Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #1 Enhance Institutional Capacity and Growth

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 1.1 Allocate financial resources to academic and operational departments by increasing the use of independent, third-party benchmarks, and by using updated models of budget funds for strategic goals.

Goal 1.1.1: Identify and use analytical tools to meet aspirational level institutional standards. Action Plan: Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome of Action achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when Taken evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 1.1.1a Use professional consultant reports to improve scholarship awarding, retention, and new student targeting Purchase RNL Advanced FinAid Funnel size; conversion RNL - $46,000 Natalie McKenzie, 2017-18 Data required to ​ Solutions rate /number of deposits; Director of Student take full advantage win-loss analysis; timeline Financial Services not reasonable to of accept to award; access with current awarding by level over database and time; retention rate personnel resources; Not continuing RNL Advanced FinAid Solutions; will continue to use internal evaluations and adjustments 1.1.1b Use professional consultant modeling research and analytics for targeted outreach, personalized surveys and engagement with new incoming students Purchased RNL Demand Builder ~25 more students RNL Peter Martinez, Wally 2017 - 2021 This cycle will need ​ enrolled from RNL sources $75,000-125,000/yr Quirk, Amy Huey to be completed to ​ in academic year 19-20. Purchasing 50,000 develop a level of ~Approximately 1,500 more names; RNL quality assurance in projected funnel increase communication to our process for with applications over increase applicant expanding the prior year based on 3% and matriculation funnel (RNL average) return on rates.. leads. (50k various 17-18 ~Demand builder is 100k 18-19) designed to increase Strategic Plan Priority: #1 Enhance Institutional Capacity and Growth

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 1.2 Align budgeting process to support planning for and achieving strategic priorities

Action Plan: Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 1.2.1 Implement a modified ~Start using Budget Budget managers Natalie McKenzie Started modified zero-based budgeting system Maestro for aligning monitor budgets zero-based budget focused on identifying direct resources. ongoing and develop in 2016; linkage between budgets and ~Modify proposed budgets budgets annually; continuation and Simpson’s three-fold set of to align with target cabinet evaluation of improvements priorities: (1) ILO’s, (2) Strategic enrollment goals and assessment of annually; alignment Plan, and (3) Operational Plan ensure tie in with strategic outcomes/goals with direct linkage plan and mission. submitted by budget to priorities began in ~Cabinet members to managers to inform 2018 meet regarding budget budget decisions quarterly with CFO to ensure progress toward strategic objectives. 1.2.2 Utilize modeling research and analytics to identify and increase target clientele for traditional undergraduate (TUG) programs Purchase Demand Builder (See also The goal is 3% increase in RNL Wally Quirk, Peter 2017-2023 Year 1- ​ 1.1.1b) applications $75,000-125,000/yr Martinez Year 2 - TBD 1.2.3 Review value propositions for % programs with Time - Marketing Wally Quirk, Molly Annual review; 2017 - 100% ​ each TUG major and incorporate current/revised value staff Rupert started Sept 2017 data into marketing materials propositions 1.2.4 Refine campus-wide Increase on Time - Admissions Wally Quirk, Peter Start - Sept 2018 ​ recruiting strategy targeting inquires/deposits -10% staff Martinez Agreements short-term, intermediate, and quarterly Consultant complete by Jan long-term growth of TUG student TUG Enrollment contracted for 2+2 2019 enrollment including (1) transfer # articulation agreements $20,000 (Registrar) agreements and effective # new MOUs-International matriculation of transfer students, 2+2/ADT (2) relationships with international organizations finding mission-fit students, and (3) explore appropriate adjustments to admission criteria Non-traditional promotion ~Establish metrics for Determine a clear Peter Martinez, Pat July 2018 (admissions and marketing) plan Increase on budget amount for Blewett, Craig Cook, inquires/applications/dep promotional Addie Jackson, Wally ​ osits for non-traditional activities and Quirk Enrollment marketing for non ~Increase the number of traditional programs; articulation agreements by the target should be 5% in 2018-2019 proportional to students in programs compared to TUG programs 1.2.5 Increase residential students Use scholarships to Amount for Mark Endraske, Peter 2018-2019 ​ to capacity as part of overarching incentivise living on scholarships is Martinez 2019-2020 goal to have students growing, campus. Stress impacted by 2020-2021 learning, and living in a faith-based importance of living on enrollment targets community, placing an emphasis campus to athletes by for each year. on discovery learning and a spirit of caveating their adventure scholarships. Increase on living community from 55% to 65 % 1.2.6 Build positive relationships ~Upward Bound (TRIO ~Federal Grants Roger Janis, Grant 2017-18 1st year for ​ with potential students and program) to serve 240 low (including two grants staff, Admissions grants; on-going families by serving the North State income students from 4 at about $10M over 5 team basis over 5 years via a broad range of educational school districts each year years) pathways such as Kinder College, for 5 years ~Use of Facilities Upward Bound, and GEAR UP, ~GEAR UP to serve 10 using collaborative and federal, middle schools and 9 high state, and community government schools each year for 5 grants. years ~Kinder College serves approximately 1200 potential students who are kindergarten age in collaboration with College Options.

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #1 Enhance Institutional Capacity and Growth

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 1.3 Establish a comprehensive communications strategy for the university in speaking to its internal and external target markets

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcomes achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 1.3.1 Use influential and innovative Increase hits on social Time Wally Quirk, Molly March 2017 Contemporary ​ marketing / promotion ideas to media +20% Rupert ongoing media and materials increase enrollment utilizing a CRM/Target X- increased attractive to current robust Customer Relationship use of triggers high school students Management System and Increase response rate communication tools (i.e., social due to direct mail media, direct mail, virtual tours, Increased number of and other cost effective ideas virtual tours/views 1.3.2 Establish communication Increase communication existing staff time Roger Janis, Candace Start: 2018-19 Positive ​ strategies for internal and external pieces 10% Facebook Brown, Ken White communications and constituencies, especially churches, Segmentation by website relationships with using a variety of digital and print constituencies & content direct mail the various media +2 methods used email constituencies Response rate/view rate Instagram increase by 10% texting students Facebook posts 200 posts (100/term) on Advancement / Wally Quirk, Peter Initiated in 2017 Some specific Alumni/interest pieces Admissions assigned Martinez, Roger Janis, programs currently ​ generating 20,000 views staff time Admissions Staff operate their own pages for the university 1.3.3 Refine campus-wide Communication campaign Time of committee Wally Quirk, Paul Complete: May 2019 For campus safety ​ emergency communications plan to participate- email, etc. Email/chapel Davis, Dennis Smith, and confidence of that alerts students, staff, faculty, Increase use by 50% campaign Pat Blewett parents and community emergency students, staff, faculty services personnel in case of a using system campus emergency Establish committee to revise/refine crisis plan by May 2019

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #1 Enhance Institutional Capacity and Growth

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 1.4 Create a culture of assessment and improvement and long-term development of faculty and staff through educational programs

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome of action achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when taken evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 1.4.1 Improve staff development increase training sessions Internal staff time Wally Quirk, Kori Began planning June ​ via training programs and focus on from 0 to 1 per quarter Oechsli, 2018 and ongoing positive morale builders 1.4.2 Increase retention of Decrease turnover rate by Wally Quirk, Kori Start: Sept 2018 ​ qualified staff through continuing 5% Oechsli, education opportunities, life coaching, and tangible rewards Action: Monthly brown bag Increase sessions from 0 Each department to Dan Pinkston, Community among luncheon for faculty & staff by to 1 per semester with plan a luncheon personnel is to be academic department joint $ for coffee valued participation Space in Bean Scene 1.4.3 Create a digital network of Dashboards are done and Dashboard Software Jennifer Fox, Michael a mechanism to performance indicators (i.e., a reviewed on a monthly Training for software Sumption, President assess our ​ corporate dashboard) that will basis in Cabinet in all - funds will be Hall, Wally Quirk, Seth institutional health ​ provide a tool for all stakeholders major categories of the allocated in the 19-20 Abrahamson to evaluate the success of all areas institution fiscal year budget of the university 1.4.4 Invest in appropriate ~Purchase assessment $8,000 Jennifer Fox, Natalie ​ software to enhance the collection software(Taskstream by McKenzie, Michael ​ of reports to assist in assessment Watermark) Sumption, Seth and institutional effectiveness. ~Communicate about Abrahamson software purchase to all faculty and staff to create awareness of tool so objectives are understood. ~After first-year implementation, communicate value of tool to institution and summarize next steps. 1.4.5 Evaluate the inter-operability ~Commission Data Council Time of task force to Jennifer Fox, Natalie ​ of systems related to institutional to prepare a report on do evaluation McKenzie, Kori ​ data so that research from the data current state of inter- Oechsli, Michael can drive institutional operability of systems. Sumption, Seth decision-making ~IT to road map Abrahamson, Pat integration plan and Blewett reporting solutions.

Leadership Review of Action Plan:

awareness and affinity for Simpson University within freshman, sophomores, and juniors, as well as seniors 1.1.1c Build out the prospect ~Funnel size at key Time to develop Wally Quirk, Peter Start: March 2018 ​ scoreboard systems to identify decision points must be systems Martinez, Amy Huey Complete: Oct/Nov likelihood of new student targeted for growth; our 2018 conversions; the score card will be initial goal is a 3% increase used to increase early notification in applications of students that are likely to attend

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #1 Enhance Institutional Capacity and Growth

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 1.5 Incorporate data-driven methods to develop sustainable enrollment projections and matriculation

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome of action achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when taken evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 1.5.1 Sustain the Provide expert external RNL Wally Quirk, Peter 2018-19 ​ admissions/enrollment functions to consultation monthly $75,000-125,000/yr Martinez, Seth be able to respond to new markets Double funnel (see 1.1.1b) Abrahamson, Amy developed by market analytics Personnel +1 FTE Huey, Student 18-19 Financial Services 1.5.2 Increase use of demographic Admissions by county Demographic study Wally Quirk, Peter Initial: Sept 2017 2017: Re-assigned ​ data to drive admissions programs study produced by in house Martinez, Seth Annual sales territories staff Abrahamson, Amy Huey, Student Financial Services 1.5.3 Use academic program International-Use student Research to develop Wally Quirk, Molly Start: August 2018 Outsourced in ​ testimonials and value propositions bloggers, 5 in first year and monitor Rupert collaboration with to refine student target international web (Marketing Dept) SchoolApply populations recruiting sites TBA Domestic - Establish target market student testimonial brochures for admissions distribution for min 5 majors 1.5.4 Increase use of internet Contract 2 international Research to develop Wally Quirk, Peter Start: August 2018 Hired ISAS & School ​ search models to target student web/marketing/recruiting and monitor Martinez, Seth Apply summer 2018 populations appropriate for the agencies to target int’l (Marketing Dept) Abrahamson, Amy university student growth Huey,

Leadership Review of Action Plan:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #1 Enhance Institutional Capacity and Growth

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 1.6 Restructure the Development Department to achieve a 30 percent increase in unrestricted contributions and increase positive communications with institutional stakeholders. Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 1.6.1 Define and meet various Unrestricted giving goal: Roger Janis, Ken 2018 Clarification of ​ unrestricted giving goals and $700,000 White, President Hall giving goals and special projects categories 1.6.2 Utilize Raiser’s Edge software Use metrics within Raiser’s Existing software - Roger Janis, Ken 2018 ​ to develop metrics to track edge to improve success $/annual cost White solicitation programs by geographic area - Advancement staff establish baseline performance 1.6.3 Improve direct mail Use information from Advancement staff Roger Janis, Ken 2018 ​ campaigns to existing donor bases prior campaigns - better White segmentation, more focused asks, caller follow up 1.6.4 Increase field work areas of See Strategic goal 1.8 Advancement staff Roger Janis, President 2018 ​ capital campaign donations and other staff and Hall, Ken White faculty 1.6.5 Create alumni fundraising ~Goal $1.4M -including Advancement Staff Roger Janis, Ken 2019 ​ goals that tie directly to academic alumni White initiatives including a fall ~Increase percentage of phone-a-thon for alumni alumni donors by 10%

Leadership Review of Action Plan:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #1 Enhance Institutional Capacity and Growth

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 1.7 Develop a short-term and long-term financial plan that increases financial reserves and reduces institutional debt

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcomes achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 1.7.1 Research and establish 12 net Review a minimum of 12 Staff time allocated Natalie McKenzie, Started June 2018 , ​ revenue generators via new net revenue to preparing ROIs Wally Quirk, President imported into plan co-curricular and curricular change generators and determine Hall, Pat Blewett, in July 2018. that will create net revenue to the which will be implemented Peter Martinez, Tom university (Link to Strategic Goals based on ROI, alliance with Galbriath, Mark 2.1 and 4.1). Link to Financial mission and strategic plan, Endraske Forecasting Models and campus culture. Integrate into Financial Forecasting model anticipated and budgeted outcomes and expenses. 1.7.2 Establish appropriate ~Instructional seminars for Hire new Controller Natalie McKenzie, Hire completed July operating margins within budgets each budget area that will allow CFO to Wally Quirk 2018 - seminars and forecasting in order to create ~Define what is an be proactive start in the Fall 2018 financial reserves and decrease appropriate operating institutional debt margin

Leadership Review of Action Plan:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #1 Enhance Institutional Capacity and Growth

Strategic Goal (end in mind): th 1.8 Initiate the planning process for all stakeholders to celebrate the 100 ​ Anniversary of Simpson University ​

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 1.8.1 Target a variety of Prepare and schedule 1 Travel costs President Hall, Roger Celebrate our ​ celebratory events throughout the major and 5 regional Janis, Ken White, Pat centennial year! th ​ 100 ​ anniversary celebration year events Blewett, Mark ​ Endraske 1.8.2 Establish a targeted ~Determine what would Feasibility President Hall, Roger feasibility study by ​ fundraising goal for the University be strategic and would study-30,000 Janis, Ken White, July 1, 2019 ​ through these events, including excite the constitutencies Board of Trustees Start 2018 feasibility study for the campaign ~$10M goal campaign Finish 2022

Leadership Review of Action Plan:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #2 Enhance Institutional Capacity for Academic Sustainability and Innovation

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 2.1 Refresh and repackage academic programs

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcomes achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 2.1.1 Complete an academic ~Result goal: re-prioritize Faculty time and data Provost Council & Pat To be completed by Movement towards ​ program prioritization process $300,000 of budgeted points collected from Blewett BOT meeting refreshing our (modified Dickeson Model) funds institutional (October 2018) academic position in whereby the administration and ~Define what academic research, finance higher education faculty evaluate the viability and success within programs office, enrollment, sustainability of current academic should look like registrar, and student programs so that resources can be ~Reduce programs that development allocated in a manner to sustain are not producing for the institutional operations; the university prioritization process will include the Principles of Academic Health 2.1.2 Assess personnel needs and ~Evaluate hiring based Faculty: Committee Pat Blewett, Craig Evaluated annually ​ implement a hiring plan based on upon strategic objectives of deans as a Cook, Addie Jackson, defined priorities and available with goal of rehiring staff continuation of the Kristie Stephens, Dan resources (see Appendix I) and faculty, predicated prioritization process Pinkston upon financial resources will establish action and student demand. plan ~Faculty: Plan toward ratio of 16:1 student-faculty ratio 2.1.3 Continue to improve our ~Refine and build Program Assessment Pat Blewett, Jennifer Program Review: Critical review ​ academic research processes ~Review process Committee; Task Fox, Seth 2018-19 process of ILOs and related to assessment and ~Review and Revise ILOs Force to revise ILOs Abrahamson, Harold ILOs: 2019-20 updating institutional effectiveness including Lund, institutional target a specific review of our Institutional Learning Outcomes and proposals for adjustments 2.1.4 Develop and expand ~Create process for faculty Staff time building a Pat Blewett, Provost Start: 2017 1 course held May ​ enrollment opportunities for a and staff to propose template and Council ongoing annually 2018 in Marine “May Term” and/or other summer possible courses each Fall guidelines on Biology; 5 students school options in order to generate for May - procure at least proposals, staff and participated additional revenue on campus and 3 proposals each year to faculty time creating meet student academic enrollment build this term courses needs ~Expand summer term offerings of GE courses by 3 courses 2.1.5 Develop a list of new TUG ~Initial conversations with Provost Council is TUG Provost Council, Product proposals majors based on Academic new administration have charged with market Program Directors, due Dec. 2018 Program Prioritization and other identified several analysis and ROI Natalie McKenzie, inputs exploring market sensitive programs for further studies to be Wally Quirk, Pat ​ programs; new program proposals study: complete Fall 2018 Blewett must identify a clear return on ~Kinesiology, Social Work, semester and will investment and implementation Digital Media/Computer interact with will be based on appropriate Information Systems Admissions internal and external approvals (see Appendix II)

2.1.6 Gain and allocate new ~Strategic Innovation Fund President’s Office Roger Janis, Program Ongoing from June ​ resources for academic program initiated June 1 2018 and Advancement Directors 2018-2022 innovations (i.e., grants and special office supporting gifts) ~Federal Grants, Upward initiative Bound and Gear up, applied for 2016-17 year. 14.5 FTE devoted to Ongoing from administering grants 2017-2024 and activities 2.1.7 Explore potential academic ~Crown College - shared Pay for course Peter Martinez, Pat 2018-19 start ​ partnerships with other institutions courses pilot 1 spring 2019 instruction Blewett, Craig Cook, ongoing ​ stateside and internationally at all Harold Lund, academic levels (i.e., dual ~Received Pledge from Distributed 0.5 FTE to President Hall enrollment, secondary education, Azusa Pacific University administer program undergraduate education, graduate June 2018 to collaborate education) to deliver online courses Goal to launch 20 new additional online courses by Fall 2019

~Set up dual enrollment/ assured matriculation agreements with at least 5 high schools annually 2.1.8 Research and innovate with ~AICCU participation with Intiatied outsourced Harold Lund, Seth ~Signed AICCU Addressed cleaning “best practices” in academic ADT agreement. Simpson support for the Abrahamson, Craig agreement with and re-carpeted , policies and operations in order to will offer Associate Degree additional advising Cook, Addie Jackson, commitment to tiles in stairwells in simplify and streamline customer Transfer (ADT) to needed for the ADT Kristie Stephens, Peter refine transferability residence service and student satisfaction; Community program. (.2 FTE) Martinez, Mark access/success halls.Improved ​ this may include admissions college students so they Endraske, Financial lighting, registration ​ functions, registrar functions, can complete their Aid Director, Pat single sign on self ​ financial aid granting functions, degrees in four years. Blewett, Tom ~SSI utilized 2017-18 service, remodel ​ retention functions, and general ~Utilize Student Galbraith to establish key and improved fresh policy such as “block transfer” for Satisfaction Inventory to areas of concern salad bar, changed students with associate degrees. ascertain student chef and offerings satisfaction and needs to (vegan food station initiate change. and gluten free) in cafeteria, improved channels through online forms to make suggestions/ complaints

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #2 Enhance Institutional Capacity for Academic Sustainability and Innovation

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 2.2 Expand emphasis and opportunities for Student Research

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcomes achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 2.2.1 Expand Student Research ~Student attendance Speaker fees $5000 Pat Blewett, John Start - 2017-18 Classes cancelled ​ Symposium increased by 10% Promotion - $1500 Ayabe, Brian Hooker, day of, attendance ~Off-campus participation Brian Larsen, Tim Orr increased; 2 high increased by 10% school presentations ~Number of presentations increased by 5% 2.2.2 Develop research honors Create honors tracks for Provost Council Pat Blewett, TUG 2017 Began fall 2017, ​ tracks for TUG majors and all TUG majors committee, Academic Council proposals/draft sent acknowledge student successes department to academic council within the community (i.e., dean’s meetings, approval spring 2018. Further list, public affirmations) by academic council refinement to occur 2018-19. 2.2.3 Establish living & learning Currently res life is Surveys have been Dan Pinkston, Mark The timeline for ​ communities on campus (i.e., working with ODLE and completed to Endraske, Harold development is from ​ athletics, first generation students, other programs to develop determine student Lund, the start of the fall honors, etc.) LLC in the areas of outdoor interest. Research is term annually to the adventure and leadership/ being done to start of the housing political science. The prepare for the selection process. measure for this plan is development. The the number of LLC and the res life survey will number of participants. also be used to Veteran’s LLC is compare community established and 5 are groups. registered fall 2018

2.2.4 Promote joint faculty and Increase number of Funds available Pat Blewett, Brian Start 2019 The goal is ​ student research opportunities faculty-student research through Dale and Hooker, Brian Larsen, collaboration (i.e., conferences, papers, etc.) activities Owens Scholarships Debra Rager, Cherry McCabe

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #2 Enhance Institutional Capacity for Academic Sustainability and Innovation

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 2.3 Enhance a campus culture of scholarship

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome of action achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when taken evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 2.3.1 Establish a Campus Speakers’ Identify and produce list of Marketing time to Roger Janis, Dan Spring 2019 for ​ Bureau qualified speakers vet speakers and Pinkston, Molly research; fall to produce list Rupert finalize 2.3.2 Promote academic and ~Better Together ~identify professional Pat Blewett, Dan Start Sept 2018 ​ professional conferences and Conference annual development funds Pinkston, Tim Orr, lectureships on the Simpson ~increase CEU for use by Brian Hooker, Jack campus and within the greater opportunities by 50% department via Painter, Molly Rupert Redding community including other ~Provide internal Provost office institutions of higher learning marketing seminars for ~set expectation of faculty staff focused on brown bag internal promoting majors and marketing lunch career opportunities post presentations for graduation each academic department 2.3.3 Invest time and financial Examine Increasing Faculty Committee Natalie McKenzie, Start Fall of 2018 ​ resources in faculty research number of scholarly time - utilize owen Brian Hooker, Brian with goal of policy opportunities for faculty whereby articles, books, poster and Dale funds as Larsen, Amy revision by Fall of faculty members continue to do presentations, case incentivization Smallwood, Cherry 2019 research within their academic presentations as measures McCabe, Berkley disciplines; in addition to scholarly of worth for promotion. Shorthill conferences and professional Committee must meetings, use funds like the Owen determine % increase Fund and Dale Fund for original targeted in Fall 2018 research

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #2 Enhance Institutional Capacity for Academic Sustainability and Innovation

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 2.4 Establish an appropriate delivery system for general education requirements within the TUG Christian liberal arts curriculum

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 2.4.1 Evaluate the size, scope, and Utilize criteria based upon TUG Academic Pat Blewett, TUG Dec, 2017 start - ​ goals of the undergraduate Dickieson model and Council Committee Academic Council complete by Dec General Education courses approved by Academic and CORE Committee 2018 council to realign faculty/student ratio to industry standard- financially viable model. Action will also achieve reduction of at least $300k in 2018-2019 budget. 2.4.2 Explore and evaluate the Clearly establish corpus of Academic sub- Pat Blewett, TUG Start Fall 2018 with ​ effectiveness of CORE critical content for Bible committee shall be Academic Council, first proposal by interdisciplinary studies and/or and , track identified with CORE Committee of December 2018 Biblical and Theological Studies measurable outcomes at charge to produce the faculty requirements each grade level, establish target outcomes and outcomes evaluation at evaluation each grade level framework

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #2 Enhance Institutional Capacity for Academic Sustainability and Innovation

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 2.5 Continue refining the role of the Center for Excellence in Learning Technology (CELT) improving educational technology and services for faculty and students

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 2.5.1 Continue implementation of All faculty will participate University will fund Pat Blewett, Kelly by Dec. 2019 ​ the Moodle Faculty Training in minimum 2 hours special training for Warner, Addie Program and following “best in-service training per year CELT staff to provide Jackson, Angie practices” concerning online necessary training Hurtado, Michael education as established by the Sumption Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications (WCET) 2.5.2 Develop special Moodle All new faculty will Budget will include Pat Blewett, Kelly Begin by January ​ training for new and returning participate in at least 2 payment to reflect Warner, Craig Cook 2019 adjunct faculty hours Moodle training funding for training annually adjunct pay hourly rate 2.5.3 Initiate “best practices” for Bring external consultant Allocate $3000 in Pat Blewett, Jack complete by Spring ​ utilizing Moodle within face to face to campus to assist in 2019-2020 budget Painter, Trent Smith, 2020 courses identifying applicable best Eric Wheeler practices for Simpson University 2.5.4 Update and utilize technology Establish baseline of users Re-organization Pat Blewett, Trent complete by Spring ​ in the classroom using innovation and level of competency, preserved full time Smith, Kelly Warner, 2020 such as recording class lectures and set goals and delivery CELT staff dedicated Michael Sumption, adding video to online courses system for 100% faculty to deliver content in Craig Cook participation collaboration with Provost office 2.5.5 Evaluate the inter-operability Hardware and software Budget will include Pat Blewett, Michael complete by Fall ​ of systems related to instructional identified to implement allocation to fund Sumption, Kelly 2023 technology so that faculty can use 100 % classroom identified hardware Warner, Addie equipment across campus and compatibility and software over Jackson, Natalie online the next five years McKenzie

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #3 Develop a campus community that is intentionally diverse, socially aware, and environmentally engaged

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 3.1 Achieve Hispanic Serving Institution designation

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 3.1.1 Enrollment Initiatives: with ~Enrollment statistics will Identify marketing/ Wally Quirk, Michelle ~translation to be Tozer Seminary ​ baseline data at 17% of student reflect increase of 17% in admissions Angbert-Espinoza, complete by Dec offered the first two enrollment with Hispanic students, Hispanic students by Fall communication and Debra Rager, Peter 2018 Spanish language expand targeted recruitment of 2020 translation in current Martinez ~Two Latin X ministry courses at Hispanic students ~Increase participation in admissions budget recruiters MOUs in Woodland in Hispanic events by 200 %, place by Fall 2018 2017-2018; This is translate all promotion ~promotion of being evaluated materials for this events to be named concerning population by Sept 2018 and 17 infrastructure ~Deliberately pursue % enrollment changes needed to internationalization with completed by Fall handle a larger Latin X recruiters 2020 Hispanic population

3.1.2 Establish adequate support ~Establish remedial ~Devote academic Mark Endraske, Funding of two ​ services for underrepresented language courses budget to fund Michelle courses for 2019-20 student populations (especially ~Study potential for ESL remedial courses Angbert-Espinoza, budget Hispanic students) program ~Commission Debra Rager, Louis Commission of ~Establish working Student Services and Burkwhat, Isis Martin, Student committee to study best Student govt to Lorraine Sierra Services/Student practices to promote consider Govt latin X success thriving LatinX programming initiative starts Fall (satisfaction, retention) strategy to best serve 2018 thriving Latin X inclusion 3.1.3 Implement diversity training ~ Set up schedule to ~consider training Wally Quirk, Kori O, Begin Spring 2019 ​ for faculty and staff that is not require training for all tied to faculty/staff Michelle segmented by personnel status; departments by Fall 2020 Angbert-Espinoza, the goal is to help personnel evaluation promotion Debra Rager, Jennifer understand ethnicity, cultural, and process Costello, Isis Martin, academic challenges for minority David Dummer, students Steven Bailey 3.1.4 Explore, evaluate, change Invite professional cultural Dedicate $2000 for Mark Endraske, Isis Start Spring 2019 ​ institutional practices that may audit to study, report cultural audit Martin, Louis create systemic inequities for recommend action steps Burkwhat, Irene student success Lopez, En Ling Chaio, Steve Kim, Lorraine Sierra

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #3 Develop a campus community that is intentionally diverse, socially aware, and environmentally engaged

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 3.2 Engage Simpson’s constituencies and others in the question of how Christians should best respond on the most important cultural issues of the day (e.g., pluralism, technology, sexuality, diversity, civil engagement, globalism, theology of ecology, and/or “who is my neighbor”

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 3.2.1 Engage the faculty and staff Identify two faculty who Individuals who Pat Blewett, Craig Begin Spring 2019 ​ at least once a semester with a will provide said training in provide said training Cook, Craig Slane, Tim lunch speaker, reading, or open brown-bag faculty forum will receive credit in Orr, Brian Larsen, discussion related to a culturally promotion evaluation Cherry McCabe significant issue process Isis Martin, Mark Endraske 3.2.2 Engage students at least once ~Faculty identifies in 3:2:1 Individuals who Bill Griffin, Isis Martin, Spring 2018 begin a semester in an appropriate forum above, will be invited to provide said training Mark Endraske, John ​ (i.e., chapel, campus or community present in broader student will receive credit in Ayabe, Phil Vaughn, assembly, residence hall, presentations promotion evaluation Megan Grover sponsored lecture) exploring world ~This may include external process view issues speakers presented in Beyond the above, a chapel. Measures 1-2 5% of the chapel events per semester budget and or diversity funds and or Student Development student activity fees will be dedicated to this topic. 3.2.3 Establish discussion/support Student Services will This is already Mark Endraske, Isis Began Fall 2017 ​ groups of faculty, staff, and provide a minimum of included in Martin, Asst. Direct of students who will have ongoing three topical programming budget Student Engagement, conversations and provide support presentations per with a dedication of Michelle Stinson, for safe dialogue on a particular semester with a goal of topic of cultural or spiritual 20% traditional undergrad $1000 for program student body importance participation delivery. president or designate 3.2.4 Increase biblical literacy Establish key outcomes of Committee of faculty Pat Blewett, Jack Begin Fall 2018 with ​ (specifically New Testament biblical literacy. Establish and staff, led by Painter, John Ayabe, goal of completion literacy) among students so that measuring techniques for Provost meet Brian Larsen, Bill and delivery Fall they can integrate their knowledge each school year. Deliver bi-weekly until Griffin 2019 of Scripture into ethical frames by format for embedding complete which to live life worldview and scriptural synthesis in upper division courses in each major 3.2.5 Respond to Christian and ~Align with CMA ~Statements will be Pat Blewett, Mark ~Statements signed ​ Missionary Alliance denominational denomination priorities signed by 100% Endraske, TBD by Dec. 2018 influences with regional and via signature of faculty ~Denominational national priorities and concerns “Statement of Faith” of all ~ Increase travel functions support faculty staff budgets by $5000 in starts Fall 2019 ~Invite Faculty and staff to provost budget to ~Scholarships will attend local support begin Spring 2019 denominational functions ~Re-allocate President/Provost/A Establish “Legacy-Alliance” scholarship formula dvancement will scholarship to strengthen to support target meetings and celebrate partnerships 2028-19 academic with Alliance churches - year goal increase Alliance student apps by 5% annually over the next three years ~Meet with Alliance leadership in all three west coast regions to initiate scholarship communications

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #3 Develop a campus community that is intentionally diverse, socially aware, and environmentally engaged

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 3.3 Strengthen the connection of the Veterans Success Center and veterans with the broader university community

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 3.3.1 Provide professional ~100 % of faculty and staff $3,000 to be Mark Endraske, Justin Training to be ​ development for faculty and staff to participate in online allocated in Spears, Reginald completed April on issues and challenges unique to training. 2018-2019 budget Watson, Molly Rupert 2019 veterans ~Director of VSC to receive for professional training/professional development development in the area of issues and challenges unique to veterans and military higher education.

3.3.2 Strengthen a culture of trust One campus wide event $2,000 to be Mark Endraske, Isis Events to be held by Connectedness ​ and connectedness across the per semester featuring allocated in Martin, Justin Spears, April 2019 between young TUG campus to promote well-being and experts on this topic 2018-2019 budget Louis Burkwhat, Bill and Veteran success for veterans for events Griffin students is critical for both groups to better understand our culture and our history 3.3.3 Collaborate with local ~Conduct one intra agency $1,000 increase to Mark Endraske, Agencies listed by ​ communities and organizations, meeting per month (aim at travel budget for Roger, Justin Spears, Dec. 2018 Visits to including government agencies, to three community 2018-2019 budget student be held in align, and coordinate various members for the SAVE ~reallocate veteran,Director of 2018-2019 services for veterans team) scholarship awarding Student Financial ~Begin awarding ~establish and promote criteria Services scholarships Fall special Simpson Legacy 2019 Veterans scholarship (aim at established guidelines and perimeters for the scholarship).

3.3.4 Implement an early alert ~Involve VSC with Care ~Faculty and staff Mark Endraske, Justin Task force (SAVE ​ system to ensure all veterans Team to plan monitoring time for task force Spears, Louis team) to be staffed receive academic, career, and and intervention ~Re-organize career Burkwhat, Bev Klaiber and identify number financial advice before challenges measures. The number of to collaborate with of vet/students become overwhelming students processed veterans, served and name through the care team will advancement, intervention be the measure for this admissions and procedures by Jan action step. student development 2019 ~Establish working to assure all students partnership between are connecting with career and veterans office career services and aimed as servicing at least receiving access to 40% of our veterans mentors, internships annually and job opportunities

3.3.5 Explore avenues by which a There is an active veteran $1,000 to be Mark Endraske, Justin Submit report to ​ student veteran living learning housing rate and there are allocated to Spears, Wally Quirk, cabinet by May 2019 community can be established students actively 2019-2020 budget Paul Davis participating. The for consultant program is being developed further, pending use of space, and the number of residents will be the measure.

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #3 Develop a campus community that is intentionally diverse, socially aware, and environmentally engaged

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 3.4 Evaluate the potential for establishing Campus Learning Centers such as “Faith, Learning, and Living” or “Quality Management and Business Ethics” Centers and/or hosting conferences that can influence the Simpson campus community and the broader Redding community as public service

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 3.4.1 Evaluate establishing a quality Provost assigns persons $4000 will be Pat Blewett, Paul Start Fall 2019 ​ management or business ethics from each of 4 faculty assigned as startup Wood, Wally Quirk, annual conference departments to create 4 from 2019 budget Roger Janis community luncheons for divided between faculty and community business, leaders advancement and provost budget 3.4.2 Research and evaluate Marketing department will $4000 allocated from Pat Blewett, Paul Fall 2019 start ​ appropriate vehicles to deliver study best practices, trial Marketing Wood, Wally Quirk, information and value to the run new marketing Kelly Warner, Michael targeted constituencies (i.e., strategies with respect to Sumption conferences in person or online, the above and re-assess to micro certifications, publications, refine performance and/or other media options for measure: attendance/ content delivery (i.e., web-based, (response rates) blog based)

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #3 Develop a campus community that is intentionally diverse, socially aware, and environmentally engaged

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 3.5 Explore new mosaic strategies for raising dollars and establishing scholarships for students of diverse backgrounds

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 3.5.1 Expand scholarship programs Establish Multi-ethnic Reallocate current President Hall, Roger Begin Fall 2018 Practicing for ​ … for ethnic students from within the leadership scholarship scholarship formulas Janis, Ken White, annually recommit Heaven! People ​ United States award predicted on civic to accommodate Director of Student First fruits - fall 2019 from every tribe, engagement and diversity Financial Services tongue, and people sensitivity. Aim at adding group are going to 16 students annually be there -- we need to explore the diversity now! 3.5.2 Develop fundraising ~President and Mail and personal Roger Janis, Ken Begin Fall 2018, ​ strategies that will enhance Advancement will raise visit Campaign White, President Hall continue annually enrollment of international $50,000 to dedicate to this until Fall 2020 students at Simpson University priority initiating international student scholarships 3.5.3 Create targeted ethnic Establish 6 person ~$500 will be President Hall, Roger Begin Fall 2018 advisory committee to assist the advisory Committee allocated for travel Janis, Mark Endraske, ​ ​ University in understanding including 2 faculty, two and meeting costs in Pat Blewett, Isis student needs staff and two student the first year and Martin government leaders $2000 thereafter ~Student association will be asked to assist in program funding

Leadership Review of Action Plan:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #4 Strengthen the Simpson Student Experience that is transformative and holistic

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 4.1 Identify and promote signature co-curricular programs that will enhance SU distinctiveness (including chapel program) and programs that potentially will ​ ​ generate additional revenue and students to the institution (i.e., athletics and other affinity groups); the emphasis on discovery learning and a spirit of adventure bring curricular and co-curricular marketing together (see Appendix III)

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) MOSAIC - establish Multi-Ethnic Establish Multi-ethnic Reallocate current Mark Endraske, Tom Initiate Fall 2018 ​ Leadership Scholarship program leadership scholarship scholarship formulas Gilbraeth, Amy award predicted on civic to accommodate the Smallwood, Dannielle engagement and diversity new scholarship. Stahly, Steve Kim sensitivity. Aim at adding 16 students annually. International Students Establish 15 MOUs with ~Utilize current Wally Quirk, Peter Began Summer 2018 ​ international recruiters admissions staff and Martinez, Debra Rager and agencies of higher President’s education. knowledge of International recruitment to establish MOUs ~Realign scholarship awarding formulas to accommodate international resources Use SIF to launch 6 co-curricular ~Complete detailed 5 year ~Prioritize/utilize President Hall, Roger Began June 2018, 30K funds pledged ​ ROI study on at least 12 current advancement Janis, for SIF by July 20th Mission Centric fundraising strategies co-curricular net-revenue to support generators. development of ~Fundraise or prioritize up Strategic Innovation to $300,000 to initiate Funds. Strategic Innovations ~Initiate JV Programs, International, and Track and Field Summer Fall 2018 followed by (not specific order) Swimming, Men’s volleyball, women’s wrestling, rock climbing, competitive cheer, Chapel Offer at least three new Hired experienced Mark Endraske, Bill Program delivery Hired new Chaplain, ​ Review/Revise chapel ways for students to theology/ministry Griffin begins Sept. 2018 program plan programming to increase access experience /collect chapel faculty person to completed August and attendance credits. refine and deliver a 2018, renewed chapel program.

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #4 Strengthen the Simpson Student Experience that is transformative and holistic

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 4.2 Involve all TUG students in meaningful spiritual formation and other service learning projects such as mission experiences / community service, campus and community leadership experiences, and service seminar participation, academic practicum and internships

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 4.2.1 Expand supervision structures Establish 20 connections Utilize Graduway Mark Endraske, Phil Fall 2019 ​ for service seminar, internships, with alumni for mentoring, software to establish Vaughn, Bill Griffin, and other service opportunities service, internships and network of Michelle Stinson, job opportunities. This will connected alumni , Danielle Stahley, be part and parcel to approx $10,000 Ashley Cobbler reorganization of career annually services support 4.2.2 Integrate spiritual formation Task Dean of Students and Human resources of Mark Endraske, Phil Begin Spring 2019 ​ activities into a holistic and Campus Pastor to evaluate committee primary Vaughn, Bill Griffin, transformative campus model for the worship and faith cost Michelle Stinson diverse students with TUG formation culture at SU to be more inclusive of underrepresented cultures specific measures must include survey of students and deliver at least 4 new culturally sensitive program offerings per semester

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #4 Strengthen the Simpson Student Experience that is transformative and holistic

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 4.3 Develop the Academic Success Center to facilitate student academic success, and expand Career Services for career exploration and planning

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 4.3.1 Refine how to strategically ~Promote awareness by ~Human resources Mark Endraske, Louis ~Start promotion ​ use the Academic Success Center providing ASC information currently in place Burkwhat, Brian Fall 2018 for student success (i.e., coaching, and resources to 6 ~$2000 to hire Larsen, Justin Spears, ~Expend $ for mentoring, guiding) for all students sections of First Year external evaluator Debra Rager, Jennifer external evaluator (i.e., TUG, ASPIRE, and Graduate Experience. Fox Spring 2019 or Fall Programs), especially at-risk ~Promote resources 4 2019. students ways (E.G. through chapel ~Establish portfolio announcements, faculty committee by meetings and community January 2019 updates). ~Provide one professional evaluator for on-campus review. ~Set up committee to consider use of digital portfolios and online resources with the aim to deliver one proposal to cabinet.

4.3.2 Refine and utilize Career ~ Budget up to $10,000 ~ Reorganize current Mark Endraske, Initiate Fall 2019 Services Center at the University annual spend on staffing for more Ashley Cobbler, for all students, increasing student Graduway program effective/efficient Cherry McCabe, Louis access beyond traditional TUG ~ Increase dedicated hours delivery Burkwhat, Alumni students for staff assigned to career Services services. Representative

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #4 Strengthen the Simpson Student Experience that is transformative and holistic

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 4.4 Increase the retention rate for all first-time, full-time freshmen to 80% by 2021

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcomes achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 4.4.1 Increase staff intervention ~Utilize CSI and Intent to $1000 set aside for Mark Endraske, Isis begin Fall 2018 ​ and engagement with first year Return survey, in survey Martin, Louis provisional students and those on collaboration with chapel Burkwhat, Jack academic probation after the first and class attendance to Painter, Jennifer semester determine drop out Costello proneness. ~ Develop a Care Team intervention and intrusive plan for advising for at-risk students. ~ Aim at 5% increased retention above baseline at-risk retention rate 4.4.2 Utilize College Student See above $1300 for CSI Mark Endraske, Isis begin Fall 2018 ​ Inventory to identify potentially administration Martin, En Ling Chaio, at-risk students during new student Pat Blewett orientation and First Year Experience 4.4.3 Examine and modify current ~Engage RNL to advise on Determine and begin Natalie McKenzie, Begin Fall 2018 RNL representative financial aid strategies and financial aid award set aside funds for Director of Student visited campus to counseling for students to continue revision this RNL contract Financial Services, study our process their college education ~Financial Aid and Peter Martinez, Louis and propose new Admissions officers will Burkwhat, Mark product and services participate in online Endraske - contract signed Fall financial aid advising 2018 training 4.4.4 Establish a renovation and/or ~Establish Design Budget to be Mark Endraske, Begin Fall 2018 refurbishing plan for residential ~Analyze Costs established based on Andrew Heiligenthal, halls ~Implement Plan (within research and other Paul Davis budget allocations) priorities 4.4.5 Increase support services for ~Emphasis here is on First $2000 is initially set Mark Endraske, Isis Begin Fall 2018 ​ first generation students Generation student needs aside to help Martin, Assistant proportional to the number of first ~Emphasis here is on accomplish this Director of Student generation students within the International students Engagement, Brian student body (i.e., academic learning cross-culturally Larsen, Louis success center, academic writing ~ Increase the number of Burkwhat center, etc.) hours offered through ASC tutoring

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #4 Strengthen the Simpson Student Experience that is transformative and holistic

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 4.5 Increase engagement of new students via Student Life operations

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) 4.5.1 Continue to refine the Improve the student Staff time to assess Wally Quirk, Michael 2018-2020 ​ Student portal for positive perception of good effectiveness of Sumption, Peter communication among students communication and run current portal Martinez, Mark ​ ​ and with the institution around provided by the Endraske, Isis Martin, ​ ​ Student Satisfaction Inventory. 4.5.2 Develop a “Meet the Faculty” Under construction via CELT staff time Pat Blewett, Michelle 2019 ​ program for new students to get CELT for Spring 2019 Stinson, Cherry implementation acquainted on campus and online (beta) and full McCabe, Kelly Warner implementation in Fall 2019 4.5.3 Expand student options with Metrics pending Admissions Wally Quirk, Peter Summer 2019 “Red Hawk Summer” with the goal evaluation of 2018 event assessment time and Martinez, Mark ​ of 85% of new students and tweaking the adjustments Endraske, Isis Martin ​ participating by 2021 promotion for 2019 4.5.4 Implement appropriate Metrics pending input Resources to be Wally Quirk, Peter 2018-2020 ​ technologies such as “SchoolsApp” from IT assigned once Martinez, Michael (affiliated with TargetX) to increase research is complete Sumption, Harold student connectedness with and metrics Lund, Isis Martin, campus before orientation established Trent Smith, Kelly Warner 4.5.5 Explore next generation Gather student feedback $1000 set aside for Mark Endraske, Craig 2018-2020 Ongoing challenge ​ patterns of technology usage via using Student Government experimentation and Cook, Michael of staying current student dialogue in order to surveys regarding testing of options Sumption, Seth with technology influence shifts in campus whatsapp, wechat, twitter, Abrahamson, Kelly technology to accommodate next sms to improve use of Warner, Andrew generation thinking technology based on Heiligenthal student satisfaction inventory.

Leadership Evaluation of Action:

Simpson University Strategic Plan Priority: #4 Strengthen Simpson Student Experience that is transformative and holistic

Strategic Goal (end in mind): 4.6 Explore best practices and initiate strategies for adult students and their families (within TUG, ASPIRE, School of Education, School of Graduate & Professional Studies, and Seminary) to engage in spiritual transformation activities through informal and non-formal educational opportunities consistent with ILO #3 and ​ ​ ILO #5

Action Plan Action (means to accomplish goal) Metrics (ownable, Resources (physical, Team Assignment Time Frame (when Outcome achievable, measurable human, financial, (key people to initiated / when evaluation criteria of the other needed develop action and completed) action) resources to implement action) accomplish action) Identify special chapel and spiritual ~Spiritual Formation will ~Marketing dept. to Mark Endraske, Pat Begin January 2019 We believe that ​ formation-type events that would identify two events that assist in developing Blewett, Bill Griffin, “community” should benefit or address spiritual needs adult students and promotion plan Craig Cook, Reg include of adults and their families families can be invited to Watson, Angie Christ-centered attend. Hurtado, David activities for families ~The goal is include adult Dummer as well as other students and families with traditional college two events and two experiences chapels per year

Leadership Review of Action Plan: