Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond How to Get Started - English


You can purchase and play “Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond” on a computer if you have an operating system from Windows. You will need a software called “Steam”. You can install Steam for free after downloading it from this website: h​ttps://

How to install Steam 1. Make sure your computer is connected to the internet. 2. Start a web browser, for example Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox. 3. In the adressbar in the top you can type then press Enter on your keyboard. 4. In the top right of the page that appears, there is a green button that says “Install

Steam”. 5. You will be taken to an information page with a new, blue button that says “Install Steam”. Click this button.

6. A download dialogue window pops up. Click “Save File”

7. Steam is now downloading. You may follow the progress by clicking on the downloads icon in the top right corner of your web browser.

8. When the download is complete, click the download icon mentioned above. Open the installation software. 9. After installing Steam, you have to start the Steam software and log in. If you do not have a user to log in with, follow the instructions displayed for making a new user.

How to buy or play Captain Sabertooth through Steam

When you have logged into Steam you may either buy the Captain Sabertooth-game here, or start installing and playing the game if you have already bought it. Pick the section below that is relevant for you:

I want to buy the game

1. In the Steam-software window, click where it says “Store” in the menu with big letters. You might already be within this section of Steam. 2. In the Store window, click the search bar in the top right of the middle of the page. 3. Type “Captain Sabertooth” and click on the game when it pops up. Alternatively, press Enter after you have typed your search to view a page with all possible games that fit the search. Find and click “Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond” in this list. 4. An information page about the game will appear. Scroll down a bit and find the button

“Add to Cart” and click that. 5. The next page will ask you if you wish to purchase the game for yourself or gift it to someone else. Choose “for myself”. 6. You’ll be asked to log in if you aren’t logged in already. If you don’t have an account yet, you can make one here by following the instructions displayed. 7. Once you are logged in, go through the purchase process with an adult - you will need a credit card or money in your “Steam Wallet” account. To transfer money to the latter, click on Menu->Games->”Redeem a Steam Wallet Code” in menu at the very top of Steam and follow the instructions here. ATTENTION: “Steam Wallet” is not available in all countries. 8. After you have bought the game it will be added to your “Library” in the Steam software. Follow the steps in the “Game has Already been Purchased” section below.

The Game has already been Purchased

1. If the game has already been purchased, it exists in your “Library” on Steam. With the Steam software open, click where it says “Library” in the top menu with big letters. 2. Scroll down the list on the left hand side and click on Captain Sabertooth there. Make sure to clear any filters if you cannot find it. 3. On the right hand side an information page will show. Here you can either click “Install” or “Play” if the game has already been installed. If the game needs to be installed you will see a progress bar for the installation here after you click Install. The Play button will appear once the installation process is complete. 4. Click on Play and have fun!

Remember that you can enjoy this game either with mouse and keyboard or with a USB connected gamepad, for example and XBOX-gamepad from Microsoft.

If the game doesn’t exist in your library yet even though you expect it to, perhaps you have been given a gift code or been given an activation code? Pick the below section that suits you: I want to activate a gift code a) If you have received a mail regarding the gift with a link you are asked to click - click the link and click “Accept gift” in the question that follows. b) Alternatively you can click on the envelope-icon in the top right menu inside Steam. From the dropdown choose “1 New gift”.

After doing one of the above, the game will be added to your game Library. Follow the instructions in the section “The Game has Already been Purchased” to start playing.

I want to activate an activation code

1. In the top left menu of Steam, click on “Games”. 2. From the dropdown, choose “Activate a product on Steam…” 3. Read and confirm the terms and click on “Next” when you are ready. 4. Enter your activation code, for example AAAAA-BBBB-CCCCC 5. Click Ok/Activate, then Finish 6. A pop-up for installing the game will appear. Follow the steps here if you wish to install the game at this point.

The game will now be added to your Library. Follow the instructions in the section “The Game has Already been Purchased” to start playing.

Nintendo Switch Here’s how to get started playing Captain Sabertooth and the Magic Diamond! Jump to the section that suits you!

I have already bought the game (physical copy) 1. Make sure your Switch game system is switched off. 2. Gently press the game card into the game card slot on the top of your until it clicks into place. 3. Turn the power on. 4. Press the Captain Sabertooth-icon in the Home menu that appears to start the game. 5. Have fun!

I have already bought the game digitally through Nintendo eShop 1. Turn on the power of your Nintendo Switch game system. 2. Make sure you have a user on the game system with a linked eShop account ID that was used when buying the game. Press one of the user icons in the top left corner of your Home screen if you need to check or edit a user. After pressing, in the “User Settings” pane there should be information regarding your “”. 3. The game will appear in the row of games on top of your Home screen. 4. Press the game’s image icon. This will start a download of the game and then install the game automatically. Your Nintendo Switch needs to be connected to the internet throughout this process. 5. You may check the status of the download by pressing the game’s image icon again. 6. After the installation is complete, all users on the game system will have access to play the game. 7. When the game installation is complete, press the game image again in order to start the game.

I want to buy the game digitally Games can be bought digitally through the digital store N​ intendo eShop and downloaded to ​ your Nintendo Switch. You can either enter the store on your Switch console or go to this web address in a web browser on a computer: h​ttps://

To buy games or software in Nintendo eShop you have to transfer funds to your Nintendo eShop-account with either a credit card (VISA or MasterCard works, but remember that an adult must enter this information) or by using an activation code from an Nintendo eShop card. Nintendo eShop-cards can be purchased in select stores.

I want to buy the game in the Nintendo eShop through Switch console: ATTENTION! Nintendo eShop may not be supported in your country. 1. Turn on the power of your Nintendo Switch-console. 2. Press the e​Shop-icon - it looks like an o​range bag, and is between a red icon and a ​ ​ purple icon. These icons are displayed on a row underneath a series of squares that show the games on your console. You can touch the screen or use the directional button on the controller to move your marker to the icon. Press the A button to confirm. 3. Choose which u​ser that will be doing the shopping. This h​as to be a user with a linked ​ ​ eShop-account. If no user has such a link, instructions will appear for how to set this up ​ now. 4. Log in with your user to the eShop-account. 5. Press the magnifying glass to open the search field. 6. In the search field you can type “Captain Sabertooth”. The game will appear. 7. Press the game to view information about it. 8. Here you can see how much space the game is going to need on your machine, should you have issues with the installation because of lack of space. 9. Here you can also see how much the game costs and whether you have enough money or not on your Nintendo-account. 10. Press “Proceed to Purchase” in order to start buying the game. 11. You might get a message that states “You do not have sufficient funds” if you do not have enough money on your Nintendo-account. To buy the game you must transfer funds to your Nintendo eShop-account either by way of credit card or by entering an activation code from a Nintendo eShop card. Nintendo eShop cards can be purchased in select stores. Choose one of the instructions below that suit you:

I wish to transfer funds to my account with a credit card 1. After following the steps above and pressing “Proceed to Purchase” on the game’s info page, press “Credit Card”. 2. Choose your amount. 3. Enter your credit card information. 4. Press “Confirm Purchase”. Remember to check the “Agree” checkbox above the purchase button. 5. You will get a confirmation of your purchase. Press “Close”. 6. Your game will now display on screen and begin downloading automatically. 7. When the game is ready to be played, you can press the Captain Sabertooth image icon on the Home screen to start playing. If the game is not finished installing yet when you press, you will instead see a screen that displays the remaining time.

I wish to transfer funds to my account with an eShop-card 1. After pressing “Proceed to Purchase” on the game info page, press “Nintendo eShop Card”. 2. Use the touch screen to enter your download code and press “OK”. 3. You may chceck the status of the download by pressing the games image icon on again on the Home screen. 4. Once the installation is complete, press the image icon of the game again to start playing.

I have a download code for the game

1. Start the ”Nintendo eShop” as described above. 2. If you have a Download Code also known as an Activation Code, your game has already been paid for. Touch the screen area that says “Enter Code” or “Enter Download Code” or “Redeem Code”. You may also navigate here by using the directional button on the controller to move downwards in the menu and press the A button to confirm your selection. 3. Use the touch screen to enter your Download Code then press “OK”. 4. The game will now download and install on your Home screen. 5. Once the installation is complete, press the image icon of the game on the Home screen to start playing.

I want to buy the game digitally in the Nintendo eShop through my computer: ATTENTION! Nintendo eShop might not be supported in your country. Be sure that the Nintendo-account you use on a computer matches the one that is linked with a user profile on your Nintendo Switch before you continue.

1. Go to h​ttps:// ​with a web browser of your choosing. 2. At the top of the page there is a search field. Click the search field. 3. Type “Captain Sabertooth” and click on the game when it appears. 4. Click on the “Buy Digital”-button on the page that displays next. This button will not be visible if you are logged in with an account that does not have its ID linked. 5. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to do this now. Log in with your Nintendo eStore-user that you have linked to a user on your Nintendo Switch. You will be sent back to the game page if you log in with an account that is not linked to your switch Switch. See bullet 4. 6. You might get a message that states “You do not have sufficient funds” if you do not have enough money on your Nintendo-account. To buy the game you must transfer funds to your Nintendo eShop-account either by way of credit card or by entering an activation code from a Nintendo eShop card. Nintendo eShop cards can be purchased in select stores. Choose one of the instructions below that suit you: 7. After transferring funds to your Nintendo eShop-account you can go through with the transaction. 8. Next, start your Switch console, select the user that is linked to the eShop account, and press the image icon for the Captain Sabertooth game that appears on the Home screen. Should you need further instructions, se the section above titled “I have already bought the game digitally through Nintendo eShop”.

For more information, please see h​ttps://