NEWSSTAND PRICE $6.50 SEPTEMBER 10, 2004 A 30 -Year First Tim McGraw's "Live Like You Were Dying" makes history as it becomes the first song ever to remain at No. 1 en the R &R Country Urban's Education dart for 10 consecutive Its time to go Back 2 School, as R &R Urban Editor weeks. McGraw's new Dana Hall speaks with several veteran teachers and a'bum, also titled Live Like some freshman rising stars who are programming You Were Dying, was Urban radio. The textbook for the format starts on released Aug. 24. Page 1. "ESCUCHA ATENTO ", LAURA PAUSINI's 1st single, to hit the airways September 13. Her album "ESCUCHA" in stores October 26. "PASOS DE GIGANTE ", BACILO's 1st single Their Album "SIN VERGÜENZA" in stores September 28. o WARNER MUSIC LATINA POINT A POINT B mar- ket -ing (mär' ki'ting), n. 1. getting the message from point a to point b. NOBODY DOES IT BETTER. P o I N T - T O- P O I N T DIRECT MARKETING SOLUTIONS GREAT CLIENTS. GREAT MARKETING. DENVER, CO DALLAS, TX WASHINGTON, DC CHICAGO, IL MARK HEIDEN RICK TORCASSO ELIZABETH HAMILTON MARK VERONE 970-472-0131 972-661-1361 703- 757 -9866 847 -705 -2046 MA
[email protected] RICK @PTPM ARKETI NG.COM ELIZABETH @PTPMARKETING.COM MARKV @PTPMARKETING.COM WWW.PTPMARKETING.COM DIRECT MAIL. TELEMARKETING. SEPTEMBER 10, 2004 I N S I D E How Triple A Listeners MEET THE HOLLYWOOD HEADHUNTER Hear And Buy Music If you've ever thought of moving onward and upward, read R &R's exclusive interview with A music- and radio-listener study conducted by Brad Marks, known as the "Hollywood SBR Creative Media Headhunter," in this week's Management/ Marketing/Sales section.