FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Hayley Zachary September 4, 2012 520-468-1288

Gabby and Announce Gabby PAC A Federal PAC to be co-chaired by and

Today, Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly along with former Kentucky Secretary of State Trey Grayson and former Clinton Administration Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, officially announced the formation of Gabby PAC.

“We are thrilled to officially launch Gabby PAC,” said Gabby and Mark. “Gabby PAC will only support candidates who are dedicated to working hard for commonsense, bi- partisan solutions that strengthen our communities and our entire country. This commitment to public service over partisanship is what guided Gabby while she was serving the people of and will be the guiding principle of Gabby PAC.”

Gabby PAC will support candidates for public office who share Gabby and Mark’s vision of a better future for America. These candidates are focused on offering responsible solutions to the problems facing our communities, including creating good paying jobs, strengthening our economy, supporting renewable sources of energy, caring for our returning veterans and their families and creating more opportunities for young people. Gabby PAC will support Democratic candidates who favor working in a bi-partisan way to find solutions to our challenges instead of partisanship and discord.

“I have known Gabby and Mark for years, and I know how important it is to them to support candidates who will reach across the aisle to achieve real progress for our country,” said Robert Reich, Co-Chair of Gabby PAC and Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley.

“These are critical times for our country, and we are excited that the candidates supported by Gabby PAC will be an important part of shaping our nation’s policy in the years to come,” said Trey Grayson, Co-Chair of Gabby PAC and Director of the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School.

For more information on Gabby PAC, please visit

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Gabby PAC PO Box 12886 ~ Tucson, AZ 85732 ~ Co- Chairs: Trey Grayson & Robert Reich Treasurer: Jan Lesher