edieval Architecture,

Medieval Learning:

Builders and Masters in the

Age of Romanesque and Gothic

Charles M. Radding and William W. Clark Contents

List of Texts viii List of Illustrations ix Abbreviations xii Acknowledgments xiii Introduction: Art History as Intellectual History 1 Disciplines Cognition


I. Beginnings 11 2. Masters 20 The Debate over the Eucharist 1070-1100 Anselm of Laon and William of Champeaux 3. Builders 34 Unity and Diversity in Romanesque Architecture * An Example: -Semin of Toulouse Variations Romanesque Sculpture


4. Transformations: Abelard and Saint-Denis 57 Abelard and the Early Parisian Schools Saint-Denis


5. An Age of Experiment 79 6. Learning and the Schools in the Later Twelfth Century 8 1 Scholae to Studium Cumculum 7. The First Half-Century of Gothic 96 The Community of Builders Saint-Denis to

Conclusion 143 Bibliography 15 1 Index 165 Index Abelard, Peter, 22, 30, 32, 57, 80, 82, 83, 91, 144; and ethics, 61-63, 93; and logic, 28, 58-61, 87, 88 Adam of the Petit Pont, 82, 86, 88 Adelman of Liege, 16, 21, 23 Agnes, countess of Burgundy, 36 Alan of Line, 83, 93 Alberic de Monte, 82, 88 Amiens, Notre-Dame, 148-50, figures 124-26 Angelran of Saint-Riquier, 21 Anselm of Bec, 27, 28, 30 Anselm of Laon, 22, 30-32, 58, 62, 93 Architecture: Gothic, 96-109, 112-42, 145-50; Ro- manesque, 36-47 Aristotle, 23, 29, 58, 82, 86, 144; Logica nova, 88 Ars dictaminis, 82 Ars Melidunc 89 Ascelin, 23 Augustine, 19,94 Autun, Saint-Lazare, 48-54, figures 24-39

Baudri of Bourgeuil, 20 , 21-28, 31, 86 Bemard of Angers, 21 Bemard of Chartres, 6, 58 Bemard of Clairvaux, 58, 83 Besanqon, 29 Biblical studies, 30, 3 1 Boethius, 23, 29, 58, 86 Bologna, studium of, 82, 83, 88 Bourges, Saint-Etienne, 132-38, figures 63, 103-12 Brunelleschi, 12 Builders: Gothic, 63-76, 80, 98-142, 145-50; Roman- esque, 12, 34-36

Caen, Saint-Etienne, 44, 45, figure 20 Canterbury, Christchurch, 129-32, figures 100-102 Cardona, San Vincente, 12-14, 17, figures 1-3 Cathedral schools, 20-22, 3 3, 58 Chartres, Cathedral, Fulbert's church, 15, figures 8, 9; west royal portal, 109-12, figures 77-80; Gothic church, 134, 138-42, figures 62, 113-18 Chartres, school of, 2, 6 Chenu, M. D., 93 Cicero, 84 Cluny, 3 5 Cognitive mapping, 17n Cognitive processes, 3-8, 12, 14, 17, 19, 57, 66, 76, 143 Colish, Marcia, 32 Colombier, Pierre du, 3 5 Commentaries, 8 5 Consuetlldines Farfenses, 3 5

De Rijk, L. M., 29 Disciplinary matrix, 8 5, 86 Disciplines, 1-5, 34, 95, 143, 144

Emma, queen of England, 34, 36 Ethics, 32 Eucharistic controversy, 22-25,27 Evans, Gillian, 90 Expositio to the Libn Legis Langobardomm, 3 1

Flying buttresses, 4; models, 98-100; figures 61-63 Fourth Lateran Council, 144 Fredborg, K. M., 33, 87 Peter of Blois, 8 3 Fulbert of Chartres, 19, 21 Peter of Poiters, 94, 9 5 Peter of Spain, 144 Garlandus the Computist, 29, 30 Peter the Chanter, 82-85, 90, 93-95 Geographical mobility, 4 Plato, 58 Gerald of Wales, 8 3 Poiters, Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand, 34 Gerbert of , 22 Pontoise, Saint-Maclou, 100-101, figures 64-6 5 Gemaise of Canterbury, 6 Porphyry, 29 Gibson, Margaret, 22, 24 Priscian, 84-86 Gilbert of , 57, 58, 79, 82, 85 Purgatory, 93, 94 Gislebertus, sculptor, 48-51, 54, 76 Glosule to Priscian, 29, 87 Ralph of Laon, 5 8 Godfrey of Reims, 20,21 Raymond Gairard, 3 7 Grammar, 26, 29, 30, 32, 86, 87, 144 Raymond of Montfort, 3 5, 36 Gregory the Great, 93 Reims, 82, Reims, Notre-Dame, 7, 145-48, figures 119-23 Henry 11, 17, 19 Reims, Saint-Remi, figures 96-99 Heriger of Lobbes, 22, 24 Rhetoric, 30, 32, 3 3 Hunt, R W., 30 Richard , 82 Ripoll, Santa Maria, 12, 14, figure 4 Jacobi, Klaus, 88 Robert of Courson, 84 John of Salisbury, 82-84, 86, 88-90 Robert of Melun, 82 John the Mason, 36 Robert Pullen, 82 , St. Peter's, 3 7 Kidson, Peter, 6 Roscelin, 59 Knowles, , 22, 79, 145 Kuhn, Thomas, 3, 8 5 Saint-Denis, Abbey Church, 6, 7, 63-76; builder of, 54, 80, 144; figures 40-60 Lanfranc of Bec, 21, 23,24,26, 28, 30, 31 Saint-Germer-de-Fly, Abbey Church, 101-3, figures Laon, Notre-Dame, 7, 117-22, figures 88-91 66-67 Law, as discipline, 2 Saint Victor, school of, 82 Le Goff, Jacques, 93 Sculpture: Early Gothic, 109-12; Romanesque 48-54 Le Mans, cathedral, 36 Sens, Saint-Etienne, 105-9, figures 73-76 Liege, 29 Simon of Poissy, 82 Light and , 2, 6 Southern, R W., 22,28, 82 Literacy, 26 Space, and architecture, 7;12 Liturgy, 2 Speyer, 14, 16 Logic, 22, 23, 29, 30, 32, 33, 58, 144; in later twelfth Stephen of Toumai, 83 century, 88-90 Stock, Brian, 26 Logica Vetus, 22 Suger, of Saint-Denis, 63-76

Magister, title of, 84 Theology, 90, 91,93-95, 144 Manegold (of Lautenbach?), 30 Thieny of Chartres, 58, 82 Mantes, Notre-Dame, 122-26, figures 92-95 Toulouse, Saint-Semin, 37-44, figures 10-19 masons, Lombard, 1.1 masters, careers, 20-22, 58, 83, 84 Universals, 58, 59, 87 Metaworphosis Goliae, 82 Universities, 8 1-84, 95 modular conception of space, 3 6, 3 7,44, 47 VendBme, La Trinitt, 36 Nature, 23-25 Venice, San Marco, 45 Vezelay, la Madeleine, 45, 46, figure 21 Olbert of Gembloux, 2 l Von Simson, Otto, 2 Orleans, 82 Orleans, Sainte-Croix, 14-16, figures 5-7 Walter Coorland, 34, 36 William of Auvergne, 144 Panotsky, Erwin, 3, 6, 7, 79, 150 William of Champeaux, 22, 30, 32, 58, 59 Paris, Notre-Dame, 7, 112-18, figures 61, 8 1-87 William of Conches, 82, 85, 86 Paris, Saint-Germain-des-Pris, 102-5, figures 68-72 William of Sens, builder at Canterbury, 6, 97-98, 129 Paris, studium of, 57, 58, 81-84, 144 William of Sherwood, 144 Patrons, 34-36 William of Tyre, 82 Penance, 93 William the Conqueror, 44 Perigueux, Saint-Front, 45, 47, figures 22, 23 WiUiam the Englishman, builder at Canterbury, 129, Peter Comestor, 94 132 Peter Helias, 82, 8 5, 87 Peter Lombard, 85, 90, 91, 94