The minutes of the Patient Participation Group meeting held on Monday 25th February 2019 at Swan Lane Surgery

Members Present RB(chair), ST, JWil, JWin, SB, LP, TH, IM, JS, LS

Apologies None

Surgery staff present Dawn Brighton, Keith Burnett

1. Welcome and apologies The meeting opened at 6.35 pm. Oliver Cruickshank from South CCG was welcomed to the meeting and the group introduced themselves to him.

2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising The group were happy to sign-off the minutes from the January 2019 meeting. • The practice now has the plaques for the bike racks. • The practice have met with Health Watch re Dementia Awareness and becoming dementia friendly. New signage is in place. JWil asked if there was any news on the Dementia café in . Dawn said there is a café in village hall held every 4th Tuesday of the month. • Toys are still to be purchased. They must be easily cleanable and the cleaning protocol evidenced. • The sponsored walk will take place 1st June. PPG members are welcome to participate or to help with refreshments at various points. • Both Dawn & IM have tried to contact JSy but no response. Dawn will send another email informing him that we assume he has left the group.

3. Practice News In addition to the 2 page report circulated earlier, the following points were raised. • Keith had just received the CQC report. The practice has maintained “good” in every category. The next full audit is 3-5 years away. A self-audit will be introduced in 2020 with annual returns based on documentation. JWil said the PPG would like to congratulate the staff on these results. • Keith explained more about PCNs and the new funding to extend services. • There have been favourable noises from the owners of the building with regard to expansion of the existing building. Nursing recruitment looks quite good but GP recruitment will be more difficult. It is more than likely that the practice will become more “nurse lead”. Keith is confident that the surgery is moving in a good direction to accommodate growth in patient numbers. • RB said she thought it was positive that that some of the GPs had been able to reduce their hours as this will hopefully prevent burnout. • There was a discussion on the triage system and call wait queuing. Dawn to investigate why the change to routine appointment booking in the call wait message is not reflected on the website. • The pharmacy has set up a new way of storing prescriptions ready for collection which is proving to be much more efficient.

4. Oliver Cruickshank Oliver circulated 2 documents. One with details of the “Community Wellbeing Hub” and the other with information on “Norfolk and Waveney Dementia Support Review”. • Oliver talked about how the CCG operates and involves patients. He agreed that IM’s points are legitimate and the CCG always struggles with engaging younger working people. They have tried evening meetings in the past, but they were not well supported. That doesn’t mean that they won’t be held in future. They use feedback online as well as at meetings. • JWil asked how Oliver sees the PPG being able to support and influence changes in primary care. Answer - they can shape or challenge change. • JWil asked about fund raising for Admiral Nurses & Oliver will look into this. The Practice still needs to know who their Admiral nurse is. • The Community Wellbeing Hub will be a point of focus for people going through a mental health crisis. The evening service will be up and running this autumn, daytime service April 2020. There will be space for 6 people and the average time to be spent there will be 2 hours. It is funded by the CCGs and Central Government. • LS asked about the prescription removal for coeliac products, some CCGs will pay for products but not . There is no support out there and products are very expensive. • Oliver left the meeting at 8.10.

5. Planning for next health information event • Dr Mark Tremelly and nurse Nicki Fisher are confirmed as speakers. Dawn is trying to contact both speakers. • We have a patient volunteer who will talk about her experience. • RB is still trying to get a speaker from the Quadrum Institute but if not successful then we could ask Mark to also include research. • Crohns have promised to supply literature. • We still need to identify a dietician as a speaker. • We will keep it low key “learn about your stomach and bowels from health care professionals”. • Dawn to create poster for PPG approval. • To be held at Long Stratton High School, 6.30 for 7pm start. PPG to be there from 6pm to help setup. • We will provide feedback forms on seats in order to assess what the evening has achieved for patients. IM suggested that GPs ask patients who arrive in the surgery during the following 6 weeks if their visit is as a result of the evening. • There will not be a raffle.

6. AOB • We have a new male member who will be joining the group.

7. Dates of next meetings

PPG meeting and AGM Monday 29th April 6.15 for 6.30

The meeting closed at 8.45 pm.