2 JULY, 2021 BHUBANESWAR (Air Surchange - 0.50P)
BHUBANESWAR, FRIDAY, 21 MAY, 2021 VOL - 09 FRIDAY ISSUE NO. 206 02 JULY, 2021 BHUBANESWAR (Air Surchange - 0.50P) 2.50 HE ALINGA HRONICLE T K CDaily Edition: R.N.I. No: ODIENG/2013/52530 FIND US ON facebook.com/thekalingchronicle Popular People’s Daily of Odisha FOLLOW US ON TWITTER twritter.com/thekalingchronicle Time relax for ssset report No Vaccination in 16 districts Bhubaneswar(KCN): erty details. Now, the cular to all Depart- (June 30). Consider- Bhubaneswar(KCN): Kandhamal, Kendr- more trouble for the 50,000 doses were As many of its em- government officers ment, RDCs and Col- ing their difficulties, Due to acute shortage apara, Koraput, State, feel public administered yester- ployees are busy in can submit their asset lectors. the Government has of Covishield vac- Nabarangpur, Son- health experts. day.” cine, the State Gov- epur & Sundergarh. Speaking to media Today, he said, the discharging Covid-19 details before August “It has come to the pleaded to allow ex- management duty, 31. notice that a large tension of the the State Government The General Admin- number of officers timeline for submis- has given another two istration and Public could not submit the sion of property state- ernment On Thursday Out of these 16 dis- persons here this vaccination progra- months time to them Grievances Depart- property statement by ments online (Using suspended vaccina- tricts, Kendrapada, morning, Director mme was suspended tion programmes in Jagatsinghpur, Jajpur, Family Welfare and in 16 districts as the to submit their prop- ment has issued a cir- the extended time CONTINUED ON: P-7 16 districts.
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