Extensions of Remarks
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15566 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 18, 1992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY AWARDS at LaWr-ence, it blossomed in your marriage high-risk and highly courageous efforts to DOCTOR OF LAWS DEGREE TO to young congressman William Steiger. A establish democracies and to sustain them in FTC CHAIRMAN JANET STEIGER lawyer's daughter, a politician's wife, you the face of awesome odds. experienced the realities of public life, accu It is a world landscape that would have mulating resources and skills in manage been unthinkable at the time you entered HON. TIIOMAS E. PETRI ment and administration which prepared you Lawrence and it is a landscape that offers OF WISCONSIN to answer the invitation of two presidents to you hope. Freer trade, more open borders, serve this country. and a growing consensus for democracy will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As a member and then as Chair of the Post have an impact on your futures that is dy Thursday, June 18, 1992 al Rate Commission, you dealt efficiently namic and positive. Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to re with complex issues, understanding and in In the course of these dizzying changes, terpreting technical details and proposals, hope that the center holds-that a modern port that Federal Trade Commission Chairman respecting the counsel of your colleagues, day Yeats will not be able to say: Janet Steiger, a distinguished native of my yet taking responsibility for the results of Turning and turning in the widening gyre district, was honored with a doctor of laws de the Commission's actions. When President The falcon cannot hear the falconer; gree during commencement ceremonies at Bush appointed you to chair the Federal Things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Lawrence University this past Sunday. Janet Trade Commission 1989, you determined to Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, Steiger was an honors graduate of Lawrence re-establish that agency's reputation as a * * * The best lack all conviction, while the in 1961. President Carter nominated her to the protector of consumer interests and free worst Postal Rate Commission, where she served market economies, and to restore public con Are full of passionate intensity. fidence in the agency's work. As you focus as Chairman for 8 years by appointment of You are among the best and from you will on the "area most likely to harm," to use come both intensity and conviction. You, President Reagan. your words, you bring to bear intelligence, As our colleagues know, for the past 3 graduates of the second oldest coeducational insight, imagination, and integrity, which liberal-arts institution in America, are years, Chairman Steiger has been leading the assure us that individuals' rights and con uniquely equipped to affect the course of FTC with considerable distinction. I note that cerns are st111 looking after in an fncreas change today. one journalist recently dubbed her ''the iron ingly impersonal world. This University has gifted you with the pixie" and another who covers the FTC has You have long honored Lawrence as a ability to think for yourself, to address prob member of our community, as a distin lems clearly, critically, and analytically. It commended President Bush for naming her its guished alumna, and as a recent trustee. Chairman. has introduced you to what eternal verities Today we are pleased and proud to return the there are across every academic discipline During the commencement in Wisconsin this honor. past weekend, Lawrence University President and it has opened doors to the joys of art, By the authority vested in me, I now con music, and literature-joys that will enrich Richard Warch afforded the graduates a few fer upon you the degree of Doctor of Laws, your life and your very soul even in the insights on Janet Steiger as a young scholar. honoris causa, and admit ycu to its rights, darkest moments. For the benefit of my colleagues I include in its privileges, and its obligations. What your liberal-arts education w111 en the RECORD the remarks of President Warch able you to do is to confront the unexpected. and the responding remarks of Chairman REMARKS OF JANET D. STEIGER It is an education that will enable you-as it Steiger: President Warch, Members of the Faculty, has me-to face dramatic changes in both Members of the Class of 1992, families and your personal and professional lives. Your REMARKS BY RICHARD W ARCH, PRESIDENT OF friends. education is centered in human values, and LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY I am pleased to share this special day with focused on the critical need for ethical con Janet Dempsey Steiger, for those who you. I will be brief. duct, both individual and collective ethical knew you as an undergraduate at Lawrence, Recently Secretary of State James Baker conduct. your life of distinguished public service has gave the commencement address at the Col Your four year study of human history come as no surprise. From your first days in lege of W111iam and Mary. He recalled that, should have instilled a belief in the strength Freshman Studies, you showed rare and pre as a parent, he has sat proudly in many a of the individual-a belief that w111 be your cocious insight into the great questions of commencement audience, and that, as one in compass in unchartered landscapes. Plato and Thoreau. The brilliance and scope public life, he has sat on a few platforms. My hope for you is that you will come to of your contributions in Sophomore Studies, Having had both perspectives, he said, I can believe with Emerson there is no knowledge exemplified in a paper on Van Gogh's "Night tell you two things: one, no matter where that is not power and that you will recognize Cafe," dazzled your classmates and teachers you sit, the chairs are uncomfortable-and your years here to have been years of alike. And although it is reported that you two, everybody claps louder if you keep it empowerment even in the face of change and once accidentally dropped your copy of short. lack of certitude. Proust in the bathtub, you brought to that The only certainty Lawrence graduates of My thanks for this high honor. Godspeed. and other works in Douglas Knight's Senior 1992 w111 be able to count on is unforeseeable Seminar a probing intelligence which distin change. guished all your work at the college. Indeed, Last fall a Roper poll of 1200 full-time un NATIONAL WIRELESS you were one of a very few in the history of dergraduates on 100 campuses found a perva TELECOMMUNICATIONS MONTH Lawrence to graduate with no grade below A; sive feeling of pessimism and for a sizeable Phi Beta Kappa and the Fulbright and Wood number of students a sense that the Amer row Wilson Fellowship Committees only con ican dream is no longer viable. Uncertainly HON. RICHARD H. LEHMAN firmed what we already knew. abounds about job prospects and security, OF CALIFORNIA But the distinction you earned in your aca the economy, the environment, race rela IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES demic achievements was matched by your tions, healthcare and education. Sounds ex exemplary service to the college and to your actly like the year I graduated. But, there is Thursday, June 18,1992 fellow students as campus leader, freshman much that is positive. In every corner of the Mr. LEHMAN of California. Mr. Speaker, counselor, and friend. Indeed, the citation of globe, democratic values are being seized when disaster strikes, every minute counts. one of your many honors was prophetic when upon. We are hearing calls for human rights, Communications is vital. And the landline tele it referred to your "great promise of distin for free-market economies. My Commission guished service in the promotion of human in the past two short years have been asked phone network may be affected. progress." for technical assistance in the formation of Time after time during the cellular telephone That promise has been fulfilled. If a com competition policy from formerly state-con industry's brief history, local, State and Fed mitment to informed public service was trolled economies in the Baltica, Eastern Eu eral authorities have relied on cellular for rooted in your family's values and nurtured rope, and South America. We. are witnessing emergency operations. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. June 18, 1992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 15567 Cellular carriers have provided crucial conr old. Her family resides in Downey to this day. children use the park. Children like Keisha munication links to the outside world during While a student at Downey High School, Betty Hall and Shannetta Robinson gather at the such recent natural disaster situations as the was employed by the Los Angeles County park every day, and bring their parents with San Francisco earthquake, Hurricane Hugo Sheriffs Department. Following her gradua them. Sandra Cannon, site manager at the and the Yosemite forest fires. In each case, tion, Betty transferred to the district attorney's Gwen Cherry Housing Complex, said that the carriers volunteered dozens of cellular phones offiCe and completed her 25-year government interest and involvement of the residents in for use by rescue teams at the disaster site, service career as the _head secretary of the cleaning up the park was a major factor in and when necessary actually constructed tenr Norwal_k Superior Court Office. Dade County's decision to add more than porary cell sites to provide better signal cov As Betty's career began to blossom, so did $19,000 for landscaping and new equipment.