Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

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Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 144 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1998 No. 66 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was kingdom is one that spans all eter- THE JOURNAL called to order by the Speaker pro tem- nities, bless and protect, help and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The pore (Mr. BONILLA). exhalt the President and the Vice Chair has examined the Journal of the f President of the United States of last day's proceedings and announces America. to the House his approval thereof. DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER May God bless the leaders of our Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- PRO TEMPORE great Nation; the Members of this nal stands approved. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- House of Representatives, their fami- Mr. HOLDEN. Mr. Speaker, pursuant fore the House the following commu- lies and their staffs. May God bless all to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on nication from the Speaker: who help guide our Nation with honor, agreeing to the Speaker's approval of WASHINGTON, DC, dignity and pride, increase their the Journal. May 21, 1998. strength of soul to resist the pressure The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I hereby designate the Honorable HENRY to shade truth or compromise integ- question is on the Chair's approval of BONILLA to act as Speaker pro tempore on rity, increase their ability to advocate the Journal. this day. on behalf of a just and honest society, The question was taken; and the NEWT GINGRICH, Speaker of the House of Representatives. caring and concern for the welfare of Speaker pro tempore announced that all citizens and friends, regardless of the ayes appeared to have it. f race, creed, color, religion, gender or Mr. HOLDEN. Mr. Speaker, I object PRAYER age. Help them welcome all the mar- to the vote on the ground that a velous, colorful, contentious diversity Rabbi Moshe E. Bomzer, Congrega- quorum is not present and make the of our Nation's people. Grant them the tion Beth Abraham-Jacob, Albany, point of order that a quorum is not wisdom, kindness, patience and under- New York, offered the following prayer: present. standing to differentiate between right Blessed is He, oh, Lord our God, King The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- and wrong, good and evil, and between of the universe, Who has given wisdom dently a quorum is not present. sanctity and impurity. Enable our to all of mankind. The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- leaders to bring peace among all man- I offer this prayer on the last days of sent Members. kind everywhere in the world. the congressional session prior to our The vote was taken by electronic de- national Memorial Day weekend. It As we celebrate this weekend, let us vice, and there wereÐyeas 339, nays 58, was exactly 130 years ago almost to the also realize this coming Sunday, May answered ``present'' 2, not voting 33, as day that Congress resolved that a day 24th, marks the 31st anniversary of the follows: be set aside to recognize and memorial- reunification of the City of Jerusalem, [Roll No. 175] ize those who had given their lives to eternal capital of the state of Israel. YEASÐ339 defend our country in times of war and King David wrote of the city, ``Our feet Abercrombie Blunt Chenoweth in times of peace. would stand in the gateways of Jerusa- Ackerman Boehlert Christensen lem. Jerusalem rebuilt, as a city re- Allen Boehner Clayton President Abraham Lincoln ex- Andrews Bonilla Clement pressed it best when he stated: ``That united together. Seek the peace of Je- Archer Boswell Clyburn we here highly resolve that these dead rusalem, may those who love you be at Armey Boucher Coble shall not have died in vain. We can do ease. May there be peace between your Bachus Boyd Coburn walls and tranquility in your palace. Baesler Brady (TX) Collins them no greater honor than to keep Ballenger Brown (FL) Combest alive that which they gave their lives For the sake of my brothers and Barcia Brown (OH) Condit to preserve; love of country, duty, friends I shall speak with you of Barrett (NE) Bryant Conyers peace.'' Barrett (WI) Bunning Cook honor and defense of the right as it is Bartlett Burton Cooksey given to us to see the right.'' Bless us dear God with the light of Bentsen Callahan Coyne Let us keep their memories alive in Your countenance, shower your provi- Bereuter Calvert Cramer Berman Camp Cubin our hearts and deeds throughout this dence and influence for good through- Berry Campbell Cummings period of the year. May their memories out the world, uniting all mankind in Bilbray Canady Cunningham be a blessing. peace and freedom. He who makes Bilirakis Cannon Danner On behalf of all assembled here, I peace in the heavens above, may He Bishop Capps Davis (FL) Blagojevich Cardin Davis (IL) pray. May God Who grants salvation to make peace here on earth, as we say, Bliley Castle Davis (VA) kings and dominion to princes, Whose amen. Blumenauer Chabot Deal b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3627 H3628 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 21, 1998 DeGette Kim Quinn Gutknecht Moran (KS) Taylor (MS) COMMUNICATION FROM THE Delahunt Kind (WI) Radanovich Hastings (FL) Nussle Thompson DeLauro King (NY) Rahall Hefley Oberstar Thurman CLERK OF THE HOUSE DeLay Kingston Rangel Hilleary Obey Velazquez The Speaker laid before the House Deutsch Kleczka Redmond Hilliard Pallone Vento the following communication from the Diaz-Balart Klink Regula Hinchey Pastor Visclosky Dickey Klug Reyes Johnson, E. B. Pickett Wamp Clerk of the House of Representatives: Dicks Knollenberg Riggs Kucinich Poshard Waters OFFICE OF THE CLERK, Dingell LaFalce Riley Lewis (GA) Ramstad Weller U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Doggett LaHood Rivers LoBiondo Sabo Wexler Washington, DC, May 20, 1998. Dooley Lampson Rodriguez Lowey Schaffer, Bob Whitfield Doolittle Lantos Roemer Markey Scott Wicker Hon. NEWT GINGRICH, Doyle Largent Rogan McDermott Slaughter The Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, Dreier Latham Rogers Menendez Stupak Washington, D.C. Duncan LaTourette Rohrabacher DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have the honor to Dunn Lazio Ros-Lehtinen ANSWERED ``PRESENT''Ð2 transmit herewith a copy of the unofficial Edwards Leach Rothman Carson Goodling results received from Dick Filling, Commis- Ehlers Lee Roukema sioner, Bureau of Commissions, Elections Roybal-Allard NOT VOTINGÐ33 Ehrlich Levin and Legislation, Commonwealth of Pennsyl- Emerson Lewis (CA) Royce Baker Crapo Lewis (KY) Engel Linder Rush vania, indicating that, according to the unof- Barr Dixon McCollum ficial returns of the Special Election held on Eshoo Lipinski Ryun Barton Frelinghuysen Meeks (NY) Etheridge Livingston Salmon Bass Gonzalez Owens May 19, 1998, the Honorable Robert A. Brady Evans Lofgren Sanchez Bateman Granger Pomeroy was elected to the Office of Representative Everett Lucas Sanders Bono Hall (OH) Schumer in Congress, from the First Congressional Ewing Luther Sandlin Burr Harman Skaggs District, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Sanford Farr Maloney (CT) Buyer Hyde Tierney With warm regards, Fattah Maloney (NY) Sawyer Chambliss Johnson (WI) Torres Fawell Manton Saxton ROBIN H. CARLE, Cox Johnson, Sam Turner Clerk. Foley Manzullo Scarborough Crane Kolbe Young (AK) Forbes Martinez Schaefer, Dan f Ford Mascara Sensenbrenner Fossella Matsui Serrano b 1032 SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE Fowler McCarthy (MO) Sessions ROBERT A. BRADY, OF PENNSYL- Frank (MA) McCarthy (NY) Shadegg So the Journal was approved. VANIA, AS A MEMBER OF THE Franks (NJ) McCrery Shaw The result of the vote was announced Frost McDade Shays HOUSE Furse McGovern Sherman as above recorded. Gallegly McHale Shimkus Mr. GEPHARDT. Mr. Speaker, I ask Ganske McHugh Shuster f unanimous consent that the gentleman Gejdenson McInnis Sisisky from Pennsylvania, Mr. Robert A. Gekas McIntosh Skeen Brady, be permitted to take the oath of Gilchrest McIntyre Skelton PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Gillmor McKeon Smith (MI) office today. His certificate of election Gilman McKinney Smith (NJ) The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman has not arrived, but there is no contest, Goode McNulty Smith (OR) from Kansas (Mr. TIAHRT) come for- and no question has been raised with Goodlatte Meehan Smith (TX) Gordon Meek (FL) Smith, Adam ward and lead the House in the Pledge regard to his election. Goss Metcalf Smith, Linda of Allegiance. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Graham Mica Snowbarger Mr. TIAHRT led the Pledge of Alle- the gentleman from Missouri? Greenwood Millender- Snyder giance as follows: There was no objection. Hall (TX) McDonald Solomon Hamilton Miller (CA) Souder I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The SPEAKER. The Chair requests Hansen Miller (FL) Spence United States of America, and to the Repub- the newly elected Member and the Hastert Minge Spratt lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Pennsylvania delegation to come to Hastings (WA) Mink Stabenow indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the well. Hayworth Moakley Stark Hefner Mollohan Stearns Mr. Brady of Pennsylvania appeared Herger Moran (VA) Stenholm f at the bar of the House and took the Hill Morella Stokes oath of office, as follows: Hinojosa Murtha Strickland Do you solemnly swear that you will Hobson Myrick Stump MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Hoekstra Nadler Sununu support and defend the Constitution of Holden Neal Talent A message from the Senate by Mr. the United States against all enemies, Hooley Nethercutt Tanner Lundregan, one of its clerks, an- foreign and domestic; that you will Horn Neumann Tauscher nounced that the Senate insists upon bear true faith and allegiance to the Hostettler Ney Tauzin its amendments to the bill (H.R.
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