U N O f f i c e f o r t h e C o o r d i n a t i o n o f H u m a n i t a r i a n A f f a i r s South Qalqiliya: ' 'Atma Closed Area 9 July 2007



Izbat Jalud Gate S




n 'Izbat Jal'ud a r r

e t i





Inset of Detail 'Izbat Salman W e s t Al Mudawwar B a n k Izbat Salman

Gate a e


Azzun Atma 'Izbat al Ashqar d Sha'are Tikva a Gate e Gate D Settlement Beit Amin e e Gate n

n i i L L

n n e e e e r r G G

'Azzun 'Atma Sha'are Tiqva Settlement Etz Efrayim 505 Settlement

C ll o s e d Masha North A r e a Elqana Gate Settlement Masha II s rr a e ll Masha Gate Kafr Kasem 5 50 Kasafa Gate

Az Zawiya

West Bank Barrier 1 C ll o s e d Forty-five of the eighty-four Barrier gates are open to Constructed with appropriate

A r e a permits.




n i Planned Route

i Planned Barrier: path based on



Israeli Government map,


n e published April 30 2006 and IDF

e 1


e land seizure orders. (Ministry of

r r Agricultural Gate

Defence - Authority) G

G 1 R a f a t Military Gate Constructed Barrier - path extracted from satellite imagery G a t e and verified by field survey as of April 2007.

Checkpoint Prohibited or Restricted RafaPtalestinian vehicle use Settlement built-up and outer limit Main road

Palestinian Built-up Other Road

A Cartography: OCHA Information Management Unit.

H Map Produced: July 2007. Base data and statistics: OCHA, July 2007. For questions and comments, please visit: The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat C of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or http://www.ochaopt.org/ or contact: [email protected] boundaries. Reproduction and/or use of this material is only permitted with express reference to "United Nations OCHA oPt" as the source. O