65Th Lllontana Legislature - 2017 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Busincss Repoft Sien€D by Chairnan Roll Call

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65Th Lllontana Legislature - 2017 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Busincss Repoft Sien€D by Chairnan Roll Call 65th lllontana Legislature - 2017 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Busincss Repoft SiEn€d by chairnan Roll Call Standing Committee Reports Tabled Bills Fiscal Reports Roll Call Votes Proxy Foims Visitor Registration Additional Documents w|rnc$ stat€menE oiai are not F .s.rt.d .. exhlbi$. Att ir,ornaironrt it€ns hand.rr in rf.€r meetirg. Petrir.rreEerera. oHTdaf r aloQrcdr, 6oosr9 dQc+rpe6 25 n. RO&eQT6 fiet€a1l, t(t1962012or 2Or7 l,e6t6tef nve 6e56t0A BUSINESS REPORT I!/IONTANA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 55th LEGISLATURE. REGULAR SESSION HOUSE BUSINESSAND LABOR COIII MITTEE Date: Tuesd:y, March 2a 2017 BILLS and RESOLUTIONS HEARD: H8653 Revise laws re atng to serv€ ol pro@ss wlh ihe commiss oner ol iisumn@ H8657 - Phase oul use ofsly@foam ii food{elaled businesses - Rep Shane l\roiAe.u HJ 26. Sludy LvnSwage nMonlana Rep Mary Ann Dunwel EXECUTIVE ACTION TAKEN: SB 4,4 Be Conclred n asAmended FEP Ma4 No and Char .2".'ni .7/,r{--/,y MONTANA X{OUSE OF RIIPRNSENTATIVES BUSINESS & I-{3OR COMMITTEE ROLL CAIL DATT: NAMI IRISINT AB5[NT/EXCUSTD D, CHAIR REP. VINCE RICCI, VICE CHAIR REP. AMANDA CURTLfICP q4]T L. REP. TRED ANDERsoN REP. WIIUS CI]RD REP ROSS FITZCE RALD REP. MOFF]E FL]NK i./ REP, BRUCE (}RUBBS REP, STEVE GUND ERSON l,' REP. DENLEY IOG REP ANDREA OLSEN REP. CORDON PIERRSON REP ADAM ROSENDALE ll REP. CASE\ SCHRE 'INER v", REP. SHARON STEW r./ REP. JEREMY TREB REP SUE \'INTON t/ NDY BOY 1rl REP. DAN]EL ZOLN l,' I9 MTMBERS UOUSE STANDINC COMMITTEE REPORT Mirch28,201? Yage I ot 2 ve, your coDrrittce on Business and Labofrecodne.d rhal scnli. Bilt 44 (hird reading copy blue) bc concurred in asanended. Repr4ehrarive Mark Nokn.j, Chair To be canied by Retftsenlalive Vince Ricci "34 )A )32".n )i^e 26 2- Pa.le 3, line 2. 5 rEAR5" on 1in. L1 lr fhrough 'tSFr'rr N 4l' on 6. Paq.- .!, llne 2? thr.ugh pag. 5, rine Renuibe,: subseque.r sDbsectio. 2r throuqh line 30 s80044001sc16521. hts l)rJ l7:5. 'rra Mrrch?8,2017 lqe2 ot 2 Renuir]er:sutjse.]u€^ts€.t1ons 3. Page rr, lane 9 through Line r0. stlike: subsection l!) an its.nrirery 9. Prge 11, line t5 throuqh rrne 1l- Folloring: "rNVAIlD. strit€: "ONLY IsEcTloN 2rlli'thtouqh lNvAl,lD PAlrf AND on lrne valid parts that a.e sev€rable ftom the ln'aLid Eollowins: EFFECT." on li.e l/ rnsert: If a part of lthis actl is invalid applacations, the part ren.ans in effecr: an all lali.i applications that :r.a se'erabl. fron the in'ali'l applications." COMMITTEE FILECOPY BILL TABLED NOTICE HOUSE BI'SINESS AND LABOR COI/IMITTEE ThE HOUSE BUSINESS AND I.ABOR COI'MIITEE TABLED HB 570 -R.qune licensuFand Inspection lor p.r bE.d.B- Rep.WillisCurdy HB 542 -flonl.na p.tbrcedeEact- R.p. cr.g H.rts by molron. onTsesday, M.rch 28,2017 (PLEASE USETHISACTON DATE tN LAWS B|LL a/) (For the Chef Clerk of lhe House) ra r92!i7 (rime) (oate) March28 2011 112 23pn) Karen Amslrong. Secretary Phone:444'1596 .9". .'r',).? .'//,, r;.,,,,./ NTONTANA I{OUSE OT RIIPRISENTATIVDS BUSINESS & LABOR COMMITTEE ROLL CAIL VOTE BrLL NUMBERjlA5trt ,/ DATE MOTION AYT NO IROXY REP V]NCE R]CCL, V]CE CHAIR 1,/ REP. AMANDA CURTIS, VICE CHA]R REP. FRED ANDERSON )./ REP, WILLIS CURDY REP. ROSS FITZGER,qLD REP, MOFFIE FUNK L,, REP. BRUCE GRUBBS REP. STEVE GUNDERSO N V REP, DENLEY LOGE REP, ANDREA OLSEN REP. GORDON PIERSON REP ADAM ROSENDALE )/ REP. CASEY SCHREINER REP. SHARON STEWART-PEREGOY l// REP. JEREMY TREBAS REP. SUE VINTON t/ REP. JONATHAN WINDY BOY 1./ REP. DANIEL ZOLNIKOV REP. MARK NOLAND, CHAIR 19 MIMBE3.s .q- .'/,).? .',//,, ri,',,/,', L4ONTANT1 HOUSE OIr REPRISINTATMS BUSINESS & LABOR COMMITTEE ROLL CAIL VOTE BILL NUMBER DATE MOTION lUrL D5 AYI NO PROXY REP VINCE RICCI, VIC 9!4tR REP AMANDA CURTIS VICE CHAIR t+: REP. FRED ANDERSON REP, WILLIS CURDY / REP, ROSS FITZCERALD REP, MOFF]E FUNK REP. BRUCE GRUBBS Ll REP STEVE GUNDERSON l./ REP. DENLEY LOGE V REP, ANDREA OLSEN l// REP. GORDON PIERSON. REP, ADAM ROSENDAL,E REP. CASEY SCHREINE4. REP, SHARON STEWARIT PERDGOY REP JEREMY TREBAS REP. SUE VINTON REP, JONATHAN WINDY BOY REP. DANIEL ZOLNIKOV REP. MARK NOLAND, C]HAIR t( 19 MIMBIRS .7.,'ni..V/,, &.',...y MONTANA HOUSI] OF REPRESENTATIV]IS BUSINESS & Ij,3OR COMMITTEE ROLL CAIL VOTE BILL NUM MOTION AYE NO IRO\Y REP. V]NCE R]CCI, V]CE] CHAIR . t/ REP. AMANDA CURT]S, VICE CHAIR L,/ REP. FRED ANDERSON w REP, WILL]S CURDY L,' REP. ROSS FITZGERALD REP, MOFFIE FUNK REP. BRUCE GRUBBS REP, STEVE GUNDERSON t,/ REP. DENLEY LOGE ,/ REP, ANDREA OLSEN L REP. GORDON PIERSON V REP, ADAM ROSENDALE REP. CASEY SCHREINER t/ REP, SHARON STEWART PEREGOY REP JEREMY TREBAS REP. SUE VINTON REP, JONATHAN WINDY. BOY -tl REP. DANIEL ZOLNIKOV REP. MARK NOLAND, CHA]R |., J9 MEMBERS 'Z /)t r/,t (-.l'y MO)'ITANA HOI-SE OF REPRESENTATIVIIS BUSINESS & I-{BOR COMMITTEE ROLL CAIL VOTE B]LL NUM MOTION NAMI IROXY REP. V]NCE RICC], V]CE CHAIR REP. AMANDA CURTIS. VICD CHAIR REP. FRED ANDERSON REP. WILL]S CURDY REP. ROSS FITZGER,{LD REP. MOFFIE FUNK REP. BRUCE CRUBBS REP. STEVE GUNDERSON REP. DENLEY LOGD REP. ANDREA OLSEN REP. GORDON PIERSON. REP. ADAM ROSENDALE REP. CASEY SCHREINER REP SHARON STEWART PERECOY REP. JEREMY TREBAS REP. SUE \TNTON REP. JONATHAN WINDY BOY REP, DANIEL ZOLNIKOV REP. MARK NOLA.ND, CHAIR la 19 ME]\4BIRs .q. .'ni? .V/,, r;,.-/,y MONTANT\ HOUSiI Oa RIIPRISENTATMS BUSINESS & LASOR COMMITTEE ROLL CAIL VOTE BILLNUMBER 640 D^rEYJkkl; II8 l_ e4 '/ MOTION rful- NAMT PROXY RDP. \'INCE RICCI, VICE CHAIR REP AMANDA CURTIS, VJCE CHAIR REP FRED ANDERSON REP. WILLIS CURDY REP, ROSS FITZGERALD REP. MOFFIE FUNK REP, BRUCE GRUBBS t/ REP. STEVE GUNDERSON REP, DENLEY LOGE REP. ANDREA OLSEN REP GORDON P]ERSON. REP. ADAM ROSENDALE REP, CASEY SCHREINER REP SHARON STEWART-PEREGOY REP. JEREMY TREBAS REP, SUE VINTON REP. JONATHAN WINDY BOY REP, DANIEL ZOLNIKOV REP MARK NOLAND, CHAIR 19 MEMBERS .7-.xti, .V/,r r;,-/-' L,IONTANA HOUSE Otr TIDPR]ISDNT,{TIVES BUSINESS & I-ABOR COMMITTEE ROLL CAIL VOIT BILL NUMBER kA b "/t) D^rEf l&LaL trl J '17 MOTION r- NAME AYE REP VINCE R]CCI, VICE CHAIR REP. AMANDA CURTIS. VICE CH{R REP, FRED ANDERSON REP, WILLIS CURDY REP. ROSS FITZGERALD REP, MOFFIE FUNK REP. BRUCE GRUBBS REP STEVE GUNDERSON REP. DENLEY LOGE REP, ANDREA OLSEN REP. GORDON PIERSON. r,/ REP, ADAM ROSENDALE REP, CASEY SCHREINER REP. SHARON STEWART PEREGOY REP JEREMY TREBAS REP. SUE \'INTON V REP JONATHAN WINDY BOY REP. DANIEL ZOLNIKOV REP. MARK NOLAND, CHAIR 19 MEMBERS q- F'q' 4/ Ytu ../v. MONTA-VA HOUSE OF REPRESLNTATI\ L5 AUTHORIzED COMMITTEE PROXY 65IH LEGISLATI\,T SESSION r€quest to be *cu*d from the desire to leave my prort' lote witn Rep. /.,r1 J rl,rij ,/) u .}. .i, i: til \ , t -' ,',.:. 1 t , t :, 'nxt f.z t d1o 1 I au&ori? rv vo@ to be oa_.hed wth rhar ot Rep. for My mendments propoFed on tlis date. J ri // .7, .tlr MONTANA HOUSE OF REPRESEN'] \TIVES AUTHORIZED CON4MITTEE PROXY 65I T,FCISI,ATIVE SISSION .equest to be er.used.rom tr" R,,^ { T-."-r,-- c"--i,... I desire to leave hy p.orr vote with Rep. ..- \ts 581 .r^J \t35Ezo).AP h<s ts 6sEldr. Ap( & r:aSs Sa4t r.l FPia ?Ats \1RS1l)Dl. Ati^ PAS: FP.S-1oU1. APe 'tohtL 5\2' I authorize my vote to be mar.hed with that ot n.p. C.^^Ji lor any amendmcnts proposed on this da|e. <-----\ --__.. Rep. 1 ---- J 7 Dat" 3lLg ltl J W,M, R,',1- -Ut- t\ MONTANA House of Representatives Visitors Register HOUSE BUSINESS AND LABOR COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 28,2017 HB 653 - Revise laws relating to service ot process with the commissioner of tnsurance Sponsor: Rep. Matt Regier PLEASE PRINT --< +-l h TL 1, X P",.+,1,", Q'",, L" lh,rl"u ", llu ki|^ t/ rt,.r'-L d,, -)N (A o \ l'r.$c l.ir. pr€par€d leii onr$ MONTANA House ot Representatives Visitors Register HOUSE BUSINESS AND LABOR COMIVITTEE Tuesday, March 28, 2017 HB 657 - Phase out use of styrofoam in food-related businesses Sponsor: Rep. Shane Morigeau PLEASE PRINT A r- DCU Pkrs.l.are prepar€d renimonr rirh scoaht-. $irrsstat€n.nr lormsNn${it{blcirrou.,rcrntubn'ilsrnr€n MONTANA House of Reoresentatives Visitors Registet HOUSE BUSINESS AND LABOR COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 28, 2017 HJ 26 - Study living wage in Montana Sponsor: Rep. Mary Ann Dunwell PLEASE PRINT 7,"d 4.4L^ P<.-,I r A:a^".;t X .),'h. + 1<t-\, )- ^d X -R-.J^- \ i rr'r /, nu \vtl f) {-T \ t7^ .-'c . -, j r + F L -.\" v S";"':1"^-fu.^ S, Er-F ). Pl€$. leNr. prcprrcd ieelinory rilh sftmrr!.-'. n illes strtenent lorns ifyou cart 'rc '!,ilabte ADDITIONAL DOCI"JMENTS 277a: /.a,se V<-s;ar.ss * 1-1." C;;;:;;- 7o.6"x a o ".ra le /.,+ fl47 576 ao fr- : Jl.no fn tl< .s aq4 7 ./nip,r,. ^2. 8;//:np lttT, Sztat 406 -r€s - qts ) f ,,to*/) /;kz ro as/, rre mc)rbcls aF T/e 4.hn;tf. Ca|;)er;n1 116sza anA FB 571- To 4on>t Je-v a-teec.Lli ":11 Ynril"o,* Au nee)s'fa lreaT zorT aF 'g^,r^1?),on ' 'o/ne 7roTeet:, alai nsT rhe. Iqh.'nwt ne. -fre^tl n, e nT o? i-n; m*t< b":"1 b"..1 \^ ?dpfl m;r\s.
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