Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Outline of Birding for Naturalists Course

I. Importance of Birding for Naturalists II. How to Think Like a III. Bird Basics IV. The Tools of Birding Presenter (insert name) V. Bird Identification Based on Module developed by VI. Birding as part of Nature Walks San Diego Naturalists

March 8, 16, and 30, 2013 1 2

Goals of Birding for Naturalists Course Objectives of Birding for Naturalists Course

ƒ Content learning objectives ƒ What are learning tools/objectives unique to birding: 1. Establish why birds are important in nature and to humans ƒ Share passion for learning about birds 2. Identify how birds feed, reproduce, and survive ƒ Surprises, build on daily conditions ƒ Why and how birds fly and migrate ƒ Tell stories, engage ƒ Forms and purposes of ƒ (It’s a secret, you don’t ƒ How and why birds differ in size, shape, features have to name each bird ƒ How and why and feet differ you see) ƒ Basic ways to identify birds ƒ How to include birding principles in nature walks

Great Egret 3 4

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

I. Importance of Birds Why are birds important in nature?

ƒ Birds are part of many food chains Key concepts: ƒ Birds perform essential functions for other plants ƒ Why birding? Why are birds important? and animals, such as pollination ƒ Role in nature ƒ Birds connect habitats globally in their ƒ Importance to humans migrations ƒ Unique traits ƒ Master of flight—we’re still learning from them! ƒ They have , they sing, and they migrate

Anna’s Yellow Warbler Red-tailed Hawk

5 Red-tailed Hawk Anna’s Hummingbird 6

Why are birds important to humans? (1 of 6) Why are birds important to humans? (2 of 6)

ƒ Activity #1: ƒ Birds have provided services to humans

ƒ Turn to your neighbor, share with each other for centuries two ways that birds are important to you. ƒ Warning for the presence of predators (This connects the nature walk participants ƒ Canary in the coal mine detecting poor air with each other and their previous quality experiences, one minute maximum.) ƒ Homing pigeons delivering messages

ƒ Food – and meat

7 8

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Why are birds important to humans? (3 of 6) Why are birds important to humans? (4 of 6)

“We put our minds together as one and thank all ƒ Birds perform economic services the Birds who move and fly about over our ƒ Pollinate orchards heads. The Creator gave them beautiful ƒ Control insects songs. Each day they remind us to enjoy and appreciate life. To all the Birds – from the ƒ Birds have stimulated scientific inquiry smallest to the largest – we send our joyful ƒ Flight (how airfoils work) greetings and thanks.” ƒ Biomimicry ( impacts for helmet design) From the traditional Haudenosaunee [Pronounce: ode deh neh show nee] Iroquois Thanksgiving Address

Acorn Woodpecker 9 10

Why are birds important to humans? (5 of 6) Why are birds important to humans? (6 of 6)

ƒ Stimulate children’s natural curiosity ƒ Hobby of “learning birds” and keeping lists ƒ All birds are descendants of

ƒ Ecotourism ƒ Lead to broader interest in nature

ƒ More than 500 species in San Diego County ƒ Bird houses and baths viewed from the windows ƒ Many birds migrate on Pacific flyway of “shut-ins” and others

11 Geese House Finches 12

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

How can humans help or hurt birds? (1 of 5) How can humans help or hurt birds? (2 of 5)

ƒ Field Activity #2: ƒ Field Activity #3:

ƒ Where do you see or hear birds, in this ƒ How do animals respond when we enter the natural area? that they live in? Discuss.

ƒ Where do you see or hear birds, in your ƒ What do animals do to hide or protect them- neighborhood or yard? selves from danger? (Freeze, flee, take flight,

ƒ Is there a difference? why? take an aggressive posture, make a noise, attack, spray, crouch down, etc.) Act out behaviors. ƒ What kind of birds are absent? This may say something about the condition of the site and ƒ To see more animals/birds, how should we act whether it has been impacted. when we are out in nature wanting to observe birds/animals?

13 14

How can humans help or hurt birds? (3 of 5) How can humans help or hurt birds? (4 of 5)

ƒ Some human activities affect birds ƒ Birds try to adapt to human activity

ƒ Urbanization ƒ Some species adapt much better than others

ƒ Climate change ƒ Some birds thrive in cities


Brown Pelicans Bullock’s Oriole Barn 15 16

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

How can humans help or hurt birds? (5 of 5) Review: Importance of Birds

ƒ Actions to help birds adapt and survive 1. How are birds important in nature? – Part of food chain; pollinate flowers ƒ Protect breeding areas 2. Name 3 ways birds are important to humans. ƒ Protect resources along migration routes – Food: eggs and meat ƒ Maintain bird-friendly backyard habitats – Human services: canary in coal mine & homing pigeons delivering messages – Economic services: crop pollination, eat insects 3. How can birds get people connected to nature? – Bird lists, bird houses, ecotourism, …

17 18

Think Like a Bird – Basic II. How to think like a bird! Motivation for Self-Preservation (1 of 2) Key concepts: ƒ Camouflage ƒ Motivation #1: Self-preservation ƒ Blend into the background ƒ Motivation #2: Food ƒ Distract and fool predators ƒ Motivation #3: Reproduction

Least Bittern

Killdeer 19 20

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Think Like a Bird – Basic Think Like a Bird – Motivation for Self-Preservation (2 of 2) Basic Motivation for Food (1 of 6)

ƒ Some birds adapt well to urban environments ƒ Birds specialize in the kind of food they eat ƒ These birds use urban food sources and nesting sites ƒ All birds eat more than one food ƒ They notice there is less predation (snakes, foxes) ƒ Look at for clues

Black Phoebe Bewick’s Wren American Crows Long-billed Curlew Yellow-crowned Night-heron 21 22

Think Like a Bird – Think Like a Bird – Basic Motivation for Food (2 of 6) Basic Motivation for Food (3 of 6)

ƒ What does a bird eat? Look at its beak. ƒ Field Activity #4: ƒ Is it small and fine like a warbler? ƒ What kinds of food do birds eat? Point to and describe places you see that may have food for birds. ƒ Stout and short like a seed-cracking sparrow? ƒ What kind of beaks would be needed for that food? ƒ Dagger-shaped like a ? Match types of beaks to the foods you see. Make ƒ Hook-tipped like a bird of prey? beak shapes with your hands. ƒ What types of foraging behaviors might you see? (Eating insects from plants, hiding acorns, digging for animals in the sand, a raptor hovering, etc.) ƒ Have a container of some samples of food types, such as acorns, berries, seeds, insects, pictures of aphids.

Insects Seeds Fish Small 23 24

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Think Like a Bird – Think Like a Bird – Basic Motivation for Food (4 of 6) Basic Motivation for Food (5 of 6)

ƒ Habitats: many sources of food/vegetation are ƒ Birds eat insects on leaves, under bark, and in near water, creeks, wetlands the air around vegetation

ƒ Birds eat flower nectar, fruit, and seeds ƒ Birds eat other fish, lizards, mammals, and other birds!

Anna’s Hummingbird Northern Mockingbird Great Blue Heron 25 26

Think Like a Bird – Think Like a Bird – Basic Motivation for Food (6 of 6) Basic Motivation to Reproduce (1 of 4)

ƒ Field Activity #5: ƒ Nests ƒ From this point on the ƒ Hidden or open, depends on defensive strategies trail, where would we for their young expect to find birds looking for food? Show photo in the classroom or ask participants to think about familiar areas.

Cattle Egret Brandt’s Cormorant 27 28

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Think Like a Bird – Think Like a Bird – Basic Motivation to Reproduce (2 of 4) Basic Motivation to Reproduce (3 of 4)

ƒ Near protection and food sources ƒ In trees and bushes, on rocks and the ground ƒ See Motivations #1: Survival and #2: Food ƒ Some birds use nests made by other birds! ƒ Seasons ƒ Nest types vary widely by species and habitat ƒ Resident birds usually breed earlier, with local food supplies and favorable climate

Hummingbirds Wood Cactus Wrens Anna’s Hummingbird Mourning Doves 29 30

Think Like a Bird – Review: How to Think Like a Bird! Basic Motivation to Reproduce (4 of 4)

ƒ Field Activity #6: 1. What 3 things motivate birds?

ƒ From this point on the trail, – Self-preservation where would we expect to – Food find nests? Show photo in – Reproduction the class-room or ask 2. Birds with thick, stout bills mostly eat what participants to think about familiar areas. kind of food? – Seeds ƒ What other features do you see that birds might take 3. Where can you find bird nests? advantage of (rock – Trees, bushes, on the ground, in cliffs, along the outcrops, fences, fence shore, … posts, utility wires, poles, etc.)? 31 32

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

III. Bird Basics Bird Basics – Flight (1 of 4)

Key concepts: ƒ Basics of flight (birds and airplanes) ƒ Flight ƒ Air moving over a curved surface (top of wing) is lighter than air moving past a straight ƒ Feathers surface (bottom of wing) ƒ Migration White Pelicans ƒ ƒ Vocalizations

Great Crested Flycatcher 33 34

Bird Basics – Flight (2 of 4) Bird Basics – Flight (3 of 4)

ƒ Elements of avian flight ƒ Field Activity #7:

ƒ Thermals ƒ Look around for a hawk or other flying bird. ƒ Maneuverability Are they flying to get somewhere?

ƒ Hovering ƒ ACT OUT — What would you look like if you were: Flying to get from one place to ƒ Some are flightless! White-tailed Kite – CLICK ON IMAGE another? Catching prey on the ground? Enjoying thermals and getting some exercise?

ƒ Are they flying to catch prey on the ground? How can you tell?

Birds Soaring in Thermals Ostrich 35 36

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Bird Basics – Flight (4 of 4) Bird Basics – Feathers (1 of 3)

ƒ Field Activity #8: ƒ Flight ƒ Hold your arms out and flap as fast as you ƒ Warmth can (perhaps 1x per second). wings beat at 60 time per second. ƒ Camouflage (self-preservation)

ƒ Birds have strong muscles, hollow bones, and light feathers.

ƒ If a human arm were a bird wing, we’d only Juvenile Brown Pelican have bone to the elbow. The remainder of the Great Horned Owlet “arm” would be feathers.

37 38

Bird Basics – Feathers (2 of 3) Bird Basics – Feathers (3 of 3)

ƒ Sexual attraction ƒ Sexual attraction

ƒ Males and females may have similar ƒ Why are male birds generally more colorful? coloration… ƒ To distract predators ƒ …or be hugely different ƒ To attract females

Male Vermilion Flycatcher Like-colored Male & Female Black-headed Grosbeaks Mourning Doves 39 Male Hooded Oriole 40

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Bird Basics – Migration (1 of 5) Bird Basics – Migration (2 of 5) Why do birds migrate? ƒ Field Activity #9: ƒ Why do you think birds migrate? Use humor or ƒ They breed in the Arctic or northern forests, then leave absurdity to engage students. because there is little food in ƒ Why would they come to San Diego? To go to the winter. zoo? To sunbathe? More abundant food, warmer climate. ƒ They come to San Diego in the winter, because food and ƒ Why would they spend part of the year away from San Diego? They like snowboarding? Mild weather, climate are more favorable. food sources, fewer predators to endanger their eggs ƒ Other birds come to San Diego and young. in the spring, because nest sites or food are favorable. CaspianTern 41 42

Bird Basics – Migration (3 of 5) Bird Basics – Migration (4 of 5)

ƒ Understanding flyways ƒ Common Qs & As about migration: ƒ Four main ones: Pacific, ƒ How do they know where to go? Central, Mississippi and ƒ Follow visual, solar and magnetic cues Atlantic ƒ How do they know when to come back? ƒ All areas in the U.S. are ƒ Longer day length, warmer temperatures a flyway for some birds ƒ Favorable winds (There are no empty ƒ How far do they fly? In a day? places!) ƒ Could be 400-1000 miles! ƒ Birds seek favorable winds along the way

43 44

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Bird Basics – Migration (5 of 5) Bird Basics – Vocalizations (1 of 6)

ƒ Odd ways of migrating ƒ Why do birds sing?

ƒ Vertical (elevations) ƒ Vocalizations have different

ƒ Walking purposes!

ƒ Swimming ƒ Songs - Walking ƒ Calls

ƒ Notes

ƒ Alarms ƒ These are human categories, birds think Penguins - Swimming differently! 45 46

Bird Basics – Vocalizations (2 of 6) Bird Basics – Vocalizations (3 of 6)

ƒ Songs ƒ Calls

ƒ House finch ƒ Red-shouldered hawk

47 48

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Bird Basics – Vocalizations (4 of 6) Bird Basics – Vocalizations (5 of 6)

ƒ Notes ƒ Alarms

ƒ Black phoebe ƒ American Crow

Source for audio recordings: Source for audio recordings: Petersen Petersen

49 50

Bird Basics – Vocalizations (6 of 6) Review: Bird Basics (1 of 2) ƒ Activity #10: 1. How do birds (and planes) stay in the air? ƒ Why do birds sing? ƒ Whistle or call to me: ƒ Air moving over the curved surface of the ƒ Tell the others, “everything’s okay!” (Just saying hello.) top of the wing creates lift ƒ Ask “where are you?” 2. Name 3 physical adaptations birds have ƒ Warn me that a hawk is flying overhead

ƒ Tell me there are insects and berries over here for flight. ƒ Praise my good looks ƒ Hollow bones, strong muscles, light feathers ƒ Make a fist with each hand. Right hand will count of nature; left hand will count sounds made by 3. Name 3 uses of feathers. humans. Talk about the sounds you might hear, and ƒ Flight, warmth, camouflage then silently listen and count. After a minute, have children share what they heard. 51 52

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Review: Bird Basics (2 of 2) IV. The Tools of Birding

4. Why are male birds usually more colorful Key concepts than females? ƒ Tools of birding and how to use them

ƒ To attract females ƒ Binoculars

5. Why do some birds migrate? ƒ Field guides

ƒ Better weather, better food supplies ƒ Checklists 6. Name 4 types of bird vocalizations. ƒ Electronic applications

ƒ Songs, calls, notes, alarms

53 54

Tools of Birding – Binoculars (1 of 3) Tools of Birding – Binoculars (2 of 3)

ƒ Binoculars ƒ How to use binoculars (demonstrate) ƒ Best to get 8-10 x power

ƒ Always test before buying

55 56

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Tools of Birding – Binoculars (3 of 3) Tools of Birding – Field Guides (1 of 2) ƒ Field Activity #11: ƒ Field guides ƒ Pre-activity Introduction to Binoculars — Use motions to show how to use binoculars. Everybody show me what you ƒ Bird families do with the strap. How will you hold the binoculars to not ƒ Range maps frighten the birds? How will you adjust the binoculars and pass the binoculars? ƒ Sizes and silhouettes ƒ Divide into pairs, give one set of binoculars to each pair ƒ Take turns, telling to other person exactly how to use the binoculars. Adjust width of binoculars to fit your eyes. Use focusing ring to sharpen image. Pull eye cups out for no glasses; cups in for glasses. Look at your target with your naked eye, bring your binoculars up to your eyes.

57 58

Tools of Birding – Field Guides (2 of 2) Tools of Birding – Checklists (1 of 2)

ƒ Checklists (arranged by families and coded for rarity) ƒ Field Activity #12:

ƒ Divide into pairs, give a bird guide or checklist to each pair

ƒ Take turns, pointing out to the other person, how the pictures and sketches help identify each bird

ƒ Open field guide to any page ƒ How many of those birds might be found in San Diego? This checklist is available for free on the San Diego Field Ornithologists site ƒ Which bird on the selected page is the largest?

59 60

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Tools of Birding – Checklists (2 of 2) Tools of Birding – Apps (1 of 1)

ƒ Bird walks and events ƒ Electronic applications

ƒ Christmas Bird Count ƒ Bird identification—Visual

(national) ƒ Bird identification—Audio ƒ San Diego Bird Festival ƒ Do not use audio in breeding (each February) season

ƒ San Diego Audubon Society ƒ Do not use audio in habitats with (weekly bird walks) endangered species ƒ Record observations

61 62

Review: Tools of Birding V. Bird Identification

1. Name two essential tools for birding. Key concepts: – Binoculars and field guide ƒ Birding by sight 2. What part of field guides can reduce the ƒ Birding by number of options for identifying a bird? ƒ – Range maps Noticing habits 3. Playing bird calls outside is never a good ƒ Better birding idea in what circumstances? techniques – During breeding season or in habitats with sensitive species

63 64

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Bird ID – Birding by Sight (1 of 8) Bird ID – Birding by Sight (2 of 8)

ƒ Size ƒ What is the bird’s ƒ Shape size? ƒ Beaks ƒ Compare with common species. ƒ Wings (smaller than a ƒ Tails , a ƒ mockingbird, a crow, etc.)

65 66

Bird ID – Birding by Sight (3 of 8) Bird ID – Birding by Sight (4 of 8)

ƒ What is its body shape? ƒ What shape is its beak?

ƒ Is it plump like a pigeon or slender like a grackle? Great Egret Loggerhead Shrike

White-faced Ibis Western

Rock Dove (Pigeon) Great-tailed Grackle 67 68

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Bird ID – Birding by Sight (6 of 8) Bird ID – Birding by Sight (5 of 8)

ƒ What shape is its tail? ƒ What shape are its wings? ƒ Is it deeply forked (1) like a Barn ƒ Are they rounded like those of a quail or ’s? sharply pointed like those of a swift? ƒ Square-tipped (2) like a ’s? ƒ Notched (3) like a Tree Swallow’s? ƒ Rounded (4) like a jay’s? ƒ Or pointed (5) like a White-throated Swift Mourning Dove’s? California Quail

69 70

Bird ID – Birding by Sight (7 of 8) Bird ID – Birding by Sight (8 of 8)

ƒ Plumage patterns ƒ Field Activity #13: Hints to ID a bird. ƒ Age of bird ƒ Is it’s tail long, short or uniquely shaped? ƒ Juvenile, mature ƒ Compare the bird’s size to your hand’s size. ƒ Gender Parents & Nestlings Ospreys ƒ What type of bill does it have? ƒ Vary with season ƒ Breeding, non-breeding ƒ Where did you see the bird? ƒ Are there markings on the wings?

ƒ How does it use its wings? Flapping or gliding?

Male & Female House Finch Breeding Caspian Non-breeding Caspian Tern 71 72

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Bird ID – Birding by Sound (1 of 2) Bird ID – Birding by Sound (2 of 2)

ƒ Vocalizations ƒ Field Activity #14:

ƒ Songs, calls, notes, alarms ƒ Close your eyes, stand still and listen

ƒ Advantages ƒ What do you hear?

ƒ Identify birds you can’t see ƒ Point to where the sound is coming from

ƒ Disadvantages ƒ What kind of sound do you hear? ƒ Bird calls vary more than ƒ Songs, calls, notes, alarms ƒ If you were a bird, what would you want to ƒ Some birds mimic! communicate? Bewick’s Wren Mockingbird

73 74

Bird ID – Noticing Habits (1 of 6) Bird ID – Noticing Habits (2 of 6)

ƒ Habits of individual species ƒ Where does the bird spend most of its time?

ƒ Robins cock their head and ƒ In the air?

probe for worm ƒ In a tree or shrub

ƒ Habits of families ƒ On the ground (Swallows are never on the ƒ “Flycatcher habit” - flitting to ground. Quail are usually on the ground.) catch bugs and return to perch

ƒ flock, hummingbirds don’t.

75 Tree Swallows California Quail 76

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Bird ID – Noticing Habits (3 of 6) Bird ID – Noticing Habits (4 of 6)

ƒ How does it fly? ƒ How does it swim?

ƒ Does it swoop up and down? Fly fast and ƒ Does it sit low or high in the water? Does it straight? Or hover? Does it glide or soar? dive or bob for food?

77 78

Bird ID – Noticing Habits (5 of 6) Bird ID – Noticing Habits (6 of 6)

ƒ Flight patterns of flocks ƒ Does it wade? ƒ some fly in a straight line and some fly in a “V” ƒ Does it have long legs, or short legs? Does it probe the mud or pick at things?

Western Sandpiper

Snowy Egret


79 80

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Better Birding Techniques (1 of 4) Better Birding Techniques (2 of 4)

ƒ Bird from a place of cover and shade ƒ Be quiet so you can hear the birds ƒ Get in the shade to be less visible to birds ƒ Stand or sit still (watch for poison oak!) ƒ Bring binoculars up slowly to eyes ƒ Train your eye (or ear) to spot “something ƒ Move to position bird in front of a dark background for better viewing different” that could be a key identifier ƒ (red forehead on Anna’s hummingbird)

Spotted Towhee 81 82

Better Birding Techniques (3 of 4) Better Birding Techniques (4 of 4)

ƒ Two important birding adages: ƒ Field Activity #15:

ƒ You never saw a bird that didn’t see you first ƒ How can we position ourselves, to best hear (you can’t “sneak up” on them!) and see birds, right now in this place in

ƒ No one identifies every bird they see, so don’t nature? worry about it! ƒ If possible, sit or stand still ƒ Be quiet ƒ With a group of birders, don’t all look in the same direction.

83 84

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Review: Bird Identification VI. Bird-focused Nature Walks

1. What features are important in birding by sight? ƒ Key Concepts – Size, shape, beak, wings, tails, plumage ƒ Know your audience 2. What are disadvantages to birding by sound? ƒ Scout the location – Bird calls vary more than plumage; some birds mimic 3. Give 3 tips for being more successful watching ƒ Gather your resources birds. – Bring binoculars up slowly to eyes – Get the bird in front of a dark background – Get in shade to be less visible

85 86

Know your Audience (1 of 2) Know your Audience (2 of 2)

ƒ Age, experience, interests ƒ Learn to pace the talk (or ƒ Structure your nature walk accordingly walk), activities, and class input to finish on time!

ƒ Don’t try to tell them everything you know

ƒ Focus on what you see and hear

87 88

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Teachable Moments Too Much Information (1 of 3)

ƒ Bird signs

ƒ Bird scat on the ground ƒ Look up—Where was the bird sitting?

ƒ Notice prints in the sand and mud ƒ Dead bird

ƒ What story does it tell?

89 90

Too Much Information (2 of 3) Too Much Information (3 of 3)

91 92

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Preparing for Bird-focused Preparing for Bird-focused Walk Walk—Gather Resources ƒ Select and scout location ƒ Bring resources ƒ Many species ƒ Binoculars, perhaps spotting scope ƒ Ease of viewing ƒ Field guides ƒ Few other people and ƒ Provide list of species sighted (after walk) dogs

ƒ Describe habitat and species expected

ƒ Use sight, sound, and habits

93 94

Preparing for Bird-focused Walk Preparing for Bird-focused Walk

ƒ Field Activity #16: ƒ Field Activity #17:

ƒ Where do you commonly lead nature walks or ƒ How I’m going to incorporate birding into my field trips? nature walk?

ƒ Where have you seen or heard birds, in this ƒ Location or section of trail area? ƒ Habitats, and where birds will be in those areas

ƒ What are three interesting ways that birds live ƒ Theme or interesting story from the ways that in this natural area? birds live in this natural area

95 96

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013 Birding for Naturalists Developed by San Diego Naturalists Group

Review: Birding in Nature Walks References

1. What aspects of your audience are ƒ Local field guides important to consider in planning your walk? ƒ Checklist of the birds of San Diego County ƒ – Age, experience, interest ƒ San Diego County bird descriptions 2. What is the benefit of scouting locations? ƒ – Find places with many species, easy viewing, and accounts.html few other people and dogs ƒ The Great Backyard Bird Count 3. What “teachable moments” might there be ƒ on a bird walk? ƒ Christmas Bird Count – Scat, tracks, dead bird, feathers, shells, … ƒ

97 98

Contacts Review of Training Class ƒ Thanks to the Birding for Naturalists team: ƒ Phil Pryde, Brian Moehl, Judie Lincer, Shelley Glenn, ƒ What worked? Anne Marie Tipton, Carol Wilson, Anne Fege, Tracy ƒ What three things do you remember from this Henchbarger, and others presentation? ƒ Thank you to: ƒ How will the activities work in the field, for ƒ Vic Murayama for his copyrighted bird photography naturalists leading nature walks? ƒ Don DesJardin for his video http:/ ƒ What didn’t work?

ƒ Liz Paegel for her artwork ƒ What concepts or slides are ƒ To arrange for this training to be given at your not effective? organization or training program: ƒ How can we change them? ƒ Contact Brian Moehl, 858-273-7800, Black Phoebe [email protected] 99 100

March 8, 16 and 30, 2013