Police Report

Hertford Council Meetings

December 2019

Hertford Crime Figures 1st April 2019 to 28th November 2019


Group Crime Type 2017- 2018-19 2019-20 Diff 2020 from 18 2019 Victim Based Arson & Criminal Damage 25 16 31 +15 Burglary 26 13 6 -7 Sexual Offences 1 6 10 +4 Fraud 1 0 22 +22 Robbery 1 1 0 -1 Theft 37 19 27 +8 Vehicle Offences 9 9 13 +4 Violence against the person 54 52 76 +24 Total victim based crimes 154 116 185 +69

Drugs offences 6 1 5 +4 Misc Crimes Against Society 2 0 4 +4 Possession Of Weapons 1 2 1 -1 Crimes Public Order Offences 5 6 4 -2 Against Total crimes against society 14 9 14 +5 Society Total 168 125 199 +74

Reighton and Speeton Crime Breakdown

Theft No thefts reported in Reighton or Speeton this month.

Violence No reports of violence incidents in Reighton or Speeton this month.

Drugs No reports of drugs incidents in Reighton or Speeton this month.

Damage No reports of damage in Reighton or Speeton this month.

Traffic Matters A parking issue was reported on 15th Nov to a PCSO on Church Hill in Reighton. This will be dealt with informally.

ASB No reports of ASB in Reighton or Speeton this month.

Folkton and Flixton Crime Breakdown

Theft No reports of Thefts in Flixton or Folkton this month.

Drugs No reports of drugs incidents in Flixton or Folkton this month.

Violence No violence incidents reported in Flixton or Folkton this month.

Traffic Matters On 6th November at 2200hrs on Road in Flixton a vehicle was seized for no insurance and the driver only having a provisional license. They were reported for various offences.

On 21st November at 1420hrs on Main Street in Flixton a vehicle was seized for having no insurance.

ASB No reports of ASB this month.

Criminal Damage No reports of damage in Flixton or Folkton this month.

Crime Breakdown – Hunmanby

Theft On 3rd November, a report was received from Hungate Court of theft of washing from the communal washing machines. On 10th November, The Co-Op report theft of steak, air freshners and candles by a male. CCTV footage has been obtained and enquiries are ongoing.

Burglary No reports of burglary in Hunmanby this month.

Drugs No reports of drugs in Hunmanby this month.

Damage On 3rd November, the front door of a house on Northgate was damaged by unknown means. The victim has been visited by the local PCSO.

On 12th November, it was reported that the tall plants in a garden on Fountayne Road had been destroyed by someone between 2230hrs and 2300hrs. A large flower pot planter was also knocked over. The victim has been visited by the local PCSO.

Anti-Social Behaviour A report was received on 10th Nov of kids persistently banging on windows on Stonegate. Local PCSOs attended the area but no youths could be located.

Violence Three reports of violence were received this month. Two related to domestic incidents and one involved people know to one another. There is no risk to the wider public.

Traffic matters A vehicle was stopped by Officers on Bridlington Street on 8th November. The driver was disqualified from driving. The car was seized and the driver reported for various offences. Muston crime breakdown

Theft No thefts reported in Muston this month.

Drugs No drugs incidents reported in Muston this month.

Traffic matters No traffic incidents in Muston this month.

Anti-social behaviour / Suspicious circumstances

No anti-social behaviour or suspicious circumstance incidents reported in Muston this month.

Violence No traffic incidents in Muston this month.

Damage No damage reported in Muston this month.


Other News

Please note that in addition to the traditional 999 or 101 we can be contacted on our email address is [email protected]. Please do not report incidents to this email, but if you would like to speak to a member of our team for advice then please use it.

If an incident of Anti-Social Behaviour occurs which you would like Police to deal with then please report this as soon as possible after the event to allow Officers the best chance to deal with the culprits. Please do not wait until next time you happen to bump into an Officer or Parish Councillor. It allows us to make connections with other incidents and deal with individuals for patterns of behaviour rather than incidents in isolation. It does not matter if no suspects have been seen or cannot be identified; we may have this reported on another nearby incident and be able to link them.

If you wish to look at crime statistics, along with stop-searches, news & events and other information for your area, then please visit www.police.uk . There is a multitude of information on this website.

Rural Watch

Rural Watch is made up of volunteers from rural communities across North working together as ‘watches’ to assist NYP with the prevention and detection of rural and wildlife crime. Communications are through a WhatsApp group, and on watch night patrols. (Volunteers are required to be vetted)

North Yorkshire Police are looking to set up a watch group in the Derwent Valley area and need suitably motivated community members to be a part of it. NYP will work closely with watch members in monitoring the comings and goings in your area and reporting any suspicious activity through the watch group as well as through the usual reporting system of 101 and 999. If you are interested in being actively involved in the policing of the community in which you live then please contact PCSO Simon Clapcott 5538 more information and to show expressions of interest.

[email protected]

Community Payback – (previously Community Service)

****Please consider this for any relevant areas within your area****

You will be aware that many of the people we deal with receive community orders from the courts, but were you aware that your local community groups, projects and parish councils can access the work they do?

Magistrates or judges can sentence offenders to carry out anything from 40 to 300 hours of unpaid work as part of their order. Community Payback must include a minimum of a day’s work – lasting at least seven hours – once a week.

People can also be sentenced to intensive Community Payback orders, which mean they must complete 28 hours of work every week.

Across Humberside, Lincolnshire and people on probation complete roughly half a million hours of Community Payback every year.

All projects combine hard work and the chance for the participant to develop skills. It is also a punishment as the individual is giving up their time to carry out the work.

Community Payback projects vary from maintaining the grounds of parks; churches; cemeteries; local football; cricket and sports clubs; schools and parks through to helping to run clubs for the elderly and vulnerable adults with learning difficulties. In addition, offenders who have been rigorously risk assessed can also be placed directly with charities and community groups, such as helping to run charity shops.

Members of the public can nominate projects for Community Payback teams to complete.

For more details, please speak to Filey Police Station.


Good News Stories Local Events You can follow Filey Police on Facebook. Spring Café Surgeries Just log onto facebook and enter Filey Police. The site has recently been set up 12/10/19 and is going to be used for updates news 16/11/19 about crime trends and upcoming events. 07/12/19

Reighton Surgeries

25/10/19 29/11/19

Can You Help Please report any information you may have in relation to drink/drug drivers. Try to include as much detail as possible in the report, vehicle vrm, times, locations and routes people travel are especially helpful.

Contact Us

@NYP_FileySNA – Local Twitter Find us on Facebook and give our page a like for updates. Local Facebook Page @NYorksPolice – Force Twitter “Filey Police” – Force Page

Your Local Team –

Contact Filey Police on email - [email protected]

Beat Manager PC 1964 Andy Davis – [email protected]

PCSO’s PCSO 5565 Jason Johnson – [email protected] PCSO 5241 Dave Mainprize – [email protected]

Useful Contact Numbers

Highways 01609 780 780 NHS 111 Local Dog Warden 01723 232323 Action Fraud 0300 123 2040

To contact Local officers please call 101 and select Option Two and state either officer’s full name or collar number. Please do not report incidents via this method – please dial 101 and select Option One to speak to an operator. .

Data Protection

In order to comply with data protection, whilst details of crimes and anti-social behaviour are included in Parish / Town council reports, North Yorkshire Police may not wish to disclose further information or exact locations of incidents.