Aeroplane Swings, Whip and F’errls Wheel, also Kun House or any other New Hides WE WAPgX TO HEAR FROM AEE KINDS OF SKIEE GAMES We already have (they were in operation summer): Miller A: Baker Coaster, Carousell instalUnl in Miller tV Baker Buildinn, Dodgem, Ijirneat l^ance Pavilion OD lyonj: Island, VieUtria Swinss and many of the standard frames and amusement devieea. Swimming I’txil and Old Mill now under eonstruction. I SEASON OPENS MAY istiti, 19341 The Park Went Over the Top Last Season Addiess all communicationsr PARK CO^ Inc., FREEPORT, Lon; Island, New York. D. BALDWIN SANNEMAN, VIce-Pies. and Gen. M;t.

Ilurlnn I*. Kcl'c\, wlin a"istcd in many ways to make the prujcct a siicce*'. SALEM PARK HAS "There are pavilhui* at the aide that will 'cat ..ixt I.pic and tin- large hill in the rear. planted witli niaple and Sixttrh |iiDe«, will stmt UNIQUE FEATURES ai>|iroiiinately '.’.(aio ii«.i>|ile. "Xo matter wlilch of the .‘l.fitMt seats a v|*. LET US PLAN WITH YOU Itor cli>*.i.i.e till concert can Iw heard in com¬ fort and If tlicrc doi'* not liaiitM'n to he a Forum Meetings and Free concert It 1* interesting to »lt in the tdiade Shows and Concerts Attend¬ and enjoy the jM'ace and iiuiet of *tieh a •*•- NOW FOR 1924 eluded ana and to look out Iwyond to the OCI’Utl. ed by 35,000 People Each "Now that Sali-ui lias tills xiilcndld theater It 1* Interc'tlng to note wliat ti»e I* to l>e made Week During Summer of it. Tlie program of exerelse* on the dedl- eatlon. .lime IT. was typleai perlia|iH of the Philadelphia Toboggan Company general use. 'I'lila program IncliHled miisle b.r >‘ak-ui. Dec. 8.—l’ni<|ue in more ways an excellent katel aiot 'ongs by a s.ibdst wle. tlian nil.' i» Salem Willow*. Park. It la *ang with Soiisa'' Hand for six seasons, s|H.eidies ruunicil'ally owni.d, liii* a Ini' (latf and is tlif Engineers liy III'niliers of tie. park Iward. the nia.Mir and • >uly sliaily dicaii iv-olt in tile State. There ('. Howard Walker, ehlef architect for the St are ridts and lonii.vsidnv for which a charKe l.otils K \ post t i< >11. Since this iiiM'tilng there is made, l.iit fur tin* nio't part the attraitiona Manufacturers and Builders l.avo tieen band eoticerts ever.v Sunday after- ti St draw (HMi iH'iiple cn.-li week diirini! the iio.iii and evening, a community |iatrlntic meet¬ a tmnier are free. Sin U eiilert.iiiinieut is of- ing, a xandcvlile show and u meeting of the fi red in the eiitil.n.r ilieater. A W . mi n'* ICcpiililican t’luh of Massachusetts (leM'rilitiiiu of It is riiiitiiined in tlie followinK COASTERS, CARROUSELS, MILL CHUTES Tile draniat'.' s ,if tlie playground were given uitk'le liy iiliver U. I’r.itt. siiperintciideiit of licre till* tir-t [.art of .Vngiist and the l.atln p.arts and riiy fore-ier of Salem, as aiipear- Club of tho lilgli '1 bool gave a performance ilif in lark' and |{e,r-ati<«n, the itrL'an of in September, it i* the d'-slre of the eommla- the .\nieriiaii Institute of i'aik Kxeeutivea: 'ion tliat till' 'Inge lie iiseil f,ir ail public meet¬ • Sal.III.>., fHiiMiiis ill .\nieriraii annals 130 East Duval Street ings or il s, ti'-:.ius jf current iiue'« or beiMii'e Ilf lier illii't rinu' I'S'l. is l.y no means polities, providing, of eonr-e. that It be done relyinu eii tliese laurels. Init rather is very Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. legally for draiiiatlc«. daneing ix.rfiirnian.-es niliili Iiliie and ready tn meet the demands of and exhltiltlons of all kinds. If 1* ojwn free eivill/.atiuii. Tile I'onipletion of a miiniripal to the piiblb' at alt titiios and as tills ]iark i* outdior llieati-r is the must rei’cnt evidence of freipiented by a great many nonresident* of her iiri'Sre's. Salem the theater will he very widely used •'Tie oiitdiior theater is delight fully loeated and enjoyed and a great deal of appreoiation is lit ShIi'Iii Willows I'ark, overlisiking the ocean a n I 11 n 111111 felt f .r tho'o wito ha'e made snob a project and t'p. hi-HiitifuI shores of Beverly and Man- JKJssHile." eiiester-iiy-ihe-tSea. ’TaiiKe wi.low and maple fr»«8 overhang the III ditiiriiim. furnishing shade and at the .'Hitie time allowing glimpses of tlie blue sky overhend How wonderful nature has been to ERIE BEACH TO BE MADE provide 'lull a 'liaded s|iot right on the edge of tile eeean and what a happy elioiee the park eoniiiils'ion made in seleeting it for an outdoor DENTZEL I MORE INVITING IN 1924 tlieater! ■•Korin -rly the plot of ground now ealled the ‘Wil'ows' was used in part for iMsiiital CARROUSELLS I New Pool at Buffalo Park Did jiurjsi'is. and in tsol a nmnher of willow tri.eo MfcNanlcally and Artittirally Perfect. ZZ were iiiai led to furnish sliade for the patients. It is lro:u these niaminoth willow trees that WM. H. DENTZEL, S Banner Business During Its the area n-. eived its name and willow trees 3641 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia. Pa. ~ First Season—Great Line¬ are still being jdanted to take the plaee of Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii? tlMise that die. (Inly two of the original wil¬ low tree; are still standing. In issii this up of Attractions fiffy-aeie area with its lieantifnl gro^es and splendid ..iitlook on the oeean was set aside .as a piililie iiark and has I«>en developed, to provide liealtliful recreation for tlie people. RufTiiht. N. Y.. !)«•••. «—M. !.. Smith, mini- Band eoiicert.s have been proviiied Sunday', MILLER & BAKER, INC. »f**r of Krio known thI* city’* “mil¬ holidays .■ nd Wedni'days during the summer AMUSEMENT PARK ENGINEERS lion ilollur park**, ri*vipv\K f4»r th^ pa^t for tile last twenty years. lieretofore the “uiiitiMT nt th** r*HMrt iin,.en playing on a I'and'tand six¬ MILLER PATENT COASTERS & DEVICES th«* I'oniint; M*MM»n in th** foMowInif roimrt: teen feet square and iiart of the audience ha* ‘ Wo aiplofl In 1‘t‘jn a , hii**h^lR of le-en seatel among l!ie groves of tree* while SPECIAL DESIGNS A STRUCTURES fun. f1ft»** iiinr iloironi. hahy f»Tria whe**| and a the remainder were standing in the olien in r.izrli* tia/zl**. all of whtoh pniA'd v«'ry ko'hI In- the liot 111.. Tliese londitioiis were not satis- p!o! BTa'is.^llSr^ew^djii. SultB 3041, Grand Central Terminal, New York, N. Y. faetory and H' a eoii'eiineiiee the idea of an ■ W»* till* now 'w!niinin»r imhiI. lottx’Jijr* OlltdiMir tlie ter Was isin.eivej f**' f. th»* !ir**f w«*fk of 111** -»*a'*«»n. In «‘onn*H* t Mil lA'th 111** >v«* ofM-nitf a ttlt**r and "The tiisi.iry of tie tlieater is interesting, • hloritiatMr p;ml u1ii«h tiiNki‘« It **aiiitarT In for. altlai rh>* [.ark >onimt"ion had dreaini-d of and lii>i>e.l for it many years, it was not A REAL BARGAIN »*v**ry r»***i***tt. \Vi* m1m> hullt a in*w hath Iioiin** nrtll Xla.v. ''.ij.'. *hal it 'eeiiied i-ossit.le to with ari.‘<»titiiiMr banotM.g l.e. ,iinlni; ’'I'laiiH fitr IPJI ill* Imh* a n**w hihI h iciil.v im goveriinient ii iiI- all ap|iropriatloii to f .mi'll hall and refreahrcerit atand*. Pop machinery and bottle*. Cash regiatera atid complete outllt. Park i.'ln* pro\**«| niMiwMv, th • piaiiTint; «ir •hriii- work f ir e\ 'll'ire men in need. Tie- eom- world's fastest t4-ml1e »ieed»ay. Will *ell at sacrlfloe. as owner is too Inny with 'peelway to glxe ii* rry and -Iiatl** tri***** and ptFoolidy th** a«l*o 4*Mri«hl«*rink' the I** iidlit> i»f aihlliiK a aya’I-.l liini'eis ,1,1., o|i|Hjrtiinily to ntilire >*.,me of tlie iatsir for removing ledge and to oiir al*'*a fur th** fr**** ii**** <»f patn*ri*<. La* h tadlniii i<»i}taiii** a <|Uart«*r ntih the * ernment of the practiealdlity of the by everybody—everywhere. Standard since 1914, with many imitators. ra*-«* traik. Jiunidiiii: pit, I»a'**d»a1l d Htnon*l. *d*\ idea md ilc- ne, ."ary api'roiirialion wa' mole, *1 !<**> ;ir*’ full* li **Miight iiV iiHhi-itrint platit** Htid making :s>":i.le the completion of tlie theater n rife for Catalog. • and fratt'rnal oriCHnizati<»n’« iHMikini; pi* nn in M y Vi'j:'. with II' "Tlie -tagp was de'lgned iiy .\. G, Riel^ard- SKEE BALL COMPANY, Coney Island. New York ''From ail indi* iifitaiN w«* a \«-ry inrg** soti ir hi’eef ai d the lighting was laid out i»'Hik.n»{ tjf pi* lift - f«»r IPi’l \V* tIiMt • hr .1 if. r.yneh. illi.mlnating engneer of file \N ;■ ty of n } •H«k ami BI..P.I.U Wave Making MachineSwimming Pools I tutu s'. hli*ij*d. I’Mfr. *• slhipp*-: Mr**. It lt**l*' rt ',.1..'. w d *• bexe. <,n tho ioor hot' iceen -'•ri. tfiiptiiOft nod iMinliiur alh-y; Ih ItrMWii them. Th^ 't.igrf lighting 1- ISO arriingcil that tifuf gtlh’ry. \V Scliiillx «*an*ll»*'*: mi 'll*- Sf\« « • an 1m cS't oil tht* t-faiTf ny Price, $100.00 j S*hntt, |H»|M4»rti. .\. Goiifll**. fruit-*. *•!» ; W H f.irmi-r- T n sibio i .n to tne OVf »hf a«1 H’of ' lie fotdiov, r*-*l »i*»t*i; ,1. UMikflniaii. »ir*u«* K*** Mght* •rtim’t .- ' sre pro 1 rh’i1 for p-irtahU* W. F. MANGELS CO., CONEY ISLAND, N. Y. j taiirNfit; t'. Kruk' itin*- '•ti«ak *'*»M*»t*»r; S t*rH f. gt 1*^ .J ntl ligb t« for mu wjf la* k*<. liMm, \Milkin:; ‘hdl hii*! hHll*H>n rrt***T; K Y*i»‘h’ *ta. Kail* K .M« K«*nr.i*-, K**ntn* k\ *h rt-' ar**i . fr^m thi** hihI iiiiMtti*‘r gain**: M. .\mlina'r. It'** jfain**-* In t! A* H h'lr-*li»)rdF***h»*** a .'-aii:!h. photo galhT.x. Ntol .1 tiraff ••k**** l»all thni}**an«1 in !♦ V »*..;T!ffFrt»>i|»* iN*rmarn*nt rtf Ki’** Iha tj t’oinpaii.i Mp»**il th*- itot* • nd n"»m w»*t»**w rKr 1* »•* liirh!***! ATTRACTIVE PARK FOR SALE • hu riMiiO'i. rarxl* i|:i/*/.U*, *.i»am iiiliiiatitr* ra hr D*-tt ..niiirrM r.tsi i»o:*j»oI* • with rohtnlal l.»nt»*rn \\i% ■ . |N»n\ trn* k. fHt*'rpH]nr •»* »*iil«* rail"**' frid;** iiifrr> s>» r*mn*i. whip. Fiaifh* nwIiiu- '“df “The -nTT*' ht-h - . h* !)> a h*‘avy Ideal iticnic Rround.s. together with Dancing Pavilion. Hating Pavilion, Merry- • Irlnk »*tHnd**. iiotvlnif ph’tiiii-s. r*»IUT rink. *lai»' Tn!x**d n»l l* j.r..;,- i« f1 frofii I'jill. **lr* 1** MwifiK. ••h-rtri*' iiilnialiii** rad" \nt.A '•urr ,t,i? r'l'M*' ri;Hw4iiiry <;o-Hound, etc. Trolley service. Comideted third season this year. Address >*otiip*t. hn<*h«*|*> *if fnn. f«*rri** wh<***l