
MultiSpectra Consultants

The MultiSpectra (Windows)

MultiSpectra Consultants, Mahabodhi Bhavan, 23, Biplabi Ambika Chakraborty Sarani, Kolkata – 700029, West Bengal, INDIA. E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: +9189024161 Website: https://multispectraconsultants.com

The MultiSpectra Desktop Environment (Windows) has been designed by MultiSpectra Technologies, a wholly-owned subsidiary company of MultiSpectra Consultants, to function as an alternative desktop environment for Windows. There is a MultiSpectra Desktop Environment () also. The short form of both the MultiSpectra Desktop Environment (Windows) and the MultiSpectra Desktop Environment (Linux) is MSDE.

The MultiSpectra Desktop Environment (Windows) is for technology enthusiasts, early adopters and for those seeking to replace their default Windows applications for a wide variety of uses. It seeks to give a different experience on Windows to its users. It is open source.

MultiSpectra Desktop Environment (Windows) has been inspired by the myriad desktop environments for Linux including Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE Plasma, , MATE, etc. It includes software like LibreOffice, Apache OpenOffice, AbiWord, GNU Image Manipulation Program, Inkscape, Scribus, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Thunderbird, Chromium, VLC media player, , Audacity, 7-Zip, FileZilla, Pidgin, VirtualBox, Clam Anti-virus, etc.

There is enough in the MultiSpectra Desktop Environment (Windows) to replace the default Windows applications for most major applications. The MultiSpectra Desktop Environment (Windows) is available in .exe, .7z and .iso formats.

MultiSpectra Technologies provides education and training in migrating from default Windows applications to their alternatives in the MultiSpectra Desktop Environment (Windows). MultiSpectra Technologies also updates individual software in the MultiSpectra Desktop Environment (Windows) for its users regularly.

There are some optional applications too. For example, for astronomy enthusiasts, is bundled in.

The MultiSpectra Desktop Environment (Windows) can also be extended by the inclusion of more applications depending on the specific requirements of clients. All applications need not be open source.

© MultiSpectra Consultants, 2020.

MultiSpectra Consultants