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4-10-2008 The aC rroll News- Vol. 84, No. 18 John Carroll University

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Pat Flowers Politicians and Invitational money... The Clintons’ personal JCU golf team wins its own wealth and Obama’s tournament for the first time campaign wealth. World in 11 years. Sports, p. 12 News, p. 16 THE ARROLL EWS Thursday,C April 10, 2008 Serving John Carroll University Since 1925N Vol. 84, No. 18

EatImprovements fresh... to be made with focus onin saving the wasted food cafeteria and providing more options

Caitlin Huey-Burns specialty salads, organic vegetables Assistant Campus Editor and vegan options will also be available. A daily all-American Recent cafeteria trends includ- bistro will include onion rings, ing the Arrupe-sponsored trayless hamburgers, grilled cheese, tuna Tuesdays and reduced hours of melts and more. operation seem to reflect the mantra These stations will be located in that less is more. The summer 2008 the center of the dining hall to allow Schott Dining Hall renovations are students less travel time between intended to accommodate students’ the food stations and their seats. needs while decreasing food waste, Currently, the food stations exist according to a press release from on the periphery of the dining hall, Fresh Foods Company. causing students to compile several The University has adopted AR- food items at once and subsequently AMARK’s Fresh Food Company leave more waste. to improve the dining experience. While the dining hall remained Wake Forest University College of open for lunch until 2 p.m. during Charleston and University of Flori- the Fall semester, lunch hours now da employ the same company. end at 1:30 p.m. This time change Fresh Food Company’s pro- exists as problematic for students posed concepts include an interna- who do not finish class until 1:50 tional menu with a Mongolian grill p.m. However, Donna Byrnes, and homemade chips, a Mediterra- associate dean of students, said nean station, “Thanksgiving” style the 1:30 p.m. close was “the time Artist rendering courtesy of Brian Williams comfort foods, a made-to-order deli This picture is a proposed plan on how the Schott Dining Hall will look after the summer and a bakeshop. Homemade soups, Please see SCHOTT, p. 2 renovations. The way that the cafeteria looks will change as well as the way food is served. LSO attempts to revamp You’re wrong, He’s editor in chief Organization to propose the following Andrew Rafferty elected editor in chief for 2008-2009 plan to the Student Union Junior Andrew Rafferty was Chief Katie Mahoney. “He’s more elected editor in chief of The Car- than qualified and will be very suc- • Considering creation of a Student roll News by the staff on April 3. cessful in his new role,” she added. Rafferty will lead The CN for Rafferty said he is excited about Organization Budget Board the 2008-2009 school year. where he will take the CN next year. He began with The CN his fresh- “We want to get people not only • Board will have seven members and four man year in the campus section. He reading The Carroll News, but talk- senators was quickly promoted to editor of ing about it too,” he said. the section by the end of his fresh- Rafferty is a communications • Meet six times a semester to review LSO man year, and continued as campus major from North Tonawanda, NY. allocations editor his sophomore year. Also since that time, Rafferty 2008-2009 Staff • Cannot grant money for alcohol, food or has written a weekly humor col- Managing Editor - Kate McCall umn titled “You’re Wrong, I’m Campus Editors - Katie Sheridan recruitment Rafferty.” and Caitlin Huey-Burns Arts & Life Editors - Rachel Szuch • This system emphasizes pre-planning Rafferty’s junior year he served and Anne McCarthy as managing editor and will take World News Editor - Max Flessner of those members requesting money and over as EIC next issue. Features Editors - Colin Beisel and Bob Seeholzer collaboration of the LSO representatives “After working with Andrew Sports Editor - Tim Ertle Junior Andrew Rafferty will this past year, I know he’s ready Editorial & Op/Ed Editor - Jenna take over The Carroll News. who vote to be EIC,” said current Editor in LoCastro

Index Inside this issue of the CN Campus 2 Campus Arts & Life Sports World News Arts & Life 5 Get to know JCU’s own Tom What record did the base- Actor and political activist Features 10 How many streaks did the Reilley. What will be changing movie “Leatherheads” receive? ball team set against Marietta Charlton Heston dies at the age Sports 12 in the residence halls over the Check out a review of the JCU this weekend? Softball sweeps of 84 in Los Angeles. Don’t World News 15 summer for next school year? musical, “Working.” See a new Wooster after losing a double- miss Brad’s Journal’s farewell Editorial 17 See some of the plans made public art exhibit that is coming header to Muskingum. Also, address. See what is going on Op/Ed 18 for the 2008 Relay For Life at to called “Mind of check out the JCU sports cal- in the rest of world in the briefs Classifieds 20 JCU, p. 2 Cleveland,” p. 5 endar for this week, p. 12 section, p. 15 2 Campus April 10, 2008 The Carroll News Get to know ... Tom Reilley Tom Reilley is the Manager of Auxiliary Is it true that you can name each stu- Plant Services. dents mailbox number? No, I know a lot of the student’s box numbers, Where are you from? but since the center doesn’t distribute out as much Lakewood, OH campus mail I don’t know as many as I used to.

If you could go on vacation today, where What do you like most about working in would you go? the mailroom? Hilton Head. My family goes there every year Tough question…I would say figuring out the and I really love the island’s beaches. center’s problems.

How long have you been working in the What is your favorite music? mailroom? Mostly rock bands from the 1960s, 1970s I have been working in the mail and copy and 1980s, but my favorite band is the Count- center since 1993, and since 1994 I have been ing Crows. running housekeeping and facility scheduling.

What are your thoughts on the Cleve- land Indians chances of winning the World Where did you go to college? Series? I went to JCU, but not in the traditional They have a good shot if they can keep the sense. I started working at JCU in 1990 running series short and their pitching strong. the grounds crew and over nine years gradually worked on getting a degree in communications.

What movies do you like to watch? Photo by Brenden Laffler Do you play any sports? I like to watch murder mysteries but my Tom Reilley started working at JCU in 1990 as a part of the grounds I love running marathons and a week ago I favorite movie is “Se7en” with Brad Pitt and crew and began working in the mail and copy centers in 1993. Reilley just ran my fortieth marathon. Gwyneth Paltrow. also worked for nine years to get a communications degree. - Compiled by Brenden Laffler

Highlights for the Relay For Life at John Carroll University, April 26-27 Entertainment: Theme Laps: Food: Activities:

- Pep Band - Skipping - JCU Dining - Water Balloon Toss - Rhapsody Blue - Toga - Chipotle - Frozen T-shirt - SigEp Band - Macarena - Subway - Limbo - Peter Niro - Patriotic - Pizza - Three-Legged Race - Lip Sync Competition - Yodeling and Cheering - Free Cookies and Coffee - Clothing Relay - Jenny Eden - Walk Like An Egyptian - Dunkin’ Donuts - Cultural Musical Chairs

- Compiled by Kate McCall

From SCHOTT, p. 1 According to Vice President of Enrollment Brian Williams, tuition, room and board help What changes will occur: agreed upon by the University before the Fall the University to set a budget to maintain a semester began.” certain quality of food in the Schott Dining Xavier Flores, director of campus din- Hall. -An international menu that may include a Mongolian ing, said that the hours of operation for It also helps determine the operational grill, a made-to-order deli and a bakeshop. the 2008-2009 academic year are yet to be hours, and contribute to other necessary din- determined. ing expenses. Hours are still being decided with the Williams also noted that ARAMARK and -Locations will be in center of dining hall to minimize University administration. corresponding administration make decisions travel time between food stations. The University’s Physical Plant Fund will as to how to facilitate changes while adher- finance the physical renovations to the Schott ing to the budget and maintaining student’s Dining Hall. needs. -Food waste will decrease. Campus Safety Log

April 1, 2008 April 2, 2008 April 5, 2008 April 6, 2008 A broken towel dispenser A broken window in Mur- Theft of money from a An iPod was reported as in a men’s bathroom was phy Hall was reported at residence hall was reported stolen from a dorm room at reported at 12:50 a.m. 3:18 p.m. at 10:33 p.m. 1:09 p.m.

April 2, 2008 April 2, 2008 April 5, 2008 April 7, 2008 At 7:21 p.m., a student A car in a campus parking lot Aggravated menacing was A fire alarm was pulled on reported that his off-campus was reported as containing a reported at 11:19 p.m. the first floor of Hamlin roommate had stolen signs lot of smoke inside. Suspi- Hall at 2:24 a.m. and a clock from John Car- cion of drug possession was roll University. reported at 10:15 p.m. These incidents are taken from the files of Campus Safety Services, located in the lower level of the Lombardo Student Center. For more information contact x1615. Campus 3 The Carroll News April 10, 2008 Campus Briefs Changes in dorms; Relay for Life Survivorship Ceremony especially Sutowski At sunset during the Relay For Life festivities, all are invited to attend the Survivorship Ceremony, which Entrepreneur honors those who have survived or lost their battle floor: with cancer, through a moment of silence. Luminar- ies - lighted candles in weighted, white bags labeled • In Murphy Hall with an individual’s name - may be reserved with a • Intended for $10 donation to the American Cancer Society. These luminaries will line the sidewalks during the relay. All people interested the money raised through these luminaries will be used in innovation for research, education and service programs for the American Cancer Society. Luminaries may be reserved • Money obtained either in advance or during the Relay itself. For more through fund information, please contact Joel Mullner, in the Office of Student Activities, at [email protected]. raising • Will include a Design the Official 2008 speaker program Homecoming T-Shirt

Provided by Heather Losneck All students are invited to submit designs for the of- sTATUS ON SUTOWSKI and pacelli halls: ficial 2008 Homecoming T-shirt that will be given away to students during the Homecoming football game on • There will no longer be an all-male freshmen dorm Saturday, Sept. 27. Suggestions for designs include • Sutowski will be the only ADA fully accessible building the theme “Rockin’ Through the Week” or that which reflects the Blue Streak spirit. Those interested in this at JCU opportunity may submit their designs and contact infor- • Renovating more bathrooms for ADA accessibility mation to the Office of Student Activities no later than Friday, April 25 by 4:30 p.m. The winner will receive this summer either $200 in Carroll Cash or two tickets to any show at the House of Blues, and free T-shirts of their own design. For questions, please contact Megan Abraham at [email protected].

Julie Zajac Memorial Run

On Sunday April 13, John Carroll University will hold a 5K run in memory of former JCU student, Julie Zajac. The race is sponsored by Student-Athletic Advisory Committee. This event will raise money for the Julie Zajac Foundation. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. in the Don Shula Sports Center. The track dedication will begin at 9:15 a.m. and the race will start at 9:30 a.m. A post-awards ceremony will be held, which will include snacks, beverages and prizes. If not already registered, the fee will be $20 and T-shirts will be available for pre-registered participants. For more information, please contact Hermes Sports & Events at 216-623-9933.

- Compiled by Colleen Saunier - Compiled by Max Flessner Campus Calendar: April 10-16 10 Thursday 11Friday 12 Saturday 13 Sunday 14 Monday 15 Tuesday 16 Wednesday

Another install- SUPB will hold a Gail Dines will lec- The JCU women’s The JCU women’s The weekly SUPB Kappa Alpha ment of Carroll’s bingo night from ture today at 2 p.m. softball team will tennis team will meeting will take Theta will host Own will take 9:00 -11:00 p.m. in AD 226 to speak play at Wittenberg play Heidelberg place at 9 p.m. in their Charity Den- place in the Un- in the Dining about how gender today at 1 p.m. today at 3:30 p.m. the Jardine Room. im event tonight derground tonight Hall. There will is shaped by a con- at the courts on from 1 p.m. to from 9:00-11:00 be prizes, snacks sumer driven, im- South Belvoir 5 p.m. in the p.m. and refreshments age based culture. Blvd. Dolan Science provided for all All are invited to Center Reading the players. attend. Room.

5 The Carroll News & Life April 10, 2008 ‘Working’ sends a meaningful message Kristin Duns Lena Chapin The Carroll News

This past Friday and Saturday, audiences assembled in the John Carroll University Kulas Auditorium to reap the benefits of the truthful message presented by the cast of “Working.” “Working” is a candid musical put on by 18 fervent JCU performers and seven talented musicians. The musical is based upon author Studs Terkel’s 1974 book, “Working” and is directed by the JCU Communications and Theatre Arts Department Chair Karen Gygli. Terkel’s piece mimics the mundane actions of ordinary people trying to survive the trials and tribulations of their demanding jobs. While entering the theatre, the audience is immediately exposed to the musical’s simple, yet extravagant set design. It is made up of ladders, chairs, desks and hard hats. This scenery, devised by JCU Communications and Theatre Arts professor Keith Nagy, aids the viewer in pondering the meaning of the production’s title, “Working.” It quickly reveals to the viewer that the meaning of the story will revolve around the tough, unwanted jobs many must endure Photo courtesy of Keith Nagy to make a living and essentially survive in Cast members of the Communications and Theatre Arts Department’s production, ‘Working,’ onstage in the Kulas Auditorium. today’s fast-paced world. As the lights dim, audiences are quickly swept away into the or societal expectations. As the first act comes to a close, the en- They continue to speak of long hours at reality of the lives of schoolteachers, office Freshman Ariel Johnson plays a cleaning thusiastic cast joins together to sing “What I the office, harsh working conditions and the managers, mill workers, grocery baggers, woman named Maggie. She described her role Could Have Been,” a poignant song led by feeling of never being able to escape their cleaning women, receptionists, firefighters “as a voice for millions of parents who want sophomore Taylor Nagy. This particular piece mundane routines, but they are somehow and many more who are struggling to find nothing more than to give their children the creates wonder and regret about having the op- able to outweigh the negatives with the few happiness in their tedious oc- portunity to create something of yourself and encouraging aspects of their jobs. cupations. never knowing what could have been. For example, a firefighter is not just a Act 1, titled “Early in the Day,” Taylor commented on her part as a pros- firefighter, he is able to make a difference and is composed of many characters, titute, “My character is not ashamed of what save lives and a waitress is not just a waitress, one by one speaking on the reali- Performance Dates: she does, and she is proud of the money she instead it is portrayed as an art. ties of their particular professions. earns doing her job, yet she realizes that she As the characters begin to develop a new Each actor used harsh words and has worked herself numb and feels regret as perspective, so do the songs. Instead of sad, phrases to describe their typical April 11 and 12 at 7:30 p.m. and she knows she had the potential to be so much gloomy lyrics, the words suddenly speak of work routine. It is the charac- April 13 at 2:00 p.m. in Kulas more than what she has become.” The lyrics hope and change in the workforce for the ter’s way of letting the audience Auditorium of the song created an emotional and moving future. The words begin to send out a more know how they feel–mistreated, closing for Act 1. hopeful message to the audience. This is unimportant, unappreciated and During the brief 15-minute intermission, especially seen in the final song, “See that worthless. Tickets are $5 with reservations viewers seemed extremely satisfied with the Building.” The opening act gives the and $7 at the door production thus far. There were several posi- This production speaks of the importance viewer a dose of reality and a tive comments made about the final song in of being able to point to something you chance to relate to the characters. Act 1 which left the audience eager to see accomplished and to be proud of its mag- There are many people in the more. Soon enough, the lights began to flicker nificence. This musical scene defines this world today who feel as though and the crowd took their seats in the hopes of a two-hour musical and leaves you looking for- they are defined not by themselves, but rather life they could not have. She has a powerful successful second act. Act 2 was titled “Later ward to the future. “Working” is a delightful, by their job. They feel as though they cannot message in her song, and I hope that it makes in the Day.” It is in this act that the professions well-organized, professional production that keep up with the increasing demand of a col- people think about those who often struggle represented on stage began to tell their stories confronts stereotypes and harsh realities for lege education, rapidly changing technology to make ends meet.” in a more optimistic light. millions of working people everywhere.

Check out what’s happening this week:

4/10 4/11 4/12 4/13

Elf Power / The Fleshtones The BoDeans / Comedian, The Dreadful Yawns / Libertines U.S. GB Leighton Bruce Bruce The Twilight Beachland Ballroom House of Blues The Improv Grog Shop 9:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. $10 $16.50 $26 $7

- Compiled by Rachel Szuch 6 Arts & Life April 10, 2008 The Carroll News

Photo courtesy of ‘The Dead Matter’ ...TAKE TWO Rachel Szuch I needed to do ‘The Dead Matter.’” produced–I’m not talking about the Hollywood productions– Arts & Life Editor And that is exactly what happened. Bob Kurtzman, of but locally produced, from our research, it’s the largest inde- Precinct 13 a Hollywood effect’s house that did special effects pendent movie ever done in Northeastern , possibly the In many cases, individuals will flee their hometowns in for movies such as “Hostel” and Rob Zombie’s “The Devil’s largest for the state of Ohio,” said Douglas. The entire film order to chase their career goals, but Edward Douglas waited Rejects,” came to Douglas to produce a movie score for a film was shot in Ohio, mostly at the Mansfield Reformatory where for his to come to him. “Shawshank Redemption” was shot, Douglas, a 1994 graduate of John with a predominately Ohio cast and Carroll University, recently finished crew. “I’d say about 70 percent of shooting a remake of his 1996 horror the actors are from Ohio, a lot from film, “The Dead Matter,” which he Cleveland and the rest are from not only directed, but also produced. L.A.,” said Douglas. He hopes to release the finished The cast includes local celebrities product by the beginning of 2009, if such as Chuck Schodowski, better not earlier. known as “Big Chuck” from the The original film was shot with show “Big Chuck and Little John” a meager budget of just $2,000 and and Al Pawlowski, a JCU graduate was created in order to get funding and host on Sports Time Ohio, who to produce a better quality version of was also in the original 1996 version “The Dead Matter” with the benefits of the film. of a much larger budget. Christopher Robichaud, another “The reason that that didn’t happen former JCU student, reprised his lead right away was because I didn’t want role from the original production of to move out to L.A.,” said Douglas, “I “The Dead Matter” as well. “It has a really wanted to make something of very local flair,” said Douglas. quality film-making here in Northeast Douglas originally co-wrote the Ohio. It can happen–it did for us–but script for the 1996 film with a partner, the contacts are not here, they’re in Tony Demci. The movie is about a L.A.,” he said. relic with occult powers that Not willing to move, Douglas ends up in the hands of a grieving began the group Midnight Syndicate, woman who is desperate to contact with Gavin Goszka. Together, Doug- her dead brother. las and Goszka are a gothic band that “The thing about ‘The Dead Mat- creates instrumental, orchestral horror ter’ that we push and push and push music, as well as horror movie scores. is that it’s a story-driven horror film,” They’ve released nine CDs over the said Douglas. “It has lots of twists, past 11 years and developed a strong Photo courtesy of Edward Douglas turns and a unique plot.” following. The group is also its very Edward Douglas, a 1994 JCU graduate, shooting a remake of his 1996 film, ‘The Dead Matter.’ A viewing of the latest version of own distributor and are particularly the film was held just a few weeks popular during the season, as their music is used that he was producing called “The Rage.” ago for several JCU faculty members in the communications in haunted houses and amusement parts to “set the mood.” From there, Douglas teamed up with Precinct 13 to remake department. “The first time we did ‘The Dead Matter’ back in “When Midnight Syndicate started to take off, I said ‘well, “The Dead Matter,” giving him the budget that he needed. ‘96 the department was extremely supportive of me and helped because of the style of music we do, I know that this will lead Though Douglas couldn’t say exactly how much money went make it all possible, so I felt it only fitting that once we got to back to doing movie scores,’” said Douglas. “So, I knew at into the making of the film, the budget was much larger than the first rough cut of the new version that they should be the some point in time, some producers would contact us to do a a typical local production. first to see it,” said Douglas. “They are the people that made movie score, and through that I would meet the contacts that “Just from my research, I’ve not seen another film locally it possible the first time around.”

Film score by ‘The Rage:’ Edward Douglas

Alana Forsythe The Carroll News

The soundtrack to “The Rage,” composed by Edward Douglas of the group Midnight Syndicate, is a disturbing mix of heart pounding instrumental music that sets the stage for the chilling film. “The Rage” was directed by Bob Kurtzman and tells the story of a once benevolent scientist whose work and life become twisted as they spin out of his control. Douglas, a John Carroll University graduate, composed the soundtrack to fit flawlessly with each scene of the film. As the CD begins to play, the pounding noises and beats allow one to imagine an eerie musical, a slow start to a huge production. That impression quickly changes as the music continues to play. It gets louder and more pulsating as the instruments became more prominent and even overwhelming at times. The music suits the film to perfection because of the frightening atmosphere that it creates. Photo courtesy of Arts & Life 7 The Carroll News April 10, 2008 ‘Leatherheads’ fails to score MOVIE REVIEW ‘Leatherheads’ ...TAKE TWO Anne McCarthy Copy Editor

Nothing brings me greater displeasure than going into a movie with high expectations, and leaving the theater unful- filled. It is one thing when you go in to the theater knowing that the film will be a bust – anything featuring Pauly Shore, the Olsen twins, or a humans plus talking animals combination ( i . e . A l v i n a n d t h e C h i p m u n k s ) , i s a s u r e fi r e i n d i c a t i o n . It is understandable for one to have high expectations concerning George Clooney’s newest film “Leatherheads,” a comedy about the early days of professional football. The Photo courtesy of film has an all-star cast of Clooney, Renée Zellweger and John Krasinski plays a college football player and war hero named Carter Rutherford in new film. John Krasinski. Yet despite its best efforts, the film seemed to just fall a comparisons of an older Wally Cleaver. He just seems a little happened the night he “got a group of Germans to surrender.” little bit short. Clooney also took on the role of director for too good to be true. And the truth, though not dishonorable, is nowhere near the this movie. This is Clooney’s most recent directing attempt Rutherford is sought out by Connelly to play for his football likes of “heroic.” Finally nabbing her juicy story, Littleton following his six-time Oscar-nominated “Good Night, and team, to draw some more attraction to the otherwise unim- writes the piece and takes it to print. Good Luck.” pressive bunch. Connelly lures Rutherford with promises of The Chicago Tribune’s account of Rutherford’s fraudulent The year is 1925. Prohibition is in full force across the money, and points out that his spot at his university, Princeton, heroism by Littleton has the town up in arms. Their hero has nation. The country has emerged victorious from World War and his chosen law school, Yale, will be there waiting for him been de-throned. Littleton is nearly forced to resign. And I. The roaring twenties are in bloom. And as Lexie Littleton when he finishes playing. Connelly tells Rutherford that the everything is about to come crumbling down upon the three (Zellweger) purrs to Dodge Connelly (Clooney), “It’s 1925, time to play football is now. protagonists. But through a fluke series of events that comes there are no rules.” Rutherford joins Connelly’s team and quickly ascends to about after one of Connelly’s long nights of bar brawls and Littleton is an ambitious reporter for The Chicago Tribune. greatness and popularity, much to Connelly’s chagrin. He is a drinking, Rutherford’s reputation is saved, Littleton’s job is Contrary to what her daintily-frocked appearance might sug- natural athlete on the field and a natural charmer to Littleton, secured, and Connelly finds the love he has been looking for gest, she is anything but small, delicate and fragile. Lexie is who finds herself the object of Rutherford’s affection. Not to all along. fierce and on the prowl. She will stop at nothing to get her mention, she has been the object of Connelly’s affection from This film wrapped up everything so nicely towards the end, news story on the hot, new football player, Carter Rutherford the moment he first laid eyes upon her. Littleton and Connelly but the middle portion felt scattered and unsure of itself. This (Krasinski), even if it means tapping into the use of her femi- have a more entangled and complex relationship than her movie wasn’t sure if it wanted to be funny, if it wanted to be nine wiles. Her editor wants some dirt on Rutherford, college courtship with the good-natured Rutherford. serious at times, or if it wanted to be about football or about football’s new golden boy. Rutherford and Littleton are seen on the train rides between love. Any way you slice it, it was a decent film with a great Rutherford is a World War I war hero for getting a group games chatting and laughing. And Littleton is one of his cast, which is always aggravating. George Clooney’s famous of German soldiers to surrender, for which he was awarded biggest fans at the games. One night, the night Littleton has charisma, “Sexiest Man Alive” good looks, and winning sense a medal from the president. His politeness and charm evoke been waiting for, Rutherford spills his guts about what really of humor, were just not enough to see this movie through. Conceptual artist reveals the thoughts of a city Using billboards and posters, Carl Pope has city residents publicly answer the question, ‘What do you think about Cleveland?’

Sarah Miller it seemed the appropriate choice to Pope worked in collaboration Staff Reporter ignite the voices of thousands as an with Mari Hulick who created the instrument for the revitalization of fonts for the lettering of Pope’s In a city like Cleveland with Cleveland. posters and billboards so that certain hundreds of thousands of people, it As a conceptual artist who be- quotes speak louder to the viewing is often quite difficult for one voice lieves that we inhabit a time where audience than others do. to be heard above the noise that is the voice of the individual can hold One saying that reflected neither the rest. Enter conceptual artist Carl a surprisingly influential power negativism nor positivism towards Pope, who has allowed individual over the world, Pope hopes this the city, but rather an easy, of-the- voices to be heard. movement will “inspire civic pride moment thought, belonged to an Commissioned by the Cleveland and cooperation during this critical elementary-school aged child. The Institute of Art, in association with point in the city’s history.” childishly simple, yet deceptively the Center for the Humanities at “The Mind of Cleveland” serves deep quote merely said, “I Like Case Western, Pope hopes to stand to express the innermost thoughts, Soup.” for the concerned voices of the resi- desires and feelings of Cleveland This public art presentation is dents of Cleveland. citizens by creating a public con- one of the most unique city-wide A public works project that has versation of sorts on billboards and projects in the nation. It managed been a year in the making, “The posters around the city. to capture the self-deprecating yet Mind of Cleveland” encourages In addition, the Cleveland Insti- defensively proud attitude Cleve- Clevelanders to answer the question, tute of Art’s Reinberger Galleries land seems to possess and reflects “What do you think about Cleve- are displaying a dozen letterpress what the Cleveland Free Times land?” in ten words or less. The posters and two videotape presen- calls “loopy optimism and hangdog answers to be displayed via print tations as an exhibition running pessimism.” media throughout the city. through May 3. The Reinberger Galleries exhi- Throughout his career, Pope has The idea of the exhibit is to bition runs from March 27 to May received support from such institu- encourage residents to convey 3, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday tions as the Guggenheim Foundation thoughts on their city that could po- through Sunday where the general and the National Endowment for the tentially help politicians and city of- public may receive copies of the let- Arts as well as having his artwork ficials make changes for the better. terpress posters upon request. Photo by Patrick Johancen displayed at the Museum of Modern The sayings range from “Cleveland: For information on the locations This poster is displayed on the corner of Broadway Avenue and Art and the Museum of Contempo- Revitalize Re-energize Resurrect” of the billboards throughout the city, East 55 Street in the Broadway historic district. rary Photography in Chicago. Thus, to “No one cares.” visit NOW HIRING Bahama Breeze 3900 Orange Place Orange Village, OH NOW HIRING for ALL POSITIONS Including Servers, Line & Prep Cooks & Greeters Minimum of 6 months full service restaurant experience/retail is required. Must meet OH state age requirements of 19 years or older. Must have stable work history.


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E-mail [email protected] for more information or to become involved

Registration begins at 7:30am in the Tony DeCarlo Varsity Center. Track Dedication starts at 9:15am with the race beginning at 9:30am

Entry Fee: $15.00 if pre-registered by April 7th $20.00 for all Race Day Registrants $10.00 On-Line Team Registration (6+ registrants)* *To receive the on-line team discount, contact Kristie Maravalli at 216-397-4414 for a team code. T-shirts guaranteed to all pre-registered participants

Register on-line at and go to Hermes Road Racing. Here you will find the Julie Zajac link! Follow the clink to register online.

Post Award Ceremony held in the Tony DeCarlo Varsity Center with snacks, beverages, and prizes.

Awards given in the 5K race to the top 3 male and female overall in 17 and Under; 18-24; 25-34; 35-44; 45-54; 55 and Over

10 Features 11 April 10, 2008 The Carroll News The Carroll News April 10, 2008

Jo h n Ca r r o l l f a c t o r fiction? The Underground used to be a bar. There is a ghost in Hamlin. FACT: The Un- derground used to be FACT/FICTION: It de- known as the Rat Bar. It pends on who you talk served the students of JCU when to, but some students will the legal drinking age was 18. The confirm that there is in Rat Bar was also called The Raths- fact a ghost on the fourth keller, a common term for below floor of Hamlin. Photo by Katie Sheridan street level restaurants or taverns Those who believe in that serve beer. the ghost call him Ted. Photo by Katie Sheridan Ted was a real person, but The basements of Murphy did not attend John Carroll. In the 1980s Ted was dating a and Bohannon were meant girl who lived on the fourth floor of Hamlin. Most accounts say that the couple and their friends were outside sled riding. to serve as bomb shelters. They were under the influence of alcohol when he decided to FICTION: The base- ride the sled down the steps. He slipped through the crack ments of Murphy and Bo- in the railing and fell to his death. hannon were designed as Other accounts claim that Ted and his girlfriend were argu- emergency fall out shel- ing. The story goes that Ted died after his girlfriend pushed ters, not bomb shelters. him over the railing. Richard Bretz, director of It is now believed that he roams the third and fourth floor construction of the facili- Photo by Katie Sheridan halls and often protects the female residents. ties department, said, “They were constructed when there was a growing concern with the U.S. being possibly attacked with a nuclear weapon.” A tunnel leads from Pacelli Someone got married in to the administration Dolan Science center. building. FICTION: Pacelli Hall and the Administration Building are not connected by a tun- Photo compliments of nel. A shaft does, however, FACT: Assistant chemistry professor Man Lung Kwan married connect from the Rec Plex his wife Xin Zou on Feb. 2, 2007. They had a short ceremony basement to Pacelli and also with about five people. Kwan said, “Since I’m almost married Photo by Katie Sheridan from the Rec Plex to the Photo courtesy of to this place, why not the second one?” Administration building. Only a small section of the tunnel is Dean Martin Hoehler was married to Brianne Salmi, in St. large enough for people to walk through. The rest is big enough Francis Chapel on Aug. 5, 2006. Their reception was held in for only heating water lines, domestic water lines, telephone and Dolan Science Center. Hoehler said, “ Now, any time I swing data lines. The shafts are used for conduit and maintenance. Vice by the Math department to visit professors, I see the spot where President for Student Affairs, Patrick Rombalski, said, “I do not Bri and I had our first dance. I like that.” believe you can actually pass through them without crawling or with great difficulty.” Stories compiled by Katie Sheridan 12 April 10, 2008 The Carroll News Men’s golf win ends 11-year drought Blue Streaks win first Pat Flowers Invitational title since 1997 in 15th playing of the tournament

Tim Ertle vidual champion Chris Hummer instrumental in the development of Assistant Sports Editor of Owens. the program,” Moran said. “Nam- Furgerson, a transfer from Loy- ing this event after him - it’s kind For the fifth time in the 15 year ola of Maryland, has been a great of a tribute for all the energy he’s history of the Pat Flowers Invita- addition to the program. put into the program. It’s volunteer tional, the host Blue Streaks won “Obviously it’s a huge positive work that he does, so he’s devoted their own tournament. for our program to add a kid like a lot of his time.” JCU won the 11-team, 27-hole Blake,” Moran said. “When you Next up for the Blue Streaks tournament, at Fowler’s Mill Golf add a young man with his ability, it is this weekend’s OAC Regular Course in Chesterland, by two heightens everything in all aspects Season Tournament, a tournament strokes over Owens Community of the team. I think everyone under- Moran considers very important. College. stands that their level of play has to “Our first goal of the season is The Blue Streaks trailed Owens improve.” to win the first ever OAC Regular- by three strokes after the first nine Also contributing fantastic indi- season Championship,” Moran said. holes, but were able to manage a 288 vidual efforts for the Blue Streaks “That’s our number one goal at the on the 18-hole Lake-River course to were freshman Ted Padezanin, moment.” secure the victory. junior Dan Arison and senior Joey Moran was quick to point out John Carroll University’s score Buescher. that the ultimate goal is to go on and of 436 edged out Owens total of Padezanin’s score of 108, just play in the NCAA Tournament, but 438. Baldwin-Wallace College one shot over par, was instrumental the team is taking a one-event at a came in third at 440 and the JCU-B to the JCU-B squad finishing in time approach. team finished fourth with a score fourth place. Currently, the Blue Streaks own of 443. Buescher and Arison recorded a slim lead over Otterbein in the “There was a big field at this scores of 108 and 109 respectively OAC based on the fall results. event so it was huge for us to come Photo courtesy of Sports Information to help the JCU-A unit earn the JCU will travel to the Ohio out on top,” coach Mike Moran said. Sophomore transfer Blake Furgerson’s second place finish victory. Northern Tournament before head- “We feel that it really got us off on helped JCU win their first Pat Flowers Invitational since 1997. The Pat Flowers Invitation is ing to the conference tournament. the right foot here to start the spring named after JCU volunteer assistant The OAC Tournament, the quali- season.” been able to get out there and play Streaks was sophomore Blake coach Pat Flowers. Flowers is not fier to reach the Blue Streaks ulti- Moran was especially impressed as much as we’d like to,” Moran Furgerson, who recorded the best only the father-in-law of Moran, mate goal, the NCAA Tournament, by the way the team played consid- said. “Yet, the kids still played very score on the Lake-River course but also a huge help in the golf will be held April 24-25. ering the snowy weather conditions well. That goes to show how hard with a 70. program. With the addition of Furgerson limiting play early this spring. they have been working.” Furgerson’s 27-hole total of “He’s been a part of the program elevating the squad, it appears to be “With the weather, we haven’t Leading the way for the Blue 107 was one shot back of indi- for the past 16 years and was very a goal that is well within reach. Baseball fueled by strong pitching staff Charlie Duggan we’re the team to beat right now, Staff Reporter regardless of records.” Perhaps the most disappointing The John Carroll University part of the Blue Streaks conference baseball team is establishing them- record is that they could be tied for selves as a serious contender in the first with Mount Union at 6-0. Ohio Athletic Conference. JCU wasted a solid pitching ef- At 4-2, they are currently tied fort by Kurtz, who went all seven with Heidelberg for third place and innings and struck out nine batters trail first place Mount Union by two against rival Baldwin-Wallace. games. Mount Union will visit JCU However, the Blue Streak of- on April 26. fense could not produce and B-W A major reason JCU has climbed managed to hold on to a 4-2 vic- into contention in the OAC was an tory. important split with Marietta. In the second game of the dou- In a doubleheader last Saturday bleheader, Fort took the mound and against the perennial power, JCU almost made history. would prove that their early season Going all nine innings, Fort shut success was no fluke. out the Yellow Jackets while giving No JCU base runner would make up just five hits and striking out 16, it past first base as they managed just two shy of the school record. just three hits in the first game. Ju- A two-run double by junior Mi- nior Paul O’Donnell allowed only chael Krainz in the bottom of the four hits, but it would be enough third gave JCU a 2-0 lead. Senior to give Marietta the only run of Sean McCarthy added an RBI single the game. in the fifth, which was enough for In the night cap, JCU’s offense JCU as they held on for the 3-0 erupted for ten runs as freshman victory. Tony Evanko joined teammate se- The Blue Streaks took on Notre nior Matt Fort as the only pitchers Dame College last Thursday and on the team with a 4-0 record. O’Donnell and freshman Michael JCU would break the game open Eden kept ND scoreless through File photo courtesy of Sports Information with a three-run rally in the fourth four innings. Sophomore Mike Carbo contributed two runs to JCU’s record setting 10-1 victory over Marietta. inning that extended the lead from An RBI single by McCarthy in 3-0 to 6-0. the fifth broke the scoring open. selves in the standings. who was named OAC Player of beginning of the season,” Kurtz said. The Blue Streaks would go on Senior Adam Sockel followed with JCU will face Muskingum, the Week, have been nothing short “But with the way these young guys to win 10-1. The nine run margin a two-run homer to give JCU a 3-0 Ohio Northern and Otterbein in of dominant on the mound, Kurtz have stepped up, there really isn’t a was the largest win any JCU team lead. the coming weeks. The games will wastes no time in pointing out how weak spot on this team. They’ve has had over Marietta in program However, that would be all for determine whether or not the Blue important the underclassmen have been vital to our success.” history. the offense. The JCU bullpen would Streaks make the playoffs. been to the team this year. The Blue Streaks have found “Marietta was definitely a turn- suffer its worse collapse of the sea- “Our goal is to win the regular Evanko has a 4-0 record as a their way into the national spot- ing point for this team,” senior son, giving up four runs in the final season so we can host the OAC starter and freshman infielder John light. Brandon Kurtz said. “We proved four innings as JCU fell 4-3. tournament and bring home the Hastings leads the team with a .355 The team received votes in the to the conference and ourselves Kurtz noted that JCU is now championship on our home field,” batting average and is tied with poll two weeks ago that we’re a contender this season. focusing on their next three OAC Kurtz said. Lewis for a team-high 22 hits. and will surely crawl into the top 25 We definitely have the mindset that opponents in order to separate them- While he and teammate Fort, “We had some holes to fill at the with more quality wins. Sports 13 The Carroll News The Carroll News April 10, 2008 Softball regains footing after sweep JCU Athletics Pat Nygaard Staff Reporter Scoreboard The John Carroll University APR. 1 - APR. 8 softball team has recently shown signs of improvement and a preview of what the team is capable of ac- complishing this season. Baseball Softball The Blue Streaks have not only JCU 2 JCU 7 shined with their bats, but have had Baldwin-Wallace 4 Baldwin-Wallace 4 strong pitching as well. Sophomore Sam Thompson JCU 3 JCU 4 carried a shutout into the seventh Baldwin-Wallace 2 inning of the first game in last Baldwin-Wallace 0 Wednesday’s doubleheader against Baldwin-Wallace. Through seven JCU 3 JCU 13 innings, she allowed only three Notre Dame 4 Case Western 9 hits. The Yellow Jackets were able to rally, but it was too little too late. JCU 0 JCU 7 Carried by junior Jenny Eden’s first Marietta 1 Case Western 1 career home run, JCU won 7-4. “I was patient at the plate, and I waited for a pitch I liked,” Eden JCU 10 JCU 5 said. Marietta 1 Muskingum 7

Another Blue Streak home run File photo courtesy of Sports Information would prove to be pivotal in the Senior Beth Bachman delivered the game winning runs in JCU’s JCU 3 night cap as senior Bethany Bach- Track & Field wins against Baldwin-Wallace and Wooster. Muskingum 5 man hit a walk off two-run home run to complete the sweep. Jack Hazen Open Unfortunately the girls could not overall. JCU 6 JCU had not swept B-W at any continue their hot streak when they The Blue Streaks came back Wooster 0 time between 1987-2006, but have faced Muskingum. strong against Wooster on Monday Men swept them the past two seasons. JCU squandered a pair of leads as JCU allowed only one run in the JCU 3 The Blue Streaks carried their on their way to being swept by the two game set. JCU Leaders- momentum into another double- Wooster 1 Muskies. A four-run lead in game Boselovic, Lippert and Thomp- RK Glover header with their neighborhood one and a three-run lead in game two son all combined to allow only eight 1st place Long Jump rival. were dropped as JCU lost game one hits to Wooster on the day. Women’s Tennis JCU rallied from four down 7-5 and game two 5-3. Junior Jamie Smrdel led JCU in Kevin McPeek to beat Case Western 13-9 in the In game one, senior Ashley Lip- the first game as she went 3-3 and 1st place Discus JCU 1 day game. The Blue Streaks only pert’s RBI double brought Thomp- drove in five RBI as JCU rolled to Danny DiRuzza Baldwin-Wallace 8 managed 10 hits on the game but son in to tie the game and force extra a 6-0 victory. 2nd place 1500 meter run capitalized on four wild pitches and innings. However, the defending In the night cap, JCU scored two errors. OAC champions hit a home run in all three runs in the first inning Women Thompson’s complete game, the ninth to take the victory. as Bachman and freshman Deyna Men’s Tennis four-hit victory in the night cap was Sophomore Laura Boselovic hit Fanelli recorded RBIs. a complete victory for JCU as they a three-run double in the bottom of Lippert and Thompson kept the JCU Leaders- JCU 2 cruised to a 7-1 victory. the first inning to help JCU jump to Fighting Scots quiet, allowing a Rachel Widman Case Western 7 “Our team is starting to click an early lead. combined two hits for the entire 4th place 100 Dash and we are playing well right now,” However, a pair of home runs game. Tara Ford JCU 7 Eden said. “We started off with a was all it took for Muskingum to JCU traveled to Capital yester- 4th place High Jump Marietta 2 rough start but we are finally start- complete the sweep as JCU’s OAC day and will return home on Satur- ing to show how good we are.” record dropped to 3-3 and 7-13 day to face Otterbein.

Streaks of the Week

Baseball Softball Men’s Tennis Men’s Track & Field Lacrosse

Matt Fort Beth Bachman James Steward Kevin McPeek Ryan Barrett senior senior junior senior sophomore

- Was dominant in a com- - Went 3-4 with two runs - Went 8-0 at No. 1 dou- - Won the Jack Hazen - Had five goals in seven plete game shutout against and three RBI in a come- bles with partner Jeff Copp. Open with a discus throw of games this weekend. Four Baldwin-Wallace. He al- from-behind win against He was also victorious in 48.37 meters. The throw was of his goals came Sunday lowed just five hits while B-W. She tied the game in single’s action by a score of the fourth best at the Division against Toledo in a come striking out 16 and walking the 4th inning with a solo 6-0, 6-0. III level this year. from behind victory. none. HR, then won it in the sev- enth with a walk-off home run. 14 Sports April 10, 2008 The Carroll News

JCU Athletics Weekly Round-Up JCU Athletics Calendar A look around JCU athletics JCU home schedule April 10 - April 16 Track & Field Men’s Tennis Men’s Lacrosse

John Carroll University’s JCU grabbed their first vic- The JCU men’s lacrosse Men’s Tennis men’s track team received tory of the season on Saturday team managed to move up the strong performances from se- against Marietta as they took a national power rankings with a April 12 vs. Wilmington 1:00 p.m. nior Kevin McPeek and sopho- 7-2 victory over the Pioneers. bracket busting run in the Mid- more RK Glover who each won Junior James Steward did west Lacrosse Festival. their respective events at the not drop a game the entire day The Blue Streaks beat Ash- Women’s Tennis Jack Hazen Open. as he won first singles 6-0, 6-0 land 13-1 and Marshall 9-0 but McPeek’s throw of 47.38 and then teamed with senior dropped games to Louisville, meters in the discus was the Jeff Copp for an 8-0 win in first 3-1, and Kentucky, 6-1. April 14 vs. Otterbein 3:30 p.m. fourth best throw at the Divi- doubles. The 2-2 record gave the Blue April 15 vs. Heidelberg 3:30 p.m. sion III level this year. The only matches the Blue Streaks a seven seed in the tour- The Blue Streaks received Streaks dropped were those they nament playoff round where five additional top-five finishes could not field players for. JCU avenged their earlier loss Softball from individuals, plus a second Sophomore Matt Tomayko to Louisville with a 5-3 win. place finish from the 4x100 also earned a shutout in singles JCU dropped the semi-final April 12 vs. Otterbein 1:00 p.m. meter relay team. play winning his match by the game 3-2 in overtime to Cin- The JCU women also made same score as Steward. cinnati to end their run at the April 14 vs. Heidelberg 3:30 p.m. an appearance at the Hazen The only game Tomayko MLF. Open as the Blue Streaks re- dropped was in doubles where To close out the weekend, Men’s Lacrosse ceived eight top-six finishes. he and freshman Michael Finis- JCU traveled to Toldeo for a Junior Tara Ford and fresh- si went on to win 8-1. pivotal divisional game. man Rachel Widman were re- After falling behind 3-1, April 11 vs. Ohio Dominican 6:30 p.m. sponsible for five of the top-six JCU came back to win 11-7, fu- April 12 vs. PSU-Behrend 11:30 a.m. finishes alone. eled by four goals from sopho- April 12 vs. Bowling Green 4:45 p.m. more Ryan Barrett. April 12 vs. Youngstown State 6:30 p.m.

Compiled by Sara Nunney

ƒ ATTENTION FRESHMEN! Your Class of 2011 Senators will be holding a movie night and open forum where you can discuss any issues or concerns that you might have. Enjoy the film “We Own the Night” over some free pizza and pop! When: Saturday, April 19th @ 6:30pm Where: Murphy Hall Cranium (enter front door) ƒ This Week in SUPB: x Thursday @ 9pm in the Marinello Little Theatre: Carroll’s Own featuring Parker’s Back with JCU’s Andrew Summerson x Friday @ 7pm in the Intramural Gym: Dodeball Tournament – email your roster of 6 people to [email protected] x Saturday @ 5pm in the Atrium: Spring Thing - free food, fun games, photo booth, and live DJ ƒ Regular Meetings of the Student Union take place every Tuesday at 5 pm in Rodman Hall Room A. They are open to the public so feel free to come and voice your thoughts and concerns. 15 April 10, 2008 News The Carroll News Brad’s Journal My Farewell Address

AP Photo Heston raising a gun in defiance after a speech to the NRA. Actor and political activist Brad Michael Negulescu World News Editor they say, all good things must come to an end. This is of- Charlton Heston dies at 84 ficially my last column as the editor of the World News section of The Bridget Lynch Carroll News. We have been through a lot together over the last seven The Carroll News months and I have a few loose ends I want to tie up before I ride off Charlton Heston, the Oscar win- into the proverbial sunset. ning actor who portrayed Moses and First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who has written for other figures in the ‘50s and ‘60s me this past year in this section. It is because of you guys that we have and later championed conservative been so successful in bringing current events to the student body of this values as head of the National Rifle beautiful institution of higher learning. Association, has died. I would also like to thank all of the faculty who gave us their expert The actor died Saturday night at opinions to put into our news stories. Being harassed by student jour- his home in Beverly Hills with his nalists for quotes must be annoying at times, but we really appreciate wife Lydia at his side, according to what you have to say. The Associated Press. Next, I would like to thank everybody who has supported me and “Charlton Heston was seen by this column. I have gotten countless e-mails from people telling me how the world as larger than life. He much they enjoy reading what I have to say. In all honesty, I am not was known for his chiseled jaw, really the type who needs positive reinforcement, but it does feel good broad shoulders and resonating when people go out of their way to express their support. voice, and of course, for the roles I would also like to thank Katie Mahoney, the outgoing editor-in- he played,” Heston’s family said in chief of The Carroll News. I know that she has received many letters a statement. from people complaining about me. Even some people on this staff have Heston revealed in 2002 that gone to her and voiced their opposition to my column. But she never he had symptoms consistent with waivered in her support of me – and that’s pretty awesome. Alzheimer’s disease, according to I suppose I should also give a shout out to all the other editors of The the the AP. In a 2002 statement, Carroll News. I can honestly say that there is no one else I would rather Heston said if he tells a story to spend twelve hours a week with, pro bono, than you bunch of goofballs. you for a second time, just laugh But in all seriousness, you guys made those late nights fun and I have AP Photo at it again. Heston poses with his Oscar for “Ben-Hur” in 1960. come out of this experience with a lot of new friends, something I do He was born Charlton Carter in not take for granted. And Bob Noll. Thanks for everything, Bob. a Chicago suburb on Oct. 4, 1923. and served as a radio-gunner in the He famously used to say that Last, and certainly least, I would like to thank the legions of people His parents moved to St. Helen, Aleutians. the only way his gun would be who, on a weekly basis, make it crystal clear how big of an idiot I am. Mich. where his father, Russell In 1944 he married another taken away is, “From my cold dead A lesser person might be offended by some of the letters I have received Carter, operated a lumber mill. Northwestern drama student, Lydia hands.” during my tenure here, but not this guy. I get a kick out of reading cor- Growing up in the Michigan Clarke, and after his army discharge Fans remember Heston for some respondence from people saying that I am stupid, or that what I have woods with almost no playmates, in 1947, they moved to New York to of the most epic moments on film: to say is against the Jesuit philosophy, or that I must be participating in young Heston read books of ad- seek acting jobs. Parting the Red Sea as Moses in various sex acts with Dick Cheney, or that my opinion alone is ruining venture and devised his own games Heston assumed the role of a “The Ten Commandments,” curs- the credibility of The Carroll News as a whole and on and on and on. I while wandering the countryside leader off-screen as well. He served ing his self-destructive species as really enjoyed a letter to the editor last week where someone anointed with his rifle. as president of the Screen Actors he stumbles on the remnants of the me as “Captain America.” I’m guessing that was supposed to be an insult Heston’s parents divorced and Guild and chairman of the American Statue of Liberty in “Planet of the but the reality is quite the contrary. I wear that title with honor thank you his mother remarried Chester Film Institute and marched in the Apes,” tearing hell-bent through the very much! Maybe that person would like to make me a pin that says, Heston, a factory plant superinten- civil rights movement of the 1950s, chariot race in “Ben-Hur.” “Brad Negulescu = Captain America!” That would be very nice. dent in Wilmette, Ill., an upscale according to the AP. “Ben-Hur” earned 11 Oscars, the Some might think I am joking when I say that I enjoy getting hate northern Chicago suburb. Shy and Keith Nagy of the communica- most ever until 1997’s “Titanic” and mail, but it’s the God’s honest truth. My intention in writing this column feeling displaced in the big city, tions and theater arts department 2003’s “The Lord of the Rings: The was not soley to make people mad who disagree with me, but to make Heston had trouble adjusting to the said of Heston, “I was lucky enough Return of the King,” tied it. people think a little. I don’t care if a reader agrees with every word I say new high school. He took refuge in my college days to see him live on Heston’s jutting jaw, regal bear- (even though they should because I am always right), I just want people in the drama department, according stage in Los Angeles twice...ironi- ing and booming voice served him our age to become more informed about our world and subsequently to the AP. cally doing the lead role in the play well as Marc Antony in “Julius Cae- form their own opinions. So, in actuality, the more hate mail I get, the “What acting offered me was the ‘The Crucible’ as John Proctor. The sar” and “Antony and Cleopatra,” more successful I am. chance to be many other people,” play was written by Arthur Miller Michelangelo in “The Agony and And for all you haters out there who tried to silence me, I remind you he said in a 1986 interview. “In during the conservative McCarthy the Ecstasy,” and John the Baptist in that that pesky First Amendment thing we have is not there to protect those days I wasn’t satisfied with era where they were witch hunting “The Greatest Story Ever Told.” speech that you always agree with, it is there to protect speech you don’t being me.” liberals at the time.” “We knew him as an adoring agree with. That’s the beauty of living in a democracy people. Calling himself Charlton Heston, With age, he grew more conser- husband, a kind and devoted father As for me, I graduate in December with my masters in history, then its he won an acting scholarship to vative and campaigned for conser- and a gentle grandfather with an in- on to rule the world, and I mean that. In the meantime, I will be around Northwestern University in 1941. vative political candidates. In June fectious sense of humor. He served campus championing conservative causes because well – it’s what I do. He excelled in campus plays and 1998, Heston was elected president these far greater roles with tremen- With that said, its a wrap on me. Keep it real JCU. God Bless. appeared on Chicago radio. of the NRA, for which he posed for dous faith, courage and dignity,” his Contact Brad at: [email protected] In 1943, he enlisted in the Army ads holding a rifle. family said in a statement. World News 16 The Carroll News April 10, 2008


Bush Gives Medal of Honor to Navy SEAL

WASHINGTON - Navy SEAL Michael A. Monsoor had fast thinking to do when a live grenade came out of nowhere to bounce off his chest: Take the clear path to safety that he had but his comrades didn’t, try to toss it safely away, or throw himself on top of it. With barely an instant’s hesitation on that Iraqi rooftop, Mon- soor took the last course, sacrificing his life to save the men around him. For that, President Bush on Tuesday awarded him the Medal of Honor.

Pelosi: Reduce Number of Superdelegates AP Photo Bill Clinton gives supporters of his wife a thumbs up at a recent campaign event. WASHINGTON - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday she favors a reduction in the number of superdelegates – and their over- Clintons bank $109 million since 2000 sized influence – in choosing the Democratic Party’s nominee. Meghan Wolf The average household in Penn- both Clinton and Obama passed Superdelegates such as Pelosi have bemoaned the protracted fight Staff Reporter sylvania, currently one of the prin- the $100 million-mark in raising between senators Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama for ciple states in competing for the campaign funds last year, according the nomination. Neither candidate can win the nod based solely on “I have absolutely nothing Democratic nomination, makes to the AP. pledged delegates. Rather the nearly 800 superdelegates – members against rich people,” said Sen. $44,000 per year, according to the By the end of September, Clinton of Congress, election officials and party elders who aren’t bound by Hillary Clinton at a Democratic AP. had acquired $80 million, along state results – will decide the nomination. convention in North Dakota. “As a “The Clintons have now made with another $10 million from her matter of fact, my husband - much public 30 years of tax returns, a Senate account which she put into to my surprise and his - has made a record matched by few people in her presidential campaign account. lot of money since he left the White public service,” said a statement by According to the Federal Election House doing what he loves doing Jay Carson, a spokesperson for the Commission, Obama raised $79 Soldier, Wife Accused of Killing Toddler most- talking to people.” Clinton’s. million during that same time. In fact, since leaving the White In the time since the Clintons Both amounts raised thus far are EL PASO, Texas - A Fort Bliss soldier and his wife were arrested House, former President Bill Clin- left the White House, Sen. Barack considered prodigious, based on Tuesday on charges of killing a 2-year-old girl in their care and seri- ton’s speech earnings alone have Obama and his wife’s combined Democratic fund-raising endeav- ously injuring her older brother while their military parents served accumulated over $50 million. His incomes were the highest in 2005, ors of the past. In 2003, Howard overseas. two books, “My Life” and “Giv- at $1.6 million. Half of their ap- Dean’s $41 million was considered Investigators were working with the military to reach the children’s ing” raked in almost another $30 proximate 2006 income came from impressive. parents -- their father is stationed in Iraq and their mother in Germany. million. Less than eight years since sales of his Barack Obama’s book, Schwab said that the dramatic Staff Sgt. Nakia Dawkins, 32, and his 29-year-old wife, Shawntrell he left office, Clinton has amassed “The Audacity of Hope.” increase in campaign funds for the Dawkins, were booked into the El Paso County jail on charges of a multi-million dollar fortune, ac- Obama had no comment on the candidates can be explained by the capital murder and abuse of a child. cording to The Associated Press. Clintons’ current financial records. Democratic Senate election victo- Hillary Clinton’s autobiography While both couples’ incomes far ries in 2006, because enthusiasm in published in 2003 brought in more surpass the median support increases with an upward than $10 million. She had published of $48,200, the vast disparity could turn. “When a party is on its way up, House Expands Aid for Brain Injuries another book, “It Takes a Village,” be a liability for Sen. Clinton as she people are more likely to participate in 1996, the earnings of which were strives for the image of being relat- in campaigns and give money,” said WASHINGTON - The House voted Tuesday to expand research donated to charity. She has also able to the American public. Schwab. into and surveillance of traumatic brain injuries, which affect some made over a million dollars in sal- “I would agree that this is going “It’s unprecedented,” said Mi- 1.5 million Americans every year and have come to be the signature ary as a United States senator. to be a negative for the campaign,” chael Berman, a fund-raising or- wound of the war in Iraq. It also moved to ensure that all newborns Over the past eight years, the said Larry Schwab, political sci- ganizer from the Walter Mondale get adequate screening for genetic or metabolic diseases. Clintons have contributed over ence professor at John Carroll Democratic campaign in 1984. The brain trauma bill, passed 392-1 by the House, closely mirrors $10 million to charities, which University. “The income level is a “What we did [in the past], it’s legislation already approved by the Senate, and the Senate is expected surpasses the amount donated by lot higher than many people were not even relevant anymore. The to act soon to send it to President Bush for his signature. average taxpayers of their income expecting.” amounts just keep growing. I don’t level. As far as election money goes, know if there is an upper limit.” -Compiled from AP reports Obama campaign raises $40 million in March

Bridget Lynch didates are required to report these David Plouffe, Obama’s cam- overseas trip, according to The As- Party’s candidate for the office of Resident Commissioner of Puerto The Carroll News details, due to the Federal Election paign manager, said the March haul sociated Press. Commission on April 20. demonstrated that the American In addition to hitting bank, Rico to the United States Congress Sen. Barack Obama raised In March, Obama’s presidential people have an extraordinary desire Obama gains more support from in the upcoming November 2008 another $40 million for his presi- fund-raising allowed him to wage to change Washington. He noted that a super delegate. Wyoming Gov. elections. dential campaign in March. That an aggressive campaign for his the campaign attracted 218,000 new Dave Freudenthal says that Obama Larry Schwab, political science total falls behind the record $55.4 party’s nomination in Pennsylvania donors last month and that the aver- can end the partisan bickering in professor at John Carroll University million he collected in February. and other states with upcoming age donation was $96. Washington. Freudenthal was elect- said, “This continues to show the However, his overall fund-raising primaries. He broadened his pool Clinton spokesman Howard ed governor in 2002 and re-elected amazing ability of Obama to raise of more than $237 million has of donors with 1.3 million people Wolfson played down Obama’s in 2006. As a popular Democrat in campaign funds. His advantage broken the record $185.6 million of contributing to the more than $40 fund-raising when interviewed by a traditionally Republican state, in funding helps him in the final President Bush at this point in the million raised last month. USA Today saying, “We knew that he knows how essential it is for primaries. It also helps him in his 2004 presidential contest. Clinton raised only $20 million he was going to out raise us.” Democrats to be able to articulate a efforts to persuade super delegates About four percent of Obama’s in March; 43 percent less than the Arizona Senator John McCain vision that appeals to voters across to support him. He can point to his campaign money raised through the $35 million she raised in February. would not release his March fund- the ideological spectrum. funding advantage as another reason end of February was for the general Barack Obama has been run- raising numbers. He significantly Obama won the Wyoming cau- why he would be a strong candidate election, compared with 13 percent ning ads in Pennsylvania for nearly stepped up his fundraising events, cuses on March 8 with 61 percent of in the election.” of Hillary Clinton’s cash, according a week. Clinton launched her first but the presumptive Republican the vote. Also last week, the Obama With the financial support com- to the non-partisan Campaign Fi- ad on April 3 in North Carolina, nominee has lagged far behind the for America campaign announced bined with political endorsements, nance Institute. Neither Democrat but has yet to do any advertising in Democrats in the money contest. that Pedro Pierluisi of Puerto Rico Obama is poised to out raise Clinton said how much money they have on Indiana. Both states hold primaries He held 25 fund-raisers last month, endorsed Obama for president. again this month and stockpile more hand or disclosed their debts. Can- on May 6. even though he spent a week on an Pierluisi is the New Progressive money for the general election. 17 The Carroll News April 10, 2008 Editorial Justice Alito visit This past Wednesday night, the Bishop Pilla Program in Italian American Studies hosted one of the lectures in its ongoing series. The program, “Remembering the Story of Italian Americans,” featured Supreme Court Justice Samuel Anthony Alito Jr. Scheduling the event was a good way in not only drawing a large student crowd, but also people from the community. The sponsor should be commended on a job well done in producing a quality program that brings important cultural and intellectual topics to the forefront of discussion. This is successful for several reasons because it enhances the University’s image, provides financial benefits and attracts alumni attention.

It’s important that organizations and clubs continue to do their best in securing top notch figures. Doing this not only enriches students and citizens, but also showcases JCU’s ability to produce the same high quality events as other prestige universities. Also, hosting these prominent societal figures financially ben- efits the University. Prospective students and families are able to “ see how well various clubs on campus work to expose students to top-rated speakers. This in turn can influence students’ decisions to come to JCU. Cartoon by Meredith Snow Alumni who see these organizations working well will be more apt to donate money in order to ensure that events like these will continue. And one more point: Although there has also been criticism of NOTABLE QUOTABLE bringing one more conservative public figure to campus, students and members of the community should keep in mind that above all else, Justice Alito was confirmed to the highest court in the United States. Therefore, his opinions and experiences are worth “I have no problem sitting out to rebuild this listening to. Editorial resource if that’s what’s necessary.” Dining hall renovation -Duncan MacLean, a fisherman from Half Moon Bay, on the poten- This summer, an important part of student life will undergo tial ban of fishing for salmon. California has been seeing a tremen- some major changes. Schott Dining Hall will be renovated to more dous decrease in numbers in recent months. closely resemble a food court. Although these physical changes will have a positive effect on current and prospective students alike, there is one other thing that should be addressed. Currently, the cafeteria stops serving the main lunch line at 1:30 “ p.m. This means there is no main course available, and students are left to choose from items like cereal or a bagel. This is a time of day that some students still choose to get lunch. The cafeteria needs to extend lunch hours until 2:30 p.m. to ensure that students HIT & miss have the ability to eat after a long day of classes. This also contributes to students’ unhealthy eating habits be- Hit/miss: Kansas wins NCAA tournament miss(ing): Cof- cause well-balanced meals aren’t available. fee from the cafeteria Hit: Kappa Alpha Theta Charity The improvements will bring a new focus on healthier, fresher Denim Hit: Cultivating Community Day Hit: OxFam Hunger food and promote better eating habits of students. Cooks of “The Banquet Hit: Julie Zajac Memorial 5K race Hit/miss: Thom- Fresh Food Company” will prepare food right in front of stu- as Beatie, the pregnant man Hit: Justice Alito visits JCU dents so that students have the ability to decide how their meal miss: Closed parking lots Hit: Official 2008 Homecoming is prepared. Diners can also choose a wide range of foods including Medi- T-shirt design contest Hit: Free swing lessons Hit: Ben and terranean, international and comfort foods like macaroni and Jerry’s upcoming Free Cone Day Hit: La Festa di Primav- cheese. This will also put JCU at the same level of other major era miss(ing): Salmon on the West Coast miss: Olympic universities such as Wake Forest. torch extinguished amid Paris protests Hit: The Spring mu- Although these changes are going to provide students with more sical, “Working” miss: Parking tickets Hit: Cleveland Clinic options and ultimately enhance the dining experience, without approved to perform first full facial transplant in the United longer dining hours, not all students will be able to enjoy them. Next year’s renovations are a great improvement but for States Hit: British Airways bans model Naomi Campbell students who are here now, Aramark needs to listen to students’ needs. Extending lunch hours could be a simple change that would essentially benefit the entire student community. Editor in Chief Campus Editor World News Editor Distribution KATIE MAHONEY Kate McCall Brad Michael Negulescu Eric Primous The Carroll News [email protected] Max Flessner Caitlin Huey-Burns SERVING JCU SINCE 1925 Managing Editor Features Editor Arts & Life Editor Sports Editor Katie Sheridan To contact the Carroll News: The Carroll News is published Andrew Rafferty weekly by the students of John Rachel Szuch Chris Ostrander Colin Beisel John Carroll University Carroll University. Jeff Evans Tim Ertle 20700 North Park Blvd. The opinions expressed in editorials Adviser Photo Adviser Copy Editors University Heights, OH 44118 and cartoons are those of The Robert T. Noll Alan Stephenson, Ph. D Cartoonists Anne McCarthy Newsroom: 216.397.1711 Carroll News editorial staff and not Editorial & Op/Ed Editor Casey N. Kindle Meredith Snow Advertising: 216.397.4398 necessarily those of the University’s Business Manager Jenna Lo Castro Fax: 216.397.1729 administration, faculty or students. Bob Seeholzer Signed material and comics are e-mail: [email protected] Alexis Hazboun Thea Letteri solely the view of the author. Meghan Wolf 18 April 10, 2008 Op/Ed The Carroll News OURVIEW Enjoying more than just sunshine Lo Castro’s Editor Commentary in advance. I like to be one step and enjoying what each day has ahead. In about one month, JCU is to offer. Saturday had sunshine to Lowdown going to make me graduate, and I offer, and I enjoyed every second have no plan. Sure I have goals, but of it. right now I’d rather push them to the And I don’t just mean the weath- Gettin’ the back burner. er. It’s not easy, but I’ve made the word on: Some days I have mini panic decision to find the sunshine in attacks over my lack of future plan- every day. ning, and other days I try to pretend Once I made that decision, I took The reality behind Jenna Lo Castro I won’t have to face reality. (Unless a deep breath and felt the weight of reality TV Editorial & Op/Ed Editor reality really is how Bret Michaels the world lift off my shoulders. Katie Mahoney portrays it.) Not only can I relax and know So I was watching a guilty self (after I wondered if the panties Editor in Chief Either way, the frantic emotion that I don’t need the perfect career pleasure of mine last night: “The were actually clean or not) was of a huge life change causes a sick path the day after I graduate, but Bachelor.” how much personal respect must a On Saturday, I signed an e-mail feeling in my stomach and paranoia I can enjoy the rest of my days at Yes, I know. How could any woman lack to let herself be viewed with “Enjoy the sunshine!” in my that I might break out in hives. JCU. human being actually waste 60 on national TV as an idiot. excitement over seeing the sun once When I read the e-mailed re- For anyone reading this, from minutes of their life watching I’m willing to bet it’s around again, after what felt like 10 months sponse, “That’s the only way to freshmen to seniors and even fac- some good-looking British guy get the same amount of respect the guy of winter. The recipient of the e- live,” I suddenly realized that I can’t ulty, whatever weight is on your molested and assaulted by a bunch who pooped in skateboarder Rob mail responded to me, “That’s the plan everything. shoulders, take a moment to leave it of hopeless, desperate 20 and 30 Dyrdek’s swimming pool has for only way to live.” I’ll never know Life just doesn’t care about your behind and find the good in today. somethings? abiding by cultural sanitary norms. if he meant to be philosophical, plans. No matter how much I over- Somehow, when the time is right It was rough, I tell you. Reality (Search “Rob and Big: Pool Poop but the response hit me in a quite analyze, over plan or freak out, I’ll and I’m ready, I’m sure I’ll pick a shows can be as unfulfilling as a episode on YouTube for further unexpected way. find a way to work out my life. That career, find a job, and start down liquid diet if you’re watching them reference.) Looks like he has some- For anyone who knows me, I is just simple faith in myself. the new path to a new life. But, for all the wrong reasons. (Men, thing in common with former New plan everything. Everything. If I The only way I’m going to sur- even when that happens, I plan to feel free to consult any female York Gov. Eliot Spitzer. ever lost my planner, I’d be lost in vive graduation, or real life, or even make sure each day, I enjoy the you may run into to explain that And for as much as female ac- life. Not only that, I do everything this week, is by living day-to-day sunshine. metaphor.) tivists fight to have the same rights Now, being a woman with as males, they belittle and degrade emotional tendencies, I would themselves only more. Women are venture to guess that most females digging themselves into a larger watch the show to gain some type ditch, and it’s one full of breast of emotional gratification. implants and Trimspa. It’s nice to wistfully wish you And it’s not the media’s fault. were one of the 90 lb. women being The actions of these women are whisked away to some exotic swel- merely a catalyst to how others tering island for a romantic dinner choose to exploit them. date – especially when he’s a half- But I guess these instances mere- naked man who has enough money ly reflect real world occurrences. to actually buy the island you’re Sometimes it’s hard to believe the on. However, I watch the show stupid stuff people are willing to do for a completely different reason: in front of the whole world (Prime lack of inhibition. If you thought examples: Steve-O, K-Fed and the scene from “Superbad” was Flava Flav.) outrageous when Evan was in the And although many would argue bedroom with Becca and she ended that much of reality TV and its char- up throwing up, I suggest you tune acters are scripted, I’d have to make into an episode of “The Bachelor.” a conjecture that not every single Guys, this includes you. word or idea is actually scripted. Let me give you a quick run- I believe that much of what is down of what happened on the shown on TV is the actual undertak- premiere episode a couple weeks ing of the person. ago: So with that said, I think it’s Girl gets drunk. safe to say that if American society Girl babbles incoherently. continues to showcase brainless, Girl sticks her white lacy pant- uninformed and salacious citizens, ies down the Bachelor’s pants. our country will have far bigger Girl then passes out on a ran- problems than war, global warming domly placed mattress in one of and mullets. the off-set bathrooms. Contact Jenna Lo Castro at: Now, the question I asked my- [email protected] You’re wrong, I’m Rafferty: The essence of the prank call utes. However, between all the in- name ten, it’s never fast enough. the movie you’re talking about, I because a naked man is running coming calls he did find time to pas- Your local video store provides just can’t remember the name.” around the third floor screaming sionately inform me that I needed to some great entertainment. You If you know a girl who lives on obscenities. You know security is take the ad down…or else. can’t remember the name of the campus and has stepped out of the going up there thinking that they Cell phones have revolutionized movie, but you know the plot very room, you have a great opportunity. are going to have to restrain a na- prank calling. I would like to share intricately. “Yeah, I’m looking for Call her room phone and when her ked dude. with you some of the best calls I’ve a movie, I think it came out in the roommate picks up, ask to leave I am a big fan of the “Do you made or heard made. I want to make mid-80s, Arnold Schwarzenegger a message for her. The message take reservations?” call. Call a place it clear that I am not the master mind is in it. is, “Tell [girl’s name] that Dr. Lee like Burger King and ask if they take Andrew Rafferty behind all these ideas, but I’m not “He’s pregnant, but not with a called and congratulations, the test reservations. Managing Editor going to say I shouldn’t be credited baby, with a lizard. It was kind of results are in and she’s totally preg- Then ask if there is a dress code. I tell people I have a mature im- for a few. a break out role for Jeff Goldblum, gers.Yep, she definitely has one in Finally, inform them that you are maturity. If you’ve ever read this Everyone loves ice cream. That’s who plays a zookeeper with a soft the oven.” with a party of 52 and will be stop column, you know what I mean. why pretending to be Ben & Jerry’s spot for reptiles. It turns out the Then leave one of your buddy’s by in 10 minutes. For example, on April Fool’s Day and asking them to name ten flavors lizard is actually an alien lizard and numbers to call back. The room- Remember, prank calls are great, I posted an ad on Craigslist saying in 30 seconds to win a year’s supply kills Goldblum.” mate is going to think the other just don’t do anything illegal. And, that my friend was giving out a free of ice cream is a great idea. The Just combine the plots of three roommate is pregnant. Whammy! always leave a friends number to Nintendo Wii to the first person who usual response is, “Um, OK, vanilla, different movies. You can usually I’ve heard this next one done call back. called him. chocolate, Cherry Garcia, um…” get the confused video store em- poetically. Call a hotel, say you’re a Contact Andrew Rafferty at: He got 30 calls in about 45 min- The best part about it is, even if they ployee to say, “Yeah, I think I know guest calling from a private number [email protected] Op/Ed 19 The Carroll News April 10, 2008 Seeholzer’s State Paying it Forward: of Mind: Senior Class Project Ballin’ on a Budget (BOB) Bob Seeholzer much either. Plus you get to meet Copy Editor some really interesting people. Clubs and groups share how their organizations Entertainment is expensive, It’s no coincidence that BOB is that’s why they both start with the contribute to the JCU community my name. I am well versed in the letter E. Movies in particular are art of “Ballin’ on a Budget.” After quite the fund-stealers. taking an exit poll at my last article With proper research, however, The senior class of 2008 has the looking at colleges, what attracted attractive to potential employers. signing session, I found that most you can get your money’s worth. opportunity to bring back an impor- you to John Carroll? Some would As students at a Jesuit institution, people are confused about BOB so I Wait until there are multiple movies tant tradition that has been absent say that it was the beautiful campus we are encouraged to be men and provided this instructional guide. out at once that you are interested from JCU since 2003. The Senior and impressive facilities. women for others, and making a gift The No. 1 rule of BOB is that in. Then look up the times and see Class Gift program was started by Others say that it was JCU’s to the Senior Class Legacy Program you can’t be ashamed of it. Wal- if any of the showings of one movie the class of 1986 as a way to give reputation as a prestigious univer- allows JCU seniors to do just that. Mart? Your new best friend. Sam’s end around the same time that a back to John Carroll and promote sity, where students are known to The Carroll Fund is used to Choice is now your choice. Saving, different movie starts…you know alumni support. receive an excellent education. subsidize tuition for all students, scrimping, thrifting (that’s not even where this is going. We are encouraging the senior Maybe it was the small class lower costs for many students a real word) are now your favorite Double features are an economi- class to “pay it forward” to fu- sizes, extra-curricular opportunities through grants and scholarships, verbs. cal way to stay entertained and keep ture JCU students by donating to or simply the fact that John Carroll provide for technology upgrades College costs a pretty penny plus up with pop culture. And don’t the Class of 2008 Senior Legacy provided the best financial aid pack- all over campus, support many stu- a couple thousand on top of that, so give anything to the concession Program. Since implementing this age. Well, none of this would be dent activities and service projects, being conscious of every purchase stand. Going to movies while BOB program, the most common ques- possible without the Carroll Fund maintain campus buildings and is a must. You need to constantly requires that you BYOS (bring your tion we have heard seniors ask is: and alumni participation. grounds, and enhance the overall have a tally in the back of your head own snacks). “Why should I give more of my The Carroll Fund is important to student experience. of how much you’ve spent and how OK, your wallet/purse is empty, money to John Carroll University us as alums because it has the ability We are encouraging seniors little you have left. what do you do now? This part after I have just paid four years of to uphold the value of your degree to donate $20.08, in honor of our Feeling guilty about spending requires extreme patience and a set tuition?” from John Carroll. The percentage graduation year, but gifts of all your own money is to BOB what of caring parents. The answer is that this small, of alums that support their alma amounts can make a big difference. being seven feet tall is to playing in No, you’re not going to ask them one-time donation can have a large mater reflects the strength of the Our goal is to have 30 percent of the NBA: you can’t teach something for money (despite my earlier claim impact on the entire JCU Commu- institution, and this percentage also seniors participating in the Senior that invaluable. that you had to be unashamed at nity including alums, current and impacts the ranking of John Carroll Class Legacy program, so any gift You gotta eat, whatever you’re all times, there will be no begging future students and faculty. in certain publications. will help us to “pay it forward.” doin’, you gotta eat…I honestly involved in BOB). The gifts received by the Se- So, basically the more seniors For more information or to make don’t know why that Rally’s com- Hopefully your parents cared nior Class Legacy will support the who donate, the higher our alumni a donation, visit the Class of 2008 mercial is still stuck in my head enough to conceive you at a time Carroll Fund, which is made up of satisfaction rate becomes. This Senior Legacy Program Web site at after three years, but they’re right. where you’re birthday wouldn’t be donations from alums that are used sustains John Carroll’s reputation As college students I would recom- too close to Christmas. to maintain John Carroll as an edu- as a distinctive University, and that -Beth Wall, member of The mend using meal swipes until you This way you have at least two cational institution. When you were means that your degree looks more Senior Class Project run out of them. days a year where you bring in a If you run out on Friday you good amount of cash. Sometimes might want to consider not eating it’ll be another month or two until Student until Monday and using better swipe your next holi-pay, that’s where management next week. you’ll need the patience. Another great move is to find The secret to successfully Ballin’ Speakout: out about events on campus that are on a Budget is making it appear as offering pizza and pop (or anything though you’re not. edible) for free. When shopping for clothes, If you’re looking to go out to eat don’t be afraid to buy a knockoff What do you think under the BOB plan then wherever brand or even a shirt with an “ir- you’re going needs to have a dollar regular” tag. menu. Period. It shouldn’t look that bad and if about Trayless Combo meals are always a good it does, just wear a jacket or another idea. Water is a delicious and cost shirt over it. As far as shoes are Tuesdays? effective way to quench your thirst concerned, Starbury’s are the way (unless it’s bottled, then it’s counter- to go for guys. “It’s more work [using trays] for the workers because productive). I’m not even going to pretend people are just leaving their things on the table, caus- In order to be Ballin’ on a Bud- I know women’s fashion. Sorry ing employees to have to clean up after them.” get, by definition you need to be bal- ladies, you’re on your own. lin’. Sitting at home is not classified And that is how it’s done. Ballin’ -Mary Keller, sophomore as ballin’. But how are you going on a Budget people, it’s a move- “I doubt they’re passing the to maintain your frugality if you ment. You can either get with it or get a job. savings onto hungry people have to fill up your gas tank? Two .” words: public transportation. Buses Contact Bob Seeholzer at: “I think I use as many plates as before. -Carl Blankschaen, senior don’t smell good, but they don’t cost [email protected] I like the intentions but I don’t think it’s working well.” -Wally Klubek, junior Got something to ìI donít think it makes a differ - ence. Itís a hindrance. Iím always say? forgetting to grab my silverware or Let your voice be “I actually don’t mind it. It’s a slight my cups.î inconvenience but I can get things sepa- -Nick Huml, freshman heard. Write a letter rate and it’s not a big deal.”

-Lisa Russo, junior “I think it can be effective but should to the editor. definitely remain optional. I think if the deadline is sunday by food was better, that would also cut down on a lot of waste.” 5p.m. -Trey Hornung, junior “I end up bringing more plates back to my table.” e-mail it to -Amy Gourniak, senior [email protected] April 10, 2008 The Carroll news CLASSIFIEDS

HOUSE FOR RENT For rent: 2494 Warrensville road. HOUSE FOR RENT. 10 minutes Part time babysitter wanted for one child, UNIVERSITY HTS. JUST OFF Easy walk to JCU. 3 bedrooms up, from campus. 4 bedrooms, double age 10, after school in my Shaker Heights For Rent WARRENSVILLE CENTER RD. 3 bedrooms down - kitchen, dining, car garage, appliances including home, near Fairmount/Green. M-F Walking distance to JCU. 4 bed- livingroom, 1 bath each floor. lawn washer and dryer, air condition- 3-6PM. Occasionally additional hours if you desire. Must have own transportation. rooms, 2 full baths, all appliances and snowplow provided - extra ing. Near bus line and freeway. Call Carolyn @ 216.831.0901. House for Rent - 3205 Oak Road including washer/dryer, lawn/sewer/ room for each unit in basement. 1-4 roommates, $1200 month. Call Gymnastics Coach (Mayfield/Lee), Cleveland Heights snow removal included, finished $900 per month - 931-6488 440.220.2819 Ph 440-461-0015 - Large 5 bedroom, 2 bath with basement, fireplace, balcony, front Downstairs unit at 13726 Cedar The Mayfield Sand Ridge Club Email: [email protected] fenced yard, front porch, all appli- and back deck. 216- 870-1886 Road for rent. 5 bedrooms, 2 full Grounds Department is seeking Looking for gymnastic coach for ances plus washer/dryer. $1350/ full time seasonal help for Spring bath. Off-street parking. Free WiFi. progressive classes and team month. Call Debbie at 216-402- Univ.Htf./S.euc. 3 bedroom house. and Summer 2008 to join our crew Near JCU campus and very close to program. Must have background in 5627. A/C, hardwood, 2 full bath.3 park- (retirees welcome). Job duties may ing spaces. $1200. 216.382.0340. shopping. Please call Dan Lindner gymnastics. Full and part-time posi- Home For Rent - walk to JCU from include but are not limited to: mow- to schedule an appointment. (216) tion available, 2505 Channing. 4 bedrooms, 1.5 1 BLOCK FROM ing greens, tees, fairways, rough 374-5220. Part-time cheerleading stunting bathrooms, finished basement, Air CAMPUS new house with all new and bunker maintenance. If inter- ested please apply in person at the coach for high school age students, conditioning, back patio w/furniture, appliances, dishwasher, carpets, 2 For rent: 2 block walk - Mayfield Sand Ridge Club Grounds fenced in yard, 2-car detached ga- full bath, AC, Warrensville& Hillbrook, 6 person and all star team all levels. Experi- 2-car garage and lots of closet space. duplex, Each unit 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 Department, 1545 Sheridan Road enced only must apply. rage. Appliances include dishwash- South Euclid, OH. For directions call Will go fast! bath, living and dining rm., kitchen Ask for Sally er, refrigerator, oven, washer, dryer. (216) 381-0078. with eating area. Dishwasher, all cell 216 554-5880 Call Patrick at 216-287-4656. 216-832-3269." House For Rent - 4398 Baintree, Appliances, Central Air, Alarm Two-Family House for Rent-Two or 10 min walk from JCU. Features Summer babysitter(s) needed in 2 blocks from JCU. System, Very Clean with plenty of Four people. Professionally Man- 3 bedrooms and large den, 1.5 Shaker for 7y/o and 9y/o, before 4 bedroom | 2 Full bath house parking. 2008-2009 School ear. Call aged!!! Available June 1st for next bathrooms, 2 car garage, finished and after kids go to camp. 7:30am Completely remodeled. All new 440.821.6415 school year (2008-2009). Two large to 9am and 3pm to 5/6pm. Car re- appliances. AC, dishwasher, 2-car basement, central heat and A/C, bedrooms each unit, modern ameni- Univ. Hts---Walking Distance to quired. $10/hr. Call 216-215-3833. garage. JCU alum. 216-832-3269 washer and dryer. Beds and dress- ties, air conditioning, free washer/ Campus--- 4-5-6 Bedroom houses ers available with house. Call Babysitters wanted to help care for For Rent/sale for JCU students Oc- dryer use. Located on Warrensville- are available. All with plenty of Elizabeth at 216-334-7280 or email kids ages 3 to 9 after school and tober 1st - December 31, 2007. $330 two blocks from JCU. Owned by parking, AC, newer appliances, [email protected] evenings. Regular hours possible, but a month. This 3 bedroom, 1 & 1/2 JCU alum. Call 216-924-5739. washers and dryers. Currently Rent: 5-10 people Student house not required, at $10 an hour. Must bath, 2 car garage, clean, new paint rented by JCU students.Only a few for last 15 years. Starting June love kids, have own transportation & carpet, oak kitchen floor. 330-666- FOR RENT blocks and within walking distance 2008. Only 5 minutes from JCU. and references. 7529. CEDAR/LEE AREA from campus! DON’T WAIT, ACT Call Charles (216) 402.9653 Call Laura at 216-932-1409. Available June 2008 5-10 person available immediately FAST! Leases to begin in June. Call house 5 minutes from JCU. Call Sign a lease by April 15th and re- Anthony at (216) 374-7164 For Rent South Euclid/University Babysitter needed. Days, occasion- 216.402.9653 For more information. ceive $200 off first month's rent. Single Family Home for rent Hts: Features: 3 bedrooms; 2 bath- al weekends/school breaks. 10-20 Huge, Clean, Well Maintained 4 For Rent: University Hts.2 fam- on Wyncote Rd near Cedar and rooms; ample parking; A/C. Please hours/week. Walking distance. BR/1.5 BA. All appliances includ- ily houses. 3 bedrooms each suite, Wrenford, minutes from JCU. 4 call (216) 382-0340 Prefer local student looking for ing Washer/Dryer/Refrigerator/ very clean and well maintained on bedrooms, 1.5 bath, AC, appliances, long-term, flexible job with a 3 year Stove/Dishwasher. Walking dis- Warrensville Center Rd. near John new carpet and paint, finished base- Single Family Home for Rent on old and newborn. $10/hr. Call tance to JCU nightlife, shopping. Carroll. Big rooms, garage space, all ment. Call 216-513-7974. Wyncote Rd near Cedar and Belvoir, (216) 765-1069. 4 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, AC, applianc- appliances included. Available June 5minutes from JCU. $1100 per mo. Duplex for Rent. Spacious & Well- BABYSITTER NEEDED for Satur- es, finished basement. $1200 /month 1st 2008. The good ones go quick Call Corinna 440.724.6896 Maintained. Each Unit has 3 Bdrms, day nights, occasional weekday af- Call 216-513-7974. so get started! Call Mike: 440-724- Four Bedrooms, 1.5 Bath house at 1 ½ Bath. ¼ Mile from JCU. ternoons. Eastside home with three 6654. one miles from Jcu. Freshly paint- Call JCU Alumni @ 440.336.2437. Single Family Home for Rent on young kids. Must have experience Wyncote Rd near Cedar and Belvoir, and references. I have always used Attention discerning JCU students! ed & new carpets. Oven, refrig- Large house for rent. Five bed- 4 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, AC, appliances, JCU students and have been happy! Rent a nice house just 10 minutes erator, washer an dryer included. rooms, 2 and 1/2 bath. finished basement. $1200 /month Call Call Cyndi @ (440) 542-1895. from Central heat + air conditioning. Completely renovated. All appli- 216-513-7974. campus. Cleveland Heights near Call Nina 216.773.1304 ances included. Two car garage and Cedar Center. Available July 1. 3 bedroom second floor nit. Less plenty of parking. Very close from HOUSE FOR RENT UNIVERSITY Renovated 3 than 1/4 mile from University. Cen- campus. Currently occupied by HEIGHTS JUST OFF WARRENS- bedroom/1.5 bath, remodeled tral Air, Kitchen appliances, Carpet- JCU students. Bonus on signing. VILLE CENTER RD. Walking kitchen, hardwood floors, all appli- ing, Hardwood Floors and Washer/ Available June1, 2008 distance to JCU, 4 bedroom, 2 Classified ads cost $5.00 for the ances, 2-car Dryer all included. Available June, Call: 440-341-8494 full baths, all appliances including garage. $1275/month. Visit www. $900/mnth. 440-542-0232 washer/dryer,lawn service/sewer/ first 10 words and $0.25 for each for more info Warrensville and Meadowbrook, snow removal included, finished additional word. and pics. First and Second floor two bedroom newly decorated, 3 bdrm. suite basement, fireplace, balcony, front 216-371-8160. units for Rent: Great location (half of double), air, all appliances, and back deck. 216.870.1886 To be placed, ads must be typed within walking distance to shop- alarm system. Easy 8 minute walk or handwritten clearly and leg- FOR RENT: 4205 Colony in South First and second floor two bedroom ping and close to campus. All to school. Call 440.821.6415. ibly and sent to or dropped off Euclid. 4 Bedroom, 1.5 Bath. Huge units for rent: Great location within appliances, including washer and basement. Only a few blocks from HOUSE FOR RENT. University walking distance to shopping and at The Carroll News office with campus. $1200/month Call Jeff at dryer included. Spacious rooms, Heights Just Off Warrensville Cen- close to campus. All appliances, payment. 440.479.2835. Large closets, and garage parking. ter Rd. Walking distance to JCU. 4 including washer and dryer included. Home for rent for May 2008/2009 Available June Rent $750/mnth. bedrooms, 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, Spacious rooms, Large closets, and Classified ads will not be run school year. Renting to JCU 440-542-0232 all appliances including washer/ garage parking. Available June. Rent without pre-payment. students is our business! 1 mile Five bedrooms house for rent on dryer. lawn/sewer/snow removal $750/mnth. 440.542.0232 from campus 4 bedrooms 1.5 baths. Washington Boulevard. included, finished basement, fire- Two bedroom apartment for rent off Classifieds will not be taken Newly remodeled, all hardwood Currently occupied by JCU students. place, balcony, front and back deck. Mayfield & Belvoir, 5 minutes to over the phone. Deadline for floors brand new appliances, private Completely remodeled. All appli- 216.870.1886 JCU. VERY clean, appliances, cen- classifieds is noon of the Mon- backyard deck and patio. This will ances. Bonus if signed before Janu- FOR RENT DUPLEX! 2007-2008 tral air, laundry, free parking, water day prior to publication. go fast! Call Michael 330 388-7798 ary 31. Call Elaine at 440-341-8494 school year near JCU. Warrensville and sewer included, $765/month. Center Road. Six bedrooms, Houses for rent on Cedar and on GREAT HOME - 1/4 MILE FROM JCU alumni owned! Call Becky @ For Ad Rates and completely remodeled, hard wood Warrensville. Call Grace: 216-751- JCU Single Family, 3 Upstairs 216.407.4629 Information: and carpet floors, updated four full 4519 Bedrooms,1.5 Bath., Spacious 1st Phone: (216) 397-4398 baths, large living & dining rooms. floor, Finished Basement, 2 Car at- Mail us at: Duplexes for rent on Warrensville. large eat-in kitchens, updated tached garage. 216 870-1640 Help Wanted Call Curt at 216 337-7796. kitchen appliances, central air, The Carroll News John Carroll Univ. For rent: recently painted -nice washer and dryer hookups in base- For rent - Available May 1st. For kitchens - 3 bedroom up and 3 down ment. Four car garage, four parking Looking for student (next school 20700 N. Park Blvd. 2008/2009 school year. Clean four - extra rooms in basement - snow spaces. Each floor $1100 plus year) with car who is able to drive University Hts, OH 44118 bedroom, large kitchen, + family plow - lawn care provided - pres- security deposit. Call & Schedule children to after school sports. Days room, all appliances, Inc. Washer- ently occupied by J.C. seniors. personal tour today! 216.932.5555 and hours vary from week to week E-mail the CN at: dyer. Parking + garage, close to Available June 1 - $900 a month. and are flexible. Pay negotiable. [email protected]. JC + M.D. And all shopping! 932.6488 Warrensville and Meadowbrook, Hours fall usually between 3:30- Now rented to college students newly decorated, 3 bdrm. suite (half 8:30. Call now if interested for next Duplexes for rent on Warrensville. graduating. $1.000 per month of double), air, all appliances, school year. Abbie (216) 374 5162. Call Curt at 216 337-7796. plus security deposit. Call Bill alarm system. Easy 8 minute walk Occasional evening and week end 440.897.7881/440.655.2048. to school. baby sitter needed for one 3yr. old Downstairs unit and Upstairs units Call 440.821.6415 girl. Live within a mile of campus. at 13726 Cedar Road for rent. 2, $10 per hour. Please call Debby at Federal Law bans discrimination by race, sex, 4, or 6 bedrooms available, 3 full Very large 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath 216-410-2721 if interested. religion, color, national origin, family status and handicap 2607 Saybrook Rd bath. Newly renovated. Off-street house. Recently remodelled. Wood H.S Chemistry/Physics Tutor in all Ohio rental property. The Carroll News will not 5 bd/2 bath dishwasher, stove, parking. Near JCU campus and very floors, all appliances, washer/ Wanted: knowingly accept advertising in violation of this law. As refrig close to shopping. Please call Dan dryer, ample parking, 5 minutes Eve's or Sundays in our home located a consequence, The Carroll News will not accept rental Walking distance to JCU Lindner to schedule an appointment. to JCU available June 1st, $1200. across from JCU campus ads that stipulate the gender of the tenants. Call Rob 440-623-3003 (216) 374-5220. 216.288.7000 Call Joy @ 216.387.3882