38 Regional Landscape Park «Hadiatskyi» As the Preservation and Protection Center of Phytodiversity in the Left-Bank Forest-St
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REGIONAL LANDSCAPE PARK «HADIATSKYI» AS THE PRESERVATION AND PROTECTION CENTER OF PHYTODIVERSITY IN THE LEFT-BANK FOREST-STEPPE OF UKRAINE Khannanova Olesia Ravilivna Poltava National V.G. Korolenko Pedagogical University Keywords: phytodiversity, rare species, protection, regional landscape park «Hadiatskyi», Poltava region. Currently, the natural-protected network of Poltava region has enriched natural protected sites, including the objects of multifunctional purpose, among which is the regional landscape park «Hadiatskyi» (RLP), established in 2011 in the area of 12 803 ha. In natural attitude the park area is located within the left-bank forest-steppe. According to the physiographic zoning of Ukraine [4] the studied region is located in the physiographic region of Poltava elevated plain, which occupies most of the leftb ank Dnieper forest-steppe zone province of the forest-steppe of East European plain of physiographic country. According to geobotanical zoning of Ukraine [2] the Western part of the territory is located within Hadiach-Myrgorod geobotanical district of meadow steppes, oak forests, floodplain meadows and lowland eutrophic marshes and East part within Zinkiv-Reshetylivka geobotanical district of meadow steppes and floodplain meadows. The geographical position of RLP «Hadiatskyi» results in significant diversity of plant communities and formation of varied vegetation with phytocomplexes that are adapted to such elements of the valley landscapes of the Psel river as: the right bank slopes, floodplains, pine-forest terraces, gullies and gully systems. The general floristic list of vascular plants of thep ark amounts to 923 species belonging to 436 genera, 111 families and 5 departments, which are dominated by representatives of Magnoliophyta division (97,2%). Vascular spore-bearing and gymnosperm plants are represented by only 26 species (2,8%). The important indicator of the natural ecosystems conservation state is the presence of rare species in flora composition. On the territory of RLP H« adiatskyi» it was identified 114 species, representing 12,4% of the park flora and 53,0% of the total number of rare and endangered vascular plants of Poltava region [1]. The studied species belong to 85 genera and 45 families. According to the sozology value they represent the following categories: the species included in the European Red List of animals and plants threatened with extinction on a global scale (2; 1,8% of the total number of rare park flora); the species included in the Red List of the International Union for conservation of nature and natural resources (2; 1,8%); the species listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine (31; 27,2%); the species represented in the Convention on the conservation of wild fauna and flora and natural environments in Europe, Annex 1 (5; 4,4%) and Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora threatened of extinction, Annex I and Annex II (3; 2,6% and 6; 5,3%); and regionaly rare that are protected in Poltava region (81; 71,1%) [5]. In the whole, the park area represents the following types of vegetation: forest (vegetation of deciduous forest – broadleaf and mixed forests; coniferous-forest – pine and mixed forests; swamp-forest – alder; marginal – light forests and forest edges; shrub –riparian shrub coenoses and weeds), steppe (meadow steppe), meadow (wet meadow − marshy meadows; true meadows – mesophilic meadows; dry meadow – steppe grasslands), wetland (eutrophic swamp;eumezotrophic swamp), psamophite (sand-steppe group of open sands or open dry sandy habitats of pine-forest terraces and wet-sandy alluvial sands of riverine flood plain), hydrophilic (coastal water; water), synanthropic (ruderal; segetal). They represent the left-bank forest-steppe natural region (the Northern part). The composition of thep ark vegetation represented 14 sintaxons that were rare both at the regional (7) and the national levels (listed in Green Book of Ukraine [3] – 7). «Hadiatskyi» RLP is particular important as a key area of Psil ecocorridor of the regional ecological network, as a reference natural area of the middle Psel river reaches, namely natural bank of wildlife genepool and cenofond, the center of biodiversity. REFERENCES 1. Bairak O. M., Stetsiuk N. O. Atlas ridkisnykh i znykaiuchyh roslyn Poltavschyny. Verstka, Poltava, 2005, 248 s. 2. Barbarych A. I. Geobotanichne raionuvannia Ukrainskoi RSR. Naukova dumka, Kyiv, 1977, S. 172-177. 3. Diduh Ya. P. Zelena knyga Ukrainy. Alterpres, Kiiv, 2009, 448 s. 4. Popov V. P., Marynych A. M., Lanko A. I. Fiziko-geograficheskoe rayonirovanie USSR. Izd-vo KGU, Kiev, 1968, 102 s. 5. Khannanova O. R. Sozologicheskaya otsenka fitoraznoobraziya regionalnogo landshaftnogo parka «Gadyachskiy» (Poltavskaya oblast, Ukraina). Izvestiya Gomelskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni F. Skorinyi, № 3 (90), Gomel, 2015, S. 48-54. 38.