Could the President of the United States Be Charged with a Crime? Some 42 Percent Say They Support Impeachment

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Could the President of the United States Be Charged with a Crime? Some 42 Percent Say They Support Impeachment E-Weekly Newsletter - August , 8 Could the President of the United States be charged with a crime? Some 42 percent say they support impeachment Photo by Gage Skidmore, Wikipedia Commons High crimes. Misdemeanors. Inside this week's And the uestion of impeachment issue of By Mark Trahant Indian Country Today "The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United #0ati¬eIntern States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Senator Udall thanks 0ati¬e intern for Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Congressional work Misdemeanors.” #0oBayouBridge — U.S. Constitution, Article II, section 4 Water protectors and journalists arrested in Should President Donald J. Trump be impeached? Louisiana for protesting pipeline In open court, Trump’s former lawyer and self-described fixer, Michael Cohen, told a judge Tuesday that he had committed a #ArethaFranklin felony “in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for Suzan Harjo remembers federal office … for the principal purpose of influencing the the Queen of soul election.” (continued) High crimes. Misdemeanors. And the uestion of impeachment ...Ācontinuedā By Mark Trahant Indian Country Today E-weekly 0ewsletter August ÊÊ, ÊÈÉ8 Page Ê That would be a conspiracy. And the candidate for federal office? That would be Trump. So could the president be charged with a crime? (Or, as was the case with President Richard Nixon in 1974, be named as an unindicted co-conspirator?) The official line of the Justice Department is that a sitting president cannot be charged. Many lawyers argue that the Constitution’s only relief is impeachment, a charge made by the U.S. House of Representatives which is followed by a trial in the U.S. Senate. Perhaps. In 1804, a sitting vice president, Aaron Burr, shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel. The state of New Jersey indicted Burr on a murder charge. But the debate in that case largely centered on whether Burr would have to testify. A Justice Department memo written in 2000 put it this way: “It is generally recognized that high government officials are excepted from the duty to attend court in person in order to testify,” and “[t]his privilege would appear to be inconsistent with a criminal prosecution which nec essarily requires the appearance of the defendant for pleas and trial, as a practical matter.” As a practical matter Burr was not tried in office. He later was convicted of a misdemeanor charge of dueling in New York state. Another vice president, Spiro Agnew, was forced resign after a criminal investigation. He wanted to fight it out, and claimed immunity. But with Nixon facing Watergate, Agnew had no support within the administration. So on October 10, 1973, Agnew resigned his office and on the same day plead nolo contendre to a single count of tax evasion. No contest. Nixon resigned the next year, on Aug. 4, 1974. The prospect of a Trump impeachment is complicated by politics. Many Democrats were reluctant to even say the word. But that was before Cohen’s guilty plea and the Tuesday conviction of Trump’s campaign chair, Paul Manafort. Manfort was found guilty by a jury on 8 felony charges, including tax and bank fraud. He faces up to 80 years in prison. (Finish reading the story here) Obama Foundation announces applications now open for the next class of fellows By Vincent Schilling Indian Country Today E-weekly 0ewsletter August ÊÊ, ÊÈÉ8 page Ë When the Obama Foundation solicited for applicants last year, they say they were ‘blown away’ by over 20,000 applicants. The Obama Foundation announced yesterday that applications for the next class of Obama Foundation Fellows are now open. The foundation says interested applicants should be “deeply embedded in their respective communities, Former President Barack Obama meeting with the inaugural working together to build not just immediate solutions group of fellows this past April. Photo: but long-term change.” When the Obama Foundation solicited for applicants last year, they say they were ‘blown away’ by over 20,000 applicants. On the “What We Look For in a Fellow” website page, they state, “When we first launched the Fellowship last year, we were blown away by the response we got from people around the world who were helping create transformational change in their communities. Choosing just 20 Fellows from an application pool of 20,000 (!) inspiring candidates was certainly challenging—but as many of you begin to think about your application to this year’s Fellowship, we wanted to provide some insight as to how we made our selections.” The site mentions three of the fellows from last year’s inaugural class as examples including Keith Watley, a criminal justice reform attorney from Oakland who started the UnCommon Law organization to advocate for incarcerated people; Ashley Hanson, an artist and theater director who started PlaceBase Productions to help rural artists tell their stories in original, community-driven productions; and Nedgine Paul Deroly, an educator from Haiti who founded Anseye Pou Ayiti, an organization that has recruited and trained 110 teachers and recent school graduates to teach more than 5,000 students across 50 Haitian schools. Read the five criteria the Obama Foundation follows when selecting applicants here Page 4 August 22, 2018 Have questions about our weekly ICT email? Reach out to Indian Country Today Associate Editor Vincent Schilling. email: [email protected] Twitter- @VinceSchilling Contributions to the creation of this newsletter courtesy Kolby Kicking Woman Twitter - @kdkw_406 North Dakota Prosecutors Drop All Serious Charges against Chase Iron Eyes By ICT Editorial Team Indian Country Today E-weekly 0ewsletter August ÊÊ, ÊÈÉ8 Page 5 In exchange for his agreement not to violate any criminal law for 360 days, state reduced all charges to misdemeanor In what defense attorneys are calling a major victory for their client and for the water protectors of Standing Rock, North Dakota prosecutors have dropped all serious charges against former North Dakota congressional candidate Chase Iron Eyes in his case resulting from protests of the Dakota Access pipeline. Iron Eyes, an attorney who works for the Lakota People’s Law Project, was facing a maximum of six years in state prison after his arrest for alleged criminal trespass and incitement of a riot near the Standing Rock Sioux reservation on February 1, 2017. YouTube Screen Capture / Chase Iron Eyes, a 2016 North Dakota Democratic congressional nominee. In exchange for his agreement not to violate any criminal law for 360 days, the state reduced all charges to a minor, Class B misdemeanor of disorderly conduct. Under this agreement, Iron Eyes will walk away without jail time or any risk to his law license. “The world should know that it’s legally impossible for me and other Native people to trespass on treaty land, and I never started a riot. I and the water protectors are not terrorists. We and the US veterans who stood with us to protect Mother Earth are the true patriots,” said Iron Eyes. “Now I can be with my family and continue defending the sovereignty of my people. This will allow me to keep working nonstop to protect First Amendment, human and Native rights.” The agreement is pending final approval from Judge Lee Christofferson, expected later today. Iron Eyes’ attorneys filed documents on Monday proving that his arrest occurred on treaty land never ceded by the Sioux tribe. The state of North Dakota ruled weeks ago that this land had never been acquired nor legally owned by pipeline parent company Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) due to a North Dakota law prohibiting corporations from acquiring and owning agricultural parcels. According to documents uncovered earlier this year by investigative journalists at The Intercept, Iron Eyes was identified by the TigerSwan military-style security company as a key leader of the Standing Rock movement. Iron Eyes’ attorneys say this led law enforcement to target him for arrest and levy the felony charge of inciting a riot, which carried a potential five years of prison time. Read entire article here Senator Udall thanks Nati¬e American Congressional intern for work in D.C. By ICT Editorial Team Indian Country Today E-weekly 0ewsletter August ÊÊ, ÊÈÉ8 Page 6 U.S. Senator Tom Udall thanked Udall Foundation Native American Congressional Intern Shandiin Herrera for her work U.S. Senator Tom Udall thanked Udall Foundation Native American Congressional Intern Shandiin Herrera for her work as an intern in his Washington, D.C., office this summer. During her ten weeks on Capitol Hill, Herrera worked primarily on issues related to Indian affairs. “U.S. Senate interns gain invaluable experience as they learn to navigate the nation’s legislative process and the Capitol’s halls,” Udall said. “It has been a pleasure to work with Shandiin this summer, and I hope that she finds her experiences during this internship rewarding as she finishes college and begins her career.” Herrera said she applied for an internship with Senator Udall through the Udall Foundation Native American Congressional Internship program because she wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities tribal nations face in pursuing federal policy change. “I witnessed first-hand the hard work Senator Udall and his staff do on behalf of constituents — from drafting correspondence letters, to preparing for hearings, to conducting meetings with various stakeholders,” Herrera said. “I enjoyed engaging with important policy issues that I am passionate about.” Herrera is the daughter of Jenae and Jose Herrera. A member of the Navajo Nation, she graduated from Monument Valley High School in Kayenta, Arizona. She is currently a senior at Duke University, where she studies public policy and is vice president of Alpha Pi Omega, executive member of the Native American Student Alliance, and a member of the women’s club basketball team.
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