Hosted by:

Bengaluru, India June 27-30, 2015 Program Chair: Ram Mudambi

Te Leela Palace, Bangalore WHERE LEADERS AND ENTREPRENEURS A RE NURTURED The picturesque 100-acre world-class campus of IIMB in Bangalore, India’s Silicon Valley, inspires and equips students to deliver significant social impact through entrepreneurship and innovation.

IIMB is the only Indian Business School to feature in the The NS Raghavan Center for Entrepreneurial Financial Times Executive Education 2015 Top 50 Rankings. Learning at IIMB incubates start-ups and provides free mentoring to budding entrepreneurs. This year, IIMB is India’s only business school in the 27-member 240 entrepreneurs took advantage of our open Global Network of Advanced Management (GNAM) mentoring program. – a network of top schools such as INSEAD, LSE and Yale. IIMB has student exchange partnerships with over IIMB has 150 faculty members, including visiting and 114 global B-schools, case study publishing adjunct faculty, who are actively engaged in policy partnerships with Harvard Business Publishing and f ormulation, research, case writing and consulting. the Ivey Business School, and joint research partner- ships with Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics Having embraced disruptive technology (MOOCs), and Public Administration (HCMA) Hanoi, Vietnam. IIMB is India’s first management school to partner with edX as a contributing member to deliver high-quality Along with Toulouse Business School, France, IIMB MOOCs from this year. launched India’s first Executive General Management Programme in Aerospace and Aviation Management this year. table of contents

WELCOMES AIB President’s Letter ...... 2 Letter from the Local Host...... 3 Letter from the Program Chair...... 4

SPONSORS Conference Sponsors...... 7

CONTRIBUTORS 2015 Program Committee ...... 8 AIB 2015 Reviewers ...... 9

AIB AWARDS AIB Fellows’ Executive of the Year ...... 15 AIB Fellows’ Educator of the Year...... 16 AIB Fellows’ Eminent Scholar...... 17 2015 Program Awards...... 18

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Keynote Speaker, Harish Manwani...... 21 Keynote Speaker, Dr . Ashutosh Raghuvanshi...... 22

CONFERENCE LOGISTICS General Conference Information...... 23 Leela Palace Floor Maps ...... 24 Scholars Meet Practice Sessions...... 25 Meet Your Chapter...... 26 A Visual Insight into AIB 2015...... 27 AIB 2015 by the Numbers...... 28

CONFERENCE PROGRAM AIB 2015 Program Overview...... 30 AIB 2015 Detailed Program...... 32 Program Contributor Index...... 74

EXHIBITORS 2015 Exhibitor Listing...... 85

ABOUT AIB AIB Secretariat Staff ...... 90 AIB Past Presidents...... 91 Past AIB Conference Locations...... 91 AIB Fellows...... 92 Institutional Members...... 93 AIB Chapters...... 94

FUTURE AIB CONFERENCES Upcoming AIB Conferences...... 95 AIB Milan Special Conference Call for Papers...... 96 AIB 2016 Call for Papers...... 98

Global Networks: Organizations and People 1 From the President

Welcome to Bengaluru, India for the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business! For many of you, traveling to India for a meeting, to teach, to consult, or to visit family is commonplace . I am embar- rassed to say that this is my first visit to this great country . So understandably, this also explains why I am so happy to be here with you this year, in this country . Like many of you, I have read about, studied, and wondered about India for so many years . I can’t come to explain my excitement about finally being here . Putting together an excellent annual meeting is the result of the efforts of countless individuals. First, we would like to thank our local hosts . No matter how much interest we have in a country, or how strong our own organization may be, we cannot do an annual conference without a local host . This year we are blessed that IIM Bangalore, one of India’s top business schools, is hosting our meeting . We thus thank Director Sushil Vachani and our local host Prof . S . Raghunath and their teams for all the support they have been giving us to put together this annual meeting . Every large endeavor of this level of complexity requires both vision, to make a memorable conference program, and attention to detail, to ensure that it all comes together in the end . In the person of our Program Chair, Ram Mudambi, and our Pre-conference Program Coordinator, Charles Dhanaraj, we are lucky to have men of vision and attention to de- tail . Both have been working diligently, along with the support of the many track chairs and consortium leaders, to put together a fantastic program for all of us . Our program this year is comprised of 121 paper sessions, 6 special sessions, and 33 panels across 15 tracks, including two focused on Research Methods in IB and Teaching Methods in IB . We are expecting over 800 AIB members to be in attendance . This year, we continue with some old traditions and are starting what we hope will be some new ones. As always, our preconference activities include the Doctoral Consortium, Junior Faculty Consortium, and the JIBS Workshop . This year I am proud to report we are beginning a new tradition of visiting a third sector, social organization to give our members a chance to go beyond the walls of the Leela Palace and see how innovative organizations are dealing with some of the challenges facing India (Inaugural Social Sector Visit, Friday, June 26th at 2:30pm) . Another important pre conference innovation this year is the AIB Research Capacity Workshop organized by Professors Jose de la Torre, Rishikesha Krishnan, and Sougata Ray . We cordially invite all of our new members to our New Member Tea, Saturday June 27th, 3:30pm-4:30pm. It is a good way to get to meet members of the AIB board in a small informal environment. The board and I would also like to take this opportunity to remember and honor three of our members who passed away this year, Alan M . Rugman, Kwok Leung and Warren J . Keegen . Very different in their interests and demeanors, all were world-class scholars who made lasting contributions to the field of international business . As we come together for this marvelous conference, we miss them, and mourn their loss . Our annual meetings are where we share our latest research, learn what our colleagues are working on, how the field of IB is changing and as well as how else it should be changing . It is where we reconnect with our colleagues and relish our community . I look forward to reconnecting with old friends and meeting new ones . Welcome to Bengaluru .

Nakiye Boyacigiller AIB President

President President-Elect Immediate Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President Nakiye Boyacigiller Rosalie Tung Past President Program (2015) Program-Eect (2016) Program-Past (2014) Administration Robert Grosse Ram Mudambi Charles Dhanaraj Klaus Meyer Elizabeth Rose


BOARD MEMBERS MEMBERS (for 3-year term beginning August 1, 2015)

Vice President Vice President Executive Director Mike Kotabe Sarianna Lundan Maria Alejandra Administration Administration G . Tomas M . Hult President-Elect Vice President Gonzalez-Perez Jeremy Clegg Sumit Kundu Program-Elect (2017) Vice President Administration 2 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 From the Local Host

Dear Members of the Academy of International Business,

On behalf of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIMB), I would like to extend a very warm welcome to you . We are delighted to host the 2015 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business . IIMB is proud of its close connection with AIB . Professor S . Raghunath of IIMB, who is the Chair of the Local Host Committee for this conference, is also the Chair of the Academy’s India Chapter . AIB India’s 2013 annual conference was held here in Bengaluru . The theme for AIB 2015, “Global Networks: Organizations and People”, responds to three mega trends—the rise of trade in activities, knowledge-intensive intangibles and emerging markets . Bengal- uru is probably one of the best cities in the world to observe the confluence of these mega trends . It is a vibrant center for both the creation and export of knowledge-intensive intangibles in the information technology and biotechnology industries, among others . It also symbolizes the opportunity presented by the rise of entrepreneurship in emerging markets, captured in the billion dollar valuations of home- grown e-commerce companies such as Flipkart . Bengaluru is home to some of India’s most dynamic non-governmental organizations, such as Ak- shaya Patra, which fights hunger and keeps children in school by feeding 1 .4 million school children each day, and Agastya, which sparks curiosity by taking innovative science education to hundreds of thousands of poor children across India . IIMB’s strategic emphasis draws on the tremendous advantages provided by our location in Benga- luru . Our center for entrepreneurial learning is an integral part of the city’s vibrant entrepreneurial eco-system . We maintain close connections with Bengaluru’s IT and life sciences industries, its world-class research organizations and dynamic non-governmental organizations . All this provides an unparalleled opportunity for our students, faculty and visitors . We have chosen to embrace tech- nology to enhance the impact of our educational programs . As the first Indian management school to become a participating member of edX, the Harvard-MIT joint venture, we will begin launching several MOOCs this summer . Bengaluru is one of India’s fastest growing major cities . It is demographically diverse and presents rich cultural activities . I hope that in addition to enjoying the exciting conference activities, you will find the time to visit some of Bengaluru’s major tourist attractions, including the IIM Bangalore campus . With best wishes,

Sushil Vachani Director, IIM Bangalore

Global Networks: Organizations and People 3 From the Program Chair

Dear AIB Colleagues,

A very warm welcome to Bengaluru, the IT capital of India and to the 56th Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business! This year’s theme “Global Networks: Organizations and People” is particularly appropriate to our emerging market location – AIB’s first foray into India . The city hosts one of the largest concentrations of multinational subsidiaries in the world and they operate a complex international network of organizational pipelines . In tandem, individuals, many from the Indian diaspora, flit in and out of the city, connecting it with locations all around the globe through their personal networks . These global networks foster connectivity and are the con- duits that enable our modern knowledge economy to function . Indeed, the knowledge creation and innovation that they foster is humanity’s best hope for a prosperous and sustainable future . Many papers in this year’s program address this theme . A novel element this year is an explicit track focus- ing on economic geography / regional science, headlined by a Showcase Panel co-sponsored by the Region- al Science Association International (RSAI) . Economic geographers, regional scientists and international business scholars increasingly study the same phenomena and collaboration and cross-fertilization among these fields can lead to exciting new insights . Please welcome our colleagues from these sister disciplines to AIB . Perhaps you will find new co-authors and audiences for your research! A second feature of the program that I would like to highlight is the ‘Yellow Brick Road’ (and so colored!) of Scholarship in Practice sessions that runs through Sunday and Monday . These sessions feature a combi- nation of academics and practitioners from both business and government, encouraging us to think of rigor and relevance as complements rather than substitutes . These sessions feature senior representatives from major corporations like Unilever, Accenture, Citibank, Cisco, Narayana Health, Infosys and Wipro, government departments like the Indian Ministry of Statistics and NGOs like the Carbon Disclosure Project . As this program goes to press, nearly 800 individuals have registered for the conference and will be able to choose from 2 plenary sessions, 6 special sessions, 33 panels, 72 competitive paper sessions, 49 interactive paper sessions and many special events . The quality of submissions has been extraordinarily high and with so many quality submissions, the track chairs faced a daunting task in narrowing their acceptances to the allocated targets . Conference attendees will find a cornucopia of international business scholarship and practice on offer, so their only problem may be one of choosing what to attend . In most time slots the full conference attendees will be able to choose from 13 parallel sessions of panels, competitive and interactive session papers .

Let me highlight the events awaiting you at the 2015 AIB Conference . • Pre-conference Consortiums . This year’s pre-conference offers workshops for doctoral students and junior faculty, each with a distinguished group of faculty panelists . The AIB/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Student Consortium is chaired by Stewart Miller and Shameen Prashantham . The Junior Faculty Consor- tium is chaired by Ruth Aguilera and Ravee Chittoor . • JIBS/AIB Paper Development Workshop . The 12th Annual JIBS PDW is chaired once again by Petra Christmann with John Cantwell as Co-Chair . It will provide scholars with developmental feedback on their current research projects in international business studies . • Research Capacity Workshop.A new pre-conference activity this year, led by Jose de la Torre, Rishikesh Krishnan, and Sougata Ray, this workshop focuses on strengthening the doctoral program and improving research culture in the developing country business schools . • New Members Welcome Tea . Meet the AIB President, Nakiye Boyacigiller, and other Board members in a special welcome to all members attending the AIB conference for the first time . • Opening Ceremony . Our conference will start with the traditional lighting of the lamp of knowledge by faculty from our host school, the Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru . This will be followed by introductions to the program, and the recognition of this year’s Educator of the Year, Nick Binedell . Our keynote speaker and Executive of Year, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, is the first woman to be so recognized by the AIB . She is the Chairman and Managing Director of Biocon and will speak on the opportunities and challenges facing the biopharmaceutical industry in emerging markets, many of which reflect the confer-

4 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 ence theme . As in the past years, commemorative t-shirts will be available again for the first 300 attendees . Be sure to show up early and claim a t-shirt as they are sure to be prized items again this year . • AIB Fellows Plenary will follow directly on from the Opening Ceremony and will address the conference theme of “Global Networks: Organizations and People” in the context of global biopharmaceutical industry . Chaired by Sri Zaheer, it will feature two scholars who have made central contributions to the study of innova- tion and emerging markets, John Cantwell and Torben Pedersen . I will serve as moderator of this session . The Presidential Reception will follow . • Fellows Café . Early risers will every morning have the opportunity for a casual discussion with one of the AIB Fellows before the start of the main program . • UNCTAD Sessions . UNCTAD will launch its 2015 World Investment Report at the AIB conference . Hafiz Mirza and Axele Giroud will introduce the report, and Peter Buckley, Sarianna Lundan and I will provide commentar- ies . Join the experts behind the report for the launch event on Tuesday (session 3 .2 .1) . Also consider attending the UNCTAD-WAIB session on “MNCs Gender Equality and Development” on Monday (session 2 .3 .3) . • AIB Fellows Eminent Scholar Award . W . Richard Scott will be honored with this award and will provide a plenary keynote speech on “IT & IB: Institutional Theory and International Business” (session 2 .2 .1 on Monday) . Commentaries will be provided Yves Doz and Arie Lewin . Paul Beamish, the Dean of the AIB Fellows, will chair the session . • Special Executive Plenary . Harish Manwani, Chairman of Hindustan Lever, and former COO of Unilever will be joined by Dr . Ashutosh Raghuvanshi, Deputy Chairman and Group CEO, Narayana Health . They will ad- dress the challenges of balancing competitive advantage with social responsibility and sustainable practices, particularly in emerging markets . Ravi Ramamurti will moderate this session . • Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award Presentations . The five finalists for this year’s award are Perttu Kähäri (Aalto University), Heeyon Kim (National University of Singapore), Catherine Magels- sen (London Business School), Carlos Adrian Rodriguez (INCAE), and Michael A . Sartor (Western University) . Join session 2 .3 1. to meet researchers likely to shape future research agendas of the AIB . • 2015 JIBS Decade Award . The winners of the award are Klaus Meyer and Mike Peng for their paper, “Probing theoretically into Central and Eastern Europe: transactions, resources, and institutions” . Following their retrospec- tive, commentaries will be provided by Mark Peterson, Tatiana Kostova and G . Tomas M . Hult . John Cantwell chairs this session 3 3. .1 . • On Monday night, we will enjoy the conference Gala Event at the Tamarind Tree, a charming venue with an- tique doorways, cobble stoned pathways, beautiful trees, and elegant pavilions . Our hosts have put together an exquisite Indian Night, featuring art, music, a craft bazaar, and of course, samples of the delectable Indian cuisine . • Lunches and Coffee Breaks . The coffee breaks and lunches, which are a special and unique feature of AIB, provide members the opportunities to discuss new ideas with old friends and extend your network to new colleagues from around the world – and from our sister disciplines . • AIB Business Meeting and Awards Ceremony . Don’t miss this important wrap-up of the conference with ex- ecutive reports and award recognitions, and an outlook to our 2016 conference in New Orleans (session 3 .5 .1) . • AIB Awards/Farewell Reception. The reception is sponsored by Palgrave Macmillan, publishers of JIBS, in honor of all the winners of awards being given out at the AIB conference . This is a time for celebration and making plans for future endeavors with colleagues and friends, old and new .

These are just a few of the many stimulating sessions . Putting together this program has been a truly collaborative effort . This program would not have been possible without the 931 submissions by authors from 62 countries . The challenge of reviewing so many papers in a short time span was accomplished by 1032 reviewers who provided valuable input to authors and track chairs . My sin- cere thanks go to all authors and reviewers . The Fellows have organized the two plenary sessions that are sure to be outstanding, and they will meet mem- bers for open ended informal discussions in the Fellow’s Café each morning . The Fellows’ efforts in creating these opportunities for engaging with senior scholars in our community are highly appreciated .

Global Networks: Organizations and People 5 The track chairs had to make tough decisions and constructed the many interesting sessions offered this year . It was a joy working with this group of talented and committed colleagues as we pulled the program together . Spe- cial thanks go to each one: Kwok Leung, Erkko Autio, Mary Teagarden, Susan Mudambi, Simona Iammarino, Lucia Piscitello, L . Felipe Monteiro, Siva Viswanathan, Akbar Zaheer, Gurneeta Singh, Ronaldo Parente, Florian Taube, Bjorn Ambos, Nandini Rajagopalan, Nan Jia, Michael Witt, Rene Belderbos, David Reeb and Andreas Schotter . When mentioning the Track Chairs, I would like to make special mention of Kwok Leung, who took seriously ill during the finalization process of his track . In spite of his severe condition, he continued to work and finalized his track in good time . It is with great sadness that I inform the membership of his recent, very untimely passing . I am sure that the AIB membership is one with me as we send our deepest condolences to his family . Our local hosts had done so much to make our conference in Bengaluru memorable . Thanks to the Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru, and very special thanks to Dean S . Raghunath, the local host chair who was instru- mental in arranging so many special events . Throughout the process, the AIB Executive Board members have provided valuable guidance . Charles Dhanaraj undertook all the coordination of pre-conference activities . All Executive Board members under the gentle guiding hand of our President, Nakiye Boyacigiller, provided valuable advice and support . Many of you likely corresponded with Thomas J . Hannigan, my assistant, who handled hundreds of emails and in general made himself indispensable; and supported us from Silicon Valley after his move from Philadelphia . I also thank my colleagues at the Fox School for your support — and your patience when other aspects of my work suffered as my mind was occupied with AIB . I want to thank each and every one at the AIB Secretariat at Michigan State University . The entire team there has been a source of boundless enthusiasm and constant, instantaneous support . At the helm of this exceptional team, AIB is fortunate to have Tunga Kiyak, who is the ultimate professional . With his eye for detail and his inti- mate knowledge of every aspect of the conference, it is a simple statement of fact that without him, organizing the conference would be virtually impossible . In addition, he has the patience and good humor to put up with and train a new Program Chair every year . So Tunga, I would like to add my most sincere thanks to all those recorded by many Program Chairs before me — thanks for all you do for AIB . Finally, I would like to thank the AIB membership for giving me the honor and pleasure to serve as Program Chair . I hope that this year’s program will open new horizons for you .

Ram Mudambi Vice-President Program, Academy of International Business Frank M . Speakman Professor of Strategy Fox School of Business, Temple University

6 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 AIB 2015 Conference sponsors


Host Institution AIB Secretariat Institution

Program Chair’s Institution


Doctoral Consortium Junior Faculty Consortium

JIBS Paper Development Workshop

John Cook School of Business Boeing Institute of SLU International Business CONFERENCE EVENT SPONSORSSAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY

JIBS Decade Award Buckley-Casson Dissertation Award

Coffee Break Coffee Break Best Paper in Emerging Economies Research Award That’s Interesting Award

WAIB Reception

Global Networks: Organizations and People 7 2015 Conference Program Committee

PROGRAM CHAIR Ram Mudambi – Temple University

PROGRAM CHAIR’S ASSISTANT T .J . Hannigan – Temple University

TRACK CHAIRS Kwok Leung – Chinese University of Hong Kong Erkko Autio – Imperial College Business School Mary Teagarden – Thunderbird School of Global Management Susan Mudambi – Temple University Simona Iammarino – London School of Economics Lucia Piscitello – Politecnico di Milano L . Felipe Monteiro – INSEAD Siva Viswanathan – University of Maryland Akbar Zaheer – University of Minnesota Gurneeta Singh – University of Minnesota Ronaldo Parente – Florida International University Florian Taube – Université libre de Bruxelles Bjorn Ambos – University of St Gallen Nandini Rajagopalan – University of Southern California Nan Jia – University of Southern California Michael Witt –INSEAD, Singapore Rene Belderbos – KU Leuven David Reeb – National University of Singapore Andreas Schotter –Western University


DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM CHAIRS Stewart Miller – University of Texas San Antonio Shameen Prashantham – Nottingham University Business School China

JUNIOR FACULTY CONSORTIUM CHAIRS Ruth Aguilera – Northeastern University Ravee Chittoor – Indian School of Business

RESEARCH CAPACITY WORKSHOP CHAIRS Jose de la Torre – Florida International University Rishikesh T . Krishnan – Indian Institute of Management Indore Sougata Ray – Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

AIB/JIBS PAPER DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Petra Christmann – Rutgers University, USA John Cantwell – Rutgers University, USA Alexandra Vo – Rutgers University, USA

PLACEMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR Hadi Alhorr – Saint Louis University, USA

BUCKLEY AND CASSON AIB DISSERTATION AWARD SELECTION COMMITTEE Mark Casson – University of Reading (Chair) Anupama Phene – George Washington University Rebecca Piekkari – Aalto University Sumit Kundi – Florida International University

TEMPLE/AIB BEST PAPER SELECTION COMMITTEE Peter Liesch – University of Queensland (Chair) Elizabeth Rose – University of Otago Aya Chacar – Florida International University Ivo Zander – Uppsala University

HAYNES PRIZE SELECTION COMMITTEE Jane Lu Wenzhen – University of Melbourne (Chair) Olli Kuivalainen – Lappeenranta University of Technology Jennifer Oetzel – American University Klaus Meyer – China Europe International Business School

HOST INSTITUTION Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore


8 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 AIB 2015 Reviewers

We would like to thank the 1032 reviewers that helped make the 2015 conference a possibility . We would especially like to recognize the Best Reviewer Award winners listed below, in bold and in alphabetical order, as nominated by the AIB 2015 Track Chairs: Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Peter D. Oerberg Jensen, Copenhagen Business School Joshua Kennedy Ault, University of Victoria Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School Allan Bird, Northeastern University Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University Klaus Meyer, CEIBS Nigel Driffield, Warwick Business School Bo Bernhard Nielsen, University of Sydney Alex Eapen, Australian National University Christopher Richardson, Universiti Sains Malaysia Jesper Edman, Hitotsubashi University Sabrina Ferdous Saleh, University of South Carolina Susan Feinberg, Temple University Mika Westerlund, Carleton University Johann Fortwengel, Free University Berlin Fiona Yao, University of Illinois at Urbana Champion Budhaditya Gupta, Harvard University Harun Emre Yildiz, Uppsala University Mohd Haniff Jedin, Universiti Utara Malaysia Lena Zander, Uppsala University

Alexis Abodohoui, University Laval Chris Amponsah, Skyline University Neelotpaul Banerjee, National Institute Daniela Bolzani, University of Bologna Mônica Cavalcanti Sá de Abreu, Federal Younghoon An, Yonsei University of Technology, Durgapur Moritz Martin Botts,European University University of Ceará John Robert Anderson, University of Helena Barnard, GIBS, University of Viadrina Robert William Ackrill, Nottingham Trent Northern Iowa Pretoria Mehdi Boussebaa, University of Bath University Naoki Ando, Hosei University Gianpaolo Baronchelli, University of Nakiye A . Boyacigiller, Sabanci University Bergamo Bulent Acma, Anadolu University Josmar Andrade, Universidade de São Nikos Bozionelos, Audencia School of Adeoye Adegorite, McGill University Paulo Tais Siqueira Barreto, Florida Atlantic Management University Abdoulkadre Ado, Laval University Thomas Andre, Ecole Polytechnique Evelyn Braumann, WU Vienna University António Correia Barros, ISCAP Anurag K . Agarwal, IIM Ahmedabad Fernando Angulo-Ruiz, MacEwan of Economics and Business Roman Bartnik, University of Duis- James Agarwal, University of Calgary University Barbara Brenner, Danube University burg-Essen Krems Raj Aggarwal, Loukas Anninos, University of Piraeus Cordula Barzantny, Toulouse Business Laurent Broering, FGV Barbara Agha-Alikhani, University of Syed Tariq Anwar, West Texas A&M School Passau University Wendy Ann Brooke, University of Wiscon- Mariachiara Barzotto,Ca’ Foscari Univer- sin-Platteville Dr . Gaurav Agrawal, ABV - Indian Nurhaizal Azam Arif, Universiti Utara sity Venice Malaysia Nádia Bruhn, UFG Institute of Information Technology and Spiros Batas, University of Northmapton Management Soma Arora, IMT Ghaziabad - University of Edinburgh johan bruneel, KU Leuven AFM Jalal Ahamed, B,ina Nusantara Thankom Gopinath Arun, University of Safal Batra, IMT Ghaziabad Peter Jennings Buckley, University of University Central Lancashire Leeds Bettina Becker,Aston Business School Ali Ahmad, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Richard David Arvey, National University Joerg Bueechl, Eberhard Karls U. of Singapore Izabela Bednarska-Wnuk, University Tübingen Christina Ahmadjian, Hitotsubashi of Lodz University Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Ricardo E . Buitrago R ., La Salle University Lawrence Beer, Arizona State University Farhad Uddin Ahmed, Trinity College Jack Aschkenazi, American Intercontinen- Brent Burmester, University of Auckland Sri Beldona, University of Dallas Dublin tal University John Buschman, Florida International Faisal Ahsan, Indian Institute of Manage- Samaa Taher Attia,British University in Sandra Roberts Bell, Union Institute & University University ment Lucknow Egypt Cristina Calegario, Federal University of Mujtaba Ahsan, San Diego State Joshua Kennedy Ault, University of Fiorenza Belussi, University of Padova Lavras University Victoria Robert Bennett,Delaware County Com- Cyntia Calixto, Fundacao Getulio Vargas munity College Nathalie Aichhorn, WU Vienna Carlos Aveline, EAESP/FGV Katherine Campbell, University of North Gerald Albaum, University of New Mexico Ilan Avrichir, ESPM Rosalind A . Bergemann, Globalite Dakota Business School Filippo Albertoni, Politecnico di Milano Kshitij Awasthi, IIM Bangalore Renata Canela, U. Nove de Julho - Sue Claire Berning, University of Erlan- UNINOVE Joao Albino Pimentel, HEC Paris Snehal S Awate, Indian School of gen-Nuernberg Juciara Nunes Alcantars, University of Business Anthony Cannizzaro, George Washington Heather Berry, George Washington University Lavras Muritala Olakitan Awodun, Kwara State University Jorge Alcaraz, ITESM University, Malete Marcelo F Cano-Kollmann, Temple Theresa Lucia Beyrle, University of University Helena Fenikova Allman, University of Ahmet Sedat Aybar,, Istanbul Aydin Birmingham West Florida University Dan V . Caprar, UNSW Australia / UNSW Krishna Bhandari, University of Vaasa Business School Akmaral Altaliyeva, Almaty Management Bulent Aybar, Southern New Hampshire University Constanza Bianchi, Universidad Adolfo Leanda Care, Igamix Management and University Ibañez Daniel Baack, University of Denver Consulting Ltd. Maria Altamira, ESIC Business School Soniya Billore, Linnaeus University and Warwick Business School Imad Baalbaki, American University of Steven Carnovale, Portland State Allan Bird, Northeastern University University Isabel Alvarez, Universidad Complutense Beirut Vernon Bachor, Simon Fraser University Julian Birkinshaw, London Business Andres Mauricio Castro Figueroa, Gisela Alves, University Lusíada OPorto School Universidad del Rosario Benjamin Bader, Leuphana U. Lüneburg Claes G . Alvstam, University of Gothen- Jean J . Boddewyn, Baruch College Virginia Ilene Cathro, University of Otago burg Mona Bahl, Youngstown State University Dirk Boehe, University of Adelaide Claude B . cellich, International University Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, University George Balabanis, City university in Geneva of Bristol Cheryl A Boglarsky, Human Synergistics, Zandra Balbinot, ESG-UQAM Inc. Sokol Celo, Suffolk University Global Networks: Organizations and People 9 Bora Cetin, University of St. Gallen Alain Coen, UQAM Marleen Dieleman, National University Susan Feinberg, Temple University Brian R . Chabowski, The University of Scott Brian Cohen,University of Phoenix of Singapore Mark Gabriel Fenton, University of Tulsa Claudio Ramos Conti, Ebape / FGV John Raymond Dilyard, St. Francis Wisconsin Stout College Aya Chacar, Florida International Cristanna Marie Cook, Husson Univeris- Manuel Portugal Ferreira, Universidade University ity and USP Nikolay Dimitriadi, Rostov University of Nove de Julho & Polytechnic Institute Economics of Leiria Doren Chadee, Deakin University Daniel Joseph Costello, Staffordshire Abhirup Chakrabarti, Queen’s University CDUT Chengdu Mihaela Dimitrova, Oakland University Andrew Beheregarai Finger, UFAL Amit Baran Chakrabarti, IIM Calcutta Brian Paul Cozzarin, University of Les Dlabay, Lake Forest College Afonso Fleury, Universidade de Sao Paulo Subhajit Chakrabarty,Auro University Waterloo Paulo Roberto Do Amaral Ferreira, Feder- al University of Rio de Janeiro Johann Fortwengel, Free University Berlin Indrani Chakraborty,,Institute of Develop- Marcia Rohr Cruz, Universidade de ment Studies Kolkata Caxias do Sul Sinziana Dorobantu, New York University Chiara Franco, Catholic University of Milan Suparna Chakraborty,University of San Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern Angela Isabel dos Santos Dullius, Feder- Francisco University al University of Santa Maria Fabian Jintae Froese, University of Goettingen Dwarkaprasad Chakravarty,Ivey Busi- Lin Cui, Australian National University Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne ness School Douglas Cumming, York University Matej Drev, Georgia Institute of Tech- Qingfen Fu, Tsinghua University Sow Hup Chan, University of Macau Michael Cummings, University of Neva- nology Manfred Fuchs, Uni Graz Masud Chand, Wichita State University da, Las Vegas Nigel Driffield,Warwick Business School Eddy Fung, British Columbia Institute of Technology Bidhan Chandra, Empire State College Louise Curran, Toulouse Business School Rian Drogendijk, University of Groningen Olivier Furrer, University of Fribourg Ramdas Chandra, Nova Southeastern Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management Helen Du, KU Leuven University University Jian Du, Zhejaing University Gerald Yong Gao, University of Missou- ri-St. Louis Nai-Wen Chang, National Chi-Nan Chitra Dabas, California State Polytechnic Xuan Du, Shandong University University- Pomona Aline Gatignon, INSEAD University Yibing Duan, Institute of Policy and Man- Sheng-Hsiung Chang, Tamkang Marina Dabic, University of Zagreb & agement, Chinese Academy of Sciences Ajai Gaur, Rutgers University Nottingham Trent University University Zhirong Duan, Tsinghua University Gloria Ge, Griffith University Harsh Dadhich, Indian Institute of Man- Ying-Shao Chang, Chang Jung Christian Francois Duhamel, UDLAP Ebru Genc, Abdullah Gul University University agement Ahmedabad Denise Dunlap, Northeastern University Omer Faruk Genc, Minnesota State Rahul Chawdhary, Kingston University Li Dai, Loyola Marymount University University Michael Gerald Dunne, Curtin University Shankar Chelliah, Universiti Sains Weiqi Dai, Zhejiang University of Finance Xuesong Geng, Singapore Management Malaysia & Economics Gary Dusek, Nova Southeastern Uni- University versity Charles Chen, University of Phoenix Mourad Dakhli, Georgia State University Simona Gentile-Luedecke, Bremen Shailen Kumar Dalbehera, Indian Insti- Nabamita Dutta,University of Wisconsin, University I-Shuo Chen, Trinity College College La Crosse tute of Management Bangalore Suresh George, Coventry University Kun-Ming Chen, National Chengchi Florence Duvivier, Solvay Brussels School University Nagalakshmi Damaraju,, Indian School Stephan Gerschewski, Hannam of Business of Economics and Management Sheng-Hung Chen, Nanhua University, University Matilde D’Amelio, Politecnico di Milano Alex Eapen, Australian National Uni- Chiayi versity Guy Gessner, Canisius College Jagadish Dandu, Zayed University Shu-Jen Chen, Hsiuping University of Robert Neal Eberhart, Santa Clara Uni Majid Ghorbani, Renmin University of Science and Technology Akash Dania, A,lcorn State University versity China Taotao Chen, Tsinghua University Shirley J Daniel, University of Hawaii at Jesper Edman, Hitotsubashi University Brett Anitra Gilbert,Rutgers University Manoa Wang-Kun Chen,, Jinwen University of Matthias Eggertsson,Keiser University Edward Gillmore, Mälardalen University Science and Technology Izzet Sidki Darendeli, Temple University Majid Eghbali-Zarch, Memorial University J .G . Gimba, Nova Southeastern University Yong Chen, Old Dominion University Pinaki Dasgupta, IMI of Newfoundland Sourafel Girma, University of Nottingham Dazhong Cheng, Fudan University Angels Dasi, University of Valencia Carolyn P . Egri, Simon Fraser University Elisa Giuliani, Università Di Pisa Zheng Cheng, University of Kansas Protiti Dastidar, University of Maryland Samson Ekanayake, Deakin University Ian Vallis Gladding, Lewis University Raina Chhajer, IIM Udaipur Deepak Datta,University of Texas at Imane El Hakimi, Plymouth University Anthony Goerzen, Queen’s University Arlington Che Chao Chiang, Cheng Shiu University Mohammad Elahee, Quinnipiac Uni- Ismail Gölgeci, University of Vaasa Luis Alfonso Dau, Northeastern Uni- versity versity Elena Golovko, Tilburg University, B . Elango, Illinois State University Dr . Govind B Dave, Indukaka Ipcowala Núbio Vidal de Negreiros Gomes Filho, Tachia Chin, Guangdong University of Institute of Management, CHARUSAT Stefano Elia, Politecnico di Milano University Of Fortaleza, Foreign Studies Parthiban David, American University Eman Lotfy ElShenawy,Suez Canal Halit Gonenc, University of Groningen Natalia Chiryaeva, North-Eastern Federal University Debdeep De, Jaypee Business School Maria Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Uni- University Laetitia Em, University of Groningen versidad EAFIT Alice de Jonge, Monash University Hong-Jen C . Chiu, National Taiwan Prescott C . Ensign, Wilfrid Laurier John W . Goodell, University of Akron University Renato Cotta De Mello,Coppead-UFRJ University Paul Gooderham, NHH Daniel Han Ming Chng, China Europe Silvio Luis De Vasconcellos, Unisinos Emine Erdogan, Rutgers University International Business School K V Gopakumar, Indian Institute of Gaaitzen de Vries, University of Gron- Yvette Njan Essounga,Fayetteville Management Youngsam Cho, Korea University ingen Mitra Etemaddar, University of Otago Johnny Graham, Temple University J . Jay Choi, Temple University Benoit Decreton, WU Vienna Frances Fabian, University of Memphis Sid Gray, University of Sydney Kyuyeong Choi, Florida State University Gerardo del Cerro Santamaria, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Yasir Yasin Fadol, Qatar University Oksana Grebinevych, EMLYON Bisiness Youngtae Choi, University of North School Florida Science and Art Di Fan, Deakin University Henrik Dellestrand, Uppsala University Ying Fang, Communication University of Gary Gregory, University of New South Odette Christie,University of Dallas Wales Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China China Gabriel Chueke, Brazilian Multinationals Andreas Friedrich Grein, Baruch College, Observatory Naman Desai, Indian Institute of Man- Bassam E . Farah, American University of Beirut the City University of New York Chul Chung, University of Reading agement Ahmedabad Hadi Fariborzi, University of Calgary Nicholas Grigoriou, Monash University Luciano Ciravegna, King’s College, Timothy Michael Devinney,University Malaysia London of Leeds Mahtab Farshchi, London South Bank University Christoph Grimpe, Copenhagen Business Daniel Richard Clark, Indiana University Vijay Balasaheb Dhole, University of School Pune Ramzi Fathallah, Ivey School of Business Lisbeth Clausen, Copenhagen Business Robert Grosse, American University of School Christian Dianoux, University of Lorraine Anthony Fee, UTS Business School Sharjah Davina Dias, Monash University Dorothee Feils, University of Alberta 10 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Verena Gruber, WU Vienna I-Chieh Hsu, National Changhua Univer- William Judge, Old Dominion University Ahmet Kirca, Michigan State University Qian Gu, Georgia State University sity of Education Sajal Kabiraj, Dongbei University of Anton Klarin, UNSW Sathyajit Gubbi, University of Gronigen Dongmei Hu, Shenzhen University; Finance & Economics, Dalian, China Gary Knight, Willamette University George Washington University Luis Fernando Guedes, FIA Eldrede Tinashe Kahiya,Lincoln April Knill, Florida State Nina Huang, Temple University University Omrane Guedhami, University of South Jan Sebastian Knocke, Friedrich-Alexan- Carolina Shengsheng Huang, University of Hous- Tugba Kalafatoglu, ESADE Business der University Erlangen-Nürnberg ton-Victoria School Berrin Guner, Rowan University Brad James koch, Grand Valley State Yen-Chih Huang, Asia University Kiattichai Kalasin,Mahidol University Patrick Gunnigle, University of Limerick University Ying Huang, UMass Lowell David Kallas, Insper Institute of Educa- Palitha Konara, University of Huddersfield Anupama Gupta, National Institute of tion and Research Fashion Technology Lucas Dale Humphries, Aalto University Masahiro Kotosaka, Ritsumeikan Komal Kiran Kalra, University of Victoria Budhaditya Gupta,Harvard University James Hunt, Temple University University Oi Yan Kam, University of Leicester Deepak Gupta, Amrita School of Business Da Huo, Central University of Finance and Alex Kouznetsov, Holmes Institute Economics Shawkat Kamal, University of Liberal Arts Peter Koveos, Syracuse University Shruti Gupta, Penn State University Bangladesh Abington Supachart Iamratanakul, Kasetsart Alexei Koveshnikov, Aalto University University Jihoon Kang, Yonsei University Natalia Guseva, National Research Uni- School of Business versity Higher School of Economics Masahiro Ida, Hannan University Lien Kano, University of Calgary Kenta Koyama, Keio University Frederick Guy, Birkbeck, University of Fernanda Ilhéu, ISEG/ULisbon ilias Kapareliotis, American College of Sorin Krammer, University of Groningen Greece London Peter Thomas in der Heiden, University Keshav Krishnamurty,University of Yoo Jung Ha, University of York of Duisburg-Essen Philip Kappen, Copenhagen Business Massachusetts Boston School Tilo Halaszovich,University of Bremen Todd Masaru Inouye, University of Victoria Krivogorsky, San Diego State Hawaii at Manoa Manisha Karia, Auckland Institute of University David Parker Hanson, Duquesne Studies University Ebru Ipek, Simon Fraser University Karl Kroeck, Florida International Mehrnaz Karimi, University of Bayreuth Savita Hanspal, College of Saint Rose Adrienne A Isakovic, Walden University University Rajesh Iyer, Bradley University Joanna Karmowska, Oxford Brookes Abhisek Kuanr, XLRI Jamshedpur Hammad ul Haq, Uppsala University University Faisal Harahap, Florida International Robert Graham Jack, Macquarie Elena Kulchina, Duke University University Amit Karna, Indian Institute of Manage- University ment Ahmedabad Kunal Kamal Kumar, T A Pai Manage- Talha Harcar, Penn State University at Aditya Mohan Jadhav,T. A. Pai Manage- ment Institute (TAPMI) Manipal ment Institute, Manipal Bas Karreman, Erasmus School of Beaver Economics Mukesh Kumar, Indian Institute of Man- Mel Jameson, University of Nevada, Las agement, Indore Shai Harel, Ben-Gurion University of the D Karthik, IIM Ahmedabad Negev Vegas Nishant Kumar, Stockholm Business Srividya Jandhyala, ESSEC Singapore Bharanitharan Karunanithi, University of School Vasumathy S Hariharan, SRM University Auckland Eduardo Jarque, Japan Center for Latin Shyam Kumar, Rennselaer Polytechnic Dinesh Hasija, University of Arkansas Jan Hack Katz, Cornell University American Studies Vivek Kumar, XLRI Jamshedpur Donald E Hatfield,Virginia Tech Aseem Kaul, University of Minnesota Pavlina Jasovska, University of South Thilo Kunkel, Temple University Ilir Haxhi, University of Amsterdam Australia Vijay Kumar Kaul,,University of Delhi Chong He, The Chinese University of Dr . Kabiru Maitama Kura, Federal Poly- Rama K . Jayanti, Cleveland State Oskar Kayasan, European Research technic Kaura Namoda Nigeria Hong Kong University Centre UOL Wei He, Purdue University North Central Olga Kuznetsova, Manchester Metropoli- Mohd Haniff Jedin,Universiti Utara Dawn Keig, Whitworth University tan University Bruce Hearn, University of Sussex Malaysia Mark Kendrick, Methodist University Catherine Kwantes, University of Windsor Martin Heinberg, University of Duis- Karina R . Jensen, NEOMA Business Sharon Kendrick, Methodist University burg-Essen School Chuck Kwok, University of South Carolina Mari Ketolainen, University of Turku Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University, Peter D . Oerberg Jensen, Copenhagen Nandini Lahiri, Temple University University of Pavia, Singapore Manage- Business School Zaheer Khan, University of Hull Somnath Lahiri, Illinois State University ment University Bang Jeon, Drexel University Sujata Khandai, Institute of Technology C Lakshman, Tongji University & Science Exequiel Hernandez, Wharton Sophia Jeong, Chinese University of Hong Keith Lam, University of Macau Amira N Khattak,NBS, National Universi- Peter Hertenstein, University of Cam- Kong Asjeet Lamba, University of Melbourne bridge ty of Sciences and Technology Yujin Jeong, American University Anna Lamin, Northeastern University Kelly Hewett,University of Tennessee Mizanur Rahman Khondaker, Nanzan Ester Eliane Jeunon, Faculdade Pedro University Andreas Landes, University of Passau Shon Hiatt,University of Southern Leopoldo Violetta Khoreva,Hanken School of Marta Lapiana, ERMES Technologies California Nan Jia, University of Southern California Economics Marcus M . Larsen, Copenhagen Busi- Anna Katharina Hildisch, Georg-Au- Yanbin Jiang, Zhejiang University gust-University of Goettingen Daekwan Kim, Florida State University ness School Alfredo Jimenez, Burgos University Jenny Hillemann, Vrije Universiteit Hyun Gon Kim, Rutgers Business School Marina Latukha, St.Petersburg State Brussel Lu Jin, University of Hong Kong Jaehyeon Kim, University of Hawaii at University Mohd Faiz Hilmi, Universiti Sains Yuan JIn, Tsinghua U. Manoa Marija Lazarev ZIvanovic, Glion Institute Malaysia Myung-Soo Jo, McGill University Jin Uk Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana of Higher Education Brian Hilton, Nottingham University Arpita Joardar, Clark University Champaign Sergio Lazzarini, Insper Business Schiik Gun Joh, San Diego State University Jootae Kim, Dankook University Antonio Lebron, Universidad del Turabo Scott Hipsher,Naresuan University Douglas Johansen, Jacksonville Uni- Jungmin Kim, Seoul National University Calvin Lee, Skyline University College Yen-Chen Ho, University of Reading versity Kihyun Kim, Korea University Business Chun-Han Lee, National Chi Nan Hung Trong Hoang, University of Johny K . Johansson, Georgetown School University Adelaide University Kyoung Yong Kim, University of Houston Hui-yen Lee, Southern Taiwan University Katharina Maria Hofer, Johannes Kepler Jennifer Johns, University of Liverpool Moo Sung Kim, Zayed University Jongmin Lee, University of Reading University Linz William Johnson, Penn State- Erie Yeongsu Kim, INSEAD Meng-Hsiu Lee, National Sun Yat-sen Jacky Hong, University of Macau Danielle Renee Jones, University of Youngok Kim, UNSW Australia University Haruo H . Horaguchi, Hosei University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Salman Kimiagari, Laval University Youngwoo Lee, Korea University Busi- ness School Robert E . Hoskisson, Rice University Marian Vanessa Jones, University of Yuko Kimura, University of Leicester Glasgow Emilene Leite, Uppsala University Jasper Hotho, Copenhagen Business Ceridwyn King, Temple University School Thomas Joseph, IIM Udaipur Dan Li, Indiana University Aseem Kinra, Copenhagen Business Joerg Hruby, International School of Rakesh Mohan Joshi,,Indian Institute Of School Haiyang Li, Rice University Management Foreign Trade, New Delhi Global Networks: Organizations and People 11 Huiping Li, Ramapo College of New Sarianna Lundan, University of Bremen Anju Mehta, University of Northern Iowa Jakob Müllner, WU Vienna Jersey Randi Lunnan, BI Norwegian Business Hsiao-Chen Mei, National Chi-nan Surender Munjal, University of Leeds Lei Li, Nottingham University Business School University Etayankara Muralidharan, MacEwan School China Nathaniel Lupton, Fordham University Luisa F . Melo, Bentley University University Lin LI, University of Nottingham Ningbo Jagadeesha M, Dilla University Chenghao Men, The Hong Kong Poly- Aldo Musacchio, Harvard/Brandeis China Jieqiong Ma, Saint Louis University technic University Ramazan Nacar, Yalova University Lydia Qianqian Li, Shanghai University Na Ma, Tsinghua University Xavier Mendoza, ESADE Business School Ashok Nag, Reserve Bank of India Peter Ping Li, Copenhagen Business Shobhana Madhavan, Amrita School of Hemant Merchant, University of South Swati Nagar, AUT University School Florida St. Petersburg Business Yoko Naito, Tokai University Qian Li, Shanghai International Studies Simone Meskelis, University of Dallas University Nnamdi Madichie, Canadian University H Richard Nakamura, University of of Dubai Klaus Meyer, CEIBS Sali Li, University of South Carolina Gothenburg Catherine Magelssen, London Business Vincent Meyer, HEC Paris George Nakos, Clayton State University Xiaolin Li, Guangdong University of School Finance and Economics M . Khasro Miah, North South University felix adamu nandonde, Aalborg Uni- Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama Yuanyuan LI, Rutgers Business School Ian Michael, Zayed ,University versity Ashish Mahajan, University of Windsor Xingkun Liang, University of Cambridge Irina Mihailova, Aalto University Business Sireesha Nanduri, Indian Institute of Shikha Maheshwari, JECRC, Jaipur School Management-Bangalore Leonardo Liberman, Universidad de lo Andes Gregory James Mahony, University of Joan Mileski, Texas A & M University at Nazly Katherine Nardi, Kaplan University Canberra Galveston Gai Sin Liem, Ma Chung University James Nebus, Suffolk University Bishakha Majumdar, Indian Institute of Stewart R . Miller, University of Texas-San Camilla Nellemann, Rikkyo University Peter W Liesch, University of Queensland Management Indore Antonio Sergio Henrique de Oliveira Lima, Bill Newburry, Florida International Sumit Majumdar, UTD Kimberly Ann Millier, Grand Canyon University Federal University of Ceara University Suzanne Makarem, Virginia Common- Kim-Soon Ng, Universiti Tun Hussein Chih-hua Lin, National Chengchi wealth University Ishva Minefee, University of Illinois at University Onn Malaysia Erin Elizabeth Makarius, University of Urbana-Champaign Fenfang Lin, University of Southampton Anothai Ngamvichaikit, Sukhothai Akron Ewa Minska-Struzik, Poznan University Thammathirat Open University Jung ching Lin, National Taiwan Uni- Kirti Makwana, Charotar University of of Economics versity Vi Dung Ngo, Vietnam National Univer- Science and Technology Mirela Miresan, Saint Mary’s University sity, Hanoi Long-Sheng Lin,, Tainan University of Ashish Malik, University of Newcastle of Minnesota Technology Michael Zisuh Ngoasong, Open Nakesh Malli, Michigan Sate University Mridula Savitri Mishra, Indian Institute of University Nidthida Lin, University of Newcastle Foreign Trade Abhijit Mandal, City University Lonon Linh Khanh Nguyen, HHL Leipzig Gradu- Tyrone T . Lin, National Dong Hwa Anuranjan Misra, Noida International ate School of Management University Nandakumar Mankavil Kovil Veettil, University, Greater Noida University of Salford Pham Hoanh Son Nguyen, ESC Clermont Johan Paul Lindeque, University of Pradeep Kumar Misra, Indian Institute of Graduate School of Management Amsterdam Eva Cristina Manotas Rodriguez, Univer- Management Indore sidad Nacional de Colombia Rekha Nicholson, University of the West Thomas Lindner, WU Vienna Rakesh Mittal,New York Institute of of England Stephanie Elisabeth Mansion, Justus Technology Robert Lindorfer, WU Vienna Liebig University Giessen Bo Bernhard Nielsen, University of moiz mohammed, Pondicherry University Valerie Lindsay, Univeristy of Wollon- Valentina Marano, Northeastern Sydney gong in Dubai University Muhammad Mohiuddin, Thomson Rivers Sushil Nifadkar, Georgia State University University, BC, Canada Angelika Lindstrand, Stockholm School of Marin Alexandrov Marinov, Aalborg Azura Noor, Universiti Utara Malaysia Economics/Stanford University Alexander Mohr, University of Kent University Niina Nummela, University of Turku Rushiun Liou, Texas A&M University-Cen- Svetla Marinova, University of Aalborg Michael Mol, Copenhagen Business tral Texas School Everlyne Ochome, Kisii University Livia Markoczy, University of Txas at David Liu, Massey University K . S . Momaya, Indian Institute of Tech- Jana Oehmichen, Georg-August Univer- Dallas sity Göttingen Mengmeng Liu, Temple University nology, Bombay (IITB) Oscar Martín Martín, Public University Mario Henrique Ogasavara, ESPM Shichang Liu, Tsinghua University of Navarre Jefferson Marlon Monticelli,Universi - dade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos Claudia Ogrean, Lucian Blaga University Andrea Martinez-Noya, University of of Sibiu Oviedo Ivan Montiel, Loyola Marymount University James Oldroyd, Ohio State University Yang Liu, South China University of Robbert Maseland, University of Groningen Hwy-Chang Moon, Seoul National Marcelle Colares Oliveira, Federal Technology University University of Ceara Yang Liu, University of Cambridge Eryadi Kordi Masli, Swinburne University of Technology Jon Jungbien Moon, Korea University Igor Oliveira dos Santos, HEC Montréal Menita Liu Cheng, Zhejiang University Elizabeth Louise Mason, University of Immanuel Azaad Moonesar, Walden Moacir de Miranda Oliveira Jr ., University Grigorios Livanis, Northeastern Uni- Leeds University of Sao Paulo versity Thomas Mathew, Mumbai / KJSIMSR Fiona Moore, University of London Josephine E Olson, University of Pitts- Jasenko Ljubica, University of Split - Francisco A . Moris, National Science burgh Faculty of Economics Martin Mathews, Westminster Business School Foundation Luigi Orsi, University of Padua Anna Margaretha Christina Ljung, Terence Motsi, Cleveland State University Lars Oxelheim, Lund University Uppsala university Ajeet N . Mathur, IIM Ahmedabad Susan Mudambi, Temple University Joanne Oxley, University of Toronto Sandra Loeb, King’s College Miguel Matos Torres, University of Aveiro Satoshi Matsuda, Kitakyushu University Lakshmi Mudunuru, Gitam University Nurgul Ozbek, Stockholm School of Gabriella Lojacono, Bocconi Economics Linda Matthews,UTPA Marc Mueller, University of St. Gallen Cindy Lopes-Bento, KU Leuven Priyanka P .V, Jyoti Nivas College Anna Matysek-Jedrych,Poznan Universi- Haram Elsafa Mukhayer, Ahfad Universi- Ricardo Andres Lopez, Universidad ty for Women Cecilia Pahlberg, Uppsala University Autónoma de Oocidente ty of Economics Martha Maznevski, IMD Aroop Mukherjee, Universiti Putra Varina Kay Paisley, UNSW Australia Lung-tan Lu, Fo Guang University Malaysia Marleen McCormick, Butler University Alan Jerry Pan, Prince Sultan University Wei Lu, Aalto University School of Debmalya Mukherjee, University of Akron Business Conor McDonald, University of Leeds Nitin Pangarkar, National University of Deepraj Mukherjee, Kent State University Singapore Chin-jung Luan, National Dong Hwa Frank McDonald, University of Liverpool University Shoma Mukherji,, Delhi School of Andrei Panibratov,,St. Petersburg Siti Rohani Md . Yusof, Curtin University Business University John Luiz, University of Cape Town Sarawak K .V . Mukundhan, Indian Institute of Marina Papanastassiou, Middlesex Chung-Leung Luk, City University of Hong Chandan Medatwal, Government JDB PG Management Kozhikode University Kong College for Girls, Kota Ravi Parameswaran, Oakland University 12 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Sang-Bum Park, Korea University Krishna Rajan P .s ., Rai Technology Santosh K . Sahu, Madras School of Kushal Sharma, ESSEC Business School Sundar Parthasarathy, IIT-Bombay University Economics, Chennai Rifat Sharmelly, UNSW Daudi Pascal, University of Agder Priya Rajeev, Indian Institute of Manage- Sut Sakchutchawan, Lock Haven Kang-Hwa Shaw, Shandong University ment Kozhikode University Saurav Pathak, Michigan Tech University Mikhail Shengeliya, Trinity College Dublin Kunneth Ramakrishnan, Center for Devel- Takashi Sakikawa, Niigata University Justin Paul, University of Puerto Rico Yong Ju Shim, F,GV-EAESP opment and Empowerment Sabrina Ferdous Saleh, University of Pallab Paul, University of Denver Lovanirina Ramboarison-Lalao, ESC South Carolina Katsuhiko Shimizu, Keio Univesity Philipp Paulus, University of Trier Troyes Business School Manjula Salimath, University of North Duckjung Shin, University of Western Minna Paunova, Copenhagen Business Hussain Gulzar Rammal, University of Texas Ontario School South Australia Jessica Rae Salmon, Rutgers Business Jiyoung Shin, Korea University Florin Peci, University of Peja Miguel A . Ramos, University of Texas at School Moonsik Shin, Korea University Business Carine Peeters, Vlerick Business School El Paso Prashant Salwan, Indian Institute of School Andre Anugerah Pekerti, University of Kumar Rakesh Ranjan, IIM Trichy Management Indore Vikrant Shirodkar, University of Sussex Queensland Padma Rao Sahib, University of Gron- Astrid Juliane Salzmann, RWTH Aachen Amir Shoham, Temple University Vijay Edward Pereira, University of ingen University Pallavi Shukla, Rutgers University Portsmouth Abdul Rasheed, University of Texas at Shantala Samant, Virginia Tech Rashmi Shukla, IIM Indore Arlington Alessandra Perri, Ca’ Foscari University Ramanie Samaratunge, Monash Ekta Sikarwar, Indian Institute of Man- Robin Pesch, University of Bayreuth Matevz Raskovic, University of Ljubljana University agement Indore Bent Petersen, Copenhagen Business Mehdi Rasouli Ghahroudi, University of Rakesh Sambharya, Rutgers University Michael Silla, University of Victoria St. Gallen - Camden School Deeksha Singh, Rutgers University Elizabeth Ravlin, University of South Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa Thi Song Hanh Pham, Sheffield Hallam Jasjit Singh, INSEAD Universiy Carolina Andre Sammartino, University of Anil Rawat, Institute of Business Man- Melbourne Ruhee Singh, Indian Institute Of Foreign Anupama Phene, George Washington Trade University agement & Technology Fernando de Almeida Santos, PUC-SP Shubham Singh, IIM Raipur Margaret Elizabeth Phillips, Pepperdine Amlan Ray, Amrita School of Business - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de University Edward Ray, Bruning São Paulo Ashutosh Kumar Sinha, IIM Lucknow Xuelian Piao, Korea University Sílvia Maria Dias Pedro Rebouças, Jose Freitas Santos, ISCAP Indrajit Sinha, Temple University Nicole Pinaud, Universidad de Chile Federal University of Ceara Rajib Sanyal, Ball State University Paresha Sinha, University of Waikato Viswanath Pingali, Indian Institute of Rama Krishna Reddy, The University of Almasa Sarabi, University of Goettingen Karin Sixl-Daniell, MCI Management Ahmedabad Memphis Ravi Sarathy, Northeastern University Sally Sledge, Norfolk State University Michael Pisani, Central Michigan Patrick Reinmoeller, Cranfield U. Michael A . Sartor, Ivey Business School, Leo Sleuwaegen, KU Leuven University Nuno Reis, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria Western University Patricia Matisz Smith, North Carolina Niccolo Pisani, University of Amsterdam Satyanarayana Rentala,Pondicherry Magdolna Sass, MTA KRTK Wesleyan College Andrea Pisu, University of Padua Univeristy Emine Beyza Satoglu, Rutgers University Simon M . S . So, University of Macau Mariacristina Piva, Università Cattolica Pedro Lucas Resende Melo, Universi- Heru Satyanugraha,Trisakti University Minna M Söderqvist, Kymenlaakso dade Paulista del Sacro Cuore Rajeev Sawant, Baruch College University of Applied Sciences Maria Paola Podesta, Universidad EAFIT Zahid Riaz, University of New South Wolfgang Sofka,Copenhagen Business Wales Richa Saxena, IIM, Kozhikode Jeffrey Steven Podoshen,Franklin and School Malika Richards, Penn State University Vittoria Giada Scalera,Politecnico di Marshall College Milano Dieter Somers, University of Leuven Christopher Richardson, Universiti Sains Wesley Pollitte,University of Southern Hannu Schadewitz, University of Turku Gloria Sraha, Victoria University of Mississippi Malaysia Wellington Ulf Henning Richter, Nottingham Univer- Bjoern Schmeisser, WU Vienna University Manish Popli, Indian Institute of Man- of Economics and Business Menon Sreedharan Mampully, University agement, Indore sity Business School China Of Mumbai Tobias Schmidt, Deutsche Bundesbank Vlad Popov, University of Greenwich Rilana Riikkinen, Aalto University School rajeshwari Srinivasa, Karnataka State of Business Marina Schmitz, University of Goettingen K . Skylar Powell, Western Washington Open University University Nattharika Rittippant,Thammasat Adrian Schulte Steinberg, U. of St. Gallen Vasanthi Srinivasan, Indian Institute of University (HSG), Switzerland Alfred Presbitero, Deakin University Management Bangalore Jose Luis Rivas, ITAM Anja Schulze, University of Zurich John Ben Prince, Xavier Institute of Man- Patnaree Srisuphaolarn, Thammasat agement & Entrepreneurship Matthew Robson,University of Leeds Tassilo Schuster, University of Erlan- University gen-Nürnberg, Jairo Laser Procianoy, Unisinos Henrique Martins Rocha, Rio de Janeiro Rajesh Srivastava, University Of Mumbai State University - UERJ Hermann Schwind, Saint Mary’s Martin Stack, Rockhurst University Sarika Pruthi, San Jose State University University Tom Roehl, Western Washington Maximilian Stallkamp, Ivey Business Ming Pu, Harbin University of Science and University Fabiana Sciarelli, Università Unitelma Technology School Diana Carolina Rojas Torres, Konrad Sapienza of Rome Jonas Puck, WU Vienna Sylwia Elzbieta Starnawska, SUNY Lorenz University W Travis Selmier II, Indiana University Empire State College Markus Pudelko, University of Tübingen Inna Romanova, University of Latvia Monica Semeniuk, Simon Fraser Abraham Stefanidis, St. John’s University Francisco Puig, University of Valencia University Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Christina Marion Stein, University of Anish Purkayastha, Indian Institute of George Bedinelli Rossi, ESPM, EACH-USP Konan Anderson Seny Kan, Toulouse Stuttgart Management, Ahmedabad Business School Hernan ‘Banjo’ Roxas, Deakin University Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State Saptarshi Purkayastha, IIM Calcutta Satyarth P. Sethi, Baruch Collelge, the City University Carlos Rufin,Suffolk University University of New York Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Charles Edward Stevens, Lehigh Economics Blake Andrew Runnalls, Michigan State Margaret Shaffer,University of Wisconsin University University Moritz Putzhammer, WU Vienna Milwaukee John A . Rushing, Barry University Christina Stringer, University of Auckland Jean-Michel Quentier, Groupe ESC Nasrin Shah-Abushakra, Lehigh Ayalla Ruvio, Michigan State University University Stephen Donald Strombeck, California Clermont Baptist University Roberta Rabellotti,Università di Pavia Paul Ryan, National University of Ireland, Noman Ahmed Shaheer, University of Galway South Carolina Yiyi Su, Tongji University Afzalur Rahman, Thompson Rivers Gabriele Suder, University of Melbourne University Asmund Rygh, BI Norwegian Business Shahazadi Begum Shaik, GITAM School School of International Business praveen Sugathan, Indian Institute of Mohammad Mahfuzur Rahman, Shan- Management Bangalore dong University Sreevas Sahasranamam, Indian Institute Mengmeng Shan, Shanghai University of Management Kozhikode Yufan Shang, Xi’an JiaoTong University Sui Sui, Ryerson University

Global Networks: Organizations and People 13 Sinan Asaf Sular, Rijksuniversiteit Wenjun Tu, University of Nottingham, Natalie Victoria Wilmot, Sheffield Hal- Hongjuan Zhang, Tianjin University Groningen Ningbo China lam University Jie Zhang, China Huarong Asset Man- Zhongjuan Sun, Tsinghua University Tolga Ulusemre, University of South Bernard Martin Wolf, York University agement Co., Ltd Seppo Suominen, Haaga-Helia Universi- Carolina Heejin Woo, University of Southern Ling Eleanor Zhang, Hanken School of ty of Applied Scienves C . Annique Un, Northeastern University California Economics Irina Surdu, Warwick Business School Rajesh Srinivas Upadhyayula, Indian Charles M Wood, University of Tulsa Megan (Min) Zhang,, Ivey Business Dylan Sutherland, Durham University Institute of Management Kozhikode Geoffrey Wood, Warwick Business School School Business School Paul Martin Vaaler, University of Min- Brian Wu, University of Michigan Yan Zhang, University College Dublin nesota Bernhard Swoboda, Trier University Jay Wu, Thammasat University Yan Zhang, Rice University Kelsey Lynne Syvrud, Florida State Jan-Erik Vahlne, University of Gothen- Zelong Zhang, Baruch College, CUNY burtg Sibin Wu, University of Texas-Pan University American Bo Zhao, Hong Kong University Reimara Valk, Utrecht University Andrea Szalavetz,,Institute for World Tai Ming Wut, The Hong Kong Polytech- Junli Zhao, Donghua University Economics Hungarian Academy of Halia M . Valladares Montemayor, Mount nic University Sciences Royal University Wanli Zhao, Southern Illinois University Slawomir Wycislak, Jagiellonian Xuan Zheng, Georgia State University Michal Szymanski, University of Victoria Ari Van Assche, HEC Montreal University Lianxi Zhou, Brock University Jacob Taarup-Esbensen, Copenhagen Joeri van Hugten, Tilburg University Duarte Xara-Brasil, Instituto Politécnico Business School Heini Vanninen, Lappeenranta University de Setúbal Ruoying Zhou, Aston University Raffaella Tabacco,University of Udine of Technology Wlamir Xavier, Eastern New Mexico Xiaoyu Zhou, ShanghaiTech University Florian Taeube, ULB - Solvay Brussels Sumati varma, Delhi University University Zijing Zhou, HEC Paris School of Economics and Management Tatiana Vashchilko, Ohio State University Hui Xia, University of Saint Joseph, Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu, Monash University Yoshi Takahashi, Hiroshima University Gurneeta Vasudeva, Universty of Macau Hongjin Zhu, McMaster University Ali Taleb, MacEwan University Minnesota Jun Xia, University of Texas at Dallas Pengcheng Zhu, University of San Diego Stephen Tallman, University of Richmond S Ramakrishna Velamuri, CEIBS Simon Shufeng Xiao, Hankuk University Ying Zhu, University of South Australia of Foreign Studies Chin Chiu Tam, CUSCS Sivakumar Venkataramany, Ashland Zhaobo Zhu, Old Dominion University University En Xie, Xi’an Jiaotong University Khaled Tamzini, Universite Of Sousse/ Yuting Zhuang, Otago University IHCSS Adrian Villanueva, Advill Consultancy Zhenzhen Xie, Tsinghua University Anatoly Zhuplev, Loyola Marymount Joo-Seng Tan, Nanyang Technological Chaiporn Vithessonthi, University of Adele Xing, University of Southern University University Otago California Ermira Zifla,Temple University Kun Tan, Minjiang University Daria Volchek, Aalto University Jie Xiong, ESC Rennes School of Business Ahmed Y Zohny, Coppin State University Jing’an Tang, Sacred Heart University Davina Vora, SUNY New Paltz Xun Xu, Washington State University Ulrike Zschoche, Georg-August-Universi- Ryan Tang, University of Technology, Metin Onal Vural, IE Business School Noriko Yagi, Seigakuin University ty of Goettingen Sydney Ming-Chao Wagn, Shih Chien University Mo Yamin, University of Manchester Qingjiu Tao, James Madison University A . N . M . Waheeduzzaman, Texas A&M Deli Yang, Trinity University Pard Teekasap, Thai-Nichi Institute of University Corpus Christi Hui Yang, City University of Hong Kong Technology Robyn Carlea Walker, University of Jie Yang, Saint Louis University Ying-Hua Teng, Sue-Te University Southern California Jingyu (Gracy) Yang, University of Sydney Helene Tenzer, Tuebingen University John Walsh, Shinawatra University Yong Yang, University of Sussex Joao Paulo Correia Teodosio, Polytechnic Min Wan, University of Wisconsin-Mil- Institute of Santarem waukee Fiona Yao, University of Illinois at Urbana Champion George Tesar, University of Wiscon- Alex Wang, University of Southern sin-Whitewater California Attila Yaprak,Wayne State University Sharon V Thach, Tennessee State Danqing Wang, University of Hong Kong Ching-Hsuan Yeh, National Changhua University of Education University Joyce Wang, University of Texas at Dallas Su-Chuan Yen, National Chung Hsing Pooja Thakur Wernz, Virginia Tech Liu Wang, Providence College University University Song Wang, Zhejiang University Poh-Lin Yeoh, Bentley University Taiyuan Wang, IE Business School Ha-Chin Yi, Texas State University Yanbo Wang, Boston University Karim Thomé, University of Brasilia Harun Emre Yildiz, Uppsala University AK Ward, Virginia Tech Stanley Bruce Thomson, MacEwan Sohyun Yim, Seoul National University University Karl S R. . Warner, Edinburgh Napier Wenyan Yin, Seoul National University University Esther Tippmann,University College Hideki Yoshihara, Kobe University Dublin Heather Webb, Higher Colleges of Technology Katsuhiko Yoshikawa, London School of Yulia Tolstikov-Mast, Indiana Tech Economics and Political Science Heidi Marie Wechtler, Macquarie Tony Tong, University of Colorado University Susan L Young, Seton Hall University Lasse Torkkeli, Lappeenranta University Liqun Wei, Hong Kong Baptist University Pei Yu, Wuhan University of Technology of Technology Wei Wei, Beijing Jiaotong University Yizhou Yuan, University of Macau Jose Anibal Torres, Keuka College/South- Ayse Yuce, Ryerson University ern New Hampshire University James Welch, Eckerd College Louis T . Wells, Harvard University Dilek Yunlu, Northeastern Illinois Rui Torres Oliveira, Manchester Business University School David Weng, City University of Hong Kong Akbar Zaheer, University of Minnesota Piotr Trapczynski, Poznan University of Caroline Shaffer Westerhof,Colorado Economics Technical University Mahmood Zaidi, University of Minnesota Len J . Trevino, Loyola University New Mika Westerlund, Carleton University Ivo Zander, Uppsala University Orleans Stanford Westjohn, University of Toledo Lena Zander, Uppsala University Hanna Trojanowska, Siedlce University Marion White, James Madison University M . Amin Zargarzadeh, University of Calgary Chih-Hao Tsai, National Sun Yat-sen Christopher R . Whynacht, University of University Massachusetts Boston Rodrigo Zeidan, Fundação Dom Cabral and NYU Shanghai Adrian Tschoegl, Univ. of Pennsylvania Justin Williams, University of Calgary Feng Zhan, John Carroll University Chiayu Tu, MCU James (Jim) Wills, University of Hawaii

14 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 AIB FEllows 2015 executive of the year

Opening Plenary June 27, 17:00-19:00, Grand Ballroom

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw Chairperson & Managing Director, Biocon Limited

A pioneer of the biotechnology industry in India and the head of the country’s leading biotechnology enterprise, Biocon, Ms . Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw is a highly respected businesswoman . Ms . Mazumdar-Shaw, a first generation entrepreneur, has made her country proud with a globally recognized biopharmaceutical enterprise that is committed to innovation and affordability in delivering world-class therapeutics to patients globally . As the first woman brew master of India, with a pioneering spirit to make a difference, she leveraged her knowledge of fermentation science to pursue the road less taken and build an innovative biopharmaceutical company . Today, Biocon is India’s largest biopharmaceutical enterprise and the only publicly listed biotechnology company . It is credited with developing an indigenous recombinant human insulin based on proprietary fermentation technology, which is now available in over 50 countries . Under her leadership Biocon has become a well-recognized global brand . She is highly respected in the corporate world and has been named among TIME magazine’s ‘100 Most Influential People in the World ’. She has also been featured in Fierce Biotech’s list of ‘World’s 25 Most Influential People in Bio- pharma’ and is recognized among Forbes ‘100 Most Powerful Women’ globally . U .S .-based Chemical Heritage Founda- tion recently conferred Ms . Mazumdar-Shaw with the ‘2014 Othmer Gold Medal’ and Germany-based Kiel Institute for the World Economy awarded her its coveted ‘2014 Global Economy Prize’ for Business . Ms . Mazumdar-Shaw is also an Independent Member of the Board of Infosys, a global leader in consulting, technology and outsourcing solutions . She is also the Chairperson of the Board of Governors of the Indian Institute of Manage- ment, Bangalore . In addition to her formal qualifications of a Brewmaster from Ballarat University, Australia; Ms . Mazumdar-Shaw holds several other honorary degrees from renowned international universities like Trinity College, Dublin; University of Abertay, Dundee; University of Glasgow; Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh etc . Ms . Shaw is the recipient of other prestigious awards, including the Nikkei Asia Prize for Regional Growth and the ‘Veuve Clicquot Initiative For Economic Development for Asia’ Award . Her most cherished awards are the two National Civilian Awards, PADMA SHRI (1989) and PADMA BHUSHAN (2005), presented to her by the President of India for her innovative efforts in Industrial Biotechnology . She is also the Honor- ary Consul of Ireland in Bangalore .

Global Networks: Organizations and People 15 AIB Fellows 2015 Educator of the Year

Award Presentation: Opening Plenary June 27, 17:00–19:00, Grand Ballroom

Special Session: Challenges Confronting Emerging Market IB Educators June 29, 16:15-17:30, Grand Ballroom

Nick Binedell Founding Director and Dean of the Gordon Institute of Business Science of the University of Pretoria

Nick Binedell was the Founding Director and Dean of the Gordon Institute of Business Science of the University of Pretoria . After a career in business, including a period as a general manager of a division of GEC (South Africa), he began a career in academia . He completed his Ph .D at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he was a Boeing Schol- ar (1983 – 1986) after which he returned to take up a position as a senior lecturer at the Wits Business School . In 1992 he was appointed as Director of the Wits Business School and held that position for 2 terms of 3 years . In 1998 he was invited to establish a new business school for the University of Pretoria to be based in Johannesburg, South Africa . His mandate was to seek to establish a world class business school that would meet the needs of the 21st century for South African business and business leaders . GIBS has grown over the past 15 years to be one of South Africa’s leading business schools and offers a comprehensive and wide range of academic and executive pro- grammes . In addition to research and thought leadership the school has focussed significantly on partnering with leading South African companies to ensure their continued competitiveness in a fast changing country, continent and global economy . GIBS has been ranked in the Top 50 for executive education by the London Financial Times for the past 8 years and delivers executive programmes for its partner companies in over 20 countries around the world . It has a significant MBA programme (plus 300 students p .a .) and a strong DBA / Ph .D programme and a number of Centres that reflect the dynamics of the South African economy and broader society . The school prides itself in being comprehensive in nature and its outreach programmes include working with high school leaders, social entrepreneurs, government departments and a variety of other important communities . GIBS is also well known for its innovative conferences and Forums as well as off the record dialogues for business and government to engage on key policy matters . GIBS is international in nature and it attracts a number of visiting Professors . GIBS is also active in the rest of the African continent, running programmes in West Africa, East Africa and elsewhere . Professor Binedell’s key area of expertise is in the area of strategic leadership with particular focus on strategy in complex environments . He is a frequent public speaker in South Africa and elsewhere, is a visiting lecturer at the Rotterdam School of Management (for the past 18 years) and has been a consultant to companies like General Elec- tric and MTN . His early background included extensive travel and by the time he was 10, he had lived with his family in 6 countries including South Africa, Zimbabwe, the United Kingdom, Germany, Yemen and Kenya . He is currently a Professor of Strategy and Leadership at the Gordon Institute of Business Science and is at present a Visiting Professor at the London Business School .

16 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 AIB FEllows 2015 eminent scholar

Eminent Scholar Panel June 29, 10:45-12:00, Grand Ballroom

W. Richard Scott

W . Richard (Dick) Scott is Professor Emeritus of Sociology, with courtesy appointments in the Graduate School of Business, Graduate School of Education, School of Engineering (Senior Research Scientist), and School of Medicine, Stanford University . He has spent his entire career at Stanford . He received his B .A and M .A . from the University of Kansas and his Ph .D . from the University of Chicago, where he worked with Peter M . Blau, and with whom he co-authored a pioneering text in the fledging field of organizational sociology (Formal Organizations, 1962; reissued as Stanford Business Classic, 2003) . Scott is probably best known for two theoretical contributions . In the 1960s he created a conceptual schema cross-classifying rational/natural and closed/open perspectives on organizations . This framework has proved useful to two generations of scholars as a guide to interpreting the evolution of organization theory (Organizations and Orga- nizing: Rational, Natural and Open System Perspectives, 2007 [6th ed ., with G .F . Davis]) . Later, in the 1990s, he devised an encompassing framework that incorporated the views of regulative (economic and political science models), normative (sociological models), and cultural-cognitive (anthropological and cognitive psy- chology models) to provide a rich and thick description of the elements involved in institutions . This “Pillars” frame- work has proved to be of value to both micro and macro scholars in unpacking the intricacies of institutional systems (Institutions and Organizations: Ideas, Interests, and Identities, 2014 [4th ed .]) . Most of Scott’s empirical work has focused on (1) the distinctive structures and processes of professional organiza- tions and (2) the effects of institutional environments on organization fields, and organization structures and process- es . Principal publications in these and related areas include: Metropolis and Region (with O .D . Duncan et al ., 1960); Evaluation and the Exercise of Authority (with S M. . Dornbusch, 1975); Hospital Structure and Performance (with A .B . Flood, 1987); Organizational Environments: Ritual and Rationality (with J .W . Meyer, ed . 1983); Institutional Change and Health- care Organizations: From Professional Dominance to Managed Care (with M . Ruef, P . Mendel and C .A . Caronna, 2000); Between Movement and Establishment: Organizations Advocating for Youth (with M . McLaughlin et al ., 2009); and Global Projects: Institutional and Political Challenges (with R . E . Levitt and R .J . Orr, ed . 2011) . Scott has also been active throughout his entire career in the training and mentoring of graduate and post-graduate research scholars . He served as the Director of the NIMH Research Training Program on Organizations and Mental Health at Stanford from 1972-1989, and as Director of the Stanford Center for Organization Research from 1988-1996 .

Global Networks: Organizations and People 17 2015 program awards

Temple/AIB Best Paper Award “Does Institutional Distance Still Matter? Industry Standards (Award Presentation on June 30, 16:15-17:45, Grand Ballroom) and Global Sourcing Location Choices” by Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston; Marcus M . Larsen, Sponsored by Temple University’s Fox School of Business Copenhagen Business School The Temple/AIB Best Paper Award was created in 2002 : Session 3 .4 .2, June 30, 14:30-15:45, Jamawar through a generous endowment by Temple University’s Fox Presented School of Business . All papers accepted for competitive sessions are eligible for the award . One finalist from each “How Do International New Ventures Create “Valuable” track is nominated by the track chairs based on reviewer Social Capital? A Local and Global Networking Activities Per- input and their own assessments . An independent Best spective” by Karl S .R . Warner, Edinburgh Napier University; Paper Award Committee reviews the finalists and chooses Marian V . Jones, University of Glasgow the winning manuscript . The authors of the winning manu- script receive a plaque and a cash award . Nominees for this Presented: Session 3 .4 .4, June 30, 14:30-15:45, Kamal year’s award are as follows (in order of presentation): “ When do Multinational Subsidiaries Develop New Technol- “(How) Do Economic Governance and Location Choices (Joint- ” by Anupama Phene, George Washington University; ogies? ly) Affect Performance?” by Michael Leiblein, Ohio State Stephen Tallman, University of Richmond University; Kiran Awate, Ohio State University : Session 1 .3 3,. June 28, 13:00-14:15, Diya Presented Presented: Session 3 .4 .6, June 30, 14:30-15:45, Nithya

“ Finance Constraints and Technology Spillovers from “Economic Distance, Local Managers’ Competence, and ” by Alex Eapen, Australian Foreign to Domestic Firms Localization of Foreign Subsidiaries” by Naoki Ando, Hosei National University University : Session 1 .5 3,. June 28, 16:15-17:30, Diya Presented Presented: Session 3 .4 .8, June 30, 14:30-15:45, Yatra

“Client Co-Production in the Production Process of Offshored Knowledge-Intensive Business Services” by Kristin Brandl, University of Reading 2015 JIBS Decade Award (Award Presentation on June 30, 13:00-14:15, Grand Ballroom) Presented: Session 1 .5 5,. June 28, 16:15-17:30, Sitara Sponsored by Palgrave Macmillan

The award is designed to recognize the most influential “How Do National Corporate Governance Institutions Affect paper published in the Journal of International Business Slack-Based Innovation Effort in Firms?” by Paul Martin Studies one decade before the Conference . In order to be Vaaler, University of Minnesota; Joel Malen, Hitosubashi considered for the 2015 award, a paper must have been University Institute of Innovation Research included among the five most cited papers published in the Presented: Session 2 .1 5,. June 29, 9:00-10:15, Sitara 2005 Volume of JIBS . The winner of the award will make a retrospective presentation of their work, as well as some comments on where the field has progressed and where it “Investment Liberalisation, Technology Take-Off and Export should go next, in the JIBS Decade Award Session, Session Markets Entry: Does Foreign Ownership Structure Matter?” 3 .3 .1 by Yundan Gong, Aston University; Sourafel Girma, Not- Winner: “Probing theoretically into Central and Eastern tingham University; Holger Görg, Kiel Institute for the World Europe: transactions, resources, and institutions” by Klaus Economy; University of Kiel; University of Aarhus; Sandra Meyer and Mike Peng, JIBS, 36(6): 600-621 . Lancheros, University of Nottingham Presented: Session 2 .3 7,. June 29, 13:00-14:15, Nidhi

“The Impact of Prior Subsidiary Relatedness on New Sub- sidiary Performance” by Dwarkaprasad Chakravarty, Ivey Business School; Andreas Schotter, Ivey Business School; Brian Pinkham, Ivey Business School; Paul W . Beamish, Western University Presented: Session 3 .2 .5, June 30, 10:45-12:00, Sitara

18 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Alan M. Rugman Most Promising Scholar(s) Award AIB/Sheth Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award (Award Presentation on June 30, 16:15-17:45, Grand Ballroom) (Award Presentation on June 30, 16:15-17:45, Grand Ballroom) Given out under the Haynes Prize name until 2014, the Sponsored by the Sheth Foundation and AIB Foundation award was renamed in 2015 to acknowledge not just the The Dissertation Proposal Award is awarded in conjunction impact that Alan Rugman has had on our field but his with the AIB/Sheth Doctoral Consortium . The proposals commitment to the engagement and development of junior are judged based on the originality and theoretical founda- scholars . The award recognizes the best paper presented tions of the work, the rigor and soundness of the proposed at the conference written by an author or authors under 40 method, and the potential contribution and impact of the years of age . All papers accepted for competitive sessions proposal in advancing the field . Winner(s) receive a plaque are eligible for the prize as long as the age criterion is met . and receive a cash award . Finalists are nominated by the track chairs based on review- er input and their own assessments . An independent Award Committee reviews the finalists and chooses the winning manuscript . The authors of the winning manuscript receive a plaque and a cash award . Nominees for this year’s award Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award are as follows (in order of presentation): (Award Presentation on June 30, 16:15-17:45, Grand Ballroom) “Subsidiary Ownership of Firm-Specific Advantages, Network Sponsored by Henley Business School, University of Read- Linkages, and Innovation within Multinational Firms” by ing and the Centre for International Business, University of Catherine Magelssen, London Business School Leeds (CIBUL) . Presented: Session 1 3. .3, June 28, 13:00-14:15, Diya Eligibility for the 2015 “Buckley and Casson AIB Dissertation Award” for the best dissertation in international business was all Ph .D . and D .B .A . students who successfully defend- “What Keeps Them Going: Career Anchors and Cross-Cultur- ed their dissertations between January 1, 2014 and Decem- al Adjustment of Expatriates” by Alexei Koveshnikov, Aalto ber 31, 2014 . The winner receives a plaque and a cash award . University ; Heidi Marie Wechtler, Macquarie University Furthermore, all finalists receive a travel stipend to allow them to present their research at the annual meeting . This : Session 1 3. .8, June 28, 13:00-14:15, Yatra Presented year’s finalists will present their work at Session 2 .3 .1, June 29, 13:00-14:15, in the Grand Ballroom . “Finance Constraints and Technology Spillovers from For- “Why do regional headquarters live and die?” eign to Domestic Firms” by Alex Eapen, Australian National Perttu Kähäri, Aalto University (Ph .D . Awarded by Aalto University University) Presented: Session 1 5. .3, June 28, 16:15-17:30, Diya

“Should Birds of a Feather Flock Together? Trade-Off of “Intra- and Inter-Regional Expansion of Services MNEs: Agglomeration by Nationality in Foreign Markets” Interdependencies and Contingencies in Internationalization Heeyon Kim, National University of Singapore (Ph .D . Award- Trajectories” by Oksana Grebinevych, EMLYON ed by University of Michigan) Presented: Session 2 .2 6,. June 29, 10:45-12:00, Nithya

“Property Rights Theory and the Ownership of Firm-Specific “Trans-Local Connectedness and Local Cluster Dynamics” Advantages: The Implications of Contracting and Licensing by Ekaterina Turkina, HEC Montréal; Ari Van Assche, HEC within the Multinational Firm” Montréal Catherine Magelssen, London Business School (Ph .D . Presented: Session 2 .5 2,. June 29, 16:15-17:30, Jamawar Awarded by Rutgers University)

“Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together? Asymmetric Rivalry “Global Subunit Specialization: An Organizational Perspective” between Multinational and Local Firms in a Multimarket Set- Carlos Adrian Rodriguez, INCAE (Ph .D . Awarded by McGill ting” by Rupanwita Dash, Indian Institute of Management University) Bangalore Presented: Session 3 1. .2, June 30, 9:00-10:15, Jamawar “Essays on the Relationship Between Host Market Corruption and Multinational Enterprise Strategy” Michael A . Sartor, Queen’s School of Business (Ph .D . Awarded by Western University)

Global Networks: Organizations and People 19 OTHER AWARDS BEING PRESENTED AT THE AIB taken-for-granted assumptions in the field, denying old CONFERENCE “truths”, attracting the reader’s attention, and making an original argument . The author(s) of the winning manu- Best Paper Award in Emerging Economies Research script will receive a plaque and a cash award at a Coffee (Award Presentation on June 29, 10:15-10:45, Coffee Break at Break sponsored by Aalto University School of Business Royal Ballrooom Foyer) at the conference . Sponsored by Bryant University Sponsored by the International Business program at Bryant University, this award is given to the best paper The SSE/WAIB Award for Increased Gender Aware- (as selected by a committee) accepted to a competitive ness in International Business Research (Award Presentation on June 28, 17:30-18:30, WAIB Reception session at the AIB Annual Meeting with a research focus at Royal Ballroom Foyer) on Emerging Economies . The author(s) of the winning manuscript will receive a certificate and a cash award Sponsored by the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) at a Coffee Break sponsored by Bryant University . and Women in AIB (WAIB) The Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden support WAIB’s (Women in AIB) endeavors by endowing an “That’s Interesting!” Award award for the best paper increasing gender awareness (Award Presentation on June 29, 15:45-16:15, Coffee Break at in international business research . All papers accepted Royal Ballroom Foyer) to the AIB conference are eligible for submission for con- Sponsored by Aalto University School of Business sideration to the IIB/WAIB awards committee . Winning Sponsored by Aalto University School of Business, authors will receive a plaque, a monetary award, and an this award recognizes the conference paper that most invitation to submit the paper for publication in Emerald effectively pushes the boundaries of our existing knowl- Publishing’s “Gender in Management” . edge in the field by crossing boundaries, challenging


Palgrave Macmillan congratulates the winners of the 2015 Palgrave Macmillan/JIBS Decade Award

Klaus E. Meyer and Mike W. Peng

for their paper Probing theoretically into Central and Eastern Europe: transactions, resources, and institutions (JIBS 36.6 pp. 600-621)

Please join us on June 30 at 10:45am in the Grand Ballroom for the Decade Award session

Visit to read this and past Decade Award-winning papers online Keynote speaker

AIB Executive Plenary: Global Networks as Forces for Good June 28, 10:45-12:00, Grand Ballroom

Harish Manwani Chairman, Hindustan Unilever Ltd . and Former Chief Operating Officer, Unilever

Harish Manwani retired at the end of 2014 from Unilever (Turnover approx . USD 60 bln) as their Chief Operating Officer responsible for managing the P&L across all of Unilever’s global markets . He is currently the Global Executive Advisor to Blackstone Private Equity group and also serves as Director on several international boards . Harish joined Unilever in India in 1976 as a management trainee in Marketing . Through his career, he has worked in different parts of the world and has held various general management positions in the company . In 2000, he moved to the UK as Senior Vice President, Global Hair Care and Oral Care. In 2001, he was appointed President, Latin America (Home & Personal Care) . He also served as Chairman of Unilever’s Latin America Advisory Council . In 2004, he was appointed President of the North America Business Group (Home & Personal Care) and, in April 2005, joined the Unilever Executive Board as President, Asia Africa and the region was later extended to include Central and Eastern Europe . Harish is also Non-Executive Chairman of Hindustan Unilever Ltd in India . He serves on the Board of Directors of Qualcomm Incorporated, Pearson plc, Whirlpool Corporation, Nielsen N .V ., Economic Development Board (EDB) of Singapore and Indian School of Business . In 2008, he received the CNBC Asia Business Leader of the Year Award . As part of the Singapore National Day Awards 2012, Harish was conferred the Public Service Medal (Friends of Singapore) by the Singapore Government . Harish Manwani is an Honours graduate from Bombay University and holds a Masters degree in management stud- ies . He has also attended the Advanced Management Program (AMP) at Harvard Business School . He is married and has two daughters . He spends his leisure time with his family and enjoys playing golf, travelling and an occasional game of bridge .

Global Networks: Organizations and People 21 Keynote speaker

AIB Executive Plenary: Global Networks As Forces for Good June 28, 10:45-12:00, Grand Ballroom

Dr. Ashutosh Raghuvanshi Deputy Chairman and Group CEO, Narayana Health

Dr . Ashutosh Raghuvanshi is a cardiac surgeon by training, and has been part of the growth story of Narayana Health since its inception . He has served as the Vice-Chairman & Group CEO and Executive Director of the Narayana Health Group since 2009 . In 2011, he was appointed the Managing Director of Narayana Health Group of Hospitals . He has successfully administered all the group hospitals through the corporate office and led the Group’s growth by pursuing new opportunities for expansion and setting up large multi-specialty hospitals across India and abroad . He is a natural leader and has led the management team to drive NH’s reach in 17 cities across India . Under his leadership NH set its footprint also in international healthcare arena with HCCI (Health City Cayman Island) in Cay- man Island . Dr . Raghuvanshi did his M Ch. . in cardiac surgery from the University of Bombay after completing M .B .B .S and M .S in General Surgery . He has worked at several renowned hospitals including Bombay Hospital in Mumbai, Apollo Hospitals in Chennai and Manipal Heart Foundation, Bengaluru before joining NH .

22 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 ADVERTISEMENT

Faculty Positions at CEIBS (All Ranks Open)

The China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) cordially invites applications for full-time faculty positions (all ranks are open) in Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Operations Management, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship. Successful candidates are expected to teach related courses for MBA and EMBA students, and to be active in academic research. The working language is English.

Ideal candidates must hold or expect a PhD degree in the above-mentioned or related disciplines, have a demonstrated capacity or potential for high-calibre research, and a strong commitment to teaching excellence. Preference will be given to those who have relevant teaching experience, especially with MBA and executive students.

Compensation is internationally competitive and commensurate with qualifications. In addition to the base salary, the school provides adequate housing allowance, education allowance for international schooling of faculty’s children, international private medical insurance as well as private pension plan. At the current exchange rate, the full annual compensation package for assistant professor rank starts from US$160,000. Additionally, the school offers generous research funding, teaching load reduction/bonus for high-calibre research outcomes, and reduced teaching load for assistant professors.

To apply, please forward your cover letter, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, relevant evidence of teaching effectiveness, and samples of published or working papers to Ms. Daisy LI, Senior Manager of the Dean’s Office, at [email protected]. Applications will be kept confidential and reviewed until the positions are filled. As Dr. Klaus MEYER, Professor of Strategy and International Business at CEIBS and Vice President of the Academy of International Business, will attend the AIB Conference in Bengaluru, India, informal meetings may be arranged there if possible.

About CEIBS CEIBS, a non-profit joint venture established in 1994 by the Chinese Government and the European Union, is the leading China- based international business school with MBA (ranked No. 11 worldwide by Financial Times in Jan. 2015), EMBA (ranked No. 10 worldwide by Financial Times in Nov. 2014), Finance MBA as well as Executive Education programmes (ranked No. 22 worldwide by Financial Times in May 2015). CEIBS has its main campus in Shanghai, a second campus in Beijing as well as operations in Shenzhen and Accra, Ghana. CEIBS is committed to teaching and research excellence to educate responsible leaders versed in “China Depth, Global Breadth”.

CEIBS is fully accredited by both EQUIS and AACSB and our faculty are among the best in the world. In February 2015, eight current CEIBS faculty were among the list of the world’s 27 most cited academic researchers based in Mainland China in the category of Business Management and Accounting, according to Elsevier, a leading provider of information solutions. General Conference Information

Badge Identification Wireless Access Please check-in with the AIB Registration Desk to pick up Participants staying at Leela Palace have wireless access in- your official name badge and conference materials . The cluded as part of their lodging package . Participants staying name badge is required for admission to all conference at other hotels that wish to use the wireless network should sessions, events, meals, receptions, and exhibit hall . stop by the Registration Desk to inquire about access .

Dress Code Suggested dress code is “Smart Casual” for all conference Meet Your Chapter events including all receptions . Smart casual is typically Get the opportunity to meet your regional chapter, learn more more informal than business casual, but is still a neat attire about their activities and publications . Network with partic- appropriate for the weather conditions in Bengaluru . ipants from the same chapter and find out about opportu- nities to be more active with your chapter . See page 28 for a detailed schedule for Meet Your Chapter times . Meetings Registration Desk Hours take place at the AIB Chapters table in the Exhibit Hall .

Location: Ground Floor Foyer, below Grand Ballroom Hours: Saturday, June 27: 10:30am – 7:00pm Sunday, June 28: 8:15am – 5:30pm Local Artisans Come to the Local Artisans table at the Exhibit Hall to learn about local arts and crafts, meet the artists, and buy your Location: Royal Ballroom Foyer gifts without leaving the AIB conference! We will have a differ- ent vendor at this specially designated booth every day . Hours: Monday, June 29: 8:15am – 5:30pm Tuesday, June 30: 8:15am – 4:00pm Please note that all pre-conference workshop registrations will take place at each workshop’s designated room. #AIB2015 on Twitter Share your thoughts and experiences with fellow AIB members and interact with other participants on Twitter using #AIB2015 . Remember to follow @AIB_World for the latest updates . Placement Center Hours Location: Business Center Hours: Sunday, June 28: 8:00am – 5:30pm Monday, June 29: 8:00am – 5:30pm Tuesday, June 30: 8:00am – 4:30pm

Exhibit Hall Hours Location: Royal Ballroom Hours: Sunday, June 28: 9:00am – 5:30pm Monday, June 29: 9:00am – 5:30pm Tuesday, June 30: 9:00am – 4:30pm

24 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Floor Maps TURRET WOMEN MEN JAMAVAR the towards walk lobby, the hotel From the the door across Take Bar. Library into enter the courard, Bar out to Library building on the le. the next BUSINESS CENTER BC-Business to elevators the hotel Take level. Center BUSINESS CENTER LEVEL LOBBY LEVEL FOYER GRAND BALLROOM GRAND BALLROOM SITARA KAMAL DHWANI FOYER ROYAL BALLROOM ROSHNI ROYAL BALLROOM WOMEN NITHYA MEN NIDHI YATRA MAYA SURYA DIYA DIYA TERRACE ROYAL CLUB BOARDROOM 5TH FLOOR CONFERENCE CENTER BANQUET LEVEL

Global Networks: Organizations and People 25 Scholars Meet Practice

A number of sessions in the 2015 program are designed to Big Data for Innovation, Competition and Productivity initiate and stimulate discussions between IB scholars and Session 1 .4 .2, Sunday, June 28 — 14:30-15:45 practitioners in business and government . Many of our re- Panelists: search projects aim to address questions faced by business- Pulak Ghosh, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore es, and hence it is important to both listen what businesses Soumya Kanti Ghosh, Chief Economic Advisor, are concerned about, and to communicate answers that we State Bank of India may have . All sessions take place in room Jamawar, except Suresh Srinavasan, Co-Founder, Formcept for the Executive Plenary which will be in the Grand Ballroom . Ravi Vijayaraghavan, Vice President and Head Analytics, Siva Viswanathan, University of Maryland Business Perspectives on Environmental Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities? Chair: Pulak Ghosh, IIM Bangalore Session 1 .1 .2, Sunday, June 28 — 9:00-10:15 Organized by Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Panelists: G . Tomas M . Hult, Michigan State University P . D . Jose, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Technology & Science-Based Innovation Anil Menon, Cisco Systems in Emerging Economies Venkatachalam Anbumozhi, Economic Research Institute for Session 1 .5 .2, Sunday, June 28 — 16:15-17:30 ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Panelists: Susan Mudambi, Temple University Sai Yayavaram, IIM Bangalore Damandeep Singh, CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Suresh Bhagavatula, IIM Bangalore Chair: G . Tomas M . Hult, Michigan State University Chirantan Chatterjee,IIM Bangalore K Kumar, IIM Bangalore Mariko Sakakibara, University of California, Los Angeles AIB Executive Plenary: Global Networks as Forces for Good Suri Venkatachalam, Connexios Life Sciences Session 1 .2 .1, Sunday, June 28 — 10:45-12:00 S Baskar, Amagi Media Labs Pvt. Ltd. Moderator: Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern University Chair: Sai Yayavaram, IIM Bangalore Featured Speakers: Organized by Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Harish Manwani, Chairman, Hindustan Unilever Ltd. and former COO, Unilever Ashutosh Raghuvanshi, Deputy Chairman and Group CEO, Virtual Organizations: Managing Learning and Sharing Narayana Health Knowledge Across Borders Session 2 .1 .2, Monday, June 29 — 9:00-10:15 Chair: Ram Mudambi, Temple University Panelists: Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Challenges of MNC Innovation in India: Abhijit Bhaduri, Wipro Ltd. A View from Practice with a Focus on People Issues Virginia Cathro, University of Otago Session 1 .3 .2, Sunday, June 28 — 13:00-14:15 Sathya Prasad, Intel S . Raghunath, IIM Bangalore Panelists: Usha Raghunath, Wipro Ltd. Abhoy Ojha, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Rishikesha Krishnan, Indian Institute of Management Chair: Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Abhijeet Saungikar, 3M India R . Bhaskaran, Bosch Ltd. Vinay Dhabolkar, Catalign Innovation Consulting Managing Digital Transformation in a Global Context Jaideep Anand, Ohio State University Session 2 .2 .2, Monday, June 29 — 10:45-12:00 Chair: Abhoy Ojha, IIM Bangalore Panelists: Siva Viswanathan, University of Maryland Organized by Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Sanjeev Vohra, Accenture Digital Aditya Menon,Citibank K . Suryaprakash, Infosys Discussant: Sandeep Karamongikar, Infosys Technologies Chair: Siva Viswanathan, University of Maryland

26 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Meet Your Chapter

Get the opportunity to meet your regional chapter, learn more about their events, activities, and publications . Net- work with participants from the same chapter and find out about opportunities to be more active with your chapter . These meetings take place at the AIB Chapters table at the Exhibit Hall in the Royal Boardroom .

Sunday, June 28 10:00-11:00 US Northeast (Chair: Stephan Manning and Past Chair: Mohammad Elahee) 11:30-12:30 Southeast Asia (Chair: T .S . Chan and Chair-Elect: Geng Cui) 12:30-13:30 Middle East and North Africa (Chair: Melodena Balakrishnan) 15:30-16:30 US Midwest (Chair: Man Zhang)

Monday, June 29 10:00-11:00 US Southeast (Chair: Peter Magnusson) 11:30-12:30 Latin America (Chair: Bill Newburry) 12:30-13:30 Australia-New Zealand (Chair: Elizabeth Rose) 15:30-16:30 Eastern Europe (Chair: Lukasz Puslecki)

Tuesday, June 30 11:30-12:30 US West (Chair: Gary Knight) 12:30-13:30 Sub-Saharan Africa (Chair: Abel Kinoti)

Global Networks: Organizations and People 27 A Visual Insight into AIB 2015

The word cloud below represents most commonly used words and phrases in the titles of works being presented at the AIB 2015 conference .

28 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 AIB 2015 in numbers

AIB 2015 in numbers Program Submissions Processed competitive 255papers

interactive 931Submissions 317papers 2411 reviews received in from 1032 reviewers 2 plenary sessions Registered Participants 6 special sessions and Speakers: 33 panels competitive 72 paper sessions interactive 860 49 paper sessions Countries Represented: Email Correspondence by Program and Track Chairs: Authorship: 62 countries 3048 Reviewers: 67 countries by Secretariat: Participants: 50 countries 5474 * data as of Jun 10, 2015. Email correspondence includes both sent and received email, but only through the domain. Personal email accounts of program committee members, and broadcast emails sent to authors and/or participants are not included in the count.

Global Networks: Organizations and People 29 AIB 2015 ProgramAIB Overview 2015 Program Overview Bengaluru, India - June 27-30, 2015

Friday, June 26 Saturday, June 27 8:00-8:15 8:00-8:15 8:15-8:30 8:15-8:30 8.30-8.45 8.30-8.45 8.45-9.00 8.45-9.00 9.00-9.15 9.00-9.15 9.15-9.30 9.15-9.30 9.30-9.45 9.30-9.45 9.45-10.00 9.45-10.00 10.00-10.15 10.00-10.15 10.15-10.30 10.15-10.30 10.30-10.45 10.30-10.45 10.45-11.00 10.45-11.00

11.00-11.15 11.00-11.15 9:00-12:30

11.15-11.30 11.15-11.30 AIB Board Meeting 11.30-11.45 11.30-11.45 11.45-12.00 11.45-12.00

12.00-12.15 9:30-14:00 12.00-12.15

12.15-12.30 12.15-12.30 9:00-15:00 Wipro Corporate Visit 12.30-12.45 12.30-12.45 12.45-13.00 12.45-13.00 9:00-16:30 13.00-13.15 13.00-13.15 9:00-16:30 9:00-17:00

13.15-13.30 13.15-13.30 AIB/JIBS Paper Development Workshop

13.30-13.45 AIB Board Meeting 13.30-13.45 9:00-18:00 AIB Junior Faculty Consortium Faculty Junior AIB 13.45-14.00 13.45-14.00 10:30-16:30

14.00-14.15 14.00-14.15 Consortium Student Doctoral AIB/Sheth

14.15-14.30 Conference Annual AJBS 14.15-14.30 14.30-14.45 14.30-14.45 AIB Research Capacity Workshop

14.45-15.00 14.45-15.00 12:30-16:30 15.00-15.15 15.00-15.15 15.15-15.30 15.15-15.30 15.30-15.45 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.00 15.45-16.00 14:30-17:00

16.00-16.15 16.00-16.15 AIB Chapter Chairs Luncheon and Workshop 15:30-16:30 New Member 16.15-16.30 16.15-16.30 Welcome Tea NGO Social Sector Visits Sector Social NGO 16.30-16.45 16.30-16.45 16.45-17.00 16.45-17.00 17.00-17.15 17.00-17.15 17.15-17.30 17.15-17.30 17.30-17.45 17.30-17.45 17.45-18.00 17.45-18.00 AIB 2015 Opening Plenary 18.00-18.15 18.00-18.15 17:00-19:00 18.15-18.30 18.15-18.30 18.30-18.45 18.30-18.45 18.45-19.00 18.45-19.00 19.00-19.30 19.00-19.30 19.30-20:00 19.30-20:00 Presidential Reception 20.00-20.30 20.00-20.30 19:00-21:00 20.30-21:00 20.30-21:00

30 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 AIB 2015 Program Overview Bengaluru, India - June 27-30, 2015

Sunday June 28 Monday, June 29 Tuesday, June 30 8:00-8:15 8:00-8:15 Fellows Café I Fellows Café II Fellows Café III 8:15-8:30 8:15-8:30 8:00-8:45 8:00-8:45 8:00-8:45 8.30-8.45 8.30-8.45 8.45-9.00 8.45-9.00 9.00-9.15 9.00-9.15 1.1 9.15-9.30 2.1 9.15-9.30 3.1 Concurrent Sessions 9.30-9.45 Concurrent Sessions 9.30-9.45 Concurrent Sessions 9:00-10:15 9.45-10.00 9:00-10:15 9.45-10.00 9:00-10:15 10.00-10.15 10.00-10.15 10.15-10.30 10.15-10.30 COFFEE BREAK 10:15-10:45 COFFEE BREAK 10:15-10:45 COFFEE BREAK 10:15-10:45 10.30-10.45 10.30-10.45 10.45-11.00 10.45-11.00 2.2 1.2 11.00-11.15 11.00-11.15 3.2 Eminent Scholar Session AIB Executive Plenary 11.15-11.30 11.15-11.30 Concurrent Sessions and Concurrent Sessions 10:45-12:00 10:45-12:00 11.30-11.45 10:45-12:00 11.30-11.45 11.45-12.00 11.45-12.00

JIBS 12.00-12.15 AIB Research 12.00-12.15 LUNCH LUNCH Editorial 12.15-12.30 Fellows Methods 12.15-12.30 LUNCH 12:00- 12:00-13:00 Board Business SIG 12:00-13:00 12.30-12.45 13:00 12.30-12.45 Meeting Meeting Meeting 12.45-13.00 12.45-13.00 13.00-13.15 13.00-13.15 2.3 3.3 1.3 13.15-13.30 Buckley-Casson 13.15-13.30 JIBS Decade Award Concurrent Sessions 13.30-13.45 Dissertation Award 13.30-13.45 and Concurrent Sessions 13:00-14:15 and Concurrent Sessions 13.45-14.00 13.45-14.00 13:00-14:15 13:00-14:15 14.00-14.15 14.00-14.15 BREAK 14:15-14:30 14.15-14.30 BREAK 14:15-14:30 14.15-14.30 BREAK 14:15-14:30 14.30-14.45 14.30-14.45 1.4 14.45-15.00 2.4 14.45-15.00 3.4 Concurrent Sessions 15.00-15.15 Concurrent Sessions 15.00-15.15 Concurrent Sessions 14:30-15:45 15.15-15.30 14:30-15:45 15.15-15.30 14:30-15:45 15.30-15.45 15.30-15.45 15.45-16.00 15.45-16.00 COFFEE BREAK 15:45-16:15 COFFEE BREAK 15:45-16:15 COFFEE BREAK 15:45-16:15 16.00-16.15 16.00-16.15 16.15-16.30 16.15-16.30 2.5 1.5 16.30-16.45 16.30-16.45 Educator of the Year Session 3.5 Concurrent Sessions 16.45-17.00 16.45-17.00 and Concurrent Sessions AIB Awards Ceremony 16:15-17:30 17.00-17.15 16:15-17:30 17.00-17.15 and Business Meeting 16:15-17:45 17.15-17.30 17.15-17.30 17.30-17.45 17.30-17.45 17.45-18.00 17.45-18.00 WAIB Reception 18.00-18.15 18.00-18.15 AIB Farewell Reception 17:30-19:00 18.15-18.30 18.15-18.30 17:45-19:00 18.30-18.45 18.30-18.45 18.45-19.00 18.45-19.00 19.00-19.30 19.00-19.30 19.30-20:00 AIB Gala Event 19.30-20:00 Tamarind Tree 20.00-20.30 19:00-22:00 20.00-20.30 20.30-21:00 20.30-21:00

Global Networks: Organizations and People 31 AIB 2015 conference detailed Program

2015 AIB Conference Detailed Program Bengaluru, India June 27-30, 2015

Friday Legend for Symbols Used: Nominee for the Temple/AIB Best Paper Award Nominee for the Alan Rugman Most Promising Scholar Award (formerly Haynes Prize)

Professor S. Raghunath of Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, the Local Program Chair for the AIB 2015 FRIDAY, JUNE 26 conference will be accompanying participants to a corporate tour of Wipro Ltd. The bus will leave from Leela Palace at 8:30am, and return at 2pm. FRIDAY, JUNE 26 - 09:00-18:00 Pre-registration is required (through the tours page on the AIB Time: 09:00-16:00 2015 website). AJBS 28th Annual Conference

The Annual conference of the Association of Japanese Business Studies will be held at Matthan Sterling s Mac Hotel. FRIDAY, JUNE 26 - 14:30-17:00 AJBS conference requires a separate registration from the AIB conference. Time: 14:30-17:00 NGO Social Sector Visits FRIDAY, JUNE 26 - 09:00-17:00 AIB members will be visiting a worthwhile non governmental Time: 09:00-17:00 organization to see first hand how innovative social Room: Royal Club Boardroom organizations are dealing with some of India’s key challenges. Participants will need to choose one of the following two AIB Board Meeting organizations to visit: (1) Association for Promoting Social Action (APSA), a crisis intervention center that supports children in distress: child laborers, street children, victims of abuse, trafficked and abandoned children; (2) Concerned for Working Children (CWC), a Nobel Peace Prize nominated FRIDAY, JUNE 26 - 09:30-14:00 organization working to empower working children to organize themselves to identify and solve problems. Time: 09:30-14:00 Wipro Corporate Visit Pre-registration is required to attend the NGO visit. Interested participants should contact Susan Mudambi at [email protected]. Wipro Ltd. (NYSE:WIT) is a leading Information Technology, Consulting and Business Process Services company that delivers solutions to enable its clients do business better. Wipro delivers winning business outcomes through its deep industry experience and a 360 degree view of "Business through Technology" - helping clients create successful and adaptive businesses. A company recognized globally for its comprehensive portfolio of services, a practitioner's approach to delivering innovation, and an organization wide commitment to sustainability, Wipro champions optimized utilization of natural resources, capital and talent.

32 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30

SATURDAY, JUNE 27 Session 0.3 - Pre-Conference Workshop Time: 9:00-16:30 Room: Sitara AIB/Sheth Doctoral Student Consortium SATURDAY, JUNE 27 - 9:00-15:00 Chairs: Stewart R. Miller, University of Texas-San Antonio and Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham University Session 0.1 - Pre-Conference Workshop Time: 9:00-15:00 Business School China Room: Royal Ballroom Pre-admitted participants only. Lunch is provided. JIBS/AIB Paper Development Workshop Chairs: Petra Christmann, Rutgers University and John Cantwell, Rutgers University Faculty Panelists (in alphabetical order): Preet Aulakh, York University Rene Belderbos, KU Leuven Pre-admitted participants only. Lunch is provided. Gabriel R.G. Benito, BI Norwegian Business School Deepa Chandrasekaran, University of Texas at San ✪ The JIBS/AIB Paper Development Workshop is sponsored Antonio by the D'Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern Anthony Goerzen, Queen's University University. Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney Stefanie Lenway, University of St. Thomas Peter W. Liesch, University of Queensland SATURDAY, JUNE 27 - 9:00-16:30 Anoop Madhok, York University Stewart R. Miller, University of Texas-San Antonio Saturday Session 0.2 - Pre-Conference Workshop Time: 9:00-16:30 Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University Room: Kamal Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham University Business School China AIB Junior Faculty Consortium Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa Chairs: Ruth Aguilera, Northeastern University and Raveendra Chittoor, Indian School of Business Anju Seth, Virginia Tech University Deepak Somaya, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Pre-admitted participants only. Lunch is provided. Markus Taussig, National University of Singapore

Faculty Panelists (in alphabetical order): Ruth Aguilera, Northeastern University ✪ The Doctoral Student Consortium is sponsored by the Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Madhuri and Jagdish N. Sheth Foundation. Aya Chacar, Florida International University Sea-Jin Chang, National University of Singapore

Raveendra Chittoor, Indian School of Business Nandini Lahiri, Temple University Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology SATURDAY, JUNE 27 - 9:00-12:30

Jane Lu, University of Melbourne Sabina Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School Time: 9:00-12:30 Room: Royal Club Boardroom Phanish Puranam, INSEAD J Ramachandran, Indian Institute of Management AIB Board Meeting Bangalore Sougata Ray, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Gurneeta Vasudeva Singh, University of Minnesota Jasjit Singh, INSEAD Luis Vives, ESADE Michael Witt, INSEAD

✪ The Junior Faculty Consortium is sponsored by the Boeing Institute at Saint Louis University.

Global Networks: Organizations and People 33 SATURDAY, JUNE 27 - 10:30-16:30 SATURDAY, JUNE 27 - 15:30-16:30

Session 0.4 - Pre-Conference Workshop Time: 10:30-16:30 Time: 15:30-16:30 Room: Jamawar Room: Diva Terrace AIB Research Capacity Workshop New Members Welcome Tea Chairs: José R. de la Torre, Florida International University; Rishikesha Krishnan, Indian Institute of Management; and Sougata Ray, Indian Institute of AIB would like to welcome all new AIB members into our Management Calcutta community with a casual get together. President Nakiye Boyacigiller and other Board members will be present to

welcome and meet our new members. Pre-admitted participants only. ✪ The New Members Welcome Tea is sponsored by the Fox Faculty Panelists (in alphabetical order): School of Business at Temple University. Preet Aulakh, York University Nick Binedell, GIBS Business School Nakiye Avdan Boyacigiller, Sabanci University SATURDAY, JUNE 27 - 17:00-19:00 Pankaj Chandra, IIMB José R. de la Torre, Florida International University Session 0.7 - Plenary Time: 17:00-19:00 Charles Dhanaraj, IMD Special Session Room: Grand Ballroom Sanjay Kallapur, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad AIB 2015 Opening Plenary Saturday Rishikesha Krishnan, Indian Institute of Management Ashis Nanda, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Phanish Puranam, INSEAD Welcome Remarks: J Ramachandran, Indian Institute of Management Nakiye Avdan Boyacigiller, Sabanci University Bangalore Ram Mudambi, Temple University Sougata Ray, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta S. Raghunath, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore K.R. Subramanyam, University of Southern California Award Presentation for the 2015 AIB Fellows Educator of the Hildy Teegen, University of South Carolina Year Rohit Varman, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Nick Binedell, GIBS Business School Sri Zaheer, University of Minnesota Award Presentation and Keynote by the 2015 AIB Fellows Executive of the Year SATURDAY, JUNE 27 - 12:30-16:30 Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Biocon Limited

Session 0.5 - Pre-Conference Workshop Time: 12:30-16:30 AIB Fellows Opening Session: Global Room: Nithya Networks: Organizations and People AIB Chapter Chairs Luncheon and Workshop Chair: Ram Mudambi, Temple University Chair: Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Panelists: AIB Executive Board Members and AIB Chapter Chairs or Ram Mudambi, Temple University representatives only. John Cantwell, Rutgers University Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University Sri Zaheer, University of Minnesota Participating Chapter Chairs (in alphabetical order): Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, University of Wollongong in Dubai SATURDAY, JUNE 27 - 19:00-21:00 T.S. Chan, Lingnan University Abel Kinoti, Riara University Time: 19:00-21:00 Gary Knight, Willamette University Room: Diva Terrace Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama Presidential Reception Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston William Newburry, Florida International University Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Economics The Presidential Reception, celebrating the opening of the S. Raghunath, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore 2015 AIB Conference will take place at the Leela Palace. Smart casual attire is recommended. Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University Changqi Wu, Peking University Man Zhang, Bowling Green State University

34 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30

SUNDAY, JUNE 28 Session 1.1.3 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 5 - Geography of IB and Value Chains Room: Diya Globalization, Cities and Institutions SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 8:00-8:45 Chair: Anthony Goerzen, Queen's University

Time: 8:00-8:45 Language and Globalization Fellows Café I Palitha Konara, University of Huddersfield By Accident and by Design: Institutional-MNE Co-Evolution within the Subnational Space Start the day with a set of small group discussions hosted by Sinead Monaghan, Rutgers Business School an AIB Fellow, focused on an IB topic of current and mutual Patrick Gunnigle, University of Limerick interest. Jonathan Lavelle, University of Limerick Geographic Connectivity via Sister Cities: Toward a Theory of Home and Host MNEs and the National Interest (Room: Royal Public-Private Value Creation Club Boardroom) Li Dai, Loyola Marymount University Yair Aharoni, Tel Aviv University Global Cities and the Establishment of Regional Headquarters Forms of Rationality and Theories of FDI and Modal Choice Helen Du, KU Leuven (Room: Roshni) Tailan Chi, University of Kansas Rene Belderbos, KU Leuven Anthony Goerzen, Queen's University How do Emerging Economy Multinationals Manage Firms that They Acquired Overseas? (Room: Dhwani) Klaus Meyer, CEIBS Session 1.1.4 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Room: Kamal Network Effects on International SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 9:00-10:15 Entrepreneurship Chair: Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex Session 1.1.1 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness Room: Grand Ballroom Does Inter-Firm Collaboration Enhance Export Performance? New Competitive Strategies in Emerging The Role of Internal Capabilities Economies: Innovation and Competitive Youngok Kim, University of New South Wales Dynamics of Local Leaders and MNCs Jaspreet N. Bhatia, University of New South Wales

Chair: Sea-Jin Chang, National University of Singapore The Role of Network Relationships and Social Capital in Early Sunday and Later Foreign Market Entries of High Technology INVs Spiros Batas, University of Northampton - University of Panelists: Edinburgh Sea-Jin Chang, National University of Singapore Tanja Leppaaho, Jyvaskyla University School of Business Rishikesha Krishnan, Indian Institute of Management and Economics Phanish Puranam, INSEAD SMEs and Networking: A Resource-Based View Perspective Seung Ho Park, China Europe International Business Mohammad Mahfuzur Rahman, Shandong University School

Session 1.1.2 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Session 1.1.5 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Sitara Scholars Meet Practice Session Room: Jamawar Politics and Non-Market Strategies Business Perspectives on Environmental Chair: Phillip Nell, WU Vienna Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities Chair: G. Tomas M. Hult, Michigan State University Political Ties across Country Borders Kelsey Lynne Syvrud, Florida State University Panelists: Meghana Ayyagari, George Washington University G. Tomas M. Hult, Michigan0000000 State University April Knill, Florida State University P. D. Jose, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Anil Menon, Cisco Systems The Effects of Diplomacy, Institutions and Political Connections on Firms' Choice of FDI Location Venkatachalam Anbumozhi, Economic Research Institute Joao Albino Pimentel, HEC Paris for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) Pierre Dussauge, HEC Paris Susan Mudambi, Temple University Damandeep Singh, CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) The Benefits of Political Capital for Firm Internationalization: Evidence from Russian Firm FDI and Exports Rajeev Sawant, Baruch College, CUNY Andrei Panibratov, St. Petersburg University Lilac Nachum, Baruch College, CUNY Marina Latukha, St. Petersburg State University

Global Networks: Organizations and People 35 Buffered or under Scrutiny? Disentangling the Effect of Size Session 1.1.8 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 on Subsidiary Political Strategies Track: 15 - Teaching IB (Special Track) Room: Yatra Patricia Reneé Klopf, WU Vienna Phillip Nell, WU Vienna Creating Graduate Readiness and Jonas Puck, WU Vienna Employability Chair: Hanoku Bathula, University of Auckland

Session 1.1.6 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 2014 U.S. Business Needs for Employees with International Track: 3 - HRM and Organizational Behavior Room: Nithya Expertise Shirley Daniel, University of Hawaii at Manoa Building and Leveraging Social Capital Ben Kedia, Univerity of Memphis Chair: Allan Bird, Northeastern University Fujiao Xie, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Zhou Chen, University of Hawaii at Manoa La Vie en Rose: Sources and Effects of Positive Emotions in Developing Critical Awareness through Reflection and Strategic Alliances Across Cultures - A Boundary Spanning Mindfulness for Successful International Business Graduates Role Perspective Varina Paisley, University of New South Wales Linh Khanh Nguyen, HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management Mark Tayar, Macquarie University Vasanthi Srinivasan, Indian Institute of Management The Role of Study Tours in Entrepreneurship Education. The Bangalore Experience of Universidad EAFIT International Business Students, and Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, in Managerial Humor as an Affective Event for Gaining Positive Colombia. Employee Outcomes Ricardo Lopez, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente Nilupama Wijewardena, Monash University Maria Paola Podesta, EAFIT Ramanie Samaratunge, Monash University Charmine Hartel, University of Queensland A Theoretical Approach to a Curriculum for International Business Programs in the Business Schools in Colombia: Linking Positive Social Capital and MNE Performance: The Study Case at University of Rosario Mediating Role of Job Engagement in a Multi-Cultural Middle Andres Mauricio Castro, Universidad del Rosario East Context Dalsy Yolima Farfan, Universidad del Rosario Thomas Joseph, Indian Institute of Management Udaipur Rafael Alejandro Pineros, Universidad del Rosario Raina Chhajer, Indian Institute of Management Udaipur

Indian IT Workers on an International Assignment: Role of Organisational Support Dhara Shah, Griffith University Session 1.1.9 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 1 - People and Careers Room: Surya

Sunday Cultural Intelligence, Effectiveness in a Foreign Session 1.1.7 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Culture, and Global Leadership Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Nidhi Chair: Andre Anugerah Pekerti, University of Queensland

Multinationals in Big Emerging Markets: Dynamic Challenges, Opportunities and Relevance of Cultural Intelligence and Communication Implications for International Business Theory Effectiveness for Global Leadership Preparedness: Study of Indian Managers and Practice Shoma Mukherji, Management Development Institute Chair: Sumit Kumar Kundu, Florida International Neera Jain, Management Development Institute University Discussant: Luciano Ciravegna, King's College London Social Networks and Social Support in the Context of International Assignments Tassilo Schuster, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Panelists: Benjamin Bader, Leuphana University of Lüneburg Sumit Kumar Kundu, Florida International University Luciano Ciravegna, King's College London How Do Values Change When Immersed in a Foreign Cultural Environment? Ronaldo Parente, Florida International University Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama Wlamir Xavier, Eastern New Mexico University and Stanford A. Westjohn, University of Toledo UNISUL Ahmed Al Radadi, Florida International University John Zhao, Saint Louis University

Helena Barnard, GIBS, University of Pretoria

S. Raghunath, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

36 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Session 1.1.10 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Session 1.1.12 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 5 - Geography of IB and Value Chains Room: Royal Club Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Dhwani Boardroom Internationalization, Distances, and Entry Global Production and Knowledge Networks Chair: Jieqiong Ma, Saint Louis University Chair: Ari Van Assche, HEC Montréal Sequential Market Entry and Subnational Differences Maximilian Stallkamp, Ivey Business School What Pushes and Limits an OEM Supplier Transforms Under Institutional Change? Roles of Firms' Dynamic Capability and Andreas Schotter, Ivey Business School Organizational Inertia Brian Pinkham, Ivey Business School Ming-Chang Huang, Providence University From Country Distance to Revealed Relatedness: Exploring Hsiang-Lin Cheng, National Chung Cheng University the Impact of Country Differences Effect of Outbound Logistics Activities on Delivery Lead Time Aya Chacar, Florida International University of Apparel Export Supply Chain Sokol Celo, Suffolk University Anupama Gupta, National Institute of Fashion Technology Stephen Tallman, University of Richmond Pinaki Dasgupta, International Management Institute (De)Institutional Arbitrage: The Effects of Perceived Void Mridula Savitri Mishra, IIFT Arbitrage Opportunities on Stakeholder Issue Salience Managing Competition and Cooperation: Internationalization Joobin Ordoobody, University of Victoria Process of HTC Alireza Saify, University of Tehran Sheng-Tsung Hou, Feng Chia University Institutions, Market Entry Strategy and Performance: A Study Wan-Chien Lien, ChengChi University of Japanese Multinationals How Knowledge Complexity Rises During Paradigmatic Daniel Z. Ding, City University of Hong Kong Change: The Effects on Knowledge Sourcing and Naoki Ando, Hosei University Organization Networks Gloria L. Ge, Griffith University Jessica Rae Salmon, Rutgers University Capital Mobility and Institutional Levels: The Influence of the John Cantwell, Rutgers University Corruption on the FDI Flows Offshoring-Outsourcing, Innovative Capabilities and Ronald de Oliveira Concer, EAESP-FGV Technology Leaders: Some Preliminary Remarks The Legitimization and Reinterpretation of Transnational Jan Vang, Aalborg University Business Practices through Traditional Institutions: Anders Nielsen, Aalborg University Consequences of the Importation of American Meritocracy Rasmus Lema, Aalborg University through the Indian Institutes of Management Keshav Krishnamurty, University of Massachusetts Boston

Session 1.1.11 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Managing BoP as a Business Opportunity. A Longitudinal Sunday Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Roshni Field Study Thomas Andre, Ecole Polytechnique Institutions and Innovation Jean-Pierre Ponssard, Ecole Polytechnique & CNRS Chair: Deeksha Singh, Rutgers University

Session 1.1.13 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Effects of Local Industry on the R&D-Performance Track: 1 - People and Careers Room: Maya Relationship Yiyi Su, Tongji University Adjustment and Performance of Expatriates Chair: Fiona Moore, Royal Holloway, University of London Local Cluster Growth Through Global Brain Circulation: A Governance Perspective Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston Repatriation of International Assignees - Where Are We and Where Do We Go From Here? A Systematic Literature Review Cristiano Richter, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul From 1991 to 2014 Commensalism and Amensalism in University-Business- Jan Sebastian Knocke, Friedrich-Alexander University of Government Alliances: The Internal Structure of Innovation Erlangen-Nuremberg Clusters An Examination of Determinants of Expatriate Career Haruo H. Horaguchi, Hosei University Intentions The Effects of Industry and Country Variations on the IP Arpita Joardar, Clark University Management Strategies of Firms: The Case of India and Guillaume Weisang, Clark University China Elizabeth Louise Mason, University of Leeds In Search of Greener Pastures: Migration Motivations of Talents and Talent Management Practices in Nepal With Chopsticks and with Forks: Untangling the Fuzzy Front Kushal Sharma, ESSEC Business School End of Innovation Projects in Japan and Germany Jean-Luc Cerdin, ESSEC Business School Roman Bartnik, University of Duisburg-Essen ‘Should I stay or Should I go?' An Autoethnographic Account of an International Student's Decision to Transition to a Self-

Initiated Expatriate Namita Rajani, Dalhousie University Eddy Ng, Dalhousie University Dimitria Groutsis, University of Sydney

Global Networks: Organizations and People 37 Social Stays Local - Identifying Typical Profiles of Future Time: 12:00-13:00 Employees of Multinational Enterprises Room: Sitara Diemo Urbig, University of Wuppertal Philipp Paulus, University of Trier JIBS Editorial Board Meeting Katrin Muehlfeld, University of Trier Vivien Procher, University of Wuppertal JIBS Editorial Board Members Only. Arjen van Witteloostuijn, Tilburg University That Which Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Stronger: Effects of Work and Family Demands on International Business Travelers' Adjustment and Subsequent Career Satisfaction SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 13:00-14:15 Mihaela Dimitrova, Oakland University Margaret Shaffer, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Session 1.3.1 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Grand Ballroom SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 10:15-10:45 Leveraging India's Locational Competitive Advantage and the Internationalization of Time: 10:15-10:45 Indian MNEs Chair: Farok J. Contractor, Rutgers Business School Room: Royal Ballroom Discussants: Preet Aulakh, York University and Sougata Coffee Break Ray, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta

Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at Panelists: the Grand Ballroom and Royal Ballroom Foyers. Farok J. Contractor, Rutgers Business School Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney Charles Dhanaraj, IMD Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham University Business SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 10:45-12:00 School China Ajai Gaur, Rutgers University Session 1.2 - Plenary Time: 10:45-12:00 Sougata Ray, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Scholars Meet Practice Session Room: Grand Ballroom Raveendra Chittoor, Indian School of Business AIB Executive Plenary: Global Networks as Mehmet Demirbag, University of Strathclyde Forces for Good Preet Aulakh, York University Chair: Ram Mudambi, Temple University

Sunday Session 1.3.2 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 This session features leaders from Unilever, an 86-year-old Scholars Meet Practice Session Room: Jamawar MNC with deep roots in India, and Narayana Health, a 15- year-old Indian company aspiring to transform healthcare Challenges of MNC Innovation in India: A View worldwide. It will explore how the two organizations reconcile from Practice with a Focus on People Issues profitability and social goals,0000000 and how they leverage global Chair: Abhoy Ojha, Indian Institute of Management networks to achieve their purpose. Bangalore

Moderator: Panelists: 0000000 Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern University Abhoy Ojha, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Featured Speakers: Rishikesha Krishnan, Indian Institute of Management Harish Manwani, Chairman, Hindustan Unilever Ltd and Abhijeet Saungikar, 3M India former COO, Unilever R. Bhaskaran, Bosch Ltd. Ashutosh Raghuvanshi, Deputy Chairman and Group Vinay Dhabolkar, Catalign Innovation Consulting CEO, Narayana Health Jaideep Anand, Ohio State University

SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 12:00-13:00 Session 1.3.3 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Diya Time: 12:00-13:00 Room: Royal Ballroom Subsidiaries' Role in Knowledge Creation and Lunch Transfer Chair: Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD

Lunch will be provided for conference participants at the Leela Palace Grand and Royal Ballroom Foyers. When do Multinational Subsidiaries Develop New Technologies? Anupama Phene, George Washington University Stephen Tallman, University of Richmond

38 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Differentiating between Cultural Similarity and Cultural Fit: An Session 1.3.6 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Empirical Examination of Dyadic Knowledge Transfer between Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI Room: Nithya Subsidiaries and Headquarters Sergey Morgulis-Yakushev, Stockholm School of Individuals, Skills, Sensemaking, Behavior, and Economics Networks in IB Theories H. Emre Yildiz, Uppsala University Chair: Karina R. Jensen, NEOMA Business School Carl F. Fey, Nottingham University Business School China A Network-based Theory of FDI Clustering and Foreign Subsidiary Ownership of Firm-Specific Advantages, Subsidiary Performance Network Linkages, and Innovation within Multinational Firms Jing'an Tang, Sacred Heart University Catherine Magelssen, London Business School Foreign Direct Investment and Skills-Based Inequality: Some

Empirical Evidence Session 1.3.4 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Serena Masino, University of Oxford Track: 5 - Geography of IB and Value Chains Room: Kamal Xiaolan Fu, University of Oxford Global Value Chains, Innovation and Can International Business Theories be Applied in China? Performance Rui Torres Oliveira, Manchester Business School Chair: Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School Session 1.3.7 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Creating Shared Value in Global Value Chains: Learning from Track: 15 - Teaching IB (Special Track) Room: Nidhi Impact Sourcing Service Providers in U.S., India and Kenya Engage Them and They’ll Understand: Existing Chacko George Kannothra, University of Massachusetts Boston Projects and Best Practices of Integrating Experiential Learning in International Business How Does the Global Relocation of Business Activities Affect Curriculum Firm Innovation? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Chair: Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Offshoring on Innovation in Danish Firms Greensboro Eunkyung Park, Aalborg University

Global Offshoring Portfolio and Firm Performance Nidthida Lin, University of Newcastle Panelists: Hao Tan, University of Newcastle Karen Lynden, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Stephen Chen, University of Newcastle Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro David M. Berg, Hamline University The Effect of Cultural Distance on Access to Knowledge and Allan Bird, Northeastern University Knowledge Acquisition in International Business Exchange: A Virginia Cathro, University of Otago Knowledge-based View Mia Hsiao-Wen Ho, Yuzn Ze University Susan Forquer Gupta, Monmouth University Sunday James M. Hagen, Hamline University

Huiping Li, Ramapo College of New Jersey Session 1.3.5 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Irina Naoumova, University of Hartford Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Sitara Gordana Pesakovic, King University Economic Dynamics in Africa Sonja Sackmann, University Bw Munich Chair: Helena Barnard, GIBS, University of Pretoria José R. de la Torre, Florida International University Vinh N. Lu, Australian National University Can MNEs Substitute Local Governments in Providing Energy Infrastructures when Host Countries are Failed States? The Session 1.3.8 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Case of Sub-Saharan Africa Track: 1 - People and Careers Room: Yatra Matilde D'Amelio, Politecnico di Milano Paola Garrone, Politecnico di Milano Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Expatriates and Lucia Piscitello, Politecnico di Milano migrants Chair: Mary Yoko Brannen, University of Victoria The Institutional Determinants of Family and Non-Family Involvement in Business Groups - The Case of Africa Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex The Role of Social Network Embeddedness and Social Lars Oxelheim, Lund University and Research Institute of Support for Cross-Cultural Adjustment of Self-Initiated Industrial Economics Academics Trond Randøy, University of Agder Barbara Agha-Alikhani, University of Passau Experimentation in and Internationalization across Mobile What Keeps Them Going: Career Anchors and Cross- Telecommunications Markets of Africa Cultural Adjustment of Expatriates Mohammad Jahanbakht, Carnegie Mellon University Alexei Koveshnikov, Aalto University Romel Mostafa, Ivey Business School Heidi Marie Wechtler, Macquarie University Francisco Veloso, Catolica Lisbon School of Business "Life is Elsewhere": A Longitudinal Diary Study of Female Self- and Economics Initiated Expatriates' Cross-Cultural Adjustment Heidi Marie Wechtler, Macquarie University

Global Networks: Organizations and People 39 Researching the Ignored: Lower-Qualified Migrants and Reluctant Innovation in the Chinese Automobile Industry Expatriates Peter Thomas in der Heiden, University of Duisburg- Lovanirina Ramboarison-Lalao, ESC Troyes Business Essen School Bernd Liesenkötter, University of Muenster Jean-Luc Cerdin, ESSEC Business School Advanced MNEs in the Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry: An Chris Brewster, ISCTE Business School Analysis of the Impact on Local Innovation Performance Vittoria Giada Scalera, Politecnico di Milano Session 1.3.9 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Alessandra Perri, Ca' Foscari University Venice Track: 11 - Corporate Governance in IB Room: Surya Dark Triad in Teams - A Study from Iran Revisiting the Scope of the Multinational Ricarda B Bouncken, University of Bayreuth Corporation: Cross-Border M&A and Mehrnaz Karimi, University of Bayreuth Divestment Robin Pesch, University of Bayreuth Chair: Ali Taleb, MacEwan University Session 1.3.11 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Roshni Value Creation in Cross-Border Acquisitions: Do Outside Directors Make a Difference? Learning Across Borders Deepak K Datta, University of Texas at Arlington Chair: Nandini Lahiri, Temple University Dynah A Basuil, University of Auckland The Effects of Family Control and Board of Director Perception Gaps between Headquarter and Subsidiary Home Characteristics on Cross-Border Acquisition Performance of Country National Managers on Subsidiary Role: Case of a Emerging Market Firms: Evidence from India 2007-2012 Japanese Service MNC Philsoo Kim, Yonsei University Jusuke JJ Ikegami, Waseda University Young-Ryeol Park, Yonsei University Cultural Compatibility and the Managerial Knowledge Transfer Investor Protection and International Acquisitions: Evidence in Alliance Network from US Cross-Border M&As Qingfen Fu, Tsinghua University Amir Shoham, Temple University Oded Shenkar, Ohio State University International Expansion and the Long-Run Performance of MNEs: Combining and Sequencing Geographic Exploitation An Endowment Effect Perspective on Foreign Divestment: and Exploration The Asymmetric CEO Effect in Family Multinationals Xavier Castaner, University of Lausanne Heechun Kim, Georgia State University Mehmet Erdem Genc, Ozyegin University Robert Hoskisson, Rice University The Impacts of Organizational Learning Capacities on Relationship-Specific Innovations: Evidence from the Global Session 1.3.10 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Buyer-Supplier Relationship Sunday Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Royal Club KyuYeong Choi, Florida State University Boardroom Daekwan Kim, Florida State University Ruey-Jer "Bryan" Jean, National Chengchi University Knowledge and Innovation Chair: Zhi Wang, Manchester Metropolitan University TMT Foreign Experience and Foreign Subsidiary Ownership Decision: A More Fine-Grained Conceptualization of Experience The Impact of Information Overload on The Entrepreneurs' Kent Hui, Michigan State University Behavior in Managing Human Resources: The Mediating Role Yuanyuan Gong, Nanjing University of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Manisha Karia, Auckland Institute of Studies Building Service Provider Capabilities: The Impact of Clients Sanjaya Gaur, Auckland University of Technology and Service Types in Service Offshore Outsourcing Peter D. Oerberg Jensen, Copenhagen Business School Hanoku Bathula, University of Auckland Kristin Brandl, University of Reading Can Knowledge Similarity Be a Substitute for Economic Manya Jaura, Copenhagen Business School Institution for Foreign Firms in an Emerging Market? Xuelian Piao, Korea University Can Toyota Employee Satisfaction Provide An Edge To Car Min Jung Kim, University of Minnesota Dealers in a Changing National Cultural Climate? Ichiro Yamada, St. Andrew's University Jon Jungbien Moon, Korea University Osamu Tsukada, Kagawa University Dreams Come True? The Challenges of Utilizing Knowledge from Advanced Economies in Emerging Market MNEs Jongmin Lee, University of Reading Session 1.3.12 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 3 - HRM and Organizational Behavior Room: Dhwani Rajneesh Narula, University of Reading Family Support and Young Entrepreneurs' Start-Up Activities Global Mindsets and Expatriate Challenges in an Emerging and Developed Economy Context: An Chair: Benjamin Bader, Leuphana University of Lüneburg Empirical Exploration Tatiana S. Manolova, Bentley University A Study on How Expatriate Styles Influence Subsidiary Galina Shirokova, Saint Petersburg University Effectiveness through Uncertainty Reduction Tatyana V. Tsukanova, Saint Petersburg University Yong Suhk Pak, Yonsei University Linda F. Edelman, Bentley University Qing Lu Sun, Yonsei University

40 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 The Meaning of Work and Work Meaningfulness among Chinese Employees of a Western MNE SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 14:15-14:30 Alim Beveridge, Nottingham University Business School China Time: 14:15-14:30 Angela Yazhi Cheng, Nottingham University Business School China Break Managerial Attitudes toward Foreignness, Commitment Levels in Foreign Equity and The Level of Multinationality of Spanish Short break to facilitate transition between sessions. No Firms refreshment service will be provided. David Tanganelli, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Culturally Creative Minds: Cosmopolitanism as an Antecedent to Creativity in Cross-Cultural Settings Dilek Gulistan Yunlu, Northeastern Illinois University SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 14:30-15:45 Gretchen Vogelgesang Lester, San Jose State University Rachel Clapp-Smith, Purdue University Calumet Session 1.4.1 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 5 - Geography of IB and Value Chains Room: Grand Ballroom Positive Traits and Performance of Internationally Engaged Executives AIB - Regional Science Association Leonardo Liberman, Universidad de los Andes International (RSAI) session Lisa Sofia Clefberg, Institute for Cognitive Behavior Chairs: Simona Iammarino, London School of Economics Therapy & Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Lucia Piscitello, Politecnico di Milano Karolinska Institute

Returnee Spillover Effect on Corporate Performance: Evidence from Chinese A-share Public Firms Panelists: Jin Xu, Central University of Finance and Economics Lucia Piscitello, Politecnico di Milano Lianxi Zhou, Brock University Simona Iammarino, London School of Economics Guangbao Xie, Bank of China, Anhui Province Branch Michael Storper, UCLA Maryann Feldman, University of North Carolina

Session 1.3.13 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 13 - Economics, Finance and Accounting Room: Maya Session 1.4.2 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Scholars Meet Practice Session Room: Jamawar International and Comparative Finance Chair: Jagadish Dandu, Zayed University Big Data for Innovation, Competition and Productivity Chair: Pulak Ghosh, Indian Institute of Management Time Horizon and Corporate Investment: Evidence from Bangalore Private Firms around the World Sunday Serkan Akguc, King Abdulaziz University Jongmoo Jay Choi, Temple University Panelists: 0000000 Pulak Ghosh, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Financial Constraints and the Interdependence of Corporate Soumya Kanti Ghosh, Chief Economic Advisor, State Financial Decisions: A Cross-Country Study Bank of India Paulo Renato Soares Terra, EAESP-FGV Suresh Srinavasan, Co-Founder, Formcept Guilherme Kirch, EA-UFRGS Ravi Vijayaraghavan, Vice President and Head Analytics, The Impact of Crisis on the Determinants of Leverage: European Evidence Siva Viswanathan, University of Maryland Victoria Krivogorsky, San Diego state University Gun-Ho Joh, San Diego State University Session 1.4.3 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 David Deboskey, San Diego State University Special Session Room: Diya Earnings Management and Main Bank Monitoring: Evidence From Japan The Institutional and Political Environment of IB Hideaki Sakawa, Nagoya City University Chair: Michael Witt, INSEAD Naoki Watanabel, Ritsumeikan University Discussant: Paul Martin Vaaler, University of Minnesota

Market Structure and Profitability in Banking Sector: Is China's Case Different? Panelists: Yanjun Huang, China Foreign Affairs University Michael Witt, INSEAD Jiawen Yang, George Washington University Ruth Aguilera, Northeastern University Andreas Schotter, Ivey Business School Risks Associated with Cross-Listings Markus Taussig, National University of Singapore Hui He Sono, James Madison University Paul Martin Vaaler, University of Minnesota Mark Liu, University of Kentucky

Effect of Regional Trade Agreements - A Study of India- ASEAN Trade with Firm Level Data Amlan Ray, Amrita University

Amalendu Jyotishi, Amrita University

Global Networks: Organizations and People 41 Session 1.4.4 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Losing the Battle: Unexpectation and Misexpectation in Cross- Track: 3 - HRM and Organizational Behavior Room: Kamal Border M&A Tian Wei, Fudan University Driving Performance in Global Organizations Executive Migration and International Mergers and Chair: William Newburry, Florida International University Acquisitions Yu-Kai (Mike) Wang, Soochow University High Performance Work Practices Exist in India: Evidence from Two Organizations Session 1.4.7 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Nikos Bozionelos, Audencia Nantes Ecole de Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Nidhi Management Vijay Edward Pereira, University of Portsmouth Women in Business in India (WAIB Special Human Resource Management in India Strategy, Performance Session) Chairs: Gabriele Suder, University of Melbourne and and Complementarity Janet Murray, University of Missouri-St. Louis Tamer Darwish, University of Gloucestershire Satwinder Singh, Brunel University London Panelists: Geoffrey Wood, University of Warwick Janet Murray, University of Missouri-St. Louis Equity Portfolio Incentives to CEOs for Downsizing: Gabriele Suder, University of Melbourne Differential Impacts on Survivors vs. Victims in Three Padmaja Alaganandam, PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt. Countries Ltd. C Lakshman, Tongji University Revathy Ashok, Iris Consulting Linh-Chi Vo, Normandy Business School Alice de Jonge, Monash University Rani Ladha, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Usha Raghunath, Wipro Ltd. Pamela Kumar, HP Enterprise R&D Session 1.4.5 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Sitara Session 1.4.8 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Institutional Environment and Innovation Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Yatra Performance New Perspectives on Institutional Distance Chair: Kristin Brandl, University of Reading Chair: Peter Buckley, University of Leeds

International Networks for Developing Exploratory Innovations Revisiting Institutional Distance: Towards an Agency-Oriented in Emerging Economies Understanding Zaheer Khan, University of Sheffield Johann Fortwengel, Free University Berlin How Institutional Context Matters for R&D? An Exploratory Testing the Formal Institutional Distance - Subsidiary Sunday Study of Medical Device Development in India Performance Link, and the Moderating Effects of Ownership Budhaditya Gupta, Harvard University Strategy and Experience: Evidence from 17 Emerging Markets Vikrant Shirodkar, University of Sussex Stefan Thomke, Harvard University Palitha Konara, University of Huddersfield Public Support for Innovation and the Openness of Firms' Innovation Activities Institutional Logics, Liability of Foreignness, and Poverty Marcelo F Cano-Kollmann, Temple University Alleviation: The Case of Mining MNEs in East Africa Aloysius Newenham-Kahindi, University of Saskatchewan Robert D. Hamilton III, Temple University Charles Edward Stevens, Lehigh University National Trust and the Effects of Firm Size on and Foreign Ownership on Innovation by Firms in Developing Nations Partner Selection in International Technological Alliances: The Gregory Stephen Hundley, Purdue University Role of Institutional Distance, Colonial and Economic Ties Sorin Krammer, University of Groningen Xiaomei Li, Tianjin University

Session 1.4.9 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45

Track: 7 - Digital Transformation and Online Markets Room: Surya Session 1.4.6 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness Room: Nithya Digital Transformation and Online Markets in IB Chair: Peter W. Liesch, University of Queensland Creating Value from Cross-Border Acquisitions Chair: Anupama Phene, George Washington University The Synergy of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Virtual Self- Efficacy for Entrepreneurs in Emerging Online Markets: An International Acquisitions and International Competitiveness Empirical Investigation Omer Faruk Genc, Abdullah Gul University Zeying Wan, Saint Mary's University Jongmoo Jay Choi, Temple University Taiyuan Wang, IE Business School Yinglei Wang, Acadia University How to Make the Most of What You Buy: Value Creation in Cross-Border Acquisitions of Developed Market Firms (DMFs) The Early-Mover Advantage of Exporters at Online B2B by Emerging Market Firms (EMFs) Portals Yinuo Tang, University of Pittsburgh Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China Ravi Madhavan, University of Pittsburgh Zeyu Wang, Nankai University/Chinese University of Hong Kong

42 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Internationalization of Entrepreneurship and Institutional Born Global Decision - Gradual & Complex Interaction Reinforcement in a New Global Industry between Multiple Elements: Evidence from a Software Product Irina Mihailova, Aalto University Firm in India Peter W. Liesch, University of Queensland Anish Purkayastha, Indian Institute of Management Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Ahmedabad Micro Enterprises in eMarketplaces: Comparing Digital How Do Brand Capabilities Facilitate the Internationalization of Strategy across Continents Firms from Emerging to Developed Economies? Manjula S. Salimath, University of North Texas Fernando Angulo-Ruiz, MacEwan University Vallari Chandna, University of North Texas Albena Pergelova, MacEwan University William Wei, MacEwan University Session 1.4.10 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 International Small Ventures' Entrepreneurship and Export Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Royal Club Market Performance Boardroom Aytug Sozuer, Istanbul University Gultekin Altuntas, Istanbul University Learning from Subsidiaries in Emerging Fatih Semercioz, Istanbul University Markets Evolution of a Dynamic Capability in Early International Chair: Pavlina Jasovska, University of South Australia Growth - The Case of a Professional Service Firm Thorsten Bunz, Justus Liebig University Giessen When are Subsidiaries Motivated to Initiate Innovation under Lucrezia Casulli, University of Strathclyde Autonomy?: The Role of Resource Dependence and Power Andreas Bausch, Justus Liebig University Giessen Relation Jason Kyewon Lee, Korea University Innovation and Networking Among Entrepreneurs Across Generations of Asian Tigers Dae-il Nam, Korea University Jan Vang, Aalborg University Building Innovation Capabilities in Emerging Markets: A Kent W. Jensen, University of Southern Denmark Microfoundations Approach to Managing Local Product Thomas Schoett, University of Southern Denmark Development Shamak Rezaei, Roskilde University Shad Morris, Brigham Young University Daniel Han Ming Chng, China Europe International The Use of Exploited Labor in International Business Business School Subrata Chakrabarty, University of Texas - El Paso Jian Han, CEIBS James Oldroyd, Ohio State University Session 1.4.12 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Dhwani Reverse Knowledge Transfer from Emerging Economy Subsidiaries: The Role of Disseminative Capacity New and Heterodox Themes in IB Abby Jingzi Zhou, University of Nottingham, Ningbo Chair: Mike Peng, University of Texas at Dallas Carl F. Fey, Nottingham University Business School Sunday China An Analysis of Guanxi and the Degree of Internationalization Antecedents of Reverse Diffusion of HRM Practices in MNC of Chinese Manufacturing Firms Subsidiaries: Organizational or Locational Legitimacy? Jian Du, Zhejiang Universit Michal Lemanski, Nottingham University Business School Xiaobo Wu, Zhejiang Universit China Yongjiang Shi, Cambridge University Experiential Learning, Economic Distance And Subsidiary Performance Of EMNCs: Evidence From Indian Multinationals Institutional Changes and Firm Responses in the Global Arindam Mondal, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Pharmaceutical Industry Shobha Das, Qatar University Sougata Ray, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Rajshree Chandra, Delhi University Raveendra Chittoor, Indian School of Business Sarada Devi Gadepalli, Indian Institute of Management A New Governance Perspective: Viewing Global Financial Calcutta Markets as Watersheds W Travis Selmier II, Indiana University Session 1.4.11 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 To Boldly Go Where No Government and No Corporation Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Room: Roshni Have Gone Before. Internationalization Strategies of Non- Governmental Organizations Capabilities for International Entrepreneurship: Michal Szymanski, University of Victoria Emerging Market and Developed Market Private Equity in Clean Technology: An Exploratory Study of Perspectives the Finance-Innovation-Policy Nexus Chair: Etayankara Muralidharan, MacEwan University Florian Täube, Université libre de Bruxelles Michael Migendt, EBS Business School Cross-National Replication in International Entrepreneurship: Florian Schock, EBS Business School Lessons from SKS Microfinance Paschen von Flotow, Sustainable Business Institute Joshua K Ault, University of Victoria Friedemann Polzin, Sustainable Business Institute Andrew Spicer, University of South Carolina Thoughts on the Emerging Institutional Framework for Commercializing Electric Vehicle Technology in China Peter Thomas in der Heiden, University of Duisburg- Essen

Global Networks: Organizations and People 43 National Governance, Social Elites on Company Boards, and Board Compensation: A Cross-National Study of Emerging SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 15:45-16:15 Economy IPO Firms Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex Time: 15:45-16:15 Roger Strange, University of Sussex Room: Royal Ballroom Jenifer Piesse, King's College London Coffee Break

Session 1.4.13 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at Track: 1 - People and Careers Room: Maya the Grand Ballroom and Royal Ballroom Foyers. The Role of Culture in International Business Chair: Majid Ghorbani, Renmin University of China SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 16:15-17:30 Can Cultural Tightness-Looseness be Measured? Len J. Trevino, Loyola University New Orleans Session 1.5.1 - Panel Time: 16:15-17:30 Carolyn P. Egri, Simon Fraser University Special Session Room: Grand Ballroom David A. Ralston, Florida International University China is Predicted to Hit Middle Income Trap by Irina Naoumova, University of Hartford Olivier Furrer, University of Fribourg 2030: Can China Build innovation Capacity to Yongjuan Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences Avert Trap? Chair: Arie Lewin, Duke University Fidel León Darder, University of

María Teresa de la Garza Carranza, Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya Panelists: Understanding the Paradox of Cultures: A Yin Yang Arie Lewin, Duke University Perspective Michael Witt, INSEAD Kunal Kamal Kumar, T. A. Pai Management Institute Douglas B. Fuller, Zhejiang University Tony Fang, Stockholm University Yves Doz, INSEAD

The Role of Culture in Managers' Conceptualization of Business Networking Session 1.5.2 - Panel Time: 16:15-17:30 Lasse Torkkeli, Lappeenranta University of Technology Scholars Meet Practice Session Room: Jamawar Maria Ivanova-Gongne, Abo Akademi University Technology & Science-Based Innovation in Leading and Facilitating Global Innovation within the MNC Emerging Economies Karina R. Jensen, NEOMA Business School Chair: Sai Yayavaram, Indian Institute of Management Sunday The Joint Effects of Societal Culture and Individual Values of Bangalore Job Attribute Preference: Evidence from Eight Nations Ji Li, Hong Kong Baptist University Panelists: Tao Liu, Southwest University Sai Yayavaram, Indian In0000000stitute of Management Yang Yu, Hong Kong Baptist University Bangalore Jieying Xu, Hong Kong Baptist University Suresh Bhagavatula, Indian Institute of Management Arif Mahmood, Hong Kong Baptist University Bangalore Wanxing Jiang, Hong Kong Baptist University Chirantan Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore The Impact of Socio-Cultural Factors on Professional Aspiration in Emerging Markets K Kumar, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Grishma Shah, Manhattan College Mariko Sakakibara, University of California, Los Angeles Esi Elliot, Suffolk University Suri Venkatachalam, Connexios Life Sciences S Baskar, Amagi Media Labs Pvt. Ltd. A Relational Perspective of Nationality Dissimilarity: The

Positive Effect on Organizational Identification in International Joint Ventures Session 1.5.3 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Track: 13 - Economics, Finance and Accounting Room: Diya Technology Jieyu Zhou, Hong Kong University of Science and Determinants and Effects of Foreign Technology Investment Chair: Haruo H. Horaguchi, Hosei University

Employment Effects of FDI in Hot Labour Markets: a Cross- Country Analysis Bettina Becker, Aston Business School Nigel Driffield, Warwick Business School Sandra Lancheros, University of Nottingham James Love, Warwick Business School

44 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Economic Institutions and the Location Strategies of European Session 1.5.6 - Panel Time: 16:15-17:30 Multinationals in their Geographical Neighbourhood Track: 1 - People and Careers Room: Nithya Simona Iammarino, London School of Economics Andrea Ascani, London School of Economics Identity Lenses in International Business: Riccardo Crescenzi, London School of Economics Approaches and Opportunities Chair: Cristina Gibson, University of Western Australia Finance Constraints and Technology Spillovers from Foreign to Domestic Firms Alex Eapen, Australian National University Panelists: Cristina Gibson, University of Western Australia Limitations of MNC's Operational Flexibility Toshimitsu Ueta, NUS Business School Mary Yoko Brannen, University of Victoria Lakshmi Ramarajan, Harvard University Florian Täube, Université libre de Bruxelles Session 1.5.4 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness Room: Kamal Sarbari Bordia, Australian National University Andy Chiou, SUNY Farmingdale Implementation Challenges Across Borders Chair: Aya Chacar, Florida International University Session 1.5.7 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Nidhi Organizational Control and Goal Conflicts in Headquarters- Institutional Voids and Natural Environment Subsidiary Relationships: An Agency Theory Perspective Chair: Klaus Meyer, CEIBS Adrian Schulte Steinberg, University of St. Gallen

Sven Kunisch, University of St. Gallen Björn Ambos, University of St. Gallen International Voluntary Certifiable Standards in Emerging Economies: Institutional Void Fillers or Non-Tariff Trade Spatial Consistency and Temporal Persistence in MNEs' Barriers? Repetitive Strategic Resource Allocations Ivan Montiel, Loyola Marymount University Majid Eghbali-Zarch, Memorial University of Petra Christmann, Rutgers University Newfoundland Trevor Zink, Loyola Marymount University Comparison of Corporate Headquarters Influence on Segment Performance Variance between Domestic Firms and MNE Institutional Voids and Performance in Emerging Markets - a Affiliates Configurational Perspective Sarada Devi Gadepalli, Indian Institute of Management Luciano Ciravegna, King's College London Calcutta Esteban Brenes, INCAE Arindam Mondal, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Caleb Pichardo, INCAE Understanding Psychic Distance: A Product of Individual Non-Lienarity of the Environmental Responsiveness Strategy: Is it the Answer?

Demographics or Collective Phenomenon? Sunday Alexander Leinemann, University of St. Gallen Yousef Eiadat, University College Dublin Björn Ambos, University of St. Gallen Alejandro M. Fernández Castro, CESUGA Aidan Kelly, University College Dublin Session 1.5.5 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Political Violence and Greenfield FDI Flowing to the Natural Track: 5 - Geography of IB and Value Chains Room: Sitara Resources Industries of Developing Countries Enrico Pennings, Erasmus University Rotterdam Organization of Activities and Industries Martijn Burger, Erasmus University Rotterdam Chair: Sinead Monaghan, Rutgers Business School Caroline Witte, Erasmus University Rotterdam Elena Ianchovichina, World Bank Export Market Participation: Do Exporters Imitate their Industry Peers? Session 1.5.8 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Dirk Michael Boehe, University of Adelaide Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Yatra Backward Integration of Foreign Sales Activities into Production: An Operational Flexibility Perspective The Impact of Institutional Distance Bjoern Schmeisser, WU Vienna Chair: Xiaohua Yang, University of San Francisco Jan Hendrik Fisch, WU Vienna Inward FDI and Economic Growth: The Effect of Multiple Client Co-Production in the Production Process of Measures of Institutional Distance Offshored Knowledge-Intensive Business Services Sarianna Lundan, University of Bremen Kristin Brandl, University of Reading Fabienne Fortanier, OECD

Tilo Halaszovich, University of Bremen

Export Expansion Speed, Institutional Distance and Performance Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China Ruey-Jer "Bryan" Jean, National Chengchi University Rudolf R. Sinkovics, University of Manchester

Global Networks: Organizations and People 45 Institutional Distance, Social Ties, Trustworthiness and Session 1.5.11 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Performance: Evidence from China Track: 1 - People and Careers Room: Roshni Jieqiong Ma, Saint Louis University John Zhao, Saint Louis University Multicultural Experience, Intercultural Jie Yang, Saint Louis University Competence, and Performance Chair: Karina R. Jensen, NEOMA Business School Insidership within Networks: Bridge over Troubled Water of Foreignness? Megan (Min) Zhang, Ivey Business School Biculturals and Third Culture Kids: Apples and Oranges or Two Peas in a Pod? A Critical Review Session 1.5.9 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Ebru Ipek, Simon Fraser University Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Surya Mila Lazarova, Simon Fraser University Knowledge Management in Alliances The Impact of Multicultural Experiences and Organizational Chair: Nandini Lahiri, Temple University Diversity Climate on Immigrant Work-Related Outcomes: A Model for Future Research Davina Dias, Monash University Knowledge Acquisition in International Strategic Alliances: The Cherrie Zhu, Monash University Role of Knowledge Ambiguity Ramanie Samaratunge, Monash University Mia Hsiao-Wen Ho, Yuzn Ze University Innovating Synergy from Cultural Diversity: Case of French - Brokerage Triad Configurations Across Countries: Effects on Russian MNCs Innovation Impact and Innovation Radicalness Natalia Guseva, National Research University Higher Exequiel Hernandez, University of Pennsylvania School of Economics Sarath Balachandran, University of Pennsylvania Understanding Cultural Singularities of "Indianness" in an Learning and Knowledge Transfer in China-Africa Alliances: A Inter-Cultural Business Setting Social Capital Perspective Ashish Malik, Newcastle Business School Abdoulkadre Ado, Laval University Francis Laleman, Beyond Borders Zhan Su, Laval University A Hierarchy of Cultural Intelligence Antecedents Roseline Wanjiru, Northumbria University Ilan Alon, Rollins College Michele Boulanger, Rollins College Session 1.5.10 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Julie Ann Elston, Oregon State University Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness Room: Royal Club Eleanna Galanaki, Athens University of Economics Boardroom Carlos Martinez de Ibarreta, Universidad Pontificia Emerging Market Acquisitions: Prospects and Comillas Judith Meyers, University of California Pitfalls Marta Muniz-Ferrer, Universidad Pontificia Comillas Sunday Chair: Omer Faruk Genc, Abdullah Gul University Andres Velez-Calle, Universidad EAFIT/Rutgers University Strategic Determinants of Equity Participation of International The Role of Previous Nonwork International Experiences on Acquisitions by Emerging Market Firms the Development of Critical Cross-Cultural Competencies for Young-Ryeol Park, Yonsei University Expatriate Adjustment Philsoo Kim, Yonsei University Ebru Ipek, Simon Fraser University The Evolution of Start-Up R&D Firms: Equity Property-Right Mila Lazarova, Simon Fraser University Shared Mergers and Acquisitions Experiences of International Students in the Australian Higher Ying-Jan Lin, National Taiwan University Education System: An Extreme Groups Comparison Acquisitions in the China Retail Industry Andre Anugerah Pekerti, University of Queensland Jung Ching Lin, National Taiwan University Miriam Moeller, University of Queensland Homin Chen, National Taiwan University Fons van de Vijver, Tilburg University D'Arcy Caskey, Feng Chia University Tyler G Okimoto, University of Queensland How to Select Target Firms in High-Tech Industry: Identifying Value Drivers and Cost Drivers Session 1.5.12 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Tian Wei, Fudan University Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI Room: Dhwani Yuanxu Li, Fudan University Ties, Control, Distance and Diversity: Managing Untangling the Relationship between Target Firm Size and Complexity in MNCs Integration Approaches in International Acquisitions: The Role Chair: Sylvie K. Chetty, University of Otago of Organizational Culture

Tian Wei, Fudan University Youzhen Zhao, Fudan University Institutional Ties Ambidexterity and International Exploration and Exploitation Examining Firm and Host Country Influences on Relative Jie Wu, University of Macau Transaction Size in Service Sector Cross-Border Acquisitions: An Empirical Assessment Livia Markoczy, University of Texas at Dallas Dynah A Basuil, University of Auckland Control in the Multinational Enterprise: The Polycentric Case Deepak K Datta, University of Texas at Arlington of Global Professional Service Firms Mehdi Boussebaa, University of Bath

46 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Where to Locate: The Impact of Local Subsidiary Distance on the Location Choice of Regional Headquarters SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 17:30-19:00 Junichi Yamanoi, Waseda University Tadashi Hayashi, Kyoto Sangyo University Time: 17:30-19:00 Institutional Diversity in International Business: Who Shares? Room: Royal Ballroom Robbert Maseland, University of Groningen WAIB Reception The Missing Link between Awareness and Use of Pro- Internationalization Incentives Miguel Matos Torres, University of Aveiro Current and prospective WAIB members are welcome to L. Jeremy Clegg, University of Leeds attend the reception. A short program and awards Celeste Amorim Varum, University of Aveiro presentation will take place during the reception.

Session 1.5.13 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 ✪ The reception is jointly sponsored by the E. Desmond Lee Track: 4 - Marketing and Social Communities Room: Maya Professorship for Developing Women and Entrepreneurs in International Business, College of Business Administration, Explorations of Culture and Consumers University of Missouri-St. Louis and the Academy of Chair: Pinaki Dasgupta, International Management International Business. Institute

Effects of Outbreaks of Animosity against the West: What can SUNDAY, JUNE 28 - 19:00-22:00 American B52s do for Local Brand Consumption in China? Martin Heinberg, University of Duisburg-Essen Time: 19:00-22:00 The Emerging Anti-Consumer: Emerging Correlates of Anti- AIB Fellows' Dinner Consumption Behavior Duraipandian Israel, XLRI-Xavier School of Management Rajesh Iyer, Bradley University AIB Fellows and invited guests only. The Fellows Dinner will James A. Muncy, Valdosta State University be held at an offsite location. Debasis Pradhan, XLRI-Xavier School of Management Abhisek Kuanr, XLRI-Xavier School of Management Can Country of Consumption Information Counterbalance the Negative COO Effect on Product Evaluation Hsiu Ying Huang, Feng Chia University Yi Fang Chiang, Feng Chia University Sheng-Tsung Hou, Feng Chia University Sunday National Identity in Marketing: An Integrative Framework Sergio W. Carvalho, Dalhousie University Exploring CSR practices of MNEs in Developing Countries Verena Gruber, WU Vienna Bodo Schlegelmilch, WU Vienna Perceived Age and Rokeach Value Rankings among Young Adults: A Comparison between India and the U.S. Charles Wood, University of Tulsa Cole Brown, Indian Professional Research Project Nicholas Wood, Velocity Consulting Bruce Alford, Tech University

Legend for Symbols Used:

Nominee for the Temple/AIB Best Paper Award

Nominee for the Alan Rugman Most Promising Scholar Award (formerly Haynes Prize)

Global Networks: Organizations and People 47 Session 2.1.2 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 MONDAY, JUNE 29 Scholars Meet Practice Session Room: Jamawar Virtual Organizations: Managing Learning and Sharing Knowledge Across Borders MONDAY, JUNE 29 - 8:00-8:45 Chair: Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago

Time: 8:00-8:45 Panelists: 0000000 Fellows Café II Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Abhijit Bhaduri, Wipro Ltd. Virginia Cathro, University of Otago Start the day with a set of small group discussions hosted by Sathya Prasad, Intel an AIB Fellow, focused on an IB topic of current and mutual S. Raghunath, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore interest. Usha Raghunath, Wipro Ltd.

Strategies and Methods for Teaching IB Management in Graduate Business Programs (Room: Maya) José R. de la Torre, Florida International University Session 2.1.3 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Diya Managing Operational Challenges: A Missing Component in Emerging Market Multinationals Studies (Room: Royal Club Managing Global Innovation Networks Boardroom) Chair: T.J. Hannigan, Temple University Seung Ho Park, China Europe International Business School Catch-Up and Connectivity to Global Innovation Systems: A Innovation in Emerging Markets and its Global Diffusion Limited Flying Geese Model? (Room: Dhwani) Ahreum Lee, Temple University Ravi Ramamurti, Northeastern University Eunkyung Park, Aalborg University Future Directions in Research on International Human International Connectivity and Innovation Networks: The Case Resource Management (Room: Roshni) of Chinese Inventors in the Pharmaceutical Industry Rosalie Tung, Simon Fraser University Vittoria Giada Scalera, Politecnico di Milano Alessandra Perri, Ca' Foscari University Venice Ram Mudambi, Temple University MONDAY, JUNE 29 - 9:00-10:15 Managing Innovation Networks: A Multiplex Analysis of the Global Wind Power Industry Snehal Suyash Awate, Indian School of Business Session 2.1.1 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School Special Session Room: Grand Ballroom General Purpose Technologies (GPTs) and the The MNE-INV Interface: Future Directions Internationalization of Corporate Innovations - A Cross- Chair: Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham University Country Analysis Business School China John Cantwell, Rutgers University Discussants: Peter Buckley, University of Leeds and Ranfeng Qiu, California State University, San Bernardino Becky Reuber, University of Toronto Session 2.1.4 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Panelists: Track: 14 - Research Methodology in IB (Special Track) Room: Kamal Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham University Business School China Creating and Publishing High-Quality Research Erkko Autio, Imperial College on Women and Gender (WAIB Special Session) Monday Chairs: Amanda Bullough, University of Delaware and Suresh Bhagavatula, Indian Institute of Management Tugba Kalafatoglu, ESADE Business School Bangalore Discussant: Joan P. Mileski, Texas A&M University at Peter Buckley, University of Leeds Galveston Gary Knight, Willamette University

Rishikesha Krishnan, Indian Institute of Management K Kumar, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Panelists: Becky Reuber, University of Toronto Amanda Bullough, University of Delaware Ivo Zander, Uppsala University Tugba Kalafatoglu, ESADE Business School Rosalie Tung, Simon Fraser University William Newburry, Florida International University Patricia P. McDougall-Covin, Indiana University- Bloomington Nakiye Avdan Boyacigiller, Sabanci University Fiona Moore, Royal Holloway, University of London Joan P. Mileski, Texas A&M University at Galveston

48 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Session 2.1.5 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Are Emerging Countries Catching Up? The Spatial Geography Track: 11 - Corporate Governance in IB Room: Sitara of Knowledge-Intensive Activities in Global Production of Manufactures Being Innovative and Being Conscientious: Marcel P. Timmer, University of Groningen What matters? Gaaitzen J. de Vries, University of Groningen Chair: Ruth Aguilera, Northeastern University Debt to Traders! On Borrowing Heterogeneity and the Exporting Activity of Indian Firms How Do National Corporate Governance Institutions Affect Sumit Majumdar, University of Texas at Dallas Slack-Based Innovation Effort in Firms? Sushanta Mallick, Queen Mary University of London Paul Martin Vaaler, University of Minnesota Joel Malen, Hitosubashi University Institute of Innovation Session 2.1.8 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Research Track: 4 - Marketing and Social Communities Room: Yatra What Determines MNEs' Environmental R&D? Hyoju Jeong, Korea University Business and Industrial Marketing Challenges Jon Jungbien Moon, Korea University Chair: Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University

Jiyoung Shin, Korea University A Demand-Strategy Fit Model Based on Industrial Which "Green" is Better? An Empirical Study of the Impact of Characteristics: Modernization, Consumption Convergence Green Activities on Firm Performance and Glocal Strategy Chin-jung Luan, National Dong Hwa University Lydia Qianqian Li, Shanghai University Chengli Tien, National Taiwan Normal University Qiuzhi Xue, Fudan University Wei-Lun Chen, National Dong Hwa University Juan Shan, Shanghai University Are We There Yet? Corporate Social Performance around the Impact of Marketing Expertise Spillover on Performance of World Pre- And Post- The Global Financial Crisis Domestic Firms and MNEs Jeremy Galbreath, Curtin Graduate School of Business Qiang (Steven) Lu, University of Sydney Mariano Heyden, Newcastle Business School, Australia Chinmay Pattnaik, University of Sydney Trond Randøy, University of Agder Mengze Shi, University of Toronto

Session 2.1.6 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Export-Specific Investments, Competitive Advantage, and Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI Room: Nithya Performance: The Moderating Effect of Domestic Conditions In An Emerging Economy Managing Distance in the Global Firm Vi Dung Ngo, Vietnam National University Chair: Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne Frank Janssen, Université Catholique de Louvain Leonidas C. Leonidou, University of Cyprus The Role of Institutional Distance in FDI Decisions: A Paul Christodoulides, Cyprus University of Technology Polycentric Perspective Stewart R. Miller, University of Texas-San Antonio Session 2.1.9 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Kai Xu, Texas A&M University Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Surya Michael A. Hitt, Texas A&M University Institutional Distance as a Source of Arbitrage and Learning: Institutions and IB Chair: Marcelo F Cano-Kollmann, Temple University The Case of Ownership Decision in Foreign Acquisitions

Ajai Gaur, Rutgers University Shavin Malhotra, Ryerson University Status and Dynamics of Host-Country Institutional Quality and PengCheng Zhu, University of San Diego The Internationalization Speed of Foreign Firms in Emerging Markets MNE Dynamics, Distance, and the Role of Space and Place in Moritz Putzhammer, WU Vienna the Organization of its Locations Jonas Puck, WU Vienna Majid Eghbali-Zarch, Memorial University of Thomas Lindner, WU Vienna Newfoundland The Moderating Effect of Industry Concentration on the Monday Reconceptualizing the Global Factory: An Asymmetrical Relation between Institutions and Firm Performance Network Perspective David Kallas, Insper Institute of Education and Research Liena Kano, University of Calgary Rodrigo Bandeira-de-Mello, FGV-EAESP Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary Wlamir Xavier, Eastern New Mexico University and UNISUL Session 2.1.7 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Carlos Afonso Caldeira, Insper Institute of Education and Track: 13 - Economics, Finance and Accounting Room: Nidhi Research/Getulio Vargas Foudation Foreign Production, Trade, and Finance Understanding Language in Service FDI vs. Manufacturing Chair: Susan Feinberg, Temple University FDI Palitha Konara, University of Huddersfield Vertical Product Differentiation and Exchange Rate Pass- Yingqi Wei, University of Leeds Through: Evidence from Trade between China and Japan Same but Different? Governance Modes for Practice Transfer Dongmei Hu, Shenzhen University; The George and their Implications for Host Institutional Dynamics Washington University Johann Fortwengel, Free University Berlin Jiawen Yang, George Washington University

Zunxin Zheng, Shenzhen University

Global Networks: Organizations and People 49 Session 2.1.10 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 From a Township Village Enterprise to a Multinational Track: 5 - Geography of IB and Value Chains Room: Royal Club Corporation: Tracking the Journey of Strategic Changes of a Boardroom Non-State-Owned Chinese Firm Lei Li, Nottingham University Business School China Clustering and Locational Factors Wendy Ye, Nottingham University Business School China Chair: Jessica Rae Salmon, Rutgers University Yao Zheng, Nottingham University Business School China Internationalisation Processes and Local Resources System. Capability Building of Developing Country MNEs: the Chinese Evidence from Manufacturing Multinational Companies Experience Mariachiara Barzotto, Ca' Foscari University Venice Huaichuan Rui, Royal Holloway, University of London Giancarlo Coro', Ca' Foscari University Venice Mario Volpe, Ca' Foscari University Venice Session 2.1.12 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness Room: Dhwani A Beer Index for International Food Security? A Stochastic Actor-Based Modelling of Network Evolutions Organizing for Success in MNC Settings Tiffany S.W. Tsui, Erasmus University Rotterdam Chair: Rida Elias, American University of Beirut Ronald Sean Wall, Erasmus University Rotterdam The Spatial Expansion Patterns of Domestic and International Language and Cross-Border Acquisitions: An Exploratory Acquiring Firms: Evidence from the Indian Chemical Study Manufacturing Sector Rama Krishna Reddy, University of Memphis Abhirup Chakrabarti, Queen's School of Business Ben Kedia, Univerity of Memphis Amit Baran Chakrabarti, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta National Identities and Acquisition Premia in Global M&A's Sougata Ray, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Eugene C. Pyun, Seoul National University Sung Hun Chung, Seoul National University Foreign Location Choice: Review and Extensions Theresa S. Cho, Seoul National University Jin Uk Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Geographical Portfolio Analysis: Opening the Black Box of Does R&D Internationalization Affect Locational Risk inside Multinational Corporations Specialization? Jane Qiu, University of New South Wales Yuanyuan Li, Rutgers Business School Subsidiary Proactive Initiative Behavior: How the Tapping Eastern Direction: Spatial Organisation of the Beer Organizational Context Shapes Subsidiary Managers' Industry Offshore Centres in Central and Eastern Europe Pavlina Jasovska, University of South Australia Reactions to Headquarters Activities Benoit Decreton, WU Vienna

Phillip Nell, WU Vienna

Diego Stea, Copenhagen Business School Session 2.1.11 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Roshni Attention Dissonance in Emerging Market Subsidiaries and Its Effects on Communication in Multinational Corporations Competitive Strategies Rian Drogendijk, University of Groningen Chair: Somnath Lahiri, Illinois State University Hammad ul Haq, Uppsala University Desiree Blankenburg Holm, Uppsala University How do Manufacturers and Customers Come to Sensitize Why do Firms Engage in CSR Internationally? Servitization in the International B2B Context? Kiran Awate, Ohio State University Chih-An Lin, National Taiwan University Anil Makhija, Ohio State University Homin Chen, National Taiwan University Mona Makhija, Ohio State University Latecomers' Growth Strategy: The ABCD Framework and Its Application to Samsung Electronics Hwy-Chang Moon, Seoul National University MONDAY, JUNE 29 - 10:15-10:45 Monday Wenyan Yin, Seoul National University Sohyun Yim, Seoul National University Time: 10:15-10:45 Room: Royal Ballroom Beyond Coopetition: Is There What To Toast In The Institutional Environment? Coffee Break Jefferson Marlon Monticelli, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos Silvio Luís de Vasconcellos, Universidade do Vale do Rio Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at dos Sinos the Grand Ballroom and Royal Ballroom Foyers. Ivan Lapuente Garrido, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos ✪ This coffee break is sponsored by Bryant University in Cyntia Calixto, Fundação Getúlio Vargas honor of the winner of the Best Paper Award in Emerging The Coevolution of Pro-Market Reforms and Emerging Market Economies Research. The award presentation will take place Multinationals at the Royal Ballroom Foyer during the coffee break. Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University

50 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Session 2.2.4 - Panel Time: 10:45-12:00 MONDAY, JUNE 29 - 10:45-12:00 Special Session Room: Kamal

Session 2.2.1 - Special Session Time: 10:45-12:00 Middle East North Africa: Facts, Special Session Room: Grand Ballroom Misconceptions and Opportunities for International Business Research AIB Fellows Eminent Scholar Award Session Chair: Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, University of Chair: Paul W. Beamish, Western University Wollongong in Dubai Discussants: Nakiye Avdan Boyacigiller, Sabanci University and Victor Zengyu Huang, Zayed IT & IB: Institutional Theory and International Business University (Keynote by 2015 AIB Fellows Eminent Scholar Award Recipient) Panelists: W. Richard Scott, Stanford University Nakiye Avdan Boyacigiller, Sabanci University Commentators: Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, University of Yves Doz, INSEAD Wollongong in Dubai Arie Lewin, Duke University Victor Zengyu Huang, Zayed University Adrienne A. Isakovic, Walden University Christian Tabi Amponsah, Skyline University Session 2.2.2 - Panel Time: 10:45-12:00 Doren Chadee, Deakin University Scholars Meet Practice Session Room: Jamawar Ahmed A. Alshumaimeri, King Saud University Alice de Jonge, Monash University Managing Digital Transformation in a Global Ian Michael, Zayed University Context Chair: Siva Viswanathan, University of Maryland Session 2.2.5 - Panel Time: 10:45-12:00 Discussant: Sandeep Karamongikar, Infosys Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Sitara Technologies 0000000 AIB-CEE Chapter Panel: Challenges for Panelists: International Business in Central and Eastern Siva Viswanathan, University of Maryland Europe Sanjeev Vohra, Accenture Digital Chair: Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Economics Aditya Menon, Citibank Discussant: Piotr Trapczynski, Poznan University of K. Suryaprakash, Infosys Economics

Panelists: Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Economics Session 2.2.3 - Panel Time: 10:45-12:00 Marin Alexandrov Marinov, Aalborg University Track: 1 - People and Careers Room: Diya Piotr Trapczynski, Poznan University of Economics The Micro-Foundations of Distance in IB Svetla Trifonova Marinova, Aalborg University Research: Bringing Social Psychology into the Andrei Panibratov, St. Petersburg University Picture Michael Zdziarski, University of Warsaw Chair: Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne Session 2.2.6 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI Room: Nithya Panelists: Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne Looking Beyond the Traditional: SMEs and Daniel Baack, University of Denver Service Firms in IB Björn Ambos, University of St. Gallen Chair: Kristin Brandl, University of Reading Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University Monday Andre Anugerah Pekerti, University of Queensland Family Control, Niche Strategies, and European SME Internationalization Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University; University of Pavia; Singapore Management University Antonio Majocchi, University of Pavia Emanuele Forlani, University of Pavia Intra- and Inter-Regional Expansion of Services MNEs: Interdependencies and Contingencies in Internationalization Trajectories Oksana Grebinevych, EMLYON

Foreign Expansion of Professional Services Firms: A Behavioral Perspective Eunjung Hyun, Hitotsubashi University Brian Kim, Yonsei University Kai-Yu Hsieh, Waseda University

Global Networks: Organizations and People 51 Session 2.2.7 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Organizational Aspirations and Violations of a Social Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Nidhi Standard's Minimum Requirements in the Emerging Economies' Clothing Industry Knowledge Sourcing and Transfer Marc Mueller, University of St. Gallen Chair: Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University Joerg Stefan Hofstetter, University of St. Gallen Anthony Goerzen, Queen's University

Feasibility, Recipient Ownership and Knowledge Transfer Strategy: A Case of Chinese MNCs in Africa Session 2.2.10 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Huaichuan Rui, Royal Holloway, University of London Track: 11 - Corporate Governance in IB Room: Royal Club Boardroom Miao Zhang, Kingston University Shareholder Protection Around the World: New Overcoming the Liability of Localness In Innovation Challenges, New Solutions? C. Annique Un, Northeastern University Chair: Zahid Riaz, Lahore School of Economics The Effects of Privatization on the Characteristics of Innovation Organizational Distress in an Emerging Market: The Role of Marcelo F Cano-Kollmann, Temple University Corporate Governance & Shareholder Expropriation in Yirlier Hyacinthe Some, Universite de Sherbrooke Chinese Companies Jean-Claude Cosset, HEC Montréal Daniel Han Ming Chng, CEIBS Qing Ye, China Europe International Business School Session 2.2.8 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Towards a Global View of Agency Theory: Bringing Principal- Track: 3 - HRM and Organizational Behavior Room: Yatra Agent and Principal-Principal Perspectives Together Kshitij Awasthi, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore International Staffing and Retention Challenges Chair: Anju Mehta, University of Northern Iowa Family-Owned Firms between Agency Conflicts and Stewardship: Corporate Governance Factors Driving Firm Performance Above and Beyond: Retention of Self-Initiated Expatriates Sajal Kabiraj, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics Dilek Gulistan Yunlu, Northeastern Illinois University Agency Theory and Corporate Governance in China: A Meta- Hong Ren, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Analysis Margaret Shaffer, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Canan Mutlu, University of Texas at Dallas Katy Fodchuk, Advanced Partnerships Marc Van Essen, University of South Carolina International Employee Identity Structure and Context, and Mike Peng, University of Texas at Dallas Impact on Turnover Intent Sabrina Saleh, University of South Carolina Zhi Wang, Manchester Metropolitan University Influence of Board Independence and Type of Concentrated Xiaoqian Yie, Wuhan University Ownership on CEO Compensation in India Stuart Horsburgh, Manchester Metropolitan University Bala N Balasubramanian, IIM Ahmedabad The Impact of MNE Headquarter's Control and Local HR's Samir K Barua, IIM Ahmedabad Knowledge Search on Subsidiary Employee Turnover: Karthik D, IIM Ahmedabad Evidence from MNEs Operating in China Katsuhiko Yoshikawa, London School of Economics and Debt Maturity and Ownership Structure: The Distinctive Political Science Effects Of Shareholder Protection and Creditor Rights Paulo Renato Soares Terra, EAESP-FGV Hyun-Jung Lee, London School of Economics and Political Science Henrique Castro Martins, UFRGS Eduardo Schiehll, HEC Montréal Managing Multiple Embeddedness and Global Staffing Policy: A Multilevel Investigation of Korean MNEs Jongmin Lee, University of Reading Session 2.2.11 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Roshni Session 2.2.9 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Monday Internationalization Process Track: 5 - Geography of IB and Value Chains Room: Surya Chair: Soma Arora, Institute of Management Technology

Governance of Global Value Chains Chair: Carine Peeters, Vlerick Business School The Relationship between International Expansion and Performance in Multilatinas Andres Velez-Calle, Universidad EAFIT/Rutgers Identifying Industrial Complexes in Mexico: Implications for University Regional Industrial Policy Fernando Sanchez-Henriquez, Rutgers University Amado Villarreal Gonzalez, Tecnolo´gico de Monterrey Generic Internationalization Strategies of Emerging Market Elizabeth Mack, Michigan State University Multinationals: The Case of China Miguel Flores, Tecnolo´gico de Monterrey Kun Tan, Minjiang University Ecologically Embedding Global Production Networks: The Emerging Market Multinationals' R&D Intensity and "Northern" Cases of Salmon Aquaculture and Palm Oil Acquisitions Christopher R. Whynacht, University of Massachusetts Rajeev Sawant, Baruch College, CUNY Boston Barclay Edward James, Universidad San Francisco de Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston School of Business

52 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Chinese and Indian Acquisitions in Germany: Does Experiential Learning Matter? MONDAY, JUNE 29 - 12:00-13:00 Simona Gentile-Luedecke, Bremen University Sarianna Lundan, University of Bremen Time: 12:00-13:00 Acquisition Propensity of Emerging Market Firms: When Does Room: Royal Ballroom Foreign Institutional Ownership Influence Firm Strategy? Ram Ranganathan, University of Texas - Austin Lunch Anindya Ghosh, IESE Harbir Singh, University of Pennsylvania Lunch will be provided for conference participants at the Leela Which Countries are Emerging Economies? Evidence from Palace Grand and Royal Ballroom Foyers. the Heterogeneity of MNEs' Cross-Border Strategies Megan (Min) Zhang, Ivey Business School The Influence of Liabilities of Origin on EMNE Cross-border Time: 12:00-13:00 Acquisition Completion Room: Sitara Shobhana Madhavan, Amrita School of Business Deepak Gupta, Amrita School of Business AIB Fellows' Business Meeting

Session 2.2.12 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 AIB Fellows only. Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Room: Dhwani Comparative IE Research: Institutions and International Entrepreneurship Time: 12:00-13:00 Chair: Peter W. Liesch, University of Queensland Room: Diya

AIB Research Methods Special Interest Group Moderating Effect of Formal Institutions on Individual Planning Session Resource Commitment to Social Enterprise Entry Sreevas Sahasranamam, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode An inaugural meeting for the first Special Interest Group (SIG) Nandakumar Mankavil Kovil Veettil, University of Salford to be formed underneath the AIB structure. All scholars interested in research methods in international business are Internationalisation of Technology-Based Firms from invited to attend. Emerging Markets: Evidence from Brazilian High-Tech New Ventures Fernanda Ribeiro Cahen, University Center of FEI Moacir Miranda Oliveira, University of São Paulo Felipe Borini, ESPM MONDAY, JUNE 29 - 13:00-14:15 The Impact of National Culture on Firm Founder's Social Capital Formation Session 2.3.1 - Special Session Time: 13:00-14:15 Anastasia Veronica Bailey, Ohio State University Special Session Room: Grand Ballroom Linking Sub-National Institutions, International Entrepreneurial Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Capability, and International Performance of Export-Focused Dissertation Award Presentations SMEs in Emerging Markets Chair: Anupama Phene, George Washington University Man Zhang, Bowling Green State University

Qian Gao, Anhui University Hyuksoo Cho, Chungnam National University Presentations by the 2015 Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award Finalists. The finalists are listed Factor Market Imperfections and Pre-Entry Experience: alphabetically. Employee Spinoffs in the Bangladesh Garment Industry Romel Mostafa, Ivey Business School Monday Why do Regional Headquarters Live and Die? (Ph.D. Awarded The Implications of Institutional Forces and Network by Aalto University) Competence on Internationalization Outcomes Among SMEs Perttu Kähäri, Aalto University Lasse Torkkeli, Lappeenranta University of Technology Olli Kuivalainen, Lappeenranta University of Technology Should Birds of a Feather Flock Together? Trade-Off of Sami Saarenketo, Lappeenranta University of Technology Agglomeration by Nationality in Foreign Markets (Ph.D. Awarded by University of Michigan) SME Decision-Making on Internationalization: A Critical Heeyon Kim, National University of Singapore Review and Research Agenda Linda Hsiu-Yun Hsieh, University of Birmingham Property Rights Theory and the Ownership of Firm-Specific Said Elbanna, Qatar University Advantages: The Implications of Contracting and Licensing within the Multinational Firm (Ph.D. Awarded by Rutgers John Child, University of Birmingham University) The Internationalisation of Location-Bound Service SMEs Catherine Magelssen, London Business School Niina Nummela, University of Turku Global Subunit Specialization: An Organizational Perspective Helena Turunen, HAMK University of Applied Sciences (Ph.D. Awarded by McGill University) Carlos Adrian Rodriguez, INCAE

Global Networks: Organizations and People 53 Essays on the Relationship Between Host Market Corruption Session 2.3.5 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 and Multinational Enterprise Strategy (Ph.D. Awarded by Special Session Room: Sitara Western University) Michael A. Sartor, Queen's School of Business Alan Rugman’s Contributions to IB Chair: Paul W. Beamish, Western University ✪ The Peter J. Buckley and Mark Casson AIB Dissertation Award is being sponsored by Henley Business School, Panelists: University of Reading and the Centre for International Paul W. Beamish, Western University Business, University of Leeds (CIBUL). Paul Martin Vaaler, University of Minnesota Ruth Aguilera, Northeastern University Session 2.3.2 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Jonas Puck, WU Vienna Special Session Room: Jamawar Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds

Organizing for Global Innovation Session 2.3.6 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Chair: Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness Room: Nithya

The Role of Firm-Specific Assets and Panelists: Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD Organizational Capabilities in the Context of Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Multinationality-Performance Relationship: Yves Doz, INSEAD Critical Insights Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University Chair: Sumit Kumar Kundu, Florida International University Phanish Puranam, INSEAD

Session 2.3.3 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Panelists: Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Diya Ahmet Kirca, Michigan State University Sumit Kumar Kundu, Florida International University UNCTAD-WAIB Panel on MNCs, Gender Farok J. Contractor, Rutgers Business School Equality and Development Jean-Francois Hennart, Tilburg University; University of Chairs: Hafiz Mirza, UNCTAD and Gabriele Suder, Pavia; Singapore Management University University of Melbourne Lei Li, Nottingham University Business School China Discussant: Janet Murray, University of Missouri-St. Louis

Session 2.3.7 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Panelists: Axèle Giroud, UNCTAD Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Nidhi Gabriele Suder, University of Melbourne Institutional Theory and Emerging Markets Priyanka Sudarshan, WIPRO Limited Chair: Wlamir Xavier, Eastern New Mexico University and Premila Nazareth, UNCTAD UNISUL Sarianna Lundan, University of Bremen Janet Murray, University of Missouri-St. Louis Curvilinear Effect of Managerial Learning on New Product Innovativeness in an Emerging Economy: The Moderating Session 2.3.4 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Role of Multilevel Institutional Support Track: 4 - Marketing and Social Communities Room: Kamal Xiaoyun Chen, University of Macau Lin Yuan, University of Macau Brands and Branding in International Markets Chair: Brian R. Chabowski, University of Tulsa Does the Quality of Institutions and the Regulatory Bodies Influence Deal Duration in M&As? International Spinoff Effects of League Sponsorship Yingdan Cai, University of Groningen

Monday Merel Walraven, Fontys University of Applied Sciences Hans van Ees, University of Groningen Tammo H.A. Bijmolt, University of Groningen Kees van Veen, University of Groningen Ruud H. Koning, University of Groningen Sathyajit Gubbi, University of Groningen Do Brands have Nationalities? Investigation of Consumers' The Strength Of Institutional Theory: EMS Adoption Categorization of Foreign Brand Origins Yousef Eiadat, University College Dublin Abraham Koshy, Indian Institute of Management Alejandro M. Fernández Castro, CESUGA Ahmedabad Aidan Kelly, University College Dublin Harsh Dadhich, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Investment Liberalisation, Technology Take-Off and Export Markets Entry: Does Foreign Ownership Structure Matter? Marketing Mix Drivers of Brand Equity: Differences between Yundan Gong, Aston University Foreign and Domestic FMCG Brands in China Sourafel Girma, Nottingham University Martin Heinberg, University of Duisburg-Essen Holger Görg, Kiel Institute for the World Economy; Markus Taube, University of Duisburg-Essen University of Kiel; University of Aarhus Sandra Lancheros, University of Nottingham

54 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Session 2.3.8 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Cultural Determinants of Alliance Management Capability - An Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Room: Yatra Analysis of Japanese TNCs in India Sumati Varma, Sri Aurobindo College (Eve), Delhi Institutions and Entrepreneurship in Different University Country Contexts Kalpana Narain, Director, Full Spectrum Consulting Chair: Manjula S. Salimath, University of North Texas Richa Awasthy, International Management Institute Rishika Nayyar, PGDAV College, Delhi University Effects of Societal-level Performance Orientation, Self- Dynamic Alliance Formation and Maintenance: A Structural expression, and Social Desirability on Entrepreneurs Early- Stability Perspective Stage Internationalization Kuen-Shiou Yang, Asia University Etayankara Muralidharan, MacEwan University Enjoy Swimming with Sharks: The Alliance Strategy of Saurav Pathak, Michigan Technological University Japanese Small-And Medium-Sized Trading Companies André Laplume, Michigan Technological University Tianyou Hu, National University of Singapore Effect of Institutional Voids on Entrepreneurial Opportunity Andrew Delios, National University of Singapore Susan L Young, Seton Hall University Do Similar or Complementary Competitors form More Christopher Welter, Xavier University Alliances? Competitive Dynamics among Semiconductor Michael Conger, Miami University Leaders Sonya H. Wen, Tamkang University The Impact of Private Equity on Executive Salary and Compensation Packages in Emerging Economy IPO Firms Pursuing the Stretch Goals of Low Opportunism and High Bruce Allen Hearn, University of Sussex Adaptation in Interorganizational Relationships Pei-Li Yu, National Cheng Kung University SMEs' Exports: Exploring the Soft Side of Capital Stephanie Elisabeth Mansion, Justus Liebig University Learning to Contract in Repeated Inter-Organizational Giessen Exchanges: What and How Andreas Bausch, Justus Liebig University Giessen Cheng-Min Chuang, National Taiwan University & Overseas Chinese University Chih-Chuan Yeh, National Taiwan University Session 2.3.9 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 1 - People and Careers Room: Surya Globalization and the Appointment of Internationally Oriented CEOs The Role of Culture in Intercultural Interaction Yannick Thams, Suffolk University and Work Behavior Aya Chacar, Florida International University Chair: Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne Margarethe Wiersema, University of California, Irvine

What Difference Does It Make? Ignoring Complexity in Session 2.3.11 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 National Culture: The Case of Taiwan Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Roshni Fiona Moore, Royal Holloway, University of London Knowledge Sharing and Transfer within "I Just Don't Feel Comfortable Speaking English": The Multinational Companies Language Barrier through the Lens of Foreign Language Chair: T.J. Hannigan, Temple University Anxiety Nathalie Aichhorn, WU Vienna Cultural Values and Managers' Hiring Decision in Twenty-Four How does the Promotion of Knowledge Sharing Work within Countries: Does Societal Culture Matter? and across MNC's Business Units? Ji Li, Hong Kong Baptist University Angels Dasi, University of Valencia Tao Liu, Southwest University Frank Elter, Telenor Research Yang Yu, Hong Kong Baptist University Paul N. Gooderham, Norwegian School of Economics Jieying Xu, Hong Kong Baptist University Jarle Hildrum, Telenor Research Arif Mahmood, Hong Kong Baptist University Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University Monday Wanxing Jiang, Hong Kong Baptist University How Healthy Intra-Firm Competition Shapes Knowledge Sharing Dynamics Session 2.3.10 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Barbara Brenner, Danube University Krems Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness Room: Royal Club Shalini Rogbeer, European Business School Boardroom Animal Farm -- On the Diffusion of Technological Capabilities and the Theory of the MNC Making Global Partnerships Work Katarina Blomkvist, Uppsala University Chair: Anoop Madhok, York University Philip Kappen, CBS Ivo Zander, Uppsala University Differentiated Impacts of Perceived Justice on Inter- Intangibles Trade and MNCs Organizational Contracting: The Role of Contract Complexity Francisco A Moris, George Washington University and Trust Cheng-Min Chuang, National Taiwan University & Parents' Knowledge and Patterns of Affiliate's Knowledge Overseas Chinese University Sourcing in Host Country Chih-Fang Chiu, National Taiwan University Se Ho Cho, Rutgers Business School Hyun Gon Kim, Rutgers Business School

Global Networks: Organizations and People 55 Aligning International Transfer Assignments with Service Determinants of Internationalization by New Ventures in India Offshoring Strategies Abrar Ali Mohammad Usman Saiyed, Indian Institute of Carine Peeters, Vlerick Business School Management Florence Duvivier, Universite libre de Bruxelles Rakesh Basant, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Session 2.3.12 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Karthik D, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Dhwani Trials of International Entrepreneurship: Overcoming Liabilities of Smallness, Newness and Origin in Emerging Market SMEs Economic Growth / Performance Maria-Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad EAFIT Chair: K. S. Momaya, Indian Institute of Technology Eva Cristina Manotas, Universidad Nacional Bombay Slack Resources and the Emergence of Early Internationalizing Firms Impact of Tourism on the Environment and Economic Growth: Hadi Fariborzi, University of Calgary Evidence from a Panel of Sub-Saharan Africa Tantatape Brahmasrene, Purdue University North Central Jung Wan Lee, Boston University MONDAY, JUNE 29 - 14:15-14:30 Twenty Years after TRIPs: A Transitory and Post-TRIPs Impact of Technology Resources on Export Performance of Time: 14:15-14:30 Indian Pharmaceutical Industry Satyanarayana Rentala, Pondicherry University Break Sreevas Sahasranamam, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Short break to facilitate transition between sessions. No Explaining Foreign Affiliate Performance of Emerging refreshment service will be provided. Multinationals: The Effects of Firm Resources and Institutional Distance Piotr Trapczynski, Poznan University of Economics Marian Gorynia, Poznan University of Economics MONDAY, JUNE 29 - 14:30-15:45

Creating Shared Value through Impact Sourcing: A Process View Session 2.4.1 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Chacko George Kannothra, University of Massachusetts Track: 5 - Geography of IB and Value Chains Room: Grand Ballroom Boston The Geography of International Business and "Emerging" Through Foreign INVESTMENT: Investment Global Value Chains Development Path Estimation of "MINT" Economies Chair: Mark Lorenzen, Copenhagen Business School Emine Beyza Satoglu, Rutgers University The Landscape of Export Promotion Institutions in the South- Panelists: South Trade T.J. Hannigan, Temple University Sivakumar Venkataramany, Ashland University Mark Lorenzen, Copenhagen Business School Balbir Bhasin, University of Arkansas at Fort Smith Anders Oerding Olsen, Copenhagen Business School Sustainable Waste Management in a Frontier Country: The Michael Storper, UCLA Case of Cote d'Ivoire Snehal Suyash Awate, Indian School of Business Ulf Henning Richter, Nottingham University Business School China Session 2.4.2 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI Room: Jamawar Session 2.3.13 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Room: Maya Managing Liabilities of Foreignness and Emerging Market Perspectives to International Origins Monday Chair: Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University Entrepreneurship Chair: K. Indu Rao, University of Twente Imitative Behaviour and the Influence of Foreign MNEs on Local Firms' Environmental Innovation Internationalization of New Technology-Based Firms: Analysis Yoo Jung Ha, University of York of Managerial Perceptions of Barriers Fernanda Ribeiro Cahen, University Center of FEI Liability of Regional Foreignness and Geographic Scope: An Somnath Lahiri, Illinois State University Empirical Assessment Felipe Borini, ESPM Jin Uk Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Ki Bum Noh, Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI) Strategic Paths of Born Globals: A Study of Indian IT firms Karthik D, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Overcoming Locational Disadvantage: Identity Work and Rajesh Upadhyayula, Indian Institute of Management Category Manoeuvring by Emerging Economy Multinationals Kozhikode Anirvan Pant, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Rakesh Basant, Indian Institute of Management J Ramachandran, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Bangalore

56 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Session 2.4.3 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Session 2.4.5 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Diya Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Sitara Networks, Technology and Entry Economic Inequality and International Chair: Vittoria Giada Scalera, Politecnico di Milano Business Chair: Thomas Andre, Ecole Polytechnique Institutional Complexity and Organizational Response via Technological Boundary Spanning Panelists: Jie Wu, University of Macau Ivan Montiel, Loyola Marymount University Seung Ho Park, China Europe International Business Thomas Andre, Ecole Polytechnique School Raquel Antolin-Lopez, University of Almeria Shuaihe Zhuo, University of Macau Hari Bapuji, University of Manitoba Entry Mode, Networks, and Reforms Ahreum Lee, Temple University Luis Alfonso Dau, Northeastern University Nathaniel Curtis Lupton, Fordham University Technology Catch up in Emerging Economies: Emerging Etayankara Muralidharan, MacEwan University versus Mature Technologies Shantala Samant, Virginia Tech University Session 2.4.6 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Donald Hatfield, Virginia Tech University Track: 13 - Economics, Finance and Accounting Room: Nithya Pooja Thakur Wernz, Virginia Tech University Multinationals and Financial Markets The Role of Network Embeddedness and Organizational Chair: Sumit Majumdar, University of Texas at Dallas Learning in Subsidiary Development Ming Pu, Harbin University of Science and Technology Pek-Hooi Soh, Simon Fraser University A Comparative Analysis of Stock Market Development: The Kexin Bi, Harbin University of Science and Technology Impact of Formal and Informal Institutions Robert Lindorfer, WU Vienna Anne d'Arcy, WU Vienna Igor Filatotchev, WU Vienna Session 2.4.4 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 11 - Corporate Governance in IB Room: Kamal Financial Constraints and Firm Export in Latin American Countries Being Accountable, Being Transparent, and Jagadish Dandu, Zayed University Creating Value Maria Barulina, University of Texas at El Paso Chair: Paul Martin Vaaler, University of Minnesota Barkat Ullah, Rhode Island College Zuobao Wei, University of Texas at El Paso A Comparative Analysis of Disclosure Practices between International Diversification of Public Defined Benefit Pension Foreign Multinational Corporations and Australian Domestic Plans: Influence of Plan and State Characteristics Firms Raj Aggarwal, University of Akron Zahid Riaz, Lahore School of Economics John W. Goodell, University of Akron Sangeeta Ray, University of Sydney Pradeep Kanta Ray, University of New South Wales Session 2.4.7 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Corporate Responsibility as Institutional Mirrors or Track: 3 - HRM and Organizational Behavior Room: Nidhi Substitutes? A Study of Four European Union Countries Marjo Siltaoja, University of Jyväskylä Crossing Cultures Chair: Abraham Stefanidis, St. John's University Carolyn P. Egri, Simon Fraser University Olivier Furrer, University of Fribourg Mika Haapanen, University of Jyväskylä Cultural Propensities and Ethically Questionable Negotiation Knud Sinding, University of Southern Denmark Tactics: A Four Country Analysis Ruth Alas, Estonian Business School Abraham Stefanidis, St. John's University Monday Moshe Banai, City University of New York From Responsibility to Opportunity: Reorienting Samsung's Ursula Schinzel, United Business Institutes Social Responsibility through Creating Shared Value Hwy-Chang Moon, Seoul National University Ahmet Erkus, Bahcesehir University Yeon Lee, Seoul National University The Moderating Effects of Transformational and Transactional Jimmyn Parc, Sciences Po Paris Leadership Styles on Commitment and Satisfaction across Countries Corporate Social Engagement at the Base of the Pyramid: Youngsam Cho, Korea University Microfinance and Entrepreneurship Mannsoo Shin, Korea University Jasjit Singh, INSEAD Pushan Dutt, INSEAD Exploring Modes of Leadership Adjustment in a Cross-Cultural Context Chin-Ju Tsai, Royal Holloway, University of London Chris Carr, University of Edinburgh Sasiya Supprakit, Deloittte UK Kun Qiao, Dalian University of Technology

Global Networks: Organizations and People 57 Exploring Cross-Cultural Skills for Expatriate Managers from Session 2.4.10 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Chinese Multinationals: Congruence and Contextualization Track: 3 - HRM and Organizational Behavior Room: Royal Club Dan Wang, Monash University Boardroom Di Fan, Deakin University Susan Freeman, University of Adelaide Leading the International Enterprise Cherrie Zhu, Monash University Chair: Anna Katharina Hildisch, University of Goettingen

Session 2.4.8 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Success of Single Founders in Entrepreneurial Firms from the Track: 4 - Marketing and Social Communities Room: Yatra Emerging Economy of China: The Perspective of Tertius Iungens Orientation Theory Development in International Marketing Liqun Wei, Hong Kong Baptist University Chair: Brian R. Chabowski, University of Tulsa Xi Zou, London Business School Junbang Lan, Hong Kong Baptist University The Interdisciplinarity of Cross-National Research Leadership Development Practices as Drivers of Attitudinal Brian R. Chabowski, University of Tulsa Outcomes Saeed Samiee, University of Tulsa Violetta Khoreva, Hanken School of Economics G. Tomas M. Hult, Michigan State University Dmitri Melkumov, Hanken School of Economics What's the Use of Globalness? — Analyzing Leading MNCs' Role of Personal, Social, and Contextual Variables in Globalness in India, Japan, and the United States Employee Turnover under Continuous Change: An Bernhard Swoboda, Trier University Investigation of Indian Outsourcing Industry Johannes Hirschmann, Trier University Anju Mehta, University of Northern Iowa Leapfrogging vs. Switching to New Technologies in Developed Caught Between Two Worlds: Subsidiary Managers and & Emerging Markets Executive Attention Deepa Chandrasekaran, University of Texas at San Dwarkaprasad Chakravarty, Ivey Business School Antonio Employee's Perceptions at Post M&A Integration: Changing Gerard J. Tellis, University of Southern California Perceptions of Interpersonal and Procedural Justice on Gareth M. James, University of Southern California Organizational Identification Ralf Bebenroth, Kobe University Session 2.4.9 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Nir Kshetri, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness Room: Surya Tomoki Sekiguchi, Osaka University When do Cross-Cultural Mergers and Leadership in Tight and Loose Cultures: A Conceptual Acquisitions Succeed? Exploration Rakesh Mittal, New York Institute of Technology Chair: Aseem Kaul, University of Minnesota

Session 2.4.11 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Operationalizing Cultural Differences with Country Level Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Roshni Scores: The Moderating Role of Contextual Factors Manish Popli, Indian Institute of Management Indore Cultural Diversity Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney Chair: Vijay Edward Pereira, University of Portsmouth Culture's Consequences for Acquisition Performance: An Analysis of Statistical Artifacts, Moderators and the Context of A Dialectical Process View of Cultural Diversity and Emerging Markets Geographic Diversity for Emerging Market MNEs Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University Yadong Luo, University of Miami The Effect of Cross-Border M&A Activity and M&A Cultural Juan Bu, University of Miami Diversity on CEO Pay Vladislav Maksimov, University of Miami Padma Rao Sahib, University of Groningen Substitutes or Compliments: Relationship-Based Strategy and Monday Desislava Dikova, Vienna University of Economics and Innovation Strategy of Private Firms in China Business Xiaoyu Zhou, ShanghaiTech University Hans van Ees, University of Groningen Daomi Lin, Sun Yat-sen University Cross-National Distances and Acquired Subsidiary's Post- Song Wang, Zhejiang University Acquisition Identity Change in Emerging-Market Firms' Cross- International Diversity and Performance in Knowledge border M&As Intensive Indian Firms: Moderating Role of 'Speed' and Rushiun Liou, Texas A&M University -Central Texas 'Cultural Distance' Rekha Nicholson, University of the West of England Naveen K. Jain, University of Akron Debmalya Mukherjee, University of Akron Lin Yuan, University of Macau

Explaining Differences in Developing Countries' Compliance to Trips: Effect of Local vs. Foreign Firms and Supra-National Institutions Kristin Brandl, University of Reading

Izzet Darendeli, Temple University

Robert D. Hamilton III, Temple University

58 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 A Multi-level Conceptualization and Empirical Examination of The Influence of Green Word-of-Mouth (WOM) on Green Reputation Risk in Latin America Purchase Intentions: The Mediation Effects of Consumers' William Newburry, Florida International University Conformity Behaviors Sheng-Hsiung Chang, Tamkang University Cultural Heterogeneity in the Emerging Economies and Its Effects on Foreign MNEs: Conceptualizing an Aggregate Can the Internet Help SMEs in Reducing Export Barriers? Culture Model to Understand the Cultural Differences Between Gianpaolo Baronchelli, University of Bergamo Tier 1 and Tier 2 Cities Sara Castelnuovo, Clifford Chance Pte Ltd Komal Kiran Kalra, University of Victoria Valeria Caviezel, University of Bergamo Antonio Majocchi, University of Pavia Session 2.4.12 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 A Study of Television Advertising in Brazil Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI Room: Dhwani Marin Alexandrov Marinov, Aalborg University Motives, Choices and Consequences in Svetla Trifonova Marinova, Aalborg University Foreign Direct Investments Dan Alex Petrovici, University of Kent Chair: Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University John B. Ford, Old Dominion University

Institutional Arbitrage as Motive for Outward FDI John Manuel Luiz, University of Cape Town MONDAY, JUNE 29 - 15:45-16:15 Helena Barnard, GIBS, University of Pretoria Time: 15:45-16:15 The Chicken or the Egg? Migrants and Foreign Direct Investment: an Exploratory Study Room: Royal Ballroom Pallavi Shukla, Rutgers University Coffee Break John Cantwell, Rutgers University Entry-Mode and Growth Perspectives in the Offshoring of Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at Business Services: Learning or Inertia? the Grand Ballroom and Royal Ballroom Foyers. Filippo Albertoni, Politecnico di Milano Stefano Elia, Politecnico di Milano Lucia Piscitello, Politecnico di Milano ✪ This coffee break is sponsored by Aalto University School of Business in honor of the winner of the "That's Interesting!" Where do MNEs Locate their Foreign Direct Investments? An Award. The award presentation will take place at the Royal Assessment of the Empirical Literature Ballroom Foyer during the coffee break. Bo Bernhard Nielsen, University of Sydney Christian Asmussen, Copenhagen Business School Success of Fast Foreign Direct Investment Expansion MONDAY, JUNE 29 - 16:15-17:30 Se Ho Cho, Rutgers Business School Country-Of-Origin, Government-Based and Consumer-Based Session 2.5.1 - Special Session Time: 16:15-17:30 Advantage and Disadvantage of Foreignness, and Foreign Special Session Room: Grand Ballroom Investment Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Northeastern University Challenges Confronting Emerging Market IB C. Annique Un, Northeastern University Educators (AIB Fellows Educator of the Year Session) Chair: Sushil Vachani, IIM Bangalore Session 2.4.13 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 4 - Marketing and Social Communities Room: Maya Panelists: Nick Binedell, GIBS Business School Digital Marketing in the Global Marketplace Nakiye Avdan Boyacigiller, Sabanci University Chair: Susan Mudambi, Temple University Sushil Vachani, IIM Bangalore Vidya Yeravdekar, Symbiosis International University

Consumer Engagement with Firms through Social Media: A Monday Bernard Yeung, National University of Singapore Comparative Study Constanza Bianchi, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Andres Cuneo, ESADE Business School Session 2.5.2 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Lynda Andrews, Queensland University of Technology Track: 5 - Geography of IB and Value Chains Room: Jamawar Can Social Media Marketing Improve Customer Relationship Networks and Economic Geography Capabilities and Firm Performance? Dynamic Capability Chair: Snehal Suyash Awate, Indian School of Business Perspective Zhan Wang, Saint Louis University Hyun Gon Kim, Rutgers Business School Economic Geography and Networks: Role of Local and Non- Local Ties in Cluster Evolution Turning Complainers into Fans: Customer Complaint Handling Florian Täube, Université libre de Bruxelles in Multi-Channel Marketing Petra Sonderegger, independent Alexander Rossmann, Reutlingen University Kumar Rakesh Ranjan, Indian Institute of Management The Geographical Dispersion of Inventor Networks in Tiruchirapalli Peripheral Economies Marcelo F Cano-Kollmann, Temple University Praveen Sugathan, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Ana Teresa Tavares-Lehmann, University of Porto

Global Networks: Organizations and People 59 The Changing Geography of Value Creation: Evidence from SME'S International Market Entry: How do They Make Mobile Telecommunications Decision? Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School Gianpaolo Baronchelli, University of Bergamo Timo Seppälä, Research Institute of the Finnish Economy Olli Kuivalainen, Lappeenranta University of Technology Jyrki Ali-Yrkkö, Research Institute of the Finnish Economy Ali Ahi, Lappeenranta University of Technology Mariella Piantoni, University of Bergamo Trans-Local Connectedness and Local Cluster Dynamics Ekaterina Turkina, HEC Montréal The Determinants of Strategic Asset Seeking Foreign Ari Van Assche, HEC Montréal Expansion of Emerging Economy Firms Faisal Ahsan, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow Ashutosh Sinha, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow Session 2.5.3 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Diya Session 2.5.6 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Nithya Internationalization and Performance Chair: Amit Karna, Indian Institute of Management The Role of the State and Corruption Ahmedabad Chair: Michael A. Sartor, Queen's School of Business

Internationalization Scope, Context, Time, and Performance - Do State-Owners Facilitate or Constrain Corporate Strategies Extending the Research Agenda to Multilatinas of Internationalization? The Role of Institutions Luciano Ciravegna, King's College London Bo Bernhard Nielsen, University of Sydney Mauricio Melgarejo, INCAE Saul Estrin, London School of Economics Luis Lopez, INCAE Klaus Meyer, CEIBS Sabina Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School The Role of Dynamic Capabilities in Enhancing the Performance Effects of Internationalization of Emerging SOE Internationalization and Resource Dependence: The Market Firms: A Study of Indian Firms Case of Vale Anish Purkayastha, Indian Institute of Management Suzana Rodrigues, Erasmus University & FUMEC Ahmedabad University Amit Karna, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Marleen Dieleman, National University of Singapore Sunil Sharma, Indian Institute of Management The Law, Corruption and Reinvestment Decisions: The Ahmedabad Transitional Periphery in Comparative Context Dhiman Bhadra, Indian Institute of Management Mehmet Demirbag, University of Strathclyde Ahmedabad Martina McGuinness, University of Sheffield Relationship between Internationalization and Innovation in Geoffrey Wood, University of Warwick Emerging Economy Firms Investing in Bribes: Role of International Anti-Corruption Pooja Thakur Wernz, Virginia Tech University Regulations Shantala Samant, Virginia Tech University Srividya Jandhyala, ESSEC Business School Rapid Internationalization of Service Firms from an Emerging Fernando Oliveira, ESSEC Business School Market through Contextual and Strategic Lenses Naveen K. Jain, University of Akron Session 2.5.7 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Nitin Pangarkar, National University of Singapore Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Room: Nidhi Lin Yuan, University of Macau Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney Capabilities Perspective to International Entrepreneurship Chair: Gary Knight, Willamette University

Session 2.5.4 - Competitive Time: 16:15-17:30 Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI Room: Kamal Microfoundations to the Capabilities Development and

Monday Deployment Activities in Firm Foundation and Early Decision-Making When Going Internationally Internationalization Chair: Sumit Kumar Kundu, Florida International Jay Weerawardena, UQ Business School University Gillian Sullivan Mort, La Trobe University Peter W. Liesch, University of Queensland Experiential Learning and Internationalization Paths of a Competence: Not Attributes but Understanding-Based and Firm's Sourcing Activities Task Accomplishment Carlos Adrian Rodriguez, INCAE Peter Lamb, La Trobe Business School Risk Dynamics And Firms' Decision-Making Ininternational Peter W. Liesch, University of Queensland Entry Mode Jorgen Sandberg, UQ Business School Yanbin Jiang, Zhejiang University Entrepreneurial Initiative-taking and Improvising for Business Kun Fu, Imperial College Model Innovation: Subsidiary-Enabled Dynamic Capability for Shaheen Akter, TMCD, ODID, University of Oxford Cross-Divide Entry Jing Li, Zhejiang University Peter Ping Li, Copenhagen Business School Xiaobo Wu, Zhejiang Universit Yangfeng Cao, Copenhagen Business School Jens Gammelgaard, Copenhagen Business School Tony Fang, Stockholm University

60 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30

Session 2.5.10 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 An Examination of Relationships between Management Practices and Performance: Evidence from India and Malaysia Track: 4 - Marketing and Social Communities Room: Royal Club Takashi Sakikawa, Niigata University Boardroom Kaushik Chaudhuri, Shiv Nadar University Marketing Challenges in Multinational Azam Arif, Universiti Utara, Malaysia Environments Multilevel Moderating Effects of Career Orientation, Chair: Rakesh Mohan Joshi, Indian Institute of Foreign Supportive Climate on Psychological Empowerment and Trade Affective Commitment in China Yi Yang, Yonsei University Yong Suhk Pak, Yonsei University New 2°C Era: Multinational Corporations' Proactive Strategies for Climate Change Actions Personality and Expatriate Job Performance: The Moderating Su-Chuan Yen, National Chung Hsing University Role of Expatriate Cross-Cultural Adjustment Yu-Ching Chiao, National Chung Hsing University Odette Christie, University of Dallas Sri Beldona, University of Dallas Nonlinear Relationships between R&D, Firm Size and Corporate Social Responsibility Non-Traditional Managers in International Assignments Yu-Shu Peng, National Dong Hwa University Cynthia Saldanha Halliday, Florida International Altan-Uya Dashdeleg, National Dong Hwa University University Kowoon Kim, Florida International University A Comparative Study of Power of Large State-Owned and Private-Owned Sellers (Manufacturers) over Small Buyers Yue Zhao, Florida International University (Distributors) under an Oligopolistic Industry Setting - The Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida International University Case of the Steel Industry in China Wei Liu, Manchester Business School Session 2.5.12 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Claudio De Mattos, Manchester Business School Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Dhwani Nitin Sanghavi, Manchester Business School The Role of Governments and Institutions Female Business Travelers' Unsatisfied Wish List? An Chair: Alice de Jonge, Monash University Empirical Study of the International Hotel Industry Katharina Maria Hofer, Johannes Kepler University Linz Learning from Formally Constructed Relationships with Single Elfi Furtmueller, Innsbruck University Networks-Nodes during Internationalization to Institutional Nicola Graf, Johannes Kepler University Linz Distant Markets Export Pricing Strategy in Higher Education Services: A June Borge Doornich, University of Nordland Conceptual Framework and Research Propositions Examining How Firm-Level and Country-Level Factors Affect Terry Wu, University of Ontario Institute of Technology Lean Capability Development of Emerging Market Firms? Vik Naidoo, University of Sydney Crystal X Jiang, Bryant University Masstige Index for Measuring ‘Brand Value' in Foreign Omar Malik, Higher Education Markets Madan Annavarjula, Bryant University Justin Paul, University of Puerto Rico How Do Government Ownership and Political Connections Affect the Financial Market Performance of Chinese Session 2.5.11 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Acquirers? Track: 3 - HRM and Organizational Behavior Room: Roshni Wenjun Tu, University of Nottingham, Ningbo Xiaolan Zheng, University of Nottingham, Ningbo Crossing the Cultural Divide Lei Li, Nottingham University Business School China Chair: Fabian Jintae Froese, University of Goettingen Leadership Mechanisms for Strategic Conformity to Ambidexterous Decision-Making under Family Ownership: The Role of Organisational Values in Managing Employee Evidence from Emerging Economies Retention in Local and Foreign BPO Firms Hong-Jen C. Chiu, National Taiwan University Alfred Presbitero, Deakin University

Market Entry Strategies and Performance of Chinese Firms in Monday Hernan Roxas, Deakin University Germany: The Moderating Effect of Government Support Doren Chadee, Deakin University Dirk Holtbruegge, Friedrich-Alexander University of Organizing Language Use: Practices of Plurilingualism Erlangen-Nuremberg Stephanie Jo Kent, UMass Amherst Sue Claire Berning, Friedrich-Alexander University of Jeffrey Kappen, Drake University Erlangen-Nuremberg Disruption and Synergy: Cultural Friction in Leadership Beliefs Public-Private Partnerships: From Social Dilemmas to Value and Foreign Invested Enterprise Survival Co-creation in Emerging Market Pamela Tremain Koch, Grand Valley State University Shih-Chieh Fang, National Cheng Kung University Bradley James Koch, Grand Valley State University Hsin-Hui Chou, National Cheng Kung University Tanya Menon, Ohio State University Chih-Fang Chiu, National Taiwan University Oded Shenkar, Ohio State University Chih-Hao Tsai, National Sun Yat-sen University How We Do Things Around Here: the Relationship Between Corporate Expansion during Pro-Market Reforms: The Role of Societal and Ideal Organizational Culture Business Group Affiliation and Unrelated Diversification Catherine Kwantes, University of Windsor Deeksha Singh, Rutgers University Cheryl Boglarsky, Human Synergistics International Chinmay Pattnaik, University of Sydney Elif Ketencioglu, Optus

Global Networks: Organizations and People 61

Session 2.5.13 - Interactive Time: 16:15-17:30 Special Session Room: Maya TUESDAY, JUNE 30 International Business Research in India Chair: Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - 8:00-8:45

An Investigation on Effects of Intangible Assets on Degree of Internationalization Time: 8:00-8:45 Bikramjit Ray Chaudhuri, Indian Institute of Management Fellows Café III Calcutta Santanu Bhadra, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta Start the day with a set of small group discussions hosted by Foreign Ownership, Royalty Payments and Expropriation of an AIB Fellow, focused on an IB topic of current and mutual Minority Shareholders: Evidence from India interest. Aditya Mohan Jadhav, T. A. Pai Management Institute Durga Prasad, T. A. Pai Management Institute Srikanth P., T. A. Pai Management Institute The 39 Country Initiative: What We Can Do to Help B-Schools in the Poorest Countries (Room: Maya) Is there Any Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment, Paul W. Beamish, Western University Carbon Emission, Economic Growth, Trade and Energy Consumption: A Study Based on Japan Creating New Methodologies within and Bringing New Ruhee Singh, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Methodologies into IB/IM Research (Room: Roshni) Sweta Srivastava Malla, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds Tax Havens: Conduits for Corporate Tax Malfeasance How Global Value-Added Chains are the Key to Akanksha Jalan, Indian Institute of Management Understanding 21st Century IB (Room: Dhwani) Bangalore Robert Grosse, American University of Sharjah R. Vaidyanathan, Indian Institute of Management What Are Interesting Questions in International Bangalore Entrepreneurship Research? (Room: Royal Club Boardroom) Patricia P. McDougall-Covin, Indiana University- Business Group Affiliation and Risk: A Contrast between Bloomington Developed and Emerging Economies Vivek Kumar, XLRI Jamshedpur Patterns of International Competitiveness of Indian MNEs: TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - 9:00-10:15 Which Capabilities Explain Sustained Internationalization? K. S. Momaya, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Session 3.1.1 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Foreign Direct Investment and BRICS economies Special Session Room: Grand Ballroom Gaurav Agrawal, ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Learning from External Knowledge Sources in Organizing the Unorganized? Towards a Model of the the Global Economy Emerging Market Informal Firms Chair: Stephen Tallman, University of Richmond K. Indu Rao, University of Twente Panelists: Stephen Tallman, University of Richmond Anupama Phene, George Washington University MONDAY, JUNE 29 - 19:00-22:00 Farok J. Contractor, Rutgers Business School Manish K. Srivastava, Michigan Technological University Time: 19:00-22:00 Sai Yayavaram, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore AIB Gala Event

Session 3.1.2 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 The Gala Event will take place at the Tamarind Tree. Bus Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness Room: Jamawar service between Leela Palace and the Tamarind Tree will be provided, starting at 6pm. Please remember to have your Competing with Local Firms in Global Settings name badges with you. Smart casual attire is recommended. Chair: Moritz Putzhammer, WU Vienna

✪ The Gala Event is hosted by the Indian Institute of Global Diversification Discount and Its Discontents: A Bit of Management, Bangalore (IIMB). Self-Selection Makes a World of Difference Sungyong Chang, Columbia University Bruce Kogut, Columbia University

Jae-Suk Yang, Columbia University

Tuesday The Second-Home Model toward the Dual-Core Paradigm: The Implications of ISE for MNEs from Advanced and Emerging Economies Peter Ping Li, Copenhagen Business School

62 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30

Do Birds of a Feather Flock Together? Asymmetric Rivalry Session 3.1.5 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 between Multinational and Local Firms in a Multimarket Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Sitara Setting Rupanwita Dash, Indian Institute of Management A Continent Whose Time has Come: How to Bangalore Explode the Amount of IB Research in and on The Role of Experiential Learning in Overcoming the Liability Africa of Foreignness Chair: Michael J Mol, Copenhagen Business School Yunok Cho, Renmin University of China Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University Panelists:

Michael J Mol, Copenhagen Business School Session 3.1.3 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Amon Chizema, University of Birmingham Track: 5 - Geography of IB and Value Chains Room: Diya John Manuel Luiz, University of Cape Town Offshoring and Governance Chair: Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School Session 3.1.6 - Panel Time: 9:00-10:15 Disentangling the Role of Modularity and Bandwidth in the Track: 15 - Teaching IB (Special Track) Room: Nithya Entry Mode Choice Stefano Elia, Politecnico di Milano X-Culture: Optimizing the Use of X-Culture in Silvia Massini, University of Manchester International Business Courses Rajneesh Narula, University of Reading Chair: Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro A Multi-level Analysis of Project, Firm and Country Characteristics on Offshoring Decisions for Clinical Trials in the Biopharmaceutical Industry Panelists: Pooja Thakur Wernz, Virginia Tech University Karen Lynden, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Christian Wernz, Virginia Tech University Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Coordination Difficulty and Performance in the Offshoring Soma Arora, Institute of Management Technology Context: The Moderating Effect of Governance Mode and Cyntia Calixto, Fundação Getúlio Vargas Experience Susan Forquer Gupta, Monmouth University Niccolo Pisani, University of Amsterdam Suchita Jha, Symbiosis Institute of International Business Kannan Srikanth, Singapore Management University Raghu Kurthakoti, Arcadia University Joan Enric Ricart, IESE Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University Fabiana Sciarelli, Unitelma Sapienza University of Rome Session 3.1.4 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Bindu Vyas, King's College Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Kamal

Exploration and Exploitation Across Borders Session 3.1.7 - Competitive Time: 9:00-10:15 Chair: Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Nidhi Managing Innovation Ambidexterity via Supplier Involvement: CSR and Ethics in IB The Advantage of Foreignness in the Brazilian Automotive Chair: Ivan Montiel, Loyola Marymount University Industry Denise Dunlap, Northeastern University Jose-Mauricio G. Geleilate, Florida International Rise of Chinese Banks and the Melding of Institutional Logics University and Ethics in International Banking Ronaldo Parente, Florida International University W Travis Selmier II, Indiana University Tucker Marion, Northeastern University American MNEs: In Search of Legitimacy When You're WEIRD Solving Environmental Problems: Coordination in Matthew Mitchell, Drake University Collaborative Search across Borders Christoph Grimpe, Copenhagen Business School Craig VanSandt, University of Northern Iowa Anders Oerding Olsen, Copenhagen Business School Mukesh Sud, Fairfield University Wolfgang Sofka, Copenhagen Business School Gender Diversity in Central Banks Amir Shoham, Temple University Search Scope and Innovation Performance: The Moderating Role of Technological Spillovers, Product Market Rivalry and Patricia Charlety, ESSEC Business School and THEMA Geographic Proximity Davide Romelli, ESSEC Business School and THEMA Jie Wu, University of Macau Estefania Santacreu-Vasut, ESSEC Business School and Ajai Gaur, Rutgers University THEMA Debmalya Mukherjee, University of Akron Political Competition and Corporate Bribery: Evidence from Shuaihe Zhuo, University of Macau South Korea Yujin Jeong, American University

In Harsh and Slack Times: How Does Prior Performance Tuesday Affect the Intensity, The Structure and the Direction of Jordan Siegel, Harvard Business School Knowledge Seeking Boundary Spanning? Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD Thomas Klueter, IESE

Global Networks: Organizations and People 63 Session 3.1.10 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Does Size Matter? The Effect of Institutional Size on Global Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Royal Club Virtual Teams Boardroom Grishma Shah, Manhattan College A.F.M Jalal Ahamed, Binus Business School Entry Mode Strategy Pawel Bryla, University of Lodz Chair: Satyanarayana Rentala, Pondicherry University A Yin-Yang Harmony Perspective to Labor-Management Conflicts in China: A 5C Model for Conflict Resolution Market Entry Strategies and Performance of Indian Firms in Tachia Chin, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Germany: The Moderating Effect of International Experience Tony Fang, Stockholm University Dirk Holtbruegge, Friedrich-Alexander University of Managerial Assignments of Credit and Blame: A Three Erlangen-Nuremberg Country Study Ritam Garg, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen- C Lakshman, Tongji University Nuremberg Foreign Employee's Responses to the 2011 Triple Disaster in Testing the Internalization Theory in Emerging Markets: The Japan Role of Firm-Specific Assets and Asset Dispersion in the Ralf Bebenroth, Kobe University Multinationality-Performance Relationship Nir Kshetri, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Sumit Kumar Kundu, Florida International University Ahmet Kirca, Michigan State University Whitney Douglas Fernandez, San Diego State University Session 3.1.12 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI Room: Dhwani Business Model Internationalization in the Automotive Industry - A Process Model of Market Entry into Emerging Markets Determinants and Consequences of Christian Landau, EBS Business School Internationalization Strategies Amit Karna, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Chair: Pallavi Shukla, Rutgers University Miriam Sailer, EBS Business School Balancing Headquarters Commitment and Subsidiary Strategic Fit in Emerging Economy Firms' Internationalization: Employee Involvement: An Examination of Japanese MNC A Configurational Approach Country Managers in Asean Yi Li, Australian National University Katsuhiko Shimizu, Keio University Lin Cui, Australian National University Institutional Signatures or Firm-specific Imprints?: Joint Di Fan, Deakin University Venture Profiles and the Performance Panorama in Five Performance Feedback and International Expansion Emerging Market Groups K. Skylar Powell, Western Washington University Hemant Merchant, University of South Florida St. Petersburg Reconstructing Hennart's Transaction Costs Theory of Equity Joint Ventures Antecedents to Different Motives of Foreign Expansion of Shih-Fen Chen, Ivey Business School Emerging Economy Firms Faisal Ahsan, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow Do Resource Seeking Motivations Impact the Performance of Ashutosh Sinha, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow Acquisitions? Sathyajit Gubbi, University of Groningen Subsidy, Learning, Innovation and Export: How Do Emerging B. Elango, Illinois State University Economy Firms Become Exporters? Yong Ju Shim, FGV-EAESP The Impact of Multinationality on Performance: A Comment Paulo Roberto Arvate, FGV-EAESP Keith J Kelley, University of Michigan-Flint Location Decisions of Chinese Multinationals: The Role of Export Intermediary Firms: The Study of Performance Overseas Communities Determinants via Structural Equation Modeling Bas Karreman, Erasmus University Rotterdam Pornlapas Suwannarat, Mahasarakham University Martijn Burger, Erasmus University Rotterdam The Internationalization of Distribution Channels in Frank van Oort, Utrecht University Semiconductor Industry: The Uppsala Business Network Model Joseph Shyh-Yeu Tzou, National Taiwan University Session 3.1.11 - Interactive Time: 9:00-10:15 Food Retail FDI: Learning Through History Track: 3 - HRM and Organizational Behavior Room: Roshni Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University Blake Runnalls, Michigan State University Global HRM Practical Challenges Chair: Anna Katharina Hildisch, University of Goettingen TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - 10:15-10:45 You've Come a Long Way, Baby? Women in the Maritime Industry: Identifying Attitudinal and Structural Impediments Time: 10:15-10:45 Joan P. Mileski, Texas A&M University at Galveston Room: Royal Ballroom Wyndylyn von Zharen, Texas A&M University

Tuesday Cultural Diversity as a Competitive Tool Coffee Break P.T. Navendra, University of Dallas Sri Beldona, University of Dallas Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at the Grand Ballroom and Royal Ballroom Foyers.

64 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Session 3.2.4 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - 10:45-12:00 Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Kamal

Session 3.2.1 - Special Session Time: 10:45-12:00 MNC Structure and Innovation Chair: C. Annique Un, Northeastern University Special Session Room: Grand Ballroom

Investing in Development - Reforming Does Strategic Planning determine Innovation in International Governance and MNEs: Organizations? International Investment Agreements and Safal Batra, IMT Ghaziabad Taxation (UNCTAD Special Session) Sunil Sharma, IIM Ahmedabad Chairs: Hafiz Mirza, UNCTAD and Axèle Giroud, Mukund R Dixit, IIM Ahmedabad UNCTAD Neharika Vohra, IIM Ahmedabad

Exploring the Role of Formalization, Centralization, and Panelists: Coordination on Cultural Competitiveness and Firm Peter Buckley, University of Leeds Performance Sarianna Lundan, University of Bremen Artur Baldauf, University of Bern Premila Nazareth, UNCTAD Simone Schweiger, University of Bern Felipe Monteiro, INSEAD Ram Mudambi, Temple University How Valuable Is Information and Communication Technology? A Study of Emerging Economy Enterprises Yadong Luo, University of Miami Session 3.2.2 - Panel Time: 10:45-12:00 Juan Bu, University of Miami Special Session Room: Jamawar Think Global, Act Local: Best Practices for Session 3.2.5 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Managing and Developing AIB Chapters Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI Room: Sitara Chairs: Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University and Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Again, but This Time Better - Leveraging Experience When Going International Chair: Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds Panelists: Daniel Rottig, Florida Gulf Coast University Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago The Impact of Prior Subsidiary Relatedness on New Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University Subsidiary Performance T.S. Chan, Lingnan University Dwarkaprasad Chakravarty, Ivey Business School Abel Kinoti, Riara University Andreas Schotter, Ivey Business School Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston Brian Pinkham, Ivey Business School William Newburry, Florida International University Paul W. Beamish, Western University Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Economics The Effects of Experience on Choosing an International Entry S. Raghunath, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Mode Piotr Trapczynski, Poznan University of Economics Ryan Tang, University of Technology Sydney Timothy Devinney, University of Leeds Session 3.2.3 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Re-Born Internationally! Do Past Antecedents Affect Track: 3 - HRM and Organizational Behavior Room: Diya Performance in Re-Internationalizing Firms? Diversity and Creative Friction Salman Siddeeque Ali, Indian Institute of Management Chair: Helene Tenzer, Tuebingen University Ahmedabad Ajeet Narain Mathur, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) Expatriates- An Intersectionality Perspective Varina Paisley, University of New South Wales Session 3.2.6 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Mark Tayar, Macquarie University Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Nithya The Impact of Language Barriers on Interaction Processes, EMNCs and Entry Modes Knowledge Exchange and Team Cognition in Multinational Chair: Helena Barnard, GIBS, University of Pretoria Teams Helene Tenzer, Tuebingen University Markus Pudelko, Tuebingen University Home Country Effects in Cross-Border Acquisitions: Gaining Confidence in Majority Control Abroad Mary Zellmer-Bruhn, University of Minnesota Zhenzhen Xie, Tsinghua University Mary Maloney, University of St. Thomas Jiatao Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Creativity and Social Alienation: The Costs of Being Creative Technology Guangxi Zhang, Zhejiang University of Technology Opportunities and Challenges for Multiple-Embeddedness Transformational Leadership Behaviors in Different Contexts: through Mergers and Acquisitions in Emerging Economies Tuesday A Comparison of Russia and Finland Surender Munjal, University of Leeds Alexei Koveshnikov, Aalto University Vijay Edward Pereira, University of Portsmouth Mats Ehrnrooth, Hanken School of Economics

Global Networks: Organizations and People 65 The Impact of Institutional Distance, Government Support and Session 3.2.10 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Firms' Acquisition Capability on the Equity Ownership Track: 10 - Theories of the MNE and of FDI Room: Royal Club Acquired by Emerging Multinationals in Cross-Border Boardroom Acquisitions Claudia Frias Pinto, EAESP-FGV International Business in Emerging Markets Christian Falaster, Universidade Nove de Julho Chair: Ziliang Deng, Renmin University of China Renata Canela, Universidade Nove de Julho Maria Tereza Fleury, Fundacao Getulio Vargas Early Internationalization and Contemporary Foreign Afonso Fleury, Universidade de Sao Paulo Expansion in China Legitimate and Illegitimate Constraints: Managing in Limited Jiangling Yi, Nanjing University Mandate Subsidiaries Christopher Marquis, Harvard Business School Helena Barnard, GIBS, University of Pretoria Strategy for International Expansion and Overcoming Liability Deepa Sita, GIBS, University of Pretoria of Foreignness: Analysis of Multinationals of Emerging Economy Session 3.2.7 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Anish Purkayastha, Indian Institute of Management Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Nidhi Ahmedabad Innovation and the Drivers of MNCs Inter-organizational Imitation in the Choice of FDI-based Market Entry Modes: Evidence from Indian Multinationals Performance K.V. Mukundhan, Indian Institute of Management Chair: Deepak Somaya, University of Illinois at Urbana- Kozhikode Champaign Nandakumar Mankavil Kovil Veettil, University of Salford Is There a Multinationality-Performance Effect? Exploring the What Drives Africa's FDI Inflows & Outflows? A Macro- Multinationality-Performance Relationship Theoretic Perspective Heather Berry, George Washington University Everlyne Misati, Florida International University Aseem Kaul, University of Minnesota Sumit Kumar Kundu, Florida International University Fred O. Walumbwa, Florida International University Of Marshallian Scissors & Blades: Demand Shocks, Import Exposure, and Innovation in Indian Influenza-Vaccine Markets Zooming in On the Cross-Border M&As of Emerging Market Matej Drev, Georgia Institute of Technology MNEs through the Internationalization Process Model Chirantan Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Management Manish Popli, Indian Institute of Management Indore Bangalore The Locational Strategies of MNEs Committed to Reducing Arzi Adbi, INSEAD Greenhouse Gas Emissions Jerry Patchell, Hong Kong University of Science and How Does Technological Relatedness between Cross-Border Technology M&A Partners Affect Innovation Performance? A Moderating Role of Organizational Integration Youngwoo Lee, Korea University Session 3.2.11 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Moonsik Shin, Korea University Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Roshni Capability and Organizational Co-Evolution in Offshoring CSR in IB Carlos Adrian Rodriguez, INCAE Chair: Maria-Alejandra Gonzalez-Perez, Universidad Omar Nohad Toulan, McGill University EAFIT

Session 3.2.8 - Competitive Time: 10:45-12:00 Institutional Sophistication and Stakeholder Management in Track: 4 - Marketing and Social Communities Room: Yatra Emerging Markets Insights into Buyer-Supplier Relationships Meng Zhao, Renmin University of China Chair: Susan Mudambi, Temple University Seung Ho Park, China Europe International Business School Exploring Coopetition - When Partners Start to Compete Follow the Herd: How Organizational Level Legitimacy Can Emilene Leite, Uppsala University Give a Helping Hand to Bridge Formal Institutional Voids - The Susanne Aberg, Uppsala University Case of Employee Stock Ownership Plans in MNEs Jana Oehmichen, Georg-August University of Goettingen Cecilia Pahlberg, Uppsala University Michael Wolff, Georg-August University of Goettingen The Effect of Economic Crises on Long-Term Orientation in Ulrike Zschoche, Georg-August University of Goettingen Buyer-Supplier Relationships Brenda Sternquist, Michigan State University Three Pillars of CSR: A Firm-Level Analysis of Korean MNEs Lindsey M Cohan, Perishables in China Soonkyoo Choe, Yonsei University Curtailing Ex-Post Opportunism from a Symbiotic Relationship Jihoon Kang, Yonsei University in High-Tech Industry Younghoon An, Yonsei University Pei-Li Yu, National Cheng Kung University CSR Practices in China: A Comparative Study of Indigenous

Tuesday Export Performance, Marketing Mix Adaptation and and Multinational Companies Contingency Theory: An Empirical Study of Austrian SMEs Xiangxiang Hong, Nottingham University Business School Manfred Fuchs, University of Graz China Mariella Koestner, University of Graz Michal Lemanski, Nottingham University Business School China

66 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Selective Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility: An Innovation, Globalization and the Size of Indian Firms: Institutional Perspective Unpacking Heterogeneity Patterns Jie Zou, Peking University Sumit Majumdar, University of Texas at Dallas Changqi Wu, Peking University Abhijit Mandal, City University, London Institutional Change and MNE CSR Learning Exploring the Link between Open Innovation and Jing'an Tang, Sacred Heart University Internationalization in High-Tech SMEs Matevz Raskovic, University of Ljubljana The Influence of MNEs on Indigenous Firms' Involvement of Miha Cerne, University of Ljubljana Voluntary CSR Activities in an Emerging Market - The Chinese Context Desislava Dikova, Vienna University of Economics and Ying Liu, Florida International University Business Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida International University Andreja Jaklic, University of Ljubljana Internationalization Experience and the Evolution of Dynamic Session 3.2.12 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Capability in the Indian IT Firms Track: 11 - Corporate Governance in IB Room: Dhwani Partha Mukerjee, University of New South Wales Pradeep Kanta Ray, University of New South Wales Transparency and Accountability: Diverse Sangeeta Ray, University of Sydney Contexts, Diverse Research Methods Zahid Riaz, Lahore School of Economics Chair: Deepak K Datta, University of Texas at Arlington

Improving Transparency in Governance: The Case of TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - 12:00-13:00 Sustainability Reporting Rama Kumari Jayanti, Cleveland State University Time: 12:00-13:00 International Accountability Standards Across National Room: Royal Ballroom Business Systems: A Neo-Institutional Perspective Lunch Steve Michael Loren, University of Massachusetts Boston Suhaib Riaz, University of Massachusetts Boston Lunch will be provided for conference participants at the Leela Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in Publicly Palace Grand and Royal Ballroom Foyers. Listed Banks from Eastern Europe and Russia Alexander Settles, Rutgers University Earnings Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - 13:00-14:15 Jie Zhang, China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd. Chang Song, Renmin University of China Session 3.3.1 - Special Session Time: 13:00-14:15 Xiyou Liu, Audit Research Institute of China's National Special Session Room: Grand Ballroom Audit Office Jiawen Yang, George Washington University 2015 JIBS Decade Award Chair: John Cantwell, Rutgers University Religion and Corporate Governance Jaehyeon Kim, University of Hawaii at Manoa Shirley Daniel, University of Hawaii at Manoa The 2015 JIBS Decade Award, honors the most influential paper published in the 2005 volume of the Journal of Efficiency and CSR - The Role Corporate Governance International Business Studies. Barbara Brenner, Danube University Krems Shalini Rogbeer, European Business School A Retrospective on their article by the winners of this year's Developing a Model for Introducing a Social Credits Trading JIBS Decade Award - Reconsidering the issues raised in their Scheme in India: International business considerations 2005 JIBS paper on “Probing theoretically into Central and Raji Ajwani, Symbiosis Centre for Management Eastern Europe: transactions, resources, and institutions” Klaus Meyer, CEIBS Session 3.2.13 - Interactive Time: 10:45-12:00 Mike Peng, University of Texas at Dallas Track: 6 - Innovation and Knowledge Management Room: Maya Discussants and Commentators: Innovation in the Multinational Context Mark Peterson, Florida Atlantic University Chair: Michael J Mol, Copenhagen Business School Tatiana Kostova, University of South Carolina G. Tomas M. Hult, Michigan State University

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in New Venture Teams: Outlining the Role of Culture ✪ The JIBS Decade Award is sponsored by Palgrave Mourad Dakhli, Georgia State University Macmillan. Wade Danis, University of Victoria

Qing Li, Shanghai University

Do Institutions Matter in Knowledge Creation? Quantifying the Tuesday Impact of Institutional Affiliation on R&D Professionals Lynn Pyun, Baruch College, CUNY Jordan Siegel, Harvard Business School

Global Networks: Organizations and People 67 Session 3.3.2 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Session 3.3.4 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Jamawar Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Kamal Business Groups Country-Level Institutions and Their Impact Chair: Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University Chair: Bo Bernhard Nielsen, University of Sydney

The Relationship between FDI Decisions and Business-Group Configuring an Innovative Society: A Dual Perspective of Insider Control: Evidence from Taiwanese Group-Affiliated Cultural and Institutional Varieties Firms Investing in Chinese Market Di Fan, Deakin University Wen-Ting Lin, National Chung Cheng University Yi Li, Australian National University Ming-Chang Huang, Providence University Liang Chen, University of Leeds Ya-Ping Chiu, Chung Yuan Christian University Institutions and the Strategic Choices of Multinational Hsiang-Lin Cheng, National Chung Cheng University Enterprises Does Business Group Affiliation Help Translate Research Jin Uk Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Inputs into Export Expansion? Empirical Evidence from the Host-Country Networks and Institutional Awareness Indian Pharmaceutical Sector Angelika Lindstrand, Stockholm School of Tatiana S. Manolova, Bentley University Economics/Stanford University Saptarshi Purkayastha, Indian Institute of Management Kent Eriksson, Stanford University Calcutta

Linda F. Edelman, Bentley University

Partnering with Business Group Firms: The Effect of Group Session 3.3.5 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Size on Value Creation and Value Distribution Special Session Room: Sitara Ilya Cuypers, Singapore Management University Youtha Cuypers, University of Hong Kong New Perspectives on Foreign Cultures as Jung Yeon Lee, California State University, Fullerton Sources of New Knowledge for Individuals and Centralization of Intra-Group Equity Ties and Performance of Firm Business Group Affiliates Chair: Arie Lewin, Duke University Ishtiaq Mahmood, National University of Singapore Hongjin Zhu, McMaster University Panelists: Akbar Zaheer, University of Minnesota Arie Lewin, Duke University Shige Makino, Chinese University of Hong Kong Session 3.3.3 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Rosalie Tung, Simon Fraser University Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness Room: Diya Managing Alliances and Networks in the Global Context Session 3.3.6 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Chair: Snehal Suyash Awate, Indian School of Business Track: 11 - Corporate Governance in IB Room: Nithya New Perspectives on Ownership Heterogeneity A Yin-Yang Perspective of Relational (Guanxi) Gatekeeping in Chair: Rakesh Sambharya, Rutgers University Business Network Management in China Hongzhi Gao, Victoria University of Wellington Ownership, Time Horizon and Corporate Social Responsibility Monica Ren, Macquarie University around the World Qing Miao, Jilin University Jongmoo Jay Choi, Temple University Think Globally, Act Cooperatively: Exploring Jimi Kim, Temple University Internationalization and Innovation Strategies at the MNE-INV Do Expatriates, as MNE Parent-Foreign Subsidiary Interface Governance Mechanisms, Really Impact Foreign Subsidiary Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham University Business Performance? School China Bassam E. Farah, American University of Beirut Anoop Madhok, York University Rida Elias, American University of Beirut Institutional and Cultural Dynamics in Strategic Decision- Paul W. Beamish, Western University Making to Innovate Promoter Ownership and Performance in Publicly Listed Firms Hong-Jen C. Chiu, National Taiwan University in India: Does Group Affiliation Matter? Institution and Location Strategies of Multinationals Ansgar Richter, University of Liverpool Corporations from Emerging Economies: Evidence from Indrani Chakraborty, Institute of Development Studies China's Cross-border Merger and Acquisitions Kolkata Peter Buckley, University of Leeds Pei Yu, Wuhan University of Technology Qing Liu, University of International Business and

Tuesday Economics Beijing Surender Munjal, University of Leeds Pan Tao, Shandong University of Finance and Economics

68 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Session 3.3.7 - Panel Time: 13:00-14:15 Governments and Businesses in the Context of International Track: 13 - Economics, Finance and Accounting Room: Nidhi Competitiveness: An Analysis of the Role of Government Policies on Diversification of Exports of Brazilian Companies Three Decades of SAARC: Delayed Promises or of Capital Goods Dashed Hope? Diego Bonaldo Coelho, ESPM Chair: Mohammad Niamat Elahee, Quinnipiac University Moacir Miranda Oliveira, University of São Paulo Felipe Borini, ESPM Panelists: SOE Strategic Behavior When Entering Competitive Host Mohammad Niamat Elahee, Quinnipiac University Markets Sumit Kumar Kundu, Florida International University Birgitte Grogaard, University of Calgary Basu Sharma, University of New Brunswick-Fredericton Asmund Rygh, BI Norwegian Business School Gabriel R.G. Benito, BI Norwegian Business School Session 3.3.8 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Government Specific Advantage (GSA): An Extention of Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Room: Yatra Ownership Advantages Dale Dejong, Florida International University Emerging Markets, Transnationality, and Yue Zhao, Florida International University Inward-Outward Internationalization Lucas Wenger, Florida International University Chair: Arpita Joardar, Clark University Strategies and Government Policies that Support Internationalization in Brazil: The National Financing System To Benefit or Not To Benefit? Examining the Duality of and the Role Played by BNDES Foreignness and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Performance Diego Bonaldo Coelho, ESPM Arpita Joardar, Clark University Moacir Miranda Oliveira, University of São Paulo Sibin Wu, University of Texas Pan American Militarization as an Institutional Context for Entrepreneurial Social Ties, Venture Creation, and Home Country Entry by Innovation Transnational Entrepreneurs Todd Masaru Inouye, University of Hawaii at Manoa Sarika Pruthi, San Jose State University Mike Wright, Imperial College London Impact of Corruption on Competition in India: Which Partner Gets to Acquire the IJV? Explaining the Degree and Scope of Internationalization of Shailen Kumar Dalbehera, Indian Institute of Russian New Ventures Management Bangalore Irina Mihailova, Aalto University Igor Laine, Lappeenranta University of Technology Session 3.3.11 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Galina Shirokova, Saint Petersburg University Track: 11 - Corporate Governance in IB Room: Roshni

Session 3.3.9 - Competitive Time: 13:00-14:15 Leveraging Social Responsibility for Track: 14 - Research Methodology in IB (Special Track) Room: Surya Competitive Success Chair: Thomas Andre, Ecole Polytechnique Research Methods in IB Chair: David Reeb, National University of Singapore Disasters that Never Were: What Helps Prevent CSR Failure in Offshore Outsourcing Relationships? MNC Structure, Complexity, and Performance: Insights from Michael J Mol, Copenhagen Business School NK Methodology Kamel Mellahi, University of Warwick Sokol Celo, Suffolk University Sun Hye Lee, University of Warwick I. Kim Wang, Suffolk University Gaining Competitive Advantage through Carbon Constrained James F. Nebus, Suffolk University Strategies: Evidence from Brazilian Energy Sector The Efficacy of Formative versus Reflective Measures of Monica Cavalcanti Sa de Abreu, Federal University of Corporate Reputation: An Information Processing Approach Ceara James Agarwal, University of Calgary Ana Rita Pinheiro de Freitas, Federal University of Ceara Oleksiy Osiyevskyy, Northeastern University Silvia Maria Dias Pedro Rebouças, Federal University of Ceara (Mis)using Interaction terms in International Business David Reeb, National University of Singapore Social Risk and the Management of MNCs - From Risk Society to International Business Management Session 3.3.10 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Jacob Taarup-Esbensen, Copenhagen Business School Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Royal Club New Approaches in Overcoming Liability of Foreignness: The Boardroom Effects of Strategic Social Responsibility Jialiang Zhang, Renmin University of China Government and Politics Majid Ghorbani, Renmin University of China Chair: Alice de Jonge, Monash University Weiguang Li, Renmin University of China

Ziyang Liu, Renmin University of China Minority State Ownership and Investment Risk Management in How Do CEOs Perceive Business-Aligned CSR? Co-word Tuesday Mega-Projects Around the World Analysis of U.S., Korean and Japanese CEO Letters Paul Martin Vaaler, University of Minnesota Youjin Baik, Yonsei University Barclay Edward James, Universidad San Francisco de Soonkyoo Choe, Yonsei University Quito School of Business Young-Ryeol Park, Yonsei University

Global Networks: Organizations and People 69

Session 3.3.12 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Friends in the Right Places: Non-Market Connections as Emerging Market Strategy Track: 3 - HRM and Organizational Behavior Room: Dhwani Susan Feinberg, Temple University Nurturing Global Talent Laura Gasiorowski, Temple University Chair: Dhara Shah, Griffith University Jun Ito, Temple University An Empirical Study of the Impact of Business Group and Managing Talents in Nordic MNCs: The Impact of Product Market Characteristics on Performance Outcomes of Socialization Mechanisms Emerging Market Firms Violetta Khoreva, Hanken School of Economics B. Elango, Illinois State University Edyta Kostanek, Hanken School of Economics Chinmay Pattnaik, University of Sydney Maarten van Zalk, Orebro University Jamie R. Wieland, Illinois State University An Employability Skill Assessment Framework for Indian Profit or Relation Matters for Internationalization? The Organizations Underlying Mechanism between Small World Network and Chithra Rema, Pondicherry University Internationalization in an Emerging Economy Yingyu (Kerri) Chen, National Dong Hwa University Corporate Social Initiatives and Employee Retention Wen-Chiung Chou, Kainan University Christiane Bode, INSEAD Chin-jung Luan, National Dong Hwa University Jasjit Singh, INSEAD Michelle Rogan, INSEAD The Influence of Talent Management Practices on Competitive Advantages in Emerging Market Firms: Evidence from TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - 14:15-14:30 Russian Companies Marina Latukha, St. Petersburg State University Time: 14:15-14:30 Change in China? Taking Stock of Blue Collars' Work Values Marina Schmitz, University of Goettingen Break

On the Psychological Effects of Talent Status Self-Awareness among High-Potentials in MNCs Short break to facilitate transition between sessions. No Jennie Sumelius, Hanken School of Economics refreshment service will be provided. Mats Ehrnrooth, Hanken School of Economics Ingmar Bjorkman, Aalto University Kristiina Makela, Aalto University TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - 14:30-15:45 Adam Smale, University of Vaasa Susanna Taimitarha, Hanken School of Economics Session 3.4.1 - Panel Time: 14:30-15:45 Training and Development in Talent Management Process: A Track: 11 - Corporate Governance in IB Room: Grand Ballroom Case Study in Turkey Berrin Guner, Rowan University Macro-Institutional Change, Corporate Nevin Deniz, Marmara University Governance and Investment in Emerging Busra Ercokses, Yapi Kredi Bankasi Economies: Implications for International Managing Yopatriates: A Longitudinal Study of Generation Y Business Research and Practice Chair: Tailan Chi, University of Kansas Expatriates in an Indian MNC Liza Howe-Walsh, University of Portsmouth Vijay Edward Pereira, University of Portsmouth Panelists: Ashish Malik, Newcastle Business School Anju Seth, Virginia Tech University Tailan Chi, University of Kansas Session 3.3.13 - Interactive Time: 13:00-14:15 Ruth Aguilera, Northeastern University Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Maya Luis Alfonso Dau, Northeastern University

Networks and Business Groups Chair: Gaurav Agrawal, ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management Session 3.4.2 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Jamawar

Do Business Group Affiliated Firms Benefit from Knowledge The Impact of International Politics and Sharing When They Go Abroad? The Moderating Role of International Institutions Diversification Chair: Michael A. Sartor, Queen's School of Business Jiyoung Shin, Korea University Kihyun Kim, Korea University Who Cares about Diplomacy? Location Choice by Youngwoo Lee, Korea University Multinational Enterprises Role of Networks in Internationalization of Emerging Economy Klaus Meyer, CEIBS

Tuesday MNE Jing Li, Simon Fraser University Nivisha Singh, Indian Institute of Management Indore Yuan Ding, CEIBS Hua Zhang, CEIBS

70 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Does Arbitration Reduce Diplomatic Pressure in Investment Networking and a Tandem Approach to Foreign Market Entry Disputes? Decision- Making Srividya Jandhyala, ESSEC Business School Sylvie K. Chetty, University of Otago Geoffrey Gertz, University of Oxford Mitra Etemaddar, University of Otago Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen, University College London Effects of Deinstitutionalization: Evidence from the Indian Session 3.4.5 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Textile Industry Track: 9 - Emerging Economies and EE MNEs Room: Sitara Raveendra Chittoor, Indian School of Business Preet Aulakh, York University EMNCs and FDI Chair: Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney Oana Branzei, Ivey Business School Western University Does Institutional Distance Still Matter? Industry Standards Licking the Dirt to Rise and Shine: EMNCs Path to and Global Sourcing Location Choices Competitive Advantage Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts Boston Tanvi Kothari, San Jose State University Marcus M. Larsen, Copenhagen Business School Masaaki Kotabe, Temple University

FDI Indirect Spillover in Emerging Economies: The Role of Session 3.4.3 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Government Track: 1 - People and Careers Room: Diya Afonso Fleury, Universidade de Sao Paulo Taotao Chen, Tsinghua University Cultural Diversity, Cultural Identity, and Maria Tereza Fleury, Fundacao Getulio Vargas Performance Xiao Chen, Tsinghua University Chair: Paul N. Gooderham, Norwegian School of Economics Liu Shichang, Tsinghua University Carlos Eduardo Aveline, Fundacao Getulio Vargas Not All Diversity Is the Same: A Comparative Study of the Post Financial Crisis Catch-Up Strategies in Emerging Market Effects of Diversity in Global Virtual Teams MNEs: A Comparative Analysis of Strategic Asset Seeking Vasyl Taras, University of North Carolina at Greensboro FDI in the United States Daniel Baack, University of Denver John Anderson, University of Northern Iowa Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne Dylan Sutherland, Durham University Alfredo Jimenez, University of Burgos Peter Hertenstein, Cambridge University Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama The Integration of Cultural Identity Negotiation Theory into Session 3.4.6 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Cross-Cultural Organizational Justice Theory: A Qualitative Track: 8 - Strategy, M&As and Competitiveness Room: Nithya Study Joerg Bueechl, Tuebingen University Dealing with Cross National Institutional Markus Pudelko, Tuebingen University Differences Chair: Laura Gasiorowski, Temple University Crossing Geographic and Organizational Boundaries: A Study of Executives' Access to Help The Effect of Political Connections on International Expansion Stewart R. Miller, University of Texas-San Antonio Strategy: Evidence from French Firms, 2003-2012 Marie Louise Mors, Copenhagen Business School Joao Albino Pimentel, HEC Paris Michael McDonald, University of Texas-San Antonio (How) Do Economic Governance and Location Choices Session 3.4.4 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 (Jointly) Affect Performance? Michael Leiblein, Ohio State University Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Room: Kamal Kiran Awate, Ohio State University From International New Ventures to Internationalization-Performance Relationship: The Micromultinationals: Theoretical and Empirical Moderating Roles of State and Foreign Ownership Considerations Gabriel R.G. Benito, BI Norwegian Business School Chair: Tony Fang, Stockholm University Asmund Rygh, BI Norwegian Business School Randi Lunnan, BI Norwegian Business School Essential Knowledge Sources for Micromultinationals: A Phenomenographic Approach Session 3.4.7 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Maria-Cristina Stoian, Brunel University London Track: 15 - Teaching IB (Special Track) Room: Nidhi Pavlos Dimitratos, University of Glasgow Accelerated Small Firm Multinationalization: Studying Born IB Course Content and Teaching Innovations Micromultinationals via Multiple Theoretical Lenses Chair: Shirley Daniel, University of Hawaii at Manoa Heini Vanninen, Lappeenranta University of Technology Olli Kuivalainen, Lappeenranta University of Technology International Business and Accounting Practices: A Course Luciano Ciravegna, King's College London Overview Victoria Krivogorsky, San Diego state University How Do International New Ventures Create "Valuable" Tuesday Mark Ballam, San Diego State University Social Capital? A Local and Global Networking Activities Perspective Autoethnographic Case Study Research for the Multicultural Karl S.R. Warner, Edinburgh Napier University Classroom on a Masters and MBA Level Marian V. Jones, University of Glasgow Ebru Ipek, Simon Fraser University

Global Networks: Organizations and People 71 International Internship for Business Education: An Session 3.4.10 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Experiment to Observe Creation of Trust Track: 13 - Economics, Finance and Accounting Room: Royal Club Haruo H. Horaguchi, Hosei University Boardroom Yasushi Kodama, Hosei University Seiki Yukimoto, Kanagawa University Development, Institutions and Finance Chair: Serkan Akguc, King Abdulaziz University Session 3.4.8 - Competitive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 3 - HRM and Organizational Behavior Room: Yatra Understanding the International Trade-Corruption Linkage: Panel Data Findings from 145 countries Overcoming Challenges of Transitions and Deepraj Mukherjee, Kent State University Change Debmalya Mukherjee, University of Akron Chair: Vijay Edward Pereira, University of Portsmouth The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Corporate Valuation in Mexico What factors shape organisational culture of MNEs' Robert Grosse, American University of Sharjah subsidiaries? Subsidiary acculturation and its antecedents Diana Bustani, Sintec Innan Sasaki, University of Turku Katsuhiko Yoshikawa, London School of Economics and Firm Level Internal Corporate Governance and Foreign Political Science Exchange Exposure: New Evidence from an Emerging Market Ekta Sikarwar, Indian Institute of Management Indore Social Ties, Social Capital and Managing Transnational Ganesh Kumar Nidugala, Indian Institute of Management Ventures in the Home Country Indore Sarika Pruthi, San Jose State University Mike Wright, Imperial College London Intellectual Property Rights and Innovation: A Panel Analysis Nikolaos Papageorgiadis, University of Liverpool Repatriation Outcomes Affecting Corporate ROI: A Critical Abhijit Sharma, University of Bradford Assessment and Agenda for Future Research Anika Breitenmoser, University of Hamburg IFRS Convergence: Evidence of Accounting Quality Benjamin Bader, Leuphana University of Lüneburg Erick Rading Outa, Strathmore Business School The Impact of Country Risk on Financing FDI in Developing Economic Distance, Local Managers' Competence, and Countries Localization of Foreign Subsidiaries Thomas Lindner, WU Vienna Naoki Ando, Hosei University Jakob Muellner, WU Vienna

Jonas Puck, WU Vienna Session 3.4.9 - Special Session Time: 14:30-15:45 Special Session Room: Surya Session 3.4.11 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Special Session of AJBS Best Papers Track: 12 - Institutional and Political Environment Room: Roshni Chair: Carol Reade, San Jose State University Domestic Institutions and Varieties of Capitalism The Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS) travels Chair: Ivan Montiel, Loyola Marymount University with AIB and meets on the day before the AIB conference. This session includes the best papers presented at this year's AJBS conference, studying the Japanese business system Chinese Distinct Form of Capitalism and its economic, social and cultural environment. Rui Torres Oliveira, Manchester Business School The Erosion of 'Japaneseness' in the Japanese Business Profitability and Competitiveness of U.S. and Japanese System: The Fukushima Accident as Catalyst for International Defense Contractors: Implications for IB Research Collaboration Tanya Andrea Peacock, Army-Baylor University Camilla Nellemann, Rikkyo University Kiyohiko Ito, University of Hawaii at Manoa Miguel Matos Torres, University of Aveiro Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University The Influence of Institutional Development on R&D Subsidiary Initiative for Transfer of Headquarters' Strategic Investment, Internationalization and Performance of Emerging Practice: A Case Study in Japanese ICT Company's Finnish Market Firms Subsidiary Sreevas Sahasranamam, Indian Institute of Management Naoto Nadayama, University of Otago Kozhikode Saptarshi Purkayastha, Indian Institute of Management Roles of Japanese MNEs' Subsidiaries for National Innovation Calcutta Systems in the South East Asian Countries Somnath Lahiri, Illinois State University Chie Iguchi, Keio University Role of Institutional Context in Diversification-Performance Discrimination and Turnover of Self-Initiated Expatriates in Relationship: A Meta-Analysis Asia Monika Schommer, EBS Business School Fabian Jintae Froese, University of Goettingen Amit Karna, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Anna Katharina Hildisch, University of Goettingen Ansgar Richter, University of Liverpool Tuesday Soo Min Toh, University of Toronto Going Abroad? Deciding Factors for Foreign Banks Investing in Africa Kweku Adams, University of Calgary

Yaw A. Debrah, Swansea University

72 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Institutions, e-Governance and Competitiveness: A Study of Reflecting Embeddedness - The Role of Identification for SIEs Asian Countries Organizational Integration Hernan Roxas, Deakin University Barbara Agha-Alikhani, University of Passau Doren Chadee, Deakin University Andreas Landes, University of Passau Alfred Presbitero, Deakin University

Session 3.4.12 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - 15:45-16:15 Track: 2 - Entrepreneurship and New Ventures Room: Dhwani Time: 15:45-16:15 Towards a Theory and Practice of Room: Royal Ballroom Micromultinationals Chair: Amanda Bullough, University of Delaware Coffee Break

The Born Global Phenomenon: Flat World Enablers and Spiky Refreshments will be provided for conference participants at World Levelers the Grand Ballroom and Royal Ballroom Foyers. Marleen McCormick, Butler University Deepak Somaya, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Antecedents and Organizational Learning in International New TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - 16:15-17:45 Ventures Teemu Kalevi Johannes Tuomisalo, Jyväskylä University Session 3.5 - Plenary Time: 16:15-17:45 Revisiting the Entrepreneurship-Subsidiary Initiative Special Session Room: Grand Ballroom Relationship: A Contingency Model of Cognition Ming-Chang Huang, Providence University AIB Awards Ceremony and Business Meeting Hsiang-Lin Cheng, National Chung Cheng University Managerial Ties, Trust and Cooperation in Exporters: The The session will start with the announcement of the winners Case of Taiwanese Small Trading Firms for the various conference awards including the Buckley and Hui Yun Chiu, National Chengchi University Casson Dissertation Award, AIB/Temple Best Paper Award, Chwo Ming Yu, National Chengchi University and the Rugman Most Promising Scholar Prize.

How Do Born Global Firms Overcome Resource Constraints? Then, the business meeting will feature a presentation for the Niche Marketing Strategies of a Micro-Multinational Brand 2016 AIB Meeting in New Orleans and a review of the state of Sonya H. Wen, Tamkang University AIB and JIBS. Yen Hung Chiu, University of Bath The floor will then be open for questions and comments from the membership. Session 3.4.13 - Interactive Time: 14:30-15:45 Track: 1 - People and Careers Room: Maya Cross-Cultural Differences in International Business TUESDAY, JUNE 30 - 17:45-19:00 Chair: Charles Edward Stevens, Lehigh University Time: 17:45-19:00 Peer Behavior, Workplace Happiness and Purchasing Social Room: Diva Terrace Responsibility: A Comparative Study between Taiwan and China AIB Awards/Farewell Reception Yi-Hui Ho, Chang Jung Christian University Chieh-Yu Lin, Chang Jung Christian University The 2015 AIB Annual Meeting will come to a close with a Guanxi, Renqing and Justice Theory in the Great China Area: reception immediately following the AIB General Business Conceptual Frameworks and Empirical Evidences Meeting. The reception will take place at the Second Floor Lung-Tan Lu, Fo Guang University Terrace. The Role of Sequences of Interactions on Cross-Cultural Inter- Team and Intra-Team Negotiations ✪ The Awards/Farewell Reception is sponsored by Palgrave Cheryl Dowie, Manchester Business School Macmillan, publishers of JIBS, in recognition of all the winners Claudio De Mattos, Manchester Business School of the various awards being given out at AIB 2015. Oscar De Bruijn, Manchester Business School Taking a Hit To Save The World: Employee Participation in Social Initiatives Christiane Bode, INSEAD Jasjit Singh, INSEAD Tuesday International Mergers & Acquisitions: Empirical Evidence for Challenges to Global Talent Management Cordula Barzantny, Toulouse Business School Magali Larquey, Toulouse Business School

Global Networks: Organizations and People 73 Program contributor index

Alon, Ilan; Rollins College, USA (ialon@ Awasthy, Richa; International Manage- Batas, Spiros; University of Northampton - A 1.5.11 ment Institute, India ([email protected]): University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom 2.3.10 ([email protected]): 1.1.4 Aberg, Susanne; Uppsala University, Swe- Alshumaimeri, Ahmed A .; King Saud den ([email protected]): 3.2.8 University, Saudi Arabia (alshum@ksu. Awate, Kiran; Ohio State University, USA Bathula, Hanoku ; University of Auckland, 2.2.4 ([email protected]): 2.1.12, New Zealand (h.bathula@auckland. Abreu, Monica Cavalcanti Sa de; Federal 3.4.6 1.1.8, 1.3.10 University of Ceara, Brazil (mabreu.ufc@ Altuntas, Gultekin; Istanbul University, 3.3.11 Turkey ([email protected]): 1.4.11 Awate, Snehal Suyash; Indian School of Batra, Safal; IMT Ghaziabad, India (safa- Business, India (snehal_awate@isb. [email protected]): 3.2.4 Adams, Kweku ; University of Calgary, Ambos, Björn; University of St. Gallen, edu): 2.1.3, 2.4.1, 2.5.2, 3.3.3 Canada (kweku.adams@haskayne. Switzerland ([email protected]): Bausch, Andreas ; Justus Liebig University 3.4.11 1.5.4, 2.2.3 Ayyagari, Meghana; George Washington Giessen, Germany (andreas.bausch@ University, USA ([email protected]): 1.4.11, 2.3.8 Adbi, Arzi; INSEAD, Singapore (arzi.adbi@ Amponsah, Christian Tabi; Skyline 1.1.5 3.2.7 University, United Arab Emirates (chris_ Beamish, Paul W .; Western University, [email protected]): 2.2.4 Canada ([email protected]): 2.2.1, Ado, Abdoulkadre; Laval University, Cana- 2.3.5, 3.05, 3.2.5, 3.3.6 da ([email protected]): 1.5.9 An, Younghoon; Yonsei University, Korea, South ([email protected]): 3.2.11 B Bebenroth, Ralf; Kobe University, Japan Agarwal, James; University of Calgary, Baack, Daniel; University of Denver, USA ([email protected]): 2.4.10, 3.1.11 Canada (james.agarwal@haskayne. Anand, Jaideep; Ohio State University, ([email protected]): 2.2.3, 3.4.3 3.3.9 USA ([email protected]): 1.3.2 Becker, Bettina; Aston Business School, Bader, Benjamin; Leuphana University of United Kingdom ([email protected]): Aggarwal, Raj; University of Akron, USA Anbumozhi, Venkatachalam; Economic Lüneburg, Germany (benjamin.bader@ 1.5.3 ([email protected]): 2.4.6 Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia (v.anbumozhi@ 1.1.9, 1.3.12, 3.4.8 Belderbos, Rene; KU Leuven, Belgium Agha-Alikhani, Barbara; University of Pas- 1.1.2 Baik, Youjin; Yonsei University, Korea, ([email protected]): 0.3, 1.1.3 sau, Germany (barbara.agha-alikhani@ South ([email protected]): 3.3.11 1.3.8, 3.4.13 Anderson, John; University of Northern Beldona, Sri ; University of Dallas, USA Iowa, USA ([email protected]): Bailey, Anastasia Veronica; Ohio State ([email protected]): 2.5.11, 3.1.11 Agrawal, Gaurav; ABV-Indian Institute of 3.4.5 University, USA ([email protected]. Information Technology and Manage- Benito, Gabriel R .G . ; BI Norwegian Busi- edu): 2.2.12 ment, India (drgauravagrawal@gmail. Ando, Naoki; Hosei University, Japan ness School, Norway (gabriel.r.g.benito@ com): 2.5.13, 3.3.13 ([email protected]): 1.1.12, 3.4.8 Balachandran, Sarath; University of 0.3, 3.3.10, 3.4.6 Pennsylvania, USA (sarath.bc87@gmail. Aguilera, Ruth; Northeastern University, Andre, Thomas; Ecole Polytechnique, Berg, David M .; Hamline University, USA com): 1.5.9 USA ([email protected]): 0.2, 1.4.3, 2.1.5, France (thomas.andre@polytechnique. ([email protected]): 1.3.7 2.3.5, 3.4.1 edu): 1.1.12, 2.4.5, 3.3.11 Balasubramanian, Bala N; Indian Insti- Berning, Sue Claire; Friedrich-Alexander tute of Management Ahmedabad, India Ahamed, A .F .M Jalal; Binus Business Andrews, Lynda; Queensland University University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Ger- ([email protected]): 2.2.10 School, Indonesia ([email protected]): of Technology, Australia (l.andrews@qut. many ([email protected]): 2.5.12 3.1.11 2.4.13 Baldauf, Artur; University of Bern, Switzer- Berry, Heather; George Washington Uni- land ([email protected]): 3.2.4 Aharoni, Yair; Tel Aviv University, Israel Angulo-Ruiz, Fernando; MacEwan Uni- versity, USA ([email protected]): 3.2.7 ([email protected]): 1.05 versity, Canada (fernando.anguloruiz@ Ballam, Mark; San Diego State University, Beveridge, Alim; Nottingham University 1.4.11 USA ([email protected]): 3.4.7 Ahi, Ali; Lappeenranta University of Business School China, China (alim. Technology, Iran (mohamadali.ahi@lut. Annavarjula, Madan; Bryant University, Banai, Moshe; City University of New [email protected]): 1.3.12 fi): 2.5.4 USA ([email protected]): 2.5.12 York, USA ([email protected]. Bhadra, Dhiman; Indian Institute of Man- edu): 2.4.7 Ahsan, Faisal; Indian Institute of Manage- Antolin-Lopez, Raquel; University of agement Ahmedabad, India (dhiman@ ment Lucknow, India (fpm12005@iiml. Almeria, Spain ([email protected]): 2.4.5 Bandeira-de-Mello, Rodrigo; FGV-EAESP, 2.5.3 2.5.4, 3.1.10 Arif, Azam ; Universiti Utara, Malaysia, Brazil (rodrigo.bandeira.demello@fgv. Bhadra, Santanu; Indian Institute of Man- br): 2.1.9 Aichhorn, Nathalie; WU Vienna, Austria Malaysia ([email protected]): agement Calcutta, India (santanub13@ ([email protected]): 2.3.9 2.5.11 Bapuji, Hari; University of Manitoba, Can- 2.5.13 ada ([email protected]): 2.4.5 Ajwani, Raji; Symbiosis Centre for Arora, Soma ; Institute of Management Bhaduri, Abhijit; Wipro Ltd., India (abhijit. Management, India (raji.ajwani@gmail. Technology, India (sarora98@hotmail. Barnard, Helena; GIBS, University of [email protected]): 2.1.2 com): 3.2.12 com): 2.2.11, 3.1.6 Pretoria, South Africa (barnardh@gibs. Bhagavatula, Suresh; Indian Institute of 1.1.7, 1.3.5, 2.4.12, 3.2.6 Akguc, Serkan; King Abdulaziz University, Arvate, Paulo Roberto; FGV-EAESP, Brazil Management Bangalore, India (suresh- Saudi Arabia ([email protected]): ([email protected]): 3.1.10 Baronchelli, Gianpaolo; University of [email protected]): 1.5.2, 2.1.1 1.3.13, 3.4.10 Asakawa, Kazuhiro; Keio University, Japan Bergamo, Italy (gianpaolo.baronchelli@ Bhasin, Balbir; University of Arkansas at 2.4.13, 2.5.4 Akter, Shaheen; TMCD, ODID, University ([email protected]): 0.2, 0.5, 2.3.2, Fort Smith, USA (balbir.bhasin@uafs. of Oxford, United Kingdom (shaheen. 3.1.4, 3.2.2, 3.4.9 Bartnik, Roman; University of Duisburg-Es- edu): 2.3.12 [email protected]): 2.5.4 Ascani, Andrea; London School of Eco- sen, Germany (roman.bartnik@uni-due. Bhaskaran, R .; Bosch Ltd., India (bas- de): 1.1.11 Al Radadi, Ahmed; Florida International nomics, United Kingdom (a.ascani@lse. [email protected]): 1.3.2 University, USA (a_radadi@hotmail. 1.5.3 Barua, Samir K; Indian Institute of Man- Bhatia, Jaspreet N . ; University of New com): 1.1.9 Ashok, Revathy; Iris Consulting, India agement Ahmedabad, India (skbarua@ South Wales, Australia (nitasha90@ 2.2.10 Alaganandam, Padmaja ; Pricewater- ([email protected]): 1.4.7 1.1.4 houseCoopers Pvt. Ltd., India (padmaja. Asmussen, Christian; Copenhagen Barulina, Maria; University of Texas at El Bi, Kexin; Harbin University of Science and [email protected]): 1.4.7 Business School, Denmark (cga.smg@ Paso, USA ([email protected]): 2.4.6 Technology, China ([email protected]. Alas, Ruth; Estonian Business School, 2.4.12 Barzantny, Cordula; Toulouse Business cn): 2.4.3 Estonia ([email protected]): 2.4.4 Aulakh, Preet; York University, Canada School, France (c.barzantny@tbs-educa- Bianchi, Constanza ; Universidad Adolfo 3.4.13 Albertoni, Filippo; Politecnico di Milano, ([email protected]): 0.3, 0.4, Ibanez, Chile (constanza.bianchi@uai. Italy ([email protected]): 2.4.12 1.3.1, 3.4.2 Barzotto, Mariachiara; Ca’ Foscari Univer- cl): 2.4.13 sity Venice, Italy (mariachiara.barzotto@ Albino Pimentel, Joao; HEC Paris, France Ault, Joshua K; University of Victoria, Bijmolt, Tammo H .A .; University of 2.1.10 ([email protected]): 1.1.5, Canada ([email protected]): 1.4.11 Groningen, Netherlands (t.h.a.bijmolt@ 3.4.6 Autio, Erkko ; Imperial College, United Basant, Rakesh; Indian Institute of Man- 2.3.4 agement Ahmedabad, India (rakesh@ Alford, Bruce; Louisiana Tech University, Kingdom ([email protected]): Binedell, Nick; GIBS Business School, 2.3.13 USA ([email protected]): 1.5.13 2.1.1 South Africa ([email protected]): 0.4, Baskar, S; Amagi Media Labs Pvt. Ltd., 0.7, 2.5.1 Ali, Salman Siddeeque; Indian Institute Aveline, Carlos Eduardo; Fundacao Get- India ([email protected]): 1.5.2 of Management Ahmedabad, India ulio Vargas, Brazil (cbdk8594@hotmail. Bird, Allan; Northeastern University, USA ([email protected]): 3.2.5 com): 3.4.5 Basuil, Dynah A; University of Auckland, ([email protected]): 1.1.6, 1.3.7 New Zealand (d.basuil@auckland. Ali-Yrkkö, Jyrki; Research Institute of the Awasthi, Kshitij; Indian Institute of Man- Bjorkman, Ingmar; Aalto University, Fin- 1.3.9, 1.5.10 Finnish Economy, Finland (jyrki.ali-yrk- agement Bangalore, India (kshitijawas- land ([email protected]): 3.3.12 [email protected]): 2.5.2 [email protected]): 2.2.10

74 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Blankenburg Holm, Desiree; Uppsala Burger, Martijn ; Erasmus University Chakrabarty, Subrata; University of Texas Chiang, Yi Fang; Feng Chia University, Tai- University, Sweden (desiree.holm@fek. Rotterdam, Netherlands (mburger@ese. - El Paso, USA (chakrabarty@gmail. wan ([email protected]): 1.5.13 2.1.12 1.5.7, 3.1.10 com): 1.4.11 Chiao, Yu-Ching ; National Chung Hsing Blomkvist, Katarina ; Uppsala University, Bustani, Diana; Sintec, Mexico (diana. Chakraborty, Indrani; Institute of Devel- University, Taiwan ([email protected]. Sweden ([email protected]): [email protected]): 3.4.10 opment Studies Kolkata, India (indrani. tw): 2.5.10 2.3.11 [email protected]): 3.3.6 Child, John; University of Birmingham, Bode, Christiane; INSEAD, Singapore Chakravarty, Dwarkaprasad; Ivey United Kingdom ([email protected]): ([email protected]): 3.3.12, C Business School, Canada (dchakravarty. 2.2.12 3.4.13 Cai, Yingdan; University of Groningen, [email protected]): 2.4.10, 3.2.5 Chin, Tachia; Guangdong University of Boehe, Dirk Michael; University of Ade- Netherlands ([email protected]): 2.3.7 Chan, T .S .; Lingnan University, Hong Kong, Foreign Studies, China (tachia1231@ laide, Australia (dirk.boehe@adelaide. Caldeira, Carlos Afonso; Insper Institute SAR-PRC ([email protected]): 0.5, 3.2.2 3.1.11 1.5.5 of Education and Research/Getulio Var- Chandna, Vallari; University of North Tex- Chiou, Andy; SUNY Farmingdale, USA Boglarsky, Cheryl; Human Synergistics gas Foudation, Brazil (cac252@yahoo. as, USA ([email protected]): 1.4.9 ([email protected]): 1.5.6 International, USA (cab@humansyner- com): 2.1.9 Chandra, Pankaj; IIMB, India (chandra@ Chittoor, Raveendra; Indian School of 2.5.11 Calixto, Cyntia ; Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 0.4 Business, India (raveendra_chittoor@isb. Bordia, Sarbari; Australian National Brazil ([email protected]): 2.1.11, 3.1.6 Chandra, Rajshree; Delhi University, India edu): 0.2, 1.3.1, 1.4.10, 3.4.2 University, Australia (sarbari.bordia@ Canela, Renata; Universidade Nove de ([email protected]): 1.4.12 Chiu, Chih-Fang; National Taiwan Uni- 1.5.6 Julho, Brazil ([email protected]): Chandrasekaran, Deepa; University of versity, Taiwan ([email protected]): Borini, Felipe ; ESPM, Brazil (fborini@ 3.2.6 Texas at San Antonio, USA (deepa.chan- 2.3.10, 2.5.12 2.2.12, 2.3.13, 3.3.10 Cano-Kollmann, Marcelo F; Temple [email protected]): 0.3, 2.4.8 Chiu, Hong-Jen C .; National Taiwan Boulanger, Michele ; Rollins College, USA University, USA ([email protected]): 1.4.5, Chang, Sea-Jin; National University of University, Taiwan ([email protected]. ([email protected]): 1.5.11 2.1.9, 2.2.7, 2.5.2 Singapore, Singapore ([email protected]. tw): 2.5.12, 3.3.3 Bouncken, Ricarda B; University of Cantwell, John; Rutgers University, USA sg): 0.2, 1.1.1 Chiu, Hui Yun; National Chengchi Uni- Bayreuth, Germany (bouncken@uni- ([email protected]): 0.1, Chang, Sheng-Hsiung; Tamkang Univer- versity, Taiwan (hychiucandy@hotmail. 1.3.10 0.71.1, 1.1.10, 2.1.3, 2.4.12, 3.3.1 sity, Taiwan ([email protected]. com): 3.4.12 Boussebaa, Mehdi; University of Bath, Cao, Yangfeng; Copenhagen Business tw): 2.4.13 Chiu, Ya-Ping ; Chung Yuan Christian United Kingdom (m_boussebaa@ School, Denmark ([email protected]): 2.5.7 Chang, Sungyong; Columbia University, University, Taiwan ([email protected]. 1.5.12 Carr, Chris; University of Edinburgh, United USA ([email protected]): 3.1.2 tw): 3.3.2 Boyacigiller, Nakiye Avdan ; Sabanci Kingdom ([email protected]): 2.4.7 Charlety, Patricia ; ESSEC Business School Chiu, Yen Hung; University of Bath, Tai- University, Turkey (nakiye@sabanciuniv. Carvalho, Sergio W .; Dalhousie University, and THEMA, France (charlety@essec. wan ([email protected]): 3.4.12 edu): 0.4, 0.7, 2.1.4, 2.2.4, 2.5.1 Canada ([email protected]): 1.5.13 edu): 3.1.7 Chizema, Amon; University of Birming- Bozionelos, Nikos; Audencia Nantes Caskey, D’Arcy; Feng Chia University, Chatterjee, Chirantan; Indian Institute of ham, United Kingdom (A.Chizema@ Ecole de Management, France (nbozio- Taiwan ([email protected]): 1.5.10 Management Bangalore, India (chiran- 3.1.5 [email protected]): 1.4.4 Castaner, Xavier; University of Lausanne, [email protected]): 1.5.2, 3.2.7 Chng, Daniel Han Ming; China Europe Brahmasrene, Tantatape; Purdue Uni- Switzerland ([email protected]): Chaudhuri, Kaushik; Shiv Nadar Univer- International Business School, China versity North Central, USA (tapeb@pnc. 1.3.11 sity, India ([email protected]. ([email protected]): 1.4.10, 2.2.10 edu): 2.3.12 Castelnuovo, Sara; Clifford Chance Pte in): 2.5.11 Cho, Hyuksoo; Chungnam National Brandl, Kristin ; University of Reading, Ltd, Singapore (srcastelnuovo@gmail. Chen, Homin; National Taiwan University, University, Korea, South (hyuksoo@kmu. United Kingdom (kristin.brandl@henley. com): 2.4.13 Taiwan ([email protected]): 1.5.10, 2.2.12 1.3.11, 1.4.5, 1.5.5, 2.2.6, 2.4.11 Castro, Alejandro M . Fernández; CESUGA, 2.1.11 Cho, Se Ho; Rutgers Business School, USA Brannen, Mary Yoko; University of Spain ([email protected]): 1.5.7, Chen, Liang ; University of Leeds, United ([email protected]): 2.3.11, 2.4.12 Victoria, Canada ([email protected]): 2.3.7 Kingdom ([email protected]): 3.3.4 Cho, Theresa S .; Seoul National Universi- 1.3.8, 1.5.6 Castro, Andres Mauricio; Universidad Chen, Shih-Fen; Ivey Business School, ty, USA ([email protected]): 2.1.12 Branzei, Oana; Ivey Business School del Rosario, Colombia (andres.castro@ Canada ([email protected]): 3.1.12 Cho, Youngsam; Korea University, Korea, Western University, Canada (obranzei@ 1.1.8 South ([email protected]): 2.4.7 3.4.2 Chen, Stephen; University of Newcastle, Castro Martins, Henrique; UFRGS, Brazil Australia ([email protected]. Cho, Yunok; Renmin University of China, Breitenmoser, Anika; University of Ham- ([email protected]): 2.2.10 au): 1.3.4 China ([email protected]): 3.1.2 burg, Germany (anika.breitenmoser@ 3.4.8 Casulli, Lucrezia ; University of Chen, Taotao; Tsinghua University, China Choe, Soonkyoo; Yonsei University, Korea, Strathclyde, United Kingdom (lucrezia. ([email protected]): 3.4.5 South ([email protected]): 3.2.11, Brenes, Esteban; INCAE, Costa Rica (este- [email protected]): 1.4.11 3.3.11 [email protected]): 1.5.7 Chen, Wei-Lun; National Dong Hwa Cathro, Virginia; University of Otago, New University, Taiwan (m9733030@ems. Choi, Jongmoo Jay ; Temple University, Brenner, Barbara; Danube University Zealand ([email protected]): 2.1.5 USA ([email protected]): 1.3.13, 1.4.6, Krems, Austria (barbara.brenner@ 1.3.7, 2.1.2 3.3.6 2.3.11, 3.2.12 Chen, Xiao; Tsinghua University, China Caviezel, Valeria; University of Bergamo, ([email protected]): 3.4.5 Choi, KyuYeong; Florida State University, Brewster, Chris; ISCTE Business School, Italy ([email protected]): 2.4.13 USA ([email protected]): 1.3.11 Portugal ([email protected]): Chen, Xiaoyun; University of Macau, 1.3.8 Celo, Sokol; Suffolk University, USA (sce- Macau ([email protected]): 2.3.7 Chou, Hsin-Hui; National Cheng Kung [email protected]): 1.1.12, 3.3.9 Chen, Yingyu (Kerri); National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan ([email protected]. Brown, Cole; Indian Professional Research 2.5.12 Project, India ([email protected]): Cerdin, Jean-Luc; ESSEC Business School, University, Taiwan (kc615486@gmail. 1.5.13 France ([email protected]): 1.1.13, 1.3.8 com): 3.3.13 Chou, Wen-Chiung; Kainan University, Taiwan ([email protected]): 3.3.13 Bryla, Pawel; University of Lodz, Poland Cerne, Miha; University of Ljubljana, Slo- Chen, Zhou; University of Hawaii at Ma- ([email protected]): 3.1.11 venia ([email protected]): 3.2.13 noa, USA ([email protected]): 1.1.8 Christie, Odette ; University of Dallas, USA ([email protected]): 2.5.11 Bu, Juan; University of Miami, USA (j.bu@ Chabowski, Brian R .; University of Tulsa, Cheng, Angela Yazhi; Nottingham 2.4.11, 3.2.4 USA ([email protected]): University Business School China, China Christmann, Petra; Rutgers University, 2.3.4, 2.4.8 ([email protected]): 1.3.12 USA ([email protected]): Buckley, Peter; University of Leeds, United 0.1, 1.5.7 Kingdom ([email protected]): Chacar, Aya; Florida International Univer- Cheng, Hsiang-Lin; National Chung 1.4.8, 2.1.1, 3.2.1, 3.3.3 sity, USA ([email protected]): 0.2, 1.1.12, Cheng University, Taiwan (hlcheng@ccu. Christodoulides, Paul; Cyprus University 1.5.4, 2.3.10 1.1.10, 3.3.2, 3.4.12 of Technology, Cyprus (paul.christ- Bueechl, Joerg; Tuebingen University, [email protected]): 2.1.8 Germany (joerg.bueechl@uni-tuebingen. Chadee, Doren; Deakin University, Aus- Chetty, Sylvie K .; University of Otago, New de): 3.4.3 tralia ([email protected]): 2.2.4, Zealand ([email protected]): Chuang, Cheng-Min; National Taiwan 2.5.11, 3.4.11 1.5.12, 3.4.4 University & Overseas Chinese Univer- Bullough, Amanda; University of Dela- Chakrabarti, Abhirup; Queen’s School of Chhajer, Raina; Indian Institute of Man- sity, Taiwan ([email protected]): ware, USA ([email protected]): 2.1.4, 2.3.10 3.4.12 Business, Canada (abhirup.chakrabar- agement Udaipur, India (raina.chhajer@ [email protected]): 2.1.10 1.1.6 Chung, Sung Hun; Seoul National Univer- Bunz, Thorsten; Justus Liebig University Chakrabarti, Amit Baran; Indian Institute Chi, Tailan; University of Kansas, USA sity, Korea, South (shchung521@gmail. Giessen, Germany (thorsten.bunz@ com): 2.1.12 1.4.11 of Management Calcutta, India (amit- ([email protected]): 1.05, 3.4.1 [email protected]): 2.1.10 Global Networks: Organizations and People 75 Ciravegna, Luciano; King’s College Lon- Darwish, Tamer; University of Glouces- Dimitratos, Pavlos; University of Glasgow, Elias, Rida; American University of Beirut, don, United Kingdom (luciano.ciraveg- tershire, United Kingdom (tamer_kd@ United Kingdom (pavlos.dimitratos@ Lebanon ([email protected]): 2.1.12, [email protected]): 1.1.7, 1.5.7, 2.5.3, 3.4.4 1.4.4 3.4.4 3.3.6 Clapp-Smith, Rachel ; Purdue University Das, Shobha; Qatar University, Qatar Dimitrova, Mihaela; Oakland University, Elliot, Esi; Suffolk University, USA (eael- Calumet, USA (rachel.smith@purduecal. ([email protected]): 1.4.12 USA ([email protected]): 1.1.13 [email protected]): 1.4.13 edu): 1.3.12 Dasgupta, Pinaki; International Manage- Ding, Daniel Z .; City University of Hong Elston, Julie Ann ; Oregon State University, Clefberg, Lisa Sofia; Institute for Cognitive ment Institute, India ([email protected]): Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (mkding@ USA ([email protected]): Behavior Therapy & Department of Clin- 1.1.10, 1.5.13 1.1.12 1.5.11 ical Neuroscience Karolinska Institute, Dash, Rupanwita; Indian Institute of Man- Ding, Yuan; CEIBS, Chile (dyuan@ceibs. Elter, Frank; Telenor Research, Norway Sweden ([email protected]): 1.3.12 agement Bangalore, India (rupanwita. edu): 3.4.2 ([email protected]): 2.3.11 Clegg, L . Jeremy; University of Leeds, [email protected]): 3.1.2 Dixit, Mukund R; Indian Institute of Ercokses, Busra ; Yapi Kredi Bankasi, Tur- United Kingdom ([email protected]. Dashdeleg, Altan-Uya ; National Dong Management Ahmedabad, India (dixit@ key ([email protected]): 3.3.12 1.5.12 Hwa University, Mongolia (altanuya@ 3.2.4 Eriksson, Kent; Stanford University, USA Coelho, Diego Bonaldo; ESPM, Brazil 2.5.10 Doornich, June Borge; University of Nord- ([email protected]): 3.3.4 ([email protected]): 3.3.10 Dasi, Angels; University of Valencia, Spain land, Norway (june.borge.doornich@uin. Erkus, Ahmet ; Bahcesehir University, Cohan, Lindsey M; Perishables, USA: 3.2.8 ([email protected]): 2.3.11 no): 2.5.12 Turkey ([email protected]. Concer, Ronald de Oliveira; EAESP-FGV, Datta, Deepak K; University of Texas at Dow, Douglas; University of Melbourne, 2.4.7 Brazil ([email protected]): 1.1.12 Arlington, USA ([email protected]): 1.3.9, Australia ([email protected]): 2.1.6, 2.2.3, Estrin, Saul; London School of Economics, Conger, Michael; Miami University, USA 1.5.10, 3.2.12 2.3.9, 3.4.3 United Kingdom ([email protected]): ([email protected]): 2.3.8 Dau, Luis Alfonso; Northeastern Universi- Dowie, Cheryl; Manchester Business 2.5.6 Contractor, Farok J .; Rutgers Business ty, USA ([email protected]): 2.4.3, 3.4.1 School, United Kingdom (cheryl.dowie@ Etemaddar, Mitra ; University of Otago, School, USA ([email protected]. De Bruijn, Oscar ; Manchester Business 3.4.13 New Zealand (mitra.etemaddar@otago. edu): 1.3.1, 2.3.6, 3.1.1 School, United Kingdom ( Doz, Yves; INSEAD, France (yves.doz@ 3.4.4 Coro’, Giancarlo; Ca’ Foscari University 3.4.13 1.5.1, 2.2.1, 2.3.2 Venice, Italy ([email protected]): 2.1.10 de la Garza Carranza, María Teresa ; Drev, Matej; Georgia Institute of Technol- Cosset, Jean-Claude; HEC Montréal, Can- Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya, Mexico ogy, USA ([email protected]. F ada ([email protected]): 2.2.7 ([email protected]): 1.4.13 edu): 3.2.7 Falaster, Christian; Universidade Nove de Crescenzi, Riccardo; London School of de la Torre, José R ;. Florida International Driffield, Nigel; Warwick Business School, Julho, Brazil (christianfalaster@gmail. Economics, United Kingdom (r.crescen- University, USA (delatorrejoser@gmail. United Kingdom (n.l.driffield@aston. com): 3.2.6 [email protected]): 1.5.3 com): 0.4, 1.3.7, 2.05 1.5.3 Fan, Di; Deakin University, Australia (da- Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro; Northeastern De Mattos, Claudio; Manchester Business Drogendijk, Rian; University of Groningen, [email protected]): 2.4.7, 3.1.12, 3.3.4 University, USA (a.cuervocazurra@neu. School, United Kingdom (claudio. Netherlands ([email protected]): Fang, Shih-Chieh; National Cheng Kung edu): 2.1.11, 2.4.12 [email protected]): 2.5.10, 3.4.13 2.1.12 University, Taiwan ([email protected]. Cui, Lin ; Australian National University, de Vasconcellos, Silvio Luís; Universi- Du, Helen; KU Leuven, Belgium (helen- 2.5.12 Australia ([email protected]): 3.1.12 dade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil [email protected]): 1.1.3 Fang, Tony; Stockholm University, Sweden ([email protected]): 2.1.11 Cuneo, Andres; ESADE Business School, Du, Jian; Zhejiang Universit, China (duji- ([email protected]): 1.4.13, 2.5.7, 3.1.11, Spain ([email protected]): 2.4.13 de Vries, Gaaitzen J .; University of [email protected]): 1.4.12 3.4.4 Groningen, Netherlands ( Dunlap, Denise; Northeastern University, Farah, Bassam E .; American University of Cuypers, Ilya; Singapore Management 2.1.7 University, Singapore (ilyacuypers@smu. USA ([email protected]): 3.1.4 Beirut, Lebanon (bassam.farah@aub. 2.2.3, 3.3.2 Deboskey, David; San Diego State Dussauge, Pierre; HEC Paris, France 3.3.6 University, USA ([email protected]. ([email protected]): 1.1.5 Farfan, Dalsy Yolima; Universidad del Ro- Cuypers, Youtha; University of Hong edu): 1.3.13 Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (ycuypers@ Dutt, Pushan; INSEAD, Singapore (pushan. sario, Colombia (dalsy.farfan@urosario. 3.3.2 Debrah, Yaw A ;. Swansea University, [email protected]): 2.4.4 1.1.8 United Kingdom (y.a.debrah@swansea. Fariborzi, Hadi; University of Calgary, 3.4.11 Duvivier, Florence; Universite libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (florence.duvivier@ Canada ([email protected]): D Decreton, Benoit; WU Vienna, Austria 2.3.11 2.3.13 ([email protected]): 2.1.12 D, Karthik; Indian Institute of Manage- Feinberg, Susan ; Temple University, USA ment Ahmedabad, India (dkarthik@ Dejong, Dale; Florida International Univer- ([email protected]): 2.1.7, 3.3.13 2.2.10, 2.3.13 sity, USA ([email protected]): 3.3.10 E Feldman, Maryann; University of North Dadhich, Harsh; Indian Institute of Man- Delios, Andrew; National University of Eapen, Alex; Australian National Univer- Carolina, USA (maryann.feldman@unc. agement Ahmedabad, India (harshd@ Singapore, Singapore ([email protected]. sity, Australia ([email protected]. edu): 1.4.1 2.3.4 sg): 2.3.10 au): 1.5.3 Fernandez, Whitney Douglas; San Diego Dai, Li ; Loyola Marymount University, Demirbag, Mehmet; University of Edelman, Linda F .; Bentley University, USA State University, USA (wfernandez@mail. USA ([email protected]): 1.1.3 Strathclyde, United Kingdom (mehmet. ([email protected]): 1.3.10, 3.3.2 3.1.10 [email protected]): 1.3.1, 2.5.6 Dakhli, Mourad; Georgia State University, Eghbali-Zarch, Majid; Memorial University Fey, Carl F .; Nottingham University USA ([email protected]): 3.2.13 Deng, Ziliang; Renmin University of China, of Newfoundland, Canada (majidez@ Business School China, China (carl.fey@ China ([email protected]): 1.4.9, 1.5.4, 2.1.6 1.3.3, 1.4.10 Dalbehera, Shailen Kumar; Indian Insti- 1.5.8, 3.2.10 tute of Management Bangalore, India Egri, Carolyn P .; Simon Fraser University, Filatotchev, Igor; WU Vienna, Austria (igor. ([email protected]): 3.3.10 Deniz, Nevin; Marmara University, Turkey Canada ([email protected]): 1.4.13, 2.4.4 [email protected]): 2.4.6 ([email protected]): 3.3.12 D’Amelio, Matilde; Politecnico di Milano, Ehrnrooth, Mats; Hanken School of Fisch, Jan Hendrik; WU Vienna, Austria Italy ([email protected]): 1.3.5 Devinney, Timothy; University of Leeds, Economics, Finland (mats.ehrnrooth@ ([email protected]): 1.5.5 United Kingdom (t.devinney@leeds. 3.2.3, 3.3.12 Fleury, Afonso; Universidade de Sao Pau- Dandu, Jagadish; Zayed University, 2.3.5, 3.05, 3.2.5 United Arab Emirates (jagadish.dandu@ Eiadat, Yousef; University College Dublin, lo, Brazil ([email protected]): 3.2.6, 3.4.5 1.3.13, 2.4.6 Dhabolkar, Vinay; Catalign Innovation Ireland ([email protected]): 1.5.7, Fleury, Maria Tereza; Fundacao Getulio Consulting, India ([email protected]): 2.3.7 Vargas, Brazil ([email protected]): Daniel, Shirley; University of Hawaii at 1.3.2 Manoa, USA ([email protected]): 1.1.8, Elahee, Mohammad Niamat; Quinnipiac 3.2.6, 3.4.5 3.2.12, 3.4.7 Dhanaraj, Charles ; IMD, Switzerland University, USA (mohammad.elahee@ Flores, Miguel; Tecnolo´gico de Monter- ([email protected]): 0.4, 1.3.1 Danis, Wade; University of Victoria, Cana- 3.3.7 rey, Mexico ([email protected]): da ([email protected]): 3.2.13 Dias, Davina; Monash University, Austra- Elango, B ;. Illinois State University, USA 2.2.9 lia ([email protected]): 1.5.11 d’Arcy, Anne; WU Vienna, Austria (anne. ([email protected]): 3.1.12, 3.3.13 Fodchuk, Katy ; Advanced Partnerships, [email protected]): 2.4.6 Dieleman, Marleen; National University Elbanna, Said ; Qatar University, Qatar USA (katy@advancedpartnerships. of Singapore, Singapore (marleen@nus. ([email protected]): 2.2.12 com): 2.2.8 Darder, Fidel León; University of Spain, 2.5.6 Spain ([email protected]): 1.4.13 Elia, Stefano; Politecnico di Milano, Italy Ford, John B .; Old Dominion University, Dikova, Desislava ; Vienna University of ([email protected]): 2.4.12, 3.1.3 USA ([email protected]): 2.4.13 Darendeli, Izzet ; Temple University, USA Economics and Business, Austria (de- ([email protected]): 2.4.11 Forlani, Emanuele; University of Pavia, Ita- [email protected]): 2.4.9, 3.2.13 ly ([email protected]): 2.2.6 76 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Fortanier, Fabienne; OECD, France (fabi- Genc, Omer Faruk; Abdullah Gul Universi- Gupta, Deepak ; Amrita School of Busi- Hofstetter, Joerg Stefan; University of St. [email protected]): 1.5.8 ty, Turkey ([email protected]): ness, India ([email protected]): 2.2.11 Gallen, Switzerland (joerg.hofstetter@ Fortwengel, Johann; Free University Berlin, 1.4.6, 1.5.10 Gupta, Susan Forquer ; Monmouth 2.2.9 Germany (johann.fortwengel@fu-berlin. Gentile-Luedecke, Simona; Bremen University, USA (sgupta@monmouth. Holtbruegge, Dirk; Friedrich-Alexander de): 1.4.8, 2.1.9 University, Germany (simona.gentile@ edu): 1.3.7, 3.1.6 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Freeman, Susan; University of Adelaide, 2.2.11 Guseva, Natalia; National Research Germany ([email protected]): Australia (susan.freeman@adelaide. Gertz, Geoffrey; University of Oxford, University Higher School of Economics, 2.5.12, 3.1.10 2.4.7 United Kingdom (geoffrey.gertz@politics. Russia ([email protected]): 1.5.11 Hong, Xiangxiang; Nottingham University Freitas, Ana Rita Pinheiro de; Federal 3.4.2 Business School China, China (francis. University of Ceara, Brazil (anarita1802@ Ghorbani, Majid; Renmin University of [email protected]): 3.2.11 3.3.11 China, Canada ([email protected]. H Horaguchi, Haruo H .; Hosei University, Froese, Fabian Jintae; University of Goet- cn): 1.4.13, 3.3.11 Ha, Yoo Jung; University of York, United Japan ([email protected]): 1.1.11, tingen, Germany (fabian.froese@gmail. Ghosh, Anindya; IESE, Spain: 2.2.11 Kingdom ([email protected]): 2.4.2 1.5.3, 3.4.7 com): 2.5.11, 3.4.9 Ghosh, Pulak; Indian Institute of Manage- Haapanen, Mika; University of Jyväskylä, Horsburgh, Stuart; Manchester Met- Fu, Kun; Imperial College, United Kingdom ment Bangalore, India (pulak.ghosh@ Finland ([email protected]): 2.4.4 ropolitan University, United Kingdom ([email protected]): 2.2.8 ([email protected]): 2.5.4 1.4.2 Hagen, James M .; Hamline University, Fu, Qingfen; Tsinghua University, China Ghosh, Soumya Kanti; Chief Economic USA ([email protected]): 1.3.7 Hoskisson, Robert; Rice University, USA ([email protected]): 1.3.9 ([email protected]): 1.3.11 Advisor, State Bank of India, India: 1.4.2 Halaszovich, Tilo; University of Bremen, Fu, Xiaolan; University of Oxford, United Gibson, Cristina; University of Western Germany (tilo.halaszovich@uni-bremen. Hou, Sheng-Tsung; Feng Chia University, Kingdom ([email protected]): 1.3.6 Australia, Australia (cristina.gibson@ de): 1.5.8 Taiwan ([email protected]): 1.1.10, 1.5.13 Fuchs, Manfred; University of Graz, 1.5.6 Halliday, Cynthia Saldanha; Florida Austria ([email protected]): Girma, Sourafel; Nottingham University, International University, USA (chall061@ Howe-Walsh, Liza; University of 3.2.8 United Kingdom (sourafel.girma@ 2.5.11 Portsmouth, United Kingdom (liza.howe- [email protected]): 3.3.12 Fuller, Douglas B .; Zhejiang University, 2.3.7 Hamilton III, Robert D .; Temple University, China ([email protected]): 1.5.1 Giroud, Axèle; UNCTAD, Switzerland USA ([email protected]): 1.4.5, 2.4.11 Hsieh, Kai-Yu; Waseda University, Japan ([email protected]): 2.2.6 Furrer, Olivier; University of Fribourg, ([email protected]): 2.3.3, 3.2.1 Han, Jian; CEIBS, China (jianhan@ceibs. Switzerland ([email protected]): Goerzen, Anthony; Queen’s University, edu): 1.4.10 Hsieh, Linda Hsiu-Yun; University of 1.4.13, 2.4.4 Canada ([email protected]. Birmingham, United Kingdom (h.hsieh@ Hannigan, T .J .; Temple University, USA (tj. 2.2.12 Furtmueller, Elfi; Innsbruck University, ca): 0.3, 1.1.3, 2.2.9 [email protected]): 2.1.3, 2.3.11, 2.4.1 Hu, Dongmei; Shenzhen University, The Austria ([email protected]): Gong, Yuanyuan; Nanjing University, Hartel, Charmine; University of 2.5.10 China ([email protected]): 1.3.11 George Washington University, China Queensland, Australia (c.hartel@busi- ([email protected]): 2.1.7 Gong, Yundan ; Aston University, United 1.1.6 Kingdom ([email protected]): 2.3.7 Hu, Tianyou; National University of Singa- Hatfield, Donald; Virginia Tech University, pore, Singapore ([email protected]): 2.3.10 G Gonzalez-Perez, Maria-Alejandra; Uni- USA ([email protected]): 2.4.3 G . Geleilate, Jose-Mauricio; Florida versidad EAFIT, Colombia (mgonza40@ Huang, Hsiu Ying; Feng Chia University, Hayashi, Tadashi; Kyoto Sangyo Uni- Taiwan ([email protected]): 1.5.13 International University, USA (jgeleila@ 2.3.13, 3.2.11 versity, Japan ([email protected]. 3.1.4 Goodell, John W . ; University of Akron, 1.5.12 Huang, Ming-Chang; Providence Universi- Gadepalli, Sarada Devi; Indian Institute USA ([email protected]): 2.4.6 ty, Taiwan ([email protected]): 1.1.10, Hearn, Bruce Allen; University of Sussex, 3.3.2, 3.4.12 of Management Calcutta, India (sara- Gooderham, Paul N .; Norwegian School of United Kingdom (b.a.hearn@sussex. [email protected]): 1.4.10, 1.5.4 Economics, Norway (paul.gooderham@ 1.1.4, 1.3.5, 1.4.12, 2.3.8 Huang, Victor Zengyu; Zayed University, Galanaki, Eleanna ; Athens University 2.3.11, 3.4.3 United Arab Emirates (victor.zuang@ Heinberg, Martin; University of Duis- 2.2.4 of Economics, Greece (eleanna@aueb. Görg, Holger ; Kiel Institute for the World burg-Essen, Germany (martin.heinberg@ gr): 1.5.11 Economy, University of Kiel, University of 1.5.13, 2.3.4 Huang, Yanjun; China Foreign Affairs Galbreath, Jeremy; Curtin Graduate Aarhus, Germany (goerg@economics. University, China (huangyanjun@ruc. Hennart, Jean-Francois; Tilburg Uni- 1.3.13 School of Business, Australia (jeremy. 2.3.7 versity, University of Pavia, Singapore [email protected]): 2.1.5 Gorynia, Marian; Poznan University Management University, Netherlands Hui, Kent; Michigan State University, USA Gammelgaard, Jens; Copenhagen of Economics, Poland (m.gorynia@ ([email protected]): 2.2.6, 2.3.6 ([email protected]): 1.3.11 Business School, Denmark ( 2.3.12 Hernandez, Exequiel ; University of Hult, G . Tomas M .; Michigan State dk): 2.5.7 Graf, Nicola; Johannes Kepler University Pennsylvania, USA (exequiel@wharton. University, USA ([email protected]): Gao, Hongzhi; Victoria University of Wel- Linz, Austria ([email protected]): 2.5.10 1.5.9 1.1.2, 2.4.8, 3.3.1 lington, New Zealand (hongzhi.gao@ Grebinevych, Oksana; EMLYON, France Hertenstein, Peter; Cambridge University, Hundley, Gregory Stephen; Purdue 3.3.3 ([email protected]): 2.2.6 United Kingdom ([email protected]): University, USA (ghundley@purdue. edu): 1.4.5 Gao, Qian; Anhui University, China (gao- Grimpe, Christoph; Copenhagen Business 3.4.5 [email protected]): 2.2.12 School, Denmark ([email protected]): 3.1.4 Heyden, Mariano; Newcastle Business Hyun, Eunjung; Hitotsubashi University, Japan ([email protected]): 2.2.6 Garg, Ritam; Friedrich-Alexander Univer- Grogaard, Birgitte; University of Calgary, School, Australia, Australia (mariano. sity of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Canada ([email protected]): 3.3.10 [email protected]): 2.1.5 ([email protected]): 3.1.10 Grosse, Robert; American University of Hildisch, Anna Katharina ; University I Garrido, Ivan Lapuente; Universidade do Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (rgrosse@ of Goettingen, Germany (katharina. Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil (igarrido@ 3.05, 3.4.10 [email protected]): 2.4.10, Iammarino, Simona; London School of 2.1.11 3.1.11, 3.4.9 Economics, United Kingdom (s.iammari- Groutsis, Dimitria; University of Sydney, [email protected]): 1.4.1, 1.5.3 Garrone, Paola; Politecnico di Milano, Italy Australia ([email protected]. Hildrum, Jarle ; Telenor Research, Norway ([email protected]): 1.3.5 au): 1.1.13 ([email protected]): 2.3.11 Ianchovichina, Elena ; World Bank, USA ([email protected]): 1.5.7 Gasiorowski, Laura; Temple University, Gruber, Verena; WU Vienna, Austria Hirschmann, Johannes; Trier University, USA ([email protected]): ([email protected]): 1.5.13 Germany ([email protected]): Iguchi, Chie; Keio University, Japan (igu- 3.3.13, 3.4.6 2.4.8 [email protected]): 3.4.9 Gubbi, Sathyajit ; University of Groningen, Gaur, Ajai; Rutgers University, USA (ajai@ Netherlands ([email protected]): 2.3.7, Hitt, Michael A .; Texas A&M University, Ikegami, Jusuke JJ; Waseda University, 1.3.1, 2.1.6, 3.1.4 3.1.12 USA ([email protected]): 2.1.6 Japan ([email protected]): 1.3.11 Gaur, Sanjaya ; Auckland University of Guner, Berrin; Rowan University, USA Ho, Mia Hsiao-Wen; Yuzn Ze University, in der Heiden, Peter Thomas; University Technology, New Zealand (sgaur@aut. ([email protected]): 3.3.12 Taiwan ([email protected]): of Duisburg-Essen, Germany (peter. 1.3.10 1.3.4, 1.5.9 [email protected]): 1.3.10, 1.4.12 Gunnigle, Patrick; University of Limerick, Ge, Gloria L .; Griffith University, Australia Ireland ([email protected]): 1.1.3 Ho, Yi-Hui; Chang Jung Christian Universi- Inouye, Todd Masaru; University of ([email protected]): 1.1.12 ty, Taiwan ([email protected]): Hawaii at Manoa, USA (toddi@hawaii. Gupta, Anupama; National Institute of 3.4.13 edu): 3.3.10 Genc, Mehmet Erdem; Ozyegin University, Fashion Technology, India (anupama- Turkey ([email protected]. [email protected]): 1.1.10 Hofer, Katharina Maria; Johannes Kepler Ipek, Ebru ; Simon Fraser University, Cana- tr): 1.3.11 University Linz, Austria (katharina. da ([email protected]): 1.5.11, 3.4.7 Gupta, Budhaditya; Harvard University, [email protected]): 2.5.10 USA ([email protected]): 1.4.5 Global Networks: Organizations and People 77 Isakovic, Adrienne A .; Walden University, Jiang, Wanxing; Hong Kong Baptist Uni- Kedia, Ben; Univerity of Memphis, USA Koestner, Mariella; University of Graz, USA ([email protected]): versity, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (wanxing. ([email protected]): 1.1.8, 2.1.12 Austria (mariella.koestner@uni-graz. 2.2.4 [email protected]): 1.4.13, 2.3.9 Kelley, Keith J; University of Michi- at): 3.2.8 Israel, Duraipandian; XLRI-Xavier School Jiang, Yanbin; Zhejiang University, China gan-Flint, USA ([email protected]): Kogut, Bruce; Columbia University, USA of Management, India (disrael@xlri. ([email protected]): 2.5.4 3.1.12 ([email protected]): 3.1.2 1.5.13 Jimenez, Alfredo; University of Burgos, Kelly, Aidan; University College Dublin, Konara, Palitha; University of Hudders- Ito, Jun; Temple University, USA (jun.ito@ Spain ([email protected]): 3.4.3 Ireland ([email protected]): 1.5.7, 2.3.7 field, United Kingdom (palitha.konara@ 3.3.13 Joardar, Arpita; Clark University, USA Kent, Stephanie Jo; UMass Amherst, USA 1.1.3, 1.4.8, 2.1.9 Ito, Kiyohiko; University of Hawaii at Ma- ([email protected]): 1.1.13, 3.3.8 ([email protected]): 2.5.11 Koning, Ruud H .; University of Groningen, noa, USA ([email protected]): 3.4.9 Joh, Gun-Ho; San Diego State University, Ketencioglu, Elif ; Optus, Australia (elif. Netherlands ([email protected]): 2.3.4 Ivanova-Gongne, Maria; Abo Akademi USA ([email protected]): 1.3.13 [email protected]): 2.5.12 Koshy, Abraham ; Indian Institute of Man- University, Finland (mivanova@abo. Jones, Marian V .; University of Glasgow, Khan, Zaheer; University of Sheffield, agement Ahmedabad, India (akoshy@ fi): 1.4.13 United Kingdom (marian.v.jones@ United Kingdom (khan.zaheer@gmail. 2.3.4 Iyer, Rajesh; Bradley University, USA 3.4.4 com): 1.4.5 Kostanek, Edyta; Hanken School of ([email protected]): 1.5.13 Jonge, Alice de; Monash University, Khoreva, Violetta; Hanken School of Economics, Finland (kostanek.edyta@ Australia ([email protected]): Economics, Finland (violetta.khoreva@ 3.3.12 1.4.7, 2.2.4, 2.5.12, 3.3.10 2.4.10, 3.3.12 Kostova, Tatiana; University of South Car- J Jose, P . D .; Indian Institute of Manage- Kim, Brian; Yonsei University, Korea, South olina, USA ([email protected]): 3.3.1 Jadhav, Aditya Mohan; T. A. Pai Manage- ment Bangalore, India ([email protected]. ([email protected]): 2.2.6 Kotabe, Masaaki ; Temple University, USA ment Institute, India (adityajadhav@ in): 1.1.2 Kim, Daekwan; Florida State University, ([email protected]): 3.4.5 2.5.13 Joseph, Thomas; Indian Institute of USA ([email protected]): 1.3.11 Kothari, Tanvi ; San Jose State University, Jahanbakht, Mohammad; Carnegie Mel- Management Udaipur, India (thomas. Kim, Heechun; Georgia State University, USA ([email protected]): 3.4.5 lon University, Canada (mjahanbakht@ [email protected]): 1.1.6 USA ([email protected]): 1.3.9 Koveshnikov, Alexei; Aalto University, 1.3.5 Joshi, Rakesh Mohan; Indian Institute of Kim, Heeyon; National University of Finland ([email protected]): Jain, Naveen K .; University of Akron, USA Foreign Trade, India ([email protected]): Singapore, Singapore ([email protected]. 1.3.8, 3.2.3 ([email protected]): 2.4.11, 2.5.3 2.5.10 sg): 2.3.1 Krammer, Sorin; University of Groningen, Jain, Neera; Management Development Jyotishi, Amalendu; Amrita University, Kim, Hyun Gon; Rutgers Business School, Netherlands (sorin.krammer@gmail. Institute, India ([email protected]): 1.1.9 India ([email protected]): USA ([email protected]): 2.3.11, com): 1.4.8 Jaklic, Andreja; University of Ljubljana, 1.3.13 2.4.13 Krishnamurty, Keshav; University of Slovenia ([email protected]): Kim, Jaehyeon; University of Hawaii at Massachusetts Boston, USA (keshav. 3.2.13 Manoa, USA ([email protected]): [email protected]): 1.1.12 Jalan, Akanksha ; Indian Institute of Man- K 3.2.12 Krishnan, Rishikesha; Indian Institute of agement Bangalore, India (akanksha. Kabiraj, Sajal; Dongbei University of Kim, Jimi; Temple University, USA (jimi. Management, India ([email protected]): [email protected]): 2.5.13 Finance & Economics, China (skabiraj@ [email protected]): 3.3.6 0.4, 1.1.1, 1.3.2, 2.1.1 2.2.10 James, Barclay Edward; Universidad San Kim, Jin Uk; University of Illinois at Urbana Krivogorsky, Victoria ; San Diego state Francisco de Quito School of Business, Kähäri, Perttu; Aalto University, Finland Champaign, USA ([email protected]): University, USA ([email protected]. ([email protected]): 2.2.11, ([email protected]): 2.3.1 2.1.10, 2.4.2, 3.3.4 edu): 1.3.13, 3.4.7 3.3.10 Kalafatoglu, Tugba ; ESADE Business Kim, Kihyun; Korea University, Korea, Kshetri, Nir ; University of North Carolina James, Gareth M .; University of Southern School, Spain (tugba@tugbakalafatoglu. South ([email protected]): 3.3.13 at Greensboro, USA (nbkshetr@uncg. California, USA ([email protected]): 2.4.8 com): 2.1.4 edu): 2.4.10, 3.1.11 Kim, Kowoon ; Florida International Uni- Jandhyala, Srividya; ESSEC Business Kallapur, Sanjay; Indian School of versity, USA ([email protected]): 2.5.11 Kuanr, Abhisek; XLRI-Xavier School of School, Singapore (srividya.jandhyala@ Business, Hyderabad, India (sanjay_ Management, India ([email protected]. 2.5.6, 3.4.2 [email protected]): 0.4 Kim, Min Jung; University of Minnesota, 1.5.13 USA ([email protected]): 1.3.10 Janssen, Frank; Université Catholique Kallas, David; Insper Institute of Edu- Kuivalainen, Olli; Lappeenranta University de Louvain, Belgium (frank.janssen@ cation and Research, Brazil (davidk@ Kim, Philsoo; Yonsei University, Korea, of Technology, Finland (olli.kuivalainen@ 2.1.8 2.1.9 South ([email protected]): 1.3.9, 2.2.12, 2.5.4, 3.4.4 1.5.10 Jasovska, Pavlina; University of South Kalra, Komal Kiran; University of Victoria, Kumar, K; Indian Institute of Management Australia, Australia (pavlina.jasovska@ Canada ([email protected]): 2.4.11 Kim, Youngok; University of New South Bangalore, India ([email protected]. 1.4.10, 2.1.10 Wales, Australia ([email protected]. in): 1.5.2, 2.1.1 Kang, Jihoon; Yonsei University, Korea, au): 1.1.4 Jaura, Manya; Copenhagen Business South ([email protected]): 3.2.11 Kumar, Kunal Kamal; T. A. Pai Manage- School, Denmark ([email protected]): 1.3.11 Kinoti, Abel; Riara University, Kenya ment Institute, India (kumarkunalka- Kannothra, Chacko George; University of ([email protected]): 0.5, 3.2.2 Jayanti, Rama Kumari; Cleveland State Massachusetts Boston, USA (chackog@ [email protected]): 1.4.13 University, USA ([email protected]): 1.3.4, 2.3.12 Kirca, Ahmet; Michigan State University, Kumar, Pamela; HP Enterprise R&D, India USA ([email protected]): 2.3.6, 3.1.10 3.2.12 Kano, Liena; University of Calgary, Can- ([email protected]): 1.4.7 Jean, Ruey-Jer “Bryan”; National Cheng- ada ([email protected]. Kirch, Guilherme; EA-UFRGS, Brazil Kumar, Vikas; University of Sydney, Aus- chi University, Taiwan ([email protected]. ca): 2.1.6 ([email protected]): 1.3.13 tralia ([email protected]): 0.3, tw): 1.3.11, 1.5.8 Kappen, Jeffrey; Drake University, USA Klopf, Patricia Reneé; WU Vienna, Austria 1.3.1, 2.4.9, 2.5.3, 3.4.5 Jensen, Karina R .; NEOMA Business ([email protected]): 2.5.11 ([email protected]): 1.1.5 Kumar, Vivek; XLRI Jamshedpur, India School, France (karina.jensen@neo- Kappen, Philip ; CBS, Denmark (philip. Klueter, Thomas; IESE, Spain (tmklueter@ ([email protected]): 2.5.13 1.3.6, 1.4.13, 1.5.11 [email protected]): 2.3.11 3.1.4 Kundu, Sumit Kumar; Florida Internation- Jensen, Kent W .; University of Southern Karamongikar, Sandeep; Infosys Technol- Knight, Gary; Willamette University, USA al University, USA ([email protected]): 1.1.7, Denmark, Denmark ([email protected]. ogies, India ([email protected]): 2.2.2 ([email protected]): 0.5, 2.1.1, 2.5.7 2.3.6, 2.5.4, 3.1.10, 3.2.10, 3.3.7 dk): 1.4.11 Karia, Manisha; Auckland Institute of Knill, April; Florida State University, USA Kunisch, Sven; University of St. Gallen, Jensen, Peter D . Oerberg; Copenhagen Studies, New Zealand (manishak@ais. ([email protected]): 1.1.5 Switzerland ([email protected]): Business School, Denmark (poe.smg@ 1.3.10 Knocke, Jan Sebastian; Friedrich-Alexan- 1.5.4 1.3.11 Karimi, Mehrnaz; University of Bayreuth, der University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Kurthakoti, Raghu; Arcadia University, Jeong, Hyoju; Korea University, Korea, Germany (mehrnaz.karimi@uni- Germany ([email protected]): 1.1.13 USA ([email protected]): 3.1.6 South ([email protected]): 2.1.5 1.3.10 Koch, Bradley James; Grand Valley State Kwantes, Catherine; University of Jeong, Yujin; American University, USA Karna, Amit; Indian Institute of Man- University, USA ([email protected]): 2.5.11 Windsor, Canada (catherine.kwantes@ ([email protected]): 3.1.7 agement Ahmedabad, India (karna@ Koch, Pamela Tremain; Grand Valley 2.5.11 Jha, Suchita ; Symbiosis Institute of Inter- 2.5.3, 3.1.10, 3.4.11 State University, USA (pltkoch@gmail. national Business, India (suchita.jha@ Karreman, Bas; Erasmus University com): 2.5.11 3.1.6 Rotterdam, Netherlands (karreman@ Kodama, Yasushi; Hosei University, Japan L Jiang, Crystal X; Bryant University, USA 3.1.10 ([email protected]): 3.4.7 Ladha, Rani ; Indian Institute of Manage- ([email protected]): 2.5.12 Kaul, Aseem; University of Minnesota, ment Kozhikode, India (rani.ladha@iimk. USA ([email protected]): 2.4.9, 3.2.7 1.4.4 78 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Lahiri, Nandini; Temple University, USA Lemanski, Michal; Nottingham University Lin, Ying-Jan; National Taiwan University, Mack, Elizabeth; Michigan State Universi- ([email protected]): 0.2, 1.3.11, 1.5.9 Business School China, Poland (michal. Taiwan ([email protected]): 1.5.10 ty, USA ([email protected]): 2.2.9 Lahiri, Somnath; Illinois State University, [email protected]): 1.4.10, Lindner, Thomas; WU Vienna, Austria Madhavan, Ravi; University of Pittsburgh, USA ([email protected]): 2.1.11, 2.3.13, 3.4.11 3.2.11 ([email protected]): 2.1.9, 3.4.10 USA ([email protected]): 1.4.6 Laine, Igor; Lappeenranta University of Lenway, Stefanie; University of St. Thom- Lindorfer, Robert; WU Vienna, Austria Madhavan, Shobhana ; Amrita School Technology, Finland (igor.laine@lut. as, USA (stefanie.lenway@stthomas. ([email protected]): 2.4.6 of Business, India (shobsdg@gmail. edu): 0.3 fi): 3.3.8 Lindstrand, Angelika; Stockholm School of com): 2.2.11 Lakshman, C; Tongji University, China Leonidou, Leonidas C .; University of Cy- Economics/Stanford University, Sweden Madhok, Anoop; York University, Canada ([email protected]): 1.4.4, 3.1.11 prus, Cyprus ([email protected]): 2.1.8 ([email protected]): 3.3.4 ([email protected]): 0.3, Laleman, Francis ; Beyond Borders, Bel- Leppaaho, Tanja; Jyvaskyla University Liou, Rushiun; Texas A&M University 2.3.10, 3.3.3 gium ([email protected]): 1.5.11 School of Business and Economics, -Central Texas, USA (r.liou@tamuct. Magelssen, Catherine; London Business Finland ([email protected]): 1.1.4 Lamb, Peter; La Trobe Business School, edu): 2.4.9 School, United Kingdom (cmagelssen@ Australia ([email protected]): 2.5.7 Lewin, Arie; Duke University, USA (ayl3@ Liu, Mark; University of Kentucky, USA 1.3.3, 2.3.1 1.5.1, 2.2.1, 3.3.5 Lan, Junbang; Hong Kong Baptist Uni- ([email protected]): 1.3.13 Magnusson, Peter; University of Alabama, versity, China ([email protected]. Li, Huiping ; Ramapo College of New Liu, Qing; University of International USA ([email protected]): 0.5, hk): 2.4.10 Jersey, USA ([email protected]): 1.3.7 Business and Economics Beijing, China 1.1.9, 3.4.3 Lancheros, Sandra; University of Not- Li, Ji; Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong ([email protected]): 3.3.3 Mahmood, Arif; Hong Kong Baptist Uni- tingham, China (sandra.lancheros@ Kong, SAR-PRC ([email protected]): 1.4.13, Liu, Tao; Southwest University, China versity, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (14485206@ 1.5.3, 2.3.7 2.3.9 ([email protected]): 1.4.13, 2.3.9 1.4.13, 2.3.9 Landau, Christian; EBS Business School, Li, Jiatao; Hong Kong University of Science Liu, Wei; Manchester Business School, Mahmood, Ishtiaq; National University of Germany ([email protected]): and Technology, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC United Kingdom (wei.liu-2@postgrad. Singapore, Singapore ([email protected]. 3.1.10 ([email protected]): 0.2, 1.4.13, 3.2.6 2.5.10 sg): 3.3.2 Landes, Andreas; University of Passau, Li, Jing; Simon Fraser University, Canada Liu, Xiyou; Audit Research Institute of Majocchi, Antonio; University of Pavia, Germany (andreas.landes@uni-passau. ([email protected]): 3.4.2 China’s National Audit Office, China Italy ([email protected]): 2.2.6, de): 3.4.13 Li, Jing; Zhejiang University, China ([email protected]): 3.2.12 2.4.13 Laplume, André ; Michigan Technological ([email protected]): 2.5.4 Liu, Ying; Florida International University, Majumdar, Sumit; University of Texas at University, USA ([email protected]): Li, Lei; Nottingham University Business USA ([email protected]): 3.2.11 Dallas, USA ([email protected]): 2.1.7, 2.4.6, 3.2.13 2.3.8 School China, China ( Liu, Ziyang; Renmin University of China, Larquey, Magali; Toulouse Business 2.1.11, 2.3.6, 2.5.12 China ([email protected]): 3.3.11 Makela, Kristiina; Aalto University, Fin- land ([email protected]): 3.3.12 School, France (m.larquey@toulouse-bs. Li, Lydia Qianqian; Shanghai University, Lopez, Luis; INCAE, Costa Rica (luis. org): 3.4.13 China ([email protected]): 2.1.8 [email protected]): 2.5.3 Makhija, Anil; Ohio State University, USA ([email protected]): 2.1.12 Larsen, Marcus M .; Copenhagen Busi- Li, Peter Ping; Copenhagen Business Lopez, Ricardo; Universidad Autónoma ness School, Denmark (mml.smg@cbs. School, Denmark ([email protected]): 2.5.7, de Occidente, Colombia (ralopez@uao. Makhija, Mona; Ohio State University, dk): 1.3.4, 2.1.3, 2.5.2, 3.1.3, 3.4.2 3.1.2 1.1.8 USA ([email protected]): 2.1.12 Latukha, Marina; St. Petersburg State Li, Qing; Shanghai University, China Loren, Steve Michael; University of Makino, Shige; Chinese University of University, Russia (marina.latuha@ ([email protected]): 3.2.13 Massachusetts Boston, USA (sloren63@ Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (maki- 1.1.5, 3.3.12 Li, Weiguang; Renmin University of China, 3.2.12 [email protected]): 3.3.5 Lavelle, Jonathan; University of Limerick, China ([email protected]): Lorenzen, Mark; Copenhagen Business Maksimov, Vladislav ; University of Ireland ([email protected]): 1.1.3 3.3.11 School, Denmark ([email protected]): 2.4.1 Miami, USA ([email protected]. edu): 2.4.11 Lazarova, Mila; Simon Fraser University, Li, Xiaomei; Tianjin University, China Love, James; Warwick Business School, Canada ([email protected]): 1.5.11 ([email protected]): 1.4.5 United Kingdom ([email protected]): Malen, Joel; Hitosubashi University Lee, Ahreum; Temple University, USA Li, Yi ; Australian National University, 1.5.3 Institute of Innovation Research, Japan ([email protected]): 2.1.5 ([email protected]): 2.1.3, 2.4.5 Australia ([email protected]): 3.1.12, 3.3.4 Lu, Jane; University of Melbourne, Austra- Lee, Hyun-Jung; London School of Li, Yongjuan; Chinese Academy of Scienc- lia ([email protected]): 0.2 Malhotra, Shavin; Ryerson University, Canada ([email protected]): 2.1.6 Economics and Political Science, United es, China ([email protected]): 1.4.13 Lu, Lung-Tan; Fo Guang University, Tai- Kingdom ([email protected]): 2.2.8 Li, Yuanxu; Fudan University, China (yxli@ wan ([email protected]): 3.4.13 Malik, Ashish ; Newcastle Business Lee, Jason Kyewon; Korea University, 1.5.10 School, Australia (ashish.malik@new- Lu, Qiang (Steven) ; University of Sydney, 1.5.11, 3.3.12 Korea, South (kyewon.jason.lee@gmail. Li, Yuanyuan; Rutgers Business School, Australia ([email protected]): com): 1.4.10 USA ([email protected]): 2.1.10 2.1.8 Malik, Omar; Higher Education, USA ([email protected]): 2.5.12 Lee, Jongmin; University of Reading, Liberman, Leonardo; Universidad de los Lu, Vinh N .; Australian National Universi- United Kingdom ([email protected]. Andes, Chile (leonardo.liberman@gmail. ty, Australia ([email protected]): 1.3.7 Malla, Sweta Srivastava; Indian Institute 1.3.10, 2.2.8 com): 1.3.12 of Foreign Trade, India ([email protected]): Luan, Chin-jung; National Dong Hwa 2.5.13 Lee, Jung Wan; Boston University, USA Lien, Wan-Chien; ChengChi University, University, Taiwan ([email protected]. ([email protected]): 2.3.12 Taiwan ([email protected]): 1.1.10 2.1.5, 3.3.13 Mallick, Sushanta; Queen Mary University Lee, Jung Yeon; California State Univer- of London, United Kingdom (s.k.mal- Liesch, Peter W .; University of Luiz, John Manuel; University of Cape [email protected]): 2.1.7 sity, Fullerton, USA (junlee@exchange. Queensland, Australia (p.liesch@busi- Town, South Africa ([email protected]. 3.3.2 0.3, 1.4.9, 2.2.12, 2.5.7 2.4.12, 3.1.5 Maloney, Mary; University of St. Thomas, USA ([email protected]): 3.2.3 Lee, Sun Hye; University of Warwick, Liesenkötter, Bernd; University of Lundan, Sarianna ; University of Bremen, United Kingdom ([email protected]. Muenster, Germany (petertidh@gmail. Germany ([email protected]): Mandal, Abhijit; City University, London, 3.3.11 com): 1.3.10 1.5.8, 2.2.11, 2.3.3, 3.2.1 United Kingdom ([email protected]): 3.2.13 Lee, Yeon; Seoul National University, Lin, Chieh-Yu; Chang Jung Christian Lunnan, Randi; BI Norwegian Business Korea, South ([email protected]): University, Taiwan ([email protected]. School, Norway ([email protected]): Mankavil Kovil Veettil, Nandakumar; 2.4.4 tw): 3.4.13 3.4.6 University of Salford, United Kingdom ([email protected]): 2.2.12, 3.2.10 Lee, Youngwoo; Korea University, Korea, Lin, Chih-An; National Taiwan University, Luo, Yadong; University of Miami, USA South ([email protected]): 3.2.7, 3.3.13 Taiwan ([email protected]): 2.1.11 ([email protected]): 2.4.11, 3.2.4 Manning, Stephan; University of Massachusetts Boston, USA (stephan. Leiblein, Michael; Ohio State University, Lin, Daomi; Sun Yat-sen University, China Lupton, Nathaniel Curtis; Fordham USA ([email protected]): 3.4.6 [email protected]): 0.5, 1.1.11, 2.2.9, ([email protected]): 2.4.11 University, USA (nlupton@fordham. 3.2.2, 3.4.2 Leinemann, Alexander; University of St. edu): 2.4.5 Lin, Jung Ching; National Taiwan Manolova, Tatiana S .; Bentley University, Gallen, Switzerland (alexander.leine- University, Taiwan (dorislin1011@gmail. Lynden, Karen; Rowan-Cabarrus Commu- [email protected]): 1.5.4 USA ([email protected]): 1.3.10, com): 1.5.10 nity College, USA (karen.lynden@rccc. 3.3.2 Leite, Emilene ; Uppsala University, Swe- Lin, Nidthida; University of Newcastle, edu): 1.3.7, 3.1.6 den ([email protected]): 3.2.8 Manotas, Eva Cristina; Universidad Australia ([email protected]. Nacional, Colombia (ecmanota@unal. Lema, Rasmus; Aalborg University, Den- au): 1.3.4 2.3.13 mark ([email protected]): 1.1.10 Lin, Wen-Ting; National Chung Cheng M University, Taiwan ([email protected]. Ma, Jieqiong; Saint Louis University, USA tw): 3.3.2 ([email protected]): 1.1.12, 1.5.8 Global Networks: Organizations and People 79 Mansion, Stephanie Elisabeth; Justus Michael, Ian; Zayed University, United Muehlfeld, Katrin; University of Trier, Ger- Nellemann, Camilla; Rikkyo University, Liebig University Giessen, Germany Arab Emirates ([email protected]): many ([email protected]): 1.1.13 Japan ([email protected]): (stephanie.mansion@wirtschaft. 2.2.4 Mueller, Marc; University of St. Gallen, 3.4.11 2.3.8 Migendt, Michael; EBS Business School, Switzerland ([email protected]): Newburry, William ; Florida International Manwani, Harish; Chairman, Hindustan Germany ([email protected]): 1.4.12 2.2.9 University, USA ([email protected]): 0.5, Unilever Ltd and former COO, Unilever, Mihailova, Irina; Aalto University, Finland Muellner, Jakob; WU Vienna, Austria 1.4.4, 2.1.4, 2.4.11, 3.2.2 India: 1.2 ([email protected]): 1.4.9, 3.3.8 ([email protected]): 3.4.10 Newenham-Kahindi, Aloysius; University Marinov, Marin Alexandrov; Aalborg Mileski, Joan P .; Texas A&M University at Mukerjee, Partha ; University of New of Saskatchewan, Canada (newen- University, Denmark ([email protected]. Galveston, USA ([email protected]): South Wales, Australia (partham29@ [email protected]): 1.4.8 dk): 2.2.5, 2.4.13 2.1.4, 3.1.11 3.2.13 Ng, Eddy; Dalhousie University, Canada Marinova, Svetla Trifonova; Aalborg Miller, Stewart R .; University of Texas-San Mukherjee, Debmalya ; University of ([email protected]): 1.1.13 University, Denmark (svetla@business. Antonio, USA ([email protected]): Akron, USA ([email protected]): Ngo, Vi Dung; Vietnam National Universi- 2.2.5, 2.4.13 0.3, 2.1.6, 3.4.3 2.4.11, 3.1.4, 3.4.10 ty, Vietnam ([email protected]): 2.1.8 Marion, Tucker; Northeastern University, Mirza, Hafiz; UNCTAD, Switzerland (hafiz. Mukherjee, Deepraj; Kent State University, Nguyen, Linh Khanh; HHL Leipzig Grad- USA ([email protected]): 3.1.4 [email protected]): 2.3.3, 3.2.1 USA ([email protected]): 3.4.10 uate School of Management, Germany Markoczy, Livia; University of Texas at Misati, Everlyne; Florida International Mukherji, Shoma; Management Develop- ([email protected]): 1.1.6 Dallas, USA (livia.markoczy@utdallas. University, USA ([email protected]): ment Institute, India (shoma126@gmail. Nicholson, Rekha; University of the West edu): 1.5.12 3.2.10 com): 1.1.9 of England, United Kingdom (rao.rekha@ Marquis, Christopher; Harvard Business Mishra, Mridula Savitri; IIFT, India (mrid- Mukundhan, K .V .; Indian Institute of Man- 2.4.9 School, USA ([email protected]): 3.2.10 [email protected]): 1.1.10 agement Kozhikode, India (kidambim@ Nidugala, Ganesh Kumar; Indian Institute Martinez de Ibarreta, Carlos ; Universi- Mitchell, Matthew; Drake University, USA 3.2.10 of Management Indore, India (ganesh@ dad Pontificia Comillas, Spain (charlie@ ([email protected]): 3.1.7 Muncy, James A . ; Valdosta State Univer- 3.4.10 1.5.11 Mittal, Rakesh; New York Institute of Tech- sity, USA ([email protected]): 1.5.13 Nielsen, Anders; Aalborg University, Maseland, Robbert; University of Gronin- nology, USA ([email protected]): 2.4.10 Muniz-Ferrer, Marta ; Universidad Pontifi- Denmark ([email protected]): 1.1.10 gen, Netherlands (r.k.j.maseland@rug. cia Comillas, Spain (mferrer@upcomillas. Nielsen, Bo Bernhard; University of nl): 1.5.12 Moeller, Miriam; University of Queensland, Australia (m.moeller@ es): 1.5.11 Sydney, Australia ([email protected]. Masino, Serena; University of Oxford, 1.5.11 Munjal, Surender; University of Leeds, 2.4.12, 2.5.6, 3.3.4 United Kingdom (serena.masino@qeh. United Kingdom ([email protected]. Nielsen, Sabina; Copenhagen Business 1.3.6 Mol, Michael J; Copenhagen Business School, Denmark ([email protected]): 3.2.6, 3.3.3 School, Denmark ([email protected]): 0.2, Mason, Elizabeth Louise; University of 3.1.5, 3.2.13, 3.3.11 Muralidharan, Etayankara ; MacEwan 2.5.6 Leeds, United Kingdom (e.l.mason@ University, Canada (muralidharane@ Noh, Ki Bum; Korea Economic Research 1.1.11 Momaya, K . S ;. Indian Institute of Tech- nology Bombay, India (momaya@iitb. 1.4.11, 2.3.8, 2.4.5 Institute (KERI), Korea, South (kibum. Massini, Silvia; University of Manchester, 2.3.12, 2.5.13 Murray, Janet; University of Missouri-St. [email protected]): 2.4.2 United Kingdom (silvia.massini@mbs. Louis, USA ([email protected]): 1.4.7, Nummela, Niina ; University of Turku, 3.1.3 Monaghan, Sinead; Rutgers Business School, USA (smonaghan@business. 2.3.3 Finland ([email protected]): 2.2.12 Mathur, Ajeet Narain; Indian Institute 1.1.3, 1.5.5 Mutlu, Canan; University of Texas at of Management Ahmedabad, India Dallas, USA ([email protected]): ([email protected]): 3.2.5 Mondal, Arindam; Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India (arin- 2.2.10 O Mazumdar-Shaw, Kiran; Biocon Limited, [email protected]): 1.4.10, 1.5.4 Oehmichen, Jana; Georg-August Universi- India: 0.7 Monteiro, Felipe; INSEAD, France (felipe. ty of Goettingen, Germany (jana.oehmi- McCormick, Marleen; Butler University, [email protected]): 1.3.3, 2.3.2, 3.1.4, N [email protected]): 3.2.11 USA ([email protected]): 3.4.12 3.2.1 Nachum, Lilac; Baruch College, CUNY, Ojha, Abhoy; Indian Institute of Manage- McDonald, Michael; University of Monticelli, Jefferson Marlon; Universi- USA ([email protected]): ment Bangalore, India (aojha@iimb. Texas-San Antonio, USA (michael. dade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Brazil 1.1.5 1.3.2 [email protected]): 3.4.3 ([email protected]): 2.1.11 Nadayama, Naoto; University of Otago, Okimoto, Tyler G; University of McDougall-Covin, Patricia P . ; Indiana Montiel, Ivan; Loyola Marymount Univer- New Zealand (naoto.nadayama@otago. Queensland, Australia (t.okimoto@ University-Bloomington, USA (mcdou- sity, USA ([email protected]): 1.5.7, 3.4.9 1.5.11 [email protected]): 2.1.4, 3.05 2.4.5, 3.1.7, 3.4.11 Naidoo, Vik; University of Sydney, Austra- Oldroyd, James; Ohio State University, McGuinness, Martina; University of Shef- Moon, Hwy-Chang ; Seoul National lia ([email protected]): 2.5.10 USA ([email protected]): 1.4.10 field, United Kingdom (m.mcguinness@ University, Korea, South (cmoon@snu. Nam, Dae-il; Korea University, Korea, Oliveira, Fernando; ESSEC Business 2.5.6 2.1.11, 2.4.4 South ([email protected]): 1.4.10 School, Singapore (fernando.oliveira@ Mehta, Anju; University of Northern Iowa, Moon, Jon Jungbien; Korea University, Nanda, Ashis; Indian Institute of Man- 2.5.6 USA ([email protected]): 2.2.8, 2.4.10 Korea, South ([email protected]): agement Ahmedabad, India (ananda@ Oliveira, Moacir Miranda; University of Melgarejo, Mauricio ; INCAE, Nicaragua 1.3.10, 2.1.5 0.4 São Paulo, Brazil (mirandaoliveira@usp. ([email protected]): 2.5.3 Moore, Fiona; Royal Holloway, Univer- Naoumova, Irina; University of Hartford, br): 2.2.12, 3.3.10 Melkumov, Dmitri; Hanken School of sity of London, United Kingdom (fiona. USA ([email protected]): 1.3.7, Olsen, Anders Oerding; Copenhagen Economics, Finland (dmitri.melkumov@ [email protected]): 1.1.13, 2.1.4, 2.3.9 1.4.13 Business School, Denmark (aoo.ino@ 2.4.10 Morgulis-Yakushev, Sergey; Stockholm Narain, Kalpana; Director, Full Spectrum 2.4.1, 3.1.4 Mellahi, Kamel; University of Warwick, School of Economics, Sweden (sergey. Consulting, India (kalpana.narain@ Ordoobody, Joobin; University of Victoria, United Kingdom (kamel.mellahi@wbs. [email protected]): 1.3.3 2.3.10 Canada ([email protected]): 1.1.12 3.3.11 Moris, Francisco A; George Washington Narula, Rajneesh; University of Reading, Osiyevskyy, Oleksiy; Northeastern Menon, Aditya; Citibank, India (aditya1. University, USA ([email protected]): 2.3.11 United Kingdom (r.narula@henley. University, USA (o.osiyevskyy@neu. [email protected]): 2.2.2 Morris, Shad; Brigham Young University, 1.3.10, 3.1.3 edu): 3.3.9 Menon, Anil; Cisco Systems, USA (anime- USA ([email protected]): 1.4.10 Navendra, P .T .; University of Dallas, USA Outa, Erick Rading; Strathmore Business [email protected]): 1.1.2 Mors, Marie Louise; Copenhagen ([email protected]): 3.1.11 School, Kenya ([email protected]. Menon, Tanya; Ohio State University, USA Business School, Denmark (lm.smg@ Nayyar, Rishika; PGDAV College, Delhi 3.4.10 ([email protected]): 2.5.11 3.4.3 University, India (rishikadse@gmail. Oxelheim, Lars ; Lund University and Re- Merchant, Hemant; University of South Mostafa, Romel; Ivey Business School, com): 2.3.10 search Institute of Industrial Economics, Florida St. Petersburg, USA (hmerchant@ Canada ([email protected]): 1.3.5, Nazareth, Premila ; UNCTAD, Switzerland Sweden ([email protected]): 1.3.5 3.1.10 2.2.12 ([email protected]): Meyer, Klaus; CEIBS, China (kmeyer@ Mudambi, Ram; Temple University, USA 2.3.3, 3.2.1 1.05, 1.5.7, 2.5.6, 3.3.1, 3.4.2 ([email protected]): 0.7, 0.71.1, 1.2, Nebus, James F .; Suffolk University, USA P Meyers, Judith ; University of California, 2.1.3, 3.2.1 ([email protected]): 3.3.9 P ., Srikanth; T. A. Pai Management USA ([email protected]): 1.5.11 Mudambi, Susan; Temple University, USA Nell, Phillip; WU Vienna, Austria (phillip. Institute, India ([email protected]. in): 2.5.13 Miao, Qing; Jilin University, China (mfhtm- ([email protected]): 1.1.2, 2.4.13, [email protected]): 1.1.5, 2.1.12 [email protected]): 3.3.3 3.2.8 80 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Pahlberg, Cecilia; Uppsala University, Pesakovic, Gordana ; King University, USA Puck, Jonas; WU Vienna, Austria (jonas. Raskovic, Matevz; University of Ljubljana, Sweden ([email protected]): ([email protected]): 1.3.7 [email protected]): 1.1.5, 2.1.9, 2.3.5, 3.4.10 Slovenia ([email protected]. 3.2.8 Pesch, Robin; University of Bayreuth, Pudelko, Markus; Tuebingen University, si): 3.2.13 Paisley, Varina; University of New South Germany (robin.pesch@uni-bayreuth. Germany (markus.pudelko@uni-tuebin- Ray, Amlan; Amrita University, India Wales, Australia ([email protected]. de): 1.3.10 3.2.3, 3.4.3 ([email protected]): 1.3.13 au): 1.1.8, 3.2.3 Peterson, Mark; Florida Atlantic University, Puranam, Phanish; INSEAD, Singapore Ray, Pradeep Kanta; University of New Pak, Yong Suhk; Yonsei University, Korea, USA ([email protected]): 3.3.1 ([email protected]): 0.2, South Wales, Australia ([email protected]. South ([email protected]): 1.3.12, 2.5.11 Petrovici, Dan Alex; University of Kent, 0.4, 1.1.1, 2.3.2 au): 2.4.4, 3.2.13 Pangarkar, Nitin; National University of United Kingdom ([email protected]. Purkayastha, Anish; Indian Institute of Ray, Sangeeta; University of Sydney, Singapore, Singapore ([email protected]. 2.4.13 Management Ahmedabad, India (an- Australia ([email protected]. sg): 2.5.3 Phene, Anupama; George Washington [email protected]): 1.4.11, 2.5.3, 3.2.10 au): 2.4.4, 3.2.13 Panibratov, Andrei; St. Petersburg University, USA ([email protected]): Purkayastha, Saptarshi ; Indian Institute Ray, Sougata; Indian Institute of Manage- University, Russia ([email protected]): 1.3.3, 1.4.6, 2.3.1, 3.1.1 of Management Calcutta, India (sap- ment Calcutta, India (sougata@iimcal. 1.1.5, 2.2.5 Piantoni, Mariella; University of Bergamo, [email protected]): 3.3.2, 3.4.11 0.2, 0.4, 1.3.1, 1.4.10, 2.1.10 Pant, Anirvan; Indian Institute of Manage- Italy ([email protected]): 2.5.4 Puslecki, Lukasz; Poznan University of Ray Chaudhuri, Bikramjit; Indian Institute ment Calcutta, India (anirvan@iimcal. Piao, Xuelian; Korea University, Korea, Economics, Poland (lukasz.puslecki@ of Management Calcutta, India (bikram- 2.4.2 South ([email protected]): 1.3.10 0.5, 2.2.5, 3.2.2 [email protected]): 2.5.13 Papageorgiadis, Nikolaos; University of Pichardo, Caleb; INCAE, Costa Rica (caleb. Putzhammer, Moritz; WU Vienna, Austria Reade, Carol; San Jose State University, Liverpool, United Kingdom (n.papageor- [email protected]): 1.5.7 ([email protected]): 2.1.9, USA ([email protected]): 3.4.9 [email protected]): 3.4.10 3.1.2 Piesse, Jenifer; King’s College London, Rebouças, Silvia Maria Dias Pedro; Parc, Jimmyn; Sciences Po Paris, France United Kingdom (jenifer.piesse@kcl. Pyun, Eugene C .; Seoul National Universi- Federal University of Ceara, Brazil (sm- ([email protected]): 2.4.4 1.4.12 ty, Canada ([email protected]): 2.1.12 [email protected]): 3.3.11 Parente, Ronaldo; Florida International Pineros, Rafael Alejandro; Universidad Pyun, Lynn ; Baruch College, CUNY, USA Reddy, Rama Krishna; University of Mem- University, USA ([email protected]): 1.1.7, del Rosario, Colombia (rafael.pineros@ ([email protected]): 3.2.13 phis, USA ([email protected]): 2.1.12 3.1.4 1.1.8 Reeb, David; National University of Park, Eunkyung; Aalborg University, Pinkham, Brian; Ivey Business School, Singapore, Singapore ([email protected]. Denmark ([email protected]): Canada ([email protected]): 1.1.12, Q sg): 3.3.9 1.3.4, 2.1.3 3.2.5 Qiao, Kun; Dalian University of Technolo- Rema, Chithra; Pondicherry University, Park, Seung Ho; China Europe Internation- Pinto, Claudia Frias; EAESP-FGV, Brazil gy, China ([email protected]): 2.4.7 India ([email protected]): 3.3.12 al Business School, China (spark@ceibs. ([email protected]): 3.2.6 Qiu, Jane; University of New South Wales, Ren, Hong ; University of Wisconsin - Mil- edu): 1.1.1, 2.05, 2.4.3, 3.2.11 Pisani, Niccolo; University of Amsterdam, Australia ([email protected]): 2.1.12 waukee, USA ([email protected]): 2.2.8 Park, Young-Ryeol; Yonsei University, Netherlands ([email protected]): 3.1.3 Qiu, Ranfeng; California State University, Ren, Monica; Macquarie University, Aus- Korea, South ([email protected]): 1.3.9, San Bernardino, USA ([email protected]): tralia ([email protected]): 3.3.3 1.5.10, 3.3.11 Piscitello, Lucia; Politecnico di Milano, Italy ([email protected]): 1.3.5, 2.1.3 Rentala, Satyanarayana; Pondicherry Patchell, Jerry; Hong Kong University of 1.4.1, 2.4.12 University, India ([email protected]): Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 2.3.12, 3.1.10 SAR-PRC ([email protected]): 3.2.10 Podesta, Maria Paola; EAFIT, Colombia ([email protected]): 1.1.8 R Reuber, Becky; University of Toronto, Can- Pathak, Saurav ; Michigan Technological Polzin, Friedemann; Sustainable Business Raghunath, S .; Indian Institute of Man- ada ([email protected]): 2.1.1 University, USA ([email protected]): agement Bangalore, India (srnathiimb@ 2.3.8 Institute, Germany (polzin@instoec. Rezaei, Shamak; Roskilde University, de): 1.4.12 0.5, 0.7, 1.1.7, 2.1.2, 3.2.2 Denmark ([email protected]): 1.4.11 Pattnaik, Chinmay; University of Sydney, Ponssard, Jean-Pierre; Ecole Polytech- Raghunath, Usha; Wipro Ltd., India (usha. Riaz, Suhaib; University of Massachusetts Australia (chinmay.pattnaik@sydney. [email protected]): 1.4.7, 2.1.2 2.1.8, 2.5.12, 3.3.13 nique & CNRS, France (jean-pierre. Boston, USA ([email protected]): [email protected]): 1.1.12 Raghuvanshi, Ashutosh; Deputy Chair- 3.2.12 Paul, Justin; University of Puerto Rico, USA man and Group CEO, Narayana Health, ([email protected]): 2.5.10 Popli, Manish; Indian Institute of Man- Riaz, Zahid; Lahore School of Economics, agement Indore, India (manishp@iimidr. India: 1.2 Pakistan ([email protected]. Paulus, Philipp; University of Trier, Germa- 2.4.9, 3.2.10 Rahman, Mohammad Mahfuzur; Shan- pk): 2.2.10, 2.4.4, 3.2.13 ny ([email protected]): 1.1.13 Poulsen, Lauge N . Skovgaard; Univer- dong University, China (mohammad. Ribeiro Cahen, Fernanda ; University Peacock, Tanya Andrea; Army-Baylor sity College London, United Kingdom [email protected]): 1.1.4 Center of FEI, Brazil ([email protected]): University, USA (peacock4@hawaii. ([email protected]): 3.4.2 Rajani, Namita; Dalhousie University, 2.2.12, 2.3.13 edu): 3.4.9 Powell, K . Skylar; Western Washington Canada ([email protected]): 1.1.13 Ricart, Joan Enric; IESE, Spain (jericart@ Pedersen, Torben; Bocconi University, University, USA (skylar.powell@wwu. Ralston, David A .; Florida International 3.1.3 Italy ([email protected]): edu): 3.1.12 University, USA ([email protected]): 1.4.13 0.3, 0.71.1, 2.2.7, 2.3.11 Richter, Ansgar; University of Liverpool, Pradhan, Debasis; XLRI-Xavier School Ramachandran, J; Indian Institute of United Kingdom (a.richter@liverpool. Peeters, Carine; Vlerick Business School, of Management, India (debasis@xlri. Management Bangalore, India (jram@ 3.3.6, 3.4.11 Belgium ([email protected]): 1.5.13 0.2, 0.4, 2.4.2 2.2.9, 2.3.11 Richter, Cristiano; Federal University of Prasad, Durga; T. A. Pai Management Ramamurti, Ravi; Northeastern University, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (engrichter@ Pekerti, Andre Anugerah; University Institute, India (durgaprasad@tapmi. USA ([email protected]): 1.2, 2.05 1.1.11 of Queensland, Australia (a.pekerti@ 2.5.13 1.1.9, 1.5.11, 2.2.3 Ramarajan, Lakshmi; Harvard University, Richter, Ulf Henning; Nottingham Univer- Prasad, Sathya; Intel, India (sathya. USA ([email protected]): 1.5.6 sity Business School China, China (ulf. Peng, Mike; University of Texas at Dallas, [email protected]): 2.1.2 [email protected]): 2.3.12 USA ([email protected]): 1.4.12, Ramboarison-Lalao, Lovanirina; ESC 2.2.10, 3.3.1 Prashantham, Shameen; Nottingham Troyes Business School, France (lovaniri- Rodrigues, Suzana; Erasmus University University Business School China, China [email protected]): 1.3.8 & FUMEC University, Brazil (srodrigues@ Peng, Yu-Shu ; National Dong Hwa (shameen.prashantham@nottingham. Randøy, Trond; University of Agder, Nor- 2.5.6 University, Taiwan ([email protected]. 0.3, 1.3.1, 2.1.1, 3.3.3 2.5.10 way ([email protected]): 1.3.5, 2.1.5 Rodriguez, Carlos Adrian; INCAE, Nicara- Presbitero, Alfred; Deakin University, gua ([email protected]): 2.3.1, Pennings, Enrico; Erasmus University Ranganathan, Ram; University of Texas Australia ([email protected]. - Austin, USA (ram.ranganathan@ 2.5.4, 3.2.7 Rotterdam, Netherlands (pennings@ese. au): 2.5.11, 3.4.11 1.5.7 2.2.11 Rogan, Michelle; INSEAD, France (mi- Procher, Vivien; University of Wuppertal, [email protected]): 3.3.12 Pereira, Vijay Edward; University of Ports- Ranjan, Kumar Rakesh ; Indian Institute Germany ([email protected]): of Management Tiruchirapalli, India Rogbeer, Shalini; European Business mouth, United Kingdom (vijay.pereira@ 1.1.13 1.4.4, 2.4.11, 3.2.6, 3.3.12, 3.4.8 ([email protected]): 2.4.13 School, Germany (shalini.rogbeer@ Pruthi, Sarika; San Jose State University, Rao, K . Indu; University of Twente, Nether- 2.3.11, 3.2.12 Pergelova, Albena; MacEwan University, USA ([email protected]): 3.3.8, 3.4.8 Canada ([email protected]): lands ([email protected]): 2.3.13, 2.5.13 Romelli, Davide ; ESSEC Business School 1.4.11 Pu, Ming; Harbin University of Science and Rao Sahib, Padma ; University of Gron- and THEMA, France (davide.romelli@ Technology, China (puming2004@163. ingen, Netherlands (p.rao.sahib@rug. 3.1.7 Perri, Alessandra ; Ca’ Foscari University com): 2.4.3 Venice, Italy (alessandra.perri@unive. nl): 2.4.9 it): 1.3.10, 2.1.3 Global Networks: Organizations and People 81 Rose, Elizabeth; University of Otago, New Santacreu-Vasut, Estefania; ESSEC Shah, Grishma; Manhattan College, USA Singh, Satwinder; Brunel University Lon- Zealand ([email protected]): Business School and THEMA, France ([email protected]): 1.4.13, don, United Kingdom (satwinder.singh@ 0.5, 1.4.9, 2.1.2, 2.5.13, 3.2.2 ([email protected]): 3.1.7 3.1.11 1.4.4 Rossmann, Alexander ; Reutlingen Uni- Sartor, Michael A .; Queen’s School of Shan, Juan; Shanghai University, China Sinha, Ashutosh ; Indian Institute of Man- versity, Germany (alexander.rossmann@ Business, Canada (michael.sartor@ ([email protected]): 2.1.8 agement Lucknow, India (ashutosh@ 2.4.13 2.3.1, 2.5.6, 3.4.2 Sharma, Abhijit ; University of Bradford, 2.5.4, 3.1.10 Rottig, Daniel; Florida Gulf Coast Uni- Sasaki, Innan; University of Turku, Finland United Kingdom (a.sharma12@bradford. Sinkovics, Rudolf R .; University of versity, USA ([email protected]): 2.4.9, ([email protected]): 3.4.8 3.4.10 Manchester, United Kingdom (rudolf. 3.1.6, 3.2.2 Satoglu, Emine Beyza; Rutgers University, Sharma, Basu; University of New Bruns- [email protected]): 1.5.8 Roxas, Hernan ; Deakin University, USA ([email protected]): 2.3.12 wick-Fredericton, Canada (bsharma@ Sita, Deepa; GIBS, University of Pretoria, Australia ([email protected]): Saungikar, Abhijeet; 3M India, India 3.3.7 South Africa ([email protected]): 3.2.6 2.5.11, 3.4.11 ([email protected]): 1.3.2 Sharma, Kushal; ESSEC Business School, Smale, Adam ; University of Vaasa, Fin- Rui, Huaichuan; Royal Holloway, Sawant, Rajeev; Baruch College, CUNY, France ([email protected]): land ([email protected]): 3.3.12 University of London, United Kingdom USA ([email protected]): 1.1.13 Soares Terra, Paulo Renato; EAESP-FGV, ([email protected]): 2.1.11, 2.2.7 1.1.5, 2.2.11 Sharma, Sunil; Indian Institute of Man- Brazil ([email protected]): 1.3.13, 2.2.10 Runnalls, Blake ; Michigan State Universi- Scalera, Vittoria Giada; Politecnico di agement Ahmedabad, India (sunilshar- Sofka, Wolfgang; Copenhagen Business ty, USA ([email protected]): 3.1.12 Milano, Italy (vittoriagiada.scalera@ [email protected]): 2.5.3, 3.2.4 School, Denmark ([email protected]): 3.1.4 Rygh, Asmund ; BI Norwegian Business 1.3.10, 2.1.3, 2.4.3 Shenkar, Oded; Ohio State University, USA Soh, Pek-Hooi; Simon Fraser University, School, Norway ([email protected]): Schiehll, Eduardo; HEC Montréal, Canada ([email protected]): 1.3.9, 2.5.11 Canada ([email protected]): 2.4.3 3.3.10, 3.4.6 ([email protected]): 2.2.10 Shi, Mengze ; University of Toronto, Cana- Somaya, Deepak; University of Illinois at Schinzel, Ursula; United Business Insti- da ([email protected]): 2.1.8 Urbana-Champaign, USA (dsomaya@ S tutes, Luxembourg (ursula_schinzel@ Shi, Yongjiang; Cambridge University, 0.3, 3.2.7, 3.4.12 2.4.7 China ([email protected]): 1.4.12 Some, Yirlier Hyacinthe; Universite de Saarenketo, Sami; Lappeenranta Schlegelmilch, Bodo; WU Vienna, Austria Shichang, Liu; Tsinghua University, China Sherbrooke, Canada (yirlier.hyacinthe. University of Technology, Finland (sami. ([email protected]): 1.5.13 ([email protected]): 3.4.5 [email protected]): 2.2.7 [email protected]): 2.2.12 Schmeisser, Bjoern; WU Vienna, Austria Shim, Yong Ju; FGV-EAESP, Brazil (moran- Sonderegger, Petra; independent, India Sackmann, Sonja; University Bw Munich, ([email protected]): 1.5.5 [email protected]): 3.1.10 ([email protected]): 2.5.2 Germany (sonja.sackmann@unibw. de): 1.3.7 Schmitz, Marina; University of Goettingen, Shimizu, Katsuhiko; Keio University, Song, Chang; Renmin University of China, Germany (mschmit5@uni-goettingen. Japan ([email protected]): 3.1.10 China ([email protected]): 3.2.12 Sahasranamam, Sreevas; Indian Institute de): 3.3.12 of Management Kozhikode, India (mail- Shin, Jiyoung; Korea University, Korea, Song, Jaeyong; Seoul National University, [email protected]): 2.2.12, 2.3.12, 3.4.11 Schock, Florian; EBS Business School, South ([email protected]): 2.1.5, 3.3.13 Korea, South ([email protected]): 0.5, Germany ([email protected]): 1.4.12 2.3.2, 2.4.2, 3.1.2 Saify, Alireza; University of Tehran, Iran Shin, Mannsoo; Korea University, Korea, ([email protected]): 1.1.12 Schoett, Thomas; University of Southern South ([email protected]): 2.4.7 Sono, Hui He; James Madison University, Denmark, Denmark ([email protected]): Shin, Moonsik; Korea University, Korea, USA ([email protected]): 1.3.13 Sailer, Miriam; EBS Business School, Ger- 1.4.11 many ([email protected]): 3.1.10 South ([email protected]): 3.2.7 Sozuer, Aytug; Istanbul University, Turkey Schommer, Monika; EBS Business School, ([email protected]): 1.4.11 Saiyed, Abrar Ali Mohammad Usman; Shirodkar, Vikrant; University of Sussex, Germany (monika.schommer@ebs. United Kingdom (v.shirodkar@sussex. Spicer, Andrew; University of South Caroli- Indian Institute of Management, India edu): 3.4.11 ([email protected]): 2.3.13 1.4.8 na, USA ([email protected]): 1.4.11 Schotter, Andreas; Ivey Business School, Sakakibara, Mariko; University of Shirokova, Galina; Saint Petersburg Uni- Srikanth, Kannan; Singapore Manage- Canada ([email protected]): 1.1.12, versity, Russia ([email protected]): ment University, Singapore (ksrikanth@ California, Los Angeles, USA (mariko. 1.4.3, 3.2.5 [email protected]): 1.5.2 1.3.10, 3.3.8 3.1.3 Schulte Steinberg, Adrian; University of Sakawa, Hideaki ; Nagoya City University, Shoham, Amir; Temple University, USA Srinavasan, Suresh; Co-Founder, St. Gallen, Switzerland (adrian.schult- ([email protected]): 1.3.9, 3.1.7 Formcept, India (suresh.srinivasan@ Japan ([email protected]): [email protected]): 1.5.4 1.3.13 Shukla, Pallavi; Rutgers University, USA 1.4.2 Schuster, Tassilo; University of Erlan- ([email protected]): 2.4.12, Srinivasan, Vasanthi; Indian Institute of Sakikawa, Takashi; Niigata University, gen-Nürnberg, Germany (tassilo. Japan ([email protected]): 2.5.11 3.1.12 Management Bangalore, India (vas- [email protected]): 1.1.9 [email protected]): 1.1.6 Saleh, Sabrina; University of South Caro- Siegel, Jordan; Harvard Business School, Schweiger, Simone; University of Bern, USA ([email protected]): 3.1.7, 3.2.13 Srivastava, Manish K . ; Michigan Techno- lina, USA ([email protected]. Switzerland ([email protected]. 2.2.10 Sikarwar, Ekta ; Indian Institute of Man- logical University, USA (mksrivas@mtu. ch): 3.2.4 edu): 3.1.1 Salimath, Manjula S .; University of North agement Indore, India (f10ektas@iimidr. Sciarelli, Fabiana ; Unitelma Sapienza 3.4.10 Stallkamp, Maximilian; Ivey Business Texas, USA ([email protected]): University of Rome, Italy (fabiana. 1.4.9, 2.3.8 Siltaoja, Marjo; University of Jyväskylä, School, Canada ( [email protected]): 3.1.6 ca): 1.1.12 Salmon, Jessica Rae; Rutgers University, Finland ([email protected]): 2.4.4 Scott, W. Richard; Stanford University, USA Stea, Diego; Copenhagen Business USA ([email protected]): ([email protected]): 2.2.1 Sinding, Knud; University of Southern 1.1.10, 2.1.10 Denmark, Denmark ([email protected]): School, Denmark ([email protected]): 2.1.12 Sekiguchi, Tomoki; Osaka University, Ja- 2.4.4 Stefanidis, Abraham; St. John’s University, Samant, Shantala; Virginia Tech Universi- pan ([email protected]): 2.4.10 ty, USA ([email protected]): 2.4.3, 2.5.3 Singh, Damandeep; CDP (Carbon Disclo- USA ([email protected]): 2.4.7 Selmier II, W Travis; Indiana University, sure Project), India (damandeep.singh@ Stephens Balakrishnan, Melodena; Uni- Samaratunge, Ramanie; Monash Univer- USA ([email protected]): 1.4.12, 3.1.7 sity, Australia (ramanie.samaratunge@ 1.1.2 versity of Wollongong in Dubai, United 1.1.6, 1.5.11 Semercioz, Fatih; Istanbul University, Singh, Deeksha ; Rutgers University, USA Arab Emirates (melodenabalakrishnan@ Turkey ([email protected]): 1.4.11 0.5, 2.2.4 Sambharya, Rakesh; Rutgers University, ([email protected]): 1.1.11, 2.5.12 USA ([email protected]): Seppälä, Timo; Research Institute of the Singh, Gurneeta Vasudeva; University Sternquist, Brenda; Michigan State 3.3.6 Finnish Economy, Finland (timo.seppa- of Minnesota, USA (gurneeta@umn. University, USA ([email protected]): [email protected]): 2.5.2 2.1.8, 3.1.12, 3.2.8 Samiee, Saeed; University of Tulsa, USA edu): 0.2 ([email protected]): 0.3, 2.4.8 Seth, Anju; Virginia Tech University, USA Singh, Harbir; University of Pennsylvania, Stevens, Charles Edward; Lehigh ([email protected]): 0.3, 3.4.1 USA ([email protected]): 2.2.11 University, USA ([email protected]): Sanchez-Henriquez, Fernando ; Rutgers 1.4.8, 3.4.13 University, USA (fernandosanchezrut- Settles, Alexander; Rutgers University, Singh, Jasjit; INSEAD, Singapore (jasjit. [email protected]): 2.2.11 USA ([email protected]): [email protected]): 0.2, 2.4.4, 3.3.12, Stoian, Maria-Cristina ; Brunel Univer- 3.2.12 3.4.13 sity London, United Kingdom (cristina. Sandberg, Jorgen; UQ Business School, [email protected]): 3.4.4 Australia ([email protected]. Shaffer, Margaret ; University of Wiscon- Singh, Nivisha; Indian Institute of Man- au): 2.5.7 sin - Milwaukee, USA (shafferm@uwm. agement Indore, India (f12nivishas@ Storper, Michael; UCLA, USA (storper@ edu): 1.1.13, 2.2.8 1.4.1, 2.4.1 Sanghavi, Nitin; Manchester Business 3.3.13 School, United Kingdom (nitin.sangha- Shah, Dhara; Griffith University, Australia Singh, Ruhee; Indian Institute of Foreign Strange, Roger; University of Sussex, [email protected]): 2.5.10 ([email protected]): 1.1.6, 3.3.12 Trade, India ([email protected]): United Kingdom (r.n.strange@sussex. 2.5.13 1.4.12

82 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Su, Yiyi; Tongji University, China (suyiyi@ Taube, Markus; University of Duisburg-Es- Turkina, Ekaterina; HEC Montréal, Canada Velez-Calle, Andres; Universidad EAFIT/ 1.1.11 sen, Germany (markus.taube@uni-due. ([email protected]): 2.5.2 Rutgers University, Colombia (avelezca@ Su, Zhan; Laval University, Canada (zhan. de): 2.3.4 Turunen, Helena; HAMK University of 1.5.11, 2.2.11 [email protected]): 1.5.9 Täube, Florian; Université libre de Brux- Applied Sciences, Finland (helena. Veloso, Francisco; Catolica Lisbon School Subramanyam, K .R .; University of South- elles, Belgium ([email protected]): 1.4.12, [email protected]): 2.2.12 of Business and Economics, Portugal ern California, USA ([email protected]. 1.5.6, 2.5.2 Tzou, Joseph Shyh-Yeu; National Taiwan ([email protected]): 1.3.5 edu): 0.4 Taussig, Markus; National University of University, Taiwan (joesytzou@gmail. Venkatachalam, Suri ; Connexios Life Sud, Mukesh; Fairfield University, USA Singapore, Singapore ([email protected]. com): 3.1.12 Sciences, India (suri.venkatachalam@ ([email protected]): 3.1.7 sg): 0.3, 1.4.3 1.5.2 Sudarshan, Priyanka; WIPRO Limited, Tavares-Lehmann, Ana Teresa; Univer- Venkataramany, Sivakumar; Ashland India: 2.3.3 sity of Porto, Portugal (atavares@fep. U University, USA (svenkata@ashland. 2.5.2 edu): 2.3.12 Suder, Gabriele; University of Melbourne, Ueta, Toshimitsu; NUS Business School, Australia ([email protected]. Tayar, Mark; Macquarie University, Singapore ([email protected]. Verbeke, Alain; University of Calgary, au): 1.4.7, 2.3.3 Australia ([email protected]): edu): 1.5.3 Canada (alain.verbeke@haskayne. 1.1.8, 3.2.3 2.1.6 Sugathan, Praveen; Indian Institute ul Haq, Hammad; Uppsala University, of Management Bangalore, India Teegen, Hildy; University of South Caroli- Sweden ([email protected]): 2.1.12 Vijayaraghavan, Ravi; Vice President and ([email protected]): 2.4.13 na, USA ([email protected]): 0.4 Ullah, Barkat; Rhode Island College, USA Head Analytics,, India: 1.4.2 Sullivan Mort, Gillian; La Trobe University, Tellis, Gerard J .; University of Southern ([email protected]): 2.4.6 Villarreal Gonzalez, Amado; Tecnolo´gico Australia ([email protected]. California, USA ([email protected]): 2.4.8 Un, C . Annique; Northeastern University, de Monterrey, Mexico (amado.villarreal@ au): 2.5.7 Tenzer, Helene; Tuebingen University, USA ([email protected]): 2.2.7, 2.4.12, 3.2.4 2.2.9 Sumelius, Jennie; Hanken School of Germany (helene.tenzer@uni-tuebingen. Upadhyayula, Rajesh; Indian Institute of Viswanathan, Siva; University of Mary- Economics, Finland (jennie.sumelius@ de): 3.2.3 Management Kozhikode, India (rajesh@ land, USA ([email protected]): 3.3.12 Thakur Wernz, Pooja; Virginia Tech 2.3.13 1.4.2, 2.2.2 Sun, Qing Lu; Yonsei University, Korea, University, USA ([email protected]): 2.4.3, Urbig, Diemo; University of Wuppertal, Vives, Luis; ESADE, Spain (luis.vives@ South ([email protected]): 1.3.12 2.5.3, 3.1.3 Germany ([email protected]): 0.2 Supprakit, Sasiya ; Deloittte UK, United Thams, Yannick; Suffolk University, USA 1.1.13 Vo, Linh-Chi; Normandy Business School, Kingdom ([email protected]): 2.4.7 ([email protected]): 2.3.10 France ([email protected]): 1.4.4 Suryaprakash, K .; Infosys, India (suryks@ Thomke, Stefan; Harvard University, USA Vogelgesang Lester, Gretchen ; San Jose 2.2.2 ([email protected]): 1.4.5 V State University, USA (gretchen.lester@ 1.3.12 Sutherland, Dylan; Durham University, Tien, Chengli; National Taiwan Normal Vaaler, Paul Martin; University of Minne- United Kingdom (dylan.sutherland@ University, Taiwan ([email protected]. sota, USA ([email protected]): 1.4.3, Vohra, Neharika; Indian Institute of Man- 3.4.5 tw): 2.1.5 2.1.5, 2.3.5, 2.4.4, 3.3.10 agement Ahmedabad, India (neharika@ 3.2.4 Suwannarat, Pornlapas; Mahasarakham Timmer, Marcel P.; University of Gron- Vachani, Sushil; IIM Bangalore, India University, Thailand (pornlapas.s@mbs. ingen, Netherlands (m.p.timmer@rug. ([email protected]): 2.5.1 Vohra, Sanjeev ; Accenture Digital, India 3.1.12 nl): 2.1.7 Vaidyanathan, R . ; Indian Institute of ([email protected]): 2.2.2 Swoboda, Bernhard; Trier University, Ger- Toh, Soo Min; University of Toronto, Cana- Management Bangalore, India (vaidya@ Volpe, Mario; Ca’ Foscari University Ven- many ([email protected]): 2.4.8 da ([email protected]): 3.4.9 2.5.13 ice, Italy ([email protected]): 2.1.10 Syvrud, Kelsey Lynne; Florida State Uni- Torkkeli, Lasse; Lappeenranta University Van Assche, Ari; HEC Montréal, Canada von Flotow, Paschen; Sustainable Busi- versity, USA ([email protected]): 1.1.5 of Technology, Finland (lasse.torkkeli@ ([email protected]): 1.1.10, 2.5.2 ness Institute, Germany (flotow@instoec. 1.4.13, 2.2.12 de): 1.4.12 Szymanski, Michal; University of Victoria, van de Vijver, Fons; Tilburg University, Canada ([email protected]): 1.4.12 Torres, Miguel Matos; University of Netherlands (fons.vandevijver@uvt. Von Glinow, Mary Ann; Florida Interna- Aveiro, Portugal ([email protected]): nl): 1.5.11 tional University, USA (vonglino@fiu. 1.5.12, 3.4.11 van Ees, Hans ; University of Groningen, edu): 2.5.11, 3.2.11 T Torres Oliveira, Rui; Manchester Business Netherlands ([email protected]): 2.3.7, von Zharen, Wyndylyn; Texas A&M School, United Kingdom (rui.oliveira@ 2.4.9 University, USA (dr_vonzharen@msn. Taarup-Esbensen, Jacob; Copenhagen 1.3.6, 3.4.11 com): 3.1.11 Business School, Denmark (jta.ikl@cbs. Van Essen, Marc; University of South dk): 3.3.11 Toulan, Omar Nohad; McGill University, Carolina, USA (marc.vanessen@moore. Vyas, Bindu; King’s College, USA (bindu- Canada ([email protected]): 3.2.7 2.2.10 [email protected]): 3.1.6 Taimitarha, Susanna; Hanken School of Economics, Finland (susanna.taimitar- Trapczynski, Piotr; Poznan University of van Oort, Frank; Utrecht University, Neth- [email protected]): 3.3.12 Economics, Poland (piotr.trapczynski@ erlands ([email protected]): 3.1.10 2.2.5, 2.3.12, 3.2.2 W Taleb, Ali; MacEwan University, Canada van Veen, Kees; University of Groningen, ([email protected]): 1.3.9 Trevino, Len J .; Loyola University New Netherlands ([email protected]): 2.3.7 Wall, Ronald Sean; Erasmus University Orleans, USA ([email protected]): 1.4.13 van Witteloostuijn, Arjen; Tilburg Univer- Rotterdam, Netherlands ([email protected]): Tallman, Stephen; University of Richmond, 2.1.10 USA ([email protected]): 1.1.12, Tsai, Chih-Hao; National Sun Yat-sen sity, Netherlands (a.vanwitteloostuijn@ 1.3.3, 3.1.1 University, Taiwan (billy.tsai88@gmail. 1.1.13 Walraven, Merel; Fontys University of com): 2.5.12 van Zalk, Maarten; Orebro University, Applied Sciences, Netherlands (m.wal- Tan, Hao; University of Newcastle, Austra- [email protected]): 2.3.4 lia ([email protected]): 1.3.4 Tsai, Chin-Ju; Royal Holloway, University Sweden ([email protected]): of London, United Kingdom (chin-ju. 3.3.12 Walumbwa, Fred O .; Florida International Tan, Kun; Minjiang University, China [email protected]): 2.4.7 University, USA ([email protected]): ([email protected]): 2.2.11 Vang, Jan; Aalborg University, Denmark Tsui, Tiffany S .W .; Erasmus University ([email protected]): 1.1.10, 1.4.11 3.2.10 Tang, Jing’an; Sacred Heart University, Rotterdam, Netherlands (ttsuimail@ Vanninen, Heini; Lappeenranta University Wan, Zeying; Saint Mary’s University, USA ([email protected]): 1.3.6, 2.1.10 Canada ([email protected]): 1.4.9 3.2.11 of Technology, Finland (heini.vanninen@ Tsukada, Osamu; Kagawa University, 3.4.4 Wang, Dan; Monash University, Australia Tang, Ryan; University of Technology Japan ([email protected]): VanSandt, Craig; University of Northern ([email protected]): 2.4.7 Sydney, Australia (ryan.w.tang@gmail. 1.3.11 com): 3.2.5 Iowa, USA ([email protected]): Wang, I . Kim; Suffolk University, USA Tsukanova, Tatyana V.; Saint Petersburg 3.1.7 ([email protected]): 3.3.9 Tang, Yinuo; University of Pittsburgh, USA University, Russia (tatyana_tsukanova@ ([email protected]): 1.4.6 Varma, Sumati; Sri Aurobindo College Wang, Song; Zhejiang University, China 1.3.10 (Eve), Delhi University, India (varmasu- ([email protected]): 2.4.11 Tanganelli, David; Universitat Internacio- Tu, Wenjun; University of Nottingham, [email protected]): 2.3.10 Wang, Taiyuan; IE Business School, Spain nal de Catalunya, Spain (databer@uic. Ningbo, China (zx06477@nottingham. es): 1.3.12 Varman, Rohit; Indian Institute of Man- ([email protected]): 1.4.9 2.5.12 agement Calcutta, India (rohit@iimcal. Tao, Pan; Shandong University of Wang, Yinglei; Acadia University, Canada Tung, Rosalie; Simon Fraser University, 0.4 ([email protected]): 1.4.9 Finance and Economics, China (ange- Canada ([email protected]): 2.05, 2.1.4, 3.3.5 [email protected]): 3.3.3 Varum, Celeste Amorim; University of Wang, Yu-Kai (Mike); Soochow University, Tuomisalo, Teemu Kalevi Johannes; Aveiro, Portugal ([email protected]): 1.5.12 Taiwan ([email protected]): 1.4.6 Taras, Vasyl; University of North Carolina Jyväskylä University, Finland (tekajotu@ at Greensboro, USA ([email protected]): 3.4.12 1.3.7, 3.1.6, 3.4.3 Global Networks: Organizations and People 83 Wang, Zeyu; Nankai University/Chinese Wright, Mike; Imperial College London, Yeravdekar, Vidya; Symbiosis Interna- Zhao, John; Saint Louis University, USA University of Hong Kong, China (wang- United Kingdom (mike.wright@imperial. tional University, India (dr-vidya@ ([email protected]): 1.1.7, 1.5.8 [email protected]): 1.4.9 3.3.8, 3.4.8 2.5.1 Zhao, Meng; Renmin University of China, Wang, Zhan; Saint Louis University, USA Wu, Changqi; Peking University, China Yeung, Bernard; National University of China ([email protected]): 3.2.11 ([email protected]): 2.4.13 ([email protected]): 0.5, 3.2.11 Singapore, Singapore (bizdean@nus. Zhao, Youzhen; Fudan University, China Wang, Zhi ; Manchester Metropolitan Wu, Jie; University of Macau, Macau 2.5.1 ([email protected]): 1.5.10 University, United Kingdom ( ([email protected]): 1.5.12, 2.4.3, 3.1.4 Yi, Jiangling; Nanjing University, China Zhao, Yue; Florida International Universi- 1.3.10, 2.2.8 Wu, Sibin; University of Texas Pan Ameri- ([email protected]): 3.2.10 ty, USA ([email protected]): 2.5.11, 3.3.10 Wanjiru, Roseline; Northumbria Univer- can, USA ([email protected]): 3.3.8 Yie, Xiaoqian; Wuhan University, China Zheng, Xiaolan; University of Notting- sity, United Kingdom (roseline.wanjiru@ Wu, Terry ; University of Ontario Institute ([email protected]): 2.2.8 ham, Ningbo, China (xiaolan.zheng@ 1.5.9 of Technology, Canada (terry.wu@uoit. Yildiz, H . Emre; Uppsala University, Swe- 2.5.12 Warner, Karl S .R .; Edinburgh Napier ca): 2.5.10 den ([email protected]): 1.3.3 Zheng, Yao; Nottingham University University, United Kingdom (k.warner@ Wu, Xiaobo; Zhejiang Universit, China Yim, Sohyun; Seoul National University, Business School China, China (zx14549@ 3.4.4 ([email protected]): 1.4.12, 2.5.4 Korea, South ([email protected]): 2.1.11 Watanabel, Naoki ; Ritsumeikan 2.1.11 Zheng, Zunxin; Shenzhen University, University, Japan ([email protected]. Yin, Wenyan; Seoul National University, China ([email protected]): 2.1.7 1.3.13 X Korea, South (wenyanyin2012@gmail. Zhou, Abby Jingzi ; University of Not- Wechtler, Heidi Marie; Macquarie Uni- Xavier, Wlamir; Eastern New Mexico Uni- com): 2.1.11 tingham, Ningbo, China (jingzi.zhou@ versity, Australia (heidiwechtler@gmail. versity and UNISUL, USA (wlamirxavi- Yoshikawa, Katsuhiko; London School of 1.4.10 com): 1.3.8 [email protected]): 1.1.7, 2.1.9, 2.3.7 Economics and Political Science, United Zhou, Jieyu; Hong Kong University of Weerawardena, Jay; UQ Business School, Xie, Fujiao; University of Hawaii at Ma- Kingdom ([email protected]): Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Australia ([email protected]. noa, USA ([email protected]): 1.1.8 2.2.8, 3.4.8 SAR-PRC ([email protected]): 1.4.13 au): 2.5.7 Xie, Guangbao; Bank of China, Anhui Young, Susan L; Seton Hall University, Zhou, Lianxi; Brock University, Canada Wei, Liqun; Hong Kong Baptist University, Province Branch, China (snoopy116@126. USA ([email protected]): 2.3.8 ([email protected]): 1.3.12 China ([email protected]): 2.4.10 com): 1.3.12 Yu, Chwo Ming; National Chengchi Zhou, Xiaoyu; ShanghaiTech University, Wei, Tian; Fudan University, China Xie, Zhenzhen; Tsinghua University, University, Taiwan ([email protected]. China ([email protected]. ([email protected]): 1.4.6, 1.5.10 China ([email protected]. tw): 3.4.12 cn): 2.4.11 Wei, William; MacEwan University, Cana- cn): 3.2.6 Yu, Pei ; Wuhan University of Technology, Zhu, Cherrie; Monash University, da ([email protected]): 1.4.11 Xu, Jieying; Hong Kong Baptist University, China ([email protected]): Australia ([email protected]): Wei, Yingqi; University of Leeds, United Hong Kong, SAR-PRC (14484919@life. 3.3.3 1.5.11, 2.4.7 Kingdom ([email protected]): 2.1.9 1.4.13, 2.3.9 Yu, Pei-Li; National Cheng Kung Universi- Zhu, Hongjin; McMaster University, Can- Wei, Zuobao; University of Texas at El Xu, Jin; Central University of Finance and ty, Taiwan ([email protected]): ada ([email protected]): 3.3.2 2.3.10, 3.2.8 Paso, USA ([email protected]): 2.4.6 Economics, China ([email protected]): Zhu, PengCheng; University of San Diego, Weisang, Guillaume; Clark University, 1.3.12 Yu, Yang; Hong Kong Baptist University, USA ([email protected]): 2.1.6 China ([email protected]): 1.4.13, 2.3.9 USA ([email protected]): 1.1.13 Xu, Kai; Texas A&M University, China Zhuo, Shuaihe; University of Macau, Welter, Christopher; Xavier University, ([email protected]): 2.1.6 Yuan, Lin; University of Macau, Macau Macau ([email protected]): 2.4.3, 3.1.4 ([email protected]): 2.3.7, 2.4.11, 2.5.3 USA ([email protected]): 2.3.8 Xue, Qiuzhi; Fudan University, China Zink, Trevor; Loyola Marymount Universi- Wen, Sonya H .; Tamkang University, ([email protected]): 2.1.8 Yukimoto, Seiki; Kanagawa University, ty, USA ([email protected]): 1.5.7 Taiwan ([email protected]): 2.3.10, Japan ([email protected]): 3.4.7 Zou, Jie; Peking University, China (zoujie@ 3.4.12 3.2.11 Wenger, Lucas; Florida International Uni- Y Yunlu, Dilek Gulistan; Northeastern Illinois University, USA (d-yunlu@neiu. Zou, Xi; London Business School, United versity, USA ([email protected]): 3.3.10 Yamada, Ichiro; St. Andrew’s University, Kingdom ([email protected]): 2.4.10 Japan ([email protected]): 1.3.11 edu): 1.3.12, 2.2.8 Wernz, Christian; Virginia Tech University, Zschoche, Ulrike; Georg-August Uni- USA ([email protected]): 3.1.3 Yamanoi, Junichi; Waseda University, versity of Goettingen, Germany (ulrike. Westjohn, Stanford A .; University of Japan ([email protected]): 1.5.12 Z [email protected]): Toledo, USA (standford.westjohn@utole- Yang, Jae-Suk; Columbia University, USA 3.2.11 1.1.9 ([email protected]): 3.1.2 Zaheer, Akbar; University of Minnesota, USA ([email protected]): 3.3.2 Whynacht, Christopher R .; University of Yang, Jiawen; George Washington Uni- Massachusetts Boston, USA (christo- versity, USA ([email protected]): 1.3.13, Zaheer, Sri; University of Minnesota, USA [email protected]): 2.2.9 2.1.7, 3.2.12 ([email protected]): 0.4, 0.71.1 Wieland, Jamie R .; Illinois State Universi- Yang, Jie; Saint Louis University, USA Zander, Ivo; Uppsala University, Sweden ty, USA ([email protected]): 3.3.13 ([email protected]): 1.5.8 ([email protected]): 2.1.1, 2.3.11 Wiersema, Margarethe; University of Yang, Kuen-Shiou; Asia University, Tai- Zdziarski, Michael; University of Warsaw, California, Irvine, USA (mfwierse@uci. wan ([email protected]): 2.3.10 Poland ([email protected]): 2.2.5 edu): 2.3.10 Yang, Xiaohua; University of San Francis- Wijewardena, Nilupama; Monash co, USA ([email protected]): 1.5.8 Zellmer-Bruhn, Mary; University of Min- nesota, USA ([email protected]): 3.2.3 University, Australia (nilupama.wijewar- Yang, Yi; Yonsei University, Korea, South [email protected]): 1.1.6 ([email protected]): 2.5.11 Zhang, Guangxi; Zhejiang University of Witt, Michael; INSEAD, Singapore (mi- Technology, China ([email protected]. Yayavaram, Sai; Indian Institute of cn): 3.2.3 [email protected]): 0.2, 1.4.3, 1.5.1 Management Bangalore, India (sai. Witte, Caroline ; Erasmus University [email protected]): 1.5.2, 3.1.1 Zhang, Hua; CEIBS, China (zhua@ceibs. edu): 3.4.2 Rotterdam, Netherlands (witte@ese. Ye, Qing; China Europe International 1.5.7 Business School, China (qye@ceibs. Zhang, Jialiang; Renmin University of Wolff, Michael; Georg-August University edu): 2.2.10 China, China ([email protected]): 3.3.11 of Goettingen, Germany (michael. Ye, Wendy; Nottingham University Busi- Zhang, Jie; China Huarong Asset Man- [email protected]): 3.2.11 ness School China, China ( agement Co., Ltd., China (jacqueline35@ Wood, Charles; University of Tulsa, USA 2.1.11 3.2.12 ([email protected]): 1.5.13 Yeh, Chih-Chuan ; National Taiwan Zhang, Man; Bowling Green State Wood, Geoffrey; University of Warwick, University, Taiwan ([email protected]. University, USA ([email protected]): United Kingdom (geoffrey.wood@wbs. tw): 2.3.10 0.5, 2.2.12 1.4.4, 2.5.6 Yen, Su-Chuan; National Chung Hsing Zhang, Megan (Min); Ivey Business Wood, Nicholas; Velocity Consulting, University, Taiwan (dora@yourcarbon. School, Canada ([email protected]): India ([email protected]): 1.5.13 2.5.10 1.5.8, 2.2.11 Zhang, Miao; Kingston University, United Kingdom ([email protected]): 2.2.7 84 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 2015 Exhibitor Listing

The exhibits are located in the Royal Ballroom and are open between 9:00am to 5:00pm, June 28-30 . AIB would like to thank all of our exhibitors for participating at this year’s conference (in alphabetical order):

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Cambridge University Press

Emerald Group Publishing

The Heritage Foundation

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

Ivey Publishing

KW Immersion Program

Local NGOs and Artisans

Minds Abroad

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015413x_210x138ma_4c.indd 1 21/11/2013 08:33:08 AIB Secretariat

The Academy of International Business Secretariat is located at the International Business Center (IBC) of The Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University . AIB thanks to the International Business Center and The Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University for hosting the Seceretariat . Additional contact information is available at http://aib .msu .edu/secretariat .asp

Dr . G . Tomas M . Hult Dr . Tunga Kiyak Executive Director Managing Director hult@msu .edu aib@aib .msu .edu

Dr . Irem Kiyak Kathy Kiessling Treasurer Member Services Coordinator kiyak@msu edu. membership@aib .msu .edu

Anne Hoekman Ronda Bunnell JIBS Managing Editor IBC Program Coordinator managing-editor@jibs .net bunnell@broad .msu .edu

90 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Past Presidents of the academy of international business

2012-2014 Robert Grosse 1985–1986 Duane Kujawa 2010–2012 Mary Ann Von Glinow 1983–1984 Robert Hawkins 2008–2010 Yves Doz 1981–1982 Franklin Root 2006–2008 Stefanie Ann Lenway 1979–1980 Robert Stobaugh 2004–2006 Alan M . Rugman 1977–1978 Richard Farmer 2002–2004 Peter J . Buckley 1975–1976 Phillip Grub 2001–2002 Stephen J . Kobrin 1973–1974 Lee Nehrt 1999–2000 José de la Torre 1971–1972 Vern Terpstra 1997–1998 Jeffrey Arpan 1969–1970 Richard Robinson 1995–1996 Donald R . Lessard 1967–1968 Jack Behrman 1993–1994 Jean Boddewyn 1965–1966 James Hart 1991–1992 Art Stonehill 1962–1964 Roland Kramer 1989–1990 John Daniels 1960–1961 John Fayerweather 1987–1988 John Dunning

Past AIB Conference locations

Past AIB Conference Locations

2014: Vancouver, Canada 1986: London, United Kingdom 2013: Istanbul, Turkey 1985: New York City, New York, USA 2012: Washington, DC, USA 1984: Cleveland, Ohio, USA 2011: Nagoya, Japan 1983: San Francisco, California, USA 2010: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1982: Washington, D .C ., USA 2009: San Diego, California, USA 1981: Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2008: Milan, Italy 1980: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 2007: Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 1979: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 2006: Beijing, China 1978: Chicago, Illinois, USA 2005: Québec City, Canada 1977: Orlando, Florida, USA 2004: Stockholm, Sweden 1976: New York City, New York, USA 2003: Monterey, California, USA 1975: Dallas, Texas, USA 2002: San Juan, Puerto Rico 1974: San Francisco, California, USA 2001: Sydney, Australia 1973: New York City, New York, USA 2000: Phoenix, Arizona, USA 1972: Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1999: Charleston, South Carolina, USA 1971: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA 1998: Vienna, Austria 1970: Detroit, Michigan, USA 1997: Monterrey, Mexico 1969: New York City, New York, USA 1996: Banff, Alberta, Canada 1968: Chicago, Illinois, USA 1995: Seoul, Korea 1967: Washington, D .C ., USA 1994: Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1966: San Francisco, California, USA 1993: Hawaii, USA 1965: New York City, New York, USA 1992: Brussels, Belgium 1964: Chicago, Illinois, USA 1991: Miami, Florida, USA 1963: Boston, Massachusetts, USA 1990: Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1962: New York City, New York, USA 1989: Singapore 1961: New York City, New York, USA 1988: San Diego, California, USA 1960: New York City, New York, USA 1987: Chicago, Illinois, USA 1959: Washington, D .C ., USA

Global Networks: Organizations and People 91 AIB Fellows

The AIB Fellows consist of distinguished AIB members recognized for their contributions to the scholarly development of the field of international business . The AIB Fellows participate in the activities of the AIB by choosing the International Executive of the Year and the International Educator of the Year . They also organize one or more panel sessions at the AIB annual meet- ing each year — often the first Plenary Panel .

Dean of the Fellows: Kobrin, Stephen J ., University of Pennsylvania Paul Beamish, Ivey School of Business Kogut, Bruce M ., Columbia University Kostova, Tatiana, University of South Carolina Secretary/Treasurer of the Fellows: Kotabe, Masaaki, Temple University Shige Makino, Chinese University of Hong Kong Kujawa, Duane, University of Miami Lenway, Stefanie, Michigan State University Participating (Active) Fellows: Lessard, Donald R ., M.I.T. Adler, Nancy J ., McGill University Lewin, Arie Y ., Duke University Aggarwal, Raj, University of Akron Luo, Yadong, University of Miami Aharoni, Yair, Tel Aviv University Lyles, Marjorie A ., Indiana University Asakawa, Kazuhiro, Keio University Macharzina, Klaus, Universitaet Hohenheim Bartlett, Christopher A ,. Harvard Business School Makino, Shige, Chinese University of Hong Kong Beamish, Paul W ., Ivey School of Business McDougall-Covin, Patricia P ., Indiana University Behrman, Jack N ., University of North Carolina Meyer, Klaus, China Europe International Business School Benito, Gabriel R .G ., BI Norwegian Business School Mudambi, Ram, Temple University Birkinshaw, Julian, London Business School Park, Seung Ho, China Europe International Business School Boddewyn, Jean J ., Baruch College - CUNY Pedersen, Torben, Bocconi University Boyacigiller, Nakiye A ., Sabanci University Peng, Mike, University of Texas at Dallas Brouthers, Keith D ., King’s College London Radebaugh, Lee, Brigham Young University Buckley, Peter J ., University of Leeds Ralston, David A ., Florida International University Cantwell, John A ., Rutgers University Ramamurti, Ravi, Northeastern University Casson, Mark Christopher, University of Reading Ricks, David A ., University of Missouri - St. Louis Cavusgil, S . Tamer, Georgia State University Roth, Kendall, University of South Carolina Chi, Tailan, University of Kansas Sauvant, Karl, Columbia University Child, John, University of Birmingham Shenkar, Oded, Ohio State University Cho, Dong-Sung, Seoul National University Simmonds, Kenneth, London Business School Contractor, Farok J ., Rutgers University Stobaugh, Robert B ., Harvard Business School Daniels, John D ., University of Miami Stonehill, Arthur I ., Oregon State University de la Torre, José, Florida International University Tallman, Stephen B ., University of Richmond Delios, Andrew, National University of Singapore Tung, Rosalie L ., Simon Fraser University Devinney, Timothy M ., University of Leeds Vahlne, Jan Erik, University of Gothenburg Doh, Jonathan, Villanova University Verbeke, Alain C ., University of Calgary Doz, Yves L ., INSEAD Vernon, Ivan R ., Cleveland State University Eden, Lorraine, Texas A&M University Von Glinow, Mary Ann, Florida International University Ghauri, Pervez N ., King’s College London Walter, Ingo, New York University Ghemawat, Pankaj, IESE Wells, Jr ., Louis T ., Harvard Business School Goodnow, James D ., Bradley Univ. and Univ. of North Texas Westney, D Eleanor, York University Gray, Sidney J ., University of Sydney Wilkins, Mira, Florida International University Green, Robert T ., University of Texas at Austin Wills, James R ., University of Hawaii Grosse, Robert, American University of Sharjah Yeung, Bernard, National University of Singapore (NUS) Gupta, Anil K ., INSEAD Yip, George S ., China Europe International Business School Henisz, Witold Jerzy, University of Pennsylvania Zaheer, Srilata, University of Minnesota Hennart, Jean-Francois, Tilburg University Zander, Udo B ., Stockholm School of Economics Hult, G . Tomas M ., Michigan State University Johanson, Jan, Uppsala University To see a complete list of AIB Fellows including Honorary Johansson, Johny, Georgetown University Fellows, and to access the bios of the Fellows, please Jones, Geoffrey,Harvard Business School visit the AIB Fellows page on AIB’s website at Khanna, Tarun, Harvard Business School http://aib .msu .edu/aibfellows .asp Kobayashi, Noritake, Keio University

92 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 AIB Institutional Members

We thank the following organizations for their support of the Academy of International Business and the field of international business .

Aalto University School of Business, Finland Brunel University, United Kingdom Florida International University, USA George Washington University, USA Georgia State University, USA GITAM School of International Business, India Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, India Indiana University, USA Michigan State University, USA Peking University, China Pontifica Universidad Javeriana Cali, Colombia Poznan University of Economics, Poland Rosario University, Colombia St . Mary’s University, USA Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand Temple University, USA Universidad Autonoma de Occidente, Colombia Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia Universidad de la Salle, Colombia Universidad del Pacifico, Peru Universidad EAFIT, Colombia Universidad Iberoamericana, Dominican Republic Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia University of Newcastle, Australia University of Reading, United Kingdom University of South Carolina, USA York University, Canada

Learn More about Becoming an Institutional Member Your school can join the prestigious schools above by becoming an institutional member of the AIB . Additional information on the benefits of becoming an institutional member and instructions on how to become one can be found on our website at http://aib .msu .edu/membership/ .

Global Networks: Organizations and People 93 AIB chapters

AIB currently has 18 chapters established around the world . With the goal of to facilitate networking as well as the exchange of knowledge at a more local level, these chapters engage in a variety of activities from organizing re- gional conferences to publishing journals or book series . To learn more about our chapters, visit the AIB Chapter booth at the Exhibit Hall or contact your regional chapter chair . See the “Meet Your Chapter” page for scheduled times during AIB 2015 when you can meet and talk to your regional chapter chair and members from your region . AIB would like to thank the chapter chairs listed below for their hard work and their institutions for the support they have provided to the chapters over the years .

Chapters in Asia and the Pacific Chapters in the Middle East and Africa Australia - New Zealand Middle East and North Africa Elizabeth Rose, University of Otago Melodena Balakrishnan, Univ . of Wollongong in Dubai Elizabeth Rose@otago. .ac .nz MelodenaBalakrishnan@uowdubai .ac .ae

China Sub-Saharan Africa Changqi Wu, Peking University Abel Kinoti, Riara University topdog@gsm .pku .edu cn. akinoti@riarauniversity .ac .ke

India S . Raghunath, IIM Bangalore Chapters in the Americas srnathiimb@gmail .com Canada Japan Howard Lin, Ryerson University Kazuhiro Asakawa, Keio University hlin@ryerson .ca kaz .asakawa@gmail .com Latin America Korea William Newburry, Florida International University Jaeyong Song, Seoul National University newburry@fiu .edu jsong@snu ac. .kr Bolivia Southeast Asia Sergio Garcia, Universidad Privada sergio .garcia .agre- T .S . Chan, Lingnan University da@gmail .com chants@ln edu. .hk US Midwest Man Zhang, Bowling Green State University mzhang@ Chapters in Europe bgsu .edu United Kingdom and Ireland US Northeast Heinz Tuselmann, Manchester Metropolitan University Stephan Manning, University of Massachusetts, Boston H .Tuselman@mmu .ac uk. Stephan .manning@umb .edu

Western Europe US Southeast José Pla-Barber, University of Valencia Peter Magnusson, University of Alabama jose .pla@uv .es pmagnusson@cba .ua .edu

Central & Eastern Europe US West Lukasz Puslecki, Poznan University of Economics Gary Knight, Willamette University lukasz .puslecki@ue .poznan .pl gknight@willamette .edu

94 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Upcoming AIB Meetings

The list below includes all chapter meetings and special conferences that were announced by the time the conference program went to press . For our continuously updated Calendar of AIB Events or to learn more about these meetings, please visit http://aib .msu .edu/events/

AIB Sub Saharan Africa Chapter Meeting August 26-28, 2015 Johannesburg, South Africa

AIB Central and Eastern Europe Chapter Meeting September 17-19, 2015 Warsaw, Poland

AIB US-West Chapter Meeting October 22-24, 2015 Seattle, Washington, USA

AIB US-Northeast Chapter Meeting October 22-24, 2015 Boston, Massachusetts, USA

AIB Special Conference October 30-31, 2015 Look for Call for Papers on page 96 . Milan, Italy

AIB US-Southeast Chapter Meeting Novwember 12-14, 2015 Miami, Florida, USA

AIB Southeast Asia Chapter Meeting December 3-5, 2015 Penang, Malaysia

AIB Latin America Chapter Meeting February 18-20, 2016 Sao Paulo, Brazil

AIB UK-Ireland Chapter Meeting April 7-9, 2016 London, United Kingdom

AIB US-Midwest Chapter Meeting April 13-15, 2016 Chicago, IL, USA

AIB 2016 Annual Meeting June 27-30, 2016 Look for Call for Papers on page 98 . New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Global Networks: Organizations and People 95 AIB mini-conference Bocconi University, Milan, Italy October 30-31, 2015 Breaking up the global value chain: Possibilities and consequences CALL FOR PROPOSALS

Keynote speakers: Juan Alcacer, Harvard Business School John Cantwell, Rutgers Business School

Conference organizing committee: Arnaldo Camuffo and Torben Pedersen Stefano Elia and Lucia Piscitello CRIOS, Bocconi University Politecnico di Milano

Deadline for submission of extended abstract: September 1st 2015 (conference website:

Technological and institutional changes have increasingly enabled companies to reconfigure their global value chain and combine the benefits arising from specialization with location advantages . As a consequence, knowledge-inten- sive activities have been typically centralized in the home country or offshored to other advanced economies, while manufacturing and other more standardized activities have been offshored to emerging countries mainly to exploit cost advantages (Mudambi, 2007; Contractor et al ., 2010) . How- ever, recent developments are challenging this traditional separation between advanced and emerging economies as host of knowledge- and production-intensive activities, respectively . Within this context, recent research has started to emphasize the role of intraorganizational relationships and linkages among the different parts of the value chain . In particular, innovative and productive activities are affected by strong interdependencies and complementarities (Berry, 2014), and for some companies the co-location of R&D and manufacturing is critical for development and innovation (Alcacer and Delgado, 2014) . Hence, the loss of manufacturing capabilities might also imply the reduction of innovation competencies (Pisano and Shih, 2012) . The increasing awareness of these interdependencies explains the recent incentives from policy makers in advanced countries that aim to promote their manufacturing activities . These issues pose major challenges for scholars working not only in the field of International Business, but also in areas such as Economic Geography, Operations and Supply Chain Management and International Economics .

96 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Papers are invited for the topics listed below. Papers in other related areas are welcome as well . • What are the consequences of breaking up the global value chain and which possibilities is this offering? • Under what conditions is it beneficial to keep the different business activities in the same location rather than splitting and decentralize them across companies and countries’ boundaries? What are the organizational challenges? • What are the benefits and costs associated with offshoring? Are there any hidden costs of offshoring? Who is benefitting from offshoring? Is it society at large, customers, employees? What are spill-over effects of offshoring? • What are the macro-economic and institutional conditions explaining the new international fragmentation and geograph- ical dispersion of the value chains? How has the relevance of location factors changed and affected the new era of offshor- ing and back-shoring phenomena? • What are the challenges for policy makers? What can be done in order to promote manufacturing activities in advanced countries?

Submission guidelines Participants who wish to present their research at the conference are invited to submit an extended abstract not exceeding 1,000 words through the conference website no later than September 1, 2015 . At least one author must register for the conference . If more than one author presents the paper, each presenter must register . Further submission guidelines can be found at the conference website or by writing to [email protected] Notification of paper acceptance will be communicated by September 14, 2015 .

Timeline September 1, 2015: Extended abstract submission September 14, 2015: Acceptance decision September 28, 2015: Early registration deadline for conference

Global Networks: Organizations and People 97 AIB 2016 Call for Papers

Academy of International Business 2016 Annual Conference June 27-30, 2016 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

CALL FOR PAPERS The Locus of Innovation In the Globally Integrated Enterprise

“We are at an inflection point, with public and private institutions around the world being disrupted. Global integra- tion, which is driving this disruption, is the new playing field, and innovation is the way to win this game.” Samuel J . Palmisano, former Chairman, IBM, Rethink: A Path to the Future, 2014

Program Chair: Charles Dhanaraj, IMD, Switzerland ([email protected]) Submission Deadline: January 15, 2016

The multinational enterprise (MNE) remains a central unit of analysis for international business (IB) scholars, as it represents “the most remarkable economic phenomena in the post-war period .” Yet how these MNEs have evolved over time remains a puzzle . With economic activities of the MNE crisscrossing the globe, some see the MNEs evolving into a “globally integrated enterprise .” Others stress the persisting imbalances across the coun- tries and focus on the barriers to global integration . AIB invites you to explore this puzzle, to help us understand to what extent, and how, MNEs are leveraging global integration while simultaneously exploiting the differences . Nowhere has the impact of such global integration felt stronger than in the arena of innovation — R&D and related activities . Mega investments in R&D by MNEs such as GE, Siemens, IBM, and others in emerging markets have been routinely reported in the business press . These make radical departure from the evolution of the MNE as the early IB scholars envisioned . Do these trends pose a challenge to the west? Are we seeing the directional- ity of the global flow of innovations being reversed? It is time to bring together our findings to get a better picture of the evolution of innovation within MNEs .

98 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 Innovation is the cornerstone of competitive advantage for MNEs . The slowing econom- ic growth is forcing corporate leaders to innovate their way out of crisis and stagna- tion . MNEs from emerging markets infuse competitive vigor with their emphasis on fru- gality are stretching the scope of innovation itself beyond technology to new business models . How do these dynamics shape the way MNEs disperse and orchestrate their global innovation? Such ‘global integration’ of innovative activities must entail knowledge sharing across different geographies, which may follow different rules of social interactions . It would also demand connecting “rule-driven behavior” in some places with “entrepreneurial behavior” in others . How can we effectively link such international knowl- edge pipelines? What may ease or hamper such connectivity across different locations and across different governance structures? What sort of global leaders are needed to manage this global integration? The global integration approach to the MNEs also recognizes explicitly the role of entre- preneurship, and the hybrid organizational arrangements that MNEs have in many host countries . IB scholarship has a strong knowl- edge base on new venture internationalization . In recent years a critical body of literature is emerging that focuses on the linkages between the MNEs, new ventures, and industrial clusters to shed light on this innovation ecology . How do we move beyond the local knowledge spillover to the globally interconnected knowledge flows? Are MNEs critical pipelines to this innovation ecosystem? Global integration offers significant scope in scaling social innovations . Social problems are intensely local . Be it poverty alleviation, education, drinking water, health or job creation, the issues are strongly embedded in the locale . However, in recent years non-profit organizations such as Gates Foundation, have demonstrated how to connect these local problems, develop global solutions, and apply them in a customized manner to each locale . How do we lever- age concepts such as Porter’s “Shared Value” to create global solutions to local problems? Policy is central to innovation and the global flow of knowledge . IB scholars have a unique vantage point from which they can see multiple policy regimes . With their ability to link data across geographies, they can con- tribute to richer observations and more robust theories . How do we refine the contours of the innovation policy regime designed for the legacy years? Are some of the global integration ideas applicable to policy innovation? What policy initiatives are needed to advance the effectiveness of the MNEs to deliver social value? The AIB 2016 at New Orleans will give us an opportunity to explore these questions on the future of innovation and MNEs . Let the meeting of minds unleash new thinking on making global integration work, and the role of innovation within these globally integrated enterprises . What better a place than New Orleans, which stands as a symbol of transformation, having moved from almost total destruction in the wake of Hurricane Katrina to a vibrant entrepreneurial economic center that you will experience when you arrive here! Lets explore innovation, in an innovative way, along with peers drawn from around the globe . See you in New Orleans!

Global Networks: Organizations and People 99 notes

100 2015 AIB Conference Bengaluru, India June 27-30 -- Inside Back Cover: New Orleans Ad --


Get down to business . Then just GET DOWN

The Academy of International Business is pleased to announce New Orleans as the host city for the AIB 2016 Annual Conference to take place June 27-30, 2016 at the Sheraton New Orleans. Join your colleagues for great sessions, ample networking opportunities, and a fabulous cultural experience in New Orleans where you can indulge in delicious cuisine, shop in historic neighborhoods, and dance to the music pouring into the streets. Visit for more information! AIB 2015 Conference Sponsors

John Cook School of Business Boeing Institute of International Business SLU • • SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY

The 57th Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business Bangalore, India June 27-30, 2015 ©2015 Academy of International Business

For information, please contact: AIB Executive Secretariat G . Tomas M . Hult, Executive Director, or Tunga Kiyak, Managing Director Eppley Center 645 N Shaw Lane Rm 7 East Lansing, MI 48824, USA Phone: +1 (517) 432-1452 • Fax +1 (517) 432-1009 E-mail: [email protected] • Web: