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The Eastern Mail (Vol. 09, No. 14): October 18, 1855

Ephraim Maxham

Daniel Ripley Wing

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Recommended Citation Maxham, Ephraim and Wing, Daniel Ripley, "The Eastern Mail (Vol. 09, No. 14): October 18, 1855" (1855). The Eastern Mail (Waterville, Maine). 429.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Eastern Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. iltisccllani). Look at that boy who ha* just succeeded, after six hours of hard study, perhaps; how Ills largo eye is lit up with proud joy, as he From Hall’s Journal of Health. marches to liis class. Ho treads like a con­ Weitminiter Eeview vs. Temperance. queror. And well lie may. Last night his ’ The point in the Review is, lliut Alcohol is I lamp burned late, and this morning ho waked hot only not poison, but food—educing there­ I III dawn. Onco or twice ho nearly gave up. from the general practical fact, that the moder­ I lie had tried his last thought; but a new ate use of spirituous liquors is nutritious and thought strikes him ns he ponders the last healthful. All that the writer says is predical- process. He tries onco more nnd succeeds; en on the chemical analysis of pure alcohol, of and now ninrk the air of conscious sircnglli pure brandy, of pure wine, &c. But grantins with which he proiioutices his demonstration. I fur a moment that all he says is scientifically His poor, weak schoolmate, who gave up that i and literally true, the broad fact, which no well -1 % same problem after his first faint trial, now read man will deny, that pure liquors are not looks up 1(1 him with sumelhitig of wonder, ns }') used, except by the very fewest of the few, VOL. IX. WVLERVILLK, MAINE..... THURSDAY, 0C1V18, 1855. NO. II. lu a superiUr being. And he is his superior. because they are not to be purchased or secur­ That prolileni lies there, a great gulf between ed in any way, unless by men of large fortune boys who sluod yesterday side by side, or high'position—nullides his argument in its men of wealth, retired merchants, bankers, is carbon in a very large ilroportion, and with­ did Clinton cVCr cease to bear honotable testi­ any organization whaivver. On the contrary, riiey will never,sinnci together ns eipinis again. actual application to the masses, for whose good ship merchanls, and the like men, who can out carbon we cannot live a day or an hour ; mony to the character of (to use his own lan- in liic numerous tracks of animals, hir'Is, and The hoy tliat did it for himself has taken n the temperance movement was instituted. lYc command the purest and best liquors in* llic and yet the man who would eat only sugar, giiag'c) ‘ this most amiable and valuable young |inihahly reptiles, in the I’orlliu^^^joi k, ami in stride upward, j^l what is better still, has give a single fact out of many, merely as an world. would certainly die in a few days. This single man, who was adorned with the rarest endow­ of miinerous other plaees'in trlh viflley of paiiii’d sirengih lo Hike other and greater ones. illustration. The Review narrows down the whole ques­ argumen! is subversive of all that is'said in ments of ertiiealion and jinltire, and who, had he the (lomieelicul, the joints of the feel lire Tlie hoy who wailed lo see others do it, has ‘The Inspector, under the Prohibitory Law, tion to the broad statement that : that chihorale and mischievous article. Mis­ lived, could not hot havo attained llie liigliesi aeeiiralely copied, and uflun llie delicate cor­ last holli slreiiitli mid courage, and is alrcally at Buffalo, New York, Dr. H. Cox, has in­ ‘ At.coiioi, IS NOT Poison, but Food.’ chievous, because there is just enougli of sci­ honors of his profession.’ rugations of tile skill and llie very nails at the looking for some good excuse to give up school spected 76 qualities of various liquors since he His motle of argument is literally thus: ence in it to convince the superficial, and to With IIowo, in Philadelphia, Andre passed end of llie toes. There need he no liesilaiiun and study forever.—[Conn. Behool .Journal. - has been in office. He finds some pure liquor, 1. F'ood cannot be poison. fortify the unreflecting in following practices that season w hich was'signnlized by the attract- therefore, in coiicliidiiig, llmt the impression in a great deal of low per centage, and the bal­ Dexter, Me. 2. Food is that which gives force, motive which they love. While it is a perfect God ive fete o( the Mcscliinnzn, so often oommemo- question is neither brute nor liiimaii.’ This town was first sclllcd in 1801. Incor­ ance pernicious end drugged concoctions. In power. send to lliose who havo a pride in having it rated by annalists, and of whicli ho was the From Ilnrlofs • 1‘ieliircsof Knrope,^ reernMv piilili-licil porated in 1816. It lies on the bight of land domestic brandy and port wine he has found 3. Alcohol gives motive power. believed llial tliey are among the few, who are chief promoter. But when Sir Henry Clitiloii by Cro- elab­ fur under its Influence one man ba.s llie strength If alcoliol is not u poison, hut-food ; because a French work, published by llie elder Didot, ged robes of ice and snow, which from the 000 yds. of cassimeres and tweeds, consuming orate article, he exhibits his conseiousnesa of of iiiiiiibers. A more pro|ier defiiplion, iiii^, alcohol gives force, muscular power—then, ar- in 1816; and therefore may, we tliink, he re­ Alps, hang their lerriblo fringes of glaciers 420,000 pounds of wool, and giving employ- the fact that he has all the time been ‘ heating as far as we can now see, uiiobjcolionable, is, senie is not a poison, hut food, because arsenic ceived without hesitation. Our Guardsman down as witli a besom of deitructioii to sweep nieiu to 225 persons, at a cost of 951,000 for the air,’ that he has been advocating a theory food is lliat whose conliniicd use, alone, su-s- gives lorce, muscular power. says, that on a certain day, agreed upon be­ the ground, here exchanged for the soft dfes.s labor, and 6240,000 for 6to necessary invest Fort Defiance. Arnold was iiiiiiicdiate. 1 elolhing the delicately rounded uplands, or There are 20 stores, tin iron foundry, and two tricksy spirit, needing the power of a Prospero hol does neither, but will inevitably and in ev­ to health, ive eoiicliide that such element in ils ly to send^reinforcemenls to Wiishiiigloii, hold- |ciisiiiig a giirmeiil of tenderness and grace on imichino shops, at which the machinery used in to make it beautifully obedient; needing sagac­ ery case cause death, within ten days. purity is not essential to lieallh. ing out in the letter such false lights ns would, i I'hiil might else nppruiieh lu naked and prucip- the village is manufactured. Tbe manufacture ity and self-command to make it a blessing.’— We liiive not the space to join in the side is­ As •.lien have lived in purled health without iiiost probably, iiidue.e him to lend in person, a | iloiis crags ; af points llie hanks drawing near ofciihinct furnilure. scythe snaths,sashes, blinds How few have this power, this sagacity, this sues, which are mere child’s play ; they are alcohol, the use of alc'ihol cannnl aild to that dolachmeiit (or the relief of the liifleagueicd to eiieli ullier. and then departing, as if lu dis­ and doors, Davis' World's Fair Prise Churn, self-command, let the tens of thousands of li- arguments more striking than true; such as he.'iltli, because a man caiinul he belter than (’,nnd the captureof Cliiiluii and hiswliule close their iiiiigiiiliceiiee more completely, or &c., is extensively carried on. A grist mill I quor-lost every year, make reply. But the that in Frankfort, Germ-any, the liolel keeper Well. array. At a suiliiblu juneluie Arnold was to show llmt the channel of the liquid scaria-ly was erected in 1854, witli five sets of stonei, |~T*e viewer is not willing to be judged by the lound that the nienihers of the Peace Congress, As wc know of no article which contains surrender the post, ami the British were to rippling waves, was only dug by the great Ma­ lo which during the droulli of that year, grain I .evident actual tendency of his article ; even he who were mostly leiolallers, ale so much of hydro carbon largely, which would not desirny surprise and lake as prisoners Washington and ker— who rufiiied here the movement of his WHS brought a distance of 40 miles—a fact has not the boldness to act as the champion for Bulid loud as tu create an unheard of deliciency life, if used alone, not even sugar ; so wo may his advancing Iroop.s. Hud this selieiiio suc­ Imnd — llmt, for such enclmiitincnt, he might let which ultesis lo both the value of the privilega the habitual use of liquor. Says he, ‘ the in certain dislics, as compared with an equal conclude that alcohol, which dues contain hy- ceeded, it was not doubted that an end would lii.s crealiires easily ihroiigh. und the excellence of the mill. point at issue is not hahilual over excitement, nuni<>er of his counirynien. who revelled in dro-enrhon largely, will destroy lile, if used have been put to the wliole war ; and, as the Meanwhile, to second the material tranquili­ Dexter has always hcen noted for the tlirifl hut occasional excitement; we are not consid­ wines, brandies, and lager-heer. If this proves alone. journalist observes, no rank that Eiighiiid could ty, the representatives of all nations under and iiilelliguncc uf ils inhahilunis. Its superi­ ering the case of a man wiio vitiates his or­ anything, it shows that temperance secures a If any elementary substance in ils purity bestow ‘ would have overpaid so iiuporluiit a heaven, mural voneord, civil community, and ority in tills respect is attributed lo tho sagaci­ ganization by taking stimulants twenty limes a gooil appetite j but whether these eating men destroys life, if used alone, it is reasoiiiihle to service.’ As it wa.', £0,000 and a brigadier’s | social harmony, that together in cumtilou admi­ ty o( Hon. Suha French, one ef the first set* * day, but of a man who lakes it once or twice a would not he able to endure an amount uf phy­ conclude that the only safe meihud of using grade was the value of the mess of pottage fni ration of this marvelous mixture uf stillness Iters of the town, und fur many years agent day.’ After all, then, the whole force of the sical exertion far greater than the drinking any clemcninry suhslance, is, in using it in the which the traitor sold his hirlliright. It is lu and change, this lich |iaiiiling, in wliich every for the original proprietors. When a man Hp- , argument is expended on the difference, physi. men — which by the way no intelligent man proportion in which nature Ims combined it llie honor of Ills counlryoicn that, while they curving line and fitting hue meets at once to plied for the purchase of land, Mr. F. used l(z ologically speaking, between ‘poisoning’ and will deny—it did not suit the argument of the with other materials: therefore, that however strained every nerve to tiring him to eondigii allure and lull the soul, to open and half shut survey him from head lo fool. If he thought ‘ viliatihg the organization;' lie admits that writer to slate. There are many such ad-cap- essential to existence hydro carbon may he, it puiiisliment, they wreaked not their anger, even the {•ye ; the same lone running through per­ llin applicant would make a good citizen, he taking liquor twenty limes a day ‘ vitiates the landum statements running througli the whole is not healthful or safe to use it in ils concen­ ill the first flush of their rage, upon his family. petual allerulion ; the delicious sunlight alike would sell him what land he desired. But it organization,’ what then is the difference in article, which the most superficial examination trated, artificial combinaliun, hut only lieallh- They offered to spare Andre’s life if Arnold enriching llic pro.speel nnd tuning llie whole the scrutiny was uiisalisfuctory, Mr. F. would this connection between ‘ vitiating ’ and poi­ would he sufficient to explode, but which have fiil and safe in deriving our supplies of it, as was given up to them ; they sent spies into frame to ils beholding ; till in the trance, yo’i tell him there was land to sell, ho believed, tip soning ? ’ In law, • to vitiate ’ an obligation or their effect on the casual, unwary, unthinking contained in our natural food. Therefore, we New York, and organized expeditions for his may almost grow douhllul of your position a;id norlli. TIio result was very beneficial lo Dex­ writing means its legal destruction. In elliies, reader—ns, alas, most readers are. consider it a Q. K. D., (hat ulcoliol is not es­ capture ; they instructed their generals to put ask whether you are Iransp'jrled through the ter, mud; more so than lothe towns * up north.' to vitiate a man's morals is destructive of that But let us grapple more closely. The argu­ sential to health ; that it is not proinolive of tlie him to death by a drum-head cuurlmariial puiiurama, or lliu pamiruniu, us in the illusiuii The town WHS named in lioiiorof Hon. Bam- morality, for then he is moral no lunger. In ment is that one object of eating is to keep health of those who areswell; and that in pro­ should he ever fall in their power ; and their of the stage, is advancing by you. uel Dexter.—[Dexter Gem. physiology, to vitiate the blood, to poison the warm ; that alcohol is belter culorillu food than portion as it is used largely, or alone, i.u such hatred to him lives beyond the grave. Yet Were I, in .‘-hurl, to give the efl’ixl in onu blood, are in a free meaning, synonyms. To slareli or sugar, and seven limes better than proportion is it, like all other elementary con­ his deserted wife met with naught hut pilyiVg word, it would hv, peace I peace among these LkTI'KII KIIOM Pashmouk Wili.iamson.—’ vitiate, physiologically Speaking, i.s to render beef-steak—lliat is, that uf equal proporiiuiis centrations, certainly destructive ol health and kindness at their hands ; and when, a fuwy.eiirH honlei'ing kingitoiiis, lliroiigh nhura miroliilly Tlie N. V. Tribune publishes Ibe following incapable of natural action ; poi.soning does the of lean flesh and alcohol, the alcohol has seven life together. after the war, she came tu Philadelpliia, she ruled butiiidH and relations the uiirulUed river letter, wliicli is written in answer lo seme iii- same thing; vitiation here will as celtainly encountered nothing woise than a exild polite­ flows ; peace for the soul in ils high, glad cun- 1i qiiiries irum a gemlemiiii of (hat city. It lias times more hydro.-carhon, the heal-foiraiiij tho same air uf culm truthfulness and modest cause death, if kept in action, us will poison ; principle. Theoretically, it is true, hal the Vrom tb« M. A. Ucvlow. ness. ‘ Mrs. Arnold, wife of the vile traitor;’ lemplaliun.s ; and, belter still, ilic peiuui ol God therefore, fur all practical purposes, the whole MAJOR JOHN ANDRE. wrote one in lliat city lu his friends in England, Ihi.t passeth umll-rslanding, and which, from self-respect which have distinguished the wholw falsity of the bare statement may be shown by conduct and bearing of Mr. Williamson since force of the article in the Review narrows il- taking two men, in all respects equal; give one The name of Major John Andre has ac­ ‘has been here on a visit tu lier family six fuPh even and iimlislurheil glories-of his work­ ^ self down to a quibble, the difference between quired an interest such as attache* itself to a weeks, and passes the winter. Slie lias met no manship, he would seem specially intending to his urrighleuus iiicarceialion. John lluinpdeii (illy pounds of beef-steak, and nothing else but himself could no' have appeared lo heller nd- ^ tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee. It is a buttle air and water, and give the other fifty pounds hero of romance. Of Swiss descent, born in Insult or incivility : and many wariii Whigs, infuse. So wiili nice, unerring instinct, the vuiitngc, nor did he suffer, we IriMl, mure glor­ of mere words, a mere flourish of trumpets.— of alcohol and nothing else but air and water, 1749, a skilful soldier, and an accomplished out of respect to her family, visited lier, though Uermmis cull lliat stream of theirs Fiiilier iously to the ultiiiiHle gain of freedom: It is not for the splitting of a hair that so many whicli of the two will keep off the cold chill man, he was still in the prime of hi.s life. everybody is of opinion she would have shown Rhine, nu duubt fur the bounty with whicli he Nu. 78, l*|ii(.Aur:i.i‘iiiA Cuuntx Puihon, > of the greatest minds in the nation liavc waged of death the longer? Let common sense an­ While yet in a Loudon counting roona he had tiiore feeling by slaying away, for it places lier iiourishe.s, nnd the honigniiy with which lie • the temperance war; they do not figlit fora swer. Thu fact is, alcohol warms, and warms hccuine enamored of tlis beautiful Ilonora family in an awkward position. She is hand­ hinds ill prevuiling tiai.quilily togellicr, the iia- Sept. 29, 1855. j name or a phrase; their object is to prevent only, and man cannot live on warmth aluiio— Sneyd, who subsequently became the step­ some, and a woman. But wlieii we reflect, tiuiis, his cliildreii, llmt stand by his side ur DkaiiSiu;—Your letter of the 27lh iiist. the destructive effects which follow the use of wliile bcef-sto.ik both warms and nourishes, us mother of Maria Edgeworth. Worldly pru the ornaments on her person are the prico of cling around his feet. is now befoie me, und in reply lo your inquiry spiritous liquors, and which the Reviewer ac­ does all food ; and what dues not do both caii- dence pointed out clearly to her family the ad­ his oursud villainy : it is not pleasant to the But it has not always lieen peace and seren­ 1 may say that I coulemplale no further legal knowledges and calls ‘ vilialiiig the organiza­ vantages of a union willi the wealthy Richard feelings: a monster who is as much reprobated ity in this scene. Oh, liow fur otherwise I'TIle pruceediugs with relereiice to ray liberatioit nut sustain life, and cannot be properly denom­ iVom tills jail, in which 1 am now confined, i tion ; ’ whicb, if words have any meaning at inated food. Lovell Edgeworth over that with the cumpara on your side the water as this.’ evidence is before you. Lo, all along llie hill­ all, is nothing more than rendering incapable But it U not safe to say that because alcohol lively poor and obscure Andre; and the young Brought, by Washington's orders, before a sides between which you glide, lie the bonus uf have hcen kept here for more than two month* of performing the natural functions, and of supplies wBimlh largely, that it should be used lady was obedient. Lord Mahon following court of inquiry, consisting of fourteen general a pre-existing monster of war—us it were the and I can see no prospect of liberatieo. I am which, if continued, a man must of necessity for that purpose. It has for aught we know Miss Saward, intimates that it was the desire officerB, he was formerly adjudged by them lu ! fossil remains and iiuge skeletons uf strife and a native, nnd have always been a citizen of die. It kills the man. Poison can do no more. other uonstitutnts than liydro-caihon; chemis of relief from the sorrow caused by the mar­ be a spy, and was decreeil worthy of a spy's • biillle—in those ruined rainpaiTs and robber- Peiinsylvnnin ; and believing mysell atrocious­ It kills the man. and (hut is what the temper­ try ntiiy not delect them, still they may he riage o( his mistress with another that drove dealli. Tills (iiidiiig was, in every particular, castles of stone, which coniinually rcaiipear ly wronged, 1 applied lo the highest tribunal ance men mean when they use the word ' Poi­ there. Chemisiry does not deleel in a hogsliead Andre into the army, and this seems to fix the approved of by the Cuiniuander-iii-chief, and and (ix llie traveler’s curious regard. As the known lu uur laws, but relief has been with­ son.’ — ot concentrated marsh-miasm one single atom date near the commencement of the war. The on the 2d of October, 1780, the unfuriunsiu geulugi.'il professes to reeonsiruci enortiious pri­ held. 1 cun expect none from the aulbority While, in effect, and to all intents and pur- of a death-dealing quality ; cannot absolutely fact is, that Andre’s first commission bears prisoner underwent the punishment which liy meval creatures fioiii a few reniiianis of ilicjr that placed me here, without dishonorable sub­ poses, the Reviewer admits what'theui It,a friends .,1of I QDyiiijiig beyond the constituents of llie (late March 4ih, 1771 ; while Miss Sneyd was the laws of war has ever been awarded lo siieii : solid organizuiiim ; so from these ragged lieiips mission. Having been guilty neillier of false- Tempeiance contend for, we are bold to say ordinary air around us; yet the man who not married until July 17, 1773, mure than a character. ‘ Never,’ said Alexander Ilamil- ^ and hall duslruyed towers, may we iiiiagiiie re- liuud, dissiiDulaliun, nor contumacy, 1 um sum that ‘ the occasional excitement of a iiiiin wlio breathes it dies. Aiid as llie man who hrealhes two years later. His passion, however, (or Ills ton, ‘ did u man suffer death with more justice, i funned llie llieiiler ol deadly struggle, which that it is nu case fur a degra'liiig capilululion. takes liquor once or twice a day,’ and for wliicli this malaria alone, will perish, allhougli eliem lost charmer long continued. In 1775, when or deserve it less. His last impiiUe was one ! this same now ble.ssed and mild looking river Such a cuiirse wuuld bring with it a (iiaainutien the Reviewer contends as being hem.ltciul, is isiry can deleel iiulliing deadly tliere ; and yet ho was captured by Montgomery, at St. Johns, of honest grief at the lualiner ol his execution. ! Uliiiic sonie lime in hy-gone ages was. Flow- uf scK-respect mure oppressive (ban Ibe power a physiological untruth. It is nut inerely the when wo see the man die who breathes it, we he writes : ‘ I have been taken prisoner by llie lie had liupcd lu die as a soldier, not a.s a felon ; I cd with wruililnl passions ; crusi-ed in the des- now seeking lo crush out the liigliest attribute .man who obviously takes liquor ‘ twenty times know that it must he deadly ! so if we see a Americaris, anil stripped of eveiything except by the bullet rather tbaa tbe rope. But tbe perale Imste of plunder, so different from Ibis of slate sovereignly by immuring me within in a day,' nor the habitual drunkard, who is the picture of lloiiura, Nvhicli I concealed in serene courage wLieh had attended him through-1 calm pas.’/age, echoing witli shouts ol onset und walls. man relying on drinking ulcoliol to keep him Accept fur yourself, and comiuuuicaie lo otls- destroyed by it, whose orgunizmiun is vitiated wiirni, anil yet see him giuw cold in death, we my mouth. Preserving lliat, I yet think ray out did not desert him here. In his own beau­ screams of woo and bitter groans o( dealb, so cia who favor me with their coiisiderutiuo, roy thereby, but their organizations are inevitably cannot hut 6oiiclude there is soiiieltiing deathly self fuitumite.; From Ciiiiuda lie was sent tiful language, his soul was buoyed nhuve the different from tin .so (ones of conversation varied and under all eircumstances vitiated, who drink iu'nicuhol, although eliemis's cannot delect it. - with oilier prisoners lo be euiilined on parole tenor uf death by the c.onsciousiiess of a life witli music ; stained I'ruiii many a lieurl witli most grateful ucknowledgments. v •spiritous li(|uors ‘ unce or twice a day.’ at Lancaster, 1‘eniify Ivaiiia j and (lere Ills wiii- Respectfully yours, Ac., , . The fact is, chemistry, iKilwilhsiaiiding ail devoted to honorable pursuits, and sluiiiud with the liluud—so difi'ererit from the juice ol these P. WlLl.fAH80ll. Any man who drinks liquor regularly every (triumphs, if yet too much in ils infancy lo iiiiig manners and graevliil uccoiuplishraenls no uution that gave liim l emursc. ' 1 am rec-' purpling clusters—lliat liH-S mingled with the nre poigmmey. What consoliiiioii lure of the past, comparod with, or offset Ihousauds of men of cultivated intellects' and as ten.per cent.; if drinking ‘ twenty times a promptly lliuii food, and more largely too, bulk by llie desceiidunis uf lliuse who knew ami royal uiuniflceuce ami public sensibility could ugaiiisl that of the present, on the very s|ut gentle hcnrl. lead day after day, year aftejr day’ ‘vitiates’ ackndwiedgedly, drinking ‘ once fur bulk, is nut denied, hut thet such prompt loved him well. But Loiicaster nut being uffbrdiw’as freqly tendered lo his bereaved kin- of whose glossy brightness so dim und gliastly year. 1 would rallicr be a Methodist parson, or twice a day ’ most ^ vitiate ' some. and large supply is heallhVul, is another ques­ deemed a place of sulBeient security, Andre dred. A baronetcy emit'bied bis nearest kins- ’ it lies, disclose a tendency wliicli expresses the as lu iho fun of the thing, ll is the pahriert But of iboee people who were ‘ never known tion ; und is the very thing lu he proven. On was presently removed to Carlisle, a still re­ man; and beside those uf genius, virtue, and will and word of God, and corresponds with cheat, the most insulting delusion, lo call ihU to be drunk ’ except lo themselves, who ‘ take this point tbe whole controversy turns. The moter village ; and hero his lodgings were, sin­ grandeur, his cold reuiaini were brought to ilio slowly rosounding, but clearly iieard, and pleusiiru. Why, it ia neither more or less lhaii their dram once or twice a day,’ as the saying system cannul subsist without hydrocarbon; gularly enough, shared by Arthur Despard, rest in Westminster Abbey. ‘ it was not lit, | cerliiinly lo be fulfilled, song ot angels—-ol the purchase of headaches on disudvanlaj’cous goes, what will educated physicians of emi­ alcohol is hydro-carbon in its concentrated then a military captiva like tiiroself, and des­ indeed,’ says the hisloriun, ‘ that they should peace uii earth, and good will to mnii ? terms.' nence and obaiaoler of any nation say i* We rest in -American ground.’ And all that was form ; no logician would say ‘ therefore alcohol tined too to an ignominious death, being exe­ Do It Yoonelves, Boys. will make no tsireeping assertion, will employ cuted at Londou^ some year* later, for high very right and proper. Salt Yol u Cuimnkis'.—In building a cbie»- is esseoiial to the system,’ much less ‘ liealihful Do not bbU llie teacher, or some classmate (o no extravagant hypertmle—we will only state to tbe system.’ It would be as perfect a non' treason, ll w remembered , aa an instance of ney pul a quantity of salt in the mortar,^ with that it ia of common occurrence, in the prac­ Thb Randstonk FooT.rmNTs.—The Mid­ solve that hard problem. Du it yoursell.— which the inner course of brick is to be laid sequiler. as that pure oxygen is iiecsissary lo Andre’s amiuhilily, that during all his impris- ‘You iniglit as weit let them eat your dinner, as tice of aiioti,.laaee men and women d}ing from Ibd system and healthful to it, because it is as­ oiimeul, he was studiously careful lo avoid the dletown Sentinel of Tuesday publishes a Iqtler The effect will be that there will never be any. livata engorged or uloeraied, from stomachs from Prof. Bjllimaii, senior, ip rt^lation'lo the do your sums ’ for you. It is in studying, as accuinulations of soot in that chimney- rhe suredly true that ' without oxygen Ibe system display of any of that arrogance 'which so many in eating ; ho that docs it gets the bcneUi,uiid whaae eoaia are thickened and otherwise reii* could not exist at all.’ Tbe truth is, every of the British officera at this time not only feh, pretended diitxivery of a human foot print, in philosophy is thus staled : Tbe salt in the por­ derad morlid. and from inlqsiiues, powerless the solid saudstone ol Ihp Portland quarry, at not he that stes it dune. In almost any school, tion of muritu' witicb is exposed aboorb* moist­ physiologist and every chemist knows, that'the but macifesfed in their intercourse with Ibe I wuuld give mure for what the teacher learus, to 4raw nutriment from the food eaten, ending human body will die in an hour without oxy­ people, whom they regarded a* maligpaot trai­ a depth of mpre (ban one hundred feet below ure from the atmosphere every damp dav. in inanition or ebronio diarrhma, as the unques­ the sptface of ibe solid ruck. Infiduliiy was than lor what the best scliular learns, simply Tbe soul thus becoming damp falls down to gen, but he also knows that if pure oxygen is tor*. He never, for instance, spoke of the because the teacher is compelled to solve all tioned rett^U of a daily stimulant. Any city administered—concentrated oxygen, unadulter­ AmericUus lo their faces as rebels; the Colo- must bapuy iu this discovery of this foot jm- — . .. . ■ .v .s r the fire place. This appears to be an English, praetUloner of ability and observation knows ated oxygen—dealb is no less cerluin wilbin nis/f was the milder phrase to which be gave presiiop. os it wenUto show the creation of | ihf •“'• J not*aVr bim^irearrtbe discovery. It bos been used witb suinms* iu well, that of tbe many who are reported lu die a very few hours. The same line of argument tho oreferente. man long previous to Ibe parjod assigiwd in |'be /wy boys. Do not ask him lo parw he Canada. Anast, however, Andre was exchanged, and Scrlptur# to the origin of U>» buman ^dVu Net- of ‘ disease of the heart,’ no small moiety per­ obtains as lo alcohol, or hydro-^rbon. With­ For the first lime in the history of "Virginia ish thus suddeqly, from lUe fact that the accus- returned lo tbe scenes of his duties. It is no Prohor billiman write* that the foot mark j of any of your stud es. ^^ ' v out it, the human body would not live a day; • is the result merely ol an aeeideiilal cprvaiure er uiiid, though they look a* dark a i'6>P tbe governor has appointed a day lo be reKg- tomod sUmolps bad tost ils power, whether and in proportion as H is Used in its purity, in slight tribute to bis actual merit that we find iously devoted to Ibanbtgiviiig and prayer. tbit stimulus had been braady, opium, or to­ made in the malerials of (he rook when they Don’t ask even a hint from anyboily. y its concentrated form, just in such proportion him teleeted,iOn this ground alone, lo be aide- Gov. Johnson, >0 bis prooUmaiktn, says he ex­ bacco. 'Blit let It be borne .in mind tbat tbe were originally...... deposited, aud...... (be filling in again. Every trial iiicreusos your ability, aiiu and certainly will the man did.' de-camp, first of General Grey, and afterwards you will finally succeed by dint of the very pressly disclaims any authority lo ret^uire or inajoritv of tboap who are thus benevolently It is not in their purity, in their'coocentrat- of Sir Henry Clinton. Indeed, so sensible j of the cavity made a copy in relief.' iTbe control, but be earnestly recommends and sug­ cbronioled lo have ‘ died of disease of Ut* was the lalier of his worth that ite made Ms Professor adds: ‘ AUbijugb there i* some rude wisdom and strength gained in the effoil, even ed form, that the life and health-giving ele­ tliougb at first the problem was beyond your gests that the Mfteenlh of November be set beart * kre siot of ine cqmmon lopeis; we ilon't ments of our physiological existence, are'ever promotion his own apecial care aod Aodro resemblance to the impreseion that might bo apart as a day of tbauks^iving ant] devotional lor (ha mofft part, think h worth labiln •

eastern mail,..... 1J?atert)tUe, ©tt. 18, 1855.

' good music been preBent, Wnlerville would strong and useful hints would be obtained. high, abutling into the sea. It undoubtedly is Another Slave Case in Boston!—The Sebastopol rising from its ashes and re apper- the only barrier between Greenland and the ’ hnve been sure of anolher visit from tliero.— With the present market for dairy products, Boston Telegraph stales that while the sclioon- ing on the Bug ; or if (ho.array, whan driven ’•j\}i fotfrn Jilail. no farmer can complain of the profits of such a Allantio—it is an eflreolnal barrier to all future i er 2 Matilda ' Capt. Eager, of Bangor, was ! from the Crimea, should^repair to the country I Let them bo sore boWever tliBl now they nre expluralions. ‘ I lying at Jacksonville, Florida, loading with stock of cows as Mr, Lung's. lying between the Dnieper and Dniester, as is AVATEHVILLE.... OCT. 18,185.5. known among u* and that if they should eome 1. This glacier, in spite of the difficulty of! white pine for Boston, the mate, one Doe, of prophesied, the Allied fleet would doubtless be again they would meef a more general and CtIRloiJS.— Mr. Edwin Spring, of Winslowi failing bergs, was followed out to sen by means ' Augusta,enticed on board and secreted aslavc; ambitious lo do unto Nicliolaieff even as they AGENTS FOB THE HAIL. ,, informs us that a shoit lime previous to tbu of sledges, the party rafting themselves across ! that the schooner arrived at Boston on the Ctli, did unto Sweaborg.—[N, Y. Courier. P. Palhii, Asisrlcan Newspaper Asent. la Agpnt for thU I COruinl reOeptlOIl. open water spaces on masses of ice. In this' PaperandliawthorlaedtoUkt Ail»rrlla.menta and Subaoilp. , o , f From lime to time late severe. Iresliet, the hiuskrats that inhabit and that, meanwhile, an agent of the slave rtaSa, at (he lamarauaaa required bj ua. IHa olllrr. are at I ■>«« 'Or 1110 lulurc. way tliey succeeiled in travelling eighty miles owner bad arrived in Boston nnd put llie gov­ The Booksellers’ Fete in New York. ■eoUar’a Building, Oourl si., Uoalon i Tribune Building,Niw .l,p l„-, , ,„„rj iliri.e well-known mu- an artirtcial pond or ‘ flow ’ on his farm, sot lorkj N.W.eor, Third and Clieanuiala.,fhlladelplila| li.W. ''"‘"O "'0 last IWO, years tliri.e well Known mu along its base, and traced it into a new North- ernment kidnappers on the watch with suitable —The New York jiapers are overflowing with oor^North and Fayetu, Iialilmore.______| gicigns, Cafl Gartner, a Violinist, Carl Hausd, zealously to work and inereitsed the height o( ern land. Tliis glacier is, we believe, the papers for tlio capture of the slave on tin: ar­ delight at tile great succese of the Booksellers* B. M. PBTTBaoiu. ft On.. Newspaper Agents,No.10 Stale st.,, Festival in tlieir city on Thursday evening,— Bostou,>n Agents rot the Kasiorn siali,and aia lulhorised to I „ pianist, and Ilcnri .lungnickel, o Worthy ri their houses raoic than a foot. Mr. S. says largest, ever.discaveiied .by jiny._priiyious navi­ rival of the vessel. Tlio notorious vagabond, IwealTe Adrertlsi-ments and Subserlptlonsat tlie satni ralesas ' ” •' gator. ‘ .All unite in pronouncing it a'splendid affair, roqulrod atiiiisomeo Thoir riTeiptsaroregardedas pajmenis | yal of Wolf Fries in playing tho Violoncello, ho was induced by this fact to expect a severe and Custom-House official, Asa O. Butman, 2. This new land tlius ,cemented to Green­ I and we gailier from tlie wliule press, reports at liavo .visited the larger places of the State. It freshet, having noticed the same curious proph­ was one of the oificers selected for this busi­ A. T. noWSlA.M—Trnvrllilg Agpnt. land by protruding ice, was named ‘ Washing­ ness. The anti-slavery men lia'ving got wind I considerable length. It must have been a.rare ; is rumored that they wMI soon ^isit the State' ecy before. The Indians, it is said, always ton.’ The large bay wliicli inlervenes between of these facts, procured a writ of haheat corpus ' display of great men. Tliere sat Washington “ Preaching PoliticB." , , again. Thus far they have left Watorville out j watch the beaver and muskrat, and judge of il and Greenland bears, we believe, the name from the supreme Court, put it in the bands of Irving, ‘ the observed of all observers.’ Next of Mr. Peabody, of Baltimore, one of the pro­ a proper officer, and all went upon tlie look-out. him Win. Cullen Bryant.- Then there were We have, of late, heard a good deal said j of their course. Will they do so still? We', the severity of approaching freshets by the Willis, Biiyard Taylor, and all the younger about clergymen's " preaching politics.” Cor- as yet know no reason for a change, height of their huts. jectors of the expedition. Tliis icy connection Neither parly could find tlie ‘ elinllel ’ on board of llie old nnd new worlds seems to us a fea­ tile Matilda J—tho male told tlie kidnappers I school of our writers. Then the female au- tain political papers have denounced it in the I Put are ihetu not people enough in Waler- Br. Kane Found. ture of peculiar interest. curtly that be was ‘ gone ! ’ The anii-slavery lliorsj a very goodly show, were interspersed strongest terms. Now tho smoke of the bat- ville who would attend a first class musical Commander Kane, who it will bo remember­ 3. The range of the sledge journeys may be parly in casting about, found a liatloss negro I among the dislingiiished guests of the other llo has cleared away, this matter may be eon- I concert, if an opportunity should be afforded, understood from the fact tlinl the entire circuit on board llie ‘ Gazelle,' aisp of Bangor, which j sex. Mrs. .Sigourney, Mrs. Bolia, Alice Ca­ ed, left New York in June, 1853, on a voyage rey, ‘ Minnie Myrtle,’ ‘ Fanny Fern,’ and many sidered with propriety. I to induce them to visit us? Roally, it should of Smilli's Sound lias been affected, and its was about to sail for Jacksonville. As lire par­ of discovery towards the North Pole, has been shores completely charted. other literary ladies were present—‘ Grace Sidney Smith was oiido attacked for the j be so. It is desirable that we be not passed ly were approaching ibis vessel llie crew all tound. Early this season great fear was en. 4. But llie real discovery of the expedition excepting a boy, lied, from some unknown Greenwood ’ and Mrs. Sarah J. Hale sent same thing. While the question of “ religious ' by again. Wo know of no way' to prevent it terlained that the ship and all its crew bad per­ is tlie open Polar sea. The clinnnel leading to cause, and the slave not wailing for an invita­ toasts. Mr. Chapin and Mr. Felds ware heard distinctly all over the hall, but many of the toleration” divided the parties in England, j but by'sSlIing tickets enough in advance to en- ished or been wrecked in the Noriliern seas ; lliese waters was entirely free from ice, and tion lo steal liimself, jumped from the craft, gcniicnien s voices fell short of the loAoh vast Sidney preached a sermon upon that subject.! suie a remunerative concert. Will not some and a vessel was fitted out, partly by our gov. ibis mysterious feature was rendered more re­ and was soon in a carriage on liis way to some markable by the existence of a belt of solid ice place of safely, some ‘ land of the free.' For audience. One of the papers says the author He was denounced for it. lie publishe men with whom we have conversed, speak of last session ; but the course of events, as nar­ from the entire crowd.—[Portland Advertiser.. fault is not in him who is thus erroneously said I but little about the intermediate qualities of The propeller Arctic nnd the bark Release, tills as one of the most remarkable sights which rated, render these unnecessary. Condition of Things in Kansas__The to inlrc^uce politics into the Church, but in bread between fine flour and coarse saw dust j wliieli sailed from this port in June, in search they observed during the expedition. An area enormous outrages that have been perpetrated those who have really brought the Church in of Dr. Kane and Ills followers, returned to this Election Riots in Kansas.—A corres­ but those w ho do will probably find the recipe of three thousand square miles has been seen pondent of the Cleveland Leader, dating from ill Kansas, during the last six or eight monthr, to politics. It does not cease to be our duly to port ibis evening, having on board Dr. Kane entirely free from ice, and was named after the as good ns can be obtained, as it come.s from a Leavenworth, stales that on the Isl of October, are a disgrace lo the country and the age in guard men against religious animosities, be­ and bis parly. 'I'lie propeller and bark made Hon. J. P. Kennedy, late Secretary of the wliicli wo live. Furthermore, the excesses cause it suits the purposes of others to inflame source where good taste and good philosophy their way north in Smith’s sound to lat. 79.30. the dale appointed by llie bogus Legislature Navy, under wliose auspices tlie expodilioii for the election of delegates to Congress, Mis­ that have been- committed tliere, in violation them ; nor are we to consider the great ques­ -go logelhcr. where they were stopped by ice, and working was undertaken. of law, order and decency, with the passive tion of religious toleration ns a thing fit only sourians came over there in armed bands.— To three pints of unbolted flour odd one their way in shore to find a passage, discovered The laud to the north and west of tliis chan­ The motley crowd of voters, composed of Mis­ sanciiunol the Federal Government, will most for the factions of Parliament, because intoler-! . r . . , an Indian village where bis parly' gone nel has been charted ns liigli as 82 30. This assuredly be llie means of defeating the object ance has lately been made the road to power. | ^ " ** po a o yeast, three table spoonfuls of south. They then returned to Discb Island in sourians,recently arrived Virginians nnd drunk­ is llie nearest land to the Pole jet n. It en Indians, were addressed by pro-slavery wliicii tlie authors of the bill had exclusively “ It is no part of the duty of a clergyman to (or 01010856.1) and wetting sufficient to Davis Straits where they found the Kane expe­ bears the name of Mr. Henry Grinnell, llie in view—iIh) organization of Kansas as a slave preach upon subjects purely political, but it is ' knead the dough thoroughly. Let it stand over ditionists. It appeared that Dr. Kane pushed speakers frou^tbe steps of tlie liolel, nnd tliey founder of (he enterprise. went in a Fody to record ilieii voles. Slate. Messrs. Atchison, Siringfellow and the not, therefore, his duly to avoid religious sub- j night, put in buttered puns, and bake in a hot his vessel as far north as 81, when she was TAe Winter of 1854-55.—The extreme se­ Missouri borderers generally, bave gone a lit­ jects, which have been distorted into political j frozen in and remained all the winter. Send­ As tlie day advanced and night approached verity of the previous season made it evident they became more noisy, turbulent and over­ tle loo Inr in llieir foray, and a lime of relribu- subjects, especially, when the consequence of ing to the Indian village above mentioned, that the brig could not be liberated before the lion is soon to follow. Try it, ye dyspeptics, and live longer and bearing. They marclied tbrougli the streets that distortion is a general stale^of error and about 10 miles south, for. provisions which winter set in. She was fast impounded in the No one cun lioneslly justify, or even exten­ •f passion.” happier, if not to more profit. were supplied by the inhabitants. In the bespattered with mud, swearing, yelling, swing­ center of a large field of ice. Tlie provisions, ing their hats, nnd asking, ‘ where are the d—d uate llie outrages and violation, not merely of During the last campaign, the Stale question The Fiiesiikt.—The Kennebec was higher spring they abandoned the ship and made llicir altliougli abundant. Were not calculated! to re­ abolitionists?’ 'Let’s cut the d-d white- law, but of those conventional observances issue was the liquor Law, and the National on Sunday than at any freshet since 1832, tho’ way in sledges until they reached the town of sist scurvy, and the fuel, owing to llie emer­ livered Yankees'throats I ’ wliieli exist in Ibe most rude and primitive so­ Ulue the extension of slavery. Upernavic, a Danish settlement of the west gency of the previous winter, was deficient in cieties, wbieb liiive been disgracing a territory but little above the mark of 1850. Very little east of Greenland, whence they were conveyed Mr. James Furimm was passing the hotel, ’.v quantity. Under lliese circumstances Dr. K., when lie was hailed by the fellows, and asked under Uuiled States Government jfor Ibe past MinUlers have preached Temperance, and damage was done to Mills or Wa- in a Danish vessel to the island of Disco, and with a parly of volunleers—on an attempt to six tiiotilbs. But this negative oondvmnation advocated all the measures which, in their judg­ why he did not vole. He replied because lie terville. Some 30,000 railroad sleepers, the found there by the searching expedition as reach tlie mor.tli ol Lancaster Sound, in liopes did nut consider the election legal. is not etiougli; there should bo direct and om- above slated. Three of Lane's parly died ment, would promote it for years, and all allow­ properly of Mr. llalhorn, of.-Pillsfield, were of meeting the English expedition, and thus “The crowd Kniliered around liim, nnd be­ pliatic dununeiatioii of this condition of alFairi. ed it was not only proper for them to do so, but washed from the Point, near the Winslow from exposure, the remainder were more or giving relief to his associates—passed in an gan lo cry out ‘ Hang him ! ’ ‘ Lynch him ! ’ rite e.luss ol cittzens, who are the friends ol less frost bitten. open boat over the track of Baffin's travel, rid­ law and order, wlio deprecate the^supreroacy tbair iolemn duty. liver since it was univer­ bridge. Ticonic and Winslow bridges are both On the 4ib of Sept, the bark Rescue nar­ ‘ Tar and featlier the d—d Yankee ! ’ One of ing out a heavy gale. They found an uninter­ the mob then seized bold of biro. Mr. Fur- of mobs and lawless a-tsetnblages, and who de­ sally acknowledged that slavery is a sin, it lias uninjured. The railroad bridge at this place rowly escaped shipwreck by coming in contact rupted barrier of ice extending in one great sire to see the people exercise freely and been deemed a fit theme for the pulpit. Be­ wiih an iceberg, which stove her bulwarks and nam being a quick, powerful man turned round, hii was considerably washed around the western borse-slioe from Jones lo Mureliison’s Sound, and knocked liis assailant down and fled.— peaceably llie riglits and privileges lo which Nc cause politicians choose to carry these ques­ carried away her boats. The two vessels nnd were forced after various escapes lo return tliey are enliiled, sliould eel llieir laces against of abutment, but not enough to weaken the foun­ They gave cliase, but could not overtake him. (n tions into politics, docs slaverylhecome less a were fast in the great pack for several days, lo the brig. ibis doiiiiniiiion of reckless and irresponsible Ml dation. The embankment near the Colleges and lliouglit they were frozen in for the winter, One ot the desperadoes shot at liim wiili a rifle. During the winter which ensued lliey adopt­ The ball pierced liis bat, but did not hurt him, power—[N. O. Bulletin. sin, or intemperance less a vice ? The truth was so badly washed that the rails and sleepers hut succeeded in getting out. ed llic habits of the Esquimaux, living upon and striking a liouse went llirougli the clap­ S-MAiiT Ciiu.DiiEN.-A child of three years hii is, as Sidney Smith says, that politicians have were moved olf for safely, for a distance of 20 •Ol winter was unusually severe in the raw walrus meat and surrounding lliemselves boards and killed a child wliieli was playing on invaded the province of the pulpit, rather than Arctic regions, many nalives perished from ex­ of age, witli a book in its iti.'unt liaiid.'i,' is a to 25 rods. On the otiisr side of the river, be­ by walls of moss. In spite ol these precau­ tile floor. The mother ran out shrieking ‘ mur­ fearful siglit! It is loo often Ibe death-war- posure and starvation, and had to eat their tions llie scurvy advanced with steady progre.-s ; that clergymen hav.e carried politics into the tween the two bridges, llie embankment was der ! ’ ‘ help 1 ' file neighbors came to lier rant, sueli as tlie condemned stupiclly lookr at cb pulpit. dogs—the extreme cold having prevented the but by the aid of a single team of dogs Dr. K. assistance. The news spread. Tlio free slate u( badly injured. Tlierc are also said to be other usual hunting expeditions. No traces were succeeded in eir«eting a corainunicalioii with a —fatal, yet bi-yond liis comprehension. What men armed lliemselves. In the meantime an- should a ciiild tiiree years old—nay, five or six M’ Where questions of policy, involving no injuiics at various places below. The amount discovered whatever of Sir John Franklin and settlement of £.-quimaux seventy miles lo the ollier citizen bad been insulted in liie street, years old—bo taught ? Strong meals for week question of right and wrong, except as finan­ of damage we do not hear estimated. his parly. southward, and by organizing a hunt relieved knocked down and slabbed. Tliis was young digestions make not bodily strength. Let there cial questions, alone divide parlies, it is indeed At Skowhegan much damage is reported.— I he following is Lient. Harslein's account the parly. At one lime every man of the ex­ of his cxiiedilion. Left New York on 30lh of lliomas Newman. He died lids morning. be iiiirsury tales and nurstiry rhynies, I would travelling out of his legiliniate sphere for a pedition except Dr. Kane and Mr. Bunsel were About a hundred free elate men, well armed, I wo saw-mills, one on the Skowbegan side, May—arrived in Lievely, Isle of Disco, say lo every parent, especially every mother, minister to discuss them in the pulpit. But confined lo their bunks with scurvy ; but by a formed in a body and marched towards the belonging to E. H. Neil, and the other on the Greenland, July 5lh—coasted along the shores piovidential interposition the parly escaped sing loyour cliiMren ; tell them pleasant stories, where questions ol morals are distorted into Bloomfield side, belonging to Hawkes & Sav­ wiiliuul a death. hotel, but llie Missourians bad decamped. Tlie if in the country bo not too careful lest they of Greenland from Holsteinbiirg to lul. 78 38 Iree eiiile men pursued them lo the riven nnd political questions, is it, on that account, his North, touching at Lievely, Hare Island, Upr- gel a little dirt upon Ihoir hands nnd ciotlies; age, were carried oft', and the bridge on the A. «fe K. R.—The Saturday afternoon train one of tlie bloody villiaiis has fell cold lead.’ earlli is very niueli akin lo us all, and, in cliild- duty to avoid their discussion, especially when Skowbegan side destroyed. The bouse of Mrs. nuvik, linking Island, Cape Haihelin, and oth­ to Walerville was detained beyond Reaiifield Tornado at—Tlie storm of Sun- ron’s out-of-doors plays, soils litem not inward­ the consequence of that distortion is, not mere­ er places on the coast. Were 28 days boring Dawes, in Bloomfield, was upset. The Shovel- tbruugli the pack in Wellville Bay, thence lillV9 o’clock Sunday morning, by injury doiio day night was a pefeci tornado. Guriiam was ly. Tliero is in it a kind of con.sanguinity be­ ly a general state ol error and of passion, but tween all creatures; by it we loucli upon the Handle Factory, belonging to Abraham Wy­ cruised Davis’ .Straits, went up Lancaster Sound to a'culverl. Tlieie were, other slight inju­ the scene of its chifil fury, Cliimneys were of vice and crime ? as far as Admiralty Inlet, where they slopped blown down—houses,moved from their founda­ common syiiipalhy of our first substance, and man, was swept away, together with a large ries, but no further interruption of travel. “ If preaching the doctrines of the Bible is tfieir progress ; thence they proceeded down tions—trees uprooted—and great damage dune beget a kindness for onr poor relulions, tho quantity ol iliuvel bandies, and slock. All It is worthy of note that the Penobscot & brutes. Let cliildren liavo a free open air preaching politics," said an aged divine, "I the Western coast, examining posessions, ponds wherever it passed along. The tornado was day Sunday, the large number of handles were and bays. Were fast in the great middle pack Keiieebec Railroad, just completed, lias met about four rods wide, and made great havoc. sport, and fear not ihougli they make acquain­ have preached politics over fifty years, and I tance willi iliu pigs, the donkeys and the chick­ seen going down the river by Walerville and for several days, to alLtippearancc for the win­ llie trial of the first fresliel, and such a freshet It ran along about in the range uf the depot. am too old to learn that the laws of politicians Augusta. Chase & Hill’s olotblng mill is also, ens—lliey may form worse frieiidsiiips with ter, In lat. 69 39, Ion. 63 30 west. Spoke loo, without the loss of a dollar. Il speaks I wo cliimneys were blown down from the ana more important than the laws of God.” washed away. No material damage was done English whale ship Relipse of Peterhead,bound house of Mr. Hinckley ; and two from Mr. wiser looking ones ; encourage a familiarity well for the slock of tlie road—and belter for with all tfiHt love lo court tliein-dumb uniinals D. at Keodall's or Lyon’s Mills, or at Norridge- for Cumberland Inlet, had taken three fish, all Irish's house. Mr. N. Brown's shed was blown well, and arrived st Lievely on their return, its builders. Did any other road in N. Eng­ down, Capt. Daniel C. Emery’s shed and love cliildren, nnd children love itiein. Tlirre {For The Essterii Usil.] wock. At North Anson considerable damage having entirely circumnavigated the North land ever make its debut with more firmness? three or four chimneys were uverlhrown. A is a language among tbern, wtiich the world's is reported, but we have not the details. The language obliterates in the elders. It is of Messbs. Editoks :—Thursday evening of water as far as the ice would permit. On 13ih and it is said lo be still better guarded against house occupied by Mr. Miles was started from last week like ever^ evening of every week woolen factory is among the property destroy­ of September they there found Dr. Kane and its foundation, and moved some rods. Mr. more importance llial jou sliould make your winter than summer storms. childreii loving, than tliat you sliould make came in lime, and with it, the entertainment ed. his associates excepting three, who had died Craig’s stable was lorn entirely lo pieces, and from exposure. The Indianapolis Journal gives an account landed on a liigli hill, at some distance olF. A tiiem wise. Above all things, make them lov­ which had been promised. The Elderly Town A WiiorpEU !—Mr. Wm. Leslie of Sidney’ We present below the additional statement of llie successful capture of two fugitive slaves great many fruit trees were uprooted, and some ing; and then, parents, if you become old and Hall which has for some lime yielded its claims poor, these will be better than friends that will has sent us a turnep that weighed, with the of Dr. Kane: in that Stale by John Maucourl, conductor on ornanieniHl trees destroyed. We have heard to its younger and more attractive rival, once lop on, forty-two and a half pounds, and whdt the Madison and Indianapolis Railroad, and no estimate of tlie loss. 'I'iic gale licre was never iiogleci you. Children broaght op lov­ The expedition succeeded in crossing Mel­ ingly at your knees, will never shut their doors more opened to receive the elitt of Walerville closely trimmed and washed, twenty-seven and \ym. Munroe, Adams & Co.’s express agent. very furious.—[Stale of Maine ville Bay, and reaching the headlands of Smiili Il seem.s tliat liie two slaves liad been liunted upon you, and point ivhe'e they Would have within its somewhat shabby walls. Seldom It half pounds I It looks liko a common while The Elections.—Elections have recently Sound ns early as the 6th of August, 1853.— by dogs on the Kentucky side of the river, but you go.’—[Blackwood’s Magazine for Sept. bave the people of our place been more richly French turnep, and is no less remarkable for Finding the ice to the north completely impen­ been bald in Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana. had ill a desperate fight killed the animals with Religion in the • IIiohkr Circles.’— entertained. 1 do not propose to offer a criti­ its size than for its roots and roughness. It is etrable, lliey were forced to attempt a tempor­ Returns, so far as received show the following knives. They then were out wandering from' results : 'The I’resliylerian lias a good article on llt« cism upon the performance of the Quintette by no means a handsome turnep, though in ary passage along the coast, wliere the rapid Sunday nigirt till Friday without provisions. tides—running at the rale of (our knots an A despatch from Cincinnati, dated the 12ili • Gospel and the higher classes,’ in which it Club: it would be out of my power if I had other respecls^^nol easily beaten. Worn out, ragged and footsore, having bad inst., says:—In 66 counties beard from, Sal­ honr, with a rise and fall of sixteen feet—had accounts for the proverbial indifi'erence char- the desire to do so. Much less would I attempt nothing to eat but what the oicliardi nnd forest mon P. Cliase, Republican, has 20,000 majori­ SuiciUE.—Mr. Chaiicollor Johnson, of Clin­ worn a temporary opening. Previous to ink­ trees provided, they despaired of escape and to eulogize it: all that I might say would full ing this step, which involtPbd great responsibil­ ty. Twenty-five Republican Senators and six­ ncteiirlic of the wealthy and the fashionable. ton Gore, bung himself, last week, on a tree liniled the cars. 'lliey were taken on board ty Republican Repri-seiiiaiives, and lliree Dem­ 'I'lie root of ihtir peculiar sin is the pursuit of short of the conceptions of all who listened and ity, and which was in (act, equivalent to sacri­ and carried to Vernon lo the United States close by his house. Ua was found soon after, ficing the vessel, a.,Franei9 metallic boat, with ocrat iu Senators, and nineteen Democratic Rep­ happiness :— certainly fail to give others a just conception Commissioner, who remanded lliem to slavery resentatives are known lo be chosen. with bis feel touching the ground, but life ex­ a canoe, of provisions, was concealed as a means 'riieii. ngiiiti, peisons in Ibis position, with 4if Its excellence. I wish now if possible to in­ of rot real. ^ on llieir own admission of being fugitives from The despalclies from Pen.iey Ivania show a tinct. He was about 40 years old, and leaves labor. Next they were brouglii to Indianopo- such fixed liiibiis of sin, have persuaded them­ duce in our community a deeper interest in The penetration of the pack ice was attend­ Democratic gain, and llie Democrats liiive prob­ a familyj An inquest before Coroner Barton, lis on llie return of the train, and beforo sun­ ably elected their ticket. selves that strict views of religion are the re­ tauiieal entertainments of the first order._ ed by many obstacles. The ves.sel grounded uf Benton, did not fully diseluse any salisf.ic- down were again in slavery in Kentucky. In From Indiana llie returns indicate a large sult of prejudice and fanaticism. In their Tlieir desirableness cannut easily be overrated, wiili every tide, and but for her extreme nilditioii to tlie illustriobs services of Messrs. creed, the world is made (or enjoyment; sin, lory cause for the act. tirengtb would not liave 'men able to sustain democratic gain. A dispalcli dated at Indian- I do not allude to any want of Ethiopian Con­ Maucourl and Munroe. lliose of a tliird party, apotls, Oct, 11, says, ‘ Tlie democratic majority unless amounting to absolute cimiiialiiy, is no George Kenny, and not George Penny, as the slioeks of lha ice. She was twice on her more than an innocent Infirmity of nature ; and certs ballad singers or singers of secular quar- an Htiauhe of tlie Post Office named R. K. ill Marion county is 500. Last year it gave a primed in the report of plowing match last beam ends, and once on fire from llie upselling Reed, are cited as active in the delivery ol the nothing in religion can be true which docs not tetts, for no such want exists. Neither would of itiu sloves. Some idea of this navigation majority of 700 for fusion. The democratic week, ipok the second premium. fugitives. majority in Vanderburg county is 400; last tally with the lulitude which they allow them­ 1 speak lightly of such enleriainmenis ns I have may bo formed, from the fact of her losing her Il remains lo be told lliat the Railraad com­ selves. In this high spscies of nnhulieflhey Nqt Quite.—bur friend of iliellaih Trib­ jibbuom, best bower anchor and bulwarks, be­ year 136 iiiajurily for fusion. Just named. They have their mission. They pany dismissed llieir employee for bis pari in encourage each other, and aflTect lo laugh at une, who a was visitor to out late Cattle Show, sides about 600 fuilioms of warping line. They Capture of Noted English Burglars. the precision and conscienliouinesi of those are necessary in the earlier stages of the mu- were cheered, however, by a small daily pro­ llie affair, and if tlie otlier Bliivecatcliers were and a very close observer ol both men and also discharged by their several employers il —In New York, on Wednesday, the police ar­ who bave derived their notions of religion from cical development of every community : or if gress j and by the lOih of Sept., 1853, had rested Amos Jackson alias William Lees, and n higlier source. Often, too, is it the case tilings, pronounces the show of neat stock one succeeded in gaining the northern face of would be a very adequate puuisliraeni for such any one objects that they are not necessary, 1 a sneaking, infamous procedure. An Ameri­ Richard Greenwood, both well-known English that persona of this class travel abroad, and that be never saw excelled. We give him Greenland—at u point never reached before. will not contend : it is certain they do perform can, himself free, and in a Free Stale, who burglars, of the shrewdest chiiracler, charged liavii tlieir false notions of religion confirmed credit of speaking with proper care on this Hero tlie young ice froze around llie vessel, (bis work; and to them are we indebted for would thus volunteer to restore a human being with being fugitives from Piovidence, Rhode by tho utter disregard of true religion to ob­ point: but in bU account of Mr, Lang's cows and compelled them to seek a winter asylum. Island. Tlib Express says : servable in the AfyAer circles of European soci­ much more than we are always willing to to bondage is no better than a pirate. be liqs mistaken a figure, of which the owner The winter gave them a degree of cold ‘ On searching Lees’place in West Bioad- ety. As we have heard it more Ilian once ex­ grant. But thry need no stimulus among us. much below any previous registration on record. So says the N. Y. Tribuue, and so says ev­ would bo unwilling to lake tlio advantage. way, the officers found a oiimbersume and oum- pressed, there is no belter cure for religious Wo are fully up to the appreciation of the Whiskey froze in November, and for four ery man with an American heart or a human plicaled iron instrument called a ‘ cutter,’ cnl- prejudice than foreign travel. The migbiieil His written statement, filed with llie secretary, most exquisite negro minstrelsy. But this is months in Ilia year mercury was solid daily._ soul. It is useless for even parly roacliinery, culaled for opening banks, iron safes, or any evil is thus regarded as a desirable good. is sufficiently creditable to bis slock of cows, The mean animal temperature was five degrees other depository where great power is requir­ not all. Those who were present at the Men- which brings men to approve almost nny abom­ Telegraph, a Georgia paper, of which is probably unequalled in this vicinity, below zero, summer and winter. This, wiilit ed. Attached lo the ‘cutter'were bits and delsiobn Concert received unfeigned delight out a doubt, was the greatest cold ever exper­ inable tiling, lo endeavor lo make freeborn l liursday, says A young geotlemaa. ydept if not in this county. Here it is augers ol various sizes, manufactured of such from tbc perfect harmony and wonderful exo- ienced by man, at the seat of their winter men sanction laws based upon principles that materials, Ihal it it said, even the hardest steel Alonzo Grilfiii, having expressed seoiiracDls CQtloh of their music. Of Ibis Ibt of eleven Cows nnd three two' quarters was nearest to the pole. instigate such hellish acts ns Ibis.. or other metals cannot resist them. This bur­ hostile to ” ihe peculiar inslilulioo,’ and given years old hellers, all in milk, none gave less The scurvy was readily controlled, but the glarious implement works with a crunk, and various Indieaiions more oongeniai to iba at- Never bave we kuowu a more quiet assem­ Use op Salt in Cooking Vegetables, i than a common wooden pail full of milk at most novel feature of this winter was a tetanus, operates wiili such fores, that a drill cun be ropspliure o( Massachuteiit, than Georgia, was bly at any public entertainment. Every thing night in full feed in a fair pasture j several of or lockjaw, which defied all treatment. It car­ JHsre is something everybody ought to bave sent through a thick plate of iron or steel in a ordered out pf ibfr city op Friday last, and indicated that the audience fell themselves en­ them gave from two to four quarts over the ried away fifty-seven ol their best sledge dogs, known long ago, and that everybody should few minutes. It was built expressly for boring was escorted to tba cars, on Saturday, by a large cmiipany of our citizens. In eonsequanoe joying a highef degree of art than that with pailful. During the ninth month. Sept, nine and was altogether a frightful scourge. now read and remember : into banks, safes, aiid'money~4^«uli8. The like which wa ardinaiilv naoi If I I heiefers averaged twelve pounds Tho operations of search commenced as eat- of his youth and weak hstd, no .vMaiit meiu- —If one^ portion of vegetables bs boiled in on a large scale, it is said, has never before wh ch wa ordinarily meet. If I do not over- j of butter per day, besides making some cheese ly as March. The first parlies, under person­ been in Ibis country. urea were resorted ip, the peopleonfrdeiawi^ aetimate (be delight of (hose who listened to' extremely hot day or two. al obarge of Dr. Kane, crossing the ice at tem­ ppre distilled or rain water, and another in wa­ ing that he ahould make tracks ntmlsward.* Mrs. Weniworih and the Quintette, which is The past week we seteoied one cow and ona peratures of minus 67 below xero. The loss ter lo which a liltle sail has been added, a de­ the interest which formerly attached lo Se­ cided difi'erence is perceptible in the tenderness The California steamers newt poMettaa asore hardly possible, I know no reason why we may two years old heifer, and measured their milk of their dogs obliged them, as an only alterna­ bastopol 18 now being Iransferred lo Nicholaieff, than usual inieresl. 'fbe denih W (ro^SO to daily ! and the cow gave thirteen milk quarts tive, to adopt this early travel. Many of iHe of the two. Vegetables boiled in pore water on the river Bug, formerly the second, now not eiyoy such advauuges much oflener than are vastly ^ferior in flavor. This inferiority 800 persons on board a sleaioerv up her pat- at niglit and nine in the morning. The heifer party were frost bitten and underwent amputa. the chief naval arsenal of Russia in the Black sage from Nicaragua lo .San FrapeisoQ,^ we do. Musicians of (be highest attainments gave nine quarts at night and seven in the may go so Tar, in tho case of onions, that they lion of the loee. It was by means of these ef­ Uere the Russians Imvu ih^ir naval sad and most unusual occurrence. Tha tri­ do visit the State of Maine, and there is no morning. From the cow we made two and one forts that the expedition enceeeded in bringing are almost entirely destitute of either taste or s^lores, and all that remains of their Black Sea half pounds of butter per day and one and odor, though when cooked in soiled water, in fleet. The Caar is now at Nicholaieff', aud it umph ol the Know Nothings in Paiiroriiia will real repsoo why thay should not make Waler- book their important results. The pariiw i^e the public by sorprfse. The ^eftal of viUa QUO of their halliog plaoes. But it should ihrea-foorlbs from the heifer. No extra keep­ were in tlie field as late as the lOih of July addition to the pleasant salf taste, a peculiar IS supposed that Jhe object of bis visit U lo ing, except as the pasture failed the cows were SweelQesi i^nd a sti^ng aroma. They also oon- Gov. Bigler and of Senator Qwib, wfll probab­ not hq left to ehaooe alone. It was accident only ceasing from labor when the winter dark- wncert measures wjih the Admiraliiy for piak- turned into (be mown field a part of the day. laift roore.solpabla matter than when cooked in ing the place another Sebastopol. By some au­ ly please more than U will plfend on |h)a side pf nesB made it impossible to travel. the ooniineni. 'Phere bave been aioie des- (bat lad the Quiotelte beret and their rfoeipis If those vho keep cows for dairy purposes Greenland has been followed and surveyed pure water. j,Wuter whiali oonlains I-45!Olh of thorities the river is said to Ua so shallow as barely covered (heir expenses. They would its weight of.^ far batter for cooking-veg- iruoiive riret in Cafifornia. 'Thera U a report would make careful miaatet of the' actual by Dr. Kane towards |he A»l«ntlq, with a coast not to allow of large vassals coming up to town, from Oregon, that Gov. fiUevens and jMMrty etahlo* than pure waleiP, ^poausa the salt hin- except Jgriiig tbu spring floods j by others, the bava no oocasion to oomo agaio. amount I'ealiaed from them, and careful corn- line fronting due north, until a stupendous have been killed by the Indiapj, AocounU glaeier absolutely cheeked their progress. The soluliaiji aivd orppocalion of the solu­ channel is snjd 19 Uu fpom four to six fathoms Had all of our ciliiena who are delighled by pprisons between good nnd jioer cows, some ble wild duvoriag principles of the vegetables. from the Sandwich Islands are interesting mass o( ice rose In a lefty preeipice, 60Q fegt WrjjjTbis is a very tmporianiimportant quastioo to [Soieniific Americgn, Hie qjngt; lor if shfluld ha any signa of though not particularly important, QoMCt# from Japan say our lrealy la a nullity, 5Cj)c. Caaterit Watcrltinf, ®ct. 18, 1855.

I,.\TKST BY TKF.EGK.MMI THE EASTERN MAIL, qiinntity of powder in the llirco seternl explo­ SPRING CAMPAIGN OPENED! . niLMON! sions, w»8 between llii'ee iiinl four liiMidred GRAND RUSH OF THE PEOPLE! A^I INDKPENDENT FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Tremaadons Excitement in Watorville! I NEW GOODS! NEW I'.M.E & WINTEK (FOODS! .4T TIIK .“Kl.N OK TUB IIIO HAT. la publiahed every Thnradey by kegs. '■'.RADII KlilNIlD!!! at MRB. BKADBXTRY'S. Corner of Alain and Silver Streets. HIAXHAIH AND 'H'lNO, Lottery Ciiicui.ars ank the Post Of­ t NI'f.K.vrnn At^SORT.UKNTo^tAnbrofiferfes nffli.. THAYER & MAR8T0K, O. C. 'I'fSZIKtlt, KD1TOH8 AND FROPRIRTOII8, IT 18 EVIDENT PROM RICKNT REPORTS TO.kT i'i\. dliTct from Now York ami ih-IUmk i n|f Having jti'-l n’lnniefl 'i.xn r>n with ill) c.ttonsito fill? ngalft got hciflc from Do.ston witlr an e*t4m(»lte stock cf fice.— In slew ol lliu frequent altempi.s of the MIy At TtT)’ |t>w iirlftM. Al No. 3J JSoutelle Block, 31ain Street. £8TV & KIMBAXili well -riccic.l Murk of E.VEE & WINTEI.’ CLOTHIaNi; keepers of lolli ry nlTieea to induce postniiisters ' MO II A III II KAO DRRIlfVKH, (i I! \ T I, i: >11-; > ■ H 1' A IS IIIG 5 \ n I.H Are ruining Trjwfeby llic low tiricPA at wlilcli tlicy arc Amt UrnCft* l’*iirrftslitfig (loods/ Rrll. MAXIIAM. DAn'L R. WING. to become tbeir ugendV, tliu Department have Nfw UlMtons, Btmnrls, Caps, Lacas, WreatliSi aotl every va selling their largo nntl splcnilod stock of ”hU« Goods and Mourning Artloles I Clothing & Famishing Goods, IV mt’fr mast t.c selil ftt the terinhistlnn nfCOdsys. nt which TERMS. cautioned tliem llml for any such acceptance, J'M.lON Yarn, warrantedall wool and oolnr.i; An- ' Arc prcpiirctl to t'ficr to their ol.l fvlcnd>» nud llm puMir time I intend to cloec np tny hn^tncM fti WnterrlMc j nn4« Kcnnrbiy', PIcsts to cnll la . 1.75 der of the Department is, that ‘all such lottery Ml A •'(•St Morn Thread . Italian Sewing Bilk and the Teiy i»ost opoiied III till? market. Ihis sttn’k (•mbnirc% n varlotv of soil see my •tick nii*! um wlR PHtPlIi’d thst nil the .tbove paid within six inonlhs, The reduction in thc^r'ces of the fthovod named nrti- NtT.llPR In tho Market. j OVEltCOATS, stntcnicnfs arc correct. I «m bottiid to dciil whh nil men on the paid within the your, 3.00 schemes, circulars, or tickets, addressed either^ cIcR, is so cnortlirtfis thnt till tho knowing ones who have Pia.’ire, nnd not hSve nky “.low's trades.■’ My stock emmlsts flOSIURY, Dram TrlmmlngilwgTMtt VarletT. such ns Psiefots, In English. Krenrli ami German Clotht of the folioniiig nrlioUs. vis— to postmaster or assislantt postmaster, must' wny regard to the future stale of their purses, Hock to i ‘ OMIW OK piirll, iiuiUiio Horn, latlla Uiihber, Btitlllian , of vnrhms colors. grades nnd prices. Heiivv- PHnt liver try Mott klnda of Coui.tiy I’lodnce Inkin In pny No. 4 TiCONIC Row, ami ' while Earr & KimbAIX are Ivory and Common Tlom—a very full assortniont. 0 V K R CHATS. t»Tr RALLS. ment. hereafter be excluded from the mail, together Frocks and sSacks, Heavy Ib’nver CIolli Suftoals, Heavy mndo whole or nccount of their hirpa .«rt!es, they min A nr^uTim ASsonrifENT of Doeskin niol (’a-hinero (’vrr Frocks niul Sack^, Klti'li. KnL'llsh IkviTpr, Duck and Drilling, No paper dlecontlnncd itntil ell erreeregei ere with oil other transient matter of this kind ad­ the trade generally bv leaving no margin for the out- ! tJeriiiin Rr''.-*dc1olh, Flock, (tfornsey tind DrftUng. niiirk .lid foinreil Vi-lri-l. aiid Slalln. i PIxIn and Wa- ing, Webster IHankct ; I’etersham, Felt anti l.ionskiti paid, except at the option of the pobllehera. rageoiib nroHla which fidvo been made on Pry Goods for Nigger licnd. • AlsOfS fnrge lot of OR Cloth dressed simply to an oflice, an not to and in­ lerrd lllaok 8Hka for (^aprs, llavqiiea and Man- Ovcrciuits. Gcnlleinen’s 'rnlifins, I ravolling SliuwN, Pelel.'.ll.liil. find Rnbnet (JottJs. dividual.’ the last few 3’ears. lllln. tiiin .n .cry rn.liliiiiabic. nud vjirioUR other kinds of Over Garment.s. Urey \\ ItUncy. Mtihnery, Dres^ Making, and Repairing Hciivpy Kell, PACT, FUN, AND PANOY. NEW MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS.- y>A’/;.s\v A.yp /ti's/ypi^s rf>.i7;s’. K H T 5 . or nil klnj., iirSTIlAW II0NNET8, tionn In lh« brat nlyle. I^niott Heaver, Hlik Velvffl. Single and D.mMc llrciisted Frockn, Frock .*^acks fiinl Tabtin*. ISS SMITH is now opening one of the best assort- LATI'.SI FASIIION-S RKGULAHLY KECKIVEI). Hntin. all kind*, A letter from St. Lonii etetea that the perton from mcDts of Fall and Winter Goods Mint are to be sSackA, ninnurncturcd exprc.«-4lv for tho cji>ilom trade, of Ctfcaliiri, tireiiaili-en Hlk.s, Kanaaa who waa ao badly beaten on board aateamboat Ndticcfi. Mfound in Watorville, which she will sell lower than cycr.All of Ihp nbovr Oomln will bn noW a( prtnnn whinh will prni4nt the 4fu«iness Erocks, Keefers and Heavy Clonk'*, .A Br<*.-i , Jill sh.»d(’.v. *'**‘tB’ assortment A correspondent of ' Notes and Queries,* writing on A VOLUMK OF FACTS—CONTIHUBD WKKKLY. NEW A large h*t of I'nder Ootits nf Boy.s’ (Rotlitfif, the uncertain meaning of wordsy remarks that we say of tires from the Hrni of E. T. ELDEN Sc CO. from SPRING STOCK OPENING ! ! do. Fancy (Jus^imereti, German nnd Freheli Faftri'cs. n. II. n. No. 18. Mthis (late. every dr«crlp(h*n, a newspaper that it contains*the intelligence; * WM. H? BLAIR & Co., • I’nioii GlotliN, Snttiiieltv, ami many other Fabrics— Jackets of nl? kludi. HATS k CAPS. Roihooy't Regnlittora A Plta$ant Purgative. WatervlUe, October l\i, 18v')5. togetlior with n very large of or that it has * the ear/iesi inlelligeitee both plirnscs Silk. Mofeskin, Beaver. i* ’■ being Intended to convey precisely tntf same meaning., In rIx hoars, a dose of nadway’s Regulators will make a well j t Il K now opnnh g Inrse .md elnsant Spring Stork of f' A N T .*( . Wool unit For Kos.snth Hi^, * Your news is/ofe/meant that it Isitnle; but* he brings man or woman of the sick. On the first symptoms of pain or New Styles Dress Goods. ‘ V GootIn, caibraclag llit’lr u.tiinl.^’nrluty, Rich Vests, Gerntnn Doeskin, Rioadekith. slrknesa, or If the hOwoIs arc IrrcKular and you suffer from mong winch muy be foumi pl.ihl Tldhela, Moire CONSISTING IN PART or ' sucli ns plain nml faney Velvet, Silk, Satin, GreimtHne, Fine Broodeiothf Heavy Plush, find all the late news,* expresses the very reverse of tardi- cosllreness, pains,“or rush of blood—or If you have a bilious (’assiinera. oess. Antique Silks, Valencia PhiitU, Wool and Cotton I.asling, 'rwcinl, t'htlh, Valencia, ami n large aN«ortnient llnis' Fancy (*a|H. Also. atuek, and symptoms of fever appear, skin hot, dry, pairhed Silk?, Velvets, .Shuwls, Ginghams, of heavy working Vests. ANo, uii unusually largo iis- I'liion ('loth, Bo)e’ IlsTB of all desetipllons. —take from one fo three KeRutatora,aDdifYou arc not already Aand Wool Plaids, Figured Velvets, M Debains, Parm- atritt .•ortment of Hatihett aii’l F.nnry I'anffi To PHEasnvR P LRATnRR.^Waeh in thick rotiflned to youffoom, In six jpturs you will be free from all etta Cloths, nil shades nud prices, now opening at Muslins, Lawns, Prints, loo nntnetons to mention. aoap suds. Castile soap being much better than tho ba(l feel Inga. If you are ronfl^d to a sirk b|d, take two every i Walerville, Oct. 16. E T. KI.DKN &CO.*S. With ft chi.lpo ftssortmcnt of new and fimhlonnblo j ftcfiflrnir7t's Fuinishintf Goods. common brown soap. After washing wipe dry and tho three hours, until you have tij^eu six of the Itegulatora, you Embracing n great vi'.rielv of rndersblrts, Drawers. gloss will be preserved. Tho applioation''uuon the artU may rely on a bpoedy recovery. Embroideries, Laces and Ribbons, i Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Commissioners' Notice. White Shirts. Ilttsionv, ('tdliirs, (Ij'iivnl’*, I’oekot llilkf'*. S I R T .k olea of boots and shoet shonla be made daily and at In all cases of ocrofula, pyphllls. King’s Kvil, Dyspepsia, | In evrrjMtlnp pertnioing to n romplefe Dry Gontl.«s Slock.ilirlr ' Red D imicn Flannel, Rronchitls. Lung Complaints, Uadway's Renovating Resolvent i he subscribers liovo been nppoinleil by the .ludge of Stocks, .Scarfs, Miifilei*'*. FonilnrDW. Ruck MittensMitt' and .'^llk and iV’isotrn t'inter, Bhlttf “ o nfgbt. Tftrictv In om- of Ihe most o»U lotlve and si-iect they hare ever G)t>ve.s,l»annfhdf.«, (‘loth. .SjJk iiiid J.i*lc GJove«, Ihat c- acts with the same speed and effleacy as the Ready Relief does j Prohnte, for the County of Kennebec, Commission- olTercU. Heavj <,>ver anif I nder, Urtinent of Fnnev Goods needed for a iVfdl.' anil F.iii-y • Wh.l'. thxt t ’ xaked Mn. Partington, looking up nt in acute maladies. In G to 24 hours the patient will feellls ersT to receive nil claims aiZAinst the estate of Krastus 0. V R O C K E R Y, ; thn column on the Place Vendome, during her lats Timt curative efilracy. R. R Relief was tho first, and is tho only, Wheeler, late of IWalervilie, in said county, deceased, Gentleman's Toilet. I'ortcnnuith Rit'hi nI. BOSOMS k COLLARS to Pnria. ' The plllnr of Napoleon,’ wna the answer. remedy ever discovered that wilt stop the most tormenting Of till- burst stylrs, rmbrorlng OTorythlng nrw and cirgnnt. I ('(»tton Flantn I I'l Neck Storks, Umnfbrtera, ’ pains in a few minutes. Iset those nfUlcted give it a trial. and notice is hereby given that they will meet nt the ItiHliiEii 4k 4:i.oTiit.\G, Ai\ 4kG. lllekory. etc. etc ’ Well, I never did !* she exclaimed ; ’end that's his pil­ ofiico of Samuel Appleton, in anUl Watervllle, on the t’ravats, MtiffieH. Hdkf*, Soldby W'M. DTBRand J. II Plairtcd, Watotvllle 3w12 Carpetings. Feathers, Looking-Glasses, Gloves, all kinds and qualltlM, low ! ho was n great man to use that! but it's more like last Saturday in tho months of December, February mid Ami tin* "tbons.nd ixml ono" nthrr nrflrlrs “too nntnrrnns to FI’RS.' r» R \ iV K R H . I hey Imve in luhiiiion to lliclr (*tbeicNg^| Hnspen.lers, * a bolsler. And it's made of iron, I do believe! Ah, Mnssasoll 8alvc Ciirea Hums April next, ensuing at ten o’clock, A. M., for that pur- inrntlon,'' bnt nlw.vs on bund, nnU for sole on thr most sntls- Ile.ity Woolen. U<*se ol dlifrrcnt qualtUci, Isaac I see what It It to be great! how hard his head The most painful bums are caused by fireworks; nothing ftictory tortus. (.iihmIs, a sploinU'd stock of ladies and I’ottcnioulh Itiidird. must have rested on that ironical pillow 1' ! con-i^ionors. Gentlernen’i’ Kii’li K«*hionahlc Furs, which they (bitt* ! causing as bad sores as powder. When the * Massoit Salve * is ... . m . “• BLAU! & CO. I ■rnnik., A nil..-., Cnjiiri lln^., SkeTthe. applied. It iostanlty eradicates all of the fire, and the scarred W^aterville. Oct. 16, 1855. M W otr^njr, April to, 'Cfi—3D( . j tlicmselve*, cannot ho *iirpa»*ed in KiChne.’«s, Price and Oould St Lincoln, Boston, have published in a flne fieshtobeal. It should be kept on band fbr use. 25c. per box. (Quality, hy any other E'^tiihlishincnt on the Kcnneln’t' volume The Life and Correspondence of Amos> Kiver. l’"f'""-lnR nnd TnumlVH j J. DINSMOlUC & SON, General Agents, Skowhegan, He. Agent* Wanted. j i iUl'l clou ( Rfri-rt (hr riiit.VEn or MnA ,At. SiLTKR 8T8. rence. The first edition w» exhensted in n day or two, fl'HE NalioHal i/fsforj nf Ihe IMiled State,, by Bkn- ^ f'u’nb nnd Allddio Slrrrt., Pnrtli.n.1. Ibis *tock einhrai'r.’* Stone and R.'W iMartin. German the Bdston merchants distributing 1000 copies among N. 11. I rcqii. Fl over, ono vlio I. Indrklod to mo. to A CARD. J SOK.I. LosstNO find Enwin WibLiAMS. in two royiil ' “bx of inn uttutsT awd riiEArisr irrorKs or aiiil KiH^ia I’ltch Ailchiiih'S, N’ictcrmt”' and I'lpjiel*’, their clerks. We advise ail who bouglit the gull book ‘•nil oh.l ini.licl..,u,i UI..(o |.ni.i,w,( i),, mWdIo of iivx, MR8. IIARRTR — Piitbician, Is located In Watervllle, and Mt*ck Eimine, Ibnlger nntl D..\vij (’nf.e*. Iippet** nnd’ inunth. ns wmi will sure cost hv so dolnir. of Bamum, to burn their copy and buy the records of 8vo. volumes of 700 pnges esch, profusely illuslrn'trd ! N I |4 S may be found at her residence on Main>st., opposite the Kim- witli engravings on steel and wood. Muslin gilt, $ CnllarN. Marlin, Filch and lladger Cutrs and .MnfletH. U ateftUle, net. ;j, ia,',5. 0. 0. T07dKll, the life of a man. wood Hotel, ready to attend all who may desire her Profession* 1^ 'br City; roniprlslng l.V) styles; prirrs from bO r(s. to Filih Skins, I'limming for (’apcH nn.l Tnhnaj*. Fancy al services. Refers to Dr. W. M. (’ornall. Dr. 0. Rolfe, Pro. Also, A VOICE TO AMERICA. ! f,1 Q.t).(iO '.T|M‘’r ,!!"'yd. ,Bilk "ItobeN,‘"j''"*, ^n »fwnew on.laial b»nuUfulbrnutlful article— ■ Madame Alboni, the unsnrpassable Italian contralto ' Alf>o, lliilieiN of e*ery Nlinde ; I'n^hiiK’re*, M Ib’LnIns amt Ears fni Children, Otter C.ip>*, CttUarx,'n Down’, Watervllle Air Tight Cooking Stove. fessors In the Female Medical School, Boston,and Dr.N.R. Gl'tvcs, and a large Ini nf elegant singer, who ippeared in New York during the winter of i:;osely, Philadelphia. Dedicuted to all who love Atnerican Institutions. Over j I’rlntw ; Rrocha, Sielhi ftml IMald 8hawi«; Kl.'gant Velvet*, nil l8o3 and '4. weighs about 230 pounds, lias a beantiful 400 pages, 12 mo. Sold only by Agents. Applicniits widths and .“had. s ; Honlton, Ynleitcinne*. MhIih nnd RtiKilsh ‘ S L K I (; II HO II KS, face and a fair skin. ’ Who is Alboni't' asked some PILU L BS sbould state distinctly what toWiiR or county Ihoy wi.>,h ’ Thrend I'Src* ; Kiitlindileries, Llnmis, Glnve*, Ronnetn, Rib- i to canvass. I’akkkr, XiNO & Co., Jtooh on./ The liVest style* of PloukR and M.antillns ’ sm-h n® Wolf, Coon, Nnti.i tun! BniViilo R.*bra nnd one of Madame tiirardin, wife of the celsbrate.l Kruncli DKBIsAIVCAnD. sellers, No. 50 & 52 Oornhill, Huston, Sole General rnnstnntly on haml. Alt (hent>ove <}oniis nt tho very lowest ^ .Sh*n:h SlinwN. ANo, Wolf, Coon. Rns.sia D<7>-Skm and editor ill Paris. * Who is she 'f ’ replied Miiduino Girar.. For aalc by II. Plalstod dt Co. inlceii; l.Hdies will find It to fctielr ftdVHntsge toexninliiethis BntV.ilo Coats, &. din, ‘ why, she is an elephant who has twullowcd a' Agents fer New England. Btoi’k wforc purchasing. nightingafe." LUNGsTi lortland,Oct 8, IS-'to _ 6wl2 HATS. OAl'!>, !;MimKI,I.A8. VAI.ISKS We refer our roiiders to an advertisement In another Early Crop Molasses. TRUNKS, TIIAVKI.INO jiAUS, There was a snow storm on the 5tli nt St. Louis, Mil­ Farm for Sale. M column, for full particulars concerning the Htokana of HHDS. E^xlrn sweet early crop MOI.ASSE.S, for I liosn wlio nre Ucsirou. of ^jetiin,; Ilieir meefv's waukee, and of course at a great many other places out Dr. Curtis. It is said to be one of the most remarkable sale by K. C. LOWE, nt A. & K. K. K. Depot, A RAKE CHANCE FOR A DAHOAIN. wesU' worlli, will lie well to cnll nml cxnininc tlii- Flock liefr.rc cures, fjr all description of diseases of the lungs, over nt ss low prices ns can be bought at Portland or Hostou, 'pilic suliscriher u-isliing to movo .outli Hie present |ilircIi;i»inR cKcwlicrc iif they nro ‘Ifti rmincil to i.|Vi t discovered. Its virtues have been testified to by hun­ 1 I'hII, oflers Cur sale his fiiriii, IocbI.mI in tlie town of Rev. Kendall Brooks has accepted the invitation of for cash. ___ Kxtrnnrdinii-y IndiiccmciiiF to I’lirclin.rr.. the church in Kitefaburg, Hass., and has removed to that dreds, who have obtained their knowledge by the hest Watervllle, Oct, 16, 1855. 3ml4 Siilney, oil llie urn- comity roiul, Icailiiig from Augiistii of nil teachers—experience. to Wiilerville, liciiiR one mile from the Keiiiiobco river, Wntcrvillc, Sept , IS.'iT. place. > KING nsvurnl from iny own evivcrience and the (oethnony • CAU riON—/^/*. C’Mrfw’r Ilggeana is the oiiginnl and Molasses, Flonr, Com, &o two miles from tlie 'I'oivii linuse, three meeting liouses ANDROSCOaOIi; St KENNEBEC B. R. 7 of many that tinve ii e.l them for tin* last five yearv, I am We clip the following gem from the liouseliold only gennine article. 2m7 ami Jtailroail. 'I'lio aiii-l Farm eoiituiiis about ninety 1eonviiired Otiitthlsls (he Iwst Cook Htove in lh« markat for Words : CA HHDS. Extra sweet MOLASSES, for sale by Win acres of Inini, free from stoiio ami not eqnalleil in qual­ Persons sufTeiing from diseases of the throat or OU MOOK, near the A. Sc K. K K. Depot. Ehnir, dumtdlUy, eoiivenleiice and rcoiiouiy ; theretora 1 ran with One by one the sands are flowing, ity of soil, nor beauty of shnpo for cultivation, in tlie full coiifldem* • reeeoniiiieitd (hum to uty frieiida and iTtfrioiie One by one the moments fall; lungs, nre. in a great majority of cases, completely re­ Corn, I.lrac, Salt; &o. &CV nt the lowest, prices. Al-'O, loivii of its loenlioii. It is well woinleil, well walercil, nlio wnnts u good ('ooklng Stove. stored to hcullh bv a faitbfur trial of I)r. Curtis’s Hy n lot of Do'TS, S.Tsh and Window Blimls. Also,on hnnd, Piirl<»r, Dining, Hitting and (’hautbrr SCovtf, Some are coming, some nre going, geana or Inhaling V^apor. Hy the Doctor’s new metlmd ainl well fenced. Tho buitiliiiRa nre nenrly new nnd Do not strive to gra.p tlioin all. WulfiviUe. Oct. lO 3inll a-cll ariiinBeil, cnnsisliriR of a cottaqo dweflilii; Imu-e AnnANGKMK,^T. tijH-n nnd rlos(’ fiont-*, v hlch will l>e sold cheap for rash. One by one thy duties wait thee. of treatment, the medical agent is brought in direct con­ wilh five fore rooms and live IndpiiiR rooms, dlniiiq naan Biitervllle, Ort. 1(1, 1855. EDWIN COFFIN. tact with ihe diauased parts, and cannot fui! of having u Days of falling the 0th and 2 lilt of c aoh moiilh N nnd afU-r Monday. Ort 1, 1855, I’nssengsr Trntiis will Let thy whole strength go to each ; Icftve Waforrlllt* (or Vortluin}, and itituruiudifitd Htnfbnm. beneficial efiect. All druggislB sell it. See advertise­ closet &c. The cellar is HiuMiail with cement tl.Kir* O Let no future dreams elate thee. daily, nt 5 A. M. nnd 30 A. M Rktiuinixq, nirivu nt 1125 Tho Best Assortment ment in tl) is paper. FOR CALIFORNIA! nnd brick wnlls witli a ijnii.l well, liiick cistern, pure Learn thon first what these can teach. water &c. Connected with tlie house, is a uiiildiiiR‘->1) A. M. and 4 24 P. M. FiunniT Tkaj.n Unves nt 5 45 A. ^f., nud CAUTION—Dr. Curtis’s Hygeana is the original and ruturtisat4 10 P. SI • Mil. LiNKHY noons, VIA NICARAGUA. liy .'lO feet, ciiiititiiiini; wa«li room, wood room, carriiiuo only genuine article. 2in7 BUVIC.X IlUXnitKD AIII.K8 8 II 011 TEH Pnxsi'figrrs by uBliur train enn ronrh Lowell the some day, IN town, Is Just opened hy MIm L. K at b«r aCor*, have cnniributeil Sli.(i31 1.5 to relievo tHe rufTerers at roiim, Kraiiure, work simp, .iec, Aimcxeil is a stalile -i I nod hy first train nnive in Bouton to eonnert vlth (rains for J corner of Main and Temple e»reets, etnltrarlng Thirty Years Expcrlrfice of an Old Nurse* 77jrin bg any other Route ! by ti'I (eet, well tinislied, witli n gnnit place for iiiaking New York same day. Norfolk, ScO: Virginia i *000 was given by tlie tenants manure, wiili agood siipiily of murk handy to tlie stiible. Tlirongh Tlekuta to Boston. Lowell nnd l.nwrui-v, $3 50; Boiiiiels, lllbhonst Flower**,«*a, EnibfoMrrIea liCt no wife or mother neglect to rend this advertisement in TllltUUOII IN ADVANCE UF TDK — A N t) — of Faneuil Hall Market. Will the Virginia delegation another column of this paper. It it highly taiportnnt. [1>6 i I'nny ono will please Io call and exaiiime llie nremises, nnd to l*ortla(id, |t2 25. 5'hrough TieketH art* »old, also, at in the next Congress remember tliis while denouncing ^^I'HIS line of Slenn»-hlp’», speed, «afe- IdOwelL B4>ston l^awrenee, llaTeihll) and other Htatlons ia*- Trunmitif/ Goods. Fiannvls and W/n’te Goods CI14MP-AND PAIN KILLKU.—The world U ftstonished ftt ! tliey tiod tile land to suit nliTl terms of pavnieiii easy. Matsachiiictts and • the money loving Yankees.' ty nnd accommodHlIon, are uiisnr- Sidney, Olh mo.,‘>•>,■,'1,7 4w|i. NOAH CI.a’HK. twifii the litiler and Boston ; on Ihu Boston and Malu<> 11. It., the wonderful cures performeiiby the CRAMP AND Pain Killer, passeil. Pas.sengcra will be promptly con and ut Ipswit-li snd uthur Htiitlunx Id’twfun that and Busttoi, UOURNINQ GOODS, How TO Cut an Acquaints xcr.—If he is poor, Innd prepared by Curtis & Perkins Its equal hns never been on the Fasten! U. K., to nil Stutlniis on this road and on the Midtnlr Caps, Veils, Gloves, Iln.-stery. etc. All which shcN known for removing pain In all cases ; for the euro of Bplnnl veyed over the Nicurnguu Transit route, having but 12 him Kune money j if lie is ricli, ask liiin to lend you mile.a ol land transportation, by carriages over a good Farm for Sale. PenoSsuot and Kunnubue U. K. i»y this line. deterinhied tt) sell at the very lowest prices, gnd which her cu« some. Botli meant arc certain. Complnlntfl, Cramp In the Limbs nnd Stomach, Rhcumatfi-in In V/ITUATED in Sidney, on tlic middle rftnd, two miles «ept. 25, 1855. KlAVIN NOYES, 8u|.t ...... and trieudsara rw*|*«M fully iuriteij to examine. nil its forms, i^'llous CoHc, Chills and Fever llurnH, Boro mncauHiniEud road. fjY/m West VVafervilJe depot, confnlfiitig nhonr 1.7-5 "UaterviNe. ' ...... Mar "R...... 1KA5. L M. ING.ALI.H. 1'he Rural Intelligencer rays tliere is a rumor tiint Thront,and Gravel, It Is dechiciy the best remedy In the world. Early application hlxmld bo )nndc for passage, (to se­ Kvltietice of the most wonderful cures tver performed by any cure good births,) for which apply to acre’*, with two go4*d orclnirds and wood bind. |t hn FOR THE MILLION! Hon. liuel Williumt coiiIeni|ilHtes removing to Miissa- on it li liouRO, two biUd'*, it slicd 40 leet lojig, two good Gentlemen's Traveling Shawls chuselts 'I'tiat bestows a full and eloquent trib­ modkine, nre on circulars In the hands fif Agents, [t>6 E. S. SAXTON. Agent* wells of wuli'r with pninps, and other convenieiiuo.**. til, sa©lg,5f Nl) TALM.\.S, jutt ncfived iimj now npniuig nl ute upon Mr. W., for his life of remnrknble public Jonoa hitcoiiib’s Remedy for Aafhtnn. 81 Wasliliiglnn Street, (Joy's lliilldhig,) nnwloii. 1 ho nhove farm will he sold very low, for chkIi or tip T11A\ 1:K ^ MABSKIN-.S. spirit. h m Whotrsnlo mid Itetnll, nt filnrHlon’a Block. The following certificate will show the estlnmtlon In \*hlch 'I'ickots lor AUhTKALiA I ) fiiniihlitid :isidMi\e. Hint l proved credit. For further particulars enquire of (his Remedy tn held by those who have used it— S NEWELL is now piep.irt'd to (‘(fer llielargi*! ntol best Artists' Materials. Roston. Aug. 4, 1B53. .IOjSEKH bow.M aon the preinDcs. A New Topographical Map and Directory Sept. 2-5, IS.5.5 :i,nll \/* St’icrteil stO’;k ttf B()((1K, Hinn.b AM* III itnf.US ever ofiereil 4 LARGE lar.. assortment...... of Ariitts’ Materiab, consisting of Tlie rcpiiire in llie Ilaplisi cliurcli are com- Mr. Burnktt. Dear Sir—Tho Remedy for Asthma, which you to the ritixuns of Watervllle. and at pileea which rann«*l fill to j\ Wnsoii A Nkwtos'h Tube PuinU prepared, has given me sueh great nnd speedy relief, that I can­ OP K K N N K B K 0 COUNTY, suit the inhHt econonilenl porrimscr. Ills sf«M-k ci»n«l-ts of all pletei), after a suspension of religious servicee not refrnin from thanking vou for it. My sufferings for many t ENT’S nice tscwod CALF BOO rS, ju-l r(‘ceiveil kinds of laidles’, Genu’, lions’, Missi’s’and (.•hlldren'a Boots, Hahht Briislies, Drv Colors, years were dreadful—often depriving me of rest, botli day and 7b 5e tiutde Jrom an nclunl original Instruuuntal \ I and for sale by C.S. NEWELL Himes nnd Rubbers. Badger Blenders, Nut Oil, fur two or three monllis. They are mnin'iy in night, for many seeks together, so that life became almost a .. Su'Vty of the entire lerritoty. CiuTOM Work ANuRKrAiiiiMi done ns usual. All kinds of Gr.iinlng TtsnN Grecian Vartilsit) burden to me, and I expMted to suffer a* long as my lifs la.ntod NOTICE. Cunfelr.’ Hair Brushes, White Varul.’di, very good tasle, and creditable to lliuse who 'HK underHigned are prepHring to pub>i’f them hi a bear, as you deem proper. 1 am, eet.. W. L. ' varieties of (heir mnttur.icture A>ho, a Keneral assortment of MIK great stirress whleh has ever attended th,* Ii.dinn |»rae ing si’de. a large*unl,bansDiu«lv Uidowi vegflsblesnd lloMer Nrw Post.sia8ti;ii at Wateiivii.le.—El- Manufucturiea, Hotel*;, Quarries, MmcB. £cc., nnd the CALF, KID nnd ULOTII lILOVKR, coi staullv on hnnd and soi­ rlrw of Medicine, as pertei'ted by K. D 8PKAR, D D. ex. Garden, in ubieh ate ninhy oftbe rare at»d vMiinble kinds of For sale by U. H.IIAY, Portland. ' G. F Sargent & Co. usual Topography of Rivers, Creeks, Fonds, llaiboru, 1 dridge L. Getchell, Esq., has received the ap- Bangor. Kben Fuller, Augusta. Q. p. Fessendeii Rockland, ling at very low prlee-, at TIIAYKR and MAUSTON’S. rites envy In the brarts o| tlio innny advorntet t f Mereiirv— Apple, Pear, nuin, and Churty 'J uVs, with a got)d Msurimeiit and Druggists generally. &c. Many of bis reins’dles, as the public have nlieady learned Irom of (lie smaller fruits, sueh as Currants, Guosbcrrles, 3tiaW- puinlment of Postmaster at this place—to fill The name? of residents and firoperty holders geiicruU Farmers' Boilers. tiew.spapcrxol tho dny, an* prepared trom recipes which nre berries. «-tr AT\VHLI/8 IlUALTII HKSTOIIKK. Iv—cnrofully Including all who siibMcril»o io udvnuc’Q for believed to liavo orighmily been received (tom (he Indians 175 Tlie Ihiildings ron^tst of n large two storv liouse with cH at- r'^noM 13 (oOS ifiiiions, sut III atoTes, onii be used In Houso or years ugo. No oilier remedies deserve the name of Imli.di the vacancy occasioned by the decease of the Or, Vroetaole. Potsjcal. .Taundick Bitters, for. the cure of the Map, will be loserfed In their resprciivo places. \__Hog House. torssl(» by k*. OOFFIV. (nciM-d . rontaintng two kitchens, silting mom. psrlovand draw­ .tauiulice. Liver Comptnlnts, Indigvstfon, Costfveness, Dyspep A HIGHLY ORNAMENTED BORDER of Views of Dtt. HrKAIt'.-i GItEAT INDM.V A(KDft*INES ing room. Hint t» o shwptng nNtni* pn lower ttoor. and ten late William ,1. Richards. So far as ihe Wa- sis. BilHous Complaints, Headache, Loss of Appetite, GeiioraI Public Buildingfi,' Private Residences, Mahnfiictono>, Cash paid for Hides. (For tiainea and description, see bis “ Family Physlrlnn,”~h) 'rbaiiilwrs, with large cliinn and other closels} a tarice Debility, Colds, Fevers, etc., «(o. OcmkI for all Ages, Bexes and Natural Scenery, Sec., of general interest in the Coni ty, 't ASH paid for lltDK9 and PK1N>*, m my store, south of the b« Icul free, at Ids omce or sent to order, piepald, on receipt of **lih Cellar, hor««i sUbh*. earringe hou«« and ira bpuae, alH| lerville posl-onice is concerned, the depariroeni Conditions Composed of IIouIh, Hrrhs and Barks, tho H p'per pofttiigu stamp.) other couveiilenj out buildings-ware bqlU by the lal«tUnao« will surround the Map. J Po-t Office. Rwl2 8AMUKL DOOLITTLB. siAthews,,ra(q., In the most tburoiigh manner,nnd flnlshcJ with Best in Nature’s Kingdom'. Price 25 cents. 2wl3 A separate map of each of tlie cities and pincipnl ( Apfi Cr.KTAIK CUBCK VOB at Washington seems destined to give its oppo­ C, tv ATWELL, Deering's Block, Congress street, north side BEDDING! BEDDING!! ~ Asthma, Ague and FevOr. RuiIkt's lleli. Roll, Bronchitis, Can­ all neces«nry cnnvcwlcnces by the pre*eijt proprietor, and ar* Market Square, Portland, Proprietor. J. Q. MOODY, Agent villages, on a larger scale nnd separately colored, nlso cer. Canker, Ctilds. ‘’misumpllon,Coiigh’(,i:o«ilveness,i'ramps nqw In p* rfect or.lsr. The house fs wnnned hy a ffood fbr nents no chance for complaint. With some fur Watervllle, and sold by dealers In KIed|^ne everywhere. inserted in the margin. The whole to make a LARGE 8ept. 20, 1855. Debility, Diabetes. Ib-rangeinent. of the Bowels. nI) humors tti nace. and the kltetien* are furnUhed vrifh cooking cangea.— AND ORNARIENTAL M AP,conttdiiing sixteen or eigh­ T. KlpKN & CO. hiiTo this day rceelTcd and now offer the Blood, G‘ddiiie.xs, llemlaelte. Inttaniniation of the K\eM T he sitting ro«>t)is, parlor*, and nostuf the chambers have ntao eight years’ experience in lime* pa*t,'>idde«l to DrrPBTTIT'8 GANHI-tR /s liir sale .iHtindice, Kidney Coniplxlnts, I.Uur Complaint, Loss of Hiir open tire ptnrca teen square fee* of engraving, colored by towns, and fin­ Thiiiil.l.' lit tlii'»riiuiia.-. III. hi dul) of 111. |ilucc,.nJ Uo Iu- For the eure of Nursing Bote Mouth, Sore BicasU and Nip­ ished in the higliest style of the art, mounted on rollers', 11 prs 8uper Swiss Mill Blankcta, all siiej. Lum<|agn, Milk Is g. Niithtiimre. Palpllatkui nf the llnirt, P.iDis very correct and practical business qualifi- 6 “ t’m-heeo do do extra qualities. in tlie Hide, Buck, and other puru of the bo tv, I’aiijfnl Men- tiietlinte »icinUy to seln.ols, rhun lies, nnd the depots of thrv-o ples, lufent’s Sore Mouths,Canker in the lloutb, Throat, Stom­ nnd i.-^sned with the utmost dispotch consistent with the’ 27 10 4,11-4, 12 4 and 13-4 Lancaster Qniltx, l,r>0 to ^2,7o diflen ntriillroads. render it um- ofthc mo«t desitable reslden- calionB,the most xealou* partixan could not'ob­ ach, or Bowels of Children or Adults, and (br Canker acenm- amount ef labor necessary to complete the surveys, and slruntlon. I*ti» Worms. Rbetimsilsm, Halt Rhenin.Hcald Head .....In N ••• *^*- -• . - ... tjanying Canker Rash and Scarlet Fever, Swelled Tonsils, Irb 10 10-4,11-4 & 12-4 MancheHter nnd Allandale. 1.25(02.25 Srofulii, .yjiortnehs ol Broutli. 8oro Throat, Hpitml Complaints, England. As the owner Internln lenvliig town, the prepare the draft and engray'lng. 14 “ “ ** Toilet, Itnperial and W«R«d, 2,50(o5,(X> Strangnary, el-* Estate will by sold nt .1 low fignfi-nml on Very fitvnrable tamii. ject to tbi* appointment. UtioD of the Bronchia, and Canker iu every form. 2wl3 • For fiuthiT Infornintion. iinjulre on the pn uiises. or of rome verv celeltrated, Market Sqr., Portluod, Genera Agent lor MuJuu. 'J.O. MOODY. pear in connection with each city and village plan, in- 10 medium sixe do 1.25 to 2,OU nd It is now admitted that his iu-«tm«nt of Female Uoak- B'dtHrvHIe. Alareh 27, lK(*i5. (is37ii) 8 J*. SIIA Some of our readers are quite anxious to side tho border, where each subsciibcr may have bis AL80J .\ L.tRGK ASSORTMENT OF no.-s Prolapsus Uteri, Irn gularlflea and Huppresslona, U fai 2w name anti inserted. ^ . Lluen PhectingH, Pillow ease Linens, hleaehednnd hr’n Bheet- snDerlor tti to every other (realmt-m o| these coiit|ihiiiita WILLIAM M. LINCOLN. ^ read a detailed report of the several Irinis of A Table of Distances will be prepared, showing tho lugs, nil uidths. qualities and priees : bPd nnd brown Dr HPKA R, is also eelebrvted in the treatment nf Children, —srr*—!— Table 5preftds, Hnon Damasks,.ht’d nnd iinbl'd) His (iiedioines. ladng vegetab e. do not polKon the system. Merchant Tailor, : : : : Wing’s Building, apeed of borse* duiing the Fair. They want distance from each Post Gflico to every other, as uctu Crushes. Tickings, Drills, Dbipers, Dr .H|M*Hr Is now being visit. ,| hj one flioiisand patient* ev­ ally measured throughout the Ooiiniy; nnd hIko the Dollies, Nnpkirs, &c. fire. ery month, some o| whnm travel huudruds of laile- lo n iisull \lM)irLI> rcaperiHilly inform the pnhiio that h« hi)4 to see what lime was made, not only by (he illatkctfi. latest Statistics as to Population. Products, &c.,ciigrHv. him and olitaiii his m« di('lnes. * ft nil hand and will uniittniio In krc)*, a lur^^ aiiU CARPETINGS AND FKATUER8. fresh stock ol gonda in Ida line cuiiaiating in pari of plaio cd on the body of the Map. (L/ Thu largest assortment nnd lowest prices are nt Dr .S. will warrant a cure III every curalde case. After giv­ horses which look the several premiums, but Watervllle Retail Piioe*. Wo are novr engaged at a heavy expense in forward ing his remrdiesa fkir trial. If a cura is uot effected In-will I fan CURUKCTKU WK.EKT.Y. JVt»St 2 0 a 75,Salt, rock 7.1 Business men and cUisens gei^orally will at once see Canary and Hemp Seeds, See advertisement of Book Agents. Hops, Fnjio fi^^umuier .^rory, Fpurm fit Adamautinu Candles. A’r J.O. MOODV’S. WANTED-‘I good coat MAKERS; none Apples, cnokine 20 a 2''i Molasses 40 a SO that whiitover-olhci* maps they may possess or have 6 a T^iterson’s l.ndics* National Magasin*; Grahain’sNatlnna': need npplv but fir-t rate wnrkinnii. Apples, drieti 8 Turkeys 12 nil opportunity tu purebase, nn accurate map of their NEW GOODS forJ^FALL TRADE. Putnam's, Illustrated Magnilne of Art; llarpar'a Magaxin* t Wnli rvilli-. .lulv 20. Ifi.^'. IK Bxplotioii of Powder Mill*. Potatoes 25 a 33Chlckcn8 0 own Cities, villages and Towns, shown in connection GodeyVLady’s Book. Huy loose 10 00 a .2 00 We regret to learn that a part of the Pow­ 1251 with nil others in the County in tho style proposed, E. T. KLDKN & CO., KOWIN COFFIN, Rye, 1 00 a will form u vulutiblo work for their Counting Houses, I).‘.l.‘r in der Mill* at Great Falls, Gorham, known us Iln>« (Ills dny received and now eGTer fur sale, Dissolution of Copartnership. Oflicos, Residences, Scliools, &c.,—a work which they ^rilK Copartnersltip liitherto exisiliig under the firm of J H. ' Whipple’s Mills, blew up yesterday about 11 Brighton Market.—Dot. 11. will he proud to possess, nml deserving of the local 41 pcH. ThiUctHaiid Ca'-limercs, all shades and ({ualitics. 1 PL.\IHTEI) A ('(>., U lht’4 day dissolved liv inutuni roiisent. | Hardware, Stoves, Sheet Iron and Tin-Ware, 72 “ 5 4 Silk and Cotton Warp Lvone»o Cloths do. All persons hnvtug account* against or indebted to the firm I l■'irc•Fratllra, 4'ar|MM)lera' end l-'arnirra* Toola, o’clock, and several persons were killed by the At JlnrUct, tnuO neof Cattle, CC'tO Sheep,' and 050 patron.ige throughout the County iiecei^sary tu suciire I'uintN, HHs and (•loaa, &r. dir. Its publication. 31 ■’ •' Alirpacss, .20 to .50 yd. are requested lo innke an Immediate settleinuiit with -I il. occurrence. Swine. PLAISTKD, i>y whom tho buaitiL-ss will be carrlnl on as 47 Gnc Door .Nnrtli nf the Poet Gfilee, Watarvllla, M*. PitiCKR — Rsej' Cattle — \Vc quote extra 9 00 a 0 25 ; Should the residents of each County In the State af­ 41 Rich Valencia Fluids, u new urtlole. The explosion first took place in the press 140 < New styles DeLidns, all prices, 15o to 2.5c yd. heretofore, i fir8t quality 8 25a 8 75; second 7 50 a 8 00; third 6 75. ford the necessary encouragement for the publicHtion of Water>lllc,Pept. 18,1855. I Tin: JiHAT AiSh rut: LATEiiT aTYLta op mill and from thence almost inktantancuusly Working Oxen—Sales from S75 to S143. a detailed map of tbeir own territory from uctoal sur- 21 ' Paris all wtxr) Dt l^iiins—choice patterns. 17 ■ Paniieltus and AnestitctaH^new styles.- communicated to 100 kegs of powder in a ca­ Ones uiM CVr/res—Sales from S2*2 tu $55. V(>ys ns above, a Mho of Maine could then be construct­ NEW CLOTHING 8T0EE. GENTLEMEN S HATS, Sales Yrom $*2 00 to SO 75. ed* with the greatest possible accnrucy. Until such a 41 ‘ Kleli Brocade Silks, at very low prices. I (Bi ruE Axu Lx\nt Htiilu ) nal boat, which was near ilie mills, and froib Sicine—At retail, from 7c to 9c. survey shall have been inailo, any map of tho State 26 ■ (Stripes, pl.iid and chiingtihjc do. GEO. \V . G A U I) I N E U. 31 • F MuU*-bkiu ur .Silk ; x^ft Fur or Koaaulh do; of all must necessarily' bo u mere compilation, giving general­ Rich black Hn>cad« aiiu Rep. Silks, new styles. Having lonsvd tlx* rnniniodlouH Brh'k Store, Ihe luoHt popular ntul coiivoiiient Faahfonfi for awio which those who were killed, with Ihe excep­ 10 ' Suiins and Satin DcOhlncs, extrv widths. ities only, and extremely unreliable where any details No. I.TlrONIC HOW, . . - M ATKIlVIl.I.K. Odurability a:i>l cotnloi t ; tion of Mr. Hawke*, war* engaged in discharg­ are attempted to be shown- . Also, H largo n>>sorln)ent of Silk Velvotx of ev(*ry fllamaats. tVhirh be iias thoroughly flGt-d up wlGi a ii« w and (’Ivgaiil N o W O D K N 1 N G ing empty casks. The mixing mill also ex­ The pnbllsliers rely upoq the ond enter­ width, color, quality and price. Ludlus' Brond Cloths, Glass Fr»)nt, n1so nn entire iii w finish Inside, making it one nf In Kenton* l4th Inst* by Hobnit A. Richardson, Esq. At tho Storn uf A ^INOLAIIt, who pay* uarHoular ploded, supposed to be oocasioned by Ihe tim­ prising citiEens of Kennebt’c County, to sustain them in all colors nnd prices, from $100 to $2 50 pur yd.— thn most di’simble sieri’s (III Gm* riwr.tukvn {(Iv.isure in mu- "d Mr. W. G. Keiui and Miss Hester A. Osgood. producing a work o; such magnitude and expense, and Fringes, Gim(is, and inoiru anti<|ue trimmings to inntch. tiounriiig tn the rltlxens of tills iilnre, itiid the |mld|r generally, (uiition to the Ihitim/ //as/iirs/, uitk la deloriuiAad bers from (he press mill. In Augusla, lOtb inst., Kben F. Webber toElIxa *>• respectfully soliolt their co-operation. French, Knglibh andam* American Prints, 5o to2t5c per yd that hr pru|M>M’M opening n first class CLOTHING BTOltK. hell at the LOWEM' I’UIUF.S. The following persons were killed instantly : Whitman of Gardiner. S-BAKER & CO., Auguxtii. PuiciiHScrs in pursuit of any of tho altove nmned Hu hufl a chuiru and frrsli stork uf — AI.KO — Oliver George Whipple, late of Lowell, Mass.; In Chelsea. 7th inst., ’luseph .Mornng to Hannah F. GooUh will find it tor their intureit to examine our stock RPADV C/oOTI/L\a Qentlenien'i FnroishiDg Goods Moody; Aaron Morang tu KliEabeth Friestj >Vm. O. The undersigned having examined tho recent surveys beforo making their selections And Gent's Furnishing (LmmIs. rnmprlHliig In part thefnllnwiiig, John Swell, of Gorham ; Edward Hardy, ol Green to Elmeda R. Holton uU of Augusta made by S. BAKER & CO- lor a TopograpliicHl Map of _ NOS 2 AND 3 BOUTKLLE BI^^CK. vli—Beat i*r nnd GrrniHii Cinlh Uvcrceais—Bliu:k and t'idnied r L o T II I N i; , Raymond ; Samuel Phitiiiey, of Gorham ; III Belgrade, 7th inst,, Benj. B. Sparrow of Boston, to Kennebec County projiosctl Hooij to be published, tlo Gerumu CluDi Harks uiid Fnick Coats-Black iu»l Fancy CrsmI Of alinn«t every V\ile(v* ett’l dsherfplloii, at thb tiiorl Martha J. Austin- cheerfully recommend the work as being in our opinion Sawed Liunber. mere I'anti—BImiK and Kniivy DiM’skin Bunts—Black Hailn, reaHoiiublo prices, iw he deterniirted Ihul nona ahnll Prankllii Hawkes, of Windham ; Lullier Rob­ In Bingham, Hartley W. Giidden to Lydia Kay of '’I'lIK nubHcrtber will (lullvur at Watarvllle and other HtatloDi Grenadeeu Hilk, plain and figured, Uicli Hlik Velvety White under-ell liiiii IIih iiiolto iii /.u'l unif Lcf ^irc — ninj vurv accurate and reliahle ns n practicable map or Coun­ Marsuile*. Filk Laallng and Vtilvmlu Vvbts, buGi single und inson, of Lowell. Skowhegan. ty birectorV) and feel that tho enterprising publUIiers | on (he A. St K. Railroad, llemtuck snd Hard Wood Hawed deal hoiiorabiy witli all luni. IMcuho call and see fuc Lumbar on fuvoruble terms. (STEPHEN rllVK. double brawled, Aim fur v«)Urselves. Mr. James Whipple died on Friday evening deserve, us Vo trust they will receive, tlie encouruge- Watervllle, Fub. 6,1855- SOtf inent of ourcitixens in oVery section of the County.— FURNISHINQ QOODB at 7 o’clock. *lrbe physicians think that the lie bits fine while Hhlrts. (daln au I fiinry plaits, culnrvd Hhlrts. DEUa. PAINT AND DYESTDPP Dcntljs. Considering the expense of such a survey, obtaining so FISH A !*Ai/r. accurately all the locutions, distances, &c-,-it knit Drawers and Under shirts. Bosoms. I'tdlHr*, Satin Rtoeks, WAUKIlOlillE. injury he received'wben be fell upon iJie rucks' In this villAge,on Nnturil.ty evening, at tho Watervllle I^U tU« put thirty yt.ra, me Iwt. ■1'''’ *>*>' parllcnl., lU' Napoleon Ties, blurk and fanry alik Cravats, Iba ket lidkfa., at the side of the canal, were sufficient to cause House, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Ciiaklottk A. Hlakk. being an entirely local work, we are satisfied that a lib* 1 lentiou to tha above article* and iiavo rerenily made ar- Bilk and Linru, Buspenders, Gloves, Uiiibrellas, etc., rte., tu- ; eralsubaqi^intton iii each town and city can only warrant .JOHN W. I’KUKIN.S & CO.. his death, aside from that received fiom llie wife of .lames F. Blake, and eldest daughter of J. C and rangciiient*, wliureby (he last nauied arilclo can l, A. E Combs, of Bowdoinlium. its^^mhlicatlon at the price proposed. direct from vesaei or atore into cars', whfin aaffictrnt quantity Btore- Aliw* explosion of the powder on board of the canal IHO.MAS KLDRKD. ) /\„„mitmoners ta taken. Our usual stock Is a.H fbitows— •- JttU* r. iu — In Augusta. 2Ut uit., Ellen M., Cburch, daughter of JOii.N U. OUlFFOIiD, I t Oil Cloth and Bnbber Clothing. boat, Ihe unloading of which he was aiding.— IsRuo Church, aged23. of KenntbfC Vo. Fish. lUrrliiit, Ob' , etc. AH the above stock will be aoMal prires to suit the (Itnes Foreign and Domwtio Drug*. ’’ Mot>s:s rAUiai, 100 bbls Tpimer's oil, PUR Geutleinen, plraM* call and examine our stuck U’fore In Bloomfiuld, Haniiali Foltard, widow of Moses Pol­ 800,000 lbs Ijirge f'od, Kiiglb-b nnd AnirrU'an Lhiswd Oil, Mpirlta TiirpevUueJspan, Mr. Samuel Libby, who' was in the same lard. formerly of Augusta, aged WI. purchasing. ('oai'h, Furulturv und Uuqiar As S. RAKKK & CO. propone publiFliiiip a Map of' it polling' Salt Watervlup, July. 1850 . 3 boat, was aot seriously injured, and the phy­ Iu llalluweU, 7th inst., lion. Williams Kinmoni, aged 20.000 bushtti* Turk* T.RaR y \ II \ IRIIBH, KenafbdP.D0Pft|yjGf]Uli4 Istad, of vaiiixia mnitiifaotun s - Drv and be 8imitur.i(\qG^can(i.^ef-mioii to the map exhibited, l.OOOiBoxcn Herring*. l.DfMFbRcs Griiuud Frcunii aiul .\iueriuair Ziau; tUig , i'vU aud Am., Ihe son of James, who was in the cart receiv­ ai)(J aRcr the Ityle of the most approved uml valuable ! 500'bblA. Mark’!, Tougues 1,006‘ ** Batter Homoeoi^^o Pbyiioian. (irt-HUs; Palut Biushee- ing the empty kegs from Mr. Oliver. G. Whip, A BOY WANTED, ! QoUnty... ty SMaps . published ID other States \ the MndersiRM- sod Bounds, Na|>eti and Fins, OFFICB OVKIl \VING^Nj;g^:WKLUV BTOKK, A IITIHTM* < OtOHM* ed believing- . that.1 . sueh a tnap^would... be ofm great. ...value1..- DANA oc CG., pie, was (blown from the can to the ground, T the KaMern Mail Office* as an appreutlcfi, from 15 6m8 CoinmerrlaTHLteelil'urlland, Me. Multi Birref. • • Siyti rainitr.' .'^Ivck, liinjvw Vlatt, (lluts K'ur. ai,.f to 17 yeare of gfie. ’ * ‘ ^^ / nnd interest to our oUizons gbnerallj. recointnemi them Residence at the Klmwood Hotel. DrderUeft on the slate at l»VK HTUl'I'lj, bat being so far from the ground he esenped \ to subscribe*ri>r the tamb and deoure Rs publfcation : A. 1.. CUTLER, AwgusSa'—^, W.RaUersoii, Mayor, Sleveus & RltMue, the oflice iu blsabsence, will be prouiptlj\lA*t'dcU (uon bis T>),.lh.r vltli otli.r .illi l.- u-ully (band tn * Via,. Falal the force of the explosion, and is not seriously Qrookeiy, Cihina and Olan Ware. Keo. Jour., lohn Dorr, W. A- Drew, Rural Intelligencer, WIIOLK8ALE DKALIU IN return. 201 r >ntrHUon« Cleik of Oouris, J. W. Haiisun MAKurAOTUaSS OP fers bis profuislonaiservires lo (he public Portland, Aug. fi, IB66- Htaii H A PKItKlNB. (4 CASitU QUlL'CS.j. .,ju«t reoelveil’ • ' ^ from- tlie recent osKiJoe. A ttoioai), Gospel fiaonsr, Russell Eatou, ile. Office, Mala Btrrel**ovcr Blde»4i C’o.’a Blorr. be cleared of all powder, and then thoroughly New rork auction sale, at about one (lalf oftbe oHKinal Farmer. ’ Goaeh, Ptarallare, IMsoo-forle, sad Rama er Klne n H.ta, Cap*, and Boy’* Clothiag wet down before any repairs are begun. The co*t, by p;, T. Kl.()Bi|l & CO. ira/rm7/«—T. Boutellc, W, Dyer, Sam. Appleton, o VARUJISH E8. RuiDSKCs—Tsmple fit.opposite the Cpofregatlonat Uburcb Kph. Mixhsm, Kastern Mail. Watervllle, febt 1,18U. 84 /T W. li.MipiNF.It. No. ( Tio-tnio How, qn« Ooorrorlh IVO. 49 INDIA BTHKKT, BimTON, MAB«. 11. of f iuniiio tl;ink, hn. roovnlly udiled to bis .lock i. job necessary to be done in the Press Mill was If mPORTANT NATIONAL WORK, Ealttbit- IFiallinpp—S« P- Benvont M. C-t A. P- Snow* M- D., October Uih, IB.55. 2ml3 JL. BAB». IB. Dm ao slight, that it is supposed the workmen tho’i A ing Ibo best l.iterature of the Country, and adapted A F- Btauley* M. D-i Jno. W. May, O. A. Wing, Ilou full »for0|CK» • I AUo,----- I,a '"'ISWlarge nvi/vi.stock »»■of,Silk, Veeunla.vwvu.i..,, French .-Y,Ka*. either baste or carelessness in (Its maiiulaoture, ^rilB uudfralgoed having oiteuad an ufAoet portraits, aulogrupbi and qtner . illwitralUuiai. {( nwal ed Hungarian, and mnoy fither new and desirable I (be corner of Maliiaud AppUtoo Streets,Wa IJKOM 100 to 300 lUmU.wkutf J |i> uiake Bftuly WkJ* but from a neglect of rules well understood by Bvo. volumes, containing 700 pages eaolu Sold only'by Ywthers! Foathera! styles of lUts and Caps, Just received nnd selfing very t^^HBIktervUla,!* prepareA |u axeeutc all orders froio : ClothliiaClolhlii* tu wbdiDwbqiD UONi will bebo 1paid, and OttuOkut all—familiarity with danger in this, as other subscription. Kauh agent will have his own territa^. A LL olesQsed and warranted fre^ from dust. 1776 clioap at THAYKR & MARSTON XJJtboee In heed of IHutal aervIcrS' emijioymciit gWta- 0- W, GAUDIKFU. Applleant* for agenoiee thould apply to Pabkioi, Jfuu J\ lbs. Prime Soutiterii and Western Live Geese | once bearefrem 0 iu 19 A. M-,ati4 9 tu ft P. M- Oi^ Il0*r «VurM w/ Haak* branches of business, often begetting___ „ a neglect„ & Co, Book and friut Sellars, SO & S3 Oornhill, Boettai, Feathers, this day received* a&d will bo «n1d at a very i ADIES! call nt K. Collin's Hardware anl Stove Wtttcrvilte, An^iut'WJ, 1855. 6 of th* most obvioui rule* of tafety. The whole Sole ggenu fu New KngUud. small advooue from cost* by E. T. ELDEK & CO. L Store ood get one of tbusa LIFE PRESERVERS Not. I, PM- Hitf U.F.WAT»l!lf WBf djc lejaatctH iftnil,....WatcriJilU, ^^tt. 18, 1855. __ Dr. E. F. whitman, Peuohscot & Kennebec Railroad. HAS AnmvKni .1. 11. I’LAISTEI) k co. PortlaiK? Advertisemonts. STOVES 1 STOVES!! OCULIST AND AURIBT, Tho voluntary tesiimboy of living witneasUBi U that niALRIl,. IN I %’n . 11 <1 Doitrl fitroct,...... Bnalon. Drngpi and Medicines, N mirl «n^r TUK.SDAY, Si'pl 13,' 'riilns between PGugor Hayes’ Allied Ointment, and Humor Syrnp, WHOLESALE MILLINERY IN PORTLAND. Also, Inventor and Mannraetnrcr of O and WntervIMu will cun as foUows- 8 the avo Newport 10 04 “ 5 18 “ Its operation. IVe know It to be the greatest alleviator of pain ■ KAMa and WINI'KU stock t)K MIMdXKItY, Arllflrlnl Kyca made and Inserted at Short IVotIce. EJiMWOOD HOTEL, Arrive at Watervllie 1180 “ 8 40 “ and ButTuHng to those tiflilcted with any kind of humor, and Csrntr of Unit, nn.l Ollfgi. Blrvrl!., (ni-ar Ih* nTpot.) .toiN* oppiiinjf ol th« Itrflnrh lloiifoof WmiKRr.LL HnoTiirnB , • RliTUTtrfiNa; renltv one of th« greatest blessings to mankind aver befora Ibe irV2 Mrret, Portlnnrt, Mt*., whrrp h« I* cooRUntiy ~ KENNEDY’S puhltr, as wc can show by tbo evidence of living witnesses,such U A^KilVIl.I.K, rpn-iving the 111(01*1 ftini mo^l (loAlriitilo xtylof* ol j T«eave WatervUla 450 P M. 8f(0 A. as Hon Alitert Warrvn, Mayor of this city ; Dea. Wm. M. Klm« H T .1 O H N \j. S F. A V E Y . Leave Newport 6 0S " 1015 •' ball, A. W. Ptearns, A. T. Sitnhnrnj 8.1. Thntnpron, A.8. Bun* ' French, English and German Goods, I Arrive at llungor 7 28 *' 10 63 “ kcr, .1. F. 0. Hayes, ,1. W. Carletoh, nnd n host of other#, all In PAIHTING,, Oituptcd lo thtu ninrkol, fonftnting In port of Iko I PaMenger Trains arrive at KendallVUlUls nhd Watervllie hi thv doctor's own neighborhood. -4 i pIpj«, tU; llonnetjCnn, SdUii and TulTata IlIKIION?, M Into ■tasoh lo connect with Trains for Augusta, Portland and Boston. This inedletr.R Is diffvtent from all otbets, Inaamneb atthat, Groinintf, Gloiivg and Paptr^ng. I illnok Aiitl (.'oloiod FAUB—Bangor to Portland, ...... 98 1st.—It is a.sciHiilfln preparation, compounded according to I tSmlna* VrUrm. tMt'vn, ICinltrnldrrlrP, ^"P*'** j The GreatestM the Age. * ^ " Boston, • - 6 00 tho laws of Materia Mepica. 2d.—It cure# tbe diaaaaeand OKoiicii: ir. rsTV KfigliiM**, T'rliHinliiitaA I'nMU'li l•■^ow^rP♦ VcIIp»i u.krnnkdyRNNKDY of Uoxhnry, har^llscoveradlnoioneofonreoB' Bangor, ^pl. 11,’56._ WM. CUTTBIl, 8upt. that too, without produclrig another worso than the flrat 8d.— lONTlNUt^N toinpit Nil »AHirriosi * White Mountain Airtight Cook Stove, except two.—lie has now In his possession over two hundred NK of the beat.fltoTwa ever offered In New Kngland, Itlsa Main Streel, nppnstir M«riilon*fi lltork, JIRUS/f MAN UFA CTUUKHS, certificates oflts ynlue, all within twenty miles of Poston^ O newand« beautirai design, EVERT POUND or NEW iron, with \ bottle# am wnrranted to cure a iiiirslng>sore month. u.** W A T K U V I 1.1, r.. 190 Fore-st., Portland. lnrKpnue«,h», .cold «lr Uuo between (Ireeh.niber .nd OTen,! One to three bet,lee will cure the wor.t kind If pinipl.i on the-l Wedneede very heary guard plato, doing away with all danger o! burning : WATERVILLE HOUSE—RE-OPENED. Mnniifnclurers of CentralWnJ nari,iiosion,every ...... Mondny,TuesdBy,...... Wednesday,...... ; ” TAYI.On'.S rATKNT DnKSSKI! BRCSII, nut. Thcrcisaiso a Puo through the back oflhe oven, to con-j Two to three bottles will clear the system of bile. • Thursday and Friday, al ...... 7 o’clock P. M ...... ’ ^ •* s without any unpleasant seniattons or' Inconved* .1. F . » L A K E . vey all the gas or steam Intothe pipe, when roasting or baking; , Two bottle# are warranted to cure the worst canker lo the Fare, In Cabin • « , . Al 2r lence—but what'Is n few days in comparison to years of suffer* mill nil kiii.lN i.r Miii'liiii" llrii«lii!» In i.r.liT, d3(f has two dumpcis, and a Urge oven. Be have soldorcr one ( nnu „toDiBfh. 91 25 I ing, running tho risk of Its ternlnatlhg lo that worst of fbrmi, NKOIllttB thn t>u1>lie that tiu lm« (akon the llo(4* On Deck 1 00 (lie “ WatrrTlile non««,’* on Main ^tros-t. w!»rro hn pfnlprs 1 h«ndrid,aiidsofaraB heardfrom, every one has glvotientlro Throe to fire bottles are warranted to cure theworst cases of tt^Frolghttaken______as usual.______I Canoxb, or that equally as fatal disease, consumption. Phyil* JhU (>«>•( eCTorU lo moot tht* wants of the puhllo. 'I'Im* hoiii>e iihs i NEW SHIP CHANDLERY satisfartion. erysipelas N. B. Baeh boat Is furnished with a large number ‘®”**** ofall loonsumptlve cases originate In ^n lhnT<>nghly tepalfod and ImpToveil, and with lia t\i(nr«a,' — AND— We have also on hand alnrgo stork of theOrecn Moufnlalu One lo two bottles are warranted to cure all humor In the i>om8,fortlioaccomiiibdHtlonoflaai«#andfRmlll«. humors. Thousands are dying Annually by humorsalode. To offers all the eonTpnItneea c»r a fir'i cIiuih flntri. Ptiitc.hmplre,Western,OurState.Vnlrun, T.Victory.(Jallfornla, eyes .ll.r«*r.r.mln,l,Jth»tby(.kln|5tI.I, M2,"„^|,’2«ln7rf ...... standard. I’nlted Htates, BlackWurriiir. Fremont. Klixabethan, C()5ni ISSION. STOHE, Two bottleiaro warrantedto bure running in the ears and time and expense will be mode, nnd thatthelnconvenlcnceofneon I " many cases where they had been considered past all cure. A linrora And (‘arriaffea lu Let* ^T) At IVo. 21 IS'rtv lltork, Altnnlir II• II• Wlinrft Portland. (with patent ware) Preniliiro, etc. .tlsoa great variety of Par* blotches In the haiti arrivingin Boston atlntehoursofthenrtthVwlllbl’TJoLilV^ man In New Hampshire Is using iton a cancer who has been ^ WatefvlUe. April 17, 18:f>. 4ntf ^ J. K. Ilf.AKK. lor, AIrl'ightand Box fltoves. DUNN, KLDKN A CO Four to six bottles are warranted to enrecorruptaod running Tho boats arrive In season for passengers to take the r.rii 8*’®" niedlral attendants ns part hejp-by using one '^1 OAIrXa ANB 8CE'. HARTLEY, CONDON 6o Co. WaterviUe^.lHn. 20,1861. ulcers , •Std trains out ofofthe the city earn* oj^troent, he and his friends are now confident it lIAVKJijstopened.ancI offwr by Wbolrsalo or llHnll.nfufl One bottle will cure senly eruptions of tbe skin. The Company are not responsible foi baggage to an amount will save his life. The Urgeet flock of 11 ami rnmplefcn"ft»rtmentor8TIIF Oil ANBl.KItYnnd HHIl* Two to tbtee bottles arc warranted to cure tho wont case of exceeding 960 In value,and that personal, unless nottoe Is We could cite scores ofslmllar eases where It Is provlngequal* 8TOIIK8. consisling of Manilla Itnpe, Itussla nnd Anierican ring-worm. given and paid for at tho rate ol one pa.sseiiger foreverv *yly •an potent.. Believing the voice of the afflicted more powerful Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the mostdesperate *600addltioDal value. ** than our own we let them speak for us. Kfer offered In WaterTlIk, at the old Ptand of Tarred llo|.opc. Hemp aud‘ cotton...... Durk.CImln Caliles nnd An­ chors. NarnrsloreK, I’liints nnd Oils. Beef, Pork, Flour. Mnla.s- cases of rheumatism. May 19.1866. L. BILLINGS, Agent. IT (JUIIKS the Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, White Lep* \VM. L. MAXWELL, M'S Sugar, and all other articles usually keptin such establish- Three to six hollies are warranted to eure salt rheum. rosy, Cnnccrous Humors, Bing Worm, Scald Head, Burns and iiicrits. whieb they olfi'f at iis low prices as cnii be hnd either Five to eight bottles will cure tho very worst ease of serofola. Scalds, Chilblains, Piles, Barber’s Itch, Fever Sores,and all old eonateting In part of U'omrn'a. MDsca’and Chlhlren’e (lalf'r A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and ap«r* steamboat Notice! Mercurial Sores, however long standing. It removes all those W«»men> French an*l (’omnioti Kid Ihisklna, Mlaeca’ntid here or in Boston. feet enro warranted when the above quantity Is taken* vexatious Pimples, Emptlons and Moth or Mildew from the fntlldren'e Kid and I'at^nt leather I'arodU, Ancle Tics. Hr.— Wo are also prepared to niakcllbcral nJrancos uponeonslgn- Nothing Imiks so Improbable to those who have In vain tried jpASSENGEItS on the WatorvtitcTrain arrlv- face, leaving the skin perfectly soft and smooth, adding greatly ments. STOKAtSKnn MbernI terms 1.' 10 Also. OcDts* Calf,and CanraM Pools of almoid every dc-cripllon all IUa wonderful medicines ofthe day,as that a common vreed Mondnvs AnU ThimUnva ^b»' bcRUty of complexIon. lu ijo 0086 wlll It leave the least Poja* and Yontho* t'ommon and Fanrv fhora. . r. C IIAhTLCV, f.t. CONDOR* 0. I. GOODWIN. growing on the pastures, and along old stone walls, should cure t’KHNoit fnr itMtim win An.i PnaM *1 I B®****’ '^Bl draw faninors from the stomach, lungs, Ail of which will Ih* sold as cheap for cash asran he bnnght In^ the steamer GOV. KIlNOIl. _____for Iloolon,_ will_____ find______(,o.ol,o.____ In ro»,|. „„ j j ,, ,ppli„ll«V *o«n PIraae call and examine at the folhiwlog price#— , every humor in the system . yet It Is now a fixed fact. If yon lueas at the Haliowoll Depot to take Passengers to the steamer’s Flour, Pork, Lord, &c. have a humor it has to start There Is no Ifs nor ands about its Wharf free of charge. It improves Mie...... sight wonderfully, ily. where■ the• eyes are troubled Women* Qaitcr Hoots, from • • Si 00 to SI 7/i suiting some esses hu t not yours. Ho h"S peddled over a thou­ with Immors by removing the difflculty and restorhig theslghU. Misses’ *’ •> ... 75 to 1 Bills. Common, Kxtra.nnd Double Kxtra FLOUU, Fare from llallowell to Boston, * • *8176 500 180 lihls .Mess, Clenr and Extra ulear POBK sand holtles ofU (ho vicinity of Boston, and knows tbe tffects of “ “ Ix>wuU, * - - - 200 Price of Ointment, 91 OO. 8yriip, BO ceM*. Women*# Kid fhoea,from • - fiC to I W 10 0(Kl Ihs. Pure l^af I.AllD, lu T's nnd Tub#. it In every rase. H has already done some ofthe greatest oure, The steamer Goveruor touf!h«R Hunnbwf.ll’# Point, for the HAYES’ pIl¥ 0~INTHENT. and other work In proportion. Custom work done ns usunl 5 000 “ New York and Vermont Cukf.bk, ever dom* In Mnssnchu:»elts. He gave It to children a year oldi accommodation of those de.rirous of visiting that fashionable Waterrllle, M#> A, 1H86 43ir 400 Quintnis t.'od and Pollock FtKii, JUBT RECEIVED AT SINCLAIR’S, to old people of sixty ; and hasseen poor puny looking children, Summer Retreat. JOHN 0. PAGE, Agent. A certain cure for Pile#, and all exUrnal initatlODf. Dtrec* Together wilh a full aHsorlment of whose liesh was soft and flabby restored to a perfect state of June 12,1856 40 tions on (he bottles. Price, 81 00. MtOM one ofthe best Manufacturers In Boston, n new and health hy one bottle. BCAD TUB rOUAWIlfO, IT Vk^UK# FOR IT#BLF. For Sale. w. I. c; o o n ,s & groceries , splendid lot of HATS, A little niceto It Is hellered, than Is To those who are SAihject ton sick headache,one hottlewUlal- Iusually offered for Bale In WotorrlllC; and will be sold at prices GBJEAT CENTRAL ROUTE Lawrence, June 12,1864. fpllS BHICK HOUSK nnd l.ot on (he West side of For sale hy Win. I<. hOL’TII.AIMI, ways_cUTeit,__catarsh anp disxinesa. Main fit.. DOW ofcupled by Iter. It. B. Tliursmn that will give entire *------^me whoTiave taken H bare T>eeB costive for years, and have /Vom HVifrt’rt7/e to Nuiyarn Falls, Itn^alo, and the Wo, the undersigned, clUien# of Lawrence, having used lb» ^ ahd Mr Ovo. H. Kety ; also, the HousVAitd U>t on COMMEItOIAI. #T , IIRAD OF PORTLANP PIER, iSalisfnclion to any Honest Man ’ beer, regulated by It Where the body Is sound It works quite Vegetable Allied Ointment, prepared by E, P. Hatxb, of thf» th# Kastsldeof; the same stieet, now occupied by Hon .Toab Dor .1854. 1>22 Portland. ,>fr. ORCAT WEST! rity. and being personally aquolnted with the Doctor, feel pleas­ Together w ith n large a.ssortmcnt ot easy, hut where there Is any derangement ol the functions ofnn- Uarrlmaa E#q Purchasers may apply to CnADDouRN & Oil- ture, it will cause very singular feellfngs,---- * t»ut•* you must not be ure In adding our testimony to all he claims fbr his medicine,. HAM of Bouton, Mat#., or to (he subscriber— alarmed—they always disappear In from four days to a week. Unlike other remedies In tnele market, this preparation performs Walervll}«.Oot.96,’M. (151 JAMI’:fi fiTACKPOT.K Boys' Hats and Caps its ufilce Hpeedily and with certainty. The Ointment we have- riAWO-rOKTE Ofthe prettiest patterns, always on hand. There Is never a had result fr(«in It—on the contrary, when that used with the most happy resnlt,after vainly seeking relli./by feeling isgnne, you will feel yourioK liken new person. Iheard • - rlllS" " Watervllie Oct. J856.______some ofthe mostextravagantCDcomlunis of It that ever man the free use of SarsaptiriUss, 1 Bounty Land.—New Law. ESTA DEIS II .MENT. lA—Fitchburg, and connecting Ratiroails to Albany,Troy I Onr experience fully Jastlfles us In confidently recommend­ ll persons who have renivrd forty or Hghty acres of land MAINE INSURANCE CO., listened to. ^ or 8chcnectady, and N. Y. C. Batlroail connecting at Bus* ' ing it as TiiF. article nnd tho only one khuwn (o us as perform- fr.fruin the* *•U. "8 . are now entitled* * ‘to ntnrc' Andrews & Robinson, Nocbnugeofdletcvcrnecessary. Eat tho best you ran got, ypension Briilge with A Aiigustn, Maine. : ing all it eliiiins. And all persons Who " hare been out ’* fourteen days ate also 101 Ftderal fUtreii.. ; : : : : ; : : Portland, and enough of It. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY! I A. 8. Rarer, 8 I, Thompson, A W. Stkahns, A.T. 9an#oxn. entitled—and MANurArruRKR# or the CEi.RnnATRn PreMidrnI, - - J 0 H N 1.. CUTLER,-- Amjmla. 11 It A N C H OFFICE IN MAINE Widow# or minor children, In ease ofthe death of the fiol- for HnmIlUni, Detroit, L’hicagn, Galena, Lu .^alle,8t. fyoitls, and ^ Prepared by t)i. K. D. Hatkb, and sold, whdeeale and retail^. 8 \V H I,Ia* .>I L T K a T ’|‘\ t:|| M u !VT, DIRECTOnS. IS AT il. H.IIAV'Hdrug STORI, all point# Wvst—and at BUFFALO with Michigan Central and byUHARLKS H. KENT. General Agent for the United istatsa dler. Pnren(r Meuroo. Toledo aftd and (’unndas, Nos 5 anti 6 Appleton St, Lawrence, Moss., to Qv* Planoforle# tuned uud exchanged on favojttVle terms. UiIARL'f.8 .loNF-S, whom all orders should beaddressed. be promptly attended to. T. W. ItKHRlCK. (iRORGB W. fiTANLBT, “ 77/is ts to ctrfifif flint // II. flA K, Dniffffist. Portlnnd, Detroit, forming the (dieapest. safest and most reliabh; Railroad J. II. nnukiMoNi). Sam i. P. Shaw, Watervlllo. route from Watervllie to Biiff!tlo. .Niagara Fails, ami all points I WILLIAM DYER, General Agent for Watervllie. 40tf Ivatervllle, March 7. 1855. 34 IlARtUS ALDF.N, “ is flit duly iiiititnrifed Grfui ol -•l(/(’r7fyor my M> dienl Dis­ JosEiMi H. Williams, “ .luiiN 1) Lang, Vai'SHlboro’. Westf as there are no Ferries to cross, aud uo extra charge for I 0 6,61-2 and 7 Oct. PIANOS. Also. Hera­ covery for Ike mote <•/' J/ainc, and tliuf he is supplied with moving baggage ailer leaving Boston. CKLEBRATED ld phinef, Melodeons, Reed Organs nnd Mid- DANA & WARREN. This (Tompnny was Inrorporntod in 1853 «md (he amount of capital required by the eharU'r hn.s l»een taken by some of the the qtnuiue, direct from my Lahnrntoi'y. Passengers would do well to purchase (heir Tickets before FURNITURE fTfTTl ophlDes, for tale at Boston Prices, hy DONALD KENNEDY. leaving home, aa they will theTeV>y prevent nil im{M)sition and 10 A.LYFOlin. Wholesali! Grocers and Provision Dealers, most responsible men In the State. It 1# designed to meet the ^7., wants of that class of our oitUenM, who desire to iusure in a safe JONA HIQ0IN8 and Wm. DYER are agents in Watervllie. extra charges on tbe way, can slop overnt Way Stations If they Corntnn' till /Jiud Cvflom J/ouse WliarJ', Kcndall'e Mills—U. B f.ewis and L. F. Atwood ; I. Dyer and wish, and have ample time to view NIAGARA FALLS and thu POLISH. Monument! and Grave Stones. HOME coMPANV, and who prefer to pay at once a F.viR fricf. for ?0lk llousekocpeve, Kuriiiturc Dealers &c., forsale b^- n. n. DANA, PORTLAND,MAINE. Insurance lo a Stock Company, rather than run the hazard of Deiismore fit Sou. Skowhegnn. ______M.^MMOTH SUSPENSION BRIDGE, tlie greatest works-of C Snbscfiberis conotantlv manurActiiring the bssl JVM. WARREN, lj20 Nature ami Art. repented assessments in a mutual one. . V DUNN. KLDEN & CO. ’ r Julian nnd Amciicuti Marble into MonumentshiuI IB IMSTOI.S, u fine toy for boys, sold b 1 Tbls Company la now ready to Issue Policies, and wlll Insure 1., i'nrs lenv** ItoMton, ritelihurg Station, 7 1-2 a.m. At 1 p.m. Oravff ttonei uf an^ putlern or design that may be wnnted. Botanic Medical Office. against all the nsual fire risks, not exceeding the amount of J. MOODY RUSSELL S. BOULTER, Person# wishing to purchase worh, may be assured To Hie Aflllrled. 85.0^) lu any one risk. Time from Boston to Buffalo, 24 hours. Boston to Niagara fpilE GENUINE KENNEDY’S MEDTOAL DISCOVERY Falls,24 hours Buffalo to Chicago,24 hours Niagara Fulls ^^TOULD Inform his old friends, and V that they can deal with’me on better terms than with n. W. P. PADKLFOKl), Office at No. 41, Exchange street, Applications for insiirniiee in this vleinity may be made to I Sol It J. H. PLAI8TKD & CO., Druggirta to Chicago, 18 hours. the public generally, (bat he travelling agents of shops at a distance D Portland, may be consulted on all Disensu# incident to (he the subneriber at his office, (I'lirnix Thtough Tickets lor thi.'t line may btt had nt 20 State Street, has taken tho new Hhop, one door north Since the opening of railroads into the interior of Ver­ Human Frame. Dr. P. gives partifular attention to (ItAensef* Watervllie, Pept. 27.'54 (IKf) E L. (lETtHIEr.L. Agent or Ticket Offlee, Fitchburg UallToad Suiloti, Vausway Street, of the Express office and opposite the ofthe Urinary Organs, and all diseases of a prIvaU nature in WONDERFUL DISCOVERIEBI B 0., where he vfill keep constantly OB mont, we are able to obtain an article of marble very BLACKSNllTIIINfiil. Boston, at the Ticket OfUco A. A K. BailruHil, W.atvrviilo, Me., j hand a supply of snperW to the old New York marble. both sexc.A. His great sucreas In tlio#« long Ktanding and diffi- lItH’EEI) each other so rapidly In the present age, that we and all the priuciplu Statiuus tin K. R It.—Also nt ^ calt eases, such as wsra foriiieriy considered Incurable, is suffi­ TpiIK Underslgried having formed a partnerje bought clsowhure . his offlee, and If not effectually relieved, no remuneration will eonfident of giving satisfaction. 8hop at B'estcrid of Coriiforth uunucuD !jj;2.oo! mau 8 of country produce tukuu iuuxchange for paymeat. FAIRBANKS* be rc({ulred for his services Bridge, B est Wuturvillc. E WO«»DMAN, I ' G. W. Stone’s Liquid Cathartic, Apply to EDWARD C. LOWE, n a I VC me a (nil. K. S. BOULTER. Itfjiecl and be. Wise in Tone. May 9^ 1865. 43tf GEO BKN80N. ) A Family Physic In the most desirable form, perfectly agreea­ Agent at Ticket Office, A. fit K. K.alUond. Watovllle, April 10,1855. 39tf SCALES. ble to thu Uutu, and a reliable remedy in almost every disease Wotcrville, Sept. 23, 1855. 4 U Is aeknowlcrtged by all ThyRlrlnns of repute, In all countries WINGATE, to which the iiuman ruee is subject. Its merits cannot be PKE.SSy, FARNIIAM & Co., that no one medlrlne is suffirlent t<> cure all complaints, and al­ too highly extolled. Indeed, It may be called the panacea. Its S4 Kilby Street, Boiton. so that, with ths exception of Neuralgia, no one medlrlno will FASHIONABLE HATTER. efficacy in the ruru nf tho following complaints will be readily Inventors and aole Manufacturers of cure any (me disease, but that every complaint requires a admitted by all who give it » trial, vi^—Habitual Costiveness, 13 IiEVER SFRINQS FOR CARhlAGRS. GRKENLKAK k DROWN, change of inVdlcine as it progresses towards a cure, consequent­ Nos. \i Franklin Avenue, lios'on. AfTertions of thu Liver, Impurity of the^Ho'id, Piles, Epilepsy, 3m7 A O K N T 8 . ly all medicines sold at ilruggists. ns curing all romplulnts, (betwkfx court and cor.miill STIIEF.TB.] Scrofulous and all other humors. Dyr^pcpsliViBlUlous Affections, (Ihilent applied for.) sheiild be avoided if yon wiah to avoid l»eing humbugged. ENTRALLY located—eonvenleiit forall—not in easily apart- Dy.^entcry, Dlarrluca, nnd all other diseases ofthe bowels, will UR 8I'R1NG8 weigh Imt 1-2 iiflntnrh sn the common r^prlng AUGUSTA DYE HOUSE, TO KEMALKS.—All diseases peculiar to females, (such as sup­ C meats, nor subject to high reiilH. be completely removed by Its use. O The bearings on tire sill are belter; They areadsptsd Agents.—Mrs. R. P. Uradhniy, oB|M»slle Pastern illoll pressions. Irregularities, etc.,) apeeillly removed. The efficacy Under thu.'-e clrcuiiistauccs, being a practical hatter, and hav­ In short it will renovate the whole system nnd place it In to heavy nr light loads, nre eacll3 applied In all bIics and OIBre, Watervllie, and the P. fit. al RendalPa Mllh nf his remedies for the cure of the above affections, has been ing had long experience hi the buf‘ine.'