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St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 19, No. 46, July 05, 1928

St. Cloud Tribune

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STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 19, No. 46, July 05, 1928" (1928). St. Cloud Tribune. 305. JULY 1928 ST. Clill'll TKMPREAT11BE SUN|jMONlTUEjWEDlTHU| FRI Wi.l ,1,111*> 'JT M 7,1 '1 f'2 I 3 (4{„5 16* iim. .iim.. an _.. tti 7n 8 9 10(11H2[13 nt .imu- a. in n S..I. .luno .'(0 IM 7.", 15 16 17 18(19 Sun .Inly I !>*': 7'J 22|23l24j25j26 .lion. Ml 7'J 29!30?3l! Tin- .Inly I M 711

VOM'MK N1NBTERN HT. JMWD. «*»,( KOI * I'OllNTlf. FL^RIIIA Till KSIIAV, Jl LY !>, 1928 M Mllllll FOKTV-S1X E. 0. WARD IS APPOINTED ON CITY COMMISSION To Serve Until Election ; Shall We Perish In the W. R. Godwin and Henry S. Davis Other Matters Are Also Discussed Quicksands Of Lawlessness?" Candidates For City Commissioner

Rev O. M. Andrews, Patriot- Methodist Church, Urges Support Of I'elitlons wer.- filed ut the City •pgglgl Meeting of City Commission Dry Protestant For President In Sermon Before Large Hall this week naming w it. Qjodwtn June It, IM »* '" A. M Congregation In Union Service Of Churches uud Henry s. Davll as .undidateR for Present : Mayor commissioner 0. tho office of lily i 'onnriMsioner, to p, piirkor tkHamlaatonar w. J, Uadfe At Presbyterian Church Last Sun­ fill tlie unexpired urin of II. S. Haw miin, 'i'lly Manager •' B, Ootttna, day Evening ley. w hone IHllgUill IM) was accepted The dty manager reported thai <<<• last week. cording to lust ructions of the eity cum The Tn xjm .vers Assoeiat ion held a mission he hud ordered $fi(XK> hond for HUlton Nolo. Hev. O. M. Andrews of civilization, where is your iplindor? molting hist Thursday nlgM in which the city tux attorney, -Mr. L, M. i'ur came to st. ciond a tow waalm gpi Thches. Ifemphtl, whut decay do wc it Is uiiderstnod tiiiit Henry S. Hnvi- k.-r, us taatmotad by tta city com wus iiiiaiiininiisly chosen us their from Eantlngton, Kentucky, io gaaaaal heboid lifting their hands fv,,ni the mission sonn- I wo weak! previously. lhe pn Morale of Ihe Methodist ehureh ashes ihat cover departed glory 1 They oandldatl for the office. Mr. 1 m vis Afler discussion It WlIK (leciileil that here Ills sermon nnd opinions on gnawer, "Vice and sin earned our Is ona of the pioneers of Sl. Cloud, has imi slouch us the eity needa the moiiei queatloni of national moment hnve decay ' BabylOII, thou ln-jowelled ulwa.vs taken a very active interest tn .is ijuiekiy UK eel I anted, the tax til heen piihlished In ncwspniicrs in hoth daughter of Cha Idea, whal (tag nil civic affairs, and helloves that loincy he iei|ii.sii'd to iniike weekly Lexington md Washington. I>. <*.. your gravel The pgonhet'i an- there are certain reforms that should settlement tor n mounts <*u|leeled hy where hi' wns pastor previous to his swer echoes doivii the eenttiry. "The he effected immediately for ihe city's him during each week before the .lose appoint nt in Loztngton, and have nation thul forgeti Ood will perlib." woi hire, \ muss meeting Of the vut of hiinkliiK hours OB Siiliinluy uml lhe OCUaatonad wiihsp; dad interest and Home, thai proud capital of the world, en has heen culled for tonic hi hy i it> naaager waa laalruetad tn nntl where reigned tbe mighty Oaeaan, thu Tazpayera* Aaeodatlop, nt which ly the t;l\ utlol'liey of Mich nipicst comment throngbout the country. why are thou fallen? Dp from the time tlie peltctei nnd issues will he ..n the iIII11 of tho nrmmlealnn. aad ruin- of Ihe forum and gplandor of the d I soio further ta ggc t hal each weekly get- Hubjecl OonatltUtloDll Sovereignty, "oliseiim g figure of midnight point* AI a meeting of bustneei men of tha Moment* were made, "lie has not thult su ivith any with iho hand of the sepulcher to the city held hist Friday ITIIlIgg several A i nr dlecuaeion iho commission, n.i tlon," Peelmi 117 -ti ti'inides ot pleasure, vice and Im­ nniiiis were diseiissed as likely mater­ upon motion properly nuulo, si uded ilur father! planted here the meat morality. ial it* candidate for commissioner in and oarried. the oollilldssiDii tleKlguut- gg| nalioiial temple Ihe world litis ever (ui'i. Die Homiin senator, 200 yeara opposition to Mr. Davis. The result of eii the Peoplea Baaa ai depoeltory for knoun It uas founded DU the priu- before Christ, aald, "Rome la not safe aeveral conference! was thai Hon. W. Uie funds eoll.i led hy Ihe iliac at­ <-i] NI I of majority rule, Stule.saien so loaa as Cai'thuge flourishes." He it Qodwln, bettor known as "Riley" torney while iii liis hands. nondadad his nddress, "Carthgige must Iind win. was draft ed, and agreed DO lu eonne, tion uilh the JftkUMH) holld have ever faongalaad this us tha hatha bl dosiioyed." Whether ho waa speak- mike the race. Mr. Qod win has serv i siir this dnv <>n press it was iruu rock of sollillty II. r«i»K K. O. IN Ml iBg on art, literature, treaties or com- ed the county a number of terms as Inly moved, .seconded mid rarrh'd, WAKD 'HINTED A huiuireil and fifty one yours HJ;U meroa, his closing wus the aame. Whose I leil ira I ion Address al Kenl. representative in the slate legislature, thgl the ("it i/.i'iis iin nk nnd Trust ON (ITY COMMISSION the ('outin.-ntni Congresa passed t Ohlu, Is printed In full on Page Four. and While a I 'I'a Ila hn ssi-e was known Company of Tampa, Florida, bl th* Imiie di ,i resolution on February 27. We ore not In Rome, but in Amer­ as "I'onsen,'it ive" lonlwiu. A ineel Klgaated us depoeltory ed tin* prooeadi 1777. "Kesnlved : Thul It he teeoui ica. This is the year of our Lord, Ini; if the voters hus heen called for of •*., ul Issue ft' Illld wlll'll (lie -lllll'' mended that every lepIslnture of tho lltJK, The cry of 12.000,000 women la BARTH'S NEW MARKET that • null if hut huilst shall not sit Friday evening, July uth. at the xi is gftld. liiiied Statea determine to JMISS hnv- in lln* White House. WORK PROGRESSING ON A It. Hull, tn discuss Mr Godwin's Mayor Oommiaeluner Parhar report th<* ino-i effectual for putting; an Im­ IS NOW NEARING platform tor effldeol cltj govarnawwt .-d that Mr. Qarrett had furnished him mediate stop lo t he ]» t'tlii im is pun ( iceio proclaimed the Immortality NEW POSTOFFICE uilh roopy of tbe Etlttncouro propoaal t\f,- of distilling grain, by which most of nations. Nations of the past have The voters of the community are io purchase tin- $(i:t.iHKi refunding lg COMPLETION extensive evils are likely to be derived hen ghofl lived. Will we endure or urged to attend imiil of tliese meeting!, nr Siiine waa ordered attaobed to If nui quickly prevented " I:I-S array 1 wm aome btafortaa sit LOCATION so that they may know whom and upon the hunk- of lhe I'.oilie in LMO whal thay nre rotlag fot in the elm nud uiiide n pari <>f than Mlnutea, The uen building

TaemtbnJ Sfarr of Pirate Treasure POULTRY PROGRAM THE TWO POLITICAL GAJF0"*' tuts PARTIES NOT HAUNTED ARRANGED FOH RUTHLESS FARMERS' WEEK /Or that ISLAPD MwVer AN InllK us Ituth Illlllllit Mo.'i.rtiiick (lAl.Ml.sVll.l.l*:. l*'la A [nullify graeea Hi,. Republican i»irty. niul Until program wblcb »houM pro.e lntereal ome OWN, Hu* Democratic organ* In*.- uml hi'lpfill In nil whu ulluuil It by Hang/ ft art laatlon, Uu* partiaa will n,.t ho ' Ituth wn;i; IX , iv if ii curling 'mir togging nboui as he I*. I*,*ilii7 pi;llimil I.u I'u i in,-1 s' mill Garden leaa." n is • plaaalnt dgbl ta taa in Htrugjglad beta ean i« <> buaky guards, Pruli Orowera' Wnk h.v N. l(. .Muht* Hi., public press II |ili*luri. uf tin-.* two I miia-hed So much I ten ul y can hi gtrea bt . • I. .1 ,t nay The likeness was bof, oxi,"in-unli ,Kiiiltr>*lnilli. I'liiiuiTs' By sRomdine B. W&re _ noble yoaag ii<*tin>ii daaplBg tuiiuls. 'unmistakable, Roeallnd in daaaalr Wook will IH* huhl III lh llvoisll). rooma i brougli the on ot it tractive As Kit / dlaappeared Hi>*-»iiin| i*urt- ri., lather ,,f oin- ki*|.; tii,* tether i.r TK.lNSl'l.lNT IKIS NOW slip covers that H aeeam a e should od forward with a cry of horror. She, into a chair tiud hurst into ln.irs Allirusl l.'l IS. lh.. othef nut nf tin- Whlli* Molts,' In tri oar hands at making a .wis met hy the livHliU tuoe ..(' ,i|.| •'I'liey are piking ' hu to tlu> iii.iin The ponltrjr program begin Hon There is probably no more Uapart- i aat for |s:„i iun in mite uf thu tact, WII ihe summer home pggleg, vi ho from i niche in tho nne ,hiy aftaraooa mui itlnue. tbrougb Ham .1. tiitltiji- ltiyiin "ns | of land." Had QUbart, "to bang tor the uiil tusk in thu tfilt-tluu ut this son Priateil limits, -hiin/ cret wall bnd pulled a lever that opiated i murder of \oiir father'" ii,* whole weak. Perhapa tha two big* fn more MI iuc ta his rooatry on thi oM sun uf tin* year Hum to tranaplanl Un* quatnl floral path rai in kfc il for n,i|. and sent Tittft body Qariiltigl Hut h<* is taaoceai i iwaar it!" gaal ilu.vs will In* Tins,ia, uml I'liiluy h,-. If y,,u In, vc any planls tlutl tho purpoae. aad aead not bi espaa- si.l, iiiiiii In* wunl,I IIIIM' 1K*,*II In thu d(ti- nu :iid t;> tlie lOgrj wnti»r* d' rt j Mrs. si taaga*i arldence will owi* whon utiniiiil meotingi Ot llu- l''loi-li)u presidency, Murk Baaaa lafl his iiavo not been ,livi,i.-.| umi raaai in -I hum us coloring aad daeaga gabterranean channel thut ted direciii viet hhn sure It depoadl 00 vou l.rnn.h of iho A nuiii :in I'liullfy An nui. *ui American polltlci, and while tin* laal mn yours lln* ui'tct thirty mc goad. lo the sea 'ihethcr ho gOOg fMO .'i He baal' .siiuliitliin anil Florida Ital.y t'lili-k AK ilii.i mark, in tha uliininn of nil Ihu day* are tha in-st wus,,n ,,t tin* ynu Lay material OTOT .ha its ..t sofa, Pegleg reachad Bar his Maahal uni rated and continued, "if you hue him. s,,olll l lull UI'I' ItcUI. i.. .lu ihis work Iris shutihl It,' tllvld nick well lata careers, crease and pin I. crata and sonn* of ilu- Bepubll- j oii'll MTg hint " ,iius wus no altogether withoul oil aimed il directly at the fren/ied girl. sp.uki'is on thu program fm' 'l'tu-K* ,,l iiiui i*i*si*l uvur.v In., or tlnoo yi'Mis acoordlag to tha outllaaa of the fatal | She turned nnd ran, nor storied tn she lookoi op Quoetlonlngly. .lay iiii'luili* 11 It l.uiisil.ii uf lVn- liiisni. Iho -(.it It uf Ihi' |K*n|ili* has if you lot thuin in, longer tin- blmnM tare. Oal from the pattara yoa have look to rlghl "i- left IIK she niickly ' He oallad to the mild, 'Tell Mrs. ! nr) I'linus, II .'. Hull uf \\'inl,*T in,- not as gaod nml Itu* phtnls auffur. I ii of siiili a liifli 'liiiiiii-tcr us In Strang! to gal Iflm ,l»v ready for her m m molded, allowing • half-tack for mounted Ptta'e bocae nnd hoadad imu I ilu i .lou r. .1. Mill-shall tit Kiislis. 0. in reaetHng Iris take th.- rrV _ i... little affactad hy it uni' way or uarrbiga i" Mr. KJag." Hoaallad waa seunis Foi.i aaaaai hack, lay yahgta hon town rd ;il u Bad gallop. I'.nt i;il- ID. I'"so nt I lil j, nil Mrs A. I'ol rlni,- fork iiiiii lift thu whole .inini. oui of 11 i ii.i htl away while (Hllwrt Joined bll men mi furniture .main and pin together befi Qdad her. and some instinct tol.l :vl,h of South .Pi. ks.,in ill,. Kiit'l Uk- Hu* -Tii'iiml This is baal doaa In dry Mi,* day is past when lui-n niay suy on the veraiHliih. In a little while a ao they fit gangly. Baaaova cover, him that if gho were alone soiuelhiiu i iiiiit) of i tl'ltituln. anil .1. 1' I'luli'ii/.ii ,,f M lull Ihfure lu hlaek came up the drive. weather its thu soil work- hotter ihen boata aad Mitch with a "welt taaaa with ImpUBtt] Ihul ull 's full' In 1"V.* nui-i inne bapgvaad to ni«# lie In- eyea hidden hy lar^v hlue K>»tf»rlos. | .lm ksiuivilh*. H \V Brown iif l)e- anil Iris an* s,uiu>vvhnl uf it ilry ou the right ride, allowtag a gtx*laeh win -whiih latter w.uil hus in •wung hhn-eii' notrMe hla hois** gggd , luded politic- up lo iiiiii Including tin' "I bava come over from lh*' main | l^in.l is pit'siiion! of thu l-'loriilii weather plant Aftw liriltiK Ihu opening ut inch side la bach so the Line chaaa, injii ih-1 Hons. It In n hint mi mir land in answer to a phone mil," he liiunih nl' tin* Aiiiurlrtin l'miltry AH- clump, -imi,** us nini-h nf ih,* .ini nff cover cun he sllpju'd on anil off. Satthar kalataa nor m*%> ratuded greal country*! eacuthebaon that tin* said. It was the minister aenl for by siii-lilliuh. mill will lll'uslili' 'rili'siluy. as possihl,, mnl out ail ilu* I,*iif stHlks the 1'hunt.on s hnrr.vinn fi et as he .ii'i.Tinatii of tin- election ,.f WM .m.i tlllhert, who replied, "Oh yea. iho brtda off i,limit six llii-lu-s fion. Ihu routs. K«s Will, Macaroni oped down tha treaaara aaaa to V**K All of Woilni'siiiiy inurnlllK will hu Wjn coal Un* country ihu lil,- of WM i- getting draaaad. Tin- is Ur King Tho roud sit-ins thut huvo hloi.tnuil A sul,-.taut ini liiiH-lni.u -lisli ilovoloii t,, a sitiiliiai- ,iu ]Kitilti-y ilia. lag*i hiding place. Nor dM ba meet the hililaginmii. who, i n^ed win 'nay In* olll rltlltl at tin* root AH yoll A Imli' rap milk. 11 fbleipooa hut- !i7,iii \l. Iviiil.x iiiiii uWrri'ti (i. Hard- with a challanga af tha oui noikel ousos, ooiiiliuluil hy in*. A. I,. Shuuly. iuc two tiifii stiiiniTi'ly ullki' In tht'lr ol-o wish to in i lo* pr.petal Ions. Will examlue thu dump after shaking the 1,1* ..r nutrptriiie. 11 linlf oup i-iinnt'tl gg he iiskoii, "I >hi a yooaaj couple Hnd in-, li. A Handera, nml in-. K. R I, iii]s TII null. - Both «.r.' a,llinl. o|H-n >mi ercaaa us f.*i a Ban moments?" soil .iff ynu will fin,I timi it niiti.i muabrooam, ii * ii|, ,,,lil li.lli-il mur- their wu.i into tlw caveV l'I s. ..r ip,, BxparlmeM Itatloa. ihe minister assented. I'heruh peeked ally hiuaks ujHirt into iiiiiny ilivlHitms ITII-Illll. IIVH .'-.-ITS. il half lt'71**II.H.Il salt hearted mui sincere, both nn km lln 'riiUTsilay B, I*. Stuiitiin will Aye." answered the old man. "and into Itu* reOOL l'i oui an Opn p4inel Itt-i-ak It np llll you havo not inuri- mui pepper t. imt. II.HI .nlik in „.„,,l lo think ,-vil nf their fellow inuii i.ilk in* riorlda National Rgg-Ln) there's one I "ss that will lie HJioopln' heliInd tt»i' clargyanan the nuntom ihan tin* ir four 1,-af stalks iu oai-h ,i ili.ulilf inlii thr tiullt-r ur As 7i i.-suit they iii'i'i* not ul'li' lo iiu- coiiiosi ||. v, Walter >>r Bradan ai..nnd after the traaaaae hut tin* KH) lieekoaod The Cherub went through illvl-ion margarine, unt-li ris.iiis. rm fine and cope wiih -, hiiiiini; poiltlciana. the ion will s|M*ak on ilmks. W 1-: stok.-s cot a wn i tlie recaption hall and Joined hhn Tin- soil whom 111," Iris art* to I,,' sul •HI lllt*ll lln* ,*(Ti;s. Wril ln'iitrn. polltlrlana bare Barer been sniisfluil nut Oounty Agam Loo ll WIIMUI ,,f >tip;d nu^iily MKUaMd thej ihere wais u whis|H*rod OOBOaltatlon sh.uiht hu wull pitlvi*ri/i-il anil ti ^,unl stii for ii'ii iiiitniti's un,) s'l*.,.. :.. i,7ii. •front inuii in tin* White Phantom, "he wai the friend i gpolce nil ciieriiii -stepped baek io the raoa Manatee i'mnity win dlacnai WtmM II*,us,*. A ratal innn thara often I Is* in*. .1. i: Turlington at ma si/.oil II.IHOI full iif all* sIlK'kl'll linn* t| Wa ;.Mist hiin." imi approaelun! tha cler^ynmn, or ground Hi tona iddort for eaob Wh.*,. Children Heron... Finicky i.looks in tbelr natarloni sthimea Ha*l goal i'i All tiute." I'm.Ion inc." said rh«>ruh. ' hul since oollotr** vvill pli-solll *-oii f Iho fur plant 7 also add a similar mnolllit nf When s..iiiiy 7m.i sisi. r I". i*,.ltl.' io ],iiiiuiii Un* paopla itm ihaiik -iirlily. there i« ao time for a reheataeJ l have tOM affactlag ismltr., pFOflta tn Fhir hon.* moal Bpada Ihis all up w,*l| ijr.'.l uf lgga, prunes, -pilau h or our* Qod. ih,* paopla ur,* ni laal getting Tin* Phantom nadMd oal oftliaeaTe lieen ,'isk«^i tu coadari yoa ba the Ida n--itiiT ilul.i ., noil in tin* slat,* together mol you gra 'hon Nady la r.'ts four "f lli.'il' lll'.st wholesome «i-,. enough io .1" u nm ih i»*nih*ni Batow where ha itood ha aaald ne I.tidal ohamln'r" The minister heNi- iiiihiy morning win in* taken up f,„Hls—try pri p.i rin,; them in tiii* form thinking mui rating. This win qmli --li being rapidly horne hi the t.itiil. hut the fat. good natunsl bbca uilh tin* liic-tllin of lln l'I,,riila Iluliyl plnnr. tint* of ih,* greateal aUotakaa ..f ;i fumy gelatin il,-s,*n ,,r snluil. ii n,i oi tin* day of iim predatory gwtfl current, down the narrow ehan 'I blm, und ut a motion from I'hiok Assooiul'.on Talks ,,n hriMHl- In plmitinu his is Kttlng Ilium in.. i.. |. iin* thick rioshy pari of tin* DM Cniil fl.TYiirs for ,1,•—, rt , itiiiui- 1».Iiii.iun Del toward tin* sea Ba nin swiftli i iieruh's hand, preceded him tliroagh Ing hith.v iliiiks. growing hoiilth.v n.,,1 Tn.*,in us tin* rhlaome iboaM su ttoae, ;in,l !,,ni,,ii-flitvoi*,*il iTi-liitln fur Hull Bryan Owen uml Until llaniin gloag the banfe fill he was bapood the i in* gecral paaaL ihhk.s. ami growing benlthj .took will in iin* ground miuli as a itnok mta in s;il;nls. Mol,I ,11 fiill-V SIIUJNS, ;, u, 1 -,-,* Mi'.'iirniii'k "ill I...Hi* .1"iihtl>*ss hi* floating body. Qvtckl; abaddtag maak, Tea if a iiy ITneallnd lulanittad hor I..* mada hy Oountj. Ageal K. II Hnr lln- water, hnlf In uml hnlf out. This ii,,w welcome they tn •anl to ili*.- nuns,* iif Bap-re- gaggtee and eoat he ptanged. ^\'lu'1l be self to Mrs. st nniKe's aid in draealng loliill.s of Pini'llns "oiiuly an, I Miss aentatlvaa to represent tln*lr i**»>pl<* the siirfin-e in- uas guppoKlag I'lieie mine a rap at I tu* dBOT Connie In Vane of Bradenton, Is ili, iiullll'ul wny for ilu-m tu Krnu as (be) like t,> not th,* sun ,„, thll -HI- ill lit,' lllll iiu, v- ill \, oui- iiu* taga ft oppoalng Kit/ with "in* Mini and swimming i '.imi', come," erged tti** ralaa al purl ,,f tin- rout*. 111 presurvlti*,- according t,, new partiaa, iun we rantura tin* aaeertton I itrotigly with tin- ..ther lilHterl ini|iat iently, "th.- minister und |, ,\s this is ti.,. i„, i II f tha yutir iiiolli,*,is ih,. iiso of j.ititi nmy In- that "hen ihey get tO COBgfeia, the] ttaenllad, In the iueantini*e. had King are walttng*" ' '"' i>»iiiy de s NKIISIMI'KK IS i,l(l \i lo planl liis I win gfee yon a lint of specified in reclpee, Alt in,null thaaa niii he foaad working ahaaMar to lo.iohisj th.- li-.tisi* safely, thontrh (itl- v.-,*ndisi to the iMirary Tho minister hort was on bof hceN. lie told -Mrs entered and took his piece before the KOK OK IVKONli L-iinil varletii-. ii.vl nook 111 tho now IT*. i]H*s roiplir,* mot. -IH.-UI* I either eboulder tor the eoanuoii good of the I ride and tfl'ooin. ObOCUll and t he hh lng soasoii inst paaaad i rWtad III*I*I or iiuu. i. tin* yieitl in fini-licil [country. PirttaaaaMp «in r-it very Htranga what hmi bappaaad. Phantom looked op fron behind a Nun spa |* is whieh ilolihiniluly .unit simii. of iiu* rinosi iris gardea in thi* jellies iimi .jam- is niiuli greater, uml lightly on the shoulders of these two Vtta Jamea womfl Warflare igaln." rurtaln tn tha nida hall doorway Bud all nriui in ih,* iiusulutivo oatagory, ...tinny gad mail,- nolo- ,,r sninu ut kuu- I in., many iniiiulos luss. deughten ot oppoetag names—wi do In' sjii»l, In* uas waslunl out to seti denly a HM flees, dtabereted lUniro su.*h ;is it-Inn* niul soi,nihil, ur.* jusl iho mo-i ilisirahlo ihiiiKs Thuru an* DOt say oppoelng iJollllcnl fa it lis. IM* Km I am going to lell Hosnlind that I ItttO lhe room. ns utility as thoOO whloh |.io*,nt ncvn l.iK. s I'htce of KgffK in (lines caaag thai would not In true Tliey we ir?*'ned him. and font- her in nuir- ft-w rii.ntts iimt ci,, ih,, an round 1 St-'p thut num." he , riisl He Is si'tisulionall,. iloolm-oil s .1 l.iinonn ' «nl Isfnil h.i: thnt llu* lii- .1.. in altnosl A deeec rt-epoonfnl of riagar idAad both -land for the same hiifli ideals iv King to gnln hbi taleaaa* MI Impoeter." .'link, of iiu- ,iii,iii;ii Beaning hat, to a cup of milk will gaawer ihe vjinie • if (lean gorertuaeal and apetandlng Itosaliiul -oiikdit Chernh and told of any ulliunle ami under nny condition, Kii/.s dis;ip«*iii*an«v. lit/., in the miiin-ter- foreild.v bor- recently in u Chlcngo addraan, Hon i*.II i in*., raapuud rati quickly tn food pin || iw o I'^'S in Dafeg iiiiikiiitf. -tuie niaiiship. There can bl very "DenI alarm yoursehe-.' -aid X iii i, red clothes, mnaal ••st newapapen shonhi glva h. st rare, snuly their ins*,|s ami you will Prepared oake fhnir shonhi bi useii utile 'hat is fnndimantal aaa up up berl us be und his men entered the i Mill to prevent a foniil marriage facta, whether iluy harm M hulp. it, in thi^. us in all cuke reclpea, to in­ -.ii which Ihey will not ggjPM, We is, pleaaad with the bettor Noam room Ki;/ .lames is sjife and now Mi-s .p.i thoqghl gho was gacrtllctng is fully ti. -t miilil,. thlOOgfe ll world jure Uflhtaeeg gad aattbna sn. •ra riot • prophal not tha aaa at ** 1 yuu cot. la* is in m.i poa or " berself to mv.- me iiie nnd liberty.* i.iin.i io ih. .iii i tragedy aronadj pinpiat. hut ihis i.s our prediction: Us • iic ' ' i if gg f 11 Boeallad T In-tantl> ull was commotion Glltwrt us. Ignoring tha truth Iaaa not al OIK Sl IIMKK ( AI'ITAl. I omhaitnu I roiihli — on. \nis These two wonieii will he found on HW Fit/ fall tJirom-h a trap iu Uie anuugal -luck; King eenl the inlnlotar lur It. 'lh. prea. shoulil tioithor ov A henvy (hoik mark drawn ;i fiu- tie- liilll side i if all llioial (jllestiolis s|,i.inline. Tin- men crowded irouad imaenia • i*• ' aggerata nor mlnlmlea, 'lln* crouio-i i-i-i sumiiioi* Praaldaal Ooolidgt ger*i dlataaei from fear simar bos uiiieli come before the congress, nnd t.i ;i fast t ro«' for all slugging inalch npanl his laonUon In tha Black inii- Suit yoUflmlt, hut I'lMiiouiltei Fit/ f f wrong is >i,,| Hi,, law hut tin* and ground container! for bread and they will IK* a itouer to \*> reekotieil I 11-tiili-li -IIMHI agalnet the wall oi s. iiiii Dakota, umi Bapld .'iiy wa> Jomaa is my priaauar" nvwepnper which nun- th • Hgbl of 'like H.)| keep tlie UlltS HWliy. ertth "hen Hies,- qooitloni 0MB0 up - 11 . | iter 'fi '•• hi- f,*ei 7, nipoi.ii iiy ih,* aotivo headquarter. "More lie- ihii.v gaelng is Udiev- publicity upon it aad btlnga aboul for coaalderaQoa inu." faltOfWd the utdiappy girl ;n i landed nu King lillls rt rlneed ... Auiuiiiu - chief exacutlTo. TM. Mties Time in Sewinjj reform, t'n bnlld np n is oftan naeaa- Kroin Florida to Ullaoll la not n • All nJ.r, " declared UUberl I'll tilth the I'hant.tin. "\ow '' ho cried, your Mr Ooolldge Is up in Wlaconaln. -ur.. lu lour ilnvvii. lN-striullnn may Lei th.- -hdthen thread • packagi fgr us it used to he All over Flot­ >liun you. Uf lefl the r.H.m, Mr-. . o n lm i .-ii are!" -..ino . vv, Illy mil,*.- uu. in Ihu W.MKl I,,* ion-inn iiv, Miami Herald, Ot needles on tin- hfOOg Badl of your illa we find termer citizen- ..f Illinois Htrange fuUaamd him. He lore off he!,net mask. inuii Superior, mnr iiu* Mlanaauli ^ixt.ii ef thread iafl ftutea ihe thread .nnl i Ihla. Tha latter -tiii*- is the No -liini*.! Hon are JPOO *^oin^ I <• slu*u tni HUd a m l-e in-'U-lachi KOSKS KOK THK (OKIOS boundary, wiih the dt) of Iiuiuih h niid. r the notch in tin- gpOOJ TII.-IJ birthplace erf ituth Haana McConaick, I'it /. .1 i\i':tt\ '•" sh. i.aek in ftanI ghl llu* oltl, lnl finally of th,- prosi you will baan a doaan thiaaaad and the former the btrthplaoe of Ituth' lorn niii Imperforate him. Ttran -hriokisl I'll. 1 "\*a.\ Mi **•-' Tin* r,,|li,« im; it. in waa * lipped dent, -om.* fort) i.; nai in all, wen lie...lies n. QOg n hen sell iau Bryan Owga'g father; aad tha present B .|l-t.ii, i,ever klloll lhe tli- MlUlllllg I'll I llli'lll -t.M.'l I o\ oillo.l up there lad week, ami fiwedng 1 it ilm National I'mni tttrtrt "I borne "f Jtuth Haaai UcCormlck, theltanoa. Marl, l..i * Ion n. C.: weather greeted them norlda amdd loni'er Life for Stockinns widen of the late raited Slates Sena Hah an Ibout > colled B ihe Phantom lurneu to bin tlaiivlitei hare .pared them mmi warmth, i. it. laeinher i imt peraaurathm «mr> tor Mediii UcCormlck, of llllnoie. . 6" the A itidou Fifty yarda ttom the I ;.i-:iliti.l uh.i fainted iu hi- ann- "Although Mis. S. K. I',„.1I*. of Win wn hmi 11 larpiai rua is • big oonn nn -t .okinL:- iimn laundering Plorlda, Ohio, und Wlaole are mosalhoueg i a.un. at .Hit I.l It .llinl Uilh I'..lie-. 11 Villi I'nu Next Week | 1.1 iiiivoii. i'oik oonnty, Horiiiu, eon iry. bowaeei, mui eztremei un* p..- them so it i- ,•.(.initny tu tagoh he-i -1,hi- iui iin* gardea partly as n doeely wwwmi bawatkat in tinur warp SEE THIS CHAPTER AT PALM THEATRE SATURDAY slhlu er> nfter endi wearing, gnd Woof today than adjoining conn • oiiimoiciai M'liiiuo. -in* ,-ots n paal tlOl la lie- sjino- 111 te ll .re. mst l| .1. Ill of liCI-olllll , lljoJIIKlll Olll of Its 11111--0S of I ,\,*|\ ooloi* anil Its , harm -hort pgmrattoa i#o. torn aa111a! c17o- oionl,l .j..;..;..;..:..:..;..;..;..;..;..;..;..;.....;..*,^.^^^..;..;..;^.;, . PASS IT ON HI.\( KIIKRK1KS AS l Mil.I AS the streets of any Florida ny boda) + •} I iiri-tio fragraaea, sin- phinnoii bai garden under Uu* gaidaaoi al th. PBCAN8 (MOWN IN COINTV niul -ee ailtolliohiles heariHi; t h nini,- X HINTS TO HOISKWIVK8 I| LEGEND OF JUDAS This Ml ,,f rhyme ami rt-nwn, hv ooiuiiy homo tlemonatratloo agent" irbarl F.ikoi ,,f the si. Aagoatln, '~ i;\,,ii-. ;, uin,'i* on health topical in 'With inch a existiriir. Ihere I'itslor M. I0I111- lt.ipli-1 ( hun h. iiu* tni North 10 Hem- baala un any little SOIIU- of ours cat, inuk, i.v T M. C.ioti ef the OOOO can be little boettlltj of Idaali bal Srretgiun; Ihior- ;uul Winihin- om* bear) th,* lighter, farm on Dnaai areaaa; om- mih- we-t 1 Are all the WladoWg coiUliletely Sitnlnril. Kla. • h.u* -hoi-, iti demand laada th,* •as,* ixip ,,- *.| , , , ^ llcell ll.ese state- .ilnl j.n I t ieu'Jn rl I ..-* of h, 1 l.*,i sboeo Is a fnciin* it, ,h,. H: k hlll MIM( v (in| Ot 1 ho I.ein Tai Bll PM I i oveied h.\ gCfaaag'.' '-'• Aro thi 1 between tbe dttarai M thou stale l'r,i 111 |M-t 1 •.•ni.imii breaking dawn of tha human i'"' '"I. '•* i.ii of daglng Mr Ooen extended I general invitu IwbO have sn,], a helllny. gg these ncreene eaell] i enunred for gleaning I "i drop ii in .,,,11, ,,„„.| ,„,,, „„,, I'll-iso .allow 1110 -pa, o 1,, 1.0, I,, y lion io the puhijc t,, coma to his form two woaaea have ;: pn .'ind -ee what .-iin bl doau in produc*I ml ih •- rlaglng." There never Wai I more propitious doom tit tlie (loot ttpgalag doeely7 11-1 a won] ..I* 1* II IM ml Iiu* I,--oil,I lag 'he \liiri.-i in lmvui ii.univ. Till Wl/ll(|l time for I'loridn to iifsert its Lndepea t. I*-, th.- de troajj gprlngi * , i . 71 nu 1 who The Murvi i blackberry ii nortda'a iiicaiisin it- great oppor­ thai hold them tight V 5. Idd yoo earn prodoci a*jd was originally found, iur thirty i.i.oo- i' -il,fi betrayed Iholna* \ ICdlaon aflol a slay ,,1 tunity lies gpMlag lu iinml and | select a good eeppar leiia gcreea thai growling wild in the vicinity of Float ln hla 1.01.1 nnd kla let broi li ntng ita rlewg to the extaal will laatl ir iu- would .1., ..i.f di month gl in- Tort Wyer. City, When cultivated, production of I PUBLIC tlMt II Will Vote for I's •'coliotn:. M,| -.» vih* a iiissi for -s.o email a sum home through .lacks,.iivtil*.-, a v mis found 1.. IM* verv pro-1 lute. Afler all, [x.lities and moral Wnlls. Wnodwerlt. IViliim i„,„- great tew daya aga on routa Nurih. in ea t'itahle. l.rn Ills III .mi I-, on.uni.- queetloni are, un.l thay , 1 I fen nn- your wall- I a thm rubber plant. STENOGRAPHER Mr i "....ii has thr. , act . s ot lhe h. : tlignetion * Ma i * I ' -heiild always he. QOOgrueat Ihey j km nn y painted? a An- tbey nin I..* i i.i iii norlda iH.ssjhi,. ,,r i ies ami avaragm -'•"''' erateg to the | ihould he one ami the -;nae. I're- pointed a restful or .in Irrltatlag col­ .luila- .In.hi- an,I *-'i- -liulas. being iiiiulc useful, lln has dreed) io ie lie th-cliii.'ii that In- found a j iildic.- hns no pluce in the poll or 1 1 Baaa you real lead thai color ,* .. Me.ii*, "I s.naii . Jeeua, linnii* experiment! with mreral hun toady market fur all hi COald pi" Jeeua, ilu* - i goverament To ho cttlaaai ..f has a \ 1 ry Lnal ttneonedoug infln Mary Alice Bracey lilice ;it t well tl file c.IitH Ullll Up for ! ;*-i.i.*n 1 all iin* fuilaaai of llu* llreil llifferent planta. 'I'llls your wu*. Un- hiidie-t typo, people should | - ell.e en .v ..111' •-|iilll>': .". Ale >(Hir the .punt hiisket. There a,e thirty-' M 1 1 u*it*«i n.I Iill- up Hi., -ilo oIl Iho Iheir election tit the ciliurcs- ,,f ij,,. of thf in',' * niiily fariiicr win, wmitci tidied tSales We hojic tin y uJU tioapH i*rnlng Judaa lh is -lllll u goad eon s„ auub thai ha told five continue to hold und nploild eech Kloor 1 . ha, o ls*oii a l',,ro,|,„,ln,s| ,\ I0I0I1. from his hard of raagi cum,* to gd Ilur'*- hall.I in iiio i.,,i*k to wblcb 1. I*- y * floor painted, it .* ,i*> , h,,-,* 1,11,ih,.1 [ooi-iioii waraleg "f 'I .lersoy. was lohl hero hy A th,*-ii* Ollllllil, , oiiutiy hns .alio,I you bare rubber mati whora you sianil s, l.iiHion. county uneiil. Tin* faniiur uliai in* would Is*, iii a >ir.-.-iin befnre them I'll,. \,« Sonlli * .,11.-111 1V '- LT IIO >,,l| l,l|\ ,* ;, is I'elo .Ion, .. HI,,, ii,,... „,.,,. |.;i||l| '1 I'** in.mi iui- in- parent • 1 n<„.i linoleum on iho floor? B Did I.*" Oounty A«oiii i.awion bought 666 \oil |illl al loa-t .", tliioklu*. .•iioloso.l him in a .1,0-1 ami Hum; him*,* iiu* cow heru lust week while making Curea Chill. and Fever, Inter SUIT CLUB corn, iin* potato and tomato, 11 newipapor under yoar linoleum? iiiii into tin- oa 'pin* -on ,-:i*7 him npon 'up to **..IIIT* IHO Hampahlre ram. trio f iin* drill-led world*, graateel m.ttent, Remitlenl and Bili„u. you P'll al least .", tliioki.. from th.* folium* of Agriculture fm* food in,,,I.i.i-. iho pecan .- all Imei iiu- ii. iiu* domain of 11 king Fever due to Malaria. paper nadar .\.,iii linoleum? I'M yon another Naaaao farmer, loan, rh.- paeaa ha. baan torui. d uu glue ih.*-.* p;i|'um a .*'.;ii oi' elear rarniata ,,i* -in*i I "oaiue a paire lo l'i,ulin- l'ilnlu. lh baa iais,.ii a iaa] HUT, crop or, ne he im*. whan you first put it down, in * * 1111,iiT',*.I iiiiin, II,,,I,-I 1 on - , 1 11,10-. wa­ puts It. ho has laisoil "oiirhl ilorci, of order to make it last longer? I ara Arcade Provision Co. ul length 111 i. In i-t for 1.11,0 Iks aro inuii* limn light font olioory look '• Sis your fl,,,, I I10100T01 Hani lhe 1 **, oillil .111.0 nil, till, nuiny of than riiit,- foul. The r 1 qnlckly < Ina aad I I lie Noi- 'I'o 1 111 i,-,it 111, 1-1 Itlve. yield i- an araraga nf i.»n bad Vliltlnia P Monro. ty heat's ^ogqeru in ro. ami yt-t. Ihis was cut short hy M,I iiu* i.*ii*ai7ii, paapnlr come. )lw one third on noouiiut nf lhe ilruutrhl LOOKS OONT COUNT ad off. 1* Mini iiu* oio*i.,. *.i weep ina Tin* .*,,*n was raisoil for fnutl corn fur i'i;\sAriii,A. Kin Picture. „i *li* 1 riiolion . w h,-l*. ill.*n In* * THRIFT STORES tbe I'.HUS llraatock. pretty glrli 'lu not nmaa maeh in the he r*.p. and bung hbnaell It hi. llf. of William I'yioi*. county upei iieaih hi- o, ii genlu. mtaed tba broken ililolnlolil ol' -,'hools I'm* I*;-, jiiuiiia I*,I« uml draggrd him dowu to the OOUhty, .nul. as 11 result. ambitious Roof with everlasting asbeitoi shingles. Four colore iriri- who weald biach achool. in ihi*. •oi-lliiliK ul.yss In-low. Al I Where the Thrifty Gray, Blue, Red and Green. soiiloii .,11 their lonks will not aeoja j |,r,,arh. hel! sum u,, ., -hinit of iny : L. Z. NIGHSWONGER siirily ho ,*,,ii-i,lor,*,l Mr 'I'vler Iiii­ unoottied 1,1. pain in 1 1 n iwampad with detarei of ! I.I-IIH. ti ul tr.Mil his hurniim i In General Contractor 438t teachai npplioanls, the plctuio* ,'i I Hcii-onusi a gtaatai daner than hlin- Housewife Buys plattafl liriim-ttes, Iih,mlea nnd no Sllf forth, yonnK nntl old.


Faster.. Faster.. We Drive

60 . . . 70 . . . perhaps more mile* per boor— mastery di the highest hills in high gear—quick- action power—all ol this yoa and thoasandg oi others demand when yoo bay a car. Yoa may never use this excess powe-, yet yon want it. Faster and—each year a Fink faster yoa drive over increasing miles of improved toads. Faster and faster moves the traffic of cities The new and better Texaco is an answer to theae changed and changing conditions. In the tank, the new and better Texaco is a pure, ncm-doctored liquid; at the spark, a vapor that is so free ol moisture that it can be truly described as dry. It is this dryness—this ability to form a dry gas— which, in your engine, results in increased power and responsiveness throughout its entire driving range. Anywhere—wherever you see the Red Star and Green T, drive in for the new and better Texaco— the gasoline that forms a dry gas. Tbe Texas Company, 1/ Battery Place, New York (-sty Texaco Pttroltom Products



Draining a crankcase is dirty work but we When you have driven don't mind it. Be­ 500 miles lrt us drain out sides it's our business. the old oil. Hush care­ Stop when you fully with light oil and need motor oil and re-fill with the cornet let us drain and re­ grade of poldsn Texaco fill with the correct Motor Oil. grade of golden Tex­ aco Motor Oil Iron Duke Try Our Service USE Unconditionally (.uarantced Drive right up at to this pump for One Year the new ami Cooper Tires bettor Texaco The North Point Gasoline. That Armored Cord Conatructlon FISHER pump tella you where to coma Filling Station THE TIRE MAN for tha moat SALES Broadway and Stewart, mileage per gal- LAKELAND BATTERIES Under Naw Management > Kissimmee, Florida loo. And where PRATOR GILBERT, Prop. Vulcanizing Not Products to come for SERVICE Corner Main & Church Sta., Experimenting Onr goods are of the r». „a w ...„ .ITT.I Phone 197 C. PUCH, Prop. Kissimmee, Florida best and our service CAIOLINI nmammeat HTTII FOAMS A DRY GAS can't be beat. oA.oiiNa KISSIMMEE FORMS AO«TI Filling Station TEXACO MOTOR OIL W. B. LUKE Corner Main A Vina St., Clean, Clear, Kissimmee, Florida. Agent MRS. PALMER'S Qolden Opposite Power Plant, Tenth Street "Your Patronage Will Be Kissimmee, Fla. (Dixie Highway) Appreciated." TIII KSIIAV JI i.v a. m» PAGE POllR THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA . . g- encouraged to mnke the effort to live ability, Mrs. Charlotte Weaver, It prluclph-8 as to plead ihe cuuHe of tho light wines and Peer. It wus defeated ADDRESS BY DR. F.F.H, complete the victory and sweep Ihe was decided thai naa memorial of ealooa, The pviaiuids of Kgypt, tin hy a majority of LiUmiM). some kind should ba erected, and thut Uy conulrynnn. IN- undeceived I ih:lit of our army from the field and Jfcf norlda. etl to drive us from the field, There ejich. sonic wonun took In Btltchtng i lousion. calls for local government. A. v. JOHNS,is Wss-PessMsM The population of Florida has im KKNT. Ohio. June 2H.—Dr. F. F. were no sonkeii ways In fronl of mn and turned over the widow's mile, and i rami the hke on Memorial Da.v Huts, into which (he Confederate when Ihey hid in 'cumulated a BUffld maud ii revival of the spirit of locnl .ut amounl lo w arrant Ihem iu the ihe population of the nation, l.'t ]ou( HMI iM*r cent sntdiers at tbe Civil \V»r. He said: army COUld wenr out each other, the •uooesa, thay appealed to A. ll. Day While Plorlda hns increased p; tier posi xi A, B lor assistance, whieh \<1*.. rll.liijt I,111. ,r, ot, ths Ann" i, an- ?nu can'i he a decent earlh wns as level as Is the eurth i.l >.f i-iicli niiuilti 1'nrll,*. nut known eent If lhe spill! of (he falhelv alii la the iianit Of lhe Womuiis Relief was glvOB Ihem. Then Ihey uppenlcd .it v.i *n and defy the const itu tion. in this ecinel.'iy, . „• will l,e require,! to par lo id- mate the tfork!laaa« her paograaa win 'nips, the (J A. It., and nil iillled io the brothers nud sisters, the grand IA Uayor Wall, of TIUHINI, calls on li was on Ibis field thul lhe ancient inn. ba upward and uaward i if not the rgN iii/nl ioie-. I welcome you te lh" sons and ihtughtei-N und sisters unlil Florida to organlae Ha<b Oloha, I Maying, "when Qraah tea ate Qrapk, blood "f Fhin.icrs win cry "t'n- -social ions ol' this dny. (he) knew thai would hi* a succes- Th" Trlh uni- it publlakMt woiutei wlm will wear Smith buttons? then comes the lug of war." hoc;inie i hiiimlnjr nml mnllptt to any part •3 \w.rthy :" Tile Voice from the toillllK ^^^^^^^^^^^^ We bave in ci today (o .Ietllente a 1 nm -ure Thai n nml lastly lo ihe friends of the soldier h.- United statp«, posiHv*' trtfm. $2 00 a of our sacrifice! sons rail us to con-1 Mason will wear I'. | ,„„,„,„„.„( |0 tha men and boya win obsolete, und its place "when Amer tUa fur ili month! or 75c (or lor every Mason ii nn nice Is Anicrioiin I Inn conies the for aid in ii nterprlM, , necrate ourselves i.. th.- uiifinished lodga In Italy has n) ,|„. ,.nU ))f ,|>e president of tbe lin-A month* nt rlct IT In advance. heen closet' and tug of wur." supplanted lhe Maying. My friends ihat stone IUIH a soul, ii rnrHuii luliacrlptlona In poatai anion ;!nvk^ of Democracy, shall lawless j their pampharnalte united states, laid thalr lives ,m the and hooks cotifli ^^^^^^^^^ hna life, ii apeaha to those who win *•-' MI par year prevail; slnill evil pros|H-r ; shall •attHl und burned; | ..p.,,. ,,,- ,|M,|,. ('0iintry. to sustuin arid The Confederate! batlavad ihey were come to look upon il, and shall ask wtnim flourish • If so, no loncir un­ NOUM ot Mi* brethren baalabad te paaa I pel iteimite the Const (nilion of the fighting for home and native hind, end la Ht'ii.iing tn your iuharrlptlon al* who lmtli wrought I hir, then from furl our Had I" he kissed hy tho hlcczc lelaoda for ao other raaaon than (hat iviinnv, ami the supr.ncicy of Ihe wc believed wc wa ra fighting for he I'H'.VK nlntr at briber renewal or Daw the page- of blatory Ihey will .cad n act ,i'*p*rtuw«it right Just a I would fiffht for my end until (be stave, (he cmise of it the country through denial of edit en AMKHICAN PKKSS AMHOCIATION , of our population wore under prohibi­ ! manently lost. Bragg ailed for a l Ynrk. N. T. DatroK, aUck. ow ll. lie ha the rlghl of free apeech, tlon. Tills stone markn the freetlom tion, while tvvo-tbinls of our area waa ail. was Liberated und (he wan BW>* report frcm his officers i-hlcaito. III. Atlanta, Da. hut he has i i rlgbl tn lui'iik any law or whose cliildieii in the aotttfa OOUld Twelve o'clock thai ni^hl he Issued of (he slave aud Ihe creation of H free HAN BON ADVERTIfllNU 8BIIVICB dry. Had the wets controlled either .ai the sialui • hooks, The chief viola Imve iho protection of tin* laws uf tha man of him. It markH his rise uml Orlando, riorlda in.use. they would have prevented the an order for a relical. hut Inter leurn I.KSAN CARR CO., in - .ue thoae win own no (Jnd. defy country, that theii parents woubi j lng Ihat Thomas hud retreat e.i, r» clothes blm With the authority of cit KUbmlttal. The law leijiilres the rati- St I'.-teraburit. Fla. law and ihe flajf. ______Ktand fairl y before "ie cmniiry fraa called the order and revoked it. and laenahlu*. ll has made a Ie tier man r lea tlon id' ihree I'onrlhs of lhe stales. 1 In .losing. I affirm thut nil judge* ..I ihe cheaper IJ ' .- • of the ilave, bul [decided to reins In, hut would not fol­ of him and murks ti rise of the race l'.r*a Departmeat Had the wets cunt rolled one branch This stone is JI fine example of the DONALD B ZKLLEHS 11 fusing to sentence whan eonvlctetl ahove all ihe count y could sttuul be­ low up ids apparent victory. of thirteen ita tee, thai would have pic ui' lawyer- who defend violators o* -he] fore Xloti in truth, as it profc- .-, lo sculptor's art in and of Itself It is eiited the amendment, rim drys It was ncai lng almost llitcc years 11,1 lir. Maaaacbaartta Areola Wth amendment, nml all papata that he. "lhe land of the free, and t lie of (he wa ami there hmi heen only II iieauiitni to look upon, but wwwired tl etcd U.TiHiths of ih, legislative TKI.EPUOSK 49 -m.r iii the editorinls. are trnilors to h i* of the brave.*1 How true this roll hack nnl forth of ila* war. and bf Ihe uieiiMii — of the thai of loVO P...;; 'ind the law WOJ ratified hy iho flag. win. demon tor tba wpeal? wan. aw ihall see later as Mr. the hrenkh.-t fob and enlarged until il grows nmr,' ncaullful a.'d atlru. Hi tilll of 1^ NtatOP. Whi ll Hie wets lhe tnhl Fellows, the Met hiKlist. thei It look- as the end WM us far off as tive. broader aad higher until it looks wriv entrenched, thi\ controlled hut nin hud only called for volmil eers to Letter to the Editor people of the count iy": No! Thc,\ [ -uppoit ilm <'oietitut ion and the laws oaat Ui Unooln, goaded by Btt down ii]M111 lln piles and shaft* of the mu, bea .it the in', legislative ;iic Hulttllj for llie il llieildlllCll I. Tllos. -| The war saroag bach aud forth ,'"1 I trend of events and the Abolitionist* Cod of Cold as oygmles. There Is one bodlett, mid two states. Rhode Islam! «li.i defy the law. who lireuk it nml ihoui ihree years, without apparent uf the north, decided thai aomethlng thing waiilim ou thla monument ai (HR nv; H lid ColUM etielll . once. There -lumId bg engraved ..i Hit tor Trili uni' will tic about it eiaiimi fm- its repeal ivoiits. Some frightful batttea were else must im (inne. Issued his famous the atoae at once, "•reetad and god In the course of our (ravels through Wi have had -i\ -m. e->-i\. .on ll i> in\ tllltv ti, defend il. Thej fought, -oimt inics one siib' tlie sue appeal to Hie south that If they would tcatad hy (he Women's Helief Chirps towa on thr gtortena Pourtb nrn dfe gioMaoN two-third" di.. The ttral -nh -mullein chuielit'- a-k the drys t(. I-CKNCUI one al the ..ihcr time- i bl l;i\ down their arms within a given covered th.- tvsidem'.* ni ii v.-ii-rnii of mittcd lhe ls||i j( meliitmclll. The see .I. teat smiili. A call to dry souther;:' I.I iier mie mdng ihe rocceaaful one i no and return to the Datott, the May ;ti». lUL^. Mrs charlotte WMWI ninny fights a (M'lisi.uni' t.f tlie l\ S, .ind made If effective by paaabii the iiciuoeiais to gather at AahevlOe I on uu thi- Mine prayers, cariiesi and armies would be withdrawn, nnd they Agent.' Qovernmaat. Mis grounda ntt* decorat­ Volstead Act. In a coufereace «uh \. c. .iui> ii. to orgaatK at one. eloquent on .ua- side as on the utlier J would he am le secure 111 the owner­ These women do not love war, (lie) ed witli PM nt the longest thtg [Mill's ihe United State* Interna: Revenue i..r tin- election i.f dry 1 icuiocrjitii were going iv "'i both sides, to the ship of 11 ich aia vea, the war would hate and aliominate It IIH much as are iii inwii Imt unfortunately Irs imli Department, it wai agreed between seiia torial oongreealonal and rtate same Qott, for the snccess of their re . i I-. Thla waa done as a war maaa- do who have had our -atisficatIon lu tury training did imt in. hid.' the teach­ iin- liquor dc.-iieis ami ihis department iMininees |..i public of fil-is and foi j.. -it'll I vide- I kliow of Iio \v;i> 1" 01 .• .-ind Dot a- an eiiiucipni ion mens thnt line. that all liquor ni' whatever kiml ron ing, of (IH* manner In which tn baBf the defeat of the wel Tainuianiy can -how the character of these battles, ni. . While the AbolltlOBletl were They have m> use for (he swagger ll f,u M,lt taining more than half of 1 per oil' ,i flag "" * i ' We Botieed 'iiif i.ii.hit.* for prealdenl, Oovernor Smith hill by coiuparis-inu w iih sotuc <>t .ue -aged thej were mu net left ed. ing bully thai nnpisi himself BpOB Hleohullc fontenl ihOUld he taxed, and ;i Waa baBfing wiih ilu- siar< at the was N^ued June 90th oa the peraona 1 the great battles of Burope, I n ill | When lhe time arrived Mi. Lincoln us. Their udmiratlon Is rather tin thla has ever sin.-., bean tha itandard i•.**!..;n Ol enquiry we found that re*|xm*lhllit) of two dry leader-, Ai in.i i on>i.ier Marathon or Thermo- Issued hi- absolute emancipation pro- • nan wim i- guided hy justice nud IM ..I intoxication reOOfUlaad hy the ihe |mity in tlu* first place luul it ihur .1 HartOB Atlanta, ihairnmn ol r while they will not compare I eln motion -on who answers his country's call I nlted states internal Hevcnue Do- iiiiii mhtn up Imt ;t did imt look | ihe hoani of temperance of tin itap wiih mu- battles, the means naad was This encouraged the AboUttoniata, in the cause of hiw am) Justice when partmeni and preaumably by tbs liquor ';~lit BO li«* flWWd it. Wi- always tisi oouventlon, and Blabop Janei ipiiie different and iluy wcnl to work with I will to the cull conns regardless of puhli. tbougbl St. rImu 1 has a dry town, dealers, who themaelvet auggeited ihis * aimoii. Jr. Uiehnioiid. V.*i ot Ilm Na poiei IU'S three grantee! battles end the "ar Instantly Ihe roll of clamor and opinion. We will turn (iur ouli nlulioiis mu*d IH' wrong ;i- a remedj for their own Ula rha | .M.thodi-t Church south. ic .Lima. Auaterllta nnd Waterloo, war turned In favor of tha north. OUT eyes toward the monument. IC tot wc know the party was imt Maud- fni imr- nf the Volstead Act -imply I i Hi America, I 'great thee! four vi Jeana bis i..-s wa.- elevao per oant Willi the fresh levies pill ttilo (lie Lafl -in his hcaii when he hoisted his iKicpled thla hasis and BOW tlm law I inlllli virtue of tha authority Mated in m. is of sons and dBUghteif novel \ i Au-terlit/. ii was t wclve per cent. field, the dying agonies of the Con Mau A Citizen. which the liquor men themaelvea autde km u bg A. H. Hay, I'-.-i Cinml Army of th- the sal.Miii in al! the degradfl \i Waterloo With il- famed sunken Federates became evident. bae '"ine hack If plague Ihem. The BepUbliC and (In- Women of the It. ti..u ii brings. Huppy that hind wheat ivaj w bere Nej led bis splendid ''.'tv I Qraat look roatrol of tin Army of Ii-i Corp- I mtUte you "SHALL WE PKK1SII IN THK third coagreea paaaad tin Anti-beer flag WIIVOK over ;i |M'ople wlm are not j i i p B I'ie I., dcuth a mi France the Potamac, under proinise tlmt be Ql'ICKSANDfl OK LAWLBSSNBSSr j hill, and the 1th. "lh am) 8th, main prie-1 caused nor Mloon dominated. nut Ine wounded wen* either smoked or roust OF CONSTIPATION Napoleon died in exile at St. Helena IMKI Slum, aaj ii ^:i- the remdt of Mr ami Mr- li •*--•• I". o\ a-eie! - :•- imperial giuird in the rouvenl gardm ed !<• death I pas- lo th, Bloodj \u thai is why the scepter passed fro;ii wi r agitation, 'I he congrtmi that born .i.'iiniai*\ LII I Mi, In Berry oonnty, .md almost annihilated each other, his gle at Bpotaylvanla. i heard Joha 1 the hands ..f tba Caesars: that is why roCed to lobmit, were elect* d before in sh, was married I i..-s was ,'jj.hi, i n per cent Mi- army It. too (on, commander of the left A Battle Oro.,k IIIIVHII-IHII HOVK, * I'I,,, William of OerniHiiy was hissed as the we ent.nd the a'ar, txmg hefore the miaii Freeman of Many county, Mi.h was defeated and scattered, .ind the Hank of the ni iii) ..f \ liginlii. in a ntlpatloii In iTHpoxmlble for ino not ask iuc Put lmmi-tllnte relief h«H lieen fmiiul iiim-y .inoih. i dnu^te. i IMH.I Brmvi per cent: while admiui-tration Is 99! Tile iMh illlielidliiellt doesn't pro anl- of ids army half demented uud about the Bloody Angle' -a) it la A Mot ralle.1 l(.'xnll Ordorllea h,i- iimn died In is'.C. Mr Fr,-,. per eenl hihii. neitii. i doea tlm law agalnnl ua- raptured and taken to the Puke i too boi rlble («> speak of." been ilii-H-overed. Thia tablet attnict** II depnitcd ihi- life .limit eighteen We oui -• had t In- Louisiana lottery. murder prohibit Sen Vork has a uf Wellington I will -a\ (his however. I know water from (lie syntiMii Into the larj. tr*. ago The w i-ltov was iu;ii ric.l || was just us |, uai to M-nd Kamhllng law agatnai theft, yet I want to .. mpai i th.-e luilll,' .,| i l hai mu Houi line was BOl n lh\ c| dry. I-, n, unt Int.- bowel ,nll,-,l tlie cnlnn thousands of ngaUl in 1012 to M* 1' > SiN-rrv who literature through ihe mail as any .IUI .illiohih I JII i -I.ilell year in \;i|.. Icon w iii. or tour battlai in twenty-three boura, winn a man The watw lo<»eiiH the dry ttod *..isi. iied iiii) r. 1999 and caiwien 11 Kentli'. HiiHIWUll. ii.-iimi* otter mail. Tuns of gambling liter* York itate. Oil this Si,|, uf ihe Ailantic in which wa- it laa bled Ot shot, another look his Mr-. S',.' i\ . iime '" si * loud abonl inov.'iiwii! without formliiK u habit or lure, like Ila* leaves fr.un the forest. ilu- IMO- „f ,,ur l". i have hi i n tn place A Confederate regiment ai Has iaa Jnetifted Itaalf; ha- it th i'..ur \ ear-, agu ;i ml was im at laa oxer lnorenHlnn the dowe. (OWOd "in' !:iiid* 'die day OOBgreaa gaged, nettsbnrg, rlgbtlj elasaed as [ tempted lo -urrender the flag heurei. creased poverty, or prevented crlawY he proiVv-mn of faith MII.I received Slnp Hiifferlnn from .iv 90B patlente, Mnnh I. 1990, thay .tihle cias- iin.i -14-miHl to lake great and 11 em j Uta and • om< hundreds minutes 139 bMBM were down and ihat his client had L'I wives and it . ins, ,i th,* doora w ith imi a patient delight in fiirni-hiim iiowor- I'm* the per c.-nt io ih. -oath, the greater loan mil a gunner VMI- h-fl lo limn Hi- Advertise in the Tribune was his religion Ilo Supremo OoUfl lefi. Birmingham's new $HMt,i«Mi |all I nlpit ei ••-. Sunday ruing am sustained nt the peach orchard ami guns HUawered ihat that didn't go in a i I empty and was lui ned over Io taiul.v tiled to do all llio g i -he Pii kei'- i barge of seventeen then .m.i in ihis condition • leaaraJ On•( i hristian country. ihe Juvenile "'oun and Receiving ...iihl in her own quiet way. -lu-t a mi comei.i) ridge Oo with me to • - ui \\oi*'i I.. i rpaon io coma out iad Vou see Ihe law i> oat per eenl ami Hoim-. Seattle' 300 call Jail i. i few ti;i\s before I 'epurturc -he franklin. Tennessee, where ooinradei be would "\cciiie a Hank movement administration la BB par cant Win leaa than one third full. Pittsburgh a--lire(l her pu-lor. Itev. Atchistm. ihat Aliee and Wat rot in were In th, flghl ami eoiii|icl tin tti, my to ehuii^i front tha elghtaanth amendmenl ba enfnrc-' hmi u jail of MO celli .nnd nml, r lln • all Was well w it h lief sou) lllid Tha! from four o'clock uniil dark, u her. Ora nl moved bj the lofl flunk and e .-ho i- survived hy o io lister, Mr-, three to .m. or thereabouts, uadat doing this two Major Generals fell iii jail ii nimi- lem thaa ball ••, 1 whooontroi the eostonu; ooaal (oarda; eilpieil now No |.t oyer do (.n- of i:iia ll, siewcii ami s of s..di.hi m th.- bend of the Hnr pet li luta our _i ids and lldrly two thou iho prohibition unit \ \be attorney thouaaodi of orphans find tiu-ir way nephews and nits e-. al-o ,-i multitude river, when- th,. Confederate leader sand of th,- rank and file, tine of I he general; all United Itntei attorneya; WHENsVOU Into ii-.\ium- beeauae of drunlcnaaa. ..I friend- ilm' w ill grMtlj mlsn her. fought «iih ;i desperation of demons, generals, a gentleman, the other an iimrshalls and oommlasionerR! all _'HMK> children marched in a Hotnry Tlie runeral nervlce wa- beld horn, lem I inu bis regiment* [earna to Dpaon he ooaralted his -uh of tbe United states lapreme Court. ago, who bad never to* a n saloon. funeral parlors, Etev, B Atdihsui, tha w IJ li ,i i > i kle--m -- w Ithoul a rival OrdlUBtea and l'c\ all agreed ihat h> FINISHED aad "ther judges; niggeeti laglalattoa since ihe isth amendment, children imator nf ih.- Bapttnl churrh, nfflclnt- led his 11 a: im cn I- up to ,nii' Hues, should semi luuk won! lo Oranl thnl I.. Ooagraaa; oan veto legialatlon ot are tint compelled to leave s,.\ ,,| in lng. SHOPPING which he dflaapproraa; eoaanda the ltt [tunped i he dltcb in our front * .md the] • "old fid11 as well us Ids w esl order t.. support their mothers and iiiidm-t'.' Mnn' Uaaortaai thaa ;in\ mounted om work- to i.c riddled wiiii tin troupa nml Ihat tliey would im( younger brotbera and slatera, Indict- ami fall under Ids horae'a head conic mil unlil tha fighting was ovm ihiiiL' ••]-.'. hy his pnaoaaJ etumple, GREEN TURTLES HAVE oil our side, and hi' iai! UpOB the Al Sniilh i- Itu- last hOpfl (rf the in tho front. his liltei aliee*- ainl liis Jieli.-ni I atti Confederatea1 side. 'The dltcl) hi Ihi. will show ihe ensy uiornin;; iud"- inwards prohibition lawa, hi al nulllflcatloniata. They um-t win two PROTECTION OF iiiiui- of both bouaea before the quai front i.f i nlon worh a ue seel blag joh that lhe hoys was promised. I i. is and lBU>aafaa lhe sincerity of tbe i wllh I he w oui II h-i I and I he agonising bave saa mined ihe reporta of other i ..iisiitutiiuiul aineiMUnont. iTOgfaattBg tlon can be reaobmltted io the states STATE LAW ami thetl 1 III ee t< HI It li- Of tlie -lillf- (•lies i.f Ihe Yollllllcil ainl d\iliL', hands wars, ami i unhesitatingly declare to ih.* paopla its oi. era tn • "i viola were npllftcd ami -word- banded with thai (he hallh-s of lhe Civil wnr us Ooo. inust ratify il. The wets know that : iliey can neither repeal nor manufac MUM M) NOT UK MOLKNTEIJ 1)1 K- ba>"lie Imploring surrender. 9ooA a whoi... are without a paralotl in the I am sorry It has become I MM l\t; MAV, JUNE, JULY \NI> tin- Oonferderate commander who hi '.mn Of world. Why Is It BOOM aonal q^Mattott. I am sorry the I tore light wine- and bear, Here is llii infer, All laa maal he enforced, u \l iilsT earlier In lhe day declined advice with aary la dwell mi this tearful ilaugb liuious jssuo has been forced II.I bad • barged Olayborn ter.' In- ' •". BM America fmht to ih.- appolnlint: power of the pn TAI.I.AHASSKK, .lum- S> •,•. I •;, with cowardice, was for the ihne Wt are hme to dedicate a m | piiMivi tar Constitution J I may live and hi- p..w- | nt approprla turtles nro protected by lav*. In nor* completely humiliated, foi a seai on im-ul lo the hiuve men ami hoys who -e her armed to hreak tbe shrck- tion for enforcement oparal lawleas Ign; we will have the |9tfa ami s],,aild IN* lofl a I | \ribg A yottOg ca pla in from Mcrldia n. Mis volunteered I' i l'*ra uklin townahlp, 0f ihe Vatican. tbe luoiith- of May. Juno. ,hdy and ami the then Village of Kent, ,, ad Tin* s;i],,..rj iauso(l nlno-tentliK of .he amendment on the atatota hooks un sisr-ippi. who had handed no his sword AilL'Ust. T. K. Ilmlges, -late h,-|| fish to a captain of the 104th a nd waa batp and living. To whom are we Indebted i•tim.* IB par earn of the accidents enforced in Amerlci us it hns heen in New Vork i ommlsaloner warns vu<- warning ed ont of the ditch, -aid Ihat lie had for this aol of love? I know of noth i ami that was before ii»'- automobile) ifter i ho -( HIIIIIissione i' had re- surrendered ami thnt he would honor iim' in history thai an well expresses On lhe dii.\ a millificaiionist sit 4 Xi I*T tint of (he sntddee, 7aru|zed indu.-try. violated i in ••* thni thay drink when they for anyone convicted of banning i bathed his teal wiih a ooptoaa flow law, aahBaed manhood, tin-hod the ured. Syrup*. want to loggerhead, or green turtle, during the of tears, dried Ihem ulth her long hcnrts of women, blighted ilm fruit of Qo "iih me to Ohicamauga and up When lhe Kovct ntaeiit of New Vork lot ir montliN, Mr Hodge* ^Jii'l The Broach ft with a particular eiintloii hhick hair, Ihen Withdraw from her Serveil Excllnilv.lj ... the womb, defied 'hul iind damned failed to eoojienite, (he lHlh aimnd e.-t i,,i, raada: i lu i e i !omrada Mwd, although person a boa of precious ointment and The Fountain nt souls. The American paopla (bunder melt became • farce in the empire Thnt it shall he unlawful for any in the ill filled right Wing of our ,IIIII.'it.-.I him. nml the odor of thai ed with the ballot, Vou go!" Boot- state Th y tell us I he f>oiiition is jwrsoa or in-rmuis. (inn or corporation army, it waa no fault of hh- ot uny ointment filled the room. The Rexall Sion I.^ers thrived from lack of manly to tnke, kill or mutilate or In anv WlM li:lit wines and batat. Isn't half of person connected with ih.- rank and I'ln* W,mum's (MM .'oriw fnmiii citizenship nnd put riot Ism. deatrog tvy log^Mhaad, orgraen turtle 1 per c.-nt light enough? They want file. The fault was with Chit tendon, tbeae aoldlen witimu: propM raaog Neutrality 0B a moral (pasti-m m a drink with a kick In H, then it is whih* BB] sm*h turtle IH laying, or found out of (he waters or upon t.he who instead of bitching his lafl with uin.HI umi decided thai aometlilnf cowardice. If the Father deigned to im loagH light, i'ml per cent of the lii'iit'lic; of the shite of Florida (hiring tin* light Of Tlunmis hnd < hi 11 eiidcn ll.Hllil IM* iliin,, I,, [»i*,*si*|*V|. t| |*i*,*,if,1 Edwards' Pharmacy beatOW [sflnaoaa on UH. dare WX hurl saloon huslru'HH was l«?er. In 1U07 made iho connection on BnodgraM ,,r their wrrtan. Twin tbay hmi n-n Oaotgla went dry. The same year she tho moid hs of Moy. J une. ,| nly and .I. fiance in the tMB "f KlM AlrnightyV hill, that he was expected to da, it IM in believe tlmt • momuneal or lOgallaad tha sale of he<'r, and liquor August of any yeoir. That -.\i\\ parantl lioes New Vork own the Imiuocrnlic very linprohahle that liSCh result .* .liiipii mould I..* provided, ,.nd twi,*,* WIIH Hold. A nadaj session was call violating tin* provisions of tliis MCtfag am. %tyncJJL tmmm party. The American people rendered sliall ba piinlsho"! hy a lim* noi to gg the] were dlaappolnted. IIM ii„. ed and the sale of liquor prohibited would have occurred. v a verdict, condemned liquor to death. caad ifiXKl. or Inqwi.^onnieni In tho In any form, NovemlMU 7, 1919, Mich­ Longs trwt, lately from the iirmy -nil. i u.i in thatr lint*, to sulk*. St. Cloud, Plorictu Tbe warrant of execution was signed oiii,t> jail not to anead ^Hvly dayt*. of Virginia, with IIIH army Ihnt hnd 'I'ln*. iliil in,i. Under the direction In Washington by tbe Secretary of igan voted dry by a majority of 08,624. or both, Hiich (bie and InLprlson t-nt Th.- weta suhtnlttwl an amendment for nevi-r known tlefcnt, Heelng the tdghi nml guidance nf thai woman of more Stftt**. There are aome so cevidd if in t.he dl.**'re(hm of th<* court." of our army swept from the Raid WM ilnin ordinary Intelllaence and ixecu* Till*KNDAY. JllA 5, UttB THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA TAOB PITS

1 1 *m+\ .- .-i-M-i-.1 .IIIIIIII *+*** I+ ! **•+.*1.11 I I I I I ||i •> t HH l,OCAL TIStrtHO SOCIAL Don't Give Up Legal Advertising Legal Advertising •W'+++****+++**+++-*++++++'i-i-i' I ^•^^•^•++•^-M»^•l^•^^•^~^*^-^+^M^v••^-^-l••l• Iu 17,,. .lu.II1I11I Coart uf Kl..rl,ln. I'lriiill I Report of Uie condition ,*i 11„* eiih.i.s It Can Be Found! Court of iis,*,*,,li, Cnuily lu uluiiH-ery. s*'*ii* 11,11,1,. NO. aw., lit SI I'lon.l. Ii, ll„* Ste doublets |.:il/.„l„.|ll Uln, 1,.,V,,rill. 1 ,,iii|,Inlii,nil. VS. Slut,, of l',In ill tbs ClOSK of l,,i.,,,..i In.n't lees lioiM* when you've Will 11. Ill I„.,nli. Hi-fi lent. The Tun. ':,, COMINU PKRBONAL (.(UNO lost KoinetliinK valuable and •tats ,,f i'i..n. 1,1 in win i> i.i Iworth, •saeeesei whose 11**' known sddMas WIIH IINII AHII I.ninn, unit I its, 0111,1 •* 7. ;i«,.| 1*. illHIttllllllllll lllllll IHIlMlltl, |IHX,(,(ffMH sem-iheit f.u* ii without succesa. st 1 Mn, in*,,,i.'i*i it nppsarlai from I Ull.*,I Sliilos II I„ There's nlnilhei* chiinnel of iifll.luvlt nuiii.- in,,. Ill,-,I in 111,- ill,,,!,* ,:111s,. ilmiklllK tlollH,*. 11-iiriul lire nml 8. W. Porter, real eatate. Ineurance. Mra. W. H. lVrt will leave search ..JH-II to you—und one Villi „.!.• OVer HU* !.«.* Tnl seal IIH l'l,*rk of HIIIII,*. Undivided rr..tits II-.SM i'T\i„,is,*h I'.iiinil it. I'IIIK il„* .'.Hi ,lnv *.f .Inly, nr.'s. sirm't. J*amm 4*. **•" W' • 1111,1 IT,,,*, put*' * <*•„; *,i Visit the II. » S. Grocery for the 'I'he losl 1111,1 found columns .1. I.. OVBUHTHBBT, Hart. Deposit. IOWIXI.TIT: ,*f 'I'he Trlhiiuc return llunisnmls Wl » K l-oimil, II IT L. C. Riddle, Dentiat, Conn Building. finest Wmtani and FlorIJa Meats Total »i * ..I' ilnllufK worth of lost prop­ .\, 1{ ,*l,ll,-l|.|,T. Appointment made. Staple and Fancy Groceries. 1-cf Slit., of Florldn, IVunly <•! OSOSSls, H*. erty to OWIHTH—for it few oenta s,,ii,it,,1- for .'oinpliihiiiiii. .11:, t.. ., 1 -jr, I, B. IH. Goodrich, i'i,nin,*, ,1 in,* nn., . 11 week you i.ui linlihsh wuiit-iiils Vl,-t«ir M lllll. "I N.IUSK.HS.S*, is Mrs l.uln Alwoiiil lafl hist Wed* n.i ,1 iiiuiii, do soisnely s,v,-ur emt iiu* Ihere, loo. illmvi* sliilellli-lit in ,111, lo Uu- bSel "t my ,,* Mils mma from " hnsi ncsiliij for .'IIIIIII Nukiimiwii. near Iniowh'ill-',* .in.l I.elit-f :in,l Ihnt It Is In gaa trip In Cincinnati. Ohio nn.l oilier Miiyrsvllh., Tonn. in 1 1 iti itm ( : i/n Itu response to pffldsl Dones to report h.v the l'mii|itr,tlli*r ,.f the S.uti* of Fluriilu. |l<>llltN 111 111." Nol'tJl. IN FMIR'DA" St. Cloud Tribune 'I'lils is Die title of 11 fni' bulletin •O. M. .lO.lliltliii Cashier St. Cloud News Static*—Cigars, Correct—Attest 1 Dr. Wm. H. Dodds, Physician and Magailnes, Post Cards, Threads and WANT Al) SKCTION issued hy tho sinto experiment sta­ Ij. e. 1IUNTUH. Surgeon, office Eleventh and Penna. Candle,,. 2C-U tion at uOiuvsvllle, prepared by Profs. O. A. I'HKIi Ave. Day and Night calls promptly llnrnlil Mnwry und A. V. Unmp. It la S. W. I'llllThllt lilr,.,l„r». esiiiuiitcil Unit pluntlugs to 2,220 acres Hul,.iiii,,*,I nml H-wurii to before in** tht, attended. BuKer. Botter Milk and Cream. .llh day af July, I'.ITTH Model Dairy Farm, or Phone 87-2 No, till luiv,- heen iniiilo iu HC'VOD countiea of •IMI. .1 .HIHNS'I'IIN, N.itnry I'u,,...- iinrtliwoKteru Florida. KUTT fresh vegetable and fruit that lives in Los Angeles snd Is s won­ I'iuiiinli,i.lun osplrei Mureh r,, HIT-II. derful double of the grest president the market •> fords ran be had at the I,iiwri*ii,*|, nnd Kriink (lilberl, of the Miisniiii- linnii- nt St Peleraburg, arc Anil hr is nol in lhe movlesl H. and 8. Grocery. *-*' spending • two weeks' vacation with Ife*"* to A/it" **ifXt" ' mmJt*. mmg/mt >* itgfammMmgim ***\m.m taJn Mr. niul Mrs. W. T. Adn.iin mid chll- frlenda in si. cloud. iirrn have returned from i. vacation I magi in Iwalnabore mnl Atlanta, Dr. M. B. ( ..oilman, I3nn|iath and Osleoimlh. Hours from 9 to 11; I FOUR BglJAKF, .'l^VSS Georgia. to 4, Florida Ave. bet. llth and 12th. KN'riORTAlSTOD Howard Wetland sntertainod (he RECEIVER'S SALE IIIOIIIIH.I-S of tile Four S<|iuil*i' Suiuliiy Dr. ,1. D. Chunn, Physician and Sur­ Mr. mnl Mrs. S. \V. Ijickc.v left Ncli.Nil chiss of tlio I'resl.y lorliiii church geon. Office n«xt door to Ford (Jar- Tilosilny fm* Stiiiiton. Nol.. They WITI* TIIH undersigned Keceiver of tlie Bank of age Pennsylvania. Phone al offir. i..'...iii|iiiiii.-il Iiy Mr. mnl Mra. II. S. ui iiu* borne .»f his parenta mi Mury- and reeidencr. Imul JUCIIU,. Thursday i*\.*iiini.r. June 8t. Cloud will of fer toi ,;;.1« by Healed bidH, to the I.i.kry mnl son. K 11 us. A luwlnoss 7s.*ssii.n wus hohl. folUrta*- highent and best, bidder for ca»h, all the remain- MJ-H. N. 1.. Hdwurdx nn.l ohllilicii D.inlile concrete blocks give you a spanl Siniiln.v with Mrs l-Xwiirdi.' i«ir o senger lnisiin-ss. Calls lefl at Mal-suiiiiwi.Ti..*.. is,tm,, sninii nmi lea uii render" ninl Andy (.limp. lory's driM-iTy will receive prninpt :i( tent inn. I'. (1. ICON 957. IT* II WHY WoltltY BBIDOK e«.»»<|/vee^^vw>.»»^»s» .••wys,te mOpamt*tfaaa. t*v**f3l Saturday, .Inly 7 7 Tom Tyler in.l HAS lul,I.Y I'AHTY I 1. Darro in "I'liiiiitoni of (lie Mr. mnl Mis. Iiiinn 1'. Klselstcln mnl •i'o ci .1 ISI*: SKK1KS Range" — "Haunt,il Island" — witli Ou Tueeday aftaraooii ut ilu* innm* 1'aniiniitiiii News 7111,1 , omedy. Mrs. licit <;,*ssf,,i*it returned laal Thora- 1I111 after SJH.IMIII.K a month in Ohio. of Mrs. A. II. WlKiTlnlon on Mussn choaetts avenue tbe group ..f memben Manxta.,. .Inly 117 .l:i.-l ...I ii.,- members of the latter group I'IMI nr.-l I. were required to provide aatertala 1111*111 sunns fm* iin* afternoon. WedlM^day : "(nillllry More" w .11* MRS. IXIItl SMI I II I,IKS I Mass Meeting I I'liimro. ..un.*.i.\ ninl Serial, ll PIBM AT I'AINKSMI.I.K. mini Mr- A .1 Allison, win, I,,hi Indlvld- Sel of Dishes nn.l nther uiluiihlc pri/rs Tin* niiiiii TICII.I-I *.f Mrs 11,,1.1 Smii |i lliil hlgb score for the sellHOII. WHS ..iv, ., awny. \i ill i»* jrleved i*. 1.'in n *if iier smiii,•11 awarded n liiiiulsomi- Inimloti- lump. death r«s.*nil, al in-,- Inane al Haloes The hosic-scs served a iieiiclous G. A. R. Hall, Friday Evening, , 1928 TlmrMlay nnil Fridnv, Jul, 111 1.1 •.ill,*, iihl,, Mrs sniiih baa spent two ,,f tooted lcllii,*c uml loniu- "Alb.**. Th.* Deaeon" with ilia "Newly u Inters n si i lood. .uni created 1 1.. siiiulw Idles, olives, leu. ..rilli*--.' Ice A meeting of all tlie people of the City of St. Cloud inter- |£ l, l( 1 web. ...HI llieir llnliy." larss .ii.i,. nf f,i is hen*. uln) Amtmt " * u'kc 'I'll..-,' i»resi 111 WON Mrs. A. J. Al­ ! ested in clean, honest and efficient citv government, will he held _ "Tool.. UT Mill luces" even* iln.i 1 I MRS. I ,1. siimti lison. Mrs. W. T. Ailuius, Mrs. Sum o'clock. 10,* IKT seal, nil Hires. NtirlitH, Mi-. K, .1 S|« n\. age 7t died su Itriiiuiiim*. Mrs. J. ,1. Johnston. Mrs. 1 in the G. A. R. Hall, Friday evening, July 6th, 1928, at 8 P. M. | ,'\sl ll lii.. Mellon llistitlilo *>l In I >* ill work and cooperate with the present commission for ilii-lrliil Iti'sciirch h\ lti\ I'tllowshlp llllile School ut 11 ::t(l n. in. fflvcry bottle guaranteed Adv. 46-11 .'otniiiunliin und sorinon at 10:30 a. m. the completion of the present audit and investigation and for .'hi ist in n Kmlcuvor nt (1:30 p. in Service tiii.! Serui.ui at 7:30 p. m. the best interests of St. Cloud. Service nml lillile Study, WiKlnesihiv. Competing With the Mail Order Houses ? at 7:30 p. ui. SECOND:— I shall if elected use my influence with the presenl hoard to Y.'s, .iur prici's uti lixdnvs COtHpRFb vurv In \ urnhly. KK I.I.M- I II I III Kl II LATTKK DAV SAINTS employ a city manager who is capable of filling this import­ Come in and look tli.'in over. 514 New York Avenue ant position, and who is not connected with any faction. If Siiinlii;,* School a( 10:00 A. M., Wu liiivu :i tpeoUJ prii-u on stootriodoor bellB, install­ W lluininell. Snpt we are unable to secure this type of man in St. Cloud, I shall favor going out of the city to secure a man who will ed complete. Kli'itric wiring. A |>].li,'iii< es re pni re. I.' (III R( I. Kev. 1'alrlrk M.ilicn. r.v.1.,, meet these specifications. ST. CLOUD ELECTRIC CO. Illlm.lH Ave. uml Uilh SI. = THIRD: N. C. HARDEN Odd Ftllow. Bid,., N T Av.. I*. M. UI'I I11N Service III 111 IMI 11, 111. I stand for economy in all its forms, and pledge myself ac­ nan nutwiiYTirainN CIIIKIII llimniil tt, Ci.inplN'll. 1>. II.. Minister. cordingly. Subjecta .Inly s, 1808: it>to(oa)ti).D(i).mi.i,i„„'Di;i!.i!mnini.!ina)(nmmaii' Mlnrnlng Tin- Lovd*a Vuin,- Mnnui = FOURTH:— Bed. How'.' usr 1'lllon Sorvieos at tile M. I wish to say that I am not connected with any faction or Le Mur Permanent • I lli.ivh clique and have no political ax to grind; I am in this race be­ (IIKISI I AN SCIKNI K l'lll IK II cause I believe St. Cloud needs a man of the type who will Wave "Snorntneii!" will lie lhe -uil..|e.T .,1" j-^ llie lesson sermon ut tin- .'hristiun *ss use his every effort to promote harmony and economy in Science elllirell, Millllesotu mu) lllll -j| the city government. $8-00 street, ou Sun,i,l.v. July Sth. All ure cordlall, Invited to attend. = FINALLY: MKIIIODISI EPISCOPAL . Ill K. ll I have made no promises, will make no promises except those llu* I'..HUT BtOOS of I'llilh' Will he lln* nnirniiiK siil>.l,s*t uml Ml.' hour of embodied in this platform and if I am elected I shall see that BETTY KAY worship will Is* HI: Ifl n. in .Inly I the city of St. Cloud shall have a clean, honest and economi­ rh,* iiiiiie SCIUN.I lonvenee nt D M II in cal administration during my term of office. Beauty Shoppe Tho * iu*-s mui league win hold iheir S ill T IKI I' 111 Respectfully submitted, AI s in ,.dock iir. OanvtoU of the ]*t. *..! ;.Timi church will deliver llie l.lrventh snd I'enn. Phone 95 senium lo u union ciiii*.'i*eiT*ntl..ii I'ui.l Political Allvel-ti«'lll,'lll I W. R. GODWIN. i'i:i\ei* nrvloa win be hel,I Wednea< iluy ni 8:00 p. iu. u. M, .\n,ir, w s, Paator Sl r-toc tux THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA I 111 KSJ>\V, 4tl,Y 5. 191%

I-MMI I IMt I I I III Ml II It'll I IM III I I I I llll I IMU :-M-»4 uni imi ii^i gtMMt out <-r tiu* nitneha UM wlokcd. Legal Advertising Legal Advertising Legal Advertising KlM>tlon rroclwiMll-iiR NOTICK OF BI.BCTUIN NOTICB TO CBKDITOne INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON f Tfy virtue ».r th.- sathortty Is ns rmted Nolle* la h«r*nby given that nn niartluii In Cm-nv Court of Oocrola County, Btata ! CAN VOU A.\s\vi;n TIUOHKV an Mnv.ii- I'ominliitdoii.-r. Itty of St. Cloud, will he held In ftptwlnl Tai School DU of Klorldn In re Batata of 11 W Harstow • MMIIIMIIII |.»»|»n-4| | | ) I | | | I I I I I I H I ! I I I M M II I I H Kinrhts. I, Cslrln Parber, trlct No 3. ntborwlaa known as the deceaaed. Kennnirllle School Dlntrlrt. nt t\a *lnce To nil .-i.-.l it"i«. legateea, dhitrlhuteca, What nhjootioiiM iihi the fhnrtaffca IIHII .'Ui.l |ii..ilidiii Itnil on (li.. Htk 'lay of Hy KKITH 1.. n*04>K* Iniv l |t IMg, t. the illi Hull of HMld wbern the Isnt general eleetlon wna tald and all peraono having claims or demanda •tlltor "The King a Bueln*ee," published inoethl} by ami Sji.ldu.'.s's havo to the - aamboi af naUfs of District School Tax to the Hon. J. W. Oliver. County Judge of tending LncMenta "f .lowtsii histuri. •Thctsiian chnracter of Stephen? IOMI nmii.' in.-.uii by iin. rsalnnagen of to he levied annually for each of the aald of Oaceola Coin t.v. at bla offlco In tbe IV\I Vet- I 54 ,S:.'i. two yenra Only the iiuiv tpialiricil aUct County t>.iirthonac In Klaalmmee. Oaeaola IK na< iiinkim; history do th* arguing HUM dhl So nl of 'l\l rssiTM liHp|n \ias aarryflhg oal • pnwllal U'- Wim charges wen ieafaergd gpUmd next preceedtng aald election ahall he en Pun*.! April 21. A P litis • \lllT IV.Iitee e*| till* f'l'IKinV I'f ,.f HI. I'I I Mill be pWUlttSd to Viite lit Cwaan the ttantmenl whirh Ubaea had ilea con [gapliaii 1 sunt ct.'.-t i*.n, aocordtiiH tn law. titled to vote. The polla will b* open at TIIBI.MA MAliATO. Bxeciitrii of (be Batata of Ohrtatten batterers oenthraed tot BOOM ns'oiviil al th* hands of li is peopla The polls »-in "pen sl elghl o'cloclt In eight o'clock a. ni. and clone nt aundown. What Mils tho main |ndnt of WbtQk. H. W Baratow, dnca*aaed. iiiin* in rMbta cm—tttoa with eiw iii.- atoralna mni will remain npea until The .'oliowing peraona nn' herehy up- and thai which his oars hanwm ted eu'a irgumeul befb^p tlie Hanhedrin V June 7 July net' tiv.* thirty ostaos m the afternoon, for the polntaal to aerve na luapectors and clerk .Inwisli t'huri-h 'l\i be sun* thi\v rittOfl glean ba fantu Ohriat fhroy did not I ml tho .loivs hnvi' tho rlghl tn parposs >>f rssslrlag vatai st said flection: Dewey Tnumaello and bagtttMr meeting ht yatamat banana.fal l to aaa HaaiieHioe Ifl tho mirror. carry oui tho denth Mflftaa*m1 1 baraby ip point K*iri K. Cowter Clark, Joe Maggard. t-inpectort., ami C. D lda*» Nat Ice i.r Application fer Tax Heed Clerk. teglllatip for -*tu.|>. pni.vor :iiul tha Ills I'oiicludinc «oiils .mi..' Mith v H I'.'in i l Mrs. ii>-h IMS. Notice ta herehy given, thnt <\ V. anuth, rnime ;ii east - Johnaon, holder of Tnx (Vrlltlcatea No alamt thatr iirochuiifttion "f tin* reeUT thai mmtay irone up in mo*' nn»> wiia i is pwaonil ion of ChrtatlanH I Oaal I tx>LViN I'AUKKH The asanaamani of -ni.i propert* aadar Mayor i ••>iiiiin*'i' Mfl. .HSU. Ml. itt, dated the 7th dny of rt'.ti",i mnl .MI ttra 'Ki-tisii.ns irttil tn the anld cert III. ille IHHII.,1 WON In the imtne "gnnabnd upon bin arttfc tiu-ir nvtii," IM.UIUI to s«Tou*pUah if it is bona in Atteat: J. ir. COLLINfe, City Msnuaer June. A. I>. 1D2A. hna tiled antd eertlflcatfa siioiii* the npoatlae; IHM QvaalteTs Thoy hu.stUMl hhn oiii of tho hall. he -].h it of Chriatl iun.' 'is 4l tn toy offlce and made appilctitfon for tnx of in know i I'uleaa unlil orrtlflcate OHIIII«MW advice helped to arvaal batag de. il to laaue theremi tn accordnnec with ahnli he psdesmed areardlaa m t«w straight to tho plana of public axnnk law. Siild certllh'Htea cinhriicc the follow tax deed will Inane there..n on the BOth ration fot II •aaaon, ha tttoa vrvnl on .;«;«;. tlon it v as a lawtee* procneding. Thr Nollri* to i i.-,lli..r„ lng il.-N.'i ll'.-il nropcrty altuntcd lu OoesolS dny of .Intv A P Itm it lui'jini' iiKiti' nnd loofa tli'Mr to IH»- 1 Countv, Florldn. to-wlt: , Pined tin- .Mni day of .iuin- A P MR rlghl to intli.-t oapital punishnii'iit luul I I in iv>urt of Csanty gadg*i ooceoin hoi I'l-s i iun tba tawi of Mooes trip I I.ol* St, 47. BO, ^1 IHI ind US. Seminole ' J. I.. 0VRUMTRBRT uvn lakin juu^ from thoin hy Mio I'lI'H AM* POINT ' ..mity stnte of Klorldn In re K^tati- "I temporary nnreiiant. stfpemedert b.' tho Mnry A. Vender, tl ni»«v1 Land A Inv. Co'a Hub Dlvn of nil except i 'i"i k «ircull i'mirl Oacoola Ooaal \ Unman i^.-^^^H't Uvan i" siepheii' gmnna "n crown.*1 He T» nil IT.' Intateen, 'llstrlbute*'* NW14 of NWH aectlon 21 townahlp H lOlrcnll con s.*ni. Plorlda. fodtiriag ayetout Inaugurated >>\ * brief. aoutb. range .10 eaat. In tt ,lv '.'It I'.l •tOO* htl^H ^Bitu-ii a lisolnti'l.i ivon the ownrn PMmdigdowed in tin* .•nul nil (lernnns hnvfntr clalinn or (leiunndM As tiieae teaotitiifle begat t . it •inc i„u'ist -nii.i oatata: The MHaeaaiiiciit of Hiild property • aim t*^^^^rriousm*ss of iii- Sl \ i iiiimi' be bora abroad, tin* Itiarlnec* and Beddtioeea, fou snd nasi tt yan, ir* hseaby n iiin.-.i the certitlciitca Umi,-,I waa In the mi ine of N.tticc „f BhsaMTi Hale lour's j rosom-o. "'Ho. indmr lull of ('nkuown and Hlondworth A Smith (bough iwivin^ ii.. lova tot aaoh other, Fidelity to truth is awe i>» promote .mil re.) lit re. I to pfatSOl nay I'lHllim Mini Notice li hereby given thai under mid '•> Hit* H.-li idiost. toOltad ui* slitidfastlv Rntaguhlauk detnsnds whirh you. ur sttnar of y«ii. mny tTnleaa nald cvrtltlcHtea nhnll he redeemed rtrtus ..f and etacMtloo inn t att sf the iiinitiin.'.l to vrilmfh x 'li Hst III nit y mt" hoavi'ii. and na tin- glory of Qod han* n mil nut tin*" entitle of Mury A. VOCHIIT. n.'cor.llnif to law, tux deed will In mie .ivll c.iiri ni Record «>r Duval county in the proportion In whtrfe am mill thereon ya the Ulth dny of July. A 1» rtecsasad. late of o*ee..ia County, Plorlda, iud trwnarrlbed to ths circuit Tii** •:.-. froai out 1 lalon casta itawl .imi Jeans standing voke th • 1028. Klorld*, le the lion J. \V. Oliver. County Court nr 0a ila County, Plorlda, when* rlir-iujrh tin- Mal an.l ability "f Stephen o;' * imi and sn id. I soe tln> bagvann Dnted thla 12th dav _4 .1 A D IflH tiiinti ii ith whieh Ilo ivas nsKjiile I Jndga nf Osoaola Connty. «t bin offict in In Ths Berger Msnufhctutina Company. • npaned and tho Son of innn slandiim J L. OVBKSTUBBT. wh" WOB JI IBBfVl'a i icwii Hi* la The appoaitlon of iin* Wagodly and oi tbs Coanty i '.»uriii.mse in Ktmiliiiiiiis*, Os­ L'orooratloii u rifiintirr nmi v W smith ..1 Bl | man full .»f faith an.l on tho rlfhl hand of Ood." 1 Ch-rk Circuit court, traalni aa Oe< la Bulldera Supply Com •.ms -tint's" la ona of the Mali ceola Coaaty, H !. rldn, within twslvs Oaeaola Coaaty, rioridn puny la defendant the iinderal*nad sa power" it la MU tbal Hi naa ahno . l'lll' ^oiiinl of his i "i.v was IrOWtlCd • • • -i T li - fr<>iii the dnte hereof (t'lrcult Court Seal) ..j the Kenulnanaaa of onr dlaolplaahl|i sherMf ..f Oeceola County Plorto*. have iiisj.inci wnii blm wara not aMa t.< I'U. .1 .Tone JO. A. P. IMS. with thalr hooting, s>nn* of tho wit The nntagonlnm of spiritual ndrer W. t). KING. l,*\ led .Hi ill itl til ken pOMOHloU of AH the ri'sivi ih.. Mrladan ud iplrll by which S ol..- or Applleatllna for Tax l'r..| tieaaaa polled off thalr oppar ggrmenta -aril's i^ i aliiaMe in that it bftog* forth Adniliil»tmtt»r of the K»t>n.* sf property ol tin* il*efendnnt iNiuipany, the In. ape kei" II.* waa "in* of" tho tirst Mary A. Veeder, de-censed, and bandad than o*or to snni of 'hir to view thoae traits of ("hristian «'h,n Notice it. herehy glean, thnl Hoin." followlna descrllfsd Baal Rstets attested in 21 -Ana 17 .ainl lying in Oeceola County, Plorlda, nml deacon*, an.l ii"! cootant witli serving -is i.. hold whlla ihov mnda ihort Basa, holder of Taa Cartlflcata Ku llfl a. ter ivh.h "thoriMse Mould have been dated tha rth day "( June, \* n Wflt win offer for «Hie and sell te the hljrbesl uiiilos in* gave iini.ii timo and eagqp aroHi "f this man rhiir atonaa nnotiaerved. s.ifb-r of \|i|.ll. .til.iii for l.v Heed hna riled mild certificate III my offles and iiiid b*Sl I'Older f.>r .vi sii In tin nil on Itu- u'l.tMi a doni^.n Rati i-ioiicht Su-plrt-li to his rv||i-0>. hut li" mads application for taa feed t" lesus Jemu keeps Bla richest cordlata for Notles lit li<*r.*liv nh n, thnt Ktionett T. Rule Day In Augual the '•nine being the "ii tire for ^"ii!.- IM i< Mjftta Likely to thereon in aeaordanoa with law, s«t.i oar malediction eeenped his hps Hi- prap** inr s,.i'i*st need and ill the hour ol null In.].ler of Tai ' N OON Ith day "f lugnat, lOSfl between the legal mi,'.it. nmbraoaa tha following described erode antauroulsm. dat*d the Tth .lay of .lunc. .\ l> UM, ! i i tha front -i.""- of the .**! .i.MI-. receive my -spirit*" .-ur ihop'si extramitj reveala Hlmaell proper! t all a ' "'i in O ^ I 'loi SJI nl "f Tarsus belonged to ona of IIIM Bled B*ld certlllcnte in mv ..f. | i :iml r i hones i.f -nid Coanty purehnaat tn His 11 he news to onr Lord wna oompla^d mosi . ic.'irii t" na nhi. io wit : pny for .leed, to wit tlio synagogues whi.-h Sicphen ^ i^it*NI 7 .iii innlienttoo for t„ •: daad to Issas Lola III K Ml s.inlnole I.and A i" when bo adddd : ' i*ay not thla sin to ieeus cannot sit wfean • saint 's thereon in sccordanas n'tth inw Bsld pel I.• • t.- Bl ' . :i in in...-I, |d o| MagnoMii It i- probable rtial laul was ooa ot Co'a Sub dtvu of nil evpt SW, of M |S Parh, und a pan i Block it\ < \ Robin I heir ehnrga ' mifferlug for His dory, (">• He Miniwlf tiltr-ate eitihrnci*n the foliowluir dsacrlbod .nnl WL. .0 SK'« .imi SK', of IW -4 aai bin k,i i • inta. fnr lu* wnt In ; roperty nitunte«i tn Caosoui Coanty, I-'I-T •on'a iddltloa to srlt: Bealnnlna at later Tenn3*aon in his r-.. \.n, os sn- :- sinTeiiim in Hla dying dladtde fef tion _'ii townahlp _'»i aoath, ren*o ;i seal -••. li.'H "f linn.i atreet and viutit of wnv tho from rank "f ilu* persecutor*. bin. to wit: The aaeseameat >.f HHI.I property under Acts 7 Ml ii th.- plorlda Mi.i I Rail Rood al the r Lotl IN nnd III Block "JOO s (-ion,) the anl.I caitlflcste Imiued waa lu the name While i\,. MI- ?viul in tlu» niL .* "f tlio lh- baedad n.-i reviling tonoa, Sort hea at corner of thm part .f Block in •Thy foes can strike thee . n|j The nesnsnanl af nal.i pro party nndar ..i Unhnown. Unlaaa aald cortlflcate -h:iii oontrorerala llata, ii uaimot '»• dotfKed <.f s A Rohlneon'o addition to Klaalmmee, \.a -..hi iii- iii-iirt to Idle moans |.I..IIJ:1I the Snvioiir's heart." lhe snid cerilflcsie ittnue<] wim hi the nans ba redeemed i ortflna to law tn\ daad i't. i iiii.ii, 11.., n, 'H Qoath *- ;;.• of tii** truths ho baard from Tiio' nuraad ami aenmnd and . mors could kill Stephen, lm! r I'ukiiowii Unless "ulit certlttente BIIMII win lasue tharaoa ou the .'.'tni day of July, tba llpa of daacon (Stephen were lernu i.e rsdsomed soeordin* ta inw. tux dead no,I Weal Of riiiht •-. way, run thence in, s,^i with itnoaa : tin\ couldn't arrest tin* progiuai "I wilt InMue theris.ii on tk* gird dnv of July, Dated thla itltb .lay uf June. A. D. IV2A aouth n d<«raea weal nn* 7 feet, then..' IT whi.-h. iihi'n afterward wviiuad i>y the itm looking iiimanl. full of grace, \ 11 tail degrees nortb nm f.-.-t. thence i.i degreea hla worda for ''lirist J. L. OVKHSTIIKBT. Boll Spirit MpniiiL' up and eventual!} HH ted this Iflth dny of Jans, -\ l> 1988 east to the right of may ••( aald Florida III- prayed and from a IUIIT: place Ctsrh cir.uti Coart, J. L. OVBBBTBKKT, Mtdhind rnllroad Pn- SSBtarly S* n line found full Moan in IVvil's wi.nilorfiii iio.1 s glory mote him on the tana." Oaceola Couniy, Plorlda Ctsrh cirriiit Court, parallel to " "•! raill I t" tu point of opletlea, (Circuit i mi,: leal) Osceola Coaaty, Kh.r '. * .in l'I .11 10 Illl beginning. Tin* nui in okarfle •fainai Sregben Hor row fug dtedplae gathered ui» hi* HKIKK x UMMKNT OM THK TKN .' • rircalt .'ourt •sal) AUn beginning i*t the aonthwealerlv cor n.i- thai h.* littered ' Mn^phoiniuis liliitwl atolnad rinaglne ami hora than .Tn 21-Jl lt> ll net af Black m r | \ Roht»asa*a » hai these* went 47 morn. But Moroethlng had huppenetl tin* henrt" literally "amwn through." Notlco to <'r«Htor« ii Mama ctear tiuit he must barn baan Roflvra bolder "f Taa CartlflcaU No si*** degreca ti.>M h U0 (hat, th*BCe «nith 4!X Instating upon Mi.* teapot ry Baton which thoy dhl not perceive Tbe ii iraa like the ragged edge of a S*M in <'onrt "f I'ountv y*4a*i 0*ee*li dated the Tr ii .iny of Jana, \ i> li'.v.. degreea weal *"*^i (Ost thanes mat 17 dagpeaa of tin law and tin* spirit un I itv ,.f true mantle of tlu* mnrtyrnd itwtcun hmi to tlM Hesh ...uiui Btata »f Fl.irl.ln In r<- Botats ol lum nie.i anld certlflcats in my ..fil in.) -, ulli li.". to the point ..f I...ginning r.'t.-r ll Miire-'M. 1 laesassd fallon II|MIII a nuin of Tarsus wh" had v BB, Phis Mas the Aral inanlflaatii made ipplloailon for tai >t i <<> Isaaa 1.. U I \ vii.rship 'rtii-.v hapatod m bla arovda 't'n nil ervdltora, lafataea, dlstrlbutean, baen holding his paraarntor*1 •uvnaotn, tion ..f tin* gloHlled Chriat Be wn m*raea In aooardanos arlth law. laid sheriff of Oaceola Coontj meaning* uhii-h wore Fartharaal Cram ni.t .-iii peraona hniimr claims or d*amndi .'iriiitini.' embracoa ihe followlna property ngalnnt ulil eniate: in fl 4#l Plertta hi> mind. foM RN prejndtcod ban ran <>r riion- an* indi-Mt i-m- all through siaii.Iinir" (cf Cot ":1 : Hah 1 '1 •ttuatad In Oaeaola C tj Plorlda to «lt I h nf .Veil, nre hereby iintilled i-eadan will ttlH do with tho worda «>f rani'- latter* ihat many of iho .*•*,.,*•-.- lie stood to weli-onie the tirst martyr All BtBCk | It..licit Itu-* \.|.li|I.Ml I.i [ md re(|iitreti t.. peoaaol nay wa Klsalminos < Ity «'hrist i:ui taaofaara. Du* Ix><-' Hlmaetf -ions naad b& Htepbeti v\ ore imli' I (cf. Bee. ."• «'" demands which in, sr atthsr of yoa nmy ii,.. laeasamenl of aald prouarti undac bad Iiu nttaanneaa parreitad int" \ :.*, rii.. hea .ens opened ' Hot engrai>si npon his wml < cf. \ots 17: ' linr-t the .Hiit.' .f p.ter 11 Mnr i nrtlflcate Inaued «aa In t bs nans BUSINESS DIRECTORY iitteranoaa ot taOmaahauaT* J4 , -2 Tim 1 :lii'* Cha • I ,"t "f tha | the ..thor ncenalotti w:-*n the honwn lie, .!• • Based, Lata of Oncwola i lonnl} i.f MTN I. M win.Men Dnleea aald rerO u en* o|n*ms| i \, t- !i ;fl .*. 10:11 : Uei T'lorlda. i> the Boa -1 W, Ollrer, Couoty Stephen's adveraarlea be nine mora was t" banoma tba pnnl cats shall ••<• redovoiad rdtui i" law, 1 1 V.»:11 ludas of Oaeaola County, HI htn nfflea In tm -t I will laaoe theraoi bs '."tti jiud mote viiniii'iiivi' rorhap>. ba x hrist inn npootle Stopln-n s .h't'eu-c ia mti i'iiiiiii .ii-.' in Ktselnmsa, Oa v "o 'i'hi'i* "etepped their anin," • t..s ,.f lull \ D Ifl know wiuit r mu to roeelve anony- M.I- apparently umtucceaafid, btt boat oaala Canoty, I'b.rbi.i within twelva !•..i.-.i i dt- tfSrd dav ul ,i um ,\ i» i\ns F. R. SEYMOUR 1 from lhe dnte hereof ini.iis letterm to ha tliroatenod N! be thai 'ds . 11 u ii im -ii t wna aol loot Tlie reason Jn. 3 ; l!i-Jf>. .! l. DVKHSTRBBT Dated Jnaa w. ifgj did not in-i out "f t.'wn. and tm ba When, not long il 'forward Sjml was V S8 Tin Oral Hani tlarh Circuit t\»nrl Oareoln r v K«TIMIT,-.I 0|,I,,II»I, I*.I KMM.V i M IRCBLLB, ta'ir.iitt t'.oirt - Plorlda KL -\l last tlii*y found | w.iy on the road to i aunancua, there out I ii dellKhted apeotator of tbe pltlleaa Kxcrulrli of the BatttS of l'<'ter it t7nrcelle, I. Iv -'il It I-I fOi tho law "ti liiiiL Tli.-i caught be no donW imi thai thla acaoe Saahad tiu-v ,.f the mob, St (I.ui ll..<„U i Jl 1*| Ifl•]• I'a nl siiffi-reiI whal Saul Inflicted hiin and hauling liini before thi* MU* a.-rnss ids min.i mid tho addreaa of N..H-. of Appllcallon for Tax Hrril SI. (IIIIIII I nil*,* N». »1 Illlllill pl'.'t'.*! • 1 a HI ,| clKtrU'O "f l*la- lined by line ll"ly Spirit". (cf. 2 ''or ll ST1 ef. Acta 23 10 with Notlea u h.-i.'i.v given thai !- H N'iitli-.- of AiM'Heitllon for T*»x l>tra F. a A. ti I'ln-in.v Tin- iin^ri crowd suryiil ini" taught blm the «tgulAaamw of tho 2 < or. ii ;3fi:;.:, ef Acta 0:21 with Heiirdcu. holder i.f Taa Certlflcats No SOttOa li* he rel. v irlv.'M W 11 I t \- t< s a witli •_' r.,r l t j.; tht dated tha 7th day ..f J una \ P i hf pourtaoo a x taientnl ra* • in ahraj n (tnapol "t' lii| NIII iiii u ith i*. i acket cl \.ts 22 * with N ii" imO\ dnted the Vlh il.'iv ..f .Inne \ I' and mada applteatlon for taa IT M.iy i*v,'llillK of ««Cll i in.* rays that If Mtepbeo bad | in iho mi.iM of the booting, bleatng \ .".'. lii'-.-n.. my spirit." \'i. |nir- - Bind mid csrtMcats in my offles laaue tbensin in aeeordancs Wtth low not prayed, Haul probaMj amuM not nn.l innde application f-.r tnx daed to Illlllllll. und reUlng, all ami calm within watorg or annthliilatlon lef, Phil i im\ Bald certificate am bracea the fotloa h ive been converted. We may add thul loans thrnon In aeeortf*a*s with luw lng dascrlbad properly altuated in Osceola si.*phon's breaat rh*.\ an in- Face •J Cor, .". s i I I'l'KIt (1. A. It flAI.I. If st.-phi'ii had not taioMi ilu- particular Sub! OSrtlflcStS em br: M tlie folio* County. Plorlda. to wtt ;*•< it had baan tho fin-o ..f an aiiirol.' \'. IAI. Sio|ih.ii oivned .lesus ine lng dascrlbad property ntt mated in *5*esali .it. - ind 8 nio.-k u of A I leean'a i,. c IIKI'I'IN.11:11 HMM Una of argumenl be did, Raul mi^ht nol rid- eaaanad t" •Hanre tinin. ami in di-jN^iT nf iii,. eternal state- of m.-n. County, FhTldn. to wit : Bub Plvn of WU "f MRU ..f si'i, .uni s'., bave IM*I-"IIIC the apostle t" the ' •« i. i ot ss inntaol* I.«IH1 * luv Ce'a lab of BRU "f U|2 of SKI^ of aoaMaa i« A. K. oowaaa, a*m*rmn anawar i«- th.* blgh prlaafa qoeatkai, tha Judge of men. tin* Load of all if \i.MMit tt',*l„B,* tOen dlvn of mi aaeeot H% of NS Ht-iinn n towiiahlp tt aoutb. range iii eaat. be • ntoroii nun Ma dafhnaa. Jeana is not .if th.- f)filmed the Ural townahlp i'd aoath, rang* no aeet The aaMeaauient of MIIIII pro(i,*rl v under Rornll Hnot'a Phnriaak training. Ua vi first siiriu Maphan/a add ram martyr ..t ihe church died in the wry The isaeaa*Mnl sf tald property under Iho an l>) cert I tlm to laaued wna In the would vi ry naturally, on becoming a net of Idolatry. the MHbl cert III.-life lHlne.1 W.IM hi thi' niII in,* of Unknown. nama <.f Cnkrinwu. i nines aatd certlflcata ahnli i.e radoamad i. o. o, r. rhrletlan, join the ?tmnncialea parts Roth Of his pnivei-s brtag to nieninry W'a- DOl Stcph'-n'- Speech I moans ,,i FIIICHH untd eiTtlllriitc nhnll be re.lec I •cording to Inw, tnx dead will lamie St .'I,,Ull l**t_* our Lord's M.uds ,>n ihe croas u-f. aeeordln* tn law. tHS deed will Imiie thereon sn th.* tmh toy of Joly, \. p Ha mi. i. ... O. r. living him. from tho flrat. the broader I k. \&4m\ Ml thereon on thi* llth dny "f July. A. P I9M, t*. ,-vr-ry Ttics view? Not.* the shnllaiity bct^veen Thei Imve sltanead the rolce of Pat-tl thia Mth .lay af I A D. IBM Roy VanDenbergh iho arguments of Mtepben and Pan! In up. J. I, ov Kit ST It BB I ilny ,'vi*nlii), In Sti'tJu'ii. Wlml R ealniiiii ' 'Hie Clerk clreull Court dcnllna arlth the Judaliers Whai t Dsted ttiin day of June. A. I>. 1U2H. mill r II.iw Hull em-II iv had won. Itut Qod makes no Oeaeota Coaaty, Plorlda FIRE INSIKANCK .1. I.,. OVBRSTRJBBT nn NVvv ^•,•rk ii'.. loiniort this -h"iild be to tin* man who ; ia.* nin tell The Cl.r- < in uii Court (Circuit Court Beat I IIIIP. All olnltllll! ! D. lamb Offlre Kt. Cloud. fear* that hti Molds for Chriat are is iiluml to gn t" ihe dlstnnt 1*1 y. Florldn Jll 7-Jl 7 .M tiriitlii-rs w .-I. .mi1 fruitless and forgotten! Dr. Tayh * The vi'ihnt hand of the pOWWUtor h*« ielm,,! '"ii11 •**• 11 ?3-tf Notice of AppllcoOon for Tax Deed ia ITS \ word is il* a] Jn li M U Kit PBRDRBI0 STKVKN'S N.,1.1, Orand. . s the sratterlng hand nt a Nolle- IK herehy when l....n Notice of Ad .diibirmor for 11...I rilKI. It KKNNKV, Si*. .Ijrj thai iihieh wa hnvi* s|*n ,n the ear •omar, 'i'he s.^ii fail- in even? nation Ltsahaegs it iiHKN balder of Tnx Certlflcata No .•mi in ba proclaimed by .md BJtIItill np 'piiokly Tm* blood of In ii.iifl nf the C**aty Judge. OaciMiln tu. toted tin- Tin toy «.f .tune, A P someone mightier thnn we from t»ic Coanty, St;it- nf Kh.rld«. In re KnUte of limd hHH tiled Hill.| certlllcnte In inv' the martyrs i- the seed of the chnrrt. and mada application for taa deed ta top." I.nii ft I I.-i,.1 rix Notice >•* hereby rir*a, ta nil nham It Irn*. ii, . t hereon In accordance arlth i < a St. ( loi ul . limit,r No. Id Said osrtlflei a bracea the follow GENERAL INSURANCE Lol the peraacutm learn thai thalr nmy ee.icern thnt OS 'he 8S*d dnv "f lng deacrthed property altuated t» Oaceola Kin*. Antomublle. PlaU Olaw. AC Tli.-.i may tliinl AuiMiMt. A. D. IBM. 1 "hnil upi-lv to tbo County, Klorldn. to wit : aaaaa aasrsas STAB ';f the sststa of aouth, raogo -to "t>a\ ¥KIIHI anil I liini I'linrsilny In tha or bnaMned te an oathnaly irava In h..ii K. Bendrti dacoaaad and thm at the Information on Rate* Cheer­ will give thoa- a cfvwn of life" liter. 't'tl.* INHMHI Ot Uld l>i<>.»'tly llinl". month at T'JO |i in >H Un' (1 A. B. broken baaltiv but the truth whlcb he •ama tUaa I win araesat t" aald Court toy It, |l|d ' •TlllllHl,* I..II.--I ,V*IH (II llll' fully Furnished 9:1ft). iimii accounta nn Bxocutor of anht samto; Hall VIMIMHK liniii!., t^ ,,, 1,'uiue. has ottered ennnot bo klil«i. I;,H| 11111 r 1 ni.!,,.,M, | and link for Ihelr approvnl The Oldtot AgtOmty In th* City fni,..*. MHI,. o-artlKcate tAall be I*,*,.,*,-III.*,I MHS ItH'I'IV sriOI'IIK.SS, Malron makes tho Minth of mnn to praln Miin "Y'»n laivp MgBfllMd -J" in i ml IHted June 18, A, I>. IXKH. 111 r,Iini.' 1" liiw. tn. .I.-*-*, will l., u. in, Hm. H A vi' anil Ninth Si. Iiy His Infinite triad* m II 1 r n_ hai ily nmde .me convert," was the Jntl mtlO WM I.AMMSS, Kieciltor. ll,,*i*,*,iii ..11 th.* tlltll ilrv ..f .I11I.V. A. II S. W. PORTER lirji MIHH KATIII.KBN (J. IKF. NITT imi,*,1 uii. siii ,i«y nt .iiuu., A. 11 im inriiiT Tth Si. nnil Inii AT». Real Katatr A Iiuurnaee 1 I. OVBBHTBBI ' I'l-lk llniiil l'i IIIII Notary Publle POLITICAL 11,<*,*,,la 'oiiii.y, Kl,,rl,l. Porter Bldg. Pennsylvania Ava. n',r,.|ill 1 i.iirl H,.|,ll KKAI, KHTATK ANNOUNCEMENTS .III 7 Jl -, It Notice to Patrons of S«* ar iv i ,t. >..ll,*r ,,f %|,|,ll(*Nll„n for T*. .»,-*^.l To ttie CItlaaoa of Oaoaola Coanty Notice i« h,*r,*t,v iflvni Hull Mr. N,*lll.* W. H. till I SUM II y reHKoii uf the hniolHomi! nm Jo rity llniiil,*, 'liiliiiliiy. bold*, ..r Tux tVrll.l,*,i, rtint t reoslved at the tints of my election N<* I'll Till ,lnt,*,I tin- 7lti iinv "t 1 v In M."« from my friend* UH well NM the I, IM mn. III.''I ml.I ' .-rl i ll. nl.-H In u, v St. (loud FlorUto. Light and Water Service; ".\i ell. nl eoopurntlon thnt I hnve received ..fil.* .1 iiiml.. ii|,|.i].iiti..i, fo, Iat *i***.i fro in thoHM. JI nd newly noide, f r le IMIN ilur lo iHHiii* t),i>ri*iin In »,•,*,,r.lntii*,, .villi in,,* Ina my ti-rin nf offlee, oonplad whh ths Soli. *,*rllll'*ilt.*i, ,.|iil,rnr.. Uii- followtni .I.' Rml RaUI« I .raacc H.iii.'iiiitem of them unanv friends I bars ncrllii'il prulierty altilnt.-il In OMOOIR A Real Home tfaeldad tn heroine n eandldato to avoosod i',»„nlv. to-wt(: myneif an County Comnlsstonor from Mii I.I.I HIM s,-iiiiii,,l,, l.niiil \ lm Co', snii trlct No. I, ill lhe Kin. nil .-lection (.. lie lltVII Of llll ,*X.*.*|.I HV ot NU'.., KCtlllll SAM LUPFER A For Funerals bold In N' .'tn t..WIIMhl|l '.'It Holllll. lllllj-i* 7|ll | All Bills are Due and Payable '2IKI Itriinilwiiv I wlnh to extend mv daears thniika fer I.**l H Black M>, HI i'i, nn I the n pie ml id sooperatfon ifl \ en no 'I'll,- UMNM.I Of ..lit ,.t.,,..-, t y IIIKI.I KISMIMMKF.. Fl.A Our new fuaeral borne la OL* t tie HHHiir.' the ta spa yen "f t iMceoin Co*ol v Ihi*. HHI.I r,,rt-tllrHt*^« Iiimii*.! HUM In tin* name beat equipped establishment* of It* at City Hall before July 15th. thnt If clccn-.i i ihall rlva tbs dntl*s "f of Unkaown. Unloaa -,ni,i ,.,.niiir,i la.ral lt,*|in,*«>tiliitlT,, /* rtort ln the stat . the offloa the mme nonsclanttooa attention bi i .*ii,*,*ii,,*,i aooordloc bo law tai *i i Nmr Yarh l.lfa Inaiinuva 0*. na i bava in the punt, tu view ,.f ronderlnn will IM**,!,* llHTfim ,,,i tBO T.'lnl day nf Jul. KTerytbloB within Ita walla haa been Bills will be mailed each patron. nn ii at nud aaonomleal ndininintmti"o v II urn, ihnt win tiriiin about n raduettoa of taxes. lliit.'.l thla .fltll ilHy ..f .tun,*. A. li ll|M>, ordered wltb a view to comfort, con Vour vote nnd Nupfiuri will be BDON J. I.. IIVKI1HT 17 1 MI KIMv w. OVKBSTBK:T venleoce ml « soothing atmosphere. clited I'l.rk ,'lrriill .'nurt, A beautifully arranged rha pel, wltb If not paid, service will be P. TOMAHRLUJ. Br. Oariiila I'.MIIIIV, t-'l..rl.lii til Nov A.lomi*) it-lju* private retiring rooms and <*: I.M fad i In .ill ,'ourt Heull .lllll Til .Ilv III .H.U Mtate the aervice. (irflt-n IIVIT Hank nf an ili discontinued. KlaHlmniiH'. mi a»fangementa and equipment at NOTICB TO IBII1ITI1KH 11111111 uliii Mlii.-li i, 1111111 atmAlmtl << III lour. of I'ouiitj JIII|„M, OMMla your dlspoaal wben needed at rtaa- n -I*,nui .,r th. 1 or. I ountr, KU.a of KloHda. In ra B„lat,. of able ratea. II..M- I 1-.1NI 1*1 I' «I .,11,' '" 11-,1,1.1 till H. .1. Hnllff, Ilo.**-..,*,I amau. N. a. CAI.I.KM17B I. lllllll lIlillinUT. To oil inilltora. ill.trlliuu*«a, anil all r r d,n ' 1,'M I kn.ivv <>f on,. ,11,111 ri'iilly M| il"o" & ""'"" " "*n»• ,tiii,irai*,. iiiiiuovulile, nlwit.vTs MORTICIANS BiH.iitiillii;- Iii HM w.irk tit Iho l.ortl. Deracl, loontr at hla ofBr. „ fh. lol,,, . Attornajr.Bt-La-w fiil'jlMiiiin*li ii*. y<> kn.iw ymir hilw.r U m.t ln viiln In th« I.ra-,1" (1 Car. MaCBOBV RHILDINO 1S:WI. Halrd Aorll 24, A I,. \tra FlorW, '" All',.^^.,"", "• 8 Roi.trr Till KSDIY, JULY 5, 1»M THE Sl. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA rAGB8CY»


'llu. laaml .f iiiuiii., <-, ,11 L. . ii - - i. •>, •-.- i•.,*., in .iui,, Mcoaded bar ll O. I'mtiii. nf (.HTClllI l*,,lllll,\ in,', nt KIs 11 l*.*. nirniHl tO allow III.' I1TO.80 acvolllit. Florida, II 10 I. >*... r-'iitin,lii.v. .Inm* '... It wns lll.,v»il I.y ltrynii. •*-,*,.11,1,-.1 Iiy Plrt....! : A. F. '.II-W. i liiili'iniiii I* w Ani,*, I nii-tiiil. Hull tli," ,-1,'rli ,.f 111,' Ann,, .1 Null.uu lliynii. 11 ... I'ur IMIIII-II ink,* III,* |9B I.UI ml. WWl mti, tin ami i'. Tomoaello ar Tha ehttk i" .. i . .* i,ii,l iis,*..|*tnln If II, fur wus nlsu |,l*,*si.|l,* llirlitliifr iiuii*.i Illi' nr f.u* i.tlicr nrvtoM, '111.. iKl.ll-ll Jlll„*l*l*,ll-,l Willi I'Mlllllll,. Mi*, WIIH,IIII i. itiii-i,,-,-. t.n\ t*tmaam, ll"ii nml approval at I.Ills, nn.l iit'ti* i ,,|„.i'l,-,l Mini l'i* would If ri^ tor luivitiK ii|.|.r.,v,si iin. SUIII,. tlie ,-1,'i-k ti,,. i*.|iiiiii7*,iiii..ii baud i.y iiiij it. nii.l , WIIH In.HlllK-l,*,! 1" draw wiimiiitH fur eaggMtMl tli<*.\ islve noil.*,* In tli.' iniiiii,* nil. II wus tll.'i-,'-.i)H,ii imivcl Iiy 1' 'I'lniin SELLING II linvlni; baaa r.-,..'.*.."I t.. tl"' l«..nil iliiit tin*, woiilil iiH-<'l Nir mii-h pm-pui*"'* RICES HAVE BEEN SLAUGHTERED! The new o ncrs iimi Mr. A, .1 Wli.-niuiis wiiulil nm taka si>ll<> asrondad i.y Partln, thai n..ii.*,* ba wish to re-stock everv shelf, every showcase, evcr\ ruck. ,,,,,. ,,i Frank Brana any longer, Itlglvan thai tha bawd would awel oa WITH BRAND NEW MERCHANDISE. So lhe present slock wns iiimiit hy .1 Nuilliini Itrynn. si^-- .Inly 10 T,u* Hi,- pUTpOOT Of I'lllliill/iln; must RO. REGARDLESS OF COST—REGARDLESS OF ,,11,1,-.] li, P. 'r,.iiiiis,-llii nml co-triad, 1 ttm vnlnml,.n.- An- MS Boaaaaaant llinl llu* warrant issn,-,! In Ml. Hill, j A ci.iiilnltti*., fniiii l.uki-liiliil. r«*|il*<'* PRICE! This means REMARKABLE BARGAINS FOR THE II s lm (16.00 ll' direct I.. aoiilliaa r tii,* i,ui-i>iiii. t'l I. uml \. S. Ni'lsim, A. .1. 'I'li,«ni|i un,I ;ifli*i* li.i vi nu niilliliisl tlii'tr piano snn. Mis Paulina and .tin**. ,i, F, oakod the board fur'iui aid. Ao l(i,lvj,r,*-sH,Hl tlielr JI]>),r«H'Lill inn of Ili-niy T, llw.1. uu,. ,,f Hii' slnli* nfll ih,. iiutairtmi,-,. <,f ih,. orpaniaalIon, l.ut i aata i'i' Kill .'l-.iHK work, .-IIIII,* l.i'fi.r,* l.'lVIK.HI IU»' K'*III lollioll Ihul i'..ll,lill"ll- Hi,, in iiu* lularaal at ttm wurk would .mt .iusiir.v nuikinK mi oxiH'ii.ii ... aartnd tor Hm poor. Mr Beed a* tun' oi' nny nmoiiut t.i llioin nl Iiiis iiiiiim*,! aoma pinna w*ui,*li In* luul H>*<*II tiino it WHH nn.visi bp Vomaoollo II,I.-i,',HI IIIKI nhirli ll,' siilil Im.l |>r.iv,*u tlitil tlio I'liulrniuu u|,|Miint II .*..IIIUIII i,s. -11.1-i.ssI'lll 'I'll,. .*"Illlllllll.*,' slntiil from tti,* t.o.ii-,1 to fonrur witu tba ii,,-, 1,11,1 not adopted mi.* plan, imt lit'nt l.-n,.'],. llryliu odtvOd nn ,],*n,l Light Weight Woolens llllil K llll* iMHIllI Wl,lllll llllvls,' tll.-lll IIIUIII to motion of Toiiuisoll,, lo tlio ' whut wns naadad tbe? w..uiii ussiisi in olToi-l Hint 111," I'li.ill-nijlli UHMiint 1' $ working oiil ii I'liin 'r,,iiins,*lli>. I'm .loliiiston ns iitlmiii.y ll wns th,*ri*ii|H ,iv,-,l hy I' uml .1 I,, i Ivors!rts-t, ,-U'i-k of llu* board, | '60 Value _tOjB. i'i.iniisi*i),i, sr. aaeoadad to i Nullum Tho iitii,*n,iin,*iii Mag aoooplod, IVHI. li, iin III it i-Hi-ll of ii,,* .*ll.*'|.l,*rs IM* s,.,*oli,l,sl hy Aim's IIIKI i-anrii*,! tin'-iiisiKHi with n list or iiu* namaa ..r .'om. Toiijisoiin pnaontod » NOOUI ,,r 55 Value *2*P l»rsoiiN ou lh.' iiiiiilili'lilllliv Hat Hi,- Hon rolnliv,- lo Iho Uiat lliimi'lul ills received hy 8B<* nnil tin' n.l .1 I , *l 11, Ills Ii, ,*i,lll||,l ,,fli,*i||]s 1111,1 ill,.,** .I IOSS Of (Mill. III.- IW.. It,sl ('loss ,||7I|, , ' lis inii,]il I, ii Motion wao s.winiilisl $ 5 ins i nki* iiiv,-sii*j.*iiion and raporl I.y nn.t ,*III*I-I,H1. •50 Value 22 J i,, ti>„ hoard al (ii.-iv •amem* aM Taa i|iiost i,,n of olM'lilui; road known in .Iniv us tlio BOOid Ihroiiuli tli,' ltorry Tin Mrs. IK'.U aunoatod thnl lh,' list In* ihlll propert} wus .allod Bp. .Mr Tin ,, ,.| i v ,.| ,sl lo Iho lull**-*-* Of o;i.-li chapter il;ill I*,*inii |il*i-s,*lit slnlcl Hull it wus Cool Tropical Worsteds Mrs. Uawlp) ..r iiu- si Cloud ,*ini|,i,*i j i,,*. uodaraUndlnc that ttm prnpuaad siniisl thnl tin*, lm.I no mils.* nl this .-„,,| wus lo oxlou.l to llio Ink... l.ul J $ iiiii,*. Inu Hun tln*;i oliiMili'l' would toko 1.1 n*,. wuiH II" ;ii.-|*,*,-l,lollt ns lo 111*],- wi,11li 50 Value ,*nl*t. nf th.r-,* risil. inu iliiiiiilot .*,' in 2T= or tho run,I. Mr Tin,lull . \]il.iniisl l ho iMstoin i*n,l ,»f Hi.* - Hull il won!,' i*,s|iitro tho liloviiiK or u MJr. A. S Nol.son l-i-|M,i*!i,l llio Uvl*^- IIIIIIIIII*!' of liis oroo* nn,i tii,'i*,-roi*i* in­ J % liiiully In n«"«l >.r IIHUIMIIU.I' '11K* IK»II*.I ' -hoiihl bo !*iiil Slim for tho ,1a n in iu, 40 Value udvlmd Mr Voison ih.' it "oo tha li wns in*.i .sl hy Amos, iluly %mV± oiilor nf tim hoard iiiiit a warrant IH* oadod bj Bryan, that th i-*7ii.l tnke to Iiim ou.-li i.ioiilh fur llio sum „ ,,.,,.,^ „„||| 1 :.'«. ]i. m. „f $15 to i«> HI««I hy him in i.iii.'i.iisinu I-I,,. board ioa iiuio—l ol l :•'«• p. • LUB Clothes. Goodman-Suss, GGG, and Daddy, Jr., are featured '30 Value sii|,],llta, for Iho Lyles ftunilv l..\|l inln*rs nf Hi,- IXKKII with thoil* C in comfortable lijrht wefiht woolens, and cool summer Tropicals It wils h\ 1' TniiiiiHollo. duly ntlorlioy innl ,1,-rk prooOBt of perfect fit and styles of the moment, in a selection of patterns Some Good $35 siss.nilcl hy .1 NJIHIUII ltrvuii. Hull II Mr. nml Mrs. liisn-n,. W. Uhiu.ui ll 1'nrllii •Vi, III. sum ..I' If-*. I.u* lis,- ol nsk,*.l tin* board '.. tttko BOOM :n'ti"ii lo lhal leaves nothing to be desired. You'll find just what y, u wanl. and $40 Values ruiinty draifilne in dhnfing tut wotor ajol poad known us Been Tin.lull rood for ,-iittl,* on Hio rntig* mV. I'nillii o|i,*n,*,l ll wus IIIOMSI !>, I'nrlln. s.*,* stnt,sl thnl ho luul 1'ilintshisl ull lli'lp ..lidwl hy Hrynn nnd i*.rrli*' Hint Q. Linen Caps In dolliK Hi,* wurk, lllltl lie wus willlnt W. Ashloli o|«*n Hi,' nad with thr Merton Brand, in Suits SKIRTS |,, pay tho niiioimt -nuiToslisI i.y I hi* j i-ountv regular $2.50 and Regular '*.. im Value- l, , ,l . olll. Itrvnii stluu -l,sl 0a 111,'IV ( Jlt $3.00 values *1» Th,. isiiiuiiiiI.*.*- .i. in . i*.-- wus IIOM fuiuL-s iiiui iho ini.I.T*- nL'uiii innn' i.-i..!,' ii"* board IHVU.I ahooM ooaotoa full iijiy for th,*tr .in,! nuiii.. roiM.ri Mi it.sst. speaking aarrlDoo un,i mudo B motioii thai fm* Hickok Belts ||IT. || iiii|,i,.rs snid ih.ii iii,. twi, m,.i* n.Ti"ii ad ii..' board reducing oal* . 11 u |,i,'i . hu-1 * "n- i'h'l'.Hl th,' IIIII II or ,i n.l orlOB or llio 1MMH*,I IIIU I tit 111," sutteriii f,2.00 and $2.fi0 Value w.i*.* wiiiiniT i" 'iiuio' iiivosiiiniii.iii .»f io lull-Hi of road w,,rk bo raorladod and New Straws .HI .*iis,*s and iunk.* i-,'i«. i i" Hi.' board thai bofbMtu loaa i thay noolTafull ii ft IT tti,-, tunI iinido ii .*.*ii*,*rul survoy pay, ooooadod hy 1'nrllii. nnd Regular }) tt % LINEN KNICKERS $1.95 II Wl!.- tlU*IOIIlH.l. l 111,'VIS] I.y I' 'I'o*. 1||„,1| 1,,-int' Jlllt (O il vote l-fMlllOlI HH $3.50 Values • == iiTsello. H,S,,II,Iun, secoodad bf Munli..timi. Kuril, ninl Mnrtiinft \nii*s mid cnrrlad. tho board BdJounie""•'' it wns morad i*y Parttn, saooodad by Jones Brand, in regular 12.25 ii Partln and P. TonmooUo, Br., i.u it r> it ii iimi aarriad, ttutt tin' board al< valueB— Johnaon IM atlorney mnl •' ''• 0v''''' bm V. 10. Hull family .$:«> mir fare, Regular tmtmm. _/ atreel, rlerk. nlso Iwlni in'osoiu warrant bo bs laanad i<> J. IC Hhine, $1.00 Value 3 for $2.00 Tba mlnutea of iho May nuH-Hnirs Upon notion <'f 'rn hi ma* uf f Minis Striped Serge 95c Each |iil ) •>) alection to (lia oandiladaa. FELTS ,lrl,.,, „u.l slu- wn- worlvins' uud.-i .11 it wna novad hy ItaonaaUoi aaoond* 1 I portion of Ihe lied .'i '"l"" '. ""• e.i hy Anns and rnrrtod. that tiii* board Stetson • Disney Arrowtex Collars -i so made re t. to M..; '-"'' " MUM', l-'rhWn, .Inn*' UJ, for tho BOTpOSS UNDERWEAR $7.25 oounty <• •"'-- '" :""' ""' ""l'""u of oonaklertn« budgat for nrjH. Craufort - Knapp DELPARK <£1 CJ_ $9.00 Value .1« H * I-,. .|(.ini*s|(.n. e-oiinlv 'ii^lneei , Rernlar $10 Valnn. IUI TIID* ^l-iOt* $6.00 Value 5 for $1.00 '"T'oin Tumi Ho -'i'i.-.! «•»( Ho Im.l praaantod NBII**S ami lirnwiii^ gf Hie COOPER QA^ pi opoaod e.i mil running from • point Linen Collars iM<„, ,„ ihui Mr l.yl.s wna '."'I- i'mt.AS $^.45 Ij ,, H ,„., .Iny. Hull Uu- uii'll." north nt" tin* A W I'.nier ejn.vo prop- ' REGULAR firm I i i,,,,,!,! bo liivisiliTiiiisi. and i ell.v to Laka Kiniiiy miile. It was v***l 345 *5 ismsl to Mr. $6.45 $1.15 T»lne .W**a 10c Each tlon t'.ut Un vv .ii i mn i i.y Aini'v. iccondad by Bryan and car , I'ninil, I I Nolsoii tor aupporl ..r in ri,. i iimt IIM- re|Mirt witli ni;i|.- ba rol'iHTlil to held up niul Hu' innn.'.' I* III.*.I lor future MM* bQ the heard. aecond-ed l»\ i* , Bryan. Motion wai Mr W ED smiih nnko ' tha boanl Lf nny arraii-uoiiii'iil h baan ma^" with j Oan. Amos nnd oarrtad. i he i ii.' rood depart manl fr»r drainage Jj" | M i!i,i,„* raportodI'lnil di wnnlo.l P I*: uni family ..' si •h -tn I*' foad Nn -1. W'lia'l'i' ll | WALDORF SHOP it.' am* through] 'is |ip>iiK'i'iy Tin* h* mn I a. I , Vlaad Mi Plinth dial nothing hail beau ORLANDO. FLORIDA ;;; n's,,'.,„,m ,i...... ~t. i"*i »«• •"'" Corner of Orange and Church New Qrand Building ,,.,... i,* thoy! i-"." —.tm* tn their kno« li'iluo. l„,mill,in nmI rol-orl I Hu* board Upon mot ion of Partln aacoudad bf l I liiiiui |,|*,*s,*nl,sl il lolin Kxoan ami carried* tin* bnanl adioorned ,, ,i„, si .'I,.u.l ito.i Ullt It l-'i'lda \. .1 una' l'i. fr tin* orili-er nl I mmi ns provided for luadsv MM law tlie siilil e.'it iiiiiii,. JKMU'ii was In lln- Mini.' •rahn Hi.- ti.timvinj* daacrlbad pn ny * sn r .tsi.".. nu -"". mel at IO i. KrMn.v. June LB pur • .i-i rertlflpitM -ILMI he redeemed accord Wli : lt\ TVii •• li'iin and .'iiirieil. thnl ihe lnc to l«W, tux .lenl will ts.ill.* th.r.'.ni Oil l.ut ny -Seminole Land and inv O'a Rub -until to .idjoin limeiil. Meinlid'rs pros board dlnpn«e of two palm • •' oountQ the '.mii dm nl July, \ i> 11188. .Mir, ,., .MI aaetlon t townahl|i 1 iiingc :m IIINI PAINTER'S nil,,,,.*,I si .'i"".i <*«*Pter. I woa i-iii A 1'. U.l ss. . h.i innnii . .1. Njnhan Itiiile*- I : W, Ashion, nijid suiM'liii Iiuled thin 27th .Inv ut .lim. \ U IWW | 1 .1 I. ovrensTitBBT I...I •.',' 800 Si i'i.ui.l „,,si I.. . .HH I'onln. •""'" ." ''> iiiyiiu. ii. x Partin and P Tomasollo lend,'ii,, \v;is iltreiie.1 tO deliver DHlls* (•|.i-k i'ii.-ni! * Hiin. The aaaeaatnonl ,.i aatd property under .,',,,„!,-I i" . m.i. •!'"'»"' """ <••>-"'"""" i'ni attornai for ih.- board, lf , l>ii> er \V:IN fciniil ThoelciK w;,. Oaanli * 'ooni f, Pturldn. In- lllllKW C'l , ,- nnd .1. i " (MIJ. I iiinU't 1,'iii.l A\e.. TIIIII]III. I'l.i le !.. sii|,|».n The ipii-stidti df dwanas in alaetlon Nhnll he retlH.,,,.,1 ,,., ui.iin^ id law, tai xnd el l'I,,n,I who Is Dull Millies were I'.-r s.l" daad will Wmie ih.-i i on the 'iiii ., i) ol I,, Mt.lituuii. Hi'' |n..ii.l- in the DOUnt] Wan iJiheii np Natta* .if Aiipiioifiini fur Tan Pw< lum .11 wi I'll, i lerl. ,i--Ued lhe Uuild to ili-iriiit Ancual, A |i iiijs 1 liiyini ininl*'ii ihm iimt prectm*! Nu N in.' It Intel.\ ylvcn, llinl C I'' OatWm, Gem Parm Crop I ,i.i* I'm*,* «..ui.l 1 IBM " 'v:';:,.';;,*'.^' !.^, \>. liokoaaa, Iio dWtwt iiiuad and tnada bolder ..f TBI I'.-riMI • iti.- S'n ITI Mu l.,uio. hrolli ilnl. ., the -in .ii.\ of - A f IWtt, lum .1 I. OVRRHTItUBT, his II | ».i i-l of l na*. ini'i \n ii. Koninisvlllr : iii.ii utd .'•'I'liii.iii.'h in in \ offlre and mada I'lcrh Clrrull Court, hroilu'i's i-iinill Unit a naw pre* ii nt lie cnatad anl of ii|i|iii.-iiilt.i. rm lax iii ...i in Laaue ther «IN- la 'i.niih . Klorldn. FERTILIZERS \d*.' I nmi 7. Tim nn.,loii wna hisi ier Legal Advertising >.. .!•. .I'llan.-i « ill, law Sal.I , iTllll.-nte** fill nil CoUrt Seal ,„ ,,.,,,,,i,i,.i ,i„. ,*,,r,-..* Hi,r* ll"- ' h"*'"1 'l^", " want of a -*'"ii«, II , \|i •.•i.l l.o ARE Nn Mi* \v 11 Mniui re|».rt ' The .Ink la'porliit that ihis w,i MK- Ntttto# "f A|M» Tur 'It* \ 11...I "Time Tried and Crop Tested" ||„„, Lm I'mntl.v I" H.ssl ... io 1 i i tn * for llinki iu a |i|Hiitil iiieiit^ of eailin \..ii,., is hereby vlvtit, tlnn Wn> B, holder i»t Tux ' ert ltt< del «o. tin. -.'T-*. Dcclnre War on All Insects—Kill Them aaunio. I.r ''•" "",'' ';"" I \ ilep('stl(it> for I he oar l>t*gillutltli|i ili I Hi- ,ili •' i> al .tim,'. A " Ilur BrnmlN are the Aeknowledred Ei,!„« iin*.., i.ui ii..'. H.""1"" r'""1 Jul) l. IOTB and andtng Juna '•". IfUU. WliU. IIIIH (Ii.'.l unlil .vrll It. '.'i I . ••* In " iV — ami keep them away. Bea Brand line, i Pow­ Slnmluril by whleh Growm of I h.u I., had ^ i iiien oii.-h of the liini' • M hti) in..i,<- nppltPHl ' ir tn* tl* • .1 der or I.ii] uid kills I- 'I UM. An ta, Roaches, Poultry BEH BRAND Ttetmam have Judged all fertiliien, hunks III llie eoniii.V calling ihoir ni I.. Inne ther in noeofdtitiee wlili l.,« U0S| Mosquiuiea, Flt-us, Bed Buga, and other in- Sm*|7o*,l ,..*i,|.,.l. Il.<'i" »'"»'» "«»? ; nl l rt I It MI I •• i inbrnce ttie r il T I UfUt.i (ur newly forly yeara. 11 m i.'nn.m t.i tlia r.i.', iimi appllqal low n 0 aacta. Won't npntur slam. Use powder on planta S,o ..nt ..f -'i-i' "" " :' "",'"," Kl'l'i'.e! pI'dlMTt '.' sllll.l|..i| . L.|;| I,i*i|t SlV df 73c must ba ininie hot max in tfaa i«t ami t , 1 1,.1'ltln. •,. V I and pets. H-'ttte us Jtir I ULL tmrct bookirt. It •*.'. ef *1.00 "Giving all we can for what Xel.mnl ..Iioi' li.ivliiu.'.H'.'-l..""'' imth of .lime, (hot tlie I'ii -I \'*.ii, i:.,' I,,.IN il nn.l HI HI... k 11 I Drill I danler can 'tF upply, we wiil ship by parcel poat at >0a Upre* OaaJ 35c we get instead of getting all ' i,,i I,, i NnUinii Brynn. nm*. l Hani waa tin* only bank maldni appll Lim,, e.. * MII. ni\ii N.I ) prices named. McCORMICK At CO., balttmore, Md. ih,.. I.m- is 7!t '.Ml. •J.l. Ml in.l L'T S,.min..le we can for what we give" ia to n„,l„i w II.OH. *!-' I"'' "WHltt. Ion Lull,, A lnv Co'i lub Dlvn ..! ill •erttuti » the policy of 1 Mr Itl.iii.* I. It wns iiicreimiii rnovad i>v Bryan township -*T muth, rnnie :n PI*I rZpinV-Vi,:*;,; !:.:.. f*» nn.l niwnded h.v Partln tin.t the rim n"' '"-' •"'""" "f Hi n-|..n.v uniier THE E. O. PAINTER "MrTv'lWM IM.Ue, "f St. riuiitl pie iiii led IIN .'inlii, v de|HiMllorv tag tin- _ Bee Brand A ^.,,,,,1 IUI. stnte nis fr Hie III' . (.imi < II nd I lull ihe sn id Kiwi \n REORGANIZED CHURCH FERTILIZER CO. li.>iuil lt;inK • ; i II . nil fundi under lln • Mi,.ien, ,rf S, na; Huh- nu LATTER DAY SAINTS INSECT POWDER Za JACKSONVILLE, *LA. i|l„.« 111 .11X1 1.1-oUIHl « ^lt,,",• °m' "•. control "f tlie iNiiird of ootmto cotnmJ Tfuhllntf n.n.U tires in the union. '• d.mers and u 1 d of 105,000 he re Sll New York A .ran* ' 1170* ,1 mi«. for *:t*V II ml iiskwl qjUlnd tO WCTiro tlH I'liints. theiler^ i.t Nundaj. Hchool al 10:M A. M. oRiiouin 0 llioilMsinl allow win-rant* for KIIHMV the I. und tn hnve nut limit* n I ;in> 'pha- honnl iifier lHivhiK i-.nsHl. i-l tiine the fuiHtH mi thtanah. aatoaad tin II W. HI'MMKI.1. Advertise in the Tribune thv hiiis ui tlnn of -I- Nullum ;iniiiiiii! of tl"' h 'ii.l to reipilre iiildltlmi rAGE KH2H1 THK ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA Till KHD.W, JULV ft, I92H

Harmony Mlea UP a iMincan, who has boon win visit vrlth her brother, i>r. w. W. visiting in Kvanavllle and rrineetoti, Carson and fainlly, bofOM going on to Bay Rum Imi. Where she has beea the recipient North Carolina fur the summer.. Mrs. Money-Saving Sale uf many delightful social courtesies. N". It. Ciii'so- will accompany hor from expected te return this week. Jacksonville Fall Pint Mlaa Horothy Itulloik, daughter of Miss Mary Sanderson, daughter of You are invited to visit our store during the Mr and Mis s 11 Hulloek. IB hav­ M r. a ml Mrs. \V K. Sanderson, Is A Real Value ing g very happy holiday in the nioun visiting friends al Lakeland. Sale to see these rare values of merchandise. f North Carolina At present Mr und Mrs, Frank Chimin and Rexall Orderlies • group leader al t'anip l'enlck, son. a ml Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Tucker, Every item is of the same grade and stand­ ihe tteaeaaa taunp (or tha Teuag ivo- all of Tnnipii, who have heen sojourn­ 49c 50c Value - 93c iaaa service at uaagna. ot that Hpis- ing In the monnlains of North Caro­ ard as is sold in our store at regular prices. i,.pal cliun h aa l.uke I.ure. When lina, were recent visitors in the home this camp i h'ses, aha of their imreiits. Mr. and Mrs W It, KLENZO her activities in the V. W. 0. A Camp, Harris REAL VALUES-EVERY ARTICLE of North. Caroltaa where she win bo] ^^^^^^^^^^rrteoda ol llr ^ C K. Moure, one if Rexall assistant director f tennis and swim Klsslininee's most reepeoted* residents. Dental Cream GUARANTEED inlug. will regret to learn that he is serious Hair Mrs Kenneth K. Hunllck and lufaut ly Ul nl his hoim Athrh.dd street. daughter. Marjorie StaJt, arrived Moii- Mrs. Holmes l'rather, uhvays a suc­ 25c Value - 19c dav morning from baa Angeles, to visit cessful bootaae. very delightful enter­ Thursday, Friday and Saturday Tonic h.r mother. Mrs H C. Stanford. tained the Wednesday Bridge Cluh on lira Burdtck has nani friends over Kriihiy with a luidge luncheon. (Junn- $1.00 Value th.* Btate arfco win bo very happg te dtlcs of roses Mnil /.inuliis added to greal lur again and te make he uc- the chunn of her well appointed home Assorted 79c qualntanca of her wtaaoaaa six monihs on this occasion and madi a plea sing j old daughter hack-ground for the charming cost One Pint Mrs. Thomas Dyke li recovering umes that w In evidence. Thus* Fancy slowly from a alnful injury to her playing •si.iini's Alexander, REXALL wi t-t. aoatalaed iu a fall gavgggJ Bole* i»! tilling. Cnrson Farm- j t • k- ago cr. Kl)h rt. Gertrude Kaiz. Stationery Rubbing Word haa b d ot AM safe Walter BOB, lames Miller. WalBM Dyspepsia Tablets arrival in Berkley springs. \V. Va., of Nelson. Julius Smith. Uny. Rlblett, $1 00 Values the Baaa-Lanceeter party, whieh left Piano. Boecoe Robereofe, rrnthcr and Alcohol a feu dayi ag.. hp kuteaaobUe ter thn: Miss Fnmces Bag AH are excellent destination Tim party oaaalBtB of players and the scons are frequently 79c Sale 39c Hra w c Baaa, her daaghtar, Miss very Mrs. l'luiio lielng Ihe win­ Helen Baaa, aad ber alater, Hra. .i A ner on this occasion was rewarded Jonteel Cold Cream ham aster and duughOer. Mi^- Cor­ with a handsome set of Maderia nap- 49c nelia. After visiting relallves iu Waal kin-. Mrs Qertrude Kata for low Alto Vanishing 40c Blackberry \ irglnla they a ill go to tha old home received a dainty glfl of lingerie. At Pepsodent Tooth : rederlckaburg, fa . und win the e.uitiusion of the playing, delicious 50c value - 39c Compound - 29c stop iii Washington ind other pp. e- salad and lea course- war. served. Paste Imnie in ine Mra. Clarence Halch ffU delight- California Fig Syrup • fully entertained in bonor "f bar birth- Klenzo lOpet ITllO was hni da.* la*.t We 25c Liver the municipal hospital iu home of h.r daughter, Mrs. Fnil 50c Value for 39c 60c Value for 49c 'or an emer .-a st. Cloud road. Th Shaving) gency operation foi appoadicitte, in caalon was In the Datura of I aurprlee Pills reported to he uonraleaclag nieely and io Mr- Hatch, who, belag invited to 19c i- . xpacted home shortly. inr daugfater'a BOOM ter BB informal Cream The u, v md Mra \ M Chlaholn, watermelon teaat, wns ipiite aaaa* One Pint Ol Orlando, "ere guests of Mi .ind pectlag of the a ntcrtaiiimcnt that had 50c Value 3-oz. Bottle ••it- s It Aultnuui, Sunday. The] been arraagad in her haoat, At iha Chtsholma fiiniieilj mad. ihelr home conclusion of a happy evening of mer­ No. 6 Disinfectant here when Mr Ouabain aa paatoi "f ry •making and remlnlacancee, deiicl- 39c Castor Oil Ihe Christ., n chuieii and hn\e many aua Icecream and fruitcake aren aacT* among Bae older residents, ed, Thaaa present were Mr, nnd Mrs. Gentlemen's Mra, H. C Mr-. Kenneth Hatch Mr. and Mrs Fred L.uvux. 39c Hurdiek and luhy. -Marjorie .lean, left Mr. and Mrs, it. S. Koliff. Mr nnd Sale 19c Mrs John Cewger, and Ihe children Talcum Powder hy automoblh DM their oot of the reepective households. Othac lage at Daytooa Beaich, where (hey membera of the family were prevent-' Lord Baltimore uill spend a pan of the summer. etl from attending hy illness. 25c value -gt 19c I >r. and Mrs. T M ltivers Lad a The Inly meeting of lhe St. John's \ pleaaanl faintly reunion recently iii Church Service League w<,s held Men I 2 Dozen Puretest Portfolio Iheir lovely 1mm.• on Mahhvtt street, dav afternoon la tba delightful hoiue1 35c Orange Blos­ whoa l'r. and Mrs Qerald Rivera and 8 n. Bullock, Mra t. J ignu I Sale Price One Pint -mall -mi. of Miami came tip for the aaaiatlng Mrs BnUock in entertain Aspirin week .nd to rtell thalr parents and ba$, Iti addition to loiitiiie matters. | som Talc - 25c lo neheine ttie two sister* who conalderaUa thaa waa di rotad te Ihi Minerl Oil hare just retimed—Miss Bunlo Sale 19c dlecueaion of ways ami means Ber on* REXALL 39c the Wmi,an College at Tallahassee, I'M'int ing with ether agencies lu the1 Sale Price and Mrs. ftfcDffWBB fium bar BOBM «t dty for charitable work, As ihe dues; Indianupoli- ot the organiaation have recently baaa Shaving Lotion Mr and Mrs S It Aultii. reduced by half, the treasury is some­ FREE Rpi Mill li. what depleted and special plans for 59c It. ,ich. 60c value - 49c nil-nig funds foi thla pill po-e must To each Lady making adolla, purchate of Toilet Articles we give a The Hi v. \\ in, Mr.-. F.nin- sample box of Cara Nome Powder, Value 25c. tala aad daughter. Vglnnette are now be adopted 41 the concltndoa ef the meeting the gueete were refreehed ed In the Methodist Assorted imrsonage or, Chun i he itev. a Ith Iced ami hoi tea, according te Mr Kmint iin la the new Incumbent prefi rence, with delicious aanaragag I i-i Methodlal church, as I sandwiches and while and dark cake [ Toilet bare from Jacksonville, where The Service U ague of Bt. Cioad bad I in- I «milv '.ill in- greatly been Invited to meet arlth the Klaelm mc,. ladie*- mi thla oca-ion, and the Waters missed. meeting area an unusually enjoyable I Edwards Pharmacy Mra ll' Oelger, .,,-. oinpaiiied hy hm tw,. -..a- Hugh aad Carson, lafl "lie The Allgllsl meeting will he | $1.00 Values \oM w«. k te la whi r. aha held al the boa f Mra <». .1 bee Tin- ladie-, of the riaatiylei lan na $»xal& man < hilieh and their friendl were lecellt- 79c Ml I U I \l I) rery delightfully entertained hy We Seek Your Patronage by Serving You HNI m Mr nmi Mra. w ii. Johnaoa al their i Ol MTI COMMUWIOM pteaaaai ooaatry BOBM with a "aailai nml..n cut." After all had partaken of the delidoua fruit, ihe oncnl awtena i I (Ull llllleil froBI Tag!' Seven ( were auctioned with much merriment . 11 far one i if build- for ilu* benefit of th. Latflea Aid ipiently as is possible. Oliver i lay ings (.. th,. primary. which profited rery nicely thereby. lng there with thg hoys hand First Posed Hooter Family Picture I adi*d hy Mr nml Mra W II Bok» and Mi — I'Yieiids of Johnny Bchmtdt tha gMl- i rried. thai the -im of Frances Hay motored to l'unla (iorda iai na anger "f tba Broadwaj rhar- $"i l«* ]>a id in to -i- n i several daya with tiiaey,* aK irlad tO welcome hun home .-. were reuu*l, the Mlaeea Mabel aad Norma E*epper, rrom tin* boapltal al Laka cny. where' '1 in- i-'.ird • until i 80 p frlenda ot long ttaadhn in- went for n minor operation In Tie I '.'ml p. llr. and Mra Holm* Pratbac had in All lecinl-i BO •! of as their gnaeta at Daytooa Beacb tot >•, w it h attm • • I). WARD APPOINTED i Uu w-i and M ra. Jaaua ON < 'ITY COMMISSION i lerk preaenl v,! Ph.- queation if hudgel for i l M.iier. I . and wainr Baaa, I ( out Lnued from page < tne I I ken up i ml r lllj William .aiie i la al Ibe beach «Ith the board it lielng the onanlmoua i be boj a hand inu' without he knowledge of th( com .criii-.n of tht neuihen \*t I hi The l.:,.;..-. Aid oj the ITc*d)>tcrian mis-ion at what price the St Cloud ! thai reduction* ahould lie made in elnireh mada a departure trota tha Tribune would ba wUllng to print I ip the '.uilget por IflBB in all usual routine Monday in bold lag their said holnls and received a price of ' a here it wna poaaible. regular meeting In tba aran'aaj, The |87.0O. whereupon be oaoeed tho Tri-; Reporta of county agnail aad Bad meet iui: waa beld at tha MJ aaa aad I.une to print said booda wiihout the! * roea nurse were prewoted tx TI,,, waa largalj attended 41 ihe con knowledge or anthonaatton ot thei h< I , thll t -ount. Depofiltory report* Hfaawed I naenta and an excellent program madi letter is attached to and uuida a part ] picture ahowa, tne Secretary of Commerce, who ii thr Republican ..7,|71l|, I-* n I IH- -M*V,-IUI fun,) *, .Inn., l the oocaelon n rery bappy one, Anoog of the niiiMiii presidential candidate and Mn, Herbert Hoover, and, top tow, Mr. 71- follOWl lh.* uuiuln-rs thai WOie givea were: Thereupon ii waa mored b] Oom and Mra. Herbert Hoover, Jr., son and daughter-in-law of Mr, Hoover, A rocal duet by Mra, Clydo Keleoa i pit. kirn.h and c. 'um led by and Allan Hoover, another eon of the Secretary. IIU,' ^^^^^^^^^^ torkeepaa > WMM.UO and Mary Knule. with vhillli ObllgBtO inner Wc nl Ihat Mayo i'om ;i ml l',,rt',-iini,* K tha Democratic National Conven- 1018.77 by \ Irginla Barbei'i Mra. Ba Fbac al u r Paiker'H aeti.m in this con- K..7I.I .m.i!*, 1 .Ti'.T V. don at Houaton, Taxaa. Thay didn't ttie plane; a readtag hv Mlea Baeao Uectlon be miii'l..: ami approved S|H*. il It ,ii. 1 7083.12 i a humoroua rei lull Ion by Mr. fat paat him or hif aids without Up-k ultural uu,t l.i*.,- si.>k •JM '.*>.-. Boll call. AII yaa proper Identification. A. s, Btelaon ; roeal oaaiban by Mra. Tbere belag no further huHinew* lo I' Iril i :TMI-,IIS i I.I 11 •>• i ioxa II ii nd i mu rial I reading Tick KtTHlli-.H loll 7'.; i;- COina hefore the colli in i • I. ill. U|.oIl im- b) Mlaa Joy Makln oa HU properly made, aecooded aad ua President's tSon WANT ADS Paid warrants were cancelled froan Mi and Mr t, W. POTBOM ;ind a nimou ilj « HI Tied, the tneetlafe aaV the several fumU as MlOWl : family IUIM- returned lnua a dallgbt" lourned, These I Ittle Business Getters Pay Big ful holiday i'1 'I'yhee Iteiuh near Savannah Itevoiiue HWH4.T0 IIIKKK (MB OIKI.s FOK BALE Fine and I'-UI.-IM, . 2800 \:, i>r. J. A. Ha} met with i regretta­ (JIINlXII. \ u i« KI |< a im V IUIII M.I' ICAISK MILK CiOATH I I Road ami li; ;•!_.• 3800 1 I ble accident hist Sal urdny, when he t' W [,io..IK*. N. M "i.ik he had (he misfortune to fall ami hreak 'OR IALB BToed, atova weed, atea kaota - A^rhultural ft I. S UHMJn t,.i im '-\ iiie. Kla Three milk jtootN li. J rt I'lirlH fur milfill tieflterw I li-t I In ifi-r'n sih ind nth * •" again tba lag wblcb waa recently v i Yard, aer, Ninth Ht nmi Dais war* I'.-t it jt i.m ..t" propen y owneta ol bave beea adopted by three club glrla 11 ,K tured in I'imi his county and will IH* kept iv... H if i a-ojM 11 \ lii norlda Dralaed Land Saia luipfer. dislriet governor of I *>K KIM i iimi'iii/. siii«in i-iiMI No. l. protest until Uny ar*- ohi enough io produce He* Klwanla, has iu-t returned (ron milk, stales Mrs. joy Bella Mean, mu agalnsi ani artiou tit tha board IMU s\| I — It I UKI.IVKHV tha Nu th umi Oonrentlon al beattle. bi -toe .agent FOH UK NT oil su i RMABONiBMfl aiN'luptiim i" I"*- I'owicr Bouleraid Wnwii. OB hta artif benu bt IIIM K ; Af fulh.winy eltriiM tr.s-H for iarga Ihlau r «rlth ilr.-iilnec rtarsa letter of Mr, i.uiu L Daalala mile, tim* f..r raplantlns: Lua OUn Qoni inr rriends at st peteraburg, of st Peteraburg. Tbeae kldH will blocks from liuslntiw aaetl fnr rtanadng dacaaaaa ••* ber property ta \'iii..ii.tiiM Bomoaasaas, liaiiv Blooda. h' I'toiri'llen UK] H.'ll'.olN I Il'.I.h»|PCP hi*rInhcmi' u i, in Bora t" air. Bad Mrs Bog i*r*?u* tlii'it he given In other eluh tflrlH UII r tppl] \l i |. ,, KKxiiiiine^' l'ark hv ihi* i'ii:ht nt WHJ Baraett, Ifaverly, ''!• 4-1 .;.,. II - .l..i-..*l'-,1„a " ii ..II July 1st. a daughter. tin- same condition M* 'f oi road paHsiim throUKh wm preaentad Mra. Marion ('arson IUIM taken ft cot- mi' fdered tlh*l Tor fnrth •• ooimider- it La said thai a good ntt goal FOit BAIiB it's. taarlDg ear In road mv aga at Dajtaaa Peach f*»r the auni- alion will produce from two to four ipiarts . I.. oi condition. ISn.Oo if Moid toon ,i iner in order lo he with her daughter, I -M It IM'K .,. Tba board hariog i••nulled 'ta • it milk i tiny, and that the cant of \v •eurleel al Pins Qrora Park, U imp I" Bfkl nnd Mid • Ji-'ill Itntltf Miss Wilhelminu, who han a work il WH BWead h.\ I'arlin. Mgond* keeping ii goal is much ICHK than for ix iitfhl nn.l Sold John K Millcjr. rtNllter, Ide (Misltion with u well-known legal KOH HAI.K—Two uninll plaaaa nt mod di by Mi van aail aarrlad, timt iiio a cow OoBl milk in very rleh In 'IKMI Here's a cloacup of lohr _ _ .nn* dour caClaam chiinhid rioridT ac merer, Tutltk firm. The younger children nre UIHO mot on MlMtr hlaliHtt.v Nn. 14, twu mllw l»mr*l adjourn autrteata, and IH oapaalally ngBB> idge, .son of the President, as he | Irmn Nt. f IIHId Hlr«vt. Ht t'lnad. ITlorlrt- with .Mrs ("arson, uud Mr. (.'urHon will Hninll tiM.viiirnt geva A. K. lUiKs, <'l «ilriimu iiiemted lu the treatment of eertaln appeared in cap and go*"* during i l.iUiiw an spend wwk-endn wtili thein UH fre- dlaeaeaa. hia graduation from Amherst rtlMrnbx. iw>««Pt«Hl nn flml nnym^nl. Ad- ,1. i, Orarvtreet ci**rk I .ir.-. "I^nd." CLEAN RA6S WANTbft • r*r* Trlhann «S4I« AT mim \K omcR