Evenlode Primary School Evenlode Avenue CF64 3PD

Email: [email protected] Tel / fax: 029 2070 2168



1 Message from the Chair of Governors ...... 4 2 School Mission Statement & Aims ...... 5 3 Top Ten Achievements in 2018-19 ...... 6 4 Education ...... 7 4.1 The Curriculum ...... 7 4.2 School Performance, Facts and Figures ...... 9 4.3 Additional Learning Needs (ALN) ...... 10 4.4 Welsh in Evenlode Primary ...... 12 4.5 Attendance Data ...... 12 5 Wellbeing and Personal Development ...... 13 5.1 Mental Health and Behaviour ...... 13 5.2 School Parliament ...... 14 5.3 Healthy Eating and Drinking ...... 14 5.4 Extra-Curricular, Sporting and Cultural Activities ...... 14 5.5 Leavers’ Trophies - 2019 ...... 16 6 Community ...... 17 6.1 Evenlode Parent Teacher Association (PTA) ...... 17 6.2 Saplings After-School Club ...... 18 6.3 Global and Community/Parental Links ...... 19 7 Governance ...... 20 7.1 Financial Statement ...... 20 7.2 Composition of the Governing Body 2019 - 2020 ...... 21 7.3 School Policies ...... 21 8 Important Information ...... 22 8.1 School Term and Holiday Dates 2019/20 ...... 22 8.2 Staff 2018 – 2019 ...... 22 8.3 Health and Safety ...... 24 8.4 GDPR and Information Security ...... 24 8.5 The School Prospectus ...... 24 8.6 Toilet Provision ...... 24 9 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms...... 25

This report has been drafted in compliance with WELSH STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS 2011 No. 1939 (W.207) EDUCATION, The School Governors' Annual Reports (Wales) Regulations 2011 and The School Governors’ Annual Reports (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2013.

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1 Message from the Chair of Governors Dear Parents and Carers,

As the school enters its 50th anniversary year in 2019-20, I write this, my first message as Chair, having only taken on the role in September 2019. I was pleased to be present at the first event of this celebratory year when the staff opened the doors and welcomed back large numbers of past students, staff, governors and members of the community. Many of the governors and I spent the open day talking with so many guests who recalled stories and fond memories of the school from as far back as 1969 when it first opened.

My predecessor Ceri Griffiths leaves the role after many years of dedicated service to the school, safely steering it through many years of austerity and challenging financial circumstances. It is therefore only fair that I thank him and give credit for the successful and positive contents of this report which are largely due to his tenure. In his time Ceri loyally served the school and with his personal skills as an architect not only oversaw the design and construction of the new school hall that now bears his name, but also ensured the loan taken out to construct it was fully paid off before he departed.

As you will see from the following pages, the school continues to provide a first class experience for your children. This is in no small part down to the hard work and commitment of the headteacher and the school staff. At a time when the finances of the school are still under immense pressure, the staff take on more and more responsibility, often without reward, to ensure that the school keeps on running smoothly and efficiently.

The staff are of course supported by an ever-increasing reliance on you the parents, grandparents and carers. This is largely through the hard work of the PTA, which I encourage as many of you as are able, to join and support where you can.

Together with the governing body we all create the community that is Evenlode Primary School, a school of which we all can be extremely proud. It continues to provide an environment and an ethos that helps to ensure that our children get the very best start in life.

In the coming year, the Governors will face new challenges to keep the school afloat, and we plan to challenge and support the school as it prepares for the new Curriculum for Wales 2022. We will also be promoting and supporting the use of the Welsh language through all aspects of normal school life as well as reviewing the school’s environmental sustainability and its impact on the local community.

On behalf of the governors, I thank you all for the support you give the school throughout the year.

The governors always welcome feedback and any comments you wish to express, so if you would like to contact me, please do so through the school office.

Stephen Burkitt-Harrington Cadeirydd y Llywodraethwyr | Chair of Governors Ysgol Gynradd Evenlode Primary School, Penarth

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2 School Mission Statement & Aims At Evenlode Primary school we are committed to providing a secure and happy environment where each child is valued and equipped with the necessary skills, enabling them to become independent adults and learners.

Our aims, regardless of needs, background or religion are to include all children equally and to provide opportunities to develop independence, confidence, creativity and self-esteem. We believe that every child has the important skills that will equip them for life. We are committed to developing all talents and to celebrate every child’s achievement, no matter how small.

 To create in the school an atmosphere of happiness, security and confidence in adults so that children participate readily in the process of learning.  Nurture an interest in books and develop the ability to read, understand and respond to all types of writing.  To develop a child’s potential whatever their ability through a wide varied and relevant curriculum using extra-curricular activities in the school and community.  To give the children a ‘firm foundation in understanding’ for all their later work which is to be gained at first through a wide range of practical experiences including music, games, art, Design & Technology (DT), Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and investigative maths and science. To enable children to learn from experience and to develop enquiring minds.  To develop the child’s initiative and self-confidence, to foster independence as a preparation for adult life.  To develop children’s creative gifts so that they speak, draw, write, act, paint etc., expressing themselves to the best of their ability.  To foster the child’s integrity, by spiritual awareness, so that the child recognises certain principles of moral behaviour and shows respect for all racial and cultural backgrounds.  To teach self-discipline and the need for self-control. Children should be taught a responsible attitude towards the school and its rules, respect for other people’s property and a willingness to share and co-operate with one another.

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3 Top Ten Achievements in 2018-19 Despite losing many members of support staff over the previous two years, high standards were maintained in all areas of school life.

1. Wellbeing statistics and evidence indicates that children in Evenlode are very happy children! 2. Virtually all staff have been trained in the First Aid in Mental Health training programme. 3. The school maintained GREEN CATEGORY A rating by the local Consortia. 4. End of year percentages in all subject areas were higher than the National average. 5. The school continued to participate in a wide range of ‘extra-curricular’ activities with superb sporting performances at local and national level, highlights being the Rugby Team as Joint Plate Winners of the Dunvant Rugby 10s and several pupils achieving International Honours in Tennis, Cycling and Cricket. 6. The school managed to maintain the high number of educational visits which underpin a very broad and balanced curriculum. 7. Excellent Support was given to a range of local charities. 8. The Saplings Pre and After-School Care-Club continued to grow, providing an excellent community facility as well as providing essential income for the school. 9. The new school hall continued to be upgraded with improved acoustics, a new sound and lighting system and generated over £11 000 through lettings. 10. The PTA raised an impressive £14,589 with approved PTA spend for the year totalling £22,217 and a net cash surplus of £17,563 as at 30th June 2019. 11. The School Parliament continued to air a ‘real voice’ in the day to day running of the school.

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4 Education 4.1 The Curriculum The biggest priorities of last year were to start preparation for the new curriculum with staff attending and disseminating training on the 4 Core Purposes and new Areas of Learning (AOL) and to focus on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of children and staff.

Evenlode Primary pupils begin their journey the term following their fourth birthday, when they are admitted into our Reception.

All new in-take (regardless of curriculum year) are assessed within their first six weeks and are placed on INCERTS the in-house tracking system. If they have arrived with relevant documentation from their previous school, this is discussed with the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Co-ordinator, class teacher and the previous school.

From Reception through to the end of Year 2, pupils are taught via the Foundation Phase. The curriculum in key stage 2 is a skills-based curriculum using a ‘modified’ Cornerstones scheme, which endeavours to promote experiential learning. All pupils from Reception to Year 6 are tracked and assessed with their progress monitored closely by the class teacher, ALN Co-ordinator and the Senior Management Team.

We pride ourselves on our interaction with parents, carers, and the local community involving them at every stage of the learning journey, with staff making themselves available to discuss concerns or offer support outside of teaching time. This is in addition to the parent/carer meetings held throughout the year.

We are also proud to have our curriculum supported by a variety of people from the local and wider community. All staff have undertaken training in preparation for the new Curriculum and staff training on Safeguarding continues to be paramount.

The whole school uses Assessment for Learning (AFL) principles in helping pupils achieve their full potential. This practice is embedded from Reception to Year 6.

Below are many aspects of curriculum delivery, visits and activities.

 ‘Big Write’.  Literacy and Numeracy across the Curriculum. Themed based teaching (Cornerstones).  ICT & the new Digital Competency Framework continue to support the delivery of the skills based curriculum.  Critical Skills.  ‘Little Big Maths’ continues to be embedded into Early Years, while Big Maths is used throughout the rest of the school.  ‘Catch Up’ programmes and ‘Book Banding’ continue to support reading.  PC Mudie has carried out citizenship lessons with infant and junior classes.  Stanwell School transitional visits for Year 6 pupils.

Topic Grid – A selection of the topics covered by the children during the year.

 Reception: While we are Asleep; Paws, Claws and Whiskers; Dragon Tales Scrumptious; The Beach.  Year 1: Pop-Up Family Album; Superheroes; Happiness; Community Explorers; Wriggle and Crawl.

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 Year 2: Remember, Remember; Big, Wide World; Dens and Dandelions; Land Ahoy.  Year 3: Global Gourmet; Wild Wood; Blood and Gory Bits; Dream for a Druid; Gods and Gladiators.  Year 4: Time of the Princes; Danger Zones; Off with her Head; Bits and Bytes; Keen to be Green.  Year 5: Potions; Champions; What a Wonderful World.  Year 6: Bend and Flow; The Blitz; Beast Creator; More than Mods and Rockers; Skin Deep; Flight.

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4.2 School Performance, Facts and Figures The following table shows a comparison between National Curriculum Assessment test results from Evenlode pupils and the national averages for each subject category in the Foundation Phase.

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The following table shows a comparison between National Curriculum Assessment test results from Evenlode pupils and the national averages for each subject category in Key Stage 2.

4.3 Additional Learning Needs (ALN) A copy of the School’s ALN Policy can be obtained by contacting the school. The objectives of this policy are set to provide a balanced and broad curriculum to all children regardless of educational need. The policy is reviewed on an annual basis.

The ALN Coordinator, Mrs. Emma Thomas, was supported by a team of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) who are trained in appropriate intervention strategies. Pupils are entered on the Provision

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Map. This map identifies provision made for every child in school and is regularly updated. The Provision Map indicates three levels of support as follows

 Wave One identifies classroom activities and apparatus to which all children have access. The majority of children fall within this Wave.  Wave Two identifies children who are displaying a difficulty in some area of learning. These children are placed on ‘School Action’. They may be withdrawn to small group or one-to- one activities with the ALN Co-ordinator or an LSA and are provided with specialist programmes. However, due to redundancies we have lost the Catch-Up Literacy and Catch- Up Numeracy programmes as well as Emotional Literacy and SAP (Student Assist Programme). The LEXIA programme, to help pupils who need support with aspects of Literacy such as reading, spelling and grammar, is proving to be very effective. Volunteer adults have also worked with children under the supervision of the class teacher.  Wave Three. Children who are not making progress on Wave Two will then be placed on Wave Three. Outside agencies will then be involved. We call upon Pupil Support Services for Specialist Teachers, Educational Psychologist assessments and when necessary, involve Paediatricians, Speech and Language Therapists, Audiologists, Visual Impairment specialists and Occupational Therapy services. We also involve Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and any other relevant agency as deemed necessary. However, visits from Educational Psychologists have been reduced from 6 visits a year to three. These children are then moved to School Action Plus (SA+). Advice is taken from the aforementioned specialists and appropriate interventions are used with these children. Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs) are written for these children with agreed targets and regular reviews. SA and SA+ children will also have a one-page profile written with them. These are ‘child friendly’ pages of information for parents and professionals of what is important to and for the child. These are then readily available to all who support that child.

In preparation for the implementation of the ALN bill, IDPs (Individual Development Plans) are being compiled and will eventually replace IEPs and IBPs

Parents/carers are informed and consulted throughout, as they are integral to the process. Application to the ALN Panel can be made for those children who require more support or resources than can be funded by the school budget. This additional funding would then come from the Local Authority. For children with more complex needs a Statutory Assessment may be necessary, parents/carers would be fully involved should this take place.

The school meets the needs of children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) with support from the Ethnic Minority Achievement Service. Where appropriate, some children may receive additional in school support from this service. Some children are identified as being More Able and Talented (MAT) and support is offered to these children in class and through Cluster MAT days.

Success of the policy and interventions are measured by standardised tests, teacher assessments, Specialist Teacher observations and assessments and pupils’ attitude to learning and is reflected on the Provision Map.

In preparation for the new academic year, Mrs Thomas shadowed Ms Dunlop as the incoming Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCO). Both members of staff attended training in preparation for the new Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal Act (ALNET)due to come into force in 2021.

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4.4 Welsh in Evenlode Primary The main language of Evenlode Primary is English. However, several staff are able to communicate fluently through the mediums of Welsh and English and last year Ms Dunlop was seconded to complete a One Year Full time training course in the language. Incidental Welsh is encouraged within school practice and all members of staff are encouraged to use the language as much as possible so that the children hear the language on a regular basis. The children have a daily ‘Hot- seating’ question and answer session where they practice a variety of language patterns and conversational phrases.

A highlight of the school year is our Eisteddfod, which is taken very seriously by staff and pupils alike. Competitions and recitals fill a fun packed day culminating in the ‘crowning of the bard’. 4.5 Attendance Data The school continues to work with the families of Evenlode Primary to ensure that the attendance improves. This involves monitoring of individual/family attendance and early intervention with parents/carers. A concern for the Governing Body is the increased number of holidays taken by parents during term time.



2018 – 2019 96.4 96.1



96.3 96.5 95.3



2.9 2.9 2.9



0.8 0.6 1.7

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5 Wellbeing and Personal Development 5.1 Mental Health and Behaviour The school instigated the revival of the Student Assist programme (SAP) on a Cluster basis with children attending SAP sessions at Stanwell on a regular basis. The Headteacher became a trainer in Adolescent Mental Health through Training in Mind and has delivered the two-day programme to fellow Head teachers in the Vale, in addition to: running a three-day course with DNA Definitive Ltd for a group of Vale Heads on Wellbeing and Stress and delivering a session with the Royal College of Psychiatrists on Anxiety. Virtually all staff undertook the two-day Adolescent First Aid in Mental Health training and the school celebrated Mental Health Awareness Week with assemblies on the importance of Sleep, a visit from Olympian Kristian Malcom to promote physical activity and the installation of a new fire pit and Ropes Course for outdoor work.

Programmes were used with year 5 and 6 children on wellbeing including the physiology of the brain, which was supported with lessons from parents. 10 parents also completed the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training course.

Outdoor Resilience programmes were undertaken with year 6 pupils.

The Zippy and Apple Resilience programme was implemented with classes in FP and lower KS2 classes and links with University and the Neuro Science Department, which undertook free assessments of cognitive development of Early Years children were maintained.

Whilst we could not afford to maintain the KiVa anti-bullying programme, The KiVa team operated excellent anti bullying support. Links were made with the Facts 4 Life team in Gloucestershire and materials were used with Upper KS2 children. The school organised training for cluster schools on this programme.

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5.2 School Parliament The School Parliament took on a bigger role, with children voting to allow pupils to wear studs (not earrings!), participating in a drive with the Council’s Catering Department to increase the number of children eating hot meals.

5.3 Healthy Eating and Drinking Throughout Evenlode Primary school healthy eating and drinking is promoted through a variety of ways. We encourage children to eat fruit at break times. Last year children continued to control the new Fruit Tuck Shop, taking on the role of ordering and preparing produce. The shop allowed pupils to develop their entrepreneurial skills and made over £600. The money paid for projects decided upon by the children, which included a graffiti mural.

The importance of eating and drinking healthily is promoted through assemblies, science, cooking, P.E. lessons and classroom discussions. Competitions promoting healthy eating are held each school year. Children are encouraged to bring in water bottles for use during the day. We grow vegetables such as potatoes and pumpkins for soups and salads in our gardening clubs.

The Daily Mile was introduced and ran as a part of the day in Evenlode.

Children participated in Fairtrade projects and sold Fairtrade rice to parents and staff. 5.4 Extra-Curricular, Sporting and Cultural Activities The pupils are actively encouraged to participate beyond the classroom by involving themselves in the diverse range of activities. These are just a few of the highlights include the following.

 Percussion, guitar, woodwind, violin & keyboard lessons provided by outside agencies.  All year 4 children participated in a 30-week Chess programme.  Shakespeare production of Macbeth performed in the school by year 6 pupils.  Rugby team Joint Vase winners as Vale representative in the Dunvant 10s.  New Directions Football Tournament year 5 & 6 – semi-finalists.  Vale representatives in the Cardiff County Cross Country Tournament.  Vale Hockey Champions Tournament winners.  Tennis participants at Windsor Tennis Club and the finals in David Lloyd Tennis Centre.  Participants in the Penarth Inter School Football and Netball leagues.  Residential Visit to Pendine for year 6 pupils.

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The following clubs were available during the last academic year for pupils: Choir, Football, Recorders, Lacrosse, Cross Country, Netball, Rugby, Soccer, Cricket, Hockey, Chess, Minecraft and Digital Music.

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5.5 Leavers’ Trophies - 2019 Award Recipient

Progress Millie Hayward

Academic Hannah Mullaney

All Rounder Elliot Miller

Sport Lewys Tollerfield

Creative Arts Oscar Thomas

Music Theo Forton

Citizen Nancy Brindle Ellis Williams

Victor Gabriel Davies

Victrix Charlotte Palmer

Venture Week Caitlyn Vye-Parminter

Eisteddfod Chair Isla Lloyd

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6 Community 6.1 Evenlode Parent Teacher Association (PTA) The PTA is a vital part of the Evenlode Family and it works in partnership with the school to raise funds, to arrange social events, to help with school ventures and generally to be a friend to the school. Everyone who is involved with our school is also a member of our charitable association by virtue of sharing an interest in all our children; this includes staff of Evenlode, parents/carers and extended members of family.

We have an elected committee who run the PTA accounts and events on your behalf. Thanks to last year’s committee 2018-2019:

· Joint Chairperson – Amanda Gardner · Joint Chairperson – Shazia Salim · Joint Chairperson – Nimu Bhudia · Treasurer – Debbie James · Secretary – Sara Woollatt

The PTA worked tirelessly over the year to raise funds for the school with the support of yourselves and the local community. Many thanks to all involved for your help and support over the year. From the draft end of year accounts, the total funds raised for the 2018/19 financial year amount to £14,589 with approved PTA spend for the year totalling £22,217 and a net cash surplus of £17,563 as at 30th June 2019. The financial year for the PTA runs from Sept to Aug and so all costs associated with lighting, sound system and laptops were paid in the 2018-19 year from the surplus carried forward from the 2017-18 year. A detailed financial analysis is included as a table on the next page.

Current funding aspirations for 2019-20 are to provide more laptops and headphones to the school to help with digital education, to continue funding various subscriptions and workshops, and to assist the school with any other requests. The PTA AGM is in early Feb 2020 where new committee members will be nominated.

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Evenlode PTA 2018/19 year figures (draft until approved at AGM in Feb 2020) 1st August 2018 to 31st July 2019


2018/19 2017/18 2018/19 2017/18 Events School payments Xmas Fayre 2,521.40 2,730.99 Lighting and backdrop for new hall 6,294.17 Summer Fayre - 2,484.95 Laptops x 23 6,212.24 Circus 2019 1,343.66 - Portable speaker system 3,570.81 Silver trail 1,080.25 - Accoustics and installation 1,209.71 3,004.48 Halloween Disco 793.34 - Playground equipment 1,100.00 Mothers Day Shop 773.98 751.10 Headphones for pupils 860.94 Fathers Day Shop 727.66 463.66 Scooterpods 738.00 Sports day 717.67 399.45 Sports Day Rosettes 480.99 Band night - 698.16 Techniquest membership 416.67 221.25 Easter Fun Day - 565.57 First News subscription 346.00 330.00 Quiz Night 540.94 556.73 Songwriting doctor 250.00 Breakfast with santa 363.26 724.58 Recycling Training workshop 235.00 Bear Hunt (Penarth Summer Festival) 304.00 Autograph books 228.78 172.61 Brass night - 177.77 Year 6 leavers disco 175.00 175.00 9,166.16 9,552.96 School sports kit 168.30 Speaker system xmas concert 120.00 Non-event fundraising Welsh magazine subscription 60.00 100 Club 1,234.00 1,032.00 Postage for free diaries/calendars 60.00 Bag2School 740.00 564.00 Xmas concert expenses 16.47 Xmas cards 554.78 593.69 22,003.31 4,443.11 Uniform sales 174.50 314.62 Six Nations 90.00 93.15 Amazon incl below 217.58 Other payments 2,793.28 2,815.04 Circus 2019 deposit 200.00 Operating expenses (insurance, 213.80 589.58 office gifts etc) Other receipts and donations Persimmon Charitable Foundation - 1,000.00 Aviva award 1,000.00 300.00 Lloyds match funding 500.00 - School uniform difference 764.01 - Misc Receipts (Easy fundraising, tesco 365.37 uniform, cheques 430.54 written off etc) 2,629.38 1,730.54 TOTAL EXPENDITURE 22,217.11 5,232.69 TOTAL FUNDRAISING 14,588.82 14,098.54

£ Cash book balance at 1st August 2018 25,192.22 + Fundraising 14,588.82 - Expenditure - 22,217.11 Cash book balance at 30th June 2019 17,563.93

6.2 Saplings After-School Club Saplings continues to grow with high numbers in before and after school sessions. Holiday sessions operated during most of the school holidays with the 4 weeks in the summer being particularly successful.

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6.3 Global and Community/Parental Links Once again, during 2018-19, we continued to work closely with the local community, and our cluster and family of schools.

 As indicated above, Saplings our pre and after School Care club maintained CIW registered status.  Guest assemblies were led by several visitors including the RNLI.  Celebrations for Christmas and Harvest Festival were held at All Saints Church.  A huge contribution was raised for local foodbanks at Harvest.  Parent/Carer, family, community helpers and ex-pupils from Stanwell assisted with reading, art, craft & school trips.  Parent/Carer Evenings were held during autumn, spring and summer terms.  The PTA ran a host of events and organised a very successful Christmas Fayre & Summer Circus event.  Local companies including Techniquest, Shepherd Sharpe and Coffee #1 supported events and provided sports equipment.  PC Emma Mudie visited all classes from Reception to Year 6 to provide Personal and Social Education (PSE) programmes.  ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ ran workshops for several Year Groups.  We maintained Stonewall status.  We participated in a scheme where Y5 pupils visited a local Home for the Elderly where they developed relationships with residents and delivered basic IT programmes.  The choir sang at several homes for the elderly.

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7 Governance 7.1 Financial Statement The school has continued to manage its budget effectively throughout 2018 and into 2019. The financial outturn statement for the financial year 2017-2018 is included below. This outlines the school’s expenditure and income. The school has also received additional income from The Deputy Headteacher’s work for Central South Consortium.

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7.2 Composition of the Governing Body 2019 - 2020 Position Type Name 1st Start End Appointed

Clerk Clerk Lewis John 01/01/19 01/01/19 - Chair Parent Stephen Burkitt-Harrington 27/09/18 27/09/18 27/09/22 Vice Chair LEA Annie Williams-Brunt 19/10/15 19/10/19 19/10/23 Headteacher Headteacher Steve Rees 01/01/09 01/01/09 - Governor Community Jeremy Lewis 02/05/18 02/05/18 02/05/22 Governor Community Linsay Payne 30/09/15 30/09/19 30/09/23 Governor Community Sue Noormohamed 05/12/18 05/12/18 05/12/22 Governor LEA Donna Merrick 02/07/18 02/07/18 02/07/22 Governor LEA Cllr Ben Gray 16/10/17 16/10/17 16/10/21 Governor LEA Cllr Kathryn McCaffer 16/10/17 16/10/17 16/10/21 Governor MAR Cllr Kay Bowring 09/09/19 09/09/19 09/09/23 Governor Parent Ryan Crimmins 27/09/18 27/09/18 27/09/22 Governor Parent Siobhan Richards 02/10/17 02/10/17 02/10/21 Governor Parent Sara Woollatt 08/10/19 08/10/19 08/10/23 Governor Parent Daniel Cornelius 08/10/19 08/10/19 08/10/23 Governor Staff Lisa Harris 01/05/19 01/05/19 01/05/23 Governor Teacher Hayley Hodgkins 03/09/18 03/09/18 03/09/22 Governor Teacher Jo Roberts 02/09/19 02/09/19 02/09/23

Governors may be contacted via the school office. 7.3 School Policies Please note that all school documents and policies are available on the school website and also to view at school by appointment with the Head Teacher. They include the following specific policies.

 Admissions Policy  Anti-Bullying and KiVa Evenlode  Anti-Bullying Vale-Of-Glamorgan  Attendance Policy for Children  Attendance Policy Staff  Behaviour Policy  Complaints Procedure  Curriculum Teaching and Learning Policy  Data Protection GDPR Policy  Disciplinary Policy  Equality Policy  E-Safety Policy  E-Safety Policy  Evenlode Charging and Remissions Policy  Grievance Procedure  Health and Safety  Performance Management Policy  Physical Intervention Policy  Safeguarding Policy  Safer Recruitment Policy  ALN/SEN Policy  Sex and Relationships Policy  Social Networking Policy  Time Out Policy

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8 Important Information 8.1 School Term and Holiday Dates 2019/20 Term First Day Of Term Last Day Of Term

Autumn Term Monday 2nd September 2019 Friday 25th October 2019

Autumn Term Monday 4th November 2019 Friday 20th December 2018

Spring Term Monday 6th January 2020 Friday 14th February 2020

Spring Term Monday 24th February 2020 Friday 3rd April 2020

Summer Term Monday 20th April 2020 Friday 22nd May 2020

Summer Term Monday 1st June 2020 Monday 20th July 2020

Note that Monday 2nd September 2019 and Monday 20th July 2020 will be designated INSET days for all LEA Maintained Schools.

All schools will be closed on Friday 8th May 2020 for the May Day Bank Holiday. Please note this day has been moved from the original Monday 4th May to coincide with the 75th anniversary of VE Day.

Public Holiday dates:

 Christmas: Wednesday 25 December 2019.  Good Friday: 10 April 2020.  Easter Monday: 13 April 2020.  May Bank Holidays: Friday 8th May 2020 and Monday 25th May 2020. 8.2 Staff 2018 – 2019 POSITION NAME

Headteacher Mr. S. Rees

Deputy Headteacher Mrs. H. Jones (on Secondment to Consortia)

Acting Deputy Headteacher Mrs. H. Hodgkins Y6 teacher

Teachers – Senior Managers Miss K. Mainwaring Mrs. R. Shields

ALNCO Mrs. E. Thomas

Teachers Y6 Mr. J. Francis

Y5 Mrs. V. Parselle –currently taking a career Miss L. Jones. break and covered by Mr Gethin Jennings

Y4 Mrs R Shields Mr. H. Barton

Y3 Miss V. Bieri Miss J. Morris

Y2 Mrs. S. Willis Mrs. S. Almond (80%)

Y1 Miss A. Dunlop Mrs. J. Roberts

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R Mrs. E. Rawlinson (60%) Ms Mainwaring

Mrs. A. Hoddinott (50%)

Mr P. Morgan (50%) Agency PPA

HLTA Learning Support Assistants

Mrs. L. Barber (60%) HLTA Mrs. N. Barrett (50%) HLTA

Mrs. M. Righton Mrs. L. Harris

Mrs. R. Curtis Mrs. A. Warren

Mr. S. James

Mrs. A. Wakley Mrs. S. Edwards

Mrs. J. Morris Mrs. L. Filliau

Mrs. C. Calcraft (Agency) Mrs. K. Jones (Agency)

Business Manager Mrs. S. Esseen (80%)

Administrative Assistants Mrs. J. Pugsley Mrs. S. Wilkins (60%)

Caretaker Mr. K. Webber

Cook in Charge Mrs. S. Williams

Senior Midday Supervisor Mrs. L. Wenger

Midday Supervisors

Mrs. A. Morgan Mrs. E. Stevenson

Mrs. R. Curtis Mr. B Moss

Saplings Personnel

Mrs. K. John Mrs. M. Righton Mrs. A. Morgan

Ms B. Edwards Miss R. Rumsam E. Birchurst

Mrs. R. Curtis Miss V. Evans Ms M. Parfitt

Mrs. L. Wenger

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8.3 Health and Safety Evenlode takes a pro-active approach to monitoring hazards on site and as such Both General and Specific Risk Assessments are reviewed regularly, or in the case of any significant changes or incidents. The Governing Body of Evenlode Primary School has a high regard for its responsibilities regarding the health, safety, security and welfare of the pupils and staff within its care and all visitors to the school.

With the implementation of our Health and Safety Policy, the Governing Body will ensure that, wherever possible, a working and learning environment, which is safe, secure and without risk to health is provided and maintained.

Proactive health and safety inspections take place within the school and the surrounding area on a regular basis. With the budgetary restrictions, spending on buildings was limited. Fire drills are held each half term. An accident book is kept and used by all staff to record incidents. 8.4 GDPR and Information Security The school has issued a Privacy Notice to all parents outlining the school’s duty in respect of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A data retention policy has been signed-off by the governors and is available upon request. The school have appointed the Council as the external Data Protection Officer (DPO) for the school. 8.5 The School Prospectus The school prospectus is currently only available in the printed format and is issued to all new members of the school community. This is updated annually. 8.6 Toilet Provision The toilet provision for all pupils is good. Reception toilets were replaced and upgraded in the summer break. The main toilets were refurbished in 2010. The Key Stage 2 (KS2) toilets were redecorated during the 2017 summer break after consultation with the School Parliament. The new hall toilets are excellent.

The staff toilets require refurbishment. However, this will not be completed until sufficient funds are available.

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9 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms Acronym Description

ACE Adverse Childhood Experiences

AOLE Six Areas of Learning and Experience

AFL Assessment for Learning Formative, teacher assessment

ALN Additional Learning Needs

ALNCo Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator

ALNET Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal Act

AoL Assessment of learning Summative, tests

ARR Assessment, Recording and Reporting

CA Class Action (SEN category )

CAL Cardiff Achievement in Literacy

CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

CAN Cardiff Achievement in Numeracy

CATs Cognitive Abilities Tests

CCSIW Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW)

CELIPS Cardiff Effective Learning in Primary Science

CIW Care Inspectorate Wales

CL Curriculum Leader

CPD Continuous professional Development

CRB Criminal Records Bureau

CSC Central South Consortium

DBS Disclosure and Barring Service

DCF Digital Competency Framework

DEWI Data Exchange Wales Initiative

DHT Deputy Headteacher

DPO Data Protection Officer

DT Design and Technology

EAL English as an Additional Language

EEL Effective Early Learning

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Acronym Description

EIG Education Improvement Grant

EiT Excellence in Teaching

ELSA Emotional Literacy Support Assistant

EMAS Ethnic Minority Achievement Service

EMTAS Ethnic Minority & Travellers Achievement Service

ERASMUS (EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students

ESDGC Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship

EWO Education Welfare Officer

EY Early Years

EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage

FFT Fischer Family Trust

FLO Family Liaison Officer

FSM Free School Meals

FTE Full Time Equivalent

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation

GTCW General Teaching Council for Wales

HLTA Higher-Level Teaching Assistant

HT Headteacher

Hwb The all Wales Learning Platform to encourage, support and prepare teachers to share digital practice

ICT Information and Communication Technology

IBP Individual Behaviour Plan

IDP Inclusion Development Programme

IEP Individual Education Plan

INCERTS Assessment logging software

INSET IN-SErvice Training day

KiVa Research-based anti-bullying programme

KS2 Key Stage 2 (Juniors)

LA Local Authority

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Acronym Description

LAC Looked After Child/children

LEA Local Education Authority

LEXIA Phonics led reading program for primary schools

LFMS Local Financial Management Service

LLC Languages Literature and Communication

LNF Literacy Numeracy Framework

LSA Learning Support Assistant

LTL Learning Through Landscapes

MAT More Able and Talented

MEAG Minority Ethnic Achievement Group

MiSP Mindfulness in Schools Project

MTP Medium Term Planning

NC National Curriculum

Nessy Programme to support pupils with dyslexia

NFER National Foundation for Educational Research

NIPpers Numeracy Intervention Project

NVQ National Vocational Qualification

PAWBS (Paws B) Mindfulness Programme for Primary Schools

PE Physical Education

PHSE Personal, Social, Health and Economic education

PIAP Post Inspection Action Plan

PISA Programme for International Student Assessment

PLC Professional Learning Community

PM Performance Management

PPA Planning Preparation and Assessment

PPN Police Protection Notice

PSE Personal and Social Education

PTA Parent Teacher Association

PTC Parent Teacher Consultations

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Acronym Description

QA Quality Assurance

RE Religious Education

RSE Relationships and Sex Education

SA School Action ( SEN category)

SA+ School Action Plus ( SEN category )

SAP Student Assist Programme

SAIL School Action Intervention in Literacy

SBM School Business Manager

SDP School Development Plan (aka School Improvement Plan)

SEAL Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning

SELFIE Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational Technologies

SEN Special Educational Needs

SENCo Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator

SIP School Improvement Plan

SL Subject leader

SLT Senior Leadership Team

SMT Senior Management Team

SOW Scheme of Work

SRE Sex and Relationships Education

SRTRC Show Racism The Red Card

STARs Specialist Teacher Accelerating Reading

TA Teaching Assistant

TLR Teaching and Learning Responsibility

WALT We Are Learning To

WILF What I’m Looking For

< End of Report >

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