FEBRUARY 28, 2021 | SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Peace! Liturgical Schedule

Sunday Mass 8:00am, 11:00am, 5:15pm

Weekday Mass Monday-Saturday | 8:00am

Confessions Monday-Friday | 7:15-7:45am Tuesday | 12:00-1:00pm Thursday | 6:00-7:00pm Saturday | 9:00am, 3:00-5:00pm

Adoration Thursday | 7:00-8:00pm

To schedule Mass intentions, baptisms, weddings, and anointings, please contact the parish office.

415 East Green Ave, Gallup, NM 87301 505.722.6644 Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm www.sacredheartcathedralgallup.org | [email protected] 2 | SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL GALLUP, NEW MEXICO

From the Rector

The #2 Commandments 4-10 Lesson 20

241. What is the fourth commandment of God? Honor thy father and thy mother. 242. What are we commanded by the fourth commandment? To respect and love our parents, to obey them in all that is not sinful, and to help them when they are in need. Also, to obey lawful superiors. 244. What duty have parents toward their children and superiors toward those under their care? Parents must pro- vide for the spiritual and bodily welfare of their children; superiors, according to their varying degrees of responsibil- ity, must care for those entrusted to them. 250. What does the fourth commandment forbid? Disrespect, unkindness, and disobedience to our parents and law- ful superiors. 251. What is the fifth commandment of God? . 252. What are we commanded by the fifth commandment? To take proper care of our own spiritual and bodily well- being and that of our neighbor. 253. What does the fifth commandment forbid? Murder and suicide, and also fighting, anger, hatred, revenge, drunkenness, reckless driving, and bad example. 254. What is the sixth commandment of God? Thou shalt not commit adultery. 255. What are we commanded by the sixth commandment? To be pure and modest in our behavior. 256. What does the sixth commandment forbid? All impurity and immodesty in words, looks, and actions, whether alone or with others. 257. What are the chief dangers to the virtue of chastity? Idleness, sinful curiosity, bad companions, drinking, im- modest dress, and indecent books, plays, and motion pictures. 258. What are the chief means of preserving the virtue of chastity? To avoid carefully all unnecessary dangers, to seek God's help through prayer, frequent confession, Holy Communion, and assistance at Holy Mass, and to have a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin. 259. What is the seventh commandment of God? Thou shalt not steal. 260. What are we commanded by the seventh commandment? To respect what belongs to others, to live up to our business agreements, and to pay our just debts. 261. What does the seventh commandment forbid? Besides stealing, the seventh commandment forbids cheating, unjust keeping of what belongs to others, unjust damage to the of others, and the accepting of bribes by pub- lic officials. 262. Are we obliged to restore to the owner stolen goods, or their value? Yes, whenever we are able. 263. Are we obliged to repair damage unjustly done to the property of others? Yes, or to pay the amount of the damage, as far as we are able. 264. What is the eighth commandment of God? Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. 265. What are we commanded by the eighth commandment? To speak the truth in all things, but especially in what concerns the good name and honor of others. 266. What does the eighth commandment forbid? Lies, rash judgment, detraction, calumny, and the telling of se- crets we are bound to keep. 272. What is the ninth commandment of God? thy neighbor's wife. 273. What are we commanded by the ninth commandment? To be pure in thought and desire. 276. What is forbidden by the ninth commandment? All thoughts and desires contrary to chastity. 277. What is the tenth commandment of God? Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods. 278. What does the tenth commandment forbid? To take or to keep unjustly what belongs to others, and also for- bids envy at their success.

FEBRUARY 28, 2021 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT|3 Sunday Mass Proper's

Closing Hymn All ye who seek a comfort sure in trouble and distress, whatever sorrow vex the mind, or guilt the soul op- press. Our Lord, who gave Himself for you upon the cross to die, opens to you His sacred Heart; O to that heart draw nigh. 4 | SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL GALLUP, NEW MEXICO Mass Intentions Weekly Parish Events

Sunday: Sunday, February 28 9:30 am: RCIA in the church 6:00 pm: Divine Mercy Study Group 8:00am Living & Deceased Esparza family members by Cecelia Sandoval Wednesday: 7:00 pm: Parish Catechesis 11:00am For the Parishioners of Sacred Heart Cathedral Thursday:

7:00 pm: Adoration for Vocations 5:15pm Continued healing for Natalie Dotson & Joe Athens by Last Thursday of the month: Baptism class Cindy Friday: Monday, March 1 First Fridays: Adoration from 7:00-8:00 am 8:00am +John, Paul & John Cattaneo & Eleanor Cooper by Lar- ry C. Cooper Weekly Offerings

Tuesday, March 2 Sunday Collection Feb 21: $2045.00 Rel. Ed.: $100.00 8:00am +For all deceased Azua & Barela family members by John & Panie Azua Online Collection: 15-21: $1014.50 +Bryan Wall by Camille DePauli Special Intention for Evelyn Niland (B’day 2/28) by Len Please consider online donations at & Diane Courtois sacredheartcathedralgallup.org +Deceased Nuanez family members by Gloria Saucedo Thank you for your continued support!

Wednesday, March 3 8:00am +Mary Petranovich (B’day) by Ron & Bonita Petra- novich

Thursday, March 4 8:00 am Special Intention by Liam McCarthy

Friday, March 5 8:00 am Special Intention to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of by Yolanda Chavez Special Intention by the Chioda family +Deceased members of Garcia & Feltz family by the Jer- ry Garcia family

Saturday, March 6 8:00 am For the reparation for the Sins of Abuse perpetuated by members of the Church FEBRUARY 28, 2021 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT| 7 Sunday School

Weekly Questions Catechism On the way to Mass today Something special happened to Jesus on the Christ’s Transfiguration aims at strengthening the mountain while he was praying, listen to hear apostles’ faith in anticipation of his Passion: the ascent what it was. on to the “high mountain” prepares for the ascent to Calvary. Christ, Head of the Church, manifests what On the way home from Mass today his Body contains and radiates in the sacraments: “the We heard in the Gospel that Jesus was transfig- hope of glory” (Col 1:27; cf.: St. Leo the Great, Sermo ured on the mountain. This means that his ap- 51, 3: PL 54, 310C). pearance changed and his Glory could be seen. Ordinarily the Glory of Jesus, who is God, was For a moment Jesus discloses his divine glory, confirm- hidden and only His human nature could be ing Peter’s confession. He also reveals that he will have seen, so he looked like any other man. Peter, to go by the way of the cross at Jerusalem in order to James, and John were terrified and amazed at “enter into his glory”. and had seen what they heard and saw. God’s glory on the Mountain; the Law and the Proph- ets had announced the Messiah’s sufferings. Christ’s During the Week Passion is the will of the Father: the Son acts as God’s In the Holy Eucharist, Jesus hides His Divine servant; the cloud indicates the presence of the Holy Glory and his Resurrected Glorified Body under Spirit. “The whole Trinity appeared: the Father in the the appearances of Bread and Wine. Why do you voice; the Son in the man; the Spirit in the shining think Jesus hides? It’s because he knows we cloud.” might be afraid like the Apostles, so he hides His Glory so we will approach Him in the Sacra- You were transfigured on the mountain, and your dis- ments. ciples, as much as they were capable of it, beheld your glory, O Christ our God, so that when they should see On the way to Mass next Sunday you crucified they would understand that your Passion What did Jesus do in the temple? was voluntary, and proclaim to the world that you tru- ly are the splendor of the Father. 6 | SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL GALLUP, NEW MEXICO Parish Announcements

 V8s FOR VOCATIONS– Raffle tickets are on sale now! Tickets are available in the parish office or online at V8sforvocations.org; cost is $25.00 each. This year’s car is a 1970 Mercury Cyclone Spoiler.

 The following talks will take place throughout lent. They are for RCIA and Parish Catechesis, but you are invit- ed to consider attending as part of your Lenten plan of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Each talks involves some aspect of our Christian life and thematic during the holy season of Lent the following is a list of each topic:

 Sunday classes at 10:00 am Feb. 28– Praying with Scripture (Bishop Wall) Mar. 7– Praying the Rosary (Clint Balok) Mar. 14– Praying with Christian Art (Daniel Berg) Mar 21- Prep. For Holy Week (Fr. Brown)

 Wed. 7 pm Catechesis: Mar. 3- Ten Commandments (4-10) Mar. 10- Prayer in Scripture & Church Teaching Mar. 17– Life of Prayer Mar. 24-The Lord’s Prayer

 ALTAR FLOWERS– We would like to invite parishioners to consider donating for our Easter flowers or to commemorate special people or events in their lives: birthdays, weddings, death anniversaries or in thanksgiving, etc. Call (505)722-6644 or come by the office. This also helps to defray cost of flowers.

 STATIONS OF THE CROSS- Even though we are experiencing the pandemic this year, Bishop Wall will lead the Stations of the Cross every Wednesday of Lent at 6 pm in the Chapel at Sacred Heart Retreat Center in Gallup. The intentions for this prayer time are for the survivors of sexual abuse and victims of the pandem- ic. Please join us in praying for healing for all who have suffered any kind of abuse and suffering.

 SACRED HEART CATHOLIC SCHOOL– Now enrolling grades PreK-8. New expansion coming in Fall 2021! Please call (505)863-6652 to set up a tour. Our students attend daily Mass, learn from a Classical Curriculum, and benefit from technology enhanced classrooms. Our small class sizes and dedicated educators make Sacred Heart Catholic School an excellent learning environment for all students.

FEBRUARY 28, 2021 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT| 7 Weekly Prayer

Observances for the week of February 28, 2021 Readings for the week of February 28, 2021

Sunday: Second Sunday of Lent Sunday: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18/Ps 116:10, 15, 16-17, 18-19 [9]/Rom 8:31 b-34/Mk 9:2-10 Wednesday: St. Katherine Drexel, Virgin [OM] Monday: Dn 9:4b-10/Ps 79:8, 9 11 & 13 [cf. Thursday: St. Casimir [OM] 103;10a]/Lk 6:36-38

Sunday: Third Sunday of Lent Tuesday: Is 1:10, 16-20/Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 & 23 [23b]/Mt 23:1-12

Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20/Ps 31:5-6, 14, 15-16 [17b}/ Mt 20:17-28

Thursday: Jer 17:5-10/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 & 6 [40:5a]/Lk 16:19-31

Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Ps 105:16-17, 18-19, 20-21 [5a]/Mt 21:33-43, 45-46

Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11- 12 [8a]/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32

Parish Staff

Clergy Finance Council Bishop: The Most Reverend James Wall, D.D. Daniel Shepherd Vera Placencio Rector: The Very Reverend Matthew Keller Greg Plese Louis Bonaguidi Parochial Vicar: The Reverend Mitchell Brown Justin Wagner Jeremy Gay Deacon: The Reverend Doctor Randolph Copeland Silvano Corral

Staff Members Victims’ Assistance Property Manager: Ray Casias Director of Music: Ruth Ruiz The Diocese of Gallup is committed to maintaining a safe Parish Secretary: Cindy Athens environment for all who live and worship in our diocese. If Finance Secretary: Vera Placencio you or someone you know has been abused by a priest, dea- con, or other employee or minister of the Catholic Church,

please contact: Program Directors Marriage Preparation: Deacon Copeland Elizabeth Terrill Religious Education: Debbie Trujillo Victims’ Assistance Office RCIA: Marie Chioda 505.906.7357 RCIC: Cheryl Barrett [email protected] Teen Program: Leslie Farrell Your call will remain anonymous. CHILDREN & ADULT VISION CARE MASON & ISAACSON PA SOFT & GAS PERMEABLE CONTACT LENSES ATTORNEYS AT LAW LASER SURGERY CONSULTATION Breakfast

James J. Mason served at 6 am DOCTOR OF OPTOMETRY Serving Lynn Isaacson 305 E. NIZHONI BLVD. (505) 863-5747 GALLUP, NEW MEXICO FAX (505) 863-5101 Gallup & Grants Michael Venegas H Express Catering Available Patrick T. Mason 1719 S. 2nd. Real Estate • Wills • Trusts Phone No: 722-8972 Probate • Corporations • Adoption 863-8687 Fax 505-722-4463 Mon ~ Sat 104 E. Aztec 8 am to 9 pm

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