Section2 3.1.2 3.1.1 3.1 3

Physical Environment(Offshore)


Introduction Consultations –

Description This baseline is used to inform the following impact assessments: impact following the inform to used is baseline This 3. appendi its technical and (OfTI) infrastructure transmission setting offshore regional and sites farm wind proposed This previously collected and new field data, numerical modelling, desktop desktop modelling, numerical process baseline. environmental of physical a development the regarding made were scoping data, the during made field comments studies specific previous new to reference and and assessments collected previously environments sedimentary in to detail more proposed Assessment in Impact (described consultations Environmental scoping the During This assessments: following the used inform to also are above, described assessments, impact associated the and baseline This                  


A, ABPmer A, chapter chapter Detailed desk study and accompanying field survey to establish baseline baseline establish to survey field accompanying and study desk Detailed bodies; statutory relevant with Consultation Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Consideration of the relevant key legislative and planning information. and planning key legislative relevant of the Consideration cond ofthe Environment


comprises the following: the comprises three the of bathymetry the of characterisation summary a provides 15 1 1 1 1 1 8 7 7 1 1 9 9 6 6 ,

4 4.1 1 0 0 .5 .2 .1 3 3 .2 .1 .2 .1 inform the baseline understanding of the hydrodynamic and and hydrodynamic the of understanding baseline the inform 2011a Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

.5 .2 .5 .2 .1 .2 .1 . and ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Fish and Shellfish Ecology Shellfish and Fish Benthic Sedim Hydrodynamics Processes Coastal and Sedimentary Hydrodynamics Archaeology and Visual Receptors Visual and Archaeology ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( A more detailed description may be found in the supporting supporting the in found be may description detailed more A Benthic Ecology Benthic Ecology Benthic Hydrodynamics Fish and Shellfish Ecology Shellfish and Fish Ecology Shellfish and Fish P Coastal and Sedimentary Archaeology and Visual Receptors Visual and Archaeology Receptors Visual and Archaeology x: Metocean Metocean x:


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. 3.1 No specific comments comments specific No - - ehia Appendi Technical 1


below summarises summarises below Chapter

1. 3 3 - x 1 :

CHAPTER 3.1 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Table 3.1-1 Consultation Undertaken and Responses

Organisation Consultation Response MORL Approach

Assessed in Chapter 6.2, Chapter 9.2 and 13.2.

Concern regarding impacts of offshore export A methodology statement for cable burial on local (inc. intertidal mudflat) assessment of cumulative and in- habitats. However, temporary and localised combination impacts in relation to Marine Scotland nature of any effect is acknowledged. physical processes was submitted to Cumulative / in-combination effects should be Marine Scotland. The methodology considered. was found to be suitable for the intended purpose and is reflected in the work presented in this Environmental Statement (ES).

Impacts upon hydrodynamic and sedimentary regimes affecting the extent, distribution, Assessed in Chapter 6.1 and 6.2, function or structure of marine and coastal Chapter 9.1 and 9.2 and Chapter 13.1 SNH / JNCC / RSPB. habitats (Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and 13.2. Chapter 12.2 also provides a and Special Protection Areas (SPAs), especially Habitat Regulations Appraisal the East Caithness Cliffs SPA. Cumulative / in- Summary. combination effects should be considered.

Effects on Archaeological and Visual Impacts upon sedimentary regimes affecting Historic Scotland. Receptors assessed in Chapter 8.5, sites of potential archaeological interest. Chapter 11.5 and Chapter 15.5.

Changes in the set and rate of the tidal stream and for changes in sediment mobility that might Assessed in Chapter 6.1 and 6.2, MCA / RYA / Ports and affect navigable water depth. Ref MCA Chapter 9.1 and 9.2 and Chapter 13.1 Harbours guidance MGN371 (MCA, 2008). Concerns and 13.2. regarding depth of cable burial. Cumulative / in-combination effects should be considered.

3.1.3 Offshore Generating Station and Transmission Infrastructure Baseline Characteristics

Desktop Studies In order to characterise the site specific and regional bathymetry of the study area (see Figure 3.1-1, Volume 6 a) various data sources were used, namely:  Navigational charts;  Digital bathymetry data sets, including: o Coarse resolution large scale data sets (e.g. digital charts or General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) data); o Medium resolution digital survey bathymetry (available from the UK Hydrographic Office, UKHO); and o High resolution swath bathymetry (available from the UKHO).  Previous publications describing gross and fine scale bathymetric features (e.g. Andrews et al., (1990), Holmes et al., (2004)); and  Statistics of mean sea level rise as a result of climate change (UKCIP09). These data show that the three proposed wind farm sites encompass part of the summit and the eastern flank of Smith Bank, a morphological high point in the Outer Moray Firth measuring, approximately, 35 km long from south-west to north-

3-2 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 3.1.4 Bathymetric Bathymetric

Individual SiteBaseline Characte –

Description depth) below the relevant relevant the below depth) levels 1990 will Firth Moray the in sealevel relative estim Official 220 approximately to up is to which Trench) Southern (the feature channel deep long a (up by characterised channel deep pa relatively a feature sedimentary Other by north the to 75 approximately coast Caithness the south the along found approximately 20 and east, f farms Table above. sources listed study data desktop the with the of morphology scale gross The export route. cable proposed the of whole the along depth) water the with width in (varying in undertaken the of survey bathymetry swath resolution high A sand edged Bank of Smith crest sharp and sites farm wind the the to of features north wave sand relict of presence the reveals additionally survey This above. listed sources study data desktop the sc gross The 100 grid. regular but coarse a in than (less small a and EDA the of outside sites farm wind proposed three the 6 Volume is and 2010 September and May between undertaken was sites farm wind proposed three the of survey bathymetry swath resolution high A igure Survey Survey Survey t o te ue Mry Firth Moray Outer the of rts . s of the accompanying accompanying of the s

3.1 ofthe Environment

In each case, local crests and ridges are also present as shown in the the in shown as present also are ridges and crests local case, each In of the of the Zone of the -

2 a

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Offshore Export Cable Route Cable Export Offshore

J km Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure uly 5 o 55 to 35


. . . to

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. . % x ( x ha rt of Smith Bank surveyed is consistent with with consistent is surveyed Bank Smith of rt rt of the Moray Firth surveyed is consistent consistent is surveyed Firth Moray the of rt Water depths in this area range from from range area this in depths Water

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above above

3.1 - 3 2, 2, - 3

CHAPTER 3.1 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Table 3.1-2 Bathymetric Characteristics of the Individual Sites

Individual Wind Farm Summary of Baseline Characteristics Relevant Figures for Each Site Sites

Maximum water depth 57 mCD, minimum water Telford depth 39 mCD. Generally shoaling from northeast Figure 3.2-1, Volume 6 a to southwest towards the crest of Smith Bank.

Maximum water depth 53 mCD, minimum water Stevenson depth 37 mCD. Generally shoaling from northeast Figure 3.2-1, Volume 6 a to southwest towards the crest of Smith Bank.

Maximum water depth 57 mCD, minimum water MacColl depth 39 mCD. Generally shoaling from east to Figure 3.2-1, Volume 6 a west towards the crest of Smith Bank.

3.1.5 Legislative and Planning Framework Legislative and planning frameworks do not specify any requirements in relation to the baseline understanding of wave and tidal regimes.

3.1.6 References ABPmer, 2011a. Moray Firth Round 3 Zone: Physical Processes Baseline Assessment. ABPmer Report R1869. Andrews, I.J., Long, D., Richards, P.C., Thomson, A.R., Brown, S., Chesher, J.A. & McCormac, M., 1990. United Kingdom offshore regional report: The Geology of the Moray Firth. London: HMSO for the British Geological Survey. Holmes R., Bulat J., Henni P., Holt J., James C., Kenyon N., Leslie A., Long D., Musson R., Pearson S., Stewart H., 2004. DTI Strategic Environmental Assessment Area 5 (SEA5): Seabed and superficial geology and processes. British Geological Survey Report CR / 04 / 064N.

3-4 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 3.2.2 3.2.1 3.2


Introduction Consultations –

Description This baseline is used to inform the following impact assessments: impact following the inform to used is baseline This ( supporting the in found OfTI. and sites farm wind proposed three This previously collected and new field data, numerical modelling, desktop desktop modelling, numerical baseline. environmental of physical a development the regarding made data, field in summarised were scoping the new ofprevio to andreference and use assessments the included collected methods suggested previously The environments. sedimentary and in geological hydrodynamic, the of detail understanding baseline the inform to more proposed Assessment in Impact (described consultations Environmental scoping the During This assessments: following the used inform to also are above, described assessments, impact associated the and baseline This                   Technical Appendi Technical

chapter chapter Detailed desk study and accompanying field survey to establish establish to survey field conditions; accompanying and study desk Detailed bodies; statutory relevant with Consultation Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Consideration of the relevant key legislative and planning information. and planning key legislative relevant of the Consideration ofthe Environment

comprises the following: the comprises provides a summary characterisation of the geological setting of the the of setting geological the of characterisation summary a provides

15.5 14.2 14.1 11.5 10.2 10.1 8.5 7.2 7.1 13.2 13.1 9 9.1 6.2 6.1 .2 Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

and ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Fish and Shellfish Ecology Shellfish and Fish Ecology Benthic Processes Coastal and Sedimentary Hydrodynamics Processes Coastal and Sedimentary Hydrodynamics Archaeology and Visual Receptors Visual and Archaeology ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Bent Ecology Benthic Hydrodynamics Fish and Shellfish Ecology Shellfish and Fish Ecology Shellfish and Fish and Sedimentary Archaeology and Visual Receptors Visual and Archaeology Receptors Visual and Archaeology x 3.

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baseline baseline

1.3 3 nt - 5 :

CHAPTER 3.2 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

3.2.3 Offshore Generating Station and Transmission Infrastructure Baseline Characteristics

Desktop Studies In order to characterise the site specific and regional geology of the study area various data sources were used, including:  Charted data from the British Geological Survey (BGS 1984, 1987); and  Previous publications describing regional and fine scale geological features (e.g. Andrews et al. (1990), Holmes et al., (2004)). The offshore near-surface geology in the Outer Moray Firth is comprised predominantly of Cretaceous rocks, whilst both Jurassic and Permo-Triassic rocks are encountered along the southern / inner margins of the Firth. An extensive blanket of Quaternary deposits is present across almost the entire Firth with sediment thicknesses of around 70 m commonly observed. Smith Bank is a geologically constrained feature (i.e. it is a raised hard rock feature) overlain by a relatively thin veneer of more recently deposited marine sediments. The nature of these surficial marine sediments is described in Chapter 3.5 (Sedimentary and Coastal Processes).

Geophysical Seismic Survey of the MORL Zone A seismic survey of sub-bottom geology in the three proposed wind farm sites was undertaken between May and September 2010. The survey provides 100 % data coverage within the EDA, including the three proposed wind farm areas and a small buffer outside of the EDA. The WDA was also surveyed at approximately 20 % coverage in a coarse but regular grid. The more detailed results show that over Smith Bank and within the three proposed wind farms, the thickness of (sandy) marine sediments is highly variable, typically between 1 and 5 m, tending to become thinner or absent near to the crest of Smith Bank, and thicker (order of tens of metres) in some locations associated with the infill of paleo-valley features. The marine deposits overlay glacial tills (compacted poorly sorted mixtures of fine and coarse material). Where the surface veneer is sufficiently thin, glacial till is exposed at the seabed surface.

Geophysical Seismic Survey of the Offshore Export Cable Route A seismic survey of sub-bottom geology in the offshore export cable route was undertaken in July – September 2011. The survey area includes a broad corridor (varying in width with the water depth) along the whole of (what at the time of the survey were) the two proposed transmission cable route options. Only the Fraserburgh cable route was taken forward for the purposes of this ES. Given the shallow nature of operations along the offshore export cable route, it is the thickness of the surficial sediment layers that is of key interest to the baseline understanding. The survey indicates that surficial sediment layers are typically greater than 3 to 5 m thick.

3-6 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 2011. Projects, Osiris /064N. CR/ 04 Report Survey Geological British processes. and geology superficial and S., Pearson Bulat R., Holmes survey geophysical route cable OFTO Zone 3 reports. Round Firth Moray 2011. Gardline map. geological 1:250,000 Quaternary, Ge British Moray map. geological 1:250,000 Quaternary, (1984). (BGS) Survey Geological British Survey. Geological British forHMSO the 1990. M., Chesher, S., Brown, A.R., Thomson, P.C., Richards, D., Long, I.J., Andrews, R1869. Report Zone 3 Round Firth Moray 2011a. ABPmer, the 3.2.6 to relation in requirements any specify not do of geology. understanding baseline frameworks planning and Legislative 3.2.5 MacColl Stevenson Telford Individual WindFarm Sites Table Table 3.2.4



References Legislative and Planning Framework Individual SiteBaseline Characterist – -

1 - Description 1

ological Survey (BGS) (1987). Caithness 58N 04W sea bed sediments and and sediments bed sea 04W 58N Caithness (1987). (BGS) Survey ological United Kingdom offshore regional report: The Geology of the Moray Firth. London: London: Firth. Moray the of Geology The report: regional offshore Kingdom United

below summarises the geophysical characteristics for each wind farm site. farm wind for each characteristics geophysical the summarises below Stewart H., 2004. DTI Strategic Environmental Assessment Area 5 (SEA5): Seabed Seabed (SEA5): 5 Area Assessment Environmental Strategic DTI 2004. H., Stewart

Geophysical Characteristics SitesGeophysical ofthe Individual

J ofthe Environment , en P, Holt P., Henni .,

Moray Firt Moray

pa Marinesediment veneer (typicallyto1 3 bathymetrichighs central in and eastern Marinesediment veneer (typicallyto1 3 western centralsouthern Marinesediment veneer Summary of BaselineCharacteristics Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure rtand to10 30

h Round 3 Zone geophysical survey survey geophysical Round3Zone h


rt theof site) overlyingglacial till. J .,


pa ms . K C., ames

m rtof the site, very thin or absent over the bathymetrichigh thein atthe north eastern edge o : Physical Processes Baseline Assessment. ABPmer Assessment. Baseline Processes Physical : MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited ics (typicallyto1 3

- 57N 04W sea bed sediments and and sediments bed sea 04W 57N Buchan

enyon N., Leslie A., Long D., Musson R., R., Musson D., Long A., Leslie N., enyon

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3 nt - 7

CHAPTER 3.2 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

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Section2 3.3.2 3.3.1 3.3

Wind Climate Wind

Introduction Consultations –

Description This baseline is used to inform the following impact assessments: impact following the inform to used is baseline This 3.4 appendi technical supporting the in found be may description detailed more A setting. regional the and (OfTI) infrastructure transmission offshore and sites farm wind proposed three This previously collected and new field data, numerical modelling, desktop desktop modelling, numerical baseline. environmental of physical a development the regarding made data, field Table new and studies. previous to andreference hydrodynamic and assessments the collected of previously understanding baseline environments. the sedimentary inform in to detail more proposed Assessment in Impact (described consultations Environmental scoping the During This assessments: following the used inform to also are above, described assessments, impact associated the and baseline This                  

A) ABPmer(2011a). A) chapter chapter eald ek td ad copnig il sre t etbih baselin establish to survey field conditions; accompanying and study desk Detailed bodies; statutory relevant with Consultation Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Consideration of the relevant key legislative and planning information information and planning key legislative relevant of the Consideration 3.1 ofthe Environment

- 1


comprises the following: the comprises

provides a summary characterisation of the wind climate within the the within climate wind the of characterisation summary a provides 15.5 14.2 14.1 11.5 10.2 10.1 8.5 7.2 7.1 13.2 13.1 9.2 9.1 6.2 6.1 Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

and ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Fish and Shellfish Ecology Shellfish and Fish B Processes Coastal and Sedimentary Hydrodynamics Processes Coastal and Sedimentary Hydrodynamics Archaeology and Visual Receptors Visual and Archaeology ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( the scoping were summarised in. summarised were scoping the Benthic Eco Benthic Ecology Benthic Hydrodynamics Fish and Shellfish Ecology Shellfish and Fish Ecology Shellfish and Fish and Sedimentary Archaeology and Visual Receptors Visual and Archaeology Receptors Visual and Archaeology Ecology enthic : Met x:

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1.3 3 - e x 9 :

CHAPTER 3.3 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

3.3.3 Offshore Generating Station and Transmission Infrastructure Baseline Characteristics Desktop Studies In order to characterise the wind climate of the three proposed wind farm sites and offshore transmission infrastructure (OfTI) for the purposes of EIA, various existing data sources were used, including:  Observations from Wick Airport (14 years) (see Figure 3.3-1, Volume 6 a);  Hindcast wind from the Met Office (20 years); and  A summary of 11 months of observations from the Beatrice Alpha Oil Platform. Frequency analysis of these data shows that the most frequent wind directions are from the west (247.5 to 292.5 ˚N), accounting for almost 20 % of the record, and from the south (157.5 to 202.5 ˚N) and south-east (112.5 to 157.5 ˚N), together accounting for around 35 % of the total record. Over 70 % of the record contains wind speeds in the range 2 to 8 m / s and observed wind speeds only infrequently (< 1 % of time) exceed 16 m / s. During extreme events (return period of one in ten years or more), wind speeds might peak as high as 25 or 30 m / s. This summary is broadly consistent with the short period of observations made offshore at the Beatrice Alpha Platform (see Technical Appendix 3.4 A). No additional site specific surveys of wind have been undertaken.

3.3.4 Individual Site Baseline Characteristics For the purposes of the environmental impact assessment, there is no significant difference in wind climate (as described above) between the individual sites and along the export cable route.

3.3.5 Legislative and Planning Framework Legislative and planning frameworks do not specify any requirements in relation to the baseline understanding of wind climate.

3.3.6 References ABPmer, 2011a. Moray Firth Round 3 Zone: Physical Processes Baseline Assessment. ABPmer Report R1869.

3-10 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 3.4.2 3.4.1 3.4

Hydrodynamics (Wave Climate and Tidal Regime) Tidal and (Wave Climate Hydrodynamics

Introduction Consultations –

Description This baseline is used to inform the following impact assessments: impact following the inform to used is baseline This supporting description ( processes detailed the more in A found be setting. regional may its and Project the within active This proposed to inform the baseline understanding of the hydrodynamic hydrodynamic baseline. environmental of physical a development the in of summarised were scoping the during understanding made comments Specific studies. previous baseline de collected modelling, numerical previously data, field of new and the use the included methods suggested inform The environment. in to detail more proposed Assessment in Impact (described consultations Environmental scoping the During This assessments: following the used inform to ab described assessments, impact associated the and baseline This                  

Table Table chapter chapter Consideration of the relevant key legislative and planning information. and planning key legislative relevant of the Consideration baseline establish to survey field conditions; accompanying and study desk Detailed bodies; statutory relevant with Consultation Chapter Chapter Chapter Chap Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter ofthe Environment

ter 3.1

Technical Appendi Technical

comprises the following: the comprises

provides a summary characterisation of the wave and tidal regimes regimes tidal and wave the of characterisation summary a provides - 15.5 (Archaeology and Visual Receptors). Visual and (Archaeology 15.5 and Ecology); Shellfish (Fish and 14.2 Ecology); (Benthic 14.1 Receptors); Visual and (Archaeology 11.5 Ecology); Shellfish (Fish and 10.2 Ecology); (Benthic 10.1 Receptors); Visual and 8.5(Archaeology Ecology); Shellfish and 7.2(Fish Ecology); 7.1(Benthic Processes). Coastal and (Sedimentary 13.2 (Hydrodynamics 13.1 Processes); Coastal and 9.2(Sedimentary 9.1(Hydrodynamics Processes); Coastal and 6.2(Sedimentary 6.1(Hydrodynamics 1

Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

and above

. No specific comments were made regarding the the regarding made were comments specific No . x 3.4 MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited : Wave : Wave Regime Tidal and Climate : Wave : Wave Climate and Tidal Regime Tidal and Climate : Wave

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Climate and Tidal Regime Tidal and Climate

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Chapter ove, are also are ove, al Statemental

1.3 3 - 11 :

CHAPTER 3.4 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

3.4.3 Offshore Generating Station and Transmission Infrastructure Baseline Characteristics

Desktop Studies In order to characterise the tidal water level regime of the study area (see Figure 3.1-1, Volume 6 a) for the purposes of the environmental impact assessment, various data sources were used (see Figure 3.4-1, Volume 6 a), including:  Primary tide gauge at Wick;  Admiralty tide tables for Wick;  Previously published hindcast surge statistics for the MORL Zone location and based on a statistically representative set of surge data;  Field survey of tidal water levels (see paragraph below); and  Numerical modelling tools (see paragraph below). The three proposed wind farms are situated within a meso-tidal setting and is characterised by a mean spring tidal range of just under 3 m and a maximum astronomic range (HAT to LAT) of approximately 4 m. There is some variation in tidal range along the offshore export cable route, with the larger tidal ranges experienced towards the landward end. Near the export cable landfall, the mean spring range is 3.7 m. Storm surges may cause short term modification to predicted water levels and under an extreme (1 in 50-year return period) storm surge, water levels may be up to 1.25 m above predicted levels. It is probable that relative sea levels will rise in this region during the course of the 21st Century and by 2100 (beyond the lifetime of the proposal) is likely to be approximately 0.5 to 0.8 m higher across the study area. Climate change may be expected to slightly increase the mean water level over the lifetime of the proposed development; however, the tidal range about the new mean level is not likely to be measurably affected. In order to characterise the tidal current regime of the study area for the purposes of environmental impact assessment, various data sources were used, including:  Previously collected current meter observations (see Technical Appendix 3.4 A);  Previously published hindcast surge statistics (see paragraph above);  Field survey of tidal water levels (see paragraph below); and  Numerical modelling tools (see paragraph below). Information available on the strength of tidal currents in this region shows that recorded (depth-averaged) peak spring current speeds are around 0.45 to 0.5 m / s, with the fastest speeds recorded in the north of the three proposed wind farms (see Figure 3.4-2, Volume 6 a). Current speeds decrease with distance into the Moray Firth (see Figure 3.4-3, Volume 6 a). Peak mean spring current speeds in the Western Development Area are around 0.3 m / s.

3-12 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2

Description speeds may be more than twice twice than more be may speeds Simil flows. tidal spring peak during observed that than greater considerably are magnitude s relatively the 1 approach to likely are astronomically Both headland 1.0 typically speed current tidal spring peak Here, Head. Rattray beyond extending 10 approximately extending region 0.4 than less typically are speeds current peak route, cable export offshore the of most Along average greater water depths along the route mean that the ability of a given a of variable. also be may seabed the ability to penetrate to condition wave the that mean route the along op depths water ofgreater average distance corresponding and wind the upon of direction depending size route the the along vary sectors; will offshore directions other exposed from from waves themselves farms wind the than size r cable export offshore The growth) wave for 6 Volume available distance fetch) the (wave (affecting directions wind different relativel the to 5 to (4 events extreme during smaller generally are Firth Moray the within directions other from coming Waves condition. period north (from during sectors offshore exposed more south the through from come waves largest The records wave applicat the observational in shown are data observational to available the near within and within identified from be collected can waves swell period longer although waves wind by characterised typically is Firth Moray Outer the in generated waves Se North the swell in elsewhere both includes Firth Moray Outer the in regime wave The existi various including: assessment, impact environmental o climate wave the characterise to order In development. proposed ofthe lifetime the over range) tidal corresponding the by controlled largely are (currents regime to expected not is change Climate generally directed are weeks) to (to south days the Firth Moray the into of period a (over currents tidal Residual conditions.  

Numerical modelling tools (see tools modelling Numerical (see of waves survey Field

tr wvs n som ugs a cue hr tr mdfcto of modification term short cause may surges storm and waves storm ofthe Environment relatively frequent (annual) events or as much as 9 as much as or events (annual) frequent relatively

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sotr itne aalbe o wv got. h efc of effect The growth. wave for available distances shorter y hallow water over the crest of Smith Bank. Currents of this this of Currents Bank. Smith of crest the over water hallow / /

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Figure Head, in a a in Head, s al Statemental

are more more are current current

3.4 3

- - m 13 5, 5,

CHAPTER 3.4 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure Even though water depths across the wind farm sites are no less than 35 m, storm waves sufficiently large to cause water motion at the seabed are not uncommon. Climate change is predicted to cause variability in the inter-annual wave climate over the lifetime of the proposed development; however, historical trends have shown that this variability may include (order of 10 %) in mean storminess on decadal timescales. Naturally occurring stratification (measurable gradients in water density over relatively short distances) occurs in the study area due to seasonal heating of the water and vertical fronts (the oceanographic features formed by stratification in a vertical plane) are also observed between regions of slight freshwater influence coming from the Moray Firth. Previously published papers (e.g. Adams and Martin, 1986; Connor et al., 2006) were used to characterise stratification and fronts in the Moray Firth (e.g. the Buchan front) including their general location and characteristics in relation to primary productivity. Applying general oceanographic theory, it is likely that the (weak) strength and natural position of the Buchan front in the outer Moray Firth is governed by the relative magnitude of tidal current flows in the adjacent inshore areas and of seasonal stratification in adjacent offshore areas. Climate change is not expected to have any effect on the range of natural variability in the location or strength of stratification and fronts over the lifetime of the proposed development.

Field Survey of Wave and Tidal Regimes One wave buoy and three seabed frames were deployed at strategic locations within the three proposed wind farm sites by Partrac (Technical Appendix 3.4 A). Locations (shown in Figure 3.4-1, Volume 6 a) were deliberately selected to best inform an understanding of spatial variation in key hydrodynamic parameters within the MORL Zone, in accordance with best practice guidance for offshore wind farm EIA (Cefas, 2004, 2009) and related numerical modelling (COWRIE, 2009). All devices collected measurements of wave parameters (height, period and direction). The seabed frames also collected measurements of tidal water levels and profiles of current speed and direction throughout the water column. Seabed frame data was collected for between 100 and 120 days (in July 2010 to January 2011) the majority of data collection was coincident between all devices. As such, these data provide a robust measure of underlying tidal processes in the area. The wave buoy has been collecting data from June 2010 to present, although with a few short periods of downtime. Wave data collected by the seabed frames overlaps with the wave buoy deployment. Similar additional data are available from the adjacent proposed Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm by means of a data sharing agreement. This provides a further two seabed frames, located at the eastern and western ends of that site, and one wave buoy (providing a longer continuous period of wave data). The locations of these devices are shown in Figure 3.4-1, Volume 6 a.

Numerical Modelling Studies Observed data are inherently limited either in temporal or spatial resolution and extent. To reduce any residual uncertainties, a tidal and a wave numerical

3-14 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 MacColl Stevenson Telford Individual WindFarm Sites Table 3.4.4


– -

1 Description

The wave model is built using the ‘MIKE by DHI’ Spectral Wave module. The The module. Wave Spectral DHI’ by ‘MIKE the using built is model wave The and calibrated was currents and available. data variousobserved the using levels validated water both simulating either in time, performance real of periods specific (see data bathymetry available Bathymetry best the by shaped is model The The Forth of Firth the to south module. Hydrodynamic and Firth DHI’ Pentland the to north by Firth, Moray the of ‘MIKE whole the encompasses model the using built was model tidal The 2011b). (ABPmer modell the of details numerical Full study. the for data additional provide to created were model a region extending approximately 10 approximately extending region a 1.0 approximately (to Head Kinnairds off markedly les typically are route cable the of most 3.7 is range spring (mean end landward the towards larger relatively becomes range Tidal route. cable export tid in variation some is There hydrod surges, the storm change direction, climate sites. individual the of between above) described effects flow (as the and residual sectors offshore from range, heights wave tidal extreme astronomical in sig difference no is there assessment, impact environmental the of purposes the For Individual SiteBaseline Characteristics (2011a). characterisation findings The various the using validated and calibrated also available. data observed was Firth Moray the in waves the in time real of periods specific of varyin spatially realistic ( data bathymetry available best the by shaped is model The Sea. North the within fetches long all incorporate to east enco model Hydrodynamic Characteristics of the Individual Sites Characteristics oftheHydrodynamic Individual ofthe Environment

ynamic characteristics for each site. for each characteristics ynamic ) and utilises realistic water level boundaries that permit simulation of simulation permit that boundaries level water realistic utilises and ) mpasses the whole of the Moray Firth, north to Iceland and south and south and Iceland to north Firth, Moray the of whole the mpasses f hs models these of south;tidal axis approximately NNE Peakmean spring tidal current speeds0.45 to 0.35 fetch)coming waves from the north south;tidal axis approximately north Peakmean spring tidal current speeds0.5 to 0.4 Summary of fetch)coming waves from the north south;tidal axis approximately NNE Peakmean spring tidal current speeds0.4 to 0.3 Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

n ae lo rsne in presented also are and n tos sd a b fud in found be may used tools ing

g maps of wind speed and direction that permit simulation simulation permit that direction and speed wind of maps g BaselineCharacteristics to properly develop flows into and out of the study area. area. study the of out and into flows develop properly to

al range and range al

m MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited

at the landfall site). Peak current speeds along along speeds current Peak site). landfall the at ha

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- east. east. south.

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m Table Table


m m /


/ Technical

s m

/ / Bathymetry : s

Appendi s s on mean spring tides), in in tides), spring mean on

; however they increase increase they however ; , decreasingfrom north to / , decreasingfrom north to

3.4 s , decreasingfrom north to - -

Environment 1

below summarises summarises below

3.4 x Appendi

) and utilises utilises and ) Chapter

A, ABPmer ABPmer A, al Statemental nificant nificant 3.4 x

3 3 - .1

15 A :

CHAPTER 3.4 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

3.4.5 Legislative and Planning Framework Legislative and planning frameworks do not specify any requirements in relation to the baseline understanding of wave climate and tidal regimes. The methods used are however consistent with the guidelines for data collection in support of offshore wind farm environmental impact assessment provided by Cefas (2004, 2011), EMEC & Xodus AURORA (2010) and COWRIE (2009).

3.4.6 References ABPmer, 2011a. Moray Firth Round 3 Zone: Physical Processes Baseline Assessment. ABPmer Report R1869. ABPmer, 2011b. Moray Firth Round 3 Zone: Model Calibration and Validation. ABPmer Report R1860. Adams JA, Martin JHA, (1986). The hydrography and plankton of the Moray Firth. Proceedings of the Royal Society Edinburgh. 91B, 37-56. Connor, D.W., Gilliland, P.M., Golding, N., Robinson, P., Todd, D. & Verling, E. (2006). UKSeaMap: the mapping of seabed and water column features of UK seas. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough. Cefas, 2004. Offshore wind farms: guidance note for Environmental Impact Assessment in respect of Food and Environmental Protection Act (FEPA) and Coast Protection Act (CPA) requirements: Version 2. Cefas, 2011. Guidelines for data acquisition to support marine environmental assessments of offshore renewable energy projects’. (final draft). COWRIE (2009) Coastal Process Modelling for Offshore Wind farm Environmental Impact Assessment: Best Practice Guide. ABPmer & HR Wallingford for COWRIE, 2009, EMEC & Xodus AURORA, 2010. Consenting, EIA and HRA Guidance for Marine Renewable Energy Deployments in Scotland. Report commissioned for Marine Scotland. Partrac, 2010. Metocean survey of the Moray Firth Round 3 Zone - various reports.

3-16 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 3.5.2 3.5.1 3.5


Introduction Consultations –

Description This baseline is used to inform the following impact assessments: impact following the inform to used is baseline This Appendi supporting the (see area sub study the within active processes (physical) coastal and environment sedimentary following The previously collected and new field data, numerical modelling, desktop desktop baseline. environmental physical modelling, numerical in of summarised above were data, scoping use assessment impact field the environmental the included new and methods and hydrodynamic assessme suggested the collected The of previously understanding baseline environments. the sedimentary inform in detail to more proposed Assessment in Impact (described consultations Environmental scoping the During This assessments: following the used inform to also are above, described assessments, impact associated the and baseline This                  

chapter Consideration of the relevant key legislative and planning and planning key legislative relevant of the Consideration baseline establish to survey field conditions; accompanying and study desk Detailed bodies; statutory relevant with Consultation Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapte Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter

. No specific comments were made regarding the development of a a of development the regarding made were comments specific No . ofthe Environment x 3.4

nts and reference to previous studies. Specific comments made during during made comments Specific studies. previous to reference and nts Figure

ry and Coastal Processes Coastal and ry

r comprises the following: the comprises

15.5 (Archaeolo 15.5 and Ecology); Shellfish (Fish and 14.2 Ecology); (Benthic 14.1 Receptors); Visual and (Archaeology 11.5 Ecology); Shellfish (Fish and 10.2 Ecology); (Benthic 10.1 8.5(Archa Ecology); Shellfish and 7.2(Fish Ecology); 7.1(Benthic Processes). Coastal and (Sedimentary 13.2 (Hydrodynamics 13.1 Processes); Coastal and 9.2(Sedimentary 9.1(Hydrodynamics Processes); Coastal and 6.2(Sedimentary 6.1(Hydrodynamics A, ABPmer A, Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl

technical appendi technical and

3.1 -

- 1, section

Volume 6 Volume eology and Visual Receptors); Visual and eology ,

2011a s provide a summary characterisation of the the of characterisation summary a provide s gy and Visual Receptors). Visual gy and MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited ).


: Wave Climate and Tidal Regime Tidal and Climate : Wave : Wave x: Metocean and Coastal processes ( processes Coastal and Metocean x: in found be may description detailed Amore ). : Wave Climate and Tidal Regime Tidal and Climate : Wave

), methodologies and data sources were were sources data and methodologies ),

Climate and Tidal Regime Tidal and Climate



and Transmission Infrastructure –

EnvironmentalStatement information.

); ); ); and

Chapter Table Table Technical

3.1 1.3 3 - - 17 1 :

CHAPTER 3.5 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

3.5.3 Offshore Generating Station and Transmission Infrastructure Baseline Characteristics

Desktop Studies In order to characterise the sedimentary environment of the study area for the purposes of environmental impact assessment, various data sources were used, including:  Previously collected seabed grab data (British Geological Survey, BGS);  Previously developed maps of surficial seabed sediment type (BGS);  Previous publications describing regional and fine scale geological features (e.g. Andrews et al., (1990), Holmes et al., (2004), as detailed in Technical Appendix 3.4 A);  Field survey and grab sampling of surficial sediment type (see paragraph below);  Field survey of suspended sediment concentration (see paragraph below); and  The quantitative information and data developed with regards to the hydrodynamic regime (see Chapter 3.3: Wind Climate). As shown in Figure 3.5-1 and Figure 3.5-2 in Volume 6 a, seabed sediments across the three proposed wind farm sites and OfTI generally consist of Holocene gravelly sand and sand; fine (silt and clay sized) particles are largely absent. A modal peak grain size at 185 μm (fine sand) was found in over half of the grab samples collected from the area of the three proposed wind farms. Other modal peak grain sizes were also variably observed across the three proposed wind farm sites and OfTI, ranging from 24,000 μm (pebble gravel) to 150 μm (fine sand). The proportion of shell in sediment samples from and nearby to the study area are frequently in excess of 50 % (Partrac, 2010; BGS, 1987). Seabed sampling was attempted at 20 locations (Figure 4.2-2, Volume 6 a) along the offshore export cable route (see Chapter 4.2: Benthic Ecology). Near to the wind farm sites, in intermediate water depths, the offshore export cable route will transit areas of mixed sands and gravels, with initially small and variable fines content. Seabed sediments become progressively finer in deeper water along the route, becoming relatively muddy in the deepest parts, at the eastern end of the Southern Trench. The sediment character and distribution in these offshore sections is the result of the relatively benign tidal regime and the spatially variable effect of wave action at the seabed, depending upon the local water depth. Within much of the area of the three proposed wind farms, surficial marine sediments are generally thin (1 to 3 m) with the underlying glacial till very close to the surface. Across almost the entire Moray Firth an extensive blanket of Quaternary deposits (glacial tills) are present below the marine sand veneer. The thicknesses of this layer are commonly observed to be in excess of 100 m. Within the three proposed wind farm sites and OfTI the Quaternary units are of variable thickness, ranging from < 10 m to c. 150 m. These sediments are underlain by a thick unit of firm to very hard Lower Cretaceous clay.

3-18 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Field Field Survey Survey Survey Survey

Description this way. this storms. water during moderate o and OfTI areas speeds northern the and current depths, tidal sites higher of farm combination the wind to proposed Owing three the across mobilised re a As non bed. the at speeds current higher considerably in results and storms during currents tidal of combination the However, alone. currents tidal to due of sediment a as and OfTI and sites farm wind sand fine than larger anything mobilising (see Firth north, the from Firth the into travelling is material (bedload) that suggests evidence available The mil rltd o upne sdmn cnetain. h rsls hw that of or hundreds tens (order show 5 results to 1 of The (order low typically are levels concentration). nearbed sediment suspended to related (mainly pa in described frames seabed the of each on mounted also was sensor turbidity A present. sediments the within types material sizes and grains propor however relative do the regarding results information The detailed distribution more provide publications. generalised map more sediments the surficial BGS with the agreement in shown in are analysis the of results detailed the obtain to analysed were samples The (2011b). EMU in reported and ecology survey benthic the as route cable export the along collected were sediments seabed surficial as Area) su ecology Development Eastern the in (concentrated area study the within collected were sediments seabed surficial of samples grab Eighty t over and of extent the development. within sediments to expected not is change Climate south flow residual tidal net of direction the in transported be eventually will down or flow ambient re being before of gravity under direction the in distance short a transported be of 10s only but column of 1 of order the in theoretically concentration, sediment suspended short a causing seabed, the of stirring waves of influence the to s current bed near events, storm during very < typically (approximately are low concentrations sediment suspended conditions, calm During of of ragraph mg Surficial Seabed Sediment Type Type Sediment Seabed Surficial Suspended Sediment Concentration Sediment Suspended ut i i lkl ta te omny rsn medium present commonly the that likely is it sult,


ofthe Environment /


ey ls t te ebd 10 o 1 or 100s seabed, the to close very

) Figure

rvey and reported in EMU (2011a). A further twenty grab samples of of samples grab twenty further A (2011a). EMU in reported and rvey into the Firth the into

Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl


3.4 ssing along the Caithness coast and towards the Inner Moray Moray Inner the towards and coast Caithness the along ssing . These sensors provide coincident measurements of turbidity turbidity of measurements coincident provide sensors These . - 2

5 , mg

. mg

oue 6 Volume mg


/ l

f the three proposed wind farms are most active in active most are farms wind proposed three the f l in the upper water column. Coarser sediments may may sediments Coarser column. water upper the in


/ deposited. Finer material that persi that material Finer deposited. as shown in in shown as

MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited l ) d result, there is only limited net bedload transport bedload net limited only is there result,

uring large storm events. storm large uring


ha ). Tidal currents are largely incapable of of incapable largely are currents Tidal ). ve any effect on the type or distribution of of distribution or type the on effect any ve

peeds can be significantly increased due due increased significantly be can peeds - sized material within the three proposed proposed three the within material sized Figure - tidal currents and wave induced induced wave and currents tidal , 000s WindFarm

mg he lifetime of the proposed proposed the of lifetime he


pa of / -

1 l

) but can be much higher higher much be can but ) rticle size distribution. The The distribution. size rticle , mg s

oue 6 Volume

and Transmission Infrastructure - sized sand is regularly regularly is sand sized

/ –



EnvironmentalStatement in the lower water water lower the in rt of the benthic benthic the of rt - tions of different different of tions term increase in increase term sts in suspension in sts , 000s to 10,000s 10,000s to 000s

a ). However, However, ). ( i.e.

pa to the to - slope rt of rt 3 - 19

CHAPTER 3.5 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

3.5.4 Individual Site Baseline Characteristics All sites comprise a veneer of marine sediments overlying a glacial till deposit. Table 3.5-1 below provides further site specific information on the basis of the combined available data.

Table 3.5-1 Sedimentary and Coastal Process Characteristics of the Individual Sites

Individual Wind Farm Sites Summary of Baseline Characteristics

Veneer of slightly gravelly sand in most areas, becoming progressively coarser Telford (gravelly sand to sandy gravel) towards the eastern edge of the site.

Thin veneer of sandy sediments overlying coarse gravels in the shallowest parts of the site (the crest of Smith Bank). Sediment veneer becoming thicker but Stevenson progressively coarser (slightly gravelly sand to gravelly sand to sandy gravel) with increasing water depth to the north east and east.

Gravelly sands and sandy gravels, becoming coarser with increasing water MacColl depth to the south-east.

3.5.5 Legislative and Planning Framework Legislative and planning frameworks do not specify any requirements in relation to the baseline understanding of sedimentary and coastal processes. The methods used are however consistent with the guidelines for data collection in support of offshore wind farm EIA provided by Cefas (2004, 2011), EMEC & Xodus AURORA (2010) and COWRIE (2009).

3.5.6 References ABPmer, 2011a. Moray Firth Round 3 Zone: Physical Processes Baseline Assessment. ABPmer Report R1869. Andrews, I.J., Long, D., Richards, P.C., Thomson, A.R., Brown, S., Chesher, J.A. & McCormac, M., 1990. United Kingdom offshore regional report: The Geology of the Moray Firth. London: HMSO for the British Geological Survey. British Geological Survey (BGS) (1987). Caithness 58N 04W sea bed sediments and Quaternary, 1:250,000 geological map. Cefas, 2004. Offshore wind farms: guidance note for Environmental Impact Assessment in respect of Food and Environmental Protection Act (FEPA) and Coast Protection Act (CPA) requirements: Version 2. Cefas, 2011. Guidelines for data acquisition to support marine environmental assessments of offshore renewable energy projects’. (final draft). COWRIE (2009) Coastal Process Modelling for Offshore Wind farm Environmental Impact Assessment: Best Practice Guide. ABPmer & HR Wallingford for COWRIE, 2009, []. EMEC & Xodus AURORA, 2010. Consenting, EIA and HRA Guidance for Marine Renewable Energy Deployments in Scotland. Report commissioned for Marine Scotland. EMU, 2011a. Sediment grab survey of the Moray Firth Round 3 Zone - various reports. EMU, 2011b. Sediment grab survey of the Moray Firth Round 3 Zone OFTO cable route - various reports.

3-20 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Round 3Zone Firth Moray of the survey Metocean 2010a. Partrac, CR/04/064N. Report Survey Geological British processes. and geology superficial and S., Pearson Bulat R., Holmes –

Description Stewar

J ofthe Environment t H., 2004. DTI Strategic Environmental Assessment Area 5 (SEA5): Seabed Seabed (SEA5): 5 Area Assessment Environmental Strategic DTI 2004. H., t , en P, Holt P., Henni .,

Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl

J .,

J ms . Kno N, ele . Ln D, usn R., Musson D., Long A., Leslie N., Kenyon C., ames MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited WindFarm -

various reports. various s

and Transmission Infrastructure –


3 - 21

CHAPTER 3.5 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

This page has been intentionally left blank.

Section2 3.6.2 3.6.1 3.6

Underwater Noise Underwater

Summary Consultations –

Description the principal source of noise that source of noise principal the be to likely are operations piling impact that accepted widely is it development, Nedwell and Nedwell 2003b; and 2003a the farms wind offshore with associated noise background underwater of study natural the years, exceeds recent and species these of levels, range audible the prey within for sound navigation. use and shellfish and communication fish detection, mammals, marine of species of number A th responses These noise. underwater to regards 3.6 Table receptors biological marine following the in assessed are on noise underwater of effects significant likely The technical following the in provided are outputs model appendix detailed and full The this in presented exercise. modelling bythe generated outputs model The site farm Wind Offshore Beatrice adjacent the with associated during generated noise of of and levels outp model the farm Finally, determine generated. noise wind to during and levels construction, infrastructure noise transmission significant offshore most the generate will activities are assessments impacts fish and The applicatio described. mammal marine inform to undertaken been desk the this, Following presented. then is UK the around offshore T associated and mast, on met effects significant a likely assessed. are fish and mammals which marine by of means the and construction infrastructure, transmission the including sites, during generated This     he available information on the nature of the background noise in the seas seas the in noise background the of nature the on information available he

e following assessment e following chapter Chap Chapter Appendi Technical Chapter

ha ofthe Environment

ha s the potential to disturb and, in extreme cases, cause auditory injury. In In injury. auditory cause cases, extreme in and, disturb to potential the s - : ter 1

s been taken into account in the mode the in account into taken been s

below summarises consultation responses received by MORL with with MORL by received responses consultation summarises below 14.3 and s 7.3, 10.3 14.2 and s 7.2, 10.2 noise underwater of modelling the to taken approach the describes 12.1 t al et Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl

( construction of the Telford, Stevenson and MacColl wind farm farm wind MacColl and Stevenson Telford, the of construction Whole Project Assessment Project Whole , 07 ad 07) I te otx o ofhr wn fa wind offshore of context the In 2007b). and 2007a .,


s been a topic of substantial research (e.g. Tougaard Tougaard (e.g. research substantial of topic a been s x 3.6 s .

n of modelling techniques are outlined to identify which which identify to outlined are techniques modelling of n


t al et A chapter rticular construction activities. In addition, the noise noise the addition, In activities. construction rticular ( MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited Underwater Noise Technical Report Technical Noise Underwater ( ( Marine Mammals Marine Ecology Shellfish and Fish

., 2004; Bailey Bailey 2004; ., ha s the potential to affect marine life. marine affect to s the potential s (and relevant (ands relevant

uts are presented which describe the levels the describe which presented are uts

chapter ) .

t al et nhooei nie wih falls which noise, Anthropogenic ha WindFarm )

ve been taken into account in in account into taken been ve ; and ; and lling of cumulative noise levels. levels. noise cumulative of lling are representative of those those of representative are ., 2006; Thomsen Thomsen 2006; ., technical appendi technical

F arm Limited (BOWL) wind wind (BOWL) Limited arm

s and Transmission Infrastru – ) ; top studies which studies top


) osrcin of construction .

t al et

ces): ., 2006; 2006; .,

et al et ha cture 3 rm ve - 23 ., .,

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Table 3.6-1 Summary of Consultation Responses Relating to Underwater Noise

Organisation Consultation Response MORL Approach

Offshore Generating Station Scoping Response: The effect of underwater noise propagation has been Construction: modelled from a single and Details of noise pollution resulting from any construction multiple simultaneous pile activity and any associated potential effects on installations. cetaceans / pinnipeds / fish will be required. Noise The underwater background assessments should take into consideration background noise levels have been taken noise. The particular cause of concern with regards to into account in the assessment cetaceans is the cumulative impact from all additional wind in the baseline chapters farm sites on the NE of Scotland. The proposed (Section 2). development will need to consider potential impacts on migratory fish, including salmon, sea trout, sea lamprey and dBht(Species) modelling with Marine Scotland river lamprey during all phases of the Project. Potential respect to behavioural Science (MSS) impacts may include physical or avoidance reactions at avoidance ranges has been both the individual and population level. undertaken. Comments on draft ES: The assessment of likely significant effects on fish is MSS highlighted that the following points need consideration: presented in Chapters 7.2, 10.2,  Maintenance noise; and 12.1 and 14.2.  Due to the possibility that herrings dive for reproduction The assessment of likely override its avoidance to noise may result in fish entering significant effects on marine areas of noise which may be harmful. mammals is presented in Chapters 7.3, 10.3, 12.1 and 14.3.

Offshore Generating Station Scoping Response: Underwater noise modelling for construction operations has  An important aspect of the EIA will be modelling of noise been undertaken, with the during the installation of jacket structures in order to model calibrated using data assess which is the best foundation option. Data from the measured at similar Beatrice Demonstrator jacket installation and monitoring installations, including the during construction was highlighted as a possible source Beatrice Demonstrator turbines. of information; A variety of potential  JNCC & SNH recommend that the applicant considers mitigation measures have and discusses the full range of mitigation techniques for been considered in the noise noise impacts during construction. The choice of modelling. mitigation should be determined by review of the zone of The assessment of likely potential impacts. In case of insufficient evidence being significant effects of Joint Nature gathered then it is necessary to use appropriate underwater noise on fish, Conservation precaution. MORL & BOWL should collaborate on this including spawning, are Committee issue; and presented in Chapters 7.2, 10.2, (JNCC) &  Construction / decommissioning impacts: the EIA should 12.1, and 14.2. Scottish Natural include discussion of the impacts of underwater noise on Heritage (SNH) The potential effect from fish, especially during spawning. Expected levels of noise various noise sources, including production should be set out and the impact this will cable laying and vessel have on fish life stages, movements and behaviour activity, have been taken into should be considered. account. Transmission Infrastructure Scoping Response: A discussion on the chosen  JNCC & SNH recommends that underwater noise modelled piling locations is modelling work includes cable laying and associated provided in paragraphs vessel activity as potentially noisy activities. to below and in Technical Appendix 3.6 A. Comments on draft ES:  The ES will need to emphasise that models are absolute worst case scenarios and not the most likely, therefore

3-24 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Society(WDCS) Conservation Dolphin Whaleand Group(MFIFG) InshoreFisheries MorayFirth Heritage(SNH) Scottish Natural (continued) Heritage(SNH) Scottish Natural (JNCC) & Com Conservation Joint Nature Organisation mittee –


 ConsultationResponse   OffshoreGenera understandingof spatial andtemporal distributions. require specialised evaluated. The unique ecology of the squid populations will ecology, andsquid constructionandsub The impactonsediment loadingand noiseassociated with OffshoreGenerating Station coping Response:      Comments on draft ES:  Transmission InfrastructureScoping Response:

ofthe Environment JNCC verybe useful representativeness of anychosen piling location would very precautionary.Some discussionaround the modelling is proposed,ground noiseshould be includedas potential impacts.Where WDCSthatagrees disturbance and injury result as a of noisepropagation as far aspossible. drivingrequiredbe then effort restrictionsat nightand in poor visibility.Should pile down is likelyto requiredbe as well as operational ofuse softstart is not likelyto be adequateand shut givenbe tothose techniques that prevent impacts. The marineof mammal speciesthe in region. Priorityshould effectivegiven the considerable sensitivities of a number Mitigation measuresshould be demonstratedas being extent possibleshould be employed; and methods alternativesto pile drivingshould be considered and generatedduring pile driving. Quieter andmore benign of [farm]wind developments could result from nois WDCSanticipates that the most negative likely impacts noiseshould be undertaken. A thereview of bestsource of informationfor salmon and piling eventsshould provided;be and Furtherdet ESThe wouldbenefit from discussion of this; to extentwhat noise isreflected back openinto water. shallow water (e.g. theinto narrower how noise behavewaves beingwhen ‘funnelled’ into dissipateor to the surface in Whilemuch theof noise is likely toabsorbedbe by land ‘immediately’ offshoreshould also considered;be Possible impactonsalmonid species outside of the areas sensitivityfor each speciesfish impactsto consideredbe in activitiesof that generatewill noise, and for noise It is importantto theknow expectedtiming and duration audiogramas aproxy for minke whales.


Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl SNH are thatcan be toused noise limit tothe greatest ail ail onthe noise modelling for simultaneous tingStation Scoping Response: ;and samplingequipment andan population in

ha – seacabling systems ongeneral fish

ppy the with ofuse humpback MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited shallow water, it is notclear respectof key periods of


pa –

shouldbe madetoreduce truthingshould be rticular,needs tobe


rtof the firth) or


e whale

s and Transmission Infrastru outputs of noisemodelling. modellingassumptions and providesfurther detail the on TechnicalAppendi piling scenariosmodelled and provides a below consequence. a significant increase noisein as muchof the seabed and no acoustically“soft” nature of “funnelling”due tothe theof firth. There bewill little approachesthe narrower ranges undertaken,showing the simultaneouspiling Substantialmodelling for MORLApproach developingfurther best regardsto investigatingand offshore developers wind with CrownEstate andother MORL is working with The C propagationmodel (see collection the with aim of underwater noisedata ametof mast, including associatedthe with installation undertakeseries a of studies MORL is proposingto below). pa largest impactranges confirmedthat piling constructionof activities noiseassociated variety with a Acomparison of underwater below). beenmodelled ( constructionactivities The noise impactof significant hapter ragraph –

EnvironmentalStatement as the as noise

7.3 s to3.6.5.22 ummaryof the

for details).

paragraph Paragraph

x 3.6x ha


sbeen ha (see

A s thes

ha s

cture pa

3 s s - s rt 25

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Organisation Consultation Response MORL Approach

considered. practice for mitigation measures that may be Comments on draft ES: implemented to reduce either  Noise levels during construction remains a key concern the level of noise at the source and as a minimum should be monitored; or noise propagation. Whale and Dolphin  Given the development size and considerable time–span Detailed assessments on likely Conservation for construction of the whole development, long term significant effects (short and Society (WDCS) population impacts are considered an issue; and long term) on marine mammal populations are provided in (continued)  Appropriate and effective mitigation measures should be Chapters 7.3, 10.3, 12.1 and considered. 14.3.

3.6.3 Baseline A large database, containing measurements of underwater noise taken during offshore construction projects in UK territorial waters, has been used to provide information on the background noise in the Moray Firth. The measurements were taken in a large range of different geographical locations and sea states, cover a broad frequency range from 1 Hz to over 100 kHz and have a dynamic range in excess of 70 dB. Recordings of underwater noise taken at 10 different sites, all of which are between 1 km and 20 km from the UK coast, have been analysed to yield typical spectra for underwater coastal background sound. The sites are shown on a map of the UK in Figure 3.6-1, Volume 6 a. Background noise levels underwater often arise from distant shipping, industrial activities and other anthropogenic noise, ocean turbulence, wind, rain, biological sources, such as snapping shrimp, as well as other marine life. The measurements were analysed over the frequency range from 1 Hz to 120 kHz. All of the measurements used were taken in the absence of precipitation, with no other noticeable sources of underwater noise, such as nearby shipping, present and at Sea States from 1 to 3, with the hydrophone at half water depth (typically 10 m to 15 m below the surface). Plate 3.6-1 and Plate 3.6-2 below present summaries of the Power Spectral Density levels, describing how the power of the measured sound level is distributed across the frequency range, of underwater noise measured at the various sites, with the data from the Moray Firth highlighted and an average of all the data also shown. Plate 3.6-1 below presents data for measurements during Sea State 1 conditions and Plate 3.6-2 below presents data for slightly rougher Sea State 3 conditions.

3-26 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Around Sites Plate Coast UK the Around Sites Plate Power Spectral Density (dB re. 1µPa2·Hz- Power Spectral Density (dB re. 1µPa2·Hz-1) 100 120

100 120 140 3.6 3.6 20 40 60 80 80 20 40 60 1 ) 0 0 - - 2 1 – 10 10

aito, t s hrfr aporae o s te vrgs rsne in presented averages the 3.6 use Table to appropriate therefore is it variation, overall the to backg close very are region for Firth average Moray the in noise underwater background be can It Description

the UK UK the Summary of Power Spectral Density Levels of Background Underwater Noise at Sea State Sea at Noise Underwater Background of Levels Density Spectral Power of Summary Summary of Power Spectral Density Density Spectral Power of Summary on nie ht a ocr n h Mry it, aig into taking Firth, Moray the in occur may that noise round Coast -


seen from seen ofthe Environment below

100 the 100

, in terms of sound levels weighted (dB weighted levels sound of terms in , UK coast. In order to provide an estimate of the typical levels of of levels typical the of estimate an provide to order In coast. UK Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl

Plate 3.6 Plate Frequency (Hz) Frequency Frequency (Hz) Frequency

1000 1000 - 1


MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited Plate 3.6 Plate

Levels Levels 10000 10000 of - Average SouthMoray Firth NorthMoray Firth Solway Firth Bay Morecombe of West SouthThames Estuary(2) SouthThames Estuary(1) NorthThames Estuary Orkney Islands 2 Background Underwater Noise Background Plate Plate Average SouthMoray Firth Solway Firth Mullof Galloway Bay Morecombe of West SouthThames Estuary NorthThames Estuary Bay Broadhaven Orkney Islands 3.6 WindFarm - 100000 2 ht 100000

(Species) explained in in explained (Species) above above s and Transmission Infrastru that the typical levels of levels typical the that –


account al 3.6 Table at Sea State Section

natural natural - 2

1 at 1 at 3 at 3 at cture and 3 - 27


CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

of Technical Appendix 3.6 A) to account for species perception and unweighted for Sea State 1 and Sea State 3 respectively.

Table 3.6-2 Summary of Average Background Levels of Noise Around the UK Coast and in the Moray Firth at Sea State 1

) - -


) dB


dB ) dB

ht - - -

ht ht ) ht

Gadus Gadus ) dB


( )


dB dB ) dB ht

ht ht

dB μPa dB dB

rengus Phoca vitulina ( Clupea salar Salmo Tursiops Phocoen orca Orcinus e. 1 Unweighted r Bass (Micropterus salmoides) Cod morhua Dab (Limanda limanda) Herring ( ha Salmon ( Bottlenose dolphin ( Harbour porpoise ( phocoena seal Harbour ht whale Killer (

Overall Average Background Noise Levels – Sea State 1

Max 126 15 39 26 42 17 66 74 43 66

Min 92 0 1 0 9 0 36 44 21 37

Mean 111 5 23 10 28 5 44 54 31 47

South Moray Firth Averages – Sea State 1

Max 115 5 30 20 36 8 40 53 27 44

Min 103 1.5 23 7 27 2 38 53 24 41

Mean 106 3.5 26 11 29 5 39 53 25 42

North Moray Firth Averages – Sea State 1

Max 111 3 27 17 33 6 42 54 31 47

Min 92 0 5 0 10 0 39 53 21 41

Mean 99 0 15 2 20 0 40 53 24 42

Table 3.6-3 Summary of Average Background Levels of Noise Around the UK Coast and in the Moray Firth at Sea State 3



ht -

- -

ht ht ) ht

) dB

- - )


dB μPa dB

) dB ht

ht ht


dB dB dB ) Phoca Orcinus

( ( re. 1 re. rengus ht ht Gadus Gadus Clupea salar Salmo Tursiops Phocoen Unweighted dB Bass (Micropterus salmoides) Cod ( morhua Dab (Limanda limanda) Herring ( ha Salmon ( Bottlenose dolphin ( Harbour porpoise ( phocoena seal Harbour dB vitulina whale Killer dB orca

Overall Average Background Noise Levels – Sea State 3

Max 132 15 42 31 47 19 50 60 38 53

Min 94 0 3 0 11 0 30 42 7 29

Mean 112 4 22 11 28 5 41 52 27 43

South Moray Firth Averages – Sea State 3

Max 120 15 42 30 45 19 44 54 38 50

Min 101 0 15 0 21 0 40 53 29 46

Mean 109 4 26 11 30 4 42 53 32 47

3-28 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Propagation Sound of Modelling 3.6.4

Underwater Noise Modelling Methodology –

Description source, to calculate the variation of noise level with range from the source. This This source. the from range with level noise of variation frequency the calculate typical to source, the of with database associated losses transmission this and level from source content, estimates uses model The years. sources noise various of model recordings information this The validate developers. to Firth used Moray the for specifically developed model (SPEAR) AndRanking Estimator Propagation Simple the using done was This noise. a amongst a first, the In phases. two in wind proposed three the from and farms noise underwater of levels the of estimation The model on a fully range and depth dependent basis. The model imports imports model The basis. dependent depth and range fully a on model off (Nedwell other operations piling of and number large environments, a from water measurements against coastal tested shallow relatively in flow propagation energy and geometric underwater broadband impulsive model INSPIRE The modelled. is soundhow propagation of explanation detailed calculated depends be model. that must sophisticated hence depth and of bathymetry local function the complex on heavily more a becomes Loss Transmission the circumstances these In metres. of tens of water deeper and metres few a of the situated, typically are farms wind the and where waters, coastal shallow relatively In simple. relatively is TLof calculation source, the sound noise radiated frequency and depth constant a the For the TL. and SL the between which difference the from at in L way sound Pressure Sound the The radiated describes decays. the which (TL), of Loss measure Transmission a is (SL), Level Source which the of terms in described usually are underwater levels Sound followed. below. of assessment SPEAR the the from in shown is models INSPIRE results inform of summary to A used fish. and then mammals marine on were effects modelling detailed this of results The operations. piling the from ranges various at noise of levels the of assessment (INSPIRE) Estimator Range Impact and Propagation Sound Noise Impulse the using detail in modelled was the piling) (impact levels generated noise highest that activity The effect. adverse significant a cause to capacity wa focus the where assessment, the of phase could they activities so the effect, of most that showed ordering rank The species. marine of or species class each the by affected is which area the estimate to used is effect, an sui a and level, noise estimated ofthe Environment ehia Appendi Technical


ie ag o ofhr wn farm wind offshore of range wide

broad Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl

ha transmission infrastructure development infrastructure transmission

– s been developed specifically to model the propagation of propagation the model to specifically developed been s

rs mdlig approach modelling brush be eto 52 of 5.2 Section

3.6.6 et al., et lmntd from eliminated 3.6 x

/ ha evel at a specific range from the source is found found is source the from range specific a at evel

MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited

of this chapter and chapter this of table hysteresis loss model to conservatively predict predict conservatively to model loss hysteresis

2011). Transmission losses are calculated by the the by calculated are losses Transmission 2011).

c s A provides more details on the methodology methodology the on details more provides A noise in shallow waters. It uses a combined combined a uses It waters. shallow in noise ,

ome from a very substantial database of of database substantial very a from ome

depth may rapidly fluctuate between water water between fluctuate rapidly may depth criterion for a level above which it will it which above level a for criterion that ehia Appendi Technical

ha further be cmie oe te at 20 last the over compiled been s s on sources of noise that noise of sources on s WindFarm –

related ha

pa consideration in the second second the in consideration be ue t rn order rank to used been s ragraph

ha s and Transmission Infrastru

d a negligible adverse adverse negligible a d sources of underwater underwater of sources

3.6 x ha model to provide an an provide to model –

EnvironmentalStatement s each type of noise noise of type each s been undertaken undertaken been s

gvs more a gives A shore wind farm farm wind shore noise source for for source noise sn a more a using

to ha

ha s been been s ve the the ve

ha cture and and 3 ve - 29

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

bathymetry data as a primary input to allow it to calculate the transmission losses along transects extending from the pile location. Other simple physical data are also supplied as input to the model. The model is able to provide a wide range of outputs, including the peak pressure, dBht and Sound Exposure Level (SEL) of the noise. These quantities are fully described in Section 4 of Technical Appendix 3.6 A. For the purposes of estimating noise impacts, it is the dBht and M–Weighted SEL values which are of interest, which have been presented in the results, and they are described in 3.6.5 of this chapter. As well as calculating the SEL variation with range, the model incorporates a "fleeing animal receptor” extension which enables the noise dose an animal receives as it moves away from a piling operation to be calculated. This feature permits the calculation of the nearest distance from a pile, from which an animal must start fleeing, such that its noise dose just reaches the criterion value at the cessation of the piling operation. In the work reported here a typical ‘cruising speed’ of 1.5 m / s was assigned to the mammals under consideration. Stationary animal receptors have also been considered in the model. It should be noted that the M–Weighted SEL criteria is designed for species of marine mammal and hence no assumptions for fleeing fish have had to be made for this assessment. In Phase 2, the INSPIRE model was used to assess in detail the ranges at which fatality, physical injury, auditory injury and behavioural avoidance were likely to occur for a range of animal species. The Seal Framework Document (Technical Appendix 7.3 B) gives further details.

3.6.5 Effects of Underwater Noise on Marine Species The effect of sound on underwater life can have a variety of effects depending on the level of the noise, in the same way as it has on humans in air. At one extreme, the loudest noise can generate a substantial pressure that is sufficient to injure or kill an animal in the same way as an explosion. Noise at a lower level can have less extreme effects: damage to an animal’s auditory sense will occur before any physical injury occurs. At the other end of the scale, a quieter noise will not cause any harm to an animal but may trigger a behavioural response which, at sufficient volume, will cause the animal to flee the area to escape the high noise levels. Over the past 20 years it has become increasingly evident that noise from human activities in and around underwater environments may have an impact on the marine species in the area. The extent to which intense underwater sound might cause an adverse environmental impact on a particular species is dependent upon the level of the incident sound, its frequency content, its duration and / or its repetition rate (for example: see Hastings and Popper (2005)). As a result scientific interest in the hearing abilities of aquatic animal species has increased. The sound pressures required for physical injury or mortality are universal across species. However, other effects noted above (for example: the noise level required to elicit a behavioural response) are species dependent. Paragraphs to below describe the criteria which will be used to assess the likelihood of an adverse effect on marine mammals and fish fauna.

3-30 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Table Audiological and Lethality PeakPressure Level MidFrequency Cetaceans (e.g. Bottlenose Dolphin) SoundExposure Level PeakPressure Level FrequencyLow Cetaceans (e.g. Minke Whale) Marine Sound


Exposure MammalGroup – -

4 Description

r eteey ml ad iiain esrs o e sd hud nue ht no that ensure should used occur. will injury or physical fatality be to measures mitigation and small extremely are a the which for areas and ranges impact that in described (peak here quoted sound of measures The fish: and mammals marine to effects cause physical criteria following The Noise the and Level, Exposure Sound level, pressure (peak here quoted sound of measures The further. considered in audiological 1 M and Levels Pressure Peak on based are a of result injur auditory a Their as event. single occurring than (PTS) rather damage exposure, noise hearing accumulated of by likelihood caused the considers however, study, That (2007). criteria of set A of hearing. threshold or done, the is to effect adverse permanent a is damage there where (PTS), Shift Threshold permanent Permanent no but occurs ability hearing of loss cl temporary be damage hearing can of effects degree These the it. to case exposure of duration the and this noise the of level In the both on depends long. is exposure of duration the the where even occur may injury hearing traumatic sound of level enough high a At  

Injury Physical Injury Physical μ Level Pa Table Table Proposed Proposed duration of exposure is short. Injury also occurs at lower levels of noise where where noise of levels lower at occurs also Injury short. is exposure of duration 1 Physical of 100 impulse or an Lethal


Technical Appendi Technical µpa s M) Te M The (M)). .s

ofthe Environment

M 3.6 , or an impulse of 35 impulse ,or an

– effect may occur where peak where occur may effect weighting concept) are fully described in described fully are concept) weighting Injury Criteria -

4 sensitivity of the species under consideration. The criteria are given given are criteria The consideration. under species the of sensitivity ehia Appendi Technical nuy a ocr hr peak where occur may injury

Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl

below. No such criteria exist for fish and as such cannot be be cannot such as and fish for exist criteria such No below.

to assess auditory damage auditory assess to

assed as either Temporary Threshold Shifts (TTS), where a a where (TTS), Shifts Threshold Temporary either as assed

ha – weighting weighs the incident sound according to the the to according sound incident the weighs weighting

e be ve for Pa.s; and Pa.s; x 3.6

Various Cetacean Groups Various


Pa.s. n ple i ti suy o lvl o nie iey to likely noise of levels for study this in applied en

MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited

y criteria, for various groups of marine mammals, mammals, marine of groups various for criteria, y 3.6 x

198 230 198 230 Singleand Sound

dB dB dB dB ( A

Type re 1 re 1 re 1 re 1 re – newtr Noise Underwater – to weighted Sound Exposure Levels (dB Levels Exposure Sound weighted

Multiple Pulses µPa µPa µPa µPa

ha – – to peak levels exceed 240 exceed levels peak – bove levels could potentially occur occur potentially could levels bove s been proposed by Southall by proposed been s

2 2 to – .s .s(M WindFarm peak level and impulse) are fully fully are impulse) and level peak (M – peak peak

mf lf )


Section 2 of 2 Section

ees xed 220 exceed levels s and Transmission Infrastru ) . It should be noted noted be should It . –


the Underwater Underwater the


re 1 re

et al., et db

µpa cture 3

- re re 31 ,

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Marine Mammal Group Sound Type

High Frequency Cetaceans (e.g. Harbour Porpoise)

Peak Pressure Level 230 dB re 1 µPa

Sound Exposure Level 198 dB re 1 µPa2.s (Mhf)

Source: Southall et al., (2007) Southall also notes suggested criteria for pinnipeds, given in Table 3.6-5 below.

Table 3.6-5 Proposed Injury Criteria for Various Pinniped Groups

Sound Type Marine Mammal Group Single and Multiple Pulses

Pinnipeds (in water) (e.g. Harbour Seal)

Peak Pressure Level 218 dB re 1 µPa

Sound Exposure Level 186 dB re 1 µPa2.s (Mpw)

Source: Southall et al., (2007) These figures suggest that pinnipeds are significantly more sensitive than cetaceans, with an adverse effect occurring at much lower noise levels. However, recent research by Thompson and Hastie (2011) has demonstrated evidence that pinnipeds actually respond much more like the cetaceans, and that the same sound exposure level, 198 dB re 1 µPa2.s (Mpw), would be just as appropriate for the pinnipeds. This approach has been taken and 198 dB SEL has been used in the modelling for all cetaceans and pinnipeds. More detail on this is provided within the Marine Mammal Technical Appendix 7.3 B.

Behavioural Impacts At levels lower than those that cause physical injury, PTS or TTS, noise may nevertheless have important behavioural effects on a species, of which the most significant is avoidance of the insonified area (the region within which noise from the source of interest is above ambient underwater noise levels). The significance of the effect requires an understanding of its consequences. For instance, avoidance may be significant if it impedes the migration of a species. However, in other cases the movement of species from one area to another may be of no consequence. The dBht(Species) metric (Nedwell et al., (2007b)) has been developed as a means for quantifying the potential for a behavioural impact of a sound on a species in the underwater environment. It is similar in concept to the dB (A) in humans in that it uses a species’ audiogram in its calculation. As any given sound will be perceived differently by different species (since they have differing hearing abilities) an absolute noise level will produce a different dBht value depending on what species is under consideration. Consequently the species name must be appended when specifying a level using this metric.

3-32 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Table Species Species Table (Harbour) Common Harbour BottlenoseD Salmon Herring Cod to Species Source: Nedwell and90 above and75 above in Level Area

3.6 3.6

dB – Common - P - Considered Considered

7 6 orpoise Description S ht

eal ( olphin Species below. appropriate The hear cannot receptor the as sound. the and occurs this response At no ‘heard’. levels be sound to of perceived start will lower level sound which A at level a at signal. therefore, is, of and type the upon depending 0 vary also may and individual an ofreacting probability the indicates metric the not: may individual another ( nature in probabilistic be will species a from response The occur. will reaction avoidance the on high sufficiently is sound of level the If Appendi in given are references Full sound. their underwater to concerning sensitivity data of availability the regarding information some with along Table

dB et al.,

Summary of of Summary Assessment

ht ( )


3.6 ofthe Environment

(2007) e.g. at 75 at e.g. x 3.6 in the the in Audiogram Available - 7

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

below presents a summary of the species of interest to this study, study, this to interest of species the of summary a presents below

A. Marine SpeciesIncluded ) represents ) Criteria Used

Assessment Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Strongavoidance reaction by virtually all individuals. Appendi Mildavoidance reaction bythe majorityof ind Effect




ht ht

( x 7.3x level Surrogate Species

to B a sound that is at the hearing threshold for that species species that for threshold hearing the at is that sound a

: s used in the modelling are described in in described are modelling the in used s

SealFramework Document – – – – – – Assess

) one individual from a species may react, whereas whereas react, may species a from individual one ) Used MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited

the in the the in studies used. available. Data fromtwo audiometricrange datasetcovering full Nosingle audiogram Comments Potential Impact Impact Potential Assessment


– – – – – ht WindFarm

( ) Species .

with with ividuals of Audiological Data Available Underwater NoiseUnderwater s and Transmission Infrastru

) scale, it is likely that an that likely is it scale, )

( s ee ee –

Mohl Schusterman Kastak and Kastelein Johnson J Hawkinsand Enger Hawkins Chapmanand Reference EnvironmentalStatement Section 4 Section ohnstone Technical



(1973) (1967)



Table Table

on (1998) Technical Technical


3.6 cture 3 -

- 33 6

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Species Common Audiogram Surrogate Used Comments Reference to Area Available?

No single audiogram Partial – only dataset covering full Kastak and Grey Seal upper Harbour seal audiometric range Schusterman (1998); frequencies available. Data from two Mohl (1968) studies used.

Killer Whale Yes – – Szymanski et al., (1999) Table 3.6-8 below includes species that were also considered, but for which no specific audiological data exists. In order to include these species, a surrogate species for which audiogram data is available was selected. These surrogate species are considered representative of the species of interest and were selected based on their family and hearing morphology.

Table 3.6-8 Summary of Marine Species Included in the Assessment with Hearing Sensitivity Based on Surrogate Audiological Data

Species Common Audiogram Surrogate Used Comments Reference to Area Available?

Chapman and Sand Plaice No Dab – (1974)

Humpback No surrogate data available Minke Whale No Erbe (2002) whale for large mysticetes

Existing audiogram data Risso’s dolphin – indicates higher threshold than Nachtigall et al., Risso’s Dolphin Yes Striped dolphin other dolphin species but high (1995) background noise levels during Striped dolphin – audiogram tests Kastelein (2003)

Audiogram data suggest bottlenose dolphins are the White–Sided Bottlenose most sensitive dolphin species No Johnson (1967) Dolphin dolphin to sound, so may provide conservative indication of impacts

White beaked Partial audiogram data for Partial – only dolphin – Nachtigall White Beaked white–beaked dolphins upper Striped dolphin et al., (2008) Dolphin indicates close match to frequencies Striped dolphin – striped dolphin data Kastelein (2003)

Engineering Parameters Assessed The SPEAR model has been used to make prediction runs for a number of representative development scenarios for the various activities related to offshore wind farms; a summary is provided in Table 3.6-9 below. Detailed information relating to the exact amount of time that activities will require to be carried out (for example, duration of time a vessel will be on site, the type of vessel or how long dredging may take) is not available at this stage. It has therefore been necessary to take a worst case estimation in terms of noise generation which considers all the activities to be carried out continuously for a 24 hour period, except impact piling.

3-34 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Plate Table Noise Operational Dredging Rock Cable Trenching Vessel Impact Activity

3.6 3.6

Placing Laying Noise


– – -




the two results given here given results two the in given are species 2.5 a where respectively, in given are species mammal and fish the sensitive and herring for modelling SPEAR the of results The

Summary of Summary Spatial Spatial 2,500 4.4 Parameters Assume24 SuctionTrailer Hopper Dredger requiredonsite for offshoretransmission installation. Required ifGravity Base Structures areto insta Requiredfor the inter installation(offshore transmission Requiredfor the inter Othersmall vesselsfor crew transport andsurvey onsite. work supportand anchor Other large andmedium DP jack upbarges for piling,substructure and turbine wind installation. Two ofthe Environment

hoursdriving per pile.

piles installed perday. llation(offshore transmission

Extent mm

(forthe jacket pin

hours a dayfor Parameters Taken Into Account Used Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl of Impact for SPEAR Section 8.3 of of 8.3 Section

ha – – arraycables (offshore generating station) offshore and exportcable arraycables (offshore generating station) offshore and exportcable ndling.


. m

sized vessels beonsite will to carry out other construction jobs,diving

operational turbines.wind Various Activities Modelling – pile is modelled for the impact piling. Results for other other for Results piling. impact the for modelled is pile piles)4,500 and

MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited i i nfrastructure). nfrastructure).

Technical Appendi Technical

mm (90 in the SPEAR in the SPEAR

(for the (for m


WindFarm Plate 3.6 Plate ht ) on et Herring Herring

Modelling x 3.6 x m

ha ast)diameter piles. s and Transmission Infrastru - 3 rbour seal as a typical typical a as seal rbour

and A – (2.5

EnvironmentalStatement –

they are similar to to similar are they

Plate 3.6 Plate m pile)

- 4

below below

cture 3 - 35

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Plate 3.6–4 Spatial Extent of Impact of Various Activities (90 dBht) on Harbour Seal (2.5 m pile) Plate 3.6-5 below shows the estimated impact ranges that will result from impact piling.

Plate 3.6–5 Estimated Impact Ranges for Various Species Resulting from Impact Piling (90 dBht), Using a 2.5 m Diameter Pile

3-36 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Modelling

Description Requirements Requirements ups with pin piles or suction caissons are also considered. considered. also are wit caissons suction or Plate piles pin with ups jack infrastructure) transmission (offshore OSPs platforms, substation offshore the and Stevenson pile Telford, pin with jackets and the structures base gravity include farms for wind MacColl Envelope Rochdale the within included designs in described As activity This will that activity the hence and source noise dominant a of result of a as species a by indicative unusable potentially rendered is are which ocean of area the programme SPEAR the by produced values range impact The uig h wrso peitos f h nie ees rsn fo diig different driving from arising levels noise the of predictions workshop the requirements. pile During pin to regards with size, turbine and type soil both in changes model the and noise specialists mammal marine engineers, MORL with held was workshop A energy. blow highest the require will it into piles driving and sites, farm wind proposed three the across predicte the upon impact greater a in resulting will This depth. possibly to piles the drive floor,to energy lower at but piling sea of duration the into foundations the tie securely to softer that noted be should predicted the upon impact Stiffer soil the in variation Appendi Technical of pile level therefore energy) some and (impact energy driving be pile required the will affect may which there composition province geological each indi an represent studies geological three into sites ( farm wind proposed falls three the across boreholes sites 19 from data the farm on based wind proposed three provinces the across type soil the that indicated data survey geotechnical and geophysical the of Analysis w vary also substrate the into stiffer piles pin drive to with size, required turbine with varies energies blow The energy. energypiling greater and piles longer requiring turbines driving larger therefore and length scen pile driving required pile case worst credible most the estimate to and method design and soil size turbine type, wind type, soil substructure strength, diameter, pile to relation in energy driving required the and length under was study A design pile installation. preliminary their for required energies blow the to proportional is piles pin the driving with associated levels noise the impacts, noise predicting to regards With technique, construction new relatively piling. a is data impact insufficient caissons than suction quieter using be as also However, would caissons suction involved, methods Figure h rock placing for gravity foundations. It can also be assumed that, due to the the to due that, assumed be also can It foundations. gravity for placing rock h

, 3.6 / pa

ofthe Environment esr ol gnrly eur getr lw nris Ti will This energies. blow greater require generally soils denser denser soils generally requiring greater blow energies. blow greater requiring generally soils denser 3.6 - rticular 4 -

f ifrn si poie. h geotechnical The profiles. soil differing of above show that the noise associated with piling is greater than that of that than greater is piling with associated noise the that show above 2,

ha lers in order to investigate the noise implications associated with with associated implications noise the investigate to order in lers of the Rochdale Envelope Rochdale of the Volume s therefore been studied in greater detail using the INSPIRE model. INSPIRE the using detail greater in studied been s therefore Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl

is available to reasonably assess performance assess reasonably to available is activity. It is clear from the the from clear is It activity. Chapter x

3.6 ha


mmer size. Further Further size. mmer a A. cation of the likely soil conditions across the site. Within Within site. the across conditions soil likely the of cation ). Therefore, the Therefore, ).

d SEL levels. Province 3 soil is the stiffest soil type found found type soil stiffest the is soil 3 Province levels. SEL d 2.2


dB looser soils are likely to require slightly longer pin pile pin longer slightly require to likely are soils looser ( MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited ht rjc Description Project levels for each species considered. However, it it However, considered. species each for levels

taken to understand the sensitivity of pile pile of sensitivity the understand to taken

pa rameters used in the noise modelling modelling noise the in used rameters detail on soil provinces is given in in given is provinces soil on detail WindFarm figure ario. The study concluded that that concluded study The ario. )

the wind turbine foundation foundation turbine wind the s that impact piling is the the is piling impact that s

ha pa s and Transmission Infrastru ve the greatest impact. impact. greatest the ve rameters were derived derived were rameters ith soil strength, with with strength, soil ith –

EnvironmentalStatement .

lt 3.6 Plate

ha ha - 3 ve an an ve ve an an ve s. For s.

cture and 3 - 37

– s

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

diameter pins into the same location (same soil type), and the same diameter pin pile into the three different soil types, were modelled to determine the most credible worst case scenario. The modelling showed that, for piles of 2, 2.5 and 3 m diameter driven in province 3 soil at a location close to a seal haul–out site, the 75 dBht contours for the 2 m and 2.5 m diameter piles were very similar, and that the 75 dBht contour for the 3 m diameter pile was at most 6 km larger than that for the 2.5 m diameter pile. The conclusion was that SELs were more closely correlated with the blow energy than the length of the piles. The workshop demonstrated that the most credible worst case operation selected was representative of driving a large diameter pile into upper bound hard clays using high energies, and was more onerous than driving piles into lower bound soils for longer duration using lower energies. The study showed that certain soil / pile diameter / design methods gave significantly greater piling energies, however, these combinations are not considered viable due to high foundation costs, potential installation difficulties and ease of mitigation (by use of alternative design methods and / or increasing pile diameter). Therefore the driving of a 2.5 m diameter pin pile into province 3 soil was considered the most credible worst case operation. Table 3.6-10 below details the blow energy profile employed for the noise modelling, assuming maximum impact energy of 1,200 kJ for 100 % hammer efficiency.

Table 3.6-10 Assumed Blow Energy Profile Required to Drive a 2.5 m Diameter Pin Pile to a Depth of 26 m into Province 3 Soils

Penetration Depth Hammer Efficiency Impact Energy (kJ) No of blows Time

0 to 4 m 15 % 170 260 15 mins

4 to 14 m 40 % 450 2,400 45 mins

14 to 16 m 80 % 890 1,000 15 mins

16 to 26 m 95 % 1,080 7,000 2 hrs

Scenarios Modelled As described in Chapter 2.2 (Project Description), the size and capacity (and so number) of turbines within each of the three proposed wind farm sites have yet to be defined. The Rochdale Envelope allows for between 189 and 339 turbines, of between 3.6 and 8 MW rating. Each turbine foundation would require up to four pin piles of either 2 m or 2.5 m diameter. The Rochdale Envelope also includes up to eight OSPs (up to six AC substations plus two AC / DC converter stations) that would require up to 163 m diameter pin piles each. These piles could be driven into each of the three soil provinces. Whilst recognising that the EIA process should use credible worst case scenarios, it was determined that the complexity arising from modelling a larger number of small turbines compared to a smaller number of large turbines, in addition to the piling requirements of the offshore substation platforms, would not be warranted. Instead, the impact assessments presented for pile driving activity centred around the worst credible case of driving a 2.5 m diameter pile for the turbines and a 3 m diameter pile for OSPs, both into province 3 soil (see Technical Appendix 3.6 A for details on blow energies to drive 3 m piles into province 3). It is recognised that this represents a conservative impact assessment for the turbine foundations and

3-38 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Table Scenario

3.6 3 2 1

– -

11 Description Build

estimated piling duration). piling estimated 260 at platform) ( piles pin 1,484 of total a for OSPs, eight plus as scenarios three in shown represents modelled programme installation foundation The an in driven be would piles two assume that will modelling SELs the calculating of purposes the For OSPs. independently. ves two for locations offshore used being the vessels two as For well as Telford, and Stevenson, infrastruct transmission MacColl, individually, sites modelling with location is used being vessel single a for case worst The with associated in activities shown are scenario each piling of spread the represent to chosen locations The a provide to case. order in identified are contractors preferred determination during demobili pa and constraints eight weather mobilisation pile), and pin turbines and (per (339 duration piling platforms estimated offshore longest and platforms), turbines of number maximum All recognised is It and low very is 3) (scenario constraints. events piling simultaneous chain six of probability supply of the that from therefore scenario result or the schedule building include the onl would to 3 Scenario assessment projects. the between impact issues coordination any for account the to as so time same for the at three all of necessary construction is it such be ultimately may site Each daysover piling of overall 1 scenario for estimated 13 of average An

(years) rameters (engineering information, build programmes) will be undertaken undertaken be will programmes) build information, (engineering rameters Programme Modelled Modelled of the above scenarios are therefore extremely conservative, assuming assuming conservative, extremely therefore are scenarios above the of the greatest proximity to sensitive receptors in the Moray Firth. Additional Additional Firth. Moray the in receptors sensitive to proximity greatest the

ofthe Environment ,

if occurring if Table Table 1 and 5 are modelled. Additional modelling Additional modelled. are 5 and 1

ha 3 4 5

es n ah f h tre sites three the of each on sels Scenarios s also been carried out for each of the three proposed wind farm farm wind proposed three the of each for out carried been also s Max. Max. Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl


Piling Activities

iue pr pile per minutes - % 11 No

, of piling days for the wind turbines and 1 and turbines wind the for days piling of

would be of very short duration short very of be would . of y 24

ure (offshore platforms) independently. (offshoreure platforms) below /

post consent as the engineering studies progress and and progress studies engineering the as consent post Years ,

five assuming maximum piling duration (approximately15 duration piling maximum assuming period. hr Figure . . , constructed independently of the other two, and as as and two, other the of independently constructed


h wrt case worst the years) Each scenario assumes a maximum of 339 turbines turbines 339 of maximum a assumes scenario Each MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited 2 3 4

ain ciiis Frhr eieet f these of refinement Further activities. sation

3.6 Max. Max.

. (pilingactivities)

(conservative estimate based on longest longest on based estimate (conservative - 3 , No

Volume 6 Volume . of Vessels


( for the marine mammals is when when is mammals marine the for aCl, Stevenson MacColl, WindFarm

6 2 1

pin piles per turbine and 16 pe 16 and turbine per piles pin

a . y occur to mitigate delays in in delays mitigate to occur y



1, chosen as the location location the as chosen 1, s and Transmission Infrastru s also been carried out carried been also s

– more ‘realistic’ worst worst ‘realistic’ more



for the OSPs are are OSPs the for ad Telford and , cture 3 -

39 % ) r

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure For six vessels being used, piling is modelled at locations 1 to 6. In addition to the up to six vessels operating within the three proposed wind farm sites described above, BOWL may also be piling foundations within the Moray Firth during the expected construction phase. Information from BOWL indicates that the developer is considering up to two construction vessels to be in operation at any one time on their site. The two locations at which piling might take place are labelled A and B in Figure 3.6-3, Volume 6 a. BOWL has provided the blow energy profile given below in Table 3.6-12 as being indicative for the driving of a 2.4 m diameter pile into the soils within their site boundary.

Table 3.6-12 Predicted Blow Energy Profile Provided by BOWL as Being Required to Drive a 2.4 m Diameter Pile into the Soils of the Beatrice Site

Impact Energy (kJ) No of Blows Time

280 1,200 15 mins

920 3,700 1 hr

1,380 3,700 1 hr

1,840 3,700 1 hr

2,300 3,700 1 hr

3.6.6 Details of INSPIRE Modelling of Impact Piling The following tables give an overview of the modelling and the results presented for the various scenarios. All the outputs of the scenarios modelled for each of the receptors can be found within Section 4 of Technical Appendix 3.6 A (Underwater Noise).

Table 3.6-13 Scenario 1 – Piling Activity at Location 1

Hammer Pile Diameter Number of Piles / Pile Capacity Species Results Shown (m) Location (kJ)

1,200 (for Cod, Herring, Plaice, 2.5 Piling on MacColl, 2.5 m) Salmon, Bottlenose (3 for OSP Stevenson and Telford dolphin, Harbour 90 dBht and 75 dBht contours 1,800 (for modelling) sites porpoise, Harbour seal, 3 m) Minke whale

1,200 (for 2.5 Two pin piles installed Contours between 200 and sequentially on 2.5 m) Low, mid, high frequency 186 dB re 1 µPa2.s (M) in (3 for OSP MacColl, Stevenson 1,800 (for cetacean and pinnipeds 2 dB increments for fleeing modelling) and Telford sites. 3 m) and stationary animals

3-40 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 the BOWL Table Table Table Pile Pile Pile Pile (at locations (at locations (at locationson locationson locationson MORL); 2.4 MORL); 2.4 MORL); 2.4 on BOWL) on BOWL) on BOWL) Diameter Diameter Diameter locations

(m) (m) (m) 3.6 3. 3.6 6 2.5 (at 2.5 (at 2.5 (at 2.5 –

- - -

16 15 14 Site Concurrently Description 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

site site locationonthe BOWL MORLsite and one Simultaneous pilingat Location Number of site simultaneously locationsonthe MORL sequentially at Two MORLsite six Simultaneous pilingat Location Number of indiv including each sitessimultaneously, proposed locationsonthe sequentially attwo Two each individualsite farm sites, including three two Simultaneous pilingat Location Number of site locationsonthe BOWL MORLsite and two Simultaneous pilingat simultaneously the on BOWL site site and locationonthe MORL sequentially at Two Additional Additional Scenario Scenario locationsonthe

locationsonthe locationsonthe location onthe pin piles installed pin piles installed pin piles installed idual siteidual

ofthe Environment proposed one

wind farm wind

Piles Piles Piles 2 3

Cumulative Scenarios location – –

two one

Piling Piling one six Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl / Pile / Pile / Pile wind three

Activity Activity

1 1 1 Capacity Capacity Capacity pile, MORL) pile, MORL) pile, MORL) Hammer Hammer Hammer (2.4 (2.4 (2.4 , , , 200(2.5 200(2.5 200(2.5 and2 and2 and2 (kJ) at (kJ) at (kJ)

BOWL) BOWL) BOWL) m pile, pile, m pile, m pile, m 1 1 1 1 Six Locations Locations Two

, , , , 200 200 200 200 , , , MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited 300 300 300

m m m

Piling Salmon,Bottlenose Cod,Herring, Plaice, Species cetacean andpinnipeds Low, mid,high frequency Minke whale porpoise, Harbourseal, dolphin, Harbour Salmon,Bottlenose Cod,Herring, Plaice, Species Minke whale porpoise, Harbourseal, dolphin, Harbour Salmon,Bottlenose Cod,Herring, Plaice, cetacean andpinnipeds Low, mid,high frequency Minke whale porpoise, Harbourseal, dolphin, Harbour Salmon,Bottlenose Cod,Herring, Plaice, Species cetacean andpinnipeds Low, mid,high frequency Minke whale porpoise, Harbourseal, dolphin, Harbour on the Proposed Three


s and Transmission Infrastru 90 Results andstationary animals 2 186 Contours between200 and andstationary animals 2 186 Contours between200 and contours 90 Results contours 90 andstationary animals 2 186 Contours between200 and contours 90 Results

Wind Farm Sites –

dB dB dB

EnvironmentalStatement dB dB dB dB

dB dB dB

incrementsfor fleeing incrementsfor fleeing incrementsfor fleeing ht ht ht ht

re 1 re re 1 re and75 Shown and75 Shown re 1 re and75 and75 Shown

µPa µPa µPa

dB dB dB dB 2 2 2 .s .s .s

ht ht

ht ht (M) in (M) in (M) in

and on contours cture

3 - 41

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Hammer Pile Diameter Number of Piles / Pile Capacity Species Results Shown (m) Location (kJ)

Two pin piles installed 2.5 (at 1,200 (2.5 m sequentially at two Contours between 200 and locations on pile, MORL) locations on the MORL Low, mid, high frequency 186 dB re 1 µPa2.s (M) in MORL); 2.4 and 2,300 site and two locations cetacean and pinnipeds 2 dB increments for fleeing (at locations (2.4 m pile, on the BOWL site and stationary animals on BOWL) BOWL) simultaneously

2.5 (at Simultaneous piling at 1,200 (2.5 m Cod, Herring, Plaice, locations on six locations on the pile, MORL) Salmon, Bottlenose 90 dBht and 75 dBht MORL); 2.4 MORL site and two and 2,300 dolphin, Harbour contours (at locations locations on the BOWL (2.4 m pile, porpoise, Harbour seal, on BOWL) site BOWL) Minke whale

Two pin piles installed 2.5 (at 1,200 (2.5 m sequentially at six Contours between 200 and locations on pile, MORL) locations on the MORL Low, mid, high frequency 186 dB re 1 µPa2.s (M) in MORL); 2.4 and 2,300 site and two locations cetacean and pinnipeds 2 dB increments for fleeing (at locations (2.4 m pile, on the BOWL site and stationary animals on BOWL) BOWL) simultaneously

Summary of Modelling of Piling Activity Underwater noise generated by pile driving at several locations during construction of the three proposed wind farm sites has been calculated using the INSPIRE noise modelling software. Detailed outputs are given in Section 9 of Technical Appendix 3.6 A. The range of noise emissions with reference to the different species has been calculated in respect of dBht(Species) and M–weighted dB SEL to assess the potential impact of the piling on marine species. This is both in terms of injury and behavioural response. Unweighted levels of 240 dB re. 1 µPa and 220 dB re. 1 µPa for lethality and physical injury are also considered, and are of the order of 2 m and 38 m respectively from the pile. These calculated levels have been used to inform the fish and marine mammal assessments and detailed biological interpretation of the data can be found in Chapters 7.2 (Fish and Shellfish Ecology) and Chapter 7.3 (Marine Mammals). General comments with respect to cumulative noise exposure can be made. The area of sea affected by noise from simultaneous piling generally is not much greater than if the piling was undertaken at separate times. Indeed, the total area is often less due to the overlap of the insonified areas. In this respect, the overall sound exposure during piling simultaneously at multiple locations is sometimes lower than if the piling was undertaken at separate times.

3.6.7 Noise Generated During Offshore Construction Activities other than Piling Noise modelling has been undertaken to determine the effect of underwater noise on marine species of interest in the Moray Firth during the installation of the three proposed wind farms and offshore transmission infrastructure (OfTI) other than piling (discussed in previous sections). The various activities that will take place during the installation of the 3 wind farms and OfTI have been analysed and their effect assessed using a large database of underwater noise measurements and the SPEAR model (see paragraphs

3-42 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 HarbourSeal HarbourPorpoise BottlenoseDolphin Salmon Herring Dab Cod Dredging Activity:Suction Table Results Modelling Noise Metrics


– -

17 Description

sea affected for a variety of underwater noise sources associated with the wind the with associated sources noise underwater of variety a for affected sea Table Appendi Technical M and modelling The activities these from noise vessel and dredging placing, rock laying, cable trenching, are case this in considered been to the noise sources involved for these operations are primarily in the higher higher the in Noise in primarily given is are model, operations SPEAR these for the of analysis detailed more A involved frequencies. sources noise the and fish, than noise of frequencies higher perceive can mammals Marine noise. is This bec fish. be for to are likely they most than mammal impact marine estimated of the species that for noted greater be are also ranges should It time. of period a over from 1 ( activities trenching estimated dB and fish of species key the for model, SPEAR the using fa


rms and OfTI construction activities (not including piling). These are calculated calculated are These piling). including (not activities construction OfTI and rms ht

Maximum Maximum (Species) metric. From these results it can be seen that the largest impact is is impact largest the that seen be can it results these From metric. (Species) 2 ) -

3.6 hrs, which gives an indication of the area that an animal will be excluded excluded be will animal an that area the of indication an gives which hrs, .

Range(m) ofthe Environment – Impact egtd Es Tee erc ae desc are metrics These SELs. weighted - 17

f o the for or a description of the SPEAR program). program). SPEAR the of description a or

to Impacts 21 21 13 90 1 1 7 2

Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Table Table ha ha

dB Area of ve been modelled for continuous operation forcontinuous modelled ve been s ht

x 3.6 ( ha Species been been from Table Table (km 3.6

bu pros, ih 90 a with porpoise, rbour ause of the substantial high frequency component of the the of component frequency high substantial the of ause

the construction vessels and the support vessels. All of of All vessels. support the and vessels construction the Sea Affected A - 2 21 – Suction Dredging Using Suction Dredging hours) ) ( undertaken

Underwater Noise Underwater

3.6 eto 8 of 8 Section below give the maximum impact ranges and areas of of areas and ranges impact maximum the give below -

20 MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited < < < < < < <

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ). This equates to an area of sea excluded of of excluded sea of area an to equates This ).


Impact sn to os mtis the metrics, noise two using ehia Appendi Technical 200 26 72 65 39 75 5 7 )


results from the modelling, using the the using modelling, the from results

the dB WindFarm Area of

ht dB

dB ( ie i dti in detail in ribed Species ht (km ht

(Species) The noise noise The mat ag o 140 of range impact Sea Affected marine 2 – hours) ) s and Transmission Infrastru

– 3.6 x


EnvironmentalStatement < < < < < < Metric

mammals using the using mammals

3 1 1 1 1 1 1 sources


dB eto 2 of 2 Section ( Underwater Underwater

ht that (Species) (Species)

m ha cture 3 for for ve - 43

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Table 3.6-18 Maximum Impacts from Cable Laying Using the dBht(Species) Metric

90 dBht(Species) 75 dBht(Species) Activity: Cable laying Impact Area of Sea Affected Impact Area of Sea Affected Range (m) (km2–hours) Range (m) (km2–hours)

Cod 1 < 1 20 < 1

Dab < 1 < 1 1 < 1

Herring 8 < 1 66 < 1

Salmon < 1 < 1 1 < 1

Bottlenose Dolphin 9 < 1 75 < 1

Harbour Porpoise 29 < 1 220 4

Harbour Seal 2 < 1 29 < 1

Table 3.6-19 Maximum Impacts from Rock Placing for Gravity Base Installations Using the dBht(Species) Metric

90 dBht(Species) 75 dBht(Species) Activity: Rock Placing Impact Area of Sea Affected Impact Area of Sea Affected Range (m) (km2–hours) Range (m) (km2–hours)

Cod 2 < 1 25 < 1

Dab < 1 < 1 4 < 1

Herring 6 < 1 62 < 1

Salmon < 1 < 1 4 < 1

Bottlenose Dolphin 31 < 1 170 2

Harbour Porpoise 99 1 550 23

Harbour Seal 17 < 1 99 1

Table 3.6-20 Maximum Impacts from Trenching Using the dBht(Species) Metric

90 dBht(Species) 75 dBht(Species)

Activity: Trenching Impact Area of Sea Affected Impact Area of Sea Affected Range (m) (km2–hours) Range (m) (km2–hours)

Cod 1 < 1 16 < 1

Dab < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1

Herring < 1 < 1 27 < 1

Salmon < 1 < 1 2 < 1

Bottlenose Dolphin 81 < 1 350 9

3-44 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 HarbourSeal HarbourPorpoise BottlenoseDolphin Salmon Herring Dab Cod Noise Activity:Vessel Table HarbourSeal HarbourPorpoise Activity:Trenching


– -

21 Description

a 24 a is for source noise it a near position same levels, the in stay precautionary will animal an that highly unlikely highly be to thought these are only not that noted be is injury auditory which 24 a for vessel the to relative location same the in stays receptor the that assumed is it where model, animal stationary a Using wind is the Southall This of 1.5 piling). construction including the (not of with OfTI associated and farms activities rate the of a any for occur at to source noise expected is injury auditory which at noise of level a receive will mammal marine a the from fleeing ( animal an Assuming mammals. marine on noise underwater of impact the assessing for SELs weighted Table considered to be a typical cru typical a be to considered

Maximum Maximum

hour period hour 3.6 Range(m)

Range(m) ofthe Environment Impact Impact et al., et - 22


< < < < Impacts 12 below summarises the results of the SPEAR modelling in terms of M of terms in modelling SPEAR the of results the summarises below 22 12

90 90 1 1 1 1 1 (2007).

Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl

dB dB .

Area of Area of ht ht ( ( Species Species from (km (km

expected to occur are predicted to be 100 be to predicted are occur to expected Sea Affected Sea Affected 2 2 – – Vessel Noise Using hours) hours) ) )

MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited < < < < < < < < ising s ising

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Range(m) peed for a marine mammal) marine a for peed Range(m) Impact Impact the 640 110 200 < < 87 10 11

hour period, the largest ranges out to to out ranges largest the period, hour 75 75 8 1 1

dB based on the criteria proposed by by proposed criteria the on based

dB dB ht WindFarm Area of Area of ht ht (Species) ( ( Species Species (km (km Sea Affected Sea Affected 2 2 – – hours) hours) ) ) s and Transmission Infrastru

Metric –

EnvironmentalStatement < < < < < 31

1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1

it is unlikely that that unlikely is it


It should should It

m cture 3

- / 45

– s

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Table 3.6-22 Summary of the Maximum Impacts from Non Piling Construction Activities Using the M– Weighted SEL Metric

Stationary Animal Fleeing Animal (1.5 m / s) Auditory Injury Range Auditory Injury Range (m) (m)

Low Frequency Cetaceans < 1 < 100 m (198 dB re. 1 µPa2.s (Mlf)

Mid Frequency Cetaceans < 1 < 100 m (198 dB re. 1 µPa2.s (Mmf)

High Frequency Cetaceans < 1 < 100 m (198 dB re. 1 µPa2.s (Mhf)

Pinniped (in water) < 1 < 100 m 2 (198 dB re. 1 µPa .s (Mpw)

3.6.8 References Bailey, H. (2006). Distribution and habitat use of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates) at varying temporal scales. PhD thesis Chapman C J and Hawkins A D. (1973) .A field study of hearing in the cod, Gadus morhua L. Journal of comparative physiology, 85: pp147 – 167, Reported in Hawkins A D and Myberg (1983) A A, Hearing and sound communication underwater, In: Bioacoustics: a comparative approach, Lewis, B., (ed) pp 347 – 405, Academic press, New York. Chapman C J and Sand O. (1974). Field studies of hearing in two species of flatfish Pleuronectes platessa (L.) and Limanda limanda (L.) (Family Pleuronectidae). Comp.Biochem. Physiol. 47A, 371–385. Enger P S. (1967). Hearing in herring. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., Vol 22: pp527–538. Erbe, C. (2002). Underwater noise of whale–watching boats and potential effects on killer whales (Orcinus orca), based on an acoustic impact model. Mar. Mammal Sci. 18:394–418. Hastings M C and Popper A N. (2005). Effects of sound on fish. Report to the California Department of Transport, under contract No. 43A01392005, January 2005. Hawkins and Johnstone (1976) (full details of ref. not available in photocopy of Hawkins and Myrberg seen). Johnson C S (1967), Sound detection thresholds in marine mammals. In W N Tavolga (ed), Marine bioacoustics, Vol 2, Pergamon, Oxford, UK Kastak D and Schusterman R J. (1998). Low frequency amphibious hearing in pinnipeds: Methods, measurements, noise and ecology. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 103(4), 2216–2228 Kastak D, Schusterman R J, Southall B L and Reichmuth C J (1999). Underwater temporary threshold shift induced by octave–band noise in three species of pinnipeds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 106(2): 1142–1148. Kastelein R A, Bunskoek P, Hagedoorn M, Au W W L and Haan D (2002), Audiogram of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) measured with narrow–band frequency– modulated signals. J.Acoust.Soc.Am., Vol 113 (2), pp1130–1137 Kastelein R A, Hagedoorn M, Au W W L and Haan D (2003), Audiogram of a harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) measured with narrow–band frequency–moulated signals. J Acoust Soc Am, 112, 334–344. Mohl B. (1968). Auditory sensitivity of the common seal in air and water. Journal of Auditory Research, 8, 27–38

3-46 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 sources. sound Ambient (1 Pascal μPa). aco underwater In (Pa). Pascals units, of system SI the in or, (psi) inch square per pounds The are pressure of pressure. units sound or pressure acoustic the called is pressure equilibrium static or ambient Pressure Acoustic sound a of presence the metr are of velocity units The wave. in pressure acoustic by fluid the on exerted forces the by created Acoustic 3.6.9 A/S Engineering Elsam Reef Horns on Porpoises Tougaard, A/S.HME/362 TechWise to report effec Tougaard, and fish mammals marine (2006). W. Piper R, Kafemann K, Lüdemann F, Thomsen pinnipeds injury in (2011). G. Hastie, and P Thompson, (1999). audiograms Amer. 106:1134 Soc. Acoust. behavioral Wong. and S. response and brainstem Pennington auditory S. hearing: Henry, orca) R. (Orcinus K. whale Kiehl, K. Bain, E. D. D., M. Szymanski, Mammals Aquatic Criteria Exposure W. M R.; Richardson, Darlene Ketten, David; Kastak, R.; Finneran, Charles T.; Greene, William Ellison, E.; Ann Bowles, L.; Brandon Southall, data. actual Nedwell RegulatoryReform. and Enterprise noise. A Nedwell 09554279 waters. UK in farms wind offshore interpretation and Measurement Nedwell sources Nedwell white the of hearing Teilmann, P. Nachtigall, DeSpil. Netherlands: Mammals griseus Pawloski, L., W. W. Au, E., P. Nachtigall,

validation of the of validation

s f h cntuto o wn trie on turbines wind of construction the of ts haig hehls n aeh By Hwi. In Hawaii. Bay, Kaneohe in thresholds hearing ) Technical Glossary

– Subacoustech Report Reference: 534R1231, Published by Department for Business, Business, for Department by Published 534R1231, Reference: Report Subacoustech Subacoustech Report ref.544R0308 Report Subacoustech

J J J Description – J



J (ed. R. A. Kastelein, A. R. (ed. R, Turnpenny A W H, Lovell H, W A Turnpenny R, R and Howell D. (2004). (2004). D. Howell and R R, Barham R, Brooker A (2011). (2011). A Brooker R, Barham R, J J – , inncmd, M Linnenschmidt, ., , avn S Parvin R, , Carstensen, ., Castensen, . 4. rticle velocity velocity rticle

Subacoustech report refno. E287R0619. report Subacoustech

E., Mooney, T. A., Taylor, K. A., Miller, L. A., Rasmussen, M. H., Akamatsu, T., T., Akamatsu, H., M. Rasmussen, A., L. Miller, A., K. Taylor, A., T. Mooney, E.,

– J sis h sadr rfrne s one is reference standard the ustics

h; Thomas, ohn; . Awaiting . Normal background noise in the environment, which environment, the in noise background Normal

– ofthe Environment


The force per unit ar unit per force The – beaked dolphin Lagenorhynchus albirostris. albirostris. Lagenorhynchus dolphin beaked . NERI Technical Report, Roskilde, Denmark. Report, Roskilde, Technical . NERI


J as a measure of the behavioural and auditory effects of underwater of effects auditory and behavioural the of measure a as Ewrs , oka R Bokr G n Kynoch and G A Brooker R, Workman B, Edwards , –

, on behalf of COWRIE Ltd. COWRIE of ,on behalf

J Effects of the Horns Reef Wind farm. Annual Status Report 2003 to to 2003 Report Status Annual farm. Wind Reef Horns the of Effects J Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl – Teilmann, O.D., Henriksen, ., ., Henriksen, O.D., Skov, H., and Teilmann, and H., Skov, O.D., Henriksen, .,

publication. h tm rt o cag o te ipaeet f fluid of displacement the of change of rate time The 1141.

& . J

. A. Thomas and P. E. Nachtigall), pp. pp. Nachtigall), E. P. and Thomas A. . J – aet A; yc, ee L (2007) L, Peter Tyack, A.; eanette

02662. Hedeselskabet, Roskilde, Denmark Roskilde, 02662. Hedeselskabet, of operation and construction during noise underwater of

iigsn G A (08. (2008). A. G. Vikingsson, Subacoustech Report No. 544R0738 to COWRIE ISBN: 978 ISBN: COWRIE to 544R0738 No. Report Subacoustech , Vol 33 (4), 33 Vol e A review of offshore wind farm related underwater noise noise underwater related farm wind offshore of review A

s per second ( second s per Proposed revision of noise exposure criteria for auditory auditory for criteria exposure noise of revision Proposed J , Parvin S Parvin ,


ea exerted by a sound wave above and below the below and above wave sound a by exerted ea . & . MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited Th

Mo e INSPIRE piling noise model and its test against test its and model noise piling INSPIRE e

ore, P. W. B.( W. P. ore, J ha , Workman R, Spinks R, Workman , m bu pross t on reef Horns at porpoises rbour

/ –

ilot o a acl cle a micro a called Pascal, a of millionth s

Effects of offshore wind farm noise on noise farm wind offshore of Effects ). J

& . iller, WindFarm Shipboard measurements of the the of measurements Shipboard

1995 Hansen,

Sensory J ames H.; Nachtigall, Paul E.; E.; Paul Nachtigall, H.; ames

J ). Risso's dolphin ( dolphin Risso's ). J

ames Exp Biol 211,62 Biol Exp s and Transmission Infrastru

aie aml Noise Mammal Marine J


J ha 49 A L, Howell D (2007b). D Howell L, A . (2003a). (2003a). . R (03) (2003b). .R. – Systems

J EnvironmentalStatement – s no distinguishable distinguishable no s .; Gentry, Roger L.; L.; Roger Gentry, .; 3 Wedn The Woerden, 53. .

J . Technical Technical .

of 4 E. (2007a). (2007a). E. Short –


Grampus pa Harbour Harbour Aquatic

rticles rticles –

term Killer Killer cture . 3

- 47 J – – .

CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Area of sea excluded (km2–hours) – The area of sea excluded with each activity; this gives an idea of the area expected to be excluded to an animal, based on a given dBht(Species) criteria over a period of time. This means direct comparisons can be made against the area of sea excluded during a short piling operation or a dredging operation lasting all day. These results have been given as kilometres squared excluded times hours (km2–hours). For example: if 10 km2–hours of sea are excluded, this could mean that 1 km2 of sea is excluded for 10 hours or that 10 km2 of sea is excluded for 1 hour. Bandwidth – The range of frequencies over which a sound is produced or received. Decibel (dB) – A customary scale most commonly used (in various ways) for reporting levels of sound. A difference of 10 dB corresponds to a factor of 10 in sound power. The actual sound measurement is compared to a fixed reference level and the "decibel" value is defined to be 10 log10, (actual / reference), where (actual / reference) is a power ratio. Because sound power is usually proportional to sound pressure squared, the decibel value for sound pressure is 20 log10 (actual pressure / reference pressure). As noted above, the standard reference for underwater sound pressure is 1 micro–Pascal (μPa). The dB symbol is followed by a second symbol identifying the specific reference value (i.e. re 1 μPa). Far field – A region far enough away from a source that the sound pressure behaves in a predictable way, and the particle velocity is related to only the fluid properties and exists only because of the propagation sound wave (see Near field). Hertz – The units of frequency where 1 hertz = 1 cycle per second. The abbreviation for hertz is “Hz.” Impulse sound – Transient sound produced by a rapid release of energy, usually electrical or chemical such as circuit breakers or explosives. Impulse sound has extremely short duration and extremely high peak sound pressure. Near field – A region close to a sound source that, depending on the size of the source relative to the wavelength of the sound, has either irregular sound pressure or exponentially increasing sound pressure towards the source, and a high level of acoustic particle velocity because of kinetic energy added directly to the fluid by motion of the source. This additional kinetic energy does not propagate with the sound wave. The extent of the near field depends on the wavelength of the sound and/or the size of the source. Peak pressure – The highest pressure above or below ambient that is associated with a sound wave. Permanent threshold shift (PTS) – A permanent loss of hearing caused by some kind of acoustic or drug trauma. PTS results in irreversible damage to the sensory hair cells of the ear, and thus a permanent loss of hearing. Pulse – A transient sound wave having finite time duration. A pulse may consist of one to many sinusoidal cycles at a single frequency, or it may contain many frequencies and have an irregular waveform.

Resonance frequency – The frequency at which a system or structure will have maximum motion when excited by sound or an oscillatory force. Sea State – the general condition of the free surface on a large body of water – with respect to wind waves and swell – at a certain location.

3-48 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 sound a in Spectrum tissue biological and 1 of pressures reference standard the and scale (dB) decibel the using pressure (SPL) level pressure Sound of measure a is It waveform. transient a of frequency) of function a as domain time the in recorded data (FFT Transform Fourier Fast the from results density spectral exposure Sound characteristics events sound transient compare pressure, sound time the is It sound. the original of square the by indicated as energy, acoustic of amount same (SEL) level exposure Sound waveform exposure Sound that friction) (e.g. energy chemical and energy processes thermal energy into mechanical convert dissipative through solid or fluid a in travels wave a as naturally attenuation Sound pa wave Shock Source: MetOffice WindScale Beaufort rticle velocity rticle 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


– . .


Mean the frequency distribution of a transient signal of transient a distribution frequency the A graphical display of the contribution of each frequency component contained component frequency each of contribution the of display graphical A – Speed 60 52 44 37 30 24 19 13

9 5 2 0 . A propagating sound wave that contains a discontinuity in pressure, density, or density, pressure, in discontinuity a contains that wave sound Apropagating –

. Wind

– ms

ofthe Environment The

31 27 23 19 15 12 10 – – 1 0 7 5 3 1 s, and 20 s, and –

Reduction of the level of sound pressure. Sound attenuation occurs occurs attenuation Sound pressure. sound of level the of Reduction

Lim Knots integral over all time of the square of the sound pressure of a transient transient a of pressure sound the of square the of time all over integral 56 48 41 34 28 22 17 11 7 64+ – – – – – – – – – 4 1 < its of Speed 63 55 47 40 33 27 21 16 10 – –

6 3 1 Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl

– – – integrated, sound integrated, 29 25 21 17 14 11

ms Wind

9 The constant sound level acting for one second, which second, one for acting level sound constant The μPa for air and other gases other and air for μPa h sud rsue ee o SL s n xrsin f h sound the of expression an is SPL or level pressure sound The 33+

– – – – – – – 6 4 2 1 < 32 28 24 21 17 14 11 – – – – –

1 1 8 5 3 2

– ha

Gentle breeze The Strongbreeze Violent Fresh breeze Light breeze Severegale ving different time durations, pressure levels and temporal and levels pressure durations, time different ving Descriptive Moderate Near galeNear Hurricane Light air breeze Term Storm Calm Gale Wind relative energy in each narrow band of frequency that that of frequency band narrow each in energy relative storm s –

MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited

a mathematical operation that is used to express express to used is that operation mathematical a

pressure Wave Height Probable (m)

11.5 14+ – 9.0 7.0 5.5 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.6 0.2 0.1 squared level. SEL is typically used to to used typically is SEL level. squared . – .

ProbableMax. WindFarm Wave Height (m)

16.0 12.5 10.0 s and Transmission Infrastru 7.5 5.5 4.0 2.5 1.5 1.0 0.3 0.1 – – .

– Seastate

EnvironmentalStatement 6 5 3 – – – 9 8 8 7 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 0

μPa for water water for μPa Veryrough Slight Sea Calm(rippled) Calm(glassy) Phenomenal Rough (wavelets) Moderate VeryHigh VeryHigh Smooth Descriptive Rough – rough

Ter Slight High ha Moderate

as the the as ms – s the the s Very cture


High -


CHAPTER 3.6 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited – Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Temporary threshold shift (TTS) – Temporary loss of hearing as a result of exposure to sound over time. Exposure to high levels of sound over relatively short time periods will cause the same amount of TTS as exposure to lower levels of sound over longer time periods. The mechanisms underlying TTS are not well understood, but there may be some temporary damage to the sensory cells. The duration of TTS varies depending on the nature of the stimulus, but there is generally recovery of full hearing over time. Threshold – The threshold generally represents the lowest signal level an animal will detect in some statistically predetermined percent of presentations of a signal. Most often, the threshold is the level at which an animal will indicate detection 50 % of the time. Auditory thresholds are the lowest sound levels detected by an animal at the 50 % level. Total energy dose – The total cumulative energy received by an organism or object over time in a sound field. Unweighted sound levels – Sound levels which are ‘raw’ or have not been adjusted in any way. For example: to account for the hearing ability of a species. Weighted sound levels – A sound level which has been adjusted with respect to a ‘weighting envelope’ in the frequency domain, typically to make an unweighted level relevant to a particular species. Examples of this are the dB(A), where the overall sound level has been adjusted to account for the hearing ability of humans, or dBht(Species) for fish and marine mammals.

3-50 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 enquir baselineto Council (response Organisation Table 3.7.2 3.7.1 3.7


3.7 es) Hydrology, Geology and Hydrogeology and Geology Hydrology,

Introduction Consultations –


1 Description

The study consisted of the following aspects: following the of consisted The study from land. ranging coastal urb including route environments, of cable number a onshore of an assessing by 1 defined was area study within identified contamination area study the land existing potential of details provides also It development. proposed the to adjacent and within present conditions baseline This A summary of consultation of Asummary    secondary in result may following the in fish, considered are including geology on and effects hydrogeology ecological hydrology, on Effects   Assessment the inform to used is baseline This  in: provided is information of this account Adetailed    

to Summary ofConsultationsSummary

3 Terrestrial Ecology ( Ecology Terrestrial Ecology( Intertidal ( Ecology Shellfish and Fish Chapter Chapter Report Appendi Technical Protection Environmental Scottish (SEPA) and Water, Agency non Scottish and Council, statutory Aberdeenshire relevant with Consultation and information; and planning key legislative relevant of the Consideration the inform to within conditions baseline the establish study to desk Detailed walkovers site comprehensive of assessment; baseline consisting surveys Field chapter

km ofthe Environment    Detailed information providedrelation in to: ConsultationResponse

wide Landfill Landfill records; Private supplies;water Potentiallycontaminated land;

) . described in: described

13.3 9.3 details the existing hydrological, hydrogeological and geological geological and hydrogeological hydrological, existing the details , divided into into ,divided . The onshor The . Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure ( Hydrology, Geology and Hydrogeology Geology and Hydrology, ( Cumulative Cumulative

Chapter Chapt 3.7 x

ha RIGS Group (Regionally Important Geological Sites). Geological Important (Regionally Group RIGS

bitats or species. Effects on ecological receptors, receptors, ecological on Effects species. or bitats e study area is defined in Figure in defined is area study e responses are shown in in areshown responses

section A ( A er Chapter Impact Assessment) Impact MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited s 4.6, 10.5 and 14.5); and and 14.5); and s 4.6, 10.5 Hydrology, Geology and Hydrogeology Technical Technical Hydrogeology and Geology Hydrology, s 4.7, 10.6 and 14.6). s 4.7,10.6 and Hydrology, Geology Geology Hydrology,

s along the route. The study area is comprised comprised is area study The route. the along s s 4.3, 7.2, 10.2 and 14.2); 14.2); and s 4.3, 7.2, 10.2

n rrl arclua, nutil and industrial agricultural, rural, an, chapter Table Table .

- s: statutory bodies, including including bodies, statutory

a nd Hydrogeology Impact Impact Hydrogeology nd 3.7


; and 1.1 - theof baseline conditions informationconsideration in Accommodated MORL 1 -

EnvironmentalStatement below. - 4,

Approach Volume 6 Volume

the study area; the


. The The . 3

- 51

CHAPTER 3.7 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Organisation Consultation Response MORL Approach  Geodiversity sites; and  Petroleum records. Infrastructure Services advised that when a planning Accommodated Aberdeenshire application is submitted for the route of the cable and information in consideration Council (response associated infrastructure, it would assess the proposed route of the baseline conditions to baseline and request either investigation or place a formal note on the enquiries) planning decision, expecting that any potentially (continued) contaminated land found along the route be investigated and this Service informed of the results accordingly. (Peter Exon – Aberdeenshire Council).

Scottish Water The location of water supply, sewerage and drainage This information can be (response to infrastructure has been requested. No data has been supplied followed up once the baseline enquiries) to date. specific route is finalised.

Information provided in relation to:  Licensed water abstractions;  Historic flooding; Accommodated SEPA (response to  Extreme tidal levels; and information in consideration baseline enquires) of the baseline conditions.  Coastal erosion issues. SEPA recommended that contact be made with Aberdeenshire Council as a flood prevention authority to discuss coastline erosion near Fraserburgh.

MORL will develop  Watercourse crossing details are required once the final watercourse crossing design

cabling route is defined. as detailed in the mitigation measures.

 SEPA highlight that the cable route crosses the Burn of MORL will consider this as Savoch and Ellie Burn which are part of the Loch of far as possible in the Cable Strathbeg Catchment. Sediment transport from the Route Detailed Alignment catchment has contributed to the enriched state of the Development and where it

Loch which is in turn effecting the survival of species of is not possible the mitigation interest. Avoidance of these tributaries is advised but if not measures relating to possible strict sediment controls are required during sediment control will be construction. employed.

SEPA (comments on draft ES chapters)  SEPA highlight that the River Ugie is affected by phosphorous which is in part due to sediment particles. MORL will consider this as The cable route currently follows a long length of the far as possible in the Cable North Ugie Water. Trenching along a considerable length Route Detailed Alignment could increase the risk of excessive sedimentation Development and where it and / or alter the hydrology compared to where is not possible the mitigation perpendicular crossings are used. The Ugie Catchment is measures relating to one of the first catchments in Scotland to be part of a sediment control will be Priority Catchment Initiative and as such, extensive employed. ground works adjacent to this watercourse could increase sediment load which requires careful consideration.

This is now detailed in the  The Loch of Strathbeg RBMP classification should be included. baseline.

This impact is assessed and  The onshore infrastructure proposals have the potential to migration proposed to create morphological and diffuse pollution impacts on water control possible impacts on bodies. It will be important to follow best practice to prevent water quality and deterioration in the ecological status of water bodies. catchments.

3-52 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 3.7.5 3.7.4 3.7.3 GeologicalSites) Important (Regionally group RIGS (continued) draft ES chapters) (comments SEPA on Organisation

Climate Baseline Characteristics Catchments –


   are: catchments The largest some of Sea) 340 to to North the directly coastline discharging (minorstreams small very the to distance maximum a 12 with situated is area study The event. storm probability annual 3.3 a study the within depths rainfall Extreme to related largely of Scotland. east coast the near location and altitude low the is which low relatively is area study the in rainfall that suggests t Scotland In between varies 2009), Hill. Mormond near areas western Hydrology, and Ecology 720 approximately for (Centre data Handbook av The area. study the throughout uniform relatively are precipitation of terms in conditions, climate The in contained are surveys walkover and A

summary of the information that information the of summary km

Burn of S ofBurn 64 catchment: of Philorth Water 340 catchment: River Ugie


and contains a number of catchments with drainage areas ranging from from ranging areas drainage with catchments of number a contains and ofthe Environment as such as there are noRIGS sites. thatthere not is aRIGS group for Aberdeenshirethe area and Enqu   ConsultationResponse


cannot avoided,be storage of excavated material is Floodrisk: avoidflood plains possible. where Where they storageandflood flows. thein floodplain orderin to avoid impactsonflood plain trench,pre Floodrisk: thePost not,site a specific risk assessment would recommendedoutwith the flood plain possible. where If / iresthe with Scottish RIGS Coordinator

30) annual probability storm event and 97.1 and event storm probability annual 30) avoch catchment: 44 catchment: avoch e nul vrg rifl vre bten 600 between varies rainfall average annual he Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure Technical Appendi Technical

- to constructionground levels must reinstatedbe

840 is provided below provided is erage annual rainfall, as estimated using Flood Estimation Estimation Flood using estimated as rainfall, annual erage

construction andcompletion theof


. The largest rainfall depth is associated with the the with associated is depth rainfall largest The .

km MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited




x 3.7 km ². s been collated during during collated been s area could reach up to 67 up to reach could area

²; and ²; . Supporting details and reference data data reference and details Supporting .

A. ha


mm Nonerequired   MORL


EnvironmentalStatement for a 0.5 a for desk

measures. mitigationthe designas detailed in watercoursecrossing MORL develop will employed. crossingdesign bewill measuresrelating to mitigationthe where isnotit possible Developmentand Alignme CableRoute Detailed far as as possible thein MORL consider will this to Approach

3,000 mm - based studies studies based

km nt

per day for day per





. This This . /

200) 200) 3 - 53

CHAPTER 3.7 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure Indicative catchment outlines are shown in Figure 3.7-1, Volume 6 a. The highest elevation within the River Ugie and Water of Philorth catchments is approximately 234 m above ordnance datum (AOD) (Waughton Hill/Mormond Hill). Note that the most upstream parts of the River Ugie catchment area are of a similar altitude. Within the study area, elevations vary between sea level and 93 mAOD. The topography is relatively flat or gently undulating. Elevations gradually reduce from the Mormond Hill area towards the coastline. A dune system is present along large stretches of the coastline between Fraserburgh and . Land elevations remain higher near the proposed substation location near Peterhead. Here the coastline drops more steeply from 20 mAOD to sea level. The natural drainage regimes within the key catchments are characterised as having a relatively high baseflow, with low direct runoff volumes. This indicates relatively slow catchment response, with a large proportion of runoff through groundwater. See Table 3.7-2 below for details.

Table 3.7-2 Drainage Characteristics Based on Flood Estimation Handbook Data (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology 2009)

Catchment Baseflow Index (%) Standard Percentage Runoff (%)

River Ugie 52 33

Water of Philorth 60 29

Burn of Savoch 47 34 Land use is predominantly agriculture / rural with some industrial and urban areas throughout the study area and coastal land use at the landfall point.

3.7.6 Watercourses The main watercourses within or flowing through the study area are shown in Figure 3.7-1, Volume 6 a. The largest river is the River Ugie with two major tributaries, the North Ugie Water and the South Ugie Water. The North Ugie Water flows through the study area over a length of 4.5 km, approximately. Other rivers generally cross the onshore cable route perpendicularly over the shortest possible distance. All rivers near the onshore cable route are classified as lowland rivers and have a relatively low longitudinal gradient. The larger rivers, including the River Ugie, meander through relatively wide floodplains. River beds predominantly consist of gravel and sand or clay.

3-54 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 HydroSolutions 2009) Limited, Wallingford Table Flow Plate South UgieWater Water of Philorth Extremeflood (0.5 Medianannual maximum flood(QMED) approximate/ bank Averageflow Low flow (95 Magnitude

3.7 Regime 3.7

- – - 1

3 Description


3.7 characte floodplain and channel River 3.7 ro River cable the onshore is monitored, are 7 approximately rates is at flow station gauging and The Ugie. levels water which for river only The purposes. for agricultural drainage for improved need the and topogr flat relatively the to related be to thought are ditches drainage The man and streams natural both includes in shown as area study the in within watercourses minor shown rivers main the Beside

- - Typical Typical Flow % 1 3

annualprobability) below. below. ofthe Environment

Regime Regime Views

Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure River UgieRiver at Inverugie Hydrology, n.d.; (Centre and forEcology of t. e flow Key ute. Key Rivers Key Rivers

and their and MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited

pa Figure NorthUgie Water River River Ugie aees t hs oain r son in shown are location this at rameters Floodplains - full flow full ristics for the main rivers are shown in in shown are rivers main the for ristics

- 3.7 made drainage ditches and channels. channels. and ditches drainage made

- 1,

Flow Flow oue 6 Volume

Rate Figure (m³/s)

200 a

45 48 11 km

, there are numerous numerous are there , 3.7



downstream of the the of downstream - 2 Volume 6 Volume

a Table Table aphy aphy Plate Plate . This This . 3 -


CHAPTER 3.7 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Flooding The rivers within the study area have associated floodplains which may be prone to flooding during storm events where flow rates exceed the channel capacity. The potential extent of these natural floodplains up to a 0.5 % annual probability is shown on the Indicative River & Coastal Flood Map, available online (Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2010). This map cannot be reproduced within this ES due to intellectual property right restrictions. Those locations where the potential inundation zone extends beyond areas directly adjacent to the river banks have been included in Figure 3.7-2, Volume 6 a. These areas include, for example, low lying land near the confluence of the North and South Ugie Water with the River Ugie. Other areas at risk of river flooding include low lying areas near the Kessock Burn and the Water of Philorth, south of Fraserburgh. SEPA supplied further details on locations of known historic flooding records in and near the study area. These highlight the history of surface water flooding throughout Fraserburgh due to undersized drainage infrastructure. Additionally, flooding occurred in 2006 at Fraserburgh beach where a (partially) blocked culvert caused flooding of a public road and car park. The supplied locations of historic flooding are shown in Figure 3.7-2, Volume 6 a.

Water Quality Water quality along all main rivers flowing through the study area is monitored by SEPA under the EU Water Framework Directive. This data has been analysed and its findings are summarised in Table 3.7-4 below.

Table 3.7-4 Water Quality Classification (Scottish Environment Protection Agency)

River Overall Status (in 2008) Current Pressures

Kessock Burn Moderate Morphological alterations due to agriculture

Water of Philorth Moderate Morphological alterations due to agriculture

Diffuse source pollution due to agriculture Burn of Savoch Moderate Morphological alterations due to agriculture

Abstractions for public water supplies River Ugie and tributaries Moderate Diffuse source pollution due to agriculture Diffuse and point source pollution due to sewage SEPA have advised that the River Ugie and the Ugie Catchment is part of a Priority Catchment Initiative which aims to eradicate agricultural practices which prevent the River Ugie meeting ‘Good’ status for the Water Framework Directive.

3.7.7 Lochs and Other Water Bodies There are no significant open water bodies within the study area. However, there are a number of smaller ponds, flooded quarries and a small reservoir present.

3-56 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 3.7.8 Plate Coastline


Water - – 2


docks at Fraserburgh and a public esplanade. public a and Fraserburgh at docks northern most The tide. 100 between low ranges which beach sand a with system lan proposed the near coastline The of Burn Savoch. the via Strathbeg Loch of the into discharge routeand cable the through flow Logie of Burn the and Green Burn The Specia of Site a as . site RAMSAR Area a (SPA) and Protection designated is loch This of downstream body water one is There rvt dikn wtr upis snt eodd Hwvr ti slkl o inc to likely is geology. gravel and sand duethe to wells via abstractions groundwater this However, recorded. not is supplies water drinking private the of most of source The 2006). Government, (Scottish supplies other) (all B Type 10 in Appendi shown are Aberdeensh and by supplied were supplies water private of locations The erosion. coastal Hydrogeology) offshore the to related foreshore, c and coastline the on effects significant Likely 0.1 the 0.5 of (AEP) probability exceedance Envi annual the by study a on based Fraserburgh at estimates level tidal Extreme Fraserburgh near situated is risk flooding bycoastal affected area Flood Coastal & River (Scot SEPA’s Map on shown is Sea North the from flooding of risk The 3.7 chara Typical able route, are discussed in in discussed are route, able

Supplies - m³ per day, serving more than 50 persons or for commercial activities) and and activities) commercial for or persons 50 than more serving day, per m³ Coastline at 2


ofthe Environment % x 3.7 x

AEP level is approximately 2.98 AEP approximately is level tish Environment Protection Agency, 2010). The only The 2010). Agency, Protection Environment tish


A. Private water supplies can be split between Type between split be can supplies water Private A. cteristics of the coastline at the landfall point are shown in in shown are point landfall the at coastline the of cteristics Proposed Landfall Point Landfall Proposed Fr example For . Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Abstractions Figure


section :

MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited omn Aec (01. h tdl ee wt an with level tidal The (2011). Agency ronment ( btatos n wtr supplies water and Abstractions this includes wave and current conditions and and conditions current and wave includes this near Fraserburgh (looking Fraserburgh north)near dfall point at Fraserburgh consists of a dune dune a of consists Fraserburgh at point dfall Chapter


mAOD. the the the the


cable route, the Loch of Strathbeg. Strathbeg. of Loch the route, cable %

study area boundary includes the the includes boundary area study ve been supplied by SEPA and are are and SEPA by supplied been ve l Scientific Interest (SSSI), Special Special (SSSI), Interest Scientific l

9.3 s prxmtl 2.85 approximately is

(Hydrology, Geology and and Geology (Hydrology,


200 -




ha in width during during width in )

rt of the study study the of rt A (more than than (more A rbour. in

AD and mAOD ire Council Council ire

Technical Technical

Plate Plate lude 3 - 57

CHAPTER 3.7 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure SEPA supplied information on the licensed groundwater and surface water abstractions under the Controlled Activities Regulations (Scottish Government, 2011). These abstractions are typically more than 50 m³ per day (Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2011) and are shown in Figure 8 (Abstractions and water supplies) in Technical Appendix 3.7 A. Within the study area there are only three licensed abstractions, two of which are for agricultural purposes and one for mining and quarrying. There are no surface water abstractions within or downstream of the study area for public drinking water supplies. 3.7.9 Hydrogeology Information regarding the hydrogeological environment underlying the cable route was taken from the following sources:  Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2004. Bedrock Aquifer Map of Scotland;  Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2004. Superficial Aquifer Map of Scotland;  Scottish Environment Protection Agency, River Basin Management Plan Interactive Map. Available at:; and  Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2004. Groundwater Vulnerability of the Uppermost Aquifer Map of Scotland. Excerpts from the above sources are provided in Figures 5 to 7 in Technical Appendix 3.7 A where available digitally. A summary of information provided in the above references is provided below. Further details of the hydrogeological environment can be found in Technical Appendix 3.7 A. Groundwater Bodies The River Basement Management Plan (RBMP) GIS (Scottish Environment Protection Agency, n.d.) was undertaken to provide information on groundwater bodies beneath the study area and these were all classified as ‘Good’. The RBMP GIS shows that the whole study area is within a Drinking Water Protection Area, referring to a body of water which may be used for the abstraction of drinking water. It is noted that most of Scotland is classified as a protection area in this regard. Hydrogeological Classification The Bedrock Aquifer Map of Scotland (Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2004a) indicates that the study area is underlain by aquifers of very low productivity (F VL) or low productivity (F L) where flow is dominated by fracture flow. The bedrock aquifers underlying the southern parts of the study area are shown to be of very low productivity (F VL) where groundwater flow is by fracture flow. This generally accords with the felsic bedrock geology shown in the geological map. The northern part of the study area is shown to be underlain by a bedrock aquifer of low productivity (F L) where groundwater flow is also by fracture flow. The Superficial Aquifer Map of Scotland (Scottish Environment Protection Agency, 2004b) indicates that the study area is underlain by aquifers of low, medium and high productivity where flow is by intergranular fracture flow. The southern parts of the study area have not been classified.

3-58 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 3.7.10 Forum 2004) forEnvironmentalIreland Research, Table Vulnerability Groundwater Classification High Low



Soils – -

5 Description

5 1 2 3

4d 4b 4a 4c classes 2, 3, 4b, 4c and 4d. Under the classification scheme 1 is the least least the is 1 scheme classification the Under 4d. vulnerability and by ( 4c vulnerable most the 5is and vulnerable underlain 4b, is 3, site 2, the classes that indicates 2004c) (Scottis Aquifer Agency, Uppermost Protection the of Vulnerability Groundwater The The distribution of soils within the study area is dependent on the geology, geology, the on dependent is to south. north from studythe area within found types soil area study the within topography soils of distribution The 1982). Institute, Macaulay data Soils to close area the of centre L New the crossing shown 4d and 4c of areas smaller with 4b class vulnerability by exclusively almost underlain is area the of remainder The 4b. and 3 2, classes vulnerability by largely underlain is area study the of south The

Summary ofS Summary ny unrbe o osraie oltns n h ln tr we cniuul ad widely and continuously when term long the in pollutantsdiscarded and leached. conservative to vulnerable Only Vulnerableto somepollutants onlybut continuouslywhen discharged/leached. Vulnerableto somepollutants withmany significantly attenuated. accordingto the depth and permeabilityrate of the superficial deposits. those to Vulnerable Vulnerableto most pollutantswater rapid with effect manyin scenarios. Definition eeds and Longmay ( Longmay eeds and ofthe Environment


and drainage regime of the area. area. the of regime drainage and s been collated from the Soil Survey of Scotland maps, Sheet 5 (The (The 5 Sheet maps, Scotland of Survey Soil the from collated been s

Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure EPA’s Groundwater Class Definitions Vulnerability (Scotland &Northern

pollutants not readily adsorbed or transformed. Divided into four subclasses four into Divided transformed. or adsorbed readily not pollutants

Figure MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited

7, Technical Appendi Technical Table Table 3.7 Table Table - 5

below). 3.7 x 3.7

- 6

below summarises the the summarises below A) -

EnvironmentalStatement .

h Environment Environment h

3 - 59

CHAPTER 3.7 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

Table 3.7-6 Summary of Soils in Study Area (The Macaulay Institute, 1982)

Map Soil Association Component Soils Parent Material Landforms Unit

Beaches and Dunes with 380 Links Regosols; some gleys Windblown Sands gentle and strong slopes

Fluvioglacial and raised Valley floors, terraces Humus iron podzols, beach sands and 98 Corby/Boyndie/ Dinnet and mounds with gentle alluvial soils gravels derived from and strong slopes acid rocks

Flood plains, river Recent riverine and 1 Alluvial Soils Alluvial Soils terraces and former lake lacustrine beds

Fluvioglacial and raised Undulating lowlands, Humus-iron podzols; beach sands and 97 Corby/Boyndie/ Dinnet mounds and terraces some gleys gravels derived from with gentle slopes acid rocks

Drifts derived from Humus-iron podzols; arenaceous schists and Undulating lowlands and 498 some brown forest soils strongly metamorphosed hills with strong and and gleys argillaceous schists of steep slopes; non-rocky the Dalradian Series

Drifts derived from Old Undulating lowlands and Brown Forest soils: some Sandstone Sediments 423 North Mormond/Orton foothills with strong humus-iron podzols and acid metamorphic slopes rocks

Drifts derived from Noncalcareous gleys, Undulating lowland and arenaceous schists and humic gleys, some peaty valley sides with gentle 497 Strichen strongly metamorphosed gleys and humus-iron and strong slopes; non argillaceous schists of podzols rocky the Dalradian Series

e-eroded peat Organic 3 Organic Soils Basin and Valley Peats Basins and Valleys deposits

Undulating lowlands and Humus-iron podzols; Drifts derived from Countesswells/ hills with gentle and 115 some brown forest soils granites and granitic Dalbeattie/Priestlaw strong slopes; non and and gleys rock slightly rocky

Drifts derived from intermediate rocks or Noncalcareous gleys, mixed acid and basic Undulating lowlands with 518 Tarves peaty gleys; some brown rocks, both gentle slopes; non rocky forest soils with gleying metamorphic and igneous

Drifts derived from Old Red Sandstone Brown forest soils with Sediments with igneous Undulating lowlands with 429 Peterhead gleying; some gleys and metamorphic rocks gentle and strong slopes and conglomerate cobbles

Drifts derived from Old Noncalacareous gleys; Red Sandstone some peaty gleys and Sediments with igneous Undulating lowlands with 430 Peterhead brown forest soils with and metamorphic rocks gentle slopes gleying and conglomerate cobbles

3-60 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 3.7.12 3.7.11

SuperficialGeology Solid Geology –

Description    comprises: study area geologythe for superficial that the details This scale 1:650,000 BGS as provided is the map GIS on based area study the for map geology superficial A importance local of may be of these protection and soils underlying of the quality the therefore and use land agricultural of predominantly is area study The These are metamorphic rock types likely to include crystalline rock types such such types rock crystalline include to gneiss. and schist likely types rock metamorphic are These Argyll the metamorphic of Group comprising bedrock by dominated is area study the of remainder The intrusions igneous grained coarse other and granite as such types rock comprise to likely is This age. ex Devonian to almost Ordovician of rocks underlain be to shown is area study the of south The    comprises: study area the for geology The solid as provided is map GIS scale 1:650,000 BGS the on based area study the for map geology bedrock A 2011 in included are undertaken October 0.1 10 from on ranging walkover site the area Leeds New during the in peat of area the on undertaken was probing peat Initial Rora Moss with associated southeast Fergusand St Moss, the with on the underlie to alsoshown are peat of areas smaller Two route. cable onshore the through southeast northwest trend to shown is of peat The area Leeds. New near area study the within identified is Peat t Water. Ugie South along identified also are sand and silt clay, deposits of Rathen Alluvium from Fraserburgh. to extend northward route) to the of shown west the is to (adjacent gravel and sand glacial route, cable onshore an sand glacial of areas three are there area study the of south the In peat. by and gravel places and in sand glacial crossed alluvium, is which till glacial by dominated is geology superficial The  

Felsic igneous intrusive rocks; intrusive igneous Felsic of peat. areas Localised and gravel; and sand Glacial san Blown Till; Alluvium; Quartzite of the Argyll Group. of the Quartzite Argyll group; and of the and pelite semipelite Psammite, ofthe Environment

d; Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

to Figure


Figure rocks including psammite, semipelite, pelite and quartzite. quartzite. and pelite semipelite, psammite, including rocks


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EnvironmentalStatement clusively by felsic felsic by clusively .


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CHAPTER 3.7 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure In addition to the overall bedrock geology two dykes are shown to cross the study area. These are shown to be comprised of dolerite and basalt of Carboniferous to Permian age that are located close to the Forehill Treatment Works and Hythie. There are no geological faults shown within the study area.

3.7.13 Minerals Given the geological strata identified along the cable route, no coal reserves are evident within the region. Sand and gravel deposits and hard rock are present which have the potential to be economically viable and the land uses in the study area show a history of hard rock quarries and more so sand and gravel pits.

3.7.14 Potential for Existing Land Contamination Technical Appendix 3.7 A provides the detailed research completed on identifying sites of potential concern in relation to land contamination. This was completed by a combination of review of historical map records and enquires with Aberdeenshire Council. Enquires with Aberdeenshire Council confirmed that there are no designated statutory Part IIA Contaminated Land sites within the study area. A large number of sites with historical land uses which could result in the presence of contamination of the subsurface in the form of solids / liquids / gases have been identified in the study area:  In the urban area of Fraserburgh, close to the landfall area, there are numerous potential land uses of concern in relation to contamination (e.g. railway land, industrial land, harbour area, tanks, substations, depots and garages);  In the south of the study area there are several features of interest including Peterhead Power Station, associated substations, railway land, RAF Buchan, harbour land and petrol filling stations;  There are 30 historical extraction sites identified mostly further south along the cable route, including sand and gravel pits, pits (unspecified type) and granite quarries;  There are seven known landfills identified from data provided by SEPA and Aberdeenshire Council;  A disused railway line (Great North of Scotland Railway) is located trending roughly north-south in the northern half of the study area;  Longside Airfield is located partly in the south of the study area;  A gasometer (i.e. gas storage tank) was noted at Philroth House (NK001644) which could indicate the presence of a small country house gasworks;  A large quarry is shown on historical maps (1924) at NK109444 which is not shown on present day mapping and has presumably been infilled. A small gravel pit is also present (NK105434); and  Other features of interest include various works including corn mills, smithies, sheep washes, substations, depots, tanks, infilled ponds, an infilled canal and a poultry farm.

3-62 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 3.7.16 3.7.15

Legislative and Planning Framework Designated –

Description eintd u t is motne o te td o rltv sea relative of Holocene the during Scotland study the for importance its to due designated NK010 at identified is SSSI geological Valley Philorth The studies Quaternary Late to Middle for importance high of of be to considered are to that Scotland record in deposits Quaternary complete close most NK012526 the represents at it because identified designated is SSSI geological Kirkhill The sites. designated geological of the details the summarises following Information       information: planning and keylegislative following of the account takes study This studies. movement P north the into just extends site geomorphology (SESA) Areas Sensitive Environmentally of Site Hills Sinclair The Phi grasslands. and dunes saltmarshes, of Waters The studies. geomorphology coastal for outstanding considered is and features shoreline raised of variety a by interest provides also site The slacks. its dune the of fauna and flora to the to addition due designated is site This area. study the of east the to situated is (NK073589) SSSI Strathbeg Loch The

hilorth. This site is noted to to noted is site This hilorth. ctih xctv, 06 Evrnetl rtcin c 19: at IIA Part 1990: Act Protection Environmental Paper Executive, Scottish 2, Edition Guidance: Statutory Land Contaminated 2006. Executive, Scottish Land; Contaminated 2000. Executive, Scottish 2011 (SSI 2011 Regulations (Scotland) Activities) (Controlled Environment Water The (Scotland) Assessment) (SSI 2011 2011 Regulations Impact (Environmental Planning Country and Town (Scotl Services and Water Environment Water Scottish Government, 2010. 2010. Government, Scottish and SE/2006/44; ofthe Environment Areas No.

on biological designated sites is provided in in provided is sites designated biological on

209); Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure


lorth is a designated Local Nature Reserve containing containing Reserve Nature Local designated a is lorth

- western edge of the study area close to the Water of of Water the to close area study the of edge western .

No. MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited importance for migratory birds and wildfowl in in wildfowl and birds migratory for importance

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EnvironmentalStatement Chapter

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4.1. The The 4.1.

3 - 63

CHAPTER 3.7 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

3.7.17 References Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (2009). FEH CD-ROM 3. Wallingford. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (n.d.). National River Flow Archive. NRFA National River Flow Archive Index. [Online]. Available at: Environment Agency (2011). Coastal flood boundary conditions for UK mainland and islands. Scotland & Northern Ireland Forum for Environmental Research (2004). Development of a groundwater vulnerability screening methodology for the Water Framework Directive. Edinburgh: SNIFFER. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (2004a). Bedrock Aquifer Map of Scotland. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (2004b). Groundwater Vulnerability of the Uppermost Aquifer Map of Scotland. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (2004c). Superficial Aquifer Map of Scotland. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (2010). Indicative River & Coastal Flood Map (Scotland). [Online]. Available at: flood_risk_maps/ view_the_map.aspx. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (2011). The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011; A practical guide. Stirling: Scottish Environment Protection Agency. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (n.d.). River Basin Management Plan Interactive Map. [Online]. Available at: Scottish Government (2006). The Private Water Supplies (Scotland) Regulations 2006. Scottish Government (2011). The Water Environment (Controlled Activities) (Scotland) Regulations 2011. The Macaulay Institute (1982). Soil Survey of Scotland. Wallingford HydroSolutions Limited (2009). WINFAP-FEH 3. Wallingford.

3-64 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Consultation AberdeenshireCouncil Organisation Table 3.8.2 3.8.1 3.8

3.8 Noise (Onshore)

Consultations Introduction – -

1 Description

  two in considered be may topic parts: this of assessment simplicity, For significance. Transmission Onshore the (OnTI with Infrastructure associated effects, noise decommissioning and construction the which against baseline the of description a provides chapter This Aberdeenshire Council has confirmed that it is satisfied with the approach approach the with satisfied is it that OnTI. for MORL’s noise of construction assessment for the proposed confirmed has Council Aberdeenshire decommissioning / activities. construction during noise of management the to approach The approach the with satisfied is it that OnTI, for the noise of construction assessment for the proposed confirmed has Council Aberdeenshire activi / decommissioning construction has Council Aberdeenshire during at noise of management the to approach their (DEH)determine to consulted been Health Environmental of Department The    in: described assessment impact noise the inform to used is baseline This    aspects: following the of consisted The study

Consultation Responses Chapter 13.4 (Cumulative Impact Assessment). Impact (Cumulative 13.4 Chapter Assessme (Whole Project 12.1 Chapter Onshore); 9.4(Noise: Chapter and guidance. key legislation relevant of the Consideration Detail bodies; statutory relevant with Consultation substation(s). of the decommissioning and Construction and Station; Power of Peterhead location the substation(s)in the Fraserburgh at landfall from route, cable export onshore the in elements cabling of decommissioning and Installation DEH

ofthe Environment

proposed approachto satisfied EHO with ConsultationResponse assessment. ed desk study to establish the baseline conditions; and conditions; baseline the establish study to ed desk at Aberdeenshire Council has been consulted to determine their their determine to consulted been has Council Aberdeenshire at

Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

), have been compared to assess their magnitude and and magnitude their assess to compared been have ),

MorayOffshore RenewablesLimited repor substationto be addressedas the subject of atechnical elementsof OnTI. Noise associated operation with of the Assessment of onshorenoise to includecabling andsubstation MORLApproach

t supportin of aseparate planningapplication. ties.

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Beach to the preferred locations for for locations preferred the to Beach


EnvironmentalStatement Table Table


- 1

below. 3 - 65

CHAPTER 3.8 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure In terms of core hours for construction, Aberdeenshire Council has confirmed that their standard hours are as per Table 3.8-2 below:

Table 3.8-2 Aberdeenshire Council Standard Hours for Construction

Monday – Friday 0700 to 1900 h

Saturday 0700 to 1200 h

Sundays and Bank Holidays No noisy equipment should operate These core hours will be the subject of a planning condition with the additional direction that any application to vary these hours should be lodged with the Council in writing for their consideration.

3.8.3 Onshore Transmission Infrastructure Baseline Characteristics

Desktop Studies A desktop study of the onshore export cable route from Fraserburgh beach (where the export cable landfall is located) to the preferred locations for the substation(s) in the vicinity of Peterhead Power Station, has been undertaken to inform the baseline assessment. Figure 1.1-5, Volume 6 a, illustrates the cable route and preferred substation locations used to inform the assessment. The area indicated for export cable landfall incorporates an urban section of south east Fraserburgh. From here, the onshore export cable route within which the finalised cabling route will lie heads due south, roughly following the line of the A952. This rural route takes in many small hamlets, individual farms and dwellings. Around the settlement of , the route extends south east towards Peterhead and Boddam to where the preferred substation(s) locations lie. This end of the route does not extend into urban areas, remaining in rural settings, although the A90 passes through the final section. It is likely that ambient noise levels throughout the majority of this area will be relatively low, especially during night time periods. Where dwellings are adjacent to the roads identified, road traffic noise is likely to be dominant at all times, although it is likely that road traffic flows will dip at night, reducing the contribution of road traffic noise. The acoustic environment at dwellings in the urban area identified in south east Fraserburgh is likely to be influenced by mixed urban sources, resulting in perhaps higher ambient levels than those experienced at more rural locations. It is also observed that there are a number of existing industrial installations at the Peterhead end of the route, which are likely to contribute noise from fixed plant to the surrounding environment; this may also influence ambient noise levels at the closest noise sensitive dwellings within the route.

Survey A technical appendix will be prepared in support of a separate planning application for the OnTI, which will address the likely operational effects of this element of the proposals.

3-66 Section 2 – Description of the Environment Section2 Assessment. Noise Impact for Guidelines Environmental Draft Party: Working Assessment Management Environmental of Acoustics/Institute on of Institute The control vibration and noise for Adviso Environment of the Department practice of Code (2009) sites open and construction 5228 (BS) Standard British Act(1974) Pollution of Control 3.8.5 3.8.4

Legislation and Guidance References –

Description is finalised. Where required, mitigation measures will be suggested and the likely likely the and suggested be will measures mitigation required, Where finalised. is location the once substation(s) the with sources associated additional introducing n the of levels at the environment noise ambient the to consider contributing already of noise plant will operational calculations these considered; c elements be also the will at plant fixed noise emitting operational from noise of of levels cumulative noise levels appropriate, Where receptors. predict sensitive identified to for used be will data substation(s) manufacturers’ Representative noise ambient in discrepancies any areconsidered. or levels sources ensure to periods weekend and weekday sensitive receptors. noise closest the of representative locations at established be will noise (0700 day of levels Typical    authority, local  presiding the of Department Council. Aberdeenshire Health Environmental the from therefor sensitive given any have guidelines and affecting standards Relevant kind. this sources of development a for receptor, vibration and noise future and current of all specific No resid

earby sensitive dwellings, and will predict any changes these levels as a result of of result a as levels these changes any predict will and dwellings, sensitive earby eatet f h Evrnet die Leaf Sites. Building Advice Environment the of Department on associated and Control Noise and Vibration Planning (TAN);Advice and Note Technical and 1/2011: (PAN) Noise Note Advice for Planning Practice of Code Noise; 1: Sites: Part Open and Construction 2009 5228: BS (1974Act of Pollution The Control ual effects calculated. effects ual ofthe Environment e been referred to throughout this assessment in addition to guidance guidance to addition in assessment this throughout to referred been e

Noise surveys will predominantly be unattended and will encom will and unattended be predominantly will surveys Noise - encompassing legislation exists in order to assess the overall effects effects overall the assess to order in exists legislation encompassing Telford,Stevenson and OffshoreMacColl Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure . Part 1: Noise; 1: Part

The following documents have been used for guidance: for used been have documents The following ry Leaflet (AL) 72: Noise control on Building Sites; and on Building control (AL) Noise 72: Leaflet ry


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CHAPTER 3.8 Moray Offshore Renewables Limited - Environmental Statement Telford, Stevenson and MacColl Offshore Wind Farms and Transmission Infrastructure

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