1920 – 1939 (Chapter 31)  Totalitarian  Government with complete control over peoples lives   Political movement based on extreme and  Usually led by a single party and one leader with ultimate power   Germany’s movement  Included a belief in racial superiority  Focused on extreme nationalism with loyalty and sacrifice for your state  Loyalty to a leader who brought order and structure  Often had unique uniforms, salutes, and would hold large rallies  Similarities to  1 political party with a dictator (no )  Both denied individual rights and put the state first  Differences to Communism  Fascists didn’t want a classless society  Fascists were usually nationalists, while Communists were internationalists

 Did not gain large amounts of territories from the  Rising inflation and unemployment caused the people to be upset  Felt their democracy was not doing enough to fix the country’s problems, looked for a strong leader  Newspaper editor, politician and founder of the Italian Fascist Party (1919)  Promised to improve the economy and rebuild the military  “Black Shirts” attacked Communists and Socialists  Gained support of the middle class, aristocracy, and industrialists  Promised to return Italy to the time of the Roman Empire

 October 1922  30,000 Fascists marched on Rome  King Victor Emmanuel III appointed Mussolini Prime Minister to avoid further violence  Il (“the leader”)  After gaining power, Mussolini takes near complete control  Outlawed all political parties (except the Fascist)  Censored the radio and newspapers  Took control of the economy  Italy failed to take over Ethiopia in the 1890s  October 1935, Italy invades with a modern army of tanks, planes, and machine guns  Ethiopia’s emperor Haile Selassie asked for help from the  League condemned the attack, but did nothing to stop it  Great Britain allowed Italy to use the Suez Canal to move troops into Ethiopia  Wanted to avoid fighting (appeasement)

 1920s Japan  Democracy was growing  1922 – treaty to respect ’s borders  1928 – signed the Kellog-Braind Pact that was to outlaw the use of war  After the starts  People blamed the government for economic problems  Military took over the government, but kept Emperor in charge as the face of the government  Planned to expand the empire for new markets, raw materials, and room for its population  1931 – Japan takes control of (northeast province of China)  League of Nations condemned the invasion, but did nothing  Japan withdrew from the League in 1933  July 1937 – Japan invades China  Rape of Nanjing  Jiang Jieshi’s army forced to retreat  Mao Zedong’s Communists fight a guerilla war against the Japanese

 1919 – National Socialist German Workers’ Party formed (Nazi Party)  Wanted to overturn the Treaty of Versailles  Wanted to fight Communism  Created a private army called the Brown Shirts  Hitler becomes a leader of the Nazi Party  (Nov. 1923)  Hitler leads attempt to overthrow the government  Fails and sent to prison for 5 years (serves 9 months)  Hitler explains his beliefs and goals in a book he writes in prison  Aryan Race  Claimed Germans were the “Master Race” and should rule the world  All “non-Ayrans” were inferior and should be destroyed  Treaty of Versailles  Wanted to gain back all of Germany’s lost territories  (“living room”)  Claimed Germany was overcrowded  Would take over Eastern and Russia  Third Reich  After his prison term, Hitler took back control of the Nazi Party  When the Great Depression starts, the German economy further collapsed and support of the Nazi Party grew  January, 1933 – President von Hindenburg makes Hitler Chancellor of Germany  After Nazis win a parliamentary election, Hitler turns Germany into a totalitarian state  Hitler’s SS () and Gestapo force German peoples into obedience  SS = Hitler’s private army  Gestapo = private police force  Both groups arrested and murdered rivals to the Nazis and Hitler  Hitler takes economic control and cuts unemployment  Hitler forced to create a loyal nation  Controlled the press, radio, literature, and art  Burned books that didn’t fit Nazi beliefs  Prevented churches from speaking bad about Nazism  Schoolchildren joined the or

 Nazis blamed the Jews for many of Germany’s problems (anti-Semitism)  1933 – Nazi party begins to strip rights from the Jews  1935 – Nuremburg Laws  Took away legal rights to Jews and other minorities  November 9, 1938 – Kristallnacht  The “Night of Broken Glass”  Nazis attacked and arrested Jews in large numbers  Jewish owned homes and businesses were destroyed

 March 1935 – Hitler begins make his army larger  League of Nations does nothing  March 7, 1936 – Germany invades the Rhineland  France and Great Britain begin practicing appeasement  Appeasement = giving into the demands of an aggressor to avoid war  October 1936 – Germany and Italy create the Rome- Axis  November 1936 – Germany, Italy and Japan create the Axis Powers (Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis)  July 1936 – leads a Fascist revolution to overthrow the republican government  Hitler and Mussolini send troops, tanks, and planes to help Franco’s forces in the 3 year civil war  Western supported the Republican side, but did not send any help (except the )  Franco’s fascist forces win in 1939  March 1938 – Germany annexes (Treaty of Versailles prohibited this)  September 1938 – Germany demands that the be given to Germany  Sudetenland was a German speaking section of  Czechoslovakia asked France to help

 September 29, 1938 – France, Great Britain, Germany, and Italy meet to discuss the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia  Hitler promised to not take any more of Czechoslovakia if he got the Sudetenland  Great Britain’s Prime Minister again follows the idea of appeasement and gives in  “I believe it is peace in our time.”  March 1939 – Germany annexes Czechoslovakia Conference

Every body say “appeasement”!  Mussolini seized  Hitler looks to take over  Great Britain and France threaten war if Germany invades Poland  August 23, 1939 – Germany and the Soviet Union sign a nonaggression pact  This would keep the Soviet Union from joining the war and prevent a two-front war  September 1, 1939 – Germany invades Poland