
I wish to thank National Rural Support Programme’s (NRSP) district Kech’s Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme’s team specially Mr. Ghulam Rasool Baloch, Programme Manager, Mr. Saeed Ahmad, Senor Programme Officer MER, Miss Gul Afroz, District Programme Officer, Mr. Mir Manzoor Ahmad, Social Mobilization Specialist and Dr. Yousuf, Regional General Manager, for organizing and facilitating my visit to various interventions undertaken by NRSP with support of local community institutions at District Kech.

I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to members of community institutions for giving me an auspicious opportunity of attending their meetings and presentations on their undertaken activities and future plans of action.

Special thanks go to Mr. Khurram Shahzad, Specialist Monitoring & Monitoring RSPN for guiding me throughout the visit on various technical aspects of Social Mobilization, BRDCEP Gender Strategy, Socioeconomic Baseline Survey, and Poverty Scorecard Census (PSC) for BRDCEP, and Mr. Ali Akbar Qureshi, Programme Officer, Administration & Procurement, RSPN for arranging lodging and boarding amenities. www.facebook.com/BRDCP


Authored by: Asmat Kakar, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, BRDCEP

© 2017 Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN). All Rights Reserved.

“This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN), Balochistan Rural Support Programme (BRSP), and National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”

More information about the European Union is available on: Web: http://eeas.europa.eu/delegations/pakistan/ Facebook: European-Union-in-/269745043207452



Introduction to BRDCEP…………………………………………………………………………3

Social Mobilization…………………………………………………………………………………5

Technical and Vocational Education and Trainings: The Linchpin of

Economic Development for Young people…………………………………………….7

Community Investment Fund: A Window to Earning Income for Rural

Poor………...... 11


1. Introduction to BRDCEP

Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme (BRDCEP), a five year EU-funded rural development programme, is launched, with three implementing partners of grant component namely: RSPN, NRSP and BRSP in 249 Union Councils of eight districts of Balochistan namely: Jhal Magsi, Kech/Turbat, , Killa Abdullah, Loralai, Pishin, Washuk, and Zhob. Programme implementation has commenced from June 2017. The EU has also engaged the services of Hulla & Human Dynamics (H&H), an Austrian consulting company to enable the Government of Balochistan to foster an enabling environment for strengthening the capacities of local government/authorities to manage and involve communities in the statutory local public sector planning, financing, and implementation processes. The Programme also has a Public Finance Management (PFM) component which with will work closely with H&H to assist Government of Balochistan in costing and funding the community-led development policy framework through clearly defined fiscal and regulatory frameworks, budgetary processes and commitments reflected in a multi-annual budgetary framework, and the defined institutional arrangements.

Under BRDCEP, 1.9 million Pakistani citizens of 300,000 poor rural households in 249 union councils are to be mobilised and organised into a network of people’s own institutions; 19,129 COs, 3,103 VOs, 249 LSOs and 31 LSO Networks at tehsil level and eight at district level. RSPs then will provide support to improve the 4 organised households’ lives and livelihoods, as well as to foster linkages between the community institutions and local government to improve local basic service delivery.

Purpose of Field Visit

A trail to success might be long, challenging, and tiresome but at the end you will be satisfied and happy when you see and hear successful stories of change transpired in hot and barren lands of Balochistan. On May 13, 2018, in the morning, I flew from New Islamabad Airport Islamabad to with four objectives in minds regarding Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme (BRDCEP) being launched last year in district Kech along with seven other districts. These objectives included:

1. To support National Rural Support Programme Team in monitoring BRDCEP social mobilization process, formation and revitalization of community institutions (CO, VO, LSO) in district Kech 2. To review Gender Mainstreaming Strategy developed by NRSP BRDCEP team regarding mainstreaming of women in the BRDCEP interventions 3. To conduct Focus Group Discussions with members of community organisations regarding study on uncovering the underlying causes of poverty in rural Balochistan 4. To get updates on socioeconomic baseline survey from NRSP district Team


2. Social Mobilization

Community institutions are the linchpin of development of rural poor communities. Therefore, it is imperative for every such community to organise themselves into their own led community institution. Residents of Kunari Syed Bazar are living in extreme poverty without access to basic services of life. Under Balochistan Rural Development and Community Empowerment Programme, National Rural Support Programme district Kech Team had already set a date and venue of visit in Kunari village located in Sangai Union Council for the CO formation. On 15th May, 2018, early in the morning, we started our journey towards Kunari village, situated in Tehsil Dasht. As we moved on towards Kunari, the rays of scorching heat made it realized that how it is difficult to live a life without access to basic human needs. Traveling on the road built through China Pakistan Economic Corridor initiative apparently was very smooth and easy but the poor condition of human life in rural areas was the opposite of it. I saw hundreds of hopeless young people sitting alongside of CPEC road. These mega initiative can only be successful and productive when local communities are taken on board and made part of it. Community led development is always sustainable and bears fruit for the them. Coming back to CO formation process in Kunari village, after reaching there we are cordially greeted by the community members. The programme started with recitation of verses of holy Quran followed by programme introduction by Mir Zahoor Ahmad, Social Mobilization Specialist and Mr. Ghulam Rasool Baloch, Programme Manager BRDCEP. Talking about the importance of having their own community organisation, Mr. Ghulam Rasool Baloch highlighted that every household has an innate potential and that is only them who can utilize their potential for improving their lives. In this regard organisation into community institution and doing civil registration is very important.”

The CO members then passed a written resolution in the prescribed format given in BRDCEP PIM stating that they have unanimously formed the organisation and submit it to NRSP SMT. Finally, 6

all members thumbed on Terms of Partnership (ToP). Miss Zaliha and Miss Benazir were elected President and Manager respectively.

CO Formation- EU-BRDCEP Kech as of April,2018

Membership Regular Meeting S. Member N District Tehsil UC Name Revenue Village SMT CO NAME CO Type Date of Formation House PRESIDENT MANAGER SAVING O Holds Men Women Total Date Time

1 Kech Turbat Kuncheti Kuncheti SMT Dasht Muneer Muhallah Cheeri Kuncheti (F) Female 4/24/2018 0 13 13 13 Sabira Najma 10 10:00 AM 1,300

2 Kech Turbat Kuncheti Kuncheti SMT Dasht Anwar Muhallah-2 (F) Female 4/18/2018 0 24 24 24 Faqeera Shali 5 10:00 AM 5,650

3 Kech Turbat Solband Solband SMT Turbat Haji Umeed Ali Muhallah (F) Female 4/20/2018 0 16 16 16 Kosar Kulsoom 10 4:00 PM 800

4 Kech Turbat Solband Solband SMT Turbat Ganj (F) Female 4/27/2018 0 16 16 16 Shakeela Shameela 10 4:00 PM 800 G.Total 0 69 69 69 8,550

CO Adoption/Revitalization- EU-BRDCEP Kech As of April,2018


One thing which needs to be appreciated and highlighted was the gender strategy of NRSP district. NRSP SMT has successfully organised 100% women of Kunari village into their own community organisation. This fact was evident from my visit to all community organisations formed or adopted under BRDCEP. Ensuring women’s participation in community development is the fulcrum of BRDCEP. Therefore, it was very encouraging to see a large number of women’s participation in community organisations in district Kech. “We form 100% female CO and mixed VOs and LSOs. It is very effective strategy to mobilised women here because empowering them means empowering the whole household” Ghulam Rasool Balich said.

3. Technical and Vocational Education and Trainings: The Linchpin of Economic Development for Young people

Advancement in human development is imperative for the socioeconomic development of any country. Therefore, forward looking and well advised governments always give priority to policies, strategies and programmes for improving human development. One of the key components of human development focused programmes is the Technical and Vocational Education and Trainings (TVET). Pakistan, with its bourgeoning young population has prioritized the provision of technical and vocational educational skills to its young population. Pakistan, with financial support of European Union, has recently launched TVET Sector Support Programme initially set out to train 0.2 million youth by 2019.

The evidence about the efficacy of TVET supports the claim that it results in improving peoples’ lives by increasing their means of livelihoods. The success of benefits of such programmes is not only confined to urban centres and specific genders but populations in rural areas particularly youth and women have equally gained access to opportunities of earning income after getting TVET skills.

It is an indubitable fact that without the participation of skilled youth and women in economic activity no country can realize the socioeconomic stability and prosperity. In District Kech in Balochistan province, youth and women in rural areas, after getting TVET skills, have started taking active part in the economic activities. During my recent visit to district Kech, I learnt that the rural households had prioritised TVET for their family members in the Micro Investment Plans. The support organisations then facilitated the provision of TVET skills. During the visit I had an opportunity to meet with some of the beneficiaries of TVET and their success stories are discussed below. 8

“My family’s financial conditions were very bad before getting TVET. My husband barely found casual work opportunity to earn some income because he has no marketable skills. Living in such a miserable situation was very tough, particularly for the family’s children and women. In 2015, my household became member of Sohrani village Community Organisation (CO) part of Ginna Local Support Organisation (LSO) formed by National Rural Support Programme. In my Micro Investment Plan, I identified that I had the potential to benefit from TVET. In 2016, I was recommended by my CO for TVET supported by the Programme for Poverty Reduction. I attended a one-month training course on dressmaking from the Institute of Rural Management. After getting the training, I began to work. During the wedding season, I earn PKR 10,000- 15,000(USD 85-100). Otherwise, I earn about 3,000-4,000 PKR per month. I had to quit my studies after matriculation due to of lack of financial resources but now I have resumed my education at Girls Degree College at Turbat and my husband fully supports my decision. Being a member of CO and availing TVET provided a huge relief to me and to my family”, said Miss Nasreen Baloch.

Miss Nasreen Baloch: Photo Credit: NRSP

When it comes to vulnerability, youth is considered one of the most vulnerable age bracket. That is why they need special attention and skills to contribute positively to their respective community. Mr. Gorham Ali Baloch is 22 years young and an active member of Danook village CO. He has 9 done higher education certificate in science but was jobless because of lack of employment opportunities. “Having no job is like living a purposeless life. In 2013, my household became member of Danook CO and from there I started participation in community service voluntarily. In 2016, my family prepared the Micro Investment Plan and identified that I could benefit from TVET. My CO recommended me for TVET. I attended a one month course on Motor Winding skills training from the Institute of Rural Management at Jamshoro. Now, I have my own mechanic shop and earn PKR 2,000-3,000 (USD 15-25 per day. Earlier, my father was the only source of our household’s income, now I also make significant contribution. I am also training my younger brother after his school so that he can also support me. My six siblings are now attending a school and this is a big change in my family’s conditions”, Mr. Gorham said.

Mr. Goharam Ali Baloch: Photo Credit: NRSP

Mr. Baqir Ali is a polio victim, and is now completely dependent on a wheelchair for his movements. He comes from a very poor family. Two years ago, he used to beg, sitting along the roadside, to feed his destitute family. “In 2016, Shaytger village CO identified, selected and 10 recommended me for TVET. I got 10 days training about puncture repair from the Institute of Rural Management. NRSP also provided me puncture repair tools and equipment, and now I earn PKR 400-600 (USD 3.5 - 5.2 per day and contribute to my family’s income. In my native village, generally people insult disabled persons, don’t consider them as useful members of society unless they contribute economically. After getting training provided by NRSP from Programme for Poverty Reduction, I have observed change in people’s perception particularly of my own family members who now considers me a very valuable member of the family”, Mr. Baqir stated.

Mr. Baqir Ali: Photo Credit: NRSP

It is encouraging that government of Pakistan, with support of European Union and other donor agencies, is making adequate efforts to equip more women and young people with TVET skills for improving their households’ income. Undeniably, provision of TVET skills to women and youth is a key factor in economic development and there is a great need of formulating polices to extend such programmes to all young people living in rural areas and involve them in economic activities. In current era, it is high time that all young people should be equipped with TVET skills in the 11 larger national interest and in this regard the federal and provincial governments should pay special attention and allocate more funds so that more young people can benefit and contribute to national development.

4. Community Investment Fund: A Window to Earning Income for Rural Poor

To empower citizens and communities and provide them with means enabling them to earn income for their households, NRSP has formed Community Investment Fund (CIF) managed by the communities through their own institutions of COs/VOs and LSOs. Main objective of CIF is to provide assistance to economically active poor community members (with Poverty Score 0-23) who are engaged in some economic activity (business, enterprise, livestock rearing, trading or agriculture, service provision etc.) through loans and guidance so that they are able to improve their incomes. This also builds the capacity of the community institutions in terms of financial management, planning household level economic support initiatives for poor households and providing assistance to them to improve their economic activities. The overall objective of the sub- granting for CIF is to support the achievement of the BRDCEP’s overall and specific objectives. This activity will directly contribute to an average sustainable increase of poor households’ income by 25%.

During my visit to district Kech, I met some of the beneficiaries of CIF and undertook an assessment of impacts on means of livelihoods of poor people living in rural areas. During my interaction with them, I met three inspiring women who have not only changed their households’ income through CIF by starting economic activities in their respective villages but also motivated and encouraged women to start such activities which can gain wealth for their households.

Their success stories are discussed below: 12

Miss Hameeda aged 38 is resident of Kunchiti village and member of Kunchiti CO. Her household consists of 8 members. Earlier, it was very tough for her and her husband to meet family expenditures. “In 2016, my family prepared the Micro Investment Plan and identified that I could benefit from CIF, so applied for CIF and got 30000 PKR loan from Community Investment Fund (CIF) and established Autos shop in my village. Now I am earning 200 PKR daily”. Miss Mahajan Baloch live with her 9 children and husband in Kunchiti village. She is Manager of Kunchiti CO. Her household falls in extremely poor households (PSC score-21). “In 2016, my family prepared the Micro Investment Plan and identified that I could benefit from CIF, so I applied for CIF and got 50000 PKR loan from Community Investment Fund (CIF)and upgraded my grocery shop. I now earn 500-600 on daily basis. Earlier, it was very tough to meet family expenses but now my 2 daughters have done F.A and 5 daughters are studying in government school. The shop is a big relief for us” Mahajan said.

Miss Shakila Baloch has similar story of changing her household fortunes through Community Investment Fund. She got 25000 PKR loan from CIF and established a grocery shop for her brother in Turbat city. Her brother now earns 1000-1200 PKR daily and supports family expenses. “We have established a women run market in Kunchiti Union Council” Miss Mahajan Baloch said. “CO, VO, and LSO are the only forum where poor women get the opportunities to avail community investment fund, technical vocational education trainings, Income Generating Grants, and awareness about their economic, political and social rights” Mr. Ghulam Rasool Baloch said. 13

Rashid Baloch is a 25 years old and an active member of Sawarap LSO. His CO provided him CIF of 30000 PKR to his mother and 30000 PKR to his sister in law in 2016. With this amount they established a grocery shop in their respective village. “I earn 2000-3000 PKR daily. Before this, it was very tough to run household expenses because of limited income but now we are living a very comfortable and happy life. Now my 5 siblings attend school”.

Mr. Abdul Wahid is a member of Sawarap LSO. In 2016, he took loan from Community Investment Fund on behalf of his wife Miss Janat. They established a grocery shop with 90000 PKR in their village. “I took three instalments of loan from CIF and returned all to community organisation. This shop has 150000 PKR grocery stuff. I earn 4000-5000 PKR daily. Before this, I used to work in Dubai

on daily wage and getting work and enough wage was very tough there because of the financial crisis. Now my family is living a very happy life”

Aksima is 27 years old and she comes from a very poor family in Sorag village in Nodiz and a member of Sorag CO. Earlier, her family had no sustainable means of livelihood despite her husband daily wage from labour work. In 2016, she took loan of 50000 PKR from CIF of Sorag CO and established a grocery shop in her village. She sells grocery, fruit, vegetables and ice and earns 2000 PKR daily. 14

Manzoor Ahmad is 29 years old and an active member of Nokan village CO in Kalatook Union Council. His household falls in PSC (0-23). Earlier, he used to work as daily wage laborer and could not meet his family expenses due to limited resources. In 2016, he applied for loan from CIF of his CO. He got 50000 PKR and bought Rickshaw. Now, he earns 1200-1500 PKR daily.

Under BRDCEP, 23,550 poor households will benefit from CIF in eight programme districts.

On the last day my visit, I had a debriefing session with NRSP BRDCEP team. I commended their efforts and dedication towards implementation of programme interventions for improving the lives of poor people in district Kech. With regards to monitoring of social mobilization process in district Kech, RSPN has already shared Quality Assurance and Control Checklists to monitor formation and adoption of community institutions formation. I told them that they should strictly adhere to the agreed guidelines given in BRDCEP PIM for robust social mobilization process in the district. I was to note that they were already following the instructions given in BRDCEP PIM. Regarding mainstreaming of women in community institutions, it was worth appreciating that NRSP BRDCEP team has successfully mainstreamed 100% women in community institutions and it was an encouraging notion for their empowerment as the programme moves forward. Regarding socioeconomic baseline survey, NRSP has hired the services of Foresight Research firm for conducting survey in the 3 selected Union Councils. The said firm has developed an Urdu translated version of socioeconomic questionnaire developed by RSPN BRDCEP Monitoring and Evaluation team, and shared it with RSPN for feedback. The firm is expected to start the survey from June 2018.