arXiv:1706.08044v1 [] 25 Jun 2017 ern,Suhr nvriyo cec n ehooyo C of 518055. Technology and China Science Guangdong, of University Southern neering, n[7,[8,SPslae ihcrua ac rasare arrays patch impedance circular for with loaded used antenna. wideband SSPPs is a [18], achieve structure to [17], space metal In free the flaring with a matching [16], antennas leaky-wave resonating In periodi non-resonant employs loads (mimicking or to or modulations antennas) taper order resonant antennas), uses (mimicking In either elements horn space. one radiate space, free (mimicking not free the the structures do with into radiation mismatch that a phase excite modes the bounded to due slow-wave are which [16]–[23]. antennas [14], and amplifiers [15], including mi [11]–[13], splitters filters or area, [7]–[10], (CPW) this line crostrip in coplanar using conducted exploration structures been Extensive transition have [6]. researches frequencies and Terahertz millim and at for wave components candidates and good circuits are integrated SSPPs high-density scale, subwavelength a in ment com- the in attentions munity. great th Since attracted surface [5]. have frequencies spoof SSPPs microwave at as (SSPPs), known phenomenon, plasmonic ..Znekwv 2,Smefl ae[]adGoubau and [3] wave Pendry 2004, frequencies, Sommerfeld In microwave [2], [4]. and line wave were radio Zenneck at SPPs waves i.e. and connect surface close SPs the have evanescent Although they with the frequencies, . optical and at the metal discovered in the waves in oscillations EM ha SPPs charge So excita- the (SPPs). hybrid polaritons both the plasmon surface (photons), W called waves [1]. is EM tion frequencies with coupled optical are at SPs interface metal-dielectric a eut r nlygvnt aiaetepooe SP ante SSPPs proposed Measurement the GHz. validate to 9-12 given within and finally p are functionality also dBi The results it scanning 9.2 operation, GHz. beam endfire reaches the 7.5-8.5 a efficiency to within addition antenna total In beam respectively. This and GHz. radiation gain 8 endfire maximum frequency an operational provides the at wavelength uei approximately The sp line. is on transmission based ture (SSPPs) polaritons antenna plasmon travelling-wave surface radiating endfire cient h uhr r ihteDprmn fEetoisadElect and Electronics of Department the with are zhang.qf@su authors (email: The Zhang Qingfeng author: Corresponding SP upr rnvra antc(M ufc waves, surface (TM) magnetic transversal support SSPPs confine- field strong and structure groundless the to Owing Abstract ufc lsos(P)aechrn lcrnoscillations electron coherent are (SPs) Surface rvln-aeAtnafrEdr Radiation Endfire for Antenna Traveling-Wave o-rfieSofSraePamnPolaritons Plasmon Surface Spoof Low-Profile Ti ae rpssalwpol n ihyeffi- highly and low-profile a proposes paper —This bihkKandwal, Abhishek .I I. 0 . 32 NTRODUCTION tal. et λ 0 × eosrtdasmlrsurface similar a demonstrated 0 . 01 ebr IEEE Member, oi Y i,ZagGe, Zhang Liu, WY. Louis λ 0 where λ 0 ia Shenzhen, hina, stespace the is igegZhang, Qingfeng , ia Engi- rical rovides power aper- 96% eter- nna. ions hen ing en, oof ve at ). c s - , Transition nbigi ob ut-ucinlantenna. multi-functional a be capabil to scanning beam it and enabling radiation Furtherm endfire antenna. both this exhibits of it nature low-profile the SSPP to of su lead feature travelling-wave The also layer band. single the frequency and confinement operational to field wide wavelength a Due endfir exhibit travelling-wave structure. it a nature, dipole-like SSPPs propose the using we of narrow paper, antenna nature this a resonant the In exhibit radiator. to antenna due band endfire frequency this endfir studies However, for designed few radiations. [2 was very in antenna one dipole-like and the SSPPs-fed except where broadside, radiations endfire the to dedicated around been have beam the dielectric steer of excite leaky- mode to the [21]. used polarized to antennas also addition horizontally resonator are In fundamental SSPPs [22]. the applications, scanning antennas beam consistan a wave the achieving for in single-laye proposed also A gain is [20]. line an this meader broadside for SSPPs from overcome proposed through suffer are To scanning modulations but continuous broadside. profile space, the asymmetrical whole problem, at the degradation in efficiency scanning capabl beam are antennas of travelling-w [19], leaky-wave design These In phase- to antennas. by leaky-wave proposed operations. inspired are wideband modulations, metasurface, profile gradient and periodic gain with SSPPs high for reported antenna. endfire SSPPs proposed the of Configuration 1. Fig. iei h udn raspot one surface-wave bounded a supports area guiding the mode transmission in for SSPPs The line empolyed fr matching. is impedance transition SSPPs and A conversion including to area. parts (CPW) main tapering waveguide three and coplanar of area composed guiding is It transition, 1. Fig. in shown w tdn ebr IEEE Member, Student l h SP ek-aeatna eotdt aeonly date to reported antennas leaky-wave SSPPs the All h ofiuaino h rpsdSPsedr nen is antenna endfire SSPPs proposed the of configuration The eirMme,IEEE Member, Senior udn Area Guiding d I P II. p g h RINCIPLE L ioLnTang, Xiao-Lan , aeigArea Tapering T z y ore, ave om ity, x b- 3] a e e e s 1 r t 2

20 A B C



PBC PBC A’ B’ C’ 10 A-A’ B-B’ C-C’

Frequency (GHz) d = 2 mm 5 d = 3 mm d = 4 mm d = 5 mm Air 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 Phase (degree) Fig. 3. Electric field distribution at 8 GHz. Fig. 2. curve of the unit cell in the guiding part of the antenna in Fig. 1 (g = 1 mm, h = 12 mm, p = 6 mm). z y

x mode, which radiates at the end of a tapering SSPPs transmis- sion line. The tapering SSPPs line provides a better impedance matching with the free space and hence significantly sup- Fig. 4. 3-D radiation pattern of the SSPPs antenna at 8 GHz (in linear scale). presses the reflection from the end. The antenna is printed on a Rogers Duroid 5880 substrate (ǫr =2.2, tan δ =0.0009) 10.0 with thickness t =0.5 mm. The dimensions are w = 30 mm, 9.0

L = 107 mm, a = 12 mm, g = 1 mm, h = 12 mm, p = 6 8.0 mm, d = 4 mm, and T = 42 mm. The effective aperture of 8.0 this endfire antenna is a×t = 12 mm×0.5 mm, approximately 6.0 0.32λ0 × 0.01λ0 where λ0 is the space wavelength at the 7.0 operational frequency 8 GHz. Peak Gain (dBi) Peak Gain (dBi)

The traveling-wave endfire antennas have two design guide- 6.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 lines [24]. Firstly, the dominant mode should be a bounded d (mm) L/λ0 slow-wave mode so that the guided wave does not leak out (a) (b) until the end. Secondly, the phase velocity should be close to the light speed in the air so that the guided wave can smoothly Fig. 5. Peak gain versus (a) different groove depth d (b) and overall length L/λ0 (g = 1 mm, h = 12 mm, p = 6 mm). radiate out at the end. Equivalently, the dispersion curve should stay below the air line within a short distance. Fig. 2 shows the dispersion curve of the unit cell in the guiding part of the groove depths and overall lengths. As d gradually increases, proposed antenna in Fig. 1. It is analysed by enforcing periodic the peak gain increases until d = 4 mm (corresponding to a boundary conditions (PBC) on both sides of the unit cell and is peak gain of 9.2 dBi) and then decreases. One may explain computed using Eigenmode Solver of CST Microwave Studio. this using the two design guidelines in [24]. On one hand, as Note that, the dominant mode is a bounded slow-wave mode d increases, the dispersion curve moves toward the air line, and the dispersion curve can be tuned by changing the groove as shown in Fig. 2, leading to a better phase matching with depth d. In our case (d =4 mm), the dispersion curve around the free space for radiation at the end and hence an increasing 8 GHz is closely below the air line, which satisfies the design gain. On the other hand, as d further increases after some point, guidelines in [24]. The parameter d = 4 mm is an optimum the field confinement capability of the SSPPs dimension for the maximum radiation gain at 8 GHz, which gets poor, leading to a decreasing gain. Therefore, there is will be illustrated in the forthcoming paragraph. an optimum groove depth (in our case d = 4 mm) once the Fig. 3 shows the electric field distribution along the antenna operational frequency and other dimensions are fixed. Note and at different cross-sections. From the distributions it is from Fig. 5(b) that, as the overall L increases, the peak gain observed that the field is well confined and guided by the increases and then saturates after L = 3λ0 where λ0 is the SSPPs line, satisfying the endfire radiaiton requirement. It is space wavelength at 8 GHz. Therefore, the optimum antenna also observed that the field at the end is similar to that of length should be around 3λ0. a dipole and the effect of the tapered end is similar to the The tapering end in the antenna generally offers a better directing parasitic conductors in a yagi dipole antenna. The impedance matching with the free space and hence suppresses 3D radiation pattern for the proposed SSPPs travelling-wave the reflection. Fig. 6 compares the reflections of the antennas endfire antenna is shown in Fig. 4. It can be clearly seen from with and without the tapering end. Note that, with the tapering this pattern that the antenna generates an endfire radiation end, the reflections are suppressed below −10 dB within a beam at 8 GHz. Fig. 5 shows the endfire gains for different wide frequency band from 6.5 GHz to 11.5 GHz. In contrast, 3

0 g = 1, d = 4,h = 12,p = 2.5, a = 12,w = 30 Without Taper With Taper

-10 = 107 = 42 L , T Unit: mm


Reflection (dB) Fig. 7. Fabricated prototype of the proposed SSPPs endfire antenna.

0 Measured -30 Simulated 6.07.0 8.09.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 Frequency (GHz) -10

Fig. 6. Reflections comparison of the endfire SSPPs antenna with and without the tapering end. -20 the reflection without the tapering end is relatively poor. Reflection-30 (dB)


To experimentally verify the proposed SSPPs endfire an- -40 tenna in Fig. 1, we fabricate the prototype, as shown in 6.07.0 8.09.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 Fig. 7. The reflection response is measured in an Agilent Frequency (GHz) vector network analyzer E5051A, and the radiation pattern Fig. 8. Measured and simulated reflection responses of the SSPPs antenna. is measured using Satimo Starlab. Fig. 8 shows the measured and simulated reflection responses, which agree well with each other. The measured reflection is suppressed below −10 dB REFERENCES within 6-11.5 GHz, which is even better than the simulated [1] W. L. Barnes, A. Dereux, and T. W. Ebbesen, “ one. Fig. 9 shows the measured radiation patterns at 7.5 GHz, 8 subwavelength optics.” Nature, vol. 424, no. 6950, pp. 824–30, 2003. GHz, and 8.5 GHz, respectively. Note that, they are all endfire [2] J. Zenneck, “Propagation of plane em waves along a plane conducting radiations at xy-plane and almost omnidirectional radiations at surface,” Ann. Phys.(Leipzig), vol. 23, no. 1, p. 907, 1907. [3] A. Sommerfeld, “Propagation of waves in wireless telegraphy,” Ann. yz-plane. The proposed SSPPs antenna operates as an endfire Phys, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 665–736, 1909. antenna within the frequency range from 7.5 GHz to 8.5 [4] G. Goubau, “Surface waves and their application to transmission lines,” GHz. Fig. 10 plots the peak gains and the total efficiencies Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 21, no. 11, pp. 1119–1128, 1950. [5] J. B. Pendry, L. Martn-Moreno, and F. J. Garcia-Vidal, “Mimicking within 7.5-8.5 GHz. The total gain varies from 7.5 dBi to 9.2 surface plasmons with structured surfaces.” Science, vol. 305, no. 5685, dBi, with a maximum value of 9.2 dBi at 8 GHz. The total pp. 847–8, 2004. efficiency is almost constant, around 96%, within the whole [6] X. Shen, G. Moreno, A. Chahadih, T. Akalin, and T. J. Cui, “Spoof sur- face plasmonic devices and circuits in thz frequency,” 39th International endfire frequency range. Conference on , Millimeter, and Terahertz waves (IRMMW-THz), In addition to the endfire radiation within 7.5-8.5 GHz, pp. 1–1, 2014. the proposed SSPPs antenna also exhibits beam scanning [7] Z. Liao, J. Zhao, B. Cao Pan, X. P. Shen, and T. J. Cui, “Broad- functionality at other frequencies. Fig. 11 shows the scanning band transition between line and conformal surface plasmon waveguide,” Journal of Physics D, vol. 47, no. 31, p. 315103, 2014. radiation patterns at 9 GHz, 10 GHz and 12 GHz, respectively. [8] A. Kianinejad, Z. N. Chen, and C. W. Qiu, “Low-loss spoof surface Note that, the radiation beam scanns between −35◦ and 50◦ plasmon slow-wave transmission lines with compact transition and high around the endfire direction (0◦) within the frequency range isolation,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory Techniques, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1–9, Oct 2016. from 9 GHz to 12 GHz. This is possibly attributed to the leaky- [9] L. Yuan, Y. Hao, J. Wen, A. A. A. Alit, L. Nan, L. Yu, and L. Sun, mode excited at higher frequencies. In summary, the proposed “On-chip sub-terahertz surface plasmon transmission lines with SSPPs antenna can operate as a multi-functional antenna at mode converter in CMOS,” Scientific Reports, vol. 5, p. 14853, 2016. [10] A. Kianinejad, Z. N. Chen, and C. W. Qiu, “Design and modeling of different frequencies. spoof surface plasmon modes-based microwave slow-wave transmission line,” IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 63, IV. CONCLUSIONS no. 6, pp. 1817–1825, Jun. 2015. [11] L. Zhao, X. Zhang, J. Wang, W. Yu, J. Li, H. Su, and X. Shen, “A novel This paper has presented a low-profile and efficient SSPPs broadband band-pass filter based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons,” endfire antenna. This antenna has been successfully used to Scientific Reports, vol. 6, p. 36069, 2016. [12] Z. Qian, C. Z. Hao, Y. Y. Jia, C. P. Bai, and T. J. Cui, “A series of generated an endfire radiation within 7.5-8.5 GHz. A high compact rejection filters based on the interaction between spoof SPPs efficiency of about 96 percent and a peak gain of 9.2 dBi and CSRRs,” Scientific Reports, vol. 6, p. 28256, 2016. has been obtained with this antenna. Ease of fabrication, low [13] J. Xu, H. C. Zhang, W. Tang, J. Guo, C. Qian, and W. Li, “Transmission- spectrum-controllable spoof surface plasmon polaritons using tunable profile, minimized aperture and high efficiency rendered this particles,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 108, no. 19, pp. antenna highly suitable for endfire applications. 824–848, 2016. 4

xy-Plane xy-Plane xy-Plane

yz-Plane yz-Plane yz-Plane

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 9. Measured radiation patterns (xy-plane and yz-plane) of the Endfire SSPPs antenna at (a) 7.5 GHz, (b) 8 GHz and (c) 8.5 GHz, respectively.

9.5 100 9 GHz 10 GHz 12 GHz

9.0 75 fcec (%) Efficiency

8.5 50 Peak gain (dBi) 8.0 25

7.5 0 7.57.75 8.0 8.25 8.5 Frequency (GHz)

Fig. 10. Peak gains and total efficiencies of the proposed antenna within Fig. 11. Scanning beams (xy-plane) of the proposed antenna at 9 GHz, 10 7.5-8.5 GHz. GHz and 12 GHz, respectively.

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