OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS (NS-IV) JAWAHARLAL NEHRU CUSTOM HOUSE, TAL-URAN NHAVA SHEVA, DIST –RAIGAD, NAVI MUMBAI 400 707 MAHARASHTRA F.NO.- S/26-Misc-901/2018-19 Date: 16/05/2018 PUBLIC NOTICE No. 80/2018 Attention of all concerned EPCG Authorisation holders is invited to enclosed list of EPCG Authorisations (Annexure-‘A’), issued from various offices of Jt. DGFT & registered at Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House, Nhava Sheva, Zone-II, which are pending due to non-receipt of Export Obligation Discharge Certificate/ Redemption Letter issued by Jt. DGFT. 2) In view of the above, it is requested to submit copies of Redemption certificate/ EODC of all such cases without delay for Bond/BG cancellation as well as for smooth clearance of live consignments. 3) In addition to above, it needs to be ensured by all EPCG Authorisation holders that installation certificates are submitted in all EPCG authorisations within 6 months of date of import as per condition of relevant Customs Notification. 4) It also needs to be ensured by EPCG Authorisation holders that in the cases other than those in the enclosed list, evidence of submission of 1st block export obligation to Jt. DGFT shall be submitted as per S.O. 70/2016 dtd 25.11.2016. 5) It is being informed that the copies of Redemption Certificate/EODC can be submitted :- i) Through e-mail at
[email protected] by attaching scanned copies of Redemption Certificate/ EODC. ii) By sending through Registered/ Speed post (letter addressed to Asstt./ Dy. Commissioner of Customs, EPCG Monitoring Cell, 7th Floor, JNCH, Nhava Sheva, Tal- Uran, Distt.- Raigad, Maharashtra- 400707.