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The BG News September 13, 1994

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Tuesday, September 13,1994 Bowling Green, Volume 80, Issue 15 Assistant professor faces jury Business provides Wood pleads notetaking services not guilty to sex offenses for BGSU students by Ginger Phillips by Genell Pavellch chased for the 25 courses offered through Jackson's business. The BC News The BC News All the note-taking positions A University assistant Students who for some reason are filled for this semester. professor pleaded not guilty to cannot make it to class on a cer- "We had a better-than- charges of rape at his arraign- tain day, and who are willing to expected response to the Help ment Monday morning in Wood spend a little extra money, can Wanted ads," Jackson said. County Common Pleas Court. purchase the information they Lecture notes are available in a Floris Wood, 51, 241 S. Sum- missed from a new notetaking variety of courses including biol- mit St., allegedly engaged in service started by a University ogy, economics, geography, ge ology, IPCO and psychology. sexual conduct with a 6-year- student. old girl betweeen August 1993 Write from Class, located at and June 1994. 1450 E. Wooster, Suite 66 in the Wood was indicted Wednes- Falcon Plaza Complex, is a note- Write from day by a Wood County Grand taking service that opened last Jury and charged with one month. Class class notes count of rape and two counts of Jeff Jackson, proprietor of the gross sexual imposition. business and a University stu- Write from Class is a dent, said he had the idea for the Wood pleaded "not guilty" at note-taking service that business last December, but he 4 the arraignment and is pre- opened last month. sently out on an Own Recogni- did not open it until school start- zance bond. This means Wood ed this year. Notetakers get paid $200 "My brother goes to Penn did not have to post any money a semester to attend a for his release. State. They have a notetaking service there called Nitny class and type the notes Wood is still working as an by 4 p.m. the next day. assistant professor and data Notes," Jackson said. "He asked archivist at the University's if we had one here, and I checked into it." Lecture notes are Science Library, according to available in biology, Eloise Clark, vice president for Notetakers for Write from academic affairs. Class get paid $200 a semester to economics, geography, "There are procedures laid attend a class and type the notes geology, IPCO and down for the suspension for by 4 p.m. the next day, Jackson psychology. . terminating a tenured faculty said. Jackson said he then makes member," Clark said. "That procedure has not been ini- copies of the notes, depending on The notes can be purchased tiated." the number requested, which daily for $3, by the semester for Clark said being indicted for customers can purchase by 5 $40 or in test packs for $15, Jack- a felony does not usually war- p.m. son said. rant suspension. Jackson used classified adver- "I think this is a good service "[The suspension process] is tisements to hire the 25 students because they an.- doing it at other to take notes. Notes can be pur- unlikely to be initiated until See NOTES, page five. someone has been convicted of a crime," Clark said. At the arraignment. Judge Charles Kurfess warned Wood not to have any direct or in- direct contact with the girl or any of her family members. If Wood is found guilty of rape, he may be fined up to $10,000 and a sentence of up to 25 years in prison. Each count of gross sexual imposition car- ries a maximum penalty of $5,000 and two years in prison. If guilty of more than one of these counts, Wood may have to serve the sentences consec- utively and pay accumulative fines. Wood, a resident of Bowling Green since 1978, has no prior convictions. The BG News/Ron Wcllmer A pre-trial conference will The BG Nc»»/Ro.i Wcllmer University assistant professor Florls Wood (left) leaves on an Own Recognizance bond after entering take place Sept. 22 at 11:30 a.m. a plea of not guilty to rape charges at his arraignment before the Honorable Judge Charles Kurfess A trial date will be set at that Jeff Jackson, proprietor of the Write From Class note-taking Monday morning In the Wood County Common Pleas Court. time. service, stands in his office located in the Best Western Hotel on _ Wooster Street. Merchants Fair introduces Group aims to fight racism, local businesses to students educate campus, community by Melissa Upowskl of commerce. pons, drawings, samples, giveaways and other promotional by Angelica D. Huesca vices Building. with yourself," he said. "All peo- The BC News "By attending, students can Thursday, Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. ple should work together to com- items," she said. The BG News become aware of what is availa- there will be a show on BG-24 bat racism because our campus University students will have ble to them in the city in terms of is a microcosm of the entire soci- In addition to the individual Racism exists on this campus. News dedicated to racism and the opportunity to acquaint services, retailers and products," The Racism Reduction Center is spotlighting the Racism Reduc- ety." themselves with local businesses Gordon said. exhibitor contests, students will Chip Carter, another co be able to participate in the an organization at the University tion Center. today by visiting the Lenhart established to expose it. Matt Boaz, co-founder of the founder, is looking forward to Grand Ballroom between 11 a.m. The fair, which Is free and grand prize drawing for airfare open to the public, will host 65 Stacy Pettit, co-founder of the group, said although racism is a beginning this academic year be- and 6 p.m. for the fifth annual for two to Florida over spring cause there are a lot of issues exhibitors, ranging from fast break and additional drawing; group, defined the organization very serious problem on the Merchants Fair. as a pro-active/interactive or- concerning racism both in the food to banks, agencies to re- for a bicycle, a tailgate party, gift campus, there has not been an The event, sponsored by the ganization that combats racism enormous amount of support media and in the city of Bowling Bowling Green Chamber of tailers, she said. certificates, a portable phone and by educating, sponsoring forums from the African-American Green that need to be discussed. Commerce, the University, the While many of the merchants to debate issues and implement- community. Downtown Business Association an answering machine, she said. "I feel that when the Klan will be selling their products, ing solutions. "No matter what race you are, came to Bowling Green this and The BG News, is an attempt others will be offering free sam- In the past, about 5,000 stu- The first organizational meet- if racism continues to exist in dents have visited the fair summer, they received an inor- to introduce area merchants to ples, she said. ing is Wednesday at 9 p.m. on the any way, shape or form, or on the University students, said throughout the day and the same dinate amount of protection from second floor of the Student Ser- any level, you cannot be at peace Joan Gordon, executive director "The exhibitors will have cou- is expected this year, she said. See RACISM, pigefive. INSIDE ^> CAMPUS ^> CITY ^> SPORTS ^> WEATHER I Jim Tinker, Director of Falcon quarterback 1 Well Aware week Is a I Dowtown Business Asso- Ryan Henry set a school Partly cloudy. Hieh in the 1 chance for students to gain 1 elation, said the Black and conference records for lower 80s. Southwest winds 1 increased awareness of the 1 Swamp Arts Festival did his near perfect perform- increasing to 10 to 20 mph. 1 different services the Stu- I well this year. Both con- ance against Akron. Head Tonight...Variable clou- 1 dent Rec Center has to I tributing volunteers and coach Gary Blackney diness with a chance of 1 offer. I Theta Chi Fraternity as- praises Henry and his re- showers and thunder- I — Page4. 1 sisted In the cleanup. ceiving corps. storms. Low near 60. Ira 1 --PageS. » Page 6. Editorial The BG News page two Tuesday, September 13,1994 The BG News "A Commitment to Excellence"

Glen Lubbert Julie Tagliaferro editor-in-chief managing editor

Michael Zawacki Leah Bamum news editor assistant managing editor

Sherry Turco Joe Peiffer editorial editor city editor For sale: class notes or education Now you don't even have to go to class to stay up on what's going on. Si&'fSt'f.-' A new company in town called Write from Class, run by a University student, has proposed the solu- tion for those individuals who, for one reason or an- other, haven't gotten all of the class notes. You can now buy them at your leisure. If you are taking one of the 25 classes the company covers, including biology, economics, geography, geology, IPCO or psychology, you can now buy the notes of the lectures. Write from Class has hired 25 -s students to take the notes and type them up for you and have them ready by 5 p.m. the following day. What a wonderful concept. No longer do you have to worry about missing those pesky lectures that seem to clutter up your sleeping schedule. You can Let the next generation wonder now spend those extra hours in front of the television or play that extra game at the Rec. People travel through the jour- own right down to the 38 inch mits (besides bowling and pop ney known as life searching for chest and plastic apartment? culture). Classes will soon become a two-man operation with fulfillment. Some turn to religion What if she's a homicidal mani.-'c Since people are the product of the professor and the note-taking student doing a and worship, finding solace in as a result of her need to "be" their experience, I want my chil- one-on-one. faith. Others find more tangible Barbie? dren to experience. I want them Heck, you could even stay in your hometown and security, such as a home, a car, a What if they catch homophobia to experience more than I did. show up on test day since you could just purchase love. from the kids at school or inherit Children are our leftovers for these "Cliff Notes" of the University. Besides, It's a question of purpose - a racism from society In general? the world. They get our trash and teachers seem to have a problem with re-reading the reason for living, for continuing. We are already expert parents, dirty air. They have to grow up, book for their lectures. Some poor souls never find or we should be, because we were learn and make their own judg- But don't be too hasty on your class-skipping de- what they are looking for. They recently kids ourselves. ments abet life. We equip them cision. The professors didn't get this far by being live - working, going to school, My progeny will probably buy with their own wondrous know- outsmarted. Soon, the generous teachers who treated working some more. They do a Wood a movie ticket and sneak into a ledge and hope for the best. students as adults and didn't punish them on their lot of laundry. They see friends different one, just like I did. They inherit the hope of future come, go and eventually die. Uon a-tumin'? They'll learn to dislike home- enlightenment, and then they lack of attendence will start making it mandatory. They'll lie on their own death - I know I'm still clueless. work, just like I did. They'll have children to pick up where And the ones who did use it as a percentage of your beds and wonder why they went Maybe my children can figure probably fight with me, just like I they left off. That giant wheel of grade will now make it a larger percentage. to all that trouble. They'll wonder this all out. fought with my parents. inquisition keeps a-turnin'. In addition, professors will start using more multi- if they will be a memory to The best we can do is give our I used to think my parents I could be one of those people media to get their point across, causing the note- anyone and worry that it was all progeny the skills, working were really mean. who aren't truly fulfilled until takers to put their pens down. They also may prevent for naught. What will they have knowledge and peace of mind so "You'll understand when you they harvest the fruit of their students who are not registered for their class from left so that the world will at least that their lives mean something get older and have your own loins. In my innocent youthful attending it. acknowledge their presence? to them. kids," Mom would say. stage, I'm still not without those What will happen by students using this note- I believe that some ease the I just want them to be an Im- Moms and dads make it look so pesky apprehensions. taking service is teachers will become more dynamic uncertainty of their estranged proved version of me. I want tt easy. Mine had five kids and I could drop a real loser who in their lectures, causing the students who don't at- lives by having children. By leav- rear good-hearted, competent they're all doing okay. I'm in col- doesnt give a crap about any- ing tangible evidence of his or people. lege, I haven't run up credit card thing and doesn't vote. tend class to lose an essential piece of the course. her existence, a parent alleviates I find it interesting how chil- bills or robbed a video store or I'm a little hopeful when I look Basically, what it breaks down to is the student some of the anxieties of coming dren can be so different from anything. I dont know that my at my situation. making the choice to attend class whether or not and going. their parents. My ultimate fear is parents faced the same anxieties My parents are plain working there is an avenue that will help them out if they do For the parents, ultimate hope to produce a moron. toward having children as I do in folk without college experience. miss it. lies in the enlightenment of their This apprehension is so fierce I the here-and-now, but I'm sure They marvel at anything I do If Write from Class is used as a second source to children. As youngsters, we grow am forced to reconsider this they weren't gung-ho experts. that they haven't done. They the lectures, then more power to them, but if it winds and feel the pressures of living child-rearing thing. I think about my kids at my silently cheer me on because I'm up being a flunky's way to slide through college, it and dream the same dreams. We What If my child is a sexist pig, age. living a dream life in their eyes. may be a step back in the education system. inherit the grand questions and or a gun-wielding maniac? Or I wonder if they'll have to deal ponder the same profound worse, he could think that the fu- with sexism, AIDS, violence and mysteries of the human situation. ture equivalent of Big Johnson the Star System. The BG News Staff Soon, we will be having off- t-shirts are cool. I hope they go to college. Col- spring of our very own. Will they Could I handle a daughter who lege is a must if tney want to ex- Andrea Wood is a weekly col- photo editor Ross Weitzner keep that giant wheel of inquisl- wants Barbie's life for her very plore humanity's needs and li- umnist for The News. sports editor Mike Kazimore assistant sports editor Marty Fuller graphics editor Jim Mericsko Weekend Reality editor Andy Dugan special projects editor Robin Coe Psychological experiments hard assistant special projects editor Mellisa Lipowski copy chief Dawn Keller An average of 1200 students may tell your roommate to pick much your books cost. I could the morning; and use of MIND- Assistant copy editor Cindy Williams this semester may be participat- up their four-day-old plate of have bought a really nice moun- ALTERING DRUGS such as ing In an unnecessary class re- spaghetti, but your roommate tain bike with the money I spent dangerously caffeinated bever- quirement. Psychology 201, gen- says "In a minute," which is on books. The bookstore cashier ages invented by crazy French eral psychology, requires stu- roommate slang for "shut up." said, "Looks like you will be do- people and alcohol that can legal- The BG News Editorial Office dents to participate In experi- ing a lot of reading this semes- ments for credit. They Involve ter." Then the bagger handed ly be substituted for paint thin- ner. editor 372-2603 simple psychological tests, over three seriously bulky bags and HYPNOSIS brought on by Weekend Reality usually surveys or observations. 'Voians of books and a sample-sized box 372-6967 certain class lectures; SLEEP managing editor 372-6966 Yet this requirement Is redun- of Advil. This Is true. But with simple Pavlovian condi- assistant managing editor 372-2952 dant as all students are constant- ly engaged in psychological en- tioning techniques, the same sit- news editor 372-2604 deavors, they just might not uation can be resolved in a posi- "Hysteria is discovering how much your city editor 372-6968 know It. tive manner: sports editor 372-2602 Take the psychological concept You: "Pick up that four day-old books cost. I could have bought a really nice editorial 372-2604 of conditioned reflexes. These plate of spaghetti." mountain bike with the money I spent on were Invented by nineteenth cen- Your roommate: "In a minute." 204 Wesi Hall tury Russian person Ivan Pavlov. (Sound of cattle prod being books." Bowling Green State University Pavlov rang a bell whenever he fired up) Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0726 fed his dogs. Eventually, he rang Your roommate: "Okay! Okay! Various PHOBIAS on campus DEPRIVATION perpetuated by I'll do it now!" include fear of food service fire alarms, early classes, and [email protected] the bell without feeding the dogs, thinking that they would drool, There are numerous other items involving the word "loaf" drunk people in the hall who are psychological tests we experi- and fear of Star System rejec- doing what sounds like moshing Copyright C1994 by The BG News. Reprinting of any material in this associating the bell with the food. The truth was, nineteenth cen- ence each day. tion. Some people, In their PAR- against the walls at 3:30 a.m. in publication without the permission of The BG News is strictly prohibited. tury dog food was nothing to DELUSIONS like thinking you ANOIA believe that the Star After a battery of such trails The BG News is an independent student voice founded in 1920 and is write home about, so the dogj will actually graduate in four System calls them up late at and tribulations, what student published daily during the academic year and Wednesdays in the summer. just sat there staring and waited years. Also, thinking that the night and taunts them. "So," the would have the mental strength The BG News encourages its readers to notify the paper of any errors in until Pavlov stormed off in frus- good looking person who sits Star System says In its chilling to even locate the psychology the stories or photograph descriptions. tration. Then they ate Pavlov's next to you In your sociology nasal voice, "you really think building, much less wield a sharp Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the student body, lunch (balogna and light mayo on class is interested In a re- that you're signed up for that vi- #2 pencil? Further psychological faculty or University administration. Opinions expressed in columns, wheat). In this Instance, Pavlov's lationship when In fact they am tal English class? WeU, think experimentation is not needed cartoons and letters are not necessarily those of The BG News. Letters storming off was the conditioned trying to remember your name again! Press six to drop a section for that quivering mass of stress which will be printed in the "Po- Ha ha ha!" Not that I know any of that has become know as the col- intended for publication must be between 200-300 words long, typed and response. As students with roommates lice Blotter" under "perverted these people. lege student include the writer's name, phone number and University affiliation, if any. stalker." BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION Jason Young is a guest col- The BG News reserves the right to edit any and all letters. know, unconditioned responses happen plenty. For instance, you HYSTERIA in discovering how such as the BRAINWASHING umnist for The News. The BG News neaaimes Tuesday, September 13,1994 page three

THEY SAID IT "Maybe God will give me some an- swers to what happened."

■Pam Kastelmeyer, mother of USAir crash victim ITHREESeptember 1 3 19 9 4 Where's the Terrible Towel? ACROSS THE NATION People ministries on Elizabeth Taylor, ruling NBC had a First Amend- NEW YORK - The order of the ment right to show it. day from retired Gen. Norman Taylor had argued that the min- Schwarzkopf - Older men, see iseries, based on an unreleased the urologist. book by C. David Heymann, is The former Gulf War com- inaccurate and an invasion of mander considers himself the privacy. poster guy for prostate cancer. Among other things, the book His doctors caught it early, and contends Taylor was beaten by he has fully recovered 31/2 husbands Mike Todd, Nicky Hil- months after surgery. ton and Richard Burton. Schwarzkopf urged men over Superior Court Judge Diane SO and those over 40 who are at Wayne said that the series can be high risk to get tested. broadcast but that Taylor can "Look the urologist right in the seek damages later. The judge eye and say, 'Bring me to my gave Neil Papiano, Taylor's at- knees if you have to, but do a torney, the opportunity to argue thorough exam,' because that again for an injunction Sept. 28. way they'll save your life," he The network plans to broadcast said Monday on "CBS This Morn- the ministries in May. ing." "This is not free speech. This is Prostate cancer is one of the taking somebody's name and us- most common forms of cancer ing it for a commercial product," affecting men. Papiano said. Heymann's work was inaccur- MINNEAPOLIS - Oprah Win- ate and damaging, the lawyer frey got cheers for finishing a said. 15.5 mile run in hot, humid "For example, he says that a weather in a respectable 2 1/2 number of her husbands beat her. hours. That is not true," Papiano said. The 40-year-old talk-show host Jurassic Sequel limped slightly as she walked off NEW YORK - Director- the effects of Sunday's City of producer Steven Spielberg plans Lakes 2SK race. a sequel to "Jurassic Park," one "This took a toll. Even though I of the biggest box-office succes- am getting into this running ses of all time, but fans will have thing, the conditions today were to wait more than two years, For- difficult," she said. Humidity was bes reported Sunday. high, and temperatures were in The magazine made the disclo- the 70s. sure in its Sept. 27 issue cover Winfrey said she plans to at- story about the Top 40 best-paid tempt her first marathon this fall. entertainers, which Spielberg led NEW YORK - Meryl Streep with estimated 1993-94 gross hopes her new movie "The River earnings of $335 million. Wild" will appeal to girls. Forbes said the dinosaurs- "I made a movie that my girls come-back-to-life thriller was a would be excited to see," the major contributor to Spielberg's mother of four said in the Oc- wealth, grossing $900 million at tober issue of Glamour magazine. the box office. Sales of Jurassic "They could put themselves in Park-related merchandise gener- the hero's role and project with- ated an additional $1 billion. out it being a burly man, without In an interview with Forbes, having to make the leap that girls Spielberg said he plans to make a are used to making." sequel to open for the summer Streep plays a Whitewater en- 1997 movie season, renouncing thusiast who is kidnapped while his one-time aversion to sequels on a family river trip. as a "cheap carny trick." As for appealing to a new male "It's not so precious to me and audience, Streep said, "Oh, I I'm not so personal about 'Juras- don't give a damn about that. Thus sic Park' that I have any reason is not my offering to the male ac- not to give the audience what tion audience. If they like it, it's they want," he said. great. If they don't, well, we tried." LOS ANGELES - A judge re- Compiled from staff and wire fused to block the broadcast of a reports. Greenwood Coin Laundry .0 AP PhMo/Steubenvlllc Herald-Star, Mike Borda Russell Crater, a Pittsburgh Steelers fan from Canton, Ohio dls-1 game Sunday In Cleveland. The Steelers ended up winning the plays his colors before the start of the Steelers-Cleveland Brown* | game 17-10. o ^HB open 7 days a week EXTRA.! exp. 10/29/94 1616 E. Wooster Across from Chi Chi's EXTRA! In The News 9 years ago Center Township's Board of Trustees voted to rezone land just north of Bowling Green on Ohio 25, I "1995 USA™ PAGEANT" I clearing the way for the Woodland rats Mall. Official(/Bheliminaryvj&m> The 3-0 vote overturned a 3-2 decision against rezoning by the Center USA'gfyeanl Township Zoning Board. NO KRF0MUK TAUNT REQUIRED If you are an applicant who qualifies and are between the ages of 18 and 2? by February 1,1995. never married and al least a six month Don't Drink And Drive! resident of Ohio, thus college dorm students are eligible, you could be Caribbean Ohio's representative at the CBS-na- tionally televised Miss USA* Pag- Coach Ga, eant' in February to compete for over vfttV" y *, $200,000 in cash and prizes The Miss Ohio USA™ Pageant for 1995 v& ¥ NETS MARCH 18-25 %,%> ■ will be presented in the Grand Ball- c<* * room of the Columbus Marriott North On the Costa Classics LISA ALLISON In Columbus. Ohio. November 25,26 in the South CARIBBEAN MBS Obb USA" VIDEO & CONVENIENCE STORES * and 27, 1994 The new Miss Ohio USA'", along with her expense paid Savings up to $1000&& per cabin! $5022 trip to compete in the CBS-nationally televised Miss USA Pageant, will per cabin will be donated to the Make a receiveover {2.000 in cash among her many prizes All ladies interested in Will be at the Wish Foundation in the name of the BGSU competing for the title must respond by mail. Letters must include * Football Program. reccntinmpibot. m brief 'bimgrmphy. mddreu mndm phone MERCHANT'S FAIR TODAY!!! number WRITE TO: ¥■ ODSTA CRUISES. 1W5 liSS OHIO USA PAGEANT Stop by our booth and sign up to ICsrnnfnmtlmtf A \ 3 « WM HMmnn • o* « c*tafc,«. ; ..

by Joseph L. Belmagglo will be the end of it,'" Depue said. ty member of the Juilliard School by Julie Hamilton the only female university presi- Gehring said he is sure this will The BC News "But to my surprise and delight, I of Music. The BC News dent in Ohio. make a strong impact on student win." "These people are the 'creme Patricia King, chairwoman of affairs. A University professor is on a The American Society of Com- de la creme' of music," Depue Scholars from around the the department of student af- winning streak, securing his posers and Publishers presents said. country will debate issues of stu- fairs, said she is excited abou'. "This is a significant, signifi- ninth consecutive award from this award once a year to an out- Each year the judging panel is dent affairs at a national sympo- the symposium and said she feels cant change in the way student the American Society of Com- standing composer and/or ar- made up of different people. sium that will take place in Ols- it will have a strong effect on affairs are handled," Gehring posers and Publishers. ranger. Nonetheless, Depue has managed camp Hall Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. student affairs. said. Wallace Depue, a professor in The $500 award is based on the to impress nine panels of judges. Donald Gehring, a professor of "The symposium is attracting People interested in seeing this the College of Musical Arts, number of compositions written In addition to receiving nine higher education and student af- interest from all over the coun- symposium should contact the submitted his work for 18 years by the applicant, how many times awards from ASCAP, Depue has fairs at the University, is organ- try," King said. Office of Student Affairs. before winning his first award they have been performed, and won three Distinguished Teacher izing and hosting the symposium. nine years ago. He said he is now by whom the pieces were per- awards from the University, a; He said the event will benefit the on a winning streak that just formed. Pieces that were ar- well as awards from the National entire University, as well as Conference organizer earns won't quit. ranged are also taken into con- Education Association and a other communities throughout "Every year I think, 'Well, this sideration. Cleveland arts appreciation the nation. There are no restrictions on foundation. Invitations were sent out to accolades in student affairs how Depue can spend the award Depue received two bachelor's only 160 people, but two hours of money. However, according to degrees, one in music composi- the symposium will be video- by Julie Hamilton cussed by 30 different experts Depue, the award is worth more tion and one in music education, conferenced across the country. The BC News from all over the country. than the money. from Capitol University in Bex- Sixty-two sites have already Donald Gehring, organizer of a "These guys were some of the "It's not the money that mat- ley, Ohio. He earned his master's signed up to see the symposium, symposium on student affairs best in the country," Gehring ters, it's being approved of by in arts from The Ohio State Uni- Gehring said. . Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, is no stranger said. very distinguished people in the versity and his doctorate in com- Issues dealing with student af- to the topic. Patricia King, chairwoman of music field," Depue said. position and theory from Michi- fairs will be debated by people Gehring was honored last June the department of higher educa- The judging panel included: gan State University. such as Robert D. Brown, author for having a national institute on tion and student affairs, said the Harold Best, dean of the Wheaton Before coming to the Universi- of "In Tomorrows Higher Educa- student affairs re-named after institute is very beneficial. Conservatory of Music; Jo Ann ty, Depue worked as a music co- tion - A return to the Academy," him. What was then the Campus "It is really a service that CALL 352-5166 Falletta, music director and con- ordinator at the Toledo Museum and Carol A. Cartwright, presi- Judicial Affairs Training Insti- benefits everybody," King said. ductor of the Virginia Symphony, of Art, as a high school instructor dent of Kent State University and tute became the Donald D. Gehr- Gehring said he was not aware NOW Long Beach Symphony and in Leetonia, Ohio, and an instruc- ing Campus Judicial Program. that he was going to be honored Women's Philharmonic Orches- tor at Dover High School in Gehring founded the institute when Robert Bicker, professor of FREE DELIVERY tras; Michael Morgan, music di- Dover, Ohio. in 1984 and was the original law at Stetson University, pre- OPEN rector of the Oakland-East Bay Depue is not the only member president of the Campus Judicial sented him with the award. Gehr- 4p.m. • Daily Symphony; and Tim Page, au- of his family who is musically in- Affairs Training Institute. The ing said he was in shock. 11a.m. • Fri- Sat.- Sun thor, chief classical music critic clined. His four sons are all vir- annual institute- sponsored event "If I'd have said anything I'd at New York Newsday and facul- tuoso violinists. It's is designed to teach students have cried," Gehring said. laws regarding student affairs. Even though she was not at the The last seminar sponsored by banquet, King said she knew how FREE! the institute, which took place excited he was. June 13-17, covered topics rang- "He was so surprised," she ing from record keeping In disci- said. "It was a great honor and plinary cases to hate speeches on he's earned it. He works very campus. Those issues were dis- hard." TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL STRIP STEAK N.Y. $6.95 UNIVERSITY UNION INCL. SALAD AND BAKED POTATO BOWINGCRtt* STATE CMVEnSflV OPENS 5 - 7 pm

' Ml student rural plan cards accepted

N^REENEE BQWk TIJUANA TUESDAY $4.95 make your own taco.s, fajitas, hitrritos and chiinichan^as. INCL. COMPLETE SALAD BAR, TACO UNIVERSITY UNION SALAD. BAKED POTATO AND POWLNCmGREEN STATE tNrcnsar UNLIMITED BEVERAGE. OPENS 430 - 7 pm City The BG News Tuesday, September 13,1994 page five 9 United Way sees Black Swamp s return profitable Festival entertains benefits of area, about 22,000 guests by Heather Cvengros campus alliance The BC News Last weekend's Black Swamp by Amy Johnson faculty, staff members, grad- Arts Festival proved to be a fun The BC News uate assistants and volunteers. and profitable time for all. Graduate assistants Makeba Jim Tinker, director of Down- Many University faculty Clay, Kristi Bonnano and Amy town Business Association, felt members and students will Cole are currently involved in the festival did well this year. He contribute their time and helping to organize the cam- said cleanup was fast and easy effort to the United Way cam- paign. with the help of Theta Chi paign once again this year. "I hope to get with other re- Fraternity and others who con- United Way and local agencies sident advisers and get ideas tributed their time. work together to provide solu- on how we can get more stu- According to Tinker, the fes- tions to our community's most dents involved in the cam- tival received all the breaks it serious problems. paign," said Clay, who is also needed. He said good planning The main purpose of the an assistant hall director of paid off with lots of cooperation. United Way is to increase the Of fenhauer Towers. Weather was also good in com- capacity for people to care for According to Oxender, stu- parison to last year's cold, rainy one another, said Nadine Mus- dent groups are encouraged to weather. ser, area director of the start fund raisers for the "The festival is designed to United Way branch In Bowling United Way campaign, as well. celebrate the arts and bring peo- Green. The United Way benefits not ple to downtown Bowling Green, The part of the campaign di- only students but also faculty and we unequivocally succeeded rected toward faculty and and staff members, Oxender in those goals," Tinker said. staff members occurs during said. This year's attendance was es- the last two weeks in Februar- The benefits are achieved timated to be 22,000. y. The campaign is spread through local United Way or- The DBA helped originate the throughout all University de- ganizations such as The Link, idea with Arts Allied, and worked partments, said Cindy Oxen- YWCA, food pantries, Wood on planning with the festival The BC NCWI/KCM Wcltlacr der, chairwoman of the cam- County Council on Alcohol and committee. Tinker said there was Looking In amazement at all the fantastic surroundings, this man stands in front of a glass sculpture paign. Drugs, Children's Resource a much better art showing this at the Black Swamp Arts Festival on Main Street last Saturday. The campaign committee Center, Big Brothers/Big Sis- year. He added that if there is ters and many others. consists of the chairperson, anything students would like to Marge Meserve, an artist who sculptures which consisted of was a nice experience and hope- see more of at the festival, the displayed enamel on copper one limestone piece and nine ala- fully I will do it again." DBA is open to ideas. works said, "I was very pleased baster pieces from different The activities of the NOTES Deb Zappitelli, an artist who with the festival. I hope they con- parts of the country. also provided "big business" oi. displayed watercolors and tinue the festival with the good Staas said he sold three of his Main Street. Continued from page one. Laura Juarez De Ku, instructor pastels, said she believed the atmosphere it has. The artists are pieces and received a business of biology, said she does not think turnout was very good. treated as very special people, card from someone interested in "It's the busiest I've ever seen schools and the majority of our this service will help students "The festival is a way of the and the artists respond by giving displaying some of Stass' work in since I've worked here. We've note-takers are above a 3.0 aver- very much. town giving itself a party with their best back to the town." his gallery. seen lots of new customers who age," Jackson said. "Students need more practice cultural and healthy entertain- For one artist, the festival was "I had positive feedback, come in and discover our jazz Jackson said he believes most taking notes. This could be a dis- ment," she said. "It's a celebra- a very profitable and fun experi- which was really encouraging. and classical section," said Bryce professors are opposed to what service to students who rely on tion of what the people and town ence. Kevin Staas, a University This was my first show and I had Glass, an employee at Finders he is doing and said that he is not notes for one class, but then dont have to offer." student, displayed his stone a really good time," he said. "It Records and Tapes. trying to encourage students to have them available for another skip class. class," Juarez De Ku said. "I ad- RACISM "I don't think students will jus: mire the guy for his business heard of this type of service at Continued from page one. skip class because of the notes," sense, though." larger universities. the Bowling Green Police De- duction Center. Jackson said. "I think these notes Joseph Spinelli, associate If professors do not want this partment and other law en- This year, the goals include re- are good supplements for the lec- professor of geography, said the going on in their classes. It is ap- forcement agencies in Bowling constructing the organization, tures." service does not bother him. propriate to honor their wishes, Green," Carter said. getting more people to come to Many University professors "Students borrow notes from Clark said. He said while he viewed the the meetings and forming coali- have different opinions about each other all the time. Often event as rather unfortunate, it tions with other organizations Write from Class. other students' notes don't make "I have no idea what sort of created an issue that is essential dealing with multicultural issues, tf Kenneth Pargament, professor much sense unless you were in demand this business will have. to discussion at the Racism Re- Carter said. of psychology, said he does not the discussion," Spinelli said. My guess Is that not very many think this is a good idea, except "There are too many variables students will use It," Clark said. for students who may need to re- that enter into how students take Write from Class is open Mon- Let Us Introduce You fer to notes in addition to being in notes." day, Wednesday, Thursday and class. Using the service as a substitu- Friday from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m., "Part of learning is sitting in tion for class is not good, but us- Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. to Authentic Mexicon class and participating. If you ing it as a supplement to lectures and Saturday from 12 p.m. to 5 are not in class, you are not get- can be helpful, Spinelli added. p.m. To find out more about what Food! ting to discuss the lecture with Eloise Clark, vice president for Write to Class has to offer, call faculty," Pargament said. academic affairs, said she has 352-0660. $2 OFF $ GET A SECOND AT 1994 Homecoming Banner Contest Computers For Rent on a minimum purchase 1/2 PRICE of $12 (Dim In only -ol aqua/ or Any organization can enter the contest sponsored by 372-7496 IDtIIwry only) the Undergraduate Alumni Association in cooperation IttUtVMllM ) ElAcai. with the Homecoming Planning Committee Macintosh Computers $190toS200per Prizes: 1st Place $50 Judging 836 S. Mom 836 S. Mom 2nd Place $30 October 4 I0am-12pm semester fowling Green Bowling Green 352-0874 352-3874 3rd Place $20 Lenhart Grand Ballroom / Explrta 8-30-94- Not valid w/oihar eoupona Ss. Explrea 9-30-94- NotI valid w'other eoupona » v Network Connections wxxvx-v * All banners hung in Doyt L Perry Stadium fffffffffffffffffffffr^*-"""" $29.00 during the Homecoming Game (Chapman, Darrow, Founders To enter contact Jennifer Decker at 372-6849 or stop & Offenhauer) by the Mileti Alumni Center and fill out an entry form. (Plus tax & deposit) Deadline: September 16. WELCOME ONE !

\Z A/. A/. A/ \Z A/. \/. A/. A/ \/. A/. Come Check Out Life By the Windmill! Join Delta Zeta Open Rush The Bowling Green Store Universiry The Sisters of Delta Zeta are excited to meet Gospel Choir YOU at their Open House... every Wednesday from TUES. 9/13 AND THURS. 9/15 8:00 p.m. ro 10:00 p.m. 8:00-8:45 & 9:00-9:45 AT THE DZ HOUSE (promptly) Qf foe

I We want you to be part of the sisterhood — the fun and the excitement Moore Musical Arts Building in of Delta Zeta. Come and see for yourself what the Dee Zees The Choral Room (room #1040) have to offer! starring Any questions or need directions? Call Vanessa 372 - 5200 Wednesday, September 14,1994. * Dress Is casual. WELCOME ALL ! \/ \Z \Z \/ A/ \/ AZ \Z A/ \Z Sports The BG New page six Tuesday, September 13,1994 Falcons' air attack NFLpla

soars to new levels la^sss.The Associated Press by Jamie Schwaberow Michigan's Ron Rummel in 1977. WASHINGTON - About 1,300 The BG News The mark was set against BG. "This year Henry is more professional football players will patient, more poised and more share in a record $30 million Bowling Green quarterback settlement of charges arising confident, and he realized it is Ryan Henry set a school record from the 24-day NFL strike in and a Mid-American Conference not as important for him to get 1987. the ball down the field 16-18 record for his almost perfect The National Labor Relations performance on Saturday against yards. Instead, he's making the Board said Monday the agree- the University of Akron. six-yard completion and letting ment between the NFL Players Head football coach Gary the receiver get the other eight, Association and the NFL Man- Blackney discussed the per- nine, 10 yards," Blackney said. agement Council is the largest formance of Henry and his The Falcons have a talented such award in NLRB history. The receivers in a press conference receiving group as well. The core settlement includes backpay, In- on Monday morning. is led by senior wide receivers centive bonuses and interest. "I think it is a great tribute to Rameir Martin and Ronnie Redd. A breakdown of how much Ryan to be able to pick out the In Saturday's game Redd was players from each of the 28 receiver who was getting the the top receiver with five re- teams would receive was not least amount of coverage," ceptions for 73 yards. available Monday, but the agency Blackney said. "In our scheme Rameir is go- said distribution of the award Henry completed 13 of 14 ing to demand more double was expected within a couple of passes for a 92.9 percentage. His coverage, especially when they mark surpassed the previous BG line up on the same side," Black- months. The NLRB said further details are to be announced at a record of 91.7 percent held by ney said. "Redd is the split end news conference Tuesday. Jim Bryan. Bryan set the old re- and he will normally receive more single coverage than the There was no immediate reac- cord in 19SS after going 11 of 12 tion from the Players Associa- against Baldwin-Wallace. flanker would, that being Martin. tion. The previous league mark wai "I think tight end Ryan McEl- The management council at- 90.9 percent (10 of 11) by Central roy said it best in the press con- ference, with so many defenders tempted to play down the settle- paying attention to our two ment, saying the award was "part IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII of the $195 million overall Swttra- * wideouts that it is going to give Looking tor Ml parlact rob the tight ends and running backs settlement that the NFL reached ■Ml going to tctool? $ with its players' union in January AP photo/Eric Draper EicaNant pan- ttmajoblt more catching openings," Black- Earn gr*M fit and nava fun.. ney said. 1993." Los Angeles Raiders defensive back Terry McDanlel breaks up a pass Intended for Seattle Seahawks Senior tight end McElroy After receiving a complaint receiver Terrance Warren in the third quarter of the Seahawks' 38-9 victory. from the NFLPA, the NLRB had S8.SO-S8.00 Hour • caught five passes against the ruled the council and NFL teams in games immediately after the Zips for 42 yards. The five re- of Appeals for the District of In its decision in September '"Flexible scfiodulmg (20 - 24 hours/ I had unlawfully refused to allow end of the strike Oct. IS. ceptions were a career best. Columbia, which had the decision 1992, the NLRB found the owners week) returning players to participate "The board found that the den- under review. you pick the daysII x ial of the returning strikers the had adopted a rule about two ""Evening hours (great for school "This settlement would obviate weeks into the strike requiring schedules) t right to play or be paid, as well as other acts by league manage- the need for any additional any player wanting to play in a *"4$5.00 hour base pay - guaranteed - proceedings before the circuit Sunday or Monday game imme- plus ( ment such as withholding game '"Daily and weekly cash bonusesll checks for certain injured court," said David Parker, tht diately following a settlement or "•Yes- Telemarketing- with a new , reserve players, constituted un- NLRB director of information. end of the strike to report to edge calling only our customers fair labor practices in violation work by 1 p.m. on the previous people who know us- who weVe - The strike began Sept. 22 after Wednesday. served in me pastil of the National Labor Relations the NFLPA and the management "•10-15 positions available now. Act," NLRB general counsel (419)354-5203 council were unable to agree on Replacement players could b.: HURRY-THEY'LL FILL UP FASTI * Fred Feinstein said. several issues, including free CALL GREGORY AT (419) 865-1566. Bowling Green. Ohio signed to play in Sunday games DO IT * After the NLRB upheld the ini- agency in which players would as late as 4 p.m. on the Saturday NOVYII In The Mini Moll tial ruling by an administrative be able to sell their services to • before the games and in Monday Visit Us At The Merchonrs Fair law judge, the team owners ap- the highest bidder after the end night games as late as 4 p.m. on IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII pealed to the U.S. Circuit Court of their current contracts. the same day, the NLRB said. ATTENTION SENIORS

Senior Portaits are underway! Check your letter from the studio for your pre-appointed sitting time. Call The KEY at 372-8086 or stop by 28 West Hall. Hours are 10 a.m.-l p.m.; 2-6 p.m. daily The BG News Sports Tuesday, September 13,1994 page seven Depth factor hurts Testaverde's interception women9 s golf team overlooked by head coach start talking about the quarter- Football by Christian Pelusi by Chuck Melvln Pittsburgh needs to do is pay at- The BC News The Associated Press tention to what they're doing and back playing a perfect game, Notebook not what we're doing, and takv you're barking up the wrong tree. The women's golf team finished 10th out of 17 teams in the BEREA, Ohio - The intercep- care of their own house." He's not going to do that." 34th annual Redbird Classic at Illinois State University last tions are piling up on Vinny Tes- Crosby and Belichick said they Testaverde said his confidence weekend. taverde at a rate reminiscent of never considered replacing Tes- was not shaken by the rash of Falcons looking good The team, led by senior Jodi Ricker, who shot a three-round his worst days at Tampa Bay, and taverde with backup Mark Ry- interceptions. After getting clobbered by total of 243, combined for a score of 1030. now they've cost the Cleveland pien at any point during the "I'm just disappointed because Bowling Green 45-0 Saturday "It's a good tournament," said head coach Todd Brunsink. "A Browns a game. game. we lost -- more because of the night, Akron's head coach had good combination of teams with two Big Ten teams, Purdue and But coach Bill Belichick on way we lost," he said. "I really some very lofty praise for the Illinois ... but it's not by any means our toughest tournament of Monday absolved Testaverde for "Nobody can play a perfect feel we beat ourselves. Tl.e Falcons. the year. the most costly interception in game," Crosby said. "He didn't Pittsburgh Steelers didn't bea* "This may be Gary's [Black- "Our goal throughout this year is to shoot below 330 per round, Sunday's 17-10 loss to the Pitts- play one, and I didn't call one. To ney, BG's head coach] best foot- and in the final round we shot 336.1 was happy with it, but with burgh Steelers. The interception, ball team that he has had," Faust the scores coming in Sunday, I felt we could have done it," Testaverde's fourth of the day said. "I think they're a lot more Brunsink added. and the third picked off by diversified offensively. Their He noted the team's consistency is improving, but its depth is Steelers safety Darren Perry, quarterback is capable of doing a still a problem. This may be due to the absence of sophomore ended Cleveland's last-gasp lot of things which makes their Shawna Weaver, who was ruled academically ineligible for the drive with 54 seconds left. whole team better. fall season. Weaver averaged 90.42 per round last year. In two games, Testaverde has "Plus, their kicking game is "Obviously it would have helped if she was in the lineup, but been intercepted six times, a excellent. Their entire kicking academics precede any type of athletic competition. We look pace that would easily surpass game is the best that it has been forward to seeing her in the spring," Brunsink said. the career-worst 35 he threw for in a long time." "We are having trouble with the fifth and sixth spot. In a five- Tampa Bay in 1988. One of those man tournament, score four, the team plays five and throws out six came on a Hail Mary-type Quick demise the highest score, and you need all five to play well to use it ef- pass at the end of the half of the Toledo head coach Gary Pinkel fectively," Brunsink said. Browns' opener at last had an easy explanation why the Team captain Ricker and sophomore Gina Kiel have been the week - clearly not a quarter- Rockets blew a 17-7 lead against most consistent Falcons, with Ricker shooting an average of 81 back's fault, Belichick said. Purdue en route toa 51-17 thrash- per round and Kiel shooting an average of 85. The final pass Sunday, the ing. Freshman Amy Miller and junior Stacey Lavelle rounded out coach said, was similar, because "When you give up two quick the four who made the scorecard. They averaged 87.6 and 89.6, it came in a desperate fourth- turnovers that go for touchdowns respectively, for the weekend. and-16 situation. Testaverde ba- and then miss two field goals that "I think we played pretty well under the circumstances," dly underthrew the intended you should make, it's just too Ricker said. "Only three out of the five that played had been on receiver, Michael Jackson, and hard to overcome that kind of a the course before, so I think we played all right. Perry grabbed it at the Pitts- AP phofo/Mark Duncan turnaround in the point spread. "We need to be more patient. We let bad holes affect us, my- burgh 10-yard line. "I'm really concerned with our self included. We need to put It behind and go on from there. The "I know the ball slipped on him Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Charles Johnson hauls in a 36-yard kicking game," Pinkel said. next hole Is different." Ricker said. [Testaverde] a little bit, but that pass over Cleveland Browns safety Eric Turner during Pittsburgh's "That's one area that has been Next, the team moves on to the Ferris State Invitational, was another throw-it-up-for- 17-10 triumph. strong for us in the past and we where Brunsink believes the women can finish stronger. grabs situation," Belichick said. really need to make some big "It's a tournament where the field isn't super-strong, but it's One of the three receivers on strides in that area." stronger than it has been in the past," Brunsink said. "Approxi- the play was short of the 16 yards mately 14 schools will participate and our goal this week is to needed for a first down, and the No moral victory finish in the top five. Anything lower will be disappointing." other two were covered, Beli- Although the Rockets had most Brunsink, a graduate of Ferris State, hopes his knowledge of chick said. MAC football fans on the edges the course can aid the women and keep them away from scoring "There wasn't a real good spot of their seats when they held a high on difficult holes. to throw that one," he said. "I three-point advantage over Pur- think Vinny did the smartest due at the half-way point, Pinkel thing he could do in that situa- wasn't very impressed. tion. He bought some time in the "I don't believe in moral victor- pocket, waited for the pattern to ies at all, absolutely not," Pinkel Nebraska not kind develop and then tried to throw it said. up there to Michael and let him go up there and fight for it. But MAC Players of the Week the ball slipped, and he didn't ge; everything on it. It would have Central Michigan's Brian to volleyball team Pruitt and Bowling Green's Wil- been a 50-50 chance at best any- how." lie Gibson have been selected as as the No. 2 ranked team in the by John Gibney Perry said after the game that the Players of the Week in the The BG News country. The Corahuskers' out- Testaverde was tipping his hand Mid-American Conference. standing talent showed through- by "zeroing in on his receivers." Pruitt, a senior tailback from The Falcon volleyball team out the match as they won con- Browns offensive coordinator Saginaw, Mich., rushed for 274 suffered a thrashing last week- vincingly 15-1, 15-0, 15-9. The reacted sharply to that sugges- yards on 24 carries. His total was end in Nebraska, but returned highlight for the Falcons came in tion Monday. with high hopes and a positive the second highest rushing total the third game when they took a "Those defensive backs from in school history and the sixth outlook for the start of the Mid- brief lead over the favorites. Pittsburgh talk a lot," Crosby best in the MAC. He also scored American Conference season. "Nebraska has the makeup of a touchdowns on runs of 4, 59 and said. "You look at the film, and Three matches produced three national champion," Van De they weren't staring Vinny Tes- 60 yards in the Chippewas' 35-23 losses for BG at the Nebraska Walle said. "The fact that we victory over Nevada-Las Vegas. taverde down any more than I Invitational, and their record were leading at one point gave was. They talk big. They gave up Pruitt currently ranks second now stands at 2-5. the team confidence that they in Division I football statistics a ton of yardage, and they could'- "People may look at our 2-5 re- ve given up a ton more. So what with a rushing average of 185.5 cord and wonder how good we See VOLLEYBALL, page eight yards per game. are, but they need to know we are Gibson, a senior linebacker playing the best competition in from San Diego, totaled three the nation," said head coach Den- tackles and one assist In the Fal- ise Van De Walle. "I'm happy we SATURDAY! 1 P.M. cons' 45-0 shutout of Akron. He went to the tournament and glad also had two sacks for 22 yards in the players got to experience the [TICKET losses and tipped a pass that re- level of competition we faced all ««*> sulted in an interception. Bowl- week long." 372-2762- ing Green held the Zips to 153 The first match of the tourna- yards of total offense and nine ment had the Falcons pitted FALCON HOME OPENER first downs. against Nebraska, who entered 5LB6 VS . NAVY S Just present Going GREEK COME SEC THE F 16 FUWES., your student I.D. at SKYDIVERS, AND MRRARY the gate for admission. 1994 Sponsors: Barney's, Food Town, EQUIPMENT DISPUY. Pspsl-Cola, SenCnel-Tribnnt, Wal»Mart

Chp& Save Clip & Save Op* Save Clip* Save Clip* Save Clip & Save Clio S Save Clip S Save Clip* Save Clip * Save An excuse tol ^ba^^f/u^ Good Morning, Commuters!

ATTENTION ALL COMMUTERS! Join us each Wednesday morning from 8:00 to 10:00a.m. in the Bowl 'N Greenery for a cup of coffee or tea and a cinnamon roll (while supplies last.) Come meet representatives from assorted offices and organizations on campus to learn more about the services available to you. Remember these dates:

An opportunity to September 14th Dr. Eloise Clark, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dr. Ed Whlpple, Vice President for Student Affairs September 21 st Counseling Center IMPROVE September 28th Undergraduate Student Government (USG) and Graduate Student Senate (GSS) YOURSELF? October 5th Academic Enhancement October 12th Financial Aid and Student Employment You Decide... October 19th Parking and Traffic/University Police But make an educated decision. October 26th University Cooperative Education November 2nd Student Health Service and The Well November 9th University Student Activities RUSH NIGHTS November 16th The Prevention Center WEDS. SEPT 7TH THURS. SEPT. 8TH November 30th Student Recreation Center MON. SEPT.12TH TUES.SEPT. 13TH Sponsored by the Hazel H. Smith Off-Campus Student Center, a division of Student Affairs

ClipSSave OipSS.ivp Clip * S.ive C ip & Save CipfrSave Clip & Save Clip * Save Clip & Save Clip S Save Cup S Save The BG News page eight Tuesday, September 13,1994 BG cross country New basketball coaches hired by Mike Kazlmore Noftz compiled a 208-151 Coach Heath's name be- that Coach Heath was hired The BG News record and won two league came very high on my list for," Larranaga said. "So tripped up by OU titles, six sectional cham- because of his success as a I'm really excited that I was The Bowling Green men's pionships and three re- Division II assistant coach, able to get them both." basketball team made two gional titles in 16 years as a helping Wayne State reach by Andy Dugan the togetherness the team dis- prep coach. His teams also As the restricted earn- coaching changes during the Final Four," Larranaga ings coach, Noftz will not be The BG News played throughout the race. made three appearances at the off-season. said. "He will be able to involved in the recruiting "It was a really good race for the state tournament. help us with our recruiting, grouping," Sink said. "The team Stan Heath, a former as- process but will work with Ohio University is still a team "Back in the spring when and the players are really really stuck together. They stuck sistant coach at Wayne all of the players on cam- to beat for the men's and wom- State University, joined the it became apparent that two going to like playing for en's cross country teams after together better than past teams pus, Larranaga said. Falcons in July after Marc of our coaches were moving him." Saturday's three- and four-way have. We really need to work on, there was a great inter- Noftz, who most recently "Noftz is by far the most competitions in Athens. together and so far we are. We Ivaroni left for the Univer- sity of Virginia est in applying for the open- comes from John Adams experienced coach I've The men's team faced OU, the have a long way to go after get- ings because of the tre- High School in Indiana, will ever had on my staff," Lar- University of Rio Grande and ting beaten by OU that badly." The University an- nounced Monday that Keith mendous amount of success fill the void left when Reg- ranaga said "He's especial- Marshall, winning the latter two Sink also said he was pleased Noftz, a former Ohio high that our assistant coaches gie Renkin took a full-time ly experienced in the kind with scores of 25-34 and 27-32. with the individual performances have had in the past," Lar- of things that we will be of some of the runners. school coach, was also hired assistant coaching job with BG lost to the Bobcats 13-43. ranaga said. Boston University. having him do - like work- "For his first race in college, as an assistant to Bowling "We won two out the three "We had a tremendous "Coach Noftz actually ing more personally with Jim ran very well," Sink said. Green head basketball competitions," said men's head coach Jim Larranaga. group of applicants, and interviewed for the position the players." coach Sid Sink. "OU beat us, but "Second place was 25:45 - he was that was kind of expected. They only four seconds behind. He was were picked to finish second in a good runner in high school, and the conference this year and we I think he now realizes that he is VOLLEYBALL- were picked to finish around good in college. Bowman was in- sixth or fifth." jured all last year and I think Big Ten officials admit to Continued from page seven. Sink said the absence of top after this race he's got some con- runners Tim Amdt and Brad fidence back." the ninth-rated team in the na- Schaser undoubtedly had some Sink now faces conference op- tion, 16-14,15-9.15-1. impact on the team's overall per- ponent Kent on Saturday at Kent. bad call in Stanford game The greatest chance for win- formance. "Kent is a team very similar to ning a match came against "We did decide to red-shirt our own," Sink said. "They are a On Saturday, Stanford's Mike of the game, the conference be- Wyoming, the final opponent for by Mario Fox lieves public acknowledgement Schaser this year, and I think young team. We can win this on?, The Associated Press Mitchell fumbled as he was about the Falcons. The Cowboys, a that kind of hurt the team," Sink but we really have to pull to cross the goal line and North- of the error is appropriate." top-30 team, had other thoughts, "The officials are rated and said. "Amdt was out with a sore together to do it." CHICAGO - The Big Ten said western recovered the ball in the however, having upset ASU in graded, and records are kept, t Achilles." Monday that officials mistakenly end zone for an apparent touch- their opening match. BG took the can assure you of that," Parry Despite the docked runners. awarded a touchdown to Stanford back. But officials conferred and first game, but Wyoming fought Sink was very pleased with the The women split their Satur- in the Cardinal's 41-41 tie with decided Mitchell had crossed the said. back and won 14-16, 15-10, 15-5, On two occasions last year, Il- performance of those who did day meet against the Bobcats and Northwestern, but the error goal line before losing the ball. 15-11. linois lost because of bad calls. run. the University of Rio Grande. won't change the outcome of the After reviewing ESPN replays, "I'm not ashamed of coming "Of our top five guys, four of the conference said Monday that In Arizona's 16-14 win on Sept. OU won 20-35, but BG out- game. back home 0-3," Van De Walle them were freshmen," Sink said. "game officials were not In posi- 18, two Illini fumbles that were scored URG17-42. It was the third time in a year said. "We gave it our best shot, "We didn't do too bad consider- that the conference acknowl- tion to see Mike Mitchell's fum- picked up and run back for but the level of competition we ing - they ran very well for their Tracey Losi was the top runner edged that mistakes by Big Ten ble between the 2-and 1-yard touchdowns should have been were playing..." ruled dead at the points of re- first collegiate race." at the meet, winning with a time officials altered the result of a lines." The league said that re- Senior Jessica Andrasko's ag- Finishing in the top five for the football game. sulted in "an obvious error in covery. gressive play earned her a spot of 18:02.91 - a full 23 seconds Illinois lost to Oregon 13-7 the Falcons were: Jim Weckesser, ahead of second place. Laura "We don't have an instant re- judgment" and "the Wildcats on the all-tournament team. She following week, but the Big Ten fifth place (out of 40) with a time Hall was seventh overall and play or access to go upstairs and should have been awarded pos- finished the weekend with 27 of 25:49.37; Brad Bowman, ninth look at a monitor and reconsider said officials should have let kills and seven service aces. number two for the Falcons with session." stand linebacker Simeon Rice's the call," David Parry, the Van De Walle said Carlyn Ess- with 26:02.62; Jason Salak, 16th a time of 19:11.10. Renee Stayer The Big Ten said decisions of TD after he stripped the ball was eighth with 19:17.68, fol- league's supervisor of officials, linger and Jodi Olson also turned with 26:31.08; Jason Izworski, game officials are final, but from a Ducks' running back. In- 18th with 26:40.30, and Scott lowed by Christ in Lacroix in 10th said from his Michigan City, Ind., "when obvious errors of judg- stead, they ruled the Oregon in exceptional performances. home. "There is not much to do Esslinger led the team in blocks Powell, 19th with 26:42.12. with 19:19.04 and Beth Staszak in ment or rules application have a player's forward progress had 11th with 19:31.04. but live with the judgment." and hitting percentage. Sink said he was pleased with significant affect on the outcome been stopped.

BGSU vs. NAVY -- HOME FALCON FOOTBALL SATURDAY 1:00 P.M.! Just Present your BGSU student I.D. at the gate for admission. Ik) of the most popular bundles on campus tnis year.

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mtom*mdmm\*Cm?M-Um<1tlWlil***-t*m.iV>.mitl.9Q.n!m \JHftm W*■ mimt^kmtaniilm PraimlbmimoiMmml^Kmmm»^mmlt»i,ti*• 1*m» 1994, * MM Ml urn 10 in. pti m Aft

WALLET MISSINGI FREE AIR SHOW THE GREEK MART GROUNOSKEEPER CAMPUS EVENTS Kappa Phi Kappa Phi LEATHER. BURGUNDY COLOR F-16S. SKYDIVERS 6 FOOTBALLS! It's not too late to stock up on your last Responsible, sell-motive ted individual for Come ,om us a I our open meeting' THE CARDS ARE BEING REPLACED - Home Falcon Football Saturday! minute Philanthropy Days needs. Downtown litter control and general maintence. Come see our Chrissan Women'a I REALLY JUST WANT MY PHOTOS BACK Whether you're looking for a simple t-shirt Musi be able to work 20 morning hours per service organization at work. CONTACT DIANA COOK- 2-3575. or simply the best, remember to come to the •••PSI-CHKUPA"' FREE BIG BASH! week. Respond to Downtown Business Atso-. Wad., Sepl 14,1994 at 8 30 pm ONE STOP GREEK SHOP oanon. 121 E Wooster by September 16tti. Psychology National Mono: 1 Untied Methodist Church (by Wendy's) BGSUvs NAVYi Saturday 1 OOpmi YOUR COMPLETE SOURCE Undergraduate Psychology Assn. For any questions or information, National Park Job*- Invite you to their lirsl call Becky at 353-6320. see you there! SERVICES OFFERED Over 25,000 openings I masting Sept 13th 99:00 HAPPY HOURS AT CAMPUS POLL YE YES TUESDAY NIGHT is POUNDER NIGHT (including hotel staff, tour guides, etc.) Benefits Rm. 108 Psych. Freshmen atM.T.Muggs .20 cent wings. La Mesa Oblicua: 'Discounted Imports and Domestic Beers' Abonusesl 4 Upperclaeemen encouraged 2-4-1 snacks including world famous Open at 4pm l9andover. Apply now for best posiDons. loeemslll Monthly Lecture Series Presents: HORSEBACK RIDING/TRAIL Dr. Francisco Cabanillas discussing the topic RIDES/RIDING LESSONS' RESERVA- breadsticks. M-F. 4 - 7. By the smoke stack Call: 1 ■ 206■ 545 4804 sit N55441. of 'Art in the Caribbean ' Wednesday. Septem- TIONS NECESSARY SLIPPERY ELM RID- Daily Buffets also' UAA Presents: Mudapalooia '94 • "NEVER AGAIN " ber 14,1994. ING RANCH, 13596W. KRAMER RD . BOWL- The Undergraduate Alumm Association it Needed: responsible babysitter in my home Raaponalbla Daclalona about 12:00pm. Taft Room 3rd Floor ING GREEN. OH 419-353 5403 HELPTHEHUNGRY plesed to announce its annual Mud Volleyball every other Fn. A Sat nights. Musi have own Drinking and Driving University Union Tournament on Saturday. September 24 & transportation. Call 352-1553 between 5:30 - 1 si meeting tonight! INFINITY...0.J. SERVICE SAVE YOUR CANS for the College Park. Team s>gn-up forms are availa- C 7:30pm. 9pm in Talt Room; For Fraternity or soronfy events. ble at the Mileti Alumni Center, or call Heather OPhiA Rush '94 OPhiA dances, parties, weddings., .etc. BOWLING GREEN FOOD PANTRY 3 all of our new members. articulate persons. 4-10om M-F S250Avk to Wed. Sept. 14,1894 DON'T GRADUATE WITHOUT ITI You guys are all fust so greatll Remember. The sart. Paid training, rapid advancement. 9pm H onor a Center Lambda Chi Alpha' Lambda Chi Alpha 241-7674 for interview Trek Mountain Bike 4 Sale. Best is Yet to Come. Don! Pledge a Fraternity Come be part of the action AXO — ALPHA CHI OMEGA "* AXO Only 3 months old!!! (295 O B O Join a Brotherhood. Interested? Call Jake: 354-2159 LOST & FOUND Monday - Lambda Open CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING II you can luggle, mime, facepaint, are a car- AXO "-BETA "*AXO Tuesday • Hockey Night Earn up to $2,000 plus/month working icaturist or anicouitic musician... The sisten of Alpha Chi Omega would like to Lambda Chl Alpha * Lambda Chi Alpha on Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. Wood Drafting Table WE NEED YOU! World travel. (20 00 FOUND thank the Brothers of Beta Theta Pi very much GET PAID for performing during the University for the Kissing Carnations. You guyt were Seasonal & Full-Time employment available. Call: 354-8463 Open House Sepl 24ISIGN UP FOR AUDI- BUNNY RABBIT on Cough A Mercer Large Selection No experience necessary. Thursday Sept. 8th. Grey, brown baby greatl 100% Wool Color Fast Dye TIONS BY SEPT 14TH IN THE UAO OFFICE, AXO ""BETA— AXO For more information ROOM 330 UNION! Call 2-2343 for more in- with letter A number tattooed on ear. Sweetens A Gloves call 1-206*34-0468ext. C55441. formation. Call Kim to claim - 352-8198 Sweaters $39.98 FOR RENT AZD ' A2D' AZD' A2D J.T. Carryout Ireland. Notre Dame, the Blarney Stone. Fun Way to go AZD Softball team) 405Thursl)n Earn cash stuffing envelopes at home. All ma- Social Events. II just one of these things inter- FOUND-1 black 6 whits kitten See You At the Marchanl Fair) terials provided. Send SASE to P.O. Box Call to identify. You a l did a great job" 1 bdrrn. apt. available immediately ests you, come to the first Irish Club meeting, Good luck on Wednesday. 10075, Qlathe.KS 66051. Tuesday Sept. 13 at 9 30 in 103 BAA. Ques- 354-4504 Yes. we do allow petsi tions? Call 372-3368. Ireland Foreverl Love. Your sisters Money Orders Earn extra money from home madmg our fliers. 354-6600 AZD" AZD *AZD 'AZD 39 cents For info, send SASE to: Donatae Markeong, FOUND- Setof Keys Packages Plus. 111 Railroad. Bowling Green P.O. Box 3. Van Wert. OH 45891. PARENTS WEEKEND RITA RUDNER CON- near Thurstin A Ridge 2 bedroom apartment, furnished. CERT TICKETS ARE STILL AVAILABLE AT last Wednesday. BGSU vs. NAVY EBSCOTELEMARKETING SERVICE Available Now I THE UAO OFFICE. 330 UNIVERSITY UNION. 352-7534 Home Falcon Football Saturday RUSH SIGMA KAPPA Come jorn the best job in town' 352-9302 372-2343. 1:00 pm at Perry Stadium RUSH SIGMA KAPPA Where are you going to find a job that; gives Monday and Wednesday you a weekly paycheck? - lets you makes your Sept. I2and 14th! own schedule? - offers you paid days off1 - 4 bedroom unfurnished house. $600 r-o util Call 352-0717. Panhel Panhel Paniiei F'anliel Panhel Paniiei Panhel Career-related eitperienoe. a.OOpm-8.45 or 9 00-9.45 t doesn't ask for experience but gives it to you* PAID POSITIONS AVAILABLE Call Brooke or stop by.. EBSCO Telemarketing Service is the answei Start NOW 372-44992 Apply M-F after 4 pm. 1i3N.Main. One Bedroom Available The Sororities of Bowling Green State RUSH SIGMA KAPPA m a 2 bedroom Apartment Fr, So. Jrs NEW to co-op. come to Fnendiy, energetic, reliable attendant needed CO-OP KICK-OFF RUSH SIGMA KAPPA Cost (225 per month University would like to invite all to work Wed. through Fn. 6-9 pm, Sun. 9-4 * Call 353-6127 Fnday.Sept. 16th every other Sat. 9-4 Apply at Kirk's Coin interested women to Open-Rush. 3:30 pm 1007 BA Building Sigma Delta Pi Laundry • 709 S. Main. BE THEREI Details: 372-2451 Spanish Honor Society Spacious 2 bedroom apt. Meeting Tues. 9/13,9:00 House cleaning assistant. Available Immediately. Double Prints Reading Room Shatzel Hall Must have own transportation. Call 352-4601. Each chapter will be hosting two casual Rush | FREEeveryday Ail Welcome 352-0976. nights with two parties per evening. Please Packages Plus. 111 Railroad, Bowling Green feel free to attend as many as you are able. Dry Cleaning Service & The Bowling Green State University Tuxedo Rental Monday, September 18 and Collegiate Connection Wednesday, September 14 531 Ridge St. Alpha Chi Omega Ever heard of Student Court? Want lo see what it's al about? See if it's for you? Come to Pre- Alpha Omicron Pi view Night in the courtroom at 405 Student Services. All are welcome to come watch Alpha Gamma Delta cases be presented between 6 and 0 pm. CaN Gamma Phi Beta 372-2969 for more information. Kappa Delta Fall Sidewalk Sales Bargains Galore Kappa Kappa Gamma Collegiate Connection isSCCkingaStucCent ^Pianist 531 Ridge St. Sigma Kappa Who Would Like To Join The Choir And Play For Tuesday, September 13 and Us On A Volunteer Basis Thursday, September 15 Alpha Phi Alpha Xi Delta Serving 'The Lord Chi Omega Delta Gamma Any .".'.' s Contact: Tara Andrews - President Delta Zeta PhiMu 353-0331 Pi Beta Phi Anjcliquc Fitch - Publicity Party times for all chapters 372-6243 are as follows: 8:00pm-8:45pm and 9:00pm-9:45pm GOD BLESS' Questions? Please call Ginger (352-2911) or JoAnn (372-2151) Pannoi Pannoi Pannei Panhel Pantie [IIIIIIIII! The BG News page ten Tuesday, September 13,1994




• N ^V 1

\' / lla.m. - 6p.m. UNION GRAND BALLROOM Over 57 participants will be DISPLAYING and SELLING apparel, office supplies, household accessories, services, and much more.

PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS ABCD-READ, Adult Literacy Program, Wood County District Public Library • The Answer Factory • Barneys Convenience Marts • Ben Franklin Store • B.G. Balloons.Inc, Flowers & Gifts • The BG News • BG Pregnancy Center • Book's Bike & Lawnmower • Book's Car Parts • Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce • Burger King • Calico Sage and Thyme • Campus Pollyeyes • Children's Resource Center • Collegiate Connection • Cycle Werks • Downtown Business Association • Transportation Food Town Plus • Flexible Personnel • The French Knot • The Greek Mart • Grounds For Thought • The Hair Gallery • Huntington National Bank • The Key • Kinko's Copies • Klotz Floral and Garden Center • Kroger Food and Drug • Late Nite Video • The Link • Living Canvas Skin Art • Main Street True Value Hardware • Mary Kay Cosmetics/Karen Zauder • Mid American National Bank • National City Bank, Northwest • Natty Threads • Dr. L.E. Nowicki, Optometrist • J C Penney • The Pharm Deep Discount Store • Planned Parenthood of Northwest Ohio • Quality Steins & Collectibles • Recycling and Litter Prevention Program Coordinator • The Salvation Army • Savage & Associates, Inc. • Society National Bank • Subway East & South • Travel Unlimited • Tuffy Auto Service Center • Uhlmans Department Store • University Bookstore, BGSU • Video Spectrum • Wal-Mart • Watermill Express • WFAL • WFND-TV 47 • Wood Cable TV • Wood County Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse • Wood County Hospital • Wood Lane • Woodland Mall Merchants Association

Grand Prize: Round trip Air Fare for two two Florida for Spring Break (Courtesy of Travel Unlimited & Merchant's Fair Planning Committee ). fcf& Mountain Bike ( Courtesy of Book's ) KB Cordless Phone w/Answering Machine (Courtesy of wai*Mart) $50 Gift Certificate to Cycle Werks WAUMART Two $50 Gift Certificates to Kroger *agjr Food For a Tailgate Party ( Courtesy of Food Town ) Two $25 Gift Certificates to The Pharm $50 Gift Certificate to Churchill's food

Sponsored By The Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce, " cO****** BG News, Bowling Green State University, and the Downtown Business Association