
Heledd Williams Cyswllt Contact Ffôn Phone 01286 674622

Erthygl i’r Wasg Press Release

Dirgelwch cymeriad newydd Rownd a Rownd

Mae wyneb newydd wedi cyrraedd Glanrafon, pentref dychmygol yr opera sebon Rownd a Rownd yn ddiweddar. Mae tipyn o ddirgelwch ynghylch Caitlin; does neb yn siŵr beth yw ei hanes. Mae un neu ddau wedi sylwi arni’n chwilota drwy finiau’r pentref, ac mae Sian yn ceisio’i gorau i roi help llaw i’r ferch ddigartref, ond mae Caitlin yn gyndyn o’i dderbyn.

Manw Robin, sy’n 17 oed, ac yn ddisgybl chweched dosbarth yn Ysgol Tryfan, Bangor sy’n chwarae rhan Caitlin. Mae Manw’n wyneb cyfarwydd i wylwyr , am iddi gynrychioli Cymru yng nghystadleuaeth Junior Eurovision yn 2018. Dyma ei rôl cyntaf fel actores o flaen y camera. Felly dyma holi ychydig ar yr actores ifanc o Rostryfan, ger .

Pa fath o gymeriad ydi Caitlin?

Mae hi’n berson eitha’ cymhleth, annibynnol a beiddgar. Mae’n sefyll ar ei thraed ei hun, ac mae hi’n ddirgel iawn. Does neb yn gwybod beth yw ei chefndir. Mae hi’n ddigartref a does neb yn gwybod pam ei bod hi yn y sefyllfa yna.

Wyt ti wedi cael dipyn o brofiad actio?

Dwi wedi bod yn actio ers mod i’n ddim o beth, ac yn gyfarwydd efo actio ar lwyfan. O’n i’n rhan o gast Les Mis, Cwmni Theatr Ieuenctid yr Urdd yn 2015 pan o’n i’n 11. Dwi hefyd wedi bod yn cystadlu yn Eisteddfodau’r Urdd a Chenedlaethol ers i mi fod yn yr ysgol gynradd, ac wedi cael lot fawr o brofiadau gwych gydag ysgol berfformio Glanaethwy. Ges i hefyd drosleisio cartwnau, gan gynnwys Patrol Pawenau.

Mae’r profiad o actio o flaen camera’n hollol wahanol. Dwi’n gweld hi’n haws i fynd ati na gwaith llwyfan, gan mai tameidiau bach rwyt ti’n gorfod dysgu. Ond dwi’n gweld bod y broses o fynd i mewn i’r cymeriad ychydig yn fwy dwys ar gyfer y teledu. Dwi wedi cael croeso mor gynnes gan y cast a’r criw.

Sut wyt ti’n llwyddo i gadw cydbwysedd rhwng y swydd actio a dy waith ysgol?

Dwi’n astudio Llenyddiaeth Saesneg, Cerdd a Drama ar gyfer Lefel A, a dwi’n hoffi ysgol, ond dwi’n caru perfformio gymaint. Mae wedi bod yn iawn o ran y balans, ac mae tîm Rownd a Rownd yn wych am weithio o’n cwmpas ni a dweud y gwir.

Fy mreuddwyd ar gyfer y dyfodol ydi cael mynd i goleg actio – un o’r rhai mawr yn Llundain. Fydd raid i mi weld beth ddigwyddith! Faswn i’n hoffi cael cymaint o brofiadau â phosib.

Rownd a Rownd Nos Iau 29 Ebrill 8.25, S4C Isdeitlau Cymraeg a Saesneg Ar alw: S4C Clic; BBC iPlayer a llwyfannau eraill Cynhyrchiad Rondo Media ar gyfer S4C


Heledd Williams Cyswllt Contact 01286 674622

Erthygl i’r Wasg Press Release

Rownd a Rownd’s mysterious new character

A new face has arrived in Glanrafon, the fictional village in the Rownd a Rownd. There is some mystery surrounding Caitlin – nobody is quite sure what her story is. A couple of people have spotted her rummaging through the village’s bins, and Sian has done her best to offer help to the homeless girl, but Caitlin is reluctant to accept.

Manw Robin, aged 17, and a sixth form pupil at Ysgol Tryfan, Bangor plays the role of Caitlin. Manw is a familiar face to S4C viewers after she represented in the Junior Eurovision contest in 2018. This is her first role as an actor. Here we catch up with the young actor from Rhostryfan, near Caernarfon.

What sort of character is Caitlin?

She is quite a complicated person, independent and bold. She stands on her own two feet and she is very mysterious. She is homeless and nobody knows why she is in that situation.

Have you had much experience of acting?

I have been acting ever since I was really young, and am familiar with acting on the stage. I was a member of the cast of the Urdd Youth Theatre’s Les Mis in 2015 when I was 11. I have also been competing in the National and Urdd Eisteddfods since I was in primary school, and have had a lot of amazing experience acting with the Glanaethwy performing school. I have also done cartoon voiceovers for programmes including Patrol Pawenau.

The experience of acting in front of the camera is completely different. I find it easier than stage work, because the bits you have to learn are shorter. But I’ve found the process of getting into character for television a little more intense. I have had such a warm welcome from the cast and crew.

How do you manage to keep the balance between acting and your school work?

I study English Literature, Music and Drama for A Level, and I enjoy school, but I love performing so much. It has been fine, in terms of balance, and the Rownd a Rownd team are great at working round us, to be honest. My dream for the future is to go to drama college – one of the big ones in London. I’ll have to see what happens. I would like to have as many experiences as possible.

Rownd a Rownd Every Thursday 8.25, S4C English and Welsh subtitles available Available on demand on S4C Clic, BBC iPlayer and other platforms. A Rondo Media production for S4C