Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3207–3223, 2017 © Author(s) 2017. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

Practice and philosophy of model tuning across six US modeling centers

Gavin A. Schmidt1, David Bader2, Leo J. Donner3, Gregory S. Elsaesser1,4, Jean-Christophe Golaz2, Cecile Hannay5, Andrea Molod6, Richard B. Neale5, and Suranjana Saha7 1NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, 2880 Broadway, New York, USA 2DOE Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, USA 3GFDL/NOAA, Princeton University Forrestal Campus, 201 Forrestal Rd., Princeton, New Jersey, USA 4Columbia University, New York, New York, USA 5National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA 6Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA 7Environmental Modeling Center, NCEP/NWS/NOAA, NCWCP College Park, Maryland, USA

Correspondence to: Gavin A. Schmidt ([email protected])

Received: 2 February 2017 – Discussion started: 14 February 2017 Revised: 17 July 2017 – Accepted: 24 July 2017 – Published: 1 September 2017

Abstract. Model calibration (or “tuning”) is a necessary part tem is evident in the myriad processes involved (such as the of developing and testing coupled –atmosphere climate microphysics of cloud nucleation, land surface heterogene- models regardless of their main scientific purpose. There is ity, convective plumes, and ocean mesoscale eddies) and in an increasing recognition that this process needs to become the dynamic views provided by remote sensing. This com- more transparent for both users of climate model output and plexity and wide range of scales that need to be incorporated other developers. Knowing how and why climate models are imply that simulations will necessarily include approxima- tuned and which targets are used is essential to avoiding pos- tions to well-understood and empirical formulations sible misattributions of skillful predictions to data accommo- for unresolved effects. The simulations are neither a straight- dation and vice versa. This paper describes the approach and forward encapsulation of some well-known theory, nor are practice of model tuning for the six major US climate mod- they laboratory experiments probing the real world, though eling centers. While details differ among groups in terms of they have features of both (Schmidt and Sherwood, 2014). scientific missions, tuning targets, and tunable parameters, Despite this, climate and weather simulations have demon- there is a core commonality of approaches. However, prac- strated useful predictive skill across many emergent diagnos- tices differ significantly on some key aspects, in particular, tics (Reichler and Kim, 2008; Flato et al., 2013; Bosilovich, in the use of initialized forecast analyses as a tool, the ex- 2013). Note that we distinguish fields or statistics in the plicit use of the historical transient record, and the use of the model that arise from the interactions of multiple physical present-day radiative imbalance vs. the implied balance in effects (“emergent properties”) from those that are closely the preindustrial era as a target. related to single processes or parameterizations. Since the pioneering work in climate modeling in the mid- 20th century (e.g., Phillips, 1956; Manabe and Bryan, 1969; Hansen et al., 1983), climate models have increased enor- 1 Introduction mously in scope and complexity, going from relatively crude discretizations of atmospheric dynamics to, now, far more Simulation has become an essential tool for understanding detailed atmospheres, combined with ocean, , carbon processes in the system, interpreting observations and cycles, and interactive composition in the atmosphere, in- for making predictions over short (weather), medium (sea- cluding and multiple aerosol species. As that com- sonal), and long (climate) terms. The complexity of this sys-

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 3208 G. A. Schmidt et al.: US climate model tuning plexity has grown, more processes are explicitly included approximations (“parameterizations”) needed to match the and the parameterizations are pushed to a more detailed (and phenomenology of unresolved or poorly understood subgrid- more fundamental) level, allowing for better constraints on scale or excluded processes (Hourdin et al., 2017). The de- unknown parameters. However, at the same time, the process gree of approximation and complexity in the empirical pa- of model development has become more convoluted and now rameterizations vary greatly across models and processes, involves many more components than it did originally. This as well as the resolved scales. Many parameterizations em- has led somewhat predictably to an unfortunate reduction in ploy an underlying paradigm that makes use of well-known transparency over time. or well-observed processes so that the fundamental depen- It is worth expanding on why this matters: first, model de- dence on the atmospheric state is approximated, albeit only velopment involves expert judgments which are inevitably at a phenomenological level. subjective, and with different choices there would be dif- Parameters in climate models vary widely in their phys- ferences in emergent responses. For instance, in the MPI ical interpretation. Some are well-determined physical val- model, Mauritsen et al.(2012) show that equally valid but ues, such as the Coriolis parameter, the acceleration due distinct tunings can impact model sensitivity. This kind of be- to gravity, or the Stefan–Boltzmann constant. Some, such havior should therefore be reported more widely to improve as reaction rates for chemical or microphysical processes, the assessment of the robustness of specific responses. Sec- may be inferred from laboratory or field measurements (with ond, models used as part of international assessment projects some uncertainty). Some emerge from the construction of (such as the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase parameterizations but do not correspond directly to well- 5: CMIP5) are increasingly being weighted or subset in order defined physical processes, e.g., “erosion rates” for clouds to refine predictions. If the skill measure that is used to fil- (Tiedtke, 1993). Others also emerge from the characteriza- ter or weight models has been tuned for in some cases rather tion of model subgrid-scale variations in the parameteriza- than in others, the subset or weighted average will be biased tions, such as the “critical relative ” for cloud forma- towards models where the skill measure was tuned over those tion (Schmidt et al., 2006), or equivalent mixing rates for tur- in which it was not, and that may not correspond to better bulent transport, and may be loosely approximated from ei- physics or better predictions (Knutti et al., 2010). ther observations or higher-resolution models (e.g., Siebesma Thus it has become increasingly clear that a more trans- and Cuijpers, 1995). parent process is necessary. A survey of modeling groups in- Individual parameterizations for a specific phenomenon volved in CMIP5 (Hourdin et al., 2017, hereafter H17) pro- are generally calibrated to process-level data using high- vides a good background on tuning practices and makes a resolution modeling and/or field campaigns to provide con- plea for better coordination of documentation of these issues. straints. For instance, boundary layer parameterizations This paper is a more detailed follow-up for a subset of cli- might be tuned to well-observed case studies such as in mate models associated with laboratories in the US (three of Larcfrom (Pithan et al., 2016) or DICE (http://appconv. which were surveyed by H17, three of which were not). The However, in some cases, even six modeling centers that are the focus of this paper have when parameter values are well constrained physically or ex- all developed and maintained Earth system models that (at perimentally, simulations can often be improved by choos- minimum) have a dynamic atmosphere and coupled ocean ing values that violate these constraints. For example, Go- components and are global in scope. Additional components laz et al.(2011) found that cooling by interactions between (such as ice sheets, the , atmospheric chemistry, anthropogenic aerosols and clouds in GFDL’s AM3 model and aerosols) are also common. While two of the models dis- depends strongly on the volume-mean radius at which cloud cussed (NCEP Climate Forecast System (CFS) and GEOS-5 droplets begin to precipitate. By altering CM3 after its con- (Goddard Earth Observing System 5) from NASA GMAO) figuration used for CMIP5 was established as described in are primarily used for short-term (daily to seasonal) predic- Donner et al.(2011), Golaz et al.(2013) found that its 20th- tions, there is sufficient overlap with the models focused on century temperature increase could be simulated more real- longer-term problems (decadal to multidecadal periods) to istically (larger increase) using values for this threshold drop warrant describing them all as “climate models” below. size smaller than observed (Pawlowska and Brenguier, 2003; Suzuki et al., 2013) (see Sect. 4.1 below). Another example is the variation in the effective diffusion constants for mo- 2 Why is climate model tuning necessary? mentum, moisture, and temperature, which has been used to decrease large root-mean-square errors in tropical winds in Climate and weather models consist of three levels of rep- the NCEP model. resentation of physical processes: fundamental physics (such A number of parameters remain that are not strongly con- as conservation of , mass and momentum), approxi- strained by process-level observations or theory but that mations to well-known physical theories (the discretization nonetheless have large impacts on emergent properties of of the Navier–Stokes equations, broadband approximations the simulation. It is these additional degrees of freedom that to line-by-line radiative transfer codes, etc.), and empirical are used to “tune” or calibrate the emergent properties of the

Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3207–3223, 2017 G. A. Schmidt et al.: US climate model tuning 3209 model against a selected set of target observations. The deci- which occurs in a multiyear integration with specified cli- sions on what to tune, and especially what targets to tune matological sea surface temperatures (SSTs) when emissions for, undoubtedly involve value judgments (Hourdin et al., (primary aerosols and short-lived gases), long-lived green- 2017; Winsberg, 2012; Schmidt and Sherwood, 2014; Inte- house gas (GHG) concentrations (, nitrous ox- mann, 2015). Notably, there is not any obvious consensus in ide, methane, and the ), and are the modeling community as to the extent to which parame- changed from preindustrial to present-day values. ter choices should be guided by conforming to process-level A second class of tuning targets are well-characterized cli- knowledge as opposed to optimizing emergent behaviors in matological observations which might include annual means, climate models. At many centers, the philosophy for the most average seasonal cycles, or interannual variance. A third po- part has been to tune parameters in ways that make physical tential class are observations of transient events (on daily to sense, with the expectation that in the long run that should be centennial scales) or trends. Some observational targets have the best strategy. Increasing skill in climate models over time important (and sometimes unrecognized) structural uncer- does support this approach (Reichler and Kim, 2008). tainties and therefore any tuning to those targets risks over- Additionally, climate simulations depend not only on pa- fitting the model to imperfect data, potentially reducing skill rameter choices within an established model structure but in “out-of-sample” predictions (those for which the evalu- also on the structural choices made in the parameteriza- ation data either did not exist at the time of the prediction tion itself. Examples include experimentation with alternate or were not used in model development or tuning). This is closures and triggers for the cumulus parameterization at a particular problem for transient observations such as esti- GFDL during the development of GFDL AM3 (Benedict mates of early 20th-century temperature changes (Thompson et al., 2013) and evaluation of two candidate parameteri- et al., 2008; Richardson et al., 2016), pre-1979 sea-ice extent zations for cloud macrophysics and convection in NCAR (Meier et al., 2012; Walsh et al., 2017), pre-1990 ocean heat CESM2 (Community Earth System model 2) (Bogenschutz content change (Levitus et al., 2000; Church et al., 2011), or et al., 2013; Park, 2014). Theoretically, all such structural water vapor trends (Dessler and Davis, 2010), which have all choices could be coded to vary with a parameter and so there been corrected in recent years, as nonclimate artifacts in the is no strong theoretical distinction between parameter and raw observations have been found and adjusted for. In con- structural variations. In practice, however, perturbed physics trast, many over the satellite era are robust met- ensembles (PPEs) do not span as wide a range of structural rics whose estimates over any fixed period have not changed variations as multimodel ensembles of opportunity (Yoko- appreciably as understanding of the observations evolved. hata et al., 2012). These examples suggest that it can be hard Models equipped for data assimilation or that are used for to distinguish model tuning from model development (writ operational forecasts have the additional possibility of tuning large) in practice, since both happen concurrently. For our parameters to improve skill scores in those forecasts on mul- purposes, we define tuning as a change occurring within a tiple timescales – whether they be 6-hourly, daily, weekly, or fixed structural framework that does not involve adding new even for many months for seasonal forecasts of, for instance, physics. the state of the tropical Pacific. Targets for possible tuning fall into three classes. First We note here a distinction between fields that are closely there are targets that need to be satisfied in order for use- monitored during the model development process (many ex- ful numerical experiments to be performed in the first place amples are given below) and specific tuning targets. Moni- (usually related to the equilibration of model components tored diagnostics tend to be complex emergent diagnostics with long timescales). The most important of these is a re- that do not depend in any simple way on adjustable param- quirement of near energy balance at the top of the atmo- eters, and thus are difficult (or impractical) to tune for. For sphere and surface in an initial state of a coupled model to example, note that the range of preindustrial global tem- prevent temperature drifts over time. Strictly speaking this peratures in CMIP5 is [12.0,14.8] ◦C, which is noticeably is not tuning to an observed quantity, but rather is a tuning wider than the uncertainties in that quantity (±0.5 ◦C; Jones to a situation that was approximately inferred to hold in the et al., 2012). Changes in such a monitored field are kept track “preindustrial” () period. Note that while the concept of a of, but unless the values stray beyond a nominal acceptable preindustrial period is a little elusive (Hawkins et al., 2017), range no action to change the code would be taken. If the we refer to conditions around the mid-19th century around values do stray, the principal action is often taken to go into 1850. To avoid dealing with the lack of sufficient observa- detail and examine what has happened more closely. tional data from the 19th century, some modeling groups The limitations of tuning are well known (Mauritsen et al., (see below) alternatively choose to tune to present-day (PD) 2012; Schmidt and Sherwood, 2014; Hourdin et al., 2017). conditions, including an energy imbalance at the top of the First, it provides remarkably little leverage in improving atmosphere (TOA) as inferred from ocean observations to- overall model skill once a reasonable part of parameter space day (Loeb et al., 2009). Another tuning target is sometimes has been identified – for instance, tuning has been unable to referred to as the perturbation (RFP), or resolve the persistent so-called “double ITCZ” problem (Lin, the effective radiative forcing, and is the change in net flux 2007; Oueslati and Bellon, 2015). Second, improvements in Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3207–3223, 2017 3210 G. A. Schmidt et al.: US climate model tuning one field are often accompanied by degradation in others, and efficient, but does not necessarily prove robust when those thus the final choice of parameters involves subjective judg- components are coupled. However, coupled models take a ments about the relative importance of different aspects of very long time to equilibrate, and their quasi-stable states the simulations. For example, the Australian contribution to may be too far from the observed climate to be useful. As- CMIP5 (ACCESS v.1) used a version of the UK Met Office suming that models conserve energy appropriately, all con- atmosphere model with small modifications to mitigate prob- trol runs will eventually drift to a quasi-steady state with a lems in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere that affect Aus- near-zero energy balance at the TOA and at the surface of the tralian forecasts, at the expense of performance elsewhere (Bi ocean. However, the realism of the final state is not guaran- et al., 2013). There are additionally many obvious biases in teed and, indeed, given the long time constants in the ocean, model simulations that persist across model generations, in- might require many thousands of years of integration to get dicating that these aspects are robustly stubborn to develop- to the wrong answer. Thus a balance must be struck between ment changes in the model (including the tuning) (Masson approaches. and Knutti, 2011). Most discussions of tuning deal with explicit calibration of parameters to match a target observation. However, analy- 3 Specific practices sis of the CMIP3 ensemble (Kiehl, 2007; Knutti, 2008) sug- gested that there may have been some kind of implicit tun- Each of six US modeling centers described below have spe- ing related to aerosol forcing and among cific missions and foci that drive different aspects of their a subset of models, with models with higher sensitivity hav- modeling. For instance, NASA GMAO and NCEP have op- ing a tendency to have higher (more negative) aerosol forc- erational data assimilation products for short-term weather, ing (this situation was less evident in CMIP5; Forster et al., longer seasonal forecasts, and reanalyses that form the core 2013). Both of these correlations, however, seem rather low of their tasks. NCAR CESM, GFDL, and NASA GISS have (CMIP3: 0.24; CMIP5: 0.19) and so do not provide evidence more long-term issues at the forefront of their for a general tuning related to forcing and sensitivity. That research, but each with different mandates – respectively, to models with accurate historical simulations must trade off be a community model, to advance NOAA’s mission goal to forcing and sensitivity is not necessarily evidence they have understand and predict changes in climate, and to help in- been tuned to do so. Since the CMIP3 models’ aerosol forc- terpret and use NASA remote sensing products. The DOE’s ings were not explicitly tuned to enforce the observed his- Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME) project torical trend in temperature, the mechanisms that might ex- has been tasked with a very specific role to serve DOE’s en- plain this observation are unclear. With further data on the ergy planning and computational resource needs. current top-of-atmosphere radiative imbalance (Allan et al., For each modeling group, we describe the principal tar- 2014; von Schuckmann et al., 2016), this issue will, however, gets and tuning strategies for their atmosphere-only GCM need to be revisited for the latest generation of models. (general circulation model), their coupled ocean–atmosphere Model selection can also act as an implicit form of tun- GCM, and additional Earth system components as relevant. ing, even though this might be seen by others as simple The specific models referred to are described in Table1. We model development. In deciding between two versions of a outline the commonalities of approaches and key differences dynamical core or convection parameterizations, skill in El in Sect. 4, and then discuss the implications and ways for- Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability or reductions ward in Sect. 5. of ocean drifts may play an important role. Conceivably, a modeling center may decide not to release or use a particular 3.1 DOE version because it fails to meet certain criteria perceived to be essential, though more generally this will simply spur further The prototype version of DOE ACME v0 is closely related to development. One candidate criterium would be a realistic the CESM. The initial version ACME v1, currently under de- simulation of the 20th century; however, the wide spread in velopment, incorporates new ocean and sea-ice components 20th-century trends in the CMIP5 ensemble (Forster et al., (Model for Prediction Across Scales: MPAS) (Ringler et al., 2013, Fig. 7) would indicate that this has not been generally 2013) as well as updated atmosphere and land components. applied (though see below for more detailed discussion of the ACME v1 is being developed at two horizontal resolutions: a use of historical changes). low-resolution configuration, which includes an atmosphere Within climate models, there is always a choice as to at approximately 1◦ and an ocean with varying resolution whether to tune a specific component (such as the atmo- between 60 and 30 km, and a high-resolution configuration, sphere, sea ice, land surface, or ocean) with tightly con- which is based on a 1/4◦ atmosphere and an eddy-permitting strained boundary conditions or to tune the coupled model ocean resolution between 18 and 6 km. as a whole. In practice, both approaches are taken, though Tuning is performed iteratively at the component levels the relative importance and computation resources available and on the fully coupled system. Most of the component- vary across groups. Tuning components is generally fast and level tuning takes place in the atmosphere. The atmosphere

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Table 1. Climate models discussed in the text.

Modeling group Model Reference Department of Energy (DOE) ACME v1 in preparation NOAA Geophysical Fluid CM3 Donner et al.(2011), Griffies et al.(2011) Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) NASA Goddard Institute for GISS-E2/2.1 Schmidt et al.(2014) Space Studies (GISS) NASA Global Modeling and GEOS5 Rienecker et al.(2008), Molod et al.(2015) Assimilation Office (GMAO) National Center for Atmospheric CESM1 Gent et al.(2011), Hurrell et al.(2013) Research (NCAR) NOAA National Center for CFS v1 & v2 Saha et al.(2006, 2010, 2014) Environmental Prediction (NCEP) is primarily tuned using short simulations (2 to 10 years) of ocean heat content, meridional heat transport, overturning with climatological SSTs and sea-ice boundary conditions, circulations, and the Nino3.4 index. Longer coupled simula- either for present-day (circa 2000) or preindustrial condi- tions are often performed in pairs of perpetual present-day tions. The tuning targets a near-zero TOA balance and preindustrial forcing to monitor the combined impact of for 1850 by adjusting cloud-related parameters. Overall sim- anthropogenic forcings and climate sensitivity and to max- ulation fidelity is another important aspect of the tuning pro- imize the odds of successful historical simulations. To that cess, with the goal of minimizing errors in important clima- end, parallel coupled simulations, one with perpetual 1850 tological fields such as sea level pressure, short- and long- forcings and one with perpetual 2000 forcings, will be tested wave cloud radiative effects, precipitation, near-surface land to ensure that the 2000 control simulation is indeed warmer temperature, surface wind stress, 300 hPa zonal wind, aerosol than the 1850 control. Abrupt 4×CO2 experiments are also optical depth, zonal mean temperature, and relative humidity. conducted to estimate the equilibrium climate sensitivity. The magnitude of the aerosol indirect effects is also evaluated and adjusted if deemed to be inconsistent with the observed 3.2 GFDL historical warming (specifically if it has a magnitude greater −2 than 1.5 W m ). Cess climate sensitivity (Cess et al., 1990) In developing the GFDL AM3 and cou- is monitored using idealized SST+4K simulations. To date, pled model CM3, parameter choices and some structural there have been no situations where the estimated sensitivity choices as to how to deploy parameterizations were guided was deemed to be unacceptable based on expert judgment. by multiple goals. In addition to choosing parameters within Should such a situation arise, the model would receive ex- plausible ranges suggested by observations, experiments, tra scrutiny to better understand what may have caused the theory, or higher-resolution modeling, these goals included climate sensitivity to change compared to previous develop- simulating thermodynamic and dynamical fields, as well as mental versions. The radiative imbalance in the 21st century TOA regional shortwave and longwave fluxes, as realistically with observed SST must be positive, with a target range of −2 as possible. The global and annual mean net TOA radiative 0.5 to 1 W m . flux in integrations with specified, present-day (1981–2000) Most of the tuning is performed using the low-resolution SSTs was tuned to a slight positive imbalance (0.8 W m−2) atmosphere. However, cloud parameterizations need to be re- within observational estimates (Loeb et al., 2009). Particu- tuned separately for the high-resolution atmosphere. Because lar attention was also given to surface properties important of the cost of the high-resolution atmosphere, it is more ef- for successfully coupling AM3 to models for sea ice (high- fective to use short hindcast simulations (Ma et al., 2015) to latitude surface energy balance) and ocean (wind stresses first evaluate the parameter space. and implied ocean heat transports). Many of the changes Tuning is also performed with the fully coupled system us- in parameters from earlier GFDL models or nominal val- ing perpetual preindustrial or present-day forcing. Ocean and ues in literature describing the model parameterizations are sea-ice initial conditions are either from rest (Locarnini et al., summarized in Donner et al.(2011). For example, the mo- 2013; Zweng et al., 2013) or derived from separate CORE ex- mentum source in the Alexander and Dunkerton(1999) pa- periments (Griffies et al., 2009). Simulations vary in length rameterization for gravity wave drag was chosen based on from a decade to over a century. Priority metrics for the cou- the stratospheric circulation it yielded. To facilitate optimiz- pled preindustrial simulations are top-of-atmosphere radia- ing input parameters to this parameterization, the orographic tion, surface winds, sea-ice extent and thickness (climatol- wave parameterization was limited in the vertical extent of its ogy and seasonal cycle), sea surface temperatures, stability application. Additionally, the autoconversion threshold (the Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3207–3223, 2017 3212 G. A. Schmidt et al.: US climate model tuning volume-mean radius at which cloud droplets begin to precipi- tions ranged to −3 W m−2 (Lohmann and Feichter, 2005), tate), cloud erosion scales, and ice fall speeds in the Rotstayn and GFDL’s AM2, modified to include cloud–aerosol inter- (1997) and Tiedtke(1993) cloud microphysics and macro- actions, yielded an associated climate forcing of −2.3 W m−2 physics parameterizations were tuned to improve regional (Ming et al., 2005). Since climate forcing by greenhouse patterns of TOA shortwave and longwave fluxes, TOA short- gases is around 3 W m−2 (IPCC, 2013), the most extreme wave and longwave cloud radiative effects, the Earth’s en- estimates of climate forcing by cloud–aerosol interactions ergy imbalance, precipitation, and implied ocean heat trans- would not be compatible with observed historical tempera- ports. ture increases. Given the approximate treatments of cloud– The choices of a closure based on convective available aerosol interactions in climate models, the possibility that potential energy (CAPE) for the Donner(1993) deep cu- some parameter combinations or formulations could lead mulus parameterization and the relaxation time and CAPE to these extreme estimates could not be ruled out during threshold in that closure were primarily motivated by their model development. Indeed, Golaz et al.(2011) show that effects on the precipitation simulation. Tuning vertical diffu- the magnitude of climate forcing by cloud–aerosol interac- sion of horizontal momentum in the Donner(1993) deep and tions depends strongly on the volume-mean drop radius at Bretherton et al.(2004) shallow cumulus parameterizations which cloud droplets begin to precipitate. Golaz et al.(2011) impacted tropical precipitation and surface wind stresses. also find that assumptions regarding the subgrid distribution Other tunings related to convection include changes in en- of updraft speeds is an important control, though exerted trainment (partly to account for changes in vertical resolu- through re-tuning for radiative balance as the distribution of tion), the moisture budget for mesoscale circulations asso- updraft speeds is changed. The effective cloud-droplet ra- ciated with deep convection, and maximum heights for the dius and cloud droplet number concentration are both cen- mesoscale circulations. These tunings improved precipita- tral to climate forcing by cloud–aerosol interactions and vary tion, shortwave cloud radiative effects, and implied ocean strongly with aerosol size distribution (Feingold, 2003; Mc- heat transports. Changes in lateral entrainment for shallow Figgans et al., 2006). Ming et al.(2006), which is used to convection (Bretherton et al., 2004) also improved these parameterize aerosol activation in AM3, supports a range of fields, limiting excessive low cloudiness in particular. The aerosol size distributions. maximum heights of the mesoscale circulations also exerted The TOA RFP (see Sect. 2) was monitored during AM3 a strong control on stratospheric water vapor. Between 100 development, as was the Cess climate sensitivity. A config- and 10 hPa, zonally averaged water vapor mixing ratios are uration for which the ratio of the RFP to the Cess sensitiv- between 1.5 and 4 mg kg−1, mostly within 0.5 mg kg−1 of ity was about 15 % less than the value for AM2 (The GFDL HALOE (Halogen Occultation Experiment) and MLS (Mi- Global Atmospheric Model Development Team, 2004) was crowave Limb Sounder) observations. selected for AM3. This imposes a bound on RFP which de- Aspects of AM3 related to variability, including station- pends on AM3 sensitivity and the forcing-to-sensitivity ratio ary wave patterns, relationships between the Niño-3 index in AM2. Within the limitations of the Cess sensitivity, this and regional precipitation, relationships between the North- ratio was used to compare, without coupling, the changes ern Hemisphere annular mode and regional pressure and tem- in global-mean surface temperature that might be expected perature patterns, tropical cyclones, and the tropical wave from CM3 relative to CM2. The basis for using this ra- spectrum, were monitored during AM3 development (Don- tio as a tuning target is past experience that CM2 gener- ner et al., 2011). Optimal tuning for mean state and vari- ally simulates historical temperature change reasonably well. ability in some cases conflicted. In AM3, this was particu- Without coupling, this target, while not constraining forc- larly evident for the tropical wave spectrum, including the ing or sensitivity independently, aimed to exploit knowledge Madden–Julian Oscillation (MJO). Deep convective closures from earlier models about their joint behavior, associated and triggers which produced a realistic mean simulation did with realistic simulation of historical temperature change. so at the expense of the tropical wave spectrum (Benedict The AM3 RFP is 0.99 W m−2, with the aerosol contribution et al., 2013). about −1.6 W m−2 (Golaz et al., 2013). The coupled model AM3 includes prognostic aerosols based on emissions, CM3 was not further constrained with respect to its simula- transport, chemical processes, and dry and wet removal. An tion of 20th-century climate change. Although the ratio of important aerosol tuning parameter is the strength of wet RFP to Cess sensitivity for AM3 is only about 15 % less scavenging. In-cloud condensate fractions were prescribed than for AM2, 20th-century temperature increases in CM3 to provide a reasonable simulation of the global mean and are less than observed, while CM2.1 temperature increases regional distribution of aerosol optical depth. These conden- are greater than observed (Donner et al., 2011). The uncou- sate fractions maintain relative solubilities among the various pled ratio is clearly limited in its ability to fully indicate tem- aerosols in AM3. perature response in the coupled model. AM3 is the first GFDL model to include cloud–aerosol The CM3 coupled model was initialized from present-day interactions. At the outset of this aspect of AM3 develop- ocean conditions and allowed to adjust to a preindustrial, ment, estimates of climate forcing by cloud–aerosol interac- quasi-steady state with a small TOA energy imbalance (0.2–

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0.3 W m−2). Tuning in CM3 was concentrated in the atmo- the addition of a subgrid-scale explicit “cold pool” feature spheric component AM3. Outside of the atmospheric com- greatly enhanced variability on MJO timescales and lead to ponent, sea ice, land, and vegetation , along with greatly increased forecast skill in initialized 20-day simula- masking, were tuned. These tunings improved the Atlantic tions (Del Genio et al., 2015). Meridional Overturning Circulation in preliminary coupled Further fine tuning in the coupled models, for instance for configurations, prior to final tuning of the atmospheric com- the exact global-mean surface temperature, is effectively pre- ponent and subsequent initiation of the preindustrial coupled cluded by the long spin-up times and limited resources avail- control. The resulting were generally more realistic able. No tuning is done for climate sensitivity or for perfor- than those used in CM2.1. The change was made possible mance in a simulation with transient forcing or hindcasts. In by CM3’s improved realism in regions with sea ice (Donner transient simulations without an explicit aerosol indirect ef- et al., 2011). fect, the aerosol indirect effect was preset to have a value of Note that the above description applies only to AM3 and −1 W m−2 in 2000 in the CMIP5 simulations (Miller et al., CM3. For CM4 (Zhao et al., 2016), development is ongoing, 2014), while configurations with aerosol microphysics have and the specific tuning practices will be documented in future free latitude to produce whatever forcing is calculated. papers. In simulations with interactive atmospheric composition, there are two specific tunings for ozone chemistry: the pho- 3.3 NASA GISS tolysis rate in the atmospheric window region for incom- ing solar radiation and the temperature threshold for the for- Tuning strategies in GISS ModelE2 are described in Schmidt mation of polar stratospheric clouds (and hence the hetero- et al.(2014). In the atmosphere-only simulation under 1850 geneous chemistry associated with them) (Shindell et al., preindustrial conditions, the parameters in the cloud schemes 2013). The former is tuned so that N2O and O3 fields in the that control the threshold relative humidity and the critical ice lower tropical stratosphere match observations, while the lat- mass for condensate conversion are used to achieve global ra- ter can be used to ensure that the polar ozone hole timing diative balance and a global-mean albedo of between 29 and is correct despite potential biases in polar vortex tempera- 30 %. Additionally, parameters in the gravity wave drag are tures. With respect to dust aerosols, emissions are tuned so chosen to optimize the simulation to the lower stratospheric that the model can match retrieved aerosol optical depths for seasonal zonal wind field and the minimum tropopause tem- the present day (Miller et al., 2006); similarly, tuning of the perature. This also impacts high-latitude sea level pressure. lightning parameterization (and associated source for NOx) In ocean-only simulations as described in the CORE proto- is done against modern observations of flash rate and tropo- col (Griffies et al., 2009), mixing parameters are chosen to spheric ozone amounts. minimize drift from observations in the basin-averaged tem- For the E2.1 model and subsequent CMIP6 submissions, perature and salinity. all tuning is being done with preindustrial and present- Upon coupling the ocean and atmosphere models, there is day fully interactive simulations (including chemistry and an initial drift to a quasi-stable equilibrium which is judged aerosols and indirect effects) and the noninteractive versions on overall terms for realism, including the overall skill in will use the composition derived from those simulations and the climatological metrics for zonal mean temperature, sur- the same tuning. face temperatures, sea level pressure, short- and longwave radiation fluxes, precipitation, lower stratospheric water va- 3.4 NASA GMAO por, and seasonal sea-ice extent. For the configuration to be acceptable, drifts have to be relatively small, and quasi- The Goddard Earth Observing System model is currently stable behavior of the North Atlantic meridional circulation in use at the NASA GMAO at a wide range of resolutions and other ocean metrics, including the Antarctic Circumpolar and for a wide range of applications. The range of resolu- Circulation, are required. While ENSO metrics are also mon- tions and applications for the atmospheric model includes itored, they are not specifically tuned for. In practice, longer global mesoscale simulations and forecasts at approximately spin-up integrations help reduce drift, and the model state, 7 km, atmospheric data assimilation and forecasts at 12 km once stabilized, can be assessed for suitability. Large drifts (with ensemble members running at 50 km), seasonal cou- at the start of an integration have often been reduced by dif- pled atmosphere–ocean forecasts at approximately 50 km, ferent tuning choices that either affect surface atmospheric present-day climate simulations at 100 km, and present-day fluxes or (more usually) ocean mixing. coupled chemistry climate simulations at resolutions from Subsequent to CMIP5, further tuning exercises and de- 12 to 100 km. The tuning of the GEOS-5 AGCM physical velopment has occurred for the production of the E2.1 ver- parameterizations, therefore, is designed to allow the model sion of the model. One important tuning success was due to to function across this range of uses and requires fidelity in the adjustments made to the convection scheme in order to many aspects of the simulation. The tuning also includes ap- allow for the simulation of the Madden–Julian Oscillation propriate resolution dependence. Tuning targets differ among (Kim et al., 2012). A combination of greater entrainment and the many types of experiments that are conducted as part of Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3207–3223, 2017 3214 G. A. Schmidt et al.: US climate model tuning the model validation suite. The tuning suite includes present- Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer: TES) are used in the day (AMIP-style) climate simulations, “replay” experiments GMAO to validate the simulated turbulent and convective at different resolutions (similar to nudging towards a re- transport. Data from MERRA-2, for example, include an analysis), coupled atmosphere–ocean experiments, coupled aerosol assimilation to assess errors in turbulent and convec- atmosphere–chemistry simulations, short-term forecasts, and tive transport (Gelaro et al., 2016). Although not all the mis- data assimilation experiments. matches between observed and modeled aerosol and CO are The tuning of the current version of the GEOS-5 AGCM is attributable to transport, particular events or locations are iso- described in Molod et al.(2015), which shows the results of lated where those processes dominate over others. These esti- a series of sensitivity experiments demonstrating the impact mates are largely used to constrain the tuning of the GEOS-5 of each change in tuning. The substantial majority of the tun- surface and atmospheric turbulence parameterizations. The ing is focused on the behavior of the moisture turbulence pa- choice of the turbulent length scale and the choice of param- rameterizations, and also includes a parameter change in the eters that govern the entrainment into buoyantly rising turbu- gravity-wave drag scheme. For the lower-resolution appli- lent parcels of air are made so as to constrain the turbulent cations and uses, systematic comparisons of seasonal mean transport of aerosol. The extent of vertical mixing as well as prognostic fields with different reanalysis estimates and com- the advective transport out of the source regions is governed parisons of cloud properties with satellite based estimates are by this choice of tuning parameters. used to identify errors in the mean present-day climate. It- The GEOS-5 AGCM includes some resolution-dependent erative 30-year simulations at low resolution (100 km) and parameters that govern the behavior of the moist processes. repeated comparisons ensure that a change in tuning to ame- The two most important parameters that are specified to liorate one bias does not inadvertently exacerbate another. change with resolution in an ad hoc manner are chosen based Key metrics include the mean and variance of the spatial dis- on physical arguments and based on results from GEOS- tribution of CERES observations of all sky TOA longwave 5 global mesoscale simulations. The first of these is the and shortwave radiative fluxes, together with the daily TOA critical relative humidity for condensation and evaporation, longwave and shortwave distributions, which are monitored which accounts for subgrid-scale variations of total water. to ensure that performance does not degrade through the de- Critical RH increases with resolution based on the expecta- velopment or tuning process. tion and evidence from global mesoscale model results that The contribution of cloudy effects is approached by ad- subgrid-scale variations of total water decrease with increas- justing the parameters that describe the cloud radiative ef- ing resolution (Molod, 2012). The second of the resolution- fect (cloud particle size and autoconversion rates). The clear- dependent parameters is the so-called Tokioka limit in the sky portion of the TOA fluxes is matched by tuning the pa- convective parameterization. Again based on the expectation rameters that govern the mean atmospheric humidity and that the larger convective motions are resolved explicitly and surface albedo over ice-covered surfaces. The free atmo- on evidence from global mesoscale model results, the param- sphere specific humidity is quite sensitive to the “critical rel- eters that govern the stochastic Tokioka limit changes so as to ative humidity” specified in the cloud macrophysical scheme restrict parameterized deep convection at higher resolutions. (Molod, 2012), and so although this parameter is largely At the higher resolutions (25 km and better) the tuning pa- dictated by observed subgrid-scale moisture variations, the rameters are chosen based on short-term forecasts and the fine-tuning and the details of the vertical profile are tuned behavior as part of the data assimilation system. Forecast to match a consensus of reanalysis estimates of specific skill scores, the fidelity of the spin-up of tropical cyclones and relative humidity and Special Sensor Microwave Imager and the innovation vector for data assimilation (observation- (SSM/I) total precipitable water. forecast statistics) are critical relevant metrics for new tuning The boreal winter mean circulation, compared to reanal- choices, and any new choices of tuning parameters are evalu- yses (as seen by the 200 hPa eddy height or by the 300 hPa ated with an ensemble of forecasts. The analysis increments velocity potential), was found to be quite sensitive to the in- during both data assimilation and replay experiments provide tensity of the hydrological cycle, largely dictated by the rates the key guidance for choosing the parameters to tune. Under of re-evaporation or sublimation of rain and snow. These pa- the general assumption that the mean analysis increments in- rameters are chosen so as to ensure agreement of the seasonal dicate systematic errors in the model physics (which is not mean circulation with reanalysis, the seasonal mean precip- always valid), correlations between the tendency term from itation with observations from GPCP and TRMM, and the any individual physical parameterization and the analysis in- agreement of the cloud radiative effects with CERES and crement reveals errors due to the behavior of that parameter- with SRB at the surface. The behavior of the atmosphere– ization, and parameters of that scheme are adjusted so as to ocean coupled system is particularly sensitive to the geo- minimize the mean analysis increments. graphical distribution of the surface shortwave cloud radia- High-resolution forecasts are also evaluated and tuned tive forcing in the tropics. based on comparisons with spatial and temporal variability Additional observations of aerosol optical depth (from of high-resolution top-of-the-atmosphere fluxes and radar- MODIS) and other chemical constituents (e.g., CO from the derived precipitation. As with the lower resolutions, the pa-

Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3207–3223, 2017 G. A. Schmidt et al.: US climate model tuning 3215 rameters which are adjusted to meet the tuning targets are scribed observed SSTs and sea-ice distributions. Initial de- the autoconversion rates, ice-fall rates, and the cloud droplet velopment testing is performed using SSTs of the climato- size. In addition to these parameters, high-resolution tun- logical period centered around the year 2000 for 5–10-year ing also includes adjustments of the Tokioka limit and the periods. This length of simulation is necessary due to the timescale of adjustment in the convective parameterization. high variability. The first key measure of a simula- As an aside, we note that resolution decisions almost always tion that will be appropriate to the fully coupled simulation is affect tunings (and development), and the goal that parame- the TOA energy balance. Estimates of the observed present- terized physics or models can be independent of resolution, day energy imbalance are on the order of 0.5–1.0 W m−2 while a noble aim, is not yet a reality. (Loeb et al., 2009), and the aim is to achieve close to that The ability to spin up tropical cyclones and match the cor- through modification of cloud-related fields that have an im- rect track was found to be quite sensitive to the magnitude of pact both on the shortwave and longwave components of the low-level drag. Based on theoretical considerations and the energy budget. The first quantitative assessment of simula- results of laboratory experiments, the model’s function which tion fidelity is given by summary RMSE and bias scores for a relates surface stress to roughness height over the (the number of variables key to the fully coupled system, includ- “Charnock coefficient”) was adjusted to decrease the drag at ing surface stresses, precipitation, temperature, cloud forc- high wind speeds and resulted in substantial improvements ings, and surface pressure. A secondary assessment involves in the simulation of tropical cyclones (Molod et al., 2013). “preindustrial minus present day” simulations to determine In addition to the tuning based on physical reasoning and the aerosol indirect effects that would be expected in his- diagnosis of errors using comparisons with observations, torical coupled simulations. This involves ensuring that the some tuning choices are based on trial-and-error experimen- net aerosol forcing is not greater in magnitude than about tation. These include parameters that govern the magnitude (negative) 1.5 W m−2, based on guidance from Myhre et al. of the different types of surface drag (more drag increases (2013). forecast skill score) and the adjustment timescale of mid- In parallel to the atmosphere component activities, the latitude parameterized convection (more mid-latitude con- ocean and ice working groups perform equivalent “stand- vection increases forecast skill score). alone experiments” with forcing provided by multiple cy- The suite of different types of experiments with the GEOS- cles of the CORE forcing protocol (Griffies et al., 2009). 5 GCM at different resolutions are run iteratively as part of The phenomena of key importance are the meridional over- the overall tuning process, and the result is a model which turning circulation (particularly in the North Atlantic), Gulf meets the variety of tuning targets described here. The trade- Stream separation, Drake passage flow, equatorial ther- offs among the parameter choices to meet the different tar- mocline depth, and SSTs in the Pacific. The land tun- gets exist, and necessitate prioritization of the tuning targets, ing approach uses land-only configurations forced by bias- but in general this process results in a robust model that func- corrected reanalysis-based meteorological forcing products. tions well in the various applications needed to fulfill the Metrics of performance are generally assessed for leaf area GMAO’s goals and mission. index, gross primary productivity, river discharge, latent heat flux, and vegetation and stocks. Other physical 3.5 NCAR components of the coupled system, including land ice and biogeochemistry, will also be developed and tuned in paral- The Community Earth System model (Hurrell et al., 2013) lel within their respective working groups. is a joint NCAR and university-wide activity and gover- Ideally, an atmosphere that was well-tuned in a configu- nance takes place through a working group structure. Work- ration with SSTs, sea ice, and land conditions relevant to ing groups are teams of scientists that contribute to the de- the preindustrial period would in principle translate well to velopment of each individual component (atmosphere, land, a coupled system close to energy balance, i.e., with no net ocean, sea ice, land ice, chemistry, and biogeochemistry) increase or decrease in energy into the whole coupled sys- and relevant topics (such as climate variability or climate tem. However, coupled-system biases in the surface distribu- change). tion of SSTs and sea ice mean that tuning also needs to be Tuning begins as a generally separate activity for each performed in the fully coupled system. component within the working groups. During this initial Coupled model tuning brings together the individual fully phase of tuning, periodic preindustrial control coupled simu- active “tuned” components and their associated working lations are performed as a check on the impact of each com- groups to perform a series of preindustrial climate experi- ponents’ developments to date on the whole coupled system, ments. The same performance metrics that are applied in at- and to ensure features of the simulation have not significantly mosphere AMIP simulations apply to the coupled simula- degraded. tion, namely top-of-atmosphere zero-energy imbalance. An The atmosphere model tuning strategy initially performs equilibrium energy imbalance is the most challenging task “stand-alone” experiments using the AMIP protocol with in coupled CESM tuning. The difficulty lies in spin-up and interactive land and atmosphere components and with pre- drift of the system. Two ocean initialization approaches are Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3207–3223, 2017 3216 G. A. Schmidt et al.: US climate model tuning used. The first is to use an observed Levitus temperature and ifying the forecasts, from the initial conditions provided by salinity state with the ocean at rest. The second approach is these data assimilation systems, with independent observa- to initialize from an ocean state of a previously run simula- tions. tion. This has the advantages of a spun-up ocean state, and A new CFS is built by taking a snapshot of the latest state- in particular the deep ocean, that is more “familiar” with the of-the-art GFS as its atmospheric component, along with overlying atmosphere component. However, it is undesirable state-of-the-art ocean, sea-ice, and land models which are from the perspective of simulation provenance. A combina- available at that time. In developing CFSv1 in 2002, a “large” tion of the two are used. If the equilibrium energy imbalance (≈ 10) number of candidate coupled ocean–atmosphere is greater than 0.1–0.2 W m−2 then the system will need to be models were constructed, which were then run on a limited retuned, again most commonly through minor adjustments number of test cases, with differing vertical and horizontal of cloud radiative impact parameters. If the energy imbal- resolutions, as well as with different physics parameteriza- ance and surface temperature drifts are observed to be small tions, such as convection and radiation schemes. The results in short decadal runs, then longer 50–100-year simulations were then judged, along with the normal verification metrics, are performed to determine whether the performance of the on whether the 9-month predictions produced skillful ENSO ocean-ice-only simulations translate to the fully coupled sys- predictions. Our goal at that time was to be competitive with tem. the statistical models that were predominantly being used for For the coupled simulations to be considered successful, ENSO predictions. After initial testing, the model version they have to satisfy many of the requirements outlined above that gave the best ENSO predictions was used to make retro- in addition to the dominant ENSO mode of variability – spective forecasts over a period of 20+ years (going back to also a very challenging task. For instance, the initial imple- 1982) in order to calibrate (remove the systematic bias in) the mentation of more advanced convection parameterizations in model forecasts and to make a priori skill assessments. These CAM6 gave rise to a degradation in ENSO performance, but were then used in subsequent real-time operational forecasts with some tuning to those schemes, ENSO performance skill made by the CFS. Since it is very expensive to make retro- was enhanced. Another example of coupled issues that arose spective forecasts over long periods (20–30 years) for every in constructing the CMIP6 version of the code were a per- imaginable model configuration, the preliminary test over a sistent cold bias and excessive sea ice in the Labrador Sea, set of limited cases was extremely important. The dominant which was mitigated by more accurate routing of local river changes that improved skill were associated with tunings in runoff. In previous versions (such as CCSM4), there were the convection as model vertical layers were increased from evaluations of the coupled model in historical transient mode, 28 to 64 levels. specifically of the September Arctic sea-ice trend from 1979, Having achieved some success in the prediction of ENSO which was improved after adjustments to the sea-ice albedo in seasonal forecasts up to 9 months ahead in CFSv1, the goal formulation to affect the PI ice thickness (Gent et al., 2011). for CFSv2 was to tackle subseasonal predictions, mainly of A “reasonable” historical temperature trend remains the pri- the MJO in the tropics. Prediction of the MJO from 5 days mary metric of success, but no attempts are made to tune for was successfully extended to nearly 21 days by improving it explicitly. model physics and having a high-resolution state-of-the-art data assimilation system to assimilate direct satellite radiance 3.6 NCEP data. Also, concentration changes were im- plemented in the NCEP forecast system. While the NCEP In recent history two fully coupled climate models have be- focus is short-term (seasonal) climate prediction, it has been come operational at NCEP, the CFS version 1 (Saha et al., recognized that even for these predictions, the forecast needs 2006) and CFS version 2 (Saha et al., 2010, 2014). For the to be warmer than a “normal” that, by necessity, is based on most part, the CFS and its predecessors (since there have past data. The increase in GHGs also played an important been global climate models at NCEP since 1995) have been role in improving the data assimilation of satellite radiance developed in the same way as weather prediction models. In- data. Each satellite over the 1979–present history was cali- deed, the atmospheric component of the CFS is taken from brated using GHG concentrations observed at the time these the (GFS), which is the NCEP flag- satellites were operational. The result was a reasonable up- ship that makes weather forecasts from day 1 to 15. Verifica- ward temperature trend over the 1979–present period, much tion against independent future reality (the weather happen- better than at the time of CFSv1, when the upward trend over ing worldwide every day) shows the GFS and similar opera- land was brought about only by the warming in initial global tional models elsewhere steadily improving their skill scores ocean conditions. As described in Saha et al.(2014), the sea- on independent data over the last 50 years. sonal prediction model may not be exactly the same as the The daily verification skill scores are the dominant source model used for weather forecasts. In the absence of data as- for tracking model improvement. This is a powerful target similation, coupled ocean–atmosphere models can drift and for tuning which confronts the model with real-time obser- produce, for instance, a very cold Pacific Ocean due to a vations in evolving data assimilation systems and then ver- boundary layer parameterization change in a weather model

Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3207–3223, 2017 G. A. Schmidt et al.: US climate model tuning 3217 that produced more marine stratus clouds, but which became mospheric diagnostics use these experiments which have the excessive in the fully coupled runs. This change was thus re- advantage of fast equilibration times and reduced computa- versed in the seasonal simulations. tional load. Tunings for ocean components can be done in Development is now underway for the next model, CFSv3. stand-alone experiments, but often are done within the full NCEP/EMC has a strategic plan to unify the global fore- coupled framework, with at least some model groups tuning cast systems and develop a Unified Global Coupled Sys- sea-ice and ocean-mixing parameterizations to produce ac- tem (UGCS) for both weather and seasonal climate predic- ceptable sea-ice cover and ocean circulation metrics. tion. This system will have six fully coupled model compo- nents, namely the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, land, waves 4.1 Use of recent trends and present-day radiative and aerosols. It will also have a strongly coupled data assim- imbalance ilation system in each of these six components. Because of the high importance and visibility of climate models’ simulation of the historical period (PI to PD), model 4 Commonalities and differences groups have to be particularly clear in how information that reflects the ongoing trends in temperature and ocean heat As might be expected, the broad picture of tuning across content have been used in the tuning process. the climate model groups is consistent. The key adjustable The descriptions above suggest that increasing knowledge parameters are those associated with uncertain and poorly over time about the current radiative imbalance has clearly constrained processes such as clouds, convection, gravity influenced model development. Developers prior to CMIP3 wave drag, and ocean-mixing parameters. Common too are (circa 2004) had a general expectation that net radiative forc- the broad array of targets against which skill of the mod- ing over the 20th century was positive, but they were not able els are judged, e.g., the TOA shortwave and longwave radi- to use a specific value for the present-day energy imbalance ation, 500 hPa geopotential height, surface temperatures, sea because oceanic analyses were not accurate enough: compare level pressure, and precipitation. However, it is also abun- Levitus et al.(2000) to Allan et al.(2014) for instance. Thus dantly clear that the procedures at each group are quite dis- a posterior quantitative test of the model imbalance in cou- tinct and can reasonably be surmised to reflect different sci- pled runs compared to (improving) observations was a valid entific priorities and missions and thus will produce different test of skill (Hansen et al., 2005). This may not be true for a outcomes. large fraction of simulations in CMIP6. The model groups also differ in whether they focus on We summarize the results in Table2. None of the models preindustrial conditions or present-day simulations. The for- described here use the temperature trend over the historical mer has the benefit of being closer to climate stability, while period directly as a tuning target, nor are any of the mod- the latter has substantially more observational data. The els tuned to set climate sensitivity to some preexisting as- groups focusing on the preindustrial are judging (mostly cor- sumption. However, NCAR, GFDL, and DOE do tune for rectly) that the errors in the control simulation (whether run a global radiative imbalance at near-present-day conditions. for preindustrial or present-day periods) are larger than the For instance, GFDL AM3 with observed SSTs was tuned to trends between those periods. A stark difference does exist have a positive imbalance, with a magnitude less than about between the models that have operational data assimilation 1 W m−2 for 1981–2000. products (NCEP and GMAO) and those that do not. The abil- As discussed above, the radiative imbalance can be af- ity to assess improvements in fast physics based on short fected in two ways: by adjusting internal parameters (mostly forecasts is an excellent resource that, even if the climate associated with clouds) and/or by using a different historical models were not run operationally in this way, should be- forcing. Four models adjust their historical aerosol forcing: come a more widely used methodology (e.g., Hurrell et al., GISS, though only in its noninteractive runs, aims for an in- 2006). Recent experience with this mode of testing in the direct aerosol forcing of −1 W m−2 (Schmidt et al., 2014); GISS model has shown very positive results for representa- NCAR CESM and DOE ACME tune for a substantive posi- tion of the MJO and tropical convection (Del Genio et al., tive effective radiative forcing at near-present conditions (im- 2015). Groups also differ on which metrics they monitor for plying a limit of −1.5 W m−2 for aerosols); GFDL AM3 con- whether they are within an acceptable range, or if a specific strained its ratio of Cess sensitivity to RFP to be close to its value is tuned for directly (for instance, as for the present-day value in its prior-generation coupled model, which implied energy balance for some groups in Table2). an aerosol forcing around −1.6 W m−2 in AM3. There are also some clear commonalities in approaches. At least three of the model groups discussed here find a All groups focus on atmospheric models at first either in difference between the energy imbalance using year 2000 an AMIP-style mode (annually varying modern SST and forcings together with observed SST and sea ice, and the sea ice), using a climatological approach (decadal mean ob- transient coupled simulations for the same time period and served ocean conditions and forcings), or in weather fore- forcings. However, the differences in how this calculation is cast mode. Tunings for atmospheric composition and key at- done can be important, and the implications for the coupled Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3207–3223, 2017 3218 G. A. Schmidt et al.: US climate model tuning

Table 2. Use of historical period trends and imbalances during the tuning process.

Modeling Historical Radiative Radiative Aerosol forcing Aerosol group temp. trend balance (PI) imbalance (PD) (as tunable parameter) indirect effect (AIE) DOE Yes1 Yesa 0.5–1.0 W m−2a < 1.5 W m−2 Yes GFDL No No Yes, < 1.0 W m−2a No2 Yes GISS No Yesa No Yes/No3 Yes GMAO No n/a No No No (pending) NCAR Yes/No4 Yesc 0.5–1.0 W m−2a < 1.5 W m−2 Yes NCEP No n/a No No No

a Using atmosphere-only or AMIP simulations. c Using coupled ocean–atmosphere simulations. 1 PD has to be warmer than PI. 2 However, sensitivity and forcing were jointly constrained with respect to the previous model. 3 Set in simulations with noninteractive composition only. 4 It was a necessary criteria for CCSM4, but not specifically tuned for. n/a = not applicable model simulations are unclear. For example in the GISS-E2 good agreement according to standard GCM validation met- model, the decadal mean imbalance (1996–2005) in AMIP rics (e.g., Taylor diagrams, climate state mean biases, spatial simulations, including all forcings and annually varying ob- correlations). served SST and sea ice, is 1.25 W m−2 (for 1981–2000 it If these distinct and separate volumes of tuning parameter is 0.6 W m−2). However, using the decadal mean SST and space lead to simulations that exhibit similarly good agree- sea ice for the same period and constant year-2000 forc- ment with observations, there is no clear scientific reason to ings, the imbalance is much larger, at 1.74 W m−2. Further- prefer one over another. But will our decisions on parameter more, the decadal mean imbalance in coupled simulations combinations today have a noticeable impact on the simu- with the same forcings is ≈ 1.0 ± 0.1 W m−2 (Miller et al., lated climate several centuries from now or to climate sen- 2014). Similarly, for the GFDL AM3 AMIP runs from 1981 sitivity more broadly? Specifically, does choosing different to 2000, the radiative imbalance is 0.8 W m−2, while the im- local minima in parameter phase space “matter”? balance for the same period in the coupled historical runs With more combinations, is there room for improving re- has an ensemble mean of 0.4 W m−2. The differences de- gional biases in simulations while simultaneously making the pend critically on the patterns of SST and sea ice, related to tuning process more automated? These questions have mo- both the rectification of interannual variability and the offsets tivated an effort, using the GISS model as a test bed, for in the coupled model compared to observations. developing a more robust framework for assessing the true The question that is raised by this is whether, given the in- existence of local minima in a multidimensional space (see crease in forcings over the historical period and the sensitiv- also Hourdin et al., 2017). This is being explored by incorpo- ity each model has, tuning the present-day imbalance (how- rating situational or regime-dependent errors in observations ever defined) determines (even to zeroth order) the coupled or regional biases in GCM fields in weighted cost functions imbalance, the “committed warming” (at constant concen- that define model “goodness”. We hope that this endeavor trations) for the model, or the historical trend. With a perfect will increase the objectivity for deciding on the most appro- coupled model, and perfect knowledge of the forcings, this priate tuning parameters and either lead to improved met- might be the case, but the imperfections in both imply that rics for diagnosing the fidelity of a particular model or reveal tuning to the PD imbalance is less of a constraint than might the spread in simulated climate sensitivity arising from set- be assumed. tling on very different, but seemingly optimal, combinations of tuning parameters. More generally, the large variety of approaches demon- 5 Discussion and future approaches strated among just these six models indicates that the doc- umentation of tuning procedures across a multimodel en- As models are continually evaluated at the process-level semble like CMIP6 will be quite challenging. What role against an increasing number of observations, analyses often should the degree of tuning matter when assessing the cou- show that existing parameterizations lack enough flexibility pled model skill? Should simulations be up-weighted in the to represent the coupling between the subgrid scale and the ensemble because of a closer climatology to observations, environment in all relevant climate regimes. The response is or down-weighted because this is partly due to accommoda- often to increase the complexity of a parameterization, which tion? Should models that are tuned differently but have sim- comes at the cost of an increased number of tunable param- ilar physics be treated as independent or not? (Annan and eters. With that increase, the challenges faced by the devel- Hargreaves, 2017; Knutti et al., 2017). These questions play opers also rise, as does the potential for “local minima” to into more fundamental issues related to how one should think occur, i.e., different parameter combinations have similarly

Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3207–3223, 2017 G. A. Schmidt et al.: US climate model tuning 3219

Table 3. Code availability at each center.

Model Code URL and collaboration policies (if relevant) DOE ACME GFDL CM3

GISS ModelE2



about an unstructured multimodel ensemble (see, e.g., Knutti Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) at Goddard Space Flight et al., 2010, 2013). Center. Work at LLNL was supported by the U.S. Department of At the minimum, we recommend that all future model de- Energy, Office of Science E3SM project under contract DE-AC52- scription papers (or systematic documentation projects such 07NA27344. NCEP is a division of the National Weather Service as ES-DOC include a list of tuned-for tar- in NOAA within the Department of Commerce. Discussions at gets and monitored diagnostics and describe clearly (as in the US Climate Modeling Summit, convened by USGCRP in February 2016, were instrumental for putting this paper together. Table2) their use of historical trends and imbalances in the Manuscript reviews by Larry Horowitz and Levi Silvers (GFDL) development process. are appreciated. We would like to thank Steve Sherwood and an While we have only discussed tuning in the context of his- anonymous reviewer for constructive comments on the discussion torical and modern simulations, it is vital to assess the cred- version of the paper. ibility of models by examining their performance in out-of- sample situations. This is easy for the models with an oper- Edited by: James Annan ational weather forecast mode (at least for some aspects of Reviewed by: Steven Sherwood and one anonymous referee the ), and participation in paleoclimate model tests by NCAR and GISS are also invaluable. Medium-term climate forecasts based on anticipated changes in forcings References (such as the eruption of Mount Pinatubo (1991) or the rise in greenhouse gases) have been shown to have skill (Hansen Alexander, M. and Dunkerton, T.: A spectral parameterization of et al., 1988, 1992; Hargreaves, 2010). The importance (or mean-flow forcing due to breaking gravity waves, J. Atmos. Sci., lack thereof) of tuning always needs to be seen within that 56, 4167–4182, 1999. context. This paper alone cannot hope to answer all of the Allan, R. P., Liu, C., Loeb, N. G., Palmer, M. D., Roberts, M., above questions, but we hope that it can contribute to a more Smith, D., and Vidale, P.-L.: Changes in global net radiative transparent and more widely usable discussion. imbalance 1985–2012, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 5588–5597,, 2014. Annan, J. D. and Hargreaves, J. C.: On the meaning of inde- pendence in climate science, Earth Syst. Dynam., 8, 211–224, Code and data availability. The availability of code for the models, 2017. discussed in this paper is laid out in Table3, though note that some Benedict, J., Maloney, E., Sobel, A., Frierson, D., and Don- decisions and/or tunings mentioned above are associated with cur- ner, L.: Tropical intraseasonal variability in Version 3 of rent development which may only be accessible with a collaborative the GFDL atmosphere model, J. Climate, 26, 426–449, agreement in place., 2013. Bi, D., Dix, M., Marsland, S., O’Farrell, S., Rashid, H., Uotila, P., Hirst, A., Kowalczyk, E., Golebiewski, M., Sullivan, A., Yan, Competing interests. The authors declare that they have no conflict H., Hannah, N., Franklin, C., Sun, Z., Vohralik, P., Watterson, of interest. I., Zhou, X., Fiedler, R., Collier, M., Ma, Y., Noonan, J., Stevens, L., Uhe, P., Zhu, H., Griffies, S., Hill, R., Harris, C., and Puri, K.: The ACCESS coupled model: description, control climate and Acknowledgements. Climate modeling at GISS and GMAO is evaluation, Aust. Met. Oceanogr. J., 63, 41–64, 2013. supported by the NASA Modeling, Analysis and Prediction Bogenschutz, P., Gettelman, A., Morrison, H., Larson, V., Craig, program and resources supporting this work were provided by the C., and Schanen, D.: Higher-order closure and its impact on NASA High-End Computing (HEC) Program through the NASA climate simulations in the Community Atmosphere Model, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 3207–3223, 2017 3220 G. A. Schmidt et al.: US climate model tuning

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