American Society O-F University Composers
American S ociety o-f University Composers Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference / April 1967 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF UNIVERSITY COMPOSERS Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference, April, 1967 Copyright © 1969 The American Society of University Composers, Inc. clo Department of Music, Dodge Hall C<1lumbia University New York, N. Y. 10027 Subscription Information: Proceedings of The American Society of University Composers are published annually by the American Society of University Com posers, Inc. Subscriptions are available at $5.00 per year (domestic) and $6.00 per year (foreign). Back issue rate: $5.00 per volume. Subscription requests should be addressed to: Proceedings Editor American Society of University Composers Department of Music, Columbia University New York, New York 10027, U.S.A. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF UNIVERSITY COMPOSERS Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference, April, 1967 H eld at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri in cooperation with the Department of Music, Washington University The Society gratefully acknowledges the support of THE A LICE M. DITSON F UND in assisting the publication of this volume. Founding Committee BENJAMIN BORETZ, DONALD MARTINO, J. K. RANDALL, CLAUDIO SPIES, HENRY WEINBERG, PETER WESTERGAARD, CHARLES WUORINEN National Council ALLEN BRINGS, BARNEY CHILDS, RANDOLPH E. COLEMAN (Chairman), DAVID EPSTEIN, CARLTON GAMER, LOTHAR KLEIN, DONALD MACINNIS, CLIFFORD TAYLOR Executive Committee ELAINE BARKIN, RICHMOND BROWNE, CHARLES DODGE, WILLIAM HIBBARD, HUBERT S. HOWE, JR., BEN JOHNSTON, JOEL MANDELBAUM, RAOUL PLESKOW, HARVEY SOLLBERGER Editor of Proceedings HUBERT S. HOWE, JR. CONTENTS I Proceedings of the 1967 Conference Part I: Sung Language 9 PETER WESTERGAARD Sung Language Part II: Performance Pr.oblems 39 MELVIN STRAUSS Performance Problems in Contemporary Music 42 JoEL CHADABE Performing Problems 45 FRED COULTER Simplification of Complex Musical Structures 48 CHARLES WUORINEN Comment on Fred Coulter Part III: Professional Colloquium 51 PAUL A.
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