These Antarctic expeditions utilize a flight to Stanley in the to save almost a day and half at sea which maximizes the time you can spend exploring incredible Antarctica, and the sub-Antarctic Falkland and South Georgia Islands. We'll encounter a spectacular proliferation of unique wildlife and birdlife on our journey there are penguin rookeries with more than 100,000 nesting birds, albatrosses, and the beaches are covered in fur seals and elephant seals. Beyond these islands lie Antarctica, where we will experience icebergs of all shapes and sizes and encounters with whales, including humpback, minke and orca.

Our days are spent cruising in our inflatable Zodiac boats, exploring in the company of expert guides. For the adventurers, we provide plenty of opportunities for long hikes ashore and sea kayaking.


Day 1 /Punta Arenas, Chile to Port Stanley, Falkland Islands Our journey commences this morning in Punta Arenas, where we board our flight to Stanley in the Falkland Islands. After a short 90-minute journey we are met on arrival and transferred to the pier. Stanley is home to 2,000 residents and is reminiscent of a charming, rural town in coastal Britain, full of brightly colored houses, flower-filled gardens, a quaint cathedral and several

01432 507 280 (within UK) [email protected] | small-cruise-ships.com pubs. There is time to explore the town before embarkation. Day 8 - 10 /Towards Antarctica and Elephant Island Weather and ice will dictate our crossing of the Scotia Sea from Day 2 /Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands South Georgia to Antarctica, leading us perhaps to the South Having cruised down the eastern coastline of the Falkland Orkney Islands or Elephant Island. As with all of our itinerary Islands overnight, we are at the far south-eastern end of the planning, our expedition leader and captain will make a archipelago. Near the barren and windswept Sea Lion Island, decision based on the conditions at the time. As we edge ever we launch the Zodiacs for our first shore excursion. If we enjoy closer to the frozen continent, large icebergs announce our good weather conditions we may be able to visit neighboring arrival in Antarctic waters. , another settlement on this remote eastern coast of the Falklands. In the evening, we navigate into the Scotia Sea Day 11-15 /South Shetland Islands, Antarctica towards South Georgia. Possible landing sites in the South Shetland Island group could include King , Half Moon Island, Yankee Harbour Day 3 - 4 /At Sea or Hannah Point. Weather conditions permitting we sail the ship The seabirds join us as we leave the Falklands. Stand out on into the flooded volcanic caldera of Deception Island. Finally, the decks watching the giant albatross and petrels as they duck after so much anticipation, we enter the icy waters of the and weave on the winds of the South Atlantic. Our onboard Antarctic Peninsula in the vicinity of Mikkelson Harbour or Cierva photographic guide will be able to give you tips about image Cove. Snow covered mountains soar from the dark waters. composition, the subtle polar light, and the basics of good Along the shoreline in the bays and harbors of the Peninsula camera craft. lives an incredible abundance of wildlife. Large rookeries are home to chinstrap, gentoo and Adelie penguins. Seals live on Day 5 - 7 /South Georgia the ice floes, including the powerful leopard seal that we hope South Georgia has often been called the Serengeti of the to encounter. Gulls, skuas and cormorants are also found Southern Ocean. We explore the island from our Zodiacs. Large nesting and feeding at many sites along the Antarctic Peninsula. numbers of fur seals and the much larger elephant seal will line We explore by Zodiac boat and ashore, where a range of the dark sand beaches. Living in the tussock grass, king wonderful activities await: join the photographic guide and take penguins and their chicks may number up to 100,000 birds in close up photos of the penguins or the impossibly blue ice; some locations. The island is also home to large numbers of enjoy a hike to the top of a snowy mountain saddle with one of nesting albatross, filling the skies above as they come and go our adventure guides; or perhaps visit a science base or an old from their nests. South Georgia is a thrilling location for history historic hut. The sea kayakers may range up to several miles buffs: we will plan to visit the rusting relics of the early whaling from the ship, for a truly memorable experience. Each day, you industry, including several old stations, and the gravesite of the will have a range of great choices. great explorer, Sir Ernest Shackleton. Days 16 - 17 /Drake Passage Return to South America

01432 507 280 (within UK) [email protected] | small-cruise-ships.com After several busy days of exploration along the Antarctic Peninsula, its time to return to South America. If weather conditions allow, we hope to make a rounding of Cape Horn. This fabled stretch of water is home to legendary tales of exploration and early navigation. Its a fitting place to reflect on a wonderful expedition to some of the most remote corners of the planet.

Day 18 /Ushuaia, Argentina In the early morning, we arrive into Ushuaia, Argentina. Guests will be transported to their hotels or to the airport for return flights home.

Please Note: Polar exploration can be unpredictable, which regularly causes variations to our itineraries. Specific sites visited will depend on prevailing weather and ice conditions at the time of sailing. The above itinerary should be read as a 'guide only' and may change. The ship's Captain in conjunction with the Expedition Leader continually review the sailing plan throughout the voyage, making adjustments to the itinerary along the way to take advantage of optimal weather and ice conditions or to maximize our encounters with wildlife. Decades of experience spent exploring these waterways mean we have a large number of outstanding landing sites and zodiac cruising locations to consider, even when the weather conditions may not be ideal or when heavy ice may block out a planned route. A flexible approach is something we encourage you to bring to the ship.

01432 507 280 (within UK) [email protected] | small-cruise-ships.com YOUR SHIP: AKADEMIK SERGEY VAVILOV

YOUR SHIP: Akademik Sergey Vavilov

VESSEL TYPE: Ice - Strengthened

LENGTH: 117 metres



Scandinavian built for the Russian Academy of Science, this ship was designed to travel quietly, during hydro-acoustic research. The ship is exceptionally stable, yet maneuverable. External stabilizers and a built-in trimming system provide exceptional stability. polar water on demand or for special events. There is a change Features on the ship include: room with towels and a shower room between the sauna and Dining Room, Gift Shop, Fitness & Fitness Room, Wellness the plunge pool. Centre, Infirmary, Library, Lounge, Mud Room, Presentation Elevator Room, Multimedia Room, Top Deck and Observatory A lift (or elevator) services Deck 1 through 5, allowing access to also / and from the presentation room on Deck 1. The bridge and Sauna and Polar Salt Water Plunge Pool bar/lounge on Deck 6 are not accessible by lift. Access to the Following a day of excursions, a sauna with complimentary zodiacs is by way of gangway stairs from the main deck (Deck aromatic oils can be a wonderful way to unwind. Located on 3). Deck 5, the sauna and adjacent plunge pool is open each _Akademik Sergey Vavilov_ has an ice-strengthened hull and a afternoon and evening. The sauna seats approximately six cruising speed in open water of 14.5 knots. people and the plunge pool can be filled with Cabins: All cabins have exterior views. Cabins have either shared, semi-private or private facilities.

01432 507 280 (within UK) [email protected] | small-cruise-ships.com INSIDE YOUR SHIP

01432 507 280 (within UK) [email protected] | small-cruise-ships.com PRICING

01432 507 280 (within UK) [email protected] | small-cruise-ships.com