
Algebra i analiz St. Petersburg Math. J. Tom 24 (2012), 4 Vol. 24 (2013), No. 4, Pages 591–600 S 1061-0022(2013)01255-6 Article electronically published on May 24, 2013



Abstract. In a joint paper with the author, I. P. Shestakov constructed a new example of a unital simple special Jordan over the field. It turned out that this superalgebra is a subsuperalgebra of a Jordan superalgebra of the vector type J(Γ,D), but it is not isomorphic to a superalgebra of this type. Moreover, the superalgebra of quotients of the constructed superalgebra is isomorphic to a Jordan superalgebra of vector type. Later, a similar example was constructed for Jordan superalgebras over a field of characteristic 0 in which the equation t2 +1=0 is unsolvable. In the present paper, an example is given for a Jordan superalgebra with the same properties over an arbitrary field of characteristic 0. A similar example was discovered also for a Cheng–Kac superalgebra.

§1. Introduction Jordan algebras and superalgebras form an important class of algebras in the theory of rings. Simple Jordan superalgebras were studied in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. In [9, 10], a description was given for the unital simple special Jordan superalgebras with an associative even part A,theoddpartM of which being an associative A-module. The paper [11] in which the simple (−1, 1)-superalgebras of characteristic different from 2 and 3 were described influenced significantly the investigations carried out in [9]. In the Jordan case, if a superalgebra is not the superalgebra of a nondegenerate bilinear superform, then its even part A is a differentiably simple algebra relative to a certain set of derivations, and its odd part M is a finitely generated projective A-module of rank 1. Here, like in the case of (−1, 1)-superalgebras, multiplication in M is given with the help of fixed finite sets of derivations and elements of the algebra A. It turned out that each Jordan superalgebra is a subsuperalgebra of this sort in a superalgebra of vector type J(Γ,D). Under some restrictions on the algebra A,theoddpartM is a one-generated A-module, and thus, the initial Jordan superalgebra is isomorphic to a superalgebra J(Γ,D). So, for example, if A is a local algebra, then, by the well-known Kaplansky theorem, the odd part M is a free, and thus, one-generated A-module. If the ground field is of characteristic p>2, then, by [14], A is a local algebra; therefore, the odd part M is a one-generated A-module. If A is a ring of polynomials in a finite number of variables, then, by [15], the odd part M is a free and, thus, one-generated A-module. Naturally, the question arises as to whether the initial superalgebra is isomorphic to a superalgebra J(Γ,D). This is equivalent to the question as to whether the odd part M is a one-generated A-module. In [10, 12, 13], there are examples of a unital simple special

2010 Subject Classification. Primary 16W10; Secondary 17A15. Key words and phrases. Jordan superalgebra, (−1, 1)-superalgebra, superalgebra of vector type, dif- ferentiably simple algebra, polynomial algebra, projective module. Supported by the RFBR grant 09-01-00157, by the analytic Departmental Special Program “Develop- ment of the scientific potential of Higher School” of the Federal Educational Agency (project, by the Special Federal Program “Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of Innovative Russia for 2009–2013” (state contracts nos. 02.740.11.0429, 02.740.11.5191, 14.740.11.0346).

c 2013 American Mathematical Society 591

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Jordan superalgebra with an associative even part and with the odd part M that is not a free module, i.e., a one-generated module. In those examples, the ground field is either the real number field or any field of characteristic 0 in which the equation t2 +1=0is not solvable. In the present paper, we construct a similar example of a Jordan superalgebra over an arbitrary field of characteristic 0. Also, a similar example of a Jordan superalgebra is given for the Jordan Cheng–Kac superalgebra. The examples of such superalgebras answer a question posed by N. Cantarini and V. Kac in [8].

§2. Generalized superalgebras of vector type

Let F be a field of characteristic different from 2. The superalgebra J = J0 + J1 is a Z2-graded F algebra, i.e., 2 ⊆ 2 ⊆ ⊆ ⊆ J0 J0,J1 J0,J1J0 J1,J0J1 J1.

We set A = J0 and M = J1.ThespaceA (M) is called the even (respectively, odd) part of the superalgebra J. The elements of the set A ∪ M are said to be homogeneous. The expression p(x), where x ∈ A ∪ M, is the parity index of a homogeneous element x: p(x)=0ifx ∈ A (x is even) and p(x)=1ifx ∈ M (x is odd). For an element x ∈ J, we denote by Rx the of right multiplication by x. A superalgebra J is said to be Jordan if the following operator identities are fulfilled for homogeneous elements: p(a)p(b) (1) aRb =(−1) bRa,

(2) Ra2 Ra = RaRa2 , p(a)p(b)+p(a)p(c)+p(b)p(c) p(b)p(c) RaRbRc +(−1) RcRbRa +(−1) R(ac)b (3) p(a)p(b) p(a)p(c)+p(b)p(c) = RaRbc +(−1) RbRac +(−1) RcRab. In any Jordan superalgebra, the identity (4) (x, tz, y)=(−1)p(x)p(t)t(x, z, y)+(−1)p(y)p(z)(x, t, y)z, is valid for homogeneous elements, where (x, z, y)=(xz)y − x(zy) is the associator of the elements x, z, y. We give several examples of Jordan superalgebras. Let B = B0 + B1 be an associative Z2-graded algebra with multiplication ∗. Defining a supersymmetric product 1  a ◦ b = a ∗ b +(−1)p(a)p(b)b ∗ a ,a,b∈ B ∪ B , s 2 0 1 on the B, we obtain the Jordan superalgebra B(+)s. A Jordan superalgebra J = A+M is said to be special if it is embeddable (as a Z2-graded algebra) in the superalgebra (+)s B for an appropriate associative Z2-graded algebra B. The superalgebra J(Γ,D) of vector type. Let Γ be an associative commutative F -algebra with unity 1 and nonzero derivation D.WedenotebyΓtheisomorphiccopy → of the space Γ with the isomorphism map a sa. Consider the direct sum of J(Γ,D)=Γ+Γs and define multiplication (·)onJ(Γ,D) in accordance with the rules · · · · − a b = ab, a sb = ab,s sa b = ab,s sa sb = D(a)b aD(b), where a, b ∈ Γandab is the product in Γ. Then J(Γ,D) is a Jordan superalgebra with even part A = Γ and odd part M = Γ.s A superalgebra J(Γ,D)issimpleifandonly if the algebra Γ is D-simple [16] (i.e., Γ does not contain proper nonzero D-invariant ideals).

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Consider the associative superalgebra B = M 1,1(End Γ) with the even part   2  φ 0 B = , where φ, ψ ∈ End Γ 0 0 ψ and the odd part    0 φ B = , where φ, ψ ∈ End Γ . 1 ψ 0 In [17], it was proved that then the map   R 4R D +2R a + sb → a b D(b) −Rb Ra is an embedding of the superalgebra J(Γ,D) in the superalgebra B(+)s.Consequently, the Jordan superalgebra J(Γ,D) is special.

The Kantor double J(Γ, { , }). Let Γ = Γ0 +Γ1 be an associative supercommutative superalgebra with unity 1, and let { , } :Γ→ Γ be a superskewsymmetric bilinear map, which will be called a bracket. By the superalgebra Γ and the bracket { , },onecan construct a superalgebra J(Γ, { , }). Consider J(Γ, { , })=Γ⊕Γx, a direct sum of spaces, where Γx is an isomorphic copy of the space Γ. Let a and b be homogeneous elements of Γ. Then multiplication (·)onJ(Γ, { , }) is defined by the formulas a · b = ab, a · bx =(ab)x, ax · b =(−1)p(b)(ab)x, ax · bx =(−1)p(b){a, b}.

We set A =Γ0 +Γ1x and M =Γ1 +Γ0x.ThenJ(Γ, { , })=A + M is a Z2-graded algebra. Abracket{ , } is said to be Jordan if the superalgebra J(Γ, { , }) is a Jordan superalge- bra. As is known (see [18]), { , } is a Jordan bracket if and only if the following relations are satisfied: (5) {a, bc} = {a, b}c +(−1)p(a)p(b)b{a, c}−{a, 1}bc, {a, {b, c}} = {{a, b},c} +(−1)p(a)p(b){b, {a, c}} + {a, 1}{b, c} (6) +(−1)p(a)(p(b)+p(c)){b, 1}{c, a} +(−1)p(c)(p(a)+p(b)){c, 1}{a, b}, (7) {d, {d, d}} = {d, d}{d, 1},

where a, b, c ∈ Γ0 ∪ Γ1, d ∈ Γ1. In particular, a superalgebra J(Γ,D)isanalgebraJ(Γ, { , })if {a, b} = D(a)b − aD(b). In [10], the following theorem was proved. Theorem. Let J = A + M be a simple special unital Jordan superalgebra; let its even part A be an associative algebra and its odd part M an associative A-module. Assume that J is not a superalgebra of a nondegenerate bilinear superform. Then there exist elements x1,...,xn ∈ M such that

M = x1A + ···+ xnA and the product in M is given by the relation

(8) axi · bxj = γijab + Dij(a)b − aDji(b),i,j=1,...,n,

where γij ∈ A and Dij is a derivation of the algebra A. The algebra A is differentiably simple relative to the set of derivations Δ={Dij | i, j =1,...,n}. The module M is a projective A-module of rank 1. Moreover, the superalgebra J is a subalgebra of the superalgebra J(Γ,D).

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In [10], there is an example of a Jordan superalgebra over the real number field that satisfies the assumptions of the theorem and is not isomorphic to the algebra J(Γ,D). A similar example of a Jordan superalgebra over a field of characteristic 0 in which the equation t2 + 1 = 0 is not solvable was constructed in [12, 13]. We give another example of such a superalgebra over an arbitrary field of characteristic 0. Let F be an arbitrary field of characteristic 0. Consider the polynomial algebra F [x, y] ∂ ∂ in two variables x and y.By∂x and ∂y we denote the operators of differentiation of 3 ∂ − ∂ the algebra F [x, y] with respect to the variables x and y.WesetD =2y ∂x x ∂y and f(x, y)=x2 + y4 − 1. Then D is a derivation of the algebra F [x, y]andD(f(x, y)) = 0. Let Γ = F [x, y]/f(x, y)F [x, y] be the quotient algebra of the algebra F [x, y] by the ideal f(x, y)F [x, y]. Clearly, the derivation D induces a derivation of the algebra Γ, which we also denote by D. We identify the images of the elements x and y under the canonical homomorphism F [x, y] → Γ with the elements x and y.ThenΓ=F [y]+xF [y], where F [y] is the polynomial ring of the variable y. Proposition 1. The algebra Γ is differentiably simple relative to the derivation D. Proof. Let I be a nonzero D-invariant ideal of the algebra Γ. If f(y) ∈ F [y]andf(y) ∈ I, then the polynomial D(f(y)) = −xf (y) belongs to I;heref (y)isthederivative of the polynomial f(y) with respect to the variable y.Then(1− y4)f (y) ∈ I and D (1 − y4)f (y) ∈ I. Therefore,   −x −4y3f (y)+(1− y4)f (y) ∈ I. This implies that (1 − y4)2f (y) ∈ I. Continuing this process, we conclude that (1 − y4)kf (k)(y) ∈ I for any k,wheref (k)(y)isthekth derivative of f(y). Consequently, (1 − y4)k ∈ I for some k. 4 k Let k be the smallest number for which zk =(1− y ) ∈ I.Then 3 4 k−1 D(zk)=4kxy (1 − y ) ∈ I. Therefore, 1 x(1 − y4)k−1 = xz + yD(z ) ∈ I. k 4k k Consequently, D(x(1 − y4)k−1)=2y3(1 − y4)k−1 +(k − 1)4y3(1 − y4)k−1 =2(2k − 1)y3(1 − y4)k−1 ∈ I. Hence, we get y3(1 − y4)k−1 ∈ I and y4(1 − y4)k−1 ∈ I.Then 4 k 4 4 k−1 zk−1 =(1− y ) + y (1 − y ) ∈ I. Thus, we may suppose that F [y] ∩ I =0. Let f(y)+xg(y) ∈ I.Then (f(y)+xg(y))(f(y) − xg(y)) = f(y)2 − (1 − y4)g(y)2 ∈ I. By what we have proved above, f(y)2 =(1− y4)g(y)2. Then 1 − y4 = h(y)2 for some polynomial h(y) ∈ F [y], a contradiction. Consequently, the algebra Γ is differentiably simple relative to the derivation D.  Consider the subalgebra A generated in Γ by the elements 1, y2, xy.Then D(y2)=−2xy ∈ A and D(xy)=3y4 − 1 ∈ A. Consequently, D(A) ⊆ A. Note that the elements 1, y2i, xy2i−1,wherei =1, 2,..., form a linear basis of the algebra A. Any element of A can be represented in the form f(y)+xyg(y), where f(y),g(y) ∈ F [y2]. Proposition 2. The algebra A is differentiably simple relative to the derivation D.

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Proof. Let I be a nonzero D-invariant ideal of the algebra A.Iff(y) ∈ F [y2]and f(y) ∈ I,thenxf (y)=−D(f(y)) ∈ I. Therefore, (1 − y4)yf(y)=(xy)(xf (y)) ∈ I. Since D(xf (y)) = 2y3f (y) − (1 − y4)f (y) ∈ I, we have (1 − y4)2f (y) ∈ I. By easy induction we derive the relations (1 − y4)2k−1yf(2k−1)(y) ∈ I and (1 − y4)2kf (2k)(y) ∈ I. This implies (1 − y4)2k ∈ I. Let k be the smallest number with (1 − y4)k ∈ I. Then   D (1 − y4)k = −4kxy3(1 − y4)k−1 ∈ I. Consequently, xy(1 − y4)k−1 = xy(1 − y4)k + y2(xy3(1 − y4)k−1) ∈ I. Therefore,   D xy(1 − y4)k−1 =(3y4 − 1)(1 − y4)k−1 +(k − 1)4y4(1 − y4)k−1   = (4k − 1)y4 − 1 (1 − y4)k−1 ∈ I. Then   (4k − 2)(1 − y4)k−1 =(4k − 1)(1 − y4)k + (4k − 1)y4 − 1 (1 − y4)k−1 ∈ I. Thus, we may assume that F [y2] ∩ I =0. Let f(y)+xyg(y) ∈ I.Then f(y)2 − (1 − y4)y2g(y)2 =(f(y)+xyg(y))(f(y) − xyg(y)) ∈ I. By what we have proved above, f(y)2 − (1 − y4)y2g(y)2 = 0. We obtain a contradiction, because deg f(y)2 =4n, but deg(1 − y4)y2g(y)2 =4m +6. Thus, the algebra A is differentiably simple relative to the derivation D.  In the algebra Γ, we consider the subspace M = xA + yA.ThenM is an associative A-module. Proposition 3. The module M is not a one-generated A-module. Proof. Let M be a one-generated A-module, and let z be its . Then z = xa+yb, where a, b ∈ A,andx = zc, y = zd,wherec, d ∈ A. Hence, (9) xd = yc, (10) x = x(ac + bd),y= y(ac + bd). Let a = f0 + xyf1,b= g0 + xyg1,c= e0 + xye1,d= h0 + xyh1, 2 where f0, f1, g0, g1, e0, e1, h0,andh1 are polynomials in F [y ]. From (9) we obtain 2 4 h0 = y e1 and e0 =(1− y )h1. By (10), 4 2 4 2 (11) f0e0 +(1− y )y f1e1 + g0h0 +(1− y )y g1h1 =1,

(12) f0e1 + f1e0 + g0h1 + g1h0 =0.

Let (e1,h1) be the greatest common divisor of the polynomials e1 and h1.Since 2 4 h0 = y e1 and e0 =(1− y )h1, by (11) we have 1=(1− y4)f h +(1− y4)y2f e + y2g e +(1− y4)y2g h 0 1 1 1 0 1  1 1 4 2 2 4 =(1− y )(f0 + y g1)h1 + y (1 − y )f1 + g0 e1.

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Consequently, (e ,h ) = 1. By (12), 1 1   2 4 (f0 + y g1)e1 + (1 − y )f1 + g0 h1 =0. 2 This relation and the fact that (e1,h1)=1implythatf0 + y g1 = h1u,whereu ∈ F [y]. Then   4 h1ue1 + (1 − y )f1 + g0 h1 =0. Therefore, 4 ue1 + ((1 − y )f1 + g0)=0. By the foregoing,   − 4 2 2 − 4 − 4 2 − 2 2 1=(1 y )(f0 + y g1)h1 + y (1 y )f1 + g0 e1 =(1 y )h1u y e1u. Then u ∈ F .Consequently, − 4 2 2 2 (1 y )h1u =1+y e1u. This is impossible, because there is a polynomial of degree 4k + 4 on the left-hand side and a polynomial of degree 4m + 2 on the right. Thus, the module M is not a one-generated A-module.  We set 4 2 D11 =(1− y )D, D12 = xyD, D22 = y D.

Then D11, D12,andD22 are derivations of the algebra A. Proposition 4. The algebra A is differentiably simple relative to the set of derivations Δ={D11,D12,D22}. Proof. Let I be an ideal of the algebra A closed with respect to the set of derivations 2 2 Δ={D11,D12,D22}.Theny D22(I) ⊆ y I ⊆ I.Since 2 D = D11 + y D22, we have D(I) ⊆ I. Then, by Proposition 2, either I =0,orI = A.Consequently,A is differentiably simple relative to Δ = {D11,D12,D22}.  Consider the superalgebra J(Γ,D). By Proposition 1, J(Γ,D) is a simple superalge- bra. In this superalgebra, consider the subspace J(A, Δ) = A + M.Ď We recall that A is the subalgebra in Γ generated by the elements 1, y2, xy and M = xA + yA. Let a, b ∈ A. Then, in J(Γ,D) we have the relations · − 2 − − 2 xaĎ Ďxb = D(xa)xb D(xb)xa = D(x)axb + D(a)x b D(x)xab D(b)x a = D11(a)b − aD11(b) ∈ A. Similarly, · 2 − − 2 − ∈ yaĎ ybs = D(y)ayb + D(a)y b D(y)yab D(b)y a = D22(a)b aD22(b) A, · − − xaĎ ybs = D(x)ayb + D(a)xyb D(y)xab D(b)yxa 4 =(1+y )ab + D12(a)b − aD12(b) ∈ A. Consequently, J(A, Δ) is a subsuperalgebra in J(Γ,D). Therefore, J(A, Δ) is a Jordan superalgebra. Moreover, the multiplication of odd elements in the superalgebra J(Γ,D) 4 is done in accordance with relations (8), where Δ = {D11,D12,D22} and γ12 =1+y . By Proposition 3, the superalgebra J(A, Δ) is not isomorphic to a superalgebra of the type J(Γ0,D0).

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We show that J(A, Δ) is a simple superalgebra. Let I be a nonzero Z2-graded ideal of the superalgebra J(A, Δ). Then I = I0 + I1,whereI0 is an ideal of the algebra A.For ∈ · · · ∈ ∈ any r I0,wehaveD11(r)=(Ěxr) xs =(r xs) xs I0. Similarly, D12(r),D22(r) I0. Therefore, I0 is invariant relative to the set of derivations Δ. By Proposition 4, either I0 = A or I0 =0.IfI0 = A,then1∈ I0 ⊆ I and I = J(A, Δ). If I0 =0,thenI ⊆ MĎ and I · MĎ ⊆ I0 =0.Itisclearthat

A = AD11(A)+AD12(A)+AD22(A).

Therefore,    1= (a1i, x,s xs)b1i + (a2i, x,s ys)b2i + (a3i, y,s ys)b3i i i i

for some elements a1i, a2i, a3i, b1i, b2i,andb3i in A. With the help of (4), we deduce that 1 ∈ (A, M,Ď MĎ)and I · (A, M,Ď MĎ) ⊆ (A, I · M,Ď MĎ)+(A, I, MĎ) · MĎ =0. Then I =0.Consequently,J(A, Δ) is a simple superalgebra. The foregoing is summarized in the theorem below. Theorem 1. Let F be an arbitrary field of characteristic 0. Consider the algebra F [x, y] 2 4 − 3 ∂ − of polynomials in two variables x and y.Wesetf(x, y)=x + y 1 and D =2y ∂x ∂ x ∂y .LetΓ=F [x, y]/f(x, y)F [x, y]. Then the derivation D induces a derivation of the algebra Γ, which we also denote by D. Weidentifytheimagesoftheelementsx and y under the canonical homomorphism F [x, y] → Γ with the elements x and y.LetA be the subalgebra in Γ generated by the elements 1, y2, xy,andletM = xA + yA.Weput 4 2 Δ={D11,D12,D22}, where D11 =(1− y )D, D12 = xyD, D22 = y D. Then the subspace J(A, Δ) = A + MĎ is a subsuperalgebra in J(Γ,D) and multiplication of odd elements in J(A, Δ) is given by the formulas · − · − xaĎ Ďxb = D11(a)b aD11(b), yaĎ ybs = D22(a)b aD22(b), · 4 − xaĎ ybs =(1+y )ab + D12(a)b aD12(b). Moreover, the superalgebra J(A, Δ) is simple, and MĎ is not a one-generated A-module, i.e., J(A, Δ) is not isomorphic to a superalgebra of the vector type J(Γ0,D0).

A superalgebra of the type JS(Γ,D). Let Γ = Γ0 +Γ1 be an associative super- commutative superalgebra with a nonzero odd derivation D, i.e., D(Γi) ⊆ Γ(i+1) mod 2 and D(ab)=D(a)b +(−1)p(a)aD(b)

for a, b ∈ Γ0 ∪ Γ1. We set A =Γ1, M =Γ0,andJS(Γ,D)=A + M.OnthespaceJS(Γ,D), we define multiplication by the formula a ◦ b = aD(b)+(−1)p(a)D(a)b. Then JS(Γ,D) is a Jordan superalgebra. If JS(Γ,D) is a simple superalgebra, then the superalgebra Γ is differentiably simple (see [8]). Proposition 5. The superalgebra JS(Γ,D) is not unital.

Proof. Let e be the unity of the superalgebra JS(Γ,D). Then e ∈ A ⊆ Γ1. For any a ∈ JS(Γ,D)weobtain a = e ◦ a = eD(a)+D(e)a.

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2 Since the algebra Γ is supercommutative and e ∈ Γ1,wehavee =2eD(e)ande =0 1 in the algebra Γ. Consequently, ea = eD(e)a = 2 ea. This implies that eΓ=0.Then e =2eD(e)=0. 

Corollary 1. The superalgebra J(A, Δ) is not isomorphic to the superalgebra JS(Γ,D).

§3. Generalized Cheng–Kac superalgebras The Cheng–Kac superalgebra. Let Γ be an associative commutative F -algebra with unity 1 and a nonzero derivation D. Consider two direct sums of vector spaces:

J0 =Γ+w1Γ+w2Γ+w3Γ and

J1 = Γ+s x1Γ+s x2Γ+s x3Γs, where Γs is an isomorphic copy of the space Γ. Let a, b ∈ Γ. On the space J0 we define multiplication by setting

a · b = ab, a · wib = wiab, w1a · w1b = w2a · w2b = ab,

w3a · w3b = −ab, wia · wjb =0 for i = j.

We put xi×i =0,x1×2 = −x2×1 = x3, x1×3 = −x3×1 = x2, x2×3 = −x3×2 = −x1 and define a bimodule J0 × J1 → J1 by the formulas

a · sb = ab,s a · xisb = xiab,s wia · sb = xiDĞ(a)b, wia · xjsb = xi×jab.s

AbracketonJ1 is defined in accordance with the rule · − · − · · sa sb = D(a)b aD(b), sa xisb = wi(ab),xisa sb = wi(ab),xisa xjsb =0.

Then the space J = J0 + J1 with the multiplication

(a0 + a1) · (b0 + b1)=(a0 · b0 + a1 · b1)+(a0 · b1 + a1 · b0),

where a0,b0 ∈ J0 and a1,b1 ∈ J1, is an algebra, denoted by CK(Γ,D). As is known (see [5, 8]), CK(Γ,D) is a Jordan superalgebra, which is simple if and only if Γ is D-simple. Now let Γ = F [x, y]/(f(x, y)F [x, y], where ∂ ∂ f(x, y)=x2 + y4 − 1andD =2y3 − x . ∂x ∂y Consider the Jordan superalgebra J(A, Δ) = A + MĎ constructed above. In the superal- gebra CK(Γ,D), consider the subspace

GCK(A, Δ) = A + w1A + w2A + w3A + MĎ + x1MĎ + x2MĎ + x3M.Ď InthealgebraΓwehaveM 2 ⊆ A. Therefore, GCK(A, Δ) is a subsuperalgebra in CK(Γ,D). Thus, GCK is a Jordan superalgebra with the even part

GCK(A, Δ)0 = A + w1A + w2A + w3A and the odd part

GCK(A, Δ)1 = MĎ + x1MĎ + x2MĎ + x3M.Ď Theorem 2. Let F be an arbitrary field of characteristic 0.ThenGCK(A, Δ) is a simple unital Jordan superalgebra.

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Proof. Let I = I0 + I1 be a nonzero ideal of the superalgebra GCK(A, Δ). Then K = A ∩ I0. Therefore, K + K · MĎ is an ideal of the superalgebra J(A, Δ). If K =0,then 1 ∈ K, because the superalgebra J(A, Δ) is simple. Consequently, I = GCK(A, Δ). Suppose A ∩ I0 =0andr = a + w1a1 + w2a2 + w3a3 ∈ I0.Then

w2(w2(w1r)) = a1 ∈ A ∩ I0.

Consequently, a1 = 0. Similarly, a2 = a3 = 0. Therefore, I0 = 0. This implies that I ⊆ GCK(A, Δ)1 and I · GCK(A, Δ)1 ⊆ I0 = 0. Since 1 ∈ (A, M,Ď MĎ), identity (4) shows that I ⊆ I · (A, M,Ď MĎ) ⊆ (A, I · M,Ď MĎ)+(A, I, MĎ) · MĎ =0. Consequently, GCK(A, Δ) is a simple superalgebra. 

I take an opportunity to express my special gratitude to A. P. Pozhidaev whose re- marks helped to improve this paper.


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S. L. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences 4, Academician Koptyug prospect, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

Novosibirsk State University, Pirogov street 2, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia E-mail address: [email protected] Received September 13, 2010

Translated by N. B. LEBEDINSKAYA

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