Waspecioli^ Drug War 'Undermined' for Contras A

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Waspecioli^ Drug War 'Undermined' for Contras A to — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. April 12, 1989 A I APARTMENTS ITV/8TERED/ I CARS I CARS FDR RENT APPLIANCES FDR SALE FDR SALE WA MANCHESTER. Two and KENMORE washing ma­ J E E P 1977 CJ5, Four 72 HOUR MONEY BACK ^American legend* Heroes Specioli^ three bedroom apart­ chine, white, good con- wheel drive automatic a U A M N T E E ments. Security and dltlon. $100. 646-9760. transmission. Low Olds '83 Cutlass *4,888 A reterences a must. Call miles. Body and engine Olds '87 Clsrs *7,888 Democrats out The death of Abbie Hoffman Bottom of order CARPENTRY/ 645-8201.________________ ONE OF THE nicest in excellent condition. Olds ‘87 88 nag. IXOIS HEATING/ things about wont ads Is ^REMODELING COVENTRY. Conve­ $4,000. 646-1319 after Ford '87 Ranger P.U. *8,8g8 PLUMBING nient, private location. their low cost. Another Is 5:30pm .________________ Oodg* ‘83 400 *8.886 to get Osella? /3 marks the end of an era /7 lifts East to win /II their quick action. Try a Olds '87 Cutlsss *8,886 Four bedroom oport- CUTLASS-S, 1972, 350 V-8. Olds S3 88 *8.888 WEDDING Videos by CARPENTRY WORK ment. Carpeting- wont ad today! Royal Wedding Con- MANCHESTER POWER Good running condi­ Pont. ‘88 Grand Am *6,888 A ll ra a s e s LCD storage area. Two Olds ‘88 Clara *7,888 CeptS. 649-3642. Framing, Roofs, Siding, Trim. WASH INC. tion. $1,500. or best •House washing Plumbing It Heating months security dep­ ISnSPDRTING otter. 643-1720._________ Olds ‘88 Clara *8.968 Registered S Fully Insured osit. $550. without otlll- Chsvy ‘86 Csisbrtty *4,888 Brick " Systems PONTIAC Grand Prix Very Raasonabfa Prices vinyl tles. No pets. 742-0569. | 2 £ J g d d d s ___________ Olds ‘86 Dtita *7.986 LleinMd Intund Coupe. 26K. One ot a LAWN CARE Quality W o rk / Free Eatlmataa Aluminum Olds ‘88 88 R«g*ncy *8,986 Wood Bathroom Kitchen re modeling kind. Immaculate. CDNDDMINIUMS GOLF clubs men-women. Toyota ‘88 Colica GTS *8,886 7 4 2 -1 5 7 9 •Paint removal Water haatart T o m m y A rm o u r, 1-3-4- $6,999.Flrm. Getting Ford ‘88 LTD 4 Or *6,886 GILBERT LAWN ‘ 1 9 \ SprfaftlsM Discosst •Paint preparation Bollart FDR RENT 5 woods, 2-4-5-6-7-8-9 married. 643-9406 leave Bulok ‘88 Rogal *7.888 , SERVICE Quality work, fully Insured, •Pool cleaning Senior Citizen diacount plus putter and pitch­ m essoge.______________ Otdi ‘84 Cutlass *8.888 Fof all your noodil reasonable rates, Ires estl- Prompt tsrvica MANCHESTER. L a rg e ing wedge, plus golf mats, no job too small. Re­ •Pool painting Chevy Cavalier,1983, tour BOB RILEY OLDSMOBILE n«Mon«bl* ratM, fraa aatl- two bedroom town- bog S75. Ladles S pauld­ speed, runs good, AND MARINE tnataa, Iruoklng loam, mulch pairs, Decks, Basements. •Senior discounts 646-1101 Any carpentn work you house. $660. per month. ing 1-3-5 w oods, 3-5^7-9 $2,000. or best offer. 259 Adams 8L. Maneh. and atona. Spodallzing In ne^...we do. Trim, framing, •Fully insured Includes heat and hot Irons, plus putter. $50. 646-8560. atona walla. Call 647-71S& siding, gsragas, rooting, etc. •Free estimates water. Could be pur­ 649-1749 iian rIjP B tp r H rralft Coll 646-3690 anytime. OLDS Omega, 1980, V-6, CSlTlIRTCAIIFENTIir S»-I836 chased for $92,900. with N eU ard lawn mainte­ 646-7250 WEIGHT set-DP frame stero. Needs minor en­ lo s J MISCELLANEOUS little money down. 635- bench by Sears with SCHALLER nance, spring clean up, 6200.___________________ gine work. Must sell ACURA QUALITY G.C.F. Home Service ID ! I SERVICES barbell supports fully S350. 646-4851.__________ mowing, fertilizing, MANCHESTER. Immac­ PRE-OWNED AUTOS Painting, Remodeling, “We can tell you adjustable Incline and PONTIAC T ra n s A m , parking lot cleaning, Home Repair. GSL Building Mainte­ ulate two bedroom, 1'/j leg lift attachment. In­ 84 Honda Accord H.B. *4995 gutter cleaning. what to look for... 1984, red. M in t condi­ 8- «pd. StsrsoTaps n f t o c Prompt service at nance Co. Commercl- bath townhouse. Air cluded Is 130 pound so Toyota Corolla •1880 649-7593 reasonable rates. conditioning, fully op- tion. Power brakes, Thursday, April 13, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents and what to look ol/ResIdentlol building barbell-dumbell set. power windows and B-tpd. 8lsrw> toooE f r i . i r j pllonced, hot water In­ 84 Chrysisr Lsbaron *3885 Iraki aad 645 4559 out fo r!" repairs and home Im­ Whole set $150. Call Pot much more. Price BOBCAT SERVICE for free estimates. provements. Interior cluded. No pets. $795. at 649-1900, evenings. Auto. A/C. Loaded $4,500. For more Intor- 83 Fold Escort SAW *2995 BM KrauMkl, JTh wiparlencad and exterior pointing, per month. Security ArekHectBral Design required. 646-6439 or motlon, coll 646-5324. Auto. Low Mile* 0 Boboai Loadar Oparalor for Mta. HarBro light carpentry. Com­ iMiSCELLANEDUS 88 Subaru GL Hatchback *3995 Also spring apscWs or plant- Additions, Sunrooms, plete ionltorlol ser­ 649-1153. "EASY DOES IT" Is the 4- tpd. 4 wd, AA: Inga of Arborvttaa, Pina, Han*- Qarages, Kitchens. New FDR SALE 83 Toyota C«Hcs GT. *2285 house construction. vice. Experienced, rel­ wav to describe placing a lo ^ and Sprues. Fully Inaurad. Painting iable, free estimates. STDRE AND wont ad. Just coll 643-2711 Auto. S te m Construction Managsmant. 87 Hyundai GL8 *5480 High school Drug war B 4 4 -6 0 4 6 10% Senior Citizen of Manchester 643-0304. DFFICE SPACE and we do the rest! 9- «pd. Bco Sunrool Discount. END ROLLS 86 Mercury Lynx *3995 YARD MASTERS HAWKES TREE SERVICE TRANS Am, 1984. Excel- Call 643-6555 CENTER Street. Retail 2 7 W width — 25C 44pd. AM/FM ilemo l»pe Yard cleaned. bucket, truck 6 chipper. Stump lent condtion, loaded. 85 VW G TI *6495 Quality Painting and/or office space. 13" width — 2 for 25C Trees cut. FARRAND REMODELING Services removal. Fraa aatimataa. Call after 6 pm 646-1485 5- tpd. A/C picks top 2 $500. per month. 646- Newsprint end rolls can be Have dump truck, Room additions, decks, roof­ Spaclal conaldaratlon for or 646-4549. ing, siding, windows and gutt­ 3253.___________________ picked up St the Manchester 345 CENTER ST. will haul. • Free Estimates aldarly and handicappad. Herald ONLY before 11 a m P O N T IA C B o n n eville, 84, ‘undermined’ MANCHESTER ers. All types of remodeling and MANCHESTER. For Monday through Thursday. V-6, four door, sliver. By Andrew J. Davl$ 643-9996 repairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. •Senior Citizen Discounts lease. 6,100 square feet, 6 4 7 -7 0 7 7 647-7553 W o o d e n swing seT ^ Loaded, A-1 condition. Manchester Herald But. 647-8509 • Aluminum Ic Vinyl excellent retail space. $3,950.649-2687.________ BOOKKEEPme/ Powerwashing VINYL SIDING & Will subdivide. F.J. three place child life VOlKtWAdEN Ret. 645-6849 Spllecki Realtors. 643- set. Two extra sling Wishing will not sell any­ Grace Phillips and Birgit Sauer were INCOME TAX swings. S150. 649-0026. LIPMAN #1 6 4 6 -6 8 1 5 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS 2121 thing ... a low-cost ad In VW named today as Manchester High School’s SCHWANN twelve speed Classified will. Why not 1989 valedictorian and salutatorlan, for Contras MRK We re Here To Serve Expertly installed. PROFESSIONAL Office Complete accounting services Suite. 760 square feet. bike. Excellent condl- place one today! 643-2711. UNDER S9000 respectively. Including A/R, A/P. P/R, Q/L, HOME Please call Paul Ryder tlon. 649-6840. $100. 87 VW Jetts G L ted In excellent downtown 87 VW Jetts G L brown Phillips, of 106 Joan Circle, is the PSL Statement and quarterly IMPROVEMENTS at 742-0018. location. Available for TOP soli, very clean. $15. 87 VW Jttta GL Mua daughter of David and Usani Phillips. She By Larry Margasak the U.S. government ignored the tax returns. Can design A business built on |R 7 d ROOFING/ Immediate lease. per yard, delivered. UNDER $8000 The Associated Press evidence as the Panamanian additional applications Screened loam, gravel, CLYDE 88 VW Golt. 2 dr. blue has been accepted to Yale University in integrity! Boyle Real E s ta te Five yards minimum. CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. strongman promised to help train tailored for your business 1 3 ' I SIDING processed gravel, Company. 649-4800. 282-0711. se VW Goll GL Mua New Haven. Amherst College in Amherst. Carpentry • Windows • ROUTE 83, VERNON 87 VW Jetts GLI, gray WASHINGTON - The Reagan Contra rebels and offered use of needs. Call 644-et81. sand, stone, and fill for MANCHESTER. 1,700 67 VW Jetts G L Mlvar Mass., and Tufts University in Medford, Siding • Kitchens • 87 VW Golf GL 4 dr, Mua administration undermined its Panamanian units to strike LEAKY ROOF? square feet of dlvldoble 83 Nissan 280 ZX *6995 Mass. She has until May 1 to choose. Baths • Additions • delivery call George 84 Caprice 4 Door *6995 88 VW G LI, slivsr own war on drugs, as it ‘‘delayed, targets inside Nicaragua. Mott roof6<ctn t>« roptlrad. space. Private park­ 88 VW Jstts, Mua She plans to major in chemistry and CARPENTRY/ Decks Qrlffing 742-7886. 1 8 8 1 SALES halted or interfered’ ’ with opera­ In plBC9 of totBl (wrooflng •xp«n69l ing, first floor, conve­ 84 Chrys.
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