HERITAGE MATTERS 12L10l2019 8-9 MAKE PEACE and NOT WAR Pic Credit: International Institute for the Inclusive Museum and Vietnam War Remnants Museum

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HERITAGE MATTERS 12L10l2019 8-9 MAKE PEACE and NOT WAR Pic Credit: International Institute for the Inclusive Museum and Vietnam War Remnants Museum SATURDAY openion HERITAGE MATTERS 12l10l2019 8-9 MAKE PEACE AND NOT WAR Pic credit: International Institute for the Inclusive Museum and Vietnam War Remnants Museum lmost every country in the world has a war mu- tion of narratives through digital media. It was in Seoul, seum. They remember, recall and memorialize Korea, at the Art Centre Nabi. One of the speakers was their countries in war and conflicts. Some on a well-known French museologist Professor Michel Van the home front. Others elsewhere where some- Praët. He underlined the over saturation of the media times they had no business to be. In World War and digital domains with news of war and violence. TV, II the largest army in the world was trained online content, war games, you name it. He argued that and raised in India. Drafted to fight for the when you are constantly exposed or bombarded with sen- ABritish. Few of them are yet recognized in the museums sational violence, then our senses are gradually numbed. of the allies. I once conducted an exercise with my gradu- You see it every day, the violence. Empathy is soon re- ate students to visualize the biggest Peace Museum in the PROF. DR. AMARESWAR GALLA placed with apathy. His passionate analysis was that mu- world. The Australian War Memorial is the largest mu- seums could make the mistake of going overboard with seum in the country. It has probably the best musuem [email protected] ‘Mother’. 1993. Bomb fragments by digital media and take the human out of the museum educational program that I knew at that time. We worked (Professor Dr. Amareswar Galla, an Indo Nguyen Hoang Huy, sculptor from visits and experience. An argument was made by the Legacies of War present in the War Remnants Museum. through a mock exercise where the exhibits remain the Australian, was the trainer for the ASEF Tay Ninh Province. War Remnants seminar that deep research needs to inform the balance same. But the text was to be reinterpreted so that the Museum employee band playing at the opening of the Dis- Museum collection. between all forms of communication tools so that the Museum Training Road School last week in narratives were all about peace. Bingo. Same objects. covery Centre on Agent Orange Day, 10th August 2010. The real stories and narratives and their ability to draw on Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.) Multiple narratives. War to peace museum. What if all band had toured the USA prior to the opening. Visitors, especially foreigners from what makes us human is not minimized in the digital the war museums and memorials changed their mission Europe and North America are often world. and represented what they have with minimal cost to keen listeners to the narratives and This balance in presenting multiple perspectives and promote peace? We can aspire for a better world. A cul- War Remnants Museum has a individual stories associated with the use of digital technologies and space in a people cen- ture of peace. dynamic children’s discovery military hardware from the Ameri- tred approach is what is impressive at the War Remnants Peace is the mission of the War Remnants Museum in centre. What is unique is that can War. It is the story telling that Museum. The ground floor is an open plan of spaces. A Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Last year during March - it integrates collaborative bridges the gulf between war and large digital screen immerses the visitor on entrance in April, it staged the exhibition ‘Waging Peace – U.S. Sol- learning of children with all peace to promote reconciliation and the challenges of demining and recovering the land- diers and Veterans Who Opposed America’s War in Viet- forms of abilities. solidarity for promoting peace. scapes from the effects of chemical warfare. On the in- nam’. It provided both domestic and international side is another large orientation screen that provides visitors an understanding of the extent of the anti-war across the world protests and calls for peace. Woodstock activities of U.S. soldiers and veterans against the Amer- Festival to street marches in Europe and Australia are ican War in Vietnam. During the exhibition, on 20th profiled. Then the new galleries provide photographic March, a dialogue was facilitated on ‘Remembering the and video material from all the continents of the world past and building the future’. More than 100 Vietnamese – highlighting the calls for an end to war and promotion and U.S. veterans participated. Dr Ms Tran Xuan Thao, of peace. You leave the museum, not disturbed or angry. Director, War Remnants Museum, featured the first voice You leave with transformative learning with an under- of historical witnesses from both sides. The Museum of- standing about the wastage of war, especially its legacies fered a healing space for veterans and people from both on humans and the environment. countries. ‘Together with healing, reconciliation and It is in this environment that the Directors of the eight coping with the legacies of the war, it helped promote the museums of Ho Chi Minh City met last week in a Curato- relationship and comprehensive cooperation between rial Studio Workshop. It is part of the Museum Training the two countries’ says Dr Thao. Road School of the Asia Europe Foundation. Its aim was It is the most popular museum in Vietnam. It is one of to conceptualise and develop curatorial narratives the most visited in Asia. Over 1.3 million experienced the through collaboration. It will result in a project with place last year. Not parts of it. But most of it. The mission exhibits in the different museums and cultural spaces in is simple. To Love. The effects of war are presented in the City on the process of urbanism over the past 45 graphic displays. Confronting. But transformative. Over Museums Directors and researchers from the eight museums of Ho Chi Minh City working on the years since the end of the war in 1975. How does one deal 3 million died in Vietnam during the American War. An concept design for an exhibition on the making of the urban centre in the Studio Workshop at the with the different mandates and expertise of the muse- equal number were injured including those that struggle War Remnants Museum. ums on a common platform? If they were all museums with serious mental health challenges. About 4.8 million without walls what kind of narratives would they facili- are exposed to chemical warfare. Over 58,000 Americans Second generation legacy of Agent Mangrove forest destroyed by chemicals in Ca tate together. How is place making understood and inter- died in the American War. There were also several thou- Orange. Heather Morris Bowser, Mau. Young boy seen foraging for food here preted? Who are the actors in this growth of the city and sands of Australians and Koreans. But everyone was ex- from the USA, self-portrait showing amid the devastation. Photograph represented its challenges of rapid urbanisation and environmental posed to the impacts of chemical warfare. An interna- missing limbs. Her father was ex- as a significant ceramic mural at the entrance impacts? How about the intangible heritage values and tional solidarity led by Vietnamese and American posed to Dioxins in Vietnam. Impacts to the War Remnants Museum/ It was taken by cultural diversity of the urban population? What about organizations and individuals, deals with hundreds of of agent orange last six generations. Goro Nakamura from Japan on 6th May 1976. the working class and more than 20 ethnic minority thousands of unexploded ordnance and the toxic chemi- groups and immigrants from the neighbouring coun- cal legacy. U.S. veterans have joined the struggle in Viet- tries? How does one curate such complexity? How can nam. Digital affordances are maximised in all efforts. NEXT Heritage Matters will reflect on why the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav curatorial capacity building enable the ingenuity of Vi- I co-convened some time ago a seminar on the cultural etnamese museums to develop, interpret and present dimensions of the digital in museums. It is about satura- WEEK Sangrahalaya in Bhopal is a national museum in India. multiple narratives? .
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