d . . 4 - E , ; — - - O - y ! . Y * F m ! 1 -* !, 9 i u a THE LOUISVILLE JOURNAL


nikTU) A> 1 ’ rtM.IMBi uv IIEI..H H4t I.OX4 t«EXI I E PM El* A RATION. PRENTICE. HEX DEItfeiON, 4 H^BOUNK 1857. FREIGHT NOTICE. 1057 Viseher, Owen .,4 SehelCs BRECKINRIDGE Country General J. Residence for Rent. LEW IS S. NORRIS A CO., f COAL OIL. irscrr wtww > JKrna»*»x HieLI Concent: ated Compound Fluid Mouse, 34rt brvadway. York. pm. im 1 r tgncd. luvm - rtedved the agency tor the rate tiuxo av» «ux> y Kew of u -u, v , Will be rental, for the present year, the 1 N U4*w •+*’** exhibit f Commission rri-ur.- . rd.-r* torrhe LI URICATING and lUHMNOiiil* t* rampk* and • l* L-D*vur Ja .rual EXTRACT BUCHU, COTTAGE RESIDENCE adjoining the Vuir %Merehants Grounds - laU-ty WILLIAM VDOWELT. & ROBERTSON are the authorized —and O’ oocujde-doccupied byL> Dr. ll-uryib-^r - -a MILLER, NEW *c Ti«.««ur W«fUr 3 : all d‘.^ **c* of the and t.,,,, YORK. # 'OR Biadd .t, Kiduer*. I’lftaary Koj’-ou.5 There f!, , , BrUcd BulleTin t rrelrfat Amt' of tb* New Albany and Salecn Rafi- trel^acreiof land attached. PlAtfO-FORTE L'Vml ad v*-.n .'«*! made on cocrigamenti of ri Weekly *1. F Seruai Organ*. *h a variety MISrFACU’REB, 1. President, cf fine fruit*. The accommodation frn fj>s« Dallies or JAMES BP.OOKS. 1 L.—5 Country Tn •Vu». 1 PRODrCE Dissolution *— Jo% TO THE AFFLICTED' idlra .LB. >1* at this place iuoruing and evening. Annie to 56 and 15S East Tirtnfy-first street, s, of Upartaertiiip. 4 oepr 5 /Mr* ff»; Soup*** 1 year AM fcBMTg” It car** DUmt ' at th* D. KELLER of to has ramre (1 6* each. Weekly Bui- BLADDER. ox hand and is constantly makino H f s.tw,* ! JOHN W. DINGS, KIDNEY*. Coal ! Coal —A Supply Provided. TY SGML r *-:nbcn. aaJ-r :i« arm si » a ™fnJriff or THE MOfeT M AGMFiCF.NT Profitable and PRCSH 4 CO., 5 GRA\ EL, No. s*7 Fifth st. Honorable Employment u-jlr.-a by matAi. ivr / 4 TTER varion- effort* we have ^urroeded in accurinc a BAMBERGER .1MI E » . J A. l* DBoPSY*. - BROTHERS Wbecthr Mlv. Conntr.. Daily . orTr. Weekly to h 1 a. reu- liable >jpplv of coal uutil the orienittg of liavijra* PIANO FORTES for the W inter. * aT^HEN Mr. tori, OBSTRUCTIONS. IMPORTERS AND WHOT.ESALE I‘EALEJ:S fihwostiuued • paid in advanoa at the time -ob-cribed , rVFt OKI'FBSn ts r».in. Weexp‘ ct to receive from Evauavtlle. Ind., via Terre For Sale. TO TIT t PCBl.lt'. ^ * J FEMALE COM PLAINTS, DERIONS in town or country the aabscriher miiet ordvr. otherwiie it afti be continued. ..**00 anteriority in search of pmj N«* York, N •*«.>.wr jlaute and 1 udiaunjudi*. from l to S.Uuo bu-hel* daily, HE of tone iu the above make hi too well A h* l,m opt tHLo.Mt OOXORRHFA, W ACKKS OF IAND, Irluj vlthiD 210 ynrl, of the a uoitrre ot income. *.r to fill up their at uVopboB. uxitL paid ter sad stopped, a* ha* boca th»- after next Eridaj*. will to need leisu Fancy •co-rdiitg to dciuHud We cutu- ; B“rd-town ' T known mentioning. Ilia object being to iufonn Dry Goods, Sill:*, STRICTURES. .iE tunij.ik*. op|.o.it.- Fre -tori'? Wood? and inav hear of *U' h b;* encloidnff tao stanipi, to pa- Embroider custom ni. t.*v receiving application* to-day and fill order* iu rota- th.- public where Piano- Forte* superior in toue and n«wr the city limit*. The land i* rich, high, aud dry. touch to IW«***or It not paid, it »<;>-: be raid at the Ua< of di>contioaaare. GLEETS. to JAMES T HORNE, B x No 4.55L : ti >ti a- they arc receive*!. Tile prior i* fifty cent- per bu*h- any oiiii r make, and Chkaplh for C ahii. may b.* had. (opartafrsbip. And ail disea* * aririnf exees* •- Impnidcncicr In and beautifully situated, overlooking i .-ur- l*"-foffice. The ENGLISH, or at our option, if fwrtv iegoo-i. it will l».- ». ut until paid. from and thecitvun emplovmuut i* fitted to either *ei FRENCH, AND GERMAN HOSIERY. el. which leavrtrer) little margin lor profit to th*.* < oiunan> roundiug country varvUm from $2U0to .t>l.ouo, and aarrauted. in ru4. life. , aud would make aereral d«->irabl** build- life immaterial. ltLuu arth lt* of daiiv Itrmittati >— by mail, in ••r«g»stcr»:d*’ i*.<*era, at our nap] iiea the «-.*al. conae., ue®tly coal con- that n*- more will Lie ing lota. Apply to und can he Cloaks and Talmas, 3 NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED SUFFERERS, A. M . STOUT, ma:mfactur«!d in any per -on’* dw-elliuc Ribbons ami Millinrry Goods, Notions, .vr.Mii »>Mi Jui} N C LLOYD r < RATES OF ADVERTISING IN THE L *. or Sexual Oreav. w h«*tbt r i-xkiu^ iu we can tiot afford to lose a load ot rush nor even tin* ordin- p) jan « aswiu Unauvw, »*aarc, 10 Iumw. oxw u^uafe, 10 line*. IAMF.S N**t Y®rk. Nuvroubw Om VAN RII'LR. I IANO MAM FAl'Tl'RLR, 1 1 , -fe. * MALE OR FEMALE. ary diecount on unrurreut money. We *hail therefore ex- w . " UOUISVILLF.. ante -Slut oneiamth 4 10 Wooster rticet. New York, offer*' deniem aud otli. J KY pect every order to ha accompanied by bankable Jund*. For Sale, to most respectfully call ui- Ite, two uiouu*- Is uo From whatever cau*u Uae> m«.. have originated. nod tine COOJ U:ii’S the attention of onr fri*»n !i, nnd more r iprrlaWr th« country merchant, to Do. each additional I :i-.-*irttiivnt of hs.t cus* inmTli s».ms or**.*;; our lar VV Jr H. « 1:111 KNDEV A FARM, containing about 1«6 acru?, ?ltuat«d XV' c-rttou Do. lira u. oaths Go lid . wi-ll.a-aorted 1 » U AO MATTEli OF // n .xemt.-l. .1 AS. RII'LR. ot the priucij -aid farm a -ufi-tantiul taro- -tor v briek liou*.*, brick VAN GroccrYuml trnm l> «)., At Go.]—jiia.Jfm Dnucguits throughout the United State*. iteben and aervanta' room-, mnok* -bon*.*, ciaU-ru, stable 17* Wooster *t.. New York. timely grave*, tliu* l>la*ling the liriiliatit ho|»-» of H _Jil?d3iu (F) I'ETER COOPER, Now York * hiring »ru. and in fact everything tiece-aary for farming The DEALERS So do three Grace do do lUO Ut and blir'htlnt iti the bud the gtonoti- ambition of uu IN PRuVIAlONS, I arm i- tiuely watered, having four or five never-tailing ARTIFICIAL l-ACkadbAittenalejuara. o» 4iall of the above pn*oa toofil* oiith. * an be cured by the use of this FLOWERS, y •ring* on it, almut 135 am* cleared, finely IWKItlULi: ACCIUEVTS Nc*. 40 aud Broad foOr iitlas. balance timber U at . publi-b1 N Si: Chemicals, Oils, Paints, an 1 payment twaen-d poiNDIT.l EXTRACT OF 1 HI of Artificial Fl**»er* und Flown K DESTRUCTION Varnishes octal dAwtf No. so Fourth st* -all prepared dirertlv a.*.vr.lu»r to the Material*. F>i>erial attention i* directed to our a-v-ortm- ^ awiiy ^ adwrti***n» |air quarterly either- in advance 1 , n TO ’ PROPERTY WINDOW-GLASS. *t« adv.«rti**tneii:-. -lienffU AMERICAN Fife*, of oui own Real estate aud aml>>at aud RULES OF PHARMA* Y AND CHEMISTRY FLOW manttfactun daily information GLASSWARE, A:< — u hicli i- very exteu-ivi*. furtunbed hr the newspaper* . which rTiurai~^ ' «W. patmit m«*dtnm ttmatri *al . cirraa. or and among arv admirabh North aide Main igliout the United States from the afreet, between >ixih and Seventh, ille year. OLD BOURBON WHISKY tmimtlon* of the leading French design*; hI*-* to ..nr burning of fluid, LonUv K *, similar adver ti^o. not pobo-to-d by the It* h l«oi*uiarit» ha-extend- of ll'i-eli**-. •lancer and the cause oj ttie-e «o.-cident* have uu hand for -al«* uu assortment of Miller* Dealer* ar«- invited to >• tnmltttf our *t«H-k are entire- >*r u***d m town, ruuntry u h* * •urbuu Whisky, ranging frutu to 1 l* year- old w lueh * ill In* found to embrace altno*t r\ 'AT ENT INDIA IsfHBEIt pauw*. wart, and afte r public mooting-, aud *ucb like, hail- i From .Albert G. RirhardMoi•n's ev* article in u*»* i hospital, or firival* prarihY invariably given the uio*i A dvertiximj and Cortes- vii'rini 1 l.i Il> LAMP,.*ii. which cannot be |*CW. iu COBB. MARTIN dt CO- A* whob-ale only. HKNUERSON. SMYTH. A broki-u fiuret *a! j ondiu j Oj'ice, :>>o Rron» f tea Xitn York. CO U.-I!ii. d*-. idea and unequivocal •tiou and produced the ummi y, •. r CKU they Im hllw,! N -J ** Broadway *hik ii^ut 106 and 110 Duane Street, Marriage- and death* piibTUhed a- new*, obituarie* and , New York, and No. litj Rue Richelieu, ’‘•-J, u- u N Y, *•!» > beneficial i salutare and It ha- bet n aud i* m- d in They »tv the nw-l rnuoniivhl an, I % funeral invitation* a- adverti**»ic< nn rh,'u|a«l lamp will ysanisa uatr ' . rac*xnax all Ul* ,’rinetp-U ride* in th* iusi Mat** an ! liriti-h r .I to tiu uit. lHgelil Pro- peoukt. Tlio ap;,. an,tu ,.- lailiorial iwticFf B.J roiuu>uuu*AUn<, in* rtod in edi* Uu* b»-cu moved ut public : from via iu 1 n>i*i and p Mill ilo uu -IL—rt .lit W th.- b »•. foriiMutd drau THE PLAY-DAY ttoriai coiuiuur aud tutended to promote private- luUwwde, 5" BOOl lit it be •rth ride Maiu rinvt, PATENTED: Cere. JleUretor M L . PATENTED! cwnte per line; thee* uni. inserted at the discretion ot the dd office. NEW ST0RIF® FOR YOUNG FOLKa overwhelming to be contradicted, tha: lleimbold*- Hiffl WITH editor’*. FULL PAGE ILLLmtATICN^ Concentrated i oui(*ound Fluid Extract of Bucliu ia l Brother Jonathan's Furniture Polish, No eouimuuteatioii will be inserted, uskw ar* oinpaui»i5 rao-t valuabiv r* uu**l» ever . *ff.-red to th« atiiictcd. BT FANNY FEBN. te the r n. pnea 7» eeutse toil — prietor ip iuimeu**'. cmbracing iuuu*- well-known to World gJJt a) rh r.»ntiaui*ne. each rliauge < >mddenKl a Finn Street, ; 1 between I *« KT S. .Warket and Jellerson, 'TRIUMPH AN T ash** bora toe jw* t., ILN< E AND FAME! IT III! Kentucky, « u ir*»t. Man *i ing adverthainent* for regular SHOULD IN KY EH \ FA RILY. 1 American in *v«r.- r^khrstsd pliy-ician- aud di*riuwui*li«d Clergymen. oiUoms dc, artn*«n’ A Lite* cou not over six mouth/*. for oue boat, 4 wbi 413 Se.- profe^or Itewev’* vsluahlv work on the OLI.EGIATE PEPABTM ENT. T lus been admitted by every one who has ever h ahw has attempted, her mini >*et >ia%s «.vi Practice the used it e-. in tbs best additional boat. Extractfrom Seic York Tribune , AW. 19. I raatiufact Ari*m **f tlwi Untt^l :•* c Uanr Instrt in her Pbyrir and most of the lab* standard work* ol Medicine. t*» l*e the l>e*t artielu of thi- kind ever inveuted. It 9Utc*. for tbs wrring* 'or thwtonr.g. n... will i* 1 can lease te inserted only in the Evmine liultetiii applied j all who may favor roe with their It i* a medicine w hich ia iwrtecUy pi. aaant in it** la-t* w ith a piece of Cautou tUtitii l or wooleu cloUi. patronas* a “None of Mr. Unrti-’* l»ook* i*. in our judgment, dextim**! ^ iron Lheab>»Vf pnc*»»:t! ina**n.*d ill lteili Journal frame and grand arti* *n, and I warrant odor, hut immediate iu it» action, aud it i* taken And drn*»* immediately, removing all stain*, grease, them equal s Buiiotin. by petto) HCSTKtX MIL1TAKV I\STITITE, to so high a position in literature a- thi* la-t. It i* the fifib ami t.iivs. after fir-t insertion, tn the Htrmme dirt, mukiiie Pi in*- Fort*** repaired at .hort notice, hr expert ot eitiier m-x without hiudrauce from bti-ineiw or m«*!it D- for um* will resist the action of hot uml cold w ater. G. F. JACKSON, ai ad and an ample nuniL D»x, Friward-, Co. For subtile ami refilled faney; Beware of * A for r 5 II - Counterfeit*: oteL where pure fin sera can always of rrliald* and rca|a>nsih!e certificate* to rouviuoc the tin delb*ate humor; for a nice appreciation of character; tor None ganuiue without John L. I'.rabyu ou K^* akrpticaJ will am’iuiwur earn tjutth*. the luted. Principal Depot 444 lfi’oaduuv, New York. :-r* dly gorgeous evanescent te*aut\ . a- of *iiiim t* fading away int > ftK TflP *v. I: u»of fa-rinatiug Int. rws», every I*rice 1 p*-r bottic, or six bottle** for Delivered JOHN L. HILARY N A CO. 9 x * to si shadowy laud*; for gradeful ease of manner; for a quiet hut th^ nn*ik »d ad drear. Prepared and sold by Agents wanted in every county aud city throughout the 4 >mr, iu lutLw. u.l mrCn KKSKXT SESSION OF THIS COLLEGE tearful pathos, which weaves into the teamiiig Summer- Oou ns w«u •« II U uited .state* aranswment. T HELM BgLD. garland- of («»,>> and life a little leaf of me; and for the . (YOAC) d3U d3m «• WeckL Itaiiltoio. if ite-v Cooumach the 2tRh of January, 1857. Practical and Analy th-A-i t.hemist. of philos*q»liy which the h**art teaches to the thought- a. J. Journal, will te <*hargrU bM MORRISSON &, CO., CANTERBURY TAIdES. No. 52 south Tenth street, below 1 Clu stunt. |F“Fof Catalogue and h* illation- , apply tn ful miud, when it muse- <*f the contrasted my-terics of our it e.’Btuiuaut'e; it not con W Dj Q.ikUUEr LEE 2 vote., UteaeniWr Building*) GOLD MEDAL PJANOS.i ltos>^ ctock. p PUffadtdphk. H. It. JOHNSON, 8ii|«rriutsnd**nt, human existence — it is a coiii)»u*itiou of surpasi'ing - IJirOKTF.RS AND WHOLESALE DK.\Lt.kS I* ' Tote had of MAVMuDa PATTEN and HELL. Tbnt unaiag and rwciarkalfiw uovnte rrr% TA 314 dtFehao Nndiville, Tenn. claims." «*i « tor»l* in Ensitefi Dtvra:ur*. B' IT, «v >).. and ot Itrugirt*:* and Dealers throughout t, xud, u U &, t%ki « te- ni*pr«raate*t by l uited Slat’Y. i aua*ia*. and British Protiww. Awcr.* an naadrou,*U »r<*ur te dyA b 1 y A wyAb**o w ly SADDLE Y ” No aiaa o •*P R Alt •vote will te discontinue! DWARE, hue.- The sub*«*riliers. haring taken th« than rite tertm' Tai- U!uxril« wilt an> cterg* he mad* COMPRISING: AND MANI FACTI RERS OF te loiigiug t*» the Exchange Hotel, te g InvrHzx] % .d M*- coarinrad la tike what I dt*. uwa" T • tor *ai*h to their customeni that it will h* Tte-ro a* ycarv dr an' - inform now Vol. 1 NILE NOTES, TRUiNKS, ( eouducted uuder the Miperintendetiee of Mi HORSE OLLARS. BRIDLES, HARNESS •iBtHT *U noa no*, at toia thno sTotor- te v Mu i.m. who will in-iire Uiat the te st of Wine* and ante BY M It. LA CROIX. M D.. ALBANY. N. Y. Vol. 2 or» will te- k«pt iu store. A Lunch sarved up at loV. THE HOWADJI IN SYRIA, SiNESS ( ARDS a5n p*--* iu* B( , aud imt F Plain aud t «»lon*d Dthograpte and k every day. - Plato*. dim A. DE LONG A SOX. Proprietor-. Vol. 3. LOTUS EATING, Engine, Steamboat, and Garden Hose, W C SMITH ir/Vfix Only 7 iccnty -Fire Cents Mb philad Iphte, For Hire, Vol. 4. THE POTIPHAR PAPERS, Fonaerl: witii Ilildelmru 4 Br. ... 11^ Sent fmtr of postage to all parts of the Union an Maiu Stieet, between Sixth -Given. SUPERIOR C( M »K. without encumbrances, and Seventh, above Louiavilla Hotel, Louisville. aud late «*t howling KyM AND Ky A NEW KEY I 8ED EDI. box 217 Louisville post tfffice. Vol. 5. PRUE AND L K IN AND IMPORTER <»F TltlN of 2fio i*agn* and ]nj *n T °' L r* ' ,:T, WHOLESA 1J. MALI (date*. m ‘; maraeritci ,r o...afceui«. , m.,4* o»t of the matrPti* v kt* hkh. watch Price 25 cent* a five volume*, cloth, uniform. T ‘I,nJ *' ln f leorkmatuhtt.. ,,„.-e. bM gold and silver copy. A js’pular In *5; half calf, silt, 50. !" ' ;* ,l .rut dumb, lay r *«>,* fine * w u -ill *»* with m»ni.f»-.ur-4 iu th., I Sll.- * 4 1 1»: * ii st»io»., UT u SILVER AND coraprehenrive > separately, 1 . in of » MAT»:R1aL>. JlAVi-LKY. aud Tr*-ati*e on the w > and Salvin Kiiilroad, Each volume iu doth, £ rmiw w.nt *u^rtor Trunk ol l.-«utit,il »r,- m,iw.| lo uun«rt uuriTurk l-iun. ware. >ILk GUARDS. dutie* and casualties 0 oS‘rr'i'i VKR-PLATED of single and *^ “ ,r*J*- *“•* "x -**r .is, bj*j ,o ctj BOXES. CARDS, 4r. 4-c.. «narri*-d life—happy and NKW FKEIOHT AKKANGFMENT. junrt) djAb&wjdn.uown JEWELRY fruitful al- THE GOLDEN DAGON; ‘ISSatoESS^* a. j. liaucv*, securing M0M1S90N A CO. I.aaisi ille, K ' . mode Ibra—in- THE NE felicitotis and iirt«Ttiie ones—their Or, UP AND DOWN THE IRRAWADDI: being pas- MATTHEW HUNT W YORK ALMANAC AND •liviatiou and removal nervous de- saged of adventure in the Ruruiun Empire. art. nte.n ot Uw regular Jew- — By an Ameri- WEATHER BOOK FOR 1837 bility; it* causes and ciuv. find alt* r Janoarv 1*^7. fast will liantr be a pro- N ], a Freight Train can . 12 iuo., doth. Illustrated Title page, price $1. W'w tfade and tn#ir who About ---to 5ti»o . doth, dry ~ or-w at once so simple, rnuning between pa. prtoe > 1 *af< , and ef- commence N>-w Albauy and Chicago, The author served as surgeon ou lioard an English armed ~1 «n Watches and Mdr> ^ t‘uu l* to ooatoto A world ol . span t« < m A tuai. that failure re .51 hours. Frtdght n-criptcd through to 1 lturuie-v sjdendid i* iupossible— Chicago. h-- steamer dnringdlie war, and tlii- book give- a in<>«.t 4 \V* -t rn and s**uth«Tn States to my new Ae*t9* »»d to W aai.1 at a vary low price. totu. rules for daily t. WHOLESALE iCTi.-a * oom- article usually kept management—an es- Lafayette, and all way -tations from Loui-ville. Thi* vivid aud pi’ ture-que ace*. nut his nuuarkahU* ulven- AND RETAIL stock of g.^»d*. embracing ft«ff in a pltu A-.nanac for vm.^ua tatundea. it rift* say on S|*ermat<*rrli.ea. it* onlvreut© that fn iglit can gothrourh without n-sltip- baa aamptem with prarti- tures. The fact that so little i* known of the -iugulai t teaaae. which I am now - j-'niug and ^**** Wh*d—ale Jewrirv ^ bavw a : ws>* 1 of *tet tun «•! oteerx-attou* on a saler aud a it. I bite* a* low a* b» any other route. Freight taken people of ilurmah — the “loind of the White Elephant," 5 . (te, prepared to *b©» to cp'nMt *t»d which I will sell at Ritrmoaartor for evorr hour te. ring »bo rear niori- -''*»'*w oRp-ci fc* to up ^ the eril* r*-*ulting 1 and a largo ao**> wit ot Mctoorotorica’^at- from empmcaJ practices; to which t* add- at th* - work is the first of it* kind in n n* w and my*i eitriou-* field Jew.-lr buriue*. iu by whirl merchant* and tlo ed§«• tar r'arrafty, ?rv; and b/ L MELRlAM, ha*., UMb nmetitarier .- on tin- disease* of f male* from infancy For rut* and ail particular- npplv to A Brooa- t© | renders a 81 Third street ne^ct door trad* can to and the Um* and expense of going “THE GOLDEN DAGON" peculiarly interest- to Democrat Office, Louisville, Ky. lyu Uu*hl*. renter old ag< -*ach case graphically iilu*trat*-d teautiful *' pervon* in the t«» by NORTON & CLIFFORD, ing book. l M | rw;e*©*tully invite all tusmew tdabs It teoinU out th.- remedies for thoa- ***lf-inflirted jan3 dly 17 Third st., te*t. Main aud river. ftfcC&XTLT rtLi»H£l>, pis , in. a cnl! and examin* m> stock, as 1 am ronfideait 1 , tuis*-n»e and disapiainted hopoau uufortnnatcly prevalent HUNT A- CURTAIN hnvsa larga and fine aw-irtmcnl of .^OLID «an cult tte-ui in style* and price-. My Mon is on Main ORIENTAL ACQUAINTANCE; SOLE LF^kTHFR in the young. It is a truthful adviser the GENUINE ( THB HUMOROUS to married and I IMPORTED HAVANA I- DIES' DRESS and TRAVELING TRUNKS, HoX NET BOXES, POETRY idreet. three dons teJ- w 5*xth over Curd A Wkkf'i those contemplating To my Customers, VaLICES { Akpl marriage. Its perusal is GARjS. different rix**»* aud s**l»*cted brand.-. jarticolarle S*-ries w hick they ar»- nrcparM to w»-n at the lowest t. rm* for eaah. « ountrr OF THE LNGLlsli L.kNi»L'AGF llsrdwa e house < krders prompil> attetid**d to In a of Letter* from Syria. By J. \V. Db Foa- merrhaata will fin* FROH l&AcLEX TO recommended to per>*«n* entertaining y steamer sub- consequence wrrt doubt* of their Empire and for wholesale KKtiT. cloth. In of the late fire on the 1st inet. ire.-t to five lids house a call telore purchaaing oIm- where. >AXF.. Bv Jawsa PateTON. '4n pp. imuo riea! 12mo., Price *i!)4 ccute. dotkTric* i’hy condition, and who arc cousrious ot F.DW. which store -h**u*«- » djAweowtf gl ( having hax* I PEY NADU, ffll hv mv and a gn-ater part of mi apr9 *4 ffltedn wad o*-a*iA». -ilau, aa oemvte edU arded the health, happm*-***. and privib ges to No. 2 under Ix>ui»ville Hotel. These are fresh most Stock were buruvd. was :»a Ofrbo which every I and agreeable views, taken from ad- r cl I eotup* lled to seek an aunowork te-tTud in usa fohowlag «« te i* human mg entitled t*.. price 25 cents vantageous Points otln-r location. Sheep Ubrarr i it Washington Eonndery, jht copy or five of observation, of those storied field* of I therefore beg leave to inforn gl to; ra ahoa taortwwo *uif s f god copba f«»r one dollar Mailed free «d Pnatag i taaaj jart of Palestine. Vhicli have employe*! already s«» niv friends and customer* that I «m now raoreceo, ant. and exirv :uri ca. ri.: Main fltwb. For Sale. many master) ready to ***rvi »4 Ui 1 . ~xirm. at- Conor ot Ninth and the l nitei fitotos. by addressing Dr La iroix (post laid) il LIKELY ICGRO good cook*, washer*, |H*neiU. full a* they are of **the spleu*lor and tin- havoc of tlu-in ns heretofore ut my new location in Bustard’* build- ftel moroceo, rilt and aariqae. ffiL Allan?'. N W( »MEN, and fiXt l.T »i«i DCMESKIL. Bi:i.L*t ***•-. "n«»r New York, cnrj.iaiug 25 cents. tiie l-Ast." The eh-ver sketches of ing, No. 44<> Market street, near corner oHK ironrr*. a NEGRO B U.«i upon of diseases ij«r which his hook treats, eitte suliyec** is from being exhausted. uxiete » V r Auctioneer and Real iriate Acvut. n ot. f t hi* r*j )ui run Aroii*li i^w ridoLg and i re|*tr»*d to u*ak* all dewen* tioiw of M* r-.i»a!*^»r hy mail Ik fiyuira*. ar< Medtein* *.-nt t- m.o tart of the Gents’ ami Ladies’ Shoes L-* ocuve n2*dtf No. ho Fourth st. and Boots now te de mand . It -ax hunuxwd aad Mkv a^r.i.rig -. •hi nr- In Uwir liue. such w* su-smtesl. sugar Mill, haw P MOD- to dir ti. ne, safely tacke.l and careiullv test CALIFORNIA, For the fall and winter wear will AXI) A Uto Comic INteuis ev«x wrinan, inciadioa ail s* be complete in very IMPORTER too P«aatau*m Ijkgiue- of all ri*>- and -cured frr.ru all obaer>*ation. a few DEALER I>^ usd Grist Mill, and jeia* fro^i thirty \oturuo* of pnneh. W«*st. ail day?. 1 ’•hall still endeavor to merit the patronage in tbo teo* ri .ug* of «imis now ia us*- iu th* t-**uth and Ate*, kinds Add n H LA No. Jtl OF LoNGFBELOW** AND IN DOORS AND OUT; or 11* w we Farm, Mine, mi- ¥• U'ROIX* Maiden and 1 . I^nc. or U'»o . 15 ron. bcoU. Lowv'Jl. \\ Ax~- ! j aow locution heretofore »wc., -* au < matings. ST*‘ w generously te-tsuwed by tlm citi- and --jyi' ft Bail road, llantatioti. and Mill Marianerc aud IS. bound in blue and p -Id. for Live generally in the Golden State. By Eliza W. FaJix- zen* of Loui-ville aud surrounding couuvrv COACH AND SADDLERY mad.- to* order thr HARDWARE 'ludtUkt Hanger*, and pulleys on n«K KIRK Ac LLARKE S. iiam. 12 mo , cloth. Price ^L wwaatoaidt term*. Grate liar- and all kind* of steamboat •W Mb saM L P. SECOR. CONFIDENTIAL CORRESPONDENCE |RIF.D iSO Tin- most authentic atu! graphic Old Established Saddlery WoS. either of wm«rh« «»r caat iron, done in the shortest APPLES— buJich Dried Apple* received on picture of life hi Califor- Warehouse , Ol 5U nia, a* exhibited to female -*-*dbl« lira* and iu the be*? manner. Job M urk of all courigument aud tor oale by eyo*. w hich has yet a|H** ar* d. French jan lti dAwtf Embroideries—Real Laces. No. 145 Main street, between Fifth and >ixth, Louisville, Kv* EMPEROR NAPOLEON AND und* jrartMallv attended to. jan 22 d*f JACK A BROTH KIL Mr*. Faruham sees thing* as they are, and report* the tri- THE MIE subscriber has on hand a complete and Manufacturer* would find it to th. ir interest to 1 Main d., between Third and Fourth. al*. pleasures, aud exjM-riencesot the emigrant witii holiest and elegant W&t- Merchant* examiow my slock before EMPRESS JOSEPHINE. 1 stock of— will be attended to a* if iu emphasis. She presents sotuo int* re-ting ntateti tents w ith chaws, aud orders from a distance male person. , With Biinvmn n>-utntfv« >ENA< i AJ { NETT, M* COLLEGE OF VIENNA, aud ROYAL COLLEGE French Embroidered Collars; Xotu, uJ Aiu»ioc-« ftrjui BUKEI CLOTHING' regard to the recent actfim of the Vigilauee Committee in BOYS BOYS CLOTHING! , OF SURGEONS, may be do 3> t Amott. un« vvL Luao. Prior #; Sau Francisco. Her narrative probably give* the LONDON, PERSONALLY do delta; A oiearest at hi* mill, GREAT INDUC EMENTS ARE NOW OFFERED CONSULTED residence, Ii7 Prince street (few do do Bauds, ^c., Ac. Including I -tier* :rom tho time of :hrir u.a. ragc ant PliANTNG aud most oonaomuive riew of thi* subject wliich iuts vet block* west of Broadway), BUSINESS CARDS MISCELLANEOUS. New York, from 11 in the morn- R. ul Laco Collars; ’be death of Jowy-biu*^ and. h**o, v*. trsrt, Lioin ilk-. Ky , To those in want of tes-u pubiiahud. tUl dliii n ia* ;‘rtv#*c .oMa j ing till 2, aud from 4 till * iu the evening (Sunday » except- do do Sett*; e to order etedi. Door*, Blind*-, ed). unit-.-.- by special appointment. do do Berthe*; f *«tt Bwwvrt' to the com* ru< - Boy?’ and Voulli>* Heady -made C lothing J. W. McCLUNG, TKIESEM AK, No. 1. w the retuudy for RELAXATION, Real Laces ul ail ut. Shiugb^. rough Loiute r. also RUt.l*. very cheap for cash. SPEUMAToKKIMKA, aud all the POIMXRLY or MATimil, it., THE INDIAN FAIRY BOCK. dUtr<’*Miug consequence* AT COST. ariciug from early abuse, indiscriminate cxcea^e*, or too „ , A BROKER IN REAL ESTATE. r°*n the Orirfual Leftedt W o Embroidered Lace aud Muriin Curtain*; French Flan- ATTORNEY AT LAW u.--traaoua oy \ long residence* iu but climate*. It iuu> invigorated and res- NAN. ia.ar*ra4 b> ^ .Minnesota, AN HioNY. *34 9 . 13 mo tored to perfect health, thousand* UIIAS F. RAUCH FUSS, Saint Puul, of the debilitated who 1 -rice 41 . 73 GJ*-, 1 octi 1 JAbu PjS I ourth aU. bet. Market and Jefferson. * A are now iu the enjoyment all the 1 make iuvestmenr* for non-rrridents, guaranty Inr of function* of manhood; W LL Thea* are rvrffabte Ley*r*d«, which ha*o doubiie* Copartnership and what ever may te* the every v v tel CAUSES, DISQUALI- MAM and agaiu to (fee dooRy 3*a. lens s'. Aa lor A Cook and Man Servant Wanted. start. *r>- security to rcpurchaoB .v thi* advnnc • if j. komk aaav»k. *vr. t. Mvrnj. FICATION MARRIAGE i* effectually .-uuuu.-d by with sail \ thL- woudi rful discovery. derirrd, »nd chary* one-half tha ad vinca for three years so. • HI LRuLI.AM>.< ’ KllxabcUllcw n. FIRST-RATE Cook, without incumbrance, and an K ho* J ud received a large and superior assortment TKIESEMAK. N U. completely aud entirely eradi- active steady Man to take rare of hor*e*. wanted for over the 1*4 i-cr cent, as a commi-fton. JACOB, A C «-, t'all *oon and examine for yourselve*. 21 to cent, filHIVJL j cate* nil trace* of Gouorrbu-a. both in il* ’ by Also, wiU loan money for capitalists at 21 91 per mild aud aggrava- Dr. D. W. Y AN DEI.L. Z 2r~ A ny of the above books aotth ride rtrset.brt. Seventh and Eighth. ted real estate worth double the loan. ( Minnesota has no fit. 957 rtosnhi| . Pam* aud Kid- Johnson, Martin. II 111111 TT it fiON solicited. A Co.) N te under the style above, the Whob-*aie Uruosry and uey*, and those disorder* when, l apavia aud Cuteb* have Correspondence MASON BteuTaXRS T in Wood’s W all Paper Depot. |»-i virtu, r so long been thought an antidote, of dacre« of th, I.ou.,-rUl*i 4 -omaitevT. feurtiouot the population. REFERENCES. 11 1 . loot In tha Abo., mi-, IUU33 wtaaiaarf te< r- wm T. SAMUKIJU Third street, near Main, opposite the Courier office. WndfflidH or ou. ( te eatelasivefer he DOZEN of th<* celebrated Winch. *t. r Patent style TRIESEMAit, No. Ill, L-* the great Samuel a-*eda v, Iaj., , **• .*“••.**•*•*, Vukrw. i. .boot th. Uw>x m add arcct.n ,1 KORIN J .MOB. Continental Reme«Iy 3 • °* u c.ock, - M.. tell, ihiwripii- : Lin* n and Mu-liu blurts, consisting of staudiug for Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms. It al.-o Rev. R. Deering, L>uiexil!e, Ky. H A to th*- higheot hi !dcr or bidd* ro. u bo«k«. f ull ar tie J As. C MULHOUAND. c<>u-(itnte* at public and wit I. .ut collar*. Thi- vmtiiiil i tlie de! a oenaiu cure for Siraugors and (ountry Merchants Wallace A Lithgowj auction, at tha building known a* the lAwterffte Jan 1. DC? most Scurvy, Scrofula, aud all ( uUttieous Erup- Mean. Nariaaai d> U* of Shirt ever offered thi* cltr. Stanton, • iu A roustaui tion*. removing and ex '.wiling in its course all impuritiet A" well a» my city pn»nms will tin«l present Han. R H. ) my stock of 111 • eiiyot Routev die. ilways ou baud, uud a fit guarantied or the money troui the vital stream, m» ms altogether to eradicate Harrison Taylor, Ea*., Maynille, Ky. the inevitable destruction of the V large additions of twrythiue uew and choice iu my line Hou. J.whua F. liell DunviUe, Ky. 12 office, bar- room, y and halls, all t bu*me«« the aud tho taU*-ware, kiu:a«n loruituiw, • • rd»T with auy peeuliarity of style will please path ut’s constitution, aud which ail the Sarsaparilla in the which Lutsru market* afford. oook- worid Combining uf iug apparatus. -»eain -engine, Ac. Taken as a whole, con- i. ir order*, a* 1 leave for the jj»*t iu a short time. canuut remove. my tmda PAPER HANG Eli with the sale of •oirtitva a nrtt-clasa hou-i. • ready furnished TR! ESI. MAR, No. 1, 2. and 3, urc prepared in the form Wall Iteper iuthl»-s me t<» aesuru tlie public that they will and ia ooiap4* t, find • .rdrr Ti. unetpir»-d t« rrn uf rtie lea** of a loxeuge, devoid of taste or smell, and can te carried in it to their iuiercri to give me a call. from T. P. Jacob Curran pope. 4bc., to Jouu-ran, Martin. iI.DF.N SIRUP—40 kegs Baltimore extra Golden Mi- the waiacoat pocket. .SnUi in tin cutes, and divided into A Co. .which teu.- In Decorative Hall w»“ *»u day of *ale) . Papers wiU also ni, . e*-iv*d per Jeffi-rsonvdle and Indlannpoli* separate doses, ministered “5 ? be sold. Thto 1 IuD us ad by Yalpcau, Lalleiuau. rogvtJier I claim .uperiority ovor all roimn-tituw in I.oui.ivllli' with the other proper ,- above-named, rvwpoeUuii> aoiini them to i aud for sale by Roux, lCicot'd, Ac.. Ac. Price each, or tour costs iu ouc the will be of- market. who desire and tered m the aggregate or parceled fire, of I Aroout tor *-•, Gentlemen rich elegant pattern* out in suck manner as to Long A AND*W BUCHANAN it CO., which saves $3; and iu $27 cases, whereby there Ls a of this description of papers, and someiiiiug entirely new, produce the luost money. Rt-rpoertullt. N. S. LoNG. Corner Washiugtou aud Second sts. saving of jji'.'. w-ili please • L* Atavii.ua. Jat. 4. IA Spu ial AiiKANoEMK.NTb lmring cull and judg for ihemseives. | teen mnde with the r,i- W. Just Received, rious Expresses, the nine dollar ta^tsof Tries* mar, aud F. WOOD, •5 jdeb Thir l *trrvt. near m. a. a n uxovt. the larg- r sixes, are f rwnrded by Dr. Barrow, Main. vov ARPERS' MAGAZINE for February at carriayt paid, immediately on receiving a remittance, LONG Sl LEMONT. F. MADDEN'S. to any jtart ot the world, securely packed and ad dn-Med according BANKING HOUSE OF to k ;n in I 101 Third Ft., three door* fro|u Pod -office. WOOI) WILMON having aaeodnttff with h ktcaaboal and Kallroad AgmK the itna ructions of the writer, thus securing to the public J • business S. II. SHALLCKOSA wifi continue the brad genuine European preparation*, and iff ctuallv protecting H U T CO., AVt> j & CHINOS t, n«.**e, all it* at 933 Market -tre« w. « . Wi fe. rilALt j. r. Marshall. iu various branches, No. nm them from spurious and pernicious mixtures. Corner of Main and Bullitt street-. FBIH 6 AMI (OMMlHMON The between Fir-t ami Second, *outh tele. The atyle at the AKMM Carpeting and Household three dollar cases scut a* usual, but not tree of carriag*. novkdAwly and Steamboat E are receiving a- one p«-r cent. Tcnue**ee currency the firm wiil be WILSON A S LI ALLCROSS Louisn To bv had also, from Dr. Iktrrow, that luisutifuily \V illu*. following Fn*e Mtut*> llauk-. WILSON. MERCHANTS, Furnishing Warehouse. tra ted and popular work J. WOOD "HUMAN FRAILTY; or'l’HY- M I.RCllANTS’ BANK. Nashville; *•«. S4 WALL sntor. •>. -100 CITY BANK. do; bbl* Neehatioc potato*-*, fc#r tai tie u*c Well fe’val Velvet; 11-4. li-R aud 14-4 Family; and cure. Frio* iu cents, sent free to any addr**«n. IMfOITA.W TO FIX MILL MAkCRS, are authorized by the Jeff<*r-our file Railroad foroai. BANK OF COMMERCE, do; fi. -We by it Superb Tagiertry; K-4 and 16-4 Steam boat. Addre** Dr. BARROW, l."»7 Prince street gcuerailj MI NN lit CUAKAK, (few blocks TRADERS' do. 1 N Y persona enffgged ia the manutacture < diatanv to make r^otraeV nud gfre through rereads for Six-cord Bni«*t-1*; west of Broadway), BARK, of Fannir New York. • CURTAIN GOODS. (V) A - nil dly - North. B.V.NKoF CHATTANOOGA, Chattanooga; a i Irraghte over their road to ail points East, and Super k-|*iy; Of every di*ecriptinn. Copartnership Notice. dressing NORTHERN BANK TENN., CTarksvUle. \\ a i, B.)i l, iuo Lnia^vtUe, Ky. Ta|>e*t ry I narain; LINEN GOODS. d!3 IMcjtf DAC HAVE thia day *—ociated with me in the MANUFAC an Iti dl&fcwl burin** entrwsted to a* will aoeet witii prompt Sup’-r He medium lnrge a^Horttnent HUTCHINGS & CO. 2-ply; A 1 TURING OF TOBACCO my ton. EDW*D HOL att<‘*Uou._^j j7 dim Ia>o priced 2 -ply; STEAMBOAT DECKINGS. JOHN H. HOWE. BRooK, jun. The braanem in future will be aonductc i Mnu t hain ; Heavy aud light IW-ar Duck; GREAT FIRE IN J IGN. HOUSE. AND FAS) Y under the style of EDW*D liOLBROoK «i SON. PHILADELPHIA, ••if. 1’ifBU ffl and 41 >1 p- r b»t. Cal! and stair. No*. *i, and * I*ilot Duc k. PAINTER, IMITATOR A .OLD AND SILVER. Charmiuglv UIustrHted January 1 iK*7. EDW'D^LDI.BKOOK. by Auction Sales by Thos. Anderson & Co., J of all kind* ol Wood aud Marble. Mixed paint*. , MAY I. IMS. Made and raid t- PILwL* *.V at \y: BROAD' Our stock of fhe aborp good* and every article in the Tuwaitui. S |Uare 12mo. cloth. Price 30 cent*. - Haw, Putty, Ac., f.»r nab-. mar Dey A. and HZ hr-,aim- . Main st., between Niebelm Hi House aud Steamboat Furnishing line is m ell-a*sort**d. Fifth and Sixth, Louisville Ky. ail and DIX, EDWARDS, & CO., Term* made to suit customer* both a* to rate* and times TOBACCO NOTICE and Druggrataand Fane- . ut th the attention of purchaser* ie especuill v invited to nn HE attention ol dealer* i* respectfully pk^a our own Manufar- •4 ate*. VMRfi. IriNbA LEMONT tMfeL WANTED -For which we will an ex- 31 di m 321 Broadway, New York. invited to our panucul. VfiTE are offering for sale 5o0 of HERRING’^ D pay the highest amination. HITE it SMALL, 1 regular Anctiou Salmon every Tuesday and v - r market Thurs- street, fir»t v egatraro and give through pb tar freights over pric* . »k"No. 312 Green door cast of Fourth, PbalooS C Ueiuicnl iiair Invi^ornfor* 122 4'.'*.' Main *t..3 door* east of National Hotel. day during th.- tall, rommeucing each - -- ' luvlt.* the T-:»de »ad deal- its. North. iAa. and day at 10 o'clock, A. .ouL* ville. K* f> *Inljly Oelebrated XX lb* and o *. We T ^ BRENT, SoN. A CO. |n Datent The »*•*? oomplHg article >( th * . when we. wiil sell Champion kind evar teLwc < BOTHERS. Sup’t, M a general H*ort rnent of DRY er* to call and see us at oar Factory, ou presto u »tree l Safes, solid colors French d« GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, j th- fiub.K Ik ana *tood im mst si twenty vanra No. 321 Broadvray, New ^‘ork. BROGANS, Arc See our spe- COAL’ COAL! near Maiu. express and for sal*- ciil a«l vert eaeii '* COAL! jun’ry, ar. 1 not yr.a of tha *->n- bundreaia oi bv torment for dav -ai. r jau 1 dAwlm EDVVD H t SoN. ink Publish the FMlL subscriber, thankful lor ihe patronage extended to Real Estate Agency iw it CO.. 41f Maiu st. following MAGAZINES: Terms cash. TliOS. it ANDERSON CO., a him by hU friend* and the public lti (reuerallv, regret- ud b«nu.^> *on tha HlCr, aud itoepiug uu ^m IRWIN LAMPTON . Notary pubte and Fowl Fxate feb ifivw Auctiom-en. tend oKa PUTNAMS MONTHLY, fully informs them that he has ja«t opened a COAL YARD • Agent, south ride o! Jffflejwuii stzswt, U Third ived thi* day and for sale by JACOB B. SMITH, A aud OFFICE, on the and i ourth under thr Htetriawm Hall. I^auisrille. K>.. AIES LOW it CO.. 41» Main*t AN ORIGINAL AMERICAN MAGAZINE. P. Q. DKXtY '.N. u. I1K>B CORKER OF .xr.XTlf ASD GREEK STREETS, Up leave to uttorn* the pubhc tha* hr ha* juri • nterad into %N I itoilrr-, . Maker, LDEK A BRO 44* *t number for ] - Main THE Janaary, 7, commence* anew vol where he is prepared to fill all order* for Poiaeruy and ; trill Valentines Ihe ahovr burinew nd proa.pt!> attend to all orders 1 ume. The character tlii* S. G. Henry & Co., description of for 1857. Blue and Gold. ot Magazine is so well knowu Pitubnrr Coal at the lowest market pric *. I* now prepared to manufacture every ADDER prime Madder for sale by dial the PuhlL-here to CD., Lou-yriu*. p ^RI SII -upjily of have only say that they mean to relax Ut TIONEERS AND COMMISSION ; &~i Mttoesalso on the we-t tele of Third street, Vaults, &c., Hagan R K . mw )B* B. - LONG FEI. LOW'S PoEMS, complete A MERCHANTS, between Steam Boilers, Tanks. Bank WILDER it ., 44 Main *t . . BRO 00 exertion to render it constantly worthier of public fa- Corner Main and Wall streets, I^mGrQle, Market aud .Jeffi-r*on, a l*i and 9 ““-um m \ v I iu 2 small volume*, bound iu blue, with gilt edge*. Ky. and Fnlion, between Preston and >ta., vor. Due regard w ill be had to variety und popular enter- CF"< a*h advances street*. Atkin .shop, corner Ninth und Water NDIGO -Ig case* prime Indigo f<>r TEN NY SON’S POEMS, complete in one volume, made ou good* consigned to us to any Floyd [dlA jAhJ JOS. lio BB. mb- by uni tainment, while form in *tvje aud size with Longfellow. and the Monthly will continue its survev of amount. LOUISVILLE, KY'. great public question*, it will not forget that the public ex- 2 IT We are at all times ready to attend to to order at the shortest notice. I He M I Li- 1 TDL'CIA: A Th-msaud Pleasant Tilings from sale* of Real HOW IS IT N. B. Repairing done Sale was ruacbed Uus afternoon, TM«IS. Ii. NOBLE pect* alter an exposure of Note* and u*-rieH. anuiscuieut as well as instruction in a monthly maga- E*t«f«-, Mar*h.ai'* or Constable’s Sdl>v, Household want* tdT’lteier to liewit A Syuima. ayl ddtwly 1 and ti h t llCIti It tramwerinr totiwn"— in tbiai 0 Furni EVERYBODY once of TRoXFL'S b**autiful AM- m thirty -sir hours to iutenae heat, zine. ture, &c., ou terms (satisfactory to seller*. and, although the bras? .enufar'ured. oader the firm and ef II. t .MAR* 11 WINDS AND APRIL SHOWERS; being jy 20 mj BROTY PES? Some mouths ago tlie different hum* *>U THu MAP NtHiU.k Ou a year, cent* p!»t» "Q Ihe froot of the Safe X«*u- and Notions on a Few Created TERMltogt or 23 a number Sub-cri- hug name* gotten up by artuts to deceive Copartnership Notice were ruelud and the exterior pthiadai dMwivnl The andernt'Uers WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS Troxel's Gallery are not hermetically sealed, not so beau- and HOUSEHOLD aud aTEAM- IS WINES, GOODS, CARPETING, - dt, with ou additional lo l’iecft* EDW. A *tpK> LI E CLOTH thL* day received aud for aalc HOUSEHOLD » y Br.iU(iies, Imuicstic I.i ,uur-*. tiful, aud liable to fade. SEMASH L CO. THOMAS H NOBLE ou haud and lor WORDS, rigara, Tobacco, and BOAT FURNlSHINGa. CONDUCTED BY CHARLES DICKENS,} Boat ami Bar Store* generally, Maiu street, betma-u S**v- Citizen* and stranger* arc particularly invited to call be- The *tyle of the firm will continue a* before, under the l uiLanxirHii, •ION MEIW'HANT AND DEALER IN PRO- JAMES LOW A ro., 41* Main it. cntli and liahUi, ltoulsvillc, Ky. fore going elsewhere. name of Durkee, Heath, A Co. JUy a, 13M. And containing Tales, Kteaya. and other article*, by j> removal. No. 11 Market street. brtw««u Main and Cora 1 tint ruction* given Mxaeas r »xaxL» A- William llowitt, iu the art for ff30. B. F DURKEE, Hsxatno—Gontltmon. The IKr. Leigh Hunt, the author*-** of Mary Bar- WS havtt Tv msmrni *nx iOBACCO Langlu *, Holland’*, Jones**, Also, rights FINISHING and HITE BEANS -40u buteel*. • jriio*- article, ton. IUrry — aud all tl lor sale to operate in Kentucky. J. M. HEATH. rin* I’vU wt champioa t ire- Proof Safe of roar \\vv Cornwall. Wilkie Collin*, and all the English brautl* of Tobacci -.-.if,- PlkNt) WkRI-R>K»Ms ** ibs crivrd and for atli- by tore mud Jur sale bv XV. L. TROXEL, Ambrotyidst, Louisville, Jan. 1, UK. L. G. HOWARD. fare, mm a writers, i* now generally regarded as the most interest mg which we purchaecd nearly a year dace, wae In Mara Sixth it Main at., between the and *lre*u*. R»y uold§'» arw and popular of the Fuiglish Periodical*. OWEN STROTHER. Second and Third, It* circulation in • - cwio-e ef our baUu.cc at the tuna uf it, dcdtrucuwit Louisville- s constantly increasing, and to meet the pub- NOTICE. day IG ARS—We have 500,000 Cigars of the most approved *rt»t tire of May 1. 1 »;. r*-»» • lic demand. M-^rs. 1*1 «ud tors X. EDWARDS. Jcl’o. have made braud* und for sale low by become aAH>cizted with the above exten- with the AVING We had removed the greater portion of jail 23 dil: w •TAMES 1/)W ic C’O., 41 - st. arrangement* Editor ami J*n*i rflffors in LugUnd oar book* before Mam OWEN ie STROTHER. C. S. MALTBY’S H rive house aud e«iually iutcrasted iu it* Lmsme-%- ;b and Main rtreeea. which will enable them to issue the Weekly Nutalx-r* sim- the ire reached iu, hut left wnie of them, together Hiid its proMperity, may 1 uot rely with coufidance aud with a R-*. CRAOG. COL I >i ALL t OAT AND VEST BUTTONS Mb gros* h ultaneously with their publication in Lu^laud. The Month- 4 H WILfiON "JRASS SEEDS— — OYSTER REPOSITORY, pleasant ou ruy many friend* throughout this aud the mor»- number uf looee fa^er, ituide, purpoeoiy to Irat tha menrity ( I sorted tliL day received aud and tor sale bv ly edition b continued. * -'wo bradtolg ci«>wpr Seed. -*u*taiu in cdort* and that "f uiy of the Safe. No. O'A Third "I bel. Ala ill Southern Status to me my After ’hirty -eight hour, of aver, roaatine. JUO d<> jau 23 dAw JAMES LOW A- Co., 41* Maiu *t. TERMS—For the Weekly Edition, g cent* per numtx r. und .liurkrt. Timothy do; u-pociat<*s iu a«lvaiitiiug the iaterest* of aa alr««ad y large aud we fwand interior $:> per auuoiu. For Mouthly E-lition. per LACII BRANDY' 10 bbis 3-year-old IlKCEIVINli the ol" the Safe, upon J ,’emng. not uni, l.WO d<- Blur Gras* Seed; $3 year, or 2o — Peach Brandy /"\ DAILY i'l.K s. S iucrcaaiug trade. L. G. HOWARD, •ON NET’S cents a nuinber. Those remitting will receive the iu rtore aud lor sale by * Jl.Xl'KF.S- FKES1I bright and wand, hut the L«0f do orchard (rrara S»« d; CRAVATS—900 dozen till* day received aud $3 Mag- '\/e OYSTERS ATTu 1 jl dlmAw3m of Durkee, Heath, ik Co. hooka and paper, a* free fen ' f”r sale azine free of postage. HAS do Herds' Grora or Red by OWEN it STROTHER S^J^/lN-l^kUF AND SMALL fire me when firs put in. copies 3 30u d*. Millet Seed. tu 2S dAw JAMES LOW & CO., 418 Main «t. CLUBS—2 copie* $0. have REMOVAL. We -hall re-iuire another Safe- u »oa a» we get 1*«. every varietv PPLE BRANDY'—We a few barrels genuine Ap- AI*o, S}»ic*d Oyster*, pickled Oy?t*-r*. Cove u>’»U a new lo- A of Flower aud to 2*9 •rt that «e * future r<> . pi** Bruudy,3 years old, for sale. Fresh Lobster*, ^ANDFORI) DUNCAN has removed Na Ma n cation, an 1 want none be able to supply Um 1 Pickled bat yowr wtroely put mp tn H A 15 com*- thi* dav Lobsters, Sardines, Pickles. Sam “Champion." or fr.r *al* M BRAYS— raoeived and for *ale bv THE SCHOOLFELLOW, -rreet. «i*i of and adjoining the Louis villa Hotel, w i.ci tCMMd -lei IBdt'UIbcliU, fre- OWEN 4 STROTHER. Ketchup-, Ac., Ac. ^ Yonrv, *e. h and gruuioe MUNN jau 23 dAw JAMES LOW 4 CO., 41* Maiu st. FI3UKK Jk BROTHER, .V» rerar Is our Piau.»«* AN ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE FOR John a. McLaughlin, Agent he will contlnie- the W |IO LESA LE SILK and FANCY' we would rwpeetfui- il* Hie . L>ui*\ S- e 1 ami ” No. refer to I h« last five BOYS AND GIRLS. We urc in receipt of an iuvoice of Pickled jSjAbrt- 'i (iiMtl)N bu-inrfcs. jaiGdiVwlm II North Sixth at. years, wt * Avx nr- Maitby. SIVgl* Ttlg cose* 0-4 Tweeds thi* day received and :er-, which will *.-11 cheap. ifttte wbeopUoed in **omp> tlt^u It i* now a year since S« we TH E liOOLFELLOW Ix-an to The above ia but ' recent ovidenew vb :be prti OWEN it STROTHER. Dissolution. of th,- well-known • V -Vera > ork amt Laston. ULCfinXBN FOK IS97 be issued in it* present form. The publisher* are happy to COAL! COAL! it " :#“FiuL*hi JAMES LOW CO.. 41- Main *t. f 1 h- l.talitua of the genuine Herring , Safe." warvrooiua corner oi Mala and. acknowledge the v«ry cordial apiircwiatioii » irii I HE copartnership heretofore ex -ting tween the un For fourteen which the -12 bbl* f subscriber, thankful l wfh 4tr«H-r< •ERD- Clover-Seed just received aud ¥MIE for the bii*ine«* heretofore ex- I der-igned, uu>h-r the styde of ?»TARBIRD yeare they have been before the mb whohwai* retail publh- ha* met their efforts to produce a really beautiful aud WILSON. puhBe. and. though Dearly and •I NO. F. HOWARD «v CO., I. u nded t«* him by hi* friend* aud the public geueraUy, valuable Magaziue for Children. The expeuse ha* been *k SMITH, wa* tUi* dav dtseoived by mutual i JM< have been sold and are now is train th*- country promptly attendodu. at thr wood boxes; Maiu, between Third aud *ta. respectfully informs them that be ha* ju-t opened actual uss am! more Fourth a ( oai .*{’ • .•• cate pfirw. heavy, but the return i* commensurate; aud the cniarp-d l.i’h. ; uue tlmm l- authon/ I t • ,-ctrle t ,.:fiin^H iau 200 hare n (taper do; tor sal<- hy Yard aud Office on the corner of Fifth aud Greeu street*, been u-sted In occidental fire*, they have resource* at their command enable them to promise addi- lute hi iu. THUS. F. W i LSUJ^H^ KIRK 4 n.AKKK. CO., 41ri et. where by strict attention and (mutuality, he ptill hopes to iver been known to fail. lnree GARDNER 4 Main tional improvements in the quality of the work, and greater ALBION P A a**<-rtXD>*at eouvrant'r Great Central Bookatorv. M->zar Mall. re * ive a large share of public |»atruuage. hau l, .u-i : o' I together with those of other I LouLvUl. varietv aud iutertsst iu it* artiele*. borne of the best writers maker*, which have . Ky. IJJVER-SEED—12 bbl* received i*-r railroad aud for He keeps always on hand a large assortment Dry Goods artist* of the of Pittsburg iu part rob- b>' aad country are now engaged for its pages; mu taken s«j aud will be sold cheap. %R 1 . lav*-, for the pr**e» ut ami Yuutchiobhcuy Coal, that is warrauted to be what it is aud approaching sea-^iU. a lari aud the aam rfifflazt rare will U- ex«- rinsed, tiiat a pure BEL’S Copartnerstup. ” and -u;e-nor stock Si 4 CO., USt Main *t. CWA BLACK PRINTS— renrasented. FARRELS 4 IIFRRING, *»f D.uieetfc aud Staple Isrv G. GARDNER true spirit shall justify and still the claim #f THE M llUUL- 4*) caae* -olid black and black aud white 3 h.ive eoneteUm.* *** pnrt of h_ lie ol*iH*enu*r,. Puloa ACKKfiKL-UO package* No*. 1 . 2. and 3 for sale by aajr part of the city for ;* cento per pushed, used by the style of WILSON > TARBIRD. IW! 'C Cotton- and tone ii* of all widths. Tab every section of the country. some of T ej dly&Wcowly *4 Walnni siraat, Phiiadrlphla. 41'.* -t. Direct importation; for role br bu*iu«w at th^ old l |>aina*k-. Napkiu*. aud Toweling*, togeth. GARDNER it CO., Maiu the first families; none better for -team. tinue the WHOLESALE DRUG r u irb a -jde: THE SCHOOLFELLOW may lie obtained of Booksel- iau 2? dA w did -tock of L«ag -4 loti.* JAMES LOW & CO. Also, au otlice on Market street, between Sixth and ot Wil*ou, Starbird. 4 Sinitli. No. 4*2 north side Main, be- and New Y*abU* alwa> advance), or ten rents a num- LEACHED COTTONS— bleached Cotton*. TlIOS. E. WILSON, UF Night Watch, or Social to*, be pteaeed to rxiutMT to onr rurioincr* GARDNDP. 4 CO., 41^ Mein *t. 1 THI^ American invention stands nnrivoUad FEED—teO buefiels, crop of la5t: ber. I 'Lena— Four copies to one address, $3 30; live copies verjoit- brand*, on hand ami for sale by *vifir Lady, price «1 2K jltt ALBION P. STARBIRD. , .both in thi* * Jan. 1, lcoT—d&wltu country in MAJ.'K 4 DOWNS, 471 Main street. iu ^ dtVw VOGT & KLINK, and Europe. It \9 worn ) by $4 00; eight copies Ufe. 2 JAMES LOW 4 CO., 41^ Main at MANUFACTURING JEWELERS and v J i .by l.ws) peronoa, and with mo*t a-tom.hiu* mr_ J D. BoNDURANT 4 CO.. *Tl N A. WING ft. C. «wt»tt, eras. FINE FRESH TF.Afi — Wholesale Dealers iu Watclu*. Clock-, t I In competitioa with 3u other sub*tituu» si let.. feKwmt Main and the River. W a Mipply of HUNTS *2k)ca*e* Print*, parti v of Sprague’* America u, ’ tho beet very cfioU-e Bla« k and i,nn. Tue Best and Most Beautiful Prizes of aud tiue Jewelry, at F^tatern Prices, No. 1 French, Eng Iwh, and German maaa- *li -cted from the Duuncl. Richiuoud, and Hamilton, and other braud*, KING & EWING, / I^c*»nrc*k%ns of a Llfetiinr, fresh im(«ortati<>m>. >72 Third street, near Market. Louisville, w \ factum, it reeetrad the award of the yra and Rk> Offer I tor role by w / GazaT o ra a Season. hand aud f«r sale at ay tits’ prices bv' — * new of fiami-iar I Y. Mr«*aL at the World’s Ezhibiuen in London as S<»N / « »j!>*<-riptions to bags Rio Coffee; repaired in a verv superior their Profession in the central and western m t hjMis:i Evidences, be IIIIIRITT “THE SCHOOLFELLOW," RACTICE 1 ^ el citiea, Jim 4 80 V, and tuu in ever . instance ree«hre«t the by tb<* tirpt of February, we will award a haud*om«- set of do J^yuayra Coffee; *17 wj!4 dj 4 htf of the Mate. y Tha Gfi-*prl ami its Beiuvut* 14 41* Market *t.. between Second aud Third. P rouuUcs l.ward of tin bijheM or Urri ; renuum. And a* Carpenter** Tool*, complete aud serviceable, and mode to d«» idd Java do; in store and for rob* by Refer to G. I>. Prautice aud Dr. I*. E. F.wiar. Luuia T be Paraffy font *ido«, or If I h crowning honor, by the a uaaimo us approval Louisville Paper »uit hi* hand, in an ornamental box marked with his AND’ W BUCHANAN 4 CO„ ville; Oovenwr More bead, Frankfort; Hon. F K Mac- * ioil* *ub both joc-rta* Warehouse. have 1 /.’f an iuternauonai *i»nctl. th • first READ, ANDERSON,ACO., LANKFTS—We on hand a fine arcorfment of premium— rO*»*lw in. |*rv-e “ name. Corner Second and Washington *ti Luue. Elktou; Hou. E. M. Ewing, RuaselWiile; Judae Jame* feh fc T ' / *niy .'ulcer and for dale low to tile trade 11-4, 13-4, aud 14-4 verv fine Whittle). 1 Meoal «»u for Limb*— was award - who phnll send us the largest li*t of pr> or, Covingtou. oct37 tLfcwtim Which, the Right *r tfi.? Left v' To GIRL y THE one *• KA< Tl KKHS. B'.uuti buudh-r extra 11 4. 12-4. and 14-4 1 / N- >ra MAM llemp Wrapping Paper; medium and low priced; dollar puh*criber» to Y i rv»tal Itolac*- Thiaa. Uqfatbcr k.troi “THE SCHOOLFELLOW," iu th»- with maay » . do *-4. 10-4. The limb i* well ventilated in I •rner ol yiilh and Wain Mrrfilv do Straw do do; and 12-4 Markiuaw; Jo bbl* prime Plantation; jrder to prevent -ante time, w e will present a charming 4 hiua 1 « a Set, brill- J J 600 do stipertor quality Ham do; >--4 and lo-4 Steombuat; in/ta irrm atisa and aiccratioX th* iantly decorated iu color.-*, and having h«-r name iu gold, 7u Uo do paragon ssgor-IIou- City Eonndery, of stump. II AVF.oa hand a full and errand*- atnek of II ATS. CAPS 14MU rroiu* Patent Manilla Wrapping do; And fine < rib Blanket*. of—. »®d l* iMiapred to every Jorm of amputation. on every piece. ar.- preparaa to build Land Engine*. Tobacco and J II and Ul)ID»' FURS, to which they luviu- the mtten 2Ub do Pwdt -office do' ' do- *ale at great bargain- by HITE A SMALL. Pumphioto gtvinff full mJoriuaii. n sent rratoa to every BOYS AND GIRLS -SCHOOLMATES AND PLAY- W. IL WALKER I^ard pTeseca. Architoetural Work, Wat. r and t»aa- an- NIFF AND 9ILTF.R BASKETS %t ffauf fawfeawm. ji7 9»<0 do Har.iwan do do; 4-*y .Main *t.. m ar Natioual Hotel. plk-ant. B. FR.YNK PALMF.R 4 CO - MATES IN TOWN AND COI N TRY — begin unw and Pipeof anyre-iuircd bore; Gearing for all kinds of Machine- *’*- M I * 1 do DruggteU do do; j u n».* 2d d4wly 37ti Chestnut street, phiiodel to bbl* extra Wheat in etorv be busy aud *mart till the first of February. ry; Car, Railroad, mud Bridge Work. We are also manu- »UR-2i WhR. riaar at fc.«*W do l iKdacop aad Lett, r do; for be Gloves! facturing Grader* 4c Cowait's Patent Metal Mill and Brand’* rote *r J. I» IkiK DURANT 4 OO. usd do NVw* printing do; Gloves! 8rrci.lL Toms *n« all Tu*ek nr our Maoaximi: Literary Agency received a large Premium Cora Crusher, th. boat now iu use. All tomis ol u0U do Ito-k do do; u-vortUMUit ot black, PUTNAM S MONTHLY aud HOUSEHOLD WoRDfi RES- i til's] e.l Codtiuir* and Finishing t toutinux-4 hi* Agency glut, ASH MERE. AND SOFT Ni i**i grow heav> CM Gloves. to our addrr**. PUTNAM'S MONTHLY or Work. tor Author, in the Br-.w'n B-»nnet IVwird’-; HOUSE- tor and qaaMMc*. at A: *t. with HAWKINS A THAI NO R, lonng the yrrm, and dixporol oi tnaaa- u«ai dw «Mi|aT blue aud WUi;.- Bfi’trae; Board*; M ARK DOWNS, 471 Main HOLD WORDS THE SCHOOLFELLOW to out ad- W C. CLEGG a SON'S, ar*r4 d.U .-r*. lie also purchase* books «*.0UU Ibr C Ottou WrapplUg TtUg, drew*, y" or all three of the Mnegzinc*. 46 an. for Individu- boxes Blue Um.v Dairy Choose ju.-t r ciationsou coiuiai-«e.o. Addrvro h caeei- G.D. perriMte.m aja*, direct imp-rtati PUTNAM’S MONTHLY or HOUSEHOLD WORDS tow .rnckw- ,r sale b' FURS- A PARK 3 do do supplied to Postmasters, Teachers, aud Clergymen at *2 , BE3UA3UM, K U. do. do do- per urn lu store aud Scvrnth JNo. F. HOWARD * 4*0.. annum. 47 avenue. New York t tf. J9-* C. I. 4 A. V. Df PONT, 477 Main «4 dCudlindcwT Maiu. between Third and Fourth sis. Tlw htghert K. B. market j rice in cash (old for Rage. STILL AT COST. CAPS—New atyles just received aud sale at very lADfiV FURS AT roCT-W* \mse rolr INTER Underwear, all kind-; *w prices by VALEXTIXES. , Winter Half Ho*c; three da- sfron. a f« w in..re s-u of Lodi.*' Fancy Fur* loft, CANDLES— PRATHER, SMITH, 4 CO., BBLS PRINCE’S BAY OYSTERS, YdW ready a new an ! splendid aasertment of 1 cnet M i -iin aud Liueu Shirts; prime hurcb; Main st New Y'ork, by American Express, the tiue*t. largest fwhich we are now **-ULut at J24J4b 455 * N ut.es for 1*57. comprising the •OTTONK- Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchief*; I * greatest voruty r ' half b>>x.-s Sti fatted ever brought to Loulsvllh- one and trv m. \N . < i LtorG 4 SOV, •-4. tored iu the Westorn country. and 5-4 S**a 1-land Cotton*; ' 2 nnd.-r Lom-vflle Hotel. Cushman* and Velvet Mnttl r*; de by tuauufacture, v.*ry light and GlWfcj KI EFER .v MYERS. iaaaf.1 3Co. u Drilling*; Winter Glove*. gr»*at variety; Ii, f»r ^ale by WHOLESALE OR RETAIL DEALERS rol- bv Susiarader*, Shirt Collar-. &r.; 24 jAb 1 *t. LACK SILKS— good osmo In town or country supplied vr. c. ram. c. w. muu j r. x a r*. it all. Just Received, P RATHER, S.M IT 1,4 C O. , 455 M iin A at the lowest Eastern JAMES LOW it CO., 41* Main st. rilk 1 ct-ived ttu* morning by expr> tor cash, ANKKF NOTD»\«, MU N AX, Fancy Cravats and Scarf*; Valentuies! Valentines! steud in your orders early to Carpetiug II of aud House aud Steamboat Fuj- MA«fAZINE tor February by lfiack Cravats, Scarf*. Ties, aud I)e J«j 'OFT ATS every description, style, and quality for F. MADDEN, AND 6-4 BROWN (’« iTTON’S 10 bale* singed TIMELY HINT.— Secure yonr Valentines early a; 1 — Hrasbt-*; Cologne; Odor*; Dre»*lug Ch - rob* low be Dealer ia Rooks and niabiug < Hfarionc* Goods. brown i ’l tuna, suitobl** !.«r uianu- *.vs street. the window blind .rt-Mom.i - \ TALifiiTfi, Fourth That's place. 34 jA h CO., 455 st. jan > 101 Third 3 do«>r* Ladies* Work-Boxro; p ; PRATHER, SMITH, 4 Main 5 d4wl ni 101 Third ro.. Louisville, TTI * fiMAI.1. 4<~ Mail, rtrorl. w»r Kstiuul Tlota-l. r*. on band and tor role bv C- TAYLOR, The time i* at hand when all over the luud. H have in store s large assortment of new tftrle i'arpct- ; dAw JAMES LOW A 4 0.. 41“ Main st. steam < upida on rail. iog aud FuruSliing Goods, c<>n*oCiug of— By mu a tnimhrcs will fair GOOD.'*. bale* Tailors* < an\a* received Tender fiy.and maiden*, though shy. DOMESTIC kkii buflvi. Vslwt, < feN oco ant of tlw (borti*^ of time attain Damask*. I have l.-ft before I*ucc,^rs t Robinson, Mnrto, '| f Will anxiously wait for the mail. ARTIN & PKNToS 4 .fas r Mfe'f Tapartrj-, Lac» « »> rcuiotal to V-» Y ork. J am t<*arl Tiiratrv liwraiu, Muriin do. thror owing iw- tfi* call thi* vo-k au4» t:l.-. Tbore who VALENTINES! VALENTINES! they to do To tell their heart** t«*. ling iu rhyme. and Domestic Dry Good*, which are pn pared oh! *' Wool, libeu am! -wton n<>* have the time lo coil will U- colled upon, I trust aud W 3-P‘ She* ting, aud And the a xes will speak, both ihe strong and the weak, NEW Complete a<*«ortmcut ju-t received and for low. ( ottou and Cotton chain the. will be prepared u> pay. It role Towris. Napkin-. would greatly d.-lav me Through Love's interpreter, st. Valentine. V wholesale uud n t-iil by BLEAC 1 1 ED Ct iTTONS. v 1 Carpet*- Doili -.- “* U1 ptfpuo* to have to call the rocond time, aad Table Linen. and would CRUMP 4 WELSH, New Y’ork Mills; Runsdale Shirting; Super W’.,l r-tuis . be euually uitpl. -aront hi ii. B- Howard. BLANKETS to toe leave acr.itinte ot person* Let old fori.-s unwed, with a -hake of the head. J22 )Ab h4 Fourth *t., near Market. SHEETINGS. who have poll <»uum m- lor i i«i> in th.- Landf- of oIL cr? Say the fi-ii* om i* vulenr aud low. N. B. Order* frmn tlie conntrj* tilled with dispatch 1 ooliectioa. aud 4-1, fi-4, 8-4, l"-*, 1 -4, and 12-4 Uttox. for Attention to tfib matu-r a ill U dul r anore- “Young America*' goes for fun under the row. scuracr all unalitirr at lowe*t ratea. 4-4, S-4, 10-4, 11-4, aud 19-4 AU nduh riot.ri and ackuwied£ed hy And each girl hopes to hear from h r beau. «’.-K ; VTOT deririBgtp keapnvcoal infers on LJttlo TANDARD METHODIST WORKS—The moat popu tiro brown. pinoa Both blea< aud • 1 1 Each that one m>-L-t*talk*<>: cTv.kuu-.ikM. I .l-.r- to 190 4*. TAYLOR. Lagua.vra Coffw in lar aad atandnrd Mdliodtot YN riiiue*. ulso Hymn*, Di- friend funny pictured slu^ts, Migic Watches. TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS. km thorn (or xtorucf J ak.-s one'* nud riton:* along. . ear**. 1 fie eoal rrua«ij-t the tluae*, and ttouyaof Zion, for role at urm “Come J ik> , m ram* worked a* Evan*viHe W’e hav.- on huud alxrgca^-crtmcnl Sup* r heavy Table Damask; r T ENTS* LONG *HAYYL*~2 cjuw, ju •ed to-t luisten and cho\>-c rich and rare bill, t s-m New bare, and that being opened i>c-r ex 27 KIRK 4 CLARKE'S. us doux at Uend- r-on. It i» about 1 prior for rol* °f fine Wu-che*. of onr own iuip«.na- Extra do do Snow-drop; and by From the matchl.^us collection ut store I feet 5 inefiro iluck, and aro»^ oat above mgb water mark RfSTAPORO’S, WALTFirS. bogs Rio in rtorv and fro- role br r. tion, caaed iu the Doilicsand Napkin* in great variety. Am R^’t. riche* ami mwt el- • jau 30 dAw JAMES LOW' A C ALIFAX, Ghntlkmax, by *-* Mulock, P *n the Ohio nver— baa a tir»t rote riate root, and ibe niimw .aut - f l"*, which w,- ar. 1 ROOT it W'OOLFoLK. hn-ond a. Mich delicious design* snch original lines, rrSZjTL^SSk r pr» ; uvd to LAN N ELS. MITCH ELL it HUBBARD. ith all her other {xipuiar not for role by — work dr a rail- way from 9U0 to J00 !.-»•« In length w all tt r to <»f stock of all kind*, which w*« are de*iroua rc- ; Both comic and t nd.-r und true, thoae in want a time-keeper at su<-l» pric * a* to A superior of will Ac CLARKE. tnat be roquired to load the coal from the i: rain en- XTRA «• Mbctoa White Wheat Floor, Garden Seeds’ Garden Seeds! bag* role lake it an object to examine our stock before dtu ing and will thei i-fon* .«rfer at very low price* FLOUR— Altopie.- iu if Aiiidr, in abort* and for roU* by Ye invite ve. 1 11 all to call and < YtTE ar.- prej^red bo farntoh fresh and gennine Ml l« A 1 doves tried to bill uud to coo. Garden HELL BUARD Human | bor with water 4 to 5 too; dee v; and thu» crock or ffboiO HIIUBTT A SoN. vv itoed- bv the ponnd. ring to i»nper. Aurora L* toh, by Mr*. Browning; All themes, of hive jlfi jAb JOHN KITTS it ( I).. Main -L orlnboxca icon maimer of which ever dream*. A few only on hand, which we will off-r at coat and leg*. miles above it* mouth aupr cache* within lit) feet of the It 4Bf> Maaket e* betwB ntub^ wud Third of Stoddard; toiniug 10H a*-aorbed». < So ago Summer, hy or paper* A lito ral 1 inc»uu: Tender thought*, made melodious of late Ohio river, at the head or ShutHrn- vti bar month tor the Hour, by Mr*. Ho’ IRISH LINENS, GLOVES, AND HOSIERY. The of luade to dealer-. j21 PITKIN BRoTHEItf Word* With good-natured jukes, meant for queer kind of folks, Dissolution. UTTER -2 LbU frroh In riorc and for mis by Pic eon creek cau caaily be ioo.lc at this point. Bothwell, by Avtoun; Y'ou may get by applying at atom r , HE firm herttoloiv doine bu*im*ro At 51 ART IN 4 FENTON’S, 1 RLNCU BRANDY received and tor sale K T under the style of A diagram cau be m* u at i ol. Webb's. Louiwille, or at M? J. D IRjNDURA.VT A C poems, by Matthew Arnold; * jlti >Ab Fourth at-, between Mark, t and .Jetf.ra.n. by [,2T.\ E. CRUTCHER* MILLER ha* been dto*«>lv..d hymn mv cou : ting-room, in liend. r-*>n. Kv., whore ratormauoa W. MILTON. Angelins, Noble; tF~ Remember tin* number —98 Fourth street— Lady Ly W. W. tUfitl coufeur. .lame* Crutcher, ha\ in_-soM UCKWTIIJLT lb® fine penneylvacia in L his Interval 1 wdl 1>« gfvon by my agent, 11. J. Eastin. rtOCK bag# aaie at |j27] KI[ TAl.BDTff Variety Store. j27j«fcb RAY' BUSINESS HATS, cheap, comibruble, and du ‘MBS AND BROH Lo— Nail and T—h Rr 1 to Jntt. _#U>ru and for f pipe# received aud A. Miller, withdraw# from the concern. Jno. A. [ aprJadAwtt A. B BARRET. rote by i 9 ruble, are to be had ot Uj4b W. W. J*aL. W L. MILToN. Miller i* chary* d with the #ettlement-*of the buaine##. THE OLDEN TIME, a* Illustrated ii jldjAb ICTURES OF MARTIN & PENTON, Either party to #igu in liquidation HAY ES, CRAIG. A CO. the Fortum** of u Family of th«* pilgrim*, by Edmum Gold Medal Piaiio-Fortea, P % Fourth atreet, ?ucce#dior* to Robin-on, Martin, A Co. JAMES L. CLASSES A ia riore and for Sear*, for role at j27 CRUTCHER. 4 CRAIG'S BEST**—This Oelahrat. IU D BY 9Ti.lN N P SIBt'P of all kmde | K ir> ‘ FOR 1*47 of all kinds and rice* tor role cheap W. E. MILTON. CURD A C( NO- A. MILLER has a>*o«i.ir**d with him In bradne*- FEW STONE MARTIN AND FITCH EUR. “-a-plrn ^j mumuit ofi th.-M JUM*> (®|rbn- ck VALENTINES! Fr-iuting and Suirtiuc Linen I still t HAIRS at (jU)4b] l ALBNTIMEh! MR ad t7 Sixth, between Main and Mark<- ; on hand, which we will close out at a bargain i!>*,rui n,!'- They W. W fmi KIRK 4 CLARKE'S. JOHN P. hEEVERS and WILSON II. .\!<>KR<»\\ I I ‘^ km »«»r<1 «d hiuuel# variety; V r Tt* Wn DW raaffy * urns and *ptomi:i N DI(*«j—*7 cacea superior J of every will »j4b HAYES, CRAIG, dc CO. .11 I f < 1m> hr-» prize (rnfci tnedkla a>tck for tha approach Indigo received and tor roU* by ()P 0>AK and condnve the WHOLESALE SILK and VARIE- W it the < rr- KAKD UM— Plaid Cotton- ami < heek# for Servant-: New Banka! EXPENSE lustiin® 1 N Aar •MCi eomprtmuf lac lance r-: r*ra-t r pv«r sR red AND WASH BOOKS— J-* E. MILTON. TY and NOTION burinee* under the :*t\l«* ol palace ,.*ja»ncau ’ air). Ne— York, la aod New W . coilf MaliiUa lio.-c; J No. A. should be provided wish <«*. 76 Handsome style# of cheap Calico*.*, TBSE3T FURS are at AT (All at M I LLI-.R A and have taken the store an.l a!») Ihe ifiaiylaod laatitute. la R1NGG4»LP 5u l>al««* < tokura; fur role by C< -room corner of Balumnrc, Cheap figured De Laiue#; Jlti j4b ITS Rkibertaon't f *‘r, KIRK A* < LA RKE Sixth and M ain street*, over A. B. Seinpto & Br.Yther (up comiwtidnn with the keet makers in New Y'ork. ikwtoa. Hh» Super plain do; stair*), Phila.IclakU aad Ualiimora. nptote jtera of ft>* where they will be pleaded to see the trie i ids Amnnr the jadgra went the I’fARl, aud II. CAPS. FOB MEN AND BUYS A DIES' CARD-CASES, TABLETS. PORT Enibroideriea of every kind; K PLUSH nr«a om-M.ai taleai in tha esaatry, r- «;<*«.- Worth and Wealth; Max customers of the 1 in 51—* AILS -1*50 key* aroorted Nail* for role by old concern. JNo. A. MILLER. ehea|*er, to b»* had lndiay i Mcnaie-. Folder*. Gold pen*. 4c .at l-'Jegant ami plain Handkerchief.*;. fortablc aa Fur and much nero Men; by 1 ragman Hnr. Louisville, Jan. 1, 1*67. chalk, Ma-'D. YY oilrnhanpi. and othrra, who declare i HAY ES. CR.UG, Il KIRK A ..LARKgS. Bombazine.*, Lu*t« r*. aud 1^ Iraiuee; |«i4b them to be the beet square llano -Fortes ever inada ia this \ Hunter's Life omoa# lie Beg***, Giugham#, aud Plaid*. roaatry. WiM \nimal*. bv Cfi- mh» KITING'DESKK. noBA4*4 ’0 -500 l>ox’*s Virgiuia and MiriK. Tobacco JNO. A. MILLER Sc lAl’H MANTILLAS are much th** warme*». dnxpexL CABAS. PORT FOLIOS, AN CO., The Blautertou*, Ifey Nirkoi L few role by (Tl COST. !ady «*an buy, and 'i'bew in-trumente I fully warrant to Hand la any ett. Work -Boxer of ever.. vori<*t> aud quality, at ^Asll advauecr mod’- on courjv'nfn«*ute ol Produce a U^7J CLOAKS AT MPORTERS I and mo-t durable wrapping* that a Pveps AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FAN- mate. They caa without troaframa. from a ! irllry. ( y the privilette of selllup in A few only on haud, which we offer at bargain*. 1 dt ore sclliutf them a* lower prirca be had of me, wish or New Y'ork, New Orleans', I CY SILK und HAYES, KAlG, CO. t KIRK 1 4 CUkSTS. OFFER— VARIETY' GOODS and NOTIONS at the manufacturers' price-. The rohton lrafoa-. or Up tide market by GOODS. corner Sixth and over than cloth can be had ak jlti j«fcb k 500 hay* Coffi-e; WHITE Maiu -trccU, A. B. Seimde A bro- Fenton- wi-hin, a toper b iiacruiuent ahoold cal! aad sea The l ira/ava. u l t x he magazine for february-.ui the m.^h- PI Ml-^ML. BELL it CO., S5e Main st Plain Jaconet, tarn brie, and Nainaouk; ther (up stauv). Tin* haetoro/HU Bxrdo.Vh 75 do lauruayra ('offee; j 19 j Ab ho—j at my aararooiaa before e-r aa—n* el—'when* Lines for 1 ubruary. Harper. Graham, aud Grin . Plaid Swiro, Jaconet and do; Ladies' and Misses' Furs at Cost T • i» oi *n« luy pockets Java do; in Ktore and tor role br U. P. FAl LOd, Ilium ami ikv«r •old at 20 casts kjuM at Vests' Vests! Vests! at Cost! Striped do, do do do; N P WNTS, IRISH LINENS, SMI TH, A CO., 47*5 Main strtrot. are closing n CURD 4 CO. M £’ BLEACHED ORATUK1L JanlojAb 530 Main struet, opiaadtatb. Bank of Ky. The Fohavio. Book, by 121 KIRK 4 CLARKE’S. 19 LACK and colored Velvet Vest*; Dimity, India Twill, and Lawn#. COTTONS, PENITENTIARY PLAIDS,PLAlDd.an.i ninrL out their stock ot Fur* at mime coec Those in want Klver*. or aud BIRD- A taken T.«*aa h. tk« auth EY E DIAPERS received tiiis ViotoruMO, Muffs, lfc--.eond .hund Plano- Fctrtea la ezuttaado at tho morninr dopant Capes, < I) Ikfi du do £ilk d»: ANDLKS AND SOAP- HOOP SKI RT8 at of cheap and and Cuff* \ tola, or tho Cross and tho call at establishment ANKERS’ CASES, POCKET-BOOKS. PORT MO- Ik* do fray Caflrimcre d<>. boxes Star Caudle*;} ... - . C*. DUVALL are invited to their and procure a set or by SUO In every variety and color; rotupln» of which will be sent j 4 CO.*fL I ris - Jotb an.l J - «»t Whin- Silk and white Marwilh-s Vert*. J17 Late of Furs at Eastern cost. »14 MP.MmU VMM M 160 do Rorin Soap; out to the ladiec who derire it. Bent A Duvall. Ab f* i4b i ail *oon for choice pattern*. r GLYCERINE CREAM AND PATFd COLD CREAM, 60 do German do; for role by MARTIN A PENTON, 96 Fourth *t„ S EXTRACTS tor sale at Li tor chapped Lauds, for rate at KATFAf * KATES! KIRK it CLARKE*: j£i C. TAYLOR, 4“1 Main st. Succeaaora to Robinson, Martin, j24 jAb A Co. 1 W. W. TALBOTS. J14 jAb W. W. TALBOTS, ri F earth ex Thirl sfertaL jj . . -* 1 1 1 m ( T - " T T r m G !. . . ! . L

Kxwpt Wai» Woan Am Hi.ireiG nr Srein.-We Commerce and Tonnauk uk thk Ohio Kivek Asxcai. LOUISVILLE Acaimcmt. — Isoms ur the Government Under a "PII ES JOURNAL l ' tltEE J ' ' ' alreve corn* are al out U. introduce into our city a general anil A report submitted to tbe lions- of Ke]ire.v-iitativea Rkiiccti is M HEA™ L.U a. lloWAMAHoward. General Washington, whom all place or thv Takiee.— he President of the fur thladiaeree. • w A CURE to um,lna*e.hl under ordi *** treatment. tit i. ' *“** our coun- eninpreheuatTe svstem of water-work.. It will lie on Friday bv the Secretary of War contain’ some Senate u now offered to the « -ted in the | on neriaon none of the great men of Wednesday laid before the hoilv a coni- . COST! COST! trr, whose name* have been Invented with xmoomary to lay pipes in all the streets and through- interesting informaUun in regard to the valut of the ummeation from the SecreUry of the Treasury, NAUGirs Fl lb salve. The rc^uUUon uf thL stove IIEN . UL' r a ryv » t i TWO WEEKS MOKE 1 WILL DISPOSE PRENTICE. DEN •nMA\l)» Rwo\, A OSBORNE.ikhohnp J hl r LI W? f OF MY K'FCUl sTtX'K (if EXTRA FINB * ** !**£' I/tlu I^JfUEToni!PK'-IPWETORS deathless renown, have inspired the popular heart out every ImiMing. While at thi* expense Western rivers, canals, and railroads for defensiw made iu compliance with a resolution calling for sn Kft hynriA 1 -Hy&C O. S esteem than Andrew might put in force the wisdom of the old proverb, purpose, and of the commerce of the Ohio Valley. estimate to what •*** cuu“‘,uuit>'' tn *inf rvl ‘auc with greater reverence and ; aa would be the annual income of ' | G. D. PRFxncSrTOlriTliwiiiiiEorroit. n^^rac | CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS nh one atone. It i- N n the report and from if one-fifth f’or1 sat- atkotcsalc and retail r of the Hermit! ft Government of tire Untie* authorize! by Lisi*Kxai:aoKB A Co.. ! | '' L. tnTIJT 1 A WVnTF-LEY.) fc!U Mala street.1 Gmiwiil-.1 K> (~1 . <~> -T~ . TT Th/T city tpera tcmmpaaytag it. lie ,* re m~a TVT <**wi is adds ml heat aa entire with 1 flaewtarj of War under the tariff tt 1146 ware remitted; if ^ I* • M "»" lustre what one- iir j /\\ xs v , liit U P 6HD1UK, nm DR -fT. II. CAVANAUGH, FraffMar,p, M N f ' augi il.vwi.lfwistf I that no beat is says: aug"! dA St.si. Luula.lamia. Mo. memory. The \-iolent partyiew which existed <1 or- question of economy. All know fourth: and what if one-third were so remitted. The GREAT BARGAINS! I

healthful than that generated by 1 |ieriod of he* public life is almost forgotten. I more pleasant and ( (le receipt of the re* lution it was Socretar* transmitted a letter from the Register of ANII.I.AI.LA ROPE, aieoHcdaborted -ties,sires, SUBSCRIPTIONTIOS PRICES mg the referred to AM ROPE of the beatbest quality,tiuality, ! PRICES——ISIN ADVANCEADVANCF \|T Cull soon at 525, southwest corner of - I f ir risle^ vsry iow. tn rinse a larre lot, by Mam aud Third -ireels. * tile of all Me.i„, .u it w..iil 1 Is- (..pillar if it were cheap, the (Me* tt dm two of engineer- and to the Treasury, a * '\y' Dailr .'ourual to: < cantrr re is enslirin.-d beans hi.- mi the forming part of the respou-e. V flu: "oauur HalleHaiti as Tri-WerktvTn-Werklr ft aad bis nSmorx m mak- A - p I£*d3. W. A.*' KH11AKDSO.Nkll' Vl aw^Vx’Av' BUO.,mi'-o UulUtt .L I » eeklr S3: Ki-euuwufitelteltaBullelir. lkt.SS. ififmnjied**;uwlbff SC WefflyW«4Jr BuiBut conveying the hot steam to t l?* ltutjjl-'cts in ^eratrvmen as a hero and a* a statesman. Generali Ihere is no difficulty in : ing the following exhibit, basing his estimates upon —— —— ——— — Mu SI f , LL E A. D /\ NaFTRTT ,D . INVITE 4 M Goocfc attentionATTENTION toTo theTHK LARGESTI-aroest jr „ «no himself particularly to any distance in pipe*. Unce adopted, how many t,J* receipts for the fiscal year ending in New Goods Received this day at BB. F. \\ andAND R pRicE»-wPRICE*—TN advanceADVANCE Jack endeared th* people , na rou ld furnish the information ealletffojT* Kiev June. W an TTurnerurner's8 b ExpressExpress. Five 1 afdaa—Oaithsiilt.oorTn-Weekhe.for**or Tri-WarklW fur Week!.-Wueklr- little annoyance* might be avoided. A summer report their entire inability furnish byY that State is seeking I to the sfati-tic* 1856: S* of Tennessee, and to testify it* j 1 COPT S .rear. SA 2 t V«wr * copies licap*" LUr.9,1 Omen*. *»almcn, and White •’ri" S*: MR contro’.lable hv turning a *top-cock, might l* GInce or more to uach W.^kly grateful reraeml.runce of her favorite heat, «« * 5-5 3-4 flotwy. SI HubtSm—I, ro|Xs for #lu -on by prre Total rereip-. for that yrar (we omh fraction* RB and u-wor ed color* Poult d* Sol; nnunr ~C OSTTcOi ST! COS T maintained night and day in our houses. Brought * ^3.915,141 S-4. 7-**. and 4-4 bc«T nmke* i*]uin black SQkx; ADVESTIStNU—IN DAILY JOURNALJUUKNAI. curing the astablisbment of a branch of the United M0STMOST COMPLETE In order to close my busine**. I will cootmoe to sell urtil the 1st , J** Ato,.AI*o. n rren* varietv of fancy Silks: to whi^h invite COMPLETE ASSORTMENT day of February wc invt.e | aiv entire stock 1 hjoarv til) Hnc or l-a- 6r«t - -* y ^ | mnTUon *Slot into the house kloni^siae the uuter-pipe.it uoula , One-tlfth would the nTteijtionof the ladie*. e, ^ remitted five a rrdvrttvn . the attttitiouof th« Udka. ,j e ^ stern river*. . of. ii.*404 MiliUr\ AcademN upon the ?»pot where Le V value of the Me can*l«, and rail- U.’hh.gTj. 57J Kuril addioana l iaarnam Tl •• Lfhvim pAiiiiistcd tnuunl iccoine tiiiwthree good*,(wfitlii, hav»* .... an of WilbWith we law* alioalao received t * . . . 1 61.113.sjfV*»1.113.5»V< rwiwl uocioisf* boantifulbcantiful . t , , pnixvvetitx em 11it *- ireean,,freezin anaanti a turn oiof metJie tunetulio mi^nimiirlit road*roaa iorfor defensiveueien«*ixe uunxMCpurpose. * To10 ontainolitMin theth*» nati<-«tutis INi WEOLLVWEEKLY JOURNAL. L red and h here his honored aahe^ no^h rert remitted would giv« a of nalis-fivUTMl wool JOURNAL oue-tour* rwtuclkm of. Kq£t» DeLaia*. lov.prirtio - - - pifl l*e taken around the gas meter, which would keep resolution Lt-avior au ^timated annual income of printed !>• Ijiiuee. 20 Aborted colon all-wool a TwmpAtwpici .*ee h»wna. punrui**ea n\e uunureah..nrlr»d atw/ fvsof tlie 57.vi2.4r. De na.: - . - - would in vol\*e >:reat labor and considerable Oae-t bird remitted would give a redurtinu Ijdiwa*. 25 dozen white colored Earti addiu- tuacrtiotiiiwrtioii 75 . . .. exiiense of. .. 21.34u,*4>4 and Kid Glove*, a full that warm aim always, working. oraer., Clothing, Furnishing, l A KkuarkckikIt t: lit .k. Kai . The U„mr..l Pn... !!‘ UUnu.-l-, and yauze UUnnele A km a A a Fact.— he Montreal Pilot, in1 fl >f the the ’ i R anuy), aud h.partmeut ha*, ^ neither alljMirrlia<*ednil in New T oth- purrliwwd New AAHO l*e ke|jt use. Yorkork inla Fancy l*ath-water could alwava warm for A \ thrthe laatUtt tenteu da>>.dmy*. and will beIjc Goods, to thetke Generaltienerai Gor»man*atGovernmenter,,m u for a ak*aite 00on wwhichhich ‘diall-hall dry \3u 2k peakuij;Apeakin^ at iwioea.price*. . cer* nor the funds to devote to it. of the CunurdCunard hue of steamerssteamer* eold*ofd lowl^w w-^ ..... , rusniu^ruaniu^ be-he- goods B -lock ia «till Urc* la .4 :1a* ;nabru with ^ of Mv and ro». hm s and vetl-niSst* t*» ti e winter Military smoking chimnev could be cured by a coil or two u that 1 wi-h to r-mowe to dietant c*ty by Ika ~~~ s a opeauac of S|*riac hiwinm ,w<‘ ui,ful desi w ' ,u,d •-* -»ned °u * ' ; - ~ o, ‘ ,he * * u,uur •*“» ~ r""T~r •»*-^ win — - ** • Wt m j-** Me;^ * LANGENHEIM S *— ; s2r5ES.“ai%rK y The Daily Journal has much the to cewiiy uf aakiaR aliMi |ii|S onaaalal. It naliu uiRVcn a* were hoped for desired. ffunssi'srs 481 Main it CF Ac| rilitradenn It would not ualvonlv heIn* a md4en-ible trilmtetribute u* | and it# TAYLOR, issieiwers.^ i Hubraled Stereoscopic Pictures. fito.ro, circulation in the city double 1 he tainted in scroll*, made into oornice*, orarou^ht tlenerally it msv i«e nafidy said that our Western largest and ^ ^tbl matom * preal*-* dead. i>ut would he u>e- I kt KIM. tbl* » t*ek there may fe.to at Trmxkl’r al- tion in the country any other mantel ornament*. (FurIForthethe L«»ui*vUleI.«»uwvillc JournalJuuruul I " lery. «»u Main rtrwt, rnU*-rtion the circula of the country jn*t to the whole M'eat. The i a h.*iuitifiil Lower and of Jnil^rv power of* the^llidted StsUe!^ fordel^n! 1 ,su-r**»- Pricoi WANTED. FOR | SALE -c**l»ic IjuidriCaiM-i*. re|*re»*-utiDr uatun- OR RKM perfectly a-* reran!* in the in.«tittition tlx Tb«* saving of danger from tire would le another .sjvc pur]iONe* l»y *\ TABLE,1 ABLE, daily papex pxmted X^Cuisville ; and at Meat l*oint has proved one of the facilitie* their present uiean> dia*l**. | form, Halit and aud color. The uitiz- ur of l*ouis. <»fof tran*|mrtatiootraii*|mrtatiou offer for 1 SkovlmjSkotoimg th+ character ville ure re*|>eetfully invited to ridl and eXMiuine Wanted. Weekly Journal haa much more than nm*t useful of all the Government eudouiueuts. A very important item. The heat i* never higti the rapid and certain tU* character ofcf WwikemXorthern WadersWnttera neurnear th*the the*e idr- Wanted. Fox Rent ture»*. a.»rth 49*-..I- of mov eluent Atlantic »' \V. 11. .MeWlloKTKlL 1I *ut WIs —.11II .MV... HOIIII. I SE.-E. on..a thetto u..na ,.f fhr-* -• r - •. *_ _ and pouuentmtiou of trmtp* and supplier AUl,Mii: and WestVdatoWyanrdlg, compiled A greater Wt -T??. % !*VV! i i\, n«.a ac toM-agh «» «* u« to mill Udie- might bru-sl. m'PI'}^ ,,«fjM/twtif'mm Ubser*(*-.r- portion received just before the close i * .id i- lUismsisumt with P»l*r. Hrtttulway. . . to i.i I w -uM tlieLur ouvutH 1 T Other big* A-mlis* snuv our repub- J2* Exclusive Agent. of uav^a- B!m|K?Hr.dui.«v,kt.bri«->n lir....k tml FI....I-i. doubleouuoic circulationjou Ofvh sU the , p “ * luo'tluo-t ot . . , . . . at of the available |*jint»iiointn of the countrv;voiintrv catimuruttutu cureriny 1 * to I « torm/rf year.*.urur.<. ,. hutbut to Jo30 * . , ; 17 Him take cit) »*r«»prr*rr.»A>rrtv' centraMrn*ntraMr l.l.^-nt.-dmuted ia ynrx|*art im or ,akr -ime «*> i m yy ,. , lic*n our dependence iu time of war tneir crinoline- against it without taking tire, tiou, and many very desirable once. H!!! ^ 1B rf InOuisviJle ^ reUtive value of the three cannot. f.»r the reu* *nowixe> r papers in pot together H“f* ^ Stray R. « MNOWlxEV , Cattle. "“li — k W —“4 — ..I. , ^ .'TrJ! ' children rould I* left ab.nv without the fear of tind- son given, be stated HydraulicII v .fra dir F»f ..ui*.l*-rviiAivy,. % h*ryt:ir» * our cituren . with anything like vertaiuty. '• > , ^nd ltr*«.l«4h j* u|a« soldier, The events of the '• - I have lost head t i : > 4 of m I c d i : .aaf »a4 at c£ | | 42Vdii dMfil»*4 f Cornert’ornfr WaehiudtoaVY*-lniA*t*>u aadaim! Kh»vdFb»»'4 H*.-tn. r n Jth*. *t»-er-i. at f | ing themthen, rua-ted to a cinder on returning. The Secretary transmits tlie re|airts dirt»-r» iit tiiu* J^l J - . campaign in Mexwv have oemoaamiieudemonstrated tliatina* ourout I the reports of the IJnar-(Juar- , drThe verv able aad mtellurrot editor af the | within tl., !*-t ttm*- week*. l.i>un *ui»le Proper!) for Sale. teruiaster General ami of the - thucity. ~ aiti ***“ l ,Q ,rtrt ,hat "nK'‘ of Chief Engineer, eou- FI Jktrom Dmcription _ 71 /I ~ ' WANTED Memphis Enquirer onatonds. ,n an articb under the “> *~***^> • j Ihk CoNTtvi-i.ATKti i b Kan Ti.i.KtiKAril fill taining their • J them »|| n«*t mrollccted. Any *»ne hav in* Yak>*n up mck so views upon the reUtive value, for niili- I Names of place* expiiess , - . - .. its extelleme is tlie euu.educationsuou oto, -o of ol cno tuc nwiTcn qtatcq aqmv * - ,. » attributable tou. I __ , _ «««—» nttrm«nn» me j *l«*rk will |*!ea< -The lat of Setf-Drfrnc*.- that a policy ! ARMY, Rend of 1 FOR THE UNITED 'STATES fn.n. ,ioU - Wk-tmin Tu: Mixes KHAOHt, — Letter* llimi*', i»r at house, Urv defensive pur[«ses, of the Western rivers, ca- ! mv «>u sh. lh' street Plank-roatl. our "«D ia ““ '»>-* Pui,“ ' AHLF UNMARRIED MIA to ought to be adopted for making even man or el- dated mention that the Jmu^dfiAwr FCElxEKM'K kOTII. England Decen.l«r 23d [ uftl s railroad-, V>> whoa * ill ber«v- ii f I pav. b>nnl. e|..i»,.iur. ''*r numtors of it* graduatas are re«tor- a* now aeverellv provided with - tortile*: »*t* *• t.. i rnoc everv man in the siavehoidmg a aUve- I anl n.lai. pm froa #11 certain Ira uiauufact urers of the AtUntic Telegraph cable had llieuls « - e Dissolution of Partnership. of transjiorlation: al-o. a * vmiou. privto. life, who are Jopv of a re|wrt 111 #22 l*rr ib ulti. N m..n havi:,. a w .»r "Del Stable i hi* words: - * . rmperi m. of ^ nit We give his plan in and were ~ rpHEfirmof IliJd will br »iT**ltt.x1 lard. H rompleteil one hundred aud twenty miles, RAKER A KRIEL in the Meat, PravMos, I Applv brail occasion de- Captom E. K. Palmer, of the Topographical 1 thorough iv trained and fitted whenever mKt. Brady,n~. Mi**hr liiVj u mUt* f^vamboat Boppu biMnos* wa-> di—dv.-d by tun at No. 5S t.rern -t.. U-tw.-en Second and Third. ’ tiff • • r 31 |:t2M Jlji 17.2 1H. I fsoatbwii ip a* M iMpra ba im the* r> >u r* it (.roceeding ra(*idly w h ecery |»rospect of tinishing * * '"“'• “t »' , Kugim-er-, stating the navigable length ft.i t. Howwrd,Howard, vvi*Wi«* ;,4.;i *».» ,u n with so.ne statistics a- to the amount and val- Ft.{•{; I^aav«a worth, 4«.4|j9.aija] — — Kama- Ian’S It to done: The remedt ossr, the |Uai> Z22!^JS!!*k.i -4 .{j] NOTICE. er. How U to w tliat 0 J? 'j> The Journal of Commerce learns, in addition, . Ft. Ilauock,IUur ck, Me.Me 4*, - A Fine Daviess County ls 40 17 M 1N.M4.7la. 114.7 Hi.l*i.44 ft UANKAN AWAYAM At from n»»,me, lalu the cityeitv of LouinrUW. a Faim for £ u< 0f j oommerce: v * # It £1 ffmpie. TV hoi d tto Sooth mim eoconree overs rig. Ths proposition to dii ide the West Point Acade- T 3 * We will pay the hi*hr*t ra.*h i-riw tor N E. C M. ContditaUou, N. II 4.14:1 -J.»25 '8».Kv.. n NKtiUDBuYN Eli KO IU»Y named abuut net. to not onb heeoac hot to remain a dae>-bolder If \\ terminus S ,0 named WILLIAM,WILIJAJ 22 -t., 7TT. I have f.,r ssle owe of IW aweO Oesrir* it ha* been decided to land the e*tem of i II tiKOES. at onr Nwaro la-p..:, on Kina ^k Gen. Je*up states that he has WortVVcPtFiiiit,point. *- >’•*» a*re.age. had neither the time N. Y 41 S 31-71 42.2.12. *>.3,2-.2- I 2- TR >vare of of black completion.cumplexiun. WhenAVI he left •r Faras in to become * dae.-h'dder fruui choice, to must draw be- D|i , or to establish a Similar uue at some location in , jR 1ff-iwe.il Market *nd J* :t r-.u. W« alffo _Jk ^•••T DaA-w owMv, coaMnitoz 1- 1 -_>4 . M' lieun , Md :C»‘:«•*. <45.545.5 35.«':i2.:i A^-l- bmlluul on mixed j.-uas •wees retucular * and dtentinf klmrelf volnm.rU) of the Atlantic cable at Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, nor the opportunity to obtain tke data oh which to 24 ;i5.*» :i2.9 :t4.:n. mixed Jean* paute.i«aut-. grayyray tvi«41 c«»at. and td U»«t. i z«tji sale. A are Uustun. Maa- -i>»m lean- .Nr^nwfi for the urgeil. Diere roumlabimt 1 .• tmen repeatedlv or 1 has 17 41.5 2ti.S I -fit -r Wed. 14SS.1 31.4 27.7 |ieajacket,huols,and well-soru ” *| 1 ; : base nn opinion which would l»e satiafacton* aa to U >m '3» 17 3i.# 34,ii l -month hat with broad ribbon. The lawful will «* ">1 **"- *.***) exempting » -MUh number or a certain 44* reward be zi^g^H sewnil departments of instruction which might • *• the information called for. * a but add that he “can HttAun,I'uM.urg, pcuulvnu. . l*aid If i«. to t VJ 22 I**.* 31.4 :u returned to nn-. .1. V. ( >hii> riTpp. The- amount in valee of slave, from ezernuon or mle for debt ' water, ... a southwesterly d.reet.on, to the Gut ol 2 SHIP H' I. iiu^rsvpBipnr* ... , , . . CURTAIN T Springdale,tii la&i-a. , la , le estem river-, rmpts^'k,Itjr.,., isKA la - . 7 ItoffS* MATERIALS, i.-st tv •-nacted The eommeree well assigned to and, while that wy „ „ W eanals, an.l rail- M 21.1 2-. 4 Thirteenth and llnvn -t-. ini-bwKM *itiiat«*d me to ulntt >*f inue and burinewof the coun. be separate schools, - Spriutdale.spriutdalc, lsbi-ilSei-7 I Ky„ I Calls), a distance of four hundred miles, crossing roads.with their nreaeut means of Ir .n-.s.i-isii.... I ,. 1 |4S.«|a».2|2t.*' - = , i Copartnership. r SWAN & CO.’S LOTTERIES. |* 11 K niulrreignetl.1 M. bio**, irr hoiwpo. wcl JtMmulau.anda v, Jan.Jnn. 19.—19. shell,shell,)will,'ville and FrankfortFrankfurt 27 " W M ISSld.MAN. formerly uf the below T iV", , !, * rt 1 Jkc. Tbfiprv mrs aIm Zero;zero; SpnugdaleSpringdale and Waabhura'sWa-hburu's 24'4 ' HU '' ANUKKW .1. 24A4 belowtolow zero; OdumColum- ! *• vM-c i, I."!v,, , ' ff n1 w.'' ll .»Aai.' l N ot*’*ui ,h Ml-hll.MvN bia, Adair count)county,, 2>;>4 below; Jeawuuine Mi»ml« is «<«»•,& fo„ Jeasuuiue couutycounty0,00:£|;u belowbeluwhi, V, . > w Kifiv*-nave formedfonued n co|iartut-n«liii>. zero. a copartnerahip, under„„,ier the uauieunute and -tvle-t> le of I CAPITAL PRIZE Ml SSI IAI \N tV: SON. tor the purtMt*e of M AXlrAU- ]* 1 KINji TOUACCO in all Iti* various braueh***. Mks.*rm. EutTORa*: Knowing how deep a comli, ern They ypMi nuuiijer* and mean* a* tue abilitv to !>) alrcadv completed and in oiieration), in order to concentrate Warehouse recently .KH*uv.ied by many of your reatien* feel in the f.vte rre..;. I !!! ‘ of the fruit 50 000 •nit WardtW Marvh. oni Swt»ml »*trvet, , tlto imrrUwr . . . . I 1*411 where tliev reouired. to l»e bt*tween to...... a- ff i | , are either for | Matu aud Wa- Linen A- HokL. r. ,o. . . - - * crop, 1 GOODS!, r Iff* l> S„ Jt — —- avoid the posailolity of interruption from local husi- ” send you a few lines rti^wiii|f the result of a t. r-fr.*r-. where they will be fMIK lullriiu Bthe-im* vDI *lr»wii SW AN fullV ire,lTr!*.| -f, finmariiin if li in . . ] LowvRW _e , jefence or offence , town w«*rfc tor 4 w« rbi °* ?u‘ u an academy hat e become so apparent that careful tot.. fnrnWitnriiteh theirtlifir frirud-friend- itud fa, Mutuum* of lh« Ft»RT CAIN FA V4 \DEMY mftuooaa. there oaty on.- Sor.tbern examination mid theDm* |>ublicpublic with alli tlu* b man u oppeae to * made to-day inrougnuntthroughout thsthe clicks aud chwr.-- -m karri'

to in*ure line for tlie trann- | ... ne-, and an independent Geu. Totten, in L*oncludiiii; hiw reiam, navs: . i brand- «»f or rto*.rvm, :•«•! ti»* .HolTIIKJtN M" IT.\- tooatv Korttorn awn Morrover davehoider- generally im llltrt Tobwcru hmtofon* made bv th»* ubl flnu <»f LOTTERY, 1 we arc well sati.stre.1 the public interest- would be 1 1 U 1 At Alabanw*. in •erupt *•' bed t*nd, of tto state*, ' -tienerully. in Ute defenceof ,t Atlantic ftontier. Munmelmam *V Co., and |d< dire theumelvin th;it th«*lr prictw KY ADEMY LOTTERY. gomh.ru , uf and are ...... mission Europe.., despatches. Jd^Lhvwh^ WeSn’'!^ -ball h*- a- low a** any !»*>ti-«* the I*»ttrrkw tor February. 1^67: prompted hr mtereat to mna'.o where thr> are. while the promoted bv the establishment min the West» eat^ofOf auo-tutu- of r wo'*““nl In Htv. t»F EVERV VARIF.TV. - oh.dder ecorta* ion -t ruction uf the additional f.mr hundred to see, il, ere vet renmin- enough of “ Southerm pon mtw o tto poof land, and find, it to hi- .. , , ., f, >; btoS. tte WM. Ml H8ELMAN* Lottery thar complete ao.demy similar• iain .\-eryevert raapectre*|>evt to — g- m Ui »e Teziturire “order totottre hh hram he- uf nurat varieties ANDREW T. MUSSEI.MAN. ClaASK < v — m mile . ofwir¥ bv this arrangement will I. t^m-ure a fatr . rop eondltioii Ot*ra -ertiedrettled S'Zt LottbvUle, Jan. 2**, 1V>7— a UVdtf t esafftthm Oure tom.threw, among people dtoaf hi* ownoyn tltt,eie one in. of *££ Z'ZZ Ta be drawn in the tHy of Mobile. Alabama, in sxbte. a >X THE HAVANA «,e at West Point. The vast UKincreasetease our v“rie,i PLAN. i «M*diu«criiu«‘ ( Y r '«*• Infffr-Swd for wle U*f *' Utteuuslv with the other an.l more torunt !-«» °, by j*** *"*' T rr'’Wnr* *" toal)-b^l referrefre to tonUu. mb- i J ^p^’.^itnhu^ ( ‘IGJ N liKtfl I ^ ®“ Wn" W [ IMTKI HKRS. 5i:, Main -«t JASPER Of NT \ tt * w Cw IDEM1 „ . Z'!‘ .""f;-' / LOTTEtf w>tt >uffirienU>uffirien(J>-um> teiiLiy , tlll T *. however, —ess wamllvunulwarraui u»i-utt- additionalauutttunaigdd.tt.w) school-cuuot fortor . Miould, a case occur where the whole J«i>»•»*>*ZZ.KJu , ' ThomThere L- . cn.ii m 1 ,.r a » , a smaller class of vour readers *4, work . „ i * 7, V’ m , . (the cul- CLASS [By Aulhent, ot Iks Stole of ^ 1 Usoffi*] toff to . . the . . . . militsrv education ^of men> *•“«•»who niav«*».' «-be “««>called"lie.! " who The Kentucky Horticultural Society. T-j be drawn in Atlanta, pnblir, Our Memphis frimnl mm. to he under Che im- ^ -j * -«* > « »** .„iy in iLlUv tzfa,e i SFLKNDIIt ASSORTMENT the Iky of licwrgn, ia on atj^evw « tte r w ill lx CLAMS f. ^1^^" cul !»•« I F'IIEKE a meetiuu u “> *»“» the field to protect tl* York Time- brings to curiou* T ^ of the Kentucky Hor- H«* ^ « Cff-The Sow notice a .THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19. 1857, presstoe that ocl ) the mXual UaveboitUrs of the rivere/c^T™” rSLufs 5 the W? To 1st drawn Fr.BKr.tav lti. Ini?, in pablk. at Mo- a I' re toa-anga the wrong- of our country om.,,*... m the proceedings grow tng out of the re- means of ttUffaporUtion, would afford important ora, Ga.. iimler the sworn .Southern Srate- -an he relsed upon to protect Sooth- -hould have superimomlence if power to vuY ,,rt .lw whoie fruiV CLASS Q5, Thrrf ** found * >**•- tu™ «• “*e Arctic ship Kesolute. Tl* real hero of defence. Col. G. M. Lrii.12 Jt IV C. .[2i»:zs»2, Es«,. ern inatitutiun- aud Sou: hern honor We are very «PP~l"-“^ and yet the greater intensity of to 27 below Ta be drawn in thw i ity of Atlanta. ».e*-rria, in pnblir. >m for * ocb estmbli-hiuent than the Hermitage, the affair haa never been alluded to. “to in l«o7 fail to do any serious j Capt. Bud- Capt. W. R. Palmer estimates the length of the very harm, RICH Nearly one Prize to eiery nine sure that this impression i- all wrong A- a owner- DRESS GOODS. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2R 1857, Tickets. lino other advantage to the world at large f**® home and the tomb of the hero-slste-nuu. The dington. who found tlie deserted ship adrift in tlie Ohio river, when full, at I'.'iO miles, -houk a. ua» as an almost universal rule thure Southern ami draining tn 15,000 Tickets—1,712 Prize*. .. result from the inclemency of the present winter, ita S. D. JOHNSTON, ff™nnd- are ample the neighborhood unexception- Arctic sea. and brought her home so bravely, ba- are. from 200,000 to 220,000 square mile—roue** ve,very ON THE PLAN OF SINGLE NUMBERS. THIS LUTTEBY HAS USLV men who do w* hold sla.es are just as prompt and 7 action v^ShU^certainly “hro“"iStthrows li^ht upon subject A TToRNEY AT LAW, L**uiffvillr, Ky. otbee in rourt i PIFTEKY THoI Sami uponT^fc^'wfcfc-la wUrh Mlif-KS. l< ** trv** .M LESS THAN ANY LOTTERY IE and the location healthful and easily accessible not been mentioned, anti all the honors have been nearly equal to double the area of Great Britain and lias longlon^ lieenbeen i«lereaconsidered >r * t~ dln» OF EVERY DERUmo.X, THE re -ulute as those w4to to in resisting the Abolition- a vexedvexe«l question amou-ainouir | 8,260 PRIZES WORLD! *run‘ directions. The Hermitage ia situated: heaped uponun the officerso!lii«n» nlwwho navigated her acrossacru*«- Ireland. Capt. Palmerl’almcr remarksremark* that “the natural fruit-^ruwera;fruit-growers; and that subject tt,is, what degreecto^ret; ofoi i*s and sustaining Southern right- A verv email PROF* 1IK (iKV I'IFS Fl FUTRIC Oil Multi! TUAN UNEPKIZET.iEVERYTEN Til Kt.T- Prize, payable wiih*« OeOaeli**. <1 >’bl van tlie |iea. h budu^ ,,eIs- exposed totoand live, within half a mile of the Cumterlatid river anil tb.- Atlanticic after she-he had been well-re|iaired l»vl.v our requiresresources of this extent ofuf country ateare proluiblv n.Anot !‘ ^P^d and live. tHuhe pro.-.ruo,,1 -Tt*. otof the fre.m.1, ot ,„,4, ,n I . , 1 1 TIIFI PltAfTirEpicai FI t»*ii rreemea m Kentucky and leones- * prevailing impreaskmimpression heretofore he new\FW TILE—ELEiTRICCtH m*rRES. 30.000 TICKETS. , , aoemedseemed to be thatthal »u> u ' fromihe lute of the l>oui-v.lle an.l Goveraaeat.nt. We\\eduredare say8ay the toughtoufcrii old tar carescare- «urpae-«eas-ed by any equal area on the earth.earth.' He greater cold PAIN U the |.r.-monltor of death, lfclkv* pato aee are actual slaveowner*, yet more then nine- greater cold than 12 to 15 degreesdecree* below aerozero wa,w u tlw and i Nf/A.v, , A-m you> "m cheek• brt k thethr fldUftiffe.. .4 r, i r. >; Ihfififilrfitm », 4 ..«*zx- tokto Uiff reitosJ* — -1 ! ei.irai,- ffiw* ..-1 e fik,. I .Un.-.rutei u iik * 1 am .V x r ic x t sc h u k J-**ii' ille railroad. We understand that the propo- more for the salvage money w hich his pluck and thinks that the aggregate value of the animal com- always fatal. Without ever havingini' acquired very ten Lha of them might be ven I*r.«f. De C>rmth*» Electric < >il ie the marvel impUettlv "relied on to of this ac** Prize ..f fiff.'SIOis . 1 \ b'tyat onndenie in any particular for <: ,u- o attion to establish a separate United States Militar- petweverence itave put in hi* pocket, than the cheap meree of the Ohio river, bv steamers and flatboats, theory utionUjuin thist hi: the following (uut •wrythiny 2n.i*iui* ... I 1 Prize ..f 2U.UW1 4 Pria-fi of. 0 the opinion that furw Rhcnmartm often in a day* 10, y io.isUI 1 Prize of Mi » Kriaew Academy there, similar to thea. oue at.. West **;.Point, notoriety itoa J - —us u# - »- -a- i - tins . 1 urn* Neuraliria T**«*tha«*he. s.uou is 4—r“«. mi wsw destructive degree two uiinutefi. priza of SSL*.- StTtoll** of old was an indetinitaindefinite 1 ».«, •M priin* uf. !^L Z, 1 — — Be haa lieeo, ' in turer tramp lu Ive Lauifii, prize uf s.oaa is S.wai strougly the^np Stomachal , een ,V recomaienffedrecom um* tided by tlie Board of him -Wip. Still he was eutitled to a compli- quantity, I toinntaa 1 uf. the “*»**K . Ko. Voyage*. Tonnaae. Value quantity, the force necessarytry to killill heinlivingbeing greatimajkt illinit l.’4U Frixra Marebolder The wou-oUeebolder raquims no _ | t in { ur,^ liurw^ Urukw, and Wounda, on*- to three toy*. 1 Prize of 7. •etr bond to make him or keep him true to houthem ^ one day. I Prize uf velopment in the fruit between * uf'*1* tift*H-u miuutei*. ‘Ssi t- that Congress will accede to the proposition of the 'thought him worthy of a “thank you, tliattat state ufof torpor Ucadache, 1 Priz.- ..f 5. i.uut l ur,*r g«whe, Htlff Neck, Prize ef 4.U.S. is AcMu and rest iu which it exists in autnmnitnmn and its full and A«w, one night. 1 - “**“ uf “•* »*» Fib aud Swelled <>Uud*. tcu day*. Aieriiioesi I Priz.: uf 4.1*10 is ...‘SO We are agamrt the pro,»*e<1 blow iu spring. That L-, I Govemmem bountv believe that 2G to 28 *" Felons, Broken' Breast,** and *Suit 1 Prize of 2.1SIU is 2.IS41 Rhcuui, i ln The total value of the of the Ohio val- Rteum, three to * ,oidiw ‘ tolub of tlw ^ru of the ! commerce degrees above zero will deftrov is 1.712 Prism, amounting to phtt.— ^ For the Louisville the peach crop in i six days. Prize of Ijnu I rani for protec tion to a particuUr kind of propert> We ^ I Journal.] 1 ley is estimated at $371,2io,836. Capt. Palmer re- full hloom, 22 to 23 degrees when the petals are vis- l urc- yutoey. Palpitation, and Pl-iirt-r.one to ten 100 prize* of im zre la.uuH battle of New Orient.**. din. 4 _ ltr-rnrtirirntf* tto* rounder pitch a gigantic and absolute NETTIE. ur A-tlim., Fri-y, tl# are ,ff ptsrkmjem < fm Ticket*, wbrre scheme of pro> marks that "it will lie observed, if this estimate I* ihle but closed ' -' (rout.rnnd Ery.i|*l», flvc to t . luo Prizes at s.yau at the . , w n : |x.int-, 13 to 14 degrees when ( lOitliS, 1 | numfer- md hi , 2. 7. «, 9, 0 are foto 3, L & *, , mid at lha kectton impolitic in tlui ' th ijerce of the Obi., river. *134,- APPKOXI NATION PRIZES. the extreme. With all dat re- ™m, so much -welledasto make the points of the petals Hem.,rrl,.se. towinr ratow. which b> the risk: ^[7^- f S.r,.f„u, and Alrace. to ten of .1 Approximaiiu* to a-'seoua 4 Prizes 9S are . fit.K* 10 Whfikfc I 1.10,000. u much le«» than one-half of tlie entire com- visible, whilst in its TVkrt* +*•» epect to our fneod at Memphis Swiks ix thf. 0arrED tati.w. Swis* Is j earlier stages this Itardinexs iu- i •* and to the mau} The 8 — A There a voice upon tlu: breeze. 4 prize* of *si 2ii. aware.. »ua in Half - an more* of the Ohio valley; the renblue i* th »t part creases until, as we now « Aguf* one to two day*, - lo.ouuare,, experience even lie- I 4 Prizes of kue am : * other Southern man who have suggested aad recom- paper, advocating tlie cause of Swiss independence, That whisper-* soft and low 9 ” 10 Quarter to carried on caiials railroads. this it should ol si f.eaa are. . :ri» by and Of low zero fail- to discolor the wood mid does not fa- S/nncf*, 4 Prize* And rails to memory melodies | gX', JujJSf.hen*heu oroserl, “ mended the scheme, we any, ia U> be started immediately in Cincinnati, and a tow propertyproperl) u-ed.iwni. 4 prizes of S.weare.. 2No with the able editor of l« observed again that a large portion id composed tally affect the crop. ifi~lb-ware.diniitatil.iis. Tliat once were thrilling, like to th*-se I 4 prizesof an “ :.«u**re.. 240 those articles 1 th» Lynchburg Virginian, that it is days ago a Urge ami enthuiMastic meeting of Swia* of of domestic production width are In order to invite discussion For ^by- - S.isaj Ticket* be *««M miv ret tor that oua ax Wbolra. Tbaa perfectly agra- and reffection inxin W 4 Prizes of V. zre . 220 When by my aide amid the trees : bv bfiiytmr < -mflra**-- be ba>- four m«*re r nee* 1 d SuUliff ha (wr kaiwer brought from the interior to the various tow ns on the this subject. I bas e 4 Hushes, InolatWiJ prizes:^ zl “ o.ouiiare.. ‘no rian in it« mdicaliam. The a\-erage citUeus in York was held there, at which compiled the accompanviag ta- j n“Sw?k*iH*H *S 4 value of aer- New A maiden wandered slow. ^ “ 4ra«*re 1-0 l»ria**s. Hdlrw and Qnaru-r Par hare* tn pretmrdan. river solely for consumption, and which, being con- ble, giving tlie character 4 Prizes of 4o ; of northern winters from AaibyDffifefaaiMr ,4 J-odAwiAbif Hosiery •• |!fl; viceabk negro 40 ::..»a*re,. I s. TVkctff Halve* quarter* e* (the only deacriptaon which would ppeecbes were made, and amid enthusiastic applause -umed. dii'Uot reappear as articles of commerce on , 4 Prizes of Y J2 R | . i autlientic observations and al-o the mean of Ken- re.. Prize* of M 1.0 -1 f i Far down into the glorious West 4 Bank note* of *onnd bank akm at par I be wanted by those who do it was declared ^that they were tries alt the river.” I not already own slave* I S before tuckytuckv winters, toothertogether wwithith thefh» specialsneci. I temperaturei.m, COAL.COAL 4 Prizes of 27. “ Law are. lev irder* for ) Declined the golde n sun: . Tfeket* or (Vvtttenfeto •*# pa. kaece of Tickets of ‘ present ’ *}" nows good suindy of Coal < 3.00V Prizes of 2v are S0.**0 I* at (weaeat certainly not leas rise, that were liotind to ol the ‘ and preceding winters in be fiddrewfe-d to JAM Eh F Manager. than fGno to $700— and they dy to the relief correspondent of the New York Journal of Kentucky.reen uefiy. i „ WINTER | And heaven with uiystic hues was drest. C^-A n, n j2a dtotd This* h,s ‘“bletable shows that,Unit, except at one station, Mama. IM. which b considerably ltt; tliat „ • , . Janua- „!.n.t Jeff, r Prizes auiouaiin* to 4C0M.WW mure than the av erage estate I their countiy. if need they could never for- ..... 3.200 | With rhanying colors breast, on her Commerce, writing from Switzerland, thus de- rv is tlie coldest month in the year; that iu Ken- J27 bdeja- J. N. COLLINS. Quarters ] Whole Tickets fitO; Halve* 02 M. of each while person upon a general equal div get their native land, Ac., Ac.,” and resolutions were I jkuh out- more lovely* than the rest acrihes tlie native region of Tell: tucky, the winters 1835- 'ti and 1850-'7 are greatlv j r ® * Tliat came till day was . lo.li.tt Ilia ... m... foe 1 .. T'l 2 1 flft.. of all property. It ia certainly as much aa a very* adopted to prepare to unite all the Swiss in the Uni- done. PLAN OF THE LOTTKItY. EXCELSIOR. large clam are or ever will he worth. It is evident, ted State** in furnishing not only sympathy hut ma- The nuu.bers trow I to.4a.iiua. e< 'rreeyo Oil ifie with tkoe Tlie liu-h wa* on each thrilling heart ADAMS without argument, that if the many who now own ferial aid to their country men at home in the ex- With more than usual calm. EXPRESS COMPANY. lesp than that amount shall, under the influence of peefed war laetween Switzerland and Prussia. And wln*n we -aw the sun depart Thr fli>« 21S FrixfiT*, dnitftjr ^rintrd in«l rnriretod, are lolared iu au**tht*r vherl. There nacund to roiue a deathful smart, •uch a law, acquire it, that acquisition mutt be by There ha* always existed in the United Stales an The wbrrkff are thru revohrrd. and a nmnb*-r i- drawn Siiiublc I Tliat toll ui*on us like the start for Eveniag Dresses, from thr wheel «*f naiubrr-, a. id at th«f ante time a prize GO IIOI K* »iOM UH lOMIk. a corresponding loss lil«)ttt ill ' - “'•* to somebody. It is easy to see admiration f«»r the bold and manly independence ot I plCtUIVM|UC i-misriodiau. our wiiiMciii .• ” , i iuu* rxjiriiaifr huh eiAitOi*’ ,•»*** , , . , pucm# mm to act w liar other wkei. number and j>r1ie Of battle on a psalm. 1 re»eml»lance which if draff u fruui TV |*art in .-lopes our winter of 18oO-’ 7 deue* . .\ll tlnwr who may cunti«l«* thrir **** | cklRicicriud hv gentle ami cultivated cm to biiu nmy I that the losers would he creditors. hold the people of Switzerland, where civil , We that liberty ha> 'wars to w inter in a Boston disease ocenerv, the only height being Alt. I'ilatus and climate, where, when “C •**« effectually cured and the inevitable tendency rould not reckon it ^ d‘aKullU!, "' rf'ctl> of any arrangement, b-eti better preserved than in any other portion of We why came, th -' * 1 '"uticaicd ,rum by southward, the hills growing season ends, cold verj- shortly begins, J Khigi.' Advancing login to SS'j’SSSntoS* winch men have the S" sodden and so strong. a,, ^‘ onc0006* having come on, Dis slow to use and benefit of property. Kurope. The name and history of William Tell, riseris* amiand to crowd theirtlicir *teei>steep slopesfflope^ and precipices depart.depart, L. Stki* h elm of old or recent date effit-tually cured in a j two recedmc fend »h«* r.*nre|WBi* tbr »># vmiffr Itut o'er each heart it fell the same. Itw Hau# by uu o|>eratiou Arrnwxin aTIOW P»uu. The i in rW ia ih>wr hritoto. which is not an some upon the water. At the head of the lake the nioun- —” which causcm uo pain. Where a ! shape liable the - for their debts, i> the h iterator of Switzeriend. are almost as familiar to I number* t«* thore in c thr flr*t 12 i-rUc* The • tF--rir:ic if ?.h* ** arrrhnj.i» ' two mrewdiu* dmw L>m*vilk *bo Like some devouring wreath ot flame . u tuns and precipices are exceeding wild, risingrisiuir six Or*Ot K PiM.-a.~ToPvmvh —To make a lon^Ion" storvstor.v short, said ti.?i'. wVAJit!** will entitled to the 4* Ai>i.\iiua:iou Prize* *ccg riling w**r«* omt- rtnnmU’ a* to Itore hi: to undermine their sense of the obligation of debt, our youths and elicit their admiration almost as much said ill.! Vi> - be g by the Northern That withered what it touched to claim. ro«*e Into «ial^ o* oundwtov** on th* mbfret. to eight thou >an <1 feet, their towering summits cov- Harry K., our friend Z. was treading the street* of of -ymptoiu* to be dr-a«lt*d, aud will uudertulnc U. trte *ch*-iu»- I>aily experience show*- i* the .»niv Votup^v ranniua this 1 Tb^ »u* f to be true in practice: a« tie? name and history of our ow*o Washington, And lingered all uight long. ooufrtitatiunjaud cams* determined the Into . h^- ered w ith snow . vallev at * Ia>ui»ville unattended, i>reniatareold age. The 4.UUD Prize* of will b* b> The narrow the and the | head of nirlit was as \ dark '** and human nature, ever flyi're of the ontufer tliat dren * the tMfe.nw »>n*e. M ex- lyj*!* more weak than wicked— We cannot fail to admire and respect this devotion Fjnlad>d|»hm. Itolti^ »re. Noartor • ^i^n^n. Ihrhto nd aiufk'. if lbe number drew in* the ,> i*c end* wuh R v Ha morrow brought it* bustling care. * 1 B I** of tlie principal lii^h roads into Italy. there, with arm extended j if in a«*t ’ mmmsmi rather ready to yield to a koning to the land." this love the of jfral>- bruurht on, in many cmm -•> the deetructive fell Uw tar krai where the nuualjer *-ud- in 1 will * temptation than “Father of hume. which habto of in- I I No. I, then J b^*fl2!I* Ja 0 Its sadness and its woe, fc*to» Wre(. nod H»»uth. I hi' wlh>le stood eoutAdmrmi*"JuboIurate youth aud exccadro * nd-* « ith .V». Z. then 1 region is famed in ttory. It w as the hinK mm, a lai^e man(?);?): Z. dod_rt*dfdodged (hehe mi^htmLrht iu.Iulrenc- ot the pa.*. I entitled to H uumbrr nd U> sin without cause—would cease to he swell* the heart and be ^ human aa- dims the eye of the Swiss wher. w!d * * WU * u*rc*IMar> directiwos for the I feat of the cross-bow aud apple. The locality is bly excited about the \ ^ uaiux mutter, isiteil ‘The verv - - lWir wtuch be could not do so without I lautr' - *0—a* - :::::::::: « »** defrauding his cannot help sympathising with tlie brave Swiss in farewell tower, spot.” The word was slowly said. marked by a ou whose stuccoed surface is a There, to their utter astonishment, thev Thi* 'trictret recn-cy ohrened in all cares. siibAji-ly j ERTIFICA TES, creditors. The industry and economy of their hour* atthc IN ORDERING TICKETS OKI Thi* i* the onlv Lipremt onapwa r'loniau over the L**w- multitudes contest with Prussia for the protection of their The hand clasped with a start. horrible picture representing the scene. The hoy Is found the robtier—his arin extended as Z. had seen it, Di*|**u.*ary fruu 9 o'etwek in the ,, '“** lM '»* [ uddn-re the ticket* ordered. i»riil*‘ and Frankfort. Lrxin*i<>n l-*ranltft»rt. luurull> * u vnc 1 . Hie the money to onr lor *nd Ecutneky to reuli/.e -“-yniu<. o» waowiy would he stimulated by the offered opportunity to liberties, but these sympathy And then away I turned my head made the urlist's idea of a cherub, but the and the |iocket liook, untouched, lying l>enenth it! they « Ul be forwarded by the fir*t • Mitral. -tfrr*. iiTtllr. and ohai and meetings, the estab- | on receipt of which Mhwtodvid Had | And wept, while all in bosom bled. unfortunate father l>ears a wonderful resemblance to Z. had I >een struck at, bed (Lodged from, and robbed STAPLE (i l)S:l their y 1 ImiI iiu>s* l ilciilincv* ! OO permit debts to go unpaid while they hoarded lisbiuent in this country of a newsps]ier printed in t UOTIUlt"*. VdlPUUIlPN. d(n DimreAlJL a ogre. public KlllSfffOUI >• Ihev liuilWUr. Ue. And from the gateway forth I aped an Tells chapel, where be leaped ashore fnun by a pump. may prospect , Drawn Numbers and Prize* will be sent to W-m vrejaue-l to rrie onr amial die;.*teh to ail with the of a pmliiahle investment foreign language, addressed I !*l “f hm- which to foreigners in our the- laiat, escaping the fangs of thetyrom to become He is now aeitiffn of City, The j With sorrow at my heart. Mound but, as the | iuuuediar.ly alter the drawm*. ne*. on our line of them* ru*.k* aurehoeers ( would be indeed. It Ins safe would br difficult tods- midst aad intended particularly to incite that for- the avenger or crimes, is a pretty little shrine ou town is provided with no public pnmps, he has not c»ll »ua get the best. Pwrelm*e»e sill i*bsra writoUw-lrraanffiiree ptoin and ..m FLANNELS. 1 fir" ttrsoenner. lemtr Daily for the water's edge at tlie foot of been robbed 1 y-.‘;Jib lb.tr p..-talBlee, l ounty^ltdSIzte . wise a mean* more certain to The days have swiftly rolled a mountain. It is a since he came here. s. KINliCOI.D. fit Fourth at. ,ive . 1 1 izeinnall undermine public and eign population to take part by affording material away. I and Fz-* 0,1 “V ^Kemembertu.evry Prize t. fin. • ami r»H4* in I favorite scene with the artists. the opposite , B . lu, n. „ 1 Her Image haunts me still. On .l/crad City Kmninum. rriHK AN' At i-.m l ^-Vvra 2 private morals by offering the ttnmge4t temptation* aid to one foreign government in a war against tuFUU M ivn U PrauRf.wt H an- slaire iotbe localitv of the miduight oath of the three — — - and Irabution Although heart tor 1 iimsreu's Texas JuiiriMr, with yrize- III fil.sff and wader inuwdbMy my many a day * stodttttalMBaafiU I i Jjr All mU , **J jj ko fraud. ochtr foreign government, afford BROADCLOATHS, £ ranch food for raa- Swi.-s Uatnots. Indomitable patriotism and stem Irani thiy Drink In Hnlladtlphla . aud map. the drawing other yriaaaal Iff* u-ual tbueof thirl) ”1 tla* wept b»-r passing from this clay; —According to -Iter New AlbanyUbMlr tol^1 Sakais-L._ Road0.^1 [ ! Awronijzazh, by Elizabeth ... m 1 f. M. I resistance to oppression are tlie message of Mayor Vaux, Mrs. Barrett Browning. The New <>rleaas Creole, in arguing in favor of tore reflection on the part of our native born citizens, fruits that seem to spring of Philadelphia, 'the »r farther iatonuafion. Aud oft I se*- at twilight gray All eommunleaftoa* torictlr coofldcnrijtl. OTF Ria*»r to ! Upup and ripen naturally amongaimm^ thesetiicse wild cragscra^s 1 Schuylkill water drank by the this extraordinary and inhabitants of tliat hSMAb" s .a: I renewed la other ticket* at cither A. Jones Agent, scheme, aays that "credit is the Tlie same feeling* which prompt these movement^ A shade that makes uie thrill. S. MXRoninRINGGOLD. G» Fourth to.- prize ticket* curbed or A mountain trlen-s. city can hardly be called nectar. A portion of CASSIMERES, jUdlau 54G Main to., between Second aad Third. result of conndeuce in the honor in onr Swiss population of the individual or would I animate tlie Irish, ot <\ate.*1 toreet,-treet, Girard -.* niflemtr* either to A Luropeon coire>i*oii«letit gives the following Girard College, the HouaeufHorn* of Refuse,Refuge,Keluge,Ihifu *Ad."lrrto It seems a mortal yet a shade. rr ano gn>*sTu„ AlabaU,,,| pen^ SWAN dr t'U*. Atlanta, Ga., the result of know ledge on the part of the creditor English, or Germans, or Trench, or Italian*, A New Tor In,uraace Company. under •kushler-houiea are loo do Ladie*' hue ivns. No. M-.ntte'umery, Ala., And smiles with thrilling smile; curious hit of tradition as asM*.i»teuassociated wunwith a peaspeak 01of 170; LINEN i^HditodJirUl „or iM. SWAN*VunlV^Au"” iL draraed into the Schuylkill just above the tti do Goraramentdo, *\o. SHEETINGS, The feffttf a rue i >tapaar art uymmrds A that he can enforce i dam of aoi payment similar circ ta nce". . . by the attachment of ums The love of their native looks all ghastly, .. ^ , , *v__ Aud yet arrayed •hethe Alps tniu Switzerland: rtu W tfc4.mil lff»LLY** aad others amide the Fairmount Water Works,Work-, andanil tlie accumulated •• Union d«. No. 24; n,rh unenromtiered property ." Negroes to Hire. i*. an The Virginiau replies* country is inherent in their ven* nature: they never With varied IrnOre, and the braid 1 acunt. aU iu putt ot.Mera i !ilth I walked over the BruuigBruui*; pass mingles with the daily leverage of the citi- lij rran.r.-d ha- - to Lungerni.ungero audand citi- ii^nSSna doi No 351* •j LIKELY' NEGRO BOYH. trow to * wMk Lne Itooraace wa-«euriP h> Lhe Uoulf o4 with truth, that, of these two elemeata, iieoome completely < If her dark hair as erst di-pla> ed. ^ TABLE LINEN, no argu- can A merican sed. We may ZcaazeU5 -* I • r T. 4» i o.. I confer thencehenceence took carriage to Alpnach. The conutrvcountry gh! lw» do Flat S|*riu* do* So. c£ i TKKKY , KNo e««rv msmmf todwa-a lha oMahaate, aadatt aad Till she seems Ute the while. **• Maiu 4. i pr.fraitMl n aa -And whiie all other atatw a»jr tel oi meat is needed to show that the first is very small, upon them the high privileges of American citizens, passedNiDsed through on this route is very lieautiful. TheTlie — — l'"* do Broil. Come* Id*, No. 4^7; jM d*j a — Iraviaz -.in* thine far the wippnrt >4 the widow wad ehd. Swiss-wi- cottages,. ‘‘ttage. so picturesque(MCuresouc in tfieiribeir |«H-uliarpeculiar stile-I) “ the latter h- » . and very great. In truth wo may with they may under ordinary' circumstances , Btvm thia eill no! tel The pahlic become And whensoe'er I sue that sprite Z.W.0BZKUI. I mil Itonk" fc: SOMETHING NEW ' *‘ of architecture, are.ire purtnparticularlytilarlv neat, andautl the tields IRISH LINEN, u, rra . itototedaf fe.teot lion. V. Baaitock. )oba great propriety eay. that what ri \ r t o r r . -r c\ 4o‘ ‘to itnctianan d“. No, 4- Ato totail n«r terc W is popularly known good aud industrious and order-loving I Tlie shadow falls anew; members at areire of the most vivid 7* ra ot, a V. w \ \j ri 2. is* ilu iiif.il .*-vr!*-ii green. ThisIbis bright color con-cou- , ft ^ tv 11, m a man s **re«poaiiibility” is the foundation of all our society, but they can never be Aud the old time returmeth, bright the above are »f our osrr. WS Li'cercAi; made American- tra.stedra ted strongly with w hite iiuportotion. with oiirim- wl^ r i the white mantle tliat covered A A** APOTHECARIESPO T II FC A H fsi » n 0 y said light. AND CHEMIST!-E.H I T ^‘^"rautod to .Iv. totbtoctio^ Price 7i rent. .0 \***Z2***SGive them a call. jan > dly credit, with very occasional exception*. In the at- at heart. They can never forget their allill the hills, the effects of the late storm. Winter OKAI.KKS IX BLANKETS lathe Weto. Apply »«* W i VRRNOM. .teat native land , ^ < Till 1 forget I'm mortal, quite. hadtad already set in upon heights, Purr Druys,Itruys ' — _ _ »ffice N«v 4to Main arm*, between Fourth aad HulHtt •once precise Ufsm the and the snow , Mnlirin.s,Mniiclws, PerfumeryPerfumery, 4r.,,1'C., j2:' jfib of data, we eafely difficulties , tIAGAN CO.. st i may assume that if should arise | & Main and between this 1 - • iafi.nuatv.il Govern- And she ; NOTICE. pumphle :td fmtk. aa 14 for the I mountain of over (Mozart buildiuy),Buildiur), j M. ARMSTRONG'S, b> thcL!v»ff»..turro< Kenturk> Go whispering overhead, the affire of Mobta M -rthinrU.* h of •lives, and it 7,000,fEW feet, wild^ild and rocky and ^enerzllvgenerally mantled LOUISVILLE, KY. Corner Fourth *ud Main sis. l^d, will be held, to Late Duinrilr, whom »* proposed to induce to de so. institution of the American party, and our native- | j Beat Brand* of American their 1 at i Aud with wild weird inu*ir weave withlith clouds. Tradition statestoates that PoufPout iusiu« Pilate.Uilate, I*"WUIIF" Will i»ay|*v particularIiarticular alteuiiuoattention to \ Pnutn sold L'. awarding \xd ommiiwio* meri Hants. J . PhynkrlaiM*Phyakiam' I*rescri|*.|4vivrip. 1 J VrAl.uoNS-llU-k «nd Suppose that each of these acquires ome only i*oru citizens should jamder well z--orted^tvlre fancy Frtiraar) nsxh lha rtarttes of the ! these facts and a&k nous to btlius orders Thnrefiay. MR Jw f fffi thriawi. A "Mg like tliat. my sorrows leave, based bv reuiur-e from the haunts of *ud fur Cuuuiry Idi) -iclwu. with cure I ue r.- I'.ntaloeu*. . 1001*1 f'u-ejlent .-rtmeut. juslr. ,'"r Xa » fmi «wl Uth. preaff men and the attaao ot Mi i u - ~ ' Hv. Direciore t- toanai-c “»“; , tu. th* ’ 1 aud ceuuuiegenuine MeModiciaes.dicine.*. erir.-dceiv.-dociv.al I 1* uUoa to pmehmo. ami -nimural ,.t ril mode rale average value, all 1 zi.. .U- .L 1 J ,, feb4di»febo diasow Awl.m I at.*11 [rialj2»)ja« .1. \l 4 M -Tra.vi*', M ttungs considered of themselves if the laws of self-preservation * wandering t*nMkw|am [ ) j. M. AKM.STliARMSTRONG’S. J ^ inia soul wretchedly aliout the do not AndAud my I cannot grieve earth, ended his — '»« >,au - of Mefchandwe. 1 hrouah rwmpe.- Riven iiw« j I und- for frodmtm -T tyt 1 * i mi fcJOO. Suppose that bat da vs miserably on tills % lu-TS—-Sui*«Superiorri-*r to.»«-*.*«kk of Veto*,V. **[.*, embracini(*tobr*ria* haffterm etean the .rtnt>i»n one slave is exempted at demand the permanent establishment of the ButBat »kLwish thatthal I were dead,dead. mountain. Ilia vexed spirit p A VPrD PTTnrn \l V.I.^t* TBjricENTs. to the by ranoma tranep nxito Amer- uUR£D. T» Huahte,1‘lu-bns Satin*,Satin-. silk*,Silk*, Cmwiuiere.l it—tiiu-rr. Ac..Arc., ju-Tju*t recci.rdr 11 all still haunts its broken summit, und it i« observed nivrito at dtefo iu favor af those who already own ican policy, I I H-YYfc nad on nr face a Cancer for three or four year*. ji> ADVERTISEMENT. many, and Ds>tii4*k, III. J-|_ J.j.' M. ARMSTRi\HM*4T1 JNii'S, NEW YORK | I wtiirii n : tluit, when the rest CHVt* me much unea*ineMff; ~ ' of the land*cai>e is beUt‘\iiie . .* — sunny and that * ... that these there * t — — . «... Bredriniidge Coal Oil are, as is stat*4 between SUO.Udu was iio curt* caneer. * AND I The Breckimidge and Company and clear, a dark mitt always liang* there like a frown. for a a* I had eoamiltal man:’ eminent ( a NDERWKJ ,ox7 hert n-to»ww pr»*;.;kjssl tofo BUppl-upply. ftt« their luan-iuau- | uityririau*; lliuy dr*ri|.ltou. l I • 4 RE p-iwiml »AL>a\L OlUdOl LS to their 4**'.«i0 ia number— -av Sjo.IWU. all raid )ut it alone. II»riiuiu.ucKSj “f O D The whole num- TttK ash ITS Dzxobn More recently the mountain baa obtaincl anotlwr .A ofmrtory.to t iov^rv«*r . ., locn —Brxucsai r zxt) VAHI K ITES. wTY4SS? 1 ^rehhL.^Tta J. M. ARMSTRONG'S. h 4 j fo^SIr^ l«*r of sla)-e» exempted reputation as methe locality ofot the celebrated “.Mule**Slil iu 1812 to bringdown P" “* ‘»-«or sell, wilb a full M. fifty thousand, worth now five hundred °Or.br-rJ, r* were given ensn Saturday.Waturdny to thetlie New York ARMSTRONG'S. STOCK BL.NZOl.t, and and twenty- New Orleans Delta, which, it will be remembered UNRIVALED i ,, timber to the lake. It was one of the Ujlde.-t and u - a* ' i , Giipt. l RUDE fOAL OIL five Pu!,toakI bstofiicee ,,erk. lerk-' ,uto ,jketake no more sixpences, PEYTON A. KEY', Loubrttle. r* OFFEE— 09 millions of dollars, buck would he the advocated the election sixpences, shillings,-lulling-, HOUSEHOLD I at the amount of Buchanan with all its! interoating engineering structures of its dav. (S ho brtL's old Ji FURNISHING: ffarrietilars fnrnbh— raraseraar'* ofikr. ,)in*f ot r C °orr SSpJiii-bJui>h ‘iu»r«vrs,quarters, in : Wall a. and Rruradraai'. New York, or -.a .Mibntbs to of capital, or of property accordance with the law re- At the extremity of one of the irregular il 1- l« pocket* Mucha; for sale j which is the basis of cred- energy, which is considerable, gvt-s the P of irregular arms of uTi ! U t n ur r» n “llll f Tr mra, ( h r.7niI^,^ ^7" by following ex- Ky I j | J. * W AIR.SA ** Dmrrtiua, Sc Goods* 0Mrtlcent Ivv passed bbvv Congress,Cuiigre**, thel e !»kelake of Lucerne 1I embarked in a row-boat, and Fistula in Aim. No cure i»o FONDA MORRIS. Silk it, which would be suddenly . 1*"^ . and which goes into im- payfor luddb Huh 1*2» ihtf Hurarpt, withdrawn in the hibition of the acknowledged duplicity and tmcho riue and atteutioa. Ey, ’ 1 , 1 keep the ffenaine Paicr. (arp«(ings, mamannedn by’-v **°two stout-armed Dutch girls, furfor Stan-Stnn- Pill for the want* of tho South. and locked up more effW-tuallv mediate e . >iV, -n Jot- of entails, of the Delta more remarkable than the ; UNION. p* rfi.lv it j WM PRICE. ENTIRE 5 bbh* KTouuil Ginger; fere-n -traet. near corner .f SUth, over Muir anJ l-uvcs. respectively to — -A Rah-> * Purely the neceaaity should , twenty, ten, aud Thk XoitTii Star. he pole star and the dip|-er he cunstraining, w hich rebukes. At Ul events it will no longer 1* disputed. — -"u mat* limwmon; Floor Oil-Cloths, | •JO boxee Would induce **'* oeat8* are av generally known that it is i n am Tartar; a community to embark, at this era. that, if, iu the late election, tlie almost unnecessa- Pliiludelpliia ( Buchanan men had olleffe of Meiliciur. r»0 ca.-k.- Supercarh. So*!>; for Bale by •n su*.n a policy ry to point them out, hut, for the sake k ( 0. CO., . tlie best of the vote, of young SPRING LAMBERT MARTIN, OWEN, A the Fillmore men had the best The Arkansas Legislature lias extended the time SESSION—1^57. FONDA Sc MORRIS. EDWARD 1 astronomers who have not yet become acquainted TH E Spring teian will oj^n on Monday. March 9. 1-C7 Satin prepared To OFFF.R their 62 Broad street. New York. and the whole of the argument. Whoever, if any- fur completing the first section of the aising and H or»trd Damask, arf. mow Memphis and qI Th» cour-fi* will Im In **very r.-Bj^ct full U ;n! u com- R 40040«l humhoi Layer aud K. *"ibe follow ing with these interesting constellations, it M. Raitonr, 0 from the Memphis Appeal body, doubts this, the editor Little will be pp*iplete a*- the winter courae in thi« or any other stpaiMfij ..mpomtatiom of the Della clearly Bock railroad to December, 1858. College*. dr»»tuB Smyrna Fig*; tor aalr will In* conferred early by eems kill ven etrangr paragraph worth while giving a few directions to enable those Degree* in July. MARTIN. OWEN, k COBB, to he put forth _ Fonda & moruih '.•I Lxamiuatiou’* are held daily by the member* of SUSet Senator! to be Kleried . During the the Fac- iy a leading — who take an interest in stars New Orleans. Democratic and Buchanan organ: the to distinguish these ult I a ;i El* 1'Ll Mfl—10 ca.*ki* for rale by tae* Aad Vastta Cvttfo - ...... v«a caatw The Washington Union a journal which, |*fe*ent month United States being the only DRV b««Ds. though Senator* are to be i . T“** fuU course ot numtaer levturea FWfl froin ot lt r i n f„ rm . n r, » in FOND mutt 41* *' n r <*f least * UulJ not *^ out of a inter tbethe cuaMMacuusequence in itwlf,n-elf, «. or New York ufifcri c-veebd fr m demanddemand. „ur,,-our at- . the following ^->,*1. ad) «u«, u, Slates: , Z Sew York 1 Iudi-1 r lr 1 ^ ‘hident. INli - pubia^d fent k*ii |*liUcjdpolitical editor.-., tmd -ufliclently plain in T ntlou a*a- | editor-, ina T an abstruse EMBRA4 uiaaniueham uch aaas it isi-. astronomical i 5*2 V ^ Mipuoa.sumae- i “' * furnU ' * * fUrt, r ’ ^“ 2 Total ed' u.u> be a toirtsort of «' a clock-hand I U d«A-hand to indicate Uwtl* Vour'hour work. The following dereription will Cff.-k* enable them “%%OW>1rSTaS I,. m. D n. 3 -lifllrd do; Rn?>, Mils, foniirrs. 4^«*t of I hi n-*! State- uU we wuoSm amocti tlie day uouq the ItomwItomuf rathrate dial, thusthu.w -p«*.ik-» d3 the < ’alfoge. 2»i bbli* Fillff-rtr. that our upeaiu* of a I w >tated in a foreign |ia|»er that J3o At Fifth fftru. t. h.-i,iw Brazil- Nuta, and Walnuts; to find the North Star: “ " Walnut. wfi-rf, tiifftl.* n,»t 1 1 >11 Off uni'k liv L.. . 1 .- 1 . / Wk * > ,,4 1...1 a h or rale Mr by l jlPJ FoNDA Sc MORRIS. SEEZJSm??, frJrr “ £«gii»h ,4.\7> EXTEXT, ** 1 he observer ( after .lark) r drat of the paopli hr wil: a->t ' and daugkter to leave look northward. He - KXAS home to . . r PECANS—2U bbfo fur rale hv pmatt hi-- private , NO. f Ki « « 545 MAIN STREET. -if ^ 0| ui k .1 r*iwalrd, hi thb ran !«> iatfisrfciv vith to Wl11 U « bttle aU.ve tbe * he found to be uuswrpw.—I. ar R-:iuuu-irttiub Thr r.fudiff 4 llir^TH^iPitorty, left three bov* aged IS, N. K. horizon, aud Jj- [ l.K forme FONDA Sc MORRIS. That wilf Mr Enrli h. di*Mci*r*-d iu tlu* Iluuw of *V ir K ^n!l* i ? H iodow Shades, 1c, on * ll b Cast*>r j llrpr— ntoav.T on th.- 17th. which »»• rive 11. aud W The.-c hoy.-* w ished to contrive and Pollux, sevcu bright .stars litr county, Ky., with thr view «f e&o-udtnf Mr Buchanan just iwfore the election, ia respotue entire Uil- ^ the*\VfioLE- ollands* tobacco— lii miizc, ie an abl* an! auco—ful % sum.- way to avoid ea8,*.v distinguished, and liaving SAI,i:»ad RETAIL ra.h er a,i*rov*-fi rr*slit hwrer- f**r kwak iudizMatiuu ut th. going to .. bool, and actually re- a rude resemhlance GUOl'ERVaud IJol’iiR l.u-m.™ in H 50 bote* Eluprvaa braud; **The 7 t*-»^teu^d ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY - to a California committee, wrote tliat Northern lfewnocracr from tto- c.»mUu-; behe con- Darias1 Jn thelut deli" 11 verv of this ->-.,.,1, \|- j Insu- "- -P*' - h. Mr. Englishr t Ion tailed l rsa and Lorunville Mutual . . which lie did bv Major, or , ,, . rutting oil a piece an inch lone tlie Great Bear; the two Uuioa 1 -5 do Wade h Bro.’a do; Keutuoky TIIKOIt.il BV KlILKOkO, •deret. the polic of the making of the road »*• mternipted by Mr Mar-hall, County Laud for Sale. by the of Kentucky, i lia hors then, ”ff**thand star- uf tlie aeveu Iu alore aud for rale by Alice Company a- tbe blood fioweil fn elv tecaiuc are calledthe“l‘oint- r V ,1 „l Uwir own Si-vad a- *!,**. f>*r»ud fiwily TTT, A tract ..f *. r.-- of land, l-isc on tlie | * ^ ***.** **» I ^ Oovemment clearly jj* ***»«« d.wtrine l; rtw,” «» a NOCK. tk to r.muTr-1 lo U.- roomi and di«iactly embodied ia the of tenifie tlie iieUlibors were . allot line drawn through them au.l nvfi-r. Jzl WICKS, CO. loll i(ffi.*e ..I Ihto l oiupwiir | -...d. , totoirely ky K.»:r**tol r ; aud thr»v mil**- TL. It Oat the fellow continued Lid “jTOuw fo-low Uuioutown, {Xtov S T rfiMIt —w> liteu«itiaa, _«»ex' dtwr ara l,e e"Teat "P»«rds w ill meet the Pole Star. * l** 01 improved, id offired f^r 1 over ll*e FraukUu Savitte'/ I Train*'. Cin mnati 1 i*in, au.l his life was The Pole ink* ou rea- \|ANI platform. And now the Memphis lousidcred in Star is ‘I. / ^W LLA HOPE—75 eoifo aw>rted tfize^ from tol - orgau 2i7^th!!r!«r^ f,4o.,\ra \ Bwfo. •• tutu omr i^ tt) Bfct tlie .tejiiAL-winaUe teruui, mIm one-hall' ol lTI lucii, in The rear of lire > *tern KAI.»>, PVKtKI.W. "a uie elevation in degree* i Wabaah received 1IKK4 IIAMH-K. PU an the 1 tt aud for rale bv tex tells tlto ..rid than this written Irilautf. For )>articular». iit^uln* of J24d. -1 «- HbAIK- »_ declaring a f tl «'“ I.. RUFF NEK, Xt>CK, WICKS, h CO* M.in HUNKY. ,t>D V A LI A equator it is just visi- j.m :m <1 ) KLKs, Complaint U rnado of the brevity of the prayers "l »Aw 4 Tliird »t., Luui-vitlu. matter of no manner *»• “ ffhff wafida, the dactrine of • n5*,? , 1 af ixmaeqiwnce. it exclusion and ^ l -.1 *.. l,Uoble ou thelle horizon:''orizon: atut Iwing the l:_, .... -.1 t-,-,. .i i i _ — ... “ Boston,Bo-ton. in latitude 42 do.itU, it’is / COTTON REDUCE RATES. u KetLDaniri Filter the^ha^Uin of 'rhl ! it is YARNS dr. _ FURNISHING GOODS M-'ashioms. AT eSKATLY U mater sovere^nty «e(to tte slaveholder the .i-o Haris axpresamo of Mr. Buchanan, «4 »ame ^ ba/.- Ma> ffvilie fautorydory Yirw,Yarnff. amwrtedu>.*ort(*d number/; " views ,nrreUa.a^ mm MEDICAL Ta all i*a rra af tbe I ailed Slate* aa«l Karape. . doctrine precisely. There I stand, BAGS, _ , and I , , , challeu -e distant from the do rari*et Chuin; J 0, occapied but do seionda, horizon to the A FINE l.*»v«a via I fferra avilfo felroal to r tt *— * ** imtiU-H! tke I mud States. and another less than a AfiPOKTJIEXT, UU da Ex . rra tt aud of a l do doi the gentleman or his party to meet me here or else- «» h). --1•»«> «at •hethe north pole, Candle- W uk; E PANI-OU, pole in latitude I> A M Frank fort and Lexinaloa Railn^l to 2 M. . aad mionTTuinnte. lie1 evidently W.90. it is Also A M K 17 d« i M A evideuUvpiepraodp^.,sed tuto dudouu iTpm?^mshis part tu- do do Cotton Twiue; Mr. Buchanan s letter was certainly the expression where upon that imqiosition. right oierover l.ea.1,heail, orur at I N|KV HRY»VARI ETY'.'I Pari*. Nffv Albauy and Salrai lUiir a«l at 4 A. M. wards,rards a shun-hun re-sion.se-ion. aueleiationat. efevatiuti .d90id SW degrees,degrees. aud for rale by Milliner, from r-nglish said: TRIAKS I'VRPI'T llll\ indTlIKPfi a! S. .luNEs. Agra*. 1 .IR\l llll ! X of his views as . 1 hebe 1 ole fetitrStar is one LI ulus. 311(1 I »*l nienll. ' a candidate for the Presidencv. a . . . of the binary stars ALISL^. NOCK, WICKS, St - olof the IraliraI Itew L**™L » 7 He , , discov-discor- CO. TteThe Btoepair nwoare* ff to — An ex-clergyman and botanic physician * aitradtol u>ffi by the ered by Sir William Herscliel. ' owpeetlull.rreaiff^tmiiv -oikiujd.-.lu-iloi, oriui< >rdrr» .ileudc! { AAA 1 ba, never .vet had u opi-ortumty of expressmg any A binarylary star isi- one \ ’V { PIri 4 A 1 eg THE PEAKE RESTAURANT u'^^ff'r.-i^bSwe^ t!“ jme of 1 ler, re ding in Stnwe, \ t,, le-mgi hargeJ ^ ’AI - S, WHLSKY- Yfexl Utor. that, when highly magnified, is foundd to ’ 1 JkRJ bbl- as IfomorraUc yn*U at tbe X.*rtl» and that conshtconsist of ., Swan braud Rectifled Whi-ky; # 1 *»> Prteidesd. M hen be declared hi» adlxteoti oecupit-d b> • |H>r- nth the Olleii-e of having carelessly J j-4 «llia Comer Fourth sssd 1 rssm sheets. communicated two stars, one revolving round the other,her, Min ““ 7U Third *tn s:. •m bbls 2-year -old copper dietiUed do; . iM#uo1th(.'I>*iiMjcratiutbm>outlDDArtithe dei»-toie. oi them, -a*. W* ue tn fiwd) rwfo A Hi bi' efection and inad# iu view of secur- cuDiltfutioii. 1 believe that i* thr poakiun of >umth>rv bfc:iu> tbe "Wain DRnR GOLDSMITH,GOLDSMITH. r stafeH I tl»»* n Drar, Gr»i yei *i.*misi» e» nendl%*. It fo not the po4tea of 1 Vl'D»' Fd.V|< bat grand ^iettrifle expedi- » reverse «r||er. Between the Little » hi. UfiW' th -m alt Bear und mo- «* i.,, su^im: bisaiefiu iv'lXii Uff»!«ffl|(n-r 1 w1 I'yriMau-ntlvi«rrn»au»-utir miu w, m,- , [to^AVlNG ! Ihuk*. he. ponuau|M rlluIi o:f bum,hold, m*a» t do.ou. I tiou I A Q won l thatuial tbeU*e rightrij-'lit of a peonle under the dirediou ot liwat i»ear will lie 75 PIECES T a peuide Count d’Kscavrut xeen u chain of %t 4ad >tars mu round- THUS J HYATT Jk ItRO D.ul-viUr Kluiri. ur 1 j tbr ai- at tol boar, aad It appears to b -an/at an earlier peri.»d -that thi* qiowriou r foaad M M vnri us that Mr. Buchanan ha- u> within U-.I ii ! i * urUi -trott, t *l t.ractited broken up iu conseq tienge of a dimension »“g the Little Bear; they area Ulusclow Maui.‘ jail dl l.reeu atol H't“ *lr * th.rir cooiroi from the luue tbe U- constellation Cttned l-“ Iffuf- prinif enter wl t” pare.! Ut-Ue- or l..u.e .:i,l Ov.le . organic wet U d . IjMti-ra lflo Ju»t mvlved; 'T?'. j * And 1 tween^weeii tlu;tlu: feoientiri* l>ra«i ” lS R.rm.euts ot-I hohi. pr-teteyrofea-h,., Joe- quiteUtfi» euoiqrhpuaavb pertidvtarlldY iam tlu. n#nr ,yf »ka M ma.fi,,T *ut‘>inte «jirntiffiii.i^rwtian ecieutinc imnV'in^erpml.erj* andaud theirtlieir chief. Dra®* (luef tbe DragonDraguu),). and byl»v iiie.m*ine.in- of<»f '•*» »!•» I.akii i> ,7;irT.“ute. >* .JI.,l':hethe Itofiwwnrent. v,,,^„rry *«/ from lu Vein. the affair of tb# I*acili< rail- P one of t’tLo'O«se rm ftilfi**-; !r,Tr , u.l.ltott-iottJff- A. M. uiHreIfih.-eh-.rsllhours 11 tot„i.1. all Strayed,iyod, luo |H>rk« to ohl Java IVflie; tiire h.!,. wr-nr lu1* idtellli road letter without fuUov. English '““ le tlle Mr. said iu Cardinal ‘ ing the suggestion ateo reply to a question from UaMiiud Antoiielli,An. l.i, theihePujto'sPojie'fi 1 ,n , lorr ** uf the . Minister of ru!u q'lDiiau-'ff for •al FI-FT- Irreat di^^rv of tl.e il^ll-'ir..erration StAblff.stnblfi* «-lant -Mu.tii/ht. a. pnitvll*» CARPETING, ' ab oMight.* * h7XS 1 Mr nance,"»•«*. lu*1»- pul.lte.ed|hj i.’-lied a notiee,notice, HiiHflL 1.1- ill L.Wt REMEDY to lluUeE I •w i H to thellic t-flect ^ MILEML i«) >1il (-’nuu'ht • AUXIF.L, Sc fin- ENGLISH Mem| Appeal. Il i. quite ted enough, that. r efftet that, in _ lrflX lj»> ri«4 cau ht au4aud dc-« _ MOORE. M URRAY. THE GREAT ^ llhvwr.-.t'“ r*': 1 '» ^ at ‘- ’ , *' vJ nti llt ' • 'UUV#queXlL-euuafiqufia.v the might's« Stahl8i»hl>-- . .* . 1 4*f i»ot k&ow a man of any j^rt. i «rlio flftBdMtlKttofof ahortacssof the la.*tlast crop1 f i U I MURRAYw LITHOGRAPH " a opinion* lu * electioneering letter j*. ni,it:e(l uuliluntil further i lowingluwiug instance WARUXKR <* GO,, 4H Main »t PMIDOP, HOMAXS, PARDOPS ami PROS- PILLS, Third amt Market streets. to California just in time to respect u> it. order*. concerningcuucvrniqg thethy exorciseexercise of natural - — * FEMALE Southeast comer ef | S G»FFEI7- CELEBRATED hi* favor aulllJUllmrily'‘ rilv b p^SS-I8Ot VAKS-15 ItbUIW. f*. -fi* by Vy Tut! t LEYS BEAUVAI S MANUFACTURE operate in in that .State without When asked further hv Mr. S.-ott byv a party 01 emigrant-emigrants by L Tim bmgshajra Rio ( off.-, if of forf„ ; getting the Demo> N«rNear Madison, Wifi.,Wis„ thereUie re are exteoexleu-iveiv. ted- . H'D r Califuniia.California, R J of^ ij GARDNER Sk CO., 3* *» 41u M«in ri. do ljicuav i a r v Indiana, recognized tlie legal ' C«»flf«-c; back before the election lo tbe StaU-s in ?‘ - existence of |>eat, w hich is and to lie lireferaldc to tlie They appear to have on intuitive which, if test (ahio idea of the 2.# d* old rights Java do; iu id on* and for ral* by 1 ' rFpl i it “Hdj» yield almsuperior iUuBuaatiug an I power, of the rifcalatod. would operate agaimfi turn. It fat quite -' Vigilauce Committee. What AND'W BUCHANAN A Co.. tiJiTwafi'tnat it was a*a quests*!m^thmumno! )«t settled h> ‘i'i gas. they . . . the courts. , A recent .urvcv gives . “"v ono?r , , , , the extent of tlie ted- , Svcoud aud YVitshiugioii »ts. eaough. that, la (bat dishonest and fraudulent letter and he continued: did if thus recorded: J , at 3«,IGU tons, worth Tbout *1,000,000. lille VIOLASSILS— ruumthi) e-nod with refiulwntr. Them he pretended to But We left Springfield br:**. •* tte 1 M PORT KHS. WHOLESALE AND tinuk what no intelligent Southern prior to th.t deng-.n I will piv, at 7 o'clock ou * bblfi what I und.r-ta:i^ ... ,, ^ ,, , j, Wednesday m 17 I'niiifi- Plantation; 1 previous lo »™“*« (urout (. ««/«»«« ,n VELVET, «» lhre**w«ks jar r-- ok.vi kink of *cratii- l-irty Arywrf t; Xauut.—I lie morning, should te ward tw® _yy| mi lls in Demo, rat of his part V ^ in i„di„,„, »uJ Jews aud reacted New Heaven a little do Faragou Sagar-llouic; has l wetended j before **'• ..r will or can n and lews lhfi. G|*\a MsTol.A aad FISHING **' •*“' fiber do mm itoUevr i iniiied Us-ir children theeighlh dav after 1« o*» St. Jauit-4 fartiff tte ronatitnOun r" their uati- A , anJ ttere learned tliat a do; tter , ’V M train h .1 I with as Third wrrat. nmt pretend tetl.uk, that tte policy of the do tte mother k> ff-rtorui ter duties m TU KLR.No coortnicuan /-reBameste tlteir child- short time previously X K i«mtlne*. comic aufi reutim... Mton, DHiifeb.Hr Kjr . bsve jmA f: 1 and weU A r* ? lu.torouudformlebvD> W of thf Iff iiM. railroad day, aud io •«•.!<«» *««•»«» «nd for TAPESTRY, h«*r«rl! aad child. single trarrto -ttrac* ai> a Gov eminent jrabWmv w r*raiiuib* ti. ****?. tbe nulei tl tbe nlmb, mmwere lotilirinotified bvl.y Ure red* br ~ raietv ta v«d fine 'plain aad loubfo aud vod torttHittoa tl (k aasuiMta-,istant «.J hef„ jt cj., uperiiitndeotsuperintendent tlutthat tfothe AXD’W durisj th 011 %%hl ' '* A. DAVIUSiiN, BVCHAX.W A O. by females Gatur Ifora. Shot Brits. Ftradsr I’ Irak i- rcwtosg tfor- wit'. they Hilemnuetl a fcatt. next train would | C PiUs should not bs trim mv v p ss clearly set forth .» tlu CimcinsmU. , The (iraek* uot leavev until » o'clockw * .vx m Tke*e uisform But 7 onuu Tlmr-imirte Third si r, t. near art Uwrr-lu. lawss, Martet, DKFIXKD sruARS o.D.T TMRKK MO XTtlS a/ Prrananer. a. then 1 idde -hex *wd on* ay morning, wnefeupun the |Mtai»eu^era, ‘ •' r,R * T U princip.tllv ' • » 1 wjw. r ** an - . - . » _ . udur time1 thru -f ril ktete «d fi...- ff-'k adro ; Memphis organ ^ « ~cU «er I, , .T *rJ JL-orMu, hot Janl,** nunl.was git en by hr parent, tu . •• M ^ tte their friends oustingouMfeUii^ qfol iSj.-J ot tine Twchle This, with tte* Iwrafi dock V. mum and perJTwhojiera^ins who had e,e»^a;;fdwaged tbeirtheir tel-p.A^- .went I'ishia* ' w.b.t. B RUSSELS. 17would now for* Ptrmdm* " C , '* Bu -imoan directly arn *"‘. r lo t wl '- UNRIVALED I In ;t and on IudJ, make, threr ek ,ery larre. lull and ranffn, difire- T »»'*•« aagn.iges to W v/vr\ CO for rale . « !“ gi*'eu wa, taltforuiaCalifornia per STOCK b> Tire extract, dererve George l.aw,l.aw . which w as above to te examined S wa. Vx-‘Tt- Auctions, ywiw invite *i»wwwnte aad repudiatervpudiafe th-tb- 1 and °f ^ or -t' ot -terrows and «V«»i whh-h ttey re-v-ecgojl) merchant*. fcardgard and vrew.viewi moland pledge*pledges clreumrtanee p- ted t. have New i.,rz j AXD W Bfi HANAW by whicha-hicL pondered[rendered oyer.over. They COQvrvconvey a worldWorld utof meaninc trefure they could reach * CO. the , |>rtli, aome quahtt of botjt* ur miud, this*city, untaued a vi^iLuive kehe koo^btaougbt to promote ki»bi» ovnu»n efottfoci^ioele.-taoo^io 4isr»"-arddisregard ' i: -.fo- — found r;..^,,! i He ha* to “ i riaoe u -u bci.mu roBnoa or sn \ £££ £ \mm I . il "1. w M liANAN * to. v ^„ thammmreUti.em uer-'l asamsm.aja mom. Mr,Mr. Bit'Ba iumohsnui neeanseem* likely 1-ms met oo the lfltb at the ^me-fo*uto, and told the employees that they fefe«S“l»al.-d iu this or au* r,il„j market. ateuroar. tou> a^ainagain IDre-elected,cbrtnd. aad.and. having Unathus twicetwi passeil I former place, had no. coutan. iron tainted, j . do I remed) dr t:0„ ll.lu st. TARl ft ^Trrfut JOHN KITTS I S M AND CANDI4 AND Cosmopolitan Art Association. I* half boxes prime Starch; tachnae. .The in Ure IIO >• hole aud half boxes Star ^£Z£rZLmamr~* THIRD YEAR Cwndlto: Importer’s Stool | In store aud for c, sale by stales and Canada. On* DoUar. *** I AND'W ROBERTS, ladiaaaisdU,Indianapolis, 1 thev bare .-..mpWtefi yiwateireM BUCHANAN A CU | W.w W.w. .io, ,k«ur that «ral« aad rein nte- iteaerwlieuerai AxeA*enlut tor EenliaKeutu. and Indiana.lnduua. lor tlie iblrfi y*nr, »u the urea* *aien-i»« “ «> fearurea. are toia« tteir otared to raeaafi- perfectly fretoa, /old at peremptory rale. R.u sS. RINGGOLD,RINGGOLD Dew Ttey cnrnfully the Cineinnnzi iiie at wurkaad p . . a*e .ktaarican roalus. Tte ex tend** e etia* Afieuls-tfients for Lonwaule.Lunwaill*. tel p, te direrlbatafi 1^ roar eornOm, id BK.lt TI K r dare bu own oooacienttou i ii?;,i n Po*t**e Stamps enclosed to STATU KTTS, MEDALLIONS, and Winks, .. _ ratone Dollar and *U STATUE*. Bl ST* Buchanan', intellect u N. B. all hhffadreyje ,fi art.anu.ter- and ?*0' “• WUI m-re bold* of the PUD by oil. PAINTING* ia dw L WI WILL lirru THtM AT .Uthorurd -treat l l “C tetto.cn Sey. ,/ . . in* nrenv Vundn-I- In ouauecduu wRh tte IniHte fi. have trees Aoaear iu tte < iff that the construction of I I LLUSTRATED ART JOURNAL Government work and by and tol the •ha-n worry iumember raodrow gate Ttey ate fite c b» ut* -Hire rrar * fla« irm av**«s. e»fllfo4 s*m rail red ted in the platform. STROTHER. Splendid Bargains. kirk & CLARKE, tun." which any watecriter war tab* in fihm* *4 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN SLC-^EWfe Mrs. Holmes's New Book. C/'The American Executive Committee v* *11 OtVRN A STROTHER Thfolofficil. UUSSiCAl, — A 1(1 V’ERS, bv Mary Huliues, author - MisCflUMOUS. JftJT. J. of Tempest a >r i OXE PRICE OXLYOXLY. d sunsiillie. ( H„ nuBRANDYt v l.v lo... m the delegate, Prirekl. I — bhls from the fie. end council- hi the cky ut M 2-i'u*r-oldul«l PeachIV-arh lirautlylies School, and Blank Book>. 3lor' -l" * ,,r mlc by XJZShlZ The Niyht YVaich, or Social life in tlie South, t\j- * Lou- I .J'* Louisville are requested to meet at the hall of irville lade, 1Jh Lib- Priev *1 2h. UWKN AJk STROTHER,cnorur“ rH Rec* Heel Ions of a lifetime, or Men and j V, sr Thlmr- 1 have — L^H erty and Union Councils, at ’ (•II uigiii trjing to re it YTION Odd Fellow Hall, -turn to life. \Ve leatu since ! ST aa .wiving lier pay’ as she had exjrected, wu. ilHWd “ U, ^ ? *• «ki*«he A3 mouse * l V. L DERBY. Ato. C. JL .4.. Saturdaysa.uro* evenm*eveniage\ ening atal 7. o'clock.«o dock.chak PunctualI unctuai atarronten- winch 5 UlrefiHg; mountain- iuie l.rought forth? Or dance ia requested for the considerataou of important totter, ia tin- tire ugly, pan< grizzlv, grinning, mocking DURKEE, HEATH, A CO., ’^,^'OZ-VRT BCILDINg. eSSK monfiter which, after fnreuLBTH MWWMT. H **,®*f“' i »ry maeffjpr te L^*l burnnes-. so long a t ra vail and so much J MtRJtER Ha— ^ te "rttouwtze-w * -rrti-aas otetKrical akili aud eouuaal, w« are LOUISVILLE. KY Sutwcrtetena raeei.eU at tu* WW u tepcree and iswure.rute aa the legiti- 1EV7 , IWTIutjffUe editor ufof tb*the New AlbanyAll.anv Ledger,Lisa. e. male off-priug of the Constitution and tbe Deolara- Ltemorrauc organ, aays that ‘ under ear present ®f Indr pendenie' Has the , Kansa.- act so soon really v#i , **n * un,ed into ywrflv °f Sprwfiwe*. American, lRLRACHBD OOTTONR- — eystem the people have no -e wha ever ia an armed ad\ersar> again -t itkiNT- afiecaaro Print*, FOURTH HTKEKj;.8TREIX I* |.MireT»ro«^nA and HaaJvn. aad ottefi brand-. I*I*, .ream- brand-, an tew* and tor «W hr ! drink to Uie dregs pT I l tk. 4te the elcctiM iff th: twuhighert offier* kauwa ymre- k. au ht,« \ U ES LoW A to the psnaoned t. o.oSLod tar^wT al UON' chalice which the central Democratic' a tto.. «« Main IffBSAtui.dWiiut .m.”Ai. •«5X**"* aSuJwA iwriwfi lha commend, to iu e? * > SE.w>L I tXTTO!*— 1 mm lif HrCwewa Hnrhel nad Jrlrr***,. » BaDWKK'9 inwn-tation; for ante by * VHIHT-ff bhla yure covyer Whiffy le* • dnr and tor aal* by a -OHI-ER A LO., 41* Ham ff id* JAMES [Jffl GWEN e STRUT HER. w* 2 . Ap* JAMBS) LOW LOW A CO., 414 Main R. C «l*b“ - . m L W T ^ j LM ^ • * . « T TT , WA 1 - «1 f - , - > — —, Y —

KMii>AT. jan . m. iss:, 1 a. m. 1UVKK AND STEAMBOAT urLsl.j MATTERS. THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS—SECOND SLaaluN. C.um!B|ioiuWiic« ui‘ tL Loub.%:hcJ COMMERCIAL. §V TELEGRAPH. Thursday's Proceedings. The Great "tlue*tnm of PrfrtUgc"— nut tom* thinys AUCTION SALES. A TI I S EM ENTS. SPECIAL NOTICES. B i*o«nut. The river wu at a eland verterdar evening. Jan. "* there w.tb. 1 Washington, 29. «K«4ayT,. It12 o'clock. LaLaat* mgltt.night. 12 o clock, T be weather nigiit From tie Evening Bulletin. DAILY REVIEW OF THE MARKET.* By C. C. Spencer. '.vpa's | before la»t Saaa-traanxA Jan. lftoi. i and yesterday na, ' W asiiinoton, -j, This purely vego- the credentials s' 95. [ j Semite. —Mr. Trumbull presented L^lisvili.e, January 30. S1CX0R1TA MARIO RERTIM » 29.94. Oil. TAINTING*. FI'KMTI RE PIANO. BRUSSELS quiw cold, but last evening it was highest impi.rt e be- remedy eombtoee la itartf the prspen a of aa eun- [_ modem tiny. ARR1 VAL OK THE ARAB I A of James Harlan, elected Senator from io»«, who A matter of the m has been In onrt roi-ort yateriy th# printer tn***d the word CARPET. GROCERIES. bLlSSWARK, MA4.KE- WILL OITE ONE OF HEK fore hotli Houses the sevtlo. a mild cathartSe. and a toain It .ataklv r-mov-a ^,n.1 ** *•# boat* have already was qualified and took his seat. during- present week—the great "dunhiouhtfui” in.»t#a«i of UEL. AND LIQUORS AT AUCTION. ri<».iiu<>MKTKK.THf.nuoMKTm. ! dropped into the •‘undoubted.” The error wan to '‘question otic s ail GRAND from the Mood and -ther *uda the body official notilication of the death of Mr. llrooks ‘question of privilege"privilege '——one which overridesoverrid ail M tbotmpwMra can* 1 * s The 4torfaicalartaie „,e f A II I?tf M.||. 6 P. M. nd °*h*r an lightening for the pnr|>o»e of intelligent reader did doubties. detect it 15 p. M ' others in legislative bodies, every d aal realthy seerwkin* which -naend. r and having Iteen received from the House, an eulogy and to which reoaiiy.peaedllv f.ed T *Mn in nil Puintin*:*. rich (lit from**. etnhr»ein« VARIETY CONCERTS, 2S° aliore f' The Susquehanna went r..U#etk»u of in ' down 36°36“ alwveal tore 96"36“ above 3tr- R to the canal iironoiineeil by Mr. K\ ans. who uif'isiira* iniiwt for t te ft.wi.Mi pni«pnn*nt thua Wrlkine at the root of the milady above #xpre*>**d r# ** ' 1' Althouah prowed ! . . ft* i-* |»utiire-ireiu« . . . - . Tli' ii" rliaure to notic# iu the money many beautiful andan«l pieturosuiM ir*nrr,•cen#*; lluuaeholJlluoarhol-J Kuruiy urm “ — , mark#L Fix- — — — A*"* evenutg. The Madison was that thin to upon it-* introd action, yield. this i> proper, rfti seu.ua. u may he taken at ligfctcaing grot tribute the me inorv of the deceased And ltir* m all ttoaea with per: for ! roii.i-Unrf of goto*. T*uI#h. Itedkrtih. t'luiw, Brim. set mte- — , that — mlvmTV ***’m at icrevi-u. rate*. Every . body h »nxW I «WTW carraer to l'ortl«d. I «•*!“ ( »• W. could not te |iuid worthy Mr. lint- e>pe«espec Ullyially w lieulien the ri^bt*right, and honor of the re|trv-repre- I . . and Imrrmlu arpeto. M.ittroow#. toe.; an tcelleut ma- ty, an it mntaliss aa pr.werfn: Parana,. not purpose. bv hU colleague, it- the of die , MOZART HALL, Ira air drn* to d-htHtn*, the > * ttl in * a“ hreakyncr ' up of the ire m the rtrer. h 0**11 v Piano. Forte; with many ulktr article* in the pa» iny for hi* ler: I •ut the deep afflict ion which this* ud event ««•- I »efttative*sematiyes of a free |ieople|>eople are concerned, «»as now,now. I*' OX •yatem or mineral rwaaon rsti.i papar. the route has been discontinued a. t* the comtitatlon. The count- from al>ove are r.o es a a. not done ' huua k-«i>in< line. unfavorable for a nnieh iu“ prMvbciun*1 ' j-esterday. but cantoned iu tne to,* ol a dear tnend ami rela-a- owing to the conndeittlvconfidently asserted exteusiveivextensively ' . .. , .. . i ! him and v„ t, Tu osday Prepared for tlir present. on . , , yi. r..i Evening. February 3d, and sold by A. B .4 t> Sasan, We would be ] 1857. Drautoa. too obliged if our Port afecds break up h°M» iw hare great faith in lii^h prieta. We notit*e rultnof live had uulitted him for the iicrforinaui-e of that I puldislied allegation* of fraud and corrupt combin*- powdrr T» a, VMala TWhaceo.^irur^ TWtihler (ila^t-w ,,f Knit. street, York. land nut rmiccun xtn troukammes. m Mew Price 41 i>*r bottle or si* hot. frianda could arrange 1 pork, 1 all to take their T,le rteamsUip Arabia, fioui Uyerpool. armed Jitd, in small lota, of w hu h Iso bW. all style.. Iiishc. :•» I papers from We leantlearn tliat the datv i the part of members of the House! m«w at sia« aud Mulaawwt iyaa. Prvwrve -ic , nuiT», "V commander* of th*the steamlawt.clean, la-ts . '* M vr «k» * ni1 , *t B FIFTY ****£11 audaI‘J the remainder ‘l u jHr*- *»wbc» and Mononjah. la Rj-e Whisky . CKSTS. *“> ASir Hunter, while expressing profound grief, That the laxly should be "purged" of the guilty M. O. at £17ilt 50So.. aA dealer here at have 7.u I Portland ran, rarest . v. »"R "buy. .'uac and Chamtwane Brandy Ac. r»"T.ckcta for <*le at the priacipal pnrena*e._tpurchasedssrdasal isola.Mats,.tes i.Mlard .. u..., . . __ Hotel*. Book, and 3-id also hr J B. Wilder A Bra.. L -uwvBla. hoped this sad lesson would not be lost upon the liv- artiys.irt!*.*, tfif such there are.aim. no honesthottest man cancun deny.deny, uh> tctpr.meprime lard at MeantMount \emoiVe-noa at to.ac.to.'»c. jjr dpeetal attention MnsleitlWC Syflrf.*-sre*. M| Ex. ’ | U enlied to rlda w‘e. Mr orders are away the ice from the foot *' on the 15:h inst. || Scld also by Druj^stoteneraHy ^ of the canal to the araved Liverpool ing when standing around the lifeless form of our gut tbe chief di^cultv with the doctors on the select M uhins Joins >n piece men's and prices unchanged, prl- to close oat consignments regardless of pri'". jpat: dsdw) .Swiss difficulty is lower wharf at Portland Tiw teUlemen; of the con- deceased associate. learn to appreciate as committee is to rets dispatches Orleans q> T-rm AomestT—Six They pay him f5O0. We we discover the seat of the di-ease! from Mew -ebnlk m-at at 9'.c . LOUISVILLE Men j Wocsnu,.-About 10 o'- firmed. The details of the arrangement are in THEATER.EATER. ^D*. Soback and hi, Kxwki-ikp. The sac* Mr. L. Hyatt, had 4re solemnly reminded of the great brothrrhood of Thrir remedies for eliciting testimony were found to hor-round and prime lard I2‘ ,c in bbla. The Cincinnati .. Opopna Mttttl Mpppser clock yesterday morning a force of men at work yester- ] while a number of men were course of •d nvn‘: J. 6. Hawley “- — «-• which has attended the praetkw of thk . humanity. Detraction would cease to lie inefficient, existing IV.Stoto -‘i-tnanhdsd i^/ .. . , now have an under laws and usages, aud mark.-tsrk. t ycaterdayyesterday vraa-aa better, with wire*alea of ---.Btoffajfipa^m.I day , cutting away j bulk shoulder.shoulder* By 3. G. Henry & Co. the ice below • 1 Iie uTOK r* rcircular quotes engaged in rtorutg freight the tow-head. Lt frpoot. ft — tne object at which to aim its shaft*, for, Swedish yhydeian (oee for to ronfirisi the thewr from the ssearner Madj- when man ha* hence it became necessary to procure tbe enactment 1 „adid .idessides at 7*.7 and -Jfc-Kr and mesa fork rcr- firm at ata -hot -He Lew quiet, with batbut Uttl.little Imjuirvtnquirv either pork eery firm at fil*. *anust:aa' aaLK. HIS ETKN1MO (Friday), Jan. aa the evening the ferry-boatit cottonco*t,jn marketniark.t quwt, rither paid the last debt of nature, perfsemspro1 1 * sonree of all dleeare* is Ip the son one ef the f^artedstarted up p.fy remmedresumed hi* seat,*eat, beingla-ing overcome by hi*his now employed N Tu^lav, Feb. 3, at Auction-roowi', corner aptainK resend men who were at work feeling*.feelings. bv the judivuiry, under it, to punish to. Fourth ln tbr tfrraiu - £13 *u. and *13 *3 and 3 hhd) reviews *'t »* M H>>r*eb*-an Hemlock ...... Mr.Vfr Wood Benson.lietDM.n ^ C which aortal! i- a ad n*.uri-h exc-rpt -weeping an empty The usual resolutions of regret and svmfMtbr for “contempt*. O Bil l Miiiu fitreeta. cvtmticaciuf at lu o'o' -ck, M., ir. Uw building. ttat-Uiat over the fall*. £11 «r. and *13 -xi t.rsce nrith song) ..Mrs. Bernard 1 whole eve Certain II to t ' will be «oM, be urnvspoiident to at- had aground there for P.WPT* FlourKlu i*b Mli^'inselling in mallsmall lots WuA and Cltoh Cans; I Piito h*T« worked wuader* arnr- »l» Mat IMbb. mi Irishman, iluyt twenty year« suae time. j; „ loU at £3£5 CO,**;,fiOlaiiC. accordlnfacrordin* to ! .a com. lain**. old. /Awae.— amiounceii •*<»!'' »n examination of the new law. The mere Mr. Kent the death of Mr. qnaU:>qlttUtv. The steamer A. B Chambers . sSo0 ehangeinchange in wheat or other miacraia. had bv Ie^» aeriously crushed tad other part> of has laid up at Is- ^' l lJlAl ut |>Jtwilled »ud y . I t^Tum'iel hi& Brook -4. aiviri£ th^l disease ^ !w^TC ummbm of the ilou'te of Kepre- . _ KB hb was acute » . . I tone*- Waldecrwvr.BtarjjiBTT II inflmiin.i- lu tne eroevryrv in f>k t sales r a» m. * (La Gitasa). br Ml* E. « >U . land No. ^ market, of to bag* Rio coffee at lu’, I H.-owu, blue, ami steei mixed sut's. VIWMMto totov. mluka, \ 14. bad wbere injured. He mill probaKly ieo>\*er. lioo of the th^t and so .wife and fatal **M**». ud three only of the Sonata, Mod ‘ r tb“^ *0 mMnv *-b«r i»*tafal ! U«" « II Nc. andh 35 tars7Java at li\c. hctnilReti.il ,.l. . an dan >n* maladlra. He»« The steamer »‘4?ht lie urifed as wkaofof To concliido « ith the P**tir** Comody eotitied>n titled Gulnare was lying at Island 1C. and no dical advisers believed him t»* l« in nodan rer till ail argument l*y tho^e their rreat Mkbeal Punall bad hi" bLad badlv cut. Tat. tivar aland" molaues^ “ at l*reMou*ra^ rat.-*.•*-. po,mUritr W. are informed tha: 1,01 ,u v “ erevioiw i.iufham.; lie laiiire; MY WIFE’S DIARY the orrps. WahHiXoto.n, within the briefe* possible tjericxl ^. uudcrrtaiwl tin; subject, in support . . Jan. ?9. , ,h pyraberian.1 was above lia»dol|di of time U*ior- hi" Mona. I’nmantrl MrMr. BradlevRradla pondence ud l» Ketmah Broderick. Peter Beily, aud * >*!<"Stl«< ol»• *Joaa biltiibal. . << »nn.auDi tton flbretioKfldivctinaa at I'ubirmi i>ilk l(»ii(ikiTi’kwf»; printi; am-, ante op an a., ra*-.- 1» 15s let- Pat of the»ue jiwiicejustice (N methe •Mia.tmciit 9V.e. { ,x- <’ I decease.. of enactment.. But Itit is true that assres ..I— I SonM— TKm lam. u . «... Tlxe-rv* g .n immphd> initiate at the .nitol Malta Mr A»bm« ’ *** - 04 ‘C,, * * ry taleml. to d.il. Uy "h '“are lepaewe few Bure* were slightly mj *,ld FnUtkl*- ar w,lil ^-ssriousriol objections*>hjettion« A a ah-raler of tain.as: buslibosh stripdrip Uaeblue cram seed-red on.« pri-,.ri- ar advow and «r- uyurci Brooks wa«was lorn in “ were of its pm Mada:ua Dumontri Mr#Iire' B*ra a ' aui.ouiic-ed in tbe Mr.Mr Brook* Urn in KdgHMdEdgefield district,district .South.Smith I ? urged to some,*ouie of ’l^ The death of Brooks wa> 4nate j | ders for tor! i I celebrated vatu i rim; it si-lli usually at 75c. remedies toahmW^o It was some time befntv all the Uleat bed sbreun**: Linen*; men conld he got Prir»te* I>r**rt* lirele | - tfintui FUhikU. hn«ut Tnrtrntb. ZW~ tne?* of AJmi»»v>n— Hnxm ii. out from under the rubbi-h. About and lV ju*tt« 73 eU.; S**c*>od TVr Aeb.; UuHrra liftv tiarrel- of Cixcissart. Jan. 2», MEN'S HOOTS, M | j under 12 hear* of t«» I>r«*» Curl* So eta; Gallary v* dull, prices Consistinz of pump-sole aud balf-wv-lted •our were damaged. laM of it Flour irregular. \Y Uisk > iinchanip-d Calf and KipBoob. 2.‘. ct- rt« « ct*. >ww PRicTUt. mom will be saved. at ; t'olond Gukry 25 ; oloivd B..xc* St vw «* — ae do not often emi 1 ^lyiAb ,. Prnvbdnus is-rceptible Term* rash. S. |i. HENRY i.U, \ 'I<-n at and < urtain rtow at 7 o’rioek pea- — mo rbance in any * Zr attention m ihto pan of oar («p»r U> a«r artirie of a ; Auctie peers I y >ur friends in the article. in ^ country appear alive to the M " - had applied Wheat food rnim-st »1 #1 lSid£l lii for white. ’ m4 i be funcrjil observant un* pro^ssinif. ^fp**^*' w to M ontil I y . P-f , V , 41 kmrfit away their votes. : r -d l'.Mdd! 20. remain- firm at . I n v mane fnrmb Hsto d iatruain ue.es*ities of tbe iu ... crumbed and bleeding; bewrts. He wmtlil not £1 Com 5oo*.Vi«'. I. risenr* By 1 Hyman, 0 p. \| , *r;d In.m t to 3 ./ch^ck P. M. rrpenri.^. MM. AND 1IAKDW vkt. RED MENMEN'SwS BALL*ea*AJ4J. ^ fcy, and take plea-ure in ai-koowk-dg- No immediate preapact of tbe received. to which is affixed , nnbzpBufimblb uIbh. It cap to had of h-e moving. W hite iulelligeme of tlie death of JliMr. Brooks, tendering a penalty at a tine from a hundred « .-.»«*«•»n mark, t dull.dull Flour dull;dull: prwvsprire. caaiiTeader hotpotbut not D K hfe sent “V.F^ A RfT^tL^OKfc^FAvllTI?«^ ph«« tusadv iag another donation from Woodford count*. Some frost this morning." SECOND URAXDCRAN'D TREATYrUATT WITH THETHK MU-PALE- ' »iuce ruU 1 auc. »ii<| Kentucky Tribe. NoNo. 4IOUORRMM what the left does, ha. sent u. rr— . sunk on Saturday of last week, by J'" "*« “ f “ ,Sr firmer . WILL TAKE PI.AlPl^t F. AT ODD FELLOW#FELLOWS' HALL It ma* le had ht application at our being I"* 'T Vn"^ Tmr-th.'"Itto t - ( *U*1 lint-, Sh*tol-. Sb*«fT«to, i luthimr* On nthI Till of Fefernnry,Fchriinry, IM.Y7.IM.17. Fa - i>n:a*im_i lav- b- -i .a. ears . 'TH-died at tbe ||.irf)« same time. All the freight Sbri kd Hut. t hirniro ^’‘•Ibkrp, Enjbroiilfri»*t*. nr** . an l « utWv; »!*., m Uuir** mti‘ paiutwl was u- uuJ Rock |iUan# ; Ciiinberlaiul and other r-.a.Klalau. a., 4 | hove '. nvuirrmir vt»p»v. iimra GOtldl*, rilich I tT.A- < .• '«Ml- |Ur 1 COMMITTEE"MMITTEElllOF ARRANtiEMKNTS.ARR.4Nlil.MENT*. - ‘ lot Ot t'Ut M> Vfliw. ' I ,.ssl I'AniiMHi- lllh Illlw,' *• ,0-1 Ilf a, a . rin . been unable In Oeep aeiudl sr walk an. di-spr far ken off the wltarfbuat without sustaining ail v - Mill l.»r. Ilhnoi- Central 1J7N,; Illiuow Central , darn i I sa/ -loN.NI. .BN M.M- SniTM..HWIT14. Cbtoif.thifcf. MuMin-, riinrham-. % i**-. 4c.; . ft/ many \ *-»r»» Da#*. La>t w**-k I gat botiJ« j tr a of your *;*«#- HiiiuMniaitUWtoBAI. Ituilll It ' liueu.urV Boimm.BtWINKKX. — A |V, . b<> ... . , mi-« t*- . Miehijtau id. John Hugh#*, C Itir#. S*«uthern t*lS; w Wntitiilni*. . **1^- w ®« * “•-* N< York t Vtitni llnudkerchief-* Merino xluw Halt H«*» V il#, ^#Na ... , • "* -s.i.e*.lxinc> r-~ -» — v . u*. ami as «n one ei m IK I .limeilO regllllem, '“I"' -iicauy given you all ,Uea C , , ,, . *' Kill#} ii.D. J. Fry. anHi receivednsen. . i„n ,L .7,, V . \ a twww-, and wiIwrgo variety of olhrr wrtirlwiiwwt aowtioard , I **n like uew i:iau wife ine .it* ut New Jot*. '' ivniwylvHnU Cowl Couipwny Rradiwg ta; Gwlvow ^^4;.afj dkF a My could not beti^Ke tor - metit to take notice of the conduct of the British ,b ‘"H' *»« I, »' pra.ti.-e «h , all tlie 3S5 he>rd u|d K>, , lrt> q, , v ever exhibiting characteristic marks of the under II is vet to occur ^ ^ , Ulv ^ Yunr Idrcmr t»il ha# d*m# in .ft.; twl «kat rto nnd < Iiicmi.'i ^ ^ T.IWI'I emlwr of late seizure of Mi< hip»n ( Vntra !'.«**; Fjie »!*.; Lleve- rtdhdko T.tPd ^ember Congress to an ex-member, .i.. ' »et in the the Rivas steamers by true man and soldier under all n,e correspondent of the A iitiLnwr. 1 FLOORFLUOR DIRm.I>IRFa TtiW.T»>R^ I htiartoa* i.f PbiiadeJpftkia lbelr.. p,>atiaas.n circumstances. Ne’er Times'fails to satisf laJS" | failrd to do in tbirt#rn vmt ' “ tiHRD- 4 InnJ1 ‘ 11 J, ; Cleveland amiand FitULurgPittiabun; 5B; Vir Or.tafWiy yoora. Ultimate* that morning came here that lie did not make his salute Congress that his [sisitum i, 36; V — RLV JAS. TEMPLE, Mr. Simon 'on right— Capt.t apt. a 4 Hart*,llirir, .lonn.Itdm j A. t. X.M Smith, uq ; *«-.,. ra 1 he crew of the sloop Trieste, of Camden, X. J., namely: that he (cinlailuin4l:4xa»wWJt:91)^; MissouriMD>*oiiri >dxwa and J " transactions of The recent snow- storm extended to Selma, Ala. tlie faithful excuse no man on such a RobertRobrrt sStorey.«,' llurf4 hu f. \ particular always advocate plea, . gentlemen would importance or interest, of their political seltti- nor will they excuse Cotton market bUU tlcpr#srtL*il; j only 7ot» bales sold to-day. ^I^4t-M4)RR4»\V morninx (Friday), J»n. 3ii. r..mm#nfin lnr'L an.1 to rwmmrnd Dr. J. H<*setfc-r’* catobraurd | Knrwr, melds, the jealous •“•« f"r reason that ii.G. Kitb*yKitl#y, F. m.*. Poru-r, The City Council passed aud guardian of their rights his communication would 1 at 11 n'rlock, at Au#ii*»u-rtMeiu*, coru#r kt>nnb an Times all their ill- an ordinance making it Philai>ei.phia, Jan. 29. „ , .. J-J. C. kwUiMO,k»MQir will b# found J-bPfi-kf-fi.-.Hkk.toribPiJ cea-eii had lieen such as enabled him to know and ,e lln"’">'. The importance of the revelation withnoNaies J^S?•John Km*#. tZiSL.W. D. Turner, sou iit ex.ept lia' ks. to (iirard Trust, on Clie*tuut. alaiv* '1 hiril, was orthy {•toe-eritt. Spindle tiredaa. aud Cotta*, t heir-; J. H.11. MclMet lalarr.re, J. T. Norwood.Norwood, tifieptee. but by the people ef tha land, cadaned tha an uglv ex- pla.-e their name* on them of note : the receipt* matinne lisht. hriue only «7« J. by \Yood-*#mt hani-t#r. French, and Hall do; X.V. Comi Capt. E. Rrea, 1 Com. Rr#*, jh ocian* and tbe* prvaa. that IlttHptlri** Kttt#rw Iutt aa Ioetk# cam -t#a t and S#wtmc Rlm kiiiR do; ^ re- To add to th#the* mimrtmt#r#*t of th# rvaiu,eveniuit, a Poat-oAorPoet-oAcr wtiiwill Jr,', lt.1 J*aiut#d Arm R»*ck#r* aud Surwir do; m r-m*.rmg and imparting h*alth to mCtwbtod a..» fciMr “* c,t “ be erwtril fur tb.- j-»»rp.N*# of receiving aud Ii uitoallin fc*' l -' i i ilot roved and the rest bail Riiu rau#-«at Chair* and cherry han to ter d-». lo u’clork, titt-o-ri##. I.Iiu«»r-. Aldermen I la- At aud FumlTnr-*, viz: hi-eii railed aawwl^^^^r«-i<-,raiP^W^W-t'- Nis* well and Mitchell were added to, brav lest -ulferer* are I IFTkkdl fl far sal# at th# principal awir rt«»r#oan«l of tk> ir iU* of drbtLiy to which they are mbpect, rmpeamlly Z to bhlfi No. I Mackerel; ^'weba “n ‘l J ” t*“ - •**r ! M >' ‘lie *’ r, M>li« lari&f th# fintrr seaooa; ia -urh partteo. iu sum* U from *4"u tou fil.UUU.41.IMU. Thi-This rw-ru- committee appointed to examine mUi the best V* No#. 1 and ‘J do; _^ eaor» it «iu»nAd bo ak- a 1 hhl No. « do; <* oldainiug supplies ' ’* * -***”«*• d member rf t*»- of coal. The House stocks amoui luu bo vcd ttermaa Soap; CRISP’S< KISPS VARIETY j * l werrwher* 34) do B 7 b» 'injiortant ordiiiauce peiidi^^ for taking tbe which, being in safe^ will Palm do; l.ravlert. ra\ fer -a..<•*., NewNrw Orleam,Or Ira a*, 1 v lu »tib bottv tiunpowder Tea; ” d,B tOBlNSOK A CO.. .Weatn. ^THK MOSTM4>ST BKIBHI LLlANTaadI. LI ANT and ELEGANTr.Lft-GANT THEATER. * aisusof the city, ha- been passed unharmed.““harmed. 3 ctortfi do; ^f»HK bv both Board*, do 1 withwill* the great#*Mr.-at#Mt moot variodvaried and Dramatic audand Ope-ope- w.-r a «-Jmlg, bullock yesterday,y admittedadmit le- i JauiJac*. Nickel’,“ printing1 " 1'' office, *also, was consumed 2 do Younir lly-n do; CiaaM. r bct A birr poa...» 1..* Il, r P'’:"’ raticmric Company« *mpaa>* iniu the lUnitednit#d State*,Star##, op#oop#u terryevery 'vroiaf#v#uia< iu ALL , jj* L * Rmbffe. and I Uut Lovd „ l«at boxw Imiiort#«l 4 icar»; - I the store* the floor, .!«*ob» kiimmel bail. „ m-ison f..r . More* on lower floor occupied hy T. B th#the week.w##k. ttyawoy inf ia oar poeamnk>n one of the fins** to Kimmel ha* lieenI— in prison for ' and aam trulhfnl a ere elected supernumerary With a varictv ot otbt r artich-a in the Grocery line. Also: night watchmen, and . terxm. .. , . pul.lc*her. and (ioodvear's India ookwi-J _____ , „ v „ :*u bbl.* Bourbon Whtoky ; Pbo:..qraph Portrait* | A\-ig| PI1 v\'j from water will Dc i|uk*t, without any pvrre^tibl# li) a rack* t'tHrnic Brand rf^llll E Standard and Minor DramaUrania andaud all other pwMtohedpahli-hvd . ,* alone, but occaaiou has ever since approved and re-enacting the exciting scenes rhangc. | Fh..b.*raph^ r ^.py the sne with rrerr pwmre made applauded the of Wednesday, re- Atoo, by order ot t onfitablc. a variety of *rc<'>nd-haud 1I Plar-PUr- fortor ml#del. by S.?*. FRENCH, 1J1131 SamoaN-hmu toreet.street. New m I *» vrn Hox. J..HX B.ittxhr. »loppagc-stoppage 1«m buaine-shu*ine*s. OF , Tlie Hon. John I fused to give tlie — S<> .hall the scene in tlie .Senate Chamber carry him privilege of making a defence New Yobs, January **», P. M. Furuitiir#. i artnrt#. Chair*, Gla>vwart*, au«l Sundries. -tork.-<<>rk. Prie#Pri#-- 1J4 for (1; bound v«*U.v«K #1.«l A >ur r.KHw# durimt the N#wY#aP» bo Ildar <«. Doa't tone thto tarrhe fuatml exereiw* St. Paul’, ... , ] st rhnrefa. Bu 1 'e . * hut rwjuired Flour mark' BKBiRY by - Barney long a resident of Baltimore, died on Mou- . 7^?^ the name of tlie deceased to all future generati.ai*, him to w rite it out aud swear to tdh dull, and holderx to rvaliiwto any mate- CU. elioarv' R#m#inb#r lor ova* week m..lo«TqW».Pb* :.wra di« t* »*4»*^ J"* ' ” were with- Ifl maulmail treefree whena ben rounded.requested. . yr-terday preporaiorv endangered hut the flame* were subdued I FRANK MADDEN.MADDEN, A«raLAural. .. to the l.unal of the late , l * Minioiilon, viit.mif :*"• lun> to ^...embered after ail on the da\ Ia?*t nieutioiicd, rinl m- »? n.u.1 tr. infi.T — I day. at Washington, where here “deliverd ta lw i?f lj,wvbM> 1 u-i tiamto ypas. Melaiautypox and ereey pssiarv known in the U.bv- he was wont to spend out extending to tlie n o4 4Smu adjoining building*. 14 c h (in the r Cape Muorehead were deeply j and when theseie^e proud walls shall ”p^ hinpui^e t»f une 4. » ooirmn and impre-- have crumbled of the members) sjf'» rUMwa for common to choicr -upt-rtine State, *•; r»o By C. C. Green. raphisart moda a» ear fiaiw s. «7 Mato sort, bctwcwfi «nu< h of hie time in contact a ith | ;* the dint in^ui shed — Boston, Jan. 29. into rmiD.min«. Hadnan nehe l«eni*eeu permitted to choo»e nothm eAcusui^excusing himselfuuu»eu iorfor contempt,coutent pt, btot fi*«. A large proeenaon of Mason-. IwaUnen. aad to choose hisl.is I but pitchtugpitching into <«*C 75 tor extra Statu, £fi 30(£«it 50 for omerfine Wert- PUBLICPL'BLIC SALE OFOK sixSIX IrKAUTIFULirKAFTIFUL COVXTRYCOUNTRY il Ct K —3135 mck*sack* ju*cjust received and for ml.ml# by Fourth and Fifth. j K5VHKATWHEAT— br men of the uation. and amidat tho^c political >cenes death, «ue"ie andaiMl all of the membern 1 RESIDENCES,KES1 DF.NCES, The Urk C'ambrid^. for Pernambuco, report?* own Mr. Savage wau (Hmvin. ed that Mr. It. member* and censuring them l.vl.y era. #« «0 for sale cheap bv CtRU)— (Derived by charge!'’ on this occasion, flour L* buaw—sale* ot l.3uobbls at £•'. rioia.*: «* Board of Director, of the Mechanic*' fur com- R J34 BKANNIN A SFRMKR.*. bam imatkiae. 1IEC.KMAN. l LARK. A CO.'., t.LNF- CTIV ih.i v, the ull-absorbuig topic; everything el.*e V WEI)Nt>T)AY.F.I.L 1*07. I win sell at public mot. superfine to ebolot extra. Rye flour i* quiet- salt, of " K ';WD ‘** DCT*r 't*“‘ Bank have 0" auction. Ui th# , W #«*««* "tosrenetf uhia-ribad un< hundred dollar, for the mkD into «!DmuiU4*ancc for ...... luahrat bUla#r. on th# iTviuto#*, at ItF*ll ARKIVAU 13 bbt- prim* < raatorrie* reecived the time. , U [ L' ** bbU f *** " * ‘»ramcal—tale* «f .iU0 bblfi Brandy wiue xprrawc.- has preyed it superior te all mbs*, apd lha eay ' o'clock M , tl»# MM^taritoJ Lo-t of Land: I by rail mod aud for mle by relief of the pour. (Wjtii durin the nreMMit M^ion haa act#«l u#.ll *** h ** :lt niark#t ifi quiet and price* SON. reliable care tor tXINSl'MFTION. ^ " nominally the No. 1. Due xpletidid rich fll itrt Lot of Land, with a HIBBITT A owurd private Aaimulit>. \ Never In-fore have **-*»d dweUint-houw, barn#. fiUblrt, orchard, die.. j24 Market and As there w* great deal of sporioa* oil ia the market adnl R)'« icarea and flruily held—«ale« of *.m» bui*h | U am* The Mage* and nanvliving neartshe^rfta luunbeen made... ,,1,. .rlu.l u i,i C#~ mail* from Nashville arc *r- glau Within anv previous • iu State -*ral#d with s#al ...... rb-aivd aud a hith of cuUivabttu ' and l' acre* luin oil. whale cdl, Ac., too OiOch far# ran no* bo * l f° r coia,nou to pnm‘ " wo month* aa now. Whatever * i ll-* ptoeoe thto day locafeodaad to* sals the ) timber |* rsueety retarded bv the haary Hosting ice in Rolling fault! of the | aaiHa te peoean the fwakae. wanted at ^1 4r2(«jil 33. Rarlcy-malt firm at L- a jo-acr# of rich ueiulier.s inav Ije, this action on loim 4leferred *1 40<*yl 46. No. 3 Lot Land, all cleared, a beauti- mu , ] ,Jur - voting against the expulsion. Tbe vote was re- ject being to justify Christ in that named front on the tarda- RwAtwa. late partner, the ice that stream reached tbe city. member* the Pennsy lvania Legislature nuking Jk 41* «.tt. -mr ther# ka* br#a an artacto iatWMia- | lo > JAMESEH LOW A CO.,CO.. Main DfcTAIlJ*Dkt.uij» byBY tiik forf'»r Statestate and 52(d53c feefor Weetern. c^"'idcrvd ,<1 ,Klill tio«" t4» the,lle (icnitent THK pKitaiA.Ps.ltslA. 52®l«e Weriern. WhiskyWhtoky market heavy ——~ ' nuw l*nitent and to \ TheThe °j — Ra*hron't, “ U I* K- to show thethu netneto.it of — most important - J —7-. which to in no way eooaeeteti with K. who voted for Henry Foster for i 15 D. V. S. .Senator y Tw?2u4cw|?tw‘em fi-trnG*rden mit. .11 su.l front ins ! * h»rtr.l thi* received Ptunvr* v*. Doori.it*. sentence. itemtem of new*tie W8 is the satisfactory*at if, factory closeclo>e of tbe —-*al#a^al#fi of 3,UUU bbl#bbto at 2Sc2*c for Ohio and prison,prtoon. l*orkpork ear-mar- uuahues day Co jj m —We were witneee yester- Paris on a*^ county4Munt>* r«jadr-mJ toadinnicadiuK out to the turnpike. Thto Lot ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ have putilished a card giving their reason, for so New Yuck. Jan. 29. ‘ * VbeThe ourpaecorfJM waswraa huh»e4iuentlyaul dapOAited Confereocea.Jonferences. On( >n Tuesday,1 ues-dav, atut the Hotel of k.-t to*teady—to .-deady —#ah**of#alc«of 2-obbUat « la for u#wnow prime,j.rirac, $-jdforfor ha*t»a* >a» dw#llfa>f-hou*edw#llluf-hou*euwriMBfiiwtirei willon|>U ittK readyr!#•!> foriur am tmuntiuumi. _ ** WHaon, dtarbir*!. day the almost desjoitk ui the Con- of Foreign $20 41441* rt.at. A ^mith, J B. Wilder A Urn. to sway of priestly influence ' ^ an ^ JAME.SEj LOW A CO.COi,. Main N«». 6 front* on the same road aa ab«v#. contain-* I doing. T l»ev sti^ouilirt Mr. Bu« luuuui ^ alleged iu- The l nited State* *loop of war. Jamestown, ar- ^i^^hmalessiuful cemetery.cemetery*. Affair*, tlie prutovols were read, and old 35 lor nsw mess. and 20 J. -t M rrto.% Noa.. EL Morri*. copies of the mem. £21 £23 for d.-ar aw**. IV. t is - K. A. IU binata A Co . L*n over the uf acre#, : ofif whrih^re'ri^h^which ar# timber. This Lot to a* nch a* any mind, the lea* intelligent of the Irish 1 ' N<|ven.l*riSth ^Nieira Leone. ' same provided for the respective **- lcnlwryer terpuaiinai iu favor of Mr Fornev. which thev -v Envoys. The prin- imchantr#d -sales of 230 bbto at $9 5O(g$10 S3 for country suit in the county, EST BUTToN.^tow prow A Co.. B#ll. Taibou. A Co., Louie*Jlr and by * "T PonrawotT., *' * 1 O. Jan 29 . hailed for i»e vra id and for talc 4 atholk pupuiattuo Viriting the . _ . aud t a 'aim on tlie 2d Dec. ' cipal Ifuture* are: aud bv seribiwr bouse uf one of , prime, $lu fur old reimcked aud uew country u#« .*“•No. S to a -IS -acre Lot, fronting a* above; ham* cleared; A Demi. »w \!banv uj* they have satisfactory and overwhelming |nW of, The nv«r ia naing f If umpciou o authoritx a 1 and runniiur out euoutices e concentrated cr. • ’ pretensions to the 8erj>ent> - “ I Tlw weather id idea-sant. thaw nr' v firm—sal#4of 5o bbto #xtra at beef wate red with fiprinjp* all in hi*;h —JUUdoz.-n thto day r#roiv#d and * Uaa of onr uf the penutt- wounded hy the accident . . a . and moderate! beavv. BJ1- Prime me*» I* firm and a •tat# of cultivation. r9r tf iun*hn to prepared dtrvctly accordina to ISI f tha rate* of tiiat had it not been for that they would prnpert r will iK»itiv#l> b# fluid; therefor# The river 1* risin- two inches an hour, “ *t I>re**fi#d ho fi liav# atl\ancvl to f. ttonnoer Ki^ Sandy al-o i* running ont. o t ,L..k wx . . C 3-.WKV Sf* i mad Chrnftrtry. aad to tha had *ad mo* no * aur street, we found that the people lied lite- 8. Agrees that the deltan. wtohmg to purrluMeafiucfaarden fipot or a tieantiful Coun- JAMESES LOW A OQLCO, 41* Main #t.*f. aHf of the Danube IS to be #... r ...... , „ , , J , . have hupforted the caucus nominee. The projectprojectorof emoviagremoving thetl»e boat*boats from the levee c 1,U T,’', — not to . . . riluillli I I la>l«)#r. luded I* desirable. Subacriptiou» art; lll ^ u III II..IT lorlllth* Ilf th# Aftri Will he* the Kidney*. j - Hhoulden*. l4>*< a lo ;i-3c for haiuf. Crren th# L*»»m will h# -dd. * thto dav ree#iv#d and fur dale by Grav#i. ItootMvy. nin^ out. 44 A* -iZZ —. .. n ^ Green ham* ar# «t#ady I «f Vi>*Inn*i*. Ac question they said that thev did not care what the Ai » nn.vTAi. PutooMNu. Laat week, the t’ciiij' mi*e1 dUFFEWNO At 'lhe Legislature has aitepted the invitation to ri. ^ WITM UT* OR "aks* Urd 10 ,a2SJ*w JAMKS LOW A CO., 4IS Main There waswan an immenivimmense gathering at the 3d3*1 annual dary line w ill minutely determine. * 1 ^ #nr*. C osmopolitan Art Association, wbtiee labors had been su*|iended ^ and the and Al%II ES— twk with rival 42s *.ri. TkfOhj. axti nil -Tkr lox»re rffn.it , “ * ' o-vimavttDNFKt.K •A warnMain F»m ^ ui.;nia; , bread , ere inore or Ire* »ffc«.l*d l.v theth Wood Nymph to Vermont; contract, a* ex to *teady at Coffee dull. , botth. * the 1nU*o.. uou* the bust of new pressed hi the pcotocoL It will uraiuMc. u Suharto firm. To- )Be. , of Jv* iraty w .rrierfal KVLH c«F - - from Havre arrived here this iwrrTBnnnir jb* nr\ , moraine. nTTVPQNiT . 1 , .. . , ^ u t . will learu from oar s ^ UUVClay toti Alabama; the bust* of then become uece»*nry i»cco DUMESNIL.DUlaLattUi, MUi^UbK,MURDOCK, «& CO. fnead L. cmnmnnwation that, Calhoun aud Web- for Russia to release Utins. Spirit* turpentine to dull. ' dANTID *RE.V ur EA-T INDIAN aad feat however, fa tall \. the snl>- MuUm«* to Sc ^ I.i IV ER-SEED— 12 this received per railroad aad ior REMEDY NK.W,1V YORK1 RK ‘ *ter***' to New York; A|iollo to di for it to fur 1 Illinois and paintings ject* of those drifts >he will lower Wa ; a mro cum ail *f *.h# ihr~r aam-rfi dto- ma aTlImtaudiiig tlw extreraely cold « eaUier Va*uim;tox, Jan. 29. no longer posaeas I fallen for N. O., with sale* at 75c. Rice to *t.-*dy R CO.. 41» Main A. and bronzes to every Msctiou of the Union. Great from allegiimcc to the crown. This lie GARDNER A *a*e"; and. b#inr ;*r**;.ar#d vktont Opium, to w afr far a Ci'Mr*.C-jTMr*. Kii/alFUizaliethritli W. Win,Wirt, tlie widow of thetlie The weather lias cleared off warm and aloppy. most donu Llnsred oil to steady. vi& Iron to firm. TaUov to steady PARMELE & BROTHER, have Itod tli» m later, there are euuugti pearfi bufi* | enthusiasm prevailed. will not injar# in leaattto# drticac* ^tbu* by a puldic proclamation. I nunediatelv after, tlie Fttdfhta an* droopinf. NKW nltl.KAV*. and tbe omm eoaetituikm. ‘“•'•ratedco^!,r*Usl M ui. M" irt, at uneone timetune AtturoeyAttorney OeueralGeneral left Iurfur a fair crop,crop. and.and, »bouldahould the aprmg(firing prove fa-to- BALTlitoRE, Jan. 29. ^Thehe uumber i>t subscsilieiY reached twice Austrian troops,triM>|>s. asus agreed, will leave Mutters who bar# children rutttou ns-rh. do not tetay «o aJ 33,000, the DanubiauIhiiiubiaii m*rk#t firm. Sterling 1 Money exchange to nominally the .VSII ad vane#* mod# on euui>i«* vurable.v oraUe. we(re will, in allail probability,prulodiility. have one. Satur-Natur- have received to-dav I** *. '- year’s of the Auiericau .\rt l'rincijwlities, an.l the Hritiftli x|uadrun will retire * Jlum*lTuin* We an immense ma*» of back •am#. Stock* are steady aud only mod#rat# artiv# fur tU# privita## uf *eiliui« in New York. New orlran*. ur I y ill diAruItira which occur at tin* trying p#rv»4 child- <•*>-•• the residence the Uuiuii.v uiou from the lllai k Sea. Tlie short delay which i* market by off and the hardier apn.-oi- have mlmi aafelv of Hon. Alexander Kan- mail* from the South, including date, from New! uccur- None n##4 fear that Jreodtul t Ciiicago, Jan. 20. red in the meeting of the 27 DUM ESN1U BELL, A GO,, 33>» Main , hood. «#ounn* u aai who «>»IL her eon-in-Uw. Mr*. ' •« the *7th inri The Uteri date, from Conference probably origi- tbraagl.voiwwgu thth. cold.cold It will beheir «*eu»ri.peso: Iron,inm, Mr a W. wa* an a. . omplid^d ia## thi- rcjjedy to toko in waoun. Th# r-uica;# Mr.mi. a,L.L.'a ' mui o a ! iu the final . . . . . Mexico are to the , th. fiolit|iolUicalleal is The disposition tin* arrangement of this question, viz: Blue and Gold. , ... Tth. The news u unim-uniin- The of St. Louis banker* creates a | Vests! Vests! Vests! at Cost! and had reached the age of . 3 v ears. d lihvdmnfi and otter* wrt|iH aruuod itto bottle table that the extreme of cold in this Deiah'sirhaodBeigfalmrbood Her rre riiilli.ri, in l»,l ate* Tl,m- . moner l>>rtaiii. Three mUlion* in sjiecie had Wnlieen received money panic by discrediting 18 Illinois [I.AIK aud Colored Velvet \ #*t*; t» efficacy. Prim ti aud beeiu. H. S. Uuapfer*v. h**!* 1 * will be 1 Of wa* 2 degree greater than that of U»t winter, taken to W ashington. aad interred in at Vera Cruz; $1,000,000 in Mexii-an coin wa*» .Some Iiank"* continue to take them 9 Du do do Silk dm; ^ and | <'..mi*tette in on# volume, ani- . S. I*roj L'lcveland and Toledo 7'.. i autou 2:i>4, Cumberland TENNY SON’S PoEMS. tea-hurt; Y„ n#u>r. R. A- Raidn*on to Co., Bril The Piedmontese Chambers were 1936. Do!> do frayera. Caotiiuere4. a**in»#rv du;do: i is e Cougreasiooel CiCemetery.wtoiy. shipped in a British mail steamer. Tbe steamship I There a strong feeling against them. opened by King fonii in *r.vl# aud ria# with Longfellow. y«c Mtofrait toaa pnai through it waAait. ‘‘“ white Mors.ille. Talbot, to Co_, and Raymond to Patiea. a^#ai* for Louto 1 <3-e“* White »ud Wa | - Victor in i. with an enthusiastic roceptic U5Mt ! e#"Mr. T.1 Mownton.Thnniton, of tlw well-known»cU-known firm of •* , -.vnn Inlet. The captain had arrived at Norfolk m. lvqle- C. TAYLOR, VI Main -t. ] b*»o# Missouri *ia s4.*i. MARt II WINDS AND AFR1L SHOWERS; * to olitain assistance. The House of Representative* took u final vote iallv the allusions which it contained to tlie great 1Wntouiiomtou 4k llawkinaHawkins, died last n„ N**t#- and Nation* <*n a Few Created Thimc*. PtCFakcisiXo tx I*. urn .vxi'. , la# eevening.ening. He was ITT BE^T ILUR DYE IN THU WOBLDf-ThB m —Kav. S. H. Ford Ai-baxt, Jan. 29. this afternoon on the resolution tofixpeltoWxpel Mr. Slough national cause ef Italian independence, appeared to LAKE N'liAMi. Wandering* ia Soulkw#*t*ru Africa, troac loaicaafte, yet Bm.iz k re- HDi enterpriaiug risenue XIaia Do, will deliver a diet on tlw rmerpnomg ctUxea.citixeo. of Hamilton,Flarnilion, for striking Mr. Cadwell of Ashtabula, excite an almost rapturous expression of patriotic Louisville Insurance Company, by And#r**un. Nonier«u>> iiiu.*tr»rteufi. Ts, factory of Ixmg t Silsher was TflU) improved, woe prov«o to he so b> tte i at MORTON A GRISWOLD. . stf ite for^ wordsw ords> spokensj in debate. feeliug. Ojiee. north ride ef Main street, between Third and | biriuictive ' l*niM-if)le. uf the Baptist*, at Portland, lhi’ “‘“"“V to the extent of ate M#cHumes’ Fair teeld in Boston, lamon# « flu |> 6TThe Indian. House of Representative, has ^ The resolutionresolsolution passedpapas-etl by a vote of 70 to 35. In contrast to the enthusiastic devotion Fourth, over the etore of' it. S. tienetiict. All of the ^co-peo- l*fi» brilea 7-#, 3-4 to-uigh;. at 7 o'clock, ^ 4 4. aud S#a Iaiaud UuttuB*; rlaye*. tte . nunent t»#nu*t *ad -late awayer). wte award* at Flunler i Hall. ' tl> Capoai paused a bill to re|«al the liquor tbe* lhrmocraU1>e,,KH riAU voted against the resolution except pieplv to the exhibited in fcardmia,Sardinia, we have in Sicily Chartered £«si.ihio 34) bru«ru l>riliings; law ut lsia by a New York Jan. 29. •1 it th# rise medal a»l diploma over the New Y 41ft *«. ; choicest Halt " ’ * * ‘ u “ljJ ““"l ffluu.uwi JAMES LOW A CtK. Main . Mr. CorrvCorry of Hamiltou, instancesinstance* of the “paternal rule” On hantl and fur -al" b. , Hamilton, who madenude a very powerful rule" of despotism. The | vote of 70 to . tv#*ou exhibitiua from ail pan* of tte nion. it* a* 18. ' t ua k snow during last night 41* , CrThsraailraade ap at Uiociunati an the 19th X -storm night anaa: this mormti^: THIS Comt*ny. being or- ! jan-7 dAw JAMES LOW A CO., Main st. J speech for the resolution. Sicilian.Sicilian insurgents were allot-shot atut -t it now “ H» v** Palermo onou the 2t>th2thh e- Mtperioiivy coutet* 1st. ;— —~ had added about two inches to that on the ground. 1U r Ueled in— Th* inawdieuts mro . , — lari fur New York city was badly burned pur- , This case has caused considerable excitement Uwambcr.December. “J“lhus,”hus.'' suvsoavs the Morning ».-4 and 1 Is excitement Star,Mar, “to TTunT^.u sresini7.k^ nn‘*7'L n.,'^° ri AND BROWN COTTONS— lu bate* «n*;#d to h^Aoir. no* de-uruc-.v •. t*;l '> C#- here a bill before tbe Legislature of Illinois . uri'bn.x a* or#. _ j.— It is still hilling but weatherleather mild,mild. 4’‘»t;uUfi, while )iendiug.landing, and the Uou>e make Ibetlie throne ofot thetlie King of r. - ;» * bruwa *uitabte fur aiuduw blind uiauu- t laMy consauied | House waswaa full of persons Naples more secure b> same, by I-.: , and b; while uo the can at Batav ia,’ uo the ! io#* aol state aAtet tte tola. -d. l-a-otii s. . lied, and ' to wipe olK all l r*, uii Iur .wale ^4>LDEN SI RU P—3i» k-c» Baltimore extra Gulden , out *u claimsU“m ' against»»:»•“»« the State**»«« of Ohio and ' u, factun baud aud bv D* of Ohio ‘ Boston,)S Jan. 29. anxious to bearhear the final decision of bullets have been tired through tilt- hearts l| ir 01 ml»d transi-oriaie.u, and'atso on | the case. Mr. of those C M rup recetrod j**r J- ffirsonTdle and InJiauapote Rail- lets tte hair any color from a delicate brown ta a deep S2d** mat Buildm^fi. Ac.,*e.. againstavainst lessorlo#- or daumgetlauiMgK_b.b, tin*. jan 27 dAw JAMES LOW A CO., 41® Main tL Mississippi Railroad in tlie last huildias". *”*,• that State, and to preclude The America, for Liverpool, ia still Corn'C°rrv leaves for Cincinnati to-nightto-night. who led on insurrection." Flverytbiug r >ad and for ale by tack natural aa to appear osrvv.nMw. detained bv D. s>. BEN EDICT, Fr#oideut. so Mau*iac;ttred % r PAlLORS* CANVAS—5 bale* Tailor*’ can\a* received “** about Naples, from its volcanic soil to its > **** °*uis KepubLcan New Y‘*kk.1m«k. Jan. 29. Missouri from the wholesale drug store of The Missouri telegraph liueline went into operation peculiarly e.\plot>i\ e nature. A week ur two since, I>. 8. Bcn*Mllct. 1- ii. J. Adams, ^ Just Received, ' ' ' **-Vt WM* * , OUl'^ I~ Wilson, IV THE ONLY MLDAL AW AKDED BY TIIE N FIT • ^ “* «»ooc«edu in M all street, and its ** *•* »»** Jefferson City thi*this morningmorning. Tariff .4 o and a |»uw1 tUodl-t WTitiu««, al*u Hymn*, Du-- : ur k Exhiblti< to ite ur for* • & awed manntar- <* ** rand swindle la*tt night. I'iii?* wa® th# steamer seenn olfoff The line will be extended to lks»n^5k*, and now the nows is the explosion uf a Neopuli F. MADDEN* X, NaNan- tan i • | H Had it been for the prompt °*’J* g man- cudiuffi. and Soayfi of Zi*»u, fur*ole at bm attention of the fire- Third ri., three doors froa* Puri-ofltoe. im-r» has been oteateed. *uo;:pt ai.m#rou* . omprtitora, tucket,cket, but *beshe was notnoi ashore nor iniu dtotre-*.di«tre*». thence to the frontier, a* sown as it can be built. of-f-arar,war, wwithith a loanlov* ofuf forty live*.live K.CS. ja lot Monarch EireFire InsuranceIiiEurance Company,Com KIRK A CLAR P#srin*. fee their W'oKt EeTkto> 11 IRK I | •y lam to mt. there nugbt Lara been . rerioa, conflation. — — ~ have nut anything on UUK, • We . new Ihe Persian affair: I LONDON.DoS 4 TheTllk LateLa„. SlxmSixikm.*._i— ieut. Maury, uf the Na- t- . lK1 _ OF LoS ENGLAND.NOLAND. r. lirrsniKi., OHN HALIFAX, GKNTLE»a.x. bv Mto* Mulock, tu w. c. am w. u. mull a sirauu. « te-reby : urtter tesumony is itortod •» ns beta* ite tea Jan. 29, uoon. i he L. S. stureship Yerierday monuiqi the screen* in the dagaerrean ®Tl Belief readied New Yurk and, in respet t ot ihe progress uf hostilities in Cbi- 1'iazlu Iaauaaxcx—IsscaiNTt —The la-uls- ituaalu tow athe„ lateUu great storm, from all |*arta of stationary. Ice firm yet. quest am ihe press lireat luairauee umpauy of l.mdun. Furnishing Warehouse. ^ ..... ,n „ u-. i mer of Britain unre-ervefi- XL3 Wmw'm well,J n thi ' some were all and among n in. 1 . I lorn, al . Kuylauil. Uaiaial .( it* # fflracy in promosiatr tte renerxl hrtitft difficulty. them na\ ; ofcSFte- and surplusuyerjlSSSS tha and Ung»feed w«h ,, . f hare on hand and for *aic at the lowest pric#* - fb>te theti»e country..ounlrv . . ishe- a u “nf‘‘t unanimously b. Mr;-. Bfw«hiuuy; He to study its ri-« aud j»r<^ * condenin our govern- £2.1x1 ^i.mio. Aurora Ldrb, Whkei.ixg Jan. uf which aisuasaiD iuveswu in Ame • more observed aad orkncwU •***!. WmUM, 29. i ..i , Stmitlaril; \V heconaimr daily IhtoUetqtmeri the Lnurn Company, which ha* mental poliev; ou the latter, opinion is riut^* au«l d#po*it#d a itb Trueto** iu Sung* of Summer, by graft* as it paaaed over diwdcd; fur, I N#w York fur the pro gnm a. |mraad over th.the country. Wi-rdu far tii# Hour, by Mr*. Howe; CARPETlKCft. BLANKETS. In Ite l ailed Atotes it is held lo bs te mad o^reeaMe Weather to-day is clear and mild, and thawing white S4»iiie denounce the te*1**0 at American to*® ia n» far ©vw tirentt years, is now being ro- , bombardment of Canton . Rich Ru> al Velvet; 11-4, UJ-4. and 14-4 Kamtiy: (iTln Cinvinnuti Mr. Frederick ILissjiurek ha Botbweil. by Aytouu; indiment, and b etiewmed far its wto and inntoratin* slowly. Xu change in the river. Suj*#rb TakMTrtrv; a-4 ami H*-4 st«ambnar. uw i.n unjriwt anil hruul praraeUin- other,, and de- I't >**tufi, by Maitbew Arnold; Fftirod toft Mewm Lmt/.. Atkin*o». Gault. Ttote rapfiPth-Oate batetaal uow onahtina tte stomach ta uljt*4 A fifACffA decision of thetbe SupremeSi Court of Ohio, de- commenced a suit against the Yolk* Freund new* Anreliiie, Six -curt Hnaweto; CURTAIN GO«iDA. citledlv the majority, contend alike for it* justice no>l ibeir coatent* ciu Luuiavtil# and vicinity oulyi iu.-t.r#d Lady by Nobte; Cincinnati, Jan. 29. Super 3- ply; Of every dt-ficnptioa. telbafl. totne fin 1 1 cout rncts « ha* fiw the repair of ite Catto- dared on Tuesday, necessity. los* Fire. Far sate at fjJ7] KIRK to LARKE'ti. render* ’ruid and inoperative! I palters, for an alleged libel copied from tlie AnzeL'er and M»iu*t by WM. PRATHER. AcenL r> * t r Inarain;1 1 .kTaio; >Dti. i i , ' TapestryTape v LINEN G04 i tte 4 Enrop# tte or quoli*K a have bee tow. r, l ut tbjr,v '“el* ‘ * ' ni ontteeat of a *u.» ~ e *nd »t U -'*«Uu>g on Main street,rt between, u ThlrJTbud “•ami ruiirih, ran and Hupe engine*. the new for The la.lnffin Time, In a leader 0.1 the official des- ?•*? •£ -,£ DICTI RES OF THE OLDEN TIME, a* Hlusrratpd iu Super .vd; uiu.-dtutudumt 2-ply;^-ply; A larif# a^orttnent. Unk which stock had Lron taken in . er til# store of, H. S. Iteuedict Z'lSon. apr4 dtoti iti to hy a pentirman. wte writ#* w Lea to Perriaa *haa °^ A Low priced|*THv.i J-t>ly;J-ply; tiTKAMBOtoT DKCK1N6& ^ a. the Fortune* of a Family of th# PiUriiua, lrair..fttair. ft. Pilot Duck. completed through Poruaal. and . « New Uklt tx».-Tbere Louisville Marine and Fire | Call andaad No*. 4, aad * •»ur 1 ha«e just *pam and «a, ram for the re,Ir of ottmr engine* in the city. of W45, and applirati- ''.O- Al ha, risen .one foot Innurance Co mle rath. Ccveraor to . t"‘vT,^d stato licalth its .*• roar ’ Our *toek of tbe above goods and every article in th# vikv# I owe my present af ta . . . < reeks alwve j was a large meeting of tlie friends of Nicaragua at . Ujfict octrover the storeetore WatsonU d-Jr door . are running out heavilv, with good . i,.. Office ofq/ atnon Clark(lark,, tuztneat door , t v ... rl , W'lirU.roriiliodluo bbl* rectified Whtoky;Wlii-kv: to the .'out hern hank. Hoiifi# and Steamboat Kurntehina Une to w#lba«w>ri#d, and -auce U sioMUchif and I think lnediciuoL 1 can say trith * “furisc. Weather clear ami pleaaaffiL 30 bblfi cupper do; for *al# br * i— New Urlean- on ,1.. „U., Ihe mee,- the attentiou of purciuoa-r* to e*peciall> invited to an ex- ^ MO. ruth there i* nothin* in a traveler’ ? ha#c*aae «a •mentiol ta 0"*”' * •* Covernur refurixl 1 .Cray THIS t'omptnv 2£Lucontlmun tora - to CO.. .« ,t was necessa- ' GI RD ,s quite recovered from the effect- of the severe fall I* * capital, stipulation amination. 1I1TE to SMALL. Portsmopth,Portsmtoth. Jan. 29. ing*ng n.^*0* railedcalled to order byi.v Col. Christv.Christy, who nomi- to the u for the residence <*f an Jak# rtekfi -n Hull# and Cargoes of 327 Sixth, between Main aud Mark, t »t*. ti* comfort, at least iu ite*# conntrtc*. a* your sauce.** )T2 *X) Main at., 3 doon eaat of National Hotel. rf °* $'1**™ Cuu«. b*- J'teamtetot* au.ch trtt.onal the care cum. up on mandamus, ' ‘ 8 are s 1,1 R 73 cop* Manitl* Rope; 1 .uent, a m#dkal rentlt-maa wrln-* from .Ma«ino» hb t her friend- have tendered her a com- to-day. * " .P“.? “ri7id7nUwt ‘.re^“rtoffi.o: rira. o Shiits! Shirts Shirts! following 8®®gentlemen a* Vice President.- ra Ti T’ 30 bale* Oakum; for aale by Tim fvknrf kaatCnuLJ fiKmff tka ro>-— ^ - — v •• I ® I he TrogTaill me w liich uaturalh suggest them- trotter in tte aune profession st W- , ia the tofiowteff The coart has decided that tbe power* for organize- Zanesvimje, Jan.— p Build M#rrhandi*o, and 1 urtiiture a^aiufl lofis or dam nte plimenUT) benefit as soon as die shall be able to ap- 29. jff7‘ 1 1 Ku * | ] C. M. Waterman, Col. I. G. Seymour, S. 0. Xel- selves, aa# hy fire. g CTOAOO lUtf Lu.-n sud Mn-Un slur*, ntotuid ui»ont, Jr., Anyereau lirajr, rtraM# rtyle of >hort ever offered ta lha city. A coMUOt hausted. up. > ‘ I. Lb F'uller, S. W. llarliv, W. li. Adams, J. W. ter ill the Times gives details of tlie loss of the N i L’RD A Cl .:abl« as wrQ a* tte most wted#som# ooer* mad#.’* A. Kuchauau, Johu Siuidt, " — — — - — aupplv aivafiou band, and a fit *uaran?i#d <*r th# moatr -* sauce suitable :V»r varirty of dl#h. Cattle. — Mr. Duffield made a purchase yester- Harmou, J. 11. Caldwell. ship Northern ltetle, I *>(i*S. This b reefy and ha at Kingsgate, near .l;i*. Ai»d#r*oi». Jr., Jul. Von liorritw, i a! J. M. ARM TR< DECISIONS OF ^ff^OBACCO Sa$ bos#* Virginia and Mi#m#r» who n ay wtob shirt utfersd ta pubilr. un ler • • . * . or fifteen numlier, were lost N My o unsay in.datioas bcinw tte a .. ... , . . , , , . m whilst atteiniiting gross, avenging 1.S5U poands. the meeting of the object for which it had U-en Wm. SiNTort, .Sec’ry. al4 dto caran mh ibki>. ,. ..’ utjr of name*, but tte r#Bninemx/ b# kaowa by tte nam* a ADDITIONAL BY THE ARABIA. reml r tts>i?sUlltl Twenty-three men belong- 3ou bayfi Coffee; Matter v* Often. DavW: olfcrawd. cmiteii, and appoint «f«l a rum mil tee on Resolutions, r >f **Lsa to Pwmn#” being impmowd i;in tte; uj the ship were laaiied ti» the rigi^ng, aud had Entabliwlicd io Ihe Year ls:u>. 73 do Latfuayra Coffee; Eriaxctrannx tx Mrerew iti — The leaders of the » -otorau vft V#arh. Uivte. affirm* *1 Haui ax, Jan. 29. •* remained there all M«»nduy ni^ht. 1UU pockets Java do; in -tor# and for a oilic eawules, or patent flass stopper of the »>K|r. as w> IVrrifl Tf Terrill. HaiUrd: *ffinued con^iMin^ of thu following gentlemen: Hon. Pierre Benton party in St. Louis, and the or- The brokers' rirouUrcircular quotesquoteft cotton market quiet, * ‘ THE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON VALENTINES’ VALENTINES’ rt on iatel* and wrtfprn. newspaper * o , u,Mi life ,KWAt WAl* ut ort a111* seven Tay|.*r v* If orate. Gravrw; aAriued iF . t.. u P men were ta- , bt>ule u er p-viie1 •*' lle ’ ColonelLoIonel Sevmourmour LtColonellunt;l and hut little inquiry either ou ’ ' NEW' and complete a#*urtmen: just received and for dole a## at* tor the United 4t*t#s— gan* ef the same, conic ont openly Samuel v> Dallam. Hfu4#r*u::. r#\#rwd. speculation ur for ken off, and u second bout took off f.mrtecn. Fixe and Life Insurance Company. have in favor of The sale wholesale and retail by . A Jatty v* Jetty, ttrerteiin export at a decline of >i. Sales of the week 27. QUO Chrtetv, and S. Henderson. were 3U0 boxe* star Candle*; JOHN DUNCAN to ^ N>s capUiu and mate with difficulty induced to I VSPITS U 61U.0tU.tM0. to WELSH, emancipating the slave props rt) of Missouri This Iter# »> Mwriuu, Giweuui*. itetitkitu uv#rrwlod. 1341 do U'ifiin Suap; CRUMP l*alei*. including 30U0 l*ales on speculation and 25ttti committee reportetl a series of resolutions in- leave. The buatmeu behaved spleiididlv, S4 Fourth near Market apr3di»ly to Broa.lwq_y, New York Mt Gill v- Crtfi. Hardin; p#fiUuu uv.-m.lcd. This and £>300,0011 Di-puiiiti'd in New York. 30 do (te-ruiau du; for sale^y j*2 jib OM.varaeot s ont of grow an incident that occurred It. the country filled with dtopatch ami progress. ^enthusiasm prevailed when all the crew were lo?# N. Orders from fillibusterish and progressive-assailing the r ,‘rtti-n. INSURANCE ooalntt by fire IMPORTANT TO FEMALEo ! Irtirs^x^^iiidiRir^^tVrieans^Tt..,leans «; middling Orleans rirafr'^ttobil^T*fair Mobile 7 13-16;13-^6- •—If ^ accuracy at lowest ratra in the Legislature of the State. Mr. Palm, of St. 7X; ou buildiiur* atul content*. Lit# comhtnada.as Joan* v- Gmer. Fteiniur; ' jri'r istmskVi PtLLo.—Tte of tn- middling Mobile 7 S^-16; uptend fair 7 11-16; upland Pierce administration and eulogizing Gen. Walker. iufiurauc# effected on tlie tuofit fa. II v* W#tf«*rd. Ohi«>: i | trims, was ran as a candidate fur director of the It r> dieat* in these Pills are tte result of alone nadexn-udva middling 7 7-16. vurable term*. Louses t*aid bv CP^BBpF Garden Seeds’ Garden Seeds’ Hay n Jpiftifu. Mulih-oburr. , „ A Sai» Cask of Clerical Delin^ies. r,— Bank of the State. It was stated, by one of the ItfWMWANT Invention.— he Nashville Patriot We therh/TfTZ.jne!tumUritiathetl in cash, this Coni puny not mjuinnj rartk-#. Ttey are mdd ia their oporauon. anJ certain m Tboiuac v# llffiil. Munu;utii#r> ; ! Stock-Stock of cotton in port 318,000 hales, including j regret exceedingly to be called | ou to puhlioh the *Uty-r. S. Uki.l, Medical kjcamiu#r. knew Mich to he the fact T. u»yM Utetf always arise interruptiaa of nature. They //acre. Jam. Ibtk . I *ture and fur sale t#ep. which from A PnvtMED liREATH.— What lady or genttemanvrom—, —New Orleans tres ordinarie is* by . - a A a ._£ .1 Ito \* of great advaDtage to .ftteanila.at navi-ntion. a plain and truthful manner. Hie name of the ladv _ _ _ _ l ;;.uu0 busted* Blue Grow* Seed; » to g» “ dehete. end «|*R*ted at M lTt’HELL Hl’IffllB sa te successfully used ms a . rxrventativw. Th#as ptfis canoed JW. I would remain under the curse Jefferson *~i 4 of a diaogreoalde it ia an improvement in motive power for pro|«* Hi ug we withbold out of regard to the feelings of her Insurance CompanCompany -.•*«» do irchard do do; ' Manchester*Yaiic ne>(«r auad\vice*ice* quote market ateauvsteady. 34jv do; u >:;ld nrv#r be taken daruut pregnancy, as they would te Uae preaeutatjun of a pro-ala vert cmndMiote in op|«o- Iweath when, by using the ^Ualni of a Thousand uteanibuat!*, iloes away with tlie immense wheel*wheels connections. Office on north ride Main street, opposite the Hank |>!.PI*ER— baa* Pepper in store and for *al# by du Tiswfly ^ steamboats, does away «/ /Acerfm* HrmdrtuffsHremlAuffs Market,Market. store * MITCHELL to HL'UBA :tuu du Herd*’ Gross or Red Top Seed: are to cause nusearria**. Warranted puiwly vwprtabie and ^ * dentifrice, would not only render it /^«Tpoo/ Jan.Jam. 27U.—zith. BrokersBroker'* Louisville, over the ufof Rarr*on.CooJ.dRaerson. Good, to Todd. I Bit ion to Mr Palm. Mr. Brown, . gyawI|OW used,U!te(i andand [iss expected to make a ten-hor.Mtten-hor>o en- On Monday, January 5th, Rev. I. S. Kalloch, ttetlie a member from I For sol# by tfl] PITKIN BROTHERS »w«et but lea%e* the tectl. white a- alaljaMer? cuvuiar‘ircsiar quotesquote's market quiet and tendency down- CtortmJChartered CapitalCaiwtal.. 4(2U).Oiw [ r#e from anythinc injarionsto life or health. Expte k-- - - -•# Many |l#, propel a steam*teuinl>oalnjat with as much *peedspeed asa* au pastor of the TreinontI remont Street Baptist Church, wor- LLSP1CE lft bag* Allspice in *tore and for «al# by Bt.so Isoute.l/.uiv declareddM Uftoi hiuuelf M free-goiterw* iirar 1 4 a ^ ^ — a though warn-. rlour market iua.liii^iiveye at decline 6d; Foldpaid iniu andaud ieewed.....*ecured $1J5.UU0 Lj27 Pro # * j* pernm^do not know their breath ia bad. and the a of does. had the pleasure -hipping iuin the Temple, was engaged to deliver a MITCHELL to III ISltARD. BOYS CLOTHING' CLOTHING ctk'tw. which should he read, accompany each tex. . thirtv-horsethirty-hor«e engine now tte a BOYS . now We p#rsu€** taken on fihipmentf - oppaomd.op| ujed. oo person*} grounds,ground v to thette laommee.nominee. Mr. -ul.ject te to delicate tteir friend- will e canal quoU^lquoted at 31*Jl* 6da32r;6dad2>>; Ik<imorelialtunore and RISKS by Steam L> to Fmsrth street, wh • • n-.er men- this ingenious invention i lecturelec ture at the Lyceum in Hasttest Cambridge. Px •I. IL\ Y YfV>N PATTEN, 74 tfof examining a model of In ttethe ’ * lNDl'CKMKXTS ARE OFFERED 7**J*} i-f* aMlff Wt«,SfbJvv^rtby Wfftilft at >#a, and byJ' th# u*ual CKCAT NOW l*°lj **• P*IBr * (lro of “Balin'' on Philadelphia “hourwur djfsa3. 6d; ^J^io 34a 6da85s. Louisviile. . '7™ I retail mail end Ciover,Clover, from the same cuxcits . oaidmad openly that he warwo* •N** f‘ your yeoterdav.resterdav. evening, previous to the timetiaie appointed for the tec-lec- rl of*>f inland tran*poriati.»atr^n-jN*rtati'>u. »Im» tboM ia want uf »nd w*ob for Mt hy h> » ftolhins A tiftwent iNOtte will lo^t myemr. moderate busineaaburineat* at „^r- . t A i_...m, ..r a married ladv,ladv. a memmemberbar of hisbin congregation,cuiicr# and.nil K*“*^* Bovs' aud Youth>' Read -nadr York. jul? JPhto; .. , , \ J \lexouder comer of Careen ami Cainp u Secretary.. *x*«*- acofadedh ended all other u«ue*>.iMtue*. Leading pco-alaverypto-alavery Dein< » decline of JdaOd; is ‘ >%*. Me is. Josa Mlis.Pt Lteu.- A Bt-AtTtKri. CoMFUUnos raav ei>i!v te arqui- mixed corn quoted at 33-s 6da engaged a room, with tire, at the „ , &c„ teclime re ;!3, ;hl streets, wants to sell a large and well seasoned kiukoto*,: rallied, reh the face 'hanged. Beef and pork dull at former quotation*. Kb#u#z#r ltuttard. Geo. W. Miuall. SIGN UF THE GOLDEN HAND ™iued to sati-fy > i »r#hard ur*M jsti; a large lot of shingles, cheap ca.,h. »3U dly !'?' j» [*' “"j dtotf Bacon verv• dullu... *.>« ---£•• fur “ jan 21 night and morning. — — •« and the>«v stockn wuon handi large.^j- c . ^ himself aift to the truth ol hi> iloubts. rurtlu.s pur* > Herds' linuaur Red 1 caae te imiiig tried in Pittahnrg in whi h tengLam*; middle*middies quoted at .*«S«a.'»4s5J*« 5ds anourwrlv#«. jgl variei> wf lower « Mr Mv-Kitituru. a prominent Democratic politiciar. in eitlier warm or cold water, p*ur ou IrirJLard allghtlvslightly oearer,dearer, buthut sales unimportant;unini|airtaut; lardlarfi * H u F and twu or three —1 that he could watch the proceedings of the occu* lauti. LOUISVILLE, JULY 3, » in paper* or far ml* *». Thi* time of the year pretty icirls will be freer matter they That tbte latter i ; course VVMILY EXPENSE AND WASH-BOOKS — Every and pri.es advancing. In coder sales cheap as at anv other establishment. .Scholars, stu- . tell their bean’* f#t liny in rhyme. are unimpor- ^j'the"nioTt piilitic'Vhe "result has 'proved*, Thomas Quigley, Jacob Keller, T«> F lamily should be provided with one. Call at the s#x#s will «|h*ak, both the tirua? and the weak, ! 11. Hunt, And I tant. Tho*. Edwin Monte, Polk r P«oc*»:imx..s.— Thnndny. — Rice quiet. Ij to CLARKE- 4. Jamtary 28 dent*,dents, merchantsmerchants, strangers, and all classes making Mr. Kalloch is uownow absentab.^ut h«iue, a KIRK MARRIED , Mr. from home, ami w e un- E. A. Gar«ln#r, Through Love’s interpreter, St. Valeatiue. J21 the This morning Court appeared to he pecwliariv af- oatbe Ud last., by thr R. v 8.ft. W.W Irvi*»#. Mr. J. H. purchases will consult their own interest hy buving lerstand steps have »*een taken to infoVoi him that | with a the head. » unchanged. * Let old tofie* unwed, shake of a*, aliaftrwh^ite. Ky. SovietSocietyv wiUwill dispense with hiahis further 1*. B. Atwoop, Sec'rr. jrs distf I e ministn-ministra- fecrad tte genial charreler ot ti.. weatla-r. II.. Lte#. *k # .. r . » a . i ^ 1 Stoy the custom te vulgar aad low. w heat Hour MH.ot&l*. 4»d. Ianneed oil where they can save from twenty-five to one hun- l ^Uji “Yuua| America” so#* for lua under th# roe#, Dry Goodte son. brilliant and l.s.idful a- ever -hone a firmer.tinner. Tallow1 allow steady.stead v. IrouI rou steady. Falls City Insurance Company. Money mar- I dred per cent. to retail sales, forfur ettch «irl hope# to hear from her beau. OEITUOBITUARYARY rent. This applies and Aud have. fr»r a; \ E tte ;>«vseutaa*l ( -oo* h»ng vasoa, aborts *ll 1-V stringent. . ’* friend that one meet* talk* uf funny pictured -beets. Ma> morn evea penetrated the duly » indow glass *t Kart India Co.'a ex- J/"P-rfus/mptrrtard Arrrsf.-OnArrestIrrrr/.-th,—On tl*the lSthofDecember13thlSthnfltecemberof ltecember last, OJfire. Newcomb building, corner of Main and Bulktt Each ’ ft . ' cash. D»#d iu Prairi#|wi, Round, kkmlasuaz.Lreat'.o oo.,co., Mira.,Mich., .aon ThnreThur- ‘f* f “ft* ^ ThiTlk gift*ifu sureittconsist in gold watches,watclres. lockets. Take* one's arm and shout* ’’Com# aluu*. Jak#. M ’ ntreels, entrance Bullitt street. caaug#'changes ua\#have advanced. 1 lie from - advanced. Ihe bullion in thetlie liaiikHank . a Mr. Hansc-ll,lloitell, agent furfor Palmer1 aimer toJL Ulchardsuu,Bu har t'«#n, waswas* u» part of ^-4. iO-4. and 1J-4 Cotton and 1 ueu and coot a reflection of gestte warmth u|ioo tbe seat Maooil ArrLouavc, wit#wif# of Bamutltwiuuel Welii\ft#i ; , Let us ho.-teu and chouse rich and ror# bill -t doux breastpins, ear drops, linger rings, pencils, I uf Imglaud lias decreased Al,4tt0. and pen- ut u.tntum's llutel, in Baltimore, of jeweltT CUAXTCKF.I* CAPITAL ^.’UNI.ilOO, OK WUtiU ffljU.OUO -lMredn««. Pflluw Cotton* and Linen* of all widths. Table the matchless cuUectiou at storey*.” ft All the Mags- At Jidioun. | From I1E MAGAZINES FOR FEBRUARY— Ihiuari'. Napkin*, aad T 'Wrltmes. h^gether wish a «pl* tte . th. Is AN I* q ticarorl>8carr#l hadbad tte bridalbndal wreath,wreath . aiac it adorned tb# f*Jfair Bell to 1 PAIU b£a tUi. Bell Cl ! cil cares; silver 4 Co., quote American stocks as generally and watches, thimbles, pencil cases, to the uiuouiu uf £2.500. High Cunstal ie Bussell, sine* lor 1 rbrnarv. Harper, Graham, and Gudey, browbrora oftf thirthh lovelyl«vrl> bride,bride. fod#dfaded from tteth# m#iuoryiu#iuory of b«her Such delicious dftai*n<«— Mich uririnal Hues, 1 til tort oi Loac-U«>Us and Nr*Y>>rk RUi« 4 •tt<»aa. also irarih Mil ten te iMYamiraH rka n.reJ * wu* CONTINUE to iuMire -rclian- M. ate Mould ft — M 5r saraii .n*n#c no 1 um lunged. Maryland 5's *»« xa. at M would « recognize an huud*. ' Virginia • ’ days' since »ld AT 2u tiNTa 7* : «9e>91;1 --rw ' •iim uf Philadelphia,*— —a few , — overheard some a large »uDioni nhtimnUdvr. lidnod titeltotri#nd* mere they war#wer# raU*ftlroiled ap u tot _ U Bend ur cutue# to 507 MaiuJ 11 ‘r t!b*‘. Stock. Ac., Both comic and t nder and Due, j auam-t loos wh#u j>jl KIRK to CLARKES. #i*r.adad th# i*dlall forlor h#r fuarraifuneral luauy ° *’*. l . S. 6 -v 1867 aud 1*88. ltM«? H»9. cffuvtraffliBff between twu notorious Baltimore he teased lu exhibit tu uur .*u*a*>iaer». varted . whereas a while, but who was brought the | How mauy and *rnr# # /. | carri#«l on *t#aiute>at* v#r ame into play tine# on Valentine’s day from ^ ri.Jwl anal 11-,^.. ax mV- or other N* .tew otof thi* til#!Iti#’ To-day-lay w# Isitrrt—Isttert ’ , C. g jl9 .MARK to UuW\5, 471 \Ua «m4. . th# pte**I T* or# tte- Ijoudon, 17. ...j , . . - r te)^- Old lionmiKfti l«>rl\-t.\e i jwn go a fltte, e-utr##.-utr# tf frtewd«lii|-frteDdtiii{‘ audand love, aud aroundarouud u* revolv# alla Co.*!4 book store. manner *»f theim-s. which of lov# ev.-r dream*, »k.' oi ted at 93/bVC ’ j22 d30 tive to Adams' Express. Thev separated, ami llatn- cauaLal. uuJaud railruadrailroad rouue.route, or unon sueany of tliethe nnviyabl#navi.-able Ah B NAIES, PURSES, aud Ml.MoR.VN DIM Be* - th#»rr fetldlite. teudin# tbeirt, r **aid ••to , h»re , ly th'! ““ *" d bwoyb"o> u,u* nup( in th*tb# barktor Teuder thought*, mad# lueludioua •! lot .lualirie* tor sole at FINE TDi-W« wH wasreal iaaaivvuitCourt this morninuro.iun . She vDiupiMawCom i.lamed of lias - ilu U» all kind* and p .w bojre* ''‘iT oioml went tu the Kxpre-s office, whillaer Bussell . ry Cbuire Oku k .Ml 0u!j bo|#* and bivlit-ubrirlit.'U our auticipatiwu*auiicipatteu* of<»f thrth# future.future, ifu4f . ll AUIAX, Jon 29. r ut** g»K>d-natur#d )> k#s, m«ant fur |U«er k:*#! ul folks. .4. Tara, rtlrrlwt Ire. I M«*aiul* oth»-r yootl With Um . ... . «*f au'Meuf EDITIONS LoNGFKL LOW’S AND T LA-XHAM a CO., Third , w£Th AatuaU K. It l KG E, Pr#*ideuL |>.K ki.T OF ! XT, Friday, aad therefore took nandrv - «Uiaulants. lea- teoklook out«»ut u»«»uu*-»u th.ite- i^o-p.pro-i-.#tn teUf.,r#for# w.u andmud 4dt-<-o\#r.tecuver, ytnper-r UuRaiffMl-H: X'^*u\!±:d Jobcru L. Danki’BTu. Sec’ry i TENNYSON’S FOKMfl. bound u> Id u# au.l gold, fui ". UtI1 Jtssulved hy mutual con- l*x was handed him, when Bussell immediately ar- ^.•PPtK-V^ ' away th#th* **ff«u‘dmi di#tau#»-’’dotau##’’ ourfair horizon, | b»|- «w«v iniu U|#mu|#»u ! t tel*, bori»#a,li •. lit#tta 17tb1 ;tb — -,«kr the' Lamp. i the t! .sale at jfill KIRK to LARKUS. Du'f L leraaytemlffii oneitih# waswa> louuofound mui tuette Uu^lou(ru'lmi Ilouaelinuw# teli-uel| ^n bouuT biaacToaa. 11 I J. W D ItKO.. He ftiall «-l.*ad.aland. It rte,rto-». it »K»‘*ds. it uuiu*unite vitLwitL otlipr protopr*»ba-^roba- I rested him, aud secure4l the l*>.\ aUo. Ihe prisoner a LK * Hod,*. otter Liven**)!Uvflniuftl mfi. John A. Dunlop, t:fi. Arrn*trou<, 1 Q. I received on bl> teeur oner until our whole aaaopy te o’erriuui..**^ » * ' J3u btadwl* Iwied Apple* , , , WiU. M. Snoddy, II. A. DoumvoO, I \R1ED APPLES with tl>. t>la«-kn*-w of adv.-ndty. and *11 th### mt.Uit.rt of Ihe BalticHaiti arrived uut un tlie luuruinguf tlw 17tli. The business will hereafter be continued by O. It. !!!' ceived and t»>r *ole b.v 1 9 cuu-^gnmeut and tor *aie by nf'tlis s'i!'i 'iewalre Jaiu#* liridgelord, David R. Y’uuug. to Virginia 114 1 to aud Kentucky. fn#nd-hi| and lav# ar» rutirely otecurcd; but. white tbeir The NeufrtiN*U 1 mI* JNO. F. WARD CO.. * 1 T*W ’' *’ ,lleir ol<1 '* Lusiiiess, of F'oorlb priiaarv. tb# loved ohjert or of corner tuuu.l iii it and identified bv an agent of' the owners, Main, between 1'liird aud Fouitb sis. companion tb# *ouid . r.*> ! ,r. mitteesra ‘"^n, ofuff 'l*^L g!5hs'Uses of the is* a-lop-I’" Jacob Fteteer, a German, on Campbell street, had Sw K-derat'on and Market street-. ' main- . tte-r# i- llrht in .larkn#*- lUit let ttet b* *tn#k*-nrirkra . j JNO. A. MILLED, /ul. Bulletin. prouositiun Jf/ul fUdUlZ Franklin Insurance Company ill rtii- iL«#*nr# to release the pri*ouer>. A tele- N We have on hand a tine assortment of out. a- and our “tew I*.” indeed, ••ter“telt ! jj Li K LTS— beam manuring hi' yard and garden with a -j^cie*- G.(j B.’ TABB. 1 1 1 ' —- OF LOUISVILLE* v#rv STILL AT COST. unto uf d» *“ l*te.” rttk in vain, from thte world. f*«rt r • graphic dispatchdisj from Berne uf an- - 11-4, U-4, aud 14-4 tin# Whitney; Wr <1, the 17th, further . B JanuarvJanuary lit,1st 1857— j -jftbi&b q/' Office comer Jfain Bullitt streets, second Underwear, all kind*; guano More oflenaixe olfactories than ever ,. . Tte att#utiuu of in# public L- iuvited to the and store, 11 4. 12-4. and 14-4 medium and low priced; f to the t>u«u to comfort,eonilart. and exctoiioexrlaiui ium the auraiehauruteh of ouronr ftul.soul. I nouiKe- thftliat the National Council adupted prop»si> new au WINTER Stweombjt buiUlino. entrance u ,i Jfaiu street. a.4. It*- 12-4 Mackinaw; vf W inter Half How. ntell w# uut have thie ibht uj»»a our patitwavU,, ayain' tjb ; hrautiful rtyle picture? railed UhJ. 4. and | , t' loons'* tf uf Thev are emanated from the bird inland* uf Peru. Fined £10. 1 h y 4 Co““* Faxct and Staple Dry Goods. — e would re- Mutim aud Lin#n Shirt*; rtiall ~ I ‘. *-4 aud io I Steamboat; acfio annres. — bt-reav.rtoas. wa £,not -ta-E It n.s tara i ^ r u,...u «lw culureil iu oil the lack, Pocket Handkorchiet>; MATOE9 full tu luuru riorittu* ,>latirfnou Vil VntN. No filial engagement" were »iul on makira a tin# Crib Blankets. .hi lk and Linen AND rui lUA-5 mprlr inui^Firrd t awl will rootiuu# to M spectfully invite the attention of person*, especially Jh And Tuosaloes to 1 oohuirr# ami Velvet Muffler*; ffh and p#ocn«M fur mte by m I rmv» a* a *la»up unb> our f#. ( a li*bi tiuid< by U'sia, hut more te'autiful aad correct likuo#** tliauauy otter colored iyatktn uu Sblj.*. St#auib»ata, For sale at yreat bar*aiu» by IllTF. SMALL, n4 «nU aud IV . aud movnseMobite *nuand Oiiiaxjut* railroadroiiroau iiaychave com-w.*i A* ff > it i* understood that the King . tiLagKSQ J affU OU1, ^ jjti Natioual Hotel. W inter 4. Ioe#*. great variety; * i! U«1 stock Silks, tl»#lr 4UH near uuu> yuaf**rom^ dmskmmddark#n#d i»tk«a>*|wtfiwa> r laookIaook up!up* ttii#>b# cannott.uri M retDiuix*#" .11 a-tete : ... of black fancy Embroider- #h#nj#r uut-lialf.une-half. cargoe*; also mcamti 1«»#* bv^pBf Main to, all claim to the sov ere LmtV auil revenue {detun**, betide*betida* cheaper by mootmoat They have >u*i*#t»drr*. shirt Collar*, Ae^ f t** to te*r so*- •*- • fir** u|* ^ »a*#l* ouiur **wa. bwt yoa ran r«» * evermore a e # # t » .. < ' , . . < < i»_» i I . , , . aud MeaUiboat*. building and iu i«urt,auu un of NcuMutel. cattles «sd Crajie Uoliei*, mIllusion Holies for evening, Plaid tdvautage, over the coloredlured, « Photographl*hutogra;»ik cravat* and Scarf*; PRESERVE^ - A supply on hand usd far Two of Nruchatel and Loidde the fact I ||House*ai aud content*. l aurv formerly tte chief engineer the Gloves! Gloves! Black cravats. Scarf*. Tte. and IXs Joiavdls*; mmI general agent of rlrromotim*- yet #oabte you however remain the Kings reveuue tb# likeu#-cue*.4 1-te not Irntmirodinti wired by colorioa.coloring. Betid#*Betide* ltvtideot. toad imv tewry property. Their Cashmere, IF Lames, Merino?*, Velvet and Cloftli not tb#r#there teaia a JAMES TRABUE, to Third 4. UST received a large asHortmeut of black, white, mod i Itrurb#*; Galapne; Odor-; Dr#mine Has; M CO.. to *a> in truth and tioc#nt> . **I would u*«t live alwayn/*way*,” jj. to disimrsed Abeoiiaw llrrc, Secretory. | to in local chanties. ! delicacyrv aud shade,.diadc, with a peculiar Cloaks, Shawl*, Embroiderieft aud ofuf Ibrhtlight and peculiar tone,toue, only at- J #oiur#d Gid Gloves. Ladte* Work- Boxer; frauMonshw; Pocket- Hooka Ihi< wt icoUMr tb# barbiurvi that obali ntooc y *»u from I Lace Goods, a 111 luu bacteria, artirl* lnkxtToaa. st. rtraia d* 1 BE-VNS— a prtSM . just rw- continue throughout the coun- taincJ ivury the of th# mo* I yx MARK to IM3WNS. 471 Maiu .27 C. TAYLOR. 4*1 Mam VV 1 un by baud t skillful arliti*. exer- iseof hi* trust wherel-v u L* churned that the j^kacoiettufyour tenement of £>,aricla> . aud unit#unit, you wiiiiwi;b tktoredtb# luv#d on#* { v Mm | W’llliam Gay, William Garvin, I V ceived aud fur sal# by tr>v agaugmnstinst the war taxrax income.income, large... Kesiu..,stock, which»uuu we arcar# uuermgoffering veryverv iow.low. Weme, , . _ ravehave prenrtedul you)-wi totu thetbe i-aradi*# tf God.(sod "WhomWh.iu ^. l*eriM|ufi having Datruerreotype* or \ a a wboWho ww4 iwrtwrt Ambruty|*e#uf d#.-c#o*#d Jam#* E. Breed, John W. Aud. r*oo, compan* has n&r. enormously damaged | Coats! Coats! at Cost' b#te loveth.lo\e;h.b#b# cba#t#n#th.”cbo#t#u**th.’’ TRUTH FranceA*raster . — Feruh Kahn, the Persian ambassadoraniba«aador ar- have a large stock of Welsh, Ballardvale, and Sha- .lam#* S. MARTIN & PENTON, | Lithroa j or abx*ut frii'uds umy have ttemcoph d to cabinet , William Hugh#*, trbntitonI’LritiUn Repovitory up or lTmbrVra*I^b,tieriaM HeraldHamid *ndaad M+a+*n plea*#i>U*~# Hvedrived at Marseille with a suite ufof par- Jra mm it. Wildror. lawreutv Ui» b*rds..n. ‘>1 Fourth street, succeasur* to Robinson, Martin, to Co. an hundred her Flannel, Linen Table Damasks, Napkiss, Towels, life six#, aud thu* *#cure a mor# beautiful sud truthful jwr- | brown do do. do; co|,: I* Do V* VMS—jo Lustels Southern Yarno ia ttoro on t 9* We are requested to my that Memrs. Manu to ftwi". black f*r#«* do; ' unttUinn »:.y uUnr froe..., Th. lAlure. Do I by XUMH A J rt ,,r ,ri h Urana, blracUeJ Sheeting*, LleacheU Cotton*. by are made DRY GOODS. KCHANAX, 1 . I , oiler Thcrei-psTUe rerw D-gisUtive-AJ. opens the, h( 14th14, h ofTebru»ry.Krlmrerv Black, bl ie, brown, and fkroono l oals, very fine, VF1 it., between Buchmum, Mwffimxm. So. «W Mwiu rtreet. «re in iu of all kind#. Mo !*up#r aud cheap bl#a«*h#d do; market. of our iinpurta- I ... . . and cheap indetd. T T BRENT. SUN. A -> ... O la- lit diil#r#ut #t> l#ri.if picture ate uow made *t tb#- W bra bran caltivatoii so raccrasfullv during the Kcsi‘ y*l- ca*M iu thr richest aad murt ci- Kroutinx and .Shirting Mucus prat Turkty.—It is rumored that Mr. Urard hnd oh- G. 15. TABB, C- TAYLOR, 4M Mala st. lery for price* dollar ti lew, I lanueU of every variety; | tnine.1 ...nceiwiun* varying from une to oue huud rod. aul which w# ore prepared to for i . railroud from lturtichul to jd-h Corner Fourth and Market st*. j yrar* ear iain MWuudforduudfoni oountvcount v. Iu peculiraitie*twiulmrities anare Unttthat V, thetraran,Svtli lost., Tbukxtos. j3 0- w aut llC, I Maid Cottons and i h*vka for Servant*; On Tliireday Biyht, Tratm iUiOute uu *tr#et, betweeu Secoud r *’ rtc # *" Louisville Morn aud Third. Troxe \l ? r ' Paper Warehouse. *li, , 1 re*.wa7 !!!w th.* Gn,f of Snnh, which the Western power* favor tank# it auani^ object totu examine#xomiu# our *tuck tetur# purefiatiutfpurcha*4uir K fluurubr. well uc puur tend, aad |rwluoee nrarli Hi* lri#nd* and aouuaintauc#*uWurawar# invitedinv»t#d t..t > .mndaiu pd hi*i.u . lr° I»8do i tiyured Uiatfl; E lixve ia store and for vmlm low to o’clock, hi* late with a view to military purpose*. Ci'RECt’RE FORroit FrostI* ROST Bite*.lllTBS. —Thathat there is a certain, W# invite all to call and tee. bemy D« \Y’ tte trade— (nuffal on SutUav swriiooti.r>n. at s2 o’clock, from hi. V V li,t«w ' Super plain do; bundles extra Hemp pin* paper. twice ra rau.ii acre a* tlw common hemp. jWjtob JOHN KITTS to , Maiu it. Wrap to the reratdefic# Walnut street,. betweenhet.oen Firstf ire: and.uJ second{second *t*..«*.. Diplomaticllipftouiatic coulcrence*eotlfcrenres relative tu tlie DuiiubianLuiiubian CO to , ou safe, and speedy cure for frost bites, i* a fact ne fanbrtiidi rics of every kind; (0.4MO do do Straw do do; wnhwt farther notice. PritH-_ i|ialiue* A. ^UfTlQT/^i UT cuntinued. A uf plain Handkerchief-; 34iu longer disputed in this city. -A Atrir-y.av tl'K^ A few rat* Htone Martin and Fitch Kleyaut and do sui«rru>r .ualitr Ham do; \ 11- Sam | will rail at awetiou room* Jfttliinti.. •» ball past ^o’clock. A. M-, Fa*>t ^ JHUi A Jitkm tor sale at co*t I.u.-u n*, Lc L.vi ns; l,iw •S' Hrman On th# A di>|aUch from the UusHtan guvernu»#nt to it* ! Xx tfULCffSffFiira in ttoro aud by llnmbaxiu#*. aud n reams panut Manilla Wrappin* do; , A«* wra. daily titer of i baric* and Emily hebastiau, ttti b I aud Plaite. 2M0 frnit-ofla- envoy* in regard to Neuft liatel endorsed tte Over teu thousandtbousond personspen*ms are willing tot.» testifyteatifv r, F RATHER. SMITH, to CO., De Beges, Gin«ham*, do do J*; CKLE8 AND SAUCE*—A Am nreor-naesl A .aye thr* ( Friday . 10 o'clock, a large varietv ilsin, t raermag al n |) |> II 4 UtuU ti* aud 33 4a> e. j y U W f^n II X %7 »> j24 jtob 4bo Main ti. 3ud do Hardware do do; nor Picklen, Saj.ee, aad V »lch.i,-" for rare U. attitude of Pniobia, and any ret»traint being thattat thev Porter’s Jl* I If Ta V ClaOAKS AT COST. opimeed | they have used Porter’s Oriental Life Liuimeut \ ^ N O 31 Er IN JL ef dry good., and cape, A 4 10U Uo L>ru#rv-tV do; CO., Third boou and shore, bat- hard- The frtiudr aud ac- uain tone#* af th# family ar# res- few only ou baud, which we offer at bargain. . do § J. T LANHAK * A, 4 A plo*-ed on tte freetloiu of the Kui^, of Pruasta. CAl'ri—New stjrlu* just received aud aale at very S."u> P#ctfsll> invited to au#u«l tte funeral from tte ivwdeace (with succe**, during the present winter, for the cure Spriux ot IS57. do Foolscap and Letter do; ware. cwtlery, and various other articles, hv order oftf frfrdto uw.pnmbrprices by WHITEWill TF GOODS. ! Mfe l.uud do New* pnntiu* do; of tte parent- un Ninth tireet. between Chettuut and Latest.—Berne, Friday.— Ite filial vide of the - . . .. # f frost bites. a . u . a ^j . ,, F1LVTHEK.P1LVTHF.R, SMITH, to& HI.,CO., PlainIfl.in Jsronet.Jarooet. < ambric.ambric, and Nainsook;Name o'clock. dl °f U\ervf*ci uvwIne hundreduuj.^icu wuusliottles arcare soiusold | sue do Book do do; 9 DAY. Broadway, on t>at«irday alt#rnooa, at 2 i» i Federal Assembly,Assembly. justjus»t taken upon tte propositionsproitositiotn* aud do;do K ST VAlaENTXNE -re ji4j*b 455 M.io st. FlaidPlaid awlat,;*wi*a, JaeunetJacouet and | gross heavy Brown Bonnet Boards; af February, -dT daily, and the demand is rapidly — — do, do do dodo; lab . ot tte Council of ! increasing. | MripedStriped do, ^ 7 ... cm Tfaorwda> afternoon, tte »th inti., at 1 o'clock, Mr. uf States,Slate*, which with ttethe NationalN’ational The **• do super bio# aod whit# Boauei Boards;^H 1, roqueti* «ay that lie will RKSti HATS of our uwu manulWrturr, very li^ht Dimity, India Twill, and Lawn*,Lawn*. TALENT1.NES! FALKNTINE-: Am- «u to , HiLto in and G , the toith year of hi* a«e. Council coimttiute* tte Notional .Assembly, separate- evidence in its favor is of the strongest passible 3.4MM ite Cotton Wrapping Twin#; h uf extra uiiality aud fiiiieb, tor *al# be I new nnd ai-lerelad rtock tor low sell, tte morning at at hi- auctionuu funeral will late |4ac#plac# lot#late r##»d#ncer*#»«l#nce onoi ly dix usseil propositions, and resolved upon tteir HOOP SKIRTS i ease* 4i.D. percusskxtt ops, direct importation, OW readv n a, b- 10 to’dock, H*Hv from Ite ! l:_j 3 Days from New York. j24jtob to - V.> landii ini wv#r i»av« mi *1 n‘ 1 r‘ PRATHER, SMITH, UU., 43.# Mam *. color; tbe har«era ’ ki,Mt Nu uWkln' * ver v « ,uch univ ' r^' every variety tadand colon uniiikaof*ample* of ftwhich will be cent i do S do wraaun. rumynrtn* tuna, ev r l | In B- do, do do; inc V, - • TUirt##niblun-nU. rtre*tre«-t.>. oo#uo. dourdoor realhroath ulot Walnut, ou Sunda,t^unda B» N (jsu hi mom. 1 a r .j„t | Wrtnul. il0|4ioll ralee. No. lot of plush UFI.Sii I ladladie* wtewho detiredetiro it. of rnrtl low yricre. emi tread: , M Maui street a aapenor i*t,i*t. at TUE AfiOVB IUE out to tte uw £• C. Ito A V. DU PONT. 4T7 Mam Tbe •> eaera .nunr. February l« o’clocko’clock. ^kdiam. Tte verdict of tlie whole country < Baris, 16/A.— rovalitt 'prisoners will be set at L, that ol every deaeriytiun, atjrla, quality far to al ibra eNahalahraent. but .*. Tte T HATS and MARTIN PENTON.PENTON, Fourth -t. be cuoMnuaart W aale . ra. ,.u- j # B. Tbe biebeat market prim in cash paid for and hair-beatair-seat mahogany chaw*.chairs, sociable*, and rockrock- ortean*.orica uj-. efincinuati,4 iucn»uau, and ButtonIhjtton paper* pl#aa sale x N- Ra*s. aociaUe-, |F*N.»t^*N#w W^lJtoR * low by jfi4 jtob SiMIC Q lft U» Rubin*un, Martin, to Cm. «T:ed un the mret liberal terraa. , it i* liijerty. and be omducted to tbe French froutier by truly a valuable retnetly and no humbug. Anv . W ONLY COMPANY Jdljto b PRATHER, SMITH, to CO., 455 Mate *t. urdaiw ahanM ba raal la aa aaely aa paadMe. era, jrat received, in addition ra hi* rale advertirad “ “ J -fler~D “ ** F MaI'DKN. . *“ which we will th- Dissolution.Disnolutloil bo bhds choke New Orleans; 1‘ 9th Ibrahara Pacha ha* heareu \VOOI. WANTED—For pay the hichesthi«bret , Thi* eak i* worthy ef attentioa. ma- — WOOL | Bl Third 3 dour* trom T-vAual. A tewing ft " JB <, ’ tr i “*- , at twenty five cent* per buttle, bj ” market pric#.price. TftllE flnufirm herototor# doing burluM*buriusts under the *t vie of d do Muscovado; in store and for solo br Tla ire-ad. .rt l.u i.milv are iuriwd u> attend hi. funar- the Ku>*un*in Cirvaasia. 1 he Ku.vnan General wa* *• ^ _ dissolved chine it elan to he raid. I HUDSON 111 VER, jlyjli* T. Y.X. BRENT, SON.SON, * UO.CO. * CRUTCHER to MILLER ha*bo* been by rnu-au- SMITH. GUTHRIE, to Cld I.raf Tubareu. ckurcfti, 11 LACK SILKS— goad assortment ol black Silk* re- withdraw* from thecour#ru Madrid.—Twenty-five poIitictU prisoner* escaped »treet,street, near the post-office. j2i d&wj&b N. A to Juo. A. Miller, Jno. A. let do do Nrrtar-.au do; 0-Onr feUuwrtwwraaura. Uerart. Nuriuo & Clif- j Y. CENTRAL, B^iVI11 reived tlii* express st - — morniu* by Miil#r i* ebaryed with the *#ttl#ment uf the basiues».“ tiiutdation Just Received. ferd. Oo. 655 Main etraei. are the agent* tor How- (^AxothuCfrA'uitin: Slumbi tv CK iteD.vi.Mki.u wuwaa awarded to Either i«arty tu ti*u In > to tbe 24th received. . , .ret WA VERL The detail* uf Chinese new rywi UOXEtj VIlttilMA AM) KKMLtKYMAN LAKE w*>> JAMES L. CRUTCHER, V’ANKtE NOTIONS. NICK NAX, 1 SHORE, at iate fair ul the Mechanic. Institute I ,IM 111 uta.tur.d ^ \ MAGAZINE fur Febrarar hr ard. Indiana I). recturv. the funner agent, Mr. W. WehrteraBru Ura Tlie tiOVcrmjr of Cautuu continued obdurate, and Tubaeeu fur rale lu K lit' IU. t., «t JNO. A. MILLER. rxr; la Mu Main rtMtJtartwcen^ Seventh and Mgnth. . Louisville, JatL 1, WT. r Ll'K— Obi* for rale h extrwetud from the repart of Uu- iudrer 1 proclamation threatening martial law to K by r Tlie loUowin* had issue a • YmFoSct. KuTteacra Wing nraxpectwll ceiled from the rtty. l OTTON A, PLAIDS, and I nil Third rt.. 5 *>or» from j olutiibiis, 4 PENITENTIARY BIRD m ( levrluud, ( aud iuciiiuati JW J. & WILDER A RROt. kri 51—i. a. -The fi£here,arrre exhiWtirt br Webster an- tn-autitul |4c. tbe people venturing to speak tM |rtact The A mer- 15u l*.iw Kalf.^uuds; EY E DIAPERS received this moruiuK ml All nktn fur Ihe ahnvc work will he pruraptly at- J coparineiinip.rnnarfiirirahin c. duvall to > raiar dear aud dutiuct lu outline, while rtaudinr icaus bttd destroyed the harrier forts. 550;150 boxesbux<-* 5*;5s; co.’g, i NOTICE. Kbaj.N WHISKY -1*0 bul. ra dare ami :. - rare V Ulvr KAHKOAUS, ji7 jtob NO. A. MILLER no* associated with biio in bu*u»em to with dupat. h Addrea* Nurtou 1- 150 boxes1 ss; JIT )*b Late Beat to Duvall I h-ft 10 T. tended t Cli idrartnrlraelt-rroend- — - account of the rttor'a.-- of iim* 1 hare before Y. RrtKNr. aeiV a tx> rattoldl, froraa raft and The lu. Are enabled lo transact all butiueto entrusted tu them in — — •! JOHN P. SERVERS and WlLSoN B. MORROW,W 1YN SewNew Yokk,Totta, Jan. 29. tote,0 boxes" ire dadm.i.ddiiils a y' ork, 1 am compelled ta art af! 5 42 1 I 4.J removal to New 5 utor a. ft ehrts^. Oallerr haui L XTRAXTR F LOU R du bbU extra White Wheat Floor, a aad will routine# th# WIHil.ESAl.E Sll-Kand VARIE-1 my .WUreutnw i. n-4e , to rail Urn week ami rattle. Three wbu do The Tennessee sailed forr..r San JJrannail this aftemouu,aftcriHsin. mum..*.bWs extra While Uort' tipt‘dilioiiared re VOf I« would (Teatly delay nae - All other rime Idetare*. such as t«hrtn.i>T«s. Amhro — THAN Sixth and Maiu ttreeto. uv«r A. B. Semple to Brother tupu™ they wUl . .. . , ANY OTHER COMPANY POSSIBLY CAN. | - . JJ 1 the weond Urae. aad ... or raoney_ wnicn nao iraen _ tn- Walker. | thev in mt marvu—7“>rare W «U wmilu a large sum mat a iik.a, i/*n?ifln,r.. l »tair*>, where will b# pleased to tee tte friends trade and encased toe £1 aud a|- l*r-v A > U >«»r DC91.ftC.S9 andd ora tu leave aeeounu uf ’ , tAraitnw S® .tn-learant to yerw,n. u New Obi-KAXs, Jan. 28. I " of differout ttyte aiul qualiti#*. at D UTTER—3 bbl* fresh in store and for «ale by customer* >f tb# old couceru. JNO. A. be eu trail: onuiihaa. auted that it had MATS, MILLER.*" tne fur year* la the hand* uf t nth rann in an we been ** Jftt wl.Jhate tatroniaed ultkr t wmri W. C. CLEtfG to SOV8, J. D. BONDURANT to CO. Louisville, Jan. 1, 1**7. Stringer, the New Orleans bank robber, was ar- twr cuUeclaua. Atlenuon to thi* mathar will be duly a£|-»- I'BU-t PRINCE* -i BAY proraptness and energy af special phatomauhs. piala .ad colored furuistsed io the rtiort JIT No. 3 under Lmteviilc otel. OYSTERS, threa day m recovered hv lira H Roducocl Prices avkuwledanl by 7f N-wYort, by Aiuarkaa Pennsylvania in cralrai and rested at the mouth uf the river. IKVKWHUT KLtiUK— luu ba^> fine Exurea, tha tneec h . warranted equal to any In the com 1 * JNO A MILLER A -loro CO , C. U ver to <+ h—bu- tore-, aad 1 aud lor sale TAYLOR. .ad eiwrt bruu^M Loiuxvill- r,as W. T. Moore; we thou id bare given the Tbe Texas took this muruing four hundred men PLUSH, CLOTH, AND VELVET CAPS, a*- Upon application to by CM o«a awl try Va : J. D.' nONDCRANT A CO. l ‘ h*t BUKFKK * KYBfe- it tpocial and a great amount uf arms and ammunition for '— * t Y >1 l-h and to Jaraes T. Moore who watchman “J, _ . ^^Vseivkti per expros* al TRANK TRYON, Agent, VARIETY liOODs end Nt ' 1’luN-C Daguerrentniea or other I U raqra led tacibtow for ooFflaf OLAs.SKS AND .-jlKl'P of ail kind* in eture nnd for i- ruer sixth nnd Mnlu Kre-jU, uver A. H -emi a Hru- 4 » urm and (ur rale by hpCH BRAN half JIT to DY-B reerteart »i .or ra W. C. CLEGG SON’S. I ti**" 4ft? J* MALN STREET. 1Y I vale by [jlTj Urar rtairej. -•* drt* JAKEh LOW A GO., 41< Main at. HIBBITT A SON. JISjAb* jan F W tel W k. mi Lius. j 1 --. 1 M \ „ e • E * ! e- _ • - —6 ^ - I ' h V ! 1 .,-. 1 l . , ~ f , , , — 1r

BUSINESS CARDS. MISCELLANEOUS. III S1IN ESS CARDS. TRANSPORTATION. I COPARTNERSHIPS. NEW YORK. MERCHANT TAILORS. I? \ILKO \DS PILES' PILES' PILES' NegToes for Sale T W«tr .1 KfiUnrkr, JrlTrrHil roau., WELLINGTON HAUL, * *> tin* f«*fiow- AN Dissolution of Partnership. I beg to cal! thv attett»i«n of the public rf (j I lot of aud likely of A UTATEMKST 1 \\" have a youm; Negroes JL (I Ate of Kentucky HAWES, r r A D D I M 4 >, U SUICKLIB, * * GRAHAM 4* •>! « ur most n>)«ets- -d H>'*prrtiuo the t CO, ARRANGEMENT T. Auction and I in#.* otf- ificaV fr.»ui oue 1* th at Affaire the SUMMER SDEKSON A CO- WWmk Com. flrors V on Land and for .-ale my h >up<-..£a»V or A meriean Kxpreee Com- . uiknlec 'rrti.ov Main «trert. bit* ci*ix»*n», tb« foiher-in-iaw ot tl* proi nrtoc of 1 . I j‘itn i/. i.tadr r:t reuant t» an et oj inroBTEKa A V Mr. V*!i» , iu L« ximi m. Ky. t eomdaHtif h>oa' A the Lraietature or or MERCHANT TAILORS, | Utoruey at Law and General 4’ollsctor, , otoiovneing M—dsr. bWfi.W* guumaLer in , th, >-’ale at Kmturky, entitle, I I 1 806 I of thr i >4iri»*r de- Etat* oir and fonucd) vr.i!. l field bauds. and inrchanfea. "An Art ronerrnino -Vo etrtet. the 1 MAHOGANY A \l> HOST. OO). B Fmirth oppoeite Sofia,,.i.r — It 'I' III. s»W r..m|*ny ii m.n^t .nd lupnu- A. M. KOHINSO.N, uirerl N X M W t that I hare 1 fn-o,l» unj th* atti'te'l with the PiJ*T fur s«aranf r U.tas clra 0 O UtUrT.ll I right c a bouh* Marne's fruulln. i ..art S.,,;ere. full names and proper places of residence *i. K. fENTON. (I Y • th. »re n« !m||owv « r-,,-... e-onld neper; folly inform A RMffTnoX© J M. WUl^-k and Retail Clottuer. bnt all to etr-et. for tb.*% did me or uud- A LsuL> tid bear n« Mb /fe/>rencr* H<*n. .1. 1 lteil, l»*u\ilie. rt. Ikv ( ' ; Ky.: lion. (•< tiz: llenre Welle, of Aurora; - i 1 the .John Butterfield, ., • t of I tka* 11 , .ur J»lir,.urii uvu. Uli I 1 ITOTJ IM, . 1U- fc».t U mUi'.ir- .ilT . x : About l*,.bertron. |t. wo pood. ' 1 K. Hunt, Esq., nu!»« - for ihr l*il«>, and have tue uappiuw to y L'iiii, ’t"!i. IU>n. .lanu- Harlan. I'raukfort. City;t it) lot \-u.r.,.w ..t„u r WI Wmb-r y ur. do. |t.it .J:oU,. ,r 0 J 1 Na * K' I York Alexander “u!‘. DCIVOV Ky*.; ^ New ; Holland,II llaud, after tbiad*.*. of New York «i Ittlit* Copartnership. S ~4 * 1 » .*. have had the d '-ired effort. tluy have * * »iit m. . wi-Mtiu rvwi Main and Market •av th Kh k.* hitchu Esq., Ltmisa iUe, \N ilium I jvfnpdan, • m^Mu K ol l,i 1 A " uud A vin . ^ ‘^^'"^“d-nrnsulr i«» -ton; > r. muU ' W ei ii * .. table will l«e -m-pli.d willi the best all in th st in* \ < / U'Tl\ , , | 0 .tui h ™rl U oar* of are. 1 ! i ,t t«:i* .ia v Freurbr T6I LhliroidetPs and la TUKoNLb Mil T i: to and < •oucvrelc recotb mend :b»ui to all afttk-*«d with the above Lacrs al uiSuISSeJ KSSKGrisA'KSB iSSW FOR TALL AND WINTER. 1856- 57. DIUVT im iwau £ »ud « Vvciand. the uuiy route - inning ear* into the UtNTLfcMKN of L*h# Mm, V. I t*ete. wbo are r-rtioutor a. to O terra Mrawhacra. M? Main r icd English school X. GERHART S. ^1 ^hen IkvoI at « Irwtead. u# the only r-reto with '«ate*rm - ruM P. VALIE. TS Franklin ativat French a tfi tlw a.'lv of tbeir Coat.. srOl 1 UK5 5 Paatal^raa. as.4 V -u rocy 4 I of -uch chance . M itA from cutoi^iK*! to j, fa jfr Wv eland. Lmuauk aud L. 1 OREXT WARDED A OO . Otwrv and CommWmt tier litefi. 116 I\mrth street, opposite I «. WJ io Satin n lJ tb- mo.*; York. An?n«? Mozart Hall. SSs&^&iSSSS Veneer^ '. card . >irs. .i:acaclay»s . wuouat T cupi’uTi^cJt ^ —I r . herthe uasortm -u; * Th- of M<1 CompanyCoiniunr 1I.* *tsojtTfty.uuo.Sii' . . .JJ 1? f# *TMrT. Clcv-land M«cwfe*st». at . X. sastiv "J Hi ANY kUCTK HMemm go>ia H Main 0 i^o-WU do fine Wataut l Al. adapted -P :ba ee. !»• • of ^Wch there M employed o. a. pe.tov I Veneer*: — ou to auiluttu* dtr a- T FAYEPAVE' recpfredrec feed hi*this day.dar. t>crper exprea*.cxprcin. n !arro?arre nrtdmd hntn*hcan. m he of -aid f Ahpa- 5%n*i«##kr anu Uim’nd on Bor * :#*•» t.W**gw Toted > For- nr Xitr Toll. ? ' ^4 UCHANAN ANITW A CO„ GomnusioD and State * in the ^tate of Ke ntucky. r> >‘ THOS. M. Oi-IVETTs. Mvr-har.t Toll-.-, I liltil'dil a**n*< rtuiect of co''d*cood-* in in ny. nearly1 a* I ax, “*. UDIES’ SCHOOL, i in line.line, whichwLicb I havehav» :nethe sum can be MARTIN & PENTON. ,>d e *ar*’' to to J. b-*-an .a :ge a: handto#*/, a&d terr>*Tton# uu «t# City ano . YOUNG ii»J« n. J il*«rbam? corner Washington N>* York wuon » r vttw- VeiZ'rt B wanAng Second and tlr •^certalned, rhouwind dollar^. . . . 4.0 Xatr. -nveb •* .lir* in.port«*d. 1 fatvi’e tbu attention of the Ladtei. lo Sscecw-rs to Robinson. if . . Uhe» Cis tlrah ad. M.r.in. A Co., tw Fourth I 2S.WO do o I. Jo rajte C. Lawrence, a Ccmmjntoncr of Deed- m and \o. 43 Ln.t Tn< :ity-Fir.t, V V. *uo3cnoer 4 ; •drwy. WhU* li.iilg v.ueor's; P -Jua r-eelred. dbvet from call and examine, who may be in want of handiome , the Trvstne* above named. -Woodman, f Pari*. tine , I N making their fir#t °w *|u du Hagtouaud ^ack over. Coat*, THE LITTLE MIAMI, VIA ( Oi l HBl in th** West . ancoanceinent :« tbe do Board-*' aa B"JEVfcBSS? AP.ENT> or guardians re-idinc or Sontb do livrel/ an-vv that legal proevw served upon any a*vt tublic, would ,l* i* t oaU. nvvet.leaaU N Stt***-^™* ‘»*.UuO K l 1 take thi# "P^rtunity do Mi.hoganr Board* ver>* bew itirul. I#fh* only route with rciiatea r tle-wtl*r*r r- tiioohi of acknowledging their t Wl vw !h.m AaAre.•, »l.»u | RPA,TAL»OT.OU *4 to their ,wi Putty >u‘ cateAin New York will find in thi# institution the higher deemed and taken a# rood *ervice ne fnenda for tin* liberal paTronag*- extended to rua, a^urwd aue<; cannati ud Putahurg. 33 «° ^Urk-t stiwt. above Fourth Do do I.iuen !L»n 1 k^n-Lir!*; upon said Company ® . I who. being *ud them during the time tbat they abin-t and Piano- BIHKFLL dk OTHER « nil known, bv were - Fwrte Pi**-borg mm 4ulv »»«xb. uU dmpw inl intellectual advantiinrn. doing buaiue 1 MnlAtega. WKLU, BY ANY ROUTF pe«a«W« depend sM and Ifia'k and white Thread Iaicc Collar# aud Set*: Xln witness whereof we under that signed b) have hereto *u the «t>-le >A 0 h 0d' J orreet -ay the content* ol the torutving e* niccate. 1> THI. OF THU St liooL. Robinaon. .Martin. & Co., and ol»o of a*urin *,tLu*l®>'. Led ami 4 a: Be**ew:iuu»- or I ou tnuas from inrlie iianiiite and FRLNCH UMHAbR Hoiiitun 4 ollar# and Set*; h**d8 thN ,4th g Db.e.#-i I 'a ^fZ2 Sp*L h Cc-dar Lo#-I o*.n MERCHANT I TAILORS, th:ii . are ,u > them nothing ithall be It-it Sand- Paper, Ac to * - IA-*t him. true. n : undone to merit | fort WajrB# AND IS I.SPEI I ALLY ATTENDED TO- Lure Trimmed Collar#; I SEAL ^w°“Lember, ledfi. a cuotinu* wltnc** whereof Game a- Com* ) ance of l eir favor Veneer# of all OppatUt thi Galt Boat, In I have *ub* rile d m. r» to . jl kind# for Frame mUj Bkb Yab-uiiaaud Thread Lace 4'ollar# und Sleeve# HENRY t Ylannfac- THE LITTLE MIAMI, VIA naiseiaaier ol Drede and iar\ ihlico! the /rate ot New ; WELLS. Wol'LD n yectfull COLUMBIA | N- p t.Hiit Gen* nil Wiufi* Id S*ott. S. . inform Lit-uu U. A Appliquo Point Iakv CoUari*, Haudkerchief#, JOHN dly vH th» i: r r,*r* I< TIIR ONLY Rul'TI to and »t oiy -al ’ 1D ‘be public to (vnvrai and havr k\«d my Nutanal liarltr* King. I’n-sidcut of 4’oluuibia Odlege. 1 Dissolution mar they ENT A DUVALL. Dealers in Ac., w; Hair. 4 I.L D.. point l.ac<- Collars and Sleev* #and w. O. of Copartnership. . ^t are ar. .i«i.*ue Irng or .Steuheavilte. Llaudk*-rchielr; FA ROD. w t I Wk* day of Angu*. lwM r xork R atreet nppoAte Bank of K< -atucky M4 .i nl,v Nca York. Yali-tieia and Tliraad lace*; It. |Hl purtuvrsbip of Corn Exchange n « »Ft\l KK. MrSSKLWAN A CO. u Ibis day ^ LITTLE LAWRENCE. I tuu rveru THE MIAMI. ( JOSEPH i I n* nci* llawk*. D. D.. N«w York. mm —LX. ou;:«l to Uli. vi*. »rh I-...... VIA OLl MBlN, k* 4 . | Jao>n* t and Lin*-n oliai>; W". I 1 , oly .1 by uiu'ual aha WV.U-mleaud Retail Orooen A. 14. , UBKIIALDT W A B.. •»! |V*ed** and MoUr> public. l.lVINUKTUN, MuMvliitoii L il.u, fg/l Ir a—ortmvwt of ConuubMoner Auyu-*'^ .1 AAh it. F.-q.. Baltimore. F uruUhin* OnuAe Id THE 4*NLY‘ k4*UTEt» and from « m LARCHAKP O.. Formahtny t 12S.„i ir os,... a cGuunuaaee. • out «hai.-*e of car*. Ibi* Jam* > M Wayne, I . S Supn me iourt. U5»a4 117 BRilAD r. T in.- \ u»i.*« >iaxe- Sub**crilH-iJ arii A.M/W J. Ml SsLI-MAN 8TRKKT. Good*, MatXiatrmrl. Medi al faculty sworn to before . - to b Weeball.’tin-thc bUiUfu •*‘*harfenle*rg, E#«j.. New York. me this 14th day of \o- ' Tlii>* im a gr* a* comfort Laiir* and Eacultex ' •*•* Dulsill’, Jsn. IL equal t# Ijr lHitc*4 • -brat ed rem milt< ).\ veuilivr, lO*. I UK^l'IdJu J. ON DC’KANT J l>. Produce Broker and (shmdmmi lo nraduiw a ramedv Ii \ VV Uli tiu Adame. I) I).. V-u York. Mcknight, montoomkry omits, | THE LITTLE .MIAMI, Pil e, fltti c. nt# p»-f !>•• dill dti Co(.’•Hiiui-o J" VIA COM MIlM. . or tofg’mai dl- dM uer for Kentucky. R Membant Third mreet. betwacu Main and Watnr edu-ffiW rt.-rnal ll»Tir> I* Tappan. D. D. Chancellor of MMiican l'ui So. s Wall «t Gcurral t oiumissiou Bi:iNfi TIIE.MlDKTEBT fci>l TEfromt :l frvt i. New \ uri u .11 Ik -n- b, mail and I'orwardins: M,ma». tur.-r«r.d *V lannnati lo tin Copartnership. MYLfia, , f the 1 nit «-d Stab ». - loam iwrt ... . . Dr. 4 -ab.-ll. Richmond. Va. Groermand Core Mer , Third « . bet Main Water M E R H and *. CHA T, dnifci*»- in the I nnad Slat* N >*.ld bv all nmpaatablr o IJI-w..rth II .eiw-r, Uiicnoa. III. FLKNAP w F A CO . Whalemle KVwlei> in Iron Ag*t wanted. IVrmrtA. so 4 JEFFBUAOS Jld 4 iv» r F>|. . 4 STHEET. MEM 1 N B G* >.k. Shoenb Incinnatt MIS. B NalA. Ac-, nortbaavt comer Main and Third street*- < UFORD J w a OO^ Aamonem. Fifth ATM. ke DR Dri‘HIK DILLS. tw«*m Main and Market uurivaJl' A far purlfvfng th.- bled. Iriiv an • ff-ctual A Card to the B | Ate Ladies. remedt for Internal Ink*. Salt Lle-uni. Ring Worm, Ar M REEDEN J. N A CO.. Planing Mill. Main street, be- New York, Bremen, and Southampton A VIGI.INI r< Him- her Mucvr.- thunk* b« the To .> hundred dollars reward will be paid to any iM«r*-n Hm' B t*e Fin** and Brook oa* wi pri'Vi- tb-' conlaln anything lii.'iiriu«» to the *Ygriu son. Wbolaml. racer* RUNT A CO G and tVmmb Will lx HUl by mail lo any part of the United Stat-i*. Fif eWn el rebaota. eireet. B Main bet. Fuvt and beruad ty refc!- j-cr box. ’ rtruct. lorsalr AMBKKGKL BROTHERS. W holn«le Dry GoodaMer priii i spill ortuw*. M Snail New ^ «*rk. and H chanu. b< -rtli veal comar Mam and Filth etreru by all rvfwcfahb- draryi-^ in tl».- I ni*.-d Stat»- *U»iA*A FALL# I I R*»Pl lN PATENT MF.DU INK OFFICE, t..torwrw«. 7G Naaraii -treet, N w York M) Emtera Tram# at 4 A. M.. \TM J. REDPATH A CO.. In A. M-. u4ft M dly Proprietor*. ARTF.R A JQCETT. Forwardinr and General tom Marchaate Fourth iuiA^d Main at . bat. Third and MILLER’S PILES.

RUMP A WELSH IkxAmller staboner Ac . Fourth naarract t'REii onlt by SaffiSagasw M. etn. .-t. near Market STEWART. MILLER 8c CO, rbftubU and Drn#gi-l.-, »D WLok-ak TIUIX~l1.iflitod, I'obbttrr. ud WtM.Hi * luviuioai .t lo w'ciwcb , No. 392 Main Street, . tiL . y y •Imaib favaraljo tr I FUtoburv. uud W WASHI NGTON...A|*rfl IF May i; May 21 I .<>uL-ville, Dec. 14, 1 k3*’*. WHnc for .11 it, K LOUISVILLE. KY. HERMANN Mu. 17 June 14 June P TO AND FROM CINCINNATI WASH IN 4iToN...June 14 July 12 July l*. I Watches ' between Third and Fourth And for Hair by Drag^rt* gcnorall y aug 1 dtf and Jewelry. Dissolution. July 1 lURMANN 12 Aug. 1# Aug. 12 I X* I'oM »nd silver Watdieo. . and phonal. Third Arret. . liuanland V.-*i a ' AWMIlf A CO Hotel . y tsm~^ieg^ i«rlOpr-l>i|>i>r ..Aug. !» Ss j-t. | CwTf nPilL a. I> a.- nrwTTCTDV WASHINGTON. 7 Sept. Id I * 1 gg- MILKS tii.mditolud betwai and Market DENTISTRY. N4 ‘ imuiIuk-, in., Q Maia ( pi.in Sept, d 4 ^ t HERMANN ht. 4 4M. Jto*vlrj 11 ' lut- [ 3. ; Umovivt*. pin*. Kiriv-. vUw. .,m . mui THUS U 1 KEKMAV D. D. S ' ,l:‘ 1 -'.' , LOUISVILLE ,|r ti>« vntlr Wfcotari. UuuW. is Fuocy > \v r!-t . . .4 »rt. AND r'RCTCBKK* Mtuxa WASH I N4»T4 *N 4 Nor. | Nov. £ Ibitt'.u*. LEXINGTON o/a. i>' Mi'lV-'Vn Ui. - - .ud Silver .ud AND . Pui. d IV.r, * of Huitmi. re. Md.. r. . lull, ufl.r- hi. iiM i V UJJ-. Yavtety Owl<4iooua 411 Maiattrar! niwivnl GH«, Nov. 1 Nov. ' Y~ U*- HERMANN » hr. ? .u«l for Mlc low by .1 |»_ ‘ lh h : KSTUI'I F LEXINGTON AND . fc M WASHINGTON . Nov. £ D *c 27 Dec. 31 ourth COVINGTON . **™**’ - *“ , ‘Tri’T.r ySEZut. W F lo*lwi*ci, Mniu iind Murlivt. C’ ^i'iZ Stopping #t Southampton. b**tb going anderan TMIE undesigned continue* the NON J H Lwalir In Milliner) and Fancy Good*, in tb«- n*u*t and durable uianrur. He can be con 44i HARDWARE biisinnai AN Xo. Jvff.*r*on -trv.». r r,l n tu vle •* -un*1 ,,f «* .djoilihiy *~ ri4U ». : l-ort-Olti .•«. £' Mt th * * ?“ A. I Ml l*ls.% 4 1 ». —• i J ,\ ipfc$BB• .No St.i . ,tith affa •tree' ( , trasaar 42’ Market eultod at Dr. Goddard’*, corner of alnut and Fifth i»uveu. PA84AWE non TO aot'Tf! AMTI.OX A> I* HKK.UFN. *Sr jaesaaf J / MY Ton L* li- W office ot the - DKPMW. at th.* r,uu ^L**ui.-Mlle^ and I ranktort 1 •>* street, Mammoth » ltailroa.1 W** Main m*rood door liefctv rlurhin* [tewol I Ih pot o«»r- the Hauk ot I .>ul* *— y tBfJTt Dral can- In Hat#. Cage, and . Fir-'t 4 a bin. Malu Saloon. gl!U>; First C abin, I I of dr**vri; li nvrof .rcfT r*., io.um'.h.i-omW— yoruvrof lour Emrv a. W C A BCV. _ , Lower Sa- D .mi Bro .k villv. . I.. rv *»•*• h „el 1 a. . —: N "’T n nv.tly <. etnme. Mr .lw. i:d.*rd Hu-k*. -ir^t'. .,^ Uw !i ?. t.ciit,.d Stvniil SAM'tl (il l L, ll.rdvll.ruv Will bv I wiU iJi,. uteunm- t«lh.- < in iltototaSl.t'ru'l.ui. | Ou°4a.Goode, ss>more Su.No. LammutLterall# Hotel. (' gfrmmr rrmt to istndan- ruU.tn.. loon. 11 '*: Second do. gdo. 4 M.rkiay pUtr, >to dlf sup t. . -n o Te.- 1STFar Ai g«cl ^ (of plain Lou. A Kr.uK. .ud**ud will bvbe iy l.d tot.. w.itwait CY ami orua'tn<*nt.ltoyln)lnrop- ! wad Lrr dr ooou .11 wb<>»h., Fra civ* (i 're. •» i*-;,- nk K.'lL I maym,v clve him . rill*.11 i 1 . i- — » . rally Dr T L.»« kerman. Baltttn M<1 . a- a letter# 4 II. Y\n 'TfiGY a aii Mi iif g Dealer#fr< n r ir All and w 3 ;ia|u*i> niOBt j»au thmngb the Po«t- I P-l'-r. cut to Auf. I... I XU.. Ami all mforwaaikM 1AICKS0N A GILMORE. in Firaarnw.iwMmi’ Ac..**” ordvr pn.u.|.tly,' AlpL.lv'l* JAJAs.S. II.n. wokcestck k tlfii ul 1 f- el HUroHTEK.si.AUiiHTKK. -g / and Alii! iKuti-t confident lhai b. wiUgivr | wtoithe 1 Sfjjrftu 'US ofhe»*. and I it-iire** in -et# **H ?- Yloun.aun . ah<« w acroet. botveeu e«iu#tantly ADAMS a -uurrior lioii-*-. W^fSSSmSt Main and Market. , wrusd dou I Third *>n haml. EXPRESS I «n*ea mt dmeiftaUr him. COMPANY I loth* and 1 *nd do recommend No bill# •>{ l.i dim- will lx- -igm-d or t*arreb> rec* the t LI a«im#re*. silk and <»!k Z ; ,2Sl2^JSKr!T si ivod on ^ MBERMEN'S LINES 1 VvItwc Vesting llonra IliuJ.iiug; an ICKIN^ON J>0JNO 4A*. ^DealerWlysin SlsStaamboa:pibu. eadand H»i»Uouee of '*niN*rioraiuili;r alwai * Copartnership. PIA\0-F0RTE MWI »nj lildlg-Ob - Sr roto-ni'i-d b*-rto>t-ri 1 (mu u- da> of -ailing. »iATi„rKt«c,«r.! FUTORV AND hr«wut au.l If 'urehbin*umtaiiint Good*.fr»od. 7* PenrthFourth «nvtaCrrat I #* SltS U ^hri Jetf*-r-on4'ountv. \ I this day taken uty «'M II OUU1IAKD. An ' Xierit need Surge<*n attached to HAVE Mr. JOSEPH intn n#rt ~ L each -hi|». I jWB* WKRXFw KKN Kioto r,rt- WAREROOMS, - al feel f — I n. r-l.ip.ivilip. LUCANl! *> SAMTORD.aM OKD WbolmateWb Ibmterinlb-lee is Dry Good#.Oou*« fndgftit or nonage apjdy A STATI.M KNT r**p*rlin« tlio.ff.ir, 1 * m Thv -tyl* of thvth.- hrmfirm i* For to 0f the Adam* Ki- i-.li)IINJolIN KITTS AAin« n UNION BAKERY ( I *rsrr 444 #cro#t.ttrar\ 4'. vwpaa>, state •uniiaat Jutul>*> L*• Imrire.ih nn MamMato HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS! 11 SAND. 11 South William street, BJ^w York. to an art <*f the |..,gi.u JtillN Mrrrl anil Third » and Wave yowr JoUX KITTKI TTSfi. Av.nnv order*. , ‘ ' ib r lld tun -il t ' *' inform I k*- lit tick , entitled ' lu- — 4 . • Act An I lAKWITTI hF WITT Aa MILLS.MfLL> Saddle ssdand HamemHantoto ManufacturMssuiseiur . . - A. lll.INEKI.N A: "4k.. Breineu. fr315l*.rrivnd.and!ih?thr .Z? roueernim; iJMCtur mm . .Vis- YORK. MO’t public 4 __ " - «vocr»IK tb.i hi* h.» r.-- binpanira. aud numbered THr Ill«.Ker*. ii MaiLKA, r.,:r.*#a. 4 RoSkEY »v 4 «».. S'nithumjn. 731. declaring NiidToninauie>- CopalCopartnership.tilerskip...... "MX1BC3UXK i od let r Olfa v*WHM Hotob fcPPtN J L. Manofaeturw- and Dealer is Clothing ...... °**^ Ninth ^ X*w 1York,*JW, „ krwkto! ,,n ...... , , - nnd Market ptr»*«-G. where he is aruclet. entrusted t*> their care AH|HdAucn*t 1,1 . 1C.1 -K. ,, n h Fsrnshinr t>oo4e. cor. Fourth and Market na .Id to fi:rui,h .11 * of tho r—Me .t,t* U end B1 J. C. BAKI.K (0,, Iirlirlr- i u hi* line K UD ^*r'lrn v*l h»v* cui.tvI rtr, 'M-,l ^ | PRLPAKLD 4 with iurreed f«. T« Into . coimrtnrr-hlD fur K.OWS T (•laxirou and New Vork Sleamship (u.'s th.; ,mr,,o „f trwruuu-tinc a i a**-* mrsML. EU.!. iCA . Prodse. and laaaiai« one ol it. di.iinrui-blnr m.rlc. of «at*rk.ritv r rtrictly UoiBmat, < ,,S|- 1 1 Ah. a. ^ *'n,p,r **“ e-.~ r SU lb-*—. Butter. MI»lON bur-UR-- iu till* citv under the -Ivle M* )i* dtf D Merchant.. Mn&arM. other bmud, of , si. rutur nlwtov of that peru- SPLENDID AND POWERFUL STEAMERS. I SfclU.'.'rtL JSsSwSSSSSBSSgot hi VIK- H * St |g over W.V'r'^uT?*^^ ‘‘V' ? . P GGLP. Condnrtwr. 1' ' Ud S“‘la ' NIL. Ml 5 r‘t‘*- r*. Bred EDO. K.A. o, ! ,alor ! wad Wiu. Din*n.orv. rtAWFJ A *LATON. Dnmkb and Agotbecarie#. Mo* li*r nauevur and di -agree* bl« tUvor and -’If. usvr iu- P ^ Commander*. Uak,** *,f nil kitfd* U. \.-w Yort X. y. jV..~t.^tlT;uito.?.^» to any huaine.— « ntruoled to u-. ear earner Foorth aad -IrRerwon etre^o- #et 4 Ml ami imj«*rf.*cU> made. "i 4 . to* UDINITRG. 2..VD ton-, « lmim.; Edward* s. Sanford. Lsni.i liailAnc. ar*W«- from daddy Wn k> > '" Phihtd. ’phia, i»*i illr aii.l ^* NUNN Y <>I:K.2.1fW*2.1S*.|o:*v i, hrrv f,,TV »*«dow#d Frankfort an# >‘ w ORK ton-. R.JIi’t upon HEX A. \.- » l mn *** taken wiih-*ur dier«-lb-h bi th* iu*>^*en-ittv«- L Roii’t t’nate;Oalo; Samuel M Shoe maker. BY DCMKriXIL, Vkl'MKT C I A A V Manufacturer* ol Vr lk>ok 1^- m hl» lic^ieaa bte^ l?aSr *F*“ Raitiaior*, Md 4 r< 1 1,‘<02 hi* “' - mprriorti- in and olh.-r iui|a»rmt.i char- i*Ssi£raH*i»? 5ml »LAS W, 1>. ton#,tow. JohnJo.., Din* an; b 1 George Y\ . Ca#*, KOIIKKT A. BFJ.L. Le\iiiBtou Pnmtimg Pnyn MomaH.. It# Uu. ] *iUI PitUbun, I*a. and l) CMunitr^ r to pail A? '“cLmtoLio^^ Frankfort * - • tire- Arc «tq/o4Uie4 Janie* M. ho WJI. ar’.-n*t»c# of gmiuiien- bx- yuarmnt. d for Ik IVIU. *“ r in i won, SpHiigield, Mae „ MI KDOCK. \AVinniNA a IwaWiMkMikAv*r " HLto'Mxae r 4 •*Acrcc -’ TtardTWrA JAUOl: aJ; > " of the «muM-nt ot tt*«* tui-dirai lacul* HUH!nio.M BLASROW«l,A8UO\Y. -1 MKRKKIL 4 lapp Mpoonar, llridg«*!«ort, FR.AXLTS RAI,* ll nw-adauoa *M rir ird.*r.l.*ft „ , Uoaa K McILVAlXE. 80 A ' " D" wraet. near Market EDIUPIMIURfl.N BURG, loth December.Uvrrmbrr. n » >"h ^rwi, brt»€W Johnston Liviug-ion. tbrburta.at the SUU* NUHTr- l l fi * n , New York .n w • \ v Ml ETON. Dealen in * CI.AMMIW.GLASGOW. 3-I-'let DIb-mubrr.-eembt r. U>rT #»rbrt, John ItiiurliAin, *‘ VARTS A Looking *Glamee. |t d the eftetud renrdy lor (obMini|dit;u. Broi Moth,viuTL rflwill receive ' l'* ?; - MW Philadelphia, pa.* l#tr11 14th14iL prompt attention. E Wall-paper . Aw Ml Mala Ciert rhiti*. Scrofula. Ac., and may b*- liad in but NEW YORK. January. Rnfu* B. Kin-ley. Newport. Kbewnatbnn. R. I. I INSULANt I. (JOMPAKY. comar Main tic- of the Aruggum-in thieau or of UKBuuiulwUuvri. FROMHOY! NEHNEW YORK. The fier-on- intere-ted -*1*’ ABLE-BODIED Winter riLL>UTY YORK. \Y’\I L /!» i v n a- ce»!ut qug trust are the Damndl, Xardark, A Cm!, *' NV^Yo’rk UNMARRIED Arrangement for NEWN EW YORK. Saturday.Saturday, 2nthj-.nh November, at aVl. *toek MEN 1A56 and 1857 12, M. 1 . I II \ i K 1 the different state*. ”K EE*>' . - . *^* « 4 il : — GLASGciW.A'MlW. Saturday.>atnrdav. OthOtb December, at COMMISSION Th!^ Hand want- \. 12 . M. A-wrri a / j /. . . MERCHANTS, hm^Tuk^Vara orTur!^ J'^* g s a* TYEftTnwrDUI^&ICrlVER "• lurtbv 1 uired «>.;*- EDINBURG.LDlNBUKtE Saturday,Saturday. litthii*h January,Jauuan*. at AND MANUFACTURER ' •SAt. [tn,wn«en »r.mr 4 kN and alter A and BolUit otree* 1212,, M. Ws xi:w york - r,^ !“ U i*err month.toon- ” a# fe i KiSSSttSTil.* I toAh, nw ; CHEMICAL BATHS. .mo»u| Ol flvl W ELECTRO KATRSOFHATE** OF PASSARE. OF FIRST r.plml jmpluywl , , '‘V \ f P IVatee in Mimical laftrntnent# PASSACE. CLASS in Uiv bu-dn, ** tiTir»~ ni on Beaver,, ,l i ^AULDS D of mi, ; and ' 1 mar areadapluJ n» ter* ati'l < ( ompwny iu thv st.,.- Wall -IrveL jm\ * Manilla. Hemp. • ..ruin j# — :^T laaiw. . : -I From In-iiow FrsnFrom New York:\ ork: f K. nturk v i*. .. * J These u.k iir.,i c-fiite' f I Sheet Mote* W» Main «m-*t V A 11 T T." P \\’ v I> UJ UU| rhl “r,‘ 4o *" with fnrui-h. 1 ^ ** ** .-•. : %y ro|»e.»r .». 4 -# V * »ik Fln*t1 r-t 4. lo A cwu bv rt.in.-.L an l 1 U guinea*-guinea- , Uir«tUir-l Cla.-* j|i7i \\ It j*j. tvn thoiiMnJ , . . “I uwke , ^, 7^ A duU.r* iui ^ rn l a an * ,! |, ’“* ‘ •* Steerage,bleeraye. foundfonnd with ( ornrrof "' m * on rore'lfnmenu rth from loo to * tit. -treet. Steerage,steerage, found with SixlkuteCuuri r ,l*” of We-u-rn lou.ouu feet. ^ 4 apat)ur L^abh-rim* on tH*coud Fixer, -'•““fvn* .bow I»r • . tK ‘l: ia£a! •named, do to the above and mt hall . cooked imoviaonf*.provteou-. licrebi *u*'rvv'th 't’l'"*? Tfirm by the „{ the rf,(w-w»lk. 8 do ! coco*»kedfked ^w*-- w Walnut anti Cbertuut etrr**t«. | provteion# 30 LOUISVILLE KY. b - ,'*’ rUrri’HCl: A* BMMVETT. Db«ier# u* Jewilr> aod ml 1 Ul MKfiXII. BELL. * CO., 43 y to "ld cJ IO Cuuipauy .1 * All Wall -t. Til. • thoienc.’ «f tbe#e Mali.- ha- n«.#r le-en fnil t’-fted bv An eutericnced•xjH*ri«-nc«»d SurgeanSurg» «*n nttarhmatTarhiii tolo each Steamer. order- thankfully received Trey, X. Y. Steamer. und nromntlv atf. n. 1 , ,1 o7d'm"“ I wtnwarr. 4fc Main r 4 . ‘ t — nnuilier rhemtete and |A»>tciane in France a- well a- For freight or iNurageni'i'lyage to j. H, *mid.*nUy ref.-: - to hi- a of avidy J V,M*SYSY M<\D»N.»N . ii»imeroiwfHtfi»daan traatom' POSITIVELY AT COST, Copartnership — I 'ONDa A MwKRIS Whol— 1# Gfoour# and (Wrerai «*f our large Ea#leru citie*. and the fact ha- b**i u No. 17 way. ' " Notice. r*, ____ Comma iu Broad New fork. WnU a our ,u* u ' " thi- mil da. ul April, CLARK ] Aon Merchant#. 4* Third drwt N**w bills ^ ! A. D. ®S ®SPOOLPOO 51 and F lull) lablteUud that uk.-4*U*c eutelanccp cau be ri-movod XvwYurttY ork City bill, or gold only received for passage. "^d'i i-*; COTTONco \o uimbig: JxrSeZL*:? SgEttEZZit F* ™ mg-Mlie. nufc u*f. 1^" & l Irwin. » « ei T \. MMateiilr UMBEL JNO A CO.. B*rf and Pork Packer# and fr *ai the #tem by their a!>}*lie#tiun. W'ii^tft.e-SS^ VIZ ! m e nwixi. to » dvrenfcment of mr I '« ^ ••'rkard. tenf. rtf. ^r London N 4 4>V «4reet UfCiru-4 l Built Ua# ateo rren-ed vary lilriwt w1 " tv-ncUrv .Stir-. **"I*T’i MrWsrwi is orvr# Market TV* krmte U - r<,W,n 1 " r '^ ^ .TlJ-V »u**-d bv dekntow ^ A <>R I > S M. -huvwtoker, ** - U rvhdere cy 7>I DI *' amirntmlimam >•«#-. 1 I- ( - I in the treatment of |*aral llb«Hiiiiatiem. obstinate cuta- a (.AITKL- \ l.ry wirtwn „f Lwdi.-*' 1 XCAX, ~ ud *'•'“** from bo it L^mtan-.n Wholesale Groerri and < ommkeion J %^Z‘r r 1 ’^SKSu. ? -m*-- hu SR-'e^ri- L Gaiter*. For #al»- cheap bv WHOLESALE j»«l> l.i*o^. K«>K lh ‘Til livr..ij.* «™i *»»* «**“» ^yilwr DEALER IN J®h“ Il.VXKA.XK •TMacuotor, *. #«« .. nmar, furm*:.for t* «. '““fham. SMITH, MACHINE m* • tol*»J. 4im renanu. 41 -j Mutu dm j'.dVn-'.n •• GUTHRIE, te f' 4 i. SBVI.Xd “i or.t..n, niewu.,1 "* a, * .* to rwto- . fuuulu uf,lf meumry will 1 tuouey „ Fi r.-.a* wl,o ns dcsiroa* to u» the* ii.Hi- pi*. joxk8 sxypkk. SuM by thv yrinciitoi K.ncv .Utl "T* rv~ * r by . Ffwifivil«,*eeified tuuv.time. WitWnn , , !— |>r> (Kv>d> »- wm" • Grocm*yum—. »m 4 4—»I#h*b Merchant. Mt Wr*’*M' *“* |2A« 4 SILKS, LINEN'S, 1 to i “ tanmernm to!T5*.«££ " #t.i4* i*> DR 1 'YsPVRl — AND F\N(’V tliTou»hoot thv l uion. aud direct .**. *1 rm na cwK m *,wk,m*r* J| DRESS T. u. Lm..x from thX r iJ^3bVisS Mala mreet. briveea boroad aad ThuiL 1 ptatkoi w. " rkTm 1 i*>\nkvlvama: ntunxw w m 'imu* i« dtf Second 4E, bet. Walnut and Cfcmtuut. mi*, bboo*. pwudvy. Scotland, " *t. 444 h,-f..rv .... co., .-ia:a*a#, < * Gun# rwt #,dfc.. Fiftl»#L. bre Maui and Mark*-: mmmf du J QMNr-..)4> NKS *te SNYDER.tMUKK. NO. MAIN STREET, LOUISYILLF., KENTUCKY. van.* <„>.r«e W. Cam, EreMdrot [ -gn^gi READ THIS'THIS’ of th^dTiui •* , '‘ I h.T* .vailed mv-elf of the bvrt at ~..ib AL i.l *N M- * D**Wt ui Stave*. Mr«n4 acred, hr- “d ,hml ,h " nuu-keto in fUirope .ud e.^terik JfSSC: _L a 4 s: l I' t. ii x^ i I AADIEb*l KID RLIPsl BL'SKl .lu^t Iu receipt furvaniaa -t.lv. n * * ta * ? a n n n f AliU s NS.— n-cived im ui *1 i 1 bv «iasa n t t AND BL , d i^'nrX*n.Th?“h^** iv.nt l») Oe nrehto. 'eT%. for (T rwts»c Main and Market 1* ^ | him U true a«’cordine to th*, k._> ll AUCTION a i to », «o* k ,.f Ti!m ii ^ IteM -krlfcr DI(T0K>1MM T0KS LLK01LEK01 A4. PELTIER'SL L 1 I L It by rkm "f AND ROBT. L. WATiHfi 1-25UH COMMISSION •; helnnune JS\j MAITLAND into L jJONES 4k SDRI.VG knowledge .» tec., -rwiu SNYDER. , *^& I £ Sta# KypHt a and belief. <: v & CO ELLY and w..- flnnPiK ^^TL ? i^nuTLSi., haw beught Ue- Seal Ii Wi Unmm ^r^ful v mtiir, th.' V CAtjfi. ITw. nuntiuu Ilf Compound Mixture for aU nierchanGi vuftingri i the.r market. L’]J/t No. « Beawr Ftrwt, Xvw Y ork, ttrart. batwraa Fonrte Ill- , _ 11 good# are selected with L \[ | WUiAULNOTICE I notice.- ITT oy 1 1 piTTSBt-K.i. C greMcareaud will b*-#..ld oumyof , MERCH Alleehrnv TS, 1'ouM.iin.iou >1 . lion, t ritiary out! on raaainible A rr.-l.nut. iMwteria W.trho., Afc of Ihr Orson, term# il^UrfS N for Ito IKKCIiBl iU. J. J.. Ji welrr. Ac , f N.I* .ni *4*r. l^lfI^HEE t-ub-criber#rubn-fiber# to the *tock#to«'kiuiu the Ma-ou»eMa^ioic arc »a couUnuanta*continuant of the patronauge s»i Store uf jvoiwytvMto. «• Mom Iitrert. iwtwwn Sccoadsnd Third AUrrtion. >olrl>. Temple ar* liberally extended to i ANDA.\D . Frwdnrv. HEALKEIL E , H ‘ “ *“ 4 ESTATE I )>articulaily r que-ted to call at our office lm ll^i r,! , AGENTS, au l nay tlu- " H>v ul.*n*.| that oo thv rlvv. pml ' 1 ,u ,l"' •«**"( . * , uth „ Lv.f Tvbwcco. la-t / X ' uirUlment note upon their idock. la order tliat the cer- I ,f rUl Ij, S*fx l *'• »“•»••«** nw.* h. 4* 121 RANDOLPHRANDOL n^aTdly’*”^*" ; l %Tf Vc?,.Vifui f titicat.-f may be romplly issued w hen called »»*.**!SE4L \'tar* * ur*‘ H i STREET, 121 i for. WM OSBORN, Y. J »»>> actimtnteionur in the state of ** * *d"dif nn ^>'l v mroalTKnrroatTE TTint S**uth. ACOCWt-K |A* ,»* »*.»*d.r„. llLTCillNGS it CO. di — »nia furf..r thvthe StateStot« r,t contT-tiofaB. I! 4 ». i 7^ of Kentucky, g i K-ntuvky, ^ ffilT L E \ If U i:‘ v \ 1l» I* t» r v J I- 1> /, M a Ta.ro between MarKd .)e0er#on LESRLR duUduly authorised a»4 Ol | uutimrl*v*l and»n*l couimtedonedcmmi**iouvd bybv the P. P Tni.i* TiirMio faiibte remedy in the United Siau*T. H.van. J thv bn4iovem.rv,*ni. .r of Kvn-Ken- FHICAGO, PECK & BRO fVmv— lew— I .-uitoUk ml tuck) li “' ILLIS'OIS. Deal r- Straw Hats , and underlr r thel, law#l**' then-ofa#roof (:» o’clock. M—tettete and in I the Briti.-h Prartneea, no* NOTICE and Bonnets !" me nick-uch tot„ take arkn >w|-*w|. FOR K M.. *to| mU aoliuue. ; and inform th« ukcaeka « III civ* CALIFORNIA. mod .'rtvln* U/E * t,, >| , ' , t.romMwt ,i n *° NASH VILI.E. TENS.. vdginent* of ' . tec.,Afy Real Estate, ? ' K totul*la* usedIi- I ornr il -TT and 4 recordedrvv.,r,l. r„ : Tiiruiu.. \ mblx tka they hare mad* arrangement^ tc WILLIAMS’S, LAVS REPORTS Of Oieofeveryery i rt, therein.therein, |»r-iht- N\ vilhw iu th* . it ' K> lev*. Ljurenw demrrintlonlion, -<• r or ,,bl,rt'-* ur Honse*. viXacnally ran W. 4’ • Lot*. |*and*. Corner Cherry .ud U 1 lor #iainl a,' tor a-#, who.• h.*ing,h lu “'»' 7?^ bvwdvrich jtr.-et* Mile t i. ri ' Baok^dier# and Stetsonerr. Main e**HK*aotl> Minfly the beluw named A|xHh«m- A.'liloNs by ' "to* duldulyaui > -worn"wornopn accord-aewrd-»‘-cord. etc., miu thvthe iutvriorinterior? of thi* ,,T I >*w 1 urk imo utoitotoiuaw—-*—and «rmre«tZii in 1 .2 » i.'to. Vi or the adiumiti v u\ So. eu * Uw n>f hat"mlr.i 7 411 FnwlMF — >6 F tbc foregoing riatement v * tlJ. . rdaudk onrth ri«f au twfo'iv***'*• «» York. Urn a. J4-. hUB>CRIBF.!L tm*“,n OoJ, . THK AGENT FOR A- Jl>T received,received. ouro„ r * » Was* . , FHindnj.eBw^toL THE BLAINA _ JUST f„Mf„ll stock^roek of IitYN . 'T ^me. realRE.YL T BONNETS\ . Stestate.TF • .ti'lihvn FT< . . V to ti,.-:r -r. I V \ Dte VY Ni y LY N 1 IP IN iu wrh.ir.ififh** r , b«ve * y *-k ,f FVMIIY WORK s. Wale-, is pre XiKlBBO.NY,W«l*uNb. Eli*», tec. 1 « ^I have hereunto A, FLGWLUfLtec.FLOW I *, . #et royiny TheTo.* t I hand m ladle*lien are inviinvi’ -J? , and ST‘»4 K* » VIA 1 BONDS C«»At XIGARAOUA. pared it. enter into engagene for 3j^fe.l't—l .ftixedm*Bd mmy »*hcuUotbctol lb*tbe HU. KEKTTS. DU the delivery of mt tou. r.llrail . > avS fi.yday r b..ve KOCKAWAYA luil- Vy ii- and.u-1 examinevmiiiu* f..rf,.r tbein#e|v«Jth. u.-l* *. Ad y,*y.wr »h..wH written.Wrttt. n. v / Ml Sril V\l,I«r — -- BAKUl 1 IIKS, .nd SHORTEST «Tt ra > any |« rt in Cauada or the ulled state*. ~~SL— BKilJIES ..f th* ROUTE BY 700 , l i Ord.Drdersr, promptly I The President premiitlyatk-udvdattended I...!.. CII.II. MoCLl'REMcCLl’RK j »«b North idderid* J,-ff,-rJeffi*r- ,. HATH,H A YH, n*nnnn* moot ' twice and -alutannal finuh. aud Engineer* of ihe varioue road* in #nu, between W. uunufaeiure aL*o I fe»t .nd JlSl ni n ton id Yiggiiua and North ! KtoTfetw.-n Third »B.land Fourth. LumCom.- torfor Kentucky 4 toto. i. he full tested and nniodlj e#t* 1 4L-hed befot fourth, l-ml-vtll*,Ijoni-ville, Ky. «-»; Ktmlady in Pcun*> IvwmuIvauia. Of «vvnr dwri|.tion, ML1 IS JUUtMBl ten ti^l S < t«-*tifv -ii uithrr .! their niL'^i'ir J»n Uaiy arolttu nn to the quality and***“ make vf the Iteii- ini'io'lto'rt of ' t udiuy II. ITurtvcu yt*r-‘ trial Eu lull, , * I"****! *’},* luil.- Omerm flood Mara.ht, tmtod il* . fieri , , , . nixed goad in r ,,‘d Com/ortmble Stage, uli 1 Fowrt * i *ta*u “‘,'' them, mud iu Lowi-viik- In* hua Sap't Lon. A Fr.uK A and r*-uiov*d liMMr |wvjudwv*wliir.;r . . MAJI’ Kv n- uow eutojdrted. Th* -..u.r. .nt;,.!.,-., H j * b*oi, LB 1 * « tffiee in 4>IA “* dU e I'diurt Place. j»; KULROID. rh«ra Chftek Cnnrrima. 4*i4-.-t spMuuodie I ten*burg, Virginia. um diy itoto.-u^ r. .nd fivlobttn ioia to the JOHN r A CO„ Grocery and (bniDHioD ntrtetufw Uh* wtounr—wltorvvw.i. theI .vowKuy dl,v - OWARD f— _ , , N. bmlgia of th# biadder *od l rvliira. Art* < tore IT posurs ia -mail boa:#. . U'»u the mm m H. M -reliant#. Main «r«v between Third and Fourth of I , M • ’ ! « snv I.BA TZ . .. Kt4n> y#. Inrontim nc« of th.* I rim. \\ lit.-*. Ac., tut Coal Coal Coal Weu w ill oi#o give cmuwn ANPXXWBXUUW j.J. alua.mux.ALXXANKKX. rTC-niNOS k OO.. Bankers, comer uf Maui and -iun. C. -V. TRANSPORTATION FOR 1857. special attention to te n- residing at a di*iano- w t vented under*ign.*d ke«-p rourtanti) Great Ce pn t roux wins it oj- ou hand the beet qual- Sailing Days Till: Atismth* ettte# Hisltelttt; etre+iff. 1 ; — XKGlITlATIXaNic.4»naTi*a loans onON m>XMnoxiwt CARY GRATZ &8c CO. 24th of Each Month l A" *':— itoouldn-.* be pr..eur.-d Uj «»t 4 ax»AX9 1 with W-toU/ intheir viriuit-. . mud th. Ihtteburg -jal. at the |.>w»**f priies. Orth e al T7I T V XOKTttAOU,moxtoaolo. difficult v the IV \| VI I I T II V « 9 KNI ,: l - I ' pi"tu|'ii> obtaining it b*wrr4'ity Steamboat * 1 1 whereinwh.-rein theih* E\ EfL\ L CO1 M M IS> n \ MMt1 KCHK.CIi T.S. Ns. >i CHS ot b* S<-aie*, investment |' ANANTS. X..»Lrv*eI^v«« EM Gge.l I Gout u* ing great. Thi# aud the Coal Water street . between Third aud and City UpholsterersUpholsterers. t inv*Ftment will beh* secure-*ure at.t largelire* ( TL r MEoregit ky • c, torn too* 4 4 rwto^-2? V , interwstiut.r*-! (' i .ty\ I ^ -K^'-~-2?b|* * and"I > Commercialtumorerekl tore-to.-trt et, Saiutreuu. . Loui#.Louto >an ii • luoan UeiusbUr for it have aum-d it to le- exn*UHv*db F- urt F4IRWAP, .. mu ii dly-d1>* fei ol I M i^-dwire wWi ito! at cetin- DING* AND i ouad- us*.re Ffeto-la cwuto Ua* toitoai.-re to .11 port, , pwaad th, FLAGS KK ALL KK.SCKI rTIOXS, COMMISSION LIMKRAI. .ami AI.VANO-s iw n* atom I am terfeited. and #ol«l Loiiutv ille - v\ <-ri»K ami oilier i ... Merch.i|,| J.. I kind. by trod, inland Mixture, a* 11 a# diff-r. »C NatireaM*. Line# to and from the .nd GREAT r ‘ turii l-'Vto tl w nt pricer from NEW EMBROIDERY Eastern Cities. INDUCEMENTS OFFERING THEfilenmJiip ' --o N-rthw.to.-ra Lake*; pi TEWKSSEE. 1 nutoa* STORE v'S^Uu^ th7r7'blX, ^ * may de|Hrnd ui*mU f Ta wwtoiie to gi The genuine Mixture ha- ne%-er I. n sold MADE IS TIIE REST if. I i I hrough receipt# given forfo Merchandi#c i»r. #- in any I T XXER and promptn* N . THORNTON, Fourth #tn-et, i# * Produc**. ! ou our j«»n in J now o|MAMA .o.l -:u. AYIA 4:RAIG. a- 4 0.. rtnlui tu Hate. Cup#, tec., and MARCELLUS, borinm yin illaviv fovTtahave in ourn?r line.II uKIZAK.4 »M. rirreuita. esrsblirbcd agence r. the prlcr | RAMSEY A BROTHER’S, i* now rcduc«‘d lo A3 per public generally. The follow ing embrace " ’ >1 r.RKA XN ATABAADA fruuifruni >.uSau Juan del street#. a i«art of hi# I elrert. .'ud.Sud. uaunite*Ih* 1 !*o- eorrw of Ffunh and Main 1 Third bet,rent Market T.T- BU.- LEMON.LEMON FHCfT U.AS-. u. xh.w» ll.t* »n.l' H baRle. •tuck;giticks and Jefftreon. re*7VT17 Pacific, lor >ann fFranete-o.ranct*ro. | 9 1 Capo. tv->ln. |ir> i#- teiiabui*- SAM’L. teuctAoarar. No. buu street, be- In all uncomplicated cases 'lIF- u"u* r.J^uvd, bavin. t-uu-rvil ciias.1 bi:im»m. bsio VMaN Mom one botU*- will eff.wt s car. French Embroidered 1 into co|iartu**r*hip nu The arrange meat#n*uu ufA thi#::.i- Lin.I .n. b*tasbring uuwnuw xfex. lto» lha. Collar- and Sleeve#; cuag^in., x«r. complete*..*;’!*(*, pa#pne- .ul A" -U- : . - K* Fourth. description A d. r lit* .I* ,v. firm, BANKING i_oa TjG. W. OSBORN.. I.-m’* iV w ., Kv- ml b.^- twcua Third and Se# ot genuin* article ar.- HOI SES. - r-i H below, and also a Treat \ alencieun.*- Lace do do; nuw prepared to * x*cut* .11 „r- UK*LkC ta iik'« .ia makotWtk»ihr (riptnp withoutwitbuat .varoffear of skkuea*aickarwuror dev-ndrv-a- K ret here. lure. Me . NIYol fcseto h*- had o! Agent- gratis d*r- ,:.|*-rtainintM...u.l •'•r* thins ACK A BR« »THrX sab Grocer*and Oommiwdon Bru*e>l# do couu.vtvi with thv Ip. ' lion tot th* Itohmne. J do do; 1 LAfia— Dam—fe fc X , -‘-—'n, I per*. »n# affiicted are strongly holstvn Im-Iuv- m all it* ^ . MUAD J M#mhauts. 6I Mainstraet recommended to tn* it; only Trench Embroidered Jat -net varem-lirauch.-*. Th*v have now KXGL18U, SWISS. I hildren under•tor ulx year, half„ vnrr;prire; under,under « Collar- and Sleeve-, I EXCHANGE AND BANKING HOUSE AM) AMEItH.VX -ireru••oarh-ri-rirer prire. .tourtre.- red Ttrkias da .iretw 4 I w ill h i >N TRIAL convince mrut them of tl* efficacy, lo* well do ffiFitINii AXI) Fur freight urir 1 iurere,aretoe. applv.pplv ..alvI;i a. a# _ do do and ffiri## Collar#: V OTIIKK MAT- ID A. M. Pxriiiw wL-hing good# *uid GOLI. AX1> SII.VEK WAT4 II ES, , t« Pru*«ua rerk.i. Hardware. r ;«-riorit c ' 1 fi and return on the fol- Lre.h.r -Je. per Is, Ito. iu over every pr. iF* ration now used for aimilai lloniton snuarc t , par **d to till all order* at *liort uutiee. OF III T('lll\c;s ( o. Lace Collar-; 1 A lowing day# will t-cud their FASHIONABLE J KWELKY. ehas. Morgan a ««ixs. rulto ‘ m coneigiiuienu .. na .r tone*,. i>un Black Silk-. Linen-, and Handkerchief,.; hating lor many year* SKKVKYt'IW t conducted T. II. OVi PASSES. DIAMONDS (in *reK.). It.aip, itoruu. tout p .rk, < . Manufacturer* ii t»«tei I effi-cts without the I phol*tery >- LEW It. G A and Dealer^ the bu-im ON YLE 0 I nau-ea uruall; attending the od- iiiack >.*k liuir, m their individual capa- A (O, NN ATl il-M Bonnet Rjbbuu*. tec. AK KKS' M AT EKI ALS. l tolled Juotoi or la »reA . Toharee. he 4»*>per. Sn c:-lr»n Wars. 377 street lotetecratt a of city ui thi- city, they flatter N ' T1IK und* r-ijra**l hare jiiA amt IM Ito K Tin. and Main o Uisiba. ih-jusdvt* that thev T ‘‘ reo-ive.1 a bare* J. T. can reader rn,,,< k, muu J,or 121 ki.im ks at wholesale: ami utoaufavtured u-rrept THORNTON. every athtf I RaudoI h »treet. Chicago. • retail. re~.rtm.-nt •( lor- or cat). W* #troacty recommend tbU Mixtur» In those old ** action und- r thvir new firm, a# well 7urev^ > P DlinoU. I'lAMoXK JEWELKY ..t rmlimm and mgm Next in the "u^lXwn'.7l1 door to iMirkec, Heath, te I ^re. MAXrKAl Tl'KKKS <>F SIVKK-WARE. caotw Go. mechanical ex. cutiou Ih.*inaiid axx ItoPlto,!tott*ru., ai*otore f obdtinate of Gleet in male*, and of their w ork and Tiiue Bill.- I' CORVLCORAL a# in on all ' uiruixu J JEWELRY ..f thvth* White# in females. the quality and the principal eiti**# fob salk a lakhk t'.E.PAIKINt. netuk-4 : .. in the awol nt or IS KV FRY DEPARTMENT. ..TT *,. , • Tl F ‘ h - il price of the wurkmarelur. " Orea. * lte harms* patient# *o much both in bod v material# u*d. They solicit a Unitedt Stab1 #,#. in #«un#stun# to #uit 4ha##'t-t'“'((e Th*> have tore na* .. - V and mind #liare of public ! to #uU ptirchaaefs,purcha-H-r.-. ti*“4‘all [ forf».r mlr*ale at favora-favu rji aud examine. 'F-NT CHARLU-S J-, , Mutecal In#trum* nG For Sale. i^J^st* rji tn 1 '*'* jiatronage. j )' 1 ' II ES. made to- th* n,..to H would be well, in car. * of 4 urouic Gouorrbu-a and HUfiH We rat.*. reiebr. ~i n.ak*re. »a.l, in I WILKINS, ^ HO ^ls;|.> atrret.airret. f ^ -1- Main»»» Ill.A' ^ 1 Gleet, to ti*». in connect iu n with th- ^~T\,- .4, 8ECOXP-UA5IP KSMITIIS* >'* “ IT tOCk ^ 9 fact, everything u#uaUjr hrpt iu Jesrelry *t«r*w. Mixture, < ' * 9 will I T"jf‘ our amj.hu- m ^ KAXIEI. MAJtt ELLl S nd BulH° n hwimM tran*act«*d on fa- Within>N ttbiu the limitslimit* 1: A- K A”h. ' nearly ofthe^of the < I /o-okto^ 1 sutioner. BELLOWS, . City tu ,k... 1 !IS t ^^ ud Monn r.fe , ar** far K lor. >NO\VDF.N. Collection# lUR TO BUY rate, thev w«>ul4 iuvit** ail in *-.*il ; Coll'-rtioit# made uionupon all I «nd «v STAPLES & CHAMBERLAIN, .11 [""lit,,noinG. 1-4 4 F H K vl i*r hbl. until funher oruer Floy d mud ' ndss. . Urwler. in *>ieton. wiebinr >\ a*hiugton #ts. ' lr> ITTS JOHN fe co W.tchto, Jewelry. Ph to try th* Mixture .ud Iu.-eti.iu iu kviuittuuci-. to Euir,",- .ii.! t.rv.r Britain. AT ..ricks xurt may 1J> dtf »»;««j'^ KMESTS atches, an# , »*g j GRAIN.—JO ora i-er !uo ib*. uauI further notice. torevt. bet. , J«w#lry, M K Slrtf-wnre. 4m.. Mniu Foarth and Fifth. .ur oh**tin«P- vioh* will lw lurnirired with both .t eo**r. FORH' n v gascy UouSs 7 r :y-y ABIUMi ,IM> 4t OjI.0 >i MISSION’ ^»’#nleln#u«usorXlaii«l up. V^Li 4 OTT4YN4»N. bate, MISSION | f^“» t*>™* 4jTT S3*2 per bate, nutnot exceedingrxcwedfc #«lte. weight, until in tfi'.tche., SsreononSdinS » diriane* wjluur ’** '-oufuI*. All kinds of Northern, . Denier Jewriry. Ar . 71 Ki . L. C, Lantern, Soutliern, •J». 000 acre# of CVDEICK WM . and Western ^ ^ r , 1 Land# iu liar Tltom-.U ui> complicated e.u-r where HYDRAULIC FOUNDERY, Bank not* purclia.-. K Y..ird tores. the Minim may have k I * «i at low run-.-. Stale* ol \\ iwcoimiti and AT COST. NOTICE TO MAIL BOATS horthrart Comer 1 ^k Iowa. large 1 of Waehinuton and Floud Street MERCHANTS, L\m. WaititANTa— The A u****niii<-nt of ttel.I and -ilver Wafrh*** THK 4 aptam« arul I N j .* «* ,M-*f «— Ad 5 hishret markvt price rk- of 'drstubi'ab ..a «*- / 1 •* I paid for m ; MARINE I1IPCKAVCI I**!*'. W Tte LAJtD W AftttANTS LoClTf.h <2* 'mark -f f*rran 1 > I d ( l Aiid of all description*, 11 * U.LTHVIU.K KY. IIK At.O. Warrant /V-\ huntim: and open faced, dia- " ' } II.ILL.,I... ! ,. •'"<*'•* I *• • Mmutorewl. b*twe*a K oiirti. Halim. jyj, dtf *• All y -t. rereuri.*d tu th* - .1 Le OKMPANY. ud ?T, „*iSf T"?- t ** hr- u iu- fi-a4 at iV'l ’oni muuk-ation, *ent to soled, sna i •’ '*' '“J’l .H**' O*"'**”* Voter Mreet. our addnre will rer*ire pr,.mpt tA 1 mold meted and plain ram#. J 1"' E rwardta* thv Mail i, uu Uto yaia »r Pfr.tairr be orisVI l. r Ib-fiCRANcEO.MI'AXY aferth ud* m Miii Machinery tr-jiu frontingting IU.III. Cent. Railroad 1 —a. will fcrw.r !*4 withutit d«*niiua L Hof;'. Hlatare^Nlto^dre u^b^.^^rbu'bri^a new pat;eru# get up in the moet NOTICE' altrnt'ou. NVw *t> 1»- Jt-wvlry in whole and half set*, with "‘“J* | - k. a I "Am Kaau.ir» Aaaax*— llama. W«*nul>. R-# ©• Main r**e4 . betwran Third and fourth. n » ilh the siguatare luod'-rn and approved »t;ie;»t;le; Depot. te ta, Inuidi ir. Jk. of “Leftey . aleo.ate*, tobacco, lard, tim* I cauH-t*, iu'KM*ic. and fruit style*. M. D.. Pari*,'' on it a tim- Tenn.; Su«** r. ^CHANGE R. f. te 4;**., SC Louie; P G. O’tob. te te h 11— 111 Dry Guud* Lteaters -tate.p «»ver the mouth with b and mill Screw n. Iron lulling. IB:yiURM*EH AND BANKING U- ow .TAMO CO.. W Lakuy te Ntfa?i initial- and Forcing aud Lifting Wi!*hin? te Ct hnmherlaln A Ga., Cin- HOUSE. Alexander, McLaughlin, Kr«a*t-l‘in#, Ear-IUng#. Neck lac*-, Rrac*-let-,and 4 harm# *rpt£7 dl y United stale# Mail Agent. Kxaa^Ub*. & Hughes lad . |Hia»r-alL Bell te C* . oad 4 new te Jaw. I s M«ia «4nw# -* and every Engfieb label h»« the fs c ««fidle idgua* Puiurelump*"!of ttoriuu.vartou# nioe#—are and kiud-.kiui-. ca*t*a,t tn»urreu Screw l»i|H>p.iie. v(Buati; Hon. M. M. Ii-utou, of ali kin.la gG Cuvin«t..u, Kj : (..riiiiri lUTtHlN^S A CO., 1 1*'- , ,l Uriitev.lK ky.. l . MehlrwuK. from-.:from ** to .: u> H t ‘ d ith k Madwa. lari., sung, lul <* L V. te inrhe#inrhre diametvr.diameter. SodtetS*ck»*t and FlangeE'lanr* pipepij*e fromfr"U) Cu-. LuuKvilie. Ky. u - ? ,,k> p>inun« im- Music Bum, Clock#, and Fancy Articles. Dealer in Watch.* . > THUMSo.N 4!4>.. .!. JAR* L. Jewelry, ter 631 j aprAOdly ! \; ;y.-:u f r The Office of the Louisville ntante Br.wn. Irwin 4 » f CMON 0 iu<-:.< - to ~ times Hocbs from a>u after W —nt—k •*• -'1- and Nashville and te lactu noth N vC Graham 1 . A 1.EJ1AXKE.K. '« IteU* i., luc-h— in diaui'-ter. Railroad -' novlwufr j, ami will youtirm* the and 4>dd Fellow#' Muff MaiL pr.*.*- shove T: u\l ProprieWr», New 4»rieax;*. far Wh l- and Ma#onic Itegaliasaud Jewel#. te t o,, Zaurrarillr. obi* A,vl. -. 't>l* ; Lrweh te Cu.. Na. *4 Kilby «4ru#K - anl other Roar.- I f atoiny-. They are al.-o the aol. No. 547 * a. m. to 4 p. M. ALEXANDER. McLAl liHLIX. Silver- platevl War*-. RAILROAD COMPANY V V te4 C<>.. D ai * in TTea#.“*' Liquors,’' *®anda Fancy MAIN STREET No 547 riyu l-eeeu te t o., ] .\rtuT lluuw, <>rk; aNUaMA Udnw FuirT •* Oooid. to *_HIGHES; Nk New \ Na 1 ‘*' * PragS «a‘lto!lpirito rtreet. Mobile. Ala.: mart dtf Drawing Instrument#, 4'omrenwe*. ter. Miaiu street, K^m-dL^'GGre*««o.TV'Tie*S n» "7«7 T1ilrddn-tTUtrdTldnJtorwt!"tore-4 MaihlL 1 W and N*». * Kaft**rr PW«. Naw York; K. J. lor 1 Pr, IPirtoa. l»rn*»ito AAac.u an . arrav. Maker , uae. I will *evcrol Triadrea.AU which ha* . ,{r \ during week* sell AT COST th* above* - (V, . #J .• \\>> l_iT „ fV SBecdrr. Philadelphia; Magraw te -- traiUmorr- 4co.1owl M.-ehnnt.M.-chant officeirSee on Market street.toreec h- VI. I'. .Eli l V Dissolution V— Gso . i ” -Ii A . - xTOvJAJ,\a\\ cfc BLANK EEZF.:: ri f.,F J. t AO ! Ul * r v_ of BOOK ariit-lra. EEZEL luierfe o.. Krui^t-l.- Wariunpton torect, Yiciu- JU'li ; r It. I AV Copartnership. MANUFACTORY niiiaed f tv.-.i, nix.p and Seventh. C. Franckca-. Ptrraburw. L b c ever I ti rented. ordT-tr 1 have at present a complete -t.*ck .. rmr , , HE «jpartncrvhip A# of good#. I feel ivn- W to' m m a m mn . 1, heretofore exUUnc betwr^n the un- H. H. IB tbraera. ' M BE >t STON. Fraraht tmrat. S' 1.---" 1 with ti A 4! BP B? W* 4k lirLL, 'i “ M HTW? IF* Lui? Ramon. 4 allr Real. -:'.4to--.r T* BROTHERS. INDFNBliKGEKte CO- M’hotesak DrugffiMe. Main Havana. rvieremv- oreaehiwni-tau.-v- I E -EM der*ign*-d, under A F.YRJ.L, fident to be able to supply lay customers to Cuba. *-M MM *9 ffi .V M MMij BEIt M’jMj l{ES the name and ntyleof BENT te DU- their -atisffic- IL J. s«p-t, & • bale* for rale by LOMHAKRT .\ltvoaa, P* snreet. 'iwsHtk Third and Fourth. A M ui -field te ta, DruegieU. M*in * 1 # thi* No. 497 Main #treet, L b #L. Meniphi#. T»*un. . , _ ALL day di-eolved by mutual consent 5 doorv above F»*nrth. * -drt. C II N vein tor h>, 1 ,r4 te I A -hleuk.w te Co.. Farmerviilc. La. •I BARBAROUX te AudAnd Benf- having sold ta * GARDNER CO., 419 Main < uSk# J.. Dealer in Wine-. Uquot*. tec., Main -NOWDiiN. Manufacturer*Manufacturers of Mattresses and hi# t-nttre intere.-t in the firm t*> c. my 1 11. McGrawr. W* Ar«#t* between mxlu and ateventh. P. DruggiMt. Natchex. Mi.o*. M rrsTEf^Br" ODS 1 N SOAP JW box ** R. -in ^*«p for wU.* bv Notice to Shippers Jtio ti. feliMtt C®.. lErutci-t*. Bedding of every by Railroad. A ruruerof Broadwar Cast Iron Railing. Description. *" «E. °“one ddour“°r ,rumirutu curn*rcur“rr of••• Third.- te Wholesale and Retail y.l. Earn1 and t harire Thw ft IT< H'XL HUBBARD. Gro* lt.d Mur^auMruet*,St. w" Pnreore and rat LlNDK.MtKKGKK te 4 4k, L"Ule. Mo. AJLT have m Urge omortmeat <*f very No. 547 Sooth ride I«»rtiier L# authorized to «{ di.dlU b,^bllll-tl tf cart. Mark-t dtradL netwrae* First and Brnok handsome Railing of Main, b**t. Second an«! 1 ih- tii* name jarredhtri^ ,:^^our farillti., f.,r jan li13 dAwdtew " Thirdu street# wJLrelGV th* iiu M imi j manufacture of 4 w ,l**tteru# «>f the iu W suitable lor > ards. nhitfriiw, and baleonle#, firm liquidation. CYRUS II. BENT, . and tatte Ifl street. MBteDDLN T B H B I. Awdwff. Market *tre.-t. GalvMdoa. ."r»u> wt ih.-iUariu Loui#vill« January 1 ls67. * * f°f ' T*k. ^ , ted purport-. We are pnjured to I mg a v*rv large aiid compk-te stock , liad charge of tf» larg, 1 T <'** 4 to uari Jntm York. Root# FktleuUli of Mattri-w« and twtahHihment K. n • * >* a. km. />€*#• J O. te SON, Confectioners, comer of Fifth Dr. A. W. tlawmli. Apaiachivoia. ti a. l*. * u,U\V te R. iPFR ' °^V IfOOBr. Fla T' up -bort uoticc and ou the iuo#t reasonable lteddinj, com-b-iiug iu ' x *• '»* terui;. I l^irt of thi^ lolloping: camp te Co., of New York, am! I- r th*- - — : - - Itewi#*u, \\ aJTrn, te ki>4w's nisuuU u «, rr bury. >*fuht*ky. ToUJs. Detroit, mud n-ayo i’l J ffei> >n teraet#. la#t -ntcen vesn i ra— Ck mit! RAYMOND A PITTEX, Tt Fourth rtrret OrJ'V*fn»m Bdmnr*>, writh rad-factory t Partnership the *-ntir reference#, wiil I Fin* iirhxl ilaii Martre***-*. Notice. charo&^f th.- Biudiiig . /klfCllAKD AND HI. I E GRASS crop t.f 1-te.. ceiwd and tor rale at Sole all ?izc#- -tabli-hnu-nt of Mc*#r# SEED, MMMTKST. Ql KKEST Ml>ST DIRECT, • THK ANP Arcttt* fur Louietill*. Kv. ' F •• ! : ... . -r Do Morton r- , -V. Mu~* M te t . an _ HE underrifnrd. having associated with ^yjZSl, rviicter , A rheapeec route* Ui The above -\Ue*. I»V-A liberal ditoount allowed to pr i.-n-u and tradvre. him \V I LI I YM aa North and ha#', UARKAROUX A- SNOWDEN, Do Cotton i lirl‘''M M##*- 'Jl(i» ilr.iulir I)o *L ER SEED - Itt fre*h f**r raJe by A.. Wkni'-aah* and Retail Denier ia Hardware. Fonndery. 4riiiupi(ition E'. TI RXER, and »»! -nritorevd by non*. . ALEXANDER IECVAI.L. will runtiuur / a ad 4J. r kil road*, fomwriu with tbe puna. 1 ew«vw4. N efte I •: Corner Washington Shuck* SI1ELLERS AN1. STILVW-. I TTE RS. trarioto Jl -ALDNKK te 4.U., R Mmau te. Manufaci ur af PUan.Ar . Third #t. and Flu> d st*. ,Bqana straw «•> ai.ay, hav* ul.' . and do; btnanaw, under the name uud -tyle of hand a w. Il^.|reuri rhatk of r^X * and New York leutral railroad*, ^ C. DI VALLte C 4 I ... V T. , ml Da. llaviag kw ror.'tiier with a “ ,,k llouklook and •*, Ire aud itoturu,. iu , tore-aud f..r -al* bv te Manufacturer# of very hn* are.rtmrnt <•! E'vaihvr. t Tirlvd at thv ..Id -land ul IU ut DuvaJl. w and otterother k*ai*er#l-niutre fromIn. in th*the both*.t manufacturer*.inautifactnrere range* ron*»t tty b~* WIN'4iATE. OO.. Agri A M7 Main ctrvrt | ., u i,'- V. LCOUOLr 2o bbl# .klcobol f<*r rale by tom detention than any other mat* Tobacco Screws, 8cc. H»rt. M t utwn, anJ Shut-k l-tilnw, vtllv. J*i J. D. b4t.\Di RANT te !.*4X 1 <«* ui nt?. Dealer iu Beeda. At. . at. RAILROADS. and Bul-t*re. tol K,y Louievillr. 1 ;u4 Main IXAI’DITS HULL 4 BROTHER, fn*m KL VALL. LI S PKMtF.nt . KR te CO. laonieville, Printer* - - Ky. January 1. and Sb reotyper* . ore now outhunaed to r-eeira through to IV te Grovtey and ( umtuit a. r _a n IF UTTER 3bbl# Table Butn-r in -tore for -.-tie We aay of the X JOHN BON. 4 t in 1 , r-.-. 1U.1 Spread#. — and bv Sheet#. — ' Blanket#, and Pillow‘ aud rthoea citie*. of drmgmae ol ^reet. below iteventh " AA jH . I». Bi»N Jrm an* commemiss. Ura rffitett Main F ,1 lr r • J DURANT te Cl). n 1 prcitoredcjiarrd toI . furnirhfurni-hatat ': ." ln varietyT rbc*17on'nori'*aud n r'u~"n,'l“.. u'-rm','. A. ZIMMERMAN, jan 12 dtew Wboteeal# AN. Uu iiAu'At. IA HAIIt A 1 LtoVli.lillA II»\4 < »'wtl J. H te 84JN. Dmgfteu. 4KI Main O PA N A . ,pr4 HARBAKBAP.OrxlU Udt A\ e are prepared tu manufacture artirle X A sXuWKtvSXt iWDi.N, any in our line Rare Chance to Engage in Ail ttttrian for forwarding* prompciy atleaderi to by 1 tor# Fifth 1 ntehort nuitn-. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, No. 113 Fourth Business. firrauvrrsrKNT'i Krr.,(T>tr>T. • 1 1 N lutt bbl# ) R ure in recommending to the IF S No. 1 ] '•r rale bv Mi MoWKLI. te RttRFRTHOT Ararat*. l.v*ry r j public hi- hiU* partner, rtreet, between Mark* t and JetY*-r»oa, pre- I WILL -ell, on ihe firvt day of next month, the balance « . - Dealers in Books Stationery ' inriuuau. d*-. i,.tiou uf vi;y L'phol-l. U uow II. te HI WOLD Jun* ?. l-st rinr na- t 4 jan 12 dtew ( Iron Pumps.Pumpo. work. *uch a« raa- l.uidiu- I>uvnll.and hi# nraweiater iu \ DEN BERG ER te CO. Jttffi, R, te L, L, P . te C JC R. lU burinera, who Lave #o I pared to execute work in th* be*i of my -tuck, fixture*, and good will of the h**u#e rea- r rt uiu 1 manner and ou on ” KSSkS CAM EJi A Jt»l of 'uanuf."ur« and luv*^ «lw.. .. y*. P « 'U-Clothe. In.na lorn: nounected . " jl# ETT. Ltoitof Ule \V on hand Iron E'orrv 'IS t ?f . been withtlieho4i*eof llenite t S4 wll rtnxi \| Kv k!IU wi. r;.® Duvall, a* ge U t iva-o uab!** term* at the *hort< -t #ou*ble ' iod, .I er ,fi«-rebrjr ur^‘“‘- "'U'luw powiblr ^ Itealer In F*our. " b -r appoiattoi-pointed Freightreiyht " .ad lift Pump* of tar shad.-,. Ac .. rare tiledteu tlemcii worthy of the cH ALRY FRANCIS. Grmn. Lttut- E Ag«mt*Are-nl*lo7u^'for Uie lii,' ».|.rev.“”»d.^t».for confidence and patronage iliff fi T Uctk- Hi ^ “V bcretoiore I The burim*## ha# proved profitable to me. and I have no rara O a by A Li IBt, tort l Fr*» teal Jeff IL IL. K. beta Meventh Mto'u.Mteiui and 4tvlnn.hu-Ailumbu.- and uiu n-lenr and U bon a u'-‘- NDrNBKKt; EC te . 4Jc;u*tu- te< Mam newt, aud Eighth. X uU ar.T.TvvUndand 4'l» veUnd. C.,]uu» wruT7any iap.h W. «toT.'' ..ur l'u.u L extended to the late firm. w *»e»icer Fr’t ‘i 7.dfu. h«-u*uc> iu . iran’l I te M t W.rJnu'Z :“t, / , ? „ «a>ing will ouuttnuc to be to any one who will U B a . I P m K. R. and 1 11 imrf. r,u well, tU ’ n our lin-are bua 1tlurinnati™— Rahruad ComwAe»< ukwiJ.. mlat and will reluml thv tu.u*' it tail I ^.*? rrep.v*f ully *°*eo- j! tPJL te DOWNS. Daaterv iu Fam and Staple Drv , *?T.L ? M*llrLoutolUr utluuti Uieythey fail totu lidtedl,*it*.i ...~*1 i,y* J* CYRUS H. BENT. KEARSLEY ^ to give u# a cal! K fore nrakftnf tk^ir ^ISwtWn# ri!£ CARTER, •tfwrt. W. If. CLEMENT. I have a large M G AND C4)MniMuuctov ul'im {Jj- J. furmiekv Farna-ldng Goods, dtf Mata tea# »p» • . . , . , by u- a* repiveentedited on rale. tc. r . ruruer, Ky., M ' RErZoVAL I will ( ^ * give to tan dtew .Sole .iaent/ur the .Sale any one wbdiing to engage in the bu-ine*- 12 LJXDEXBERliERSDE.XUKKDKKfek„.te CO. te sll E* KLCL. M* r--liaut Tailors, Fourth ^IWlIfNl anil BlO^f Ihrfft itOUtC 1(1 C\ J. WALTON A CO., C. DUVALL CO., of Ka na>rha Alum Salt, _ f'FADDEN IFIG4.S te CU. have rumaved tlwir BIwASS nLI & the amount of bminra tbe bou#e ha* d>>iio \f FOUN- *' M: - 1 '"lit11 .Id*-Uv auuually for ** MaiMain.n, tot.K-t. Suvon'i^.-.Vi^l'toid^TI.'irdand Third .la a - r*- I . II b. ' DLK\DI l.Y andaiid 1FIM.toiiINIbillNGv. a viiiiif i„ V kiSfpMnin* i. o' to, | ATE IIE XT AND DFA LFK IN *ix r.\ia .oo t. 1 >»-- Pearl i .r rale bv tf -i:a.i from ill,. MlUP to No. 64 Fifth rt. ATE ltf:XT* Dl'VKLL, DELVl.KKS IN Klt ll FAX- year# and the profit# per .muum ^ w*-en M ud *nil Murk* t. and ar»' 1 ’ U#OJS- lo AND ALL K I X D S O F P R ODUCI. re . I !R*: IVSI RAK4 E t'OMPAXY. -j* WHOLESALE AX'D »^b Ilra-r l oruirer. Banda, 4c., Xu. i37 Mali, b 4#1 Main rt.. between Fourth aud Fifth K al UJi P. M.. ruuuinc directly ihronfih Wl lucago with \| o\ AW H Main -ZLT—IZ TT— KETAIL DEAL- I ” lou bag* Pimento; and *-r.- in l'ia noar Tltinl, La,uLreille, Prompt atteutiou paid to filliug Southern order#. bat era- chasm* of ears, niohina chat eaanmrfh.a -'1 .area tot .are Third fourth CENTRAL OHIO AND BALTIMORE no-Fort*.. Mtiah-, and Mu-ical Ky. j, ! *tth di ' for st l*atti. < "'’ K“- Ie Fu,irth '* rBrt - R.VN BERRIES 2obbl#ju*t mia# Ruck l#tend, Galena, MUwaokir. tec.; . Manufacturer, - — reeeive«| an..rA ID Main ri. \| 4GM> rVERY STABLE. ^I !intoreU?e tt2i tff^0 uLD du’ Jh^,ho"id'toX. - «o. and Salem Katlrxad coanrete at M:< ;uraa litv with betvans Fourth and fifth I «a» to proenr.-d. tu nhu-ii p.di,t a, w.-Ure to -4. laws 31 !l **J Immediately. uliall Looking Wan room*. _ >. Michigan 4 entral Railroad for Detrori. BnOhio. ills te We therefore it ^ Albany, RUCK KEN4 Y. , i regard a* a #pe* ial BALTI Mt IRF. m- ^ Tr»e W * »®*r<’4« rLATOaiJV * A DreKr u> Orton. Third turret. _ .* .. . Mt. nnirhj ^ ™ favor if all tho-e ind.-bto! to u* Now ^ ork. and Hwiua. „ , rf opjumitr thy > by u*»te or opeu account No. Ml Mam *L. between Second and Third. 1* "‘r *lIt4 »LET.i LET. or theth.- ti ro-* and i i M tot warn Mren and MnfKct Galt House, »U1 call and rattle without delay. hm mwn.wn, byb author of harm* fW-r*rv to all the Above point# Ism than by aay other retoV.l. reuu- ,ffh rt * iKre b' *” r * I*U4 KWIIEAT FLOl*R l^ ^g# In - .re for \v aud»ih! tiiuutcr4 *»unter ti hanu#. H4 l‘a*er#*f , t it and rate harm te 4. Uielr rarvir*-* nviuT xit-DTiiv r ..-ii le T• il Grocery ’ Vl^POMH D. KMO.. and ommiraoL uok> >gh ticket# to in the BENT te DUVALla. , ' ItolBK I> •* NEW <>RK aMamUou by t j*J EX1H Un» Ui«yito by Mr-. HuDureatoh..rvm MAX T * CU. of Teaurat and > -V Men b rindu. M ali tereet. U EI# '.'Skillto th»-ir large and varied are-. DfWrw^rA to roach the <-iu*-» * rtm.-ut of— of >un-hiu.jtWiim-. I « ___« #t.. nd .»oL and th*-irir 1 l»RESri«IIJCDRKKrt 8II.K HATS— beautiful, , article iVket.- tar -ah* >l the Cr let 4>ffice Malu * Maiu b**t. aJendaute^areattendant* t JL' ! A at from Wl4;£h. te CO.. WTioleral. Grooa> aud 4.o»m- Baltimore:.BALTIMt IRK. lighth nnd Ninth, arv th** U-t that can to ra- —w - 'GCK. , A ,CAX - Marrylujj Late, rted. wu-mo0 aa*ortiuenl,.t * KR KU,EB HANO, XG* Too by Wood, author of Modern PB- I the i#c. formerly J, Hume te Co. They b*»pe, b> -trict jH-r- iml to ! #*•, * •Mj* 7o^ .: or,reu.r*.tou-:ot 4.. utl*-meu ..ppotelo Galt || w Marrbinte, blC Main terrac . attention their ii? ^ri !. N riuuDorau.F1I1LADELFHIA. Ul Atid v- ^v01 ^Vix«-- ii -uu boxes M. IL; firirai'. Mi.-tne*#, to nuirit t* G-i and Y^ outhsouflit, N»ftSoft llaUkudIDt-ln.l Cloth andaud PltiehI'lu-li and . increa-e Capnlay- ot the patronage which i# irt^iTa vixl%. »» ’ OK. irawr* ia Hardware aud I and NEWXf:w I r lev - Margaret, with #trel outline# Kv Iiarlcy. hntsnr. BLUR, a . .. Y4IRK.YORK different **j do Layer#; in #tore i , , v r X ' ‘ ‘ ' .tylre aud i|UaMtire alwavw to ta- and far rale by French ! dWl ,h ;l J ur ,iri ,' had nt rea #uvrt. *t|eod#fat • r-*4 of ttteWa tick*! to K#«Sew ^Yorknrk only,<>nl v, China French China! ° ry to< k U e *° *ny *“ t MTISTVI M tTPBI V I < CuiiarT. Main thu-thu. riwUirift-iuibJing AMT STs ATE1UA LS: lhu#v chain, ay author of Heir uf ib dcl>ff . hnribu#l- I tS rit v'" eonabh,Threat W. c. CI.E.t.t, M J7 F«»NDA te MORRIS. n*a- men .uJ traveler, for idrreireor fe suXS, °' "**- “B "***• intormatiun lo virit WE have juriu-t r»*-cived and open* d the Swrtdliw L Nrirnhur .lackwiEod. by pa*il 4 n.>x**a. nU* r M f..«r .if »ud lUnu-r.. always on hand X". » wader l-uulreill* Howl. OR EAT r*3!* ’Tr the prin*ir«! cid<*. in tb T’uion/br Ure roet w -plemlid lot of Fi and for sale — Torch- Lwcht. or Through the \Vo»>L O 'i^rl ZSS than w ffi qiU,-M dtf ewa !•< sjtorded Luang other roots. market leff.nl % JP aud atit unioMmllyu low rut.**, con#i*tin OLASSES— luo bbl# Plantation ivceived per Peter FRENCH WIN D4JW-G LASS; piidd Paper*, or limit* >r vf the Wert, NUKTHUR, EASTERN, AND WESTERN kSROl.NE WM IWW MOMyri- GouA,. JrOreun In addiUoa t<* thea gr-ai odvanUg**#. •>- -to th«* inteicenwmt#, , raff ran of— M Tvlb u aud for #ule by which they pledge poulu-rrr*# Guiar, b> lkiueut. Iliu*irat<-*1. f ' All of them-elve# to rail at gn-atly ” tor ,. tort w- n Third aud r*urth ’ re- on*uft r--dr.-d to travrier#tru».d*r. iain tl.eif., pn*ui, .Ji T^ |4 and #ffi« 4 For -ah- at entru# roa»^> lS.K). J * GARDNER te CO., -U9 Main #t. duc.-d pric-e*. Tnetr Gallerv of Fmm*-d Mirror-. KIRK te CLARKE*.*, te 4 <).. lw-ak-r- ia nratit u4 train* ~ Kofnr. 11AVNER. Foreign and Do- on Uu- route iuu*t not to Ko#ti*igl<* ~ ~ * RAILROAD ROUTE, *»f “777“ IlkInga. 4i >ilHi Pwintlaf#,painting-, tec., will be !<*uudlouud well worthywortliy of in-in* 7 ^j°- Nutmcf#, J12 Mosart Hail. • IJ iUwir.tec.. Mom flL.bet.lk Vitnth loghth d«ri tu whi'-h the mind* ur «.f the FALL AND WINTER 1(> and *e»-n«rr of !*M*aJiM«*«* to GOODS, hF ISII —I drum* F.ngh-h t odfieh landing from Fan- #p**«-tioti.#p*re-tioti. 5 fronnd Bullitt aud for »ule mat# L inuaiuou; iu *tore for 'lHiDAGE MV).. Aancultural liuplr- and )hh. luilr.^d 1*1 to |>cr pair); WHOLESALE A X D KEITAIL. by Their dock«tock of richly framed Lookiug-Gla##e*Looking-Glatt#c* i# nnn#nal-nnn*nal- and -ale bv u- tei< h a# tr afforded ie> **fh.-r r C/ lteju coil* Manilla, a—orted -Lie#; tec.. Maiawtraet. between Third by line of t ravel in utf-; |*an#n E- J,t I igBjeg- and Fourth. the world War.-; ruitorrihre ha. now ou WM. <«AY, 4>U) Main rt, ly large andaud iu great variety. FUN DA te MOUUA hand, and i- . P" <--.n-tantlv ro- rt* d*» Jute, do do; : ig lta#k-Lf-; I • o-iwiir. lo w *l. ” ' CTLiiS. WM EBB,l. Li. te 4X1..A te MoKRl. . 25 do Par laro; tb# I \ mull #4eant. r- t.* 4 in«-inn#ti. le tlii- rite. t-r*. a Urito and iduuy aud for rale by km# 4 au*i tl* • rr take the rbuico reloction; H.-ad r.K. KMTT1I . te C‘ ).. j>rel«reDealer* in H«u,Hatr. 4Jape,Ca,w. Droreos D r ,— t an. J E t'F ERSOSVULK KA ILROA D. PK'-rn iy-tM»TEI.A«.. . and ral'- Jl»4irt to connect 15 do Spun \ arn: L J3r. toSSSt/iwith Vb.Vanthi* liite. »*r luav leave '•D «k ID) PK I NS, ik**! Ac.: Featbor,. Kuebre, Qulllhty.. WM. DAY. jtiO Main at, |^Mmn-«. tec - . t. atren. foni-villre Main *t. trosi:,. Win-, -t A BU-.W *»oo4to 4ri M be-tn**t'<* aud a m-n! FLAG DEPOT AND to do Hemp B-d-Cord; b* Jeffrna.ttviiioJ*fe*twuaTilf* KaUrowKailr... l1 direct,<1 arriving I iral a-renurnl ut every artirl. in time tu iu thv Ml I. LI X I.l E'.KY X ' te. te holerale . * K 1 11 1,1 !i, Itt OIU NRJk R. CO.. W Druggtrte. tec., &04 r..*, Withwith tbethe «rt Vf do do Halter; fur rah- by A MMIAA M or 41 train Bohemian, French, urehreins of iiupurtyr, ' 2ia> lCKFST. P 4 p M th. and American Glass- and uiauuuu-tur.-r-, SlfaakoalSlearaboat andaud House Store, drum* shuvrua Fig*; SHuKIXST. ul AND MOST DIRECT I am |.r*fa ;^ Kuruishiu^Kurnishing Store, Ii Motiterto- t. ILiteleJp It* MiamiMri*mt RaOruadRdlwart farfor 4 !olarabu*.c.n'.>ium I ro’ol^r wM D.vY:'^\u!u GARDNER te CO, ffi Main 4. , ‘-- .- T noting n '-‘'srat' 1 cm 1U thwr with “ tenu.to any l„, u |at-t — **** DritfJ m t!»a «4 >utrai<*utra. i»b;..4 »tot*. ^ 71#71* toST., ROUTS TO OWNSON te BRO.. Wholesale Dry Go4»4# Merihaat# Railroad ! H 44- Mai. greet. M four m’ml'-- fr- ,iu Whe*-ling. idnug <»la*#»are for their table before making our K KEP o»n.«tantly on hand — In'iiana[».li». Laiiivette. t'btcto^o, Detroit. — F'rotti out- J I'ureharer. Ail ..r.I.-r. mfa I'Ve hbl# and manufacture ever)' ar -r-. | prumplh filled Plantation M'dnrae#, in .-ajH-rior coogerage; thb place tbe ewnnection wi*b 4he Baitimor' 1 to I and 4 exa large I*sC— keg# Naila, araorted - . * '- 1 4 “4 ** *"•* »l»io Irail- mine our <4ock before JtHl.X II. -itt jido do do, tick in the Bedding liue aud Upliol»lt-ry bu.-iut-.--. ^uch ]V Al 4ffi #izt-n, iu r and tor IK.-k l.Ltivl. Uuriiuctoa, CiucutaMi, - — rusd b made direct B*- th# ... „ , C'AXXoN, do do; ^'yZXsss^ss Exrr*— Trait. I -where. rel rale **f thi#ra«te Barkeeper* will find a Mark,-: -t,. i. t. aa- by L)*J R^S’-xrir" com 1 fourth „mi fU'tli. Received j*cr Peter Tellon NOCK, WUKfi, te CO. i tm i line from 4’indnuati s and for rale by bag- aborted »iio, hickaraw Hutttol". Sew York, ftfwton. Pituhur-.', FWltimoiv. to |U!timorv i# hut 'tit of a hit e uud colored Itecanh-n*. >v < 1 >. >{>. Wbolvrelv Mia hoar- AWU- A TOKO. Ororen nnJ anland Vo'iTo Wa*Mngt«>u i* H. D. NEWCOMB te BRo. Superior Spring Matrcrae-; - toSTnan.'n^hu?but 27)4 i*hour*. og. tlu-r with lUr S»***>u*. fancy To* J* TOfiAi'COfl. Wto.hin^toa, PViUirl|Au. Terre HiMr. Vin- . Coujui'.- rr. Mrrritonu. E14 Mton atrert liair, •**.*, Cotton re-#*-; GARDNER te Cth, 41fi Mala *. SW^BagrareJrt-|Ur.** cfficckedrtockt-1 through M and Mat ' R . 1 throwik irorn Cincinnati to Balti- Punch Mug*, and other Bar Eurui- CARRIAGES. URKAT 71 boxc# Holland'* Emj rer- Tobac* ii-niw*, SvjUuvUle. Caim. S» .(juuld b* [yirt *k) b»xcs H Maw t*~ 534 Main -Meet. ! BURR, HAIGHT, 8c IX do B B; t WHEELER, t, .t.<;ol mu; Towel#, Table Liuen, tec., tec 75 do do «rtf* r-*»nv;ite Railroad ia WUiKUXll. re to> Otb-r r .uf. Silks, Cloaks, C. L. Holland; K load with heavy T vail /vta MMtbroute Haiti mar. or IT MA.NCUCTl EKT.S AND DtALEXH IN Embroideries, and Fancy •ri do umln/n/ton Ci'u to .\eu Castors and Other Plated do 4 . G. Holland: 1 and well ballasted, and is well rtucinl with -uperis Wares u>o*t complete CAKKIAitEs Tim *t*H*k of Wimlow Sliade-. Shade Locomotives Car*. And ha# every ffieiM.' for OF EVEIIV IIES ( KIPTIGX, Dry Goods sad ~rakiart is ! ;ukk time and -ure coanecsioaa. it rne vh -rtest route 4 by y* tuite# between Loutertlle and hteaqu . and ia tha j •uly Railroad route from L**uJ#viite ;a M. Lotus and team LsmtevitV to the East. Tw*. T-mln# tetilv Sundae - exra>p4ed) u lndxanapolte. • tom Train do do do i (.aaciaaau. I 4 in an*! after January !. the train# wifi leave a# follow* FIRST TRAIN.— lafiWMlb Optra Ivrnmm JedKrwsn- elite at SC 15 A. M . and arrive# at Indianapolis at LXi A. ) M making a dirvet coaneetion with tlw Lalayevw I wad la-

iUuoi-v..- Rq > i nia*1 for Laiavette. chiraga, Iteuoic, tec.; with thr T-rrv Ilanta and la< hwoad | ibQrwri for Terre »r co#h or *bort pa|«er. llautu. St. Lotus tec.; with the laritnaapo.i# and Bsterfuo- Ii r.-k i 1 *tocial r. iH U* our < Si KRXi KI > RllM.l, ! 9 PKRIi»R BOTTLED Ll^UitRS- iviied HIILUINUK), * to give m>a call. |>l.^ A Ns 1 » bbU receivi-.l p.-r Rainbow laiue aud the Indiana 4 ntral Railroad* tor W barling. to to fouud iu th* ami fur rale by '* Wert, JMi) boxe# M »*** ‘ Win. ; BURU. UAIC.IIT. te A te 4:i>., llrlwmi Second uud Third itreeln, ERRING- No. 5 I Erringll* in dunto.. re and.u.| forf.r A Ptrt-hurg. Baitimor**, Wnehingtmt, i*hilade»v hia, Cltevc- GARDNER 41i* at. i:day A- Hopkins. WHEELER _£. M ain otiaie.- > er.-enai i rale by J7 khi ,u rt -J do A— :*a!iipVDv \\ me; No. h Third *t., u»*ar Mala H I >l*.\DA te MMlt >RK1 S. I H land. Itesffafo. New Grk. IteiMi, tec 5:;4 Main #rr*vt. LOUISVILLE,. KY , - IS ca#e# Marehetl. in* suirry d,. La do; t lucianati Exprve* wfll New Year Publications at I SECOND TRAIN.— leave Jef- Kh k & Clai ke s Alabama Coltou rr- 14 Sirarkliug fuUwba; i fermnrilte a; arrive ( 42! ARTCRWHITE te BKIGOP Htttte and luataurant j A. M. aud a* im tauati at Jttri f. *ulc by |:J do Still do; rluse anrctk-o-* with *raiu# aor .**r ct Tuicd nui Grewn *trecte. M.. making *a tke Little Ml v ( i *..511 Main #t. doxeu Brandie*. pole and dark; «iui aud ( ineinuau. Hamilton. *ad Imytoa Raiir*>ode for t^PROCLK «. MAMDEVIiXE. Wholemle and Retail 25 do Madeira, Sh* rry. and P- rt Wine*; I ' • liuabus. l*n>tou. Ltev«-lan*f, Du. c.rx. H tfok*. Nww 4C r M retire uao, 4-7. corner Main and Fourth #u #tun.- aud for rate at thr Blue -r C rt«*rf and for rale bv In Uoua*. Fourth r.-et, by H* -ton. FlttshurR, pbilaJrlplua. \\ heelin ’ York. 4. Wu|-

< i 14 J- A'l ooccer. 520 Main semet. between , WICKS, te CO. P THOMPSON. Baltimore. | metou. *nd Leaves r*s*nville at Clothing' Clothing! Clothing* TliiitD TLU.N. 3 p M., arrive# at Ii4h| tha raiue -v -nin^ with ike ludmnak oAi# oad LoTayeUs Radroade Jor (tea Youth’ « Clolhiug Store, r-.riier of Fourth and Main. North; with the Terre Hanv and Rkhiu«.>nd Kailrrad for IJegai.t Coata, pout-, aud Vest*-; fjL I l. 4 »TIHN 4 « and fill IMO t»4 *OD$t; putts FIRM I ;he Wiot. and th# Indiana and Betfal.iiitnfoa and In Talma-, Raglan*, and Over Sack#; PT J CHILDREN'S and Yol Tils' CLOTHING; Central Railr*rai# tor th. East. I liana fFtRlPi* i!4GG. DrakrtTPiatiheet ffiraricMg^ffiriaa! point*. Cloak#. Rues, aud flbawl#: tts* br i# Hu* uffi-ring at fi# fill Ea#t and Soutb. Far safe *f«*d. regulan- Wkk h great racrifiev# for caatf. Call Time from f.opiwiHe via .1 -ffirwraviRo Railroad to A lo- J ronrt »we • beamy th« hhirt-, U*»e«irr>*. and Gloves; tor choice. ly, 4»f crantry and gen* rai c^.u* art. the i *wB road I Iadiaua|*Mlie. 4.H hour*; ##ra»i»d . I n* lex wear. Scarf*, and l ravata; * J. I* . Dea.er in Li^uots. to none in tto Union. In a*lduwn ta ki# very *np*rii>r dock of Clothing and li'IMP' I ciaciunali, h\ boon*; mm Sit#iM‘U*ler* and 51>" abler Brace#;, y- Mi* mud Mark- 1 FRCIGNTfi- ^ >'b th* iargnrie« uipmcBt , t Furnishing li*H*U to which special aUmuoa i* invited, T ffi'' 4 of an\ railriui 1 be Lafa> efte. 7 honr*; Rvbr*, Trunks, and Carper F.ng»; would merely uhthtnat* to -ouie of his ver» kind friends boar*. 1 r ‘“ Terre Haute. 9 r W •»»•* * Fmn’ rmndVmn*, ' , Vuutlu' and Children's 4 lotbmg; ** I - R ffia who have uupaid bills due July I, F-5*i. that their aiunttun 51X5?.^ Ql Chicago , 15 Hours; T^V : ! ^ Collar*, Shirt Bosom#, tec. 'XflQffi'ffiB to these liul* mailers w ouid every de*cri/*ti>m. be appreciated. jU rtamt I .*•«»#, 17 bowrv; f|, .-!!:« .KV.X Umffmm TJito.lUlu garni, NOTICE. being -old at prvmi ra#rince# ivi o. - *11* * CLARK, Monnrt llnii. S**w f.r cask. Those in XffSSlttSSZ Our Clevela nd . hoar#; tw. a I ”* sLx.li. DB’T l sunk, having GALLERY of richly FRAMED MIRRORS, of -unrrior G«khI# raving M A c»*ane«tion at the wiiarv**# and in the Mre-w# of Barrimor# removed from hie old *tan«l on want of at a of no per cent, -houki Buffalo. ’ •; »“d of 2JM hours K Mura- t* th** up;wr part of M<*iu#tr#er, **ii FRAMKI) KX<; RAVINGS, and t.IL iiiiuiodiarely at HORNTON j. T.. Drater ta Kaccy Good*. Fourth « rib the railroad to pull 1 4 hu and New -* ?* o; cart J. M. ARMSTRDNG’fL York. atm p 1 AIN 1 I Now jfk, .trtK brave; Mr. Maxc.-'p Tallow -boil#**, i* N08 will b»- touud well worthy of a *i»it. Stran- Y b rw.- *i» aud «Teffer#ou. of Ijrirraon now r.-adv lo ruppiv I.L- old T U and IkJrhuore STnajrrillj' 4 ompatn ’r Lin?- :: — ger* are ifoeton. infix I particularly invited to call teS boarw; cuftom- reaitb sPD.ED H« »( NDS.alao TRIIV aud examine them, 1 ' ' BEEF in Urrcl '• rt*»T * K 1.1 N to. Itrelre. is WslekM. Jcv«lry. Or.. ? ??'’ X" Vorit .al II -tun. ftwnto T1,0J I *• *•- -Tltorlt»ntru mr* tf pl ,r t'LU'flk, am! hall barrel#. SUGAR-4 l RED FAMILY iu all *AS K ,-RAGO. *i.F.*;.F. UtoWtoIlunna. sho xy- . BEEF LouirVlll. _ 'r IKretrew.. S.v.nn.h, tc. .r Louirvill, . Aup.Alir 7 yr ^ ."^ \ Tiur* rer- .. a mr M'.rtrt. I .toriiruUr-. re. t. lrtfi—nll J kiii.l- of iickar*-#. 3tt burs RWv. |rt> thin d*» da do d**: L iui j DKlI l) BEEF and OX TONiil ES Dry Goods. do Tdo j Dtoire “• r ** h*d ot “> of ^ l,,r - WheeUnrt, hours ust f*>r rate 15N \*IdLIX! M u>ur. U Fmaey Gmode. Fo«r«K AR ordeev. dinwlrd to Mcrar#. Sliolw.ll te* p<.u orM- e-r*. \l’i: have J received aud bv JONES te SNYDER, m/Sl a la rife cud eui.-riortouck of I'ani-vami sta II <’ HtWawf, hoars; V tore,-. U^«reu Mtooaa* Mrefcre Wallace pop** te Co., or R. I.'rtu-r. through W. E MILTON, * . \ . II . ff 1 ! II luo i*ock«te Java; for rale be jl* fiMPWttW t*> D. r. Ramtalt. Gt» Market 3 the |>o#t-offir< . * Dr> tioodr for tbi rear- }[ A N < WM. S. WtX)D6IDF_ - n . to which we would re- will b** i!uiu»-diat. ly ati to Wnabington. UH hours 1 I Master.tore of©f tran*pon nd.-d and th** article# delivered pec t CARDS EL te CO., #1. ^. M trtorejrerUHo,. B.I., re 1 fully call the attention of all 4L* Main U-ALKIA t. Krtfire Ttuiur iol M»:n rerre'. 1bv 1!„0 |uilro»d. 1 who ar»* iu want NEW YOUR. Ba.*ca .* rheekej free of r»p« hb** iu the cit jimo ‘rodiHf, Forwardiiif. and P :hro or h fr^u* J«firr*oa*illr to Indiana; V> Sto-onfiM* Tbird Jt'IIX y. 5 dlf renmission S’ MARK te DOWNS, 471 Main ?t. tore* M KHARPF, Ladies' d«»uhl* r\ | L# <.-ure.l Wvrem. Arort. II a recent with YkT.n^rra * Sli'fTHKt, Bam~motypuo. *79 ifaki Scliooley s Patent Self-Ventilating I k E N It Y W I li (i il 1 k> Lii-ting heeled do; FRUGIITSl— By arrangawat tha M. te ALLEY'S M ALGAUET -The OuUiue— Dartey'e A N 1 lutt boxo* fine Virginia; great T . 1»*» tell I. R. The ffi*r«*nvi1te 4 reru-.r -t.rt>euFuurt., sji* Fiftt^ MERCHANT * w ' double a. Ijrating isattrr-; R Co., miawiy now raa ffitir book MAIN ITWrr. — Margin received and for rale at LOUISVILLE. 2uu do Mi^oari and Kentucky; for sale by LouisviUe and Nashville Railroad. LOM8T1LLC. i Ifo fin# state Kid do; "*» Lo* oraouvea. Cara, aori 4 ondactor* ffirraaok la ladi- t K1ICK *\: 4 LALKK’S, Mmtart Hall. GAlii'XKIi %1 ARD * CARET.< Ar.ki.p«i-riP*-n iaIn Forei*nreign .n.n Ji Danretok REFRIGERATOR. Jl J- i ut. Main ri, ana; oil- ward* dm^x w— —— — I>* do do Satin do; over the M te I. K. R. from Iritkli, wkkh £ — teueral ( »* Lt;.«v.,n>-. corecrcorner of«( ThirdThtrJ nnduf MainM.,-.r. torn.torreti. ~ oiuniissiou Merchants. . 47 mode arranvmcnt# the greatly ” AVIN' with I ffirtktaies teeifhra. Patentee, I an. lu recrirfsi for sate i ike trmnsporUatkra si ' ift mi ICE— tierce* prime new Rice la Just and by ktt ^ nd iug per I - * r *— - -**' steamboat )rM W — . pmgm-UmmeorH.t.tv — n«*w prep red l*» furundi four rire* tor ' .- mat — a famili**#. R. treigh»# \1* JJD1 I WYi F-Tu PUr »u* D,.lreD»alre tain W^l-W»n- I H aud to BIGGS & R . Peter Tellon for hv jl3 JONES te SNYDER. Tbe atefi-niiou >; merchants -hipping North and CO and sale i w , ^ J4 GAKDN KK te t ».. 41?» Main #4. St *1 rtU-oOh. toriw^eaU*»..-n Mala *fmi \\ ,-dn* May. th*- 10th irate., make t** order rite —— i# Tl f>,^rp.rer Tuurto Jto-re. Hduu.laud -I I / k V and the any or otyle, p-.rtahb or fix***!, East called to the rout# rha sdx an'Mr. h offers. i'awM-n*;. I and MorhraHer,. r f.*r AND BUCHANAN te ' -ill llot. l!iUS.> W COn P * d Twin, I-.vrth.- Dt j-.t ia I ,ui-viu. la. Steamboat#, Groc*-r>t, and Butcher-, FOfXDERS M JONES, SUGAR— IJtt bbl# Crushed, P wdwred, and Far hr . rickat# all mffinaaboa regard J. B 4> BKO.. WkoKrei, Drurnre. fee . “ ««n rhort 4 'urner Washington aud Iteean st#. A I ES juu kegs assorted size# f. .r rate by EFINED ugh and a a V\MU»r.K 44** j Mi.l I inttotor-. J-» d Majp ttt t clock A. M-. and run up to Iht JuucU -u ot the L* !.a- Mauul.c- \ Loaf for rak by freights apply titer othew. >2 Ma a aiwi, L *vu#ytite itnrt MAXI* te 4 . >.. R Ky^ W FACT I'Ri-.K AND DKALKR IX J» GARDNER 1 4I» Main ri. * Itir' re nt ,|| itonce up th uch ta Th* Pnraerving I kin.lrt -.2 1* te to.. i.ofc Mmmh. Lebanon Bra B>'oo Id- Chamber I# complmUiy ventilated ami of r.NNirrrs compound sirup of milk wil- 1 " ^ j ~ ineM-. t.-r, »n.l Tin-Mare, * VlSSTi ! v* cetaMee. and >trein ( ... I I * AND MIOP2 At d . " - tmitecon b-* kept with their Ire, I> 1.4 »\\ f**rf*. r Thetbe cure 4 Ball's 0 m original AXD’W 1U 4 11ANAN te CO. Lo\V.. of Cough-Coo*h-. I "Ids.Id*. AulA- kmatic ion-l on- «u| P E. fiiCKLER,- X — rr* siintv llure hereto.. ^onth<, 4 htlffirt 4te*roI Coatrabritu Merchant par-*, a* luwetofore *hij*pingto the Rolling ForkDei>ot almost auy lengtli of lime with tlu* usual AU l'iimre. I ItEFUKaElt ATOKS, •umpti**n.•uiupti**n. tec..tec., nianulactur»-dmanui&cturvd siui i 1 B°v- . V4!itf-id\and hiltTTSSJ. \R7IRWISTM ANA>- HENRY,ni:>'RT. <#C-»T»; CemiadaMa Mere he m AHhi quautity ICE-CUENTS, and for raterale h*hv I ffiSteu ^} A-e.. - - "• • fiutla *. <"* .n.i We.fine, onut bond,hud!. to(.. which , vv Te, MaiJ|*»ia rirrart.torreC nr*ar* rr-qrawtedi to ahip to the Junction or to luudon. Water stand,. I fiJOAP Water Cooler,. Bath Tube. STKWAUT.STEWART, f II we ia- Wardrobe,. MII.LKK,MILLER, te <-n. . Showtr-Balh * UOl, ' ] 4Ja?l and #»t* It. I'latu and !«'»<» fU' «f \1 iLAflHR*I.ASSER- -lfO-let lbbl f** wh hy^ *' Order* boxi-s 25 and ?a> ’ R^to cite *»****>’•tbe tUrntbl the public, and which |V dtf J*HE-« F. CAMDLE. Stof'L promptly attended to. ornamental I bar; Patent Ice-Cream WhcteraleWh' Urele Druggist#, ' raL'i*'- W !•««, I we MKT\KTi:.*0XIDS rTAKKlRD.rTAKI'I RD. A WhulareirWhoioreic DrurDra, Erearnere. Unvfireto 4 * 6SMITH.MJTU. J' ... *» >• crefc.cate M& te 4k,4k. ffi419 MaiteffiMam te. **' ^ JoN IS, No. street, do German; fs 'Xf*'3»g Main sC, •"^*’(1* .11 wfl veryeer lowloto terf.T Tv l Uara connect with tb* above at Carpenter'# 77 Fourth Main <, betweenbrtwreu ^ixth I r «h».gira ter.,Mr . fHffi MniaMa.:. etraetrtrure Depot ..ret 4 Ahfff a *~" AND IIOUSKKKEFIXG andend Seventh.N renth. ! v lyr 1. dtftew< 2 i 5«» do ev ARTlCLi-fi GKNERAIXY, _» JoXEtoS f.r bardatown •very lutwday. Thurwlav.aud Saturday d**om abote tlie National Hotel. r ^fi #^ r “""*hfn opi*er Fan bar; • Wt JllSES te* SNYDER. I" nui u,we iiiinnur YL'AITOT. J. * CO., l-phnltorrcr. end Mtoaultoe at **Wi lo' It- and n-elter Sol. 35 d*» ffhaving; Xu. j; F"urth rt, 2 liuore abuve th,; Xatiuaal Alp;, Roll 1 nr Turk Dcfra* for Eluabethto* n. (irayeon W / W llulri, Si #W bbl- Loaf. 4 >1 ffi EH NED GAR— 'rir-hrd. TV xurvno- Mnnrtnre, ,n* d-r. No. H* 4 aeiite; and |**'W- flreit Tnrtnr.emcnta lvddlt.?.**?. Kninto. V;jf- ^ *4 »»i«* *r U Fifth atreet 15 do for wile Ly .»•» luauCementa SpTm#*> lluMaaira-amthrefcto..»iVrt««..r*rt,.t«v» and N*»- \’l NLt.Ai: lolu.titr-t U.r Y W I.UI-1SVH.LF. KY. Ii der* d Sugars New York, Philadelphia. Baltunoro. da. do Vmerar „.r ..le bv I j-"* At sbnker do do; I * OO O-nirr tiARDNER & CO., 411* Main rt. .,a. r**d tn lh..*r VTBI^f R in iVttrtw. 4 irl.au. In want **f J r.rlrv, Mr. * J> L*»ui-. and New n-fiu* ri**, in *tore mu, for rate bv te RE u»»w Ready Reddine -Iu. da do do; * 9 W tl Mil.TON 4a R S RINGGOLD^ jtt AXIi'W te - * in*:, by GEORCE ULAN* HARD, oppu Merino ribbed end ptein. bee, end dne; > \R HfAT WASTI.lt The hi*i*eto ereti |.Hre laid .e, W Ca-h i*nid for 1^* * KETs BUCHANAN CO. v ^ t o p. . _ old Cop. I — the Golden To CIoLuier*M CHEMIST — lloins*. Strn «>f Hand. itrutou CotSuto do. VI Wbtot b. \v and Tailors, r ** Ut doxeu puiuted AND l>KC(i«jlsT do da du, ^ . tu l: Ml LTOti uml Bra*-, fifty Bucket-; AND DEALER - L ^TAKCH half boxe* prime on • ••n.-igumeut aud for ^ ou wi!! »h*-r»* find mu entire new teock o/ CWihmg and I do. brbiht - lMl*t>l£TAXr Xt.TIt and ( i d*i Eenrv colors A WORD — ouutrv Mer.imtrte I ^-re.—naatoMtoMM^ 5o d do; fi-r-al.-bv IS rKliFFMERY I \ AXI* 1A.M •; rale *1 — » ,2 Y GOODS by [ fe»J AND’W BUCHANAN te CO. !e»l warrant. in sawnt; that my yanuenr- arw tirade a# s to Id iarb leu. '-* 11 I r ' uul, ' sure from v- «» •!! Tmi .r, .r.. i.. r . i,. te rt'rtJr.re,-'. b.- CR th" frtntdr nnd Dnrere ClCapilol Hotel und Kesiaui-ant, , n .d . & BASHAW ROPER. .lof.-roi, and ! 1 -t J Ty M.rkul, ra-kio nob!** a# any other e»tabfi#hm*-nt ’ that tu** r. ^ \l!u —35 large* bbl*. ju*t received pc-r earner Loni.- in tha city L'nibrellee, f ence. rnno -nine uf my well-a**ort#d -t*K-k « f I .Vlma. and oad mt Ale., Carpet Rede, end Selrkeie, new O c d *KttoMI». im few d»-v our reuni \\ j v-i * i- I "^ iren Northwest Comer of #treete. C( 1 for^r «ill LOTHING and PIECE will in to doee I n-o*. mf mtimr good. — -Mf. G(K)DSGOODS be offend !,.,**.i, ! (> !*ttu bag# Rio140 fair{ Ateo. a lane# lot •# Gotta ivrelia Goad# ->n hood. eele et Ji<] this dab* until the 1 st of Febr4iary, at a Di MESNIIre BELL, te CO. I uo OoAw.Co to prime; All Ear t MANSI IELIVS. 11 MARTIN * HXTOJ W F arlh to c**n*iderable it ^ **. *« *° ?^ ! jfn 150 do Ira^itayraI 2 tfwte warranted -iroag anti sound and a good fit uaranrerd duct!<»u in prier* to clr.#.* out loU. J. D. BON DU RANT te CO. re Siva ,u.v aoCenUr Coffer, prime; 9 -'*uo ~ ^ eucnu.m l.itlT^"K'£: w.vvT'En-ry i F’hFl'KK bag# prime gr«*'*u Rio Coffee receive*! — — « ** »h# money whut i*er I — do refunded. emp >pu iw htyw- K Th**s*- who have uot boon ilealinr with me arc tlierefnrc J 2n ft old Java do. do; jli CAPITAL REST U RA1CT HOTEL. ^ V. ' A re to-it ! pui.j p.rjvr rale bv H r- h. Ii III) W i. MITTtlV re- U***ted to examine TtJlou and for fPl'ftf -UJ fcr Sorlktoret N 4 luy g«>*»d- forthwith and they will " 1 Umay ^ earner Third end tiirere toeeeto. | II. D. 4 ( 1-ra, .1. I At>IE.< J*h. NEWC J M B te P.RO. * 4 * neffif each) Tub#; — SUPPERS probably find it to ther intc-re-t t.j m.ikc some wav#to*> onX'itdhand. AND’W BUCHANANBY, ,, te #electlon*- ' ! ^ Vw Off, roreived 25 do (*1 li l^dire- fine bUrk Kid slirv-re; fin* fat Deer tbi* ...... _ ~T7 each* do; for rah* I Affi LARGE morning, direct tkernfr- ui. I I v .. 1A,, nv ' Bo w Jar, of inv. ComerCrertorr Secontoucoreid andu, M aahington foa ’.dpi Stow- M.'tren 1 A UPER* 8 JOURNAL OF 0,0 manufacture,m.mif.rtnre, Mn. n.ld wbichwhich Win*; 4 14 WEEKLY CT VI i 1 — l>o fine to hit.- 4u; I 1 — du L'T, ' the |«lTi*». in #(*l*w»dUl order, also the LIZA- I J B4HIIAW te kikPFR m from Gruu-e, 4>u tet of Februar . it l> my inU-ntfon to off*-r for #ab- 11 bbt» tolrt rtfrbca riON—price cent*.t*nL<. IkveivcdIh*ct.*i%**d and for rate M R Wuirir- fresh b rale by J WUG AU hhd^ fair to prime In Da tine do Sella do; - — ^ ffitfn for Wnah*. pbcarautc. W’Ud Ifocksand skHI 4»rsetr# b> one of th* rnort variol, desirable, I and ante by and wdl-awmrted #tnckr lul IbhJfliatlttm ttlrtain'th 4 aa*L# brand: . in for ante by F. M \DDEN. Third #trect. i'munSvi! 1 *u don aud I c^>rra#iT all «rt which we ANI^W line bleck Vdvs do; «te h..u«v from New York), are pre- of Spring and MiiuiutV pi**ee ever iiui*orted info and ChcmiS. HiTHANAN te i d TT t Three door# from PoolPorfotfice.office. ^ Ifi® bay* prim# Rio; I>v fine da end bruuxe Toilet Sli^pere. n MILTON jj;PrtTod to serve up in private parlors or Realaurout in a atyte thi- market, and at a -mall advauce the ter w.ll he a# w.ll tolled >, KRc: nUKLL oYSTUW We tot# oee- on Eastern ooK. .# If personally made,Jc*, \lOL-\SSE8-olasses a I 7 5U l*ocket» prime Java; for rale hr a# InI oulyuly Juto received end fur reic by -ai^o 4 !tjar» that***•’ cannot he excelled. of credit a- 77 rti u 7 7 TT 1 unireta rerenerentorle. be reymrevreereed tooerev IOaRS reodfri thi* dar and for aal* Term* heretofore. bdB 1 ** T’teL 25*125*i F’ 1 ,u ““I*0 «»<>*»# prescription-prescription# M 25« bbl#bhi# primec Plantation; ‘ te ROPER. jle JONES A SNYDER. erere. buret, 1 BASHAW mmXff°hr totteet ^V. b,b'- CIU[ n: E-f MILTONMII.TOX 8•ATTEHWH1TEATTERWHITE *te BRIGGS.DEIGiiS SAMUELS, S by ij h^JIaKDN Pb iri^Una. end re.,1 o> Mere brvreK, re :urerveyx>i''-y A'AvnD FIA.THKWii a £a WAXTKL—Wi\TVi7rnrFor .foavhM NOTICE V-iTn I V?* , do*do- AT COST. end kind ml W Ud Uenr (bet oee be fenod in Uto Wwere* 1 riledrited to call Branch of William #t.. Rffi-Rcrneinber the V to dail v. and partAelartak* of a .ptendi/variet)splendid variety lunch-luncL- &$ No. 70 New rk. pUe^-OT Third 25>*do : * fie J-Itoto Y< UrS atiwttt, s&HJa do ' .iu hiyturTt OO*cu'.. S du C |«vraam wifi be ;«udraM br .»^* a ^? ** order to close bv between J«Atr- doda do;do reentry, obtob u> < i. si I N mv busirnw# b*t of nevt month. I am a and Market, near » LOVES- wo ore »-U prenered memo an in srfento n , ^i '** .-—ra*raing ntof *>—boup. »**»Meats, Sc..tec., ^ol it)«lfi>t o'clock. _ T“ A*~F mrm. W ri remainder the Pu*t Office. Ip «ture real fur reiv Jl w. . I . n the of our «tra-k by W EF MILTON.MILTOK. — «~T77 14*^ .* of Fur- 1 om. slled fo sell for cash o>lv from mud after thi# day. ( I While. Jerk, end bieck Kid. beto r""U»-: run me or Keetnrenet in e enneriur toy re. - - \|‘»1.7 ASSES— bbl# Plantation, iu prime cooperage \\ *? ^r 1 5 I ^ * ** * ,Md * e,, atv nwpcctfiUly R. S. KIXGOOI.D. -- _ invited t 0 esill I therefor# lioiw tho--- beretoforo haviuir M<*eouiitM with axd-w bychav.vn m co. silk. Sein end fined, ('.re; _Jld i>l • uie end fency SaTTEKWHITB A RRIUOd- landingUodi front ilI J Mt:- rj steamer Tellon and tor rale by | yjp IWf and vxjuuiu# them. \\ . 4 4 LLGO te I K E7T ?!?(/’' w E MILTONILTON rawsox. SON. will not think it strange in iny adoptiuv I hi# eour-e. Ok .nd Heevcr Wluvre, lined end aieie, coop, n:t " - m todd. )* N<». 3. under - COEN, Jtl»t tov - 7 DboyimonPROVISION ANDani» nnntH-EPROtNN’E bu'ikke.bl;« »KEK. GENERALutxFnuL — LouuvUte Houd. I jd cC. TAYTA^ 1.4 m.'V-lHi. tel MrenMain to.«t. TV* AXD OATS ronton nllr on h»nd. Received n!Tk end ;'U.th Oeuntlele da do do; 'RAVATd AXD VR> S om- in^rtor* U JAAjn oral i»*r rat*- • — AM. Cou.i ' eito and Sntoe. orere a* Cou.mi»-renma-^n .udand t L’ RANK LESLIE* lined ideia; C Penny Into ForuardimrI > I Men-ha». M#tn be- 1 ( 1 « Uefce. !«• rele J. D. HOXDYRAXT A CO. UA/.ETrt of fur i ewiiitrtv end ; k>U> Olcv.-e. dik end W-* tliililli'' S«to. I*. DK'k-I> :E- b} HOLT l-.ire.itr, FASHION J. D BONDURANT tweentwetb Ffora —tomm* teia srro *1r - W TOBA'B'O f,.r mIv bv Ik -rr. i*. «d to. «j, te OO. 1 fw “rr l1 -rreu It,.f\ K AX CEMENT l sv r— ..m jijj p UAKDXER M CO., D« Mate re *-3 * W KAWSON, raa^ra»> .2n5fiCw . . COOD, A Tol Id ^wSSaffikKiO.NDl KAXT fe CO, G 7 #sr^ | “oXDtRAXT A CO. » Wl Third to., .Are, duoref^m^P MAXsriKLD-S.