June 6, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E999 RECOGNIZING DR. MATTHEW D.C., government organization and on energy To say that Evelyn believed in giving back HOLDEN, ACADEMICIAN policy, and as a witness before the House Ju- and paying forward would be an understate- diciary Committee on historical and constitu- ment—she devoted her entire life to helping HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON tional standards on Presidential impeachment. the most vulnerable members of our society. He has also been a witness on state legisla- The daughter of Polish immigrants, Evelyn OF MISSISSIPPI tive hearings on energy. worked hard to achieve the American Dream, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He has also been a member of the Dele- graduating first from Brooklyn College and Wednesday, June 6, 2012 gate Assembly of the National Urban League, then going on to receive a Masters degree from Columbia University. Evelyn used her Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- the Education and Youth Incentives Com- education and training to help others by be- er, I rise today to honor and acknowledge Dr. mittee of the National Urban League, the coming a certified psychiatric social worker in Matthew Holden, Academician. Boards of Directors of the Madison, Wisconsin New York State. Holden was born in Mound Bayou, Mis- and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Urban Leagues, During World War II and its aftermath, she sissippi and subsequently grew up in . in local NAACP chapters, and is an active lay- helped veterans and their families cope with He is married to the former Dorothy Amanda person in the Episcopal Church. the psychiatric issues of war and also assisted Howard and they are the parents of Paul He has also been a strong advocate for im- children with respiratory ailments. During her Christopher Hendricks and John Matthew proving the analytical basis of African Amer- four-decade long career as a social worker, Alexander Holden. Holden is an alumnus of ican politics, and has spent recent years ad- she was a stalwart advocate for patients, as- (M.A., Ph.D., Political vancing the concept of a think tank on politics, sisting thousands of them at Jamaica, Long Is- Science, Anthropology minor), of Roosevelt economics, and government, especially in the land Jewish and North Shore hospitals. She University (B. A., , History Lower Mississippi Valley. One of his major was also the director of Long Term Care minor), and of Wendell Phillips High School current interests, as well, is historic preserva- Ombudservice, Nassau County, safeguarding (Chicago). tion, especially in Mound Bayou where the vi- the rights of nursing-home residents and help- He taught at in De- cissitudes of the contemporary economy are severe and adverse effects. ing families deal with the difficult transition of troit, the , the Univer- placing loved ones into elder-care facilities. sity of Wisconsin—Madison, and the Univer- He is a former President of the American Political Science Association, a former Presi- Always the ardent activist, Evelyn was in- sity of Virginia, where he was the Henry L. volved with many social agencies and organi- and Grace M. Doherty Professor of Politics. dent of the Policy Studies Organization, a Fel- low of the American Academy of Arts and zations dedicated to assisting low income and He has also been the Newman Visiting Pro- vulnerable individuals, including: the Nassau fessor of American Civilization, Cornell Univer- Sciences, and a Senior Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. He holds Action Coalition, helping the aged and dis- sity, and has been a visiting professor at Jack- abled and blind on Social Security Income; the son State University. In his writings and expe- the LLD. (Hon.) from Tuskegee University, the L.H.D. (Hon.) from , and Kimmel Housing Development Foundation, ad- rience, Holden has emphasized the connec- vocating for affordable housing; and the Social tion of political science concepts to the actual the L.H.D. (Hon.) from Virginia Theological Seminary. Holden has recently become a Action Committee of Temple Emanuel of world that they seek to explain, and of learn- Great Neck, serving as its chairperson. Evelyn ing from the actual world to refine concepts. member of the Board of the Abraham Lincoln Association. also received numerous honors for her good Professor Holden has written extensively in works during her long and varied career, in- many fields of the discipline of political Jackson State University has also created a Matthew Holden, Jr. Symposium Lecture in cluding: the American Jewish Congress science. This work has included energy poli- Woman of the Year award, the Nassau Coun- tics and environmental policy, regulatory policy recognition of his work and of his and Mrs. Dorothy Holden’s donation of the 4,000 vol- ty Social Worker of the Year award, and Nas- and practice, urban and metropolitan politics, sau County Senior Citizen of the Year award. public policy and administration, executive pol- ume library that is now called The Mrs. Doro- thy Howard Holden and Dr. Matthew Holden, Evelyn met the love of her life, Jack itics, law and politics, and race and ethnic poli- Weinstein, while she was attending Brooklyn tics. Jr. Reading Room. Holden’s academic, per- sonal, and official papers have mainly been College. They married in 1946 after Jack’s Among his works are Continuity & Disrup- service in the U.S. Navy and had three sons, tion: Essays in Public Administration, a study donated to the Archives. When those papers are processed they will Seth, Michael, and Howard. Jack went on to of race and politics entitled The Divisible Re- become a federal district judge, then chief public, an edited volume on Varieties of Polit- provide one of most extensive collections in any university of materials on regulatory policy judge, in the Eastern District of New York. But ical Conservatism, and contributions to a joint before Jack could become one of the most volume on Resources and Decisions. and procedure as seen from a commissioner’s standpoint. distinguished jurists in the country, Evelyn He is also the author of a new volume, now Holden served in the United States Army, worked nights as a social worker and helped in the last stage of writing, entitled The Prac- care for their young son so that Jack could at- tice of Power, a study of public administration with sixteen months in Korea in the 7th Infan- try Division Artillery. tend Columbia University law school. and political power, for the University of Okla- Evelyn was known for a lifetime of selfless Matthew Holden, Jr. is the Wepner Distin- homa Press. This volume is based on the devotion to her family, friends, coworkers, pa- guished Professor in Political Science, Univer- Rothbaum Lecture in Representative Govern- tients and clients. Her human touch and em- sity of Illinois—Springfield, a position he has ment delivered in 2001 and rewritten over the pathy for those in need led to the bettering of held since August 2009. He is the convener of past decade. In 1973, he published a two vol- thousands of lives, not just through her own the Wepner Symposium on the Lincoln Legacy ume perspective on race relations and civil work, but also through her efforts of teaching and Contemporary Scholarship. rights entitled The Politics of the Black ‘‘Na- people how to help people. She trained and tion’’ and The White Man’s Burden. A com- f supervised hundreds of social workers and bined trade edition was also published under volunteer ‘‘ombudspeople’’ along the way so the title The Divisible Republic. HONORING AND CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF EVELYN WEINSTEIN that they could continue to ‘‘pay forward’’ what He has also been engaged in many activi- Evelyn had ‘‘given back’’ to her community. ties outside the academy. He held full time ap- Evelyn was deeply committed to the concept pointive public office as Commissioner of the HON. GARY L. ACKERMAN of citizen representatives overseeing and en- Public Service Commission of Wisconsin and OF NEW YORK gaging in government programs in their com- as Commissioner of the Federal Energy Regu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES munities. latory Commission. He has been a member of Mr. Speaker, Evelyn’s energy and compas- Wednesday, June 6, 2012 the Electricity Advisory Board (U.S. Depart- sion for helping the disadvantaged never ment of Energy), Task Force on Electric Sys- Mr. ACKERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today wavered, never flagged. She is already sorely tem Reliability (U.S. Department of Energy), to celebrate the life of Evelyn Weinstein, be- missed, but her gift of helping others, as well President’s Air Quality Advisory Board, and of loved mother, grandmother, and wife, tireless as inspiring all of us to help those less fortu- the Board of Directors of Atlantic Energy, Inc. advocate for the underprivileged, and friend to nate than us, will always endure. I ask all of Among his public affairs activities have been all who knew her. Regrettably, Evelyn passed our colleagues to rise and join me in honoring assignments in congressional testimony on away earlier this week. Evelyn Weinstein.

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