South Hampstead Cheder Prospectus Dear Parents,

Welcome to South Hampstead Cheder, where we prioritise your child’s happiness Charlie, Eloide and Tamara - Year 2 and . We understand that a child’s Jewish education needs to be delivered in a constructive yet warm and fun atmosphere. “I like playing football and practising reading so I can read signs in . That is where I want to live. I love Our aim is to promote a love, knowledge and practice of in a stimulating eating beigels and singing all the songs” way - and one that mirrors the interactive, hands on style of teaching that is delivered in schools across the country. James, Ben and Freddie - Year 4 “You get to daven, eat yummy beigels, and when you Our unique and personalised curriculum takes into account the several different have a bar mitzva you can learn from being at Cheder” learning styles which children have and we incorporate these into our methodology. We anticipate that the children will leave cheder with a very good grounding in all the practical aspects of a traditional Jewish lifestyle and be able to feel comfortable in Jeremy, Lara and Max - Year 5 any Jewish setting. To this end we invest significantly in our Hebrew reading system “I enjoy Cheder because I make friends from other with the aim of teaching your child to achieve both accuracy and fluency in their schools, we do learning through arts and crafts” Hebrew reading by the time they leave cheder in Year 6, (Of course, attendance and homework are factors in achieving our goal!) Each reading session is differentiated so Izzy, Josh and Sean - Year 6 all levels are catered for. “You learn loads and it’s super fun because the teachers

We want to encourage a partnership between parents, teachers and children and are super nice. I love to see my friends every Sunday” strive to involve all three in educational experiences throughout the year. A supportive environment helps the children in everything from learning to reading Hebrew and from following services in a siddur to developing a rounded Jewish knowledge and a love of Israel.

There is a gentle sound of music throughout the cheder as our music teacher rotates from class to class ensuring that the children are well rehearsed with the songs of upcoming festivals and feel an uplifting sense of joy in their Jewishness.

Our aspiration is for the children to be proud and have a positive sense of their Jewish identity whilst building lasting friendships with other Jewish children in the community.

Come and join the buzz at South Hampstead Cheder!

Looking forward to meeting you.

Daniella Broder Head Teacher.

Contact us [email protected] Our cheder administration office is open on Sunday morning at the cheder For application & billing enquiries during the week please contact the shul office Daniella Broder 07941 560 126

Charlie, Eloide and Tamara - Year 2 “I like playing football and practising reading so I can read signs in Israel. That is where I want to live. I love eating beigels and singing all the songs”

James, Ben and Freddie - Year 4 “You get to daven, eat yummy beigels, and when you have a bar mitzva you can learn from being at Cheder”

Jeremy, Lara and Max - Year 5 “I enjoy Cheder because I make friends from other schools, we do learning through arts and crafts”

Izzy, Josh and Sean - Year 6 “You learn loads and it’s super fun because the teachers are super nice. I love to see my friends every Sunday”

Each teacher is provided with a detailed lesson plan for every Our curriculum part of the curriculum. This is a section of the year 5 lesson plan for the topic on ‘Jewish calendar and festivals,’ with a few of the slides included in the power point which is presented to year 5 as per the lesson plan. Our tailor made curriculum is designed to ensure that topics are solidified through annual review in the classroom but that the content is progressive through the age groups rather than Lesson Plan: Lesson Slides: repetitive. For example, amongst various topics in our curriculum your child will study the subject of ‘The Jewish calendar & festivals’ on an annual basis but they will acquire new knowledge & skills each time. Every year group has its own specific lesson objectives. Here is a sample of the lesson objectives for 3 of the year groups showing progression according to age.

Lesson Objectives:

RECEPTION: YEAR THREE: YEAR FIVE: • Know the days of • Know that Rosh • Understand how the week in Hebrew Chodesh is the new the Jewish calendar (specifically focused Hebrew month works around ) • Know the phases of the moon in the • Understand the • Know that there are context of Rosh lunar cycle and its Hebrew months Chodesh relationship to the Nissan, Iyar as well as • Know how Rosh Hebrew months English months Janu- Chodesh helps us ary, February know when the • Know why the festivals are festivals fall on • Know that the • Know how we different days each Hebrew names of the celebrate Rosh year days of the week are Chodesh the Hebrew numbers • Know that Rosh • Understand why we 1-6 Chodesh is the first need Jewish leap commandment ever years given to the Jewish nation Each teacher is provided with a detailed lesson plan for every Our curriculum part of the curriculum. This is a section of the year 5 lesson plan for the topic on ‘Jewish calendar and festivals,’ with a few of the slides included in the power point which is presented to year 5 as per the lesson plan. Our tailor made curriculum is designed to ensure that topics are solidified through annual review in the classroom but that the content is progressive through the age groups rather than Lesson Plan: Lesson Slides: repetitive. For example, amongst various topics in our curriculum your child will study the subject of ‘The Jewish calendar & Year Five Curriculum: Calendar 1 festivals’ on an annual basis but they will acquire new knowledge Notes & skills each time. Every year group has its own specific lesson Lesson Objectives:

objectives. Here is a sample of the lesson objectives for 3 of the  Understand how the Jewish calendar works year groups showing progression according to age.  Understand the lunar cycle and its relationship to the Hebrew months

 Know why the Chagim fall on different days each year

 Understand why we need Jewish leap years

Lesson Objectives: Trigger: Take out flash cards of all the months and Chagim and

throw them across floor! Whoops, the months and Chagim are all mixed up! Can you put them back in order?

RECEPTION: YEAR THREE: YEAR FIVE: Teaching Point: Who knows what date Rosh Hashana is this year? Who knows what date Rosh Hashana was last year? Why is Rosh

• Know the days of • Know that Rosh • Understand how Hashana sometimes in September and sometimes October? If the days of the calendar are fixed why do the months move around? the week in Hebrew Chodesh is the new the Jewish calendar Any other questions? Before we answer it all we first need to do some science. (specifically focused Hebrew month works around Shabbat) • Know the phases of Teaching Point: Bring in globe, sun and moon. Ask the children if they know anything about how the earth moves around the sun? the moon in the • Understand the Get them to act it out – person to be earth, sun, moon and move appropriately. How about the moon around the earth? What have • Know that there are context of Rosh lunar cycle and its all these got to do with the calendar?

Hebrew months Chodesh relationship to the Activity: Split class into teams. You will need a (labelled) Nissan, Iyar as well as • Know how Rosh Hebrew months bucket/container each for moon, earth and sun. Get the children to set them in position of moon, earth and sun. Children stand at a

English months Janu- Chodesh helps us distance (behind a line) and each take a turn to say one of Hebrew months of the year. Every time there’s a mistake, start from ary, February know when the • Know why the beginning. Whoever says Adar Shenee gets a chance to throw balls festivals are festivals fall on into the sun/moon/earth bucket. Team with most balls in wins.

• Know that the • Know how we different days each Focus: Use the PowerPoint attached to clarify how the Jewish

Hebrew names of the celebrate Rosh year calendar works and why we have leap years. Clarify that date of Chagim changes in relation to English months because the date of days of the week are Chodesh the festival is fixed by the Hebrew/lunar month Curriculum Curriculum the Hebrew numbers • Know that Rosh • Understand why we Checklist 1-6 Chodesh is the first  Flashcards, globe, sun, moon, balls & buckets need Jewish leap  Video, laptop, internet access, PowerPoint  Paper, pens, colours etc. commandment ever years Calendar given to the Jewish © South Hampstead Synagogue Cheder Curriculum nation OUR TARGETS ARE TO… OUR TARGETS ARE TO… Focus on creating a Jewish social community for • children and parents

Deliver a structured, well-rounded and musical • educational experience

Provide 1 – 1 Hebrew reading tuition Focus• on creating a Jewish social • Offer creative educational projects for the age community• 9 – 11 year groups for children which motivate and andparents capture the interest of the older students

Build a unique connection with South Hampstead • Synagogue and enjoy regular visits from • DeliverShlomo a &structured, Rabbi Eli well-rounded and musical educational experience Charlie, Eloide and Tamara - Year 2 “I like playing football and practising reading so I can read signs in Israel. That is where I want to live. I love eating beig- els and singing all the songs” Provide 1 – 1 Hebrew reading tuition James, Ben• and Freddie - Year 4 “You get to daven, eat yummy beigels, and when you have a bar mitzva you can learn from being at Cheder”

Jeremy, LaraOffer and Max creative - Year 5 educational projects for the “I enjoy •Cheder because I make friends from other schools, we do learningage through 9 – 11 arts year and groups crafts” which motivate and

Izzy, Josh andcapture Sean - Yearthe 6interest of the older students “You learn loads and it’s super fun because the teachers are super nice. I love to see my friends every Sunday” • Build a unique connection with South Hampstead Synagogue and enjoy regular visits from Rabbi Shlomo & Rabbi Eli