  Ê ² â ì º ð ² ò   ê© Ê²â вÚò© ²è²øºÈ²Î²Ü ºÎºÔºòÆ EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS SOORP KHATCH ARMENIAN

ʳãí»ñ³óÇ îûÝÁ« øñÇëïáëÇ Ë³ãÇÝ ÝáõÇñáõ³Í ãáñë ïûÝ»ñ¿Ý APOSTOLIC CHURCH ϳñ»õáñ³·áÛÝÝ ¿« ÇëÏ Ð³Û³ëï³Ý»³Ûó ²é³ù»É³Ï³Ý ºÏ»Õ»óõáÛ ÑÇÝ· ·É˳õáñ ïûÝ»ñ¿Ýª ï³Õ³õ³ñÝ»ñ¿Ý« í»ñçÇÝÝ ¿:  SUNDAY, 13, 2020 

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This Sunday’s service will be open to the public, with limited Feast of the Cross is the most important of the four feasts seating, according to COVID-19 guidelines. dedicated to the cross of Christ and is the last of the five main feasts of the ê. ä³ï³ñ³· ²é. ijÙÁ 10:30-ÇÝ հեռարձակում Armenian Apostolic Church tabernacles. 10:30 A.M. Live Streamed The Cross, the precious means of death for the condemned, the crucifixion of Christ, the object of respect for every Christian and the ======symbol of . Soorp Khatch Armenian Apostolic Church The crucifixion on Sunday is noteworthy, where the 4906 Flint Drive, Bethesda, MD 20816 cross is decorated with fragrant basil and the presiding clergyman spays Office Hours: 10:00 a.m-2:00 p.m. basil water on the surrounding believers. After the reading of the , Phone: (301) 229-8742; Fax: (301) 229-9393 E-mail: [email protected] the makes a and blesses the four corners of the earth with Web Page: www.soorpkhatch.org a cross decorated with basil, asking the Almighty Lord to grant peace, Rev. Fr. Sarkis Aktavoukian, Pastor abundance and prosperity to the world. Home Phone: (301) 977-1863; Cell: (301) 787-5506 For the most part, Christian churches commemorate the Feast of DER VOGHORMIA the Cross on , and the Armenian church commemorates the Sunday closest to September 14. All Sick Parishioners

äúÔàê ²è²øº²ÈÆ ÎàÔؾ  SCRIPTURE READINGS  ¶²Ô²î²òÆܺðàôÜ ¶ðàô²Ì Ü²Ø²Î¾Ü ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ (6 © 14 ¬ 18) ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GALATIANS 6:14-18

¶³Éáí ÇÝÍÇ« ù³õ ÉÇóÇ áñ Ù»ñ îÇñáç ÚÇëáõë øñÇëïáëÇ May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, ʳã¿Ý ½³ï áõñÇß µ³Ýáí å³ñͻݳÙ: ²Û¹ ˳ãÇÝ ÙÇçáó³õ through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Neither ³ß˳ñÑÁ Ù»é³Í ¿ ³ÛÉ»õë ÇÝÍÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ« ÇÝãå¿ë »ë Ù»é³Í »Ù ³Û¹ circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is a new ³ß˳ñÑÇÝ Ñ³Ù³ñ: γñ»õáñÁ Ù³ñ¹áõë ÃÉ÷³ïáõ³Í ϳ٠³ÝÃÉ÷³ï creation. Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule, even to the Israel of ÁÉɳÉÁ ã¿« ³Ûɪ Ýáñ ³ñ³ñ³Í ÁÉɳÉÁ: ÂáÕ ²ëïáõÍáÛ Ë³Õ³ÕáõÃÇõÝÝ God. áõ áÕáñÙáõÃÇõÝÁ ÁÉÉ³Ý µáÉáñ ³ÝáÝó Ñ»ïª áñáÝù ³Ûë ëϽµáõÝùÇÝ Finally, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus. ѳٳӳÛÝ Ïþ³åñÇÝ© µáÉáñ ³ÝáÝóª áñáÝù Çñ ÁÝïñ»³É ÅáÕáíáõñ¹Á The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. ÏÁ ϳ½Ù»Ý: Amen. ²ÛëáõÑ»ï»õ« Ëݹñ»Ù« á»õ¿ Ù¿ÏÁ ³ß˳ñÑÇÏ Ñá·»ñáí ÃáÕ JOHN 3:13-21 ½Çë ãݻտ« áñáíÑ»ï»õ »ë ÚÇëáõëÇ ÏÁ å³ïϳÝÇÙ« ÇÝãå¿ë Ù³ñÙÝÇë íñ³Û í¿ñù»ñáõÝ ëåÇÝ»ñÁ ÏÁ íϳۻÝ: "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven--the Son of Man. Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the ºÕµ³ÛñÝ»°ñ« Ù»ñ î¿ñ ÚÇëáõë øñÇëïáëÇ ßÝáñÑùÁ Ó»ñ Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have µáÉáñÇÝ Ñ»ï ÁÉɳÛ: ²Ù¿Ý: eternal life".

ÚÆêàôê øðÆêîàêÆ ²ôºî²ð²Ü¾Ü "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not Àêî ÚàìвÜܾêÆ send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ (3 © 13 – 21) ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does

Ø»ñ î¿ñÁ ÚÇëáõë øñÇëïáë ÏþÁë¿©- not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the - àã áù »ñÏÇÝù »É³õª µ³óÇ Ù³ñ¹áõ àñ¹Ç¿Ý« áñ »ñÏÇÝù¿Ý name of God's one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Çç³õ« »õ áñ »ñÏÇÝùÇ Ù¿ç ¿: ºõ ÇÝãå¿ë Øáíë¿ë åÕÇÝÓ¿ ûÓÁ Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for µ³ñÓñ³óáõó ³Ý³å³ïÇÝ Ù¿ç« ÝáÛÝå¿ë ³É سñ¹áõ àñ¹ÇÝ å¿ïù ¿ fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into µ³ñÓñ³Ý³Û« áñå¿ë½Ç ³Ýáñ ѳõ³ï³óáÕÁ Û³õÇï»Ý³Ï³Ý Ï»³Ýù the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done áõݻݳÛ: àñáíÑ»ï»õ ²ëïáõ³Í ³°ÛÝù³Ý ëÇñ»ó ³ß˳ñÑÁ« áñ ÙÇÝã»õ through God." ÇëÏ Çñ ÙdzÍÇÝ àñ¹ÇÝ ïáõ³õ« áñå¿ë½Ç ³Ýáñ ѳõ³ï³óáÕÁ ãÏáñ- ëáõÇ« ³ÛÉ Û³õÇï»Ý³Ï³Ý Ï»³Ýù áõݻݳÛ: àñáíÑ»ï»õ ²ëïáõ³Í Çñ   

àñ¹ÇÝ ³ß˳ñÑ ÕñÏ»ó« á°ã ÿ áñå¿ë½Ç ³ß˳ñÑÁ ¹³ï³å³ñï¿« ³ÛÉ On the occasion of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Der áñå¿ë½Ç ³ß˳ñÑÁ ÷ñÏ¿: àí áñ ÏÁ ѳõ³ï³Û ³Ýáñª ãÇ ¹³ï³å³ñ- Hayr and the Board of Trustees congratulate all those who are named ïáõÇñ© ÇëÏ áí áñ ãÇ Ñ³õ³ï³ñ ³Ýáñª ³ñ¹¿Ý ÇëÏ ¹³ï³å³ñïáõ³Í Khatchadoor, Khatchig, and Nishan, and wish them good health, happiness ¿« ²ëïáõÍáÛ ÙdzÍÇÝ àñ¹ÇÇÝ ãѳõ³ï³ÉáõÝ Ñ³Ù³ñ: and a long and prosperous life.

- ºõ ¹³ï³å³ñïáõÃÇõÝÁ ³Ûë ¿©  

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    ²ÔúÂø ´ÄÞÎàôº²Ü ††††† URGENT APPEAL †††††

ö³ñ³ï¿° ó³õ»ñÝ áõ µÅßÏ¿ ÅáÕáíáõñ¹Ç¹ ÑÇõ³Ý¹áõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÁ î¿ñ ²ëïáõ³Í Ù»ñ, »õ ùáõ ³Ù»Ý³Û³Õà In view of the tragedy that took place on 4, 2020 in ʳãǹ Ýß³Ýáí ϳï³ñ»³É ³éáÕçáõÃÇõÝ ßÝáñÑ¿° µáÉáñÇÝ. áñáí, Beirut, Lebanon, and in accordance with the patriarchal ùáõ ˳ãáí¹ Ù³ñ¹áó ïϳñáõÃÇõÝÁ í»ñóáõóÇñ, »õ Ù»ñ Ï»³ÝùÇ proclamation by His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, the Armenian áõ ÷ñÏáõû³Ý ÃßݳÙÇÝ ¹³ï³å³ñï»óÇñ: Prelacy of the Eastern United States has organized a fundraiser ¸áõ°Ý »ë Ù»ñ Ï»³ÝùÝ áõ ÷ñÏáõÃÇõÝÁ µ³ñ»ñ³ñ »õ to mitigate the unquantifiable material and emotional damage µ³½áõÙáÕáñÙ ²ëïáõ³Í. ÙdzÛÝ ¹áõ°Ý Ïñݳë Ù»ñ Ù»Õù»ñáõÝ suffered by our compatriots. We ask our Armenian community ÃáÕáõÃÇõÝ ßÝáñÑ»É, »õ ³Ëï»ñÝ áõ ÑÇõ³Ý¹áõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÁ to participate generously in this campaign of humanitarian aid. Ñ»é³óÝ»É, áñáíÑ»ï»õ ÙdzÛÝ ø»½Ç Û³ÛïÝÇ »Ý Ù»ñ ϳñÇùÝ»ñÁ: à°í µ³ñÇùÝ»ñ å³ñ·»õáÕ, ùáõ ³é³ï áÕáñÙáõÃÇõݹ å³ñ·»õ¿ ³ñ³ñ³ÍÝ»ñáõ¹, Çõñ³ù³ÝãÇõñÇÝ Çñ ϳñÇùÇÝ Please send your donation to the Armenian Prelacy, writing LRF ѳٻٳï. áñå¿ë½Ç ÙÇßï ÷³é³õáñáõ»Éáí ·áí³µ³ÝáõÇ (Lebanon Relief Fund) in the memo section. Or by visiting ³Ù»Ý³ëáõñµ ºññáñ¹áõÃÇõݹ, ³ÛÅÙ »õ ÙÇßï »õ Û³õÇﻳÝë www.ArmenianPrelacy.org/HelpLebanon to donate online. Û³õÇï»ÝÇó: ²Ù¿Ý:

A Prayer for the Healing of the Sick   2020 FEASTS Lord our God, take away the pain and heal the sickness of your people. Grant them all complete health by the sign of your all-triumphant cross, September 13 Exaltation of the Holy Cross by which you took away the frailty of the human race and condemned September 26 Saint Kevork (George) the adversary for our life and salvation. You are our life and salvation, September 27 Holy Cross of Varak O good and merciful God. You alone are able to forgive sins and to drive October 10 Holy Translators pain and sickness out of us, and you know how to cure our afflictions. O October 25 Discovery of the Cross Giver of good gifts, give your creatures the gift of your abundant mercy, October 31 Feast of All Saints each according to their needs. Let us always glorify and praise the all- November 7 Holy Archangels Gabriel and Michael holy Trinity, now and always and unto the ages of ages. Amen. November 28 Saint Thaddeus and Saint Bartholomew December 12 Saint Hagop (James) of Nisibis December 26 Saint Stephen the Protomartyr   December 28 Saints Peter and Saint Paul CHURCH ATTENDANCE PROCEDURE:    You MUST call and RESERVE your seat by the BEFORE Sunday’s service. 2020 Membership Dues – Parishioners who have not paid their  You MUST wear a MASK when you are on church property 2020 Annual Membership dues are encouraged to remit payment. The at ALL times. membership fees are $150.00 for adults and $50.00 for each full time  Upon into the church foyer you MUST sign in and student, ages 18-26. These dues are 100 percent tax deductible. follow COVID-19 protocols.

 

“Յատուկ Անկիւն”/ “Special Corner” Առակներու Գիրքէն

∞13․3∞ Կ՛ԱՐԺԷ ՄՏԱԾԵԼ…Իմաստուն մը ըսած է․․․ Իր բերնին սանձ դնողը իր կեանքը կը փրկէ,

1. Երեք բան երբեք չեն վերադառնար։ մինչ անխորհուրդ կերպով խօսողը ինքզիքին Ժամանակը, Խօսքը, եւ Հնարաւորութիւնը կործանում կը բերէ։ 2. Երեք բան պէտք չէ կորսնցնել։ Հանգստութիւնը, Յոյսը, եւ Պատիւը ∞13․11∞ 3. Երեք բան կեանքի մէջ շատ թանկ են՝։ Դիւրութեամբ ժողվուած հարստութիւնը Սէրը, յարգանքը, եւ ընկերութիւնը շուտ կը ցնդի, մինչ ծանր աշխատանքով ժողվուծ հարստութիւնը կամաց-կամաց կը շատնայ։ …

WORTH THINKING ABOUT…A wise man said… From the Book of Proverbs 1. Three things that can never return: Time, Spoken words, and Opportunity ∞13․3∞ 2. Three things that should never be lost: He that restrains himself saves his life, Peace, Hope and Honor while he that speaks foolishly shall destroy himself. 3. Three things that are very valuable in life: Love, Respect, and Friendship ∞13․11∞ Wealth accumulated easily disappears quickly, … while the wealth accumulated through hard work gradually increases.


Անդաստանը՝ Հայց. Առաքելական Եկեղեցւոյ Մէջ The Armenian Church celebrates the presence of God in the world with the special processional ceremony of Antasdan, a word which itself Անդաստան բառացիօրէն կը նշանակէ անդ, հանդ, արտ, դաշտ, means “filed” or “fields”. արտորայք, ագարակ կամ առհասարակ հերկելի կամ պտղառատ տեղ՝ ուր In this service the four corners of the world are blessed and վար ու ցանք կը կատարուի: Երբեմն կը նշանակէ նաեւ գիւղ կամ ագարակ: sanctified. Through our prayers and hymns of praise we ask our father to Իսկ կրօնական իմաստով, անդաստանի արարողութիւնը աշխարհի չորս bless the food and fruitfulness of the earth. Also as caretakers of the ծագերու օրհնութիւնն է: “field” we ask for “divine protection” for the grounds of the earth, farms, gardens and the year’s harvest and for , churches and all Հայց. Եկեղեցւոյ Տօնացոյցին համաձայն՝ «Անդաստան կատարել» կը Christian leaders and people on the earth. նշանակէ եկեեցւոյ ատեանին մէջ շրջելով՝ աշխարհի չորս կողմերը օրհնել: This service of Antasdan is frequently celebrated by many Հին ժամանակ, այս արարողութիւնը կը կատարուէր եկեղեցիէն դուրս՝ Christians, especially Armenian Christians. In the Armenian Church it is արտերուն եւ այգիներուն մէջ: Տպաւորիչ եւ սքանչելի արարողութիւն է performed twenty-five times during the year: on the eve of the Feast of the անդաստանը եւ ունի հետաքրքրական բովանդակութիւն: Presentation of Christ to the Temple, on the Sundays from to , the second Sunday after the Pentecost, Transfiguration, Մեզի յայտնի չէ թէ ե՞րբ, ինչպէ՞ս եւ որո՞ւ կողմէ ներմուծուած է Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and, finally, the Exaltation of the Անդաստանի արարողոթիւնը մեր եկեղեցւոյ մէջ, բայց համաձայն Տօնացոյցի Holy Cross which is an elaboration of the basic service. ցուցմունքներուն Անդաստան կը կատարուի հետեւեալ տօներուն. The Antasdan on the Feast of the Exaltation is the most -Զատկին՝ առաւօտեան եւ երեկոյեան ceremonious. A cross is placed on a tray and adorned with sweet basil and rosewater and is then carried into the field, the world, manifesting Christ -Նոր Կիրակիին՝ երեկոյեան in our lives.

-Աշխարհամատրան կամ Կանաչ Կիրակիին՝ առաւօտեան

-Կարմիր Կիրակիին՝ երեկոյեան

-Երեւման Խաչին՝ առաւօտեան եւ երեկոյեան

-Յինանց վեցերորդ Կիրակիին՝ առաւօտեան

-Համբարձումին՝ առաւօտեան եւ երեկոյեան

-Երկրորդ Ծաղկազարդին՝ առաւօտեան եւ երեկոյեան

-Խաչվերացին՝ առաւօտեան եւ երեկոյեան, իսկ երեկոյեան, եկեղեցւոյ բակին մէջ՝ ռեհանով զարդարուած խաչով թափօր:

-Տեառնընդառաջին՝ երեկոյեան եւ

-Ծաղկազարդին՝ առաւօտեան եւ երեկոյեան