 20

Fundraising and social support ...... Date of publication May 2018 22

Dissemination ...... 25 . . . . .

Origin and destination of resources ...... 28. . . .

Partners ...... 30

Board and team ...... 32......

Total or partial reproduction of this publication, treatment in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other methods, or its loan, rent or any other form of cession of use of the copy is not allowed without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Greeting Greeting

We close a year with new projects and neuroradiologist at the Hospital Vall studies developed in the faciliti es of the d’Hebron, PET tests are done at the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center and Hospital Clínic and for lumbar punctures with the confi dence granted by the more we rely on the team of anesthesiologists than 2,700 volunteers who parti cipate at the Hospital del Mar. Only working in in our research programs. More than network and establishing collaborati ons a thousand of these parti cipants have we will be bigger and we will go further. been called this year to perform their tests, 2,500 visits in total, with 1,600 None of this, however, would be sessions of cogniti on and more than 1,800 possible without the strong support of sessions of nursing performed, more than enti ti es such as the “la Caixa” Banking 5,000 samples processed, more than Foundati on, essenti al support of the Alfa 1,500 acquisiti ons of MRI, more than Study for the preventi on of Alzheimer’s 260 lumbar punctures ... These are fi gures disease. Nor would it be without the that give examples of the dynamism collaborati on of the organizati ons that and acti vity that take place every day in make up our Sponsorship Board and the our faciliti es. more than 16,000 members who this year have given us their confi dence in Currently, also the consolidati on the form of fi nancial contributi on. It is of internati onal alliances and the about thousands of small contributi ons, establishment of stable collaborati ons monthly, that not only help us to carry allow us to address challenges of great out our projects, but also reaffi rm us The consolidation of magnitude. The European Project for the in the importance and the need to Preventi on of Dementi a (EPAD) is one fi nd a soluti on for this disease. We are international alliances of the most outstanding alliances, with a growing family. The partners and and the establishment the parti cipati on of 38 insti tuti ons from collaborators are joined by volunteers diff erent sectors, or AMYPAD, a European who help us when we need them, of stable collaborations collaborati on to improve knowledge and anonymous people and enti ti es that allow us to address diagnosis using the PET neuroimaging organize events to raise funds for this technique. We do the geneti c analyses cause, brides and grooms who turn their challenges of great in collaborati on with the Biomedical wedding gift into a donati on, followers magnitude . The EPAD Research Insti tute of Bellvitge (IDIBELL), who encourage us on social networks, and the neuroimaging data are stored in journalists who are interested in our Jordi Camí European Project for the the Barcelona Supercomputi ng Center topics, friends who help us make known (BSC-CNS). Together with the Center for who we are and what we do... General Director of the Pasqual Maragall Prevention of Dementia Foundati on and Executi ve Vice-President Genomic Regulati on (CRG) we are looking of the Barcelonaβeta Foundati on. is one of the most for new geneti c targets and, this year, Thank you all for being, one more year, by we have established a collaborati on with our side. outstanding alliances . the Nati onal Center for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC) to study the relati onship between cardiovascular factors and cogniti on. The medical reports of the Jordi Camí magneti c resonances are made by a Director

2 3 Pasqual Maragall Foundation _ Barcelonaβeta About us Brain Research Center

The Pasqual The Barcelonaβeta Maragall Foundation Brain Research Center With the vision of achieving a future without Alzheimer’s, the Pasqual Maragall Foundati on promotes and develops the The Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center ulti mate biomedical research to contribute (BBRC) is the research center of the to the decisive soluti ons to this disease. Pasqual Maragall Foundati on. Its mission The objecti ve is to prevent its onset, is to provide soluti ons to the global determining what factors aff ect its start challenge that Alzheimer’s involves, the and development, designing interventi ons related neurodegenerati ve diseases and to act before it is too late and expanding the cogniti ve problems associated with knowledge about the cogniti ve functi ons the aging of the populati on. aff ected in aging. Its objecti ves are: The Foundati on also works to generate social awareness about the eff ects of this • Promoti ng and developing primary disease and the importance of scienti fi c and secondary preventi on programs for research to fi nd soluti ons. Alzheimer’s disease. Transparency While these soluti ons do not arrive, the • Studying and promoti ng healthy aging. and good practices Foundati on is also committ ed to improve • Increasing knowledge of the The Pasqual Maragall Foundati on the quality of life of aff ected people and and the Barcelonaβeta Brain physiological mechanisms of aff ected their caregivers. Research Center have a code of cogniti ve functi ons, both in healthy and good practi ces in transparency pathological aging, such as memory, and accountability and a code learning or decision making. of good scienti fi c practi. ce

4 5 The year 2017 in fi gures The year 2017 in fi gures *

(*) Aggregated data from the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and the 2017 Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center .

Budget Research participants Caregivers participating from the Alfa Study visited in therapeutic groups 6,569,965 € 1,112 146

Cognition sessions Members Social media followers 16,863 1,559 33,581

Staff at headquarters Magnetic resonance Appearances acquisitions in the media 75 1,543 950

6 7 Research Alfa Study Research The Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center (BBRC)

ALFA STUDY The objective of the Alfa Study is to collect information that allows the identifi cation Activity of The Barcelona βeta of biomarkers Brain Research Center in 2017 and risk factors to design strategies for the prevention of Research Alzheimer’s disease. participants from 5,725 1,112 the Alfa Study visited Total samples processed The objecti ve of the Alfa Study is to collect informati on that allows the identi fi cati on of biomarkers and risk factors to design strategies for the preventi on of Alzheimer’s 2,481 Total visits 1,811 Nursing sessions disease. In 2017, the Barcelonaβeta Brain Research Center visited 1,112 parti cipants Cognition sessions Magnetic Resonance acquisitions of the Alfa Study, launched in 2013 thanks 1,559 1,543 to the impetus of the “la Caixa” Banking Foundati on. 487 Clinical sessions 269 Lumbar punctures The Alfa Study is one of the research platf orms with the largest number of Study protocols PET Tests parti cipati ng volunteers in the world, 8 269 dedicated to the early detecti on and 139 PET FTM preventi on of Alzheimer’s. It is made PET FDG up of 2,743 cogniti vely healthy adult 130 volunteers, between 45 and 75 years old, Alfa Study receives the support of most of whom are sons and daughters of Alzheimer’s pati ents.

Periodically, for decades and depending on the characteristi cs of each one, various tests are carried out on the parti cipants (tests of cogniti on, life habits, analysis and neuroimaging tests, among others), which are framed in diff erent scienti fi c studies of the BBRC and internati onal projects.

8 9 Research Research Research Projects Research Projects

Bimonthly electronic bulletin of healthy lifestyles. RESEARCH

PROJECTS PET Tests AlfaLife Study

The majority of the Alfa + Study Alfa+ Study AlfaLife is a study that aims to promote participants also perform two sessions healthy lifestyles based on four pillars that of positron emission tomography (PET), the scientific community links to some Alfa + is a cohort study at the facilities of the Hospital Clínic of of the risks of developing Alzheimer’s: for the early detection of Barcelona. The objective is to be able nutrition, physical exercise, cognitive to analyze these images in biomedical activity and social activity. During 2017, Alzheimer’s disease and investigations at the BBRC related to the quarterly life habits questionnaires and the identification of the detection of Alzheimer’s disease. bimonthly electronic newsletters were sent to the participants with a series of factors that can predict In the year 2017, 139 PET of tips, resources and ideas that refer to and / or favor its onset. 18F-flutemetamol were performed, to healthy lifestyles. visualize the amount and location of the 130 PET 18F-FDG The research analyzes the association amyloid protein, and , After about 12 months since the initial between cerebral functional markers to see which brain areas are more or less visit, 359 participants attended the and the biological, neurocognitive and active. post-intervention visit in 2017. During structural variables. The objectives of this visit, they repeated the tests carried the study also include the description of out during the first visit: update of the biological processes that precede the sociodemographic data and clinical history, preclinical phase of Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive tests, lifestyles questionnaires the determination of the prevalence and associated with risk factors (smoking, diet, the incidence of this phase of the disease. exercise and cognitive and social activity), anthropometric measures (weight, height In 2017, 551 visits were made to 205 and waist diameter), vital signs (blood participants. The study will involve a pressure and heart rate) and biochemical total of 500 people, who perform the determinations such as cholesterol and following tests, divided into different glucose. 409 volunteers participate in the visits every three years: review of study, and post-intervention visits are clinical history, general and neurological expected to end in 2018. exploration, cognition tests, lifestyles questionnaires, nursing tests (height, AlfaLife has the support of the Department weight, blood pressure, etc.), blood of Health of the extraction, two magnetic resonances and and the Agència de Qualitat i Evaluació a lumbar puncture to obtain a sample of Sanitàries de Catalunya. cerebrospinal fluid.

The Alfa + Study receives the support of the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation.

10 11 Research Research Research Projects Research Projects

Alfa Genetics Study

Alfa Geneti cs complements the informati on obtained in the initi al visits that were made between 2013 and 2014 to all the Alfa Study parti cipants (clinical history, cogniti on tests, lifestyles questi onnaires, nursing tests and blood extracti on).

The visit of the Alfa Geneti cs Study includes an update of the clinical history and cogniti ve tests, a brain magneti c resonance, an odor identi fi cati on test and a blood sample to perform a geneti c analysis and determine basic biochemical variables. Of the 2,000 parti cipants expected to have the study, in 2017, 804 were visited.

The Alfa Geneti cs study receives the support of the Department of Health of the Generalitat of through the Strategic Plan for Research and Health (PERIS) 2016-2020.

Collaboration agreement NPAD Study with the CNIC Dr. Stavros Skouras The NPAD study is an innovati ve European monitors the results In May of the same year, the project carried out in the BBRC with funding of the test, while the BBRC signed a collaborati on from the presti gious Marie Skłodowska- parti cipant is inside the agreement with the Nati onal MRI machine. Center for Cardiovascular Research Curie scholarship (number 707730), within Carlos III (CNIC), to advance the the Horizon 2020 program of the European understanding of the relati onship Union. between atheroscleroti c disease The study combines two new technologies, and Alzheimer’s disease, with virtual reality and neurofeedback. With vascular imaging studies, cogniti ve these techniques, Dr. Stavros Skouras has and neuroimaging tests in their respecti ve cohorts, totaling more created an applicati on that allows to see than 6,000 healthy individuals. how the brains of the study parti cipants, who are inside the magneti c resonance machine, interact while they walk through a forest for 30 minutes. Through this virtual forest 89 parti cipants had a walk during 2017.

The objecti ve of NPAD is to establish associati ons between the performance of this type of brain training tasks and the presence of certain biomarkers and other The Drs. Jordi Camí and Valentí biological data of Alzheimer’s disease. Fuster at the signing of the agreement . 12 13 Research Research International collaborations International collaborations



The BBRC parti cipates since 2015 in the The Amyloid Imaging to Prevent In July 2017, within the framework of European Preventi on of Alzheimer’s Alzheimer’s Disease (AMYPAD) is a the Alzheimer’s Associati on Internati onal Dementi a Consorti um (EPAD), consti tuted European collaborati on to improve the Congress, TRIBEKA was presented, a new by 38 European insti tuti ons. Its objecti ve is knowledge, diagnosis and treatment consorti um to identi fy brain alterati ons to expand the knowledge of the preclinical of Alzheimer’s through the use of PET prior to the onset of the symptoms phase of Alzheimer’s disease and develop imaging. of Alzheimer’s disease and other an infrastructure that allows carrying out neurodegenerati ve diseases. TRIBEKA is With the support of: concept tests to accelerate the decision The purpose of AMYPAD is to help uncover driven by the BBRC, with the scienti fi c making in the development of candidate the natural history of Alzheimer’s disease director of its Preventi on Program, Dr. drugs to prevent the disease. in the preclinical phase and to evaluate the José Luis Molinuevo, together with the predicti ve value of amyloid PET. The BBRC University of Edinburgh and the Karolinska During 2017, the BBRC carried out 395 is one of the 17 insti tuti ons that are part of Insti tute in Stockholm, and is funded EPAD is funded by grant number 115736 visits to 92 parti cipants of the Innovati ve Medicines Initi ati ve, . These visits AMYPAD, and during 2017 it parti cipated with 2,1 million euros of the Alzheimer’s which is a joint initi ati ve of the research include regular check-ups, cogniti ve, in the design of the project in the diff erent Associati on and an internati onal and innovati on program of the European geneti c and MRI tests, and blood, saliva, working groups. anonymous charitable foundati on. Commission Horizon 2020 and the European urine and cerebrospinal fl uid extracti on. Federati on of Pharmaceuti cal Industries and Of all the project centers, the BBRC closed The study will involve 3,100 people from all The mission of the consorti um is to Associati ons (EFPIA). the year with the largest number of over Europe and 6,000 PET of amyloid will generate an open access neuroimaging parti cipants recruited. be made. The BBRC will recruit parti cipants platf orm to understand the changes that from 2018 onward. occur in the brain up to 20 years before the At the same ti me, recruitment was opened beginning of the fi rst memory losses. The in June in the CITA Alzheimer Foundati on platf orm will have data from more than of San Sebasti án and in November the 1,000 healthy parti cipants between 40 and EPAD Parti cipants Committ ee was set 65 years old, coming from the preventi on up in Barcelona, made up of eight study cohorts of the diff erent centers: the Alfa volunteers. The functi on of the members Study in , the Prevent in the United of the committ ee is to represent and Kingdom and the FINGER in Finland. watch for two years for the interests of the parti cipants in this European project.

AMYPAD is funded by grant number 115952 of program 2 of the Innovati ve Medicines Initi ati ve, which is a joint initi ati ve of the research and innovati on program of the European Commission Horizon 2020 and the European Federati on of Pharmaceuti cal Industries and Associati ons (EFPIA).

14 15 Research Research Clinical trials Social intervention


The BBRC initiated in Generation SI 2017 the recruitment for It analyzes the effi cacy of two drugs the fi rst clinical trials (CAD106 and CNP520), administered separately, to delay the onset and in the prevention of progression of clinical symptoms Alzheimer’s disease. associated with Alzheimer’s disease in parti cipants at risk of developing them. The Alfa Study parti cipants who meet the The trial plans to recruit 1,340 parti cipants requirements sti pulated in each study and worldwide, committ ed to conti nue the SOCIAL INTERVENTION the people from the databases of the study treatment for fi ve and eight years. sponsors are invited to parti cipate in the Addressing the needs of a person with diff erent clinical trials. In total, in 2017, Alzheimer’s generates, in many cases, a 107 people were visited to assess their Program of therapeutic The results of the “We Care” study, signifi cant deteriorati on of the caregiver. If Generation SII promoted by the Pasqual Maragall possible inclusion in the trials. groups for caregivers the necessary support is not available, facing Foundati on with the support of the this situati on can lead to serious physical and It evaluates the eff ects and safety of a drug “la Caixa” Banking Foundati on and the psychological problems. The therapeuti c groups The BBRC closed the year with three The program of therapeuti c groups has provide caregivers with tools that allow them to clinical trials: Generati on SI and Generati on (CNP520) on the cogniti on and overall promoted in 2017 the start-up of 16 new collaborati on of CEAFA, were published understand and accept the disease and live with SII, from Novarti s, and EARLY, from Janssen. clinical status of people at risk of developing groups in which 146 caregivers of people in the journal Geriatrics and Gerontology dignity their role as caregivers. The fi rst two arrived in Europe for the fi rst clinical symptoms of Alzheimer’s aff ected by Alzheimer’s have parti cipated. and presented at the 59th Congress of ti me through the BBRC. disease, according to their age, geneti c the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and predispositi on and amyloid protein load in Of these groups, eight have been fi nanced Gerontology in the month of June. the brain. The trial will be carried out on with the subsidy granted by the Spanish approximately 2,000 people from around Ministry of Health, Social Services and This year, together with the “la Caixa” the world, committ ed to conti nue the Equality under the tax assignment of Banking Foundati on and the Conti nuing treatment between fi ve and seven years. Personal Income Tax. They were carried out Educati on Insti tute of the University of in Vigo and Porriño (Galicia), Madrid and Barcelona, the design of an online training Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Cerdanyola del program for therapists working to support Since the beginning Vallès (Catalonia) and Seville (Andalusia), and families aff ected by the Alzheimer’s disease EARLY were att ended by 80 caregivers. has been initi ated. of the program of Its objecti ve is to evaluate the effi cacy of therapeutic groups a drug (JNJ-54861911) to delay the onset for caregivers, in 2011, of cogniti ve decline in people with a high load of amyloid protein in the brain. The 527 caregivers have study plans to recruit 1,650 parti cipants With the support of: participated in the from around the world, who will have to 52 free therapeutic conti nue the treatment for four and a half years. groups that have been carried out in centers throughout the Spanish geography.

16 17 Research Research Social intervention Principal scientific publications


Brugulat-Serrat A, Rojas S, Bargalló Group. Implementation of subjective based on biomarkers. Lancet Neurol. N, Conesa G, Minguillón C, Fauria K, cognitive decline criteria in research 2017 Aug;16(8):661-76. Gramunt N, Molinuevo JL, Gispert studies. Alzheimers Dement. 2017 JD. Incidental findings on brain MRI Mar;13(3):296-311. Handels RLH, Wimo A, Dodel R, of cognitively normal first-degree Kramberger MG, Visser PJ, Molinuevo JL, descendants of patients with Van Waalwijk van Doorn LJ, Gispert Verhey FRJ, Winblad B. Cost-Utility Alzheimer’s disease: a cross-sectional JD, Kuiperij HB, Claassen JA, Arighi of Using Alzheimer’s Disease Life Soundtrack, analysis from the ALFA (Alzheimer A, Baldeiras I, Blennow K, Bozzali M, Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal Fluid the music of my life and Families) project. BMJ Open. Castelo-Branco M, Cavedo E, Emek- to Predict Progression from Mild 2017;7(3):e013215. Savas DD, Eren E, Eusebi P, Farotti L, Cognitive Impairment to Dementia. During the 2016-2017 academic year the Fenoglio C, Ormaechea JF, Freund-Levi Y, J Alzheimers Dis. 2017;60(4):1477-87. BBRC directed the project “Life Soundtrack, Crous-Bou M, Minguillón C, Gramunt Frisoni GB, Galimberti D, Genc S, Greco N, Molinuevo JL. Alzheimer’s disease the music of my life”, which involved the V, Hampel H, Herukka SK, Liu Y, Llado Lewczuk P, Matzen A, Blennow K, prevention: from risk factors to early A, Lleo A, Nobili FM, Oguz KK, Parnetti Visit of the students to the Parnetti L, Molinuevo JL, Eusebi P, La Salut de Sabadell school, the Music intervention. Alzheimers Res Ther. Pasqual Maragall Foundation. L, Pereira J, Picco A, Pikkarainen M, de Kornhuber J, Morris JC, Fagan AM. Technology Research Group of the Pompeu 2017;9(1):71. Oliveira CR, Saka E, Salvadori N, Sanchez- Cerebrospinal Fluid A beta(42/40) Fabra University and the AVAN Foundation Valle R, Santana I, Scarpini E, Scheltens Corresponds Better than A beta(42) (Asociación of the Vallès de Amigos de la Demirtaş M, Falcon C, Tucholka P, Soininen H, Tarducci R, Teunissen C, to Amyloid PET in Alzheimer’s Disease. Neurología). A, Gispert JD, Molinuevo JL, Deco Tsolaki M, Urbani A, Martinez EV, Visser J Alzheimers Dis. 2017;55(2):813-22. G. A whole-brain computational PJ, Wallin AK, Yener G, Molinuevo JL, analyze The objective of the project was to modeling approach to explain the Meulenbroek O, Verbeek MM. (2017). Tort-Merino A, Valech N, Peñaloza C, the potential benefits of music in people alterations in resting-state functional Improved Cerebrospinal Fluid-Based Grönholm-Nyman P, León M, Olives with dementia. Guided by Dr. José Luis connectivity during progression of Discrimination between Alzheimer’s J, Estanga A, Ecay-Torres M, Fortea J, Molinuevo and Dr. Nina Gramunt of the Alzheimer’s disease. Neuroimage Clin. Disease Patients and Controls after Martínez-Lage P, Molinuevo JL, Laine BBRC, 11 students from the first year of 2017;16:343-54. Correction for Ventricular Volumes. M, Rodríguez-Fornells A, Rami L. Early high school designed and developed an J Alzheimers Dis. 2017;56(2):543-55. Detection of Learning Difficulties when intervention using music to generate a Vert C, Sánchez-Benavides G, Martínez Confronted with Novel Information in positive impact on the quality of life of D, Gotsens X, Gramunt N, Cirach M, Frisoni GB, Boccardi M, Barkhof F, Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease Stage 1. those affected and their families. Molinuevo JL, Sunyer J, Nieuwenhuijsen Blennow K, Cappa S, Chiotis K, Démonet J Alzheimers Dis. 2017;58(3):855-70. MJ, Crous-Bou M, Gascon M. Effect of JF, Garibotto V, Giannakopoulos P, Gietl The students carried out a study on the long-term exposure to air pollution on A, Hansson O, Herholz K, Jack CR Jr, Nobili Simonsen AH, Herukka SK, Andreasen preferences and the musical context of anxiety and depression in adults: F, Nordberg A, Snyder HM, Ten Kate M, N, Baldeiras I, Bjerke M, Blennow K, A cross-sectional study Int J Hyg the different patients, and developed . Varrone A, Albanese E, Becker S, Bossuyt Engelborghs S, Frisoni GB, Gabryelewicz Environ Health. 2017;220(6):1074-80. a personalized reproduction playlist, P, Carrillo MC, Cerami C, Dubois B, Gallo T, Galluzzi S, Handels R, Kramberger MG, V, Giacobini E, Gold G, Hurst S, Lönneborg Kulczyńska A, Molinuevo JL, Mroczko B, thanks to a technology developed by Molinuevo JL, Rabin LA, Amariglio R, A, Lovblad KO, Mattsson N, Molinuevo JL, Nordberg A, Oliveira CR, Otto M, Rinne the researchers of the Pompeu Fabra Buckley R, Dubois B, Ellis KA, Ewers M, Monsch AU, Mosimann U, Padovani A, JO, Rot U, Saka E, Soininen H, Struyfs H, University. Afterwards, those affected and Hampel H, Kloppel S, Rami L, Reisberg B, Picco A, Porteri C, Ratib O, Saint-Aubert Suardi S, Visser PJ, Winblad B, Zetterberg their caregivers filled out questionnaires to Saykin AJ, Sikkes S, Smart CM, Snitz BE, L, Scerri C, Scheltens P, Schott JM, Sonni H, Waldemar G. Recommendations for evaluate the changes in the mood of the Sperling R, van der Flier WM, Wagner I, Teipel S, Vineis P, Visser PJ, Yasui Y, CSF AD biomarkers in the diagnostic patients after listening to the music of their M, Jessen F; Subjective Cognitive Winblad B. Strategic roadmap for an evaluation of dementia. Alzheimers lives. Decline Initiative (SCD-I) Working early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease Dement. 2017 Mar;13(3):274-84.

18 19 Research Research Talks and conferences Talks and conferences


Throughout the year, participations of our research staff have taken place in conferences and research congresses.

Outstanding presence of the Other main conferences 6/30, Barcelona. Participation of Dr. Nina Dr. José Luis Molinuevo BBRC in the congress of the Gramunt in the 70th Conference of the participates in a day of the OECD Alzheimer’s Association Catalan Society of Neuropsychology. dedicated to Alzheimer’s Intervention of Dr. José Luis 1/11, Miami. Participation of Dr. Juan Molinuevo at the Lausanne IV Domingo Gispert in the Human Amyloid The BBRC researchers had an active 9/5, Ciudad Juárez. Participation of Dr. The scientific director of the BBRC Workshop. Imaging Conference. Entre Pares presence at the prestigious Alzheimer’s Jordi Camí in the conference. participated in the Lausanne IV Association International Congress, held Workshop 2/17, Madrid. Participation of Dr. 9/5, Organization of theFreeSurfer , an international day from July 16th to 20th in London. In Marta Crous in the DEGESCO Dementia course. promoted by the Organization for BBRC team at the total, they made four oral presentations Genetics Symposium. Economic Cooperation and Development International Congress of the and presented seven posters, apart 9/28, Madrid. Conference of Dr. Jordi (OECD). The meeting was held on Alzheimer’s Association. from the multiple work meetings and 2/22, Boston. Participation of Dr. José Luis Camí at the Instituto de Investigación December 13th and 14th in Lausanne conferences in which the scientific director Molinuevo in the World CNS Summit. Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz. (Switzerland), with the support of the of the Prevention Program, Dr. José Luis Global CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Molinuevo, intervened. 3/30, Vienna. Participation of Dr. José 10/4, Segovia. Participation of Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease Luis Molinuevo in the International Dr. Sandra Poudevida in the X Congress of International and the Swiss Ministry of Conference of Alzheimer’s and the Network of City Councils of Healthy Health. Parkinson’s Diseases. Cities.

4/22, Barcelona. Participation of Dr. José 10/19, Barcelona. Participation of Dr. Luis Molinuevo and Dr. Gonzalo Sánchez Juan Domingo Gispert in the congress in the congress of the Global Brain of the European Society for Magnetic Health Institute. Resonance in Medicine and Biology.

6/7, La Coruña. Participation of Dr. Sandra 10/24, Vienna. Participation of Dr. Acknowledgments Poudevida in the congress of the Spanish Raffaele Cacciaglia in the congress of Jordi Camí, full member of the Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology. the European Association of Nuclear Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Medicine. The Institut d’Estudis Catalans 6/15, Girona. Participation of Dr. appointed as full member, Carles Falcón in the congress of the 10/27. Bellaterra Conference of Dr. Jordi attached to the Section of Spanish Society of Medical Physics and Camí at the Institut de Neurociències of Biological Sciences, to the the Spanish Society of Radiological the UAB. director of the Pasqual Maragall Protection. Foundation and the Biomedical 11/9, London. Participation of Research Park of Barcelona 6/24, Amsterdam. Participation of Dr. Dr. José Luis Molinuevo in the Finantial (PRBB), Dr. Jordi Camí, in José Luis Molinuevo in the congress of Times Global Pharmaceutical and recognition of his scientific career the European Academy of Neurology. Biotechnology Conference. and personal development.

20 21 Fundraising and social support Fundraising Solidarity actions Alzheimer’s research promoted by the Pasqual Maragall Foundati on. and social support These acti ons accounted for a total During 2017 there were numerous of € 162,999, of which € 17,522 came acti ons, events and solidarity acti viti es from the donati on of “la Caixa” Puntos promoted by enti ti es and individuals Estrellas and € 21,000 from a donati on with the aim of raising funds to advance from the Atrevia communicati on agency.


The Xmas Tree campaign is in solidarity with research against Alzheimer’s. Driven by the Commerce Associati on Paseo de Gràcia, the initi ati ve managed to raise more than € 34,450 for research in the preventi on of Alzheimer’s disease that Evolution of 8,947 we carried out at the Pasqual Maragall Foundati on. the number of members The collecti on was the result of the aucti on of 12 Christmas trees created by luxury brands and the 4,863 solidarity dinner held last December 4th at the Hotel Majesti c in Barcelona. 2,059 183 542 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Almost 1,000 people participate in the solidarity gala “Somos Uno”. Network of partners visit to the new faciliti es of the research center. Currently it has 51 members, The RCD Espanyol stadium hosted the solidarity gala “Somos Uno”, organized for the benefi t of the Pasqual and donors who contribute with an annual Maragall Foundati on, Invest for Children, Sant Joan de contributi on of € 72,169. Déu Hospital and the Damm Foundati on. At the dinner In 2017 the network of partners Giving Tuesday. In 2017 the of this 5th editi on, almost 1,000 people att ended, and grew with 8,888 new members, Pasqual Maragall Foundati on joined € 33,000 was raised for the Foundati on’s projects. who contributed € 691.432. With #GivingTuesday, the global solidarity this increase, 16,863 members were reached, representi ng a total annual movement that celebrates the contributi on of € 1,923,682. As for the importance of giving. 2,483 donati ons donors, were received, Internati onal Day of the Solidarity which meant an income of € 124,147. Legacy. On the occasion of the Charity Paella in the Port of Barcelona Thanks to the collaborati on The Claβ off ers its members the Internati onal Day of Solidarity Legacy, on of Movistar, Vodafone, opportunity to learn fi rst-hand about September 13th the Foundati on joined The charity dinner, organized by Josep Maria Pérez, a recently reti red Orange, Yoigo and Euskaltel, the projects for the preventi on of the campaign promoted by Solidarity transporter, surpassed the record of last year and raised almost € 20,000, through our SMS numbers 28058 (€ 1.2) and 38058 Alzheimer’s that we carry out. On July Legacy focused on the disseminati on of thanks to the contributi ons of more than 550 people, mostly workers of the (€ 6), in 2017 we received 25th, its members enjoyed a private the video What I owe to my parents. collecti ves of the Port of Barcelona. revenues of € 13,264.

22 23 Fundraising and social support Dissemination

Charity Concert in the Auditori The Charity Vermouth joins the fight against Alzheimer’s In March, the Hall 2 of the Auditori was practi cally fi lled with the charity concert of the Youth Symphony The initi ati ve, held on October 21st at the Orchestra of Barcelona. Under the baton of director Montjuïc Castle, att ended by more than 7,200 people, raised € 12,000 for various enti ti es, Neuroimaging, key to detect the first Carlos Checa, the young musicians performed the signs of Alzheimer’s disease fantasy Romeo and Juliet, by Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, including the Pasqual Maragall Foundati on. and the Symphony in C, by George Bizet. With the The current use of neuroimaging techniques, their charity concert, € 4,364 was raised. evoluti on and what can be expected from them About twenty couples choose a in the future were the central themes of the third memory against oblivion in 2017 meeti ng of volunteers parti cipati ng in the Alfa Study The Foundati on off ers the bride and groom and collaborators, organized by the Pasqual Maragall the possibility of giving personalized postcards Foundati on and the “la Caixa“ Banking Foundati on, in exchange for a donati on that will go enti rely which was held, one more year, in the CCIB Auditorium. to research to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. The journalist Jordi Basté was in charge of presenti ng the event, which was att ended by nearly 2,000 people and in which parti cipated the director of the Pasqual Maragall Foundati on, Dr. Jordi Camí; the general director of the “la Caixa” Banking Foundati on, Jaume Giró; the Other solidarity actions • Diagonal Mar promoted solidarity acti on against Alzheimer’s “Donate your memories” in order to fi nance spokesperson of the Foundati on, Cristi na Maragall, magneti c resonance minutes for our projects. the scienti fi c director of the Preventi on Program, • Ricoh collaborated with the fi ght against Alzheimer’s Dr. José Luis Molinuevo, and the head of Research • III Football 7 Tournament for a future without Alzheimer’s, in Neuroimaging of the BBRC, Dr. Juan Domingo with the Printed Memories project, which involved the organized by the Obra Social CGB and the City Council of San Gispert. Thanks to the collaborati on of thePau Casals company’s collaborators and the use of its technology Cristóbal de Entreviñas. This year it raised € 920. Foundati on, the att endees enjoyed the performance to support Alzheimer’s research. € 7,500 was raised. of the cellist Mariona Camats, accompanied on piano • The Gypsy Cultural Associati on of Cambrils celebrated workers of Rastreator by Yoko Suzuki. • The chose the Pasqual Maragall the “Festi val of hearts”, charitable, in favor of the Pasqual Foundati on as the enti ty selected to be a benefi ciary Maragall Foundati on. of a € 2,000 donati on. • The 8th editi on of the Trepat Festi val in Barberà de la Signature campaign “Signature for • The Spanish Associati on of Clinical Research Companies Conca has been in solidarity with enti ti es such as the Pasqual a future without Alzheimer’s” chose the Pasqual Maragall Foundati on to receive a € 2,000 Maragall Foundati on. In April, the Pasqual Maragall Foundati on launched donati on to an enti ty that carries out acti viti es related to Abuela, I know you have forgott en my name a campaign to collect signatures with the aim of clinical research. • The book , of Jaume Cela, allocated a part of the profi ts from its sale to the involving the populati on and raising awareness among • Campaign “De Nit + que Plats a Palamós”. The Associati on Pasqual Maragall Foundati on. competent bodies about the need for more resources for the Business Promoti on of Commerce and Tourism for Alzheimer’s research. • Rider ALZ & AEMEX, a group of motorcycle enthusiasts of Palamos gave the Foundati on € 1,520 collected in the from the Allianz company, made a donati on of € 495 collected Between April and December, 51,609 people joined solidarity campaign organized in 11 restaurants in the in two exits. the campaign and signed the manifesto. Among them, municipality. the singer-songwriters Joan Manel Serrat and Sílvia • The Solidarity Acti on Program, promoted by users and Pérez Cruz stand out; fi lm directors David Trueba, Juan • Solidarity Act “Let’s talk about Alzheimer’s” in Sils. professionals of the Community Rehabilitati on Services of Antonio Bayona and Isabel Coixet; the actors Javier The enti ty Vencem l’Alzheimer de Sils raised € 1,140 Baix Llobregat, allocated to the Foundati on the money raised Cámara, Abel Folk and Paco Mir; the journalists Jordi for the Foundati on in a solidarity day that brought together from the sale of arti cles made by people with mental health Évole, Gemma Nierga, Manel Fuentes, Jordi Basté, Josep more than 150 people. problems. Cuní and Antoni Bassas, and doctors and researchers such as Manel Esteller and Luis Rojas Marcos.

24 25 Dissemination Dissemination

Social networks in 2017

4,304 Followers 28,980 Fans Facebook Twitter 3,886 Retweets 6,087 Likes 2,079 Mentions 65,984 Likes Campaign Convocation of the 8th Solé Tura Prize “Streets in white” and presentation of the Brain Film Fest Comments 1,624 Followers The plates of five streets of the Gràcia district In 2017 a new call for the Solé Tura Award was opened, 297 YouTube (Francisco Giner, Gran de Gràcia, Goya, Mozart and organized by the Pasqual Maragall Foundation, the 14,843 Shares 161,870 Views Travessera de Gràcia), in addition to the plaque of the Uszheimer Foundation and Minimal Films, to present Plaza de la Vila, were covered for three days, so that audiovisual, fiction or documentary works on different the pedestrians could get in the skin of a person who aspects of brain diseases and conditions, with Special begins to suffer symptoms of Alzheimer’s. attention to neurodegenerative diseases. This year the Brain Film Fest, a new international film festival that will This citizen awareness action was extended to social take place in March next year, will be presented and networks, under the hashtag #CallesEnBlanco, will be dedicated to show and promote the creation Talks, conferences and meetings plan programmed by the Imserso. Distinctions with a video that showed the reaction of people to and diffusion of short films about any aspect of the brain, January 13th. Lecture “The Illusionist Brain”, Recognition see the names of the streets in white and invited its incredible capabilities or your diseases. September 14th. Participation of Dr. Nina of the Aura Foundation. to collaborate in prevention research. The action by Dr. Jordi Camí, organized in Girona by the Gramunt in a scientific cafe about active aging association FANJAC. The Aura Foundation, dedicated “Streets in white” was presented on the eve of World with students held at CosmoCaixa. to the social and labor inclusion Alzheimer’s Day, with the impetus of the “la Caixa” Act in Tarragona: of people with intellectual 23rd of February. Participation of Dr. Sandra Banking Foundation and the collaboration of the City “Music and action against Alzheimer’s” September 20th. disabilities, recognized the Poudevida and Diana Garrigosa in the debate Participation of Dr. José Luís of Barcelona. Molinuevo in the XXXVI Fernández Cruz Memorial Pasqual Maragall Foundation On November 16th, Dr. Nina Gramunt continued to unveil session “Men Caregivers”, held at the Universitat as one of the organizations that the keys to active and healthy aging in an informative talk Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona. Lesson in Madrid. has worked with them. New edition of “Put the heart held in the Eutyches Room of the Trade Fair and Congress September 28th. to take care of the brain” Center of Tarragona. March 14th and 15th. Talks by Dr. Nina Gramunt Participation of Dr. Anna Diario Médico rewards the in two institutes of Barcelona, within the Brugulat in a round table on Alzheimer’s research campaign “Calles en blanco”. With the aim of promoting physical exercise and framework of the activities programmed in the in Manresa. The “la Caixa” Banking healthy lifestyles, within the framework of the World La Oreja de Van Gogh dedicates a few World Brain Week. Foundation and the Pasqual Day of the Elderly, the Foundation organized for words to the Foundation in its concert September 29th. Talk by Dr. Stavros Skouras in Maragall Foundation received one of the 2017 Best Ideas the third consecutive year, in collaboration with March 22nd. Participation of Dr. Marta Crous in Athens on the occasion of the European Night of The Basque group addressed some words to our Awards granted by Diario the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation and the DIR the conference “Neurodegenerative diseases: the Researchers. Foundation in the concert that was offered on April 23rd Médico, in the health and Foundation, the “Put the heart to take care of the Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s”, organized by solidarity promotion category, at L’Hospitalet. The singer thanked the “wonderful task” brain” day. More than 300 people participated in this the Pere Tarrés Foundation and the Agrupació October 26th. Participation in the cycle organized for the “Calles en blanco” of the Foundation in the fight against Alzheimer’s, just Foundation. day, consisting of a talk by Dr. Nina Gramunt and an by the UOC in Sala Becket: “The conditions of campaign. after opening the concert with the song “Estoy contigo” outdoor sports activity. memory”, by Cristina Maragall (“I’m with you”). March 29th. Scientific cafe on the alterations of and Dr. Luis Martínez. memory, organized by the UPF in the PRBB, with the participation of Dr. Maria Teresa Buongiorno. November 8th. “Can language unmask April 1st. Inauguration of the Sabadell Health dementia?”, By Dr. Nina Gramunt at CosmoCaixa. Forum, by Dr. Jordi Camí. November 15th. Participation of Dr. Sandra April 20th. Lecture by Dr. Nina Gramunt on the Poudevida and Diana Garrigosa in a round table prevention of Alzheimer’s at the CRE Alzheimer of dedicated to the caretaker man held at the Palau Salamanca, within the framework of the training Macaya.

26 27 Added data of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation and its research Origin and destination center, the Barcelonaβeta Brain research center Provisional closure of 2017. of resources Data submitted to an annual audit of accounts. At the Pasqual Maragall Foundati on we work to achieve a future without Alzheimer’s through biomedical research for the preventi on of this disease. To achieve this, we invest most of the resources obtained in research programs and communicati on and disseminati on acti ons to increase social support for our cause. We also allocate part of the resources to att ract new funds to guarantee the long-term sustainability of the ongoing scienti fi c programs.

2% 2% 56% Other income Administration % Research 55 152,948 € 767,354 € program Finalist € research projects 3,627,630 3,499,337 € Income Expenses 2017 % 28% 2017 43 Investment in network Patrons, partners recruitment of partners and donors and donors 2,749,794 € 1,833,838 € 4% Communication of programs and dissemination 221,780 €

6,402,080 € Current income 6,450,602 € Current expenses

2,749,794 € Patrons, partners and donors 3,627,630 € Research program 3,499,337 € Finalist research projects 221,780 € Communication of programs and dissemination 152,948 € Other income 1,833,838 € Investment in network recruitment of partners and donors 767,354 € Administration 132,530 € Adjustments for capital subsidies * 35,356 € Financial income * 94,196 € Financial expenses *

6,569,965 € Total revenues 6,544,798 € Total expenditures

28 * Not included in the graphic. * Not included in the graphic 29 Collaborators Collaborators

Sponsorship Board of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation Our most sincere thanks to the network of partners and donors, as well as institutions, companies and professionals who have supported our research through contributions We welcome the Diputación de Barcelona and highlight the increase in its contributi ons of Cementos Molins and Eurofragance. Our and collaborations. thanks to all the enti ti es and companies of our Patronage Council for their support and trust. Our thanks also to all the volunteers who devote their time and help us in organizing actions and events. Strategic Partners

Collaborators 2017: companies, organizations and professionals

AECIC María Vicente CAP Sardenya Agencia García Mónica Alcalá CAP Vallcarca-Sant Gervasi Ajuntament de Barcelona Movistar CAP Vila Olímpica Ajuntament de Lliç de Vall My Taxi Centre de Salut Bon Pastor Albert Sanz Nuria Basi El Corte Inglés Alejandra Conesa Obra Social CGB Hospital de Bellvitge Ana Torredemer Orange Hospital de Viladecans Anversal Palau Firal de Tarragona Hospital del Mar - Parc de Salut Mar Associació Cultural Catalana de Gitanos de Cambrils Port de Barcelona Hospital Privado Universitario Sagrado Corazón Programa d’Acció Solidària Hospital Residència Sant Camil Associació de Veïns del Turó Parc Partners Atrevia RICOH Hospital Sant Antoni Abat. Vilanova i la Geltrú Ayuntamiento de Esquivias Santi Millán Secció de Ball Esporti u del Port de Barcelona Betti na Farreras Bilbao Blanca Brillas Sony Music España Ambulatorio Basurto Bru & Bru Susana Haro Ambulatorio Deusto Centro de Salud Caprabo The Project Ambulatorio Doctor Areilza CBRE Ticketea Ambulatorio Javier Saenz de Buruaga CCIB Together Plus+ Centro Ambulatorio Repelega CEIP Lajares Tossa Solidària Centro Cabieces Centre Cívic Santa Eugènia Treballadors de Rastreator Centro de Salud de Lutxana Associated companies Cinesa Diagonal Urbano Gropello Centro de Salud San Vicente Clubs DIR Vencem l’Alzheimer - SILS Centro de Salud Urban Diari Ara Vermut Solidario Centro Salud Bombero Etxaniz DSV Vodafone Volunteers of the “la Caixa” Banking Foundati on Centro Zaballa Escola Pública Canigó de Sant Just Desvern Volvo Hospital Basurto Euskaltel Xénia Rafí Hospital San Eloy FECOTUR Yoigo Festa del Trepat Tarragona Flavia de Hohenlohe Partners network Fundació Pau Casals CAP Horts de Miró Institutional support Fundación Invest for Children Barcelona CAP Montblanc Get In CAP Adrià CAP Sant Pere Gigante del Colchón CAP Borrell El Corte Inglés Javi Sancho CAP Casanova Hospital Pius de Valls La Oreja de Van Gogh CAP Larrard Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII La Vanguardia CAP Roger de Flor Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus

30 31 Board and team Board and team

Executive Commission of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation

President Montserrat Vendrell

Chairpersons Jordi Camí Joaquim Coello Cristina Maragall Marcel Prunera David Vegara

Board of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation Secretary Àngel Serret - BDO Abogados

Honorary President Pasqual Maragall Team of the Pasqual Maragall Foundation (as of December 31st, 2017) President Diana Garrigosa

1st Vice President Santiago de Torres Direction and management Jordi Camí. General director Glòria Oliver. Manager 2nd Vice President Montserrat Vendrell Support to direction Cristina Maragall. Spokeswoman Chairpersons Núria Basi Marc Colomé. Infrastructures manager Joaquim Boixareu David Fusté. IT manager Blanca Brillas Jordi Camí Fundraising and communication Sandra Ramos. fundraising director Joaquim Coello Eva Nebot. Communication director Marta Grabulosa Natalia Izard. fundraising (partner) Cristina Maragall Líria Fuentes. Digital marketing responsible Guillem Maragall Anna Mayoral. Data analyses responsible Jordi Mercader Elisabet Moliner. telemarketing and solidarity initiatives responsible Marcel Prunera Alexandra Moreno. Loyalty technician Gemma Sendra Iñaki López. Data analyses technician Narcís Serra David Vegara Finance, purchasing and administration Mònica Montserrat. finance responsible Neus Cadevall. Accounting technician Chairpersons representing the Sponsorship Board Jaume Giró. “La Caixa” Banking Foundation Isabel Tortosa. Agreements and contracts technician Raimundo Pérez-Hernández. Fundación Ramón Areces Diana Palacios. Infrastructures technician Antonio Garcia Ferrer. Fundación ACS Carol Morales. IT users support Miquel Molins. Fundació Banc Sabadell Elena González. general reception M. Carmen Garcia. general reception Secretary Àngel Serret - BDO Abogados Enric Luquero. Administrative assistant

32 33 Board and team Board and team

Board of the Barcelonaβeta Foundation

(as of December 31st, 2017) President Montserrat Vendrell Team of the Barcelonaβeta Foundation

Executive Vice President Jordi Camí Social Intervention Office Nina Gramunt. Scientific coordinator Chairpersons Jaume Giró Desiree Piromalli. manager Jaume Casals Sandra Poudevida. therapist Joaquim Coello Glòria Mas. therapist

Àngel Secretary Serret - BDO Management and ServicesAbogados Karine Fauria. Scientific resources manager Ana Belén Callado. Scientific Communication Officer

Research Management Office Carolina Minguillón. manager Noemí Carranza. Project manager Team of the Barcelonaβeta Foundation (as of December 31st, 2017) Clinical Research Office Carolina Herrero. Operations manager Cristina Mustata. Doctor Direction and management Jordi Camí. Executive vicepresident Albina Polo. Doctor Glòria Oliver. manager Anna Soteras. Studies coordinator Laia Tenas. Studies coordinator Alzheimer’s Prevention Program José Luís Molinuevo. Scientific director Tania Menchón. Nurses coordinator Ruth Domínguez. Nurse Group of Clinical Investigation, José Luis Molinuevo. Head of group Laura Hernández. Nurse Biomarkers and Risk Factors Marta Crous. Principal investigator Maria Pascual. Nurse Oriol Grau. Scientific, researcher, neurologist Sandra Pradas. Nurse Gonzalo Sánchez. Researcher, neuropsychologist Xavier Gotsens. Neuropsychologist Marc Suárez. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Phd Paula Marne. Neuropsychologist Anna Cuadros. master’s degree student Montse Alegret. Clinical trials assistant Pau Sànchez. Assistant Group of Neuroimaging Investigation Juan Domingo Gispert. Head of group Montserrat Vilà. Research Participant Support Raffaele Cacciaglia. Researcher Xavier Meléndez. Research Participant Support Carles Falcón. Researcher Jordi Freixa. Research Participant Support Grégory Operto. Researcher Stavros Skouras. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Phd Neuroimaging Platform Marc Colomé. manager Anna Brugulat. Phd student Sabrina Segundo. magnetic resonance technician Gemma Salvadó. Phd student Marc Vilanova. magnetic resonance technician Ricardo J. Berberia. magnetic resonance technician Memory Program Luis M. Martínez. Scientific director Manuel Garfia.m agnetic resonance technician

Group of Investigation in Decisions, Luis M. Martínez. Head of group Data Center David Fusté. manager Emotions and Memory Sandra Gomis. Postdoc Laura Figuerola. Consultant and IT programer M. Carmen Navarro. Research technician Gemma Huesa. Project manager Jordi Huguet. Neuroimaging IT specialist Neural Mechanisms Memory Rodrigo Quian Quiroga. Visiting scientific Ignacio Serrano. Data analyst Adrià Tauste. Postdoc Roger Solís. IT programer (CIBERfes)

34 35 We work for a better present, we dream of a future without Alzheimer’s.

Contribute Become a donor FREE 900 545 545 PHONELINE

You can also make your donation to account number:

IBAN ES89-2100-6887-6702-0004-0635 ¡Thank you! “Nowhere it is written that this disease is invincible .”

Pasqual Maragall October 2007

Wellington, 30 08005 Barcelona +34 933 160 990 [email protected] www .fpmaragall .org www .barcelonabeta .org
