Transfer of Rhodocyclus Gelatinosus to Rubrivivax Gelatinosus Gen. Nov

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Transfer of Rhodocyclus Gelatinosus to Rubrivivax Gelatinosus Gen. Nov INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICBACTERIOLOGY, Jan. 1991, p. 65-73 Vol. 41, No. 1 0020-7713/91/010065-09$02.00/0 Copyright 0 1991, International Union of Microbiological Societies Transfer of Rhodocyclus gelatinosus to Rubrivivax gelatinosus gen. nov. , comb. nov. , and Phylogenetic Relationships with Leptothrix, Sphaerotilus natans, Pseudomonas saccharophila, and Alcaligenes latus ANNE WILLEMS, MONIQUE GILLIS,* AND JOZEF DE LEY Laboratorium voor Microbiologie en Microbi2le Genetica, Rijlcsuniversiteit Gent, K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium The taxonomic relationships among Rhodocyclus, Leptothrix, and Sphaerotilus species, Pseudomonas saccharophila, and Alcaligenes latus were investigated by performing DNA-rRNA hybridization experiments, by determining DNA base compositions, and by performing protein gel electrophoresisexperiments. These taxa have relatively high guanine-plus-cytosinecontents (67.8 to 72.5 mol%) and form a separate group within rRNA superfamily 111. Rhodocyclus gelatinosus and “Leptothrix discophora” form two separate rRNA branches, which are linked at a T,(,) level of 74.8 f 0.7”C [Tm(,),temperature at which 50% of an DNA-rRNA hybrid is denatured]. Also situated at this Tm(e)level and therefore equidistantly related to Rhodocyclus gelatinosus and “Leptothrix discophora” are Sphaerotilus natans, P. saccharophila, and A. latus. Leptothrix cholodnii is located on the “L. discophora” rRNA branch but produces a protein pattern which is different from that of “L. discophora.” All of the other taxa which we investigated also have unique protein patterns. Since Rhodocyclus gelatinosus is only very distantly related to the type species of the genus Rhodocyclus (Rhodocyclus purpureus) and to Rhodocyclus tenuis and because it is clearly different from its nearest phylogenetic neighbors, we propose to rename this species as Rubrivivax gelatinosus gen. nov., comb. nov. The type strain remains strain NCIB 8290 (= LMG 4311). In 1978 Pfennig (33) created the genus Rhodocyclus as a monas saccharophila, and Alcaligenes latus are closely new genus within the family Rhodospirillaceae (34); he related to the acidovorans rRNA complex in rRNA super- described Rhodocyclus purpureus, a phototrophic half-ring- family I11 (46, 47). The acidovorans rRNA complex, as shaped bacterium isolated from a red-colored swine waste defined by DNA-rRNA hybridization data (46), corresponds lagoon, as the only species. When Imhoff et al. rearranged to part of the beta-1 subcluster as defined by Woese et al. the Rhodospirillaceae (16), they transferred Rhodopseudo- (49) on the basis of 16s rRNA cataloging data. Woese et al. monas gelatinosa and Rhodospirillum tenue to this genus as (49) reported that there is a close relationship between Rhodocyclus gelatinosus and Rhodocyclus tenuis, respec- Rhodocyclus gelatinosus and the sheathed species Sphae- tively, because of several chemotaxonomic properties which rotilus natans within the beta-1 subcluster. Another sheath- these taxa have in common and because of the morpholog- ed strain, “Leptothrix discophora” Stokes, and two strains ical similarity of their photosynthetic membrane systems. of the gliding bacterium Vitreoscilla jiliformis, strains ATCC This transfer was proposed as a provisional solution until 15551 and L1401-7, were shown to be relatively closely more detailed data for evaluation of the taxonomic relation- related to Rhodocyclus gelatinosus on the basis of 5s rRNA ships at the generic level became available. sequencing data (39). Since all of these taxa have never been Within the traditional family Rhodospirillaceae, the three included previously together in the same study, it is dficult Rhodocyclus species form a separate group that is different to evaluate their precise taxonomic relationships. In this from all other genera (15, 35). Phylogenetically, the paper we describe the phylogenetic relationships of Rhodo- Rhodocyclus species belong to rRNA superfamily I11 sensu cyclus, Sphaerotilus, and Leptothrix species and the facul- De Ley (6) (the beta subclass of the Proteobacteria [38,491), tatively autotrophic species Pseudornonas saccharophila while all other members of the Rhodospirillaceae belong to and Alcaligenes latus. We examined these taxa by determin- rRNA superfamily IV (12c) (the alpha subclass of the Pro- ing DNA base compositions and by performing DNA-rRNA teobacteria [38, 481). Furthermore, most groups of photo- hybridization and whole-cell protein electrophoresis experi- synthetic bacteria have been found to be more closely ments. related to nonphotosynthetic bacteria than to other photo- Below, the name Rubrivivax gelatinosus is used for the synthetic taxa. Therefore, the family Rhodospirillaceae is taxon formerly called Rhodocyclus gelatinosus and taxa taxonomically unsound. This is recognized in Bergey ’s Man- which are presently misnamed according to phylogenetic ual of Systematic Bacteriology, where the use of the name data are indicated by brackets. Rhodospirillaceae has been abandoned, but the separate taxa are on practical grounds still treated as a group, which is now named the purple nonsulfur bacteria (14). MATERIALS AND METHODS On the basis of DNA-rRNA hybridization data, we have Bacterial strains. To study their taxonomic relationships, previously reported that Rhodocyclus gelatinosus, Pseudo- we tried to obtain as many Leptothrix strains as possible from various culture collections but ended up with only six strains belonging to two species. The strains which we * Corresponding author. studied are shown in Table 1. Most of the strains were grown 65 66 WILLEMS ET AL. INT. J. SYST.BACTERIOL. TABLE 1. Strains used ~~~~~~~ Taxon Straina Other designation(s) Isolation source (year) [Alcaligenes] latus Palleroni H-4T LMG 3321T, ATCC 29712T Soil, California Leptothrix cholodnii CCM 1827 LMG 9467 Active sludge “Leptothrix discophora” SP-~(S) LMG 8142 Artificial iron seep in laboratory, Ithaca, N.Y. “Leptothrix discophora” SP-6(~1)~ LMG 8143 Artificial iron seep in laboratory, Ithaca, N.Y. “Leptothrix discophora” ss-1 LMG 8141 Surface film of a swamp, Ithaca, N.Y. L ep tot hrix discop hora ” SSlOA LMG 9068 Surface film of a swamp, Ithaca, N.Y. “Leptothrix discophora” EH1 LMG 9069 Natural iron seep near Ithaca, N.Y. [Pseudomonas] saccharophila ATCC 15946T LMG 7831T, LMG 2256T Mud, Bay of San Francisco, Calif. (1940) [Pseudomonas] sp. DSM 2583 LMG 8144 Berkeley, Calif. (1971) Rubrivivax gelatinosus NCIB 8290T LMG 4311T, ATCC 17011T Acetate enrichment, pH 6.6 (1944) Rubrivivax gelatinosus Pfennig 2850 LMG 4309 Rubrivivax gelatinosus Pfennig 2150 LMG 4308, DSM 149 Greenhouse water basin Rubrivivax gelatinosus DSM 150 LMG 4310 Pond Rubrivivax gelatinosus DSM 151 LMG 4306 Ditch mud Rhodocyclus purpureus DSM 168T LMG 7759T Slaughterhouse waste lagoon Rhodocyclus tenuis DSM 109T LMG 4367T. ATCC 25093T Muddy freshwater pond in forest, Griinen- plan, Federal Republic of Germany Rhodocyclus tenuis DSM 110 LMG 7757 Dystrophic pond Rhodocyclus tenuis DSM 112 LMG 4369 Mountain peat bog Rhodocyclus tenuis Pfennig 1/67 LMG 4371 Rhodocyclus tenuis Biebl Fa2a LMG 4372 Sphaerotilus natans NCIB 11197tIT LMG 7172tIT Hay infusion Thiobacillus perometabolis ATCC 23370T LMG 8564T Soil, Los Angeles, Calif. Reference strains Acidovorax delajieldii ATCC 17505T LMG 6832T Soil enriched with poly-P-hydroxybutyrate as a sole carbon source A cidovorax facilis ATCC 11228T LMG 2193T Soil, United States Acidovorax temperans CIP 239.74 LMG 3332 Blood culture, France Acidovorax temperans CIP 471.74 LMG 3334 Unknown Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. NCIB 8156T LMG 1229T, CCUG 1814T Unknown faecalis [Alcaligenes]paradoxus ATCC 17713tIT LMG 1797tlT Soil in mineral medium under a 91% H24% 0,-5% C02 atmosphere [Aquaspirillum] aquaticum ATCC 11330T LMG 2370T, CCUG 17395T Freshwater Chromobacterium violaceum NCTC 9757T LMG 1267T, ATCC 12472T Freshwater, Mentekab, Malaya (1952) Cornamonas acidovorans Stanier 14T LMG 1226T Soil enriched with acetamide, Delft, The Netherlands (1926) Comamonas terrigena NCIB 8193T LMG 1253T, ATCC 8461T Hay infusion, United States Comamonas terrigena CCUG 12940 LMG 5520 Blood, United States (1982) Comamonas testosteroni NCTC 10698T LMG 1786T, ATCC 11996T Soil enriched with testosterone, Berkeley, Calif. (1953) Hydrogenophaga flava DSM 619T LMG 2MT, ATCC 33667T Mud from ditch (1942) Hydrogenophaga palleronii Stanier 362tlT‘‘ LMG 2366tIT‘, ATCC 17724T Water enriched for the isolation of hydro- gen bacteria under an atmosphere con- taining 6% O2 Hydrogenophaga pseudopava GA3T LMG 5945T, ATCC 33668T Water from the River Weende, Federal Republic of Germany Hydrogenophaga taeniospiralis DSM 2082T LMG 7170T Soil, Spain Janthinobacterium lividum Sneath HBT LMG 2892T, ATCC 12473T Soil, Michigan (1952) Oligella urethralis WM6 LMG 5304, CCUG 994 Cervix, Aarhus, Denmark (1961) [Pseudomonas] avenae NCPPB lollT LMG 2117T, ATCC 19860T Zea mays, United States (1958) [Pseudomonas] solanacearum NCPPB 325T LMG 2299=, ATCC 11696T Lycopersicon lycopersicum, United States Rhodobacter sphaeroides NCIB 8253T LMG 2827T, ATCC 11167T Rhodospirillurn rubrum ATCC 11170T LMG 4362T Xylophilus ampelinus NCPPB 2217T LMG 5856T, ATCC 33914T Vitis vinifera var. sultana, Crete (1966) ~ ~ ~~ a Strain number as received. ATCC, American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Md.; CCM, Czechoslovak Collection of Microorganisms, Brno, Czechoslovakia; CCUG, Culture Collection of the University of Goteborg, Department of Clinical Bacteriology, University of Goteborg, Goteborg, Sweden; CIP, Culture Collection
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    Supplementary web Figure 1. 16S rRNA-based phylogenetic trees showing the affiliation of all cultured and uncultured members of the nine “Rhodocyclales” lineages. The consensus tree is based on maximum-likelihood analysis (AxML) of full- length sequences (>1,300 nucleotides) performed with a 50% conservation filter for the “Betaproteobacteria”. Named type species are indicated by boldface type. Bar indicates 10% estimated sequence divergence. Polytomic nodes connect branches for which a relative order could not be determined unambiguously by applying neighbor- joining, maximum-parsimony, and maximum-likelihood treeing methods. Numbers at branches indicate parsimony bootstrap values in percent. Branches without numbers had bootstrap values of less than 75%. The minimum 16S rRNA sequence similarity for each “Rhodocyclales” lineage is shown. P+ sludge clone SBR1021, AF204250 P+ sludge clone GC152, AF204242 Kraftisried wwtp clone KRA42, AY689087 Kraftisried wwtp clone S28, AF072922 Kraftisried wwtp clone A13, AF072927 Kraftisried wwtp clone H23, AF072926 Kraftisried wwtp clone S40, AF234757 Sterolibacterium lineage 100 Kraftisried wwtp clone H12, AF072923 100 Kraftisried wwtp clone H20, AF072920 92.5% 89 rape root clone RRA12, AY687926 100 P+ sludge clone SBR1001, AF204252 P- sludge clone SBR2080, AF204251 P+ sludge clone GC24, AF204243 mine water clone I12, AY187895 100 93 denitrifying cholesterol-degrading bacterium 72Chol, Y09967 Sterolibacterium denitrificans, AJ306683 Kraftisried wwtp clone KRZ64, AY689092 Kraftisried wwtp clone KRZ70,
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