Announcing a wonderful opportunity to send prayers to Fatima, Portugal. We are God’s family with messages from: Divine Mercy, International WAF, Children of the Eucharist, and our St. Joseph Marian Center World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF) Alba- ny, Division. This ad placed in the April 1st Evangelist Diocesan Newspaper. (One correc- tion, Cardinal Carlos Cabecinhas should read Father Carlos Cabecinhas Rector of the Shrine.) Campaign started in January and ends October 13, 2020. Send all your now. Thanks. email: [email protected]

Discussion with Father Rendell Torres By Tim O’Hara

Tim recently spoke with Father Rendell Torres about Fatima and the importance of Our Holy Mother’s messages.

Father Torres, thank you for speaking with us. Where were you ordained and where have you served since becoming a Priest? I’m originally from southern California where my parents still live. I attended college and studied engineering in Berkeley, California, and did graduate studies in acoustics at Penn State and at Chalmers Universi- ty of Technology in Sweden, where I earned a PhD in Applied Acoustics. I then moved to Troy in 2001 and taught and did research at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as an Assistant Professor. After three years I entered the seminary and was ordained a priest in 2010 for our Diocese of Alba- ny at the of the Immaculate Conception . My first parish assignment was as an associate pastor with Fr. Don Czelusniak at the of the Holy Spirit in Gloversville. Following the Church of the Holy Spirit, I have been the pastor at Our Lady of Hope in Whitehall and St. Ann’s Church in Fort Ann. We also have St. Mary of the Assumption located in Huletts Landing, NY, where I offer Mass on a seasonal basis from late May to mid-October.

Can you tell us a little about the parishes that you currently serve? I’m so blessed to be pastor of two small rural parishes and the chapel. Interestingly, most of the parishes in the Albany Diocese are in rural settings. Our Lady of Hope (OLH) came about as a result of the combining of two local parishes…Notre Dame des Victoires and Our Lady of Angels. We have about 300 parishioners between OLH and St. Ann. Our parishioners represent a rich cultural diversity and are hardworking, community-oriented, and giving people. We opened our Adoration Chapel of Peace in 2014 and have grown from 33 hours a week of adoration to a current level of about 90 hours per week, although Adoration is temporarily suspended during the current coronavirus precautions. Before the coronavirus lockdown began, we have Faith Formation active at both churches, and our OLH parishioners opened ‘MOM’s Kitchen’ (Mother of Mercy) out of our church hall to serve dinner to local residents each Wednesday evening.

You have visited Fatima, Portugal twice, most recently in 2018. How have your visits to this holy place impacted your life? My first visit to Fatima was in May 2011 and the trip was amazing. Just to be standing at the place where the Blessed Mother appeared was overwhelming. I had a strong sense of the children, their presence and their innocence. I went to St. Francisco’s tomb and asked Francisco to help me to pray the better. I was honored to be in the Apparition Chapel (the site where the Blessed Mother appeared) to lead the Marian Consecration prayer at the end of Mass for some of our travel group who had completed their consecration (St. Louis de Montfort’s approach) to Jesus through Mary. In 2018, I returned to Fatima along with my parents.

I was struck by the light in the sky and how extraordinarily rich the colors and sunsets appeared to me, especially since Sr. Lucia had mentioned that the sky would indicate certain important events that Je- sus described. I had the distinct honor of offering Mass at the Apparition site and at the chapel in the hotel (Domus Pacis) where we stayed at in Fatima. I was able to visit the homes of the visionaries (children) who saw the Blessed Mother appear in Fatima. I attended the beautiful evening Rosary pro- cessions with thousands of other pilgrims. I learned so much about the importance and meaning of our Holy Mother’s messages and came back to the USA with a deeper understanding of the story of Fatima. email: [email protected]

(Father Torres interview continues) Why is it important for others to learn about the messages of Our Holy Mother? Our Blessed Mother asked us to complete the five- and to do our part to bring about peace in the world. Pray- ing the Rosary daily is still very important. Benedict XVI told us that the message of Fatima is more important today than ever be- fore. People can identify with the pierced heart of Mary, the inno- cence lost, and the need for a safe place to go and pray and worship. The crown of thorns around Mary’s heart is a good image of others who are hurting in their lives whether it is with families, marriage, work or addiction. Our Lady of Fatima gives hope if your heart is pierced. She wants you to know that you are still loved.

Another important spiritual activity that you can complete is a consecration to Jesus through Mary. Consecration is done by following the teachings of St. Louis de Montfort or with Father Michael Gaitley’s book, 33 Days to Merciful Love, or other approaches. Consecration is not a magic wand but rather disposes us to become instruments of God and the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is the spouse of the Holy Spirit. At Our Lady of Hope and St. Ann parishes we did five cycles of Marian Consecration preparation retreats between the two churches during the first year that we consecrated ourselves. I’m totally convinced that we would NOT have started our 24-hour adoration chapel OR our MOM’s Kitchen program without having first completed the consecration.

Fatima has importance for many reasons, one of which is that it exposed the three children to Hell (July 1917 apparition) and imprinted on them the real- ity that many souls unfortunately do go to Hell for want of people to pray for them. As a result, the children prayed constantly. The reality of Hell is something we don’t want to face. We should be fearful of Hell and open to God to make us saints. We need to constantly pray for sinners. In Divine Mercy God puts a limit on evil’s power and extent through the greater power of merciful love. Fatima and Divine Mercy form a natural progression. Mary is a means to bring us to Christ through consecrating ourselves to Jesus through her with the purpose of abandoning ourselves to God and trusting completely in Jesus. Mary always leads us to Jesus, if our devotion to her is sincere. Through Divine Mercy we devote ourselves to the Blessed Mother by completely giving ourselves to her for Jesus.

What are some things you do to bring Our Lady’s message of Fatima to your parishioners? I like to promote First Saturday devotions and Masses which we hold each month. We have a core group that is very devoted to this special request from our Blessed Mother. We also have Our Lady of Fatima’s image present in all three of our churches. I also provide a talk on Fatima once a year and arrange for our parish to join in the yearly consecration to Mary with our Albany Diocese. Continually promoting daily Rosary and praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy weekly are all important ways to help others learn, live, and spread the messages of Fatima.

Father, any closing thoughts? If you want to be a maximally faithful instrument of God, consecrate yourself to Jesus through the Blessed Virgin Mary, and live out that consecration daily. (Thank you Father Torres for your wonderful witness.) email: [email protected]

Father Jeffrey L’Arche, MS—Spiritual Director Address: St. Mary’s Church, “Family of Nazareth, 156 E. Mainstreet, Amsterdam, NY 12010 Pray for Us” Email: [email protected] PHONE: (518)836-4805 FAX: (518)843-1068 FATHER JEFFERY L’ARCHE HOMILY ON MARCH 29,2020

We take the opportunity this morning in our Lady’s Chapel located in Altamont, NY associating with the Marian Center St. Joseph of the Capital District area, as we celebrate the 1st Sunday of the Pas- sion. Our celebration this year is muted. Different from past years. But there is great spiritual benefits to be taken from all of this. I was reading recently that the world quarantine is an old Italian word, from Venice. A Venetian word for “quarantine” is the Lenten word for Lent. It is based on the word “quator” in Latin which means four. And that same notion with the word “quanteem” which is, to matter of fact means forty days that Jesus was in the dessert in fasting and prayer. In another words, being quarantined himself for our sake and our salvation. We have the opportunity this year to do something. We are in our homes behind closed doors and windows, social science and the psychological effect on staying at in- home and in place. Not knowing what the future holds. Many people are fearful. One commentator said, Its difficulty to tell what day of the week it was. And it is! Everyday seems the same. And, eve- ryday seems to run into another. However, I emphasize the fact, that it is important for all of us to pose a spiritual discipline upon us ourselves . Our moments, the things that we do, and to set time aside for prayer. Intense prayer. Eve- ryday. The Rosary. Even pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Everyday, if we can to tune into social me- dia to see the celebration of Mass, livestream such as we are today in Our Lady’s Chapel in Alta- mont. There is ample opportunity, not only to get through this, but to put everything into spiritual perspective. Some may say, “Is God aware? Does God Know? Does God realize our suffering?” Of course God is aware. Of course God knows and He sees our suffering. And then, on the other hand, we have oppor- tunity to practice many works of charity and goodness toward others during this particular time. It’s amazing, really, how little we need to live on. The most important thing in terms of our life is our faith! Paul tells us to be up to the task. Whether convenient or inconvenient. We may say this is an inconvenient time for us. But we are forced to slow down. We are forced to stay put. We are forced to think about spiritual things. The most important things of the world! A commentator said the other day that parents should speak to their children about death. And I, well, not say its important at this particular time. But also teach your children well. To spend time with them! In my generation, mothers were “stay-at-home” moms. Moms took care of the house. Took care of the kids! That was very common. And what a wonderful thing. Because we realize the rela- tionships that were formed in our youth was most important during our whole lifetime and our rela- tionship with God, especially. (Father L’Arche’s Homily continues on next page) email: [email protected]

(Father L’Arche’s Homily continues) Some parishioners at St. Mary’s Church in Amsterdam, NY came and had said to me, I certainly hope at this particular time, people start thinking about God. God is always thinking of us and He is well with us in hardship and in difficulties. But most importantly the things we really need to live in our lives, for the asking each and everyday of our lives. So we pray for all in our viewing audience this morning. We keep you in our loving prayers. For all the intentions of the St. Joseph Marian Center placed on our today through the intercession of Our Blessed Mother of La Salette as well. We pray especially for all who are quarantined, those who are not able to get out. Those who may be lacking for the essentials. Those who are involved in healthcare work at whatever level. For all our doctors and nurses in our hospitals and especially for those who are responsible of the common good at the local level, local state and federal. We now proclaim our faith in God and with the Church of Christ. Let us go forward in faith and peace to serve the Lord and another. Thanks be to God.LIVESTREAM Father L’Arche Mass on Sundays at 10:00AM Thank you Jeff Thomas @ for livestreaming Father L’Arche Mass.God bless

Prayer to the Holy Little Shepherds of Fatima Against the Coronavirus Pandemic By Father Luca Roveda

Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto, little seers of Fatima, by singular grace chosen by Mary most Holy in her Immaculate heart to become great testimonies of the Light of Christ, we come to you today, in this moment of health emergency, pain, and trial. One hundred years ago, Oh Holy children, you yourselves suffered from the terrible epidemic of the Spanish Flu, and carried on your bodies the signs and pains of evil that you faced with wonderful faith until you reached a Christian death.

Our Heavenly Mother had already announced your premature death, uniting it with the Passion of Christ for our salvation of the world, and you in pain and agony , witnessed with continuous prayer the total adherence to the Divine Will.

Today, a century later, we are devastated by another horrible epidemic, and we turn to you with infinite confidence, so that through the Immaculate Heart of Mary , which your eyes saw here on earth, you can obtain for our soul health and of body, a strong faith and the capacity to be in solidarity with all those who are in pain and trial.

You who, with a gentle smile and a heart full of meekness, accepted the medical treatments, assist and protect all the doctors and health personnel in their excessive effort in the fight they have against this evil.

Protect our families, making them rediscover the beauty of prayer made together, in particular the Holy Rosary, which both held in their hands until the moment of their last breath.

With you, little shepherd children and with Mary Most Holy, Our Mother and Guardian, we confidently turn to Jesus Christ, our salvation, who in the Easter Light overcomes evil and death. Amen. email: [email protected]

MESSAGE OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT PROF. AMERICO LOPEZ-ORTEZ OF THE WORLD APOSTOLATE OF FATIMA TO ALL NATIONS MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATIONS MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION: ON THE GLOBAL PANDEMIC OF CORONVIRUS 23rd of March 2020 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CRISIS A worldwide crisis like this one, causing thousands of deaths and causing a strict lockdown in all countries, including the suspension of public liturgies and closing of churches, is a tremendous burden for humanity.

In the letters of Sister Lucia to St. John Paul II, it is mentioned a great purification of the world before the coming of the definitive triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, due to the lack of enough conversions to God. Conversion, true conversion, is much more than going to Confession. It requires a new attitude in life, the repentance of all sins, including the attachments to sin, even of venial sin, in compliance with God’s will and the strict observance of His laws. It requires “a new heart”, a true “metanoia”. We still live in the time of Grace and Mercy, but this time is coming to an end soon and it will be substituted by the time of Divine Jus- tice!


Pope Francis has called the Church to prayer, penance and humility in the observance of Christian virtues. He has recurred to Mother Mary, convoking all to pray the Rosary of Our Lady with profound veneration among our families.

Our Ecclesiastical Advisor of the WAF International, Antonio Cardinal Marto, Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, will consecrate Portugal and Spain, the Iberian Peninsula, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on the 25th of March, 2020, on the Anniversary of the Collegial Consecration performed to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by St. John Paul II in 1984, that produced “the Miracle of the Century”, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Communist countries in Eastern Europe. This Miracle of the 20th Century happened in this way so that hu- manity will give credit to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who obtained a new era of peace and collaboration among nations, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the plans for a nuclear war in those days.

Nevertheless, it seems that the collective memory of our societies is a very weak one and again we have ob- structed the ways that bring humanity to the Good Lord after the intervention of Mother Mary at the end of the XX century.

By this letter, I am inviting all nations members of the WAF and members of our International Federation, to join our Ecclesiastical Advisor of the WAF International, Cardinal Marto, in this solemn consecration to the Sacred heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, appealing to God to stop this global pandemic of coronavirus that could potentially kill millions of peoples worldwide.

We can join this consecration live on the Sanctuary of Fatima website at 6.30 PM Portugal’s time, , on the 25th of March, 2020, Solemnity of the Annunciation and Incarnation of the Word Made Flesh, imploring the Grace and Mercy of the Lord to end this great tragedy, so that we can return to normal life, but with a new spirit of compliance to God’s will even in the smallest details. We will be re- newed through this purification and will have from now on a contrite heart! (Now, consecrate ourselves.) PATRON SAINTS AGAINST THIS GLOBAL PANDEMIC OF THE VIRUS

Saint Francisco and Saint Jacinta Marto, the two children shepherds of Fatima, died as you know from the terrible pandemic caused by another virus of this family of infirmities, the so called “Spanish influenza”. Jacinta exhibited many complications, as her vocation to become a reparatory victim claimed. The sickness was transmitted by the soldiers returning from the war to their families. More than twenty million people died in Europe.

Now, we are entitled to pray to our holy children, Francisco and Jacinta, to give comfort and strength to our families of today, to assist our medical doctors and sanitary personnel in their great sacrifice to combat this dangerous virus, to pray for our scientists to illuminate them in bringing a cure and a vaccine to eradicate from the face of earth this calamity! (International President message continues on next page.) email: [email protected]

Saint Jacinta and Saint Francisco Marto take care of our afflicted families in this hour of need, so that by your powerful intercession, united to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, you can obtain from the Good Lord the remedy we ask for the greater glory of God and the salvation of many! May the Immaculate Heart of Mary that revealed Her secrets in Fatima, be glorified in this limit hour of the Church and recognized by all as the source of liberation and health for all who come to thee!


Because of the particularities of this health crisis, we all will celebrate the FIRST SATURDAYS OF THE MONTH AND THE COMMUNION OF REPARA- TION from our family homes. This devotion was intended to be practiced by the whole fam- ily. But it was not done by families. It was done by individuals. Now it is the time to start a family practice!

Now, the time has come to practice it from our own family homes. We are not allowed to have it publicly in our parish churches because of the pandemic. From these circumstances we can learn the following lessons:

1. The first Church is the “domestic Church” and the Holy Family represents it; 2. The Good Lord is calling us to the development of our interiority, “the God that dwells in our hearts”, the school of holiness taught to us by Our Lady of Fatima through the interior life developed by the children shepherds “who saw God through the eyes of Mother Mary”, participating in her beatific vision of the Most Holy Trinity; Giving us the opportunity to EVANGELIZE FIRST OUR OWN FAMILY in these days of forced sharing of our time!

During the First Saturdays that we are kept in our family homes, we will fulfil the Great Promise of the Im- maculate Heart of Mary in the following way: a. Confessing our sins spiritually to Jesus, with deep repentance and perfect contrition, as Pope Francis taught when there is no sacramental Confession available, promising to receive the sacramental Confession as soon as possible; b. Having a spiritual Communion of Reparation, with the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; c. Praying the Rosary and meditating its mysteries; d. Sharing in the company of Our Mother Mary’s solitude and making her company for 15 minutes of meditation, in addition to the reflection of the mysteries of the Rosary; Offering this to unite our family in God’s love, grace and mercy; liberating us from “the spirit of the world”. We all pray that for that day, a miracle will occur in the world. URGENCY AND ACTUALITY OF THE SPIRITUAL BOUQUET TO BE OFFERED TO OUR LADY OF FATIMA ON THE 13TH OF MAY AND THE 13TH OF OCTOBER, 2020 @WWW.WORLDROSARY2020.ORG From our homes, we can offer our rosaries, penance, masses spiritually attended through the media, adora- tion of God, prayers of consecration and devotion of the First Saturdays, to make reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, obtaining from heaven the cease of the plague, the pan- demic of coronavirus in our days! Convert and do penance “while there is still time” as Sister Lucia said many times. Stay safe and healthy from body and soul. Amen. Donations very much appreciated. Thank you so much. Kindly make checks payable In Christ and Mary Queen, to: St. Joseph Marian Center P.O. Box 472, Altamont, NY 12009 Phone: (518) 355-3897 Prof. Américo Pablo López-Ortiz Email: International President of the World Apostolate of Fatima [email protected] email: [email protected] SPRING 2020 ISSUE St. Joseph Marian Center, Inc. P.O. Box 472, Altamont, N.Y. 12009 Phone: 518.355.3897 President: Joanne O’Hara Spiritual Director: Rev. Jeffrey L’Arche, MS Return Service Requested A PUBLIC ASSOCIATION OF THE FAITHFUL

“DON’T BE AFRAID; I COME FROM HEAVEN.” MAY MARY’S “YES” BE OUR “YES” TO GOD, JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH Your donations at work @ (SJMC, P.O Box 472, Altamont, NY 12009) In these times of trial and personal reflections on what God is asking us today, we have wonderful reflections enclosed on how we can help! The Lord said, “I will refine them as silver is refined, and I will test them as gold is tested. (Zec 13:9): - A wonderful Homily from our spiritual director, Father L’Arche. - A beautiful witness/experience in Fatima, Portugal by Father Rendell Torres. - A message from our International World Apostolate of Fatima, Prof. Americo Pablo Lopez-Ortiz reflection for our times. - Articles and opportunities– campaign to join and fulfill all that Our Lady of Fatima requested in Fatima, Portugal and to con- quer evil; wars: natural like pandemics; cultural and physical wars in our times. - WE ARE ONE HOLY APOSTOLIC CHURCH IN UNION WITH 120 COUNTRIES . Let us fulfill Our Lady of Fatima’s prophesy for our salvation and believe. St. Pope John Paul II Consecrated Russia and the World on March 25, 1984. Bishop Scharfenberger and our diocese recited Father Gaitley’s 33 Day Conse- crations for 5 years. Consecrations with our diocese. Consecrate yourselves. TO JESUS THROUGH MARY. THE WHOLE WORLD IS PRAYING Our Lady of Fatima gave us Mary’s Peace Plan. In the movie “War Games,” taught internal-reflection through scripture to learn, live, and spread Our Lady of Fatima’s messages. (In Scripture) “In servitude God has not abandoned us; rather, he has … given new life to raise again the house of our God and restore its ruins.” (Ezra 9: 8-9) email: [email protected] email: [email protected]