WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 194^ rAGB TWBKtX iJJanr^pBtpr goyttittg .\Yflragfl Dail^ N «t Prcflfl Ron retosast 2*C a^ wills* r*r the MowMi *f Nevenber, ItM Robert Palmer, son at M r. and lUacUng Brothera, Bornum and It was kMonreetly atatad last Rala. ekangtag to mam teteilite* Balloy clrcua company hat an­ evening that the application of Mrs. Edwin Palmer of 540 Parker 9 ,6 3 5 aing and eading by lato 6MliW) About Town nounced Itj Intontlon of dividing Arturo Qremmo for permission to street, who recently enlisted In' the l E u r t t i n g Friday (air and OMKh eelgw Wfli conduct a pony rides ring and 1100,000 for tho year 1948 to the Marines, has left for training at Maatess sIR m^Am^ today. ^ w n y claimants resulting from the miniature golf course at 8U Mid­ Utm. S. ORl o f I M m i l l atroot, Parris Uland, B. C. HU brother dlsastroua lire a few yean ago. dle Turnpike, east, .^.yrss denied Haleys January White Sale! Manche$ter-~-^4 City o f Village Charm Rodo'Ui*. WM Mu 1tl^uMr:o^tte 1

MANt'HRSTER E V E N I N G HGRAL.U. MANCHESTER. CONV.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1P4S MANCHtlSTLK LVEMNU HKKALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1948 teUtSiiil % «J E T rO ii-'- Assisi church met and completed Would-Be Robber Flees en «1B bs taosd 9a affiglt BoMfS New PremicI* Margolin Bids details for the pariah setback European Aid I have a dollar deficit ranging n^ek for all state employes, In­ state’s office. The bill would trans­ 1948 Is CkMliv Probers'Get party which la to bs bald Jan. 15, from 81.000,000,000 to 88.000^00,- When Woman Screams 000 la 1962. Raise in Pay cluding InsUtdtional workers, and fer the jurisdiction of the Common Saturday evening. adjustments In the state merit Pleas courts to the Superior court. bet's Take Inventory of For Freedom David and Raymond Frink, sona Figures Cut Both neat year's plan and the system act and ^ the retirement Henchel said that he bad flle t V ■* 1 OH— "1 want a bottle ■ o f Sinn, Milford attorney. •ENOS TDDAT lanova CbUe^, Penns., for the olives,” the young man told Coopsratlog adaitaiatraUam tor use Flrat ftlancbeater Showtag Seeks Release From Rffffuests for Marshall when ths EGA goas betors tbs U. * DVMM Hartford, Dec. 80— W — A pay tVoiild Abolish Common Pleas Chambers Diacloaea New holiday vacation. Storekeeper Mrs. Stanley MMir AVA MCa N o accidents and no traffic ar- S. Congress for its next appropri­ raise of $M0 a year for all auta Soap was a highly expensive iMmM * Federal Correctional TroJaneki. Plan Help Trimmed to ation. Hartford, Dec. • 80—(/P>—Aboil- item until 1^00 when a French ■muresu Names Regarding Red reste were reported bT Dm State S m fetched the bottle of r r t t f i q r employea will ba ui»ad when the $4,300,000,000 KMaaa Kcw T«M^ tkMi of the Courts of Common scientist discovered soda could be irmcti WHILE DINING AT Spying 10 Years Ago Institution at Danbury poUcu during the Christmas holi­ oltvoe,^took 81 from the young MatlMM rw rtlt-al IMS General Aaaembly foea into Pleas la sought in a bill filed by made .from common salt and by day. ' man and started to ring up ■ ------« M anchester's Pidno^n M «n m 4 IM wm OMmte aeaaion next week. Rep.-Elect Charles Henchel of New his research made soap available ’ JjihV. . Haven, Dec. 80.—<#)— ' W ra ltobart Boassn o f Main the 82-cent sale yesterday. Paris, Dse. 30.— Far Toj The legialatlva program of the Dining Room Saquiel Margolin, 42, Brooklyn, for Marriiall plan aid for 1949-00 Distributor fo r.. N a H o M f ly A p $ in v * 4 n i m Connecticut fitate Employes Asso­ taker Chambera mat with Repra- H ^ l t e L screamed. He fled. N. T h textile manufacturer, Who wers trimmed yesterday to about OONNBCnuUT a m ciation, featuring pay boost HENIE aentatives Mundt (R-8D) -and Still clutched In his band • S O H M r a CI I€^ the PLDSi Gene AiHn la of Distinction Pilgrim Youth Fellowahlp 84,300,000.000. T A LLB T IF I wm s UNO” proposal, was mads public yester­ PLUS: ‘HHnni Of ^dare” ”LAST ROUND-Uir Nixon (R-Cal) on Chambars* is being held in the Federal.Cor­ sra sponsoring a Sunday evening waa the bottle o f olives. That figure U about $700,000,- MEMOBIAL o a O l t k R o m M C « l c f i i M day by .Bernard .H. .McCusker, rectional institution at Danbury movie night Jan. 28. Main feature sun clutched In her hand •GULBRANSCN This EveiUng Maryland farm yeataiday and was his 78 cents change. P1.CII executive director. under oath dlsclos^ new names for non-payment of a $170,000 "Beyond Our Own" (a recent 000 isos than waa used in the first t— C'«l«r C Brtixxi*—« Still aearching for tee men a. SsMb WkMaor •WURLITZER Other m a jir proposals seek In­ and more detailed Information fine, has made another bid fo r Protestant Film Oommisalon Re- ftm r o f the European recovery today were Pottstown polios. Rwttofd s-een mm4 a m g R ft a ______corporation liito basic salary RAY’S connected with espionage actlvltlee freedom In the Federal court here. Isass), "One World Or None,” ear- program. It also represents a •HARDMAN schedules of tne "temporary*' cost- and A D RIA y playing at the Hammond Organ toons for ths children and others. smaller amount than was original­ MaMdwntsr aess rnMy At In' the government' 10 years ago, Twice before the prisoner has of-llvlng pay adjustments granted Til'? Baltimore Fun aaid today. sought release through a writ of Come and bring your family. ly dUctused on the basis of Indi­ e iMitarfii^MilBrovoOs CMitlNMM Tim MMniRlit RESTAURANT Plan To Celebrate New Year's vidual requests. "tlatiter S^aMrMi"

M A M IIK SrtIK EVE.S^*N(; MEKALU. MA.N( HESTER. CONN„ THURSDAY, DECEM BER 80, 1 9 4 t PAAil!. KOLH MANCHESTER E\"EN1NG HERALD, IIANCHESTER. CONN,. THURSDAY, DECEMBER SO, 1048 pAGitnyiSif -L Below Zero Elliiigtpii Ives Desired Violence Breaks Out on Picket Line Meeting Held South Coventry Rail Industry Mrs. PMdtos Uttls Layoffs Seen Slashed Wrist Manchester Joint Meeting [ Open* Offifje Here Tough Selli^ Punch Given Mrs. M. C. Abom On Committee By Red Cross I Ex. riwns 9BI »WI Covsntry Owls dsfssted ths An- Case Closed Date Rtfok This Evening S^n by Ford Dies ill Ellington McGrath Hopes Repab* Board of Directors Re­ dovsr hsskstball tesm Tussdsy CheMpeake and Ohio Winter Hit* Snow Belt night 136-88 st ths auditorium of Tonight ceive Vvious Reports Official Expects AH Jo in t' meeting Town School In MIdweet; Quick Ellington. Dec. M.—(Special to lioans Will Keep Sen­ the Nsthsn Hale Commtmlty Cen­ Elliott Koosevelt Re* Town Committee and Buyers* Market Not Far The Herald)—Mrs. Melissa Cran­ For October Month Railroads to Be Hit JPIanning Oomniittee and Board of Recovery It Forecast dall Abom, wife of • Harry O. | ator on I.^bor Group ter. Bob Brebaut scored hlgb^OT I ------pliefi to ^Accusations Education. Municipal building at Education Board to Away and WiR Be Abom, died early this morning at | the locate with 61 polntai C.' Harris 8. Washington, Dec. 30.—(/Ti— The Board of Diractorfi of tha Kn^n> acorad 86. For the Andover Cleveland) Dsc. 80—(/F)—A sen­ And Insinuations* Tomorrow DiscuM New Schools corned by CompiRy (ihlMfo. D*e. 80—'e>—winter her home on Somers road. Elling­ ior vice president of tha Chesa­ ton, following a long Illness. Democratic Senator McGrath iR. ManchasUr CSiapUr, American team, Eddla Tosmana waa high Annual New Year’s Party. landed a below aero punch to the Etom November 16. 1886, in Tol- I.), said today he hopes G.O.P. Rad Cross, met Tuaaday avsnlng with 14 points. The game waa peake and Ohio railroad says the Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. Dec. 30— American Legion. Tonight the Joint meeting of the Detroit, Dec. SO—(O—Optimtem (MANCHESTER midweat enow belt todaj?, Federal land.'the daughter of the iatc Ed- leaders can find a way to keep Re- In th6 Chapter office, with 18 iilayed In fifteen-minute quarters, entire rail Industry wlU experience (jP)—BUIlott Roosevelt has made New Year’s parly, British Town School Planning Committee to expressed by Henry Ford n in torecaatere. however, promised wln and Mary Rounds Crandall, publican Senator Ives «cAU8e a third member,' ures were released. Superior court received a com' the Board of Education incorpor­ ter stt^ L in the area meaeured from 8 in- j Robinson of Choteau, Montana ter First Aid course will start on vr.catlon at the home of her par­ has made so many accusations and ated features more coatly than de­ tion of an entriely new line of ears ‘AR.MOUR’S STAR, GENUINE 'TOP QUALITY, FOREQUARl "^ e N o\e^ Insinuations. I came here to clarify manded by the needs of the town. Mount Hermon School in Maasa- Standard First Aid certificate. more of High street. Marshall aatd "the main cause the situation and to put to rest in­ machlpery in a Wallingford silver­ The Princeton street school plana the changeover “the high point ' BONED. ROLLED lb Mias Hannah Jenacn aatd tliat A membership drive for the Aux­ chuaetts and of the College of the year." over other sections. j wlU be open Saturday *5^**’^ " j seniority rule, the axe would Crying that her'leg had been broken, Christine Walker, local union Is a decline In busjjiess volume sinuations that she (his wife) ware factory. were changed in order to permit Osteopathy and Surgery at Kirks- IF DESIRED The storm, dissipating in inten-1 Md evening for friends^who catch both Ivea and Senator Jen-' president and a leader of the Young Progresstvea of America, was plana are under way for a Nutri­ ilary of the Green-(%ol>ot Peat, AL which began In November," Point­ tried to commit suicide, that the Judge Patrick B. O’Sullivan or­ larger window area. ^ The company spent approxi­ LAMB tion course for Girt Scouts. waa the chief topic under discus­ vllle, Missouri. He has been aaso- mately 8100.000.000 re-designing slty. moved over weslera N w ue held I (tnd.l. Ivca could eUy only if ! arrested on the picket line at the Great Lakes Mutual Life Insurance ing nut that the C A O was a coal­ wound waa aelWnfllcted or that dered William and Frank Prelaner, It has )>een learned that even c ia t^ with the Osteopathic Gen­ LEAN, TENDER, RIB CUTS. FRESH Toric and Penitjivania this morn­ Conerceatlonla ! ol^er Republican with great-' company In Detroit. Police said she had not been Injured but that Volunteer Services sion by ths unit following a Joint carrying road, he declared it load­ some one else may have Inflicted doing buaineaa aa the Wallingford with a redrafting of the Olcott Its Ford. Lincoln and Mercury ing. The Volunteer Services report Christmas party Monday evening ed only 3,560 coal cars Tueaday eral hospital St Providence, Rhode models this year and Fold said no chureh S u n d ara t three I ^ sonloHty yielded hla placcT »he attacked a conj^pany employe and broke the ginoaes of Sgt. Rae It," Silver company, to appear Jani 11 atreet plana, no tremendous sav­ Island, as a member of the staff. lb There was lots of rain .viong the Rev. John Miller,rps driv­ the hall In North Coventry follow: The Sl-year-old Miss Emerson machinery and air or pneumatic Its moniey. He has stated, however, located at the corner of East Cen­ probsbi.v would not be very great. falling In parts of western Wash­ Hall on Wednesday night at 8 property tax exemption granted by ers, 691s hours; three Production Women’s 1st, Mrs. Willard Green; and Poland are mining more coal. ter street and Cobum Road, from o'clock and will be "Retiring Offi­ tee post. j statute even though they were "They aren’t going to buy It (niffered the cut early Sunday fol­ hammers. that,; changed features should re­ The Ford company expanded Its HAMBURG ington and western Oregon. Tem­ Center Notes and Supply workers, 76 hours; 2r.d. Mrs. Ruth Bey; 3rd, Mrs. Rose T. J. Crockett, local real estate cers'’ night which Past Master One reason the Democrats want] not residents of Connecticut at the here If they can satia^ their owm lowing a family diristm as gath­ The nine plaintiffs are Jo)m ceive very careful consideration. steel production in 1948 and plans LEAN. MILD SUGAR CURED TENDER peratures along the Pacific coast Ives retained is that he' led a auc-' November, one Administration Parizeau of Stafford; .men’s 1st. ering at the couple’i Hyde Park HIntz, Nicholas and Elizabeth Soes, As an example, he cited the case broker. further enlargement. However. and in the Ro<%y mountain states Frederick Hcmmcler will be ebair- time they entered service. In prov worker, 20 hours; two Arts and Willard Green; 2nd, S. C. AapiO' needs." Marshall added. "I don’t cesjful fight in the 80th Congress Holders of World W’ar II Army ing eligibility veterana miut ha\x! think we’ll export any coal to Eu­ home. Josephine Psreti, Llerato Distasio, of a single corridor being used at FOrd said the company still does lb were around normal. man of the program. A social to keep certain union-restricting Skills workers. 39H hours; 18 wall; 3rd, Clayton Andrews; spe J. D. Kenny, Valenti Chizonoaki, one point instead of a large double not expect to be able to nroduce hour will be enjoyed and refresh­ decorations may obtain diploma- recorded their dlacbarged papers. dais, Mrs. Warfield and Walter rope in three years." Bight StHchca Token Some cold air and a few snow provisions out of the Taft-Hartley type certificates attesting to During the past year some veter' Gray Ladies, 112 hours; two So­ Regarding passenger curtail­ Roooevelt aatd he, his brother, John Evan and Hugo Giuppone. corridor. Thia single corridor lay­ Barkley Ends more than half iU toUl steel flurries hit Memphis, Tenn., Louis­ ments will be served. law. • cial Welfsrs Aides, 7>,i hours; six Green. out cut down the required roof needs. DAISY HAMS awards by writing' direct to Adju­ ments, he said the line would con­ ville, Ky., and Elkins, W. Va. Ellington streets are once more ans have been denied the benefit Motor Corps drivers, 60 i~t hours; Franklin D„ Jr., and Dr. H, Sher­ coverage area, which results In LEAN. SHORT SHANK. SMOKED down to mother earth, but in caae Also, the Democratic platform tant General, Department of the of tax exemption because they solidate two of its George Wash­ man Hirat of Hyde Park took her European Visit He said a tight steel suppl.v, the Highest reading on yesterday's calls (or repeal of the law. And 23 Production and Supply workers, ington. trains and reaort trains savings. Considerations of similar Ehiropean relief program and pos­ weather map was 78, at Jackson­ of freezing weather traveling will Army, Washington 26, D. C. Eli­ were not residents of the State at 218H hours. In tbs two months, to a Poughkeei^e hospital, where Four Pheasants nature arise in all sorts of plan­ be dangerous BO drive with caution Ives has Indicated a willingneaa to gible decorations with nearly a the time of induction into service. New Year’s Eve from Chicago to Detroit would b« eight jOtltchea were taken In sible defense reouirements mlrht lb ville, Fla. go along, provided it ia replaced 14 knitted garments, and 88 aewn ning, he aaid. Paris, Dec. 30—(/P)— Vice Pr«8i- hold down the 1949 output of the being thoughtful of the other million awarded are: DlaUngulshed Such veterans should consult the garments were completed. cut from six to three weekly next wound. Given Shannon House stated that he feele the drivers aa well as your own life. immediately with a substitute sta­ Service Ooss, Sliver Star, Legion local tax officials for possible re summer. “Her Injury was minor," eald dent-elect Alben W, Barkley left industry. SHOULDERS tute embracing what he calls the D. Lloyd Hobron was introduced At the Citadel big object Is being accomplished, for Washington in a U. S. Army It is far better to reach your des­ of Merit, Diattngulshed Fyling fund. as chairman of the 1949 Fund In Philadelphia, a Pennsylvania Roosevelt, "and her life waa never and that is to get a vigorous and MILD AMERICAN. RICH. CREAMY, SMOOTH Bulk of Estate good features of both the Taft- Cross. Soldier’s Medal. Bronze railroad spokesman said the line— in danger.” Hartford, Dec. ]L-(q>)—Gover­ plane late last night after an tination alive and a little late than Hartley act and the old Wagner Drive, and Mrs. Katherine Bourn 30 enthusiastic citizens' group at work eight-day tour of Europe. have the ambulance or the under­ Star and Air Medal. Requests for Books, supplies and equipment aa publicity chairman of the Drive. Special ^ a tc h Night Services one of nation’s largest—“te not Both Roosevelt and his wife i^ d nor Shannon "bagged" four pheas­ on the actual school building. Contractor Loses taker finish the trip for you. , act. certificates should Indicate num­ fumiahed veteran trainees or stu will be held at the Salvation Army planning any reduction in peraon- after the accident that she had Secretary of Air Stuart W. Left in Trust The Republican leadership, how­ Mrs. Richard Alton was introduced Citadel, New Year’s Eve, sponsor­ ants today. But he didn’t shoot The Joint group meeting to­ Symington, who also was aboard, Ibe young folks of the com­ ber, dat", hofd^uarters of general dents at government expenae may aa the representative of the ReS hel" in the immediate future. accidentally cut her wrist on a night will hear the recommenda­ CHEDDAR CHEESE "’ 59^ ever, may not care to go out of ed by the older young people of the. them. told a U. S. embassy officlsl when munity who are home from col­ Orders originally awarding decora­ be retained by them if they com' . loose razor when reaching inside tion of the sub-committee, and ia Payroll of $600 Bridgeport, Dec. 30—i/F)—Carl its way to keep Ives on the com­ Cross from Bolton. local Corps, with Major Arthur a drawer for some aspirin. They were presented to him the plane took off he expected to RINDLESS FRESH SLICED lege for the holidays enjoyed a mittee. tion, and enclose copies of general plete the course of training for The chaiiman appointed a com­ scheduled to approve a sketgh for H. OracBScr, vies president of Mnn- get-together at the Congregation­ orders snd complete citations if which the equipment waa issued Bamford . of Hartford as guest After questioning Roosevelt ready for the oven—the gift Of arirve about noon or 1 p. m., nJng, Mgxwell A Moore, Inc., who For one thing, he refused to sign mittee for revision of the By-lsws speaker. . . Fliers ‘Happy’ yesterday, Grady said "there has Olcott street that will rapidly be Washington time. Derby, Dec. 30— Fred Smith, al social rooms Wednesday night. available. Next-of-kin may obUin If e veteran fails to complete e oonsisttng of Charles Crockett, the Connecticut Game Breeders’ developed into a full plan by March died December 18, left the bulb of a G O P majority report calling course because of fault on his part, The first service will commence been no violation of the law" and association. The presentation waa The plane's passengers Included r erhy building contractor, re­ John Luchok, 60, of this town for some changes in the Taft- certificates for posthumous Dr. Eugene Davis and Mrs. T. E. 1, at which time bids are to be his estate in trust for his wife, was bound over to the January awards. he may be required to return any at 9 a. m. with special music by the Over Rescue "the Investigation Is terminated.” made at the governor’a office asked. Lieut. Gen. W. Bo OLEO 29>' accused of striking John Roman, which follows the theme of aasociation’s drive to popularize registered mall from an out of a. m. lined up against Senator Taft (R., alize bonus eligibility must pass Referee Denies Military Aid to New York for promised leave. day. Dept. Standings Banking Dean to Retire LEAN, CHUNKS OF BACON 76, of thia town with the blunt end two more hurdles, the 1949 legis % "Falthi” win be show at this serv­ “The rescue team deseiyea an **Pemecurion" diarged pheasants for food as well as aport: town bank and laid the parcel on Pending the flUng of an inven­ of an Sxe Christmas eve about 6 Ohio) and Joined the Senate com­ ice. New Britain, Dec. 30— a table with his other mall while tory, no aceurate eatimate of the mittee Democrats last year. Taft lature and voters of 1949 general Contempt Move Part of Plan awfid lot of credit," Haynes aaid. Roosevelt asserted a “partial Governor Shannon’s verdict on The town water and sewer de­ lb p.m. but it was not made known election. Amendment would elim­ From 10:15 to 11:15 there ivil) be "Lt. Gpl. Etnil M. Beaudry, who segment" of the press, which he the gastronomtcal merits of roast William R. Attwobd. dean of local he talked to a friend. He said he extent of the estate could be ob­ to the authorities until Saturday headed the labor unit and is ex­ partment budget standing for the bankers, will retire as chairman then got into hla car and drove tained. pected to continue aa a Senate G inate exacting eligibility’ require­ a time of fellowship In the Young flew the rescue plane, was up Identified as the Heart and Mc­ pheasant is expected after his term August 15 to November 30 BACON S Q U A R E S when Roman was taken to the People’s auditorium where light of the board of the New Britain towards Shelton where he has men Real estate, aecurities and insur­ O P leader. Hence the Ohioan will ment of New York residence by Bridgeport, Dec. 30— re­ (Continued from Page One) there with me on a similar mis­ Cormick papers, had used the story Sunday dinner. shows a total 884,939v27 expended ance poUeiea, it was auggested, Roekvllle City hospital for treat­ veteran at time of application for quest that Mrs. Margaret Roblng- refreshments will be scr\'ed. sion last summer when we-were of his wife’s injury to "persecute" Trust Co. on Jan. 18, 1946, after working. Half way there he real­ ment. have a big eay in determining The second service will com­ since the start of the fisesd year 42 yean as president and chair­ ized he had left his mail on a table ARMOUR'S might appraiat at a total of |100,> whether Ives stays. bonus. ton, of Trumbull, be held in con­ materials art available to supply preparing for Just such a situa­ him and some members of hla fam­ out of an appropriation of 8221, The accused pleaded not guilty tempt for failure to appear in mence at 11:15 p. m., and will be a ily. man. He win continue to serve in the post office lobby and sped MINCED HAM QUALITY (KM. to the charge and In Jefault of them? . „ candlelight service; Major Barn- tion." Probate Court’s 861.60. During that same period as president of the Burritt Mutual back. , lb The will, drawn March 4, this Veterans holding unused certifi­ Bankruptcy court today was de­ Undersecretary of State Lovett The Chicago Tribune, edited and revenues amounted to 881,639.74. ytar, sets up a trust of tha major bonds of 85,000 he was taken to nied by Referee Saul Berman. picked the SUte department’s le­ ford will speak and there will be publlAed by Col. Robert R. Mc­ Savings bank. He has been a The parcel containing the 8600 Tolland Jail. cates of cllglbllty for GI Bill edu­ The request for a citation of con­ special music. It is estimated that revenue of banker for 61 years. had vanlehed. Smith eald. By The Piece rtion of the estate with Arthur Truiiiaii Back cation or training l.s8ucd before gal adviser. Bmeat A. Oroaa, to Arrival of Fliers Cormick, had no comment on the Ruling Appealed 8230,000 will accrue during the E Comlsy. of the law Arm of The State Board has announced tempt was made by Lawrence underUke the task. Gross is the Cadet Beverly Russell who Is statement BOLOGNA tha^ ice fishing at Crystal Lake September 1, 1948 and who plan to Brody, trustee of Mrs. Robington’s now attending the Salvation Army In New York Delayed A apokeaman for The New York present fiscal year. Pullman and Oomlay, as trustee, to department’s officer directly re­ Of the totals the sum of 8179,- pay Income and aa much of the will be allowed from January 1 On Job Again enter esUU. when her counsel. sponsible for drafting legislation College in New York, will also par­ New York, Dec, 30—iJPi— The Daily News said the story "was Nevv Haven, Dec. 30—(/F)—Two through 16 inclusive and January Janua^ 1. 1M9 should im m e d l^ j 'TheodoM nJ.* Stelber, requested a arrival here of a party of fliers beneficiaries of the estate of the 422.12 wras budgeted for the water prtndpal as may ba necaasary for ly exchange VtsATVi them /At*for nteWnew TVnPtype - * . 7 . . . . to be laid before Congress ticipate in the Service. reported os it would have been re the support of Mrs. Graesaer. The 17 through February 9 Inclusive on trontlnued from Page One) postponement and explained that Much preliminary work on all The public is invited to sll-eve­ including aome of those rescued in ported in the cose of any other late Dr. Royal W. Pinney, Derby depariment and up to November Nationally Known Groceries Saturday and Sundays only. Ssdd’s certificates. After that date ex­ she was 111 with a cold and had left ning activities. Greenland has been delayed until person.” The News Is .published physician, have appealed to Su­ 30 869,762.79 hori been spent. For trustee la dlraetad to bo liberal tent of entitlement for training of the foreign aid proposals has al­ In his payments and Is not lim­ Mills pond will be closed to Ice DC-6 "Independence" hovered at for Virginia to recuperate. ready bem done by the State de­ tomorrow an Air Force spokeaman by The News Syndicate Company, perior court from a ruling of the the sewer department 842,439.48 ited in any degree, the will saya fishing dqring the 1948-49 season. 10,000 feet in the soupy skies any vet enrolling with an old cer­ Referee Berman ruled that be­ partment, the Economic Coopera­ said today. Inc., on affiliate of The Tribune Derby Probate court. was budgeted and 815,186.48 At Rock Bottom tificate must under new Veterans cause the hearing scheduled today He added that even the oched- Company, which Is headed by Colo­ The Probate court recently ap­ was spent. GRANT’S Last-Day- except that he khall not aell the above nearby Mt. Vernon, waiting Administration techninuea be veri­ tion administration and the mili­ FOR THAT NEW YEAR’S PARTY Pe«iuet avenue house without Mrs. for a chance to let down through had been postponed from last tary establishment Their eeparste ToUaud nled arrival tomorrow abouM be nel McCormick. proved their pro-rata share of a In the water department among Graesser’s consent snd then only fied by Veterans Administration JTjursday at his request, because efforts ai^ now to be combined Into qualified by "weather permitting-” Officials of the Hesrst papers Federal estate tax assessment of the larger expenditures were 817,- Sumatra Oil the fog blanketing Washington. before tuition and subsiatenewMv- 000 for bond 'payment; 813.831.M be provide another home for her. Below the "Independence" were of his illness, today waa not, tech- a single set of proposals expected The mcti-opolltan area had rain could not be reached for com 8180,657.10 levied against the es- LIBBY'S TOMATO JUICE lO e ments mav be made..and (he *et- '■'nlcally, the hearing date. to include these; Rev. William Moe selected for and low-hanging clouds today but ment. • tate. for distribution mains and 86,' Fields Seized stacked three rommerclal airlin­ emns Administration will assign ' his Sunday morning service "The 250 for bon—The Despite the speed of the Dutch The “Independence" could have 1940, quietly at his Tolland home. TUNA FISH SOLID MEAT CANS $1.00 advances, news rorrespondents\nd trntonard and sister Miss Mary ROASTINi; ' 2 7 e The plant manufactures knives, The commission is made up of "I wouldn’t have come In If it | 3, 1960 applies eaually to surviving navlum today, Leonard. White Eagles...... 2.236 .16" Wide ARROWHEAD PAMOUS-IU'Y A CASE ONLY 98e forks and spoons. j China with any reasonable as- Mr. and Mrs. Albert TlioinforUe’ Bon Amt ...... 2.231 the consuls general of Australia, were dangeroOe,” he told newsmen j next-of-kln. that Is, ^11-, okawa'orikinally waa one of the Bistance wfilch the military situa­ Chickens Belgium, China, France, Britain and daughter, Leah, have spent Yourkahots 3XXX ...... 2.230 afterward. " It was a routine let-1 dren and parents In that i defendants in the trial which re­ tion In China appears -to Justify the Christmas holidays with rela­ Drive In Any lime I-arsen's Feed and Hardware 2,230 3 bS ^ 2 5 c and the United States. Thep will down procedure which commercial Under the extension, survivors of ^j,e )ianging of 'Tojo and within the next few months. SODAS and GINGERALES. meet again tomorrow, tives in Larchmont, N. Y., and Deliveries Friday Morning Schendel Oil Service ...... 2,224 ALL FAMOUS 5c BARS—BOX OF 24 ONLY 98e uirlincs are doing someplace every vett-ans entitled to apply but who ; others. He waa declared in- Hose Co. No. 1 ...... 2,218 PersoQMl NDlires j The United Nations Good Of- day in the yeA~.” failed to do so before the prior slapping incident . Bees committee, a second interna- Mr. and Mrs. Ehncry M. enough ROGER OLCOTT Moriarty’s Painters...... 2.206 Unbleached Muslin 2 5 c yd. I Could Have Flown to Key West deadline of February 3. 1946. may: week, 24 hours after ToJo- Historic Newhall spent entristmas Day with Mr. Coughlin's Service Station 2.180 6 FOR 2 5 c I tional group here observing the In any real emergency, he said, 408 West Center SliMt .19" Wide CANDY BARS Card _____of Thanks ' progress of Di tch military actlv- now apply, J’V I "'as executed. Okawa waa among and Mrs. Chester Clough In New Hose Co. No. 2 ...... 2,168 fsawwacMacatwsaafSiillpiaMisKatwiasKaiiMiMsifsaflBSUSKauiMHiMf he could have flown all the way to fore the new deadline. February 3. j an^ged war criminate whoae E l l joys Oil Boom London, 0>nn. Telephone 7868 Vaillant'o A ll-Stars...... 2,164' W« wish t. espres. our heartfelt j ‘‘y*" Key West. Fla., Mr. Truman’s , 19.60...... surviving eligible next-of- cleared In... -a - gentral------Mrs. L. R. Ladd spent the holi­ Case Broad Leaves...... 2.112 T K jj thanks to our reistiTM, frlmds snd! Pc*** attache tt had nothing fur- favorite vacation spot. 1 kin have the right to H®"’ nranrstv order by. Gon. Douglaa day with relativea and friends in Hartman'a ...... 2,033 - neighbors for their sympsthy and' ther to report. ■As the president stepped out of i ever if the Ilvint eligible vctcraii \fneArthur. Newhall. Calif.. Dec. 30 — ilFh-i Merz B arbers...... 1,941 Stock Up At These Low Prices Utidnese at tha time of our rrcnit be- Historic NewhalL site of one of Meriden, Conn. reareraeet the sudden death of our the plane, a reporter said: fails to apply before the new 'lead- yiembera of Okawa'a family ap- Mr. and Mrs. John Abom spent FACIAL husband sad father. ^Arthur E. Mc­ "Wo ve been worried down j line dale, his rights expire anil his asylum today and the first gold diacoveries in Cali- tha week-end with relativea In Flannel |C yd. B O X O F e % e - Cann. We would eapeclally thank all Museum Seeks here.” survivors are hen barred. took him' to hla home In * Tokyo fomle. In 1842. Is enjoying an oil Southbridge, Mass. DOVALETTES TISSUE ' 500 a OC who sant kaautlful floral tributes, loan- "Oh, is that eo7 " grinned suburb. Under Japanese law per boom. Mrs. Luella McCarthy of North Carburetors While, 27” Wide ad their ean. or in any way assisted It started when oil was struck IT’S PURE us In our hour of sorrow. Tax Exemption i Truman. ''I’ve been asleep With the filing of 1948 income ^ go,,, held to be Insane may be re­ Brookfield, Moss., is a guest of her COMPLETE I there.” lax returns veterana should re- ] leased iiny time the doctor in at about 5.500 feet In the town’s sqn, Eugene McCarthy and wife. WANTED Mrs. Bdna M. McCann snd ions, member that suhaUtence 'allow- charge decide.s they have regained residential district two ^Vetica aga James Burke, Jr., is a holiday SERVICE SWEETHEART TOILET SOAP 3 2 5 c Donald, Roderick and Olenn. Hartford, Dec. S0—(/P) — Trua-, ant es paid by the Veteran.s Admin thelr faculties. The well flowed at an estimated recess gpi^at of his parents. Mr. FULL FLAVOR, FULL VALUE tees of the Hill-Sted museum, i tt.v rw k iial l l i 'f 'O n o istralion to those in oducalional Alva C. Carpenter, chief of the 1,500 to 3,000 barrels daily of 42.6 and Mrs. James Burke, Sr. James AT In Memoriam gravity oil, near the best ever dis­ Farmington, have an action pend-1 or on-lhc-Job training are not con- Allied Legal section, said no fur- covered In California. is a student at M. I. T. Carpenters NEW PRESSURE PURGE METHOD LB. ing In the Court of Common Fleas VS a u t a s I

VjlUyN. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 80, 194S . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3U, 1V8« V a c e s ix mambor o f tha Armed Sendees street la fnmt of hla horns start­ Bcwlaaf Inauguration on UnM, that commlttoe, wrhich waa asked by ■ atUtude la automaUc. HlUcr, in ed doom tlte Incline and crashed Demoomta agree to pass MUa to membera of tha United Nations Will Produce the Navy to approve the transac­ t o U N I ^ U l i Throngs Visit Held Rival Leaders hia day, alao sought to dertroy all Rockville through the in n fanoe at High and elarlfy tba alactlcn laws an d pco* collecUvely aaaemblcd. that tha tion. BaMwlnw aldaa aald that Vida for aa automaUc roeount religion, with one pretext after Brooklyn ateoate d io n n ^ about IVTIO— IM Totlay'f Radio *gg-'»!; Dutch would never have thought barring Objection by a oommlttae wbanevar a sUta elacUon Is aa another, because he too was try­ four feet wfMi obOTt n fiMt of Engines Again .State Parks P la ^ e e tin g MmtcH £nettitt0 ^eralb of beginning their “aggreaalon." member. Chairman Oumay (R* ■aatoni ataadarS Tima rioaa as was the November ctic. fence being BD) will approve tha lease on Jah. ! 8 H But the blunt truth la that the ing to create a way of life In Dimes Drive Such an agreement aaid Bald­ be 10. / win, "might pava the way to solu­ Dutch considered themselves not which the human aoul should The Beople’b S a v C Bnnk and U BtaMlI itrM t Navy Reveals Produc­ The plant, conatatihg o f a fac­ 018:80— More Than 2,500,000 Inauguration of Bowlea tion te tha 1948 eteeUon dispute Package DaHva^ the poeaeeslon o f the state. the Savings Bank of Boekvaia will only militarily free to begin their tory and office building, a parfon- WDRC-Jamaa HUton. Plans Ready be open this ovenlng from 8 to tion to Be Resumed V. DRC—Hint Hunt; Maws, Persons in Attendance On Sdhedule to Be and assure tha InauguraUon te Mr. t h o u a b Men have always eventually nal building and five minor struc- w eexj—Hartford PoUca Speak; WONS—Thin Man. Bowles on Jan. 5." He addad, bow- operation, but also morally free to T;80 p. aa. andvbe clooad odi m d a y WAIKINS Light Trucking □ Pr*«.. Tr»M.. 0«n • “ •‘■U f* fused to live under that kind turas on a 40-aera site, waa turned Big Brother BilL W TH T— GhUiTa Worid. H aver, that tha final dactsioa fo r p-Ncw England Note­ lld O — Stnct. Cony ...... 'o, been named chairman of ,ha March ; AU of 1M8, as . far as I know The plant, which cost the gov­ one of the most akjllful balancera for about ona*haIf the amount the tbe Republican and Democratic Workly. by i;«rrifr ...... * Yankee ^ now, I abaU atUl oolloct for ahut- book. WDRC—Newa on all statlona city o f Hartford apenda annually Sab., il't'iorrcl. Orp. Teif .....Jiaou sian situation affects their own of Dlmaa campaign for Tolland | ernment 88.900,700, was uaed dur­ in tha wrorld. Ha can stand on a WTHT—Bandstand; News. state chairmen. By A. H. a. ing the wrar as a fasdar for the swaying vine in a strong wdnd. 11:15— on tU parin alone. Deaths Last Night WMt ot U'W.. forOgn ...... propaganda and balance of power ' county, according to tha ahnounca-' WTTC-dxyrenao Jones WDRC—World Tonight Both Clarence F. Baldwin, tha 1. Old greeting cards, poet Pratt A Whltngr dlvlrion of Unit­ This was disclosed In the annual Republican, and John M. .Bailey, m e u u ph o f position In the world. Actually, to 4:48— WONS—Meet tha Band. review o f the commlsaion just ab k i a t b d p k b s s The Republican party has talk- iwho earda, magaiilna pkturas with ap­ ed A ircraft at East Hartford. W ONS— ^Two-Ton Baker, Dmocrat. say they are hyrnful riiB 8< : both Russia and the United State#, WTHT—Sugar Bowl Baakatball made public togtRhtr with an out* Rome—Guido de Ruggiero, 80, GIANT BINGO ./I ft... I.ib menUno, o f Stafford Springs, wno peal to c b lld r a o - - b ^ flowers. In a letter to the Senate Armed Th. A«oe**tbd Pr*»» <• **clu«<».ly ed reform so long that the talk director for the county, w n c —Young Wldder Brown. that a settlement of the disputo .ntUlwl to th. u»* ol *npublte.tjnn ol the Indonesian altuaUon repre- bsMaa, ate. > Services committee, made public Gama. Une of next year’s program and Italian historian and pbUoaopher, process has becoma aaay. After i'* - p | ^ FENDER AND BODY 8:40— w n c — Songa by Morton over the Nov. 2 election can be all nfwa d'.P.tnb.a cf^*twl to l. of in Washington yaaterday. the Na­ the comment that ‘i f more money reached. Republicans hava claimed who was vice president te the Ital­ senta not a principle, but a new ever>- election, the party seems to . ^ January 14 to January 81. 8. Travalars' Insurance Calen- Th* Sign a# • WONB-^Adventure Parade. , Downey. SUNDAY NIGHT oat otbaf-wn* credited vy aaid it expected to take title WORK were spent for recreational fadU* that thara war* "discrepanctas" in ian delegauon to ths United Na- 4 Md . 1.0 th. local 0«W» ‘’V*’' move in their struggle with one hava a bad case o f regret and i town chairmen for Tolland dara IM fi to lb48 as complatg aa WDRC—^Don Ameche. 11:50— All rifhU of repiibllcalton of ap^b I ---- j uuier wwii wiwi. ------to the plant by Jan. 1, 1949, and WORTHY SERVICE ties the aUtt might be able to re* the vote. State officers must ba Uoiw EducaUonal, Sdentlflc a: conscience.------I__t caaU---- — about for a ! xndover. Kira. Thomas possible for foUoa. Rbitorv sheet If WTHT—Green Hornet WONS—Dante Orebaatra. . dlfpatehM h«r«in ar. alao r«a.ry«l. another for world prestige. “ proposes to again leaaa tha plant dues iU expenditurea fo r purUtlva declared elected by the General CiUtural organisation. It Is available. Tha 3raar-1944 seems 142 East Center St. 8:15— • w n c —Dance Orchestra. and psychiatric care." The moral defect In the be­ new attitude for its approach to’j Birmingham. Bolton. Mrs. to the Pratt and Whitney division Solimtne and Flamr. Inc. Aaacmbly. Democrata control the Wlnnetka, Bl,— Dr. Cfiiariea Aus­ Pull aarric. cll.nt of N. B. A. 8tr»' to be very scarce, W O N8— Superman, W T H T — Gema for Thought; The commiraion’a fiscal jrear Sports Center, Willimanfic the people. It seeks out new poll-' c s t h erina Marshall; Columbia, of United Aircraft for the produc- Manchester w n c —Portia Faces Ltfe. , Senate, but Republicane command tin Tlbbals. 67. reUred dean te havior of the members of the E Religious catandara — any 884 Center Street Dance Band. budget for 1947*1948 was 5538,852. ic . I n c . ______’ tical strategies. ' >tni. Albert Sorracchl; Coventry. the Houee and could. If they de­ men at nilnoia InsUtuto te Tech­ United NaUons Is, obviously, even year or danomlnaUon — duplicates Uon of aircraft engines necessary 8:80— : — about 20 per cent lesa than lU Piibllabar. Rapmcfitp-ti^*' Th« AU this la In talk and on paper. | Mrs. Herbert W. Love; Hebron, WONS—Captoln Midnight 1 2 00 cided to, block Bowles* Inaugura­ nology. He was bom In New York. always uaed. to meet the accelerated aircraft w n c —Newa; Muaieana 1946*47 b u d n t •niEE ADMISSION Juliua Mathowa Bpw^tal more serious than that organlia- Then, when It comet to concrete Mrs. John A. Markham; Mana- programs of the armed eervlcee. W D R C —Old Record Shop, tion pending an investigation te „OuUford OOUege. N. C —Dr. tork. Chicago. Dftrolt and Boaton. 4. A ll pictures from calandara Frequency Modulatlea Swimnung Most Popular Uon’s lack of an IntemaUonal po­ actlon. some Insidious grem lin! fie ii Harry W ragg; Somers, H y- ' "Such a Isaac," the N a vy said, w n o —Juat Plain BUI. the election. H. F. Wela, head te Um Musle de- B^RRAt) o r comes along and frlghtbna party | man Vlrahup; Tolland. Mrs. JamM of EnglanE Scotland, Alpine. Con­ WDRC— FM 48JI: 85.7 MO. Swimming proved the most pop* Abdel Handd Ahmed fU m p^m ent te Guilford eoUegs and a UGMUBK AUOIT lice force, and It Is a defect not "will assure tbe government that The election, cloeeet In state b i» •FREE TRANSPORTATION policy back Into damaging Imita- Burke; Union, Mrs. Anna Skopek, necticut, New England, America— W F H A — 105.7 MC. ular,recreation, the review aUtes, (frs a t), 21. *-eterlBary ceUege etu* mdmber o f the faculty slnoe 1938. r Cl BCD I .ATfONS._____ the property will be adequately Johnson's^ WONS—Tom Mix. and parka with swimming (acUl* tory, was diluted In and out te to be cured by the pa.wing of any tion o f the very peat the party has Miss Marjorie Yoakovlch; Wllllng- any year or y ;Dorothy WDRC—Harb Sbriner and Ray­ WTHT—FM ipe.7: MC. deat, who, Cairo poBee said, ths courts for the past tw o months. He waa bom In Reddick, BL Th. Herald Prmtint Company, toe.. maintained and w ill In some meas­ w n c—FM 48A MC; 88A M a ties were patronised the moat law. Juat pledged Itaelf to forgot. ton. Mrs. Floyd Phelps. Th# fluot- 5. Deep mayonnaise ja r tops mond Scott. aesasainated Prtnne Mbrister Mah- The state Board of Election Can- BUSES LEAVE MANCHESTER .JuinaiT n” ^ ure reduce the coat of the aircraft Poultry Farm WDRC—FM. heavily. Between January 1 and n^Kraphleal> •ppr.r'ng m ad- \Vc have come to that stage of Republlcan leaders In Conner- j as for the towns have not yet been similar to those on K raft's pints w n c —Front Paga rarrelL ne«d Fahmy Nokraahy Paaha, la vasaera. all Republicans, lost an englifes.” Same aa WDRC. November 30, 875,000 vtolted Ham* v« and othn ticut were Intelligent enough, the , announced. _ • « of mustard—to paint Evening held by aa officer after bla arrest. attempt to inap^ impounded vot­ In Th. BUache.tei Evgnina llrrald. human history where even the Senator Baldwin (R-Otmn) is Gray Wf^HAa monaaaett park. Opening of n FoBoe aaid the student waa 6t30 P. M. FROM THE CENFER moment Chester ^w lee was eleft-1 8 H .Egg loytag Cratca* E Odds and ends o f beads Fresh Dressed Chickens, SrtlO— new swimming pool at Wharton ing machines a^er holding up tha MARY C O N S O U virtuous nations must begin actu­ ed, to know that no gam s of ob- i Tolland County baa 18 p ou lt^ clasps, and other trinkteta. Seed 4:00—Meet Mias Mason. member of the ardent naUonalUt results a month and decided to Thurfday, December 30 Friday night and Satnrday. WDRC—News. . 4:45—South American Way. Brook SUte park jumped the ally living by the moral code they structlon, such as tha Republicans club membem enrolled In the 4 M b e a ^ tiny crystals fill In nicely. aeeoolatloll, the Moslem brother* place the controveray before the Dresaninklng nnd Altem tiens Special Drj-Skia Wxtare W O NS— News. fi;00— Evening Centlnel. monthly attendance from 5,965 In of another era tried against WII-1 Home E gg L a ^ n g contest. T^a Even odd ear rings, please. «d . (A P photo by radio from Legislature. Covered Bnttone—BnttonMen talk about. If a world capable of Fresh qnick frozen ponl- WTHT—Music A t Six; SporU. 8:00—News. July to 41,924 in August. bur "L. Cross, woulO work against! follouing members are enrolled te T. Patch-wrork placaa, scraps of CUiro to New York). Alan Ramnanta Why The Dutch Go Ahead survival Is to be created. When w n c — Naw a 6:15—Sports; Weathar. • Expaiislon of the forest town RIB Insist on aerifying Lnw* FOR A try, any time. •2 Stan Strant, East Bfertforii Bowles. They knew that If they! date. yard, ribbons, etc. 8:15— 8:30—MeUotones; Newa. and radio network realilted in Baldwin met yeeterday with The United Nations stands pow­ did the Indonesians lose their 8. Easy jlg-aaw pussies for chil­ WDRC—Bportacast; Record Al­ tried It the reaiUt might be to re- Erwin St. Louli. 7:00—Youth R F D . ___ quicker location of forest fires and three Republican represantattvas Pheim Rnrtfotd $-852a right to Independence? Not iMt dren end more difficult for older BABY-SITTER 847 Middle Turnpike, West Sale! erless with regard to what lU elect him again and again. ^ r^S^wiih! r^aotea M ^ bum. 7:15—Outdoor Sportsman UN consequent reduction In forest Bushnell Secures who were named by the House O. week, when the Dutch moved. The So. from aU Republican q«Br-1 people. Near Hockannm River At WONS—Sports EdlUon; Newa fire loaaea with tha average acreage O. P. caucus to look into tha "dia- speeches freely label . the Dutch 0. Tiny or odd jars and bottles w n o —StricUy SporU; Weath­ News. Indonesians lost when Russia vio­ tors, there came heartening »a»ur-1 JJ' C A LL.78 8 2 Love Lane Phone 2-0085 7:30—Sundown Serenade. burned over dropping to about two crepanclea." He aaid later that at "aggression” In Indonesia. The —vase-Ilke cherry bottles or per­ er. acres per fire, a new low mark. Sensational Show tomorrow’s conference with Bailey latcdlated its Its pledges with regard to ^ces ^•’** ^* Roberta Kalber. William Mer- 8:00— Request Tima. Dutch go blithely ahead with thetr fume bottles as an example.- 8:80— The commlasion also announced he w ill Insist, ag a eandltion o f 10. New or not too common WDRC—Record Album. 8:80— Favorite Stpry. Multiple EAST HARTFORD ‘ cainpalgn; they will not end It, no clecUons in Poland, a ^ when L,th"whatever might prove to »>« I t o IIm ^** ^ ir t o li 9:00—News. that early next year It wUl open N ext Monday, January 3, Rodg- U E. stampe or any foreign stampa WONS—Deems Taylor Concert about 600 wooded acres of the ara and Harqmerstein’s production matter what tha United Nations United SUtes violated lU own j,, Bowles as Governor. | „ ctriini Rvdir **oi!rol W T H T —Sereno GammeU; WTHT—FM. TclcplioM 8-5251 for those collecting. Same aa M ^ H T except 8:45>7:S0 Housatonic State park to hunters. o f Irvin g Berlin’s aensaUonal musi­ Electrolysis ■ays. unUl they are satisfied with pledge to Itself and to the world j of legislative i Schofield. Stafford: Henry Seften Waathaf^ 11. Buttons of any description, Concert Hour, Other wooded park areas wiU he cal, "Annie Get Your Gun," begins SupcrfloouB Hair Ramoved by taking the Pacific islands aa would win the Republican party Ellington. It Is hoped to hav# for those who like them. W nC-Bm Ua Oote Glea Oub. opened to sportsmen during the FENDER AND BODY Its resulU. The Dutch have, as Itself a repuUtlon for » •««!# In- „ as this Is the 25th 1946 OLDSMOBILE 98 CONVERTIBLE—R & w n c — FBI. its week’s stay at the Bushnell Au­ spoils o f conquest. It Is under 2■^ memters aa this is the 25th In answer to queries regarding 8riS— year, the review aaid, to compen* ditorium, coming direct from a 30- Safely, Quickly and the Australian dnlegoio tharg*.U, telllgenee ani public spirit foi the 'WDRC—Lowall Tliomaa Same as W nC. WORK cover-of such actions/oh ths part snnKersary of the 4 H Horns E gg my pay — Just the Joy of giving Hydrainatic, 19,000 original miles...... $ I sate for the increasing amount of week engagement^ In Chicago Permanently committed the drat Jeflr.ile lega' dealt with Its responalblUUes. W THT—Muaieal Favorttea TdevlalOB Laiing Contest. plaasura to crippled children or W N H O —TV. privately owned foreata in which MaUneea will be given Wednesday AppetotaMata 8triet|y Frirnto of the two great powers who now *'NVi obstructloar’ was tbe New Series w n c —Three Star Extra. breach of the United NaUons ahut-ina. I hava uaad a faw flowers 5:00—Teletunea; Program Rea- hunting ia not allowed. and Saturday at 3 p.m. Soliatenc aRd Flatt, I bc. Finn Oananitotton condemn the Dutcl^4n United N a ­ sound post-election Bepubllraa The Rockville Building and Loan tffiO— Oiarter in the short hlatory of the to cut out and decorate Jars, hot- ume. "Annie Get Tour Gun" Is a big Cleaed Wedneadny Aftam oens password. Association la opening a new aArlea 1948 OLDSMOBILE 98 CONVEkTIBLE—R. & H. W D RC—Beulah. 834 C^Rtcr Street world organlaatlon. They not only tions oratory that the Dutch aye Uea, cigar boxes, etc., and sold to 8:00— Small Fry Club. show in every sense o f tbe word. Open Thnredny Evontaga No obstruction. It appears, ex­ to investors January 1, 1940. A n y­ W ONS— Fulton L ew la Jr. moving, and moving safely. get money fo r extra bead clasps Hydramatic, new car, ______6:30— R ubs Hodges' Scoreboard. It is the biggest hit in New York, violate the Charter; they defy the cept for the trifling boidaess *f one Interested may secure an ap- and scrap hooka Wishing all part WTHT—News, Hale Company Bid Mary Croaacn, RN,, Prog. In a cynical w>rld, every lapse w n c —Supper Oub. 8:45— ^Film ShorU. where it has been playing to stand­ 869 Main Td. 1-2887 United Nations to do anything rontlnnlng to 'context tlw dales pliration blank at the rooms o f the contributors a Happy N ^ Tear. 7:00—Adventures of Oky Deky. ing room for more than two ysars In the moral code la precedent for Aasoctstlon or at the Rockvllla Siaearefy, $ 2 Q 0 1:t about it And the United Nations I of Mr. Bowlee to be Oovemor In WONS—Tello-Test 7:50— Camera HaadUnaa. Apparently Low I t ia likewise the b i g g ^ hit tn Over BlairWir*ti Branch of tha Hartford Connecti­ Flocance M. Jones some new and greater violation. ttie flret plaee. 1948 OLDSMOBILE 98 FOUR DOOR SEDAN—R. k. WDRC—Jack Smith Show. 7:45—Jack Bigen Show. London, Ekigland, as well aa in Plon Your itaelf bealtatea to do anything cut Trust Company. Columbia, Comt. Since the end o f the war, the aa* , The Republican caucus at wMch W T H T — Tenth Man. 8:00— Film ShorU. AUltX&li&e Bhout It The organization atrtkea Report Work H., Hydramatic, new car.______. Hartford, Dec. 80—(F>—Bids on tions have been engaged not in so wise a general legislative policy wnc—News. 8:30— Charade QtUx. the constrtuction of a State High­ Billie Worth will play and sing House Pointing pious atUtudea. but seems to ax- was laid down was also the occa­ The Doboss-Ertel-Laboc-Hanaen 9:00— Sport Film. the role of Annie Oakley who be­ any virtuous race to aee which Unit of the American Legion way department service building pact them to be without effect It sion for the development of the WDRC— aub Fifteen. 9:05 WieatUng, Park Arena. at Pond LUy avenue, New Haven, came world fsmoiu as a aharp- Now! Auxiliary reports through Ita Re­ May wa taka thb opgor* refuses to attempt measures can Uve most closely to United news that the question o f the Con­ \ l9 U PONTIAC STREAMLINER — Good conditic^ W O NS— ' Answer man. were opened here yrtterday with ahooter, and Frank BuUar, another habilitation chairman, Mlsa Emma Tiaie Payments Arranged Nations principles, but In a cynical necticut election result had not Oex't wait till year cUa develepe W THT Theater, U. B. A. th "B and F" Construction 0 »„ of aharpelfooter, is portrayed by T ag­ which, in theory, might make Bata that approximately IlOO wras one owner ...... i»3vtl tuaity to thank you fur rivalry of violation of theae prln-1 died with the aurrendar of the ugly wriokles a rt t i Haeef Avoid wnc—Oavalcada of Muala Bridgeport, the-apparent low bid­ gart Casey. Others tn the cast in­ 10% Down them affacUva. Molotov?8-Niece^. • expended at Chrlstmaa to make theia with this remark able cream that der. The Bridgeport firm bid clude, Donald Burr (Charlie Daven- Balanee Monthly your patronaga during tka There are two reasons why the ciplea. F or a U tte r worid the season more pleasant for hos )rt), Jack Rutherford (Buffalo actually atemi te eeUave m inelt re- WDRC—Edward R. Ifurrow. Seeking Divorce $424,000 for all brick construction past year. . . and nre hop# United Nations is being thus suc­ each nation must look first to Its j Republican Instrumentality — a pitalixed veterans shut-ins and 11948 DODGE 4 DOOR SEDAN — Color blac^ 6M triu... heipe keep f kia petal-eamolh WONS—What’a tbe Name of with an alternate proposal te 5412,* 111), Tommy Wonder (Tommy Wm. Dickson and Son others. The unit sent 48 gifts to that Bong? gKeeler), Retd Shaw (Dolly Tate), cessfully defied. One la practical own moral behavior. NO nation I gpecial committee from the House DliteSf' Ro jk Ha eeaa##taaa*aaaaeeaaaawaaaaa •^Zfl vU ind appealingly radiaat. 285 for concrete block with brick PalaUng Oontractora we win hava the plmaura the Christmas g ilt shops at the W THT—Boston BUcklc. Bridgeport, Dec. SO—(F)— Esther MImi Walters (Winnie Tate), and structural. The other la mor- can hope to have any Influence In of Representatlvca In other words, facing. Rear 118 Bast Center St. Veterana HOspItala at Newrington TDIELY WINTEn A1D9>- w n o —Aldrich FamUy. Carp Bellgiimn of Bridgeport, Zachary A. Charles (SitUng Bull), of aenring you ia 1949. applying to other naUons a moral ^ •'•Si’®" »>“ XJLwII,” !!; Tha C L. Hale Construction Co. Pkonee 5-0920 Or 8529 and Rocky Hill, remembered Its Dorothy € ^ y Blnalery Waather ana— niece of Soviet Fm lgn Consuls* te Manchester wite a bid of 573,- Charles W attf (Pawnee Bill), Mar­ garet Banks (Ballerina) and Bar­ Botb-^fects can be remedied, c^e It has not fully honored It-l®*^®?*-not the Republicans ever will con­ shut-in members with fruit BIG YA R D 11948 OLDSMOBILE 98 FOUR DOOR S E D A N --^ Ik Ixitioa and Special Dry-Skin WDRC—Mr. Keen, Tracer of sar ^olQtov, has brought milt for poo waa apparent low bidder for . Lost PerOona. ton Moniaw (Ceremonial Dancer). and muft be remedied. , self. The members of the United cede It. and we are inclined, such baskets, and aaslsted In famillss H,, Hydramatic, 22,000 miles .$2,700 Lotion now availabla. Avoiea kgainst I,eo N. SeHgmsin the lob of preparing the site te the WONS—Hollywood Story. Then an 56 speaking and alngtng NaUons are not yet aa worthy as is the fatefiU pull of aelf-lnjuring of both veterans and non-veterana GOODS SALE o f New York. buUdini The Dutch are able to pursue WTHT—Jo Stafford Show, parts, not to mention Its chorus of Over policies upon Republican leaders, with children where there was The Bridgeport blonde, in a peti* they must be to survive. A deep w n o —Bums and AUan. singing and dancing boys and girls. their mlUtaiy campaign without to guess that they will carry their need. Dec. 81 Thro Jan. 8 Uon filed yesterday In Superior BROILERS AND and fundamental moral regenera- There are five scenes in the first fear of Uhlted Nations action be­ scheduled legislative questioning DIatriet Meeting 8:55— court here, charges that her hua* Three Hipndred Uon, in the acta o f men and the The January meeting of the COTTONS 39d WONS—By Gardner. band deserted her Nov. 20, 1944 Explains Delays act and four in the second, which cause the Dutdi have a national o f the election result to consider­ ser\'e as colorful background for ROASTERS Fourth DIatriet. American Legion Value To 8»o WTHT—Meat tha Stan. They were married May 12, 1942 acts o f naUons, plus a world rule able length. 4r at least until they Manchester Motor Sales its 22 musical numbers, enlisting Finished Monuments and army, while the United Nations and Auxiliary will be held on m d a tC s 5:00— while he was working In a local Dressed, denned and washed. o f law formalising the obJecUvea have won the biggest obstruction On Christmas Calls upwards of a total of 100 people. Markers In Our Display has no army. That la the predae, Sunday afternoon. January 2 at COTTONS 5 9 t SCENT SH OP W DRC— Suspense. ^ ammunlUon factory. n Wnqiped In cellophane and held of gopd morality—these are the headlines «'f a ll Vahie Te 8fo 512 WEST, CENTER STREET PHONE 4134 WONS— Heatter. In deep freeze for your con- Yard To Choose From! factual defect In the altuaUon. How the party leadership Can S p. m. at the Putnam Country Mrs. Sellgman la tbe daughter worid'B needs, and they are the Club. W ith favorable weather, the WOOLENS $1.69 Yd. 901 Main St. T«L 5321 WTHT—Saentary of Defense of Mr. and- Mrs. Samuel Carp of Residents who were unable to venlenoe. N o watting. Sooner or later, after a leaner or dlaavow obstructionism In one Ask For Mr. Wiley James ForresUI. complete long distance telephone The Finest In department olflcera of the Ameri- Fairfield. H er father la a Bridge Delivery In Mancheeter greater number of ware, the world crucial lacks through which hu­ breath, and then aimulUncously Rayon and Span Dress w n c —Music Hall. callq on Chrirtmaa eve and Oiriat- forward the tactlca for the biggest con Legion Auxiliary will pay thetr port real estate owner. Friday Evcnlnga must come to a rule of law. In man tragedy aUU spews Itaelf up­ 8:15— maa day received a note today from Attention obatructlonlim o f all Is not easily official vlelt to the dUtriet at this Goods 798 and 98d Yd. Mlaa Anna Heraea, chief operator Design on ua. W O NS—Newa. ' Digest Now Available which naUonal armaments, aa comprehenaAle, unleaa one goes time. 8:58— at tbe local telephone exchange. H. A. FRINK Fences Damaged Dress Flannels $1.79 Yd. Merchants! Buch, will cease to exist, and in mystic and assumes that some WDHC—Crime Photographer. In the note, Mias Herhes explain­ SnlUvan A\'«. Wapptaig strange curse has been laid upon Two fences were damaged on Hartford, Dec. 30—(F^—The ed that although an operator was Pick Up and Save Workmanship which the only military force WCfJS — IfyaUrloua Traveler second ediUon o f tbe Digest of TeL Man. 7158 A fter 4 r. M. Communists And Religion Wednesday by automobOas, the DRESSES Newa. . at every switchboard position, capable of such kcUon as the the party. Connecticut AdmtniatraUve reports If there were the ellghteet first occurring whan an auto op­ WTHT—Guy Lombardo. "many calla were delayed. Some, MANCHESTER Dutch are now pursuing In Indo­ The Cbmmuniata riiarge that Cottons $2.98 to $3.98 la now available to the public. The Material Indication that there Is any­ erated by Mrs. Mary Kpelsch of 22 W m C—Dorothy Lamour. we couldn’t complete at all." Cir­ TOBACCO AND nesia will he a United Nations po- the men of the church who atand thing to be gained from the eoa- Orchard street went out o f con­ Dressy and Tailored Digest, edited by George B. Arm* cuits that could handle even the stead, former maimging editor of in their way are "defenders of re­ tinned refuMl of the party to trol on 'Vernon ave.iua near High peak loads o f busy business days CANDY CO. Km fo n t. Dresses $8.98 The Hartford Cburant, explains concede, the situation would be itreet and struck the Iron fence on were flooded with Christmas calls. A U T O GLASS That ia the remedy and the action," and in some instances the acUvlUea and makeup of 100 Wholesale MANCHESTER dlffereat. It Is still possible, of the west side of the street, near a Pretty Two~Piecer The. note concluded, "A ll o f ns cure. The proud poatessors o f that is true. In many backward ravine, one wheel of the auto ex­ state agencies and departments. want you to know that if there 22 Birch St. TqJ. 5813 INSTALLED coarse, that In some Conaectl- The Coventry Copies.nuty be obtained free from MEMORIAL naUonal armamanU today think Eluropean countries, religion has oot field then; Ilea a pumpkin tending over the wall. It was be Don't Forget Her Corsage had been any w ay to complete Patronize Your Local the editor at the State CapltoL PROMPT SERVICE acquired material possessions and lieved the accident was caused by your caU, It would hava gone Merchants they can escape It They can only with a tale to teU. But banriag Shoppe through." COMPANY same such rescue all the party Ice, about 30 .feet o f fence being CALL 3322 succeed in postponing It with all material stakes, and. with them, Depot Rd„ South Coventry A. Alnsetti,-Frop. L. T. WOOD ■taade to gain by delay of its damaged. humanity paying a cosUy fee for economic and social and poliUcal About 3:30 p. m. a Car parked ooaoeeslon Is ' the reputatloB of Open Weds. Til 9 P. M. 2-Needle Knitting COB. FBARL AND HARRISON philoaophlaa which do not always by Joseph Srynal, 28, of 20 High White Gloss Co. each pos^ionement. halhg a poor loser For New Year's Eve 8TEB B TB Even without a police force represent the best In Christian 24 Birch St. Manchfstar Oppoalto Bant Cemetery Open Daily 8 A. M. To 8 F, M. Locker Plant capable of enforcing Its own edicts doctrine. It lias aometimes blocked WELDON'S presents RHvmES OFREnson T E IX F H O N B 7787 Or 5707 Including Snturdny and restraining the Dutch, the not merely Communlat "progreaa," 51 BISSELL STREET TEL. 8424 ANDNOrVUSM^ MCRB IS MV Plenty Of Parking Open Saninye United NaUons could have im- for which we hava no admlraUon aVCR CAN PUATFORM , On Premises Buy Direct and 8nva Money! poeed ita w ill upon the Dutch or respect, but alao that kind of OUFBAT IT CANVOUMATIT through the use of moral force— democraUc progreaa which ia the Specials For (Thurs. and Fri.) if It had any. If the edleta of the best kind of bulwark agalnat Be proud of tha eoM cuts you serve your guests at Communlam. In such Instances, potatoes are Bask! United NaUons bad come from , , your New Year’s Eva party. naUons which havq themselves, in where religion actually betrays It­ self, there can be some acceptance GROTE and WEIGEL Products these post-war years, honored the A non niOM tm roeo iwreas principles of the United NaUons In of the view that the time must ALLY Of akCAU*9 ISAOAZIM .‘TODAY BAKED VEAL LOAF. LONG BOLOGNA C C . . their own pracUce, then, too, the come whef^ there la a change. % ) \m unciauT roe ona cusvoMni MINCED HAM. FR ANK S...... Lb. O D C Dutch would have had to yield. There are some who hold that Thuringer...... Lb. 69e Then, too, the decision o f the Communist action is within the Liver SauKige...... Lb. 89c United Nations would have been realm of producing such necessary lum per the pniaio. The potato it a wondctlul honored. change. In their more IngraUat- vegetable. It buntt with miacralt art other necemary Cooked Salami...... Lb. 69c But the Dutch have calculated, ing moments, the CommunlaU forte, when you cook it properly. Do very the waya you irSTRUE...HEREANDNQW! Polixh RingK...... Lb. 59c quite coldly, that they arc living themselves would like to have It mrve potatoes and you will diicovcr a new love. Knockwurst ...... Lb. 53e in a cynical and vulnerable world. thoughts, that that la what they With a few choMii herbs, the potato hai an agele» Y 0 «R “SWEETIE” WILL EXPECT Which nation declaims most loud­ are doing—merely correcUng a affinity. If you like notincg or mace, try grating # little SMOKED MEATS ly against the Dutch action in In­ religion which has strayed from on mathed or boiled potaiocv. Or a bay leaf, pinch M ONE — AND WE’ JUST KNOW I donesia?. None but Soviet Russia, its own purest principles. thyme, or due'of onion thrown in the water flavor* Forst-Packing Bonclesa Cooked ShouMcra-----Lb. 89c that great respecter of Independ­ That pleasant theory la not ac­ "l^ in boiled" picauntly. SHOnX BE THRILLED TO THINK New Hudson Deerfoot Farms Shankleaa Shoulden:...... Lb. 49e ence and aelf-determlnaUon for ceptable. The CoRununlst attack YOU DIDNT FORGET — W EXL FOR O N L Y Cooked. Ready-To-Eat Rama» 10-12 Ib. Average peoples. la leveled agalnat reUglon where Whole of Half ...... Lb. 89c What naUon poses as the It happens to be progreaalve as n,*. HELP YOU MAKE IT A WON- world's moral leader? None but quickly as where It happens to Here at Pinehurst we are featuring excellent quality Potatoes from DERPUL EVENING — JUST DIAL Stahl .Meyer, Whole Canned Hams, 10-12 Ri. the United States, which has Itself be reacUonary. I t la unleashed one of the best farms in Connecticut. . . in 10 Ib. and 15 Ib. sacks. Average ...... Lb. 85c so frequently snubbed the cause against one branch of the Chris­ 6108. ^ »2369« Stahl Meyer Canadian Bacon...... H Lb. 55e o f Indcweslan Independence, which tian religion aa quickly aa agalnat Buy for two days . . . Pinehurst is closed all day Saturday and Stahl Meyer Feriss Hickory Bacon...... Lh. 69e has Itaelf supplied the Dutch with another. The blunt fact Is that Sunday. By Sue Burnett OCUVtRED MERE RIUY EQUIPfEO A wearable, figure molding two 5 6 3 6 . the arms and equipment they are Communism finds no good at all Comes the Meat Department wljh suggestiops of Small Link Sausai^ piece dress to delight your audi­ By Mrs. Aime Cabot 1. IsMedWa 4eNvety ol seam awdeb H.” L. HANDY’S PORK PRODUCTS now using against the Indonesians, In any kind of religion. . . . they are delicious . . . the finest Frankfurts . . . LIverwurat from Rath ence. The button-trimmed tup byf- Designed for easy knitting and tons down the back and has bbld 2. Wllhenl|indieccaiiertei asynaaf4er and which has been quite as deter­ And this ia not beteuse Com­ or First Vrii^ . . . Sliced Boiled Ham . . . individual Cube Steaks . . . warm wearing, these two-needle Pork Shouldera. 4*8 1b. Average ,Lk 45c mined aa the Dutch in post-war munism thinks it can find specific ric rac for accent. The gored skirt gloves can be made by notice S. Cash ar thaa paramat is easy aewlng. knitter and expert’ Alike. The Pork Butts, 4*8 Ib. Average •..•**...•.*.*.• 528 poUciea which It calla a defensive and valid faults in religion. It n* Swift dViver . . . a big six foot boy . . . just passed in back of tha 4. WWh ar wShsat twit hi Pattern No. 8135 comes in sizes gloves pictured today were knitted Pork Loins (Baby Pork) 8-12 lh. AvaraTe...... Lh. 4tt security system, but which others simply because the mere concept counter • e . almost bent double with the Swift Premium cholco beef he 11. 13. IS. 14. 18 and 18. Sise 12, in two colors, a fine way of utiliz­ PRACTICAL lUDIO SERVICING $. 6#e4 nfiaemaie H pee hm a ImirtB consider Imperialism. > o f reUglon, and o f hiunan allegi was carrying. Yes, wonderful lender Beef for Rib Roasts, Pot Roasts, 3 s-4 yards of 35 or 39-tnch; 2 1-2 ing odds and ends of yam. but they Little Pork Link Sausage ...... Lh. fitc Sh(M» Irtm By Detaig . . . Day or Evening Ctnea Why, in audi a worid, should ance to rellgloua principles and to Steaks for Pinehurst customers. I’ards trimming. are every bit aa handsome knitted For this pattern, send 25 cents, In one color. the Dutch be laggard in asaartlng God, is In conflict with that toUi “Leading Florists" SWIFT SELECT BEEF CUTS Come In Friday . . . or tonight if you wish . . . wa will be open frooi in coins, your name, address, siae Pettem No. 5438 consists of r e g i s t e r NOW McClure Auto Copipony ■ lesired, and the ptetern number their own "ri^ta?” What great allsgiaivM and anbaarvtence which te 9 . . . chwod from 6 to 7 tonight Thusaday. complete accurate, and easy to. fol­ New CInen Storts February 7, 1*19 50 WELLS STREET Boaeleaa Chucks Fur Pat Roast Lk i,ioral purity belongs to such na­ tha Oommunlat way of life de­ 8 EAST CENTER STREET - AT THE CENTER ■I Sue Burnett, m e Manchester low knttting lnsfru*tlot», sUtuh ' >emng Herald. i:.V) Ave. Ameri- School>ol O pn R’aekdnja 8 A. M t" 9 P- H. For Inspection Tender Knit Beef Steaka Lk.Ck tions, that another nation must mands for Itaelf and for Ita totali­ illustrations and nuiterial require­ -a . New Vork 19. N. T. ments for three aisea. small, medi­ U nsiita EnreHment, Efficient PInwenent Servtoe •foerflew IrteA 151 Flowera By W}ire, Anywhere, Anytime kp.lun't mlas the latest iaaue o f um and large Included for Two VETEEAN8 ACCEKTED CNDEB OX BOX vsfyd^httylertieWea Idkinll e a e • n a a e • a e e a a a e e a a • e a # • a a a a • • «XhP> ^.coltocUvdy? w tm no ctpad o f rendering unto Fashion. The Fall and Winter Needle Knitting. W rite er a-ia58 For Fiee Descriptive Clrmlnr •fOWt 6w0 9fW*ie*i9S- f* a W r thoae things which are I uivce n/.^nc. book has a wealth el sewing data Bend 20c in Coins, your .lame, Tea, tha Dutch could hava been a ■ . k J j/ n m w n for the home dressmaker, finrnrt. address and the Pattern Number Hon (Mrs** We were fortunate ta again ractiva a aapply of tWEy ..wri—,•topped, even without a United Caeaar’a, ... ahd to » God----- the things NEW ENGLAND TECHMCAL INSTITUTE 302 MAIN 31 RE'-i easy to make sty tea, fabric news— to Anne Cabot. The .M.mchester ^aSloha polite force." There could I which are Ood’a. The Conununist t DIAL4I5I free gift r»tterr printed in the Evening Herald. 1150 Ave; Ameri­ 118 TRUMBI IX STREET H.ARTFORD 1.' CON.V w4ll-meated capons for this week end the prkS ' 'l have been aucb a moral climate In Ic N e d demanda all for Cae.sur. NORTH OF POST OFPUt ONE BLOCK FROM STATE PRMORL book.^fo centfc cas. New York 19. N. Y . , j H q r ^ ^ . a t least among Uw| Given a totalitarian creed, Uiis

' ' ' • . K ■: ^ . J hlA A L H tSltK KVKMNU HtlKALD, MA.^L•Ht:S■^SR. CONN,, IHL'KS^U.W, L»tCfc,.MUKK 30, 194t PACK NINIi MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCH R, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8^ 194S page ElGHi Operate Vatican Punishes Thought Beam Testers Tito Nabs Him War or Peace Score Basket Last Half^ Lose 35^23 Arranging Show Tremors Fell Were Accident Victims High Fails Trying to Hold All Catholics Who, State Without Talk Flootling At Reno Agaiii Jimmy Morionos, co-owner Mhflk Arming Costs Gave Aid to Reds of the Center Restaurant, was New Taxation startled this morning ohortly Nanking StUl Star-Studded Meriden PA’s Prepare StandouiC^e Hamden High Prevails before noon when he walked (Contlnoed from Page Ooc) At Low Point Add to Anxiety of (Cnatlnaed from Page One) Into the Odd Fellows building (CsaMauad fr Pag* Uoe) For St* Stans Game Toiufiht v ^ ^ . a Residents of ('-ity at the Center whero UR-A*w and ita sound basis o f operation, Center Restaurant wUl M ''lo* K K t t A r .n of the church, from O thollc burial Which compares more than favor­ leaden Sons Next Guards’ Foe (COBttMMi And Nearby Towns and from social contacts with the cated In February. to Join other National In Game at Armory ably with the situation in other pouring into Nanking. ♦ - Waterbury Quintet Here Kentucky and St. Louis! nurjJn of Mfety In view faithful. * The restaurateur saw two states. There u food for further Yte Hs!a-Han said be came her* r»ry The Vatican radio broadcast men hanging by their hands of trouW*^ world eondltloiw. Reno, Nev., Dec. 80— (AV-Con­ >% thought In the fact that your state to arrange food for hla armies and Collection of Eastern Sunday Afternoon iu ANGLE Paired in Sugar Bowl tf will be widened, however. If tinuing earth tremora added todsy statement today. In eonnectloa . from . a large beam, four feet government can be operated with­ people within encircled Taiyuan Red and White Quintet with the arrest of the Hungarian off the floor. Jimmy rushed dowientic conwimer demand (the to the anxiety, of resident* of He- out new taxes. If not new expen­ and that jie had made no recom­ "League Brilliants in Local Sport Polish League Game Tournament Finals No Shoot, No Score over, fearing that there had Limited to But Eight need for cookirtovea and miclil con­ no and nearby towns, shaken vig­ nrimate. saying the Vatican had sive spending ov?r the present mendations to Chlang "or anyone Stadinm A Magaet . time, 49 to 47. last Thursday night been an accident, only to learn Sons of Lineup New Orieans, Dec. 80—(45-The tinue* to fall off In thi* country orously by a strong earthquake "done all possible to discover and program la undertaken." else In Nanking" on the future na­ Sunday afternoon at tee* East The books have been cloaed on .. .Simmons wrote, “the blame of ■CB (25) Points in Final 16 tor thr next eevciwl month* ** It early yesterday. have taken ea-e o f the croWn of that the men, Joe Hublord, Hr., The governor explained: "As It (Shatter ^ Side Rec the Polish Americans re­ another m at year at Yankee j defeat must be placed squarely on gam* everyone baa p. B. F. m ! and Drolly Borello, were test­ tional policies of the government Here Saturday Niglit longad for — Kentucky va St. hM recently. 'There wa* widespread damage, St. Stephen. The crown, la one of incumbent upon an incoming Nanking waa tee scene o f •con­ sume play in tea State PoUah Stadium. For tee third successive 1 te* shoulders of Oooeb Tommy 6 Baeramont, rf ..0 1-1 1 Minutes; Jayreea Win the most sacred Catholic relies of ing a new beam. ------Red Qavello, capthln the Louis—will be playad hers tonight Bv the name token the maripn but no InJuriea In yeaterday's tem­ governor to imvell hla plana for stant political activity against a at League when they entertain tee twelve month period, Yankee Monahan. Arrival at that conclus­ 3 Lost, rf . . . * • * a X 4-7 >1 Boasting one o f the highest acor-1 Guards’ haakatboll team, suffered In tee finals of tee four-team would be narrowed If the United blor felt throughout north central Hungary. St. Stephen, Hungary’s the future. It appears to me to be Waterbury St Stone. The local Stadium played to an attcndanca ion la not easy but it makes sense 2 Maaaotta, If 2-3 5; 4 - background of recurring reports ing Club* in ConnecUcut tee Meri-] a leg Injury Tuesday night In Sugar Bowl Tournament. .a. t Tau hava to ahoot to aeor* sad State* faced heavy’ new dome*tlc California. first king, lived from 975 to 1038 the reaponsibillty of the outgoing aggregation will be out to extend total over the 3,000,000 tan mark. for two reason: l. Any coach who 0 Butsuto, If ■ * * • 0 0-0 teat a way waa being sought for scrimmage against St. Thomas ’ib e Wildcats of Kentucky and you have to acor* to win.' Thaos or foreign demands for *teel. cop­ University of Nevada Selamolo- snd labored to make Hungary a chief executive to make a report to CSiiang’a retirement In • order to den Sons of Italy, formerly the Its win streak to three atralght at -A recapitulation of figures, tent Indicates that tea snarp-ahooting 4 Sherman, c • a • • S 1-8 7 per and other basic goods which giat Vincent P. Olanella warned rathoUc nation. the people, on the condition In Spurs will come to town Saturday Seminary and may be out of action tee expense of tee viaitors. The BUUktns of St. Louts, outstanding alsmentary phases of hoskatboll open peace negotiations with the Saturday night against Meriden at out by Red Patterson, chief Yan­ Boulevardlera try a aeml-staD with 2 Dansell, rg a a * a A ' 2-8 It are the mainstay* of arm* and In­ that all Indications pointed to fur­ Held By Ameriean Forces Which he has turned over the state night to do battle with tee Man­ viattora are a new addition to te* ooUega clutw of laat season and un- 4 Bhriy. Ig .. eaa. 1 0-8 2 wart toasafl aalfla laat nUht at the C^omrauniata. the armory. kee tub-thumper, ahows that 3,101,- almost five minutes left to go la dafaated in the preaent campaign, dustry’ alike. ther quakes, "p o ^ b ly another New8 Tidbits to the new administration." Dr. Obren Blogejevltah, above, chester Guards. Manager John State PoUah League and their ros­ 718 persona witnessed baseball, o ff the beam. 2. Tha • insertion of 3 Vemuccl, Ig . . . . 6 1-1 1 anaory by Maaefaastar High In its The Hungarian government yes­ Story Most Qeoerally Heard won their way to the title game Has Screwed on I4d heavy one." He lauded the tax study com ­ deputy flnaace ndalster of Yogo- Pullie haa gathered together what ter consists of many outstanding footbalL boxing and other events untried Bobby Romans with a reg­ gam* with Hamden High. The terday accused Msgr. Giovanni Culled Fron (JP) Wire* story most generally heard Each team In the Rec Senior with vlctoriea in laat night’s open­ aiven this situation. Mr. Tni- It was lueky, he said, that yes mittee, made up of "representive HU\-la, has been arrested while dn« he considers the ^ tte r player* In aeml-pro playera from tee Brass at The Bronx ball park during the ular on the bench proves teat vet­ 25 Totals ...... 12 11-27 35 home forces threw up laaa ahota Batista Montinl. the substitute for leading citizens of our state, head­ trying te flee the eeuatry, aefiont- in informed clrcies waa that League will be allowed to add and a t y . ing round. man told Secretary of IVfensc terday's quake did not occur In an the Vatican secretary of state, of Chlang had been persuaded to the state and has 'gone beyond tee drop three playera at tee comple­ 1948 season. This figure la un­ erans art better under fire.' Mancheater (33) than a bartender on vocation and ed by Dr. Romvell MaglU. one of lag to Belgrade. One ef Yngo- The local lineup wiU be bolster­ The B.iltkens. National InvUa- when tee team didn’t oeonect One* •Forrestal to hold down. Forres- Miss Bemlre Jmil area of heavy population and tall ha^’lng connived with Cardinal Seretse Khamm, heir to Baman take that step and details were be­ borders to get a few others. tion of tee first round which ends matched by any sports arena in the The Bridgeport Newflclda have 2 Day. rf . . . ___ 3 0-2 6 tal has screwed on the $15,000.- the outstanding tax apecialists and alavte'a top ecoaomists, Blngoje- The Meriden club, a collection of ed by tee addition of Fred “Snap" Uonal championa, bast Holy Cross from tea floor in tha'Iost half it buildings. ’Tf It had. It certainly Mindszenty to keep the crown out wato tribal throne, o ff for London ing discussed when the Commu­ January 15. All team* are sat to world. signed Tom Flanagan, former 1 Dougan. rf • *, • 0 0-0 0 000.000 lid and kept It tight authorities In the world." The \itdi suppoaedty eqnfeeeed that he Server who will be In tee lineup 61-32 in the firat game laat night. was easy piekinga for Hamdaa. Mi.«s Bernice .luul of the Weldon wouldn’t have been a nice thing to nf Hungarian hands. The govern­ to tell his English bride hla black nists released their list of "war Eastern Leagiia stars, has plenty strengthen their lineups for tee Baseball, once again, carried tea Hartford Hurricane. The New- 5 Hubbard, If ___ 1 2-4 4 against strong pressures from committee was first appointed by Intended to "flee the.oouatry ■ of speed and play a fast breaking for tee remainder of tee league biggest load. A total of 2,710,818 Delda are not the Newflslda Then Kentucy’a NCAA kings, Tha invaders prevailed by a 85 to Beaiity Studio, 90 Ka*t Center ment said the crown waa stolen by tribesmen are dead set against criminals,” which was headed by last half of tee race. shooting with amazing accuracy, 1 Bubiard, If •. •. 0 2-3 some military men the ones who the late Governor McOonaugby defraud It." game. Pat Mazzarella (Walling­ gamea. fans were attracted to the House o f the 1946-47 and 1947-46 23 count. In winning, the down street, snd Charles C. Merlet of rraek Pbund On Ranch the Na*t* in Hungary and now Is white queen . . . Stock market fal- Chlaqg and Madame C3ilang. swamped Tulane 78-47. 3 Morgan, c — 1 2-5 argue that this nation’s safety re­ the Merlet Salon de C>>lfrure, Pratt and reappointed by Governor ford) and Tee Cbllins rGuards), St Stans will start a high acor- that Ruth Built last season. Of statera moved into sol* poasaaalon Glanella reported that a crack in the hands of American occtipa- tera after morning advance . . > "The generalissimo waa very Coach WimciiTke of Manches­ seasons.. .Trenton’s 106 to 102 Kentucky and St. Louis have 1 Brown, c . . . . . 0 1-2 1 quires a greater armament pro­ street. Hartford, are co-chairmen Shannon. ing trio in the front court consist­ tela Dgure, 2,412.206 was the paid victory over the Newfields lost of first place In the CXSO. stand­ In the earth’s surface had been tlon forces In Germany. Prof. Albert Elastcta will undergo angry," ore imurec onld, "ood are the starting forwards, lanky ter High’s bisketball team' has never met at baaketball before. 0 Iflkolowaky rg 0 2-2 2 gram. of the committee of arrangements found on a ranch a mil* northwest 'These public clUsena from the Slim Oarrett (Torrlngton) playa ing o f Dugleckl and Burleski at attendance for the repilar Ameri­ week was tee first time in Amerl- ings and Manchester dropped out The crown ranks with the hand abdominal operation within "the ranks o f labor, buaineas and edu­ there was an Immediate change called a practice session for Fri­ tee forwai^, with Jacovicz at tha Laat Spring, when each boasted a 1 Roach, rg ___ 1 1-2 3 Not all military leaders are In for the Connecticut Hairdressers' of Verdi. Verdi, a community of next day or so." . . Gen. g e n a tl^ About Town center and Wee Dlnnle (Torrlng­ day morning at 9 o’clock at tee can League season. . The Yanks call Basketball League history Fogarty, ig .. ..0 0-3 0 o: a terse way u* for first to third of St. Stephen, preserved for cation have devoted considerable of minds." pivot post. Narus and Mitchell will national title, there waa great 4 place. that category. There are some Association style show In Hart­ 290 about 10 miles west of Reno, Walnwright, U. S. A. retired, d e ­ ton) and Lloyd Miller (Middle state armory. drew 2,309,029 paid In 1946 and that both teams acored a total of 0 Kelley, Ig ...... 0 1-1 0 ford. January 9, In the ballroom centuries, as a sacred relic of Htin- time to the study of state affairs nte Norte Methodist church will Government spokesmen Teng round out tee starting Ave at tee 2,200,369 In their championship h ^ they might clash la the Hamden threw up Drat a two- who f*ar that an extremely heavy received the brunt of the ahock. nies statement that Lit. Gen. Ed^ Wen-Yi told a news conference town, are tn the back court. Of more than 100 points in one con­ 1 Moske. Ig . . . . 0 0-0 0 grmament program now. accom­ of the Hotel Bond: and clinic on gary. The crown was presented to and have made both a report and observe New Tear's eva .with guard poaltloiu. 1947 seaaon. OljTnpic trials. But St. Louts three sone and teen changed to a Investigation of the fissure was Stephen by Pope Sylvester II and ward P. King surrendered defend­ teat tee government had 300,000 the starting five oiily the center, The Guards will practice tonight test.. .Imagine scoring 100 points panied by controls with no early the 10th at the Bond. It Is ex­ recommendations for the improve­ service of worship from 7:45 to The local quintet is currently Professional and intercollegiate didn't enter, and Kentucky lost to three-two and Manchester eras hampered by tnow on the ground. Stephen was crowned with It in the. ing forces on Bataan against ment of our tax system. men below the Huai river not In­ Garrett, la over six feet talL and at 6 o’clock against NasatlTs at tee and losing!... Harvey Bennett tee AAU Champion Phillips Oilers 19 Total* ...... 6 11-26 23 prospect of war, might make pected practically all o f the local 8:45. It will be an infcfmal serv­ armory and no player will be ex­ deadlocked for third place with football showed a decline with only Providence Reds goalie, la tee Doat never able to gat inoid* after the First reports here said It was from Wainwright’a orders. "Their report on our present ait cluding Oen. Tu U-Mlng’s force of teat by some five Inches. The In the finals. Score at half time. 15-13 Man­ people react strongly against pre­ hairdressers will be In attendance year 1001. •' ice, with the singing of favorite cused. The Eastern Leaguers have the Middletown St Marys only 236,929 fans being clicked through net lAlnder In the American Hock­ Drat half for*. Tha closest 100 and 160 long and one or two The broadcast statement by the Survey shows firea branded uatibn. however, is my current re­ other four make up for their lack The dream match la set for 9:30 chester. paredness—make them unwilling at meetings Saturday evening, the hymns and returning thanks to 100,000 further north. He said tee released Bob Ermtach, Frad' Serv­ one game behind tee second place tee tumatiles. Two championship ey League. Bennett haa allowed the locals cam* to scoring from the inches wide. Vntiean radio said: / $725,000,000 record loss across sponsibility." • Red forces in teat region num­ of height by their ability to run T e rr^ Ile St. C!aslmirs, and a m., Ontral Standard “nm a in floor was whan Al Morgan split- to get ready If and when war ac­ banquet on Sunday and the clinic Glanella last night reported that God for hla bleaalnga during tee er, John Gorman and Hank Sheri­ boxing bouts attracted 52,. t —S44 I dolected and the score anUified. ■ Curfey Olds caught a 19-inch The Army, Navy and Air Force of four or five an ho\ir. They gen­ throu.qh Msgr. Montinl in the creased social security benefits to envelopes and other incomes to week’s engagement at tee New LaRiviere. .’. . 112 127 103—344 1 present and models will be flown the traditional midnight aarvlee. waa comparative quiet—a strange Last season tha Spurs downed pickerel Ice fishing recently. Butch The contest Sunday ahoUld be a the 60,000 mark at Yankee Stad­ Both last ;>ight’B victors had far 106—342 Laeale Led «t Half responded to Forrestal’s call for erally were too light to be felt, al- question of St. Stephen’s crown, meet rising cost o f living . . . Gov­ remain.alert to the manner in stem test for the locals aa the via- Haven Arena, January 20. Matinee less trouble than generally bad J. Aceto . . . . . 124 n o from New York for demonstra quiet for China which has known the Guards twice by scores of 88 Turcotte, noted flaherman, failed ium during 19(8. all at baseball performances will be held January 134—359 1 The home club ecortd eight ^ e lr money requirement* fall thojigh one at 6:30 p. m. p. a. t. we sre authorized to say that His ernment la considering suggestion which your money la spent.' Dur­ itors boaat a tall, rangy and been expected. A. Aceto . . . . 112 113 hy asking sums totaling about tlonS. Miss Beverly Russell, daughter countless wars through the cen­ to 67 and 50 to 47, tea second to land a legal Ash, gamea. They Included a record pre- 22 and 23. Tickets are now avail­ Pete Aceto . . I l l 111 108—830! points tn the ilnal sixteen ndnuus Sunday, JanuaryUfsit 3:15 p. m., (9 ’30 p. m. e.a.t.) waa noticeable. Excellency Msgr. Montinl. sub­ that secrecy walls, surrounding ing these next two years, you will of Mr. and Mra. Thomas J. Rus­ turies and has been involved In al­ game being a thriller that waa de­ high scoring team. The Parciak- The first affain was all 8t. Louis of play, all from tea charity iloa.. $84,000,000,000. Forrestal then The series of shocks began Mon­ be paying taxes for the cost-of saaaon exhibition game with 62..169 able at the box office and by moll Twaronlte .. . 143 144 121—407 1 women Interested In hearing about stitute in the secretarist b f state atomic energy program be lowered sell of 51 Spruce street, a student most continuotis strife since the cided in the last minutes of the Coaches Will Clarke and Elgin cooched array will have to be In fans on deck against tee Brooklyn after thr first 15 minutes. Holy a : halftime, the teams ratirsd tA asked the Joint chiefs of staff to day night. for His Holiness, did all possible to let Industry play Ita proper government. There will be many top form to turn back the Brass order.. .The University of Con­ Ooss, pride o f the Bast, made a make in estimate o f expenditures the latest spring hair st^ s may at the Salvation Army College, 1911 revolution when Sun Tat Sen game. Zaturaky turned “ carpenters" laat Dodgers. Top crowd during tee . 601 605 578 1782 tea draaalng room with te* soore^’ ■ Centered In VenH Fault to discover qnd have taken care of part . . . British Fbretgn Office attractive proposals designed to City boys. necticut cagers trounced Buffalo. contest of It for that time, and T o u t ----- In-relation to world atrategy. The ^listen In on a broadcast ffbm the New York, is spending tea holi­ overthrew tee Manchu djmasty. Friday night is tee deadline for night during the Arat period of tec regular campaign waa 72,859 to the 52 to 39, laat night at Buffalo. St. Brldgefa No. 1 (6) board showing Manehastar out I la also ’The seismologist said all ap­ this precious antique, aa a sacred refused to confirm a charge made attract your attention and win In the preUminary the local the lead swapped owners four fronL 16 to IS. mainly on fast Joint chleft—the men who rjin the show over WONS. your approval. Some will be days at her hoaae. Watching Nanking Conference any of tee Eastern League teams Hlfh-Hamden game. A board waa Tanka-Athletics Labor Day double' Hank Bartnickt paced the winners LaCniapelle . . 72 116 97-285 planned to have one of the most peared centered in the Verdi fault, relic given by Pope Sylvester to by British delegate before U. N to add new men and Guardi Man­ pried loose In the acorera* table lassies, who are now in sole poa- header. times. But St: Louis pulled steadl. breaks and hoops by Loo Day. Army, Navy and Air ^ c e —flg blamed for yesterday’s earthquake necessary and others progressive. The Communists themselves with 16 points. *rhe win was the McKeever .. . 94 92 104—390 ured that Intcrm* o f world condl- famous hair stylists In the country King .Stephen of Hungary. There Security Council that • Israeli The Whlton Memorial Library ager Arthur Pongrats and Coach and tea coachsa pulled the board aeasion o f Arst place in tee girls* ly away and led 50-M with aiz It was, needleas to aay. a dull- with Its accompanying "ten pin" On the other hand, there will be seemed to be watching the Nan­ divialon, will meet tee S t Ston’a Sho4a Here and There seventh In nine starts for tee Arckivy .... . 110 121 123—854 tlona, armament needs, outpost* interriewed the following Monday was not. however, the least politi­ troops have «roaaed Into E gypt will be closed Friday evening and Earl Yost have rsaeheej far out in looos to allow play to continue. minutes to go. The Bllllkcna ran 117-336 and unlntereatlng gams and a di-. programs which seemingly offer king conference with great Inter­ girls. Ck>ach Stan Opalach will Pop Simmons didn’t spare the UCTonna.. .Walt Dropo boa signed Jamroga ... . 106 113 to be manned, forces to be oi^an- morning over the same station. disturbances In other faulta. cal Intention.” all day Saturday. an effort to And tee boys teat wUl in subs then and let their regulars 122—347 rcct contrast to the senaaUonal 'The quake knocked down some wonderful gifts in exchange for est ■ Their forces, now besieging probably stand pat with hla start­ rod In reporting the Bristol High' hla contract with the V. Abraltis . . 124 101 ised the budget figure would run Considerable interest Is evinced Text of Decree Peiping, Tientsin, Taiyuan and the help tee club. Several will appear Dick Danielson, official timer at Manchester High basketball game and spine-tingling contest of tha telephone and power lines, but ser­ your enthusiaam and support. ing lineup o f Zagurakl and Hpl- s... TH. ,i„, 5Sj beat Tulane around $22,000,000,000. among Connecticut hairdressers This is the text of the excom­ Mr. and ^ n . Milton Cohan of approaches to Nanking Itself, re­ at tee Guards practice tonight at the High game, caused many a in tee Bristol Press. Manchester ToUl ___ . 506 548 563 1613 ravloua week against Bristol, and beauticians In the coming vice continued through under­ "Aa citizens, you must never land in the front awurt 'with Blozie with Blrmlnzham In tee Southern! 51-47 in 'Louisville last week, The joint chiefs did not say the munication decree aa given by the 1097 Main ^ n e t have aa their 6. Two or three o f tea beat will be heart tq Jump when he Ared tee won the game in a double over- Slanehcater would not shoot and' show, as nothing to equal It Has ground circuits. At Verdi, win­ lose sight of the fact that every portedly were regrouping. piatol ending the Arst period In at center and Dowd and Riechle Association laat aeaaon. trounced Tulane. The Wildcats had Hamden took advantage of this military establishment must have Vatican source; Obituary guests this week, Mra. Cohan’a If tee Chlang decision la to con­ signed to a contract. St. Mary's (1) been staged In this area, and In dow.* were broken, chimneys top­ state service, every grandioae the main game. The shot came at the guards to stand tee chal­ a half-Ume lead of 47-lT. fact and had Urtnga pretty much that much money; they said that "Since it has been dared recently plan, in fact, every expenditure of sister and her husband. Mr. and tinue the war, an all out attack H y d e...... 79 123 108—308 was ndiat ideal security would fact In only Chicago and a few of pled. and pla.«ter dl.*lodged. Mrs. Trying Cohen, of Middle Vil­ unexpected to many in attend­ lenge o f the Brass City laasles. 93—r o her way In tea final canto, to lay hands aacrilegiously upon money by government must be by tee Communists might burst This contest will get under way at SiDlth ••***'. 97 60 cost during the 12 months begin­ the large centers of population, the most eminent cardinal of the lage, Long Island, N .'T. ance. Clifford .... . 88 82 76—246 Larry Danzell, a rangy guard has It been attempted before. taken from your personal pay with great fury In early January. Nassiffs Upset 2:15 with the main attraction with a fine hook shot, and equally ning next July 1. ' Holy Roman church, Josef Mind check In one way or another. They hold almost all of north C%i- scheduled for 8:30. Spee(i Skating Events St. Johns Trounce E va n s...... 120 96 98—314 Mr. Truman and Forrestal sat i szenty, and to prevent his ex­ Deulhs Bronislaw Plesclk, who for a N e lso n ...... 104 129 139—363 tall. Bob flhernum. ware the bijt Rules Obstacle "Although I must aay that na above the Tangtse and are not iguns for te* wltmors. Oanzall tiiffit, trimmed away $7,000,000,- regular Air Force may produce ercising his ecclesiastical juris­ great many people like their taxa­ number of years resided at 64 likely to let the advantage slip Royal Kings, 33-26 Vandeweghe Tops Clieuey Brothers OOr and. so far aa U known, per­ congressional dispute. The Na­ diction, the Sacred Consistorial Mrs. Anna E. Nletoen Birch street since hla discharge ToUl ----- .4 8 8 509 504 1501 fUpped in a doaen poinU on 0v« Plan Prepared Mrs. Anna E. Nielsen of Bolton tion to be hidden, and therefore while the hard pressed Chlang Listed Here Sunday hucketa and two free throws. 8har-« suaded the joint chiefs to go tional Guard association already congregation declares that all painless, the time has come for from Memorial hospital ha* been tries to mold new Acmlcs and de­ Navajos Perforin < St. John’s (8) Center road, Bolton, died yester­ a patient at Green Lodge Con­ Of tee three games scheduled In College Scorers man scorad aaven points but wa* a along. has denounced the plan as an j thase who have committed the the tax paying public to become fenses below the broad river at St. John’s trimmed Cheney Stevens .... . 103 96 99-298 The president and his advisers day afternoon at the Manchester valescent Home on Middle Turn­ the East Side Intermediate League entering wedge for eventual full (Continued from Page One) before-mentioned crimes have in aware of the tax )>icture. Brothers, 49 to 36. In a Y Senior D ep tu la----- . 109 63 100—392 thus fell back on the policy o f the Memorial hospital following pike B ast Mr. Plesclk waa em­ Nanking’s doorstep. last night, two wer* played and In Loop Tonight I TI)c locals held a 8 to 4 lead aP Federal control of the whole Guard curred. under Canons 2343 and •It may be well concealed, and New York, Dec.'30— — No Navajo Skating Gub to i f “S'S:League game last night. Ztggy Yaworaki . . . . 91 94 114—399 cglculated risk. They are trj’ing abort illneaa. She had lived with ployed by Cheney Brothers for over Chtang’s decision, which will af­ there waa one forfelL The Narra- 98—338 , the period and 16 to IS at hsM-r system. said the meeting probably 2334 of the codes of the canon you may have difficulty In discov­ wonder cnllese basketball scores Olbert and Vic Taggart each caged Plocharczvk . 120 n o to strike a balance between Amer­ Favors C!ensorship Htand lav^’, the excommunication specially her daughter, Mrs. Prank Clyde. forty years and received hla forty- fect directly tee lives of 450.000,- ganaett Aces failed to put five Sporting a one and one record, Sponsor Twelve R a c e Gene Gage. 13 points for tee with Wil­ Zavvistowski . 95 89 104-288 I time. Hamden forged o h e ^ 26 will be held tomorrow Instead. ering all of its Inlets, but It should 000 Chinese, may be world shaking. men on tee floor and as a result are ao high! I to 20 at tee three-way potnt aatf ica’s resources on one hand and, Forrestal steered clear of an­ Mr. Truman and President reserved to the Apostolic see, and Besides her daughter, she leaves year pin from that firm about two Fifty-three playera from major the local Navajo Hockey team will n a r- . From . Boston will bring A1 son best for tee slllr workers. on the other, the demand for a brother Jeff NIelaen of Hartford be evident that the high prices of years ago. Hla wife, Mra. Helen Already one of tee largest battles wer* forced to forfeit this game * r o g r a n i RI I .j6 llt6 r ; Broadhurst, ^^Fnink Broadhurst. In the other game tee up and then coasted to iU twahra point other possible controversy by an- Roosevelt before him both have have fallen under ‘infamia juris.’ today are well padded with the schools are averaging 15 points or make'ita third start In Conn. Val­ Total 518 472 SIS 1505 goods of the American public, thr. Pieseik, U at present making her In Chinese history—at least on pa­ to tee Bogey Busters. Snrinirs Pom !* D etails Alexdougon, C. Lambert. Edgar coming Silk O ty Eagles turned margin of victory tn teo final sight -- . .. , nouncing his agreement with a had troubles with the House Rules The source reported that the and a grandson. taxations which you don’t see, or more per game. Six are hitting 20 ley Hockey I eague at Springfield springs ronu, ueiaiis c. Thomp- U. S. military catablishmcnt, the | ncv^.gpupcr advisory group that “in The funeral w’Hl be held Friday home with her daughter, Mrs. Roae per — has been fought between In tea firat game tee Photos tilbek Morlarty Brothers. 52 to 34. mlnutea committee — even when the Dem- Sacred sent the taxes you have become so ac­ 1,000,000 combatants around Su- points or more a game. Eleven 0>liaeum tonight In the first end (I) European rccovcp* program and ; peacetime „ „ type of censorship is a letter to Pope Plus XII saying Abraltis of Doane street had too much heliffit for the DeMo- : ' son, Ann Kcnn'jdy, Jane Broad- Yosh Vlnrek and Bill Shaw with Leslie .... •2 99 91—272 Foul ahooUng by both Mdca tra« ocrate were in control of Cong^reaa, afternoon at 2:30 at the W. customed to paying that you don't chow. That battle, still simmer­ regularly connect with at least 50 of a double bill against the Dia­ all the other foreign aid programs. workable or desirable. the cardinals protested "before the Qulsh Funeral Home, 225 Main lay, winning IS to 12. Play was Billed as the Connecticut Win- burst. 16 and 22 points respectively. Steckel .... 91 89 93—273 atrocious. Hamden cagad but 11 aa they will be again next week. realize their presence. ing with remnants of 100,000 Na­ per cent their shots: average mond Match sextet.of that city. for 27 and Mancheater nattad U In the light of this, Mr. Tru­ "It is the responsibility of the That trouble arose because the whole civilized world for this new. street, with Rev. Leon Austin of The Mary Chqney and West alow and dellberat* and tela kept of Face off will be at 7:30 p. m. The ter Carnival, the Navajo Skating; (Connecticut will also be repre- i paced the Eagles McComb . . 90 96 115 -SOI “ For these reasons, the report tionalists surrounded by the Reds, at least eight out of 10 successful for 26. man and, his advisers are like a pi'CSB, radio' and other agencies grave offense against the liberty Coventry officiating. Burial will be Sld^ libraries will close tomorrow the score low.* Daflahy and Hodge sented by Joe and Fred Janei of The scores: Saaiela ..., 107 100 126—333 Rules committee — which must of the Governor's Tax committee was lost by Chlang. free throws, and seven have gone Navajoa are reported to be at full Club will sponsor 'the annual Con­ Coach Clarks has caUsd a prao-' team of Jugglers. Th«a’ have to which gather and disseminate give Its okay before major bills of the church." in the North Coventry cemetery- evening at sbe o'clock and 'will not were tee only players to score Norwalk also Earl Bloom, Michael Silk City Eagles ( it ) ! Maaaoli ... 125 116 109 -350 seems particularly significant Desertions 200 DnUy on Individual sprees of more than strength again, with all players necticut Valley Op:n speed skat­ tice seaston Friday morning at t keep a lot o f balls in the air—and news.” he said, ’’not to publiah in­ C8U1 get to the floor for debate Friends may call at the funeral re-open until Monday morning;- more than one basket from tee who had been on the Injured list Steatz, Dick Parkington and Harry B. r . Pt*. the price for dropping one might Connecticut is currently In Field reports from the encircled Door for their reapective teams. SO Doints in a single contest. ing championships Sunday after- ! o'clock at te* armory. ‘n»* locals formation which would violate the traditionally has had a heavy pro­ home after 8 p. m. today. back in the peak of physical con­ O oal. John Simmons from Stam­ Vincek, rf . . . . 7 2 16 Total . . . 495 500 534 1529 be diaaalcr. Pretender Declares strong and happy position flnan force 60 miles south of Suchow The biggest upset of tee Inter­ The National Collegiate Athletic noon al Center Springs Pond. j «* next start wlU be against ^test national security.” portion of southern Democrats as Special Connecticut Company dition for the nigged stick game. ford. Plummer, If , . 3 I « SI. Bi Keeping Uh5 game going on dally. Your money has been said tee Reds were bombarding mediate League seaaon took place Bureau broke out a new batch of The program, twelve races. Is Hamoto Tucadav evening in Bast In describing the nation aa "less members. buses will leave Hartford for Man A win tonight will keep them near are just a few of the en­ Shaw, c ...... 11 0 •22 .Meek ...... ■ 88 82 80—251 year after year is what worries Arrest *Big Crime* wisely handled." the government troops with loud­ la the second game. Naaslff Arms Bcorlng atatlatcls today, covering open to all registered amateur 93 98 vulnerable" today than a year ago, These Democrats often teamed cheater Saturday morning, (New the too of the pack, and (Caches tries that have come in to date. Cordera, r g ...... 0 0 0 Kosak .... 84-275 .eeme of the diplomatic experts Lisbon, Portugal. Dec. 30—(;P)— Summons Served Concluded the governor:* speaker appeals to surrender. De­ entry took the measure of the Roy­ games through Christmas. athletes. Medals will be awarded 93 84—269 Erie HohenUial and B obto John- Forre.stal cited a number of rea- with Republicans to refuse clear­ Year’s Day) at tee following Emil putt and Lea Olson feel their Some of these skaters hold various Ellis, rg ...... I 7 McConvllle 92 here. They picture Generalissimo Otto Hapsburg. pretender to the •The incoming administration sertions from the gF/cmment al Kings, 88-26, to pin tee firat They show Ernie 'Vandeweghe of first, second and third place win­ Morlarty. I f ...... 85 97 97—279 sm paced the local jayvoca ta a sorM. Including these: ance to New Deal-type legislation. times: 12;08, 12:25, 12:55, 1:16, charges are capable of chalking up state' and national titles. It is ex- 0 0 O’Brigbt .. Bthlln and his colleagues in the Hungarian crown, declared today has the reaponsibllity of contlnu force there are said to run around loss on tela combine in two aea- Colgate leading the nation 'with a ners in ail events. A trophy will be Hutchinson, Ig .... 0 Heffinger . . ISO 81 86—297 clew-cut 40 (o 11 victory in the ^ c armed forces have more men Briefly, the plan under study In Libel Action 1:35, 1:55, 2:15, 2:35 and 3:15 a. m. win number two at the expense of n-'cted that over a hundred en­ 0 Kremlin -.volUng with OrlenUl pa I and more equipment. would permit as few as 160 mem­ the arrest in Hungary of Cardinal ing a financial policy which will 200 a day. aona of play. The winnera took tee 26 point averase for five games. presented the high point winners tries will be registered" before the Krob, I g ...... 0 0 Handicap .. 55 55 5 8 -1 6 5 firat game over tec Hamden Jay- Buses from Manchester to Hatt- Air lift supplies are being sent the D3I six.. Jlatnden did not aeor* a field tlencc for an American bumble so : strategic plans have been pre- bers—perhaps even less—to sign a Mindszenty "is another big crime keep Connecticut sound and free ford will be at 12:30, 12:43, 1, 1:40, lead at the outset and were never That’s an even two points better In each class as well aa the three start of the races. A special three from either undue taxation or the to tee trapped government forces. Jack Hill, injured by a flying goal during the firat halt. they can pounce In and snatch up pared, and directives Issued for discharge petition and thereby and crime docs not pay.” New York, liec. 30—OP)— An 2, 2:20, 2:66, 3:15, and 3:85 a. m headed, although tee Kings drew than of Denver who mile mens race. The first race mile rac9 will be A n at the con­ Totals ...... 24 4 521 Total . . . 544^ 506 486 1536 the pieces. j carrying them out. If war sl^uld (orce action on a bill regardless of Regarding developments In attorney says he ha* served Eliza­ burden of debt. We can afford But tee Communist* have turned close a number of times, only to In turn holds a two-point edge puck In the opener some three will start promptly at 1 o’clock, Morlarty Brothera ($4) Saturday. automatic dnd artillery weapons weeks ago, haa returned to the clusion of the program with a ault- 1 ------I come in the Injmcdlate futur^ what the Rules committee has de­ Hungary where Communlsta are beth T. Bentley, self-atyled for­ only those public services for have Beherend come through with over Jim McIntyre of Minnesota. weather pei-mitting. able trophy donated bv Krause! B. F. Pts. Emanuel Luthemn (8) | In power, Otto said: which the public can afford to pay, on tee planes, forcing them to squad and will again take up his The United .States has a “ fair cided. mer Communist spy, a summons Thomas Ferguson, of 175 Main the needed pointo. He was high Boryla, a member of the Olym­ Four events are listed for men, Florist, ■ I Dudeck. rf ...... 5 0 10 Ivar Carlson . 92 83 114—269 i margin of superiority in practical­ Require Majorlly Now “ Europe, America and the civil­ In a $100,000 libel suit brought by and let us remember that under qlgber altitudes and oonsnquent in* pic team laat summer, and Bob goal-tending duties. Splitting the four for intermediate boys, four Griscl. If ... • *•**• 2 12 Harding ___ 98 lOS 100—300! Sporte'^faedule F.orreslal Sets street, preefdent and' treasurer o( kbcuracles In their supply drops. for tee night with 18 point* but 1 ly every technical area of weapon Such petitions now require 218 ized World won’t stand It much William W. Remington. pay-as-you-go system, thus far, It was the all around smooth team Brown of Miami University (Ohio) time on defense will be Jock Dona­ for Junior boys and « like number Kelly, c ___ **••••' 1 0 2 B enaon...... 92 101 113—306 longer I’m^sure." The Herald, waa admitted to tn< Some of the supplies are now fall­ hue, Buffy Davidoon, Honk Schuetz Y Junior Ixague development." And there has fcignnturea, a majority of the Remfngrton’s attorney, Richard Connecticut ranks first In the Manchester Memorial hospital late work which netted tee victory own tee best single game marks. in the three classea for women Gustafson, c ...... 0 0 ■ 0 T u r n e r ...... 98 137 104—3391 Saturday. Jan. 1 Stag,e for Fight been "appreciable progress In the House membership. But up until The Hungarian government as­ G. Greetf, said he had located Mlsa country In nearly every form of ing in the Communist lines. and Leo Paquette. Up front there Barnard, rg • • a a * • ft 0 10 Irv. Carlson . 116 89 67-292 Meriden vs. Guards. 6:45—A r­ yesterday aftemooh for tr^tment pencer Moosa, Associated Press Richardson and McLaughlin were Boryla scored 36 points against St. skaters. development of improved atomic 1835, only 146 signers could de­ serted .among other things that Bentley In the Bronx yesterday state service.’’ are three lines all capable of giv­ The entry list will include Shea A (55) Buckler, Ig ...... 0 0 0 mory. of an intestinal disorder. He was correspondent in Peiping, said tee only consistent scorers for tec John’s of Brooklyn at Madison weapons" during the last year. mand and get a vote. the cardinal, Roman Catholic pri­ after a "12-week chase.” He said Square Garden and Brown scored ing the Match team plenty of trou­ George Krause, president of the B F Pt*. Total ...... 496 512 518 1526 SvadASTa Jaa* B fCbsUnued from Page One) resting comfortably tela afternoon. there were Indications there that loaers with 10 and 6 points respec­ Vittner, rf ...... The obscure but amasing refer­ The Republicans, however, will mate In Hungary, eonsplred to re­ she “ appeared aurpriaed at the 36 against Findlay of Ohio. ble. Linesmen include Jim •and Bob Navajo Skating club, also a stu­ .. 7 0 14 Totals ...... 16 2 34 Temple Beth (1) lee (Carnival, 1 p. m.—Ccatar Mr. Ferguaon is still recuperating political settlement of the war tively. Milliard, If ...... 7 ence to the "earth satellite vehicle have 171 members In the new Con­ store the monarchy in Hungary. summons." Fighting Still The Junior League of tec* East (Tarton, Harry Wood, Bill Greene, dent at Arnold Ckillege of Physical 3 16 Brettachnelder 89 102 77—268 Sprtaga. 80th congress passed the \inifica- “ All the accusations only shroud from a gall bladder operation he was near. Farrell, c ...... 7 0 14 program poinispoints up theinc realms in-mr gress, ao they, too, would be able A court order had been issued underwent last' July. He will reach Side plays three. games tonight, Rec League Ev Thompson. Red Donahu^ Dick Education. He will represent Ar­ St. John’s (49) Herman . 94 90 83-267 Waterbury va PA’a 3:30—Rec. tion bill in 1947 there was the reality, the will of the Kremlin He cited these facts: Tost, rg ...... 4 1 9 B. F. Pt*. 'to which military scientific think to force out bills under that plan. empowering Green to save the hi Palestine hla 79th birthday this coming starting at 6 o’clock, aa follows: Anschueto, Herb Redrar, Johnny nold'College^ A few new’cOmcra to Kovensky 114 Si 120—318 Wednesday. Jaa. 5 bate over how much power should reaches. To get around that situation, to destroy Christianity.” Otto said, ;ifiummons after U- S- marshals In . Demolition Stopped Metlvler and Tom McCusker. the sport are William Arendt and Selble, rg ...... 0 0 0 DubashinakI, rf ... 8 0 10 Welaa . . . 94 107 80—281 Bridgeport va. Guards, 8:45— be delegated the cabinet member. Monday. On next October 1 he will 1. The new supervisory corps East Side Oirdlnala—Clowns. Walnut Street Tavern Open* Up Conjeellire the Gemocratic leaders have pro­ the rardinal'a fearless flghl for Brooklyn and Manhattan said they A bua will leave the Veteran’s Tom Duff. These skater.’) will be In Tally, Ig ...... 1 0 2 KosakoWaki, rf ... 2 0 4 Rubin .. . 98 98 98—294 Armory. In the House. Representative observe Ws 60th anniversary with has stopped the demolition of South Methodist Mustangs— W. Simmons .. 'The existence of Uie program posed an additional requirement religious freedom will strengthen were unable to And Mlsq Bentley. Center at 6 o’clock for the O l- the senior class. The Junior class Brown, 'If ...... 2 0 4 Handicap 22 22 2 2 - 66 Friday. Jaa. the deep attachment o f the Hun­ (Contlnoed from Pag* One) The Herald. buildings previously ordered de­ S. Rowdies. A. Massaro 1 Hoffman (R-Mlchl argued against waa about all the report said of that only the chairman of a com ­ Remington, suspended Cotn- iseum, and la being run for the of the Navajo Skating club will be Totals ...... 26 3 65 Rubaehk, c ...... 1 0 2 Meriden va. Manchester High, -provtalona o f the bill which he garian people to Christlsalty." stroyed In pieparatlon of Peip­ Animals— Panthers. M. Massaro Vigilantes Olbert, c ... • *•••• 0 1 13 6:30—Armory. the subjeet, but It opened up con­ mittee whose bill Is being bottled , merce department employe, dlcatsd earlier In the week Israel Naaslff Arms (88) many loyal fans of the club. represented by Phil Jobert, Ray­ (25) Total . 511 503 480 1494 said might point toward military jecture. ing’s defenses. Philips ____ Martin, rg ...... 1 1 3 up could Initiate a discharge peti­ i charges Mlsa Bentley said he waa win obey a cease fire order. B F PU Tickets for the contest can be mond Larson of Suffleld and a B F PU. dictatorship. He declared that un­ The generally accepted conclu­ 2. Work on pillboxes and ether Haberen . . . R. Marconi, rf ...... 5 3 Taggart, Ig ...... 6 1 13 V LMgne tion. , .. Milita^ Government I a Ck>mmunlat on a television pro- Well informed circles predicted J. Shea, r f ...... 3 1-3 7 purchased on the bus, from the member of the Navajo Skating 13 North Methodist No. 2 (I) der the measure as then pending sion Is that the program involves defense work ha* been suspended. McGavanaugh. If . .. 0 0 — J Hanna 97 AH committee chairmen In the ' gram. Israel will refuse to carry out any Weddings PontlUo, If ___ . . . 3 0-4 6 players, or at Naasiffs. club will be entered In the midget, 0 69 86-272 the pow’er over the mllitarj’ "that studies of the feasibility of estab. 8. Strict censorship of (Chinese Totals ...... 555 651 508 1609 .. 2 Total.* ,.28 4» Sloan . . . 99 62 Bryant and Chaatnaa (t) new Congrea* will be Democrata. ISoic Holding Crown I Miss Bentley told a reporter laat withdrawal based on j,tee-Nov,--4. Morgan, If ...... 0 1-2 1 class. Raymond Larson is tee Strong, c ...... 0.- 4 95-274 belongs in the hands of civilians Ilahing, out on the j>eri meter of newspapers is believed aimed at Center Metoni (1) B. Marconi, rg . . . .. 1 0 2l Cheney Brothers (86) Crossen 95 125 •5—815 Skoog ...... 128 88 137-358 Moat of them arc administration Berlin, Dee. 30 -(4>)—The cmv.r , night by telephone that “an an- decision. That decision called on preventing a leak of the news on Beherend, c ...... 9 0-0 18 StoBky Te Dtacard Cmtebc* preaent Middle New England la concentrated and finally con­ apace, an artificial, man-made sat­ Fuller ...... 86 108 126 320 Kuhney, Ig ...... 2 3 B. F. Pts.: Irish ..., 128 103 105-884 B row n ...... 100 96 91—286 supporters. of .Stephen, venerated by the swer to the suit will be filed— Israel to remove from the Negeb peace move* rather than military Coleman, rg ...... 0 0-0 0 midget champion. Being tea amall- 6 centrated, not In the president, b*' ellite. From it. rocket attacks Livingstone-Wheeler Keeney 111 94 306 Mobile, AU., Dec. 30—(iP)—Eddie ,T. Klelnsehmidt. rf 2 2 6! (Thappell 109 110 9T -316 Reed ...... 86 98 PO—274 might be directed onto enemy na­ The plan is reported to have ine Hungarian nation for more than there is nothing else to be said." troops whieh had not been there Mrs. Dailey Johnson, of Will) information. Flaherty, rg ...... O ’ 1-5 1 Suchy . 101 104 312 est and youngest member o f tec A. Klelnaehmldt, rf 8 2 cguae he cannot grasp and use it, backing of Representative McCor­ Stanky, Boston Braves second Totals ...... 10 5 25 B u r r ...... 109 97 119—325 tions on the earth. 900 years, is in the safekeeping of before that date. mantle, anuouacea tee marriage dt 4. There has been little Symington, rg . . . . 0 0-1 0 Sander 112 88 313 club this will be hia aecond year In Smith. If ...... 2 0 but In the secretary of defense. mack of Massachusetts, due to re­ baseman, will discard his crutches Shea B ($8) ♦ Total . 526 509 474 1511 Nlcho'a ...... 104 124 115—343 There la nothing new In the Idea the American Military government Circles close to tee government her daughter, Mias C3eo Wheeler, Ing there for tee past several NowJeki 110 110 348 competitl':>n and is ahon'ing great Wilson, c ...... 4 2 I'l St. James No. And the secretary of defense will vert to his old job of majority at Munich, a U. S. official said to­ said Israel’s point o f view la teat this week-end. promise as a speed skater. Anoth­ B F PU. of sending aloft a rocket which, to Roy Uvlngatoiie, Jr., of Augua days. Totals ...... ___ 15 3-15 83 Blanohard, c ... .. 4 0 SI Luppachino 86 97 527 502 552 1561 be If not the unconacloua tool, at leader In the Ho^iae. and Repreaen- day. Halts Program the withdrawal order of Nov. 4 . Eddie was operated on here De­ Mlcbdels, r( ...... 4 0 8 118—301 upon reaching a point where the ta, Maine. 5. Many National Assembly Royal Kings (26) Totals . 535 542 522 1599 er member from Suffleld wit) be DslKle...... 0 0 0|J. O Rellly 102 123 Dan WnUa (2) le u t the irgent of the military tatlve Sabbath of Illlnola. who will and the order to statt armistice delegates In Peiping have been cember 18 for removal of bone McGuire, if ...... 0 1 1 rg 99—334 gravitational attraction of the The offleial said Washington has The ceremony was performed B Joe Tosl. former member of tee Jones, ...... 0 0 0 F. O’Reilly 106 122 Cargo ...... 109 103 103—315 ** be chairman of the Rules com­ Of Immuniziation negotiations with Egypt Nov. 16 openly discussing means of obtain­ fragments from hla right ankle. Everette. e ...... 2 0 4 rg 100—326 By an amendment offered hy earth becomes neutralised, would reached no decision regarding re­ on Chriatmaa day In Wlllimantlc. hliruekl, rf . . . Post Office The ankle was broken in a col­ Hartford Skating club. 5(cKee. I g ...... 0 0 ® !. ilderbrand n o 120 93—333 LaUey . . . .. 135 96 97—320 can only be regarded aa allied ing peace in China. , From Hartford will bring Joe Caae, rg ...... 4 1 91 Representative Cole (R-NYt the establish an orbit around the earth, mittee Itself. j turn of the crown. Mrs. Livingstone la a kindergarten lamonaco, rf • LaRiviere lision in a game last July. Ferguson. Ig .. . .. 0 0 0 Richmond , 83 91 114—388 Kompanlk . 93 101 121—315 It was less clear how much, ii "Negotiations involving both the parts of a whole and that tee Meanwhile, peace rumor* In Vallonis. a senior skater who la Carlson. Ig ...... 0 1 1 authority of the secretary was like that of the moon. It has Tokyo. Dec. 30—(4')— The Jap­ teacher at tee Washington school Sambogha, If . Far ...... He was permitted to return Sarpola . .. 125 135 92—342 been considered for years. In an any, leadership support Is building Hungarian government and the latest fighting in the desert has on O d e r street. Shanghai, steadied the money mar- Finnegan, c .. president of the Hartford Skating Totals ...... 15 SO O'Bright , qualified to “general” Jirection anese immunization progruffi Tvas keL The gold yuan, which sank McCarthy home from tee hospital three days Totals ...... lO'^ 3 Total ...... 487 553 51^ 1564 .. 130 130 9 8 —338 abstract manner. up behind the drive wdthln party Vatican have been $3>ing on for not changed Israel’s stand. McLaughlin, c club, at preaent Greater Hartford go*. over the military, establishment. halted today because of the d ea t^ to 165 to $1 yesterday recovered to Paganl .. before C!hristmaa on condition he Cowboys (18) Secoad CoagOB. (4) This la the provision Forrestal But German scientists during ranks to keep Rankin off the Un- some time in this case," he ^dded. Stevenatfn,-rg . stayed on tea crutches and took champion. Wally Hanaon will Vltner ...... 103 110 88—301 572 86T 811 1630 The crown Is kept at a cblleetlon of 84 persons and the Illneaa of 120 to 81. The price of gold bul- Twaronlte ' B F Pta now wanU deleted. The same the war, basing their theories on Ameriran Activities committee. Richardson, Ig Avlgone . things easy. •> come down from Springfield, Niffhl'n rights Generoua .... 66 128 97-.311 Has Taken Prominent Part renter of Military governments 900 more. • Report* Indicate Hospital Notes Uon dluppad similarly. Topliff, rf ...... 0 0 .. 0 recommendation was made in the the 8ucce.*s with the high-ranging Brig. Gen. Crawford F. Bams Of Stanky sold hla doctor told him Mast. ' CTurrler...... 94 93 83—270 Chaiab era Movers (8) Rankin has taken a prominent Fine Arts and Monuments section. The money mart generaUy tight­ Wyll known skaters from New R!»an, rf ...... 0 0 0 recent report by a "task force" V-2 rocket.*, gave the plan serious Gaza Surrounded Total* ...... 8 10*24 26 Totals ___ 511 508 yesterday teat the’’ ankle ’’ts heal­ Quilltch .... 95 117 105—317 S. H U lBski----- 108 108 120—384 part in the committee’s spy hunt It was among the booty taken Tracy, Calif., General MacAr- ened. Bank interest rates went Ellla. It ...... 2 0 4 By The Aiwidated Press committee of the Hoover Commis­ attention. It Is to - be presumed thuria health director, ordered tee Haifa, PalesUne, Dec. 80.—(A)— Patleats Today ...... 148 Score at half time 15-11. Naaa- Pockett’s (3) ing perfectly.” He added'that he York who might poaalbly partici­ McCurry .... 149 114 110—873 Oiarobera ..... 108 108 134—388 that whatever calculations and re which brought It Into sharp con­ from Hungary by Germans during to 120 per cent a mont,^ Madaon...... 0 0 * 0 Phoenis. Arlz - Frankie Liber­ sion on Government Roorganlxa- halt while vacclnea were recalled ReporU to Unltrt NaUona truce Admitted yesterday: Carol Oiek- Iffs. Pockett . ..?. 113 107 is thinking of taking up golf in an pate are; man. 137, Loa Vegaa. Nev.. and Handicap .. 8 8 8— 24 Wttkowski .... 127 111 98—336 search the Germans might have flict with the Truman administra­ the war and was recovered in 1845 Dwyer's Photo (18) effort to strengthen the ankle. Robert Jahn. Herman Van Put- Cronin, rg ...... 2 0 4 tion. and examined. headquartera indicated today tee aiw, 186 Biich street; (Jarl Rogers, He-witt ...... 104 1 3 Tommy Vargas, 135, Los Ai^gelta, ...... 119 126 110-355 Another Forrestal recommenda­ conducted now are in the hands of tion. But even before that, many by U. S. troops. southern Palestine port o f Gaza la 37 Main street; Fr^erick ^ a le , B F Pts Baton. Ig ...... 1 *Total . 535 570 491 1396 K o v l* ...... 100 99 115-814 Americans delayed action on the Faulty diphtheria toxin waa Bresnick .. . ..105 .. 1 0 2 drew, (10). American military arlentiata. of the Misalsslpplan’a acOons on surrounded and In a pocket. Danahy, rf .. 3 0-1 6 D. Mariconi. Ig . . South Methodist (6 ) tion—creation of the post of un­ first post-war Hungarian request Mamed tfor the deathi. moat, of 85 Tanner street; Thomas Fergu­ Taylor ...___ 116 Wh)tc Plains. N. Y. — Cktrroll dersecretary who, aa "alter ego" the committee, have displeased the Gaza waa the main Egyptian son, 176 Main atrieet; Kathleen Osella. If ...... 1 0-1 2 Perkins ...... i n 118 69—318 558 582 567 lOH for the crown because o f the possi­ which occurred In aouteem Hon­ St. George .98 , . 6 1 13 Alexander, 125. Washington, D, C„ to the aecretary. would necome the Democratic leadership. baae In Palestine and waa the first Mozzer, Rockville; Alfred Keller, Tlcman. c ...... 0. 1-1 1 Sharp Shooting Mikan Total* ...... Haugh ...... 103 107 95—805 Mariarty Brothers (1) Assertn Many, Guard bility It might be seized as “irepara- shu, Kyoto and Shimane prefec­ Rover* (17) outppfnted Dinto Bleta, 131, Can- acting chief of the mtlltarj’ estab­ He Is the second ranking Demo­ announced seat of tee Palestine Rockville; Diane Krob, 6 Nathan W . Kelley, rg . V 1 3t4 5 536 494 546 1576 ton^^., (81;. Nichols ...... 97 n o 98—305 Newcomb 57 104 127—32T tlons” by the Soviet occupation tures. 0-1 2 Totals . . . B F PU Vittner ...... lishment In the absence of the sec­ Pilots Will Resign crat on the committee and la In General Sima said legal action Arab government. The reports road. W. Ol.'son, Ig 1 Brown ...... 99 101 66-286 111 55 50—800 Une to head the Veteran* commit- Army In Budapest. 0-0 2 |J. Farrell, rf — . 0 0 0 H. LaChapeUe retary—also paralleled a recom­ Baltimore, Dec. 30— (VP) — The against tee manufacturer of the suggested It was In a similar posi­ Admitted today: Mra. Caroline A. Olaaon, Ig — 1 Cheaey Office I.eague Lacks Sharp Eyesight Clowns Defeated Banks ...... 100 104 118—322 57 99 92—288 1 Irish. If ...... 0 0 0 Waickowskl . 113 111 141—365 mendation of the Hoover, commit­ commanding officer of the Mary­ tee. faulty vaccines would be, taken. tion to the Faluja pocket, where Magnuson, 11 R l^ e street; Joseph Q—Was tee Emanclpatlou Proc- 2 The plan being discussed by Egyptian troops have been penned 7 4-8 18 IR. Farrell, e ...... 1 0 Total ...... 510 R. LaOiapelle 107 101 85—307 tee. land National Guard said laat night The Immunization program haa Ferguson, 51. Foster street; Rob­ the president’s war measures are ' Totals ...... Team No. S («) W'lUlagtoa Boys Club (61) 540 486 1536 • The proposals by Forrestal for some Democrats la to change the Minneapolis — George Mikan, < repeating the same feat In the ' Holmes, rg ...... 1 3 5 it Iq a matter "of absolute fact" Work Progressing been adinlntstered by Japane« in for weeks. ert Henry, 239 Middle Turnpike, broad. It might not have stood up DrMolay (13) Wupperfeld 126 116 102—344 B. F. Pta. sharper authority. If approved and U. N. observers In Gaza told B K PU : Eacavltch. Ig . . 5 0 10 North .MrthedUt Net 525 814 845 1588; that many guard pilots ^viU resign House rules to provl4p that no doctors with the occupation a ease under peace conditions, but the Lawrence 78 94 89—261 currently top man In Basketball •’A'- , . ^ . , Mather, rf ...... 5 1 11 paaa^ on to the lawmakers by member may be chairman of one headquarters only a small amount Discharged yesterday: Howard adoption of the I3te Amendment C. Johnson, rf 0 0-3 0 102 ‘ 100—308 _ Thus far he has an average of Bradley, r f ...... I 0 2 Tyler ...... 88 94 105—267 Mater Bafaa (t ) If a proposed merger of the Na­ Al New Localioii health section only In an advlaory Johnson . 106 Aasoclation of America scoring, points per game. He haa tee . , 7 3 17 Taanor President Truman, will go to a eommtttee and serve on another of military activity la going on tn Sentlff, 122 West street: Mrs. to the Constitution “ settled the L. .T'lhnson. If • • • • 1 0-3 2 113 116—343 ! TotaU ...... P. Ganapolis, I f ...... 5 1 10 Clark ...... 86 97 116-285 118 81 57—304 tional Guard Air Forces with the capacity. Benson .. 114 Brogan .. Xlemocratlc-controllcd Slat Con- at the same time. As It happens. tee Negeh. If« e Nowsch. Coventry: Richard Schubert, c .. • • • «' n 0-2 0 haa achieved teat diaUncUon with- most field goals, the most free Be; B ee (I*) Vanaark, If ...... 7 1 15 Morrison .... 124 103 95-333 185 125 103—SSr' Federal Air Reserve is put into ef­ 0 qu'eation once , and for all. Pts Correntl greaa. Hoffman and Cole were not Rankin would he the’onl.v one af­ Work la progreaalng on the new * Bpg. Gen. William E. Rlle^, U. Lee. Rockville; Marianne Skinner, lamation ol Abraham Lincoln Hodf rg ...... 3 2-3 8 ___ 424 425 407 1256 out having tee eyesight usually throws made, and. ia tied for the | B StwiackI, ...... 4 1 9 Chappell .... 93 93 125—313 124 127 104-r355 fect. 4 Total .5 McCurry 127 55 118--34<( Immediately available for comment Lt. Ool. Robert U Gould, \\ho' fected. , location of the Center Restaurant N. chief of staff, denied an asaer- 21 Durant street; Miss Evelyn Bo- Ug^e;<. Ig .. — 1 0-1 2 Team No, 4 (0) associated with such sharp ahoot- most^ poin^s^in a ^ngle^ game—4L | T. I^noit, rf Holmea, C ...... 0 0 0 R. S frk ’w ther 109 99 108-316 tion by Iraqi Premier Muaahlm really legal? 0 0 85 lOS “ as to whether they would offer heads this state’s Air Forces, said Rankin Is known to be determ­ In the Add Fellows building. Con­ Church Installs denhom, 816 Center street: Mrs. ■ A—The legality of tee procla­ Orieder ____ 100 103 103—306 Mikan puts on fiis glasaea, with | Kodes. If Brown, rg ...... 3 4 10 Amin al Pachachl in Damascus ing. 0 O new objection*. the Air National Guard "very def­ ined to take over the Vetrans com­ tractor Joe Hublard rejyirted to­ Mary Orvini, 216 Oak street; Mrs. mation waa queatloned at the Totals .... . 3 2-13 12 Wheweil ___ 96 117 91 — ...... \ a harness slipi>ed over hla head i Martin. )f . . , . J. Ganapolis, r g ...... 0 0 0 Total ... . 502 486 350 1538 Oertels to Arooae Wrath mittee helm. And he has tola day. He aald alterations to the yesterday that Riley and other U. Score at.half time 10-4, Photoa ____ 101 87 99 :g ! For Mikan, six foot, ten Inch i before every game, but that I Rlneatonr. c 1 2 1 Porodus. I g ...... 0 1 1 Zion Lutheran (1) 887 S a 81T 1852. initely la opposed to federallsatlon Theater Seats Louise Taylor, 46 Ardmore road. time. It waa a war measure and Rau . . . star o f the Minneapolis Lakers, o. Ferraatal iteered away from an- newsmen he would not give up hie building would be completed the N. truce commissioners had been Discharged today: .Mrs. Lorraine Dummy 78 94 89-261 doesn t keep them from flying off fJsk. rg ... ^ ; Ro\'oazo. ig ...... I 0 2 Badroainskl . 82 89 107—288 cither subject certain to aroota In any form-" aaked to leSve Iraq. haa to thick shattarproof n KMnert ... . 77 85 9 0 -2 8 2 He called the Air Guard “a place on the Un-American Activi­ midde of February. Kennedy. 13 WaddeU road; Mrs. Q—Where la the Poet’s Ckimer? rase B'tttbers League \vrar in a mixup under tee basket, and I Everett rg . wrath in Congrqas—faderalisatlon glaaaCs In a plsatic fram* to sec Prokopy ... Kualcki 185 U * 111- ties group "without a fight." A permit waa received last week Dayton. O.. Dec. 30 —(F)-—"I Riley said he did not send ob- A—It la a section of Westmins­ Highland Pa>'k No. 1 (4) . ToUl 375 401 382 1158 they get knocked off fairly fre- ' Brainard, Ig 5 6 26 9 61 . 92 93 103—290 of tha ground National Guard. He growing concern, a proven enter­ *er\’*ra unarmed to tee Egyptian Mary Rustic, 29 Florencq street; i his way ar-rand tee basketball WUay ...... 88 95 91—274 Gleason . 128 148 prise o f merit that could render a for alterations at an estimated can’t come to church because Uiida Saimond, 72 Chtmpfield ter Abbey In London where fam­ Walker ...... fid n o 414--810 quently. Maachratrr downs oidnf go along with tha proposal front because he did not want ...... floor. He says he can’t even get 14 2 14 Benche .«.. . 83 UO 105 -2 88 HUinakt . 180 105 105-86(1: good account of Itself In combat cost of $12,000 for the new quar­ the benches aze too hard for me to road; Joan Boyle, 661 Middle ous poets are burled. lOO 92 85—277 Team No. 1 (8) George’s lefL eye is the weaker Total* . , . Rubacha, rf ...... 6 df a spscial advisory committee them killed. out of bed without hla glasaea, bis . Morrison, If ...... 2 0 4 Vafrick . 107 108 186-386 Piiblict Reconis ters o f the restaurant. The pres­ sit on through an entire aervlca, Turnpike. e*at3 Ronald Johnson, ■ • 'cr'n n ...... 78 88 91—257 Dexter ...... 100 98 117—316 of the two. necessitating a heavier for VMeral control of the state right bow." 100 -195 vision ia so poor. Fuller, I f ...... 1 0 2 Total .... 424 482 498 1412 QooM ch 88.U7 U5-36T, The Federal Air Reaerve Is “a ent restaurant Is In the Farr block a parishioner told the Rev. Jam** 118 West street;’ George Snow. 199 q —What waa the weight of ...... — 93 Johnson .... 113 103 109—325 V lensc for ’ that eye than for the 1 Boakry Ai A Glance hillitsry orgsaisationB. He did. Named CARE Director Ami the glasaea don't even ! Bugaucius, c ...... 10 2 22 stepAild of the regular eervlcee, on Main etreet where .Tames Mor- Thomas of the South Park Metho­ Woodbri(Ure street; Mrs. Alice rocditval armor? Cervlnl ___ 97 92 134—323 right. 'The lenses are at least . howsver, recommend federslisation Warraatoe Deeds 'o lV ...... 294 383 390-103P bring his vloloa to the usually a quiirtcr-lnch thick. I Jensen, c ...... 1 4 6 Pte Baskelban at a Ojaasa 885 886 59f lanos and John Kambas have con­ dist church a few months ago. Jones. 6iS Main street: Salvator* A—Ths weight of tee armor National Lra^mc mS . df the Air National Guard. a paper organisation with very lit­ Emsst A. Ritchie to William E. Waterbury, Dec. SO—(45—Thom' Ha(!Un, rg ...... ^ 2 0 4 AaeucisthNi a l AaMflea ducted business for the last quar­ So, todsy n’orkmen .began in* worn In tee Mt«Wl* Agea rsngfl Highland Park No. 2 (5) Toltal .... 310 293 360 963 eiawderad aanaal et 25-29. Bat .Mikan haa tried eoatact Detroit 10, Rostor The defense ddaf said frankly tle training of any kind,” Colonel Patterson et al. property at Bige­ as 8. Smite, retired Y.M.C.A. ate- OePumpo. 75 Btreh street; Mrs. 2. Alemany. rg ...... 0 0 0 Pimrldane* 98, Baltlmora 8E A ter century. sUlllng IfiO new teeater-typ* from 25 to more than 100 pounds.* '*. D-'nnlaon . 88 n o 80—278 Team No. 8 (I) that didn't keap Mlkaa fram Irnse*. to get arooad waarlag AflMWiflUl IdNMHM h* thinks the tea* fsdsrsUsstion Gould said. low and Liberty atreets. .retary, waa appointed todsy dl 'nieicsa Letrieo, I65i Broeklield O’Coln, Ig ...... 1 0 2 MiaasapoUa 81. Waahiafftoa M . playad tgr The new reaUurant will be lo­ seats with rounded backs s m njr ’G em lng...... 87 83 113— 288 Stevenson 90 103 97—290 \1rtuaJly rewrraag the reoerd the rurreat frsmm. but he aay* IndUjIbRtolls 2 Buffalo (tie). Atasasf* xmm ct Ife eentended federallsatlon W. G. Glenney Company to Dur- the graiiim National Guard la rector for CARB Inc., for Con­ street. 101 books o f the XatMhaJ Lragor, 2. Haw York 77. Rochester 74. kateaU sttubd. t h e 87 115 113 118—346 he can’t get ueed to them. So Jf would substitute "the reaerve ward H. Lathrop et al, property on cated a few feet to the north of cushions In tee church, onq of tne Birth yesterday; A aon to Mr, Q— In what country was tee Dubaldo . Hershev 4. rievelsnd I aduad from h mllitaTy atandpo&tt 23 8 54 , Antrricaa Lmgna ptar tn 18 Sou' the present site In the Odd Fellows necticut imd southern Maaaachv* ro'4'..r.n ...... ro 97 92 109 - 29S In which tec 5lianrapqUa team hr continues with hla thick Peovldonce 5 Waeh'nrton 0. Southsaaloni - :^ t gay attempt to puab legiala- idea" for the pnasent Air National Campfleld road. city’* largeat. > . and Mr*. Gerald Perone, 151 Mc- banana first found? 29:17. WU- Wilkes-Barre 104. Brooklyn 7E oontaata four building at the conier of East *nie Reverend Thomas ni'fote tee setts. Smite waa program aecretary A —The banana is of Asiatic plaj-ed last year. Aad it doesn't leoM-a aad special haraa**—sad S t Louis w, Philadelphia 2. ! Score at half U^tc, ,foav Notdd produce *^erloua Guard, "a force in being. Marriage Lieense for the Waterbury Y.M.C.A. for K c" atr*et. aiatcRaa. C en^r and Main streets, in stores man telling -abofit th* . n w , origin and probably originated tn T o t a l...... m S84 383-1029 T o t a l...... 308 305 326 »84 leak H is It Nta ' It doeoa’t aaem to haadloap hiaa i Pittoburab ,flir Borurttl^ 8- tUagton. Benatoo 85, Atlantic Citjr TL, "W * can’t ace why .they want to Aaron Bennett Felger of Put­ 16 years: retiring- last-July 61 Birth today: A daughter-to -Mr. formerly occupied bv U-i Austin, and •‘‘now 1 expect-to acc the East Indies. It wa* •arly •••' \ fRtn'tb* propoaal for cothWntaig Scrap a gothg'drginlsatfoTi for an nam and Barbara Joan Laurie- of jCARB headquarters In New York and Mrs. Ernest Scott. 37 Flower I t cigar maKiir. »9d Peter Peperills, one more member la church next tlvated In India JfididW# Guard 'v«h tbs idea that hqa,proven a failure so Putnam, wed4ttng January t by made, the snoolntment. 'Street , under direction of tha far," b* a d ^ RahW Wind. • shoe r*M f Sunday.” . / MANCHESTER EVENING IIERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1W8 P A C E T E W MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, .MANCHESI ER. CO.NN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 194$ PA6B BLBVUI I I'uinting—Papering 21 I.ive Stock— Vvhirlea 42 Rooms Without Bimri 89 H s ^ Y s r Sale 72 He far Sale 72 Aotomoblka for 8bI« 4 Baainess Services Offered 1." FOUR-ROOM single on West aide. A subway was being dug. A I PAPERING, Inside painting, call­ ’TWO PIGS, ready to go. Fad on TWO LARGE heatad furoishod SIX-ROOM 'Hpe Cod. flrtplace. ‘rd u N eH vii.i.ii k u l k s BY FONTAINE FOX FURNACES laliored to fit your oil heat, rrcr»atl>>n room. Price Space for two wore up. Very ------1 drunk stopped beside the excava­ The following m ysr, williUa kp DeCORMTER MOTOR SALES ings whitened, floors sanded and grain and milk. 179 Oakland bedrooms in private heme, next home. Van Camp Bros Phone 811.000. Immediate occupancy. reasonable, at owner has moved tion and called down to the man at Dr. Frederic. S. Ilemtag recter ot Qauified SAYS: “ Mr. and Mrs. Pro­ reflntahed. Bstlmatef. now being street to bath. Private entrance. On bus 5244. out af town. Vacant T. J. il l ortue Sense and Nonsense the bottom of the pit. Trinity ctntnli. Mew York, sfeouM given on outside painting for llae. Pboae ^-9467. Elva Tyiar, Agent Mancheater " WHISKY B " W Drunk—Shay, watch’a doing spective Car Otvner, treat 2-4480. prove valuable for aU m otosM i: RANGE Bumsrs and pot burners next spring snd summer. Csill Chockatt Brokar. Fhona 5418. down there? yourselves to a good car LAMP POST. IT Spruce strtat ' f , , ■■ ■ 4 Mrs. Vaneere—There’s the truck This story la told on A. C. but “Grant me a steady hand aad Advertisemeiib cleaned, tvpalrer' and inatailed. Wanted— PHa—Pw ltry— ! we ahan’t vouch for its accuracy Worker—Building a eubway. TOW, spring will drive prices Gilbert FIckett 4208. near Center of town. Pleasant ’’ ACANT, Six-.ooai stagto. North SEVEN-ROOM singla, two of upi with the piano wc bought today. watchful eya. that no man alMdl Permit and guaranteed. Joseph Stock 44 and of town. Small caah required. stairs rooms ready for plaster. You go right out and tell them to ; though it sounds as If it might be Drunk—How long’s it gonna b* hurt, whan I pnas by. Thao u p w a i^ . INTERIOR nd exterior painting, furnished room hustnees man or Senna Phono 3-0147. BxceQent ocndlUon throughout Located on Broao straet south take it back, true. take to build it T gavest life and I pmy ns act of paperhsnging. Pres eatimst^ WANTED— Beef cows end calves. couple. Automatic haat and hot T. J. O o ck e tt Broker. Phone of Woodland atroat Dscorate to i The Scot was dri\-lng across Ure Worker—Three years. mine may take away a t mar that Lost and Fonnd See these todc.y you’ll save by LINOLEUM — Asphalt tile, wiill Wallpaper sold Raymond Fisks. Get s better prioe by selling dir­ water. Ample parking. Pbona 2- Vaneere— Have you changed Drunk — To heck with it. I’U M18. suit Pries 811,000. CaU 1-0801 I border and the customs o f' 'er was gift o f Thine. Shelter these, dear buying now. covering. Dons by reliable, well- Phone 3-9237. ectly to the Manchester Packing 2494. your mind about wanting a piano 7 IgoiaK %'sr the machine, itake a taxi. liOBT—DoubU strand oC pearls, We buy—We sell—We trade and after 8 p. St. Mra. Vaneere— No; but what’s 0 Lord, who bear ma cotmMuiy, (Tom trained men. All Jobs guaranteed. Company. Phone 2-1600, j Offloo—AhR (UftinfT up a whl»-* the erila o f fire and all calamity. vidnlty Alexander street and we service all makes of cars. INTERIOR and exterior pialntlng, ATTRACTIV ELY Fumlsbad room FIVE ROOMS VACANT. the use of buying a $600 piano and Hall Linoleum Co.. S3 Oak street FOUR-ROOM Capa Ood, in good (key bottle out of the trunk). You If there's anything better than Teach me to use mv car tar others* Pine Pharmacy. Sentimental Phone 3-4022, evenings 6166. paperhangtng, celling reflniab- WANTED To buy, cows, calves for two adulta Light bauaekaep- having it delivered at night when said you had nothing but some need, nor miss through lor* o f eahie. Telephone 3-31S9. THIS WEEK’S SPECIALS ed Men insured snd property and beaf cattle, also horses. Piela Ing faclUtlea avallabla. Ontral. SIX ROOMS NEW, NEAR condition. Immediate occupancy. 'I mp* the neighbors can't see it T Tell the fresh home-msde bread and tots of Pries I7J00. Ehra l^ler, Agant. old clothing in thia trunk. butter, name it. speed the beauties o f Ttiy world: CELLARS, Attics and garages damage. Bbepert work. Edward ft Bros., 364 BldwcU street Phone All conveniencaa. Mrs. Jerems, CENTER. men to bring U back In the morn­ Scot— Keerect, mon, that’s my that thus I may with Joy uid eour- IXJST— Boy’s Jacket at Commun­ 1948 PONTIAC CONV. CLUB 7405. Manchester 2-4469. ing. A loaded wagon. Buy thla car cleaned out. Free labor. Phone Price. Phone 2-1008. 14 Arch street 1st Seor. nightcap. teay go on my way." ity "T”, Wednesday , evening. Will 7142. FOUR ROOMS VACANT, A lot of folks use their automo­ flnder kindly return to the “ Y ", for over $206 Under coat. PLEASANT, hssted room in prt< LOOKING For a reasonably pric­ BRAND NEW. ed six-room single 7 185 Autumn A ■ < H ljlS Garage Mechanic — Hey boss, bile boms for 'door bells. It seems or 87 Starkweather Street. 1948 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. SEDAN RADIO need flxlngT Have It re­ R cpairinir 28 Articles for Sale 46 vate home, f r one or two gentia- r The automobile has wiped out ■treat could be the answer Large yoitr doctors out here with a flat too much of a Job to get out of . completely the girls and boys w’ho Radio, Heater. An Immaculate paired by experta Pick-up aerv- men. Phone 8183. the ear and ring a bell on a door liOST—PASS TOOK No. 62613. SIX ROOMS. PRE-WAR. living room, dining room and Ure and a broken spark plug and • used to arrange a meeting at the car throughout. Ice, guaranteed work. Sets check' REPAIR and motorise aswlnf when the horn it right under the Notice is hereby given that Pass machines Also clean and repair BOY'S Hard toe shoe skates, else CLEAN. dOMPORTABLE room, REDECORATE YOURSELF. kitchen with three bedrooma and wants to know how much the I postoffice. 1942 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE ed In the home. Cat radios s charge will be. nose. Book No. 62612, issued by The :^eater. Really priced right. specialty. Manchester Rad I o motors. Frank X. Dion, 3 Ridga- 8. good condition. Call 2-0284. centrally located—single or dou­ bath on second floor. Basement FOUR ROOMS BRICK, Bm s —Diagnose hta trouble m t One shouldn’t Interfere with tha- Savings Bank of Manchester has Service, 73 Blreh street. Phone wood street Phone 7779. ble Garage available. Refereneea garage, enclqped porch. Steam 1941 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN BOY’S Hockey akatea, slhs 7, flatulent motion and igrtlUon d ^ Her skirt is slit for fashidn's ' driver. But it’s all right to say been lost or dcslroyed, and writ­ Heater and Def. An ” A ” number 2-0840. Phone 8439. FURNISHED OR UNFUR- heat with oil burner. 30-day oc­ black. Pal' of girl's, slss 1, blsek. cupancy. Bee Robert J. Smith, ficiency. change the life, put in a w-him; : "Stop" if It doesn’t refer to hte ten application has been made to one car. NISHED. said bank by. the person in whose AN’TIQUES Reflnlshsd. Repairing Private Im tm ctfom 28 Phone 2-0886 LARGE Furnished room, next to Inc. Phone 3450. new plug and charge him $3. . But what shows through's no ' driving. name s«ich book was issued, for 1941 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. SEDAN done oi: any furniture. Tlemann, bath. Beat suited for working Why not let us advertise shapely limb.—Clarissa. Heater, Def. A wholesale price AUTO DfUVINO, dual control. WE RBRATR mbbers. artica and couple or two women. Also room If she likes you and you’re a Careful there. Clarissa. Split The fellow’ who drives a delivery payment of the amount of deposit 189 South Main street Phone your property in this space. good apender. she’ll adjust her af­ represented by said book, or for tag here. 5643. AAA certified tnstmetor. Bal­ mbbar boote. Wa also attach let for single women. SSI East Cen­ skirts should not reveal crumpled ' truck can hardly wait for his day Wanted— Real Eatate 77 fairs to suit your convenience. slips and wrinkled hose. th ' issuance of a duplicate book 1940 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN lard’s Driving school. CW! 3-2345. creepers. Sam Yulyea, 701 Main ter. Phone 2-3118. Reference re­ ■off 80 he can go for a ride. Oaa heater. Completely guar­ street therefor. OLANDER’8 MachlBe Shop. Open quired. ARTHUR KNOFLA, Realtor SELLING Tour property! Why anteed. evenings and Saturday. Machine 876 Main Street not place tbv lob in experienced MICKEY FINN A Little Hint’ LANK LEONARD l o s t —PASS BOOK No.. 43592 Musical— Dramatic 29 ONE NEW "Rose" snowplow. 9 NICELY Furnished room for one 1941 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SEDAN work and gaa and alaetrie weld­ hands T We ainj to give eatlafac- Notice is hereby given that Pass foot blade, hydraulic hoist and or two. nmit to bath. Hot water. Telephone 6440 Or 6938 Heater. A one owner car priced ing. 68 MUI street Tai. S717. PIANO TUNING and repaira Book No. 43.592. Issued by The hose. Reasonable. Call Rockville One minute walk to Ornter. 17 “ Selling Manchester Real uon. AUce taarapet Real Eatete LISTEN.B0SS-I6 70U I KNOW IT/Burl to sell. Leonard Eceallente. Phono 4757. and Insurance, 843 Main atreet Savings Bank of Manchester has OIL STOVES cleaned. laataUed. 1188-Jl. Psail street DONTGFTRIPOFTHAT 1 CAN’T TELL HIM 1940 CHEVROLET 2-DR. SEDAN 113 Center street Estate Sinee 1921“ Manchester. Phone 4993 or 2- been lost or destroyed, and writ­ Washing machlnaa. vacuums re­ OLD windbag Kveu TO SCRAM-HE’S Radio heater. In 2 months this ALBUMS BY vail known artiste FURNISHED ROOM for couple. 0880 ten appllcatio. has been made to one win be worth $100 more. paired. lawn mowers, hand and PIANO TUNING, repairs, racon- WOODBRIDOF, Street—Four love­ never g et fm isn ep power, sharpened. repaired, drssticslly reduced for pre Inven­ References required. Phone 2- said bank by the person in whose ditlonlng, etc John Oockerhsm, ly large rooms, specs for tqro Wh, WILL banule your real satsta *HE SLOWS EVERYBODY 1938 BUICk 2-DR. SEDAN saws filed. Friendly FlxJt Shop tory sale. Kempa, Ine. 0242. name suc.'i book was Issued, for Heater. You’ll never find a bet­ 28 Bigelow Phone 4219. rooms upstairs. Fireplace, Gar am insurance problems pron pt- Phono 4777. Wood beating eystem. Combina­ payment of the amiount of deposit ter ope. ROYAL Portahia typawritera and FURNISHED Room for one or two ly. Call Suburban Realty (k>.. tion screens and storiA sash. represented by said book, or for 1937 FORD CONV. adding machlnaa. Usad typewrit- gentlemen on Birch street. Phone Realtors, 49 Perkins street Tel. the Issuance of a duplicate book RADIO Servicing Dependable low Large glassed In porch rear, dor­ Gas heater. Very clean. cost and guaranteetk A.B.C. Ap­ Help Wanted— Female 85 era and adding machines sold or 2-4438. 9-J15 therefor. rented. Repairs on sl> mskea mers Insulated. Immediate occu­ 1936 FORD COUPE pliance, 21 Maple street 3-1575. FR'AME Spinners wanted. Women Marlow's. LARGE, Clean, furnished room pancy, $11,500. Reasonable terms. BEFORE You buy be sure you try Fully equipped. Fully guaran­ LOST—Keys on key ring with yel­ experienced in wo^en frame spin­ with double bed. Automatic heat Wm. Ooodchlld. Br^ Realtor. Of­ th« office ot MadKitne Smith. low scraper, brass tag and iden­ teed. Household Sendees ning. needed for mird shift. Ap­ PAIR OF girl's Brooks Osnadisn and hot water, garage. Tel. 2- fice, 15 Forest street Phone 7935 { Htaitor. Room 26. 848 Mam tification number M.Z.-195. Re­ Many more clean, right priced white tubular Ice skates with Offered 13A ply in person at Aldon Spinning 1984. or 3-9694. ! street 2-1842, 4679. ward. Walter N. L*clerc. Phone cars. MUli Corp., Talcottville, Conn, built-in ankle supports, else 8. t 5269. or 23 Main street. WEAVING of bums, moth bo,es or call Manchester 5128. Pre-war. used few times. May be FURNISHED Room for rent. Con­ 6-ROOM Cape Cod. Fireplace, oil TRUCK SPECIALS seen at 146 Summit street tinuous hot water, private en­ C p LOST—Lady’s Landu wrist watch, and tom clothing, hosiery runs, hot Water heat Venetian blinds, (^11 for Special 1946 DODGE H-TON PICK-OT handbags repaired.. Mppar re­ WANTED—Night nurse for con­ trance. Retired or busniess man rscreation rcom, laundry room. Thursday evening, in vicinity of Radio, Heater. Thla truck Is Just placement, umhrellaa repaired, valescent home. Apply 29 Cottage preferred. Call at. 101 Chestnut the Oak Qrlll and Hale’s. Phone m ISA Nicely landscape with terrace, like new throughout. men’s shirt collars reversed and Btreet. Bottled G street Town Meeting McNm iXI grneiuU. Im. 2-1614. Reward. garage. Priced for Immediate 1940 FORD t4-TON PICK-UP replaced. Marlow’s Little Mending RURAL gas salat and sarvics Im­ sale. Elva Tyier, Agent. Man­ WOMAN Wanted for laundry ROOM FOR Rent. Gentleman pre­ l o s t — Mickey Mouse wrist Heater. A good little truck. Shop. mediate Installation Manchester chester 3-4469. The legal voter* of the. Town of Fl'NNV KIISINE,S.S BY HERSHBERGER BUGS BUNNY BOOTS AND HER RUDDIES It’s Contagion BY EINIAR M ARiiN Priced right. work. Very good hours and ferred. Centrally located. Phone watch, red strap. Monday, Main r lA T f i n is h Holland window wages. Apply New System Laun­ and aiirroundinB towna Capitol Bolton ar* hereby warned and e .« a.Mosr^ 1936 CHEVROLET ti-’TON 4724. VVJ6.V0\V.V VOO OMW, \ VIONOER. V3HO TW t WECW. street business section or vicinity shades made to measure. Kays dry, Harrison street. Grinding CO.. 38 Main Phone FOR BALB—A amaO house. Only notified to m e e t'a t special town o o Rikty.* Hty , ROO * JUST N MVNDlt Summit and Henry streets. Tel. PICK-UP 7958. four rooms. Well oullt (brick). meeting tu the Oomiuunlty H|||l m YLYAGL Cn\A. ttV oovivt'. V5RIUN6 Fu. OitiNJtR IS RLKOy Repairs on all makes, oommer Diamonds—WatchM— For Rent 61 $8,500. Jamaa J. Rohan A Son, poeea: ’TEL. 8854 Apply Kaklar Cloth Toy Co., For­ VJDSiKitVJt'Cl , Annoaneemente clal and domestic. 24-hour serv­ est street. Jewelry 48 Realtor*. Phone 7488. MAPLE ST. MANCHESTER FOR RENT—Office apace. North 1, To see if the Town will vote \«b i r WILL THE Person who. In error, ice. Phone 2-1797. Main street second floor of new to purchase or lease suitable land LEONARD W. Yost, Jeweler. Re­ took the wrong lady’s umbrella at DEPARTMENT Head yard goods, building. Apply* The W. O. Olcn- for the maintenance of a Town DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES pairs and adjusts watehas axpert- the State Armory, Wednesday curtains and blankets. Good ney Oo. dump. salary plus 4% commission. Va­ ly at reaaonr.bla pricea. Open Bl|d>t, please call 5929. Open Till 9:00 P. M. Thursdays Building—Contracting D 2. To see if the Town wil\ .ypte cation with pay. For right person. Thursday avculngs. 129 Spruce MODERNIZED Store I6'x21'. KITCHEN Cabinets, bookcases, to appropriate funds for the' pur­ CEDAR HILL Rsnch, sleigh rides, PACKARD 1946 Montgomery Ward. street. Phonr 2-4387. suitable for ahowmom, office or $25 Reward chase or leasing of suRable' land one seater, two aeater and large alterations and remodeling. Also work shop, with full basement new construction. Crosaman. 2' YOUNG Lady as dental assistant for a Town dump and the main­ alad for groupa. Phone 6900. 81.69S Fluoroeoent lighting, linoleum tenance thereof. 1253. for office in Manchester. Ebeper Fuel and Feed 49A F(nr 4 or is room rent. floor. Call Bedard's Floor Cover­ 8. To see If the Town will vote ' r*. -• pxnrrAT, Machines—Floor aand- Full price, low mileage, fully ience not necessary. Knowledge ing. 2-0666. cra, adgers. poliahers, disc Sand­ CARPENTER work of aU kinds. of typing. Apply in person at 378 SLAB WOOD for sale. 89 up de­ Needed at once for 2 adults to sell the Center School Site, so- er and buffer, belt aander. Me- equipped. Attics finished, cabinet work, al Jdain street Fri., Dec. 31, between livered. Martin Schadtle. Tele­ called. together with the school teratlons and also colorful plas' phone East Hampton 095^J2. building located thereon, in the a - j o - OIB-Oonverse, Inc., 645 Mialn 11:30 and 12:30. Wanted to Rent 68 and 2 children. AI.I.EY OOP Nice Work, 'Captive HY 1. HAMLIN atraat Telephone 6887. Brunner’s Car Wholesalers Ue tile bathrooms and kitchens. event said site and building cease ISC COuDKPFBue Charles iJavla. Phone 2-0294. WANTED—Baby sitter for New to be used by .the Town for school |CA HATS MONTOOMERT Ward SMlatant t w y uscFuu >S2ZUK W CVTNT r AM THE TOU. A PglNCtSnF . — ia^.iaam a isi BUICK 1940 Year's Eve. Transportation pro­ SEASONED Hardwood. Call purposes ' th a t isoH uwe much, FRINCBS5 AVv-..N3u'Rg KiPPiN’.’ manager and wife need three or any b a se a# a ca o PWMiialB S CARPENTER Work of "aiT” kinds. vided. Call 2-2467. Mancheater 8676. Call Georffe Pallein 4. To see it the lown will vote l ittl e chap \ rgINCW* b u t ZEB Roofs, sidings, addltiona and al­ four-room furnished apartment flVSAEO M'' \ THAT HCMPKES uxiKiN' AS you 8876 to authorize the selectmen to ne­ •errHECf ] puoe c a n t b e no U V AN TBD -^de to Pratt and terations Also new conrtructlon. or cottage. Phone 5161 between 9 Tel. 2-1172. and 5:30. gotiate for the tale of the Center /ANDaTAXTto; LEPe'N A Whitno*s, EMrt Hartford. Hours Low mileage, radio, heater. Sleffert. Phone 2-0253. J’- Help Wanted— Male 36 Garden— Farm— Dairy School site, together with the THE WA«. OjesN.' 8 a. m. to 4:46- MIh Marian Mc­ T/ HOUSE Wiring Light and power Products 50 RESPONSIBLE business man de- school house located on said site, Guire, S81 Summit atrset Phone Brunner's Car Wholesalers WANTED—Handyman for main­ aires 6-roonr house or fist unfurn­ in the event said site and building 711S. InstallaUrm and maintenance. tenance helper. Good working FOR SALE—Mealy Green Moun­ Open Thursday Till 10 P. M. Standard Eler'tric Service Co. ished. Will pay reasonable rent esase to be used,by the Town for conditions. Apply 80 Waddell tain potatoes Cali Amelia Jarvis, Phone 5030. s25 each; 80-gallon FAMILY of four wants cottage at a sale of the penter School site, tires, all equipment. together with the school building guosts!" ‘ Bigalow and Hemlock stteete. new roofs. Gutter work. Chim^ Write giving experience, salary, tank and Tako hot water heater, Bolton Lake. July and August. ing income tax work to located thereon. Is consummated. ' CaU P>2297. Brunner’s Car Wholesalers neys cleaned and repaired. No etc. to Box J, Herald. '$50: P-12 No-Kol oil burner and Call 4904. Li_L •, 1^. tt me r Job too small or large. Good work ont of local office. SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH controls, overhauled, $150; low Dated at Bolton, Connecticut, CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER BY MERRILL C HLOSSER WILLY8 1936. Economical trans­ work, fair price. Free eetimatca. A-1 A'UTO mechanic wanted by water cut • 088. $10; three-piece LANDLiORpS. We speclalixa in i this 28 day of December, A.D., FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Red Hot Mammas Antooiobllas for Sale 4 Call Howley. Manchester 5361. new car dealers. Must have tools. portation, good condition, good chrome breakfast set, $20; break obtaining.^ents for tenants and | Write Box R 1948. OlOOA EVER HEAR ABOUT TMl TIaO Thomas W. Wilson, A ze these Tmimgs "THEY SCRATCH.TbO. WW&T L ik e -; tires, heater. Call 2-2240. Excellent wagea and working fast nook table, $10; Stmmona we get our fee from them. We NECESSARYT BUT I 6 UESS ITS ARC YOU VYISC/ OALS w h o put o n lONO WOCXCN ROOFING and aiding our apecial- conditions. Apply McClure Auto select for you only reliable ten- do The Herald I Michael Pesce, UNDERWEAR ? G. M, C. PANEL 1949 ty. New ceillnga and carpentry. coll spring, twin aixe, $5. Phone WE LL U30K LIKE BETTER. Th a n LADS SOME Co.. 60 Wella street. • Phone 2- 2-9637. smte with good credit references. Kingsley B. Ckirpenter. WALKINier FREEZING! SHlVER- PEOPLE 1938 OLDSMOBILE, 8 cylinder, Highest quality materiala. Work­ I Selectmen. IN& _ JU ST $200 aa la. Phone 2-2676. 9442. ; Our eervlce to you for renting , N«w fresh air heater. manship guaranteed. A. A. Dion. WE BUY and sell good used your property is free. Rental ABOUT? OClYT Inc. Phone 4860. f I'M KNOW 1941 CHEVROLET Convertible, VELVE7T Finisher, experienced furniture, combination ranges, bervtce Bureau, Manchester. WARM ENOUGH Brunoer’a Car Wholesalers new top, new paint Job, new tires, boss finisher of velvet fabrics gas rangea and heatera. Jones' Phone Msneheeter 2-4279 any­ Niou>^ vwrruo^o TO ORES'* wanted, with complete knowledge ■rS^t / SENSIBLY ( 8 radio, baater, englna In good Heating—Plumbing 17 Furniture Store, 36 Oak. Phone time. We place tenants every­ condition. Reasonable. Can be of ail flnlahing operations. Write 2-1041. where. seen at M Highland atreet, or call EFFKTENT Plumbing and heat­ giving experience, salary, etc. to “ ^ D IL L A C 1948 Box N. Herald. FL/XIR problems solved with TO BE SOLD 7986. ing. Plugged drains machine RESPONSIBI.E Couple urgently ------> I ...... linoleum, aaphalt tile counter need unfurnished 8-4 room apart­ Immediate Delivery 110 Miles cleaned, 'lari J, Nygren. Phone WANTED— Man for outside work PONTIAC 1946 6497. Expert workmanship, free esti­ ment Will guarantee careful con­ We are otferiag for Immediate sale twe outstanding dwelling* $8,995 at sewer plant. Eighth School and mates. Open eveninga Jones' siderate occupancy. Phone collect snlteble for residential or profeesioaal ase. GBINEKAL repaira and aarvtoa. UUIltles Dlat. Ray S. Warren, | Furniture. Oak atreet' Phone $1,376 Hartford 0-3950. 628 EAST CENTER STREET—An attractive wcU-boUt hon^ Brunner’s Car Wholesalers remodeling, alteratlona, srater Pres. Tel. 4371. , 2-1041. of 7 cheerful rooms—4 bedroome. Home recently redecorated pipe replacemente with copper All equipped, low mileage. WANTED—Driver for fuel oil and le in A-1 condition. Hot water heat with oil, tile bath, garaga East Center St., Tel. 6191 tubing, bath room fixtures. alBks •OMBTNA’n O N Oaa and oil Hoaaea for Sals 72 truck. Boland Oil Co., 369 Cen- j kitchen range, dual oven; Hving and level lot 95* front. 1941 PONTIAC two-door, baatar, Brunner’s Car Wholesalers and cabinets, boUera and rsuUa' PRISCII.L.A S POP The Let-Down BY AL VBRMLKR ter atreet. room stove with two 10” oil burn­ NEW SIX room singla one block radio. 1941 Plymouth 5-paasaa- tors. Edward Johnson. Phone M PORTER STREET—One of Manchester’s most admired East Center St., Tel. 5191 ers and two 3 gallon tanka Good from ('enter. Many deeirable fea­ gcr coupe, heater, radio. Easy 6979. VELVB7T ■ Examiner. Dyehouse hemes—a large rooms easily converted to 8 rooms. Fren^ condition, reasonabla Telephone tures. Occupancy soon. T. J. AVERAiSC. terms, liberal trades, guarantead. 1936 FORD Convertible at Gor needs an experienced examiner. O ock ett Broker. Phone 0416. windows, flrepince, spaclona halls, Johns-Manrille Insulation, 2- Cola Motora. 4164. man’s Service Station, 389 Main Must have excellent knowledge of 2-9258. car garage and beantifni lot 86* x 210’. OROlNARV Roofing—Repairing 17 A street. Call 4323. pile fabrics. Write giving full de- THREE-Room Iream’ outfit, com­ SUV I OLDSMOBILE 1948 ROOFING and Repalrli^ o f all alla of past employment salary, pletely fumiahed Including 1948 e^c. Box C, Herald. Hydramatic, all equipped. Auto Accessories— kinds Chlmnpy srork, jp tta r Westinghouse Blectrie refrigera­ Cars Wanted! ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc. Tires 6 work. Expert repaira. Honaet WANTED—Filling aUUon ettend- tor, $488. (Sonvenlont terma Al­ We buy all makes and » '■ 888 MAIN STREET bert's, 43 Allyn street Harfford, $2,675 workmanship. BaUsfacUon guar­ ent, experienced. Apply in per­ models— 19S6 to 1949. TELEPHONE 8480 3-1 SNOW Cap Urea. Recapping anteed. Call OougbUn, Manches­ son only. Bantly'a Servtcenter, Conn. Brunner’s Car Wholesalers and vulcanlalng ona day eervtea ter n07. "If You Intend To Live On Earth, Own A Slice Of It," 333 Main street BRAND i»fteW range burner srith inztdnt Cash East Center St„ Tel. 5191 Truck Ure service, guerantecd workmanship. New Kelly Spring- CHIMNEYS Rebuilt rapstlrad and white enamel tank. All complete. Buying Service fleld and Richland Urea. Man­ cleaned. Bin.' and Jobna-Man- Help Wanted— Male Sells for approximately $40. This , INTERNATIONAL ville roofing la our specialty. La burner has never been used. chester Tire and Recapping, 395 Or Female 37 PICK-UP 1941 Broad street Phone 3-422A Rose Broa. Oo. Pbona 2-0768. Come take it away for $30. Call FULL OR part time. If you drive evenings. Manchester 8284. BARLOW Full price $295 a car and enjoy meeting people Millinery— Dressflaaking 19 LIVING Roo.,1 get Ooolerator, MOTOR SALES AM'-sfi .eOFt. 1$B$tTktA MHhiCC ^ Garaffes— Services— 1 wUl give you the opportunit.v to COM. i$4$ IV RCA tttvtec. me. T. n I . V. 9. FAT. orr. Brunner’s Car Wholesalers metal oeds and mlacellaneoua. 595 Main Street TIC FLINT stage Is Set BY MICHAKL O'M M.I.KY AND RAIJPR LANB Storage 10 DRESSMAKING. Better dresses, have the finer things in life. Call Forced', to vacate. Phone 2-1001. East Center St., Tel. 5191 suits, coats, wedding gowns and 2-9678 for appointment. Tel. 5404 Or 2-1709 "Don’t mist the next msating. girls— our forsign affair* rciAD YOU \vDU MAOtOOOO VOO'U 5H WHEN OARAGE For rent for the winter alterations. CaU 3-3609. YOU 06T ID TUi BACK months at 206 Woodbridge street. HOSPITAL Beds for rent or sale. Frame Spinners eommitt** has arrangsd to have a famous designtr talk 1942 DODGE four wheel drive, H-. “ And now there will bg a brief pau*a while he catches VA0O, WUIftf 8HE'8 Inquire after 7. Sltnations Wanted— Rates reasonable. Pbond Keith’s about Paris styles!’’ tem pick-up. New clutch, brakes, Furniture. 4159. up with me!" TAKING U9 ON A MOftN* Moving—^Tracking— ■ ^ CONSTlTUTlONAt front drive shafts. Excell.ent for Female 38 MAJOR HOOI'I.E off the road work. Tel. 4607. ______Storage 20 cOMBINA-nON Oaa and oU stove OU'l OUR WAY BY J. H. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOU^E with Business Services Offered 13 WOULD U K E to do baby sitting War II with Florence oil burner and clock EGAD, FfiLLOW MEMBERS.* ygiTN 1 P^lftST REMEMBER. TH& r u b b is h and aahea ramoved. In- evenings ,nd New Year’s. Tele­ P lTb u c stenographer , f . and light In .good condition. In­ NEAft HE LAUNCHED PACKARD 1949 cineratora cleaned. Sand, gravel phone 6090. tqqq BOvJiNG iM. )T BEHOOVE* TMinG M. Broderick, 848 Main atreet quire 109 Hemlock atroot , Vets Preference t h e i and clndera Van eervlce and OWLS TO LAUNCH A PROGRAM OF i NE NEED, D EBAT NO Phone 2-1644. LIKE TO do washing and ironing Wanted CULTURAl. ACHIEVeMSNrr— ^ MAZOS, T E A M * ? — ONLY $2,595 local moving. Phone R. M. Jones. New Cape Cede heaeee under VENETIAN Blinds. AU types 3-1863. in ray home. Finest of work done, Maehinerv and Tooki 52 eonstmetton In varleoa eoetlene BV m POSIUMG o n a r t a n d IS A THlMG WE All equipped, low mileage. made to order, also recondition' also curtains. Phone 2-4402. of Maneheeter. LETTER5— LeCT0«asoN\WOftuD^ PEV4 ARGUED WAS Ing. Beet quality. FlndeU Manu­ LAVELL’S Express light trucking TRUCK Snoarplow*. G a rd n trac­ Women experienced In woolen frame spinning POLITICS— r e c i t a l s TMfe CUSPiDORS WHO COULD HIT Brunner’s Car Wholesalers facturing Oo, 485 Middle Turn­ and delivery. Weekly or monthly tor*. IH to 5 H. p. with snow 4 Roonha and bath with 2 ad- [ MAESTROS — LET'S MOT AMD - _ H A R D E R - - WANTED—-PoalUoo a* housekeep­ dltlonaj naflntshed-apetalra. Hat pike East CaU 4888. rubbish routes invited. Man­ plows and equipment. Osinent INTO A SM U G R 0 T .* jw 30H M L. t chester 2-4092. er, live out. 7^1. 3392. roixera, hale wire. Dublin Tractor water beat all bamer. fireplace, needed for third shift. Apply in person at L O U iS ^ ^ 1934 FORD Mdan, heater. Phone RADIO — Electrical Appliance Co., WllUmantlc. Phone 20Bf. tall Immlatlaa, copper aad hraea THE AUSTIN A. Chambers Oo,. MOTHER Will care for children 3-0590 between 6 and 7 p. m. Service, repairs picked up and phunblag. We fa i^ e yoav hi- r ^ ’ i local or tong distance moving. In her home New Year’s Eve un­ '.ARDEN Tractors, Beavsf ftw- speettott. Price 810,600 aad up. deUvered promptly. 20 years’ til Saturday noon. Phone 2-9394. lir«) HY LHSLIB TUKNHB GOOD USED cara at low pries*. experience. John Maloney. Phone Moving, packing and storage wheel riding. Gravely, Bready. WASH ItBILS , ______Still Hoping Stop in and see Walt Bycbolskl Phone Manchester 5187 or Hart­ hdp 2-1040. 1 Walnut atreet PlaneL Jr., with snow plosm. j A cautL iiow. WPttP.^ AW the GHOPKKPf THANK. 'sK fiitjiroi THE Rwe must rtawgs uam MftdOtTfN fo r a good buy. TTmt’a Franklin ford 6-1423. Situatldns Wanted— ' raoarsrs and tlUag* tools. . t^pr A ttention lAPTEIt *(OU« FAITH IN TH’ \ POSlTlWlV ©SWtlFlBP jHEAMENn! YOO'RE TUEONS WMiN MB MAM THi UST-OftHMM X foton at 688 Osnter straet Open SKATES Sharpened and keys and truck m ow ^ w a , team ALDON LAEG INNOCENCE MIS& ERSV Pft0« HENS tMtOoU THEN HE'S •VaniagB. T*L 2-Mfll. made whUa you wait Sawa filed. LIGHT TRUCKINO. Half-ton Mala sweepera Capitol Grtadlhg Oo., pick-up truck. N o' aahea, no aimKE! THE gINJ HE Capitol Grinding Co., 88 Main. 38 Main strset Phono 7988. Non Veterans! 'SOIP IS DESCRi8E1»H rubbish. Phone 2-1275 or 8298. O .M .C . PICK-UP 1949 7958. WANTED—Work as carpenter’s 'Sift ftOlANprs LI»T O' helper. Phone 3-0559. Construction hi accord- ^ hidmn $1,789 INCXIUB Tax eervlce—Joseph A. LOCAL Moving and trucking. At­ Musical Instrumentf Chester, tax eonsultaat lOlO tica and ceUara cleaned. AJ anca wItt ptiiia ind aped* Spinning Mills Cprp- aahea and rubbish removed. Phone Fradi air haeter, tpare tii^ Mala, East Hartford, Oetm. Dogn Birdfr-rPeta fleationfi. .4013. Evantngs Broad Brook 3718. VIOLIN AND CASE. 1358J8. BOXER Puppies. 11 weeks old. 9076. Pw Bmef*» Gar Wholeaalera fainting—Papering 21 Very nlos. AJC.C. pedigree with Jaryis Reolty Co. ALL APPLIANCES servleed and sale. Bars cut. Zimmerman’s Ken- rspalrsd. burners, rsfrtgeratnra p a i n t i n g and Paperhanging nels. Lak* street. 6287. SODOB. Good condition rangea washers, etc All work Free eettmetes Prompt eervicc OaU after 8:80 guaranteed. Metro Service o Reasonable pricra Phone 76SU Tat Manchester 2-OB8S. n ai Wiwk»He 1 VFtav.rW

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 80, 1948 'A- r:.CZ TV. ELVB The j0 anrif?0tpr twntttQ Ijgralh Average Dally Net Preee Run ■ otv.m ^ r t Mw MMrth f l MwvMilNr. INS Sunset Rebekah Lodge will Engaged to Wed Large Cofitract CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC f ANKS postpone Installation of Ita officers Becomes Affianced Cheney Block 9,635 ■tget; About Town Monday evening owing to the fact that the district asaembly presi­ Awarded Here POWER CLEANED dent, Mrs. Helen McGowan, of Is T o Be Sold Th« Friday evcninf Setback Stafford Springs, and several of In M um }i- :i t a m i i ii mil- Manehestef— 4 City of Village Charm ' •f * nUer*on-Shea AuxJUary wiH her staff are unable to keep the b f t. nittcU icunorrow evening. The Local I^lills to Manufac* I ■!; Y V ; I I M l ■ i > I li 1 \ N I N I '• i I I engagement. The ceremony has Probate Court Allows ( d Advertialag m Fagv t f ) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1948 (TW’ELVE PAGES) PRICE FOI •criee will be resumed on Friday therefore been postponed until VOL. LXVUIn NO. 77 evenlnj;. January 7. and continue Monday evening, January 17» In Purahase of Building ture 159^900 Swcalecs each Friday evening at the V. F. Odd' Fellows hall, at which time For Government W. Home, jJanchester Green, until a solicited supper will be served By Norwalk Resident McKINNEY BROS. ^ rth er notice. at 6:30, under the direction qf Mrs. -I- W \<.l IH'I’u:- ( u How Streamlined Can You Carl Hlldlng and Mrs. Walter Manchester KnltUng Mills, Inc., ’The Cheney Building, located at 1 rl. M arn'lH'-lt r .i.'iOJi The Junior choir o f Emanuel Kanehl, who ^re co-chairmen of a whose manufacturing plant la In l.iO I'.iirl ''1. Two Rivers in State 965-985 Main street, is to change Another Good Year Lutheran church will omit Ita uau- large committee. Rekebahs al­ Hllllardvllle, was today awarded •1 Saturday morning rehearsal, oy^mership.’ The property Is at preg- ready solicited are requested to about a half-million dollar con­ provide dishes for the new supper ent owned by the estate of George January 1. W. Smith. An order Issued by the tract by the government. The con­ date, January 17. probate court allowing the sale of tract calls for 152,900 sweaters at Miss Martha Smith of 243 Cen­ the building to Frederick L. Nel­ an estimated cost of $481,935. Surge Above Banks; son of Norwalk. ’The contract Is to bo fulfilled Forecast for 1949 ter street, who attends the Sacred NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY Heart of Mary Academy, Sag Har­ The building waa erected by during the year 1949 and will take HALE'S bor, Long Island, and Is spending sons of the late William H. Cheney about 60 per cent of the output of the holidays In town, expects to re­ after Are had destroyed the the company for the period and aa- turn January 3. Cheney building at the com er of aures a full year’s work. V, F. W . CLUB Headquarters The company recently moved Ita High Damage Looms Charter Oak and Main atreeta In manufacturing plant to the new Seems Sound Guess Under auspices of the Covenant 1898. The new building was oc­ FOR League, the religious sound film, cupied by tenants of the destroyed location becauae of the Increased 7-Piece Band apace and more favorable facllitlea. •The King of Kings," will be str'.cture. shown at the Covenant-Congrega­ The salesroom for the Manches­ Surging Floodwaters A two-story brick structure, the Mias'JoyM R. Roonda ter Knitting Mills is still located Dancing 9 P. M. T il ?? American Consumerj Convicteil tional church tomorrow evening at bttlMing now being Mid Is occupied No Herald Test Shaping Breezy Tale Press Relentlessly from nine o’clock, preceding the watch at Manchester Green. May Find New" Year Mr. and Mrs. Leslie D. Brown. on the ground floor by McLellan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rounds of night service, to which all are in­ .Stores CO., Wlor’s Jewelers, ’Thrif­ North Coventry announce the en Stream Beds of Nau­ vited. 59 Walnut Street announce the en -: M.o r e Comfortable! Tomorrow On Influence A bout Hole gagement of their daughter. Miss ty Cleaners and Dyera, and the gagement of their daughter, Joyce HAM STEAK DINNER gatuck and Farming* Schu'lU Beauty Salon, Inc. Ten­ Jean Arlene Brown to John A.! Eleanor to James F. Farr, son of Than Record Year of Plimpton, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.' ants of the second floor are Dr. R. Top in Lies ton; Waterbary Of* R. M ouer, G. B. Miner who oper­ Dr. and Mrs. James W. Farr of FOR RESERVATIONS 1948 Qosing Tonight; No issue of the Manchester Truman Has John A. Plimpton of Wormwood ------0 ficials Decifle to Hill, Mansfield Center. ates a barber, ahop, the Elite Bigelow atreeL Manchester. Return of Bayers' Evening Herald will be Atlantic Miss Brown was graduated from otudlo, the Prudintlal Insurance Mlaa Roynds Is a graduate of Mo Par CALL THE STEWARD— TEL. 38l8 published tomorrow. New yarrntire of Big Blow Evacuate 8 0 Fami* Manchester High school with the Co. and apartments. Manchestar High school. Market in Most • Year’s Day. Issue Whether Hpuse When the building was first class of 1945 and Is now a senior Mr. Farr la a graduate of Man­ WiU Qip Ppwer of In Alberta, Canada, lies .Along Riverbank at the University of Connecticut. erected about 1900, It was occu­ /Lines Now Expected Range and Fuel pied for many yeara by the South chester High school and is attend­ Mr. Plimpton attended the Uni­ ing the University of Connecticut C16AI Rules €ommittee to Designated Gustiest of By The .\i»ociatd Press ’ Ranges,* Refrigerators versity o f Connecticut and Is now Manchester Post Office, a drug 5 By Harry T. Montgomery store. Jewelry store, shoe store and LIQMTER All W indy Efforts Surging floodwsters press­ connected with the Southern New Aaaociated Preaa General Congress Puts Prevent Legislation England Telephone company. He men's furnishings shop. ’The sh ing relentlessly from stream Washers and All Business Editor OIL served two years with the U. S. and men’s stores wera owned 1_ 'Washington, Dec. 31 — (JP)—A Bui'Liiglon, Wls., Dec. 31 - b«I.ounslng 125 START USING IT „ Tel. 5113 of the buyers’ market la most msnt with the promise of stiff op­ from SO homes fronting east Rlvar- Your Floors? PHARMACY the days ahead. Happy ?letv Year Washington, Dec. 31—(JP)— Hia position. milea cross-country, over cactus, aide street along the riverbank. TODAY lines. His man with a dollar will Sets Up Conditions -^P* 664 Center Street decide In a leisurely way where be gresB put In a few final licks today Representative M artin (R., they weie ao full of holes that they Scores of Families Ev«c* The decision to evacuate to# to one and all. Will spend it, after shopping Mass.), who turns ths Houm wouldn’t hold dirt out an.v more." families rame after the cellars in Far Bala at the FoBowlag '■ Rent our new, heavy / Tel. 2-9814 before giving way to the new pearing to Rule Out NeWS llClnilS Tapper's tall one, which left ualed in Valievs of X All Day Saturday aj'ound for a price tag he likes. spaslcer’s gavel over to Represent­ the homes became flooded and the Blnaeliester Ding Storea: R«ad Herald Advs. Dsmocrattc-nm Congress to con­ Patricia by dog-sled, took the' duty Sander and edger. The new year is likely to bring ative Rayburn (D., Tex.) Monday, Any Possibility of Set-i (foiled From (fl») Wires N o r l h e a a l e r n S e c t o r riertneity turned off. Four inchM vene on Monday. signalled for s finish battle championship out of the United QUINN’S PHARMACY Also a heavy duty polisher the end of all shortages of con' I of water covered the street and Tel. 41SS In adjournment since summer, against the Democratic blueprint tlement; Will Fight' ======: States for the first time since the _ . : , . „ Ihrr* were predicUons that the and a regular Johnson RETAIL SALESROOM Burners’ goods, Ihcluding moat mgress met at noon and the NOR’TH END PHARMACY for trimming the Rules committee pope Plus' special prayer for club began competition in 1929. By T h e Associated Press j r'ver would continue to rise. polisher. automobiles. Low-cost housing, lepslators promptly sent word to powers. To End If Foes Not I>ast year's liar supreme was TN. 6545 aithsr to buy or rent, probably will 1950 Holy year beseeches God to Rain-swollen rivers went on a Firemen in boats were carrying KniTTino mills President Truman—as required by And Rep. Howard W. Smith (D., grant "peace to our days, peace to . John Hopley, o f San Antonio, Te.v., CENTER PHARMAGT remalif In the hard-to-get class. Desirous of Peace rampage today in the northeastern ***• people to dry lard and achool law—that'they were now ready to Va.), Rules committee member, souls, peace to famUics, peace | who related how Charley Skorpea THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. FRIED OYSTERS, CLAMS to section of the United. States. ! f** 1*®**^* Tel. 42SS MftNCHESTlR GRFIN, CONN "S o tie o r Times FlaaUy at siuhl end'this session. declared the plan "is undemocratic the motherland, peace among na- | knocked the eight bail from under WELDON DRUG LARSEN'S FISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR NEW FRIALATORI Incomes are likely to remain re- Hieto was laughter In the and would aet up rule by a mlnori, Nanking, Dec. 31.-H[fl*)— tions.’’ . . .(3en MacArthur praises , s fly in an Oklahoma poolroom ao Scores of families in river ■val-;; faj^hes. ^ ®P*"*‘* ® to f R II E . . T ‘ ' lativriy high as prices dip. Mer­ TeL BS21 FEED AND HARDWARE House when word came back from ty of the bouse." Generalissimo Chiang Kai- Mbor leadership in Japan that he 1 fast that, the fly fall on the Uble leys were evacuated, and train and At WUuted. tha Mad river over- MANCHESTER LUMBER AND Our new sanitary process gives you a delicious, crisp, chants will have to work harder to toe president that It waa all right Sabath made his aimouncenMiit says "has fully accepted the need j *hd broke Its back, Featuring Free Delivery get-thalr chare of.< the shoppen’ Sbek " declared tonight his highway Traffic cut as normally 1 34 Depot Square, Tel. 5406 golden brown food — Seals in the flavor! Come in and 'Onto him for Congress to adjourn. after a meeting of leading Demo­ ■ ■ ■ '* OivM Honarnbla MmHona money. ’’Normal" - Ames, with government was ready to dis-1J*?'^?''**'**^ placid rivers burst their banks and (Cantlnwg a* Pag* Fbar) try them! FRIED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED He has called tola Congress toe crats. On the opening day o f the oust ondinir tlin war with the ' **‘»®' * legitimate weapons in or- prom the year's batch of taU spread over a wide area of New | proq^tous flavor, seem finally to "second worst" In history. new Congress, he said, he will o f­ FUEL CO. TO TAKE HOME. CALL 3803. he at hand. war With tn e to atum national objectives. .; tales, club officers awarded hon- England, New York and New Jer- j Before quitUng, Senate and fer an amendment to provide that Cninese Communists — b u t, . . . Mexican Federal troops patrol, orable mentions to .Tohn Hughes, aey. This Is ths meaning of the sta- House got a flurry of minor re­ any bill can be wrested from the klstlcB which the economists gathsr set up conditions w h ich ap-'u neasy border town of Matamoros I Johngon City, lill.; J. F. McKale. One deeth was reported In Mas­ ports from committees. Rules committee snd brought to s peared to rule out anv poasi- !•» sttermath to fatal shooting of of athletics. University of sachusetts. G. E. WILLIS & SON, Inc. COMMUNITY RESTAURANT for us at the year-end. These llg- Elach passed a resolution to ex­ House vote any time "100—or ■rea riiow that IMS was a record Some 5U0 persons were evacu-' NEW YEAR'S EVE 143 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER tend for 60 days the life o f the maybe It will be 160” —House ward S. Krikac, Comstock, Neb. ated from their homes In New Jer­ Flashes! fear by nehrly every index of so-called Hoover commission on members sign a petition. 1$ rltton S ta t^ n t to Pm ^ « * authorities. sey. Three communities - Msn-, A T THE aconomic activity. The value of Now Has Absolute Power In a written New Year’a state- i __ Runner-up lie.s: llAto BulKtIaa el tb* jr , W'tM) organization of the executive Hughes: "During the recent ville. Soutli Bound Brook, and the goods we produced, the money branch of the government. Such a petition now requires the ment to tlie Chinese people, the ' ?*’*J**^ Bradley Gardens in Bridgewater— w e earned, the money we spent— signature o f 218 representatives, Chinese president declared: 2" ‘ war a Marine stationed . on an The extension will be 60 days “ If nee-otiated neare is not I —Hungarian newspapers today troubled world will usher In the The new year is dawning in Indo-1 both the local potlre aad State’e SPAGHETTI h o m e MADE RAVIOLI the country, the Nanking-.Shang- bassador at large. . . .General. .httorney Kohert F. .hedetaea have printed a purported exchange of new year with the hope that 1949 Mar Arthur gives Japanese back , nesia w itho'it a formal proclama­ To Begin Year to shrink. Sizes 9 to 12. Crosses Line hai area will be held at all costs, been advised, .hccordlag ta ward LEGAL BEVERAGES SERVED letters between Josef Cardinal may bring better days. The and the government is determined their flag, lelling them they can J tion. so far. of the end o f hostili­ Today's Special — $1,395 Mindszenty and American envoys east-west cold war' and various received from the Federal Bttreau L. T. WOOD CO. to throw it all available forces for fly it any place, any time. . . . ties )>rtween the Dutch and Indo­ o f laveetigatloB, Mac.hrthar, alias regarding political changes In this shooting wars form a backdrop. • .PHONE 4496 Second Negeb Offen­ a decisive battle. Most if not all of the rmployea ' nesian republirans. 'WValher Bureau Says Jaaoea Joseph Garvey, was arveet- 120 CHARTER OAK STREET TEL. 3838 Communist-let state. In Europe traditional family o f .toe Metropolitan di.strict o f i 1946 FORD DELUXE 2 DR. SEDAN "I firmly believe the government The Dutch representative In ed last month at JacksonvtD*. *rhe press said the lettera—al­ celebrations will ' be observed. Hsirtford will find more mone.v In Storm Expecleil to Con* ______79 3 for $2-25 sive Carries Over In­ will win out in the end, and it si- Paris W’edre.sfl.'iy told the U. N. Fla., and on Dec. Ifi waa aeateoced Black, clean and nice. Tip top buy! < legedly written by Mindseenty, Little revelry is planned. A fac­ their pay envelopes during 1949. ■ former U. S. Minister Arthur .so will mark the turning point In Seonrity Council- -which earlier tintie Nortliea^twaril to three years la the stata prioM to Arab Palestine Area tor Is the deep set belief that con­ the war." . . ..Some 150 (ireenwleh Village . had ordered * cease lira— that Schoenfeld and U. S. Miniater Sel- ditions call fkr soft-pedaling of arttsU face eviction Jan. 1. j at RaUerd, Fla., ea a (Barge of In a statement, on the S8th an­ hostilities would end not later ~ -m. breaktag aai eateriag fit aa to 1938 (Hievrolet, Master deluxe, four door sedan. Black, den Chapin—were found In a metal Tel Aviv, Dec. 31—(iP)—An Isra­ any riotous ringing in the new For toe (iflh straight .year. ■ capaule buried In the cellar of the niversary of the founding of the that; Deo. 31 in Java, a few days Washington. Dec. 31.—i.P)—The commit graad larccay. has but 10,000 miles on its 1947 engine. Did You Know You Can eli military apokosman discMted year. founding of the (Thlneae republic, Blag (Drosby win* Motion Picture later In Sumatra. ■ New Year will begin fair and cold , • * . cardinal’s palace. In Paris, many will toast the CLEMENT SURPLUS STORE BUY A PACKARD For As Little Aa ’The government announced Mon­ today that the Jewish Army’s sec­ the nation's president said: Herald^a poll of top movie box-of­ Cease Fire Not MentloiMd ! for o f the country. Village Ordered Evacuated 1941 Ford, V-8, tudor black. Dependable transportation 16 DEPOT SQUARE NORTH END, MANCHESTER ond Negeb offensive had carried new year with champagn. In Situation in "Perilous Stage’’ fice winners. . . .Collection Of ' But The Netherland kingdom's \ The Weather bureau today is- day the Mtndsaenty had been ar­ Brussels— according to custom— Boetan, Dec. 31— —Tbe Mfi- for a long time. acroas partition lines into Arab "The military situation has en 668 ralHion dollars in Federal tax- hlgh representative in Indonesia.; A'"** ' , famlty village o f fUringdale, Moiaa.. *t7pen Tonight Till 9 rested on auapicion o f plotting they ■will greet 1949 with beer. $2274.00 against the government spjdng, parts o f Palestine. I tered upon an exceedingly perilous I ea in Omnecticut in 1948 stopped Dr. L. J M. Beel. in a speech pi»!4“^ ”Tbe storm which w causing was ordered evacuated today whea 1941 OMsmobile 8. model 78, four door sedan. Black, The United Nations, by its p ar-! Londoners 'will have their first stage. i three year dovvnward trend and pared for broa' just before the '**’*'^ weather over the New &ig- treason and black market money chance since 1939 of reverting to FoUee Chlet Jamei* McCarthy said hydramatic drive, radio and heater, ventilating Ution decision last year, assigned "The fate of the nation as well I showed first iiptiim since 1944. . . old vear's end. mentioned neither westward Into the dealings.' (The Vatican has ex­ an old custom. Eros, god of love, a 69-root power dam ea the Haiwa part o f the Negeb to Israel, part a* the historical cultural continul-1 Frustrated rourlwip checked as today la innic river was aeariy hrlmadag system and exterior mirror. communicated all Roman Catho­ has been replaced on his pedestal a fire ro! the termination of! 7 u. movement lics who had any connection with to tbe Arabs. t v of our people will soon be de-1 possible cause of double slaying in hoatiuHaa j exiHM ted to continue Its movement and la " a very weakeaed r*adl Tbe spokesman declined to com­ overlooking Piccadilly circus, tor rifled. - !Ohlo of 45-year-old -ehool teacher nosuiiues. _ northea.stwsrd and leave fair and 1946 Nash 600, four door sedan. Economy here. the arrest I. V tion.” Water waa "taear the hrtoh" ment on other reports, including Broadway of London. Thousands i and farm hand hv the woman’s There were, hmto that Dutch weather tot the north- Being Held Incommuoladn "The issue of this struggle . is military commander. I.t. Gen. j^e country of the tlam deaplte the fh et" Ua 1946 Pontiac 6, two door sedan. 5Ietallic maroon; an one by tbe British delegate before again will swarm around the stat-' acquaintance who th<-n killed hlm- lluud gates were upea. Chief Mc- The’ primate ia being held in­ ue to see the New Year arrive. i -Mmon Spool. In another evi'-pt tor -snow flume* outstanding car from any angle. communicado in early New Year s dav, would.| ‘'Pair weather with mild tern-• as acknowledging receipt of three make no mention • • ■ inch wheel base, very serviceable for general neras. Egyptian frontier. have banned the traditional nav^' of a cease pvtature.s will prevail acros-s the letters from the cardinal “concern­ cither. Film Writer Foaml Dead Good value. ing the Hungarian minority in Slo­ Croaaing in Wasteland Year's e»’e fireworks. '' i ■ ' (Tarolinas and Florida westward Gleedali\ UoUf.. Ore. 31— p h a r m a c y ' The partition lines were crossed The Italian government has , Expects Traffic Death The Dutch persKstentiy have; Arizona and fair vrith warm- Film Writer Kay Vaa Klper, 4fi. vakia, retrenchment of Hungarian Uieir Indonesia-, troop move- tempeiatures northward 1947 Mercury convertible coupes. Choice of maroon or in the desert wasteland southwest passed a spscial decree outlawing called was feaad dciafl to her bedraaaa to­ 4 DEPOT SQUARE civil service and the general mat­ ments "police action ’ aimed at through the Mississippi and Ohio metallic tab; these cars will sell for a much higher ter of political Interest in Hun­ of Beersheba and aoulhsast of Ra- one of the country's oldest tradi- | day from aa averdaoa ot al u ptog Toll to Be Under 32.000 putting down terrorism. valleys, lower Missouri valley and price tirtwo months than we are asking now. gary." fa, tbe Egyptian town on the tions—the tossing of chamBer pots i tablets, police reported, laveett- border, tbe spokesman said. and other crockery out of the win- j Beel. in hi* speech, called, on a ll; niost of the Great Lakes region, gatlag oBteere A. C. Meea (tofl Schoenfeld also was quoted as political elements In Indonesia to| "The colder weather in Canada •» stating that the prieaate had "re­ In another' quarter, an unuaaliy ! dow at midnight, Economy and ; John Murphy aoM 9llaa Vaa B #ar Others At Prices To Suit Your Budget O P ^ N \ quested the aaafatihee of the reliable source said King Abdullah public safety were toe reasons > Chicago, Dec. SI.— (JF/—The n a -4 ThU brought the 11-month total "accept the new situation and set J i, ^j^pe^^ted to move Into tho north . wM clad la Fajamaa aad a hataa r United States government In al­ of Trans-Jordan tuui informed Is- I given fer the ban. . ' tion s 1948 traffic death toll te ex- for 1949 to 28,6*0 deaths com- your hands to the plow in order | western portion of the country i with flva aiadiatal ptUs waa fattod Trades Taken If Desired pared with 29,110 for the same pe- to build together a new Indo- during Saturday bringing anow 1 tering certain conditions which rael he if ready to talk peace. ! Many capiUls reported 1 peeled to stay under 32,000 and hy her aMa. She was a aativa of Balance Financed On Easy Terms Tour Emlrenre deplores." (The Egyptian emba.ssy in Paris high prices and low earnings will r:od./laat year, a drop of two per nesia," I flurries and colder temperatures ; MtnneapaHa. Misa Vaa Blparr a f show A drOp I'n fatalities for the cent. Council official.s said it is un- tc said 1948 has been ’ a year of mto Dakotas, MinnesoU, Nebraa- ALL DAY "X Schoenfeld’s purported reply denied suggestions by U. N. ob- cpt-ut tbet new; yeoi'.s eve fm-fire. $l,5fi9 a weak writer, aMto la ALL CARS THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED AND ^ck ard . ' said that M lndsunty must be servers In Palestine yesterday’ yBelgian housewives' will get a senmd straight year. likely that the De.-cmher toll will ' .-^nstruclive woik m ,the cuUurat,; ka. Mositana. Wyonung and most i writlag the Aady Hardy aatfla. aware of "the United States gov- that the Jews have isolated Gaza, special treat table oil and sugar This prediction, despite an In­ be large enough to send the 1948 social and economic field . . . but i of Colorado. Much colder tempera- j LIBERALLY GUARANTEED IN WRITING total above 32,000. unfortunately it has also been a turee are expected m Montana. Her athar glHavia laeladed * » a emrnent'a long standing policy of which waa the leading Egyptian will go on free sale Jan. 1, making crease in travel, was made today Harvey Ulrla,** “ la d y Be ALL PRICES TO MEET TODAY'S LOW MARKET NEW YEAR’S DAY non-interference In the interna! bate in Palestine.) one of the flret countrlee In Eu­ by the National Safety council. A While toe______council considera tha , year of unrest and fighting. “ Cloudy skies wrtU extend ta Ai 358 EAST CENTER ST.' af'f^lra o f other nations.” It went H ie military spokeaman said the rope to abandon rationing. toll pf 32.000 would be at least 3001 expected eaving of 300 live*” as I regret the fact that it proved ' through southern C aUltirma and TO SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL on: Jewa captured Bier Aaluj. in the The Sovftt news agency, Taaa, under last year. alight, it reported the gain waa iiupoaslble to restore unity by j showetii acroas Washington. Ore- ' MANCHESTER "This policy has provsn ovar a laraeU Negeb on tbe road fffm said Poland haa alao announced A close flniah between 1947 aad mada daopita greatly increaicd meiana of negotiati^.” he contin- gea. Idaho and northern portioaa long period of time, and through Jewirii-occupied Beersheba to ti)e she will aboUah rationing toe flrat 1948 waa expected by the council mileage — ------aiid consequent greater ued. "The government decided up- of CaUfomia and northern Neva- YOUR NEEDS on thia action in the firm convic- da with anow In higher elevations. ( W aahingtw, _Pqc. 81 3many trying situations the best frontier coipmand of Auja. tvi’o o f the year. , when deaths in October Jumped risk of accident Moriarty Brothers TEL. 5191— NIGHTS 4485 guarantee of spontaneous, vigor­ miles fixm the Egyptian frontier To Revive Prewar Ceremony eight per cent. The November toll, Based on mileage the len-raonth tion it waa acting thus in tho in -; Cooler temperaturee for Washing- i porition of tto Treasury ous and genuine democratic devel- and 25 miles southeast o f Raft. 'Vienna ‘ will revive the prewar however, dropped four per cent death rata is the lowest in history ; lerest of the cottntry and people, i ton. Oregon and Idaho and about j Kecalpta. 'T)h The Level At Center and Broad” TEL. 6513 WEDEI-fVER from the same month last year— — 7.7 for 1948^ compared with 8.4 1 _ I normad aouthward into Califoriua diturea. $68