Indian Journal of Experimental Biology Vol. 51, April 2013, pp. 273-279

Mini Review

Population genetic structure of vector stephensi Liston (Diptera: Culicidae)

S K Gakhar*, Richa Sharma & Arvind Sharma Centre for Biotechnology, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak 124 001,

Malaria is a complex disease that afflicts human today. Malaria epidemiology is associated with drug resistance in parasite and differential distribution and insecticide resistance in vector. Efforts are being made to eradicate malaria but burden of malaria is still increasing. Vector control is essential for malaria prevention strategies. Knowledge of population genetic structure is pre-requisite for determining prevention strategies, particularly using transgenic mosquitoes. Population genetic study can predict level of gene flow between different populations. Anopheles stephensi Liston is urban vector of malaria in Indo- subcontinent. About 12% of malaria cases of malaria in India are contributed by A. stephensi. Studies conducted on population genetics of A. stephensi using various markers in different parts of the world are discussed in this communication.

Keywords: Anopheles stephensi, Genetic markers, Malaria, Microsatellite, Population genetics

Introduction multilocus approach. They have corroborated the Anopheles stephensi belongs to subgenus Cellia divergence times of radiation of different species of and series Neocellia1. Anopheles stephensi Liston is Anopheles during the late cretaceous period. Further an established vector of malaria in India2, south Iran3, A. stephensi and A. annularis were placed in the same Pakistan and Afghanistan4. It is also distributed in monophyletic clad belonging to neocellia series14. , , , , South , About 12% of malaria cases in India are Myanmar, Thiland and east of . Neither it contributed by A. stephensi15. A number of efforts 5 is reported in Himalaya, Nepal and nor in have been made to eradicate malaria in different parts other parts of world. A number of studies have been of world. But burden of malaria is still increasing. carried out on this species, but till now there is no The variable epidemiology of malaria is associated evidence which indicated that this is a species with high parasitic genetic diversity, rapid evolving complex. However, three ecological variants of insecticide resistance and differential distribution of A. stephensi have been reported in all these regions. vector species. Insecticide resistance is causing Earlier these ecological variants were considered as operational problems for control programmes. 6 7 races and as subspecies . But later they were Resistance to DDT, dieldrin and malethion is reported 8 designated variants not subspecies . in A. stephensi in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arebia and Indian The three ecological variants of A. stephensi ‘type’, subcontinent16-18. In India insecticide resistance has ‘intermediate’’ and ‘mysorensis’ can be differentiated been reported in A. stephensi from Delhi, Goa, on the basis of differences in number of ridges on egg Haryana, Rajasthan and Karnataka19-23. Vector control 9-11 12 floats and on the basis of spiracular indices . The is foundation of malaria prevention strategies. Genetic ‘type’ form is an efficient vector because of its control of vector population to make them unable 11 zoophilic nature . Cross mating experiment showed to transmit the parasite is considered a better way that a definite incompatibility exists between to control malaria transmission. A comprehensive 6 A. stephensi ‘type’ and ‘mysorensis’ . But fertile knowledge of the population genetic structure of target offspring on cross mating between both forms were species and forces that generate and maintain this 8,13 also reported . Recently phylogenetic inference of structure is essentially required to access feasibility of Indian malaria vectors has also been drawn using different strategies to control malaria. Distribution ———————— pattern of malaria vector, A. stephensi and population *Correspondent author Telephone: +919896014951 genetic studies conducted in different parts of world E-mail: [email protected] using various markers have been shown in Fig. 1. 274 INDIAN J EXP BIOL, APRIL 2013

Fig. 1—Distribution pattern and population genetic studies of A. stephensi conducted in different parts of world using various markers.

A wide variety of genetic markers are available for and population genetic study. Chromosomal number population genetic study of malaria vector24. These in Anopheles is 625. Inversion polymorphism is include traditional tools and classical genetic markers widespread in Anopheles. Studies of chromosomal to highly polymorphic markers. The present review inversion are helpful in understanding the population summaries population genetic study of A. stephensi genetic structure of any species. Chromosomal conducted in different parts of world using different polymorphisms so far in Anopheles involve genetic markers. paracentric inversion. Single pericentric inversion was observed in A. pulcherrimus26. There is no Traditional markers random distribution of chromosomal inversions on Chromosomal polymorphism—Cytogenetic analysis chromosomal arms27. Maximum rearrangements are has remained a reliable tool for species identification observed on arm R of chromosome 2 in subgenus GAKHAR et al.: POPULATION GENETIC STRUCTURE OF ANOPHELES STEPHENSI 275

Cellia28. Cytogenetic maps of A. stephensi have Alozyme analysis has been used in population genetic been developed that are useful in cytotaxonomic study of A. minimus35, differentiating species groups and population genetic study29. Similarly cytogenetic and sympatric taxa of A. albitarsis, A. culicifacies photomaps of A. stephensi were developed from complex and A. flavirostrisl / filipinae36-38. salivary gland30 and ovarian nurse cells29,31. Cytogenetic Van Dreil et al.39 analyzed allozyme variability photomap is a genetic term referring to the visual at 16 loci in 11 lines of A. stephensi from Pakistan. appearance of a chromosome when stained and Six lines were field collected populations and examined under a microscope, visually distinct remaining was laboratory reared. Only six loci were regions, called light and dark bands give each found to be polymorphic. Number of alleles ranged chromosomes a unique appearance. between 1.31-1.63 and degree of polymorphism Coluzzi et al.32 reported six autosomal paracentric varied between 0.188-0.375. Population specific inversions in 10 strain of A. stephensi from India, alleles were not observed. Pakistan, Iran and Iraq. Three overlapping inversion (b, c and d) were observed on arm R of chromosome Modern markers 2, one inversion on arm L of chromosome 2 and two mt DNA—mt DNA has been the most popular inversions were observed on arm L of chromosome marker for population genetic study over the last three 3. No chromosomal inversion was observed on arm R decades. The reason for adoption of mt DNA as a of chromosome 3 and sex chromosome. A. stephensi marker is that it is easy to amplify because it appears of Delhi (India) was found to be more polymorphic in multiple copies in cell. Mitochondrial genes are than from Karachi (Pakistan). Inversion b was found strongly conserved in , no intron and very to more prevalent in all populations and inversion d short intergenic regions. mt DNA has been widely was reported only in Delhi strain. used in population genetic study due to its rapid Sixteen polymorphic inversions were reported in evolution, maternal inheritance and no recombination. Pakistani population of A. stephensi33. Previously The complete sequence of mt DNA of Anopheles is described inversion ‘b’31 and two new inversions ‘e’ near about 15500 bp long. mtDNA genome of and f’ were observed on arm R of chromosome 2. ‘c’ A. quadrimaculatus, A. gambaie, A. funestus and and ‘d’ inversions were not observed in these A. darlingi are available till date40-43. mt DNA contain populations. On arm L of chromosome 2, two genes for 2 ribosomal RNA, tRNA, ND1-6 (NADH paracentric inversions ‘c and d’ were observed. But in dehydrogenase), COI-III (cytochrome oxydase) and population of Karachi inversion‘d’ was not detected. ATP synthase. mt DNA has been utilized in Coluzzi et al.31 has not reported any inversion on 3R investigations of a wide variety of Anophelines using but in population of Karachi ‘b and c’ inversions COI-II region. But no such study has been conducted were observed on this chromosome and inversion ‘a’ using COIII sequence. was observed on the same chromosomal arm of Genetic structure of different populations and A. stephensi donated by National Institute of Malaria biological forms of A. stephensi of South Iran was Research, New Delhi. Out of nine inversions observed studied using mt DNA by Oshangi et al.44 This was on 3L, seven inversions were new and remaining the first DNA based study on Anopheles stphensi. two similar to described by Coluzzi et al32. Therefore, Mosquitoes collected from different regions of South 12 new and 4 old inversions were observed in Iran and an Indian strain (BEECH) donated from field populations. The inversions that were observed Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK were in rural population were not observed in urban analyzed. All three biological forms did not showed populations. Similarly, Subbarao34 observed 10 any inter or intrapopulation polymorphism in COI and inversions in urban population of A. stephensi in COII region. Digestion of PCR products with India while in rural population only b inversions on different restriction enzymes also not showed any chromosome 2 and inversions h1 in heterozygous polymorphism except for DraI. Restriction enzyme form in only one specimen was observed. Inversion DraI produced two haplotype A and B. Both h1 was not detected in urban population. haplotypes were observed in ‘type’ and ‘mysorensis’ Allozyme—Allozymes are allelic variants of form but ‘intermediate’ form consisted of haplotype enzymes encoded by structural genes. Allozyme are B. Indian strain (BEECH) was ‘type’ form and found cheap, easy to use, quicker to isolate and develop. to be identical in sequence of COII of mysorensis 276 INDIAN J EXP BIOL, APRIL 2013

form haplotype A of Baluchistan, Iran. They have Anopheles stephensi are clustered in a single main demonstrated that lack of geographical barriers was branch and main branch further divided into three responsible for similarity and gene flow between sub-branches. 50 different ecological forms. Alam et al. studied rDNA ITS2 and D3 sequence Ali et al.45 has also analyzed COI region of of field collected (mosquitoes collected from Mysore, mtDNA of Anopheles stephensi from Pakistan. Four Bhuvneshwar and Pondicherry) as well as laboratory haplotypes were observed but genetic differentiation colonized Indian Anopheles stephensi (type and was not observed despite of geographical distance. No mysorensis). It was for the first time that Indian such study has been carried out from any other part of population of Anopheles stephensi sequenced for the world. ITS2 locus. Size and sequence of ITS2 and D3 loci Ribosomal DNA—Nuclear ribosomal genes are the were found to be same in ‘type’ and ‘mysorensis’ largest and most ancient multigene family, occurring forms. Only one ITS2 haplotype was observed. Indian in tandem repeats, hundred or thousand of copies species of Anopheles stephensi showed 100% long. Nuclear ribosomal genes are a mosaic of sequence similarity with one haplotype out of eight variability and are therefore useful for broad range of haplotype of Iranian population. On the basis of this comparative studies. rDNA is composed of tandemly study it was concluded that ‘type’ and ‘mysorensis’ repeated transcriptional units 18s, 5.8s and 28s forms cannot be distinguished using ITS-2 and D3 loci separated by two Internal Transcribed Sequences, and Indian and Iranian strains of Anopheles stephensi ITS-1 and ITS-2, respectively. The ITS regions show are single species. high degree of variation within species as well as RAPD—RAPD markers are DNA fragments from difference between them, therefore it has great PCR amplification of random segments of genomic potential as a genetic marker in a wide variety of DNA with single primer of arbitrary nucleotide studies. ITS-2 sequence has been used to study sequence. Like other PCR based methods, RAPD is phylogenetic relationships and to distinguish closely also an efficient tool to differentiate geographically related species of mosquitoes46,47. These regions are and genetically isolated populations. RAPD proved to therefore also used as a molecular marker for be an efficient and quick method to distinguish two phylogenetic and population genetic analysis of morphologically indistinguishable malaria vectors, various species of Anopheles. Population genetic Anopheles gambaie and Anopheles arabiensis51. structure of A. darling was studied by Mirabello48 Posso et al.52 used RAPD markers to study genetic using rDNA ITS-1 and ITS-2 as marker. But, no study variations of Anopheles nuneztovari populations from appears to be conducted in A. stephensi using rDNA Western and Northeastern Colombia. Diversity of ITS-1 region. Anopheles darling was analyzed by Pinedo-Cincina rDNA-ITS2 region of A. stephensi collected from et al.53 using RAPD. Iran was analysed by Djadid et al.49 to examine the Djadid et al.49 analyzed RAPD loci along with hypothesis that A. stephensi is a single species despite rDNA-ITS2 in field population of Anopheles of its geographical range. The length of ITS2 region stephensi from Iran. Three primers AB-1, AB-4 and ranged from 466 to 468 base pairs. Based on this UBC-353 were selected for analysis. AB-1 amplified sequence Anopheles stephensi in Iran divided into region was found to be highly conserved. Two three groups and these three types of ITS2 sequence microsatellite regions (GT repeat) were found in this are due to presence of ‘type’, ‘intermediate’ and segment and this region showed 100% similarity with ‘mysorensis’ forms in Iran. Transition, transversion fme 1 gene of Drosophila, Mus musculus and Homo and single base pair insertion are responsible for sapiens. AB-4 and UBC-353 amplified regions polymorphism. It was concluded that these three types showed polymorphism in rural and urban population of sequence are due to presence of three ecological but it was unclear whether these samples belonged to variants of Anopheles stephensi in Iran. Two ‘type’ or ‘mysorensis’ form. Two microsatellite microsatellite regions (CA repeats) were also reported regions (GT repates) were observed in RAPD in the ITS2 sequence. Presence of CA repeat in ITS2 sequence. No other study seems to have been carried region resulted in longer region in Anopheles out from other parts of the world. stephensi as compared to other species of Anopheles Microsatellite—Microsatellites are simple tandem found in Iran. Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS2 repetitive DNA. These are densely distributed sequence unveiled that different populations of throughout eukaryotic genome, making them preferred GAKHAR et al.: POPULATION GENETIC STRUCTURE OF ANOPHELES STEPHENSI 277

marker for genetic analysis54,55. Microsatellite loci are population of A. stephensi locus A7 was not analyzed selectively neutral found in large number and evenly due to unscorable band and locus E12 was moderately spaced throughout genome. Microsatellite markers polymorphic. Locus G11 was highly and E7T least can be used in genome mapping, paternity analysis polymorphic in Indian population. While in and population genetic studies. Use of microsatellites population of Pakistan both loci were not studied. in population genetic study is two decade old. Since That’s why comparison of Indian and Pakistani then they are the first choice for most of population population of A. stephensi is not possible. genetic and molecular ecology study. Population genetics can be better understood by The field of population genetics and ecology has knowing the chromosomal location of microsatellite been revolutionized by the discovery of microsatellite marker with respect to polymorphic inversions. sequences56. Microsatellite DNA has become a Recently, Kamali et al.61 mapped 12 microsatellite popular tool for genetic studies of Anopheles loci on ovarian polytene chromosomes of A. stephensi mosquitoes. Up to 150 polymorphic loci have been using FISH. Ten microsatellites were mapped inside characterized for seven species in A. gambaie previously described polymorphic chromosomal complex57. Similarly, investigators have also inversions. Out of these 10 microsatellites four were analyzed population genetic structure of A. stephensi found inside the 2Rb (largest) inversion. Remaining using microsatellite polymorphism. Veradi et al.58 2 microsatellites were cytogenetically indistinguishable developed a set of 16 microsatellite markers of because they hybridized to same band. A. stephensi and also analyzed 24 individual collected Single Nucleotide Polymorphism—Single nucleotide from Northwest Frontier Province of Pakistan at these polymorphism (SNP), a variation at a single site in 16 loci. Out of 16 microsatellite loci 13 loci were DNA, is the most frequent type of variation in the found to be highly polymorphic. genome. SNP is widely used in analysis of population There are two studies on the population genetics of and species. It is also used in population genetic study of A. stephensi using microsatellite loci developed by A. gambiae62-64 and A. funestus65. But no such study has Veradi et al.58 The first is from two villages in been conducted on A. stephensi using SNP markers. irrigation zone of Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS) and one village outside the irrigation scheme in Conclusion Northwest Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan by A. stephensi urban malaria vector has been the Ali et al.45 They used seven microsatellite loci for focus of genetic studies for several years. analysis. The microsatellite loci were found to be Researchers are using a wide combination of genetic moderate to highly polymorphic. They have reported markers to examine population structure, genetic that there is no significant variation between differentiation and gene flow of this species. populations. The study indicates that negligible However, the present information is insufficient to genetic differentiation occurs within the population explain population genetic structure of A. stephensi. analyzed irrespective of geographical distance An important limitation of present studies is that between sample collection sites. these are confined to small areas. It is extremely However, the second study pertains to be from important to estimate gene flow by extending North-West India. Vipin et al.59 studied gene flow in research to other sites. Further studies should use A. stephensi across Aravalli Hills. They concluded extensive sampling of field populations in large that Aravalli hills are not working as effective barrier geographical areas. It could provide more knowledge to gene flow. Vipin et al.60 also examined the genetic of gene flow and factors that affect gene flow. One diversity and gene flow within three ecological more drawback of these studies is that investigators variants of A. stephensi in India. Low level of gene used different markers in different regions of world flow and high genetic differentiation was observed due to which comparison of data is not possible. between ecological variants. A significant negative Study using combination of traditional and modern correlation between Fst and geographical distance molecular markers will contribute to more detailed was observed among three variants which indicate understanding of population genetic structure of that distance played no role in genetic differentiation. A. stephensi. This study may serve as a basis of In population of Pakistan locus E12 and A7 were malaria control programme in those parts of world found to be highly polymorphic but in Indian where A. stephensi is main malaria vector. 278 INDIAN J EXP BIOL, APRIL 2013

Acknowledgements 18 Abai MR, Mehravaran A, Vatandoost H, Oshangi MA, Authors are thankful to the Department of Javadian E, Mashayekhi M, Mosleminia A, Piyazak N, Edallat H, Mohtarani F, Jabbari H & Raffi F, Comparative Biotechnolgy for financial assistance. We are also performance of imagicide on Anopheles stephensi, main thankful to anonymous reviewer for critical and malaria vector in a malarious area, Southern Iran, J Vector constructive suggestions on earlier version of MS. Born Dis, 45 (2008) 307. 19 Sharma VP, Sharma GK, Ansari MA, Mittal PK, Razdan RK Refrences & Batra C.P, Impact of malathion thermal fogging on population in Delhi and its place in malaria control, 1 Harbach RE, The classification of Genus Anopheles Indian J Malariol, 23 (1986) 65. 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