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The BG News October 28, 1993

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Thursday, October 28, Volume 76, Issue 46

Briefs Weather Police catch armed robbers by Joe Pel lie r A Weston woman had been Where is the sun?: Monday. Baumbarger and An- • police reporter shot in the leg and buttocks, drew confessed to the robber- ; Thursday, partly cloudy. according to Bowling Green ies. High around SO. Southwest police Sgt. Brad Conner. She is Police had been staking out * V winds 10 to 20 mph. Thurs- What began as an accidental in fair condition at Wood local convience stores in an at- day night, mostly cloudy 0i% -'") shooting at a trailer park ended County Hospital. tempt to catch the men. with a slight chance of in the arrest of three men on While investigating the After seeing the masks and ;v showers. Low around 40. charges of robbing three con- shooting, officers from the shotgun, the investigating offi- venience stores in the last Weston police department and cers called Bowling Green de- w % 4 Inside the News week the Wood County Sheriff's De- tectives to the scene. »• . tt^kr-" —^ -* Michael S. Dye, 18, of Wes- partment spotted a sav/ed-off "They did a super job recog- jm Stressed? Do some ton, Brian I. Baumbarger, 19, shotgun and Halloween masks nizing what they had and if it Chinese relaxation tech- of Grand Rapids and Scot Alan like those used in the three weren't for them being on their niques: Andrew, 20, of Weston were all robberies. toes it would have taken us a As part of Are U Stressed charged with two counts of ag- The three men were charged little longer," Conner said. M Week, sponsored by the gravated robbery after police with robbing Stadium View The detectives obtained a icS Wellness Center, an expert were summoned by neighbors' Sunoco in Bowling Green on search warrant, searched the A surveillance camera at the Bowling Green Beverage Center, on T'ai Chi Ch'Uan, a reports of a gunshot near Dye Oct. 23, a Dairy Mart in Toledo mobile home and arrested the 780 S. College Drive, shows one of four men who entered and Chinese relaxation tech- and Andrew's mobile home at Sunday and B.G. Beverage robbed the store Monday night. The men were arrested early nique demonstrated the skill #74 Lawndale Trailer Court. Center in Bowling Green on See Arrests, page three. Tuesday. Wednesday. □ Page three. On campus Clinton presents health plan Chairman Racially mixed group will meet today: requests The Racially Mixed Group will meet In room 106, Busi- Seventy-two Congressmen sponsor President's program ness Administration Build- preview of the big battles to come between predicted that a final health care bill Packwood ing today at 7 JO p.m. The Associated Press the president's hard-core supporters and wouldn't much resemble any of the plans •«• The group was formed to foes on Capitol Hill. that had been proposed so far. recognize and support those WASHINGTON ~ Promising a "new era of It could be August 1994 or later before Clinton delivered the proposal in a showy persons with no single eth- writings security for every American," President Congress acts. ceremony with about 70 lawmakers standing nic heritage and to educate Clinton hand-carried his revised health care "Circus fanfare," was how House Minority behind him. Front and center was the only The Associated Press the general public about the plan to Congress on Wednesday and urged Whip Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., described the Republican who has signed on, Sen. James dilemmas some racially passage within a year. president's ceremony. Jeffords of Vermont. mixed people confront. Clinton won't "get the full bite of the ap- According to a White House list, 29 sena- Clinton gave a shortened, repeat perform- Those interested in the WASHINGTON - The Senate ple," said House Republican Leader Bob Mi- tors and 43 House members are cosponsor- ance of his speech to the nation five weeks group are invited to attend. Ethics Committee chairman chel. He added that there are "substantive ing the president's plan. The list includes ago when he outlined a need to reform the wants to move immediately to For further information and profound policy differences" over many critics who plan on making big changes, nation's $900 billion health care system. enforce a subpoena for Sen. Bob about the group, call Errol elements in the plan assembled by First such as Stark and fellow California Demo- The White House has retooled the plan so Packwood's diaries. The entries Lam, 352-7143 or Rick Gar- Lady Hillary Clinton. crat Henry Waxman, chairman of a House cia, 354-0117. that it postpones the guarantee of universal include a potential new area of "Oh, it's so complex and convoluted, we'll Energy and Commerce subcommittee. coverage for a year and limits federal subsi- ethical wrongdoing, two senators probably go through it section by section and "It's a little bit more expensive and a little dies for medical care. Other numbers have have disclosed. Outside campus change it," said Democrat Pete Stark, a more government than the American people changed, too, such as how much the White Senate factions headed for a House Ways and Means subcommittee can get excited about," said Rep. Charles House is counting on out of Medicaid sav- collision over the diaries, possi- Moose tramples, kills chairman. Stenholm, D-Texas, one of the conservative woman: ings. bly today, as Republicans outside Clinton presented the plan in the Capitol's Democrats. ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A Also, the final version would demand that the committee said they feared a ornate Statuary Hall. "The major players have rejected incre- drug manufacturers give the government fishing expedition that would woman who went outside to Delivery of the 1,300-page plan reignited mentalism," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, check on two puppies was rebates of at least 17 percent on drugs sold range far beyond the current the debate over Clinton's approach. It D-Mass. to Medicare patients. The draft plan had in- probe of possible sexual miscon- found dead, apparently sparked little fire fights Wednesday in a Senate Minority Leader'Bob Dole, R-Kan., trampled by a moose. dicated a IS percent rebate. duct. They called for a negotiated The body of 66-year-old compromise. Sens. Bob Kerrey, D-Neb., and Anisha McCormick was The BG NewifCrcf Pmllenlk found Sunday, police Sgt. Tom Harkln, D-Iowa, revealed Steve Warner said. Hoof- Tuesday why the committee sub- marks covered her head and poena seeks far more entries nightgown-clad body, and from Packwood's writings than moose tracks were found he has been willing to rum over. throughout the yard. "The committee has come An autopsy determined across something that leads, may she died of a head injury, lead or has led to some other pos- Warner said. sible charges" of ethical miscon- Two puppies were found duct, Harkin said after the unharmed in the yard, and panel's chairman. Sen. Richard investigators speculate they Bryan, D-Nev., addressed the may have sparked the at- weekly luncheon of Senate Dem- tack. ocrats. "Moose are very aggres- Kerrey, recalling Bryan's ex- sive toward dogs," said planation, said Democrats were Dave Harkness, the state told "there was a particular inci- Fish and Game Depart- dent" in the diaries that led to the ment's area biologist for subpoena - something that "did Anchorage. not deal with" and "fell outside" Moose can be aggressive, the scope of the investigation so particularly bull moose this far. time of year - the end of the Both senators said Bryan did mating season - Harkness not provide any details of the said. Moose are abundant in discovery. The committee was the south Anchorage neigh- unanimous in its stance on the borhood where the attack subpoena, and Bryan appeared in occurred, and a large moose no mood to compromise. wandered Into the yard "We feel our position is defen- while police were looking sible. My preference is to move for clues to McCormlck's forward now," he told reporters death. Tuesday. More than two dozen women - Students learned the former Packwood aides, lobb- "bare" facts: yists and acquaintances - have CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - accused the Oregon Republican Harvard pre-med students of making unwanted sexual ad- got an unexpected lesson In vances, in some cases grabbing anatomy when three naked and kissing them against thelr men, believed to be from will. Princeton, streaked through their chemistry classes. Some of the women said there "It was stress relief," said were attempts to intimidate them Jeff A. Ferrell, a freshman. from speaking out, by threats to "If ■ a pretty tense class reveal pspects of their personal most of the time." lives. The three Interrupted two classes Monday morning, Until Kerrey and Harkin com- running down the aisles of mented, it had been unclear why the lecture halls and shout- the committee demanded por- ing "Go Tigers!" and "Go tions of the diary that apparently Princeton!" according to were unrelated to the sexual The Harvard Crimson stu- misconduct and intimidation al- dent newspaper. legations. Packwood has agreed Too Much Pressure to provide diary entries dealing CompUedfrom stuff and Sophomore geology major Steve Conway (left) and sophomore bi- GTI Tuesday afternoon. Conway and Kahrl will be going to Ohio with those issues but argues that win report*. ology major Adam Kahrl give a brief check up on the Volkswagon University in Athens for Halloween. anything more violates his con- stitutional right of privacy.

"♦ Opinion

. page two The BG News Thursday , October 28, 1993 The BG News -An Independent Student Voice- Editorial Board Kimberly Larson Editor-in-Chief Kirk Pavelich Eileen McNamara Managing Editor Associate Editor Julie Tagliaferro Chris Hawley Campus Editor City Editor Aaron Dorksen Sherry Turco Sports Editor Opinion Editor Connell Barrett Insider Editor Ethics of cloning must be decided I echnonlogy has once again forced people to consider a moral issue which even a decade ago would have seemed absurd. Researchers at George Washington University Medical Center in Washington, D.C., have success- fully duplicated a human embryo: opening the door for cloning human beings. The cloned embryos were not intended for implan- tation, nor could they have produced a baby, yet hu- man engineering may soon be able to produce em- bryos that could result in a life. But hold the phone, turn off the microscope, close that petri dish... Censorship is not the answer An immense problem of morality and ethics could develop if this technology is ready before any regu- Ku Klux KJan members staged a rally this : any song, photograph or TV show could be. past Saturday at the Statehouse in Colum- The media, liberal or otherwise, cant be lations or societal views are developed. bus, Ohio. The Coaxial Communications held accountable for the impulsive actions of The abuse that could take place as suggested by cable television company there offered four those who show poor judgement or plain scientists is staggering. different news organizations free advertis- foolishness by imitating what they see or fol- Some experts have suggested that babies could be ing If they omitted the rally from their news lowing what they hear. That type of deliber- created solely for the purpose of using their organs coverage. The offer was roundly declined. ate, risky behavior suggests an instability in for spare parts. Several teenagers across the country were the risk-taker that certainly would surface Also, do we want "perfect babies" being sold by in- killed and others hurt after they attempted without benefit of media influence. fertility clinics to childless couples? Humans value to re-create the notorious bravery test per- There is a valid argument, however, con- individuality but if a large influx of a new generation formed by testosterone-induced football cerning the media's effect on small children are super athletes, geniuses or otherwise talented, players in the movie "The Program." The who have yet to fully develop distinctions what will the average person do. Imagine the possi- controversial scene has been ordered edited between right and wrong or reality and fan- ble discrimination or inferiority complexes those from existing prints. tasy. They should be sheltered from the po- with lesser genes might have to deal with. As is now common knowledge, Beavis and tentially harmful influences of adult media Butt-head, MTV's resident Rhodes scholars, David Coehrs presentations that obviously aren't meant Even more scary is what would be done with failed are accused of influencing a five-year-old for juvenile eyes and ears. clones. In animal cloning there have been instances boy to start a fire that burned up his home But it's far too easy for parents and guard- of failures and the same would surely happen with and killed his kid sister. All references to the nati officials after complaints were regis- ians to protest that a child's daily activities humans. Would the mistakes simply be discarded? delights of pyromania are being excised tered that his photographic depictions of cannot constantly be monitored. That sort of The Vatican has strongly spoke out against human from the popular show, which also has found homosexuality and other controversial policing isn't necessary to successfully cloning, warning that scientists must not be permit- a later slot on the cable channel's schedule. themes allegedly were obscene. guide a child's media menu toward educa- ted to "venture into a tunnel of madness." Each of the aforementioned events is a Particular offense was taken to one of tion and wholesome entertainment. Young It is important to note the research that was done tragedy In its own right. The latter two also Mappelthorpe's allegedly blasphemous vis- children who exert control over their own involved abnormal embryos that could not have been suffered a further, less-considered tragedy. ual statements, a photographic study of a watching and listening habits probably are The mediums involved succombed to a crucifix immersed in the artist's urine. In children of apathetic parents. implanted. growing public pressure to censor events every case of censorship or attempted cen- Proponents of cloning have cited that nothing bad which have been labeled irresponsible or sorship mentioned here the complaint of the It also must be stated that allowing chil- has happened yet, cloning has gone on to some de- offensive. conservative volce(s) involved was clear: I dren access to R-rated movies should be gree in animals for years and the benefits would ou- Freedom of speech seems to have taken (We) don't like it, don't want to see or hear it, thoroughly considered and re-considered tweigh the negatives. more than a few knocks within the past few and want those in authority to make it go with an especially delicate sense of judge- Instead of panicking and imagining a black market years. We witnessed the attempted suppres- away. I (We) reside in a free society, and ment that most parents seem to lack. What's for purchasing future NBA centers or concert pia- sion of musical groups that issued CDs and have the right not to be subjected to hatred, most Important Is the protection of our basic nists, advocates argue that carefully reasoned ethi- tapes with explicit song lyrics. We watched filth, smut, vulgarity, etc right to say what we think and express how cal guidelines are all that is needed. residents of a small Michigan community They're right to assume they have a per- we feel, irregardless of how objectionable demand public hearings over the county li- sonal choice. It's when they Insist upon com- our opinions may be to others. Cloning may some day be more efficient and inex- brary's decision to add Madonna's book, plete public eradication of every form of ex- As offensive as it may seem, the Klan must pensive than today's commonly used in vitro fer- SEX, to its shelves. We heard the furor sur- pression offensive to their personal sensibi- be allowed to march and distribute its pro- tilization which has less than a one in five success rounding the new "NYPD Blue" TV series lities that they're dead wrong. paganda; rappers must be allowed to chant rate. rise to such a fever pitch that it was yanked Why, after over two hundred years, must their obscene lyrics; publishers must be al- There are pluses and minuses to human cloning from the program schedules of several ABC Americans still occasionally be reminded lowed to print sexually explicit material; and but the bottom-line is we need a national debate on affiliate stations. that the foundation of our society is com- moronic cartoon characters must be allowed this issue before we end up chasing around man- The reigning argument in favor of jabs at posed of the inalienable right of free speech to act with destructive abandon. made Frankensteins. First Amendment rights is the individual's and expression? Why, traditionally, has that To compromise freedom of speech and insistence that he or she should not have to been such a bitter pill to swallow? expression in even one instance is to threat- be subjected to public displays of material Those who raise the loudest objections in- en the Constitutional rights of every citizen. The BG News Stsff deemed personally offensive. It's an argu- variably seem to be those who so obviously ment that stretches even to the long arm of miss the point. First, what they like or dis- It also must be remembered that with Photo Editor Teresa Thomas government. Consider the late photogra- like is irrelevent. Secondly, the power of a freedom comes choice. There is always the pher/artist Robert Mappelthorpe. His trav- few spirited voices to control what everyone choice to watch or be blind, listen or be deaf, Insider M.E. Dorian Halkovich eling exhibit was ordered closed by Cincin- else sees and hears is more offensive than agree or disagree. Insider Photographer Ross Weitzner Special Projects Editor Michael Zawacki Asst. Special Projects Editor Kelly Duquin LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Asst. Sports Editor Mark DeChant Copy Chief Dawn Keller Campus vegetarians healthy and be a vegetarian. them and tolerance for people and a Copy Editor Pam Smith have few options The main complaint used Jason Wolfe deep, sensitive, positive attitude Copy Editor Robin Coe against meatless options is peo- Freshman of life and the world. The BG News: ple need huge amounts of protein Do you have any Idea how in- The BG News, founded in 1920, is published daily during the Most peoples' first reaction to daily. This fallacy was generated The Loan checks credibly difficult these tasks are academic year and Wednesdays during the summer session. the idea of a "Veggie Burger" is by the American Beef Industry. when one must worry about not "Yuckl" or, "That's the grossest The scientific fact is adults can are not quite ready having enough money to live on? 204 West Hall thing I've ever seen served!" or, get all of the protein they need And since this University has Bowling Green State University "You couldn't pay me enough to for an entire day in a single egg- the BG News: about ten on campus rooms for Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0726 eat that!" But in reality how Beans and pastas provide plenty I've just about had It with this grad students, most of us have to many of us have ever tried one? of this so-called essential protein. loan check stuff. After waiting pay rent -high rent. I guess we'- Copyright 1993, The BG News People have this false conception Dont believe me, ask any nutri- six months for this greatly re lucky to have understanding that a meal isn't a meal without tionist or doctor for that matter. needed money, I finally had my landlords when we explain why meat. All I'm asking is why don't our hands on it. I went to the Bursar's we don't have their money. Respond — To be totally honest up front, I cafeterias serve better choices Office to sign it hoping to place it What I'm trying to say is that I am not a full-fledged vegetarian (we pay enought for food as it is). In my slowly dwindling bank ac- don't think It's fair to ask college Signed letters or columns express the (yet). However, when I have the There are many nutritional count, only to hand It over again students, both new and old, un- beliefs of the individual and in no way choice of eating a plate a pasta or choices for meatless eaters If and wait for a refund. dergraduate and graduate, to be- represent the opinions of The BG News. maybe a garden (veggie) burger only the options were made So now, with two hundred dol- come well-rounded positive indi- All readers are encouraged to express their as compared to consuming a available. lars in my bank account (which I viduals when we are burdened opinions through letters to the editor and hamburger, I almost always get To all you vegetarians out have been living off of for the with problems that we didn't guest columns. Letters should be 200-300 the veggie option. But here there (or semi-veggie people like past three months) and $175 rent cause. comes the problem - our cafeter- myself) start demanding better, check die, I have to wait another To the Bursar's Office: Please words, typed, and contain the writer's ias almost never have these op- healthier choices. You owe it to week for this money. consider us and our feelings telephone number, address, class rank, tions. Almost all of their options yourself. And for all of you car- Now, I'm currently a graduate when you go and switch the com- and major. vegetarians don't eat The food Is nivores, take a challenge next student pursuing a Master's de- puter system around. Send all submissions to: The BG News, 210 covered with fatty cheeses and time and try a garden burger - gree in Counselor Education. West Hall. sauces which creates a serious n you might be surprised and ac- This requires its students to de- Kathy Sim cox challenge for people trying to eat tually like le I did and now I love velop a string sense of patience Graduate Student Campus

Thursday , October 28, 1993 The BC News page three T'ai Chi ch'uan USG plans booklet revisions relaxes, teaches Faculty, course evaluations may better serve students

by Larlssa Hrl tsko based upon other students' recom- professor." self defense student government reporter mendations and perceptions of the instruc- Other USG members agreed that the de- tor." crease in student participation affected the by Lawrence Hannan The new evaluations, however, will not in- accuracy and intent of the booklet. general assignment reporter Although the Undergraduate Student clude comments and will have an actual "The main problem with the booklet was Government just distributed their annual grading scale based on A.B.C.D or F, Rieg- not enough people filled out evaluations, so The Wcllness Center and the University Activities Organization Faculty and Course Indication Booklets this secker said. the booklet is only going to be as good as the sponsored a lecture and demonstration of Tai Chi Ch'uan, a Chinese week, the organization is already planning The main reason why the new program is students want it to be through their partici- relaxation and self defense technique, Wednesday as part of the Are new strategies to modify and hopefully im- going to be implemented is to increase the pation," said Amy Land, USG academic af- U Stressed Week festivities. prove the next booklet. validity of the booklet by having more stu- fairs coordinator. The demonstration was led by Walter Lubecki, co-owner of a mar- USG will begin a new pilot program aimed dent participation, he said. The pilot program will begin in the College tial arts Institute and a third degree black sash In Chinese Kung Fu. to increase the accuracy and student parti- "The problem with the present booklet is of Business this semester with the hopes of He also has a Master of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Arts in psy- cipation in evaluating instructors. The new that it is a biased survey that is not inclusive spreading to the other colleges, Riegsecker chology and philosophy. He is a licensed profession clinical counselor program will require teachers to pass out a of all students because the majority of the said. and director of a psychiatric and chemical dependency organization standard evaluation form to students, ac- people filling out the evaluations usually The future goal of this program would be for each college to have their own separate in Columbus. cording to Shawn Riegsecker, USG chair- have a gripe," Rjegsecker said. man of the academic affairs committee. Riegsecker also said that the booklet is not book, so a student from one college would In his lecture, Lubecki classified Tai Chi as learning to live better The purpose of the new pilot program is to fair to instructors. just be interested in their class load and per- and achieving balance. better serve the students, he said. "Most of the comments made are very nit- spective instructors, Riegsecker said. Before he became involved with the technique, Lubecki said he was "My intent with this program is for stu- picky and a lot of instructors were left out of Not only will the evaluations be entered in involved in both karate and kung fu. dents to choose better instructors since we the book due to the low response," he said. the booklet, but the instructors will also be "They made me better able to defend myself," Lubecki said. "But are paying for our education," he said. "Stu- "The rating scale of one to five is also not able to use them to improve their teaching they weren't able to bring me any sense of inner peace. I first got in- dents should be able to choose an instructor very effective for students to choose a skills. volved in Tai Chi during a stressful time in my life. I found it helped me become calmer and more focused." Arrests Lubecki said he learned that relaxation was a specific mental tech- nique that a lot of people don't possess. Continued from page one. Bowling Green Police Chief Dye, Baumbarger and Andrew In the last robbery, Dye alleg- Lubecki, who said he considered himself a natural healer, has Galen Ash said luck and prep- were each charged with two edly punched a woman who was 6 counseled troubled teenagers for many years. men. aration led to the arrest of the counts of armed robbery. Each 1/2 months pregnant. He said he believes that Tai Chi can help many youngsters and that Conner said after the men were men. charge carries a possible jail sen- Conner also said he was happy he has seen many lives improved through the use of the technique. brought to the police station, both "When you have cooperation tence of 25 years and a fine of up with the arrests. Baumbarger and Andrew admit- and people that are in tune with to $10,000. Ash said he is pleased "I'm tickled we got it resolved "Tai Chi isn't for everyone," Lubecki said. "Some people just don't ted to the crimes. Conner said what's going on around, luck will police caught the robbers before so quickly and got them In cus- get anything out of it. But those who do often find their lives radically Baumbarger and Andrew said make everything fall into place," they seriously injured someone. tody," he said. changed for the better." they committed the robberies Ash said. "I'm convinced we saved The Tai Chi technique has existed for several thousand years, because they needed the money. He also said the suspects led someone from harm and maybe The three men are being held Lubecki said. "They said they were doing it police to themselves. even someone from being in the Wood County Justice "I don't think human beings would keep doing something for that to pay their bills," Conner said. "If they had not been stupid killed," he said. Center in lieu of a $35,000 bond. long if it wasn't helpful," he said. "Once their bills were paid off they probably would have done a After his lecture Lubecki provided a brief demonstration of the ba- they probably would have laid off couple more [robberies]," Ash sics of T'ai Chi. Members of the audience were invited to participate for a while." said. in the demonstration. The demonstration provided a brief example of the effects of the Tai Chi technique. The demonstration focused on the continuous MAC ATTACK! flowing movement of the body when in slow motion. Coordinated breathing from the diaphragm, instead of the chest, was also empha- FALCON VOLLEYBALL sized. Plays at Home this Weekend!

Erec Fink, a junior telecommunications major, said he was impres- sed with the demonstration. BALLSTATI 7PM S )jl "It was pretty cool. [Lubecki] really seemed to know his stuff," he said. The demonstration was sponsored by the Wellness Center. Jeanne SAT - WESTERN - 4PM II Wright, director of the Wellness Center, said that stress in many stu- i: *r i\ dents' lives is more Intense than usual at this time of year. "There are many different ways for students to deal sucessfully Ball State is currently 11-0 in the MAC. Come help the Falcons climb into first! with stress. One of the ways is through Tai Chi," Wright said. E299H HI KAPLAN The answer to the test question

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BIGFOOT For more information or reservations, call: Cut This Out And Receive $2»° Off 1-800-KAP-TEST HALLOWEEN NIGHT! page four The BC News Thursday , October 28, 1993 Aerosol Display prompts thought Student opinion machine Art, poetry, ideas focus on multicultural themes subject of study cleaned by Ginger Phillips by Ginger Phillips Mabel Wong, a senior ethnic studies major, human diversity reporter human diversity reporter said seeing the display was kind of a shock to her because student display cases are uncom- for free mon, especially those pertaining to students' The ethnicity display case, designed to help students learn by Leah Barnum While some people Just don't seem to notice it, expressions and views on racism. from each other, is just one example of some of the thoughts that environment writer it has made some people happy, and others "[The students] captured all of the feelings are produced In ethnic studies classes. But where do these ideas angry, excited or surprised. But whatever feel- that I have as well in all of those pictures and come from? ings it sparks from those who see it, the display poems," she said. The results of a political correctness study conducted by People can enjoy Halloween case in the Administration Building is some- Wong said she has been lucky enough to grow Richard Zeller, sociology professor, stated that 40 percent of activities while they wait to have thing which will provoke thoughts on multicul- up in a multicultural environment where she students surveyed said that if they did not agree with their their health equipment cleaned tural issues. was exposed to many people of different back- professor, they would receive a lower grade then if they had. and repaired for free at the The display case entitled "Insights Regarding grounds. Responses like these were common in English, women's studies fourth annual "Great Halloween Ethnicity in the United States" is sponsored by Others are not as lucky and they, as well as and ethnic studies classes. Aerosol Machine Clean-a-thon". University students, the department of ethnic those who have been exposed, need to learn "I don't think that a student should have to decide between People are encouraged to take studies and the College of Arts and Sciences. about and be exposed to diversity, she said. their grade e id their belief," Zeller said. their aerosol machines into the The poetry, artwork and thoughts on ethnicity, "We're still trying to get rid of this problem Zeller said there is a problem with the way ethnic studies Medicare Equipment Supply, gender and racism have all been contributed by that has been embedded in our history for cen- classes are being taught. 2110 W. Central Ave. in Toledo, to students in past ethnic studies classes. turies," she said. "I think we have to work "I believe in a genuine multicultural curriculum," he said. be cleaned and repaired. Lorna Gonsalves-Pinto, assistant professor of together to try to end it." "The one we have introduced is a political one." The event will take place Oct. ethnic studies, said other display cases on cam- Matthew Boaz, a junior ethnic studies and IPC Zeller said the University requires students to take ethnic 30 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The pus are usually the work of professors or faculty major, said the display covers issues which are studies courses which focus on the oppression of people of color American Lung Association and members even though students can probably very important to him. and women instead of simply statistics. Medicare Equipment Supply learn the most from each other. "I think it's deep," Boaz said. "It's very edu- "That's a cheap sell out of multicultural ism that is really polit- Company will sponsor the event. "I think in a learning Institution students cating and it's very nice to know that people can ical indoctrination," he said. While people wait, there will be should be able to learn from each other, too," go that deep into thought." However, there are many students who don't feel they have to various activities and refresh- Gonsalves-Pinto said. Located in the Administration building during compromise their beliefs to receive a high grade. ments for everyone, according to She said she hopes the display will invite re- the month of October, the display will soon be Nancy Kolarik, a senior liberal studies major, said she is not Sandra Obertacz, program asso- ponse from those who see it and will become a moving to the Union UAO display case for most afraid to disagree with professors. ciate of the Toledo branch of the conversation piece and learning tool both in and of November, where Gonsalves-Pinto hopes it "I listen to what the instructor has to say but I'll always give American Lung Association. out of the class. will receive more attention. my own opinion whether I agree or disagree," Kolarik said. Adults and children with respi- ratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis use aerosol machines, which are used to Police blotter transform liquid medicine into a No proof found mist that they can Inhale, said O A woman reported that her men told police the car had home is punching, kicking and Bob Hemsoth, director of respi- key was stolen from a mailbox blocked the lot earlier so they not feeding a puppy. ratory equipment for Medicare where she had left it for a friend decided to move it. The officer at in bus complaint Equipment Supply. Oct. 19. According to the police The medication loosens mus- the scene told the men to leave 3 A woman reportedly exposed report, the key chain is described the car alone. herself to a group of men Mon- cles which tighten around air- as clear plastic with blue letter- investigation," he said. ways and restrict breathing. The O Someone reported "loud, bad day. According to the police re- The Associated Press ing that says "tight butts drive singing" into an amplifier Fri- He said if he finds out Zielinski medication also loosens conges- me nuts." port, "the woman exited her car, was telling the truth, "we would day. Police told the singing man stood on its hood and mooned the tion and stabilizes the airways, O On Oct. 19, police received a TOLEDO, Ohio -- The head of take proper disciplinary action." to turn the device completely off. boys." The woman was located Hemsoth said. call from a woman who reported O A man called police Saturday the area's transit authority said Zielinski, 22, of Toledo, said a The filters of the toaster-size a miniature pumpkin was stolen by police and was told "not to re- Wednesday that he is continuing bus driver refused to let her on to report three men were racing peat this behavior in the future." machines need to be cleaned from her porch. The pumpkin in and out of a parking lot. The to investigate a woman's com- the bus Monday because of her regularly to maintain their effec- was reportedly valued at 50 men were also reportedly seen plaint that a bus driver refused to children - Kristian, 6, Cierra, 3, tiveness, Hemsoth said. O Police said several items let her board the bus because she Robin, 2, Kayla, 1 and Sandralee, cents. urinating on a fence. When an were taken from a yard on All machines are welcome, no □ Someone ran through a patch officer arrived, the men had gone had too many children. 8 months. matter how old they are or where Knollwood Drive Tuesday. But Richard Ruddell, general of wet concrete Oct.20. Police into their apartment, Among the items taken were a they were purchased, Hemsoth said the suspects were wearing of the Toledo Area Re- Zielinski said she then walked □ A plastic cardinal was re- plastic skeleton and a "Happy said. size 7 boots. gional Transit Authority, said in- two miles with her children to a portedly moved from the side of Halloween" sign. "Everyone is lax in taking care n A woman called police on a house to under the tires of the vestigators have turned up no near downtown building where of equipment and this equipment Oct. 20 to report she had just homeowners' car Saturday. leads in the case. she could apply for emergency is used so much - they need to received an obscene phone call. O On Tuesday, police received Officials have Interviewed home heating assistance money really get them cleaned up; there According to the police report, a 911 call from someone who re- Heather Zielinski and talked to so her gas service would not be is no charge," Obertacz said. the caller used obscenities and O On Sunday, according to the ported five men were beating an- all the bus drivers on the route In cut off. It was a sunny day with Children may participate in ac- police report, a man called police asked the woman if she would other man with sticks at the cor- question, he said. They even temperatures In the 60s. tivities including coloring about "a roommate out of con- have intercourse with him. The ner of Manville and Lehman. interviewed regular passengers. contests, costume contests, trol." The roommate reportedly woman reportedly hung up the When officers arrived they found "None of the drivers re- She said her youngest daughter videos and face-painting, she told police he "would behave." phone. the men were beating on a dec- member seeing Ms. Zielinski on has a heart problem. Zielinski said. G Police said four men were al- orative dummy. The men report- Monday morning on any route at monitors her condition with a "[For adults,] there are going legedly trying to tip over a car in O A man told police Sunday edly said they would not do this any time," Ruddell said at a news portable heart monitor she car- to be displays set up from a local parking lot Oct. 21. The someone at a Lehman Avenue again. conference. ries on her shoulder. different companies [about He said It was possible that Zi- health-related topics]," Obertacz elinski was "making up the sto- Ruddell said there is no policy said. ry." prohibiting children from board- A pediatrician, David Hufford, ing the bus, but there is a rule al- will also be available to answer "We just dont know what hap- lowing no more than two children questions, Hemsoth said. pened, if anything happened. age 5 or under to ride free with That's why we are continuing our an adult. Thursday, October 28 ORDER OF OMEGA NICHOLASA MOHR GAYS IN THE GREEK \J vS COMMUNITY McFall Gallery 7:30 pm * Puerto Rican Author * October 28th 9:00 p.m. Topic: "Growing Up Latina In the United States: A Journey of Survival.'' Community Suite, Univ. Union \ i refreshments will be served The Canoe Shop ONE LOVE Polartec 200 Pullover REGGAE Reg. $69.95 Sale $59.95 PARTY Black Swamp Outfitters SAT., OCTOBER 30, 1993 L 9PM 140 South River Road • Watervllle, Ohio 43566 Goose Down Jacket UNION BALLROOM Reg. $99.95 878-3700 Sale $89.95 featuring Goose Down Vest Store Hours: Monday - Thursday 10-7 Reg. $59.95 THE ARK BAND Friday - Sunday 10-6 Sale $49.95 (Roots music. ..everytime) 10% OFF ANY NON-SALE GEAR W/BGSU I.D. - A Caribbean Association Event -

HOME FALCON VOLLEYBALL FRIDAY VS. BALL STATE, SATURDAY WESTERN! Doll State is currently 11-0 in the MAC. Come help the Falcons climb bock to the top! State Thursday , October 28, 1993 The BC News page five Health plan debated Shooting spree Governor Ohio lawmakers scrutinize health care plan Q TO U D C h Q TO © d criticizes The Associated Press "It is a good place to start," Sawyer said. "I don't know where it's going to finish up." The Associated Press federal Sens. John Glenn and Howard Metzenbaum, WASHINGTON -- President Clinton on Wednes- D-Ohlo, agreed to be original cosponsors of the day delivered his health care plan to Capitol Hill, president's plan. DAYTON -- A man who could be sentenced to death for his role in a mandates where some Ohio lawmakers Immediately prom- "I truly believe that what we cannot afford is to shooting spree that left six people dead sobbed as he apologized ised to sign on as cosponsors. Others said they do nothing," Glenn said. Wednesday to the families of his victims. by John Chalfant wanted to read the fine print. Metzenbaum said he had some reservations, but Marvallous Keene, 20, of Dayton, began sobbing uncontrollably as The Associated Press "What we have to do is look at the details and see those could be discussed in Congress. he sat on the witness stand at Montgomery County Common Pleas what the true costs of this are going to be," said "This president is making a sincere effort to get Court. COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Gov. Rep. David Hobson, R-Ohio. health care reform," Metzenbaum said. "We will "I'm sorry this happened," he said. "I never wanted it to happen Hobson said he's particularly concerned that George Voinovich and work out the details." like this. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry." when the White House adds up the cost of the plan, other elected officials on Rep. Ted Strickland, D-Ohio, was part of a work- Keene also apologized to his mother, Bernice Parker. Wednesday criticized fed- they dont Include the money paid by employers. ing group that advised the people devising the "I'm sorry for the stuff I put you through, Mom," he said. "I love "The cost of this is flawed before we start," he eral laws that force state mental health portion of the plan, but he is not co- you so much." and local governments to said. sponsoring the bill because he's not yet certain Keene and three others are accused of taking part in a three-day Hobson also expressed doubts about a system provide services but supply about the cost to taxpayers. shooting and robbery rampage in December. Six people were killed, no money to pay for them. that lets some companies wait 10 years before join- including a man in his home, a woman talking at a pay telephone and a ing. The occasion was a news "My major concern is that we're realistic in tell- convenience store clerk. conference to mark Rep. Ralph Regula, R-Ohio, said he was worried On Oct. 12, a three-judge panel convicted Keene of all 20 counts that if the Clinton plan becomes law, "there will be ing the public what it will cost," he said. "They just National Unfunded Man- will not forgive deception." filed against him, Including aggravated murder, aggravated robbery, dates Day, an event spon- a temptation to lay off people because the com- attempted aggravated murder, kidnapping, aggravated burglary and sored by several groups, panies will no longer be responsible for their burglary. The judges now are hearing testimony on whether to sen- health care if they're under 65." Clinton's plan would require all employers and including the National tence Keene to death. School Boards Association. Rep. Thomas Sawyer, D-Ohio, said he would be a employees to buy health insurance, with em- Keene said the 1991 shooting death of his older brother and a fall- cosponsor because he believes any solution would ployers picking up 80 percent of the premiums. He ing out with his father had left him in a tenuous emotional state. be less expensive than doing nothing about steeply hopes to guarantee coverage for all Americans and And he said that about 10 days before the shootings, he bought Voinovich said unfunded federal mandates will cost climbing costs of medical care. legal residents while slowing health care inflation. some pills from a friend and began taking them even though he did the state $308 million in not drink and had never taken drugs. 1993. "I was trying to get rid of all the pain," he said. His father, Maynard Keene, testified that his son came to live with him in California in August 1991 after the boy's brother was killed in "Mandates from Wash- Court overturns conviction Dayton. Police said Maurice Keene was robbing a woman when she ington have created a regu- pulled a gun and killed him. latory nightmare for state the hands of these bloodsuck- the flag burning as proof of her Maynard Keene, who separated from his wife when the boy was and local' government in by Thomas J. Sheeran this country whether it's The Associated Press ers," she said Wednesday in a guilt. born, said he tried to get close to his son. But he said the two eventual- sidewalk denunciation of U.S. ly had a falling out when his son fell behind on his car payments and transportation, or Medicaid domestic and foreign policies. "Her burning the flag is affor- long-distance bills, then decided to return to Dayton for a family or the environment. We're CLEVELAND - The Ohio Su- Two police officers testified at ded the same protection against reunion even though he had just started a new job. talking about taxes," Voin- preme Court on Wednesday over- her trial that the rally escalated criminal punishment under the He said he asked his son to leave for good in August 1992. ovich said. turned the inciting violence con- into scuffling and yelling. They First and 14th Amendments as "I felt bad," the younger Keene recalled. "I felt like he left me for viction of a Cleveland woman said Lessin ran through the are her words spoken in public the second time." "My attitude is this: Con- who burned an American flag crowd throwing punches and criticism of United States' for- Marvallous Keene said his brother "was like the father I never gress has bankrupted the during a protest against U.S. mil- shouting obscenities. eign policy," Chief Justice Tho- had." country and now they want itary involvement in the Persian Lessin and other trial witnes- mas Moyer said. Keene said he returned to Dayton and lived with his mother. But he to bankrupt state and local Gulf. ses disputed the account of the Justice Andrew Douglas said said he later moved out after he got into a fight with a man at a bus governments, and we've Cheryl Lessin, 49, a member of officers. the court should have upheld the stop and was threatened by the man's cousin, who said he would shoot had enough of it," he said. the Revolutionary Communist She served less than four conviction. "Her actions, for at the house where Keene was living. Party, said she was happy with weeks of a one-year sentence be- which she was convicted, have the ruling. fore her release on bond pending nothing to do with her burning "Revolution is the hope of the appeal. She was released Jan. 16, the flag or with free speech," he hopeless," said Lessin, who was 1991, the day the United States said. convicted Oct. 29, 1990 of incit- began its air attack on Iraq. ing violence during a rally Aug. Justices said in a 4-3 ruling that The Cuyahoga County pros- 10,1990. the trial judge in Cuyahoga ecutor's office said no decision Halloween Sale "Yes, rebelling and more than County Common Pleas Court had been made about whether to that taking it all the way forward made a mistake by failing to tell retry the case or appeal to the at the UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE until we can take power out of U.S. Supreme Court. the jury that it must not consider come in costume on October 29 and 30 ISN'T IT YOUR TURN TO SHOW MOM & DAD A GOOD TIME? and get Bring Mom and Dad to IheStadium for a fun-filled afternoon of excitement! 20% off your purchase !ENTS' DAY DS ONE WEEK FROM ! • Sale excludes textbooks, rings, software, etc. PICK UP THE PHONE TOD A Yl Tickets no won sale at the Memorial Hall Ticket Office. no other discounts apply



The Fischer 111 n UNIVERSITY s •" n r\ n - BOOKSTORE Hours: Mon-Thurs 8-6 2nd Ward Council Member B. J. Fischer Fri 8-5 Sat 9-5 •Graduate. Bowling Green State University (1986).

•Member. B.G.S.U. Alumni Association .

•Active in College Democrats. HOME FALCON HOCKEY!

•Backed an ordinance change that makes BG Apartments safer from tire. VS. MICHIGAN •Maintains an open door policy to all residents. FRIDAY 7 PM •As Chairman of the Public Utilities Committee, has worked to keep utility bills lower for all BG VS. W.MICHIGAN B. J Fischer residents. SATURDAY 7 PM

Re-Elect William Fischer ASSURE YOURSELF OF ADMISSION BY PICKING UP A TICKET BY PRESENTING YOUR STUDENT I.D. AT THE MEMORIAL HALL 2nd Ward City Council TICKET OFFICE. YOU MAY ALSO PRESENT YOUR I.D. AT THE *XJTK»l ADVUmSMINT P*ID KM l» FISCNE1I GAME FOR ADMISSION, BUT ONLY IF THE STUDENT TICKET re* :m *AKO. P*UI ptiwiL T»IAKII» :X IALDWI \ JOWUNC GJtUft. OHIO *W He shares our concerns. ALLOTMENT HAS BEEN DEPLETED. Elsewhere page six The BC News Thursday , October 28, 1993 Pell grant funds robbed Cancer research Russians Hearings find schools illegally obtaining aid lacking Ml fUtldS can now

byJIm Drinkard When investigators questioned her, she said she by Paul Recer The Associated Press had never enrolled at Bais Fruma or one of the The Associated Press buy, sell other schools. Bais Fruma's file on the woman included various WASHINGTON - The government's main aid forms bearing her apparently forged signatures, WASHINGTON - Almost half a million American women will die program for students after high school is being Edelman said. of breast cancer In this decade while research projects that offer property robbed of millions of dollars by schools that pro- He said the school schemed to get federal dollars hope of better treatment are delayed for lack of money, a presidential vide little job training or obtain grants fraudulen- to subsidize religious study that religious mem- commission says. by Julia Rubin tly from lax managers, congressional investigators bers of the community would normally participate The Special Commission on Breast Cancer said Wednesday that The Associated Press testified Wednesday. in anyway. federal agencies need to spend at least $500 million a year to make The so-called Pell grant program provides 4.1 The school also used at least one broker to gen- substantial progress against a killer disease claiming more and more million students $6.3 billion in grants this year to erate Pell grant applications, he said. Files of 33 victims. MOSCOW - President The National Institutes of Health now spend $300 million on breast attend universities, colleges and vocational Bais Fruma students were found when authorities Boris Yeltsin destroyed one schools. raided the office of broker Jacob Ginzburg. All got cancer research, commission chairwoman Nancy Blinker said. The of the remaining corner- The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on In- Pell grants. Ginzburg has since fled the country, Defense Department has another $210 million for research over five stones of communist rule vestigations found orthodox Jewish schools in New Edelman testified. years. Wednesday by lifting vir- York City had become "Pell grant mills," existing Bank and school records showed large payments "There are two things we don't know about breast cancer," Brinker tually all restrictions on primarily to reap federal tuition aid dollars. to other orthodox Jewish institutes and congrega- said. "We dont know the cause, and we don't know the cure. Until we buying and selling land. Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga, said the hearings pro- tions, he said. He said it appears Pell grants have make such a commitment, we're not going to know either one." Breast cancer will be diagnosed in about two million women in the The action gives a huge duced "a good deal of information that needs to be been used by the Munkacser Hasidic movement boost to Russia's transfor- 1990s, the commission said, and 460,000 will die. Since 1950, the inci- sent to the Department of Justice" for criminal in- "to funnel federal funds to various religious insti- mation to a market econ- vestigation. tutions which otherwise would be ineligible to dence of breast cancer has increased 53 percent - one of the fastest omy and likely will lead to One school, Bais Fruma in Brooklyn, "is enroll- receive federal aid." growing killer diseases in the nation, said Brinker. the breakup of thousands of ing entire families and entire neighborhoods into George Mcissuer, an attorney for the school who inefficient collective its program," said subcommittee counsel Alan was in the audience at the hearing, called the hear- Brinker said many promising research opportunities are being ig- farms. Edelman. Since becoming eligible for Pell grants ing "a one-sided presentation, with interpretations nored and underfunded because the federal government is not spend- Yeltsin's earlier efforts in 1983, the school has collected $22.4 million. by people who are jumping to conclusions based on ing enough on breast cancer research. to privatize land had been Of 2,000 students at the school in 1991-92, 97 raw material." Brinker said that in 15 months of research and hearings, the com- hampered by restrictions percent got Pell grants, the Investigators said. He said the school provided records to the sub- mission found that lack of funds is slowing the battle, despite promis- imposed by the hard-line Most got the maximum, $2,400. Some 530 families committee, but investigators never presented ing advances in genetics, molecular biology and other fields. parliament that he disban- had at least two members getting grants. One fam- Wednesday's allegations so the school could re- "We need to get an army of young scientists into the pipeline to ded last month ily had nine members at the school on Pell grants. spond. research new and novel ideas for treatment of breast cancer," she Edelman cited records showing that one student, Edelman said the subcommittee has never en- said. As the president pushed Sara Hoffman, got Pell grants to attend Bais countered such resistance to its questions and ahead with reforms, the Fruma and three other New York-area schools. subpoenas as it had in the Pell grant probe. Dr. Harmon J. Eyre.a vice president of the American Cancer Soci- fault lines in his govern- ety and a member of the presidential commission, said the National ment widened. Yeltsin ac- Cancer Institute has identified about $1 billion worth of promising cused his prime minister cancer research projects that have not been funded. Tuesday of trying to seize "Breast cancer would be a very high part of that," he said. "There control of the media. are at least $200 million worth of additional opportunities that should The president's decree be funded." privatizing land allows Russians who own land to sell it, rent it or give it University Union away. The decree would remove Thursday Dinner Special the "last obstacles" to a real free market in Russia, presidential spokesman The Pheasant Room Anatoly Krasikov told The Associated Press. Under the earlier, limited 2lb. of Slob Ribs with Boked reforms, ordinary citizens Potato & Toss Solod $6.95| could own up to a quarter- acre that they usually used Hours: Lunch 11:30- 1:30 M-F for country homes and Dinner 5:00 - 7:00 M-F vegetable gardens. Farm- ers could own larger tracts but could not resell them Quantum 90 cord accepted 5'7 only fen on campus students for at least five years. Quantum 90 cord accepted oil day for off compos students '

Haunted House! Pumpkin Carving! "Lenhart Grand Ballroom * in the Union Oval * 8:00 to 11.00 p.m. * $1.00 entry fee VOTE 'Admission $.50 * 6 p.m. - turn in pumpkins or one canned good * 6:30 p.m - judging * 8:30 p.m. - pick up pumpkins * prizes: one $25.00 prize for adults for i Alcohol Friday, Octo6er29i Drug Addiction M Mental Health Renewal Levy

The Wood County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board helps BGSU students help themselves through education enhancement programs, counseling and treatment services, and post-graduate employment. Costume Contest! Mystics! Last year alone, the Wood County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental * foyer area of Lenhart Grand Ballroom * faculty lounge Health Services Board and its agencies: * 9:30 p.m. - College Students and Adults (outside of Ballroom) / provided counseling and treatment services to more than 400 BGSU * $25.00 Prize given * 8 to 11 p.m. students. i * Admisson : $1.00 to M 1*1 $2.00 per reading V provided more than 450 BGSU students with internships and volunteer placements. * All proceeds to r provided more than 500 students with information and referral contacts benefit the Wood for research papers and class projects. County Humane Society and St. Thomas / made presentations to more than 100 BGSU classes. More University Parish The Board and its agencies have also hired more than 100 BGSU graduates over the last three years.

BooAO Movies! Help Us Help You *210MSC * "The Shining" * "The Mad Magician" in 3-D: Midnight Vote FOR the Alcohol, Drug Addiction * Admission: $1.50 or 2 canned goods (both movies will also be shown on Sat.) and Mental Health Renewal Levy For more information call UAO at 372-2343 tmd by: RMWII Uvy SUcrin| Cornninea. Kid Yap. Tnum 745 llukfal R4. Bowlin, Otm. Ohio 43401 BooAO BooAO BooAO BooAO BooAO BooAO BooAO BooAO BooAO BooAO Sports

Thursday , October 28, 1993 The BG News page seven Volleyball enters key MAC stretch by Jamie Schwaberow One of those people thinking State is riding a 22-game winning lead with 3.21 kpg, and tied for 1993 MAC Volleyball Standings sports writer tliis way Is head Denise streak in the Mid-American Con- 7th in the league. Andrasko Is as of October 25 VanDeWalle. ference which dates back to last also the league leader with .60 Conference Overall "The loss last weekend may year. Western Michigan is one of aces per game. The race for the volleyball con- have been what we needed to four MAC teams who are tied at Other league leaders for the School W L Pet W L Pet Home Road Streak ference title took a bad turn last wake us up,' Van De Walle said. 4-7 in the conference. Falcons are Jodi Olson, who Ball State 11 0 1.000 16 4 .800 10-1 6-3 W-7 weekend for "Practice last week was not real The conference is very com- ranks 6th in assists with 9.93 per Bowling Green 8 2 .800 11 6 .647 5-1 65 L-l Bowling Green sharp and it continued into our petitive right now with seven game, and Nicky Mudrak, whose as they lost to match at Toledo." teams within two games of each 1.29 blocks per game are good for Central Michigan 6 5 545 14 6 .700 4-1 10-5 W-l the Toledo So far this week there has been other. Every team is in the race 4th place. Toledo 5 5 .500 12 7 .632 7-2 55 W-2 Rockets by a new spirit in the gym, a new at- for the playoffs, so every game is Akron 5 6 .455 12 10 545 1-6 11-4 W-3 scores of titude. "The players have shown important at this stage of the This weekend's home games 15-10,15-6.12- much more effort this week and season. will be crucial for the Falcons, W«ct«m Michigan 4 .364 6 13 316 3-3 3-10 L-l 15,16-14. their attitudes have definitely The Falcons will be counting on who have not lost a home confer- Eastern Michigan 4 7 364 14 8 .636 7-2 7-6 L-5 However, changed for the better," Van De the skills of Jessica Andrasko and ence match this season. After Kent 4 7 364 8 13 381 4-1 4-12 L-6 some seem to Walle said. Carlyn Esslinger, among other this weekend they will be on the think that this Andrasko BG will need all of this going things, this upcoming weekend. road for four of their last six Miami 4 7 364 7 15 318 4-7 3* n may have se- for them this weekend as they Those two are tied for the team matches. Ohio 3 8 .273 9 14 391 7-4 2-10 W-l cretly been what the team head into matches against Ball needed. State and Western Michigan. Ball Dodger's Piazza Freshman Laura Hall runs NL rookie of year The Associated Press and Jimmy Williams drove in 116 runs for the 1899 Pittsburgh Pi- with the best as a rookie LOS ANGELES - Mike Piazza, rates. by Eric Blshoff The BGNcwi/ThcrruThomai a 62nd-round draft pick who had sportswriter one of the finest rookie seasons Piazza, 25, became the 13th ever, was unanimously voted Dodger to win the award and the National League Rookie of the second straight, following Eric The adjustment to college Year on Wednesday. Karros last year. Piazza became life Is tough for anyone who at- Piazza, who won the Los Angel- just the sixth player in the tempts the challenge, but it can es Dodgers catching job in spring 103-year history of the Dodgers be even more trying for the training, hit .318 with 35 home to hit .300 and surpass the student athlete. runs and 112 RBIs. His average 30-homer and 100-RBI marks in For freshman Laura Hall, a was the highest of any NL Rookie the same season, joining Roy product of Columbus' Franklin of the Year since the award be- Campanella (1951, 1953, 1955), Heights High School, it will be gan in 1947, and he was the first Duke Snider (1950, 1953, 1954, even more difficult as she is winner to drive in 100 runs. 1955), Gil Hodges (1953, 1954), expected to be an integral part His home- total is the sec- Babe Herman (1930) and Pedro of the future for the Falcons. ond-most for an NL rookie win- Guerrero (1982). "It's been rough adjusting to ner, trailing only Frank Robin- being away from home and my son's 38 for the Cincinnati Reds Some questioned the Dodgers family," Hall said. in 1956. The only other NL rookie when they released Mike Scios- For someone who just a short with more homers was Wally cia after the 1992 season, assur- while ago hadn't planned on Berger of the 1930 Boston ing the catching job to either Pia- competing at the collegiate Braves. zza or Carlos Hernandez. Piazza level, Hall has been a valued Piazza, the 1389th player taken began the season with an edition to this year's women's in the 1988 amateur draft, be- 11-game hitting streak and hit cross country team. came the sixth unanimous NL .307 with four homers in April. "I wasn't going to run, but I rookie winner, joining Robinson, changed my mind over the Orlando Cepeda (1958), Willie He wound up throwing out 35 summer," Hall said. McCovey (1959), Vince Coleman percent of opposing bf.serunners In high school Hall was a (1985) and Benito Santiago attempting to steal, the third best track star, making it to the fin- (1987). percentage in the NL als in the state of Ohio as a Atlanta Braves pitcher Greg He homered twice in a game sophomore in cross country, McMichael was second with 40 five times after Aug. 29. and as a junior and senior in points, receiving 12 second-place both cross country and track. votes and four thirds from the Piazza was the Dodgers' repre- Her best time in the 3200 was Freshman Laura Hall stretches before practice outside Doyt Perry Stadium on Wednesday afternoon. Baseball Writers Association of sentative on the NL All-Star 10:47, good for third place at Hall has done what few freshman do, earn a spot as the team's No. 1 runner. America. Jeff Conine of Florida team, becoming only the fourth state during her senior year. was third with 31 points and rookie catcher to be selected to Although many successful success so far," said Hall. "I man star's instant success. school I knew everyone and Chuck Carr of the Marlins was the NL squad. high school athletes expect to have goals that I haven't "She had the 14th best time knew what to expect, but here I fourth with 18 points. excel in college, Hall is pleas- reached yet. I want my times to in the country In the 3200 as a don't know anyone or what to Piazza was seventh in the Piazza's father, Vince, has been antly surprised by her accom- be in the low 18 minutes or to senior," Price said. "We knew expect." league in hitting, sixth In homers a close friend of Dodgers man- plishments. She also has the even break 18 minutes." she would be one of the top re- Hall credits two factors and fourth in RBIs. He tied for ager since the maturity to realize their is also Women's head coach Steve cruits in the state." which have helped her to suc- third on the NL rookie RBI list two were youngsters in Norris- room for improvement. Price is one expert who was not "The competition is harder with Ray Jablonski of the 1953 St. town, Pa. Lasorda is the god- "I'm really suprised by my surprised at all by his fresh- in college," said Hall. "In high See hall, page nine. Louis Cardinals. Berger holds the father of one of Piazza's broth- NL rookie record with 119 RBIs, ers. Soccer bounces back Charlotte claims NFL team The Associated Press applicants, most of whom have into legal entanglements with the impression that the fran- him. Falcons get back in victory column chise will go to St. Louis. "In a sense I feel good about ROSEMONT, 111. -- They're Commissioner Paul Taglia- it except for the torture of celebrating in Charlotte. bue is said to feel the expan- having to go through it again," with 2- 7 triumph over Cleveland State They're crossing their fing- sion teams should go to an old said George "Buzz" Westfall,

Th.BCN.w.mepho,. „y Ky,e Goodw|n ers in St. Louis and Baltimore. NFL city and a new one. St. the St. Louis county executive. And in Jacksonville and Louis, where the Cardinals The others seemed to think it sports writer Memphis, they're wondering if played until they left for wouldn't be torture. their long quest for an NFL Phoenix in 1988, and Balti- "If you're a St. Louis fan, you The Falcon varsity soccer team franchise has gone away. more, abandoned by the Colts have to be tickled pink by the rebounded Wednesday from a Charlotte won the big prize for Indianapolis in 1984, are decision," said Leonard "Boo- devastating defeat last Sunday Tuesday when NFL owners the two old cities left. gie" Weinglass, the principal for their 10th victory of the unanimously awarded it the St. Louis, with a new domed owner in one of the Baltimore season with a 2-1 win at Cleve- league's 29th franchise, to be- stadium and the largest televi- groups. Earlier, Weinglass had land State University. gin play in 1995 as the Carolina sion market outside the NFL, argued that St. Louis was a Head coach Mel Mahler was a Panthers. would seem to be the logical baseball rather than a football little worried about his team's But the second franchise that choice, particularly to Tues- town. mental preparation for the away was supposed to be awarded day's losers. But at least one "The Colts have tradition," contest. wasn't. The owners divided top league official said that he said. "When I think of St. "I was concerned how the team among the other four cities and isn't necessarily so. Louis, I think of Ozzie Smith." would respond to the challenge, decided to meet again in the "I know the other cities think Meanwhile, Charlotte was especially during a mid-week Chicago area Nov. 30 to pick it's a done deal for St. Louis, already getting ready for its game and after a tough loss," the winner. but it's not," he said. "Maybe it team. Mahler said. In Charlotte, fireworks ex- will happen, but it also may The general manager will be Bowling Green dominated the ploded and hundreds of people not. A lot of people have open Mike McCormack, the former first half with ball-control pass- gathered for a celebration. minds." general manager of the Seattle ing and solid defense. After a Many North Carolina televi- Still, St. Louis might have Seahawks and a former player scoreless 34 minutes, BG put a sion stations carried the brief gotten a franchise Tuesday but and coach with the Cleveland dent in the CSV net and on the announcement live. for two factors: Browns. And speculation has scoreboard. "I hope giving birth isn't as J Its ownership group led by already begun that the coach Junior defender Frank Fros- difficult and doesn't take 6 Stan Kroenke was not named might be Joe Gibbs, a Carolina tino sent a cross from a restart years," said Jerry Richardson, until Monday while the other native who resigned last year about 45 yards out into the CSU the former Baltimore Colts owners have been known to the after leading the Washington penalty box. Senior midfielder wide receiver and owner of a league for as long as Rich- Redskins to three Super Bowl Tom Kinney soared above the company that owns such res- ardson. The five weeks will titles In 12 years. Viking defense to head in his taurants as Hardee's and Den- give the league time for a bet- The team will begin play at team-leading ninth goal of the ny's, who has been pursuing ter background check. Clemson Stadium in South Car- season. Kinney also leads the the franchise for Charlotte -i Fran Murray, a principal In olina and is situated in what the team with 23 points (9 goals, 5 as- since 1986. the old St. Louis group, insists NFL considers a vacuum be- sists). The five weeks until Nov. 30 he still wants a franchise, and tween the Redskins and At- BG forward Tim Concannon works the ball upfleld during a may seem that long to the other the league is wary of getting lanta Falcons. Falcon game earlier this year. See »occer, page nine. page eight The BC News Thursday , October 28, 1993 Fearless forecasters predict NBA

Mike Kazlmore Brian Mart Pat Murphy

East £ East East Atlantic Division: Eastern Division: Atlantic Division: 1. NEW YORK - Riley and company will roll through division 1. NEW YORK - Best of a weak division. 1. NEW YORK - Eyes on title with Micheal absent 2. ORLANDO -- With the Shaq back no one can handle them inside 2. ORLANDO -- Shaq and Anf ernee lead Magic upwards 2. ORLANDO -- Hardaway can make or break Magic 3. MIAMI - Steve Smith keeps improving; Seikaly remains steady 3. MIAMI - Steve Smith approaching star status 3. MIAMI - Great young talent led by Dream-Teamer Smith 4. NEW JERSEY - Could have had a very promising year 4. NEW JERSEY -- Loss of Petro extinguishes Nets' fire 4. NEW JERSEY - Loss of Petro eliminates division title hopes 5. BOSTON - Even with Lewis the Celtics still wouldn't do much 5. BOSTON - Loss of Lewis extinguishes Celtics' fire 5. WASHINGTON - If Cheaney excels this team could surprise 6. WASHINGTON - Adding Cheaney helps, but Adams is a liability 6. WASHINGTON - Bullets only 8 players away from title 6. BOSTON - It's scary when your leading scorer is 40 years old 7. PHILADELPHIA - Clarence Weatherspoon, enough said 7. PHILADELPHIA - Bradley still too short to see wins 7. PHILADELPHIA - Bankrupt with Bradley

Central Division: Central Division: 1. CHARLOTTE -- Could've seriously challenged title with Gill 1. CLEVELAND - Finally out of Michael's shadow. Central Division: 2. CLEVELAND - Fratello might inject some life into Daugherty 2. CHARLOTTE -- Additions of Hawkins and Johnson help 1. CHARLOTTE - Terrific nucleus of Mourning and Johnson 3. CHICAGO - Might be lucky to finish third without Jordan 3. CHICAGO - Still have enough talent to compete 2. CLEVELAND - Haven't they been picked here before 4. INDIANA - Brown will get them to fourth and then take off 4. INDIANA - Lack of depth keeps Pacers from challenging 3. CHICAGO - Pippen isn't good enough to carry this team 5. ATLANTA - Lenny won't fare as well as he did in Cleveland 5. ATLANTA -- Dominique not healthy enough to carry whole team 4. ATLANTA - Nique' is back, so are his three-point bricks 6. DETROIT - Too weak up front and on bench 6. DETROIT - No team has ever been successful with 12 guards 5. DETROIT - Addition of Elliot will help, but why draft guards? 7. MILWAUKEE - If only Day could shoot the ball like his mouth 7. MILWAUKEE - Bucks buying lottery ticket early 6. INDIANA ~ Aren't they always S00? 7. MILWAUKEE - Still years from contention

West Midwest Division: West 1. HOUSTON -• Hakeem, odds on favorite to win the MVP Midwest Division: West 2. SAN ANTONIO - With Mr. Robinson you can't count them out 1. SAN ANTONIO -- The Admiral and Rodman ensure success Midwest Division; 3. UTAH -- Best years are behind Stockton and Malone 2. HOUSTON -- Hakeem is simply the most dominating center 1. HOUSTON - Hakeem and ?; still one player away from the title 4. DENVER - Still can't play any defense 3. UTAH -• Virtually same crew that consistantly falls short 2. SAN ANTONIO - Rodman in town, but still need a point guard 5. MINNESOTA - Rider will take some pressure off Laettner 4. DENVER -- A couple stars on the rise, not much else 3. DENVER -- If Mutombo returns to rookie form, team is deadly 6. DALLAS - Could challenge Minnesota for sixth 5. MINNESOTA -- Rider, Laettner. Person, too many egos 4. UTAH - Stockton and Malone have worn their chances for a title 6. DALLAS - J.J. and Jamal will see that they win at least 12 5. MINNESOTA - This team is looking up, Rider is a premier talent 6. DALLAS - Mashburn and Jackson can't keep team from lottery

Pacific Division: Pacific Division: 1. SEATTLE - With the addition of Gill they're the team to beat 1. SEATTLE - Kemp, Gill, Pierce and Perkins, enough said 2. PHOENIX - Still great, but Supersonics are better Pacific Division: 2. PHOENIX - Barkley in pain, doesn't hold well for fading Suns 3. GOLDEN ST. -- Loss of Hardaway puts damper on season 1. PHOENIX - Charles on a mission 3. GOLDEN ST. -- Mullin, Owens and Webber can carry the load 4. PORTLAND -- Stole Bowie from Jersey; they'll need more 2. SEATTLE - First in any other division 4. PORTLAND •- Team is fading faster than Sen. Packwood 5. LA. CLIPPERS ~ Manning will have career year 3. PORTLAND -- Harvey Grant adds to an already seasoned squad 5. SACRAMENTO - Hurley will run high - octane offense well 6. LA. LAKERS -- Not getting any younger, or better 4. GOLDEN STATE -- No Hardaway, no hope 6. LA. LAKERS - Still mourning the loss of Magic 7. SACRAMENTO - Welcome to the NBA Mr. Hurley 5. SACRAMENTO - Kings will be fun to watch 7. LA. CLIPPERS - Unhappy Manning focus of bewildered team 6. LA. CLIPPERS - Eternal rebuilding program still going OOOOO 7. L A.LAKERS - Who'd of thought? OOOOO OOOOO

Eastern Conference Champion - New York Western Conference Champion - Seattle Eastern Conference Champion - New York NBA Champion - Seattle Western Conference Champion - Seattle Eastern Conference Champion -- Cleveland MVP - Hakeem Olajuwon, Houston NBA Champion - Seattle Western Conference Champion - Phoenix MVP - Alonzo Mourning, Charlotte Rookie of the Year - Calbert Cheaney, Washington NBA Champion - Phoenix Defensive Player of the year - Dennis Rodman, San Antonio Rookie of the Year - Isaiah (J.R.) Rider, Minnesota MVP - Hakeem Olajawon, Houston Coach of the year -- George Karl, Seattle Defensive Player of the Year - Dennis Rodman, San Antonio Rookie of the Year -- Jamal Mashburn, Dallas Coach of the Year - George Karl, Seattle Coach of the Year - Allan Bristow, Charlotte


U6HT Ft>MMJ HAM ^^ BOY ^^^ waVt w Jk&H&i <* »(.. >.f"5.i,«i-s SAM CARBAJAL % LAMT ,«M,17K0S)«0s) . (UmtofttttMcfMM Orjnjfc Champion) Attention Students MELENDEZ VS. VS. and F.O.C.U.S.* members ! IVUNGO SOSlM^NARCI ISO UUENZUELA SWTO DOMKO, turn mum, u You're invited to attend the first (2B-1J/KOs)(Of) ^^ (38(35 12-2.23 KOs) F. O.C.U.S. - Halloween Bash Independent for First Ward at The Hazel H. Smith Off-Campus Student Cenier. ad Melcndc/ (« ~\ Ward. 116 F. Merry «2. BG. OH. 4M02 M. Cook, chair Moseley Hall Bowling Green hu never been *o dote lo electing an Independent. Make it happen on Tuesday! Thursday, October 28 from 6 to 10 p.m..

F^MBAFE FROM THE AMERICA WEST ARENA - PHOENIX, ARIZONA F.O.C.L'.S. will provide SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 pop. munchies. & music. LIVE! Bring a friend or make 10:00 pm $19.95 new ones at the Bash! Automatic Order Number MOMICMCII 1-800-597-7785 "Grateful Dead Cover Band" or call formerly Electric Hurling Stone Sign-up at the F.O.C.U.S.* office Tonight Only! in the OCSC or just stop in ... Channel 352-8424 104 S. MAIN IF YOU DARE! 353 - 0988 55 352 ■ 8424 • First-year Off-Campus University Students HOME FALCON HOCKEY ACTION THIS WEEKEND! § FRIDAY VS. MICHIGAN AND SATURDAY VS. WESTERN MICHIGAN - 7 PM! t - [he tittle Mop <^3ME'aaaa\*^\ Come See Us For All Your Halloween Needs! **» Gifts • Cards • BGSU Clothing -Candy University Union 'Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00a.m.-4:45p.m. * 372-2962 Thursday, October 28,1991 The BC News page nine

Scoreboard2 hall COLLEGE Continued from page seven. Saturday, Ocl. 30

Swimmers set for season Bowling GIHO al Mami ceed this year, one is psycholo- Football Ball Si ItE. Michigan gical and the other is help from Women should contend, men will be improved AHron al Ohio a teammate. ToWOo al Kant "Since I dont know what to by Marty Fuller year. Jennifer O'Rourke and W Mctiigan al Army "I have not set any team Big Ten Standings expect, I am more relaxed and sports writer Heather Williams. less nervous," Hall said. goals intentionally," Gordon However.the success of the Soccer "Tracy Losi has helped a lot. said. "Last year our goal was to womens' club in the past years Pel. T through Tuaadey When she runs faster. It helps The BG swim team will dive win the Mid American Confer- has not been equaled by the Oruo Stale 1.000 0 Indiana me run faster." into action this Friday as it ence title and we just fell short mens' squad. .750 0 Wisconsin .750 0 For every athlete, it helps to starts out it s season hosting of achieving that. Last year the BG men strug- Illinois .750 0 MAC Standings be motivated, but Hall has spe- the Tom Stubbs Relays. "There are still some people gled through the season and Penn. SI 667 0 Michigan St. 0 cial motivations to do extra Both the mens' and the wom- that find it hard to believe that finished sixth in the MAC with 667 Minna sola 600 0 training. ens' teams are led by seventh we didn't win [the title] last a 4-10 record. Michigan .500 0 year head coach Brian Gordon. year because we did all that we "This year we have five Northwastarn 000 0 In her training, Hall works Puidue 000 6 0 Turn rovtriii) w L different than the rest of her Gordon arrived in Bowling could." seniors and a much more bal- Iowa 000 S 0 I.Akron (11-3-1) 4 o teammates to help prevent the Green in 1987 after serving as One of those swimmers who anced team," Gordon said. 2 Bowling Green (9-6-0) 4 3 Miami (10-5-1) 2 reoccurance of injury. an assistant coach at the Uni- did all she could was Josie This year's seniors are Brad 4 W. Michigan (9 7 0) 2 versity of Alabama for six McCulloch. This year McCul- Briney, Chris Lewter, Andy 5 C Michigan (2-9-1) 1 "In high school I suffered MAC Standings 6. E. Michigan (8-9-0) 0 years. He carries with him loch has the opportunity to be- "Duges" Dugan and team co- stress fractures in both of my quite a prestigious back- come the first MAC athlete to captains Rob Shaefer and Ke- legs," said Hall. 'To prevent ground. He has been a member go to the NCAA finals four vin Grotke. Pel. Friday Oct. 29 those injuries from happening of the U.S. National Team staff years in a row. She was an Ail- Ball State 875 Miami al Akron Shaefer was the MAC cham- Bowling Green 675 again, I ride a stationary bike, for two U.S. Olympic Festivals American two of her first three pion last year in the 400 indi- W Michigan 800 Saturday Oct. 30 the stairmasterand I swim." and was selected to the U.S. years at BG and she has never vidual medley and Grotke will E. Michigan .750 E. Michigan at Spring Arbor Due to the different style of lost a breaststrokc race in Akron 600 coaching staff for the 1993 be the too returning breast- C. M ichlgan 500 Sunday Oct. 31 training Hall goes through, she World University Games. Gor- MAC competition. stroker in the MAC. Ohio 333 Bowling Green at Michigan Si runs fewer miles than she used don has also been a swimming "She [McCulloch] is proba- Other returning swimmers Toledo .250 C. Michigan at Butler Miami 200 Akron at Evansville to in the past. analyst on television and was bly the finest female athlete for the men include junior Ja- Kenl 000 Dayton at W Michigan "I don't run as much any an associate producer of NBC's that this school has seen so far son Campbell and sophomores more and I feel that It might 1988 and 1992 Olympic swim- in any sport," Gordon said. "E- Paul Henderson, Tim Rogers socce/ help me reach my goals if I ming coverage. ven if you don't know much and Guenter Miller. mon Sabah snuck through the BG did," said Hall. "However, In the past three years Gor- about swimming, the chance to "The biggest plus for the Continued from page seven. defense and slotted a shot past training this way helps keep don has coached the BG wom- see an athlete of this caliber is men this year is that not only Dan Traver and into the side- BG added another goal just be- me injury-free." Probably the ens' team to a 31-4 dual meet a treat." have we recruited a good netting. best part of running cross record. Last year's team was Following McCulloch's lead freshman class, but we have a fore halftime. Freshman forward Peter Kolp sent a pass through Despite the mental lapse, Mah- country for Hall has been all of 9-1 and placed second behind is sophomore Cheryl Patteson. lot of depth and have only lost the friends she has made. the CSU defense and onto the ler praised his team, especially Ohio University. Patteson was the MVP of the one body," Gordon said. "I love all of my teammates "Last year the womens' team MAC last year as a freshman Both teams are anxious and foot of Frostino in the center of Traver and Kinney for their the field. Frostino beat one effort against the Vikings. and have made a lot of friends was probably the best in the and went to three individual ready for the Stubbs Relays since coming to school," Hall history of BG," Gordon said, events in the NCAA's. Patteson this Friday. player and after taking a touch to "Danny played very well," said. "This year we have lost a lot of also set two MAC and three BG "The keys to our success this control the ball, cracked a shot seniors and the team is the records last year. season is for the men to realize that found the back of the net for Mahler said. "He made nine his first goal of the season. BG saves and three of them were As for the Mid-American youngest BG has ever thrown Other standouts on the wom- their talent and depth and for Conference Championships led 2-0 at the half. headed for the back of the net. out there." ens' squad include juniors the women to mature and come which Hall and the Falcons will Amanda Applegate and Lynne Tommy played excellent. He Gordon has avoided setting together as a team," Gordon Mahler switched Frostino from be competing in this weekend, Rutherford and sophomores said. controlled the midfield from any goals for the women this defense to the midfield and put penalty box to penalty box. she has set a challenging goal Joe Burch as the marking defen- for herself to finish in the top der, who was designated to cover "The first half was the best five in the conference. CSU's leading scorer. soccer we've played all season. It Price believes Hall will meet "Frank played very well," was good to bounce back after her goal. Browns cut two veterans Mahler said. "And Joe shut down the loss to Akron and win a mid- "I expect her to place in the [CSU's leading offensive week game on the road." top five which would make her The Associated Press Walls, a four-time Pro Bowl re-signed as a free agent April 6 threat]." an All-MAC performer," he selection, played nine seasons and was waived Aug. 25. The Falcons final regular said. "That would be a great The only goal of the second accomplishment for a fresh- BEREA, Ohio - The Cleveland with the Dallas Cowboys and season game is this Sunday at played with the Giants from McLemore played on special half was scored by the Vikings. Michigan State University 6-9 at man runner." Browns cut cornerback Everson With 25 minutes left. CSU's SI- Walls and linebacker David 1989-92. teams in four games for the 2 p.m. Brandon on Wednesday to make Goebel and Todd Philcox will Browns this season and was room for the return of backup be backups to Bernie Kosar, who released Oct. 20. A third-round quarterback Brad Goebel and will return to his starting role Detroit draft pick in 1992, he BOWLING GREEN OPERA THEATER played in 11 games for the Lions tight end Thomas McLemore. Nov. 7 against Denver. The PRESENTS AN EVENING OF ONE-ACT OPERAS "With Everson we had a player Browns (5-2) have a bye this last year. weekend. "These are difficult releases who gave us everything he could STRAVINSKY'S on the field and leadership in the Kosar had lost his starting job because David and Everson locker room," Coach Bill Beli- two weeks ago to Vinny Tes- worked hard to make us a better The Nightingale chick said. taverde, who will be out for up to team," Belichick said. two months with a shoulder se- (Le Rossignol) "He helped us in a tough situa- "We can't play everybody and tion last season and he's had a paration suffered Sunday in a win against Pittsburgh. we need to clear the linebacker AND PUCCINI'S great career. We need to get picture up some. David deserves more speed on the field defen- The Browns are hoping Tes- taverde can be back in time for at the opportunity to play and I'm Gianni Schicchi sively and that means getting sure he will for another team ■BFH either Selwyn Jones, Randy Hil- least the final two regular-season very soon." liard or Stacey Hairston more games, Dec. 26 at the Los Angel- NOVEMBER 5 ft 6 AT 6 P.M. playing time." es Rams and Jan. 2 at Pittsburgh. KQBACKER HALL. MOORE CENTER, BGSU Walls, a 13-year NFL veteran, Goebel played one game for BOTH PERFORMANCES IN ENGLISH was one of the New York Giants' the Browns last season, complet- FOR INFORMATION, CALL (419) 372-8171 OR (800) 589-2224 alumni signed by Belichick, a ing two of three passes for 32 HOWARDS Club H former defensive coordinator for yards in a 20-point loss to Cincin- ■ ' I ' 'I'l' I^T the Giants. nati. Goebel was waived Nov. 19. 210 N. MAIN |OT FM 104 352-9951 t* RockNite W Special Student Ticket Offal Don't forget to turn your This Thurs. Only clocks back on Oct. 30 THE AFFAIR BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY ^ LOTS OF GIVEAWAYS - CD, TAPES, T-SHIRTS ^ FESTIVAL SERIES 1993/94 1 HALLOWEEN ^;' i ! ':■ :■:■;■;■;■ i ■: 'i' i ■ i ■;■:' i ■: ■ L'l' LLII; ■; ■;' ;■: i i ■; ■; ■ i ■: ■ i rWrtTtrfri SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS , COMEDY Presents: PARTY Friday October 29 9:00 PM COSTUME CONTEST Buy your tickets Oct. 25-29 in the main entrance Prizes awarded for 1st, of West Hall; $1 each or $5 nabs you 7 chances to ' • 2nd &3rd Place. win a laundry basket filled with more than $60 worth of essential groceries! D "&£\

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PREGNANT? Come and hear Clarence Darrow discuss one PART-TIME STUDENT EMPLOYMENT 1 bedroom apt. Immediate occupancy. Pets CAMPUS EVENTS We can help FREE A CONf DENTIAL preg- of the most famous trials of the early 20th cen- WANTED Are you looking for part-time employment of 15 are allowed. 354 8800 hours plus per week within walking distance to nancy tests, support A information. BG Preg- tury as he defended John Scopes for teaching 1 bedroom apts Furnished or unfurnished. BGSU campus? Interested in working various nancy Center. Call 354 HOPE Darwin's 'Origin of Species." Monday. Nov. 1. Short term leases available. unskilled fobs in assembly, packaging, eic? * Islam Awareness Week Oct. 25-31 * 730 pm.. Prout Chapel Sponsored by ihe 215E. PoeRd Royal Cleaning Services for your home. 1 female non-smoking roomie. Close to cam- Rate ol pay ia $4.25 per hour. Apply in person Fact of it* flay Muslims first came to America Honors Program. ^^^^^ pus $181 25/month plus utilities BIG APT! 803 Fourth St. Thorough, reliable, expenenced A insured. between the hours of 9.00am and 5:00pm through forced alavery There are now more Call Mecca Management 363-MOO. F'ee estimates 353-2006. Call 353-9016. (Mon-Fri) at: Advanced Specialty Products. than 6 million Muslims m the United Stales FALCON HOCKEY ACTION' Inc 428CloughSt BG. OH 43402. I bedroom apt close to campus Avail. Jan ' SPORT MANAGEMENT ALLIANCE • Fn.- Michigan. Set. WMU 1 female subleaser needed for Spring 94. 670 1 1st, tM. $275 plus u.l. 1-893-1277. Meeting Thuraday. 10731,7:30 pm Gel your ticket today Frazee Ave. Own room - $i80/mo.»ut)l Recreation Specialist • to plan and implement Taft Room (3fd ttoof Union) PERSONALS Please call Shawn at 353-2134. recreation programs for senousfy. emotionally For Rent Guoet speaker John Wharlon, disturbed youth in residential and day treat- Duplex, adjacent to campus. Athletic TherapfM for ihe HOME FALCON HOCKEY' 1 roommate for Spnng 1994 Semester. ment setting Knowledge of thereputic recree- 352-0000. Detroit Red Wlnga - KKG' BIO JEN FANTUZ * KKG ' Fn -Mchigan.Sai -WMU $195/mo. plus utilities. Cal Jufie lion and behavioral principles. Bachelors de- • IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO JOIN' JEN. JEN your my big. Get your ticket today! at 353-2028. gree required. Salary range from 3MA*SMAa3MA*SMA *SMA*SMA The greatest Kappa, who I really dig $18,000-25.000. Send resume lo CRC, P.O. HOUSES AVAILABLE for rent in November The hunt was wild A so much fun. Box 738. Bowling Green. OH 43402. end December Stop by for a brochure et New- Behind the door I knew you were the one. JOBS-We know you want one. love Rentals, 328 S Main (our only office) Anennon WBGU-FM staff, trainees included: 2 sublease's for Spring Semester TRAVEL SALES! Sunchase Ski & Beach Lid A Jen, you're totally great! That's why fhe Undergraduate 352-5620 There wil be a mandatory staff meeting on Nice place. $i65/mo. plus uol. Breaks le accepting applications for Spring My KKG family is definitely first rate. Alumni Association is sponsoring lues. Nov. 2 at 9 pm in 121 West Hal. Be Own room. 353-6207. Break Campue Rape. Earn top SS$ and Now renting 2 A 3 Bedroom apartments. Rent I love my BIG & GrandBig. too the Extern Experience An mote1 it will be lots ol fun. FREE TRIPS. 1-80O-SUNCHASE. starts at $399-H 55 Central A/C; carpeted; I'm so excited to share Kappa with Ut opportunity to spend a week with appliances included. Applicants must be in- a BG alum in your career fiekJ' CARIBBEAN ASSOCIATIONS 9th One Love THANX FOR A GREAT BIG LIL' HUNT! HELPII 1 or 2 female subleasers needed to Upholstery assembly. come qualified. First months rent free lo el Reggae Party is at 0 pm. Sat. Oct. 30. Union Info A Apps at the Milei Alumni rent for Spring 94. Apt. close lo campus Call Part ome ft full-time qualified applicants. Handicap accessible BaJIroom with the ARK BAND. Oneness and Love.LirMwhelle Center, 371 BA. 360 Student Services 354-7202, Jessica, Shawn, or Melame. Call 352-6919 units. For more inlormaoon, please call Barb Wty. * KKG-KKG* KKG* KKG* Bowling Green Estates CONCERT FOR PARENTS' WEEKEND HELP!!!! Window washer. No previous experience 352-5987 KLEISMIT KOUNTDOWN I need extra commencement tickets Please necessary. i5-20hourVweek.CaJ3S2-533S • 5 days" Open House at Bowling Green Estates. 1072 Take the folks to Anderson Arena on Novem- call 352-3417. 1 st Ward City Council Candidate Todd Kleismii Famnew Ave. on Saturday, Oct. 23.1993 from ber e. for an evening with the legendary trio of MTMUOGS would tike to remind voters that Nov. 2nd Is II -4 A Sunday, Oct 24, 1993 from 11 4 First Peter, Paul and Mary. Tickets are available in WANTED 1 MALE ROOMATE FOR SPRING FOR SALE presents only S days ewey Vow for the candidate that month rent free to all eligible applicants plus the UAO office on the third floor of the Universi- SEMESTER S155/MONTH. E. REED ST. will bring the people of Bowling Green together $100 00 cash if you can move in by 10-31-93. ty Union CLOSE TO CAMPUS Night of Frig hi •- Todd Kleismit - and represent your concerns For more information please call Barb at 354-7409 fl Awisomi Spring Braakat Plan Early - 3525987 HAPPY HOURSHI at the oty level. O.SEA. is sponsoring happy hours this Fri- Come as your favorite BG cetebnry • 5 days- 0 Sav. $50 A Gat Btlt Rooms! PrtoM In- day. Oct. 20 at MT Muggs from 5-8 pm. Hope or come as your favorite celebrity K LFISMIT KOUNTDOWN CHMM 11/15! Bahamas Crulaa 6 daya with to soo everyone there! or come as you are. but This is a paid political advertisement. 12 msals $2791 Panama City Room «a* HELP WANTED aHchan $1291 Cancun from Columbua $439, COME TO MTMUOGS Jamaica $459, Padra $199, Kay Waal $239, Have you ever dnven under the influence PaylorakHchanaSim 1-800-t 78-6386 S&S Friday, Oct. 29 MAKE MOM A DAD'S DAY! of alcohol? Have you ever been in the car AA CRUISE A TRAVEL JOBS EARN of someone who was drinking and driving? Invite them to campus for a good Omel Giveaways, muslc A IIghta provided by Saturday, November 6 J2500/MO A TRAVEL THE WORLD FREEI 78 Monte Carlo. V-8. low mas* (PS.PB). good Come to a Liability Program with up to condition $ rsliaDia, $2000.354-1015 BARBER Rock Solid WFAL Cable 14 W0 AM (CARIBBEAN. EUROPE. HAWAII. ASIAI) date information on DRUNK DRIVING. Falcon Football vs. Kent. 1 30 pm CRUISE LWES NOW HIRING FOR BUSY Monday. November 1 at S pm (4) 1 mb Mac SIMMS. $35 aach. Of $110 lot all HOLIDAY. SPRING AND SUMMER in the Lenhart Grand Ballroom Also. Hard Disk Toolkit PE software, all m SHOP SEASONS GUARANTEED EMPLOYMENTI Everyone is welcome to attend" Omega Forum snnnKv.rap.t30 Call B.I 352 7411. Announcing an Outstanding Leadership oppor- "Gays m the Greek Community" CALL (919) 929-4396 ext 83. tunity! Develop strong communicason, inter- How would YOU react? 1984 VWdiesal $950 Low mileage We specialize in short Having trouble planning Fundraisers? Accepting Applications for wait person. Must personal, and facilitating skills as a University Come share the expenences of others. Male nugget diamond ring $350. Please attend the Fundraising Workshop on be here year-round. Apply in person at Kauf- hair styling Success Course facilitator. Applications are Thursday, 10/28.9 pm, Univ. Union Call 372-2393. Wednesday, November 3rd at 7-00 p.m. in tie man's downtown between 2-4. available in the SAO office, 405 Student Ser- Order Forum Alumni Room of the University Union. This vices. Application deadline, Nov. 5th by 500 workshop is sponsored by the SAO Office and 2 tickets for Nirvana. October 29 in Devoir $15 walk ins welcome p.. All freshmen, sophomores, juniors and re- Ann: Business Related Students. TASP' Inter- the SOLD Organization. For reservations call a piece. Eve. 354-0798 (ask tor Micky). turning seniors are eligible with a 2 5 cumula- Omlcron Delta Kappa national is now hiring highly motivated students foe SAOOffice at 372-2843. 86 Chrysler Lebaron GTS tive G.P-A. to fill management positions in your home 164 S. Main Muslims m America From Slavery to the Deadline for ODK application* Is Oct. 20, town, next summer. Earn $7,000-$8,000 while Vary dean. $950060 372-6876 Present- an Afncan Amencan Perspective Apply today for University Ambassadors 5:00 p.m. Turn appllcallone Into UAO office building your resume, gaining crucial experi- MTRF 8:30-5:30p.m. Thurs Oct 28.8:00 pmin BA 110 Applications m 405 St. Serv. or the or 405 Student Service* ence, and gaining an internship. Positions are Sponsored by the Muslim Student's Assoc. Alumni Center -Due Nov. 10 open across Onto, partjcularty m Sylvanla, FOR SALE: Sat. 8:30-3.00p.m. A the Ethnic Studies Depl "Don't Follow the Leader, Become Onel" Omlcron Delta Kappa Maumee, Minefield. Lime. Flndiay and the MacPtus & 20 meg. external hard drive. W & Sun-CLOSED Cleveland suburbs Position are filled on a $400,352-2577. first come, first qualified basis. For more infor- Omega Forum 1-800-543-3792 "Gays in the Greek Community- BOWLING GREEN REPUBLICANS One Love Reggae Party is at 9 pm. Sat. Oct 30. Union Ballroom with The ARK BAND and Pumpkins tor sale at Campus Poltyeyes. 440 How would YOU react? Car bbean Assooaion Peace' F Court 352-9638 Come share the experiences of others. New Ideas - Vigorous Leadership Construction Career Opportunities - Estab- Thursday, 10/28,9 pm. Univ. Union lished contractor has openings for: High Vol- A wise choice for students Towers Burger Omegyji Fowl PI PHI'PI PHI'PI PHI "PI PHI tage Linecrew. Electnoans, Laborers, and FOR RENT The Sisters of Pi Beta Phi wish to General Construction. PARENTS' WEEKEND CONCERT Pd. for by BG Rep. Club congratulate COLLEEN FLAHERTY on Excellent benefits include competitive salary. Special T.W. Brown. Trees 322 W Merry. BG her recent pearling to CAL BOWERS. medicaVhospitalization, life insurance, pad Take the folks to Anderson Arena on Novem- First "numbering", then pearling... vacations, and holidays, 40i(k). and more. 1 A 2 bdrm. apts. available now and Spring Your choice of either ber 5. for an evening with the legendary trio of what is next???ll Your sisters are If you are ready for hard work, high perform- semester. Winthrop Terrace Apts. 352-9135. Peter, Paul and Mary. Tickets are still available Big Sky Burger or CAMPUS TANNING happy for you I ance standards, and have a good driving re- in 9>e UAO office on the third floor of the Uni- Fall Specials dose to campus 6 beds PI PHI' PI PHI" PI PHI" PI PHI cord, apply at Vaughn Indus tries, 1201 E. Find- ve'S Ty Mexican Burger Firsl visit Free 352 7889 lay St.. Carey, OH 43316. **************** PHI ETA SIGMA MEMBERS Tues., Wed., Thurs.: Skiers! Toledo Ski Club's Swap Shop sale is You are all eligible to receive a Phi Eta Sigma CRUISE SHIPS NOW HIRING - Earn up to Attention Sunday. 11/7/93. at Si. Clement Hall. 3030 Oct. 26, 27 & 28 Fall Book Schoiarshipl Applications are availa- Clarence Darrow is coming - Monday, Nov. 1, $2,000*/month * world travel. Summer and Tremainsville Road (between Leakey and All education Majors! ble outside 310 BA starting Oct. 271 Schol- 7:30 pm, Prout Chapel, sponsored by the Career employment available. No expenence Alexis). Toledo. Anyone can register to sell arships are due Nov. 19' University Honors Program. All welcome. necessary. For more information call OSEA Stale Conference In good used ski equipment and clothing from 10 1 -206-834-0468 ext C5544. Columbus on Saturday The IPC CLUB TONIGHT am to 1 pm for a $50 per Item registration fee. Come and find ou t about Co-ops I Spnng Break Bahamas Party Cruise $279! 6 From 3pm to 6 pm. anyone can shop and buy November 6, 1993 Delivery person with own --enide Local office Come and get Dps about your resume! Days! Includes 12 Meals A Alt Taxes. This is a skis, boots, poles, bindings, ski recks. 10AMuntil4:30PM 7:30 pm 1009 BA HUGE Party' Great Beaches A NightJifel Hurry! sweaters, gloves, hats A jackets. There's a $ 1 product deliveries. *5 * mileage. Call Eric at 354-2110.10-Noon dairy. Cos! for OSEA members is U.D.A. MEMBERS DONT FORGETIIII Price* Increase 12/10! 1 -800^678-6386 admissions fee to the sale. All sales are CASH GEN. MIG - 9:00 PM - 206 EPPLER N ONLY. For info, call Gigi at 472-3977. $5.00. Cost for non-members'* UNIVERSITY DANCE ALLIANCE lilt is $10.00 * AGO"AGO"AGO'AGO SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MAN- Get Ahead with E xperlence! i The Co-op office will speak for Congratulations to Molly Madachlan AGEMENT Pick up registration forms THE IPC CLUB on her pearling to Matthew Pisano! If you ere interested in finding outside of 410 Education, f Thursday. October 28.7:30pm BAA Alpha Gam * Alpha Gam MANDATORY HAPPY HOURS-THURSDAY a job in the Advertising/Marketing field * k Any questions??? Towers West 4-8 MT. MUGGS -GOOD LUCK WITHOUT EXPERIENCE!- ■ SEE YOU THERE!! (But you can gain valuable experience * Call Angie Smith @ * Restaurant SERVICES OFFERED ' Pi Kappa Phi * Alpha Gamma Delta * at The BO News) The BG News has 3 * 354-6801 + The brothers of Pi Kappa Phi would like to con- - KKG * Sherri Minnie). ' KKO • Account Executive posiions available located in McDonald Dining * Deadline is Monday * gratulate Scott Conley for his recent lavalienng Romper. Bomber, Stomper. BOO next semester and several position * Center to Alpha Gamma Delta's Schultz. Best I knew Shern it had to be you. tor next year in the J November 1, 1993 Mon.-Fri. 4:30-6:30pm Need your home, apartment or office cleaned? wishes to the both of you. Big/L ii week went by fast A when it came Advertising Department. Reasonable rates References. Dependable ' Pi Kappa Phi' Alpha Gamma Delta * tome to open doors, it was yours I chose We are looking for * * cash, faculiy/stalf charges & and trustworthy. 354-0602. last (HA). The best BIG/LIL pair we are ENTHUSIASTIC, DEDICATED, EAGER **************** quantum 90 accounts accepted The ultimate family we have by far Individuals who want to GET AHEAD! Efyse.Jill.ShemAMe Call 372-2606 for details! The bestest family of KKG. Love. LIT Jenn (Indoor Arena)

Toledo company la seeking Accounting, Help Wanted: 10-40 hoursAwk.. flexible Computer Science and Marketing major* schedule. Openings throughout Ohio. TODD KLEISMIT for Spring co-op poertlone. Excellent pay!! $9 00/slarting pay. 866-1726. Cadillac %gncfi Stop by 238 Admin, or call 372-2451. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN WITH A COOP. Now auditioning dancers for Toledo's premiere Come Save The Farm for 1 st Word City Coucil gentlemen's show dub Data Vu. 531 -0329 Be Tonight. Oct 28, from 9PM-Midnight in the a cut above l Bowl N Greenery, the Racism Reduction Center Part-time wait staff/kitchen help/delivery peo- Country & %gcf^and hostsCampus Expressions Come express ple. Days end evenings. 872-2414. Chine De- your feelings, fears, and solutions to racism. lite 10677 Fremont Pike. Perrysburg. across Come and help society reduce racism to the from Holiday Inn. French Quarter pott of extinction thru knowledge. %gll3amborti October 30th, 1993 B.G. J.C.'s — K100 Admission Starting Time: High Noon SlO/person „0cV-Dirty Dayne $2 off HAUNTED HOUSE w/ college 1.0. o0vS New South N c?: X Nights Open: COST: $2.50 CV* c Mark Mike! (Acoustic Set) Friday, October 22 per person W—J—E ^o9e*SoC*MeanStreak ir Kleismir will bring students and city Saturday, October 23 Wood County residents together Wednesday, October 27 •> 0\rt Most Wanted Fairgrounds [Bowltng Or—7]j S|Ri. 6 * Kleismit will serve to promote the Greek Thursday, October 28 1 (College Nighls) C oocV-Lost and Found system off compus Friday, October 29 * Annex Building (K100/WTOD Night) Open: 7-11 p.m. ' itfdf. Kentucky Strait •k Kleismir will work to moke Bowling Green Saturday, October 30 brighter ond safer - for you! Every Night Q0CV-Malicious Intent Jerry Crty Rd. BVOB * Overnight Cafflpng Free van rides from lot 17 (south side of Union) on ■ NoGlaitConlainart • Wa T-thirt Cortaat (S150praaj Poid for by the Todd Kleismir for City Council Cmre, CyQn* Rd. Ananlion: No! ajaaanaUa lar any mjuriat. damaga* or any _ Wed 27 & Thurs 28 every half hour and all UjbiMna on or ISM *av«vj tna prwma Miguel Gorcio Treasurer, 17 Rodgers Holl, BG, Ohio 40402 I St. Rt. 25 South to Jerry City Rd. Ain Ain Concert Here! Go East 5 miles.

WrtrWrtArtflrtrtArVyWrVWrWiyWr^ftrWrtr^^ Calling all commuters, intramural teams are now forming. Sign-up in the main office of the Off-Campus Student Center NIGHT Sjiori Sign-wp by Wallyball Nov. I THURSDAY NIGHT Racquclball Nov. 8 Wrestling Nov. 9 SPECIAL ON DOMESTIC BEER 3-Player Basketball Nov. 17 7 - 10 PM Track & Held Nov. HI Grab your gear and get involved! SAME PRICE AS IMPORTS