
“REGISTERED NATUROPATH” “MRN” Only members of the General Council and Register of Naturopaths are entitled to use these designations.

THE GENERAL COUNCIL AND REGISTER OF NATUROPATHS Limited by Guarantee Registered No: 00777223

Executive Council on 1st July 2002

Past President: Harald Gaier

President: Ronald Bishop

Vice President: Clare Badrick

Secretary and Registrar: Mario W F Szewiel

Council Members: Kerrin Booth, Linda Goodman, Suzanne Hoddinott, David Penwarden, Milo Siewert and Derek Wolfe

Bankers: Lloyds TSB Bank plc 164 High Street, Street, BA16 0JG

Auditors: Brooking, Ruse and Co. 3 Beaconsfield Road, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1YE

All correspondence should be addressed to the Secretary at the Registered Office: Goswell House, 2 Goswell Road, Street, BA16 0JG Tel: 08707 456984 Fax: 08707 456985 Email: [email protected] Website: GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003

The General Council and Register of Naturopaths The General Council and Register of Naturopaths (GCRN) is the leading registering body for Naturopaths in the . It was first incorporated as the Nature Cure Society of Great Britain in 1925 and has been in existence in its present form since 1963.

The objectives of the Register are: • To establish and maintain standards of education for practitioners and to provide for the inspection of colleges and courses of Naturopathy for the protection and benefit of the public. • To keep a register of persons qualified to practise Naturopathy in conformity with the standards of the Register. • To supervise the ethical behaviour and professional conduct of the practitioners enrolled on the Register. • To encourage the development of Naturopathy on the lines of sound knowledge and practice and to improve the educational standards of its members by encouraging continuing post-graduate education. • To provide for and promote education, investigation and research into the science and art of Naturopathy and to disseminate the results of such research.

The GCRN also has representation on or is affiliated with other like-minded British and International bodies, such as the Naturopathic Forum (NatFor), The Prince of Wales’ Trust for Integrated Medicine and the Kooperation Europäischer Heilpraktikerverbände (KEH).

All members listed in the Register of Practitioner Members are qualified in Naturopathy and either hold a diploma in Naturopathy or have gained a suitable alternative qualification such as a degree in Naturopathy, or have passed the entrance examination set by the GCRN.

All members are allowed to use the title ‘Registered Naturopath’ and the letters ‘MRN’ (Member of the Register of Naturopaths). Many will also use the letters ‘N.D’ meaning that they have been awarded the Naturopathic Diploma.

Members must abide by a Code of Professional Conduct, published by the GCRN, a copy of which can be obtained from the Secretary on request.

It is important to emphasise that there are other registers of naturopathic practitioners, but no naturopath in Great Britain as yet enjoys the privilege of State registration. The term registered indicates that the practitioner is registered only by the group or society that approves his qualification.

Details about training courses in Naturopathy, or details of local practitioners can be obtained from the Secretary or the website. The GCRN also publishes a leaflet “An Introduction to Naturopathic Medicine”, which is also available on request.

1 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Naturopathic Healthcare: Help Yourself to Better Health

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas A. Edison

You may be one of many people who have health problems and don’t know where to go for help. Problems such as pain, tiredness, hormonal imbalance including menstrual difficulties, skin complaints and bowel problems are common. You may not wish to take drugs, and would like to try natural methods, but don’t know where to start. You may be well and would like to know how to stay well or even improve your health or would like to know where to find information on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

This is a guide to Natural Health Care or Naturopathy. It is designed to give you a better understanding of how you can help yourself to better health.

Only Nature Heals Each of us has the ability to heal ourselves We all know that if we cut our finger the body instantly starts to get to work on the damage and within a few days healing has taken place. We take this for granted. But actually this is amazing, and the same process goes on inside the body. Throughout our whole lives this innate healing or self-correcting ability is striving to put things right. Why then do we get illness or disease? If we neglect to look after the needs of our body its ability to heal itself is impaired. Just as we need to look after our cars so that they don’t break down, the same is true for us. But how many of us take as much care about which fuel we put in ourselves as we do about which fuel we put in our cars!

What happens when something goes wrong? Many of us suffer from complaints that are not regarded as serious but have a big impact on our lives. We have skin rashes, or bowel complaints, we get PMS, or we may feel tired a lot of the time - but isn’t this normal, doesn’t everyone? The answer is no. The human body is designed to work efficiently without these minor ailments.

Actually these ailments are trying to tell you something, trying to tell you that something is out of balance.

How do you discover what the problem is? There are only three places to look:

• Your body chemistry • Your body structure • Your mental or emotional self

What you eat and how you eat affects your body’s make up or chemistry. You may have heard the saying “you are what you eat”. And this is very true. A builder goes to a builders’ merchant for the raw materials to build a house; our bodies rely on you putting the right

2 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 raw materials in at the top end in order to build a healthy body! Not only what we eat but how we eat is important. For example, if we eat when we are angry or stressed the food goes through our systems much more quickly, not giving us much time to absorb all the nutrients.

Our bodies struggle to function properly if we become out of balance structurally. For example, if we don’t use our upper backs and chest properly because we are slumped over a desk most of the day we can develop lung problems such as asthma.

Our thoughts and emotions also affect our health. For example, if we get up-tight about an exam or a job interview we may feel our abdomen go into a knot, this tightness will affect how well we are able to digest our food. We may get diarrhoea. If you are constantly under stress you may be prone to diarrhoea or loose bowel motions more of the time.

These three areas, body chemistry, structure and emotions are not separate. As you can see from the above examples they all affect each other. The amazing part is that when you bring these areas back into balance the symptoms simply disappear. Symptoms are only an outward expression of an inner imbalance.

Back To Basics The human body has taken millions of years to evolve to what it is today. But changes occur extremely slowly so that what the body needed millions of years ago is still basically what it needs today. It has come to expect certain foods for its fuel, a certain amount of sunlight and fresh air, and a certain amount of exercise and relaxation. We are healthiest when we are living as close to these expectations as possible. Sometimes our modern life means that it is not possible to live as our bodies would like and we need extra help to support our lifestyle. However, there is no substitute for getting the basic things right.

Optimal Nutrition. Just like a high-performance car, we function at our best when we put the right fuel in our ‘engine’. During the time we were evolving there was only one fuel available; the natural kind. Our early ancestors ate what was around them. Of course these foods didn’t have any pesticides or other chemicals sprayed on them. Modern foods sprayed with synthetic chemicals seem totally foreign to the body. We can get close to eating the correct “fuel” by eating the types of foods our ancestors did. This would be organically produced fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains. Fish from clean waters and organically reared meat. Food that has been processed and contains many artificial chemicals such as colour and flavour should be avoided.

You may feel that this all sounds too simple!

We have good news. Good health is, for the majority of people, quite simply achieved. Your Naturopath can help you work out whether there are any problems with your diet and physical structure, and will help you find any emotional blocks to your gaining better health.

Naturopaths have been helping people to better health for over 100 years.

3 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Things you should know about your body. Symptoms are our friends Symptoms are signposts; they are trying to tell us that something is wrong. Symptoms of acute illness are particularly important, for example, fever, sweating, mucus, swelling, diarrhoea and coughing. These are the result of your bodies healing efforts to try and correct whatever is wrong. For example, if you have an infection your body may produce a high temperature. This is a good thing; it helps to kill the infection and speeds up the ability of the body to deal with the foreign invaders.

When we take medicines and ‘remedies’ that bring down this fever, our bodies are much less able to deal with the infection. So it may last much longer than it should do. Continually suppressing the bodies healing mechanism leads eventually to other problems such as skin complaints or chest problems. So it is important to understand the body has a healing mechanism and what the symptoms are trying to tell us.

Everybody is different. You may have heard the expression “one man’s food is another man’s poison”. This is true. Whilst there is a basic diet which all humans ideally need as fuel. Individuals may require slight changes to this basic guideline. For example, some people may aggravate an inflammatory problem by eating certain foods. Our genes are unique to us. This may mean that we are more likely to develop certain problems. Whatever your parents and grandparents suffered from is more likely to affect you. So some people may need to eat more of some types of food, or do more of certain types of exercise.

Getting rid of toxins. It is vital that the body is able to get rid of any toxins or rubbish that it takes in from the environment or that are produced by the body’s own processes. There are five organs of elimination; the bowels and kidneys but also the liver, lungs and skin. It is not good enough to simply put in the right nutrients at the top end if the system is overloaded with toxins. There are simple measures that can get the body’s eliminative organs functioning better.

The final straw that breaks the camel’s back By the time you get symptoms there has already been a number of factors contributing to the problem of which we have probably been totally unaware. When we are born it is as though we are an empty glass; slowly we add liquid here, another incident may add liquid there, until in the end one last measure of liquid and the glass spills over; this is when we see the symptoms appear. What we don’t see is all the dribs and drabs of liquid that have slowly filled the glass up in the first place. By the same token, removing the symptoms, or the reduction of the liquid level in the glass, does not indicate a return to health. Illness is often caused when a combination of things is added together. For example, we may be born with a genetic tendency to develop asthma; we then may not be breast fed and may be given cows’ milk in formula milk; then we may undergo a period of stress if our parents divorce; finally we develop the symptoms of asthma when we move to a polluted part of the city. This is known as the Load Phenomenon and it means that no illness has one cause but is created by a multitude of events coming together until that “final straw that breaks the camel’s back”.

4 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. If you took two legs, two arms, a body and a head and put them together you wouldn’t have a human being! A human being is more than just a collection of pieces added together. We are whole. What this means is that a problem in one part of the body causes problems in another part of the body. For example, constipation can lead to headaches; irritation of the bowel can lead to allergies affecting the nose and lungs. There can often be a knock-on or domino effect, leading to more and more problems. So often a specialist in one area can miss the bigger picture of what is happening with the whole person.

History of Naturopathy Naturopathy is not a single therapy. It is not even a group of therapies. It is a philosophy of health which is at least as old as the time of Hippocrates, and that’s over 2,400 years ago! Long before the advent of modern pharmaceuticals, people have been using natural means in order to get well. Nearly all civilizations have used herbs and plants to assist the body’s natural healing processes. Even many of our modern medicines are based originally on plant or herbal compounds. Hydrotherapy, or the use of water for healing is also an ancient medical tool. Naturopathy often uses these tools along with others to assist the body’s own healing mechanisms. The term Naturopathy was first used by Dr. Scheel of New York at the turn of the 19th century, and later adopted by Lust who was a Benedictine monk. Lust had been cured and trained in Germany and set up his own clinic back in America where he practised Naturopathy that included nutrition and natural diet, homeopathy, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy, chiropractic and stress management. Naturopathy developed rapidly in the United States in the early 1900’s, until the development of pharmaceutical drugs in the 1930’s that threatened to overshadow it. However, with the growing realisation that drugs do not cure disease but merely suppress it, creating their own side effects, many people from the 1960’s onwards returned to natural methods such as Naturopathy. Today it is more popular than ever.

How is Naturopathy different from orthodox medicine? 1. The biggest difference between Naturopathy and modern medicine is that pharmaceutical drugs often suppress symptoms and therefore suppress the body’s own healing response. Naturopathic methods always seek to work with the body’s own healing efforts. For example, a skin inflammation for which you might get steroids from your doctor to make the inflammation go away (suppression) would be treated by a Naturopath as an outer sign of inner imbalance. The treatment may even mean that initially the inflammation gets a little worse as the body is given all the necessary tools to finally resolve the problem.

2. Connections are made between different parts of the body, because the Naturopath treats the whole person. The Naturopath will recognise for example, that your bowel problem could be related to your sinus problem and they might both be related to the stress you are under at work. This is the holistic approach - treating the whole person - is what naturopaths are all about. The orthodox approach sends you to different specialists, and connections between seemingly different conditions are often not made.

3. Naturopathic treatment is always aimed at addressing the underlying causes of disease, so in a person with a recurrent infection the underlying causes may include, for example, lack of certain nutrients and/or being stressed about a relationship problem. These causes would be tackled. Obviously if the current infection was acute 5 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 or painful symptomatic treatment would also be given but not in a way that suppressed the natural ability of the body to heal.

4. Treatment must never cause harm or the appearance of side effects. Drugs may help certain symptoms, but because they don’t work with the body they often cause other ‘side effects’ to occur. Naturopathic treatment sometimes causes the body to react such as increased catarrh, increased bowel motions and so on but these are desired effects of the treatment not unwanted 'side-effects’. They do the body good because they assist in the cleaning process.

5. Naturopathy is preventative - whereas people normally only go to their doctor when they are unwell. Naturopathy promotes good health by eating well and by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Orthodox medicine is now beginning to understand more about diet and nutrition and lifestyle factors in preventing disease, but often doctors don’t have time to go into the detail that the Naturopath can.

6. Above all, Naturopaths are teachers. They want to educate people about how to take control of their own health. Most conventionally trained doctors again do not have time to teach, so other health care workers have to take on health education. Naturopaths regard themselves as being in partnership with their patients.

What Can Naturopaths Help? Naturopaths don’t treat illnesses they treat people therefore any one can consult a Naturopath. The only thing you need when you consult a Naturopath is the belief that your body is trying to get you better and that with a little guidance you can help yourself to better health.

In particular chronic conditions (problems that have been around for weeks, months or years) respond well to Naturopathic therapies, these include digestive and bowel problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, skin complaints, hormonal problems, arthritis and stress problems. Often Naturopathy can help with acute conditions (problems that have only been there for a few hours or days) such as infections, swellings and pain.

What to expect when you consult a Naturopath. The diagnosis you may have been given already is taken into account, but is often only a label. The first visit is aimed at developing a thorough understanding of your problem. You will be asked detailed questions about your general health and past medical history. The Naturopath will use orthodox diagnostic methods such as taking the blood pressure and pulse, but may also use other ways of assessing your health such as looking in your eye (iridology), or testing the strength of particular muscles (applied kinesiology). All this information helps the Naturopath piece together what may be contributing to the imbalance.

What Naturopathic Treatment may involve. The Naturopath aims to understand what your symptoms are trying to express about the underlying imbalance of the body. Naturopaths always work to the principle of ‘first do no harm’; so that they only give advice and use treatments which are not harmful. They only use methods that support the body’s own innate healing power or self-correcting mechanisms. Naturopaths always involve the patient in their own health and recovery and

6 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 give them as much information and guidance as they can, to help the patient understand how they came to be unwell and how to get better again.

The Naturopaths first step is to guide you on how you can adapt your lifestyle and diet to be more conducive to health. But we also employ certain treatment modalities. Unlike other healthcare practitioners Naturopaths do not employ one specific modality. Doctors for example use medications, Homeopaths use homeopathy, Herbal medicine practitioners use herbs and Osteopaths use manipulation. Naturopaths use many different modalities with the one proviso, that they are used in a way which works with the body’s own healing efforts.

Whilst the principles of Naturopathy are really common sense applied to health, the Naturopath is qualified to use sophisticated treatments to encourage the body to return to health if it is appropriate.

The treatments which may be used include: • Natural nutrition and diet advice • Nutritional supplementation • Packs and wraps, such as a cold pack for a sore throat. • Osteopathy or other manipulative techniques • Massage • Natural remedies such as herbal remedies

Some Naturopaths may also use acupuncture, homeopathy or other natural therapy as part of the whole naturopathic treatment approach.

How Are Naturopaths Trained? Naturopaths undergo an intensive training. They study the same basic medical sciences as doctors including anatomy, physiology, pathology and pharmacology. In addition they study, nutrition, clinical dietetics, detoxification techniques and hydrotherapy (the therapeutic effects of water). They study the physical structure of the body and the influence of the emotions on health and disease. They of course study the principles of Naturopathic Medicine. Many Naturopaths have also undertaken post-graduate courses in other treatment areas such as Herbal medicine or Acupuncture.

How can I find my nearest Naturopath? 1) Use this register to look up your nearest practitioner.

2) Call the Naturopathic Healthline on 08707 456984

3) Use the website at

For more copies of this register please send a cheque payable to GCRN for £2.50 to:

The General Council and Register of Naturopaths (GCRN) Goswell House, 2 Goswell Road, Street, BA16 0JG

7 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003


8 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Alphabetical listing of Members of the GCRN

Allison, Mrs Ute 3 Sparrows Cottages, Sparrows Lane, Ashington, West Sussex, RH20 3LL Tel No: 01903 893591 Lifestyle, 4 The Centre, Hersham Green, Walton on Thames, Surrey, KT12 4HL Tel No: 01932 254624 Anderson, Mr Shaun 44 Powerful Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, LA14 3PJ Tel No: 01229 476272 Annander, Ms A Suzanne 11 Dorchester Mews, St Margarets, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW1 2LE Tel No: 020 8892 8553 - Mobile: 07881 432867 Arias, Mr Enrique Cueva del Lobo, Mojacar Playa, Mojacar, Almeria, 04638, Spain Tel No: 00 34 50 478991 Centro Medico Indalo, Avda Mediterraneo 250 B1-1C, Almeria, 04006, Spain Tel No: 00 34 50 229912 Centro Medico Retiro, C / O'Donnell 4 - 1º - 8, Madrid, 28009, Spain Tel No: 00 34 50 435 0615 Arnheim, Mrs Wendy 3 Wickham Way, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3AA Tel No: 020 8650 3414 Ash, Mr Michael The Eldon Health Clinic, 12 Torquay Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 1AH Tel No: 01626 205400 - Fax: 01626 205402 Badrick, Ms Clare The Holistic Centre, The Barn, Wiggins Yard, Bridge Street, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1HL Tel No: 01483 418103 Bailey, Ms Lynda (not in practice) Baker, Mr Tim West End Osteopathic Clinic, 233 Perth Road, Dundee, Tayside, DD2 1EJ, Scotland Tel No: 01382 665717 Ball, Mr Norman P Accento Health and Fitness, 64 Tay Street, Perth, Perthshire, PH2 8NN, Scotland Tel No: 01738 444422 - Fax: 01738 444422 - Mobile: 07980 314175 Natural Health Service, Norwood House, West Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE3 4ES Tel No: 0191 284 3985 - Mobile: 07980 314175 Banfield, Mrs Katie Horn Street Surgery, 24 Horn Street, Winslow, Buckinghamshire, MK18 3AL Tel No: 01296 714504 or 01494 726132

9 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 The Belmore Centre, Lower Road, Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire, HP21 9DR 01296 612861 - Mobile: 07770 917388 Barbasch, Miss Audrey (not in practise) 7 Rutland Road, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 6PB Tel No: 01704 530574 Barrett, Mr Ivan Rosenhill, Draughton Road, Maidwell, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN6 9JF Tel No: 01604 686678 Bartlett, Mr Peter 126 Harley Street, , W1G 7JS Tel No: 020 7935 2030 Harwood, Shurlock Road, Waltham St Lawrence, Reading, Berkshire, RG10 0HN Tel No: 0118 934 4203 Bates, Mr Christian Kazimierz Oakway Clinic, 23 Paddockhall Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 1HQ Tel and fax: 01444 410944 Beckwith, Mrs Laurence Bramley Hall Clinic, Bramley Hall Road, Handsworth, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S13 8TX Tel No: 0114 269 4909 The Health Centre, Newgate Street, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S80 1HP Tel No: 01909 474800 Bedford, Miss Emma 45 York Place, Edinburgh, Lothian, EH1 3HP, Scotland Tel No: 0131 558 7000 Bell, Mr Kevin Alan Herdman Studios, 17 Homer Row, London, W1H 1HU Tel No: 020 7724 2329 Neal's Yard Therapy Rooms, 2 Neal's Yard, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9DP Tel No: 020 7379 7662 Bell, Mrs Sara Sutton Waldron House, Sutton Waldron, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 8NY Tel No: 01747 813901 Bird, Mr John Alan Highstead, Port Road, Dawlish, Devon, EX7 0NY Tel No: 01626 865036 Bishop, Mr Ronald 34 Alderney Street, London, SW1V 4EU Tel No: 020 7834 1012 or 020 7834 6229 Blackaby, Mr Peter 63 Hythe Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 6JR Tel No: 01273 559904

10 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Blackwell, Mrs Rosalind The Barn Practice, Crickham, Wedmore, Somerset, BS28 4JT Tel No: 01934 712848 Booth, Ms Kerrin Apotheke 20-20, 296 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 1PA Tel No: 020 8995 2293 - Fax: 020 8995 5392 Bowles-Flannery, Mrs Sarah Galens Naturopathic Centre, 19 Sheen Road, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1AD Tel No: 020 8332 7711 - Fax: 020 8332 7744 Bowmaker, Mrs Pamla 12 Holly Village, Swains Lane, Highgate, London, N6 6QJ Tel No: 020 7281 0841 Boxer, Mr Irving 51 Chartley Avenue, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 3RB Tel No: 020 8954 2254 Brazier-Hollins, Mrs Solveig 23 Denbigh Road, Notting Hill, London, W11 2SJ Tel No: 020 7221 3106 Broadbent, Mrs Gillian (not in practice) 7 James Close, Llanon, Ceredigion, SY23 5HP, Wales Tel No: 01974 202436 Brown, Miss Gwenneth (not in practice) 61 Runnymede Road, Ponteland, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE20 9HJ Tel No: 01661 822145 Budd, Miss Jennifer Beechwood House Medical Centre, 7 Summerfield Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV1 4PR Tel No: 01902 426486 Guildhall Osteopathic Practice, 4th floor, Guildhall Buildings, Navigation Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B2 4BT Tel No: 0121 632 5332 Budd, Mr Martin Louis Ridge Cottage, 29 Ferncroft Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH10 6BY Tel No: 01202 578640 - Fax: 01202 578640 The New Surgery, Brookley Road Car Park, Brockenhurst, Hampshire, SO42 7RD Tel: 01202 578640 - Fax: 01202 578640 1 Harley Street, London, W1N 1DA Tel No: 01202 578640 for appointments Bull, Mr Owen Morgan 70 Woodbridge Road East, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 5PH Tel No: 01473 716340

11 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Burden, Mr Richard Swansea Clinic of Natural Medicine, 20 Walter Road, Swansea, Swansea, SA1 5NQ, Wales Tel and fax: 01792 654751 Burnett, Mrs Kim The Natural Health Centre, 8 Falkland Road, Wash Common, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 6NY Tel No: 01635 580200 Beech Cottage, Crooked Corner, Aldbourne, Marlborough, Wiltshire, SN8 2EJ Tel No: 01672 541198 Burt, Mr Michael Brabant House, Portsmouth Road, Thames Ditton, Surrey, KT7 0EY Tel No: 020 8398 7592 - Fax: 020 8873 3792 Burt, Mrs Sarah Broadstone Centre of Complementary Medicine, 11 Dunyeats Road, Broadstone, Poole, Dorset, BH21 8AA Tel No: 01202 692493 The Stables, Carey, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 7PG Tel No: 01929 553837 Earthlights, 36 High Street, Swanage, Dorset, BH19 2NU Tel No: 01929 422266 Buxton, Mr Peter 20 Sea Road, Fulwell, Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, SR6 9BX Tel No: 0191 548 6294 Byrne, Mr John Joseph Holistic Therapy Centre, 26 Railway Street, Navan, Co. Meath, Republic of Ireland Tel No: 00 353 46 75781 Cambridge, Mr Robert 3 Loughrigg Park, Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 0DY Tel No: 0153 94 32606 Cartwright, Mr Robert Eastleigh Osteopathic Clinic, 169 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 9DW Tel No: 023 80612166 Cassar, Mr Mario-Paul 93 Parkhurst Road, Horley, Surrey, RH6 8EX Tel No: 01293 775467 Chandler, Mr Peter The Surgery, Bay Road, Bullbrook, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 2NR Tel No: 01344 300404 Chesters, Mr Steve The Grove Natural Therapy Centre, 22 Grosvenor Road, Highfield, Southampton, Hampshire, SO17 1RT Tel No: 023 8058 2245 Rêve Pavilion, 2a Guildford Park Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 5ND Tel No: 01483 579500 12 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Southsea Centre for Complementary Medicine, 25 Osbourne Road, Southsea, Hampshire, PO5 3ND Tel No: 023 9287 4748 Chorley, Mr Kelston Focus 4 Health, 235 Cowley Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX4 1XG Tel No: 01865 790235 Clark, Mr Geoffrey 19 Muswell Hill Road, Muswell Hill, London, N10 3JB Tel No: 020 8883 2130 Clarke, Mrs Unity Judith Cotswold, Humfrey Lane, Boughton, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN2 8RN Tel No: 01604 843202 Cohen, Mr David Stowgate Road, , Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE6 8TZ Tel No: 01778 347858 31 The Crescent, Spalding, , PE11 1AF Tel No: 01775 766966 10 Flemings Lane, Killarney, Co Kerry, Republic of Ireland Tel No: 00 353 64 39535 Coman, Mr Craig Total Look, 281 Fulham Road, Chelsea, London, SW10 9PZ Tel No: 020 7352 8519 Conoly, Mrs Giovanna (Honorary Member - not in practice) Conway, Ms Eleanor 3 Tracton Avenue, Montenotte, Cork, County Cork, Republic of Ireland Tel and fax: 00 353 21 4505029 Cope, Anne 22 Majorfield Road, Topsham, Devon, EX3 0ES Tel No: 01392 875004 for appointments Minster Centre, Silver Street, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 0DH Tel No: 01392 875004 for appointments Moss Pharmacy, 70 High Street, Honiton, Devon, EX14 8PD Tel No: 01392 875004 for appointments Cormack, Mr David A R Wadebridge Osteopaths, 48 Molesworth Street, Wadebridge, Cornwall, PL27 7DP Tel No: 01208 812048 Court, Miss Lise Osteopathic Clinic, Postillion Restaurant, 2 Brockham Lane, Betchworth, Surrey, RH3 7EL Tel No: 01737 843516 Cox, Mr David 24 Birmingham Road, Walsall, West Midlands, WS1 2LT Tel No: 01922 622521

13 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Cram, Mrs Heidi 168 Cumbernauld Road, Muirhead Chryston, Glasgow, Strathclyde, G69 9NB, Scotland Tel No: 0141 779 1132 407 Clarkston Road, Muirend, Glasgow, Strathclyde, G44 3LL, Scotland Tel No: 0141 633 3338 Grosvenor Stakis Hotel, Grosvenor Street, Haymarket, Edinburgh, Lothian, EH12 5EF, Scotland Tel No: 0131 226 6001 Cullen, Mr Vincent Stevenage Arts and Leisure Centre, Lytton Way, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 1LZ Tel No: 01438 766877 / 766606 Czernek, Mr John 334 Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen, London, SW14 7JR Tel No: 020 8878 2731 Danby, Mrs Joanne H 9 Willowfield Chase, Station Road, Houghton, Preston, Lancashire, PL5 0SW Tel No: 01254 852178 Mobile: 07967 129775 Davies, Mr Clifford 5 Clarence Road, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7EX Tel No: 01453 843535 1 Queensway, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 7HA Tel No: 01453 843535 de Graaff, Dr Sonja Fairfield Wellness Center, 744 Kings Highway West, Southport, Connecticut, 06490, USA Tel No: 00 1 203 255 2226 de Vries, Mr Jan Auchenkyle, Southwood Road, Troon, Strathclyde, KA10 7EL, Scotland Tel No: 01292 311414 53 Upper Montague Street, London, W1H 1FQ Tel No: 020 7224 8041 or 020 7262 6069 464 North Circular Road, Dublin, 1, Republic of Ireland Tel No: 00 353 1 873 5052 Abbotts of Leigh, 56 Railway Road, Leigh, Lancashire, WN7 4AR Tel No: 01942 671766 Dean, Mrs Jane I Flat 1, 24 Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead, London, NW3 5NX Tel No: and fax: 020 7794 5177 Pump House, Yealand Conyers, Carnforth, Lancashire, LA5 9SG Tel No: 01524 734209 Dent, Mr John (Honorary Member - not in practice) 135 Victoria Avenue, Hastings, East Sussex, TN35 5BS Tel No: 01424 428003

14 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Denton, Mr Barrington Wychdene, 2 Seacroft Road, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 1TL Tel No: 01843 861877 The Firs Club, Firs Lane, Cheriton, Folkestone, Kent, CT19 4QE Tel No: 01843 861877 Després, Mrs Annette 23 Llanon Road, Llanishen, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, CF14 5AG, Wales Tel No: 029 2075 2022 Donley, Miss Alison Chloe 22a Swan Street, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4BJ Tel No: 01926 411497 63 Garrett Street, Attleborough, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 4PP Tel No: 024 7638 7449 Clifton Osteopathic Practice, 131 Clifton Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3QJ Tel No: 01788 579595 Drysdale, Mr Douglas (Honorary Member - not in practice) 32 Salehurst Close, Kenton, Middlesex, HA3 0UG Tel No: 020 8204 2951 Drysdale, Dr Ian 36 Pepys Close, Ickenham, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB10 8NY Tel No: 01895 633870 Dunn, Mrs Cynthia 159 Marwood Road, Crofton Park, Brockley, London, SE4 1SA Tel No: 020 8690 1449 or 4264 Eakins, Mr William Killamarsh Osteopathy Practice, 4 Kirkcroft Lane, Bridge Street, Killamarsh, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S21 1BS Tel No: 0114 248 0524 Eastaugh, Miss Miriam Lower Floor Ofices, 79 High Street, Old Town, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3EL Tel No: 01424 719455 Eddie, Mr David Poynton Osteopathic Clinic, 95 Park Lane, Poynton, Cheshire, SK12 1RB Tel No: 01625 879113 - Freephone: 0800 018 9113 Eicke, Miss Lisa 13 The Street, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2AD Tel No: 01372 277311 Ellwood, Ms Caroline 17 Claremont Square, Islington, London, N1 9LY Tel No: 020 7837 3451 Essex, Ms Arielle 12 Prince of Wales Mansions, Prince of Wales Drive, London, SW11 4BG Tel No: 020 7622 4670 15 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Forde, Mr Martin 316 Howth Road, Dublin 5, Republic of Ireland Tel No: 00 353 1 833 9902 Francis, Mr Michael BushMaster Natural Health Practice, 204 Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush, London, W12 7JD Tel No: 020 8749 3792 - Fax: 020 8749 0093 Clapham Common Clinic, 151-153 Clapham High Street, London, SW4 7SS Tel No: 020 7627 8890 Fraser, Miss Morag West Lothian Osteopathic Practice, Law House, Fairburn Place, Fairburn Road, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6TN, Scotland Tel No: 01506 202526 Bridge of Allan Osteopathic Practice, Hermitage Road, University of Stirling, Bridge of Allan, Stirlingshire, FK9 4NJ, Scotland Tel No: 01786 870398 Gaier, Mr Harald C The Allergy and Nutrition Clinic, 7 Park Crescent, Regents Park, London, W1B 1PF Tel No: 020 7631 0604 Gallagher, Miss Nina V The Fixby Osteopathic Practice, 1 Gleneagles Way, Fixby Park, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD2 2NH Tel No: 01484 454845 - Fax: 01484 536122 Galloway, Mr Christopher Forest Edge Clinic, 60 Testwood Crescent, Salisbury Road, Totton, Hampshire, SO40 3NH Tel No: 023 8066 7205 Aesculus Clinic, 18-20 Parkstone Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2PG Tel No: 01202 660044 Georgiou, Dr George J PO Box 42008, 6530 Larnaca, Cyprus Tel No: 00 357 99 682083 Goldman, Mr Peter White Lodge, Stockland Green Road, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN3 0TT Tel No: 01892 863166 Goodman, Mr Joseph 11 Alderton Crescent, Hendon, London, NW4 3XU Tel No: 020 8202 6242 - Fax: 020 8202 6686 Goodman, Mrs Linda 11 Alderton Crescent, Hendon, London, NW4 3XU Tel No: 020 8202 6242 Gosling, Mrs Brenda M 40 Rock Lane, Bramley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS13 1DX Tel No: 0113 257 3983

16 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Offshoots, 20b Cavendish Street, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 3RG Tel No: 0113 257 3983 Gosling, Mrs Nalda (Honorary Member - not in practice) 93 Redhouse Road, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV6 8XQ Tel No: 01902 29353 Graham, Mr Nigel Clifton House, 2 Clifton Road, Southbourne, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH6 3PA Tel and fax: 01202 770007 - Mobile: 07956 451579 The Cottage, 2b Ravensdale Avenue, North Finchley, London, N12 9HS Tel and fax: 020 8445 3344 - Mobile: 07956 451579 199 Burnt Oak Broadway, Burnt Oak, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 5EG Tel No: 020 8952 4405 - Mobile: 07956 451579 Green, Mr Geoffrey Braeside, Station Road, Steyning, West Sussex, BN44 3YL Tel No: 01903 812458 Green, Mr Kenneth G Cleveland Natural Health Clinic, 19 Conway Road, Redcar, Cleveland, TS10 2EN Tel No: 01642 489682 Greenfield, Mr Tom Canterbury Osteopathic Clinic, Spring Gardens, Simmonds Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3RD Tel No: 01227 761000 Rainbow House Healing Centre, Canterbury, Kent (fasting retreat and treatment rooms) Tel No: 01227 751906 Grieve, Mr Keith George Centre for Complementary Therapies, Kinmylies Way, Inverness, Highland, IV3 8TP, Scotland Tel No: 01463 713614 Bridgend Health Centre, 5 Sir George Street, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 8BU, Scotland Tel No: 01847 896363 Grundberg, Ms Sibyl 52 Warham Road, Harringay, London, N4 1AT Tel No: 020 8341 2904 2 Neal's Yard, Shorts Gardens, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9DP Tel No: 020 7379 7662 Guenther, Ms Beate 77 Staunton Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 5TN Tel No: 020 8541 5566 Gundle, Mr Bryan 12/4 Nachal Luz, Box 70998, Ramat Beit Shemesh, 99000, Israel Tel No: 00 972 2 991 1957 - Fax: 00 972 2 999 6189 Gunn, Mr Harry Harry Gunn Osteopaths, 18 Gloucester Walk, Kensington, London, W8 4HZ Tel No: 020 7937 6194 - Fax: 020 7565 8251

17 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Guptha, Mrs Leena Medicina Holistica, 12829 W Sanctuary Lane, Lake Bluff, Illinois, IL 60044, USA Tel No: 00 1 847 295 9741 - Fax: 00 1 847 295 9743 Gwilt, Mrs Anna Laurel Cottage, Little Green, Mells, Frome, Somerset, BA11 3QZ Tel No: 01373 812640 Hale, Mr Geoff 197 Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV6 0BZ Tel No: 01902 429353 Natural World Health Practice, 596 Bearwood Road, Bearwood, Birmingham, West Midlands, B66 4BW Tel No: 0121 420 4340 Harding, Mr Patrick Mulberry House, 13 Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, Lothian, EH3 5LS, Scotland Tel No: 0131 558 3303 Harewood, Miss Marcia 255a Lavender Hill, Battersea, London, SW11 1JD Tel No: 020 7498 9966 or 020 7978 5538 Harper, Jennifer PO Box 150, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6XS Tel No: 01932 888051 - Mobile: 07939 100797 Harper, Mr Thomas St Paul's Osteopathy Practice, 50-54 St Paul's Square, Birmingham, West Midlands, B3 1QS Tel No: 0121 236 2169 - Mobile: 07710 2444390 The Way of Life, New Century Way, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5NE Tel No: 07710 2444390 (mobile) Harris, Mr Stephen L LCM Clinic, 5 Newman Passage, London, W1T 1EH Tel No: 020 7637 7125 Clifton Osteopathic Practice, 131 Clifton Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3QJ Tel No: 01788 579595 Hartvig Rowley, Mrs Kirsten La Bergerie, 66360 Sahorre, Pyrenees Orientales, France Tel No: 00 33 607 961692 Harvey-Kummer, Ms Dianna The Clocktower Practice, 50 Park Road, Crouch End, London, N8 8SU Tel No: 020 8348 5848 Osteopathic Practice in Haringey, 52 Wareham Road, Harringay, London, N4 1AT Tel No: 020 8341 2904 Hazari, Mr Ismail 2 Enstone Road, Woodley, Reading, Berkshire, RG5 4QU Tel No: 0118 969 7604

18 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Healey, Dr Norman 16 Upper Wimpole Street, London, W1G 6LT Tel No: 020 7487 3162 Southgate, 20 Whitchurch Road, Cublington, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, LU7 0LP Tel No: 01296 681394 Hewitt, Mr Stephen The Osteopathic Clinic, 21 Enterprise House, The Valley Shopping Village, Kingsway North, Team Valley Trading Estate, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, NE11 0SR Tel No: 0191 491 5111 Hidson, Mr Ernest (Honorary Member - not in practice) 35 Bellatrix Drive, Kingston, Brisbane, Queensland, 4114, Australia Tel No: 00 61 7 3208 1101 Hill, Mr Frederick 73 Carbery Avenue, Southbourne, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH6 3LW Tel No: 01202 420637 Hobbs, Ms Sally 84 Evelyn Drive, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 4RW Tel No: 020 8428 9926 Aureole House, Market Square, 9 Church Street, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, HP5 1HS Tel No: 01494 784945 Hoddell, Mr Peter Heath House, Heath House Lane, Oaken, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV8 2HW Tel No: 01902 842544 Hoddinott, Miss Suzanne Wishing Well Natural Health Clinic, Barn Cottage, Bonsey Lane, Westfield, Woking, Surrey, GU22 9PP Tel No: 01483 764582 - Fax: 01483 769648 - Mobile: 07885 792178 Ascot Complementary Health Care, 57 High Street, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7HP Tel No: 01344 620174 Fax: 01344 623378 Holdcroft, Mrs Rosemarie Fairport, Lid Lane, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST10 1PZ Tel No: 01538 753805 Port Vale Football Club, Hamil Road, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 1AW Tel No: 07973 261498 (mobile) Holm, Mr Erik B Simcoe Clinic, 39 Archers Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO15 2NB Tel No: 023 8022 7200 Horner, Ms Lindley 278 Main Road, Sutton at Hone, Dartford, Kent, DA4 9HJ Tel No: 01322 860544 Hudson-Cook, Mr Sidney 78 East Avenue, Talbot Woods, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH3 7DB Tel No: 01202 769100 19 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Hughes, Mr George 34 Alderney Street, London, SW1V 4EU Tel No: 020 7834 6229 6 Meadowbank Road, London, NW9 8LH Tel No: 020 8205 8647 Hunn, Miss Valerie Joyce 33 Boughton Avenue, Hayes, Bromley, Kent, BR2 7PL Tel and fax: 020 8402 0433 Huxtable, Mrs Alison Highgrove Clinic, 26 Grove Road, Milton, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS22 8HE Tel No: 01934 419933 Hyde, Miss Sarah 4 Lon Cae Ffynnon, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, SA19 6DX, Wales Tel No: 01558 824298 for appointments Llandeilo Acupuncture Clinic, Carmarthen Road, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire, SA19 6RP, Wales Tel No: 01558 824298 for appointments Isbell, Dr Brian 45 Bedford Road, East Finchley, London, N2 9DB Tel No: 020 8883 1073 Polyclinic, 115 New Cavendish Street, London, W1W 6UW Tel No: 020 7911 5041 Jacobs, Mr Robert 3 Spanish Place, London, W1U 3HX Tel No: 020 7487 4334 Jansen, Mr Wilfred 42 South Eastern Road, Ramsgate, Kent, CT11 9QF Tel No: 01843 585477 Leigh House Clinic, 33 St Dunstan's Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 8BZ Tel No: 01227 768886 Jenks, Miss Annabel The Old Stables, Churchgate Street, Old Harlow, Essex, CM17 0NJ Tel No: 01279 435195 - Fax: 01279 450322 Jenner, Mr Arthur (Honorary Member - not in practice) 58 Alwyne Road, Wimbledon, London, SW19 7AE Tel No: 020 8946 2513 Johnson, Miss Helen Jane Sunnyside, Bovingdon Green, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 2JH Tel No: 01628 477779 Johnston, Ms Louisa Tonic Health, 41 Commercial Street, Edinburgh, East Lothian, EH6 6JD, Scotland Tel No: 07866 755931

20 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Kane, Mr Mark 9 Upper Wimpole Street, London, W1G 6LJ Tel No: 020 7486 9588 Promis Unit of Primary Care, 2a Pelham Street, London, SW7 3MU Tel No: 020 7584 6511 Kats, Mr Nicolas Kill House, Errislannan, Clifden, Co Galway, Republic of Ireland Tel and fax: 00 353 095 21675 Contact by fax, email or post only. Kearns, Mr Anthony 43 Cecil Road, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS23 2NY Tel No: 01934 624307 Kennett-Brown, Mrs Aike 3 Wickham Way, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3AA Tel No: 020 8650 3414 Keppler, Mr Hermann 73 Gardenwood Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 1RX Tel No: 01342 410303 Khurana, Mr Narender 81 Mullway, Letchworth, Hertfordshire, SG6 4BQ Tel No: 01462 670836 Kiashek, Mr Robin The Poland Street Practice, 38 Poland Street, London, W1V 3DA Tel No: 020 8815 1811 - Mobile: 07956 213759 The Highgate Health Centre, 31a Highgate High Street, London, N6 5JT Tel No: 020 8348 5553 - Mobile: 07956 213759 The Twyford Practice, 52 Twyford Avenue, Fortis Green, London, N2 9NL Tel No: 020 8815 0979 - Mobile: 07956 213759 Kiely, Mr Denis (Honorary Member - not in practice) 7 York Court, Aldermans Hill, Palmers Green, London, N13 4QG Tel No: 020 8886 5167 King, Mrs Agnes Orchard Lodge Clinic, 48 Church Road, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 1NG Tel No: 01684 568744 Kirk, Mr Laurence Natural Health Centre, Avon House, 29 New Broad Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6HW Tel No: 01789 204803 Kirtley, Mrs Jaine 1 Holm Oak Gardens, Broadstairs, Kent, CT10 2JF Tel No: 01843 866075 The Family Chiropractic Centre, 159 Kings Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 5JF Tel No: 020 8286 2606

21 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Krzok, Mr Paul Helios Clinic, Ponds Forge International Sports Centre, Sheaf Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 2BG Tel No: 0114 279 9766 Kypers, Ms Sarah 3 Crundles, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU31 4PJ Tel No: 01730 265808 The Holistic Centre, Wiggins Yard, Bridge Street, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1HL Tel No: 01483 418103 Healthworks, Viewpoint, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 4RG Tel No: 01256 799730 Lacy, Mrs Rosemary (not in practice) Lodge 39, Slandor Park, Sladnor Park Road, Maidencombe, Torquay, Devon, TQ1 4TF Lancaster, Mr Gerald (Honorary Member - not in practice) 1 Dunrich Close, St Leonards, Exeter, Devon, EX2 4TQ Tel No: 01392 434026 Langley, Mr Stephen South London Natural Health Centre, 7a Clapham Common Southside, London, SW4 7AA Tel No: 020 7720 8817 Lawrence, Mr Mark Moulsham Mill, Parkway, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 7PX Tel No: 01245 608200 Lawson, Mr Rhonie 7 Milton Avenue, Queensway, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 3RD Tel No: 01933 224465 Lay, Mrs Joan (Honorary Member - not in practice) Lazarou, Mr Efthimios Examilia, Corinth, GR-20100, Greece Tel No: 00 30 741 36509 108 Swains Lane, Highgate, London, N6 6BS Tel No: 020 8347 6160 Leach, Dr Janine 24 Blenheim Gardens, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 9PP Tel No: 020 8773 1106 - Fax: 020 8773 1106 Leech, Miss June Lower Floor Offices, 79 High Street, Old Town, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3EL Tel No: 01424 719455 Leeson, Mr Keith 45 St Nicholas Avenue, Elm Park, Hornchurch, Essex, RM12 4PR Tel No: 01708 472365 - Mobile: 07957 218985 Oakdin Clinic, 58 Laindon Road, Billericay, Essex, CM12 9LD 01277 623055 Mobile: 07957 218985

22 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Leigh, Mr Jon Gillingham Clinic, 50 Watling Street, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2YN Tel No: 01634 576292 - Fax: 01634 854087 - Mobile: 07976 224917 St George's Medical Centre, St George's Road, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 1QU Tel No: 01795 663481 - Mobile: 07976 224917 Canterbury Clinic of Herbal Medicine, 15 Ethelbert Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3ND Tel No: 01227 766797 - Mobile: 07976 224917 Lewis-Fry, Mr Malcolm 22 Carbery Avenue, Southbourne, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH6 3LF Tel No: 01202 420919 Lichtenstein, Mr Simon 6 Chapel Walk, Burgess Street, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 8DE Tel No: 01568 610610 or 01568 613234 Loftus, Mr John 22 Throwley Way, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 4AF Tel No: 020 8642 2307 Love, Claire 3a Agincourt Street, Monmouth, Monmouthshire, NP25 3DZ, Wales Tel No: 01600 716880 Lowe, Mr Kenneth 26 Meadow Close, Liphook, Hampshire, GU30 7BJ Tel No: 01428 723355 Packhams, North Street, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 9DJ Tel No: 01730 813911 Lynn, Mr John (not in practice) 24 Brownlow Road, Willesden, London, NW10 9QL Tel No: 020 8961 1752 Mac Donald, Mr Ian 4 Ridgeway, Eastfield, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 3DS Tel No: 01723 586840 Winfalcon Clinic, 28 Ship Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1AD Tel No: 01273 728997 Mallaband, Mrs Rachel E 18 Stanton Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7 5FQ Tel No: 0115 930 8255 Mappin, Ms Julie Mulberry House, 13 Inverleith Row, Edinburgh, Lothian, EH3 5LS, Scotland Tel No: 0131 558 3303 Aveva Natural Remedies, 148 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow, Strathclyde, G11 6XE, Scotland Tel No: 0141 334 0705 Marchant, Ms Andria 11 Cedar Park Road, Enfield, Middlesex, EN2 0HE Tel No: 020 8367 4054 23 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 McManners, Dr Deborah The Hale Clinic, 7 Park Crescent, Regents Park, London, W1N 3HE Tel No: 020 7631 0156 or 020 7631 0604 The Chaucer Hospital, Nackington Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT4 7AR Tel No: 01227 455466 Meakin, Mr Dennis 175 Bromsgrove Road, Redditch, Worcestershire, B97 4SQ Tel No: 01527 69328 Mehta, Mrs Devyani 25 Manor House, Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5NP Tel No: 020 7258 3481 - Fax: 020 7724 1061 Mehta, Mr Manoj 14 West Hill, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 9RS Tel No: 020 8904 8049 Melrose, Mr John (Honorary Member - not in practice) Menzies-Trull, Mr Christopher 16 Grosvenor Road, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 1LW Tel No: 01782 713977 Mew, Mr Michael 22 St Hilda's Way, Gravesend, Kent, DA12 4AP Tel No: 01474 533330 - Mobile: 07973 158576 Tonbridge Clinic, 339 Shipbourne Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN10 3EU Tel No: 01732 350255 - Fax: 01732 362343 149 High Street, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1HP Tel No: 01825 762657 Michael, Mr Dennis 6 Pavilion Mews, Finchley, London, N3 3QD Tel No: 020 8343 3423 Mistry, Miss Nita West Hill House, 6 Swains Lane, Highgate, London, N6 6QU Tel No: 07711 265500 (direct line) Kingston Natural Health Centre, 40 Eastbury Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 5AN Tel No: 020 8546 5793 Kensington Therapy Centre, 211-213 Kensington High Street, London, W8 6BD Tel No: 0207 376 1199 Moore, Ms Katherine (not in practice)

Moore, Mrs Sandie Lionheart Physiotherapy Clinic, 22 Highlands Avenue, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8NN Tel No: 01372 801443 Moss, Mrs Janice Runnymede Hotel and Spa, Windsor Road, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0AG Tel No: 01784 220990 - Mobile: 07947 007711 24 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Moss, Mr Paul 20a Cromer Road, Sheringham, Norfolk, NR26 8RR Tel No: 01263 821991 1 Vicarage Road, Sheringham, Norfolk, NR26 8NH Tel No: 01263 824951 - Fax: 01263 824951 Moss, Ms Vivienne E Abercraig, 2 West Road, Newport-on-Tay, Fife, DD6 8HG, Scotland Tel No: 01382 542874 Moule, Mr Terry 1 The Stables, Walwyn Road, Colwall, Worcestershire, WR13 6QX Tel No: 01684 541262 4 Treborough House, 1 Nottingham Place, London, W1M 3FP Tel No: 0207 224 0466 Praewood Farm, Hemel Hempstead Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 6AA Tel No: 01727 838032 Mudford, Mrs Lyndsay Joanna The Complementary Health Centre, 172-174 Manor Lane, Lee, London, SE12 8LP Tel No: 020 8297 8887 The Brian S Joseph Practice, Golder's Hill Health Centre, 151 North End Road, London, NW11 7HX Tel No: 020 8458 2586 Mullins, Mr John 38 Heath Avenue, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan, CF64 2QZ, Wales Tel No: 029 2070 4923 The Centre, 33 The Parade, Cardiff, Cardiff, CF2 3AD, Wales Tel No: 029 2048 2682 Murray, Mr Andrew 27 Hampson Road, Hurst Cross, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, OL6 9EY Tel No: 0161 330 4089 Markland Complementary Therapy Centre, Dalton House, 33 Leigh Road, West Houghton, Lancashire, BL5 2JE Tel No: 01942 841088 Muscaty, Mr Jonathan Sherbourne House, 32 Woodhill Road, Portishead, North Somerset, BS20 9EZ Tel No: 01275 843482 Cheddar Medical Centre, Roydon Way, Cheddar, Somerset, BS27 3NZ Tel No: 01934 744574 Natural Therapy Centre, 14 Broad Street, Staple Hill, Bristol, BS16 5NX Tel No: 0117 970 1582 Marshfield Road Surgery, 47 Marshfield Road, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 1JU Tel No: 01249 654466 Newell, Mr John Coton Hall, Coton-in-the-Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5GY Tel No: 01283 820216 25 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 55 Market Street, Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire, LE6 5AS Tel No: 01530 412281 Face Up, 48 Babington Lane, Derby, Derbyshire, DE1 1SD Tel No: 01332 368195 Newman Turner, Mr Roger 111 Norton Way South, Letchworth, Hertfordshire, SG6 1NY Tel No: 01462 684232 - Fax: 01462 484517 1 Harley Street, London, W1G 9QD Tel No: 020 7436 1446 Obaze, Mr David (not in practice) 219 John Aird Court, St Mary's Terrace, London, W2 1UX Tel No: 020 7723 5328 Oldham, Mr Barrie John Casa Nirvana CX503F, Sitio do Cabeça, 8700 Moncarapacho, Algarve, Portugal Tel No: 00 351 289 792093 Osborn-Smith, Mr Brent Acupuncture and Osteopathic Centre, 34 Alderney Street, Pimlico, London, SW1V 4EU Tel No: 020 7228 9995 - Fax: 020 7223 6562 Primary Care Unit, 2a Pelham Street, London, SW7 3HU 020 7228 9995 Fax: 020 7223 6562 O'Sullivan, Mrs Pamela Lynton Lodge, 6 Westbourne Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 2SP Tel No: 01723 366747 - Mobile: 07790 925173 Pallas, Mr Andrew 17 Moorway, Guiseley, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS20 8LD Tel No: 01943 878363 Parker, Mr Jonathan Kelm's House, 8 Plymouth Road, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5PH Tel No: 01803 865841 Parker-Smith, Mr Jamie Jorge Bridge House, Station Approach East, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 8HW Tel No: 01273 843780 Pascoe, Mr Trevenen 21 Back Lane, Darshill, Shepton Mallet, Somerset, BA4 5JT Tel No: 01749 345095 Patterson, Mr Andrew David West Lothian Osteopathic Practice, Law House, Fairbairn Place, Fairbairn Road, Livingston, West Lothian, EH54 6TN, Scotland Tel No: 01506 202526 Airthrey Park Medical Centre, University of Stirling, Hermitage Road, Bridge of Allan, Stirlingshire, FK9 4NJ, Scotland Tel No: 01786 870398

26 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Payne, Mr Christopher The Rainham Osteopathic Clinic, 30 Station Road, Rainham, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 7PH Tel No: 01634 386387 Payne, Miss Louise The Therapy Centre, 29 Winnington Lane, Northwich, Cheshire, CW8 4DE Tel No: 01606 75957 Tattenhall Medical Centre, High Street, Tattenhall, Chester, Cheshire, CH3 9PX Tel No: 01829 770606 Pegg, Miss Elizabeth The Crescent Clinic, 37 Vernon Terrace, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3JH Tel No: 01273 202221 Fairlead, Chart Lane, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7EG Tel No: 01737 245041 Pelham, Mr Philip Henry Canterbury Clinic of Herbal Medicine, 15 Ethelbert Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 3ND Tel No: 01227 766797 Gillingham Clinic of Comp. Medicine, 50 Watling Street, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 2YN Tel No: 01634 576292 Tyrrell & Jones Pharmacy, 1a Tower Parade, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 2BJ Tel No: 01227 263046 Penn, Mr Douglas Penn Clinic, Hayes Cottage Hospital, Grange Road, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 2RR Tel No: 020 8561 0819 or 020 8848 9457 22 Ridgeway, Wargrave, Berkshire, RG10 8AS Tel No: 0118 940 2331 2 Bungalow, St John's Convent, Linden Hill Lane, Kiln Green, Berkshire, RG10 9XP Tel No: 0118 940 4591 - Fax: 0118 940 1818 Penwarden, Mr David 18 Warren Avenue, Cheam, Surrey, SM2 7QL Tel No: 020 8642 6639 66 Amberley Gardens, Stoneleigh, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 0NG Tel No: 020 8394 0704 Perret, Mrs Lorna Tavistock House, 17 Harford Square, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 7AG, Wales Tel No: 01570 422133 Perret, Mr Olivier Tavistock House, 17 Harford Square, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 7HE, Wales Tel No: 01570 422133 Philbey, Sue 71 Fieldview, Earlsfield, London, SW18 3HF Tel No: 020 8870 7345 Pike, Ms Meta (not in practice)

27 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Pike, Mr Roger 4 Mayfield Road, Girton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB3 0PH Tel No: 01223 277355 Pim, Mr Desmond 29 Kendrick Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 5DU Tel No: 0118 987 2313 Pim, Miss Moyra (not in practice) 29 Kendrick Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 5DU Tel No: 0118 987 2313 Potterton, Mr David 27 Lower Elmstone Drive, Tilehurst, Reading, Berkshire, RG31 5EB Tel No: 0118 945 4040 Berkshire Holistic Centre, 27 Craven Road, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5NG Tel No: 0118 945 4040 Price, Mr Graham 52 Bank Road, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3GL Tel No: 01629 580996 Priest, Mr Albert (Honorary Member - not in practice) 19 Talgarth Road, West Kensington, London, W14 9BD Tel No: 020 7602 1074 Prower, Ms Janet 116 Dartmouth Road, Willesden Green, London, NW2 4HB Tel No: 020 8452 7517 Pulman, Miss Suzette The Rise, 16 Grammar School Rd, Lymm, Cheshire, WA13 0BQ Tel No: 01925 752264 Quinton, Mr Roland 50 Waters Green, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6JT Tel No: 01625 427069 1b Wain Lea, Harriseahead, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST7 4LG Tel No: 01782 513379 Raissi, Dr Antony A The Rayleigh Surgery, 22 Hockley Road, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 8EB Tel No: 01268 742534 Fax: 01268 772142 10 Harley Street, London, W1G 9PF Tel No: 020 7467 8331 - Fax: 020 7467 8312 Department of Pain Management, Herts and Essex NHS Hospital, Haymeads Lane, Bishop's Stortford, Hertfordshire, CM23 5JH Tel No: 01279 655191 GP referrals only Randall, Mr Paul Anthony Sacred Earth, Unit 7, Bridgegate Centre, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 6AJ Tel No: 01777 706000

28 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 The Natural Therapy Clinic, 138 Oaktree Lane, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 3HR Tel No: 01623 626842 Rathod, Ms Pushpa Osteopathic Clinic, 125 Corve Street, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 2PG Tel No: 01584 877869 Hereford Centre for Natural Health, East Holme Avenue, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR2 7XT Tel No: 01432 279652 Reading, Mrs Candice No. 11, 309 Road, Mahakirau Private Estate, Coromandel, New Zealand Regolati, Mr Ezio via Porta Rossa 6, FIRENZE 50123, Italy Reynolds, Mr Alan 25 Curlew Drive, Hythe, Southampton, Hampshire, SO45 3GB Tel No: 023 8084 1148 43 Cecil Road, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS23 2NY Tel No: 01934 624307 Reynolds, Mr David The Smithbrook Clinic, 63a Smithbrook Kilns, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 8JJ Tel No: 01483 275500 32 Station Road, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 1NE Tel No: 01628 476443 Riding, Mr George 278 Preston Road, Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 7HU Tel No: 01257 230122 Roberts, Mr Lewis (not in practice) Netherton, Higher Street, Iwerne Minster, Blandford, Dorset, DT11 8LY Tel and Fax: 01747 811367 Robertson, Ms Fiona Alternatives Complementary Therapy Centre, 118 High Street, Northwood, Middlesex, HA6 1BJ Tel No: 01923 828832 The Highbury Park Clinic, 111 Highbury Park, Islington, London, N5 1UB Tel No: 020 7704 6704 Rouse, Mr James Eastleigh Osteopathic Clinic, 169 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire, SO50 9DW Tel No: 023 8061 2166 Rudd, Mr Steven Royal Oak Cottage, High Street, Nutley, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 3NN Tel No: 01825 713457 Vinings Natural Health Centre, Church Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3UF Tel No: 01444 416911 Sandieson, Mr Norman (Honorary Member - not in practice) 23 Court Close, Midhurst Road, Liphook, Hampshire, GU30 7EA Tel No: 01428 722687 29 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Scharsach, Mr Christian M Berkhamsted Osteopathy, and Holistic Health, 1 Hill View, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, HP4 1SA Tel No: 01442 871551 Schofield, Mrs Caroline 4 Hillcrest, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8EB Tel No: 01932 852944 Scott-Cameron, Mr John Crowborough Clinic Of Natural Therapeutics, 1 Tubwell House, New Road, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 2QH Tel and fax: 01892 662935 - Mobile: 07831 742341 Belmont Complementary Therapy Clinic, Pevensey Bay Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN23 6JG Tel No: 01323 767766 Scott-Cameron, Mrs Nancy 1 Tubwell House, New Road, Crowborough, East Sussex, TN6 2QH Tel No: 0468 792349 or 01892 662935 Season, Ms Elizabeth The Clinic of Natural Medicine, 126 Whiteladies Road, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2RP Tel No: 0117 946 6035 The Chandos Clinic, 21 Chandos Road, Redland, Bristol, BS6 6PG Tel No: 0117 974 5084 Shah, Mr Ajay 8 Sarsfeld Road, Balham, London, SW12 8HN Tel No: 020 8767 3834 Shah, Mr Atul 31 Scarcroft Hill, York, North Yorkshire, YO24 1DF Tel No: 01904 623693 Shaw, Mr Jonathan Goldings Hill Clinic, 1 Lower Road, Loughton, Essex, IG10 2RS Tel No: 020 8508 7514 32 St Andrews Road, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex, IG1 3PF Tel No: 020 8518 5581 Siewert, Dr Milo The Dorset Natural Health Clinic, 32a Wessex Road, Lower Parkestone, Poole, Dorset, BH14 8BQ Tel No: 01202 717727 - Fax: 01202 717787 140 Harley Street, London, W1N 1AH Tel No: 020 7486 4227 17 Bath Street, St Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands Tel No: 01534 617987 The Grove Natural Therapy Centre, 22 Grosvenor Road, Highfield, Southampton, Hampshire, SO17 1RT Tel No: 023 8058 2245

30 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Skinner, Mrs Christine 3 Moss Green Lane, Brayton, Selby, North Yorkshire, YO8 9EN Tel No: 01757 213260 Slane, Mr John 5 Cambridge Avenue, Castleside, Consett, Co. Durham, DH8 8DQ Tel No: 01207 501859 or 01207 504879 Smith, Mrs Carole 4 Wiggie Lane, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 2HJ Tel No: 01737 218251 22 Throwley Way, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 4AF Tel No: 020 8642 2307 Smith, Claudia Practices in London N6 area Mobile: 07958 286767 Smith, Mr Kenneth Orchard Lodge Clinic, 48 Church Road, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 1NG Tel No: 01684 568744 Spenceley, Mr Michael 35 Gudge Heath Lane, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5AB Tel No: 01329 822657 Fax: 01329 829895 3 Wickham Way, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 3AA Tel No: 0208 650 3414 Srirambhatla, Mr Ram K 47 Winchester Avenue, Kingsbury, London, NW9 9TA Tel No: 020 8931 7361 - Mobile: 07747 828338 Holborn Health Club, Grange Holborn Hotel, 50-60 Southampton Row, London, WC1B 4AR Tel No: 020 7242 1800 - Mobile: 07747 828338 Steadman, Ms Danielle Apotheke 20-20, 296 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 1PA Tel No: 020 8995 2293 - Fax: 020 8995 5392 Stephens-Mills, Mrs Gail Mansel House, 99 Mansel Street, Swansea, Swansea, SA1 5UE, Wales Tel No: 01792 462001 Stroud, Mr Graeme Cornwallis House, Howard Chase, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3BB Tel No: 01268 287733 9 Freshfield Bank, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5HQ Tel No: 01342 824291 Switala, Stan Kang Da Clinic, 245 Manningham Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD8 7ER Tel No: 01274 484514 - Fax: 01274 402455

31 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Szewiel, Mr Mario Goswell House Clinic, 2 Goswell Road, Street, Somerset, BA16 0JG Tel No: 01458 840071 - Fax: 01458 840075 75 Sunnyside Road, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS23 3QB Tel No: 01934 618480 Tansill, Ms Lucy 64 Penwortham Road, Sanderstead, Surrey, CR2 0QS Tel No: 020 8668 6456 Taylor, Lesley 1/15 Glamorgan Drive, Torbay, Auckland, New Zealand Thomas, Ms Judith 10 Broadhurst Mansions, 97 Broadhurst Gardens, London, NW6 3QP Tel No: 020 7372 7206 Thompson, Mr Mark 1 Barley Mow Lane, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL4 0RS Tel No: 01727 821450 - Mobile: 07976 627357 Harley Street Osteopaths, 103-105 Harley Street, London, W1G 6AJ Appointments: 01727 821450 - Mobile: 07976 627357 Isis Treatment Rooms, 1 Market Place, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 5DR Appointments: 01727 821450 - Mobile: 07976 627357 Thomson, Ms Jeanette 66 Grasvenor Avenue, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 2DB Tel No: 020 8275 9435 - Mobile: 0788 790 7026 The Haelan Clinic, 41 The Broadway, Crouch End, London, N8 8DT Tel No: 020 8340 1518 - Mobile: 0788 790 7026 Trebuth, Mr Rainer (not in practice) Turner, Miss Emma Apotheke 20-20, 296 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 1NP Tel No: 020 8995 2293 - Fax: 020 8995 5392 Ukena-John, Ms Silke Alternative Health Clinic, 127 Hart Road, Thundersley, Benfleet, Essex, SS7 3QP Tel No: 01268 774249 or 07041 351100 Upadhyay, Mr Dipak P O Box 45425, Nairobi, Kenya Tel No: 00 254 2 566741 van Gennip, Miss Sandra British School of Complementary Therapy, 140 Harley Street, London, W1G 7LB Tel No: 020 7224 2394 - Mobile: 07779 023025 The Holistic Centre, The Barn, Wiggins Yard, Bridge Street, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1HL Tel No: 01483 418103 - Mobile: 07779 023025 The New Haw Clinic, 189 Woodham Lane, New Haw, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 3NN Tel No: 01932 351120 - Mobile: 07779 023025

32 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 van Straten, Mr Michael 4 Treborough House, 1 Nottingham Place, London, W1M 3FP Tel No: 020 7935 8911 or 020 7486 4075 Glebe House, Station Road, Cheddington, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, LU7 0SG Tel No: 01296 661215 or 01296 668322 Varley, Mrs Denise Axis Health, 92b High Street, Billericay, Essex, CM12 9BT Tel No: 01277 625353 Varley, Mr John 92b High Street, Billericay, Essex, CM12 9BT Tel No: 01277 655505 Vine, Mr Jon Beech House, Station Road, Ilminster, Somerset, TA19 9BE Tel No: 01460 54888 Wallis, Mr Roy Plough Farm Barn, Pyecombe Street, Pyecombe, Brighton, West Sussex, BN45 7EE Tel No: 01273 857856 10 Harley Street, London, W1N 1AA Tel No: 020 7467 8300 Walsh, Mr John Dacrelands Natural Health Clinic, Owen Road, Aldrens Lane, Skerton, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 2DU Tel No: 01524 69864 411 Whalley Road, Clayton-le-Moors, Lancashire, BB5 4QZ Tel No: 01254 381545 Wardle, Mr Jolyon Parish Hall Annexe, Kents Bank Road, Grange over Sands, Cumbria, LA15 8AQ Tel No: 01539 558647 1 Hartington Street, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, LA14 5SL Tel No: 01229 812002 24 Coronation Road, Crosby, Liverpool, Merseyside, L23 5RQ Tel No: 0151 924 7238 Webb, Mr Marcus A 28 Crescent West, Hadley Wood, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN4 0EJ Tel No: 020 8441 8352 595 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7GS, Northern Ireland Tel No: 028 9068 1018 209 Blackburn Road, Wheelton, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 8EP Tel No: 01254 830122 Wharam, Mrs Jennifer Green Shutters, Bullbeggars Lane, Horsell, Woking, Surrey, GU21 4SQ Tel No: 01483 721355

33 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Whitlock, Miss Luisa Nicola Wellness Centre at LA Fitness, Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK41 7PA Tel No: 01234 353800 - Mobile: 07957 222917 Blackberry Orthopaedic Clinic, Blackberry Court, Walnut Tree, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK7 7PB Tel No: 01908 604666 - Mobile: 07957 222917 Williams, Mr Alan North End Osteopathic Clinic, North End Surgery, High Street, Buckingham, Buckinghamshire, MK18 1NU Tel No: 01280 818600 Williams, Miss Elaine Grayshott Hall, Headley Road, Grayshott, Hindhead, Surrey, GU26 6JJ Tel No: 01428 604331 Williams, Miss Julia Holly Road Medical Centre, 2a Holly Road, Chiswick, London, W4 1NU Tel No: 07966 243459 University Dental Clinic, 18 Gower Street, London, WC1E 6DP Tel: 020 7636 9799 Sunstone Health and Leisure Club, 16 Northwold Road, London, N16 7HR Tel: 020 7923 1991 Williams, Ms Xandria Individual Wellbeing, 1 Cadogan Gardens, London, SW3 2RJ Tel No: 020 7824 8153 or 020 7730 7010 Wilson, Ms Elizabeth The Dumfries Holistic Health Centre, 98 Loreburn Street, Dumfries, Dumfrieshire, DG1 1HW, Scotland Tel No: 01387 267617 Winer, Mr Colin J Flaminia Health Centre, via Gianbattista Vico 31, Rome, 00196, Italy Tel No: 00 39 6 3613640 152 Harley Street, London, W1N 1HH Tel No: 020 7935 7335 51 Arnold Road, Clacton on Sea, Essex, CO15 1DE Tel No: 01255 421394 Wolfe, Mr Derek Newton Mill, Newton St Petrock, Holsworthy, Devon, EX22 7LP Tel & fax: 01409 281454 - Mobile: 07770 580981 Wright, Mr Sean Backs to Basics, 14 Crown Street, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 4BA Tel No: 01277 224799 Yaghmaie, Mr Massih 26 Rydal Gardens, South Kenton, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 8RZ Tel No: 020 8908 1236

34 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 The Electric Beach, 28 Kensington Church Street, Kensington, London, W8 4EP Tel No: 020 8908 1236 - Mobile: 07961 887130 Kailash Centre of Oriental Medicine, 7 New Court Street, St John's Wood, London, NW8 7AA Tel No: 020 7722 3939 Young, Ms Sheila 127 Hart Road, Thundersley, Essex, SS7 3QP Tel No: 01268 774249 70 Eastern Road, Romford, Essex, RM1 3QA Tel No: 01708 762441

35 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003


36 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003

Topographical listing of practicing members of the GCRN

Bedfordshire Bedford Miss Luisa Nicola Whitlock Wellness Centre at LA Fitness, Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, MK41 7PA Tel No: 01234 353800 - Mobile: 07957 222917 Leighton Buzzard Mr Michael van Straten Glebe House, Station Road, Cheddington, LU7 0SG Tel No: 01296 661215 or 01296 668322 Berkshire Ascot Miss Suzanne Hoddinott Ascot Complementary Health Care, 57 High Street, SL5 7HP Tel No: 01344 620174 - Fax: 01344 623378 Bracknell Mr Peter Chandler The Surgery, Bay Road, Bullbrook, RG12 2NR Tel No: 01344 300404 Kiln Green Mr Douglas Penn 2 Bungalow, St John's Convent, Linden Hill Lane, RG10 9XP Tel No: 0118 940 4591 - Fax: 0118 940 1818 Newbury Mr David Potterton Berkshire Holistic Centre, 27 Craven Road, RG14 5NG Tel No: 0118 945 4040 Mrs Kim Burnett The Natural Health Centre, 8 Falkland Road, Wash Common, RG14 6NY Tel No: 01635 580200 Reading Mr Desmond Pim 29 Kendrick Road, RG1 5DU Tel No: 0118 987 2313 Mr Ismail Hazari 2 Enstone Road, Woodley, RG5 4QU Tel No: 0118 969 7604 Mr Peter Bartlett Harwood, Shurlock Road, Waltham St Lawrence, RG10 0HN Tel No: 0118 934 4203 Mr David Potterton 27 Lower Elmstone Drive, Tilehurst, RG31 5EB Tel No: 0118 945 4040

37 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Wargrave Mr Douglas Penn 22 Ridgeway, RG10 8AS Tel No: 0118 940 2331 Wokingham Mr David Potterton Home visits in Wokingham area Tel No: 0118 945 4040 Bristol Clifton Ms Elizabeth Season The Clinic of Natural Medicine, 126 Whiteladies Road, BS8 2RP Tel No: 0117 946 6035 Redland Ms Elizabeth Season The Chandos Clinic, 21 Chandos Road, BS6 6PG Tel No: 0117 974 5084 Staple Hill Mr Jonathan Muscaty Natural Therapy Centre, 14 Broad Street, BS16 5NX Tel No: 0117 970 1582 Buckinghamshire Aylesbury Dr Norman Healey Southgate, 20 Whitchurch Road, Cublington, LU7 0LP Tel No: 01296 681394 Buckingham Mr Alan Williams North End Osteopathic Clinic, North End Surgery, High Street, MK18 1NU Tel No: 01280 818600 Chesham Ms Sally Hobbs Aureole House, Market Square, 9 Church Street, HP5 1HS Tel No: 01494 784945 Marlow Mr David Reynolds 32 Station Road, SL7 1NE Tel No: 01628 476443 Miss Helen Jane Johnson Sunnyside, Bovingdon Green, SL7 2JH Tel No: 01628 477779 Milton Keynes Miss Luisa Nicola Whitlock Blackberry Orthopaedic Clinic, Blackberry Court, Walnut Tree, MK7 7PB Tel No: 01908 604666 - Mobile: 07957 222917 Stoke Mandeville Mrs Katie Banfield The Belmore Centre, Lower Road, HP21 9DR Tel No: 01296 612861 - Mobile: 07770 917388

38 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Winslow Mrs Katie Banfield Horn Street Surgery, 24 Horn Street, MK18 3AL Tel No: 01296 714504 or 01494 726132 Cambridgeshire Cambridge Mr Roger Pike 4 Mayfield Road, Girton, CB3 0PH Tel No: 01223 277355 Peterborough Mr David Cohen Stowgate Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8TZ Tel No: 01778 347858 Cheshire Chester Miss Louise Payne Tattenhall Medical Centre, High Street, Tattenhall, CH3 9PX Tel No: 01829 770606 Lymm Miss Suzette Pulman The Rise, 16 Grammar School Rd, WA13 0BQ Tel No: 01925 752264 Macclesfield Mr Roland Quinton 50 Waters Green, SK11 6JT Tel No: 01625 427069 Northwich Miss Louise Payne The Therapy Centre, 29 Winnington Lane, CW8 4DE Tel No: 01606 75957 Poynton Mr David Eddie Poynton Osteopathic Clinic, 95 Park Lane, SK12 1RB Tel No: 01625 879113 - Freephone: 0800 018 9113 Cleveland Redcar Mr Kenneth G Green Cleveland Natural Health Clinic, 19 Conway Road, TS10 2EN Tel No: 01642 489682 Co. Durham Consett Mr John Slane 5 Cambridge Avenue, Castleside, DH8 8DQ Tel No: 01207 501859 or 01207 504879 Cornwall Wadebridge Mr David A R Cormack Wadebridge Osteopaths, 48 Molesworth Street, PL27 7DP Tel No: 01208 812048 Cumbria Ambleside Mr Robert Cambridge 3 Loughrigg Park, LA22 0DY Tel No: 0153 94 32606

39 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Barrow-in-Furness Mr Shaun Anderson 44 Powerful Street, LA14 3PJ Tel No: 01229 476272 Mr Jolyon Wardle 1 Hartington Street, LA14 5SL Tel No: 01229 812002 Grange over Sands Mr Jolyon Wardle Parish Hall Annexe, Kents Bank Road, LA15 8AQ Tel No: 01539 558647 Derbyshire Ashbourne Mr John Newell Coton Hall, Coton-in-the-Clay, DE6 5GY Tel No: 01283 820216 Derby Mr John Newell Face Up, 48 Babington Lane, DE1 1SD Tel No: 01332 368195 Ilkeston Mrs Rachel E Mallaband 18 Stanton Road, DE7 5FQ Tel No: 0115 930 8255 Matlock Mr Graham Price 52 Bank Road, DE4 3GL Tel No: 01629 580996 Devon Dawlish Mr John Alan Bird Highstead, Port Road, EX7 0NY Tel No: 01626 865036 Holsworthy Mr Derek Wolfe Newton Mill, Newton St Petrock, EX22 7LP Tel & fax: 01409 281454 - Mobile: 07770 580981 Honiton Anne Cope Moss Pharmacy, 70 High Street, EX14 8PD Tel No: 01392 875004 Newton Abbot Mr Michael Ash The Eldon Health Clinic, 12 Torquay Road, TQ12 1AH Tel No: 01626 205400 - Fax: 01626 205402 Topsham Anne Cope 22 Majorfield Road, EX3 0ES Tel No: 01392 875004 Totnes Mr Jonathan Parker Kelm's House, 8 Plymouth Road, TQ9 5PH Tel No: 01803 865841

40 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Dorset Blandford Forum Mrs Sara Bell Sutton Waldron House, Sutton Waldron, DT11 8NY Tel No: 01747 813901 Bournemouth Mr Sidney Hudson-Cook 78 East Avenue, Talbot Woods, BH3 7DB Tel No: 01202 769100 Mr Malcolm Lewis-Fry 22 Carbery Avenue, Southbourne, BH6 3LF Tel No: 01202 420919 Mr Frederick Hill 73 Carbery Avenue, Southbourne, BH6 3LW Tel No: 01202 420637 Mr Nigel Graham Clifton House, 2 Clifton Road, Southbourne, BH6 3PA Tel and fax: 01202 770007 - Mobile: 07956 451579 Mr Martin Louis Budd Ridge Cottage, 29 Ferncroft Road, BH10 6BY Tel No: 01202 578640 - Fax: 01202 578640 Poole Dr Milo Siewert The Dorset Natural Health Clinic, 32a Wessex Road, Lower Parkestone, BH14 8BQ Tel No: 01202 717727 - Fax: 01202 717787 Mr Christopher Galloway Aesculus Clinic, 18-20 Parkstone Road, BH15 2PG Tel No: 01202 660044 Mrs Sarah Burt Broadstone Centre of Complementary Medicine, 11 Dunyeats Road, Broadstone, BH21 8AA Tel No: 01202 692493 Swanage Mrs Sarah Burt Earthlights, 36 High Street, BH19 2NU Tel No: 01929 422266 Wareham Mrs Sarah Burt The Stables, Carey, BH20 7PG Tel No: 01929 553837 East Sussex Brighton Mr Ian Mac Donald Winfalcon Clinic, 28 Ship Street, BN1 1AD Tel No: 01273 728997

41 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Miss Elizabeth Pegg The Crescent Clinic, 37 Vernon Terrace, BN1 3JH Tel No: 01273 202221 Mr Peter Blackaby 63 Hythe Road, BN1 6JR Tel No: 01273 559904 Crowborough Mr John Scott-Cameron Crowborough Clinic Of Natural Therapeutics, 1 Tubwell House, New Road, TN6 2QH Tel and fax: 01892 662935 - Mobile: 07831 742341 Mrs Nancy Scott-Cameron 1 Tubwell House, New Road, TN6 2QH Tel No: 01892 662935 Eastbourne Mr John Scott-Cameron Belmont Complementary Therapy Clinic, Pevensey Bay Road, BN23 6JG Tel No: 01323 767766 Forest Row Mr Graeme Stroud 9 Freshfield Bank, RH18 5HQ Tel No: 01342 824291 Hastings Miss Miriam Eastaugh Miss June Leech Lower Floor Ofices, 79 High Street, Old Town, TN34 3EL Tel No: 01424 719455 Uckfield Mr Michael Mew 149 High Street, TN22 1HP Tel No: 01825 762657 Mr Steven Rudd Royal Oak Cottage, High Street, Nutley, TN22 3NN Tel No: 01825 713457 Essex Basildon Mr Graeme Stroud Cornwallis House, Howard Chase, SS14 3BB Tel No: 01268 287733 Benfleet Ms Silke Ukena-John Alternative Health Clinic, 127 Hart Road, Thundersley, SS7 3QP Tel No: 01268 774249 or 07041 351100 Billericay Mrs Denise Varley Axis Health, 92b High Street, CM12 9BT Tel No: 01277 625353

42 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Mr John Varley 92b High Street, CM12 9BT Tel No: 01277 655505 Mr Keith Leeson Oakdin Clinic, 58 Laindon Road, CM12 9LD Tel No: 01277 623055 - Mobile: 07957 218985 Brentwood Mr Sean Wright Backs to Basics, 14 Crown Street, CM14 4BA Tel No: 01277 224799 Chelmsford Mr Mark Lawrence Moulsham Mill, Parkway, CM2 7PX Tel No: 01245 608200 Clacton on Sea Mr Colin J Winer 51 Arnold Road, CO15 1DE Tel No: 01255 421394 Hornchurch Mr Keith Leeson 45 St Nicholas Avenue, Elm Park, RM12 4PR Tel No: 01708 472365 - Mobile: 07957 218985 Ilford Mr Jonathan Shaw 32 St Andrews Road, Gants Hill, IG1 3PF Tel No: 020 8518 5581 Loughton Mr Jonathan Shaw Goldings Hill Clinic, 1 Lower Road, IG10 2RS Tel No: 020 8508 7514 Old Harlow Miss Annabel Jenks The Old Stables, Churchgate Street, CM17 0NJ Tel No: 01279 435195 - Fax: 01279 450322 Rayleigh Dr Antony A Raissi The Rayleigh Surgery, 22 Hockley Road, SS6 8EB Tel No: 01268 742534 - Fax: 01268 772142 Gloucestershire Wotton-under-Edge Mr Clifford Davies 5 Clarence Road, GL12 7EX Tel No: 01453 843535 Mr Clifford Davies 1 Queensway, GL12 7HA Tel No: 01453 843535 Hampshire Basingstoke Ms Sarah Kypers Healthworks, Viewpoint, Basing View, RG21 4RG Tel No: 01256 799730

43 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Brockenhurst Mr Martin Louis Budd The New Surgery, Brookley Road Car Park, SO42 7RD Tel No: 01202 578640 - Fax: 01202 578640 Eastleigh Mr Robert Cartwright Mr James Rouse Eastleigh Osteopathic Clinic, 169 Leigh Road, SO50 9DW Tel No: 023 80612166 Fareham Mr Michael Spenceley 35 Gudge Heath Lane, PO15 5AB Tel No: 01329 822657 - Fax: 01329 829895 Liphook Mr Kenneth Lowe 26 Meadow Close, GU30 7BJ Tel No: 01428 723355 Petersfield Ms Sarah Kypers 3 Crundles, GU31 4PJ Tel No: 01730 265808 Southampton Mr Erik B Holm Simcoe Clinic, 39 Archers Road, SO15 2NB Tel No: 023 8022 7200 Dr Milo Siewert Mr Steve Chesters The Grove Natural Therapy Centre, 22 Grosvenor Road, Highfield, SO17 1RT Tel No: 023 8058 2245 Mr Alan Reynolds 25 Curlew Drive, Hythe, SO45 3GB Tel No: 023 8084 1148 Southsea Mr Steve Chesters Southsea Centre for Complementary Medicine, 25 Osbourne Road, PO5 3ND Tel No: 023 9287 4748 Totton Mr Christopher Galloway Forest Edge Clinic, 60 Testwood Crescent, Salisbury Road, SO40 3NH Tel No: 023 8066 7205 Herefordshire Hereford Ms Pushpa Rathod Hereford Centre for Natural Health, East Holme Avenue, HR2 7XT Tel No: 01432 279652

44 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Leominster Mr Simon Lichtenstein 6 Chapel Walk, Burgess Street, HR6 8DE Tel No: 01568 610610 or 01568 613234 Hertfordshire Barnet Mr Marcus A Webb 28 Crescent West, Hadley Wood, EN4 0EJ Tel No: 020 8441 8352 Ms Jeanette Thomson 66 Grasvenor Avenue, EN5 2DB Tel No: 020 8275 9435 - Mobile: 0788 790 7026 Berkhamsted Mr Christian M Scharsach Berkhamsted Osteopathy, and Holistic Health, 1 Hill View, HP4 1SA Tel No: 01442 871551 Bishop's Stortford Dr Antony A Raissi Department of Pain Management, Herts and Essex NHS Hospital, Haymeads Lane, CM23 5JH Tel No: 01279 655191 - GP referrals only Letchworth Mr Roger Newman Turner 111 Norton Way South, SG6 1NY Tel No: 01462 684232 - Fax: 01462 484517 Mr Narender Khurana 81 Mullway, SG6 4BQ Tel No: 01462 670836 St Albans Mr Mark Thompson Isis Treatment Rooms, 1 Market Place, AL3 5DR Appointments: 01727 821450 - Mobile: 07976 627357 Mr Terry Moule Praewood Farm, Hemel Hempstead Road, AL3 6AA Tel No: 01727 838032 Mr Mark Thompson 1 Barley Mow Lane, AL4 0RS Tel No: 01727 821450 - Mobile: 07976 627357 Stevenage Mr Vincent Cullen Stevenage Arts and Leisure Centre, Lytton Way, SG1 1LZ Tel No: 01438 766877or 01438 766606 Kent Beckenham Mrs Wendy Arnheim Mrs Aike Kennett-Brown Mr Michael Spenceley 3 Wickham Way, BR3 3AA Tel No: 020 8650 3414

45 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Broadstairs Mr Barrington Denton Wychdene, 2 Seacroft Road, CT10 1TL Tel No: 01843 861877 Mrs Jaine Kirtley 1 Holm Oak Gardens, CT10 2JF Tel No: 01843 866075 Bromley Miss Valerie Joyce Hunn 33 Boughton Avenue, Hayes, BR2 7PL Tel and fax: 020 8402 0433 Canterbury Mr Jon Leigh Canterbury Clinic of Herbal Medicine, 15 Ethelbert Road, CT1 3ND Tel No: 01227 766797 - Mobile: 07976 224917 Mr Philip Henry Pelham Canterbury Clinic of Herbal Medicine, 15 Ethelbert Road, CT1 3ND Tel No: 01227 766797 Mr Tom Greenfield Canterbury Osteopathic Clinic, Spring Gardens, Simmonds Road, CT1 3RD Tel No: 01227 761000 Mr Wilfred Jansen Leigh House Clinic, 33 St Dunstan's Street, CT2 8BZ Tel No: 01227 768886 Mr Tom Greenfield Rainbow House Healing Centre (Fasting retreat and treatment rooms) Tel No: 01227 751906 Dr Deborah McManners The Chaucer Hospital, Nackington Road, CT4 7AR Tel No: 01227 455466 Dartford Ms Lindley Horner 278 Main Road, Sutton at Hone, DA4 9HJ Tel No: 01322 860544 Folkestone Mr Barrington Denton The Firs Club, Firs Lane, Cheriton, CT19 4QE Tel No: 01843 861877 Gillingham Mr Christopher Payne The Rainham Osteopathic Clinic, 30 Station Road, Rainham, ME8 7PH Tel No: 01634 386387 46 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Mr Jon Leigh Gillingham Clinic, 50 Watling Street, ME7 2YN Tel No: 01634 576292 - Fax: 01634 854087 Mobile: 07976 224917 Mr Philip Henry Pelham Gillingham Clinic, 50 Watling Street, ME7 2YN Tel No: 01634 576292 Gravesend Mr Michael Mew 22 St Hilda's Way, DA12 4AP Tel No: 01474 533330 - Mobile: 07973 158576 Ramsgate Mr Wilfred Jansen 42 South Eastern Road, CT11 9QF Tel No: 01843 585477 Sheerness Mr Jon Leigh St George's Medical Centre, St George's Road, ME12 1QU Tel No: 01795 663481 - Mobile: 07976 224917 Tonbridge Mr Michael Mew Tonbridge Clinic, 339 Shipbourne Road, TN10 3EU Tel No: 01732 350255 - Fax: 01732 362343 Tunbridge Wells Mr Peter Goldman White Lodge, Stockland Green Road, Speldhurst, TN3 0TT Tel No: 01892 863166 Whitstable Mr Philip Henry Pelham Tyrrell & Jones Pharmacy, 1a Tower Parade, CT5 2BJ Tel No: 01227 263046 Lancashire Ashton-under-Lyne Mr Andrew Murray 27 Hampson Road, Hurst Cross, OL6 9EY Tel No: 0161 330 4089 Carnforth Mrs Jane I Dean Pump House, Yealand Conyers, LA5 9SG Tel No: 01524 734209 Chorley Mr George Riding 278 Preston Road, Whittle-le-Woods, PR6 7HU Tel No: 01257 230122 Mr Marcus A Webb 209 Blackburn Road, Wheelton, PR6 8EP Tel No: 01254 830122

47 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Clayton-le-Moors Mr John Walsh 411 Whalley Road, BB5 4QZ Tel No: 01254 381545 Lancaster Mr John Walsh Dacrelands Natural Health Clinic, Owen Road, Aldrens Lane, Skerton, LA1 2DU Tel No: 01524 69864 Leigh Mr Jan de Vries Abbotts of Leigh, 56 Railway Road, WN7 4AR Tel No: 01942 671766 Preston Mrs Joanne H Danby 9 Willowfield Chase, Station Road, Houghton, PL5 0SW Tel No: 01254 852178 - Mobile: 07967 129775 West Houghton Mr Andrew Murray Markland Complementary Therapy Centre, Dalton House, 33 Leigh Road, BL5 2JE Tel No: 01942 841088 Leicestershire Ashby-de-la-Zouch Mr John Newell 55 Market Street, LE6 5AS Tel No: 01530 412281 Lincolnshire Spalding Mr David Cohen 31 The Crescent, PE11 1AF Tel No: 01775 766966 London (N) Ms Caroline Ellwood 17 Claremont Square, Islington, N1 9LY Tel No: 020 7837 3451 Dr Brian Isbell 45 Bedford Road, East Finchley, N2 9DB Tel No: 020 8883 1073 Mr Robin Kiashek The Twyford Practice, 52 Twyford Avenue, Fortis Green, N2 9NL Tel No: 020 8815 0979 - Mobile: 07956 213759 Mr Dennis Michael 6 Pavilion Mews, Finchley, N3 3QD Tel No: 020 8343 3423 Ms Sibyl Grundberg Ms Dianna Harvey-Kummer 52 Warham Road, Harringay, N4 1AT Tel No: 020 8341 2904 48 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Ms Fiona Robertson The Highbury Park Clinic, 111 Highbury Park, Islington, N5 1UB Tel No: 020 7704 6704 Claudia Smith Practice in London N6 Mobile: 07958 286767 Mr Robin Kiashek The Highgate Health Centre, 31a Highgate High Street, N6 5JT Tel No: 020 8348 5553 - Mobile: 07956 213759 Mr Efthimios Lazarou 108 Swains Lane, Highgate, N6 6BS Tel No: 020 8347 6160 Mrs Pamla Bowmaker 12 Holly Village, Swains Lane, Highgate, N6 6QJ Tel No: 020 7281 0841 Miss Nita Mistry West Hill House, 6 Swains Lane, Highgate, N6 6QU Tel No: 07711 265500 (direct line) Ms Jeanette Thomson The Haelan Clinic, 41 The Broadway, Crouch End, N8 8DT Tel No: 020 8340 1518 - Mobile: 0788 790 7026 Ms Dianna Harvey-Kummer The Clocktower Practice, 50 Park Road, Crouch End, N8 8SU Tel No: 020 8348 5848 Mr Geoffrey Clark 19 Muswell Hill Road, Muswell Hill, N10 3JB Tel No: 020 8883 2130 Mr Nigel Graham The Cottage, 2b Ravensdale Avenue, North Finchley, N12 9HS Tel and fax: 020 8445 3344 - Mobile: 07956 451579 Miss Julia Williams Sunstone Health and Leisure Club, 16 Northwold Road, N16 7HR Tel No: 020 7923 1991

49 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 London (NW) Mrs Devyani Mehta 25 Manor House, Marylebone Road, NW1 5NP Tel No: 020 7258 3481 - Fax: 020 7724 1061 Ms Janet Prower 116 Dartmouth Road, Willesden Green, NW2 4HB Tel No: 020 8452 7517 Mrs Jane I Dean Flat 1, 24 Lyndhurst Road, Hampstead, NW3 5NX Tel No: and fax: 020 7794 5177 Mr Joseph Goodman Mrs Linda Goodman 11 Alderton Crescent, Hendon, NW4 3XU Tel No: 020 8202 6242 - Fax: 020 8202 6686 Ms Judith Thomas 10 Broadhurst Mansions, 97 Broadhurst Gardens, NW6 3QP Tel No: 020 7372 7206 Mr Massih Yaghmaie Kailash Centre of Oriental Medicine, 7 New Court Street, St John's Wood, NW8 7AA Tel No: 020 7722 3939 Mr George Hughes 6 Meadowbank Road, NW9 8LH Tel No: 020 8205 8647 Mr Ram K Srirambhatla 47 Winchester Avenue, Kingsbury, NW9 9TA Tel No: 020 8931 7361 - Mobile: 07747 828338 Mrs Lyndsay Joanna Mudford The Brian S Joseph Practice, Golder's Hill Health Centre, 151 North End Road, NW11 7HX Tel No: 020 8458 2586 London (SE) Mrs Cynthia Dunn 159 Marwood Road, Crofton Park, Brockley, SE4 1SA Tel No: 020 8690 1449 or 4264 Mrs Lyndsay Joanna Mudford The Complementary Health Centre, 172-174 Manor Lane, Lee, SE12 8LP Tel No: 020 8297 8887

50 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 London (SW) Mr Ronald Bishop Mr George Hughes 34 Alderney Street, Pimlico, SW1V 4EU Tel No: 020 7834 1012 or 020 7834 6229 Mr Brent Osborn-Smith Acupuncture and Osteopathic Centre, 34 Alderney Street, Pimlico, SW1V 4EU Tel No: 020 7228 9995 - Fax: 020 7223 6562 Ms Xandria Williams Individual Wellbeing, 1 Cadogan Gardens, SW3 2RJ Tel No: 020 7824 8153 or 020 7730 7010 Mr Stephen Langley South London Natural Health Centre, 7a Clapham Common Southside, SW4 7AA Tel No: 020 7720 8817 Mr Michael Francis Clapham Common Clinic, 151-153 Clapham High Street, SW4 7SS Tel No: 020 7627 8890 Mr Brent Osborn-Smith Primary Care Unit, 2a Pelham Street, SW7 3HU Tel No: 020 7228 9995 - Fax: 020 7223 6562 Mr Mark Kane Promis Unit of Primary Care, 2a Pelham Street, SW7 3MU Tel No: 020 7584 6511 Mr Craig Coman Total Look, 281 Fulham Road, Chelsea, SW10 9PZ Tel No: 020 7352 8519 Miss Marcia Harewood 255a Lavender Hill, Battersea, SW11 1JD Tel No: 020 7498 9966 or 020 7978 5538 Ms Arielle Essex 12 Prince of Wales Mansions, Prince of Wales Drive, SW11 4BG Tel No: 020 7622 4670 Mr Ajay Shah 8 Sarsfeld Road, Balham, SW12 8HN Tel No: 020 8767 3834

51 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Mr John Czernek 334 Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen, SW14 7JR Tel No: 020 8878 2731 Sue Philbey 71 Fieldview, Earlsfield, SW18 3HF Tel No: 020 8870 7345 London (W) Mr Harald C Gaier The Allergy and Nutrition Clinic, 7 Park Crescent, Regents Park, W1B 1PF Tel No: 020 7631 0604 Mr Mark Thompson Harley Street Osteopaths, 103-105 Harley Street, W1G 6AJ Appointments: 01727 821450 - Mobile: 07976 627357 Mr Mark Kane 9 Upper Wimpole Street, W1G 6LJ Tel No: 020 7486 9588 Mr Peter Bartlett 126 Harley Street, W1G 7JS Tel No: 020 7935 2030 Dr Antony A Raissi 10 Harley Street, W1G 9PF Tel No: 020 7467 8331 - Fax: 020 7467 8312 Mr Roger Newman Turner 1 Harley Street, W1G 9QD Tel No: 020 7436 1446 Miss Sandra van Gennip British School of Complementary Therapy, 140 Harley Street, W1G 7LB Tel No: 020 7224 2394 - Mobile: 07779 023025 Mr Jan de Vries 53 Upper Montague Street, W1H 1FQ Tel No: 020 7224 8041 - or 020 7262 6069 Mr Kevin Bell Alan Herdman Studios, 17 Homer Row, W1H 1HU Tel No: 020 7724 2329 Mr Terry Moule 4 Treborough House, 1 Nottingham Place, W1M 3FP Tel No: 020 7224 0466

52 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Mr Michael van Straten 4 Treborough House, 1 Nottingham Place, W1M 3FP Tel No: 020 7935 8911 - or 020 7486 4075 Dr Norman Healey 16 Upper Wimpole Street, W1G 6LT Tel No: 020 7487 3162 Mr Roy Wallis 10 Harley Street, W1N 1AA Tel No: 020 7467 8300 Dr Milo Siewert 140 Harley Street, W1N 1AH Tel No: 020 7486 4227 Mr Martin Louis Budd 1 Harley Street, W1N 1DA Appointments: 01202 578640 Mr Colin J Winer 152 Harley Street, W1N 1HH Tel No: 020 7935 7335 Dr Deborah McManners The Hale Clinic, 7 Park Crescent, Regents Park, W1N 3HE Tel No: 020 7631 0156 or 020 7631 0604 Mr Stephen L Harris LCM Clinic, 5 Newman Passage, W1T 1EH Tel No: 020 7637 7125 Mr Robert Jacobs 3 Spanish Place, W1U 3HX Tel No: 020 7487 4334 Mr Robin Kiashek The Poland Street Practice, 38 Poland Street, W1V 3DA Tel No: 020 8815 1811 - Mobile: 07956 213759 Dr Brian Isbell Polyclinic, 115 New Cavendish Street, W1W 6UW Tel No: 020 7911 5041 Ms Kerrin Booth Miss Emma Turner Ms Danielle Steadman Apotheke 20-20, 296 Chiswick High Road, W4 1NP Tel No: 020 8995 2293 - Fax: 020 8995 5392

53 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Mrs Julia Williams 2a Holly Road, Chiswick, W4 1NU Tel No: 07966 243459 (mobile) Mr Massih Yaghmaie The Electric Beach, 28 Kensington Church Street, Kensington, W8 4EP Tel No: 020 8908 1236 - Mobile: 07961 887130 Mr Harry Gunn Harry Gunn Osteopaths, 18 Gloucester Walk, Kensington, W8 4HZ Tel No: 020 7937 6194 - Fax: 020 7565 8251 Miss Nita Mistry Kensington Therapy Centre, 211-213 Kensington High Street, W8 6BD Tel No: 020 7376 1199 Mrs Solveig Brazier-Hollins 23 Denbigh Road, Notting Hill, W11 2SJ Tel No: 020 7221 3106 Mr Michael Francis BushMaster Natural Health Practice, 204 Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush, W12 7JD Tel No: 020 8749 3792 - Fax: 020 8749 0093 London (WC) Mr Ram K Srirambhatla Holborn Health Club, Grange Holborn Hotel, 50-60 Southampton Row, WC1B 4AR Tel No: 020 7242 1800 - Mobile: 07747 828338 Mrs Julia Williams University Dental Clinic, 18 Gower Street, WC1E 6DP Tel No: 020 7636 9799 Mr Kevin Bell Ms Sibyl Grundberg Neal's Yard Therapy Rooms, 2 Neal's Yard, Covent Garden, WC2H 9DP Tel No: 020 7379 7662 Merseyside Liverpool Mr Jolyon Wardle 24 Coronation Road, Crosby, L23 5RQ Tel No: 0151 924 7238 Middlesex Edgware Mr Nigel Graham 199 Burnt Oak Broadway, Burnt Oak, HA8 5EG Tel No: 020 8952 4405 - Mobile: 07956 451579

54 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Enfield Ms Andria Marchant 11 Cedar Park Road, EN2 0HE Tel No: 020 8367 4054 Hayes Mr Douglas Penn Penn Clinic, Hayes Cottage Hospital, Grange Road, UB3 2RR Tel No: 020 8561 0819 or 020 8848 9457 Northwood Ms Fiona Robertson Alternatives Complementary Therapy Centre, 118 High Street, HA6 1BJ Tel No: 01923 828832 Pinner Ms Sally Hobbs 84 Evelyn Drive, HA5 4RW Tel No: 020 8428 9926 Stanmore Mr Irving Boxer 51 Chartley Avenue, HA7 3RB Tel No: 020 8954 2254 Twickenham Ms A Suzanne Annander 11 Dorchester Mews, St Margarets, TW1 2LE Tel No: 020 8892 8553 - Mobile: 07881 432867 Uxbridge Mr Ian Drysdale 36 Pepys Close, Ickenham, UB10 8NY Tel No: 01895 633870 Wembley Mr Massih Yaghmaie 26 Rydal Gardens, South Kenton, HA9 8RZ Tel No: 020 8908 1236 Mr Manoj Mehta 14 West Hill, HA9 9RS Tel No: 020 8904 8049 Norfolk Sheringham Mr Paul Moss 1 Vicarage Road, NR26 8NH Tel No: 01263 824951 - Fax: 01263 824951 Mr Paul Moss 20a Cromer Road, NR26 8RR Tel No: 01263 821991 North Somerset Portishead Mr Jonathan Muscaty Sherbourne House, 32 Woodhill Road, BS20 9EZ Tel No: 01275 843482

55 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Weston-super-Mare Mrs Alison Huxtable Highgrove Clinic, 26 Grove Road, Milton, BS22 8HE Tel No: 01934 419933 Mr Anthony Kearns Mr Alan Reynolds 43 Cecil Road, BS23 2NY Tel No: 01934 624307 Mr Mario Szewiel 75 Sunnyside Road, BS23 3QB Tel No: 01934 618480 North Yorkshire Scarborough Mrs Pamela O'Sullivan Lynton Lodge, 6 Westbourne Road, YO11 2SP Tel No: 01723 366747 - Mobile: 07790 925173 Mr Ian Mac Donald 4 Ridgeway, Eastfield, YO11 3DS Tel No: 01723 586840 Selby Mrs Christine Skinner 3 Moss Green Lane, Brayton, YO8 9EN Tel No: 01757 213260 York Mr Atul Shah 31 Scarcroft Hill, YO24 1DF Tel No: 01904 623693 Northamptonshire Northampton Mrs Unity Judith Clarke Cotswold, Humfrey Lane, Boughton, NN2 8RN Tel No: 01604 843202 Mr Ivan Barrett Rosenhill, Draughton Road, Maidwell, NN6 9JF Tel No: 01604 686678 Wellingborough Mr Rhonie Lawson 7 Milton Avenue, Queensway, NN8 3RD Tel No: 01933 224465 Nottinghamshire Mansfield Mr Paul Anthony Randall The Natural Therapy Clinic, 138 Oaktree Lane, NG18 3HR Tel No: 01623 626842 Retford Mr Paul Anthony Randall Sacred Earth, Unit 7, Bridgegate Centre, DN22 6AJ Tel No: 01777 706000 Worksop Mrs Laurence Beckwith The Health Centre, Newgate Street, S80 1HP Tel No: 01909 474800

56 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Oxfordshire Oxford Mr Kelston Chorley Focus 4 Health, 235 Cowley Road, OX4 1XG Tel No: 01865 790235 Shropshire Ludlow Ms Pushpa Rathod Osteopathic Clinic, 125 Corve Street, SY8 2PG Tel No: 01584 877869 Somerset Cheddar Mr Jonathan Muscaty Cheddar Medical Centre, Roydon Way, BS27 3NZ Tel No: 01934 744574 Frome Mrs Anna Gwilt Laurel Cottage, Little Green, Mells, BA11 3QZ Tel No: 01373 812640 Ilminster Anne Cope Minster Centre, Silver Street, TA19 0DH Tel No: 01392 875004 Mr Jon Vine Beech House, Station Road, TA19 9BE Tel No: 01460 54888 Shepton Mallet Mr Trevenen Pascoe 21 Back Lane, Darshill, BA4 5JT Tel No: 01749 345095 Street Mr Mario Szewiel Goswell House Clinic, 2 Goswell Road, BA16 0JG Tel No: 01458 840071 - Fax: 01458 840075 Wedmore Mrs Rosalind Blackwell The Barn Practice, Crickham, BS28 4JT Tel No: 01934 712848 South Yorkshire Sheffield Mr Paul Krzok Helios Clinic, Ponds Forge International Sports Centre, Sheaf Street, S1 2BG Tel No: 0114 279 9766 Mrs Laurence Beckwith Bramley Hall Clinic, Bramley Hall Road, Handsworth, S13 8TX Tel No: 0114 269 4909 Mr William Eakins Killamarsh Osteopathy Practice, 4 Kirkcroft Lane, Bridge Street, Killamarsh, S21 1BS Tel No: 0114 248 0524

57 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Staffordshire Newcastle under Lyme Mr Christopher Menzies-Trull 16 Grosvenor Road, ST5 1LW Tel No: 01782 713977 Stoke-on-Trent Mrs Rosemarie Holdcroft Port Vale Football Club, Hamil Road, Burslem, ST6 1AW Tel No: 07973 261498 (mobile) Mr Roland Quinton 1b Wain Lea, Harriseahead, ST7 4LG Tel No: 01782 513379 Mrs Rosemarie Holdcroft Fairport, Lid Lane, Cheadle, ST10 1PZ Tel No: 01538 753805 Suffolk Ipswich Mr Owen Morgan Bull 70 Woodbridge Road East, IP4 5PH Tel No: 01473 716340 Surrey Addlestone Miss Sandra van Gennip The New Haw Clinic, 189 Woodham Lane, New Haw, KT15 3NN Tel No: 01932 351120 - Mobile: 07779 023025 Ashtead Miss Lisa Eicke 13 The Street, KT21 2AD Tel No: 01372 277311 Betchworth Miss Lise Court Osteopathic Clinic, Postillion Restaurant, 2 Brockham Lane, RH3 7EL Tel No: 01737 843516 Cheam Mr David Penwarden 18 Warren Avenue, SM2 7QL Tel No: 020 8642 6639 Cranleigh Mr David Reynolds The Smithbrook Clinic, 63a Smithbrook Kilns, GU6 8JJ Tel No: 01483 275500 Egham Mrs Janice Moss Runnymede Hotel & Spa, Windsor Road, TW20 0AG Tel No: 01784 220990 - Mobile: 07947 007711 Epsom Mr David Penwarden 66 Amberley Gardens, Stoneleigh, KT19 0NG Tel No: 020 8394 0704

58 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Godalming Miss Sandra van Gennip The Holistic Centre, The Barn, Wiggins Yard, Bridge Street, GU7 1HL Tel No: 01483 418103 - Mobile: 07779 023025 Ms Clare Badrick Ms Sarah Kypers The Holistic Centre, The Barn, Wiggins Yard, Bridge Street, GU7 1HL Tel No: 01483 418103 Guildford Mr Steve Chesters Rêve Pavilion, 2a Guildford Park Road, GU2 5ND Tel No: 01483 579500 Hindhead Miss Elaine Williams Grayshott Hall, Headley Road, Grayshott, GU26 6JJ Tel No: 01428 604331 Horley Mr Mario-Paul Cassar 93 Parkhurst Road, RH6 8EX Tel No: 01293 775467 Kingston upon Thames Miss Nita Mistry Kingston Natural Health Centre, 40 Eastbury Road, KT2 5AN Tel No: 020 8546 5793 Mrs Jaine Kirtley The Family Chiropractic Centre, 159 Kings Road, KT2 5JF Tel No: 020 8286 2606 Ms Beate Guenther 77 Staunton Road, KT2 5TN Tel No: 020 8541 5566 Leatherhead Mrs Sandie Moore Lionheart Physiotherapy Clinic, 22 Highlands Avenue, KT22 8NN Tel No: 01372 801443 Redhill Mrs Carole Smith 4 Wiggie Lane, RH1 2HJ Tel No: 01737 218251 Reigate Miss Elizabeth Pegg Fairlead, Chart Lane, RH2 7EG Tel No: 01737 245041

59 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Richmond Mrs Sarah Bowles-Flannery Galens Naturopathic Centre, 19 Sheen Road, TW9 1AD Tel No: 020 8332 7711 - Fax: 020 8332 7744 Sanderstead Ms Lucy Tansill 64 Penwortham Road, CR2 0QS Tel No: 020 8668 6456 Sutton Mr John Loftus 22 Throwley Way, SM1 4AF Tel No: 020 8642 2307 Mrs Carole Smith 22 Throwley Way, SM1 4AF Tel No: 020 8642 2307 Thames Ditton Mr Michael Burt Brabant House, Portsmouth Road, KT7 0EY Tel No: 020 8398 7592 - Fax: 020 8873 3792 Wallington Dr Janine Leach 24 Blenheim Gardens, SM6 9PP Tel No: 020 8773 1106 - Fax: 020 8773 1106 Walton on Thames Mrs Ute Allison Lifestyle, 4 The Centre, Hersham Green, KT12 4HL Tel No: 01932 254624 Weybridge Mrs Caroline Schofield 4 Hillcrest, KT13 8EB Tel No: 01932 852944 Woking Mrs Jennifer Wharam Green Shutters, Bullbeggars Lane, Horsell, GU21 4SQ Tel No: 01483 721355 Miss Suzanne Hoddinott Wishing Well Natural Health Clinic, Barn Cottage, Bonsey Lane, Westfield, GU22 9PP Tel No: 01483 764582 Fax: 01483 769648 Mobile: 07885 792178 Jennifer Harper PO Box 150, GU23 6XS Tel No: 01932 888051 - Mobile: 07939 100797 Tyne and Wear Newcastle upon Tyne Mr Norman P Ball Natural Health Service, Norwood House, West Avenue, Gosforth, NE3 4ES Tel No: 0191 284 3985 - Mobile: 07980 314175

60 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Mr Stephen Hewitt The Osteopathic Clinic, 21 Enterprise House, The Valley Shopping Village, Kingsway North, Team Valley Trading Estate, NE11 0SR Tel No: 0191 491 5111 Sunderland Mr Peter Buxton 20 Sea Road, Fulwell, SR6 9BX Tel No: 0191 548 6294 Warwickshire Nuneaton Miss Alison Chloe Donley 63 Garrett Street, Attleborough, CV11 4PP Tel No: 024 7638 7449 Mr Thomas Harper The Way of Life, New Century Way, CV11 5NE Tel No: 07710 2444390 (mobile) Rugby Miss Alison Chloe Donley Mr Stephen L Harris Clifton Osteopathic Practice, 131 Clifton Road, CV21 3QJ Tel No: 01788 579595 Stratford-upon-Avon Mr Laurence Kirk Natural Health Centre, Avon House, 29 New Broad Street, CV37 6HW Tel No: 01789 204803 Warwick Miss Alison Chloe Donley 22a Swan Street, CV34 4BJ Tel No: 01926 411497 West Midlands Birmingham Miss Jennifer Budd Guildhall Osteopathic Practice, 4th floor, Guildhall Buildings, Navigation Street, B2 4BT Tel No: 0121 632 5332 Mr Thomas Harper St Paul's Osteopathy Practice, 50-54 St Paul's Square, B3 1QS Tel No: 0121 236 2169 - Mobile: 07710 2444390 Mr Geoff Hale Natural World Health Practice, 596 Bearwood Road, Bearwood, B66 4BW Tel No: 0121 420 4340 Walsall Mr David Cox 24 Birmingham Road, WS1 2LT Tel No: 01922 622521

61 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Wolverhampton Miss Jennifer Budd Beechwood House Medical Centre, 7 Summerfield Road, WV1 4PR Tel No: 01902 426486 Mr Geoff Hale 197 Tettenhall Road, WV6 0BZ Tel No: 01902 429353 Mr Peter Hoddell Heath House, Heath House Lane, Oaken, WV8 2HW Tel No: 01902 842544 West Sussex Ashington Mrs Ute Allison 3 Sparrows Cottages, Sparrows Lane, RH20 3LL Tel No: 01903 893591 Brighton Mr Roy Wallis Plough Farm Barn, Pyecombe Street, Pyecombe, BN45 7EE Tel No: 01273 857856 East Grinstead Mr Hermann Keppler 73 Gardenwood Road, RH19 1RX Tel No: 01342 410303 Hassocks Mr Jamie Jorge Parker-Smith Bridge House, Station Approach East, BN6 8HW Tel No: 01273 843780 Haywards Heath Mr Christian Kazimierz Bates Oakway Clinic, 23 Paddockhall Road, RH16 1HQ Tel and fax: 01444 410944 Mr Steven Rudd Vinings Natural Health Centre, Church Road, RH16 3UF Tel No: 01444 416911 Midhurst Mr Kenneth Lowe Packhams, North Street, GU29 9DJ Tel No: 01730 813911 Steyning Mr Geoffrey Green Braeside, Station Road, BN44 3YL Tel No: 01903 812458 West Yorkshire Bradford Stan Switala Kang Da Clinic, 245 Manningham Lane, BD8 7ER Tel No: 01274 484514 - Fax: 01274 402455

62 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Huddersfield Miss Nina V Gallagher The Fixby Osteopathic Practice, 1 Gleneagles Way, Fixby Park, HD2 2NH Tel No: 01484 454845 - Fax: 01484 536122 Keighley Mrs Brenda M Gosling Offshoots, 20b Cavendish Street, BD21 3RG Tel No: 0113 257 3983 Leeds Mrs Brenda M Gosling 40 Rock Lane, Bramley, LS13 1DX Tel No: 0113 257 3983 Mr Andrew Pallas 17 Moorway, Guiseley, LS20 8LD Tel No: 01943 878363 Wiltshire Chippenham Mr Jonathan Muscaty Marshfield Road Surgery, 47 Marshfield Road, SN15 1JU Tel No: 01249 654466 Marlborough Mrs Kim Burnett Beech Cottage, Crooked Corner, Aldbourne, SN8 2EJ Tel No: 01672 541198 Worcestershire Colwall Mr Terry Moule 1 The Stables, Walwyn Road, WR13 6QX Tel No: 01684 541262 Malvern Mrs Agnes King Mr Kenneth Smith Orchard Lodge Clinic, 48 Church Road, WR14 1NG Tel No: 01684 568744 Redditch Mr Dennis Meakin 175 Bromsgrove Road, B97 4SQ Tel No: 01527 69328 NORTHERN IRELAND Belfast Mr Marcus A Webb 595 Lisburn Road, Tel No: 028 9068 1018 SCOTLAND Caithness Thurso Mr Keith George Grieve Bridgend Health Centre, 5 Sir George Street, KW14 8BU Tel No: 01847 896363

63 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Dumfrieshire Dumfries Ms Elizabeth Wilson The Dumfries Holistic Health Centre, 98 Loreburn Street, DG1 1HW Tel No: 01387 267617 Fife Newport-on-Tay Ms Vivienne E Moss Abercraig, 2 West Road, DD6 8HG Tel No: 01382 542874 Highland Inverness Mr Keith George Grieve Centre for Complementary Therapies, Kinmylies Way, IV3 8TP Tel No: 01463 713614 Lothian Edinburgh Ms Louisa Johnston Tonic Health, 41 Commercial Street, EH6 6JD Tel No: 07866 755931 Miss Emma Bedford 45 York Place, EH1 3HP Tel No: 0131 558 7000 Mr Patrick Harding Ms Julie Mappin Mulberry House, 13 Inverleith Row, EH3 5LS Tel No: 0131 558 3303 Mrs Heidi Cram Grosvenor Stakis Hotel, Grosvenor Street, Haymarket, EH12 5EF Tel No: 0131 226 6001 Perthshire Perth Mr Norman P Ball Accento Health and Fitness, 64 Tay Street, PH2 8NN Tel No: 01738 444422 Fax: 01738 444422 Mobile: 07980 314175 Stirlingshire Bridge of Allan Miss Morag Fraser Mr Andrew David Patterson Bridge of Allan Osteopathic Practice, Airthrey Park Medical Centre, University of Stirling, Hermitage Road, FK9 4NJ Tel No: 01786 870398 Strathclyde Glasgow Ms Julie Mappin Aveva Natural Remedies, 148 Dumbarton Road, G11 6XE Tel No: 0141 334 0705 Mrs Heidi Cram 407 Clarkston Road, Muirend, G44 3LL Tel No: 0141 633 3338

64 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Mrs Heidi Cram 168 Cumbernauld Road, Muirhead Chryston, G69 9NB Tel No: 0141 779 1132 Troon Mr Jan de Vries Auchenkyle, Southwood Road, KA10 7EL Tel No: 01292 311414 Tayside Dundee Mr Tim Baker West End Osteopathic Clinic, 233 Perth Road, DD2 1EJ Tel No: 01382 665717 West Lothian Livingston Miss Morag Fraser Mr Andrew David Patterson West Lothian Osteopathic Practice, Law House, Fairburn Place, Fairburn Road, EH54 6TN Tel No: 01506 202526 WALES Cardiff Cardiff Mr John Mullins The Centre, 33 The Parade, CF2 3AD Tel No: 029 2048 2682 Mrs Annette Després 23 Llanon Road, Llanishen, CF14 5AG Tel No: 029 2075 2022 Carmarthenshire Llandeilo Miss Sarah Hyde Llandeilo Acupuncture Clinic, Carmarthen Road, SA19 6RP Tel No: 01558 824298 Miss Sarah Hyde 4 Lon Cae Ffynnon, SA19 6DX Tel No: 01558 824298 Ceredigion Lampeter Mrs Lorna Perret Mr Olivier Perret Tavistock House, 17 Harford Square, SA48 7AG Tel No: 01570 422133 Monmouthshire Monmouth Claire Love 3a Agincourt Street, NP25 3DZ Tel No: 01600 716880 Swansea Swansea Mr Richard Burden Swansea Clinic of Natural Medicine, 20 Walter Road, SA1 5NQ Tel No: and fax: 01792 654751

65 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Mrs Gail Stephens-Mills Mansel House, 99 Mansel Street, SA1 5UE Tel No: 01792 462001 Vale of Glamorgan Penarth Mr John Mullins 38 Heath Avenue, CF64 2QZ Tel No: 029 2070 4923 CHANNEL ISLANDS Jersey St Helier Dr Milo Siewert 17 Bath Street Tel No: 01534 617987 CYPRUS Larnaca Dr George J Georgiou PO Box 42008, 36530 Larnaca, Tel No: 00 357 99 682083 FRANCE Pyrenees Orientales Sahorre Ms Kirsten Hartvig Rowley La Bergerie, 66360 Sahorre Tel No: 00 33 607 961692 GREECE Corinth Mr Efthimios Lazarou Examilia, GR-20100 Tel No: 00 30 741 36509 ISRAEL Ramat Beit Shemesh Mr Bryan Gundle 12/4 Nachal Luz, Box 70998, Ramat Beit Shemesh 99000 Tel No: 00 972 2 991 1957 Fax: 00 972 2 999 6189 ITALY Firenze Mr Ezio Regolati via Porta Rossa 6, FIRENZE 50123 Roma Mr Colin J Winer Flaminia Health Centre, via Gianbattista Vico 31, ROMA 00196 Tel No: 00 39 6 3613640 KENYA Nairobi Mr Dipak Upadhyay P O Box 45425 Tel No: 00 254 2 566741

66 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 NEW ZEALAND Coromandel Mrs Candice Reading No. 11, 309 Road, Mahakirau Private Estate PORTUGAL algarve Moncarapacho Mr Barrie John Oldham Casa Nirvana CX503F, Sitio do Cabeça, 8700 Moncarapacho Tel No: 00 351 289 792093 REPUBLIC OF IRELAND Co. Dublin Dublin Mr Jan de Vries 464 North Circular Road, Dublin 1 Tel No: 00 353 1 873 5052 Mr Martin Forde 316 Howth Road, Dublin 5 Tel No: 00 353 1 833 9902 Co. Galway Clifden Mr Nicolas Kats Kill House, Errislannan Tel No: and fax: 00 353 095 21675 Contact by fax, email or post only. Co. Kerry Killarney Mr David Cohen 10 Flemings Lane Tel No: 00 353 64 39535 Co. Meath Navan Mr John Joseph Byrne Holistic Therapy Centre, 26 Railway Street Tel No: 00 353 46 75781 Co. Cork Cork Ms Eleanor Conway 3 Tracton Avenue, Montenotte Tel No: and fax: 00 353 21 4505029 SPAIN Madrid Mr Enrique Arias Centro Medico Retiro, C / O'Donnell 4 - 1º - 8, Madrid 28009 Tel No: 00 34 50 435 0615 Almeria Mr Enrique Arias Centro Medico Indalo, Avda Mediterraneo 250 B1-1C, Almeria 04006 Tel No: 00 34 50 229912

67 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Mojacar Mr Enrique Arias Cueva del Lobo, Mojacar Playa, Almeria, 04638 Tel No: 00 34 50 478991 USA Connecticut Southport Dr Sonja de Graaff Fairfield Wellness Center, 744 Kings Highway West, Southport CT06490 Tel No: 00 1 203 255 2226 Illinois Lake Bluff Mrs Leena Guptha Medicina Holistica, 12829 W Sanctuary Lane, Lake Bluff, IL 60044 Tel No: 00 1 847 295 9741 - fax: 00 1 847 295 9743

Both the alphabetical and topographical listings are accurate as of 1st September 2002. However, new practitioners join the Register, and existing practitioners change addresses or open new clinics. If you have difficulty finding or contacting a local practitioner, it’s always a good idea to:

• check with the Naturopathic Healthline on 08707 456984 • fax the Secretary’s Office on 08707 456985 • email the Healthline at [email protected] • look at our Website at

for the most up-to-date information.

© 2002 General Council and Register of Naturopaths. The use of any of the information in this publication for mass mailings or the creation or maintenance of mailing lists is strictly forbidden.

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69 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003


70 GCRN Register of Naturopathic Practitioners 2002 - 2003 Notes

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