Basics of GPC (SEC) Separation Including Calibration Options

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Basics of GPC (SEC) Separation Including Calibration Options FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Basics of GPC (SEC) separation including calibration options Dr. Harry J.A. Philipsen Workshop at the International Symposium on GPC/ SEC and related techniques Amsterdam, September 26, 2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Some words on myself.. - 2016-now: Senior Scientist/ Project Director and Competence Lead Molecular Structures and Quantification of Synthetic Polymers. - 2011-2016: Resources manager Polymers Cluster at DSM Resolve, Geleen. - 2014-now: Project director “(Bio)Macromolecular Characterization” – part of the DSM corporate Analysis & Characterization program. - 2009-2012: Visiting scientist capacity group Polymer Chemistry (SPC) at TU/e and lecturer Analytical Chemistry at TU/e. - 2007-2010: New Business Development Manager at DSM Resolve, Geleen. - Until 2007: Researcher/ group leader (analytical chemist) at Océ Technologies, Venlo. -1997-now: Chairman Discussion group Separation methods of Polymers (DSP) of KNCV. - 2002-now: Board member and chairman Section Analytical Chemistry (SAC) of KNCV. - 1998: PhD Analytical Chemistry (polymer characterization), TU/e. Page 1 1 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY SEC in industrial applications - 2016 o Big gap between academic research and industrial practice on polymer separations. o SEC: one of the most used techniques for polymer characterization in industry. o Considered as simple, but still many pitfalls. o Real life accuracy and precision often cumbersome.. Page 2 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY What is GPC/ SEC? GPC and SEC are different names for the same technique; • GPC: Gel Permeation Chromatography. • SEC: Size Exclusion Chromatography: the official IUPAC name. • Liquid chromatography technique that separates molecules according to their size (but only when performed properly). • Used for: o Separation and quantification, like in other LC-modes. o Sample prep (separation of high molecular mass substances from low molecular mass molecules of interest). o MAIN APPLICATION: determination of molar mass averages and molar mass-distribution of polymers/ macro molecules. Page 3 2 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Dispersity of polymers • Synthetic polymers and some natural polymers (e.g. starch) are polydisperse. • Types of distributions o Molecular Mass Distribution (MMD). o Branching distribution. o Chemical Composition Distribution (CCD). o Functional Type Distribution (FTD). o Charge Density Distribution (CDD). o Intrinsic Viscosity Distribution (IVD). Page 4 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Molar mass distribution A polymers’ molar mass and its distribution determine to a large extent final (mechanical) properties. • Various methods to assess molar mass averages and molar mass distributions. • Different statistical averages correlate to different properties: o Mn: brittleness. o Mw: processing. o Mz: elasticity. Page 5 3 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Methods for molar mass determination Various methods to assess molar mass averages and – distributions. Distributions can ONLY be determined by separation based methods. Most applied Page 6 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Principle of Size Exclusion Chromatography • Passadiluted (!) polymer solution over a porous gel (packed in a column) with a chosen pore size/ distribution. • Pore volume that can be accessed by small molecules is larger than that of larger molecules. Small molecules are more retained. • If this process is not influenced by enthalpic (adsorptive) interactions then elution volume can be correlated to molar mass. Therefore: (ΔH = 0) should be met. Else you will end up with mess! Page 7 4 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Scheme for SEC (or HPLC) • In essence SEC and HPLC only differ in their thermodynamic conditions. In SEC these are chosen such that no enthalpic interactions with the stationary phase occur (ΔH = 0). • Solvents: in SEC only 1 solvent is used (‘isocratic analysis’); in interactive forms of HPLC solvent programming is used (‘gradient elution’). • Often more than 1 detector is used. In SEC: combination of refractive index (RI), UV (diode array), Differential Viscometry (DV) and light scattering (LS). In HPLC: combination of UV, Evaporative Light Scattering Detection (ELSD) and MS. Page 8 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Retention in chromatography Distribution coefficient: K = cs/cm K = as/am exp(– ΔG/RT) ΔG = ΔH –T ΔS Retention factor: k' = ns/nm = (cs.Vs) / (cm.Vm) k' = K (Vs/ Vm) k' = (tr -t0) / t0 Page 9 5 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Entropy of macromolecular retention in a pore The smaller molecule (left) has 4 times as many possibilities for retention as the larger molecule (right). Entropy decrease for the larger molecule is bigger than that of the smaller molecule. Page 10 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Separation modes in polymer chromatography ΔG = ΔH –T ΔS SEC: ΔH = 0 → ΔG = TΔS KSEC = exp(ΔS/R) 0 ≤ KSEC ≤ 1 LAC: TΔS << ΔH → ΔG ≈ ΔH KLAC = exp(– ΔH/RT) KLAC ³ 1 LCCC: ΔG≈0 LAC: Liquid Adsorption Chromatography LCCC: Liquid Chromatography under Critical Conditions Page 11 6 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Chromatography of polymers • SEC: for Molecular Mass Distribution (MMD). • Gradient LAC: for Chemical Composition Distribution (CCD). • LCCC: for Functional Type Distribution (FTD), Block Length Distribution (BLD). Page 12 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Calibration of SEC • Measuring retention of low polydispersity polymer standards (Pd << 1.1) with known molar masses. • From the obtained calibration curve the distribution of an unknown polymer can be transformed in a molar mass distribution with its statistical averages. Page 13 7 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Narrow standards (Refractive Index-signals) Commercially available: Mw/Mn <1.1: polystyrene, PMMA, PEO. Mw/Mn <1.2: pullulan. Mw/Mn <1.3: polyethylene. Mw/Mn >1.3: polydextran, polyacrylic acid. Page 14 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Nomenclature, time sliced peak output Number of molecules: Ni Number fraction: ni = Ni / SNi Weight of molecules: Wi Weight fraction: wi = Wi / SWi Ni = Wi / Mi A S ni = 1 i S wi = 1 Page 15 8 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Molar mass averages (1) Page 16 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Molar mass averages (2) Molar mass averages according to number or mass: Mn = S niMi Mw = S wiMi Example A: 1 chain with mass 100 M ? 1 chain with mass 10 n Example B: 1 chain with mass 100 Mw ? 10 chains with mass 10 Page 17 9 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Molar mass averages (3) Example A Example B M1 = mass chain 1 100 100 M2 = mass chain 2 10 10x10 ni = number fraction 1 ½ 1/11 n2 = number fraction 2 ½ 10/11 Mn = S niMi 55 18.2 w1 = weight fraction 1 = N1M1/SNiMi 10/11 ½ w2 = weight fraction 2 = N2M2/SNiMi 1/11 ½ Mw = S wiMi 91.8 55 z1 = z - fraction 1 = w1M1/SwiMi 100/101 10/11 z2 = z - fraction 2 = w2M1/SwiMi 1/101 1/11 Mz = S ziMi 99.1 91.8 Page 18 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY MMD moments D= Mw/Mn Mn : Impact strength Mw : Melt viscosity Mz : Elastic properties of the melt Page 19 10 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY MMD’s with identical moments • Specific moments may be identical, distribution can differ à properties! • Important to determine distributions instead of only specific moments. Page 20 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Differential versus cumulative mass distribution Average Sample Id Mn Mw Mz • Final result of SEC: molar Polyquat-a 6.400 9.700 13.900 Polyquat-b 7.500 11.800 17.100 Polyquat-c 8.400 13.200 18.800 mass moments PLUS molar mass distribution! Overlay Plot: WF / dLog MW Vs. Log Molecular Weigh t Method: pmm aconv-000 4.vcm 1,35 quat-a -2_0 3-02 -200 9_01.vdt : pmm aconv-00 04.vcm quat-b -2_0 3-02 -200 9_01.vdt : pmm aconv-00 04.vcm quat-c-2 _03-02-2 009_01 .vdt : pmmaconv-0004.vcm 1,20 m c 1,10 v . 4 0 0 0 - 1,00 v n o c a 0,90 Differential distribution (upper m • m p : 0,80 d o h t e 0,70 M / t d v picture) mostly used. 0,60 1 0 _ 9 0 0,50 0 2 - 2 0 - 0,40 3 0 _ 2 - 0,30 a - t a u q 0,20 0,10 -0,00 3,0 3,1 3,2 3 ,3 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3,8 3,9 4,0 4,1 4 ,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8 L og Molecular Weight Overlay Plot: Cumulative Weight Fraction Vs. Log Molecular Weight Method: pmma conv-0004.vcm 1,00 quat-a-2_03-02-2 009_01 .vdt : pmmaconv-00 04.vcm quat-b-2_03-02-2 009_01 .vdt : pmmaconv-00 04.vcm 0,90 quat-c-2_0 3-02-2009_ 01.vdt : pm maconv-0004.vcm m c v . 0,80 4 0 0 0 - v n 0,70 o c a m m p : 0,60 d o h t e M / 0,50 t d v . 1 0 _ 0,40 9 0 0 2 - 2 0 - 0,30 3 0 _ 2 - a - t 0,20 a u q 0,10 0,00 3,0 3 ,1 3 ,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,7 3 ,8 3,9 4 ,0 4 ,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,8 Log Molecular Weight Page 21 11 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Optimizing resolution for a wider molar mass range Ksec = (VR –V0) / Vt –V0 → VR= V0 + Ksec Vi 0 ≤ K ≤ 1 in which: Vi = Vt –V0 SEC Page 22 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Resolution concept in SEC of Polymers Rsp = 0.58/sD2 • Rsp: Resolution in SEC • D2: slope of calibration curve – determined by pore size distribution and pore volume • Limiting value D2 ~ 1/ (3xpore volume) Page 23 12 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9/20/2016 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY Optimizing resolution: column combinations • For optimizing resolution for a specific molar mass range of interest: we need an appropriate pore size (combination).
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